Travel Plan

June 4, 2018 | Author: paradise67 | Category: Accessibility, Public Transport, Pedestrian, Sustainability, Car
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HEALTH CENTRE Draft Travel PlanContents Contents................................................................................................................. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................4 SECTION I: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................5 Background......................................................................................................... 5 Policy...................................................................................................................6 SECTION 2: EXISTING TRAVEL SITUATION...............................................................8 Site Assessment..................................................................................................8 Location, Boundaries and Access Points..............................................................8 Walking ..............................................................................................................8 Cycling................................................................................................................. 8 Public Transport...................................................................................................9 Anticipated Car Use...........................................................................................10 Anticipated Goods and Servicing Movements...................................................11 Accessibility for Disabled Travellers..................................................................12 Road Safety....................................................................................................... 12 Travel Survey.................................................................................................... 12 SECTION 3: OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS................................................................13 Objectives..........................................................................................................13 Targets.............................................................................................................. 13 SECTION 4: TRAVEL PLAN STRATEGY....................................................................17 .............................26 .............. 20 Public Transport....................................................................................20 Cycling ............................................22 Optimising Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT1)...................................................................................................24 Action Plan .................................................................................................................................................................................22 Car Sharing.........................Management..................................................................................................20 Walking................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Marketing...................................................................................................................................................23 Local Area Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Delivery and Service Plan.........................................................................20 Package of Measures for Employee............... Car Hire and Car Clubs..............................24 SECTION 7: CONCLUSIONS....................23 Business Travel................................22 Car Park Management..........................................................................18 SECTION 5: TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES...................23 Monitoring Strategy...... The targets for this Travel Plan have all been defined as SMART (specific. The development consists of a new GP Practice which will provide GP services to the local community. the Travel Plan can be reviewed and tailored to take account of ongoing changes in travel patterns and changes in the local environment.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Travel Plan represents a commitment by the NHS South West Essex PCT and the Brentwood Borough Council to promote sustainable travel to and from the Deal Tree Health Centre which has been constructed on Blackmore Road. The Deal Tree Health Centre are currently located in a building adjacent to the site and will move into the new building in August 2012. These include: • • • • • • Reducing employee car use to a level that can be sustained by on-site parking facilities. Providing employees with showers. This Travel Plan looks at a 5 year timeframe against which this evolutionary document can be regularly updated. Provide site specific sustainable travel information to all patients and visitors. In this way. achievable. patients and visitors). Personalised Travel Planning for all employees. To facilitate sustainable travel behaviour for all site users (employees. realistic and time-bound) and include a mix of 'Aim-type' targets and 'Action-type' targets. changing and storage facilities. (which are directly linked to the implementation of measures). measurable. The full details relating to the proposed development can be found in the Accompanying Transport Assessment . and. The key objectives for this Travel Plan are that the development will: Address the needs of all site users for access to and from the site. Appoint a Travel Plan Coordinator for the practice. . Providing secure cycle parking for employees and cycle hoops for visitors and patients. The development of this Travel Plan is necessitated by the limited parking onsite but is also in keeping with NHS South West Essex and the BBC commitment to reduce their carbon emissions as set out in their Environmental Policies. which represents those areas within the Borough of Brentwood with average access to public transport. practice nurses. This will equate to 6 GPs supported by locums when required. the employees and the operational (business) travel related to the site. As already stated. The practice has been on this site for many years and is currently being housed in a building adjacent to the site until the new building is ready for occupation. the opportunities for access to the practice by sustainable modes is high. and details relating to this can be found in the accompanying Transport Assessment. given the site's accessibility to public transport. . This Travel Plan deals with the patients (and other visitors). NHS South West Essex and the BBC have stated that they expect the GP Practice to serve a population of up to 10. The site is well positioned in relation to the potential patient catchment areas. health care assistants and practice administration staff: The geographic location of the development has been determined by its proximity to the local population. the redevelopment benefits from a moderately sustainable location in terms of public transport.SECTION I: Background INTRODUCTION The new development consists of the Deal Tree Health Centre. practice managers. The site is also classed as having a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) rating TBC. the parking availability and access to public transport .000 registered patients. which will provide health care services to the local community. By building the new practice. HMSO) shows that 56% of households in the Brentwood Borough own a car or a van. town centres and other parts of suburban Brentwood in which improved access is needed. patients and visitors... walking and cycling capacity and accessibility where it is needed. Car ownership data from the 2001 Census (National Statistics. Some of these consultees will include the Brentwood Borough Council.. Seeking to improve public transport. leisure and health facilities. Local sustainable transport schemes and promoters will be consulted as part of the production and ongoing development of the travel plan. PPG13 sets out how Travel Plans should be secured through conditions and planning obligations and recommends that Travel Plans be provided for places of work. "Travel plans should be submitted alongside planning applications which are likely to have significant transport implications.. including . The accessible location of the proposed practice and the proximity to local residents means that minimal vehicle trip generation will be automatic. The Travel Plan seeks to address journeys to and from the development by employees. local car club operators and Transport .. supporting high trip generating development only at locations with both high levels of public transport accessibility and capacity. As a result of the practice’s sustainable location the draft travel plan will focus on providing information to all site users (employees. sufficient to meet the transport requirements of the development. Parking provision should reflect levels of public transport accessibility. 'Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997' and then also in PPG13 (Transport). education. the government. Stage Coach. especially by car. boroughs and other partners to ensure the integration of transport and development by: • • Encouraging patterns and forms of development that reduce the need to travel. "The BBC will work with Essex Transport. Policy Central Government established the need to reduce car dependency and increase travel choices in both the Transport White Paper. patients and visitors) to facilitate their use of sustainable travel modes rather than providing a framework of incentives for site users. This includes a package of mitigation measures and methods for monitoring. However. shopping." • • . In general. unacceptable development should never be permitted because of the existence of a travel plan. The site's high level of accessibility to public transport (Bus and increased services with the creation of additional bus stops outside the Health Centre) as well as by foot and cycle will also be reviewed. for areas of greatest demand and areas designated for development and regeneration.This Travel Plan identifies the transport impacts resulting from the redevelopment of the site and indicates a framework for the mitigation measures to be pursued. It states that... Best practice travel plans introduce a package of measures to reduce the need to travel and improve the attractiveness of sustainable travel modes through an array of incentives. "Reflect the local transport network." ."Developments with significant transport implications should include a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as part of planning applications. Developers and planning authorities should refer to Transport Assessments. and potential travel patterns of occupiers." 'Guidance for Workplace Travel Planning for Development' also states that Travel Plans should. the organisation will be required to produce a travel plan and will be encouraged to produce and implement travel plan packages. supplies and services. the operational requirements of the site. All developments that exceed thresholds defined in the guidance on Workplace Travel Plans and Residential Travel Plans should have a Travel Plan. Nevertheless. This travel plan would not be subject to independent monitoring in the same manner as a standard travel plan. with support from Enterprise." Will not be required to produce a travel plan of the same complexity as those exceeding the Standard travel plan threshold. including the delivery of goods. the site is well located for pedestrian access to and from: • • Surrounding Residential Areas Public Bus Transport On-site observations undertaken on the footway adjacent to the site indicated that at present the existing pedestrian facilities provide a good level of service with unimpeded flow possible. In brief. Essex County Council has committed to review cycle routes throughout Essex with a view of further dedicated cycle routes. Walking The area immediately surrounding the site is well lit and encourages pedestrian activity. Full details of the sites accessibility to local facilities by foot can be found in the accompanying Transport Assessment. The site is situated in front of a private row of residential properties and adjacent to farm land. There is secure cycle parking for 14 cycles.SECTION 2: EXISTING TRAVEL SITUATION Site Assessment Location. with an increase since 2000. Boundaries and Access Points The proposed development site is located on Blackmore Road and close to Outings Lane within the Brentwood Borough. Blackmore Road is a minor road and is predominantly a mix of farm land and residential. Pedestrian accessibility on Blackmore Road is good with wide footpaths and designated pedestrian crossings. Cycling Cycling is becoming more and more popular in Brentwood. the pedestrian access has been improved by the addition of the new zebra crossing created accessing directly into the health centre. Full details of the site's accessibility to local facilities by cycle can also be found in the accompanying Transport . The practice has its own car park for 40 cars (3 disabled bays) and two motorcycle parking spaces. . This route allows travel along the route across the East of Brentwood. • Several bus routes across Brentwood which service Blackmore Road. Full details of all the available public transport services accessible from the site are provided within the accompanying Transport Assessment. Within the immediate vicinity of the site the Number 261/71 bus route runs along Blackmore Road and bus stop opposite the health Centre. This equates to the site having average access to public transport and that the proposed redevelopment constitutes a moderately sustainable location in relation to public transport availability. If the PTAL (Public Transport Accessibility Level) for the site is calculated from first principles based on current public transport information the PTAL score can be seen to be three which agrees with the available Brentwood Borough data. The data used to calculate this PTAL is included within the accompanying Transport Assessment .Public Transport The development site is well served by public bus service. It is located within walking distance of Blackmore. The two disabled spaces will be restricted for DDA parking (restricted for use by those with 'blue badges' or 'companion badges'). The secure car park will also include a delivery bay in addition to the parking bays. . Within the accompanying Transport Assessment car use is calculated using the TRAVL database with a sensitivity test also being carried out to reflect the impact of parking restrictions and Travel Planning measures for the site. As previously stated the Practice has car parking accessed from Blackmore Road which can provide car parking for 40 vehicles with 3 disabled spaces and two motorcycle parking spaces.Anticipated Car Use Blackmore Road connects with Ongar Road roundabout giving access to the A128. roads which are major routes through Brentwood for M25 & Ongar for A414. heavy goods vehicle movements would be generated weekly.Anticipated Goods and Servicing Movements The accompanying Transport Assessment contains a preliminary Delivery Service Plan (DSP) for the practice.02 light vehicle movements per day and 0. and. weekly and monthly basis to facilitate the operation of the practice. From this data it can be calculated that approximately: • • • • 3 light vehicle movements would be generated daily. 1 light goods vehicle movement would be generated on a quarterly basis.65 heavy vehicle movements per day. This would average out at 3. . From this DSP it can be seen that there are a variety of movements required on a daily. 1 heavy goods vehicle movement would be generated monthly. based on delivery and servicing information for Health centres and surgeries in Brentwood collected by the CHPCT in June 2008. The Travel Plan Coordinator for the practice will be responsible for uploading some data on to iTRACE. This equates to an average of TBC incidents per year. and Travel Plan documents as well as accompanying travel survey results are all uploaded on to this database. iTRACE is the BBC endorsed web-based database operated and managed by iBASE and used by BBC and the London Boroughs to monitor travel planning across Essex. It can also provide a variety of information on the site user groups. Accessibility for Disabled Travellers The 3 DDA car parking spaces will be situated approximately within 10m of the main entrance. year 3 and year 5 after implementation of the Travel Plan. Planning application documents. A detailed examination of this information can be found in the accompanying Transport Assessment. therefore any effort to rationalise the operational vehicle movements to the development will be an improvement on the existing situation The delivery and waste collection vehicles serving the practice will access the rear of the site via the Blackmore Road to serve the site. This data shows that there had been TBC incidents in the area immediately surrounding the site of which TBC were of slight severity and TBC were of serious severity. Travel Survey The main purpose of an initial travel survey for this site is to gather site specific travel related information for patient / visitor and employee travel patterns and attitudes. This would allow for the linking of survey results with the setting and monitoring of targets for year 3 and 5 after implementation. . Road Safety Accident Data (Personal Injury Accident Data) for the three years up to 31st October 2007 has been acquired from BBC for the area immediately surrounding the site. such as travel survey results. There are no recorded incidents specifically related to turning movements into or out of the site. with an average of TBC serious incidents and TBC slight incidents annually. It is proposed that any travel surveys to be undertaken be 'TRACE compliant. Staff will be available to assist with access if required.It should be noted that all of these vehicle movements will already exist due to the pre-existing practice. the transport capacity requirements and peak travel times It is proposed that full travel surveys be completed in year 1. Providing economic benefits to the surrounding community by helping to create an environment which attracts investment. Promoting social inclusion by creating an accessible development which is not dominated by a need for car ownership. patients and visitors that will introduce them to all of the available travel options and initiatives. regional and local planning policy. The two main objectives of this travel plan are to: • • Address the needs of all site users for access to and from the site. Reducing travel related stress for all site users by improving travel arrangements and removing the need for private car ownership. These include: • • • • • • • • • The enhancement of site user credibility. reduced congestion and fewer road casualties. To facilitate sustainable travel behavior for all site users (employees. It is intended that these objectives will be met by: • • • Establishing a Travel Planning Package. particularly in the local community. facilitate accessibility by all available modes of travel to the site and reduce the carbon emissions as required by the SWE PCTs own Environmental Policies . and. Creating a less congested and more accessible local environment. Targets . Monitoring the take up of the initiatives and updating them accordingly. that enables deliveries and essential car users to move more freely. Other broader objectives and benefits can be achieved through the introduction of a travel plan. Encouraging all site users to be healthier by utilising sustainable travel modes such as walking and cycling to undertake the 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise advised to protect against many forms of ill health. by demonstrating a commitment toward improving the environment. Creating an improved local environment particularly for pedestrians and cyclists with cleaner air. which in turn supports their improvement. working and visiting the site with a variety of sustainable travel choices. By meeting the objectives set out above. the practice management team and the SWE PCT executive will fulfill their desire to achieve consistency with national. Identifying and implementing initiatives that provide those people. and Creating increased utilisation of local public transport services. for all site users including employees.SECTION 3: Objectives OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS The objectives contained in any travel plan should state the high level aims of the plan. This in turn can facilitate improved relations with the local community. Releasing land and/or buildings for more productive uses by reducing the need for on-site parking. less noise. patients and visitors). Realistic — Yes. TARGET 2: Providing secure cycle parking for employees: Target Type—Action Specific — On-site secure cycle parking for eight bicycles will be provided as part of the practice application. Measurable — Records should be kept of parking levels and travel survey results. TARGET 4: Appoint a Travel Plan Coordinator for the practice . Time-bound — Annual reviews of cycle parking utilisation can be undertaken. Realistic — Yes. realistic and time-bound). (which are directly linked to the implementation of sustainable travel measures). achievable. Achievable — Yes. Car use by patients / visitors and employees (both private and operational) will be monitored via the travel surveys.To achieve these objectives this Travel Plan needs to set clear targets that encapsulate all site user travel to and from the site. The proposed targets include: TARGET 1: Reducing employee car use to a level that can be sustained by on-site parking facilities. Target Type—Aim Specific — On-site car park utilisation (40 spaces including 3 DDA) will be monitored continuously by the site management team and Travel Plan Coordinator. The results of the Travel Surveys will establish the required baselines for improvement and help to identify opportunities for improvement. measurable. changing and storage facilities can be undertaken as can the level of utilisation through the employee Travel Surveys. They include a mix of 'Aim-type' targets (linked to shifts in the modal split for site users towards more sustainable travel) and 'Action-type' targets. After this. The targets for this Travel Plan have all been defined as SMART (specific. the utilisation of the cycle parking can be recorded by the site management team and/or Travel Plan Coordinator to ensure that sufficient cycle parking is available to employees (and visitors). Cycle hoops are provided for visitors Measurable — The installation of the cycle parking will be completed before the practice is made operational and can be checked by officers of the Borough of Brentwood. Time-bound — An annual review of staff showers. Achievable — Yes. All new employees will complete a Personal Travel Planning Interview as part of their site induction. The use of electronic information services (eg: facebook. Achievable — Yes. These records can be independently verified by officers of the Borough of Brentwood Achievable — Yes. Time-bound Within 6 months of the practice Travel Planning Coordinator being appointed 90% of employees will have completed a Personal Travel Planning Interview with the Travel Plan Coordinator (or similar appointed party). Measurable — The position of Travel Plan Coordinator can be confirmed by officers of the Borough of Brentwood prior to the practice becoming operational and then regularly throughout the life of the Travel Plan.Target Type — Action Specific — The SWE PCT along with the practice manager will appoint a 'Travel Plan Coordinator' to manage the implementation and ongoing management of the Travel Plan. The Coordinator will act as a central point of contact for the Statutory Authorities. These records can be independently . This will be advisory for all permanent employees and offered as optional to all visiting staff members. they will oversee the production of site specific sustainable transport information for the site. but this duty is likely to be carried out by one of the existing practice team. twitter etc) should be investigated to promote this information to all site visitor groups. TARGET 6: Provide site specific sustainable travel information to all patients and visitors: Target Type — Action Specific — Upon appointment of the Travel Plan Coordinator for the site. TARGET 5: Provide Personalised Travel Planning for all employees: Target Type — Action Specific — Once the Travel Plan Coordinator for the site has been appointed they will undertake/oversee personalised travel planning sessions for all staff based at the site. Measurable — Records will be kept by the Travel Plan Coordinator of all employees who undertake personalised travel planning sessions. Measurable — Records will be kept by the Travel Plan Coordinator of all information made available to visitors. Realistic — Yes. Realistic — Yes. This should include transport literature and information available in various formats. Within 5 years there should be verifiable evidence that sustainable transport information is available and promoted to all site visitors as part of their appointment booking procedure.verified by officers of the Borough of Brentwood. sustainable transport information should be available to all site visitors both at the site and electronically (through the website). 0 Achievable — Yes. Realistic — Yes. . It would also be expected that there would be some degree of partnership working with the local authority with regard to the production of any sustainable transport information. Time-bound — Within 12 months of the practice Travel Planning Coordinator being appointed. Have project management experience. These 'Champions' would be essential in keeping site users involved with the Travel Plan and its initiatives. The Travel Plan will be managed on a "day to day" basis by the Travel Plan Coordinator for the site. As the Coordinator may not be located permanently at the redevelopment site it may be necessary to appoint Travel Plan 'Champions' from among the practice employees. Local interest groups and community groups. These objectives and targets can also be selectively refined once the site has been redeveloped and become fully operational. To date the position of Travel Plan Coordinator for the Deal Tree Health Centre has not been filled. To aid the Travel Plan Coordinator in the initial project management a range of preliminary objectives and targets are proposed in detail in this report. the SWE PCT along with the site management team will appoint a 'Travel Plan Coordinator' to manage the implementation and ongoing management of the Travel Plan. providing a key interface between the site users and the Travel Plan Coordinator. The SWE PCT and practice management team will fully support the Travel Plan Coordinator and ensure that funds are available for those initiatives chosen for implementation. and. Show an interest in environmental issues. The workload involved in implementing this lone Travel Plan will not justify a fulltime position. The Travel Plan Coordinator should ideally have: • • • Good communication skills. Once the position has been established. although it is likely that an existing member of staff will take on these duties. the Travel Plan Coordinator may well have other roles and responsibilities within the SWE PCT. The Co-ordinator will act as a central point of contact for the Statutory Authorities regarding the implementation of initiatives and the ongoing monitoring of the Travel Plan targets. The implementation and delivery of the Travel Plan will require help from external organisations such as: • • Brentwood Council Transport Planning Team. Support will be provided to the Travel Plan Coordinator from . At this point existing travel behaviour can be observed and the management team and all of the stakeholders can be consulted. the full contact details of the nominated person will be provided to the Borough of Brentwood.SECTION 4: TRAVEL PLAN STRATEGY Management To effectively implement and manage the Travel Plan. In addition to managing the Deal Tree Health Centre Travel Plan. The information displayed should comprise of: Name and contact information for Travel Plan Coordinator (and Travel Plan Champions if relevant). can thus form a fundamental basis for all of the other travel plan initiatives. Marketing Marketing and awareness raising will be used to promote sustainable travel behaviour to all site users. to aid in the communication of the Travel Plan Strategy. • Details of safe walking and cycling routes to the site. and • . The provision of accurate and up to date information. • Public transport timetable information. patients and all other site visitors. Travel information will be provided on the availability of all sustainable travel modes and initiatives offered to employees. The Travel Plan-Co-ordinator in conjunction with Brentwood Council will oversee the production of a Travel Planning Package (for example a site specific leaflet or booklet) to summarise the sustainable travel options and initiatives available to access the site.the practice Management Team. so that they can be provided with all of the travel options available to the site prior to their visit. The GP practice’s own webpage should include the free hyperlink to this service. together with wide ranging publicity. A Steering Group will be set up to oversee the development of the Travel Plan. including both employees. This will then provide the journey planner service direct to all users of the practice webpage. The ‘Journey Planner' provides a free personalised travel planning service for travel within Essex. An electronic version of this information could be made available on the internet and also on CDrom. patients and visitors. the Estates and Facilities team within the Primary Care Trust including the Transport Manager. This package can then be provided to all employees and be made available to regular visitors as a quick reference guide. This group will be facilitated by the sites Travel Plan Coordinator with members to include senior representation from within the Primary Care Trust as well as invitation to join being offered to officers of Brentwood Council Prior to first occupation of the facility a senior representative from the Primary Care Trust will be named as having ultimate responsibility for the Travel Plan. This would be particularly useful for patients and site visitors. This person is Kate Halliday. • Information on existing and new travel plan initiatives. • Upcoming sustainable travel events. Information on the variety of travel options available to site users can also be displayed on a notice board placed in a prominent location within the practice. This package will include a brief outline of the travel plan objectives and aims. The GP practice will open in August 2012. patients and visitors. Use of the free web-based travel planning service should be promoted to all employees. . It is vitally important that the information provided to site users is always kept up to date.• Details of local car clubs. It is important that promotional events should be organised on a regular basis. This is advertised on the PCT intranet to all staff to encourage participation. This allows travel awareness to be maintained at a high level among employees and can often be used to raise recognition levels for initiatives that may have become less popular with time. A good example of an existing annual event is 'National Bike Week'. if they are not provided with up to date information personally. in relation to specific aspects of the Travel Plan or to promote the introduction of any new initiatives. The use of a central notice board provides a focal point for site users who then have a fixed reference point that they can access for their travel information. This thus overcomes the issue that some site users may face. car hire companies and taxi companies. ensuring that the credibility of the travel plan is not diminished. Package of Measures for Employee Secure bicycle parking will be provided at the practice building for employees with 8 spaces for employees. . This section of the travel plan sets out a range of these initiatives in detail. All of the initiatives proposed here are only indicative of what may finally be utilised at the site. Walking The existing pedestrian facilities in the local area are fully examined in the accompanying Transport Assessment . Pedestrian accessibility on Blackmore Road & Outings Lane is good with wide footpaths and designated pedestrian crossings. (This task may be undertaken by a qualified third party). Cycling The existing cycle facilities in the local area are fully examined in the accompanying Transport Assessment. Once the Travel Plan Coordinator for the site has been appointed he/she will undertake the completion of personalised travel planning sessions for all staff based at the site. To enable these objectives to be met a number of sustainable transport initiatives will need to be implemented. The Travel Plan Coordinator can also encourage walking by liaising with Brentwood Council to promote the creation of new. The area immediately surrounding the site is well lit and encourages pedestrian activity. All new employees will complete a personal travel planning session as part of their site induction.SECTION 5: TRAVEL PLAN MEASURES As previously discussed in this report. These sessions will be advisory for all permanent employees and offered as optional to all visiting staff members. Employees will also be provided with changing facilities within the practice including showers and storage. It may also only be necessary for some of the initiatives to be partially implemented rather than fully implemented. They are not meant as a prescriptive list of measures that shall all be applied and nor do they form an exhaustive list of the final initiatives that may be required to achieve the travel plan objectives and targets. personalised travel planning will be made available to all employees. and to facilitate sustainable travel behavior. As one of the proposed Travel Plan targets. and the maintenance of existing footways within the vicinity of the site. the two main objectives of this travel plan are: • to address the needs of all site users for access. Secure bicycle parking will be provided for employees. In addition to these facilities the Travel Plan Coordinator should promote 'National Bike Week and 'Bike2Work' among employees. Secure cycle parking with 14 spaces is provided for employees.bikeweek. Details can be found at www. These national initiatives are also advertised on the Trust intranet and newsletters to encourage staff participation. . Bike2Work specifically looks at promoting the use of cycling for travel to and from work in National Bike Week. and normally occurs in June of each The project is endorsed by 1st group and Cycling Cycle hoops for visitors to the building are provided at the front of the building close to the main entrance. e. in the same way that a car allowance would be paid. the proposed redevelopment benefits from a moderately sustainable location.The Travel Plan Coordinator can also set up a Bicycle User Group (BUG) for employees. • Public Transport The existing public transport services are discussed fully in the accompanying Transport Assessment.streetcar. Car Hire also provides the opportunity for employees to retain use of a car or other vehicle for occasional use. disabled spaces). Car Sharing. • The Travel Co-ordinator can liaise with 1st Group (travel provider) to ensure that the optimum service provision is available to site users. given the site's accessibility to public transport. • Car Park Management In addition to the standard operational car parking bays 3 blue badge holder spaces will be provided for patients/visitors to the practice (i. • Investigate the provision of a 'cycle allowance for employees for any journeys made by bicycle on work business. To encourage bus use: Current bus timetables should be made available to all site users in as many media styles as feasible. Advertising of compliant bicycle retailers on notice boards or in travel plan documents may assist in securing such discounts. The Travel Plan Coordinator can also encourage cycling by: Approaching local bicycle retailers with the intention of negotiating discounts on bicycle purchases and repairs for which already operates at multiple locations within the immediate vicinity of the site. high-quality vehicles on an affordable "pay-as-you-drive" basis. is Streetcar (www. As previously stated. The site is also classed as having a PTAL rating of • Liaising with the police to identify the potential to offer a security etching service for bicycles. They reduce the need for people to own their own cars by providing access to conveniently located. Brentwood Council actively supports car clubs within the borough. This initiative has multiple advantages and can potentially become selfsustaining if given enough initial support. and • Liaise with Brentwood Council to promote the creation of new. and the maintenance of existing cycle ways within the vicinity of the site. Car Hire and Car Clubs Car Clubs Car clubs provide the opportunity for employees and other site users to retain use of a car for occasional use without the need to personally own a vehicle. The nearest existing car club. which represents those areas within the Borough of Brentwood with average access to public transport. . There is also scope for the Travel Plan Coordinator to look to the other NHS (South West Essex) facilities within the local area and to liaise with them with regard to promoting and developing joint sustainable travel initiatives. due to their medical condition. Local Area Initiatives It is clear that the potential for some initiatives to succeed (e.Car-sharing is a relatively easy way to reduce car use among a large number of car users and often occurs on an informal basis without any incentives or encouragement. Therefore any effort to rationalise the operational vehicle movements to the development will be an improvement on the existing situation. are unable to make their own travel arrangements. With a view to minimising vehicle movements it is more efficient for BCT services to be provided by community ambulance than by private car. weekly and monthly basis to facilitate the operation of the practice however it should be noted that all of these vehicle movements already exist due to the preexisting practice. Most NHS trusts are obliged to provide BCT services to certain patients. The delivery bay will enable ambulance pick-up/drop-off to the practice. Those who. car sharing) may be restricted as a result of the limited number of employees. Delivery and Service Plan As discussed previously the full details of the Delivery and Service Plan (DSP) are provided in the accompanying Transport Assessment. The optimisation of vehicle movements related to BCT services should be optimised (with help from the Travel Plan Coordinator if necessary) by careful logistical management Business Travel The nature of the GP and Community services is such that practice employees will spend their time between the practice.g. other surgeries and domiciliary visits. From the DSP it can be seen that there are a variety of movements required on a daily. the Travel Plan Coordinator can liaise with other local employers and developers to assess the potential to 'pool' resources and increase the potential for the initiatives to succeed. It has therefore been requested by the City and SWE Primary Care Trust that a minimum of 10 operational car parking bays be provided for use by employees. . Optimising Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT1) As previously discussed it is proposed that 3 blue-badge holder parking bays be provided for visitors and a delivery bay be included within the practice car park. Having regard to this. the Travel Plan Steering Group and the Primary Care Trust's Board of Directors. Planning application documents.SECTION 6: MONITORING AND REVIEW Monitoring Strategy The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will act as the central point of contact for the Statutory Authorities regarding the implementation of the Travel Plan initiatives and will be responsible for the ongoing monitoring and review of the Travel Plan targets. The Travel Plan Coordinator will liaise with the relevant officer at the Brentwood Borough to arrange this facility as the Local Borough Council acts as the local database administrator. This will be used for the completion of travel surveys at the practice. Action Plan The following table contains a draft action plan for the implementation of this Travel Plan. TBC documents. such as travel survey results. 3 and 5 following development with "snapshot" surveys conducted at years 2 and 4. As previously discussed in Section 2 the system known as iTRACE endorsed webbased database operated and managed by iBASE and used by Brentwood Borough to monitor travel plans of all types across Essex. It can also be utilised to monitor and review the Travel Plan. The analysis of these future surveys will be undertaken by the Travel Plan Coordinator who can then determine whether the targets set out in the Travel Plan are being met. Travel surveys should be undertaken in years 1. Travel Plan Coordinator for the practice will be responsible for uploading data on to iTRACE. and travel plan documents as well as accompanying travel survey results are all uploaded on to the iTrace database. Table 2: DRAFT Travel Plan Action Plan . The Travel Plan Coordinator will update iTRACE with the results and report the results of the surveys to Hackney Borough Council. This programme is presented as a basis for discussion at this point in time. Site Occupation and Initial Implementation of "Action" Preparation and Approval of a detailed FULL Travel Plan Year 2 'snapshot' survey and review of Travel Plan 3 travel Year Targets. surveys and review of Travel Plan Targets. Completed Drafted Completed Progressing Drafted Post Permission 1 month & Prior to Construction Spring 2010 Summer 2010 2011 2011/2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 month Ongoing 1 month 12 months 1 month 1 month 1 month 1 month . Travel Plan Agreement of First Draft Travel Plan Agreed Completion and Analysis of Initial Site Travel Survey Agreement of Final Draft Travel Plan Implementation of Infrastructural Measures as Construction Starts Proposed Year of Opening. surveys and review of Travel Plan Targets.• Start Date Nov-Dec 2009 Jan 2010 Duration 2 months 1 month Action Comment Drafting of Initial Travel Plan with Scoping of Baseline Completed Situation. Year 4 'snapshot' survey and review of Travel Plan 5 travel Year Targets. It also set out a range of potential initiatives to enable the aims and objectives of the travel plan to be met. . and provide economic. This will establish the modal choice of travel for site users and identify areas of the plan that can be improved upon. This Travel Plan and the proposed redevelopment will help the local area prosper without adding to local congestion and pollution. reduce traffic in the area. This Travel Plan has attempted to describe the existing baseline environment for the site and outline the proposed improvements that will be facilitated by the GP practice. environmental and health benefits to the surrounding community.SECTION 7: CONCLUSIONS This Travel Plan represents a commitment by the owners and managers of the proposed development of Deal Tree Health Centre to promote sustainable travel to and from the GP practice. make it easier for site users to travel by a wider choice of sustainable modes. This Travel Plan will be implemented by a Travel Plan Coordinator and the effectiveness of the plan will be monitored at regular surveys.


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