Student Management System Application (in visual Basic and Database)

June 15, 2018 | Author: kamal456 | Category: Feasibility Study, Debugging, Computer Program, Software Bug, Audit
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A Project Report OnSTUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A Project Submitted for B.A Computer Application Under Guidance of Respected Faculty Members Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to use this opportunity to thank with gratitude our respected HOD Prof. JULIET ONKAR for their motivation to take this endeavor and perform. In addition, we would like to thank PROF. MANOHAR LAL RAKSHA for their excellent guidance. Here we think from the core, everybody who has helped us at work when it started as an unknown ocean to swim though, we need more then sense of words. In true sense, besides our guides we are indebted to our friends at college for their constant help and invaluable contribution on all occasion when they were most needed. Again, we find the opportunity to acknowledge our regards and thanks to our family members who have been true support behind us. Mohammad kamal pasha Ranjeet singh parihar Liladhar patharia Arun dogra B.A IIIrdyear Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] This is to certify that project report entitled “STUDENT MANAGAMENT SYSTEM” is bona fide work done by Mr. MOHAMMAD KAMAL PASHA, RANJEET SINGH PARIHAR, LILADHAR PATHARIA, ARUN DOGRA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS During the year 2008-2009 H.O.D JULIET ONKAR Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] PROJECT GUIDE PROF. MANOHAR LAL RAKSHA Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -1 INTRODUCTION Student Management System (SMS) is a software application for educational establishments to manage student data. Student information systems provide capabilities for entering student test and other assessment scores, building student schedules, tracking student Information, and managing many other studentrelated data needs in a school, college or university. Also known as Student Information Management System (SIMS, SIM), Student Records System (SRS) or Student Management System (SMS) or School Management System (SMS) . These systems vary in size, scope and capability, from packages that are implemented in relatively small organizations to cover student records alone, to enterprise-wide solutions that aim to cover most aspects of running large multi-campus organizations with significant local responsibility. Many systems can be scaled to different levels of activity, and can be configured by their home institutions to meet local needs. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] 1.1 Objective: The aim of my project is to reduce the burden of Management, and problem faced by the Student Section in Organization as the result were not displayed quickly. In paper system of Cash Payment some limitation were observed like many Student, Employees and Subjects it at more then one position on paper and employees Sequence List Not in Proper position. This increases the cost of Account Department. To remove such problem of paper case Payment has replays the earlier system of Payment.  Describe several options for active participation in Student Process.  Select an issue that they care about. 1.2Scope SMS is very Good System for the Any Organization for Recording Data into database.  Our system provides user login (Administrator) facility.  Allow Searching Any Student Related Information. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected]      No Chance of Fraud. All Process Is Transparent Helpful for Management to organize the Account Department This system can be use in all type of Organization Such as Educational Organization Time Saving. 1.3 Problem in Current System:The first step in the system development life cycle is the identification of a need. This is a user’s request to change, improve, and enhance an existing system. Because there is likely to be a system of such request, standard procedures must be established to deal with them. The initial investigation is one way of handling this. The objective is to determine whether the request is valid and feasible before a recommendation is reached to do nothing, improve or modify the existing system or build a new one. In the analysis phase of our project we identify various type of need. We identify that: This system is required because in today fast running world no one has patience and time to wait and also every one wants every thing easy, simple Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] without any complication. This system is very useful because new a day we often have counseling in short internals of time. In this way it reduces the cost of counseling. This project is prepared for SIS so feature is correct and transparence SIS process. More security require for unwanted access. We realize all the components and methods with practically in SIS process then choose the Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -2 PLATFORM SPECIFICATION 2.1 Hardware:Bare-minimum Requirement        256 MB RAM Memory 10GB Hard Disk Pentium IV or better processor VGA Monitor Keyboard Mouse Printer 2.2 Software:Operating system – Microsoft Windows XP 2.3 Implementation Language:  Front end tool – Microsoft Visual Basic Back end tool – Microsoft Access Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS Information Gathering:Firstly we concern the information, which is requiring storing our database. So the database is storing all fields in our Project. Then we provide to display the Student Information in Report. System Feasibility:A feasibility study could be used to test a proposal for new system, which could be used because: The current system may no longer carry its purpose,  Technological advancement may have rendered the current system obsolete,  The business is expanding, allowing it to cope with extra work load,  Competitors are now winning a big enough market share due to an effective integration of a computerized system.  Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] A feasibility study should examine three main areas: 1. Technical Feasibility 2. Economical Feasibility 3. Operational Feasibility Economical Feasibility:Economic justification is “bottom – line” consideration for most system. Economic justification includes a broad range of concern that includes cost-benefit analysis, long term corporate income strategies, and cost of resources needed for Development .As far as monetary matters are concerned we need hard disk space of 2GB and a Pentium processor. These are only requirements, which can be easily met. Technical Feasibility:This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using that technology. The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of Input, Processes, Output, Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Fields, Programs, and Procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc...In order to give an introduction to the technical system. All projects are feasible, given unlimited resources and infinite time. Unfortunately, the development of a computer based system or product is more likely suffered b y a scarcity of resources and difficult deliver y dates. It is both necessary and prudent to evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time. However during the development of our project we concentrate on the following feasibility: Resource Availability: Are the hardware and software resources required available to develop the Application? Technology: Has the relevant technology progressed to the stage that will support the System? Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Behavioral Feasibility:Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that will affect the possible application benefits? The answer to these questions is: Yes, as the system is developed for the convenience of the network administrator who is the main user of the system? In this software all the above mentioned feasibility study has been conducted. It was found out that it is technically sound .there has to be no change in software or hardware existing already. It uses simple technical process. Economically this software is much more cost effective Analysis is a detailed study of the various operation performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. A key question is: What must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related systems than the existing one. For operating this software less training is required to the worker and no change employee job status so this is easily operatable through lesser training to the employee Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -4 SOFTWARE DESIGN Waterfall Model This is the most common and classic of life cycle models, also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path and whether or not to continue Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Here these following phases are followed in order: 1. Requirements specification:A Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of the software of the system to be developed. It includes a set of that describe all the interactions the users will have with the software 2. Design:Software design is a process of problem-solving and planning for a solution. After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, will or employ to develop a plan for a solution. It includes lowlevel component and algorithm implementation issues as well as the architectural view. 3. Construction (AKA implementation or coding):In the IT Industry, implementation refers to postsales process of guiding a client from purchase to use of . Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] the software or hardware that was purchased. This includes Requirements Analysis, Scope Analysis, Customizations, Systems Integrations, User Policies, User Training and Delivery. These steps are often overseen by a Project Manager using Project Management Methodologies set forth in the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Software Implementations involve several professionals that are relatively new to the knowledge based economy such as Business Analysts, Technical Analysts, Solution 4. Testing and debugging (AKA Validation):"Debug" redirects here. For the shell command Photo of what is possibly the first real bug, which was debugged in Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a piece of electronic hardware thus making it behave as expected. Debugging tends to be harder when various subsystems are tightly coupled, as changes in one may cause bugs to emerge in another. 5. Installation :Most programs are supplied in a condensed form intended for sale and distribution. In order to be used, Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] they must be 'unpacked' and the relevant information placed correctly on the computer, taking account of variations between computers, and any customized settings required by the user. During installation, various tests are made of system suitability, and the computer is configured to store the relevant files and any necessary settings required for that program to operate correctly. Because the requisite process varies for each program and each computer, many programs (including operating systems) come with a general-purpose or 6. Maintenance:Software maintenance in software engineering is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified Advantages     Simple and easy to use. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. phases are processed and completed once at a time Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -5 CODE COMMENT STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Private Sub Combo3_LostFocus() Text13.Text = Combo1.Text + "/" + Combo2.Text + "/" + Combo3.Text End Sub Private Sub Combo5_Click() If Combo5.Text = "B.A." Then Combo7.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo7.AddItem "GEOGRAPHY" Combo7.AddItem "ENGLISH LITERATURE" Combo7.AddItem "HISTORY" Combo7.AddItem "POLITICAL SCIENCE" Combo7.AddItem "HINDI LITERATURE" Combo7.AddItem "SANSKRIT LITERATURE" Combo7.AddItem "HOME SCIENCE" Combo7.AddItem "SOCIOLOGY" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Combo7.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo7.AddItem "TEXTILE" Combo7.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.A." Then Combo9.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo9.AddItem "GEOGRAPHY" Combo9.AddItem "ENGLISH LITERATURE" Combo9.AddItem "HISTORY" Combo9.AddItem "POLITICAL SCIENCE" Combo9.AddItem "HINDI LITERATURE" Combo9.AddItem "SANSKRIT LITERATURE" Combo9.AddItem "HOME SCIENCE" Combo9.AddItem "SOCIOLOGY" Combo9.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo9.AddItem "TEXTILE" Combo9.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.A." Then Combo8.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo8.AddItem "GEOGRAPHY" Combo8.AddItem "ENGLISH LITERATURE" Combo8.AddItem "HISTORY" Combo8.AddItem "POLITICAL SCIENCE" Combo8.AddItem "HINDI LITERATURE" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Combo8.AddItem "SANSKRIT LITERATURE" Combo8.AddItem "HOME SCIENCE" Combo8.AddItem "SOCIOLOGY" Combo8.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo8.AddItem "TEXTILE" Combo8.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.COM." Then Combo7.AddItem "INCOME TAX" Combo7.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo7.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo7.AddItem "ACCOUNTING" Combo7.AddItem "BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT " Combo7.AddItem "BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT AUDITING" Combo7.AddItem "STATISTICS" Combo7.AddItem "COST ACCOUNTING" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.COM." Then Combo8.AddItem "INCOME TAX" Combo8.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo8.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo8.AddItem "ACCOUNTING" Combo8.AddItem "BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT " Combo8.AddItem "COST ACCOUNTING" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Combo8.AddItem "STATISTICS" Combo8.AddItem "COST ACCOUNTING" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.COM." Then Combo9.AddItem "INCOME TAX" Combo9.AddItem "COMPUTER APPLICATION" Combo9.AddItem "ECONOMICS" Combo9.AddItem "ACCOUNTING" Combo9.AddItem "BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT " Combo9.AddItem "COST ACCOUNTING" Combo9.AddItem "STATISTICS" Combo9.AddItem "COST ACCOUNTING" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.HSC" Then Combo7.AddItem "HOME MANAGEMENT" Combo7.AddItem "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" Combo7.AddItem "TEXTILE DESG" Combo7.AddItem "TOOLS,EQUIPMENTS" Combo7.AddItem "PRACTICE IN FABRI" Combo7.AddItem "FOOD & NUTRITION" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.HSC" Then Combo8.AddItem "HOME MANAGEMENT" Combo8.AddItem "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Combo8.AddItem "TEXTILE DESG" Combo8.AddItem "TOOLS,EQUIPMENTS" Combo8.AddItem "PRACTICE IN FABRI" Combo8.AddItem "FOOD & NUTRITION" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.HSC" Then Combo9.AddItem "HOME MANAGEMENT" Combo9.AddItem "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" Combo9.AddItem "TEXTILE DESG" Combo9.AddItem "TOOLS,EQUIPMENTS" Combo9.AddItem "PRACTICE IN FABRI" Combo9.AddItem "FOOD & NUTRITION" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.HSC" Then Combo10.AddItem "HOME MANAGEMENT" Combo10.AddItem "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" Combo10.AddItem "TEXTILE DESG" Combo10.AddItem "TOOLS,EQUIPMENTS" Combo10.AddItem "PRACTICE IN FABRI" Combo10.AddItem "FOOD & NUTRITION" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.HSC" Then Combo11.AddItem "HOME MANAGEMENT" Combo11.AddItem "HUMAN DEVELOPMENT" Combo11.AddItem "TEXTILE DESG" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Combo11.AddItem "TOOLS,EQUIPMENTS" Combo11.AddItem "PRACTICE IN FABRI" Combo11.AddItem "FOOD & NUTRITION" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.SC." Then Combo7.AddItem "PHYSICS" Combo7.AddItem "MATHS" Combo7.AddItem "COMPUTER" Combo7.AddItem "ELECTRONICS" Combo7.AddItem "CHEMISTRY" Combo7.AddItem "BOTONY" Combo7.AddItem "ZOOLOGY" Combo7.AddItem "BIOTECHNOLOGY" Combo7.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" End If If Combo5.Text = "B.SC." Then Combo8.AddItem "PHYSICS" Combo8.AddItem "MATHS" Combo8.AddItem "COMPUTER" Combo8.AddItem "ELECTRONICS" Combo8.AddItem "CHEMISTRY" Combo8.AddItem "BOTONY" Combo8.AddItem "ZOOLOGY" Combo8.AddItem "BIOTECHNOLOGY" Combo8.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] End If If Combo5.Text = "B.SC." Then Combo9.AddItem "PHYSICS" Combo9.AddItem "MATHS" Combo9.AddItem "COMPUTER" Combo9.AddItem "ELECTRONICS" Combo9.AddItem "CHEMISTRY" Combo9.AddItem "BOTONY" Combo9.AddItem "ZOOLOGY" Combo9.AddItem "BIOTECHNOLOGY" Combo9.AddItem "MILITARY SCIENCE" End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True a: If Err.Number = -2147217842 Then MsgBox "Please Check Student ID", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command10_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("enter the Student Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from StudentMst where StudentId = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh Command10.Visible = False Command12.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click() a = InputBox("Enter the Student Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource "Select *from StudentMst where StudentID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command12_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command13_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command14_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check Student ID", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] a: If Err.Number = -2147217842 Then MsgBox "Pleace Enter the student ID", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "First Record of the Database", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "Last Record of the Database", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "First Record of the Database", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Dim sql As String Dim ask ask = InputBox("Please Enter Student ID", "Student Search") sql = "Select * from StudentMst where StudentID='" & ask & "'" Adodc1.RecordSource = sql Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim sis Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False sis = "STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM" 'For i = 0 To 23 Label17.Caption = sis 'Mid(sis, i + 1, 1) 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True Command12.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'For i = 0 To 23 Col = RGB(225 * Rnd + i, 225 * Rnd + i, Rnd * 225 + i) Label17.ForeColor = Col 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] STUDENT CLASS MASTER Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command2.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All The ID'S" End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command4_Click() a = InputBox("Enter the Student Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from StudentClassMst where StudentDetialID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() a = InputBox("Enter the Student Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from StudentClassMst where StudentDetialID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() On Error GoTo a: Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Dim sis Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False sis = "WEL COME TO STUDENT CLASS MASTER" 'For i = 0 To 23 Label7.Caption = sis 'Mid(sis, i + 1, 1) 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'For i = 0 To 23 Col = RGB(225 * Rnd + i, 225 * Rnd + i, Rnd * 225 + i) Label7.ForeColor = Col 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SUBJECTS DETAIL Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click(): Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "First Record of the Database", vbOKOnly Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Subject Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from Subject where SubjectID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Subject Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from Subject where SubjectID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() Text1.Text = UCase(Text1.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() Text2.Text = UCase(Text2.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() Text3.Text = UCase(Text3.Text) End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SUBJECT TEACHER Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() DataReport2.Show End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Stream Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from SubjectTeacher where SubjectDetailID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Stream Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from SubjectTeacher where SubjectDetailID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command7_Click() Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Dim sis Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False sis = " WELOME TO SUBJECT TEACHER CORNER" 'For i = 0 To 23 Label5.Caption = sis 'Mid(sis, i + 1, 1) Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'For i = 0 To 23 Col = RGB(225 * Rnd + i, 225 * Rnd + i, Rnd * 225 + i) Label5.ForeColor = Col 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SECTION FORM Private Sub Command1_Click() Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Adodc1.Refresh Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() On Error GoTo a: Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Section ID which you want to search") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from SectionMst Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] where SectionID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Section Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from SectionMst where SectionID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'For i = 0 To 23 Col = RGB(225 * Rnd + i, 225 * Rnd + i, Rnd * 225 + i) Label17.ForeColor = Col 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] EMPLOYEE FORM Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.AddNew Command1.Enabled = False Command2.Enabled = True a: If Err.Number = -2147217842 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command10_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Employee Id which you want to search") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from EMP where EmpID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Command11_Click() Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.Update MsgBox "Record Updatation Successfully!!!" Command1.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "Please Check All ID's", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student..." End If End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst a: If Err.Number = -2147217842 Then MsgBox "No more record exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command4_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MovePrevious a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "No more record exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveNext a: If Err.Number = 3021 Then MsgBox "No more record exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() On Error GoTo a: Adodc1.Recordset.MoveLast a: Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] If Err.Number = -2147217842 Then MsgBox "No more record exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() On Error GoTo a: Dim res res = MsgBox("Are You Sure Do You Want To Delete", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete...") If res = vbYes Then Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Adodc1.Recordset.MoveFirst End If a: If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then MsgBox "No more record exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Student" End If End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() DataReport1.Show End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub Command9_Click() Dim a a = InputBox("Enter the Employee Id to be Modify") Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select *from EMP where EmpID = '" & a & "'" Adodc1.Refresh End Sub Private Sub DTPicker1_Change() Text9.Text = DTPicker1.Value End Sub Private Sub DTPicker2_Change() Text10.Text = DTPicker2.Value End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False Dim sis Command1.Enabled = True Command2.Enabled = False sis = "WELCOME TO EMPLOYEE MASTER" Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] 'For i = 0 To 23 Label13.Caption = sis 'Mid(sis, i + 1, 1) 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() Text2.Text = UCase(Text2.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() Text3.Text = UCase(Text3.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text4_Change() Text4.Text = UCase(Text4.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text6_Change() Text6.Text = UCase(Text6.Text) End Sub Private Sub Text7_Change() Text7.Text = UCase(Text7.Text) Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] End Sub Private Sub Text8_Change() Text8.Text = UCase(Text8.Text) End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Col = RGB(225 * Rnd + i, 225 * Rnd + i, Rnd * 225 + i) Label13.ForeColor = Col 'Next Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] LOGIN FORM Option Explicit Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() 'set the global var to false 'to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 'check for correct password If txtPassword = "9977941154" And txtUserName = "MOHAMMAD KAMAL" Then MDIForm1.Show 'place code to here to pass the 'success to the calling sub 'setting a global var is the easiest LoginSucceeded = True Me.Hide Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Else MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] MDI FORM Private Sub mnuclasstecher_Click() Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuabt_Click() frmAbout.Show End Sub Private Sub mnucas_Click() Me.Arrange (vbCascade) End Sub Private Sub mnuClssSemMst_Click() Form5.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuclsstecher_Click() Form4.Show End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Private Sub mnuemp_Click() Form7.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuexit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub mnuhori_Click() Me.Arrange (vbHorizontal) End Sub Private Sub mnuIcon_Click() Me.Arrange (vbArrangeIcons) End Sub Private Sub mnuSec_Click() Form6.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuStdClssMst_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub mnustdmst_Click() Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Form1.Show End Sub Private Sub mnuSubMst_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub Picture1_Click() End Sub Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -6 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE CHARACTERISTICS OF LANGUAGE, PLATFORM AND TOOL USED We have two tools are used first is front-end like VISUAL BASIC and second is back end like MS ACESS. We have two technology are used in the project and not additional technology are used. VISUAL BASIC (LIKE AS THE FRONT END)    Visual development of graphical user interface which are easy to use and easy to learn A programmer need not write code to display the required component The visual programming in environment displays a list of available component. The programmer picks up the required component from this list to displayed Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected]     There is no restriction on the number of control that can be placed form. The programmer can create the user interface visually, he can align, moved. Or size the component us required without having to resort the writing code The interface components provided by the visual programming environment have some code built into them For example, a button ‘knows‘ when it has been clicked upon .in the case of conventional programming tool, the programmer has to write code to determines the component that has been clicked and then execute the appropriate code. Evaluating these features of VISUAL BASIC in .NET technology, we find visual is to be the best tool us the front end. MS ACESS (like a back end)  If you develop your database into an application for other to use, there are many features you can use to help user navigate Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected]   through your database and to keep them where you want them to be. You can manage the tool bar and menus that come with access as well as create your own. On forms and reports, each time user perform and action; an event occurs .you can program responses to these event. The response to an event can be either a macro procedure (also called code). We can also create code for general use throughout access. FEATURES: 1.Portable 2.Easy to install 3.Easy to making table 4.Flexible Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -7 KNOWLEDGE PREPARATIONS First we saw the what is genuine requirement of college management and we find that college management deal with student, employees and faculty members. We are developed our project COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM so we analysis of our project requirement. First we have gone to our Administrative staff and discuss with Admin of our project. They gave more advice to update our project. They help to solve our problem. First we suggest creating all necessary tables and chose their fields as a professionals or standard formats. They describe the data, which will be store in data base they help us to make all tables as per requires. Secondly we create or design the form according our tables Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -8 SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATION In the context computer based system (and software), the term specification means different people. A specifications be written document a set of graphical model, a formal mathematical model, a collection of usage of scenarios, a prototype and any combination of these. Some suggest any standard template should be developed and used for a specification arguing that is lead to requirement that are presented in a consistent and therefore more a understandable manner. However it is some time necessary to remain flexible when is specifications to be developed .for large system, a written document, combining natural language description and graphical model may be the best approach may be all that are required for small product Or system that with in well user stood technical environment. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -9 GLOSSARY IDE - integrated development environment VB - Visual Basic LOGIN This is a first page of our project, this page is only for system administration of organization. The person who is authorized for accessing the project Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] HOME PAGE:This is a page that is called master page. This is main window for opening the process of project such as creating new Student information; calculate salary or creating a new admin account or logout in Project. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] STUDENT MASTER: Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] EMPLOYEE FORM Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SECTION MASTER FORM Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SUBJECT TEACHER CORNER FORM Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] SUBJECT DETAIL FORM Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] FORM IN CASCADE MODE Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] FORM IN HORIZONTAL MODE Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] ABOUT US Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Microsoft Visual Basic Anderson, Tim: Visual Basic in Easy Steps Computer Step, Warwickshire UK ISBN 1-840780 2 9 0 (This is a well explained introduction to Visual basic) Walnum, Clayton: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Visual Basic 6 Que Indiana 1999 ISBN 7897-1812X (A good general introductory book. Includes a copy of Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Working Model on CD-ROM) Wang, Wallace: Visual Basic 5 for Windows for Dummies IDG Books Indiana ISBN 0-7645-0122-4 (A good introductory book with disk of examples) Gurewich, Nathan: Teach Yourself Visual Basic 5 in 21 Days. SAMS Indiana ISBN 0-672-30978-5 Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] Basic. One would have to work hard to complete the book in the time) Greg Perry: Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 in 21 Days SAMS Indiana ISBN 0-672-31310-3 (Difficult book) Microsoft Access  Ashish, D. 2000. "The Access Web - Welcome". (Designed to help Microsoft Access developers find answers for some common questions; includes pointers to other sites and a list of bugs.) Ashish, D. 2000. "Netiquette". http:// (Rules for posting on   (Main newsgroup on Microsoft Access: very prolific.) Google. 2001. "Google Search: comp.databases.msaccess". Available: groups?oi=djq&as_ugroup=comp.databases .msaccess Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] (Archive of, organized into threads sorted by most recent posting.) Microsoft Corporation. 2001. "Microsoft Office Access Home Page". office/access/default.htm. (Details about Access, tips and tricks, information on both Access 2000  Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] CHAPTER: -11 THE CONCLUSION “College Management System” making sense of all really meant to make us aware of data scattered around our college. It was really a hectic job to retrieve Information from a System where in fact information is very much redundant & inconsistent. The most of the job were done on paper, moreover most of the job not even on papers, only manual dealing was there. It was really amazing to tell our client that… “Information is Power” And finally we have the long awaited Software in hand.This project has been an attempt to fully manage a project using scientific project management techniques to ensure success. The success and the manner of project implementation is a clear indication about how much good management techniques can influence the success of any project. This project is a practical example of Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected] display of skills and capabilities of the project team members to employ modern techniques of project management and develop a successful system. Information systems, now a days, have become the success factor for any kind of Organization. It has been integrated into the daily functioning of Organizations and help in operational, functional and managerial decision making in these Organizations. is not only expedites the whole process but also accounts for accuracy and efficiency of the system. Thus, it’s been an attempt to make it more reliable and also versatile. Prepared by Mohammad kamal E-mail:[email protected]


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