The Need of Textbook Evaluation

June 11, 2018 | Author: BasecomPontianak | Category: Textbook, Evaluation, Language Education, Curriculum, Teachers
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A.The need of textbook evaluation Textbook are part and parcel of curriculum implementation process. In fact, textual material plays vital role in achieving the objectives of the curriculum. In good curriculum, components of learning materials, including textbook, are considered important. Effective learning occurs only when there is combination of good teachers, motivated students and appropriate, well-graded and well-selected materials including instruction television, radio, correspondence lesson, programmed texts and student’s textbooks. Although these materials function in different ways, their basic aim is effective instruction. Textbook evaluation provides the opportunity for the teachers, supervisors, administrators, and materials developers to make judgment about the textbooks and how to choose them for the learners. According to Sheldon (1988), we need to evaluate textbooks for two reasons. First. The evaluation will help the teacher or program developer in making decisions on selecting the appropriate textbook. Furthermore, evaluation of the merits and demerits of a textbook will familiarize the teacher with its content and consequently assist educators in identifying the particular strengths and weaknesses in textbooks already use. The evaluation of current materials, therefore, deserves serious consideration since an inappropriate choice may waste funds and time and has a demotivating effect on students and possibly teachers. Another reason for textbook evaluation is the fact that it can be very useful in teacher development and professional growth. Cunningsworth (1995) and Ellis (1997) believe that textbook evaluation helps teachers move beyond impressionistic assessments and it helps them to acquire useful, accurate, systematic, and contextual insights into the overall nature of textbook material. Textbook evaluation, therefore, can potentially be a particularly worthwhile means of conducting action research as well as a form of professional empowerment and improvement. Similarly, textbook evaluation can also be a valuable component of teacher training programs for it serves the dual purpose of making student teachers aware of important features to look for in textbooks while familiarizing them with a wide range of published language materials. McDonough and Shaw (2003) have listed four reasons that highlight the importance of evaluation of textbooks. The first reason shows the importance of evaluation for teachers. They believe that writing their own materials can be very timeconsuming and not cost-effective for the teachers. Therefore, evaluating the existing course book materials are useful for students' needs. The second reason stated by McDonough and Shaw (2003) to evaluate the textbooks is the fact that an inappropriate choice may waste time and funds and this may have a demotivating effect on both students and other teachers who will have to use the textbooks for many years. the content of any English language textbooks influences the teacher how to teach and the learner how to learn. Secondly. Alternatively. . The third reason is the difficulty of the organizing authentic and stimulating materials. teachers know the content of the book. students can acquire valuable and reasonable materials. the teachers can have opportunities to adjust and modify the course books according to students' needs. the students can have a program for their future learning and a review of previous course books. Moreover. learners need and teachers’ beliefs. They have maintained that even those teachers might find evaluation a useful process which gives them insight into the organizational principles of the materials and helps them to keep up with the developments in the field. as O'Neill (1982) introduces four reasons for the use of course books. Thirdly. The fourth reason relates to the teachers whose course materials are supplied by the ministry of education or another authority. They emphasize the value of good textbook especially in situations where compiling an authentic and motivating textbook in an organized manner is a difficult job to handle. Through the evaluation of a textbooks. Firstly. its strength and weakness which will facilitate them to adapt it to suit the course aims.textbooks and adopting the most suitable one for the particular context can be an appropriate course of action for these teachers. Finally. The section on units includes items such as the length of the unit. laboratory . Miekley (2005) provided a Textbook Evaluation Checklist that could be used to evaluate students' book and teachers' book. In a language class. practice. progression of the course revision and recycling. treatment of skills and cohesion. cultural and real world content are often equally important. list or explanations and tables. variety and regularity. Since a textbook often provides a framework or serves as a syllabus for a course. it is imperative that the content match underlying approach and needs of the program in which it will be used. linguistic content may come to mind first. presentation. teacher’s book. he suggested four categories to be included in the process of evaluation of the teachers' book. For the students' book he suggested four categories. background information. form and course components. content. As a part of the materials used in the language classroom. there are practical concern that play a role in textbook evaluation and selection. motivating effect. framework the units. the textbook can often play a crucial role in students’ success or failure. and supplementary exercises and materials. and attractiveness of the text and physical make-up. vocabulary may be a more important criterion to be included. but today. (1987:29) the criteria he suggests is grouped under the headings. and clarity of purpose. Finally. additional questions should be added. namely. An evaluation checklist can help ensure that we examine textbooks from several angles. tests. Another part of the checklist is concerned with the subject matter which focuses on the interest level of students and cultural considerations. illustrations and other features such as. For example. Good textbook must be providing support for teachers and clear guidance for students. The final part focuses on the course components that include questions about the cassettes. Criteria textbook The choice of language teaching materials can determine the quality of learningteaching procedure.B. They were general features. While according to Dougill. The next part of the checklist is related to form which assess the effectiveness of materials in terms of visual appeal. The framework focuses on the syllabus-how comprehensive the type of syllabus is and how relevant it is to the stated aims-. subject-matter. methodological guidance. exercises and activities. While this checklist is effective. vocabulary and grammar. On the other hand. An evaluation checklist is an instrument that provides the evaluator with a list of features of successful learning teaching materials. ‘language content’. Cunningsworth (1995). functions. Skierso’s (1991) checklist considers the characteristics related to ‘bibliographical data’. for instance. backgrounds. grammar. Sheldon (1988). What’s more. ‘skills’. and logistical characteristics. Daoud and Celce-Murcia (1979) . needs. and ‘layout and physical makeup’. A review of the ELT material evaluation checklists reveals that they all have a global set of features. ‘exercises and activities’. criteria should investigate the specific language. For instance.drills and workbooks. which included 45 criteria in 8 categories: aims and approaches. but also fits the needs of the individual teacher's approach as well as the organization's overall curriculum. methodology. ‘subject matter’. These domains are mostly in line with those in Cunningsworth’s (1995) checklist which include ‘aims and approaches’. content. ‘aims and goals’. an examination of the items will show that they are more or less the same. ‘topic’. and ‘practical considerations’. teacher's book. language content. Harmer (1996) and all agree. Evaluation criteria suggested by Cunningsworth (1995) which were considered one of the most important works in EFL/ESL textbook evaluation. textbook evaluations should include criteria that pertain to representation of cultural and gender components in addition to the extent to which the linguistic items. Finally. and approaches and the degree to which a set of materials is not only teachable. ‘methodology’. Other important criteria that should be incorporated are those that assess a textbook's methodology. Although the headings of the sections in the two checklists appear to be different. topic. ‘vocabulary and structures’. Brown (1995). organizational. He proposed general criteria for textbook evaluation. study skills. Similarly. and skills content that are covered by a particular textbook as well as the relevance of linguistic items to the prevailing socio-cultural environment. This checklist helps the evaluator consider the important factors in evaluating the effectiveness of a textbook. and practical considerations. and topics match up to students' personalities. and interests as well as those of the teacher and/or institution. ‘design and organization’. Preeminent theorists in the field of ELT textbook design and analysis such as Williams (1983). that evaluation checklists should have some criteria pertaining to the physical characteristics of textbooks such as layout. design /organization. subjects. aims. Assumption of learner knowledge 13. Metalanguage 29. Right measure of authenticity i. (b) vocabulary and structures. (c) exercises. Revision technique: cyclical or linear 20. vacation-fixed period or continuous intake 5. Ease of use for students 24. Learners' needs 2. and finally (e) physical make-up. Type of course. Mixture of syllabus. intensive. Right selection of vocabulary and syntax for learners' refection and complexity 17. structure for learner's level 16. Accompanying aids: charts. Time scale-variety and quantity of material-suitable for length of course 7. Daoud and Celce-Murcia (1979) offer an evaluation checklist which is widely referred to for textbook evaluation and consists of five major sections including: (a) subject matter. Mono or multilingual 11. exam based. Do learners' exercise. Dated or modern language 28. (d) illustrations. 27. Evaluating and selecting textbooks for students need certain skills based on certain criteria of good textbooks. (b) vocabulary and structures. Role of teachers and learners appropriate to preferred teaching and learning styles 10. etc. Each section is composed of several detailed strategies which can be utilized in evaluating and analyzing every textbook. activities and task work? 22. Teacher's' Book . task based 14. Age group-suitable for maturity-level and motivation of learners 6. Narrative or topic based 12. Power (2003) suggests thirty criteria for evaluating ELT materials/textbooks: 1. (d) illustrations. Each section is composed of several detailed strategies which can be utilized in evaluating and analyzing every textbook. Visual impact 26. Ordering and pacing of syllabus 3.offer an evaluation checklist which is widely referred to for textbook evaluation and consists of five major sections including: (a) subject matter. Appropriateness of lexis. suitable adapted for level 15. (c) exercises. Maintenance of interest-suitable (perhaps for captive learners) 4. Cultural orientation 8. and finally (e) physical make-up. structural. Range and weight of skills 19. Summary of items for reference 25. Range and Appropriateness of texts 18. cassettes. Suitable for the class-size 9. Ease of use for teacher 23. Suitability for self-access 21. national functional.e. Course or part course book .30.


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