User Manual Retail

June 6, 2018 | Author: Diwakar Iyer | Category: Order (Exchange), Margin (Finance), Stocks, Initial Public Offering, Password
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Motilal Oswal Online Trading TerminalINDEX Topics Equity Table of Contents Getting Started Login Topic Pg no. Basic Requirements ...........................................................................2 User Id, Passwords............................................................................3 Changing Passwords.........................................................................5 Downloading Java (JVM) ..................................................................6 Creating A New Market Watch.........................................................8 Adding Scrips To A Market Watch.....................................................9 Adding Columns to Market Watch..................................................11 Saving A Market Watch..................................................................12 Deleting A Market Watch ...............................................................12 Buying Scrips ..................................................................................13 After Market Orders (AMO’s).........................................................16 Easy Account ..................................................................................17 Spectrum Account ..........................................................................17 Delivery selling ...............................................................................18 Checking Order Status....................................................................19 Modifying Orders ...........................................................................19 Canceling/Deleting Orders .............................................................20 Checking Traded Orders .................................................................21 Checking Open Positions ................................................................22 Squaring Off Open Positions ..........................................................22 Converting Trades-Intraday to Delivery & Viceversa........................23 Viewing All Your Activity During The Day .......................................25 DP-POA Stocks...............................................................................26 DP-FNO Pledged Stocks .................................................................27 DP-Free Stocks................................................................................28 Checking Available Margin .............................................................29 Transferring Funds to Trading Account ............................................30 Withdrawing Funds ........................................................................31 Short Cut Keys................................................................................33 An Introduction to IPO’s.................................................................34 Placing An Order ............................................................................35 Checking Order Status....................................................................39 Modifying Orders ...........................................................................40 Canceling/Deleting Orders .............................................................42 Checking Available balance ............................................................44 Transferring Money - Bank to MOSL IPO A/c .................................45 Withdrawing Funds –MOSL IPO A/c to Bank..................................46 An Introduction ..............................................................................47 Buying Mutual Fund Units ..............................................................48 Checking Order Status....................................................................52 Modifying Orders/Deleting Orders.................................................53 Checking Available Balance ............................................................54 Transferring Money-Bank to MF A/c...............................................55 Withdrawing Funds –MOSL MF A/c to Bank ..................................56 Market Watch Buying Scrips Selling Scrips Order Book Trade Book Net Position Activity Logs DP reports Funds Miscellaneous IPO’s Getting Started Orders Funds Mutual Funds Getting Started Orders Funds 1 GETTING STARTED - EQUITY Motilal Oswal Online Trading Terminal is your gateway to the world of online investments. With our online platform, you may buy/sell Shares, check your order status, modify orders, monitor your portfolio and do a whole lot more without having to put ink on paper. What's more, the entire process is simple, fast and all it takes is a click of a few buttons. This product manual will help you understand the functionalities of your platform and will serve as a step-by-step guide in helping you get started. Basic Requirements For an optimum trading experience, we suggest the following pre requisites as basic requirements: !Operating system should be Windows 98 or higher versions !Internet Explorer 5.5 and above !Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 2 LOGIN - EQUITY Please type in the url- User ID-This is a unique identification provided by Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. to help you access your account with us. Login Password-Once you have put in your User ID, you need to enter the Login password that would have been sent to you along with the Pin Mailer in the Welcome Kit. Transaction Password- For ensuring the safety of your account, you need to punch in your transaction password also. Your Transaction password is different from your Login Password. The Transaction password would have also been mailed to you in the pin mailer. Please Note: The Login password and Transaction Password are case sensitive. Hence 'A' is different from 'a'. Click on the tab-Submit You will be led to a new page as shown below where you will have to set a new login password and transaction password. The new Login and Transaction passwords must be alphanumeric (combination of alphabets and numbers) and must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 12 characters. 3 LOGIN - EQUITY Click on Submit You will be displayed a page detailing you of all our products. To start investing in Equities/Derivatives, please click on either Easy or Spectrum. The Easy Account provides you static quotes and is ideally suited for investors who want to place trades at the click of just a few buttons. Spectrum Account offers dynamic live streaming quotes of scrips and enables instant transactions. 4 you may choose to change your passwords by logging into your account and then choosing the option Change Password under the menu View. In the spaces provided. The passwords are case sensitive. 5 .CHANGING PASSWORD . enter your old password and then type in your new User Password and Trade Password and reconfirm the same. please click on the link-Change Password as shown below You will be led to a page where you can set your new passwords. Alternatively. Click on Change Password. Please note: The passwords must be alphanumeric and between 8-12 characters.EQUITY After logging into your account. please follow the steps mentioned below Login to your account with the User Id and Passwords. you need to have Java (JVM). A pop up window will be displayed. In case you want to install Java. Click on the tab-Downloads.DOWNLOADING JAVA . Click on the tab-Open Once this is done. you will be shown the window displayed below 6 .EQUITY Downloading Java To enable live streaming quotes in your Market Watch. Please complete the installation process. Once you have restarted your computer. the Market Watches will get displayed with live streaming quotes.DOWNLOADING JAVA . 7 . Unmark the tick box adjacent to Java (Sun) and tick the boxes under Microsoft VM.exe. You will be displayed a window as shown below. Click on Apply and then Ok. Open a new Internet Explorer Window and then choose the option –Tools Internet Options Advanced.EQUITY Click on the tab msjav86. You may create multiple Market Watches to help you keep a track of various sectors/stocks. Click on the tab New as shown above.MARKET WATCH . You will be shown a new window where you can select the Exchange and the name of the Market Watch. you may name it My Bank stocks and click on Ok 8 . By default you will be shown a list of scrips. if you want to create a Market Watch where you want to track Banking stocks.g. please follow the steps mentioned below: Click on the tab. At any point of time you may add a maximum of 25 scrips to any particular Market Watch. Creating A Market Watch To create your own Market Watch.Launch Spectrum You will be shown a page as depicted below.EQUITY A Market Watch is a list of scrips that you would want to track on a regular basis. For e. The Market Watch is a feature that is available to you with the Spectrum Account. To do so. you may now add stocks of your choice to it.EQUITY The name of your Market Watch will get displayed on the left hand side of your screen as shown below Adding Scrips To Your Market Watch Once your Market watch has been created. Choose the option Insert Security/Contract as shown on the screen 9 .MARKET WATCH . please follow the steps mentioned below: Right click on the name of a particular scrip. You may choose Indices under the dropdown to search for various index movements like Nifty. Scrip Code. Scrip Name or choose a particular Index). Please select an option from the dropdown (You may choose to search for a scrip by Ticker. you may type in SBI and choose Ticker Code as your drop down option. 10 . Alternatively if you know the ticker code. In the case of scrips that you want to add in BSE choose Scrip Code. Click on Ok The name of your scrip will be added to your Market Watch as shown on the next screen.EQUITY A small window will open up as shown below Choose the name of the Exchange (NSE/BSE) and the segment that you wish to trade in (Equity. Click on Find Code.MARKET WATCH . Futures or Options). In case you want to add the scrip State Bank of India and are unsure about the ticker name of the scrip choose the option Scrip Name from the drop down on the right extreme top and type in the first few alphabets in the space provided. A separate window will show you all the possible search combinations from which you may select the scrip that you wish to add to your Watch List. please right click on the heading of any column cell in the grid. Click on Ok. 11 . You will be shown a window as displayed below Choose the name of the columns that you wish to add to your Market Watch and then click on Add. The names of the new columns will get added to the Market Watch. On the new window that opens up.EQUITY Adding Columns To Market Watch To add more columns to your market watch. select-Insert Column.MARKET WATCH . A small window will open up where you will have to choose the option Save Settings In case you want the newly saved market match to be your default Market Watch.MARKET WATCH . 12 . you may save the Watchlist for the future by clicking on any cell in the grid. Deleting A Market Watch To delete a Market Watch. Note: You can create a maximum of 5 market watches at any given time. Once you have created a complete set of scrips. please click on the tab-Delete as shown below Once this is done. please right click on any cell in the grid and then select the option Save As Default. you will be shown a new window as displayed below.EQUITY Saving Your Market Watch You may add many more scrips to your Watch list by following the process mentioned above. Click on Yes to delete your Market Watch permanently. then just type in “Info” as shown below and click on Find. select the option NSE or BSE or FONSE.BUYING SCRIPS . You will be displayed a window as shown below. If you are searching for Infosys. Under the drop down "Segment".g. 13 . In case you know the Company Code.EQUITY Easy Account After you have selected the Account type-Easy.. Choose the relevant one and click on Select This Symbol. You will be shown all the possible combinations matching your search criteria. please enter it in the space provided and click on Find. For e. Else choose the radio button adjacent to Company Name and type in the first few alphabets of the company. Click on the tab-Search Symbol. the Buy form will get populated with the name of the scrip and the Market Price. please enter zero in the price column. You may also set a price of your choice.EQUITY Once this is done. Click on Refresh You will be shown all the details of the scrip like Last Traded Price. 14 . Click on Yes. Place The Order or press Control Key.BUYING SCRIPS . In case. you wish to buy at Market price. On the bottom half of the page. Choose the appropriate Product Type. Total Traded Quantity etc. Click on Buy or press Enter Key. Once you have done this. you will be displayed a form as shown below. the company name will get reflected in the space adjacent to the Search Symbol tab. Please enter the quantity that you wish to order. You will be displayed a small window as shown below. In case you want to buy at market price.BUYING SCRIPS . Alternatively. You will be shown an acknowledgement message with the order reference number.EQUITY Spectrum Account On your Watch list. You will be shown a small form as displayed below where you will be asked for a confirmation of your order. Choose the option Buy. Click on Yes.You may also set a price of your own choice. Place The Order or press Control Key as shown above. please enter zero in the space provided. 15 . Click on Buy or press Enter Key. please select the scrip you want to buy and click on F1 key on your Keyboard. please right click on the name of the scrip that you wish to buy . The Buy Form will get populated with the name of the scrip and the price as shown below Please fill up the quantity . all you have to do is choose the scrip that you wish to buy/sell and then specify the quantity. To place AMO in a share.After Market Orders hit the Exchange on the next day morning and will be executed only if you have sufficient margins and provided the limit price set by you matches the market price on the next day.EQUITY After Market Orders (AMO's) After Market Orders are orders that you can place even after the close of market hours. Please note that AMO's cannot being placed during regular market hours and the price that you set in an AMO needs to be a limit price (not market price. the price. hence please don't set price as zero). 16 . the product type and then tick on the box AMO as shown below.BUYING SCRIPS . EQUITY Similar to the Buying process. Immediately the color of the form will change to Red. choose the appropriate Product. You will be shown a screen as displayed below. On the Order Form. Click on Sell button or press Enter Key. Place the Order or press Control Key. Under the dropdown Product Type.SELLING SCRIPS . choose Sell from the drop down as shown below. select the scrip that you wish to sell from the search symbol. Click on Yes. at the bottom of the page. 17 . Enter the quantity and set a price (You may choose the market price or set a price of your own). Once your order has been placed you will be shown an acknowledgment message with the order reference number as shown below. For a detailed procedure of selling scrips that you had delivery of. select-Delivery. You will be asked for a confirmation of your order.SELLING SCRIPS .EQUITY Selling Scrips –Delivery To sell scrips of which you had taken delivery earlier. Click on the tab-Sell. You may choose to sell scrips from these DP screens also by clicking on the name of the scrips. POA stocks or Fno Pledged Stocks. Please enter a price of your choice. Alternatively. Choose the Exchange and specify the quantity that you wish to sell. you may click on the tab-DP and then click on Free stocks. Under Trade type. you will be shown an acknowledgement of the Sell Order. To sell at Market Price. select either Free stocks or POA or FnO pledge stock depending on where you had taken delivery. enter zero. please see DP Reports 18 . Under the product type. The Sell window at the bottom of the screen will get populated with the name of the scrip. right click on the name of the scrip and choose the option Sell or press F2 key. Once this is done. please click on the circular radio button adjacent to the name of the scrip. By default. Note: You may also choose to view orders according to their status such as Modified/In process/Traded/Exchange Rejected/RMS rejected/Cancelled by choosing from the dropdown circled above.EQUITY Checking Order Status Once you have placed your order to Buy/Sell. Click on the button Go. you may check the status of the orders in the Order Book. you may set the new order Quantity. A new Modify Order form will open up. You may view the Order Book by pressing on the F3 key.ORDER BOOK . A new window will open up that will display the status of Orders placed by you. Modifying Orders To modify a particular order that you had placed during the day. Alternatively you may click on the tab Order Book or click on the View Menu and then choose Order Book. Here.To view all orders placed during the day select the option All from the Order Status dropdown as shown above. all those orders in the Pending Status (Those that have been forwarded to Exchange and are still to be executed) will be displayed. Price etc and then click on Modify button. 19 . EQUITY Once you have done this a pop up message will be displayed. 20 . Click on Ok. On the pop up. the page will refresh automatically and your cancelled orders will get deleted from the page view as shown below Note: You may Modify/Cancel only those orders that are still in the Pending status.ORDER BOOK . Canceling Orders To Cancel/Delete an order. Once the orders have been Traded. click on the tick box next to the name of the scrip and click on the button Cancel as shown below. asking for your confirmation. asking you for a confirmation. click Ok Once this is done. you cannot do so. you can view all the Trades executed during the day in NSE/BSE along with details of Order No. Once you click on Trade Book. Buy/Sell Action etc.You may view the Trade book using the F8 key also. Order Number. Value of the transaction. Action performed (Buy/Sell). Symbol. Using the Trade book.. 21 .TRADE BOOK . You also have the option of filtering your trades by sorting them on the basis of Exchange (NSE/BSE). the following screen will be displayed. Product type. you may view click on the View Menu and then choose the option My Trade Book. Quantity and Amount . Alternatively. Exchange on which the transaction was made and also the time when the transaction was made. Trade Number. The Trade Book displays details such as the Name of the scrip that got traded. Price.EQUITY Checking Trade The Trade Book will display only those orders that have got traded with the Exchange. the Quantity. You may also view your brought Forward. Please note that you can square off partial or full quantity but not more than the Net Quantity. Action (Buy/Sell) and product type. On clicking the Net Position tab. This screen will also display the details such as your Mark to Market (MTM) Profit/loss and Average Traded Price.EQUITY Checking Net Positions You may view the Net Position screen by clicking on the tab-Net Position or from the View Menu. Day's positions and Carry Forward Positions. Segments (Equity/Derivatives). You may click on the tab Get Best Price to get the best available price at that moment. Squaring Off Open Positions The Net Position screen is especially useful if you want to square off your open positions. The Net Position screen displays all your open positions. Click on the tab Square Off. you may view your positions categorized by Exchanges. With the Net Position Screen. To square off your positions. you will be displayed a screen as shown below. Alternatively you may set the price you desire or enter zero to square off at market price. just click on the radio button adjacent to the Symbol of the scrip. 22 .NET POSITION . A new square off form will open up as shown below. The square off timing mentioned above is subject to change with prior intimation to Clients on the website. the trade will get squared off and this will get reflected on the Net position screen. Depending on whether you square off partial quantities or fully. you may square off your Delivery Positions till the market closes. post which time you will not be allowed to place fresh Intraday orders.EQUITY You will be shown a pop up where you will have to click on Ok Once this is done. However. the moment your trade price matches the Market price. Converting Trades: Intraday to Delivery and Vice Versa To convert an Intraday trade to Delivery. please click on the link-Net Position Report. You will be led to a screen as shown below displaying the names of the scrips that you had bought earlier in the day. 23 .NET POSITION . the Net Position and Net Quantity will get updated. Note: You can square off trades until 3:10 pm. NET POSITION . Under the dropdown Product.EQUITY To convert your IFCI shares which were bought as intraday to a delivery trade. A new window will open up as shown below. post which time you will not be allowed to do so. 24 . Similarly. choose the option Delivery and click on Change. a confirmation message will be displayed. Once this is done. The timing mentioned above is subject to change with prior intimation to Clients on the website. Note: You can convert Intraday trades into Delivery and vice versa until 3:10 pm only. you may change a Delivery trade to an intraday trade. please click on the name of the Scrip say IFCI. To access the Activity Log screen. actions (Buy/Sell) etc. you will be displayed details such as Status of the orders. Order Number and time.ACTIVITY LOG . 25 . These include all orders placed. Exchange where they were placed. In short. modified/cancelled/rejected.EQUITY Viewing all your Activity during the day The activity log will help you know all the activities that have been performed by you for the day. click on the menu View and then choose the option. partial trades.My Activity Log Once you click on the Activity log. it will carry a description of the entire day's activities performed by the client. a) Free Stock b) POA stock and c) FNO Pledged Stock POA Stock Screen. you may do so by clicking on the name of SAIL EQ.Selling From DP The POA stocks are those in your DP Account on which you have given a POA to Motilal Oswal for operational purposes. 26 . You will be given margins on these stocks after applying the specified haircuts. A sell order form will open up where you may specify the price and the quantity that you wish to sell it at.EQUITY To know more about your DP holdings. This screen will reflect the DP holdings of online customers of Motilal Oswal. click on the tab-DP You will be shown three options namely. You may sell any of the scrips from your POA stock by clicking on the scrip name under that particular Exchange column. Suppose you wish to sell about 100 shares of SAIL in NSE.DP REPORTS . click on the name of the scrip . The FNO pledged stock screen will display all those shares that are pledged with Motilal Oswal to avail margins for trading in derivatives. To release a share from your FnO stock screen. You can sell partial quantities but not more than the existing quantity in your holdings. FNO Pledged Stock Exchange regulations specify a minimum margin to be maintained either in the form of stocks or cash. Once your order gets placed. pending quantity (until order gets traded) and other details such as total blocked quantity. click on the tab-Release. You may release these scrips To sell a share from the FNO pledge screen. 27 . Please specify the quantity that you wish to release and click on the tab-Submit.EQUITY The rest of the process is similar to the normal sell procedure.DP REPORTS . the POA stock screen will immediately show you the quantity available. A Release scrip form will be displayed.The rest of the procedure is same as the normal sell process. the quantity of shares that you have released will get reflected in the POA stock screen as shown below and you will be given margins on these scrips.EQUITY Once you have done this.DP REPORTS . 28 . Like in the other DP screens. Free Stock Screen Free stocks are those stocks (lying either in a DP account with us or any other Depository Participant as in the case of 3 in 1 accounts) on which you have not given a POA to Motilal Oswal. you may sell your shares from the Free stocks also. please click on the tab-Funds as shown below.FUNDS . Once you have done this. You will be shown the available Ledger Balance.My Margin. You can click on the various headings to get a detailed calculation/ split up of how your margin is being utilized in each segment. Margin used for Equity/Derivatives and also the margin available for trading in different segments. 29 .EQUITY Checking Available Funds/Margins To check the amount of funds available in your account. the value credited to your account from selling securities. Choose the option Margins under the sublink. the Mark To Market Profit. you will be displayed a screen showing you the funds available in your account to invest. Choose the option Funds Transfer and select the option Transfer You will be displayed a window as shown below Please select the name of the Bank and enter the amount (say 50. From here. and post successful confirmation the amount will get reflected on your margin screen under the link Funds as shown below 30 . Please enter your Banking User Id and Password.EQUITY Transferring Funds To Your Trading Account To transfer funds from your Bank to your Trading account.FUNDS . You will be led to the payment gateway of your Bank.000). you will be led to a page where the details of your money transfer request will be displayed. please click on the tab-Funds. Once you click on Ok. Click on SUBMIT as shown above. You will be shown a window displaying your withdrawable Cash limits as depicted below. Choose the option Withdrawal as shown below.EQUITY Withdrawing Funds To withdraw funds from your trading account and transfer them back to your Bank account please follow the steps mentioned below Click on the link Funds. 31 .FUNDS . FUNDS . In order to cancel your withdrawal request. You will be shown a window. You may click on Click here to view report to see your request details. please click on the tab-Cancel as shown above. 32 . where you will be asked for a confirmation of your Cancel request. You will be displayed an acknowledgement message stating your transfer request. This has been shown below.EQUITY Please enter the amount that you wish to transfer back to your Bank Account as shown above. EQUITY Short Cut Keys You may click on the menu Help to access the short cut keys to help you perform various actions. You will be shown a screen displaying all the short cut keys 33 .TROUBLE SHOOTING . Kindly read on to understand what our IPO product has in store for you. we make the process of investing in IPO's as hassle free as it can be. we make sure that you are saved of the trouble of having to fill up lengthy forms. we have tried to simplify the whole process. This product manual will help you understand the navigational process of our online platform and is designed to assist you in making your investments with us a joyous experience. 34 . Be it applying for an IPO or transferring funds to your account. With Motilal Oswal. With our online platform.GETTING STARTED .IPO’s Initial Public Offerings or IPO's as they are commonly known are an interesting avenue to invest in. ORDERS . You will be led to a page where the terms and conditions will be displayed.IPO’s Placing An Order in IPO Once you have logged into your account. 35 . which will give you a snapshot of all the various functionalities available with the product. you will be displayed a page detailing you of all our products. Please click on the tab-I Agree. To start investing in IPO. Click on the tab-Place An Order. You will be led to the home page section of IPO’s. Click on the Link IPO. ORDERS . you will be shown a page where the IPO’s that are on offer currently will be displayed.IPO’s Once you have done this. 36 . You will be led to a screen where the total funds that are available in your account along with the details of your account number will be displayed. Click on the button Place An Order. The next page will show you all your personal details.IPO’s You may also choose to place three different bids. Retail customers may bid at the cut off price by ticking on the box provided as shown above. The next screen will display only the highest bid that was placed. please click on the button Confirm Order. Once you have placed your bids.ORDERS . However only the highest bid (maximum valued bid) will be taken into consideration. Click on Confirm Order. 37 . You may check the status of your orders by clicking on Check Order Status. 38 . an acknowledgement of your order request will be shown.IPO’s Click on Submit to proceed further. Once this is done.ORDERS . IPO Name and also select the date range within which the IPO was placed by you and then click on the button Go Once you have done this. you will be shown the list of all IPO's in which you had placed orders along with the status of the orders. 39 . You may choose the name of the IPO from the dropdown. the amount that was invested earlier. date of transaction and other important details.ORDERS .IPO’s Checking Order Status You can check the status of your orders by clicking on the Check Order Status tab. ORDERS . Click on the tab. please click on the tab-Modify Order Status.IPO’s Modifying Orders In order to modify an order that was placed earlier. You will be led to a screen where you may change the details of your order with respect to the quantity and Price. you can click on the radio button adjacent to the name of the IPO and then click on Modify. 40 .Go. As shown in the next screen. Choose the name of the IPO and select the date from the respective columns. click on the tab Submit You will be shown an acknowledgement of your Modify Order request. Note: You may modify orders that are "In Process" or in the "Ordered" status.IPO’s Once you have filled in the details. In Process Orders: These are orders that have been received by us internally and will be sent to the Exchange for confirmation. Ordered Status: These are orders that have been placed with the Exchange and can also be modified. Executed Orders: Those orders that have been sent to the Exchange and are yet to be confirmed by the Exchange are called Executed Orders. 41 . They cannot be modified until their status changes to Ordered.ORDERS . Choose the name of the IPO and select the date from the respective columns. you can click on the radio button adjacent to the name of the IPO and then click on Delete.ORDERS . You will be led to a page as shown below. 42 . As shown in the next screen.IPO’s Deleting/Canceling Orders To delete orders that were placed earlier please click on the tab-Modify Order Status. 43 . You will be shown an acknowledgement screen with an order number for your Cancel request.IPO’s A pop up message asking for your confirmation will be displayed. Click on Ok to cancel your order.ORDERS . you may click on the link provided in the Available Funds screen. 44 .IPO’s Fund Transfer Related Details Checking Available Balance In Your Account To view the funds available in your account. please click on the tab Available Funds as shown below If you choose to view the detailed split up of funds lying in your account.FUNDS . Kindly click on the link-Money Transfer. Once this is done.Kindly enter the amount that you wish to transfer in the space provided. Click on the Submit button.IPO’s Transferring Funds From Bank to IPO Account To transfer funds from your Bank account to your IPO Account. you will be led to the payment gateway page of your Bank’s site where you will have to enter your Internet Banking Password. You will be led to a screen as shown below. You will be shown a window where you will have to choose the Name of Your Bank . please follow the steps mentioned below.FUNDS . Click on the link-Transfer Money From Bank to MOSL Account. 45 . This has been shown below. Please enter the amount that you wish to transfer back to your Bank Account as shown above.FUNDS .IPO’s Withdrawing Funds To withdraw funds from your IPO account and transfer them back to your Bank account please follow the steps mentioned below Click on the link Money Transfer. 46 . Choose the option Payout From My MOSL Account To Bank Account as shown below. You may click on Click here to view report to see your request details. You will be displayed an acknowledgement message stating your transfer request. To cancel your payout request. please click on the link-Cancel as shown above. You will be shown a window where you can enter the amount that you wish to transfer back to your Bank Account. Click on the link Money Transfer. Choose the option Payout From My MOSL Account To Bank Account as shown below. Kindly read on to understand how you may execute your transactions in Mutual Funds using the Motilal Oswal Online Trading Terminal 47 . Whether you want to Buy/Sell Mutual Fund units or check your portfolio.GET STARTED . we make sure that your investment experience is as hassle free and simple as to make it a memorable experience.MUTUAL FUNDS Investing in Mutual Funds through our online platform is as easy as it could be. you will be displayed a page detailing you of all our products. Click on the Link Mutual Funds.MUTUAL FUNDS Once you have logged into your account.ORDERS . You may choose to view schemes either Fundwise or Scheme Type Wise. To start investing in Mutual Funds. 48 . Buying Mutual Funds Step 1: Click on the Link -Place An Order. You will be displayed a page as shown above. kindly choose the option from the list of Fund Houses that will be displayed to you. Suppose you wish to invest in a scheme of HDFC. You may also view the snapshot of the scheme and the Offer Documents by clicking on the links. Once you have selected a particular scheme. Under Fund/Scheme Type. choose the name of the Fund House whose scheme you wish to invest in.ORDERS . Choose the name of the scheme that you wish to invest in. click on the option Go. Click on the button Go On the next screen. you will be displayed a list of schemes that are available with HDFC. 49 . choose Fresh Purchase from the drop down as shown above.MUTUAL FUNDS Under the option Transaction Type. you will be led to a screen displaying the acknowledgement of your request along with an internal Transaction Reference Number. Once you have accepted the Terms.MUTUAL FUNDS You will be led to a page as shown below.ORDERS . 50 . where you will have to enter the amount that you wish to invest in the particular scheme. Click on the button Confirm Order The next page will display the Terms and conditions. ORDERS .MUTUAL FUNDS 51 . any order. you may click on the button Proceed.ORDERS .MUTUAL FUNDS Checking Order Status After placing your orders in Mutual Funds. please select the tab-Modify Orders 52 . Please Note: In case you wish you modify. You will be displayed a page showing you all the orders that you had placed in that particular date range. you can check the status of your orders by clicking on the tab-Check Order Status. Once you have done this. You can specify the date in the columns specified to view the status of various orders that you had placed earlier. please choose the radio button adjacent to the name of the scheme and click on the button-Cancel 53 . Please Note: In case you wish to delete a particular order that you had placed earlier. Once you have done this. please click on the button Modify.ORDERS .MUTUAL FUNDS Modifying Orders/Deleting Orders: To Modify Orders that you had placed earlier. You will be shown all Mutual Fund Schemes that are available for modification. Click on the radio button adjacent to the scheme name that you wish to modify. please click on the tab Modify Orders. please click on the tab Available Funds as shown below If you choose to view the detailed split up of funds lying in your account. This has been depicted below. This screen will show you details such as Margin available in your Mutual Fund account and also the withdrawable limits for your funds payout. This will lead you to a screen showing you all the relevant details.MUTUAL FUNDS Checking Available Balance In Your MF Account To view the funds available in your account. 54 . you may click on the link provided in the Available Funds screen.FUNDS . You will be shown a window where you will have to choose the Name of Your Bank.MUTUAL FUNDS Transferring Funds From Bank to MF Account To transfer funds from your Bank account to your MF Account.FUNDS . you will be led to the payment gateway page of your Bank’s site where you will have to enter your Internet Banking Password. Kindly click on the link-Money Transfer. Click on the Submit button. You will be led to a screen as shown below. please follow the steps mentioned below. Click on the link-Transfer Money From Bank to MOSL Account. Once this is done. 55 . Kindly enter the amount that you wish to transfer in the space provided. You will be shown a window where you can enter the amount that you wish to transfer back to your Bank Account. Once you click on Ok.FUNDS . you will be led to a page where the details of your money transfer request will be displayed. and post successful confirmation the amount will get reflected on your Available Funds link. 56 .MUTUAL FUNDS From here. Choose the option Payout From My MOSL Account To Bank Account as shown below. Withdrawing Funds To withdraw funds from your MF account and transfer them back to your Bank account please follow the steps mentioned below Click on the link Money Transfer. You will be displayed an acknowledgment message stating your transfer request.MUTUAL FUNDS Please enter the amount that you wish to transfer back to your Bank Account as shown above. please click on the link-Cancel as shown above. You may click on Click here to view report to see your request details. This has been shown below. To cancel your payout request.FUNDS . 57 .


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