The Art of Zentangle The Zentangle Method is a crea4ve way to create images by drawing structured pa<erns. It was developed by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts of Zentangle, Inc. The Zentangle Method is enjoyed all over the world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages. The ar4st chooses those pa<erns from an exis4ng list. found in books or on the creators website.How to create Zentangles Let's begin by discussing the method used by the creators of Zentangle and then modify this method with our own ar4s4c expression. The creators method starts with a "string" or line that defines an area. . This area is then filled with repe44ve pa<erns called "tangles". In each separate area draw various examples of invented and simulated textures to create PATTERNS .For this lesson we will be crea0ng Zentangle inspired art. Draw lines crea4ng loops and closed off sec4ons 2. Fill the space of your paper 3. Prac%ce-‐Project Direc%ons: • Study the various visual texture pa<erns provided by the teacher • Using pencil prac4ce the design techniques used in Zentangle on newsprint 1. Zentangle Final Project • Create a unique design using black ink (Sharpie) on drawing paper. etc • Draw “strings” or lines throughout your design to create interest and to break up pa<erns • Choose a minimum of 12 pa<erns and fill in the sec4ons created by the lines • Turn in your Final Project along with your Prac4ce Project for a grade. landscape. portrait. . • You can create an animal. and Tools 2.Standards & Objec4ves 2. Create an original art work inspired by the Zentangle. . Materials.0 Crea%ve Expression Skills. Processes.1 Create original works of art of increasing complexity and skill in a variety of media Objec%ve: Learn the skill of Zentangle designs. ART RUBRIC • • • • Crea4vity! 25pts Craasmanship. 25pts EFFORT!! 25pts Direc4ons. 25pts . Examples . More Examples . Examples . Insects & Lizards . It starts with a doodle… Be creative!! . engraver.3 in × 11.7 in. 9. 1515. printmaker. The Rhinoceros. Albercht Durer. and theorist from Nuremberg. mathema4cian. woodcut. .Featured Ar4st: Albrecht Durer German Ar4st: Painter.