Sketchy Micro Cards

June 26, 2018 | Author: PhuongUyen Nguyen | Category: Tuberculosis, Streptococcus, Microbiology, Public Health, Diseases And Disorders
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ACTINOMYCES ISRAELIIIsraeli soldier. G(+) branching filamentous rod (tree branches). obligate anaerobe mask. natural flora in mouth - jaw trauma (jaw wrap) starts as painless lump then invades as sinus tracts drain through skin(drain) with sulfur yellow granules (yellow rocks). Tx is penicillin pencil. BACILLUS ANTHRAXIS G(+) rod, King Anthra's AX. Standing in a black eschar with erythematous ring. Large bacilli in 'boxcar like' chains - chain of boats. Encapsulated in armor - unique features of the capsule is made of poly D protein and so is the leather armor. Obligate aerobe - air bellow. Forms spores - walnuts. two toxins: lethal factor (exotoxin, cleaves map kinase, tissue necrosis - black eschar) and edema factor shield (increases cAMP, tents). Wool sorters disease from spores - sheep. Ax: pulmonary hemorrhage - on imaging looks like widenened mediastinum - wide mast on ship. Tx is flouroquinolone (flower), next is doxycycline (cycling). BACILLUS CERUS G(+) rod, also spore forming - walnuts. reheating rice over fire and vomiting - food poisoning. BARTONELLA HENSLAE cat scratch fever, BART the leopard. G(-) but visualized on wartharin starry silver stain (starry night painting). Cat scratch fever causes swelling of lymph nodes (she has lymph nodes balling in her pits) and this happens in immune compotent people. In immunecompromised you get bacillary angiomatoses (cane) with raised red vascular lesions all over skin (spotted robe) hard to tell this from Kaposis sarcoma, do starry silver stain. Tx is doxyCYCLINE wheel, maCROWlides can also be used. BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS G(-)coccobacilli. staying in a BOaRDing house. highly contagious, attaches to mucosa by fimbrae hemagglutanin pilli (streamers). Persussis toxin riBOWsilates Gi (GI in a bow, it disables the inhibitor) and it increases cAMP (camp outside). Doesn't invade and causes massive lymphocytosis, popcorn WBCs. Adenylyl cylcase toxin acts like AC and causes an increase in cAMP, also (the same way EF toxin in anthrax did, sheild is on the wall). Tracheal toxin damages ciliated cells in resp tract (tracheal tractor mowing grass). in Catarhal stage cunjuctiva injection and lacrimation, paroxysmal stage is coughing with whooping, then convalescent stage is gradual reduction in syptoms. Used to be called the 100 day cough b/c it lasts so long. Tx is maCROWlides. Acellular (cell) vaccine is purified antigens of the bacteria and is given as dtap (diptheria and tetanus also included). (ps: Bordet Genu medium, may cause seizure or hearing loss, charcoal blood agar, can tx before paroxysmal stage, not after. spreads by resp droplets) element body (infective pearls) and reticulocyte bodies to multiply by binary fission (Elementary Enters. Dx by NAAT (nucleic acid amplification. Mustache is comma shaped like the bacteria. Fire is thermophilic. It is facultative intracellular. reacting by knee slap is reactive arthritis. Obligate intracellular b/c can't make its own ATP (stuck on island). in chronic cases it can cause osteomyelitis.seperate species for cows and pigs and goats. the obligatory host is the white tailed deer where adult tick lives.BORRELIA BURGDORFERI Spirocheetes. prefers to grow at 42 degrees. sausage links are neurons with myelin.later presentation may require cefTRIAXone. both STAPH SAPRO and EPIDERMIDIS catalase (+). 3rd is migratory arthritis of large joints (arrow in moving target's knee) and some subtle CNS effects like encephalopathy (arrow in head). Tx tetraCYCLINE wind mill and RIFAmpin (rifampin for the sick person here. PCR) (gNAAT). Tx doxyCYCLING unicycle .bear cub invading cooler. larvae feeds on white foot mouse and is the resorvoir. lack of staining with gram stain (white islands). Tx is maCROWlides or tetroCYCLINE bicycle wheel of captains wheel. transmitted by ixodes scapulares tick (robin of ixides archer). Starts with non- specific undulant (hills) fever chills anorexia (farmer unwell). resorvoir is farm animals .all in green for Lyme disease. slaughterhouse. can prevent phagolysozome fusion and live in macrophage (open barn door). Giemsa stain (gems in chest) to visualize. No muramic acid in cell wall peptidoglycans (no mermaids). This is big enough to see on light microscopy . blue ring of oxidase (+). likely rancher. GI tract of chickens is #1 source (chicken roast). urease (+) (ammonia spray bottle). Invasive and you can get bacteremia from it .1st is bulls eye rash with fever (embarresed his arrow was split). Sausage link around leg is guillane barre - demyelination of peripheral nerves causing ascendign paralysis. milk consumer. Tick is vector. not for contacts). CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI G(-) comma shaped. Reticulocyte Replicates). farmer. G(-). b/c it can live in macrophages it can move all over reticuloendothelial system . Coag (-) jello is not clotted BRUCELLA BRUCE farms.wright or giemsa stain (sir wright and sir giemsa) . bloody diarrhea red stools. Lyme disease: 3 stages . and lymph nodes (spots on cows). 2nd is heart block from myocarditis and a bilateral facial palsy (bells). characteristics shared by CHLAMIDIA and CHLAMIDOPHILA pirates of clam island. common in NE usa.enlargement of spleen. Often co infected with gonorrhea (wearing MAC the private eye's hat and needs to be treated with ceftriaxone for it) . guy and bears=guillane barre. liver. camping=campylobacter. STI: watery discharge . Oral vancomycin (to get into gut) or the metronidazole train. D-K= STI. PID flag. . not the whole kid the shoe came off of). CHLAMIDOPHILA PNEUMONIAE causes atypical (walking penumonia) in elderly . not the bacteria (shoe. limp robots . the one falling is arthritis (can't see.shared food). most commonly reported STI in usa.most common way to get it (may be a group of campers presenting or a family . brush. TRACHOMA is #1 cause of blindness worldwide .leak in ship. pee. chocolate) and B depolimerization of actin rods pseudomembranous colitis (Black licorice. LGV: STI. painless genital ulcer and becomes lymphadenopathy. or climb a tree). obligate anaerobe gas mask. pet store owners. only affects peripheral nerves not CNS b/c doesn't cross BBB. floppy Robot baby (babies get it from eating spores and they are able to out compete their gut flora and flourish in gut and make toxin) from nuts in the oil (spores in honey).G(+) rod. CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE purple tones for G(+) rod. captain. Check for the toxin in the stool. Walnuts spore forming. yellow membrane). robots made of cans . nenonatal conjunctivitis or pneumonia (covering eyes slowly starts day 7 and clam bra of lung with stocatto cough with short pursts).descending flaccid paralysis. spore forming mechanical nuts. licorice rods getting eaten by kid.CHLAMIDIA TRACHOMATIS A-C= blindness. bird owner CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM mermaid clambshell bra with algae CHLAMYDOPHILA PSITTACI from birds. Reiter's reactive arthritis (knee slap) in knee or in sacroiliac joint. one monkey is holding scope backwards for uveitis. barnacles around lymph nodes. L1-L3= LGV. Spore forming walnuts. goes retrograde TO motor neurons to spinal cord to cleave (protease scissors) snare (trap) protein and inhibits release of AcH (black ACh battery). transmitted by hand to eye contact. obligate anaerobe gas mask. one monkey is landing weird can't pee for urethritis. droopy eyelids ptosis. purple tones .double eye patches. Exotoxins A in brush border cause diarrhea(Apple. ovoid balls are coccobacili.often treat multidrug bugs with carbapenem. Treat gas gangrene with penecillin G pencil. Spore forming walnuts live in dirt.. from alpha flag and phospholipid shaped clothes pins) and Lecithinase lyses RBCs (squashed tomatos) so well that on blood agar plated in anaerobic environment it makes a double zone of hemolysis (double fine zone). Rhesus=to grin.coli is the leading cause of sepsis by endotoxin LPS in outer membrane like all G(-). light pink for weakly G(-) with giemsa. . CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI purple tones for G(+). lives in dirt (pots) gets into body through puncture wounds (rusty nails). tennis racket shaped (rod). Vaccine is toxoid: toxin stuck onto a protein (syringe of vaccine by toxin). Sardonicus = evil is evil smiling monkey.obligate intracellular. G(-) Rods. pink colonies on mackonkey agar (pink milk). tetanospasmin is the protease that causes symptoms. (all are nitrite (+)) common features of ESCHERICHIA COLIs e-colas=e. Obligate anaerobe gas mask. Spore forming walnuts. baby reaching for K cake. All three ferment lactose. deep penetrating wounds to get it in (motrocycle crashes and war wounds.CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS G(+) rod.serratia does it slowly so sometimes it shows up (-) on test but stands out by making a red pigment (it is also the red ring in your tub when you don't clean it. Cause pneumonia (oxygen mask) and UTIs (catheter bag). white b/c don't take up G stain even though commonly considered G(-). pink colonies on mackonkey agar (pink milk). e. They can't make NAD or CoA and need it from host. prodrome is headache and fever and vasculitis (broken capillary bed net) and rash... Opisthonos monkey in back.. Late onset food poisoning from eating spores that have to germinate and proliferate and then produce - slow onset is slow sign on his diarrhea . Catalase (+) cat. hence the crash in WWII era). gas gangrene from alpha toxin that cleaves phospholipids (clostridial myonecrosis. Spastic paralysis. obligate anaerobe mask.. Milkshake is strawberry for sepsis. common features of ENTEROBACTER CLOACAE. Weil Felix test agglutinin is rarely used screening test. gas rising from antibiotics needed for this food poisoning. Important types of nosocomial infections (hospital) and therefore have multidrug resistance (pills on floor). SERRATIA MARISCHINUS (like the cherry). ferment lactose. Metallic green sheen on EMB agar (green plates). lockjaw. it is the #1 cause of UTI (#1 cup). KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE. Baby with meningitis hat which only happens when K antigen (+).coli. ew). Encapsulated (glass capsule) with K antigen on the capsule which is used for serotyping (K cake). common features of RICKETTSIA spp tennis match in a stadium . Tx doxyCYCLINE (rickets tires and wheel on ball cart). red G(-). Fimbrae aid in the ability to cause UTI (long red bow). goes retrograde THROUGH motor neurons TO spinal cord to cleave (protease scissors) snare (trap) protein and inhibits release of GABA and glycein (G+G) inhibitory neurotransmitters from renshaw cells (wrench/saw).. Private Fringens. spreads by respiratory droplets ( bull spitting). Dx by growth on tellurite and loffleurs medias (TELEvision and kid LAUGHing). elongation is guy with accordian). acid labile. high pitched voice) COXELLA BURNETTI causes Q fever .this is Qt the ram.. motile (flopping tail). Flying=motile. resp droplets. non motile. H2S (+).. Tx: amoxacillin and clavulanic acid ENTEROBACTER CLOACAE ENTERODACTYL. normal morexella catarhalis flora. (ps: described as chinese letter arrangement. not being sprayed with it. Aerosal transmission (dust cloud) to transmit. red G(-).common features of SALMONELLA G(-) Rod. transmitted by spores in animal droppings and dirt (spore walnut). Swelling of lymph nodes in neck cause thick neck termed 'bulls neck' . Self-limiting. . G(+) purple. as all enterobacter motile bacteria are .. placentas. B site is for binding. Vaccines prevent it. A and B exotoxin A inhibits ribosome function by preventing elongation by elongation factor by ribosilating it (rBOWsiltating.. hit head. diplococci.a toxoid vaccine that makes an IgG means it grows black colonies on hecto and agar plate (black plate). leads to cell death and grey pseudomembrane (grey cotton candy in plastic wrap). curly q rash (Q fever). URIs. black colonies on tellurite. CORYNEBACTERIUM DIPTHERIA heart=corazon=coryne. 20% ear infect G(-). not vaccinated abroad . Obligate intracellular (inside with lock). Vetrinarians and farmers. Facultative intracellular within macrophages (cages seen later). Symptoms: pneumonia and headache and fever (sweating. Urease (-). so if you are on PPIs you are more susceptible to infection (lemon/acid). Encapsulated by glass. carried by a phage. scraping pseudomembranes can cause bleeding. coughing) with hepatitis (cow with liver spot). White b/c no rash. clup shaped rods (morrocas) with metachromatic dye (blue and red stripe) lying in z or x pattern (zig zag). easily degraded in stomach and need a ton to cause infection. Also can cause neural deficits exp in oropharynxy by demyelinating nerves (guy shoving sausages down throat). Can lead to myocarditis including heart block and cardiomyopathy (heart sheet). Tx is antitoxin and maybe penicillin. Test for toxin by Elek test (licking bull). heat labile toxin increases cAMP. get ulcer at bite site (hole).coli that does not ferment sorbitol (soda is sorbitol free). trees is biliary tree.) ENTEROHEMORRHAGIC E.but you can use the police LINEzolid or tigecycline. this can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) a week after diarrhea.5%NaCl (resist the 6. ETEC. ENTEROTOXOGENIC E. Treat it with KOH for (+) whiff test. clue cells. rabbits are main resorvoir. dermacentor ticks are common vectors. is a watery diarrhea .5). greyish white vaginal discharge coming out of vulva-like venus fly trap.COLI. bacteria enter. Bile resistant boots. Dangerous nosocomial infection is VRE vancomycin resistant enterococci . EHEC is the only e. Low platelet count. commonly contracted by drinking water in Mexico. Stabile=cGmp). travelers Travel=truck. enters macrophages and go through lymph (radishes deep down tunnel). efaecium). efaecium) G(+) cocciStop the FEES.5 but here it is more like 5-6pH. Grows in 6.ENTEROCOCCUS (efaecalis. .coccobacilli G(-). Tick guy on stool with water. causing caseating necrosis (rotting in center of radish pile) causing regional lymphadenopathy (mounds). CALIFornia caucus (efaecalis. causes bloody diarrhea (ketchup and red stool). 'Do U heart trees': U is UTIs.if you have it.mandatory reporting. Tx is aminogligoTSIdes GARDERELLA VAGINOSIS fish odor at fish market. Where they aggregate they lyse RBCs creating hemolysis and helmet cells (popping RBC balloon). Should be pH below 4. heart is endocarditis. check for colon cancer.purple and red grafitti. heat stabile toxin increases cGMP (the sign: Labile=cAmp. FRANCICELLIS TULARENIA rabbit named FRANCIS. G(variable)rod . Facultative intracellular. It could be aeresolized and used for bioterrorism . Shigga like toxin causes endothlial damage including in glomerulous of kidney (glomerulous straw) and waste of platelets (basket of plates) by damaging endothelium and causing platelet aggregation. (side note: This is the artist formerly known as Group D strep. Shigga-like toxin affects 60S ribosome like shigga toxin did (she-gorilla happy meal toy). Strep bovis is also Group D strep but is bile and salt sensitive .resisting vanco van . Tx is metronidazole METRO. Normal flora is lactobacilli and if off balance you get less lactobacilli and more Gardnerella. water druck b/c transmitted by water. is gamma hemolytic. He loves radishes . EHEC Most commonly transmitted by undercooked meat.. The serotype most likely to cause EHEC is 0157:H7 antigen (price sign). thin. encapsulated. lives in water) LEPTOSPIRA INTERROGANS the tropics are a SURfers OASis=leptoSpIRa interOgAnS. Pilot cleaning window with Urease (+) spray bottle (it splits ammonia into urease and CO2 to reduce acidity and live in the stomach).commonly confused with TB. cherry-red (cherry on ice cream) Epiglottitis (inspiratory stridor and drooling .HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE Phyllis's candy shop=haemoPHILUS. Found in rodents and dogs and excreted in urine (animal urine) and we get it in water (surfer). Pontiac fever is the old pontiac steaming. Aerosol transmission. maCROWlide specifically CLEARithromycin) KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE KLEB-tailed dino. immobile. (ps: (+)quellung. Weils disease (whale) in its most worst form . Grown on chocolate agar with factors 10 (hemaTEN cents) and 5 (NAD. has pilli. Urease (+) ammonia is being sprayed just at this one. 5cents. G(-) red. In pts with splenectomy and sickle cell (kids with sickles). G(-) but use silver stain to visualize. Coccobacilli giant candy machine has this shape candy. Motile by flagella (propeller). Urease breath test and testing for urease on gastric biopsy. latex agglutination.meningitis or systemic is cefTRIAXone with rifampin for close contacts (kid with rifle).kid with visible epiglottis) and otitis media (kid plugging ears). Aspiration. on x ray is patchy infiltrate wsith consolidation in one lobe (blue print x ray). Ammo Amoxicillin. spirochete and may be described as question mark shaped. Tx with flowerquinolones (flower) or maCROWlides. helicobacter helicopter. N of NAD is NICKAtinomide is NICKEL). polyribitol capsule (PRP)) HELICOBACTER PYLORI G(-) comma shaped. hyponatremia (losing salt) neuro symptoms include headache and confusion (sailor holding head) and diarrhea (diarrhea pain on the sailor). Oxidase (+) blue ring. LPS. Legionairres is more deadly than Pontiac. mucoid colonies) LEGIONELLA Silver stain on ship. Labs include rapid urine antigen test (sailor peeing in water). Meningitis (meningitis hat) only when it is the type B strain of capsule (bee on glass capsule). Xray shows cavitary lesion . Stuff on shell of back is polysaccharide capsule. IgA protease. (ps: facultative intracellular. Tx is beta lactam antibiotic . atypical pneumonmia. three spikes with As: Alcoholics. Mustache of curved rod-ness. Abscesses. Vaccine covers B antigen (space syringe gun) made of polysaccharide of capsule piece attached to diphtheria toxoid (sugar DIPped cherry sign) to increase strong IgG response . Tx is triple therapy (PPI H+ bomb squishing gas line. early sign is flu and fever and conjunctival redness with no puss (rosey sunglasses). Agar is buffered coal with cystein and iron (sscystein with coal piles and iron anchor).goes through body in blood (RBCs intertubes) and causes renal damage (rubber dingy shaped like a kidney) and jaundice (yellow suit).best time to vaccinate is between 2-18 months (cost of cherries). more common in smokers. Oxidase (+) blue ring. Causes duodenal ulcers (bullet holes). High fever on diarrhea guy. currant jelly sputum. (ps: (+)quellung rxn. . adenocarcenoma of the stomach (crab is astrological sign for cancer) or MALToma (mucous associated lymphoid tissue (wipes mucous off windows with tissues and tosses them to garbage). endemic in tropical regions. sterols (in goal). Tx of Th1 type requires dapsone (deputy) and rifampin (rifle) for 6 months. Obligate aerobe bellow. (+)lepromin test means (+) leprosy and their body can fight it correctly. chocolate agar. CNS involvement with possible cavitary lesions. Cultures really slowly on Lowenstein Jensen media (Store name). ice and snow b/c grows well in colder environment (finger tips). Tx is Rifampin Isoniazid. Caseating granulomas (broken cart full of TUBERculsos potatos).here the mother is covering the babies eyes quickly). NISSERIA GONNORHEA At Gonzo's night club. adhesions to liver. lump by kid is (+)PPD test which can also happen from BCG vaccine made from attenuated mycobacterium bovis. MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE fuschia on acid fast stain with carbol fuschin (fuschia gun).demarcated hairless skin cap) vs lepromatoid response in cell 2. Sulfatides are also a virulence factor and they allow TB to live in macrophages by preventing lysozome fusion (spurs are sulfatides. Reservoir is armadillo named Hansen - Hansen's disease. Dx by cold IgM agglutanin (snow flakes) about 2 weeks into infection which can lead to RBC lysis (pucks). In kids. they are called violin strings (FHC band and violinist crushed). Tassles with two tails look like mycolic acid which is what stains fuschia. Pyrazinide and Ethambutol (RIPE taters).LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES santa's LIST=LISTeria. orchitis. Pregos are most likely to get it . Lives in cold temps so is found in unpasteurized milk and early prego it aborts. If it spreads to the peritoneum is called Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome. females: PID (lamp is uterus with tubes and candles are inflammation. thayer martin. Tuberculoid response is cell 1 Th1 cells contain it in macrophages and (causes well. atypical pneumonia . in late prego it causes meningits in newborn (meningitis helmet. Flirting with the lady at the bar (STD). Tassles with two tails look like mycolic acid which is what stains fuschia. cracked knee of statue is septic arthritis. and it makes them take on a serpantine shape (rope). PMN (chairs with two pillows are diplococci in a PMN).lion facies.. VPN. gun is acid fastest draw in the west. Tx is AMPicillin (amp). males: Urethritis. G(-) diplococci.. Miliary TB is diffuse infection (Millet spilling all over). candle wax is white purulent discharge . . narrow zone of hemolysis=beta hemolytic bulb. catalase (+) cat. Th2 type is both of those plus CLOFazamine cloth (white cloth) for 2-5 years. usually in immune compromised b/c of decrease in TNFalpha and decreased inflammation and dissolving the ghon complex (TNF keg).no cell wall. primary infection often resolves to become latent infection with fibrosis (kid sleeping in fibrous purlap sack) if you want to start a pt on a TNF inhibitor like TNF alpha you should give them a PPD first. Tx maCROWlides. MAC is here to remind us of common features (IgA protease. clouds behind him are phagosomes and lysozomes floating around)..scroffula if in lymph nodes) MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE No walls .in this form you get symmetric neropathy instocking glove pattern and lesions all over but esp extensor surfaces and extremities . common in MAC deficient people. Esp seen in young adults in areas of close contact (like military). gun is acid fastest draw in the west. cholesterol in cell membrane. Transmitted by resp droplets and lives in macrophages (macrophage cage). MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS fuschia on acid fast stain with carbol fuschin (fuschia gun). doesn't gram stain. facultative intracellular . infection not contained (prisoner breaking out) . patchy infiltrate.walking pneuonia (ref is walking) so Xray looks worse than pt looks. potentially deadly (skull). Cord factor a glycolipid protects bacteria from being destroyed by increasing TNF alpha and activate macrophages to make a granuloma. fimbrae demonstrate antigenic variation). Tx: cefTRIAXone for gon and azithro/doxycycline for chlamydia coinfection assumption (clam-shaped napkins). Prophylaxis for latent TB is Rifampin and Isoniazid for 9 months. Oxidase (+). When TB infects spinal column is called pots disease (pots). They like to invade pollymorphonuclear lymphocytes. 3rd most common cause). Broken glass = no capsule.motile extracellularly by tumbling (G(+) rods tumbling down tree) and intracellularly it travels by actin rockets (rocket in sack). Ghon complex is lower lobe with some hilar lymph nodes calcified (cactus and gun ghon store). Reactivation in 5-10% of latent pts. In cell 2 there are Th2 cells as prominant response in blood. (ps: acid fast=ziehl nelson stain. patchy collection of clouds. prostatitis. Eaton's agar (eat on ice sign).thicker more prurulent than in chlamydia).profound facial deformity . If prego gives it to baby: purulent conjunctivitis in first five days of life (chlamydia is usually delayed and starts around 7 days . G(-). Grows on chocolate agar (cooked blood) and on VPN aka Thayer Martin (VPN is Vice city Private Nvestigator. G(-) comma shaped. fimbrae demonstrate antigenic variation). staghorn helmet for staghorn calculi. Tx is penicillin pencil with beta lactamase inhibitor. peripheral vascular is vasoconstricted in hypovolemic shock. PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA Louis PASTEUR's lab . pneumonia like symptoms). Empiric Tx is 3rd gen cephalosporin that can penetrate BBB like ceftriaxone(firefighter with three axes). Syringes in glass (vaccines contain polysaccharide capsule from bacteria) containers (polysaccharide capsule inhibits phagocytosis). VPN.NISSERIA MENINGITIDIS easily spread in close quarters (dorms). Urease (+) ammonia bottle.labradore retreiver. chocolate agar. the carpets get soaked (petichial rash is an indicator of thrombocytopenia . catalase (+) cat. lives in dirt. (ps: white colonies on agar) . thayer martin. Oxidase (+) blue ring. Tx is with sulferic sulfonamide eggs. Octopus for swarming motility when plated. Symptoms include CNS (hole in hat. Dog bite is causing cellulitis. Oxidase (+) blue ring. so most infections are type B strain). G(-) diplococci red handcuffs. especially affects immune compromised (cane).indicator that it may become DIC) so his boxers are also spotted. ischemic adrenals is called Waterhouse-Freidrichson syndrome (waterhouse outside of window).. Catalase (+) cat. Grows well on 5% sheep blood agar. skin (erythematous indurated cow chaps). Prophylaxis for the close contacts is rafampin (rifampin rifle for friends). Oxidase (+). red G(-). then it spreads by blood and causes major inflammatory response by LOS proteins (lipooligosaccharides) transmitted by respiratory droplets. asstd with UTIs (guy urinating). fishy odor (fish). pulmonary (coughing. bacteria make so much LOS protein that it outgrows the envelope of the bacteria and blebs off to cause massive inflammation (burning envelopes). gun is acid fastest draw in the west. Ferments MALTose (inspecting MALT liquor). G(-) diplococci. Flag with sickle and hammer (sickle cells pts and asplenic pts at higher risk b/c of capsule). or ampicillin). C5-9).. is fuschia on acid fast stain with carbol fuschin (fuschia gun). making an alkali environment to allow PPT of struvite stones (throwing a stone). PROTEUS MIRABILIS proteus is the god of the sea. brain abscesses). Bipolar staining (safety pin). it makes an IgA protease so it can live along mucous membranes (IgAce in hat). Tassles with two tails look like mycolic acid which is what stains fuschia. sprinkler shocked the kid (capillary leakage leading to shock). Q tip swab is nasopharynx is first where it grows in the body. could become necrotizing faciitis or osteomyelitis (fish bones). NISSERIA overview NOIR SERIES-NI SSERIa. MAC is here to remind us of common features (IgA protease. common transmission from dog and cat bites. Virulence is pillus genetic rearrangement so is hard for immune response to target (multicolored watch chains). Polymyxinand Nystatin). stars thayer martin and MAC (pts with MAC deficiency especially at risk. Tx sulferie sulfonamide eggs (or TMP SMX. B has no syringe (type B is not included in vaccine. This leads to massive exudation and hypovolemia (sprinklers). NOCARDIA G(+) branching filamentous rod (tree branches). Glass case is encapsulated. has Vancomycin. Oblgate aerobe bellow. Urease (+) enables it to make the stones. common in MAC deficient people. This is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in pts with sickle cell. makes a blue-green pigment when growing. Tx doxyCYCLINE (rickets tires and wheel on ball cart). Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. elastase. seagull with sickle and bony fish face. not from poop of the bug in the bite. white b/c don't take up G stain even though commonly considered G(-). prodrome is headache and fever and vasculitis (broken capillary bed net) and rash. Glass candy jar: encapsulated. Tx is pipercillin with tazobactam (piper suitor). Incubation 2-14 days. They can't make NAD or CoA and need it from host. Osteomyelitis (fish bones) in IV drug users (mortar and pestle) and diabetics (candy).echthymic gangrenosum (dalmation). flagella motile. light pink for weakly G(-) with giemsa. Causes epidemic typhus (play name outbreak).she is a nurse (nosocomial pneumonia infection) and will also empty the chamber pot (UTIs from catheters). ovoid balls are coccobacili. red spots are rose spots macules on belly pts get. Tx is with flouroquinolone flower. Typhoid Mary was a cook and the seagull is wearing an apron. Can also cause ear infection of outer ear (maid with ear trumpet). in a stadium . flame. SALMONELLA ENTERITIDIS chicken = undercooked chicken. They can't make NAD or CoA and need it from host. If it gets systemic. rash starts on ankles and wrists and moves medial. G(-) rod. Weil Felix test agglutinin is rarely used screening test. May also use aminoglycosides (the tsi) or fluoroquinolones (flower). Grows in water like hot tubs. Oxidase (+) blue ring. .obligate intracellular. players in red except for head/hand/feet where rash isn't. white b/c don't take up G stain even though commonly considered G(-). Obligate aerobe bellow. elongation is guy with accordian).Live attenuated vaccine. Catalase (+) cat. Facultative intracellular within macrophages (cage in next scene). Type III secretion system. Resp failure in CF (maid coughing and pouring Cl in water) . pea soup diarrhea is what pt diarrhea looks like. Catalase (+) organisms put chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) pts at risk. Tx doxyCYCLINE (rickets tires). fruity grape-like odor. fluorescent under UV) RICKETSIA PROWAZEKII PROball PROazekii. inflammatory diarrhea. Weil Felix test agglutinin is rarely used screening test. headache fever and myalgias.PSEUDOMONAS pseudo mona lisa has suitors. prodrome is headache and fever and vasculitis (broken capillary bed net) and rash. ovoid balls are coccobacili. comes from pyocyanin and pyoverdin. it can get back out to the skin and cause cutaneous necrosis . Spread by dermacenter tick bite. (ps: grows at 42 degrees. Coach is kinda military where this is more likely to spread. carried by a phage. SALMONELLA TYPHI harbored in GULLbladder. light pink for weakly G(-) with giemsa. Green suitor is exotoxin A inhibits ribosome function by preventing elongation by elongation factor by ribosilating it (rBOWsiltating. protein detects eukaryotes and secretes a protein that helps with infectivity (secretion=baster). Pseudomonas pts also in burn pts (maid on fire). Play shows rash moves from middle to extremities. may even turn wounds blue (greenish pigment on tub). Facultative intracellular within macrophages (cages). Spread by giant lice footballs and the lice shits in the bite wound. Pruritic papulitic faliculitis asst'd with underchlorinated hot tubs. myalgia and arthralgia and pneumonia and encephalitis RICKETSIA RICKETTSII in a stadium .obligate intracellular. golden rod b/c looks yellow on blood agar. this can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) a week after diarrhea. green tutu forms green colonies on hektoin agar.SERRATIA MARCESCENS TRICERRATIAtops. A on staff is protein A is a toxin in the wall that binds the Fc region of antibodies it does this to prevent opsonization and phagocytosis. In kids (kid ring master). immotile - chained down. fire is inflammatory diarrhea).this makes it facultative intracellular. food poisoning rapid onset preformed toxin lady in green on running camel. infects prosthetic hardware (hardware under sink) and catheter tubes. novobicin sensitive = Navel sensitive..only need a few to get infection. like 10-100. toxic shock syndrome (shock cape. ferment lactose. two fish b/c is the most common cause of osteomyelitis. UTIs (bladder drink) in sexually active females (coming on to the plumber). Invasion leads to blood in stool and lymphocytes (red stool is bloody diarrhea. abscesses on humps. Shigga toxin binds to the 60S portion of ribosomes and inhibits translation (60sec timer).serratia does it slowly so sometimes it shows up (-) on test but stands out by making a red pigment. biofilm helps it stick . charging = motile. once on the other side.. acid stabile (stable when walking over acid) .icosahedrin lamps represent capsule on a virus b/c is most often secondary to viral infection. invades lymphoid tissue and enterocytes. Once it invades it releases shigga toxin causing endothlial damage including in glomerulous of kidney (glomerulous whip) and uses up platelets (spinning plates) by damaging endothelium and causing platelet aggregation. bound knees are septic arthritis.). pink colonies on mackonkey agar (pink milk). induces M cells in peyers patches to phagocytose them and then escapes before being eaten and gets around by actin rockets (gorilla shooting out of cannon at M). tridcuspid valve most common ( 3 pyramids). Sonnei is more common than dysenteriae STAPH AUREUS G(+) robe. It has a type 3 secretion system (turkey baster). Coagulase (+) . SHIGELLA SONNEI and SHIGELLA DYSENTERIAE G(-) Rod. Mercy pharoh is MRSA . beta hemolytic bulb.. STAPH EPIDERMIDIS purple G(+). STAPH SAPRO novobicin resistant= Navel covered. scalded skin syndrome (sunburn). Vanco van outside window. Catalase (+) (turns H202 into water). she gorrilla=shigella. Vancomycin Van..alters BPB to build cells walls.gunk.clot in the red sea. tall man is mannitol fermenting turns pink agar yellow so yellow outfit. Urease (-). #1 cause of infection of prosthetic heart valve. dripping in petri dish b/c contaminates blood cultures. (ps treatment is usually actually TMP-SMX) . camel off cliff: rapid onset heart problems like acute endocarditis in drug users. but if methicillin sensitive use nafcillin. Where they aggregate they lyse RBCs creating hemolysis and helmet cells (popping RBC balloon). Low platelet count. not being sprayed with a super antigen so is a super cape. Patchy infiltrates in pneumonia (quilt) . glomerulonephritis after impetigo face crust or pharyngitis scarf.sickle on numero uno. Ground level observatory is secondary stage is systemic. big red mittens are erythema of skin is cellulitis and erysipelas. (ps transmitted by resp droplets. pharyngitis. optochin sensitive. Hippo is (+)hippurate. Darkfield microscopy of swab of skin lesion to see it (darkfield galaxy).adheres to platelets via dextrans made from glucose (decks in his hands). galactic baby coughing. glass top is encapsulated. mitral stenosis. early. Also tabes dorsalis of posterior columns. toxic shock-like syndrome is shock cape . pericarditis. #1 cause of meningitis in neonates . kids shivering to represent hutchison teeth and mulberry molars and earmuffs for deafness).miter pope hat from strep pyogenes). grow on blood agar) STREP VIRIDANS G(+) cocci. beta hemolysis bulb.if (+) then give the mother ship pencil penicillin STREP PNEUMONIAE G(+) cocci. highly antigenic. Bile soluble. two lancets.jesters mask. Early treatment can prevent RF but not glomerulonephritis . blood agar) STREP PYOGENES . condyloma lata (flat topped lots of bumps).unilobar pneumonia with rust colored sputum. affects mitral valve (miter pope hat . pie genies. interferes with phagocytosis. Glomerulonephritis cord. Rust on one lobe of knights armor . Twists are DNAases. Chin is only body part seen. pneumolysinis transmembrane pores. hat is stiff.also think pointy is A group A street). necrotizing faciitis invades underlying skin and sometimes requires amputation is brown one leg cookie.GROUP A STREP G(+) Cocci. CAMP test (+) (when plated wtih SAureus it increases zone of hemolysis). and early latent is a painless cahncre a couple weeks after infection. VDRL to screen is not specific. beta hemolytic bulb. cola colored urine cord. Obtochin resistant . Reminder that sickle cell pts are more susceptible to encapsulated bacteria . Bacitracin basset hound is not able to lick so galactic baby is resistant. IgA protease symbol of IgA dimer on sheild. roots of tree are damaged. you can visualize from condyloma lata planet through dark field microscopy. alpha hemolytic. Group B b/c B Lancefield angigen. RF only after pharyngitis scarf. kids get 7 valent attached to a protein so they make IgG and have immunity for a longer time . Streptokinase phosphates things (like converting plasminogento plasmin to lyse clots).donkey teeth.STREP AGALACTIAE aka GROUP B STREP Gram (+) cocci. Nodules. #1 cause of MOPS: Meningitis. Lancet-shaped diplococci. JONES criteria (Joints. polysaccharide capsule is foggy capsule on hippo head. Otitis media. Pneumonia.meningitis helmet. aortitis of ascending aortic aneyurism tree barking.even though he has the penicillin pencil. swab mother ships vagina/anus at 35 wks to screen . Tx is penicillin pencil . A galactic baby - serious infections in newborns. saddle nose on horse. confirmatory test is FTA-Ab test and is specific. Green Alpha knight tournament. Prevention: adults get 23 valent vaccine w/o protein only get IgM against it. Syndenhams chorea).M is M protein. damages nerves (phallic sundial stabbing him in the butt). usually dx by blood test instead. Commonly affects damaged valves. Encasulated in armor . Causes neonatal pneumonia. Hot Apple pie made of Hyaluronic Acid. Sinusitis. Streptolycin O causes lysis of RBCs is leaky jelly O donuts. Rheumatic fever is master chef .seating chart for upper/lower. Plate sheild . Pneumo is numero uno. honey crusted lemon pie is impetigo.polysaccharide capsule. Jarisch-Herxheimer Rxn is dying spirochetes releasing shit and causing fever and chills (fire ice ball in sky). Also Argyl Robertson puils that accomodate but don't react to light) and congenital (constallation of symptoms: saber ends near shins. Erythemia marginatum. mimics myocin in heart. red hanky is pharyngitis. when vasovasorum are damaged. cannot grow in bile. Dental caries . . TREPONEMA PALLIDUM at pallidum a super antigen so is a super cape. on top floor) are primary. maculopapular rash everywhere including hands/feet weeks to months later. spirochete and may be described as spiraling (spiral galaxy and staircase). Primary stages (1st year. usually mitral (maybe from rheumatic heart disease .if allergic desensitize them first. Tx is maCROWlides like erythromycin or you could use cefTRIAXone (flag). face puffiness. murmurs. mycardisits. Antistreptolysin O Ab titer is lady with Ab tongs checking streptolycin O donuts. rapid strep test. Rear chef is stuff caused by strep pyogenic exotoxin. streptolysins. alpha hemolytic. Green Alpha knight tournament. (ps: (+)quellung. Bacitracin sensitive basset hound can get on counter. red outfit. No armor to encapsulate it. sandpaper rash everywhere but face on the gingerbread man. 2 weeks after infection calendar. Outside is tertiary stage (gumma craters on moon. Bile resistant donkey boots. Scarlet fever strawberry tongue. causes neonatal sepsis. rice patty outhouse . can lead to DIC by endotoxin leading to blackening necrotic tissue. raft represents one bacteria. encapsulated. red stool. Yersinia Associted Outer Proteins (YOPS) cause PMN and macrophage dysfunction by inhibiting phagocytosis and cytokine production. secreted by type 3 secretion ( turkey baster). (non-cholera vibrios contaminate oysters and seafood) YERSINIA ENTEROCOLITICA yersin's pet shop. mostly affects kids playing with puppy poop (toddler) also transmited through contaminated milk products (bottle). can grow even in fridge. Buboes are swollen lymph nodes (guy wtih buboes). glass dome. ENglish TERRier puppy=EN TERocolitica. encapsulated. b/c invades it can cause systemic effects like fever WBCs and abscesses . looks kinda like safety pin (safety pin). fleas on rodents (rats or prarie dogs) transmit to humans (flea spray sign). Tx is oral rehydration with electrolytes . The toxin increases cAMP (map says BASE cAMP) by inding and contituatively turning on AC by Gs pathway (tear GaS canisters).fecal oral poor water sanitation. . Tx is aminoglycoSIDES (tsi in guys hand) with tetracycline (rodent CYCLING wheel). looks kinda like safety pin (safety pin). Attaches by fimbrae to ganglioside receptors in cell wall and starts to secrete cholera toxin. red G(-). YERSINIA PESTIS . Oxidase (+) blue ring. Pood all over - transmitted through puppy feces.VIBRIO CHOLERAE PARAHAEMOLYTICUS VILNIFICUS G(-) comma shaped.Colonel drinking water. bipolar staining stains strongly on both ends. can grow even in fridge. . Profuse rice water diarrhea . Colonel Cholera's base cAMP. Vaccine is killed (vaccine poster). Mustache of comma- shaped. attached by rope to wall but does not invade. Causes invasive diarrhea. Map is windy GI tract and river beds are plague yersin's pet shop. Resistant to cold temps.can mimic appendicitis. Resistant to cold temps. red G(-). The 'BASE in 'BASE cAMP' stands for the fact that Cholera is acid labile so you need several organisms to be infected (lemons). glass dome. bipolar staining stains strongly on both ends. rod (some say bipolar staining).


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