The Grumpy Goat

June 3, 2018 | Author: عبد الرحمن | Category: Leisure
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Usborne Farmyard TalesI THE GRiyMPY GOAT 1 leather Amery & Stephen Cartwright on every i Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 tlrsiqn In Joe yellow duck to find on every page.Uool. SCHOLASTIC New York i->i'cllcy Toronto Mexico City London New Delhi INC. Auckland Sydney Hong Kong .\.Usborne Farmyard Tales THE GPLWMPY GOAT Heather Amery by Stephen Cartwright Illustrated Edited by Jcnn\' Tyler Ix\nc|(ic\cje Cowi There is a little C'onsultanl: beU. Boot. the farmer. and a dog called Rusty. Poppy and Sam. . This is This She has two children.Apple Tree Farm. is called Mrs. •^riTTn ' t'^ W \ He tells "Will she Poppy and Sam to clean the goat's shed. "She's so grumpy now. let us?" asks Sam.Ted works on the form." . He nearly Sam. F__ < 4 V-f<.Gertie the goat chases Sam. She butts him with her head. . the gate. Poppy and Rusty run out through falls over. "I pen so they con hove on idea. They must get Gertie out get to her shed." soys Sam.Poppy shuts the gate. of her . "Come eats it on. Gertie . • J'. Gertie." soys Sam. "Nice bread." and the bag. but stays in her pen.Sam gets a bag of bread. *w**i-?W r V -:r. "Let's try some fresh grass." says Poppy. <^Jl ^- <\ up some gross and drops it by the gate. Poppy pulls . Gertie eats it but trots back into her pen. He runs off again. I looked like if 8 ."I have another idea." says Sam." says Sam ^?1^ * She wouldn't butt me Ted. "Gertie doesn't butt Ted. Sam comes back wearing Ted's clothes. Sam goes . butts him. S--'" He has found Ted's into the old coot pen but Gertie still and hat. " says Poppy. She misses."I'll get a rope. ^ ^^/> pen. Poppy tries to throw the rope over Gertie's head. They go into the 10 . " 11 . "Quick. "She's out!" shouts Sam.Gertie chases them all im^L^^aiKLfmm^ f ^ A Rusty runs out of the pen and Gertie follows him. shut the gate. Sam and Poppy clean out Gertie's shed. They spread out fresh straw.»rkll W?«<! They sweep up the old straw and put in the wheelbarrow.^. it 12 .«. >^v^. Gertie.Poppy opens the gate. < (^ "Come on. . Gertie trots You con go bock now." soys back into 13 her pen. Sam. " 14 still ." says Sam." says Poppy. "Grumpy Gertie. "We've cleaned out your shed and you're grumpy."You are a grumpy old goat. "Come and go to the look at Gertie now. goat pen.Next morning. 15 They all . they meet Ted." says Ted. - r-r: clccouni^. January 200 16 08 .-^^i. orOoroJ m a mncvil system. No* Yo«k.S. isn't it sweet. NY 10012. by i*iftumj< Loodoa. 1999. Lsbomc PoMohmg Ltd. Copyngfal C . "Oh.-. tsboTTK ^v^. N.i^.'-i. 83-85 Saffixm . »Tmen penni&sion of the puMisfaer For mfomaboD regarding pcnmsswo. arc tndentuks of Usbonie PubUshmg Lidtndcmarks asd or rcgutercd cndcmarks of Scbolasoc foe. Fint Scholastic pnnimg. rccordmg.ihiag Ltd..A. AH nghts Usbome PuMishii^ Ltd The oamc L'sbomc and the device T' 2000.n rrjy be rcprodticcd v-faolc Hill.. . »ithout tsboTDc House. 987654321 SCHOLASTIC aod i irM-iMr^ wA keos 12345 frO Pnnled in the U. "Gertie doesn't look grumpy now..^op>ing. 1992 bv arc 12 II 10 m p. or in ptft. First publisfacd in Gmt Bntam in 2000 by Usbome PuUuhmg Lid ISBN (M39.Gertie has a little kid." says Poppy. or otbcnkTse. write lo EC IN 8RT. 1995.14489-2 rcser>«d Published by Scbol«soc loc 555 Bniad*3y. England. or masmilled inaiy form orb>' any mesosi. Put>l)." soys Sam. . with the help of a language expert. .95 US INC.* Usborne Farmyard Tales THEGRl/MPY GOAT This series of delightful short stones has been especially written. This edition ISBN 0-M31-E6ftflM-3 S0D1S ooks-Childrens is only available for distribution through the school market. for young children who ore just beginning to read. beginner readers will be able to achieve the pleasure and satisfaction of reading a whole book for themselves. With the help and encouragement of an adult. SCHOLASTIC Books-Blue - 5 201-090604 M3T"EaflSM5 $0.


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