SUMIT Summer Training Project Final

June 5, 2018 | Author: aayushsinghal2410 | Category: Investing Online, Stocks, Survey Methodology, Stock Trader, Financial Markets
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A SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORTON “A STUDY OF ONLINE TRADING AND STOCK BROKING” AT MOTILAL OSWAL SECURITIES LTD. Submitted by SUMIT GOYAL M.B.A, 3rd SEMESTER AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL Roll No. 045 Enrollment No. A50001910035 In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the degree of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) (Session 2010-2012) Under the guidance of: Ms. Ranjana Kothari (Management Faculty) AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL Under the supervision of: Mr.Vishal Gaur (Branch Manager) MOTILAL OSWAL AMITY UNIVERSITY HARYANA Summer Internship Project Report Page 1 DECLARATION I, Sumit Goyal , Roll No 045, MBA (3rd semester) student of the Amity Business School, Manesar, hereby declare that the project entitled, “A STUDY ON ONLINE TRADING AND STOCK BROKING” at “ MOTILAL OSWAL SECURITIES LTD.” is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the award of any other degree. The seminar presentation of the training report on “A STUDY ON ONLINE TRADING AND STOCK BROKING” and the feasible suggestions have been duly incorporated in consultation with the faculty guide. Presentation In-charge (Faculty) Signature of the Candidate Countersigned Director of the institute Summer Internship Project Report Page 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Any project cannot be possible successfully completed without the support and help of a lot of people. It is with great pleasure and expresses my deep sense of gratitude the people who have been actively supporting me in project. First of all, I am grateful to Dr. R.C. Sharma, Vice chancellor, Amity University Haryana, for providing me the opportunity to undergo my summer training at Motilal Oswal Securities Limited. I extent a great sense of gratitude and thank to my Industry Guide, Mr. Vishal Gaur, Branch Manager, for encouraging and providing valuable knowledge to me. I am also thankful to my faculty guide, Ms. Ranjana, Amity University Haryana, for giving me guidelines time to time regarding the project. My special words of thanks to the management of Motilal Oswal Securities Limited for providing me all support for the successful completion of this project. Sumit Goyal Summer Internship Project Report Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter – I  Introduction.  Significance.  Conceptualization.  Objective Of the study.  Limitation of the study.  Research methodology. Chapter – II  Company profile.  Industry profile. Chapter – III  Analysis & interpretation.  Finding. Chapter – IV  Conclusion.  Recommendations. Chapter – V  Bibliography.  Annexure. Summer Internship Project Report Page 4 CHAPTER-1 Summer Internship Project Report Page 5 The whole process of finding the buyers and sellers of the securities by the brokers is called the Share Broking. Investors buy or sell their securities in a few seconds by clicking a mouse. etc through Internet. Summer Internship Project Report Page 6 . To solve this problem.INTRODUCTION If we seen this study on the basis of concept so we can find its concept very wide because in general all most everyone knows about what is online trading and stock broking. Online Share Trading is beneficiary for customer as well as company because in online trading customers have not to take much pain for investing money in a market. monthly magazine. Investors get this information online. a group of persons came into picture. In this internet plays a very big role that‟s why we can say that it is a very wide concept. So Online Share Trading is quick. The shares are freely transferable subject to the some certain restrictions. So online share trading come in picture. These reports help investors for investment in securities. So Online share Trading is much better than offline share trading. In today‟s scenario Online Share Trading in Stock market is gaining popularity. The ownership of the companies was divided into small parts and that every part was called share. Till now most of the customers were working with offline but in metro cities Online Share Trading is preferred because no one has much time to go to market and work with offline. thefts and paperwork. They do not want to go to a broker. At that time a need was felt to bring the buyers and sellers on a common platform. the term “Share” denominates some part in the ownership of the company. When the need was felt to sell the shares by the owner of the shares. Online Share Trading is safer and faster alternative to the offline Share Trading as it offer freedom from delays. These persons are called the share Brokers who find the persons who wish to buy or sell their securities. CONCEPT OF SHARE TRADING The concept of share broking emerged after the establishment of the joint stock companies. In Online Share Trading investors invest their money in stock market through the internet. convenient and efficient. but still it is lagging behind in race. So. Online Share Trading is very less time consuming and expensive. Today companies provided all information on a company website or make their own software. All process is done automatically in a few seconds. it was difficult to find out the buyers of the shares who want to buy the shares at the price the seller want to sell. which used to bring the buyers and sellers together for the trade of the shares. Companies provided research reports. and then determine the best investments for them. Stockbrokers often advice and counsel their clients on appropriate investments.ONLINE TRADING Online trading is a service offered on the internet for purchase and sale of shares. First and foremost. The buyer pays for the stock and the broker transfers the title of the stock to the client and performs clearing and settlement procedures. The beginning stockbroker‟s first priority is learning the market. The net is used as a mode of trading in internet trading. the average investor is not an expert in the financial markets. There is a danger for allowing the autonomy of online trading to hull you into the belief that you are an expert investor. In the real world you place orders on your stockbroker either verbally (personally or telephonically) or in a written form (fax). Orders are communicated to the stock exchange through website. An online investor sitting at home at a personal computer also foregoes proper investment advice and financial planning. ACTIVITIES OF STOCK BROKING COMPANY Stock broker invests in the stock market for individuals or corporations. Only members of the stock exchange can conduct transactions. When the transaction has been made. so whenever individuals or corporations want to buy or sell stocks they must go through a brokerage house. Summer Internship Project Report Page 7 . perhaps among the most valuable services provided by traditional brokers. unless they are just starting out or have to meet with clients. usually working from nine to five. Stockbrokers spend their time in a fast-paced office. Sometimes brokers teach financial education classes to expose themselves to potential investors who may then become their clients. These orders are routed to the stock exchange without manual intervention and executed thereon in a matter of a few seconds. Brokers explain the workings of the stock exchange to their clients and gather information from them about their needs and financial ability. The new broker spends many hours on the phone building up a client base. In online trading. the broker supplies the client with the price. The broker then sends the order out to the floor of the securities exchange by computer or by phone. you will access a Stockbroker‟s website through your internet enabled PC and place orders through the broker‟s internet based trading engine.  This study helps customers to invest their money through internet.  The study will also help to get knowledge about share market and share trading.  The study will help to know the awareness level of consumers. Summer Internship Project Report Page 8 .SIGNIFICANCE  The study will help to get knowledge about online trading and stock broking. When the transaction has been made. Sometimes brokers teach financial education classes to expose themselves to potential investors who may then become their clients. The broker then sends the order out to the floor of the securities exchange by computer or by phone. Stockbrokers often advice and counsel their clients on appropriate investments. the broker supplies the client with the price. so whenever individuals or corporations want to buy or sell stocks they must go through a brokerage house. Till now most of the customers were working with offline but in metro cities Online Share Trading is preferred because no one has much time to go to market and work with offline. In online trading. unless they are just starting out or have to meet with clients. The beginning stockbroker‟s first priority is learning the market. Summer Internship Project Report Page 9 . Only members of the stock exchange can conduct transactions. The internet is used as a mode of trading in internet trading. and then determine the best investments for them. Stockbrokers spend their time in a fast-paced office. In the real world you place orders on your stockbroker either verbally (personally or telephonically) or in a written form (fax). usually working from nine to five. The buyer pays for the stock and the broker transfers the title of the stock to the client and performs clearing and settlement procedures. Activities of stock broking company Stock broker invests in the stock market for individuals or corporations. The new broker spends many hours on the phone building up a client base. Brokers explain the workings of the stock exchange to their clients and gather information from them about their needs and financial ability. These orders are routed to the stock exchange without manual intervention and executed thereon in a matter of a few seconds.Online trading is a service offered on the internet for purchase and sale of shares. you will access a Stockbroker‟s website through your internet enabled PC and place orders through the broker‟s internet based trading engine. Orders are communicated to the stock exchange through website.CONCEPTUALISATION In today‟s scenario Online Share Trading in Stock market is gaining popularity. Brokerage also provides research content on their web-sites. They can also get updates on the trading and check the status of their orders either through e-mail or through the interface. such that the clients can take down decisions on stocks before investing.FACILITIES OF THE ONLINE TRADING INDIA The investor has to register with an online trading portal and get into an agreement with the firm to trade in different securities following the terms and conditions listed down on the agreement. Summer Internship Project Report Page 10 . The order processing is done in correct things as the serves of the online trading portal are connected to the stock exchange s and designated banks all round the clock. e online trading or offline trading.  To Know the shortcoming in online trading in Indian stock market.  To know various concepts related to this service and how these concepts have an effect on it.OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY This analytical study has the following objectives which are based upon-:  To know about the past trend this services is carry on and its effect on the organization.  To study about online trading.  To check whether the company has launched any new services or they are thinking of any new services to be offered to the company.  To study about stock broking at Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. Summer Internship Project Report Page 11 .  To know about the technical facts of these services to determine the performance of the company in these areas.  To Know which type of trading customer prefer i.  To know the preference of consumers towards online trading.  There was lack of time on the part of respondents.  There may be biasness in information by market participant.  The survey was carried through questionnaire and the questions were based on perception. Summer Internship Project Report Page 12 .  The sample size was restricted with 40 respondents.  Some people were not willing to disclose the investment profile.  Complete data was not available due to company privacy and secrecy.LIMITATION OF THE PROJECT  As only Agra was dealt in the survey so it does not represent the view of the total Indian market. Also it is a kind of quantitative and qualitative research because it is based on data as well as views of customers respectively. Hence sampling survey method was adopted for the purpose of the study. SAMPLING PLAN: Sampling: Since motilal oswal securities Limited has many segments I selected Online Trading and Stock Broking segment. One of the most important users of research methodology is that it helps in identifying the problem. In case of adopting quantitative research. analyzing the required information data and providing an alternative solution to the problem. Collecting data through survey provides information needed in the appropriate manner accurately QUESTIONNAIRE and INTERVIEW methods were adopted to analyze the activity. it can be rightly said that larger is the data accurate is the information. Sampling size: A sample of 40 has taken for the purpose of the study. This report consist research design of descriptive and exploratory research. however primary data collection was given more importance. Population: (Universe) customers & non consumers of Motilal Oswal Securities limited. Sample size consists of investors mainly interested in online trading.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN This report is based on primary as well secondary data.  Interviews. Summer Internship Project Report Page 13 . 100% coverage was difficult within the limited period of time. collecting.  Discussions with the concerned. The methodology adopted includes  Questionnaire. Sampling Methods: Probability sampling requires complete knowledge about all sampling units in the universe. Due to time constraint non-probability sampling will be chosen for the study. Summer Internship Project Report Page 14 . The sources used for the collection of Primary data will be:     Questionnaires Tele-calling Personal Visits Clients References The sources used for the collection of Secondary data will be:   Internet Database provided by the Motilal Oswal Securities Limited. Data collection sources: For this study I will use Primary as well as Secondary data. Chapter-2 Summer Internship Project Report Page 15 . 2011. As of end of financial year 2008. with just two people running the show. We have a diversified client base that includes retail customers (including High Net worth Individuals). Today we are a well diversified financial services firm offering a range of financial products and services such as Wealth Management. We are headquartered in Mumbai and as of June 30th. Broking & Distribution. we had 722.77%.07% and noninstitutions at 18.303 registered customers. the group networth was Rs.19 bn. had a network spread over 586 cities and towns comprising 1. the Company placed 9.18 times in turbulent market conditions. financial institutions and corporate clients. Credit rating agency Crisil has assigned the highest rating of P1+ to the Company‟s short-term debt program. Investment Banking Services and Principal Strategies. research-based value investing and implementation of cutting-edge technology has enabled us to blossom into an over 1600 member team. foreign institutional investors. 2011. Institutional Equities.COMPANY PROFILE Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. The company got listed on BSE and NSE on September 9. mutual funds. 2011. The shareholding of institutions stood at 12. The issue which was priced at Rs. the total shareholding of the Promoter and Promoter Group stood at 69. As at June 30th. respect for professionalism. 2007. (MOSL) was founded in 1987 as a small sub-broking unit. Commodity Broking. Summer Internship Project Report Page 16 . Financial: In 2006.607 Business Locations operated by our Business Partners and us.5 per share) got a overwhelming response and was subscribed 27. Private Equity. The issue gave a return of 21% on the date of listing.825 per share (face value Rs. Focus on customer-first-attitude.As of June 30th. 2008 was Rs.7 bn and market capitalization as of March 31. Portfolio Management Services.48% of its equity with two leading private equity investors based out of the US – New Vernon Private Equity Limited and Bessemer Venture Partners. 2011. Shareholding Pattern at on 30th June.16%. ethical and transparent business practices. ” Summer Internship Project Report Page 17 .VISION: MISSION “To educate and empower the individual investor to make better investment decisions through:  QUALITY ADVICE  INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS and  SUPERIOR SERVICE. Our Core Purpose Summer Internship Project Report Page 18 . Insurance Distribution. Currency.             Equity Trading Platform (Online/Offline). Commodities Trading Platform (Online/Offline). Demat. Mutual Fund Distribution. Summer Internship Project Report Page 19 .Product And Services Offered By Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. Asset Management. IPOs. Derivatives. Portfolio Management Service. Investment Banking. Wealth Management. MOSL ranked No. Motilal Oswal Securities entered into a strategic alliance with Barclays Bank. The event provided a platform for investors to interact with the investment team. hosted the first of its series of seminars under its investors education initiative called Investor Ki Kahani Usi Ki Zubani on July 2. MOPE‟s partner developers and get a flavor of their investment strategy  Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd.India‟s First US Equities Based ETF. enters 'Limca Book of Records' for creating India's largest dealing room in Mumbai.Reason To Choose Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. This alliance provides Barclays customers with the option to invest in equities. derivatives and IPOs.      The 15th Motilal Oswal Wealth Creation Study presentation was held in Mumbai on 15th December 2010 and was covered live on CNBC TV18 Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund‟s MOSt Shares M50 bagged the „Most Innovative Fund of the Year‟ Award at CNBC TV18-CRISIL Mutual Fund Award 2011 held in Mumbai. 2 (Best Indian Brokerage House) category by Institutional Investor. through MOSL. 2 (Best Local brokerage) in the Asia Money Brokers Poll 2009 and No.  Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company becomes India‟s 1st AMC to ring The NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell on 30 March 2011. Summer Internship Project Report Page 20 . to celebrate the launch of Motilal Oswal MOSt Shares NASDAQ 100 . for an equity trading platform for its (Barclays) customers. The following are:  Motilal Oswal in association with Zee Business. Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors facilitates the first cross border acquisition by an Indian company in the sugar sector in Brazil Motilal Oswal Private Equity organized the First Annual Investor Meet of India Realty Excellence Fund (IREF) on 28th August. 2011 at BSE in Mumbai. 2010 in Mumbai. Mobile or Call N-Trade.  Automated Portfolio to keep track of the value of your actual purchases.  On-line Customer Service via Web Chat.Benefits: Motilal Oswal Investment Services offers you a state-of-the-art Online Trading platform that gives you: Benefits of opening an account with MOSL:  Wide range of investment choices .Equity.  Instant Cash Transfer  Multiple Bank Option. etc.  Flexible Online Trading Platform from your Desktop.  Buy or sell even single share  Anytime Ordering. customised news & alerts.  Personalized Price and Account Alerts delivered instantly to your Mobile Phone & E-mail address. through Motilal Oswal. Derivatives.  Secure Order by Voice Tool Dial-n-Trade. watchlists.  Better Security with 128-bit Secure Socket Layer encryption.  Award winning research trusted by 300+ Institutions & Fund Managers.  Integrated view of your investments.  Complete ease of operation with 46+ Banks for funds transfer.  Discounted Brokerage Schemes that offer you true value for money. Web. IPOs and Mutual Funds.  Enjoy Automated Portfolio.  Superior Leverage Products allowing you to trade more on your margin. Summer Internship Project Report Page 21 .  24x7 Voice Tool access to your trading account.  Mobile Platform: Mobile Platform works on most GPRS enabled mobile phones. In Margin Account investor have to give defined upfront margin amount at the time of opening the account.Type Of Account:  Value Pac: Value Pac is the upfront subscription scheme. Investor can directly Buy/Sell from market watch. It also provides the facility to modify or cancel the pending orders. based on the volume of trade and the validity period one enjoy the benefit of placing at reduced charges. Summer Internship Project Report Page 22 . which gives significant discounts in brokerages rates with defined time period to use it. Investors can trade from any internet connected PC and place the order with instant confirmation. All Motilal Oswal Customers enjoy Call-N-Trade services at no additional cost. With the wide range of value pacs.  Desktop Platform: Desktop Platform is suitable for those investors and traders who want live market watch and faster execution.  Call-N-Trade: Call-N-Trade Platform is suitable when investor don‟t have online access to their trading site. Trading Platform:  Web Platform: Web Platform is suited for first time investors who want a clean and simple interface.  Margin Account: Margin account is suitable for those who don‟t want to commit to a value pac (upfront subscription). 441.100 per contract. Delivery Based trader:     Intra-day traders: 0. How to open account with Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd? For online trading with Motilal OSwal investors has to open an account.40%.  For Margin Scheme (Margin 10. F&O Traders: Delivery Based trader: 0.Account Opening Fees & Annual maintenance charges (AMC)     Trading Account opening charges (one time): Rs. Trading Annual maintenance charges (AMC): Rs. Contact Motilal Oswal by sending e-mail at [email protected]. Following are the ways to open an account with motilal oswal securities ltd:     Call them at 022-30896680 and ask that you want to open an account with them.0.090%.10%. Demat Account Annual Maintenance Charges (AMC): Rs. Options trades:Rs. Type MOST INFO and sms at 575753. F&O Traders: 0. Demat Account Opening Charges (One Time): Rs. 0. Trading Brokerages:  For Value Pac (value 2500)     Intra-day traders: 0.0. Options trades:Rs. Summer Internship Project Report Page 23 . Log on to www.080%.100 per contract. How to open an online trading account with Motilal Oswal? To open an account with motilal oswal the following steps are to be followed:   To open an online trading account with Motilal Oswal. Driving License. Investors has to fill up the application form.   Once they have verified the application form and supportive documentation. one of the representative from motilal oswal will contact the investor and get the signatur on the application form submitted by investors and get the signature on the application form submitted by investor and collect all the documents or proofs. After the activation of the account.   Bank Proof – Copy of bank pass book or personalized cheque leaf. Passport. List of Documents required to open an account:   Proof of Identity . Summer Internship Project Report Page 24 . PIN mailers containing the password will be sent on correspondence address. Once the investor have submitted the online application form. Landline Telephone Bill (not more than 2 month old). Electricity Bill (not more than 2 month old). This will normally happen within 3-5 working days. Proof of Address – Copy of any one of the following (self attested). they will activate the account. 3 Photographs. make an online payment as per the scheme details and submit the form electronically.Copy of PAN Card. Ration card. Voter‟s ID. Bank Pass Book. The BSE Sensex is the older and more widely followed index. The „Z‟ group scripts are the blacklisted companies. The key regulator governing Stock Exchanges. Depositories. faster execution of trades and transparency. The „A‟ group shares represent those. FIIs and other participants in Indian secondary and primary market is the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Ltd. which allows investors to shift their positions on the bourse. „B2‟. The Scripts traded on the BSE have been classified into „A‟. there are 28 Regional Stock Exchanges However. The BSE has over 6000 stocks listed and has a market capitalization of around Rs. Both these indices are calculated on the basis of market capitalization and contain the heavily traded shares from key sectors. NSE has the S&P NSE 50 index (Nifty) which consists of fifty stocks. 968000 crore (9680 Bln). The average daily turnover at the exchanges has increased from Rs. „C‟.284 crore in 1998-99 and further to Re. „F‟ and „Z‟ groups. The „C‟ group covers the odd lot securities in „A‟. In addition. which are in the carry forward system (Badla). „B1‟& „B2‟ groups and Rights renunciations. 9215 Bln). 851 crore in 1997-98 to Rs. The primary index of BSE is BSE Sensex comprising 30 stocks. The „F‟ group represents the debt market (fixed income securities) segment. Both exchanges have a different settlement cycle. Mutual Funds. 1. The markets are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Brokers.August 1999). NSE has around 1500 shares listed with a total market capitalization of around Rs. „B1‟. Most key stocks are traded on both the exchanges and hence the investor could buy them on either exchange. 921500 crore (Rs.INDUSTRY PROFILE INDIAN STOCK MARKET OVERVIEW The Bombay stock exchanges (BES) and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) are the two primary exchange in India. the BSE and NSE have established themselves as the two leading exchanges and account for about 80% of the equity volume traded in India. Summer Internship Project Report Page 25 . Depository participants. automatic order matching. 2273 crore in 1999-2000 (April. Both the exchanges have switched over from the open outcry trading system to a fully automated computerized mode of trading known as BOLT (BSE on Line Trading) and NEAT (National Exchange Automated Trading) System. It facilitates more efficient processing. which recommended promotion of a National Stock Exchange by financial institutions (FIs) to provide access to investors from all across the country on an equal footing. And it is in the top ten of global exchanges in terms of the market capitalization Summer Internship Project Report Page 26 .ABOUT NSE The National Stock Exchange of India Limited has genesis in the report of the High Powered Study Group on Establishment of New Stock Exchanges. NSE Group: NSCCL IISL NSE. On its recognition as a stock exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act. NSE commenced operations in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment in June 1994. The Capital Market (Equities) segment commenced operations in November 1994 and operations in Derivatives segment commenced in June 2000. It is the world's 5th most active in terms of number of transactions handled through its electronic trading system.IT NSDL DotExIntl. Over the past 135 years. Today. BSE has facilitated the growth of the Indian corporate sector by providing it with an efficient capital raising platform. Based on the recommendations. 1956 in April 1993.Ltd ABOUT BSE BSE Limited is the oldest stock exchange in Asia What is now popularly known as the BSE was established as "The Native Share & Stock Brokers' Association" in 1875. NSE was promoted by leading Financial Institutions at the behest of the Government of India and was incorporated in November 1992 as a tax-paying company unlike other stock exchanges in the country. BSE is the world's number 1 exchange in the world in terms of the number of listed companies (over 4900). The Exchange has inserted new Rule No. The BSE Index. we are ISO 27001:2005 certified. Exchange traded funds (ETF) on SENSEX. The Executive Director as the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Exchange and he is assisted by the Chief Operating Officer and other Heads of Departments. Futures and options on the index are also traded at BSE. which decides the policies and regulates the affairs of the Exchange.of its listed companies (as of December 31. The companies listed on BSE command a total market capitalization of USD Trillion 1. who are from the broking community (one third of them retire ever year by rotation). three SEBI nominees.126 A in its Rules. Summer Internship Project Report Page 27 . BSE is the first exchange in India and the second in the world to obtain an ISO 9001:2000 certification. debt and derivatives upholds the interests of the investors and ensures redressal of their grievances whether against the companies or its own member-brokers. are listed on BSE and in Hong Kong. SENSEX.28 as of Feb. an Executive Committee. The Exchange. It is also the first Exchange in the country and second in the world to receive Information Security Management System Standard BS 7799-2-2002 certification for its BSE OnLine trading System (BOLT). consisting of three elected directors. The Governing Board consists of 9 elected directors. A Governing Board having 20 directors is the apex body. which is a ISO version of BS 7799 for Information Security. six public representatives and an Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer and a Chief Operating Officer. Accordingly. Bye-laws & Regulations pertaining to constitution of the Executive Committee of the Exchange. Presently. 2009). is India's first and most popular Stock Market benchmark index. It also strives to educate and enlighten the investors by conducting investor education programs and making available to them necessary informative inputs. 2010. while providing an efficient and transparent market for trading in securities. three SEBI nominees or public representatives. India Summer Internship Project Report Page 28 .Executive Director & CEO and Chief Operating Officer has been constituted. Sensex Milestones: Here's a timeline on the rise and rise of the Sensex through Indian stock market history. There are 23 stock exchanges in India. deposits. Among them two are national level stock exchanges namely Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). admission. procedures and other matters relating to arbitration. List of Regional Stock Exchanges in India are:  Ahmadabad Stock Exchange Association Ltd. India  Bangalore Stock Exchange Stock Exchange Towers No 51 1st Cross. etc. norms. Manek Chowk Ahmadabad 380 001. The rest 21 are Regional Stock Exchanges (RSE). fees. India  Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange Association 217 Budhraja Building Jharpara Cuttak Road Bhubaneswar 751 006. margins and other monies payable by the member brokers to the Exchange. The Committee considers judicial & quasi matters in which the Governing Board has powers as an Appellate Authority. declaration of a member-broker as defaulter. matters regarding annulment of transactions. J C Road Bangalore 560 027. continuance and suspension of member-brokers. Exchange House 38/1431 Kaloor Road Extension Ernakulum. Stadium New Delhi 110 002.. Bank Street Hyderabad 500 001. India  Hyderabad Stock Exchange Ltd. India Fax: 91-11-332-6182  Guwahati Stock Exchange Ltd. India Fax: 91-33-20-2514  Cochin Stock Exchange Ltd. India  Coimbatore Stock Exchange Chamber Towers 8/732 Avinashi Road Coimbatore 641 018. Saraf Building Annexes A.G. India Summer Internship Project Report Page 29 . Kochi-682035. India  Delhi Stock Exchange Association 3 & 4/4B Asaf Ali Road West Plaza. Calcutta Stock Exchange 7 Lyins Range Calcutta 700 001. I.T. Road Guwahati 781 001. Rambhavan Complex Kodialbail Mangalore 575 003. Jaipur Stock Exchange Ltd Rajasthan Chamber Bhawan M. Clock Tower Ludhiana 141 008. India Fax: 91-44-514-897  Madhya Pradesh Stock Exchange Ltd. India  Ludhiana Stock Exchange Association Ltd Lajpat Rai Market. India  Madras Stock Exchange 11 Second Line Beach Exchange Building Madras 600 004. India Summer Internship Project Report Page 30 . Bada Sarafa Indore 452 002. Road Jaipur 302 003.I. 67. India  Kanara Stock Exchange Ltd 4th Floor. India Fax: 91-824-21491  Meerut Stock Exchange Ltd. "A" Wing 1st Floor. Mangalore Stock Exchange Limited 4th Floor. Kingsway Building 345 Bombay Bazar Meerut Cantonment 250 001. RBC. Rambhavan Complex Mangalore 575 003. India Fax: 91-22-265-8121  National Stock Exchange of India Mahendra Towers. Karnataka. and Worli Bombay 400 018. India Fax: 91-22-218-8511 Summer Internship Project Report Page 31 . India Fax: 91-22-493-5631  OTC Exchange of India 92/93 Market Tower "F" Cuffe Parade Bombay 400 005. India  Mumbai Stock Exchange Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai 400 001. Padam Towers 14/113 Civil Lines Kanpur 208 001. India  Vadodara Stock Exchange Ltd. India  Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchange Association Ltd. Pune Stock Exchange Ltd. India Summer Internship Project Report Page 32 . India  Saurashtra Kutch Stock Exchange Ltd. Sayaji Gunj Vadodara 390 005. 2nd Floor Bajirao Road Pune 411 002. Swaminarayan Gurukul Building Dhebarbhai Road Rajkot 380 002. 4. Budhwar Peth Bank of Maharashtra Building. 101 Paradise Complex Tilak Road. 1177. Chapter .3 Summer Internship Project Report Page 33 . 1 What type of trading do you prefer Intraday or Delivery? Graphical Analysis: intraday delivery 45% 55% Interpretation: 45% of customers prefer intraday trading and 55% of customers prefer delivery.ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Q. Summer Internship Project Report Page 34 . Q.2 How frequently do you trade? Graphical Analysis: Chart Title yearly 15% daily 13% weekly 17% monthly 55% Interpretation: 13% of trader‟s are interested in trade daily. Summer Internship Project Report Page 35 . 17% of trader‟s are interested in trade weekly. 55% of traders are interested in trade monthly and 15 % of traders interested in trade yearly . Q.3 Satisfaction level among customers with current brokers? Graphical Analysis: no 15% yes 85% Interpretation: This pie chart shows the fact that 85% customers are satisfied with current brokers Summer Internship Project Report Page 36 . 4. Summer Internship Project Report Page 37 . 15% with the tips. 35% are satisfied with research report and 28% of respondents are satisfied with the brokerage rate of Motilal Oswal..If you trade with Motilal Oswal Secrities limited then why? Graphical Analysis: Chart Title Services 22% Brokrage Rate 28% Tips 15% Research Report 35% Interpretation: 22% of the respondents are satisfied with services offered by Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. Which trading you prefer? (a) On line trading (c) Both (b) offline trading Graphical Analysis: 20% Online Offline 20% 60% Both Interpretation: According to this survey we find that 60% people prefer online trading and 20% people prefer offline trading rest of 20% people prefers both. So we can say that mostly people are awareness about the on line trading and because of this reason the mostly people are optimizing offline trading.5. Summer Internship Project Report Page 38 . What shortcomings do you feel in Indian On-Line trading? (a) Lack of awareness the investors about on-line trading (b) Shortage of domestic technical expertise (c) Shortage of Infra structure (d) Any other Sample Size 40 Graphical Analysis: Chart Title Any Other 15% Infra Structure 20% Lack of awareness 15% Technical Expertise 50% Interpretation: According to this survey we find that 15% of people say lack of awareness 50% says Shortage of expertise and 20% people says Shortage of Infra structure and 15% says any other.6. Summer Internship Project Report Page 39 . Summer Internship Project Report Page 40 . Are you satisfied with the brokerage rates of Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd? Graphical Analysis: NO 35% YES 65% Interpretation: Approx.7. and 35% respondents says we are not satisfied. 65%of the respondents says that we are satisfied with the brokerage rates of Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd. Summer Internship Project Report Page 41 . In future would you like to trade through Motilal Oswal? Graphical Analysis: NO 25% YES 75% Interpretation: Acc to this survey 75% says they would like to do trade with Motilal Oswal and 25% says will not be interested to do trade with Motilal Oswal.8. 9. Most of the people prefer Equities (45%) for investment purpose. Graphical Analysis: mutual funds 30% commodities 25% Equities 45% Interpretation: According to this survey. c) Mutual Fund. b) Commodities. Summer Internship Project Report Page 42 . Which Type of Investment Instrument Do you Prefer For Investment? a) Equities/Shares. 15% with the tips. • According to this survey we find that 60% people prefer online trading and 20% people prefer offline trading rest of 20% people prefers both. Acc to this 75% says they would like to do trade with MOTILAL OSWAL and 25% says will not be interested to do trade with MOTILAL OSWAL. 17% of traders trade weekly. Approx. So we can say that mostly people are awareness about the on line trading and because of this reason the mostly people are optimizing offline trading. Summer Internship Project Report Page 43 .FINDINGS • • • • 45% of customers prefer intraday trading and 55% of customers prefer delivery. 13% of traders trade daily. 65%of the respondents says that we are satisfied with the brokerage rates of motilal oswal securities ltd. • • • • According to this survey we find that 15% of people say lack of awareness 50% says Shortage of expertise and 20% people says Shortage of Infra structure and 15% says any other. 55% of traders trade monthly and 15 % of traders trade yearly This pie chart shows the fact that 85% customers are satisfied with current brokers 22% of the respondents are satisfied with services offered by motilal oswal. Quality of service is the most influential aspect of a bank / broking agency that appeals the investor. 35% are satisfied with research report and 28% of respondents are satisfied with the brokerage rate of motilal oswal. and 35% respondents says we are not satisfied. Chapter-4 Summer Internship Project Report Page 44 . The speculative pressures are responsible for the wide changes in the price. The broker‟s has a greater scope than compared to the earlier times because of invention of online trading.8 crores. not attracting the genuine investors to the greater extent towards the market. things have changed dramatically over the last 3 to 4 years.CONCLUSION  Things have changed for the better with the MOTILAL OSWAL going on-line coupled with endeavor to stream line the whole trading system. New and advanced technologies have breached geographical and cultural barriers.     Due to invention of online trading there has been greater benefit to the investors as they could sell / buy shares as and when required and that to with online trading. delivering. Summer Internship Project Report Page 45 . settlement system with adequate protection to investors. It has helped the brokers handling a vast amount of transactions and this can be an efficient trading. The concept of business has changed today. this is a service oriented industry hence the survival would require them to provide the best possible. and have brought the countrywide market to doorstep.   In the present scenario to compete with the Broker‟s would require sound infrastructure and trading as per international standards. The trading of MOTILAL OSWAL of the first day was Rs. The introduction of on-line trading would influence the investors resulting in an increase in the business of the exchange. 1. • More number of workshops. Summer Internship Project Report Page 46 . • Motilal Oswal should increase its promotional activities and it should make aware people of Agra city about its product and services • Since more and more companies are planning to enter into online trading. quality of service should be continuously updated. awareness programs etc must be conducted regarding online trading and their benefits so as to bring up the awareness levels and channelize the potential investment. women. young executives. seminars. • Target the new hidden customers. • Company should reduce the brokerage rates. • Quality of service is the most influential aspect of a bank / broking agency that appeals the investor. for whom the net can bring out convenience and comfort like NRI. professionals etc.RECOMMENDATIONS • Introduction of more private players can help to increase the awareness levels regarding online trading services. so that more customers will be attracted towards trading. Chapter.5 Summer Internship Project Report Page 47 . BIBLIOGAPHY Book Referred  International Business & Economics Research Journal – March 2008 Volume 7.karvy.Motilaloswal. R.Khan     Summer Internship Project Report Page 48 . Research Methodology. Kothari. Number 285 – 309. Vishwa Prakshan MAGAZINES Business World LSE‟s Magazine Web Sites   www.moneycontrol. Accounting and  www.Avadhani  Indian Financial System -M.nseindia.A. November 3 / 2009.  Marketing of Financial Service -V.Volume  www. Number 361  International Journal of   www. If you trade with Motilal Oswal then why?  Services. No.. 5. Are you satisfied with your current brokers?   Yes.  Research Report. OCCUPATION………………………..ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE NAME………………………………….  Brokerage Rate. 1.  Tips..... What type of trading do you prefer?   Intra-day..  Both..  Off-Line.. Summer Internship Project Report Page 49 .. Which trading you prefer?  On-Line... How frequently do you trade?  Yearly.....  Daily.... 4.... 3....  Monthly  Weekly..... AGE…………………… PHONE NO. Delivery 2.....  Any Other. Commodities.?  Yes.  Infra-Structure. What shortcomings do you feel in Indian On-Line trading?  Lack of Awareness.  No. Are you satisfied with the brokerage rates of Motilal Oswal Securities ltd. Which type of investment instrument do you prefer for investment?    Mutual Fund. 8.6.  No. 9.  Technical Expertise. 7. Summer Internship Project Report Page 50 . In future would you like to trade through Motilal Oswal?  Yes. 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