Scaffolding safety offshore
Scaffolding safety offshore
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Taking the Lead and Challenging the Future TogetherGuidance Notes of Good Contracting Practice Scoffolding Offshore Contractors’ Association 58 Queens Road Aberdeen AB15 4YE Telephone: 01224 326070 email:
[email protected]
www.oca-online.co.uk 1. 2. INDEX Introduction ……………………………………..………... 3 Responsibilities ……………………………………………. 4 2.1 Initiator of access requirement .……………...……..4 2.2 Scaffolding Foreman ……………………….……….. 4 2.3 Scaffold / Access platform user …………….……….5 2.4 Project Support (onshore & offshore) …..…………..5 Risk Assessment ………………………………………… 7 3.1 Introduction … ……………………………………… 7 3.2 Manual Handling……………………………………. 9 3.3 Raising and Lowering of Materials …………………10 Fall Arrest Equipment ………………………………...….. 12 4.1 Inspection and use of Fall Arrest Equipment ……... 12 4.2 Working at Height ………………………………….. 13 4.3 NASC Guidance Note SG4:00 ……………………… 15 4.4 Rescue Plan ……………………………………….….16 Conventional Scaffolding ……………………….………….17 5.1 Scaffolding Tube……………………………………. 17 5.2 Scaffold Board ………………………………………. 18 5.3 Fitting : Double Coupler …………………………….18 5.4 Fitting : Single Coupler ……………………………...19 5.5 Fitting : Swivel Coupler …………………………….. 19 5.6 Fitting : Sleeve Coupler …………………………….. 20 5.7 Fitting : Base Plate …………………….…………… 20 5.8 Fitting : Gravlock …………………………………… 21 5.9 Fitting : Band & Plate ………………………...……. 21 5.10 Timber Pole Ladder ………………………………… 22 5.11 Lightweight Platform Stagings ……………………. 22 5.12 Ladder / Unit (Lattice ) Beams ……………………. 23 5.13 Types of Scaffold Structure ………………………….24 3. 4. 5. SCAFFOLDING 56 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 1 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA 1 Inspection / Tagging ……………………………….……….46 8. 41 7.3 Inspection Details : Scaffold Board ……..…………. 9. 36 Other Access Systems …………………………... Designed Scaffold Structures ……………………….5.. 38 6.………… 46 8.4 Inspection Details : Scaffold Tube ………………….15 5..2 Aluminium/GRP Tower Systems ………………….. 49 9..4 Rope Access …………………………………………. 29 Scaffolds Requiring Design Engineering Input ……29 Ladder Access ………………………………………..…………….40 6..2 Inspection Details : Scaffold Fitting ……………….. 50 51 54 7..1 Inspection & Storage of Scaffold Material ………….………..44 7... 12.…………………………..16 5. 42 7. 10.1 Restrictions ………………………………………….14 5.. Legislation and References ………………………………..2 Inspection Tags .3 Mechanical Elevated Work Platforms (mechanical mobile plant) ………….49 Competence & Training ………………………………….43 7. Contributors ………………………………………………..41 7. 8.48 Overside Working …………………………….. 49 9. SCAFFOLDING 2 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 55 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .30 Life Duration of Erected Scaffold ………………….…………. 37 6.2 Manning …………………………………….6 Illustration of Rack Capacity ……………………….17 6...……….40 Material Storage ………………………………….. 11.42 7.……….5 Inspection Details : Pole Ladder ……………………43 7.1 System Scaffold ………………………………………37 6..7 Tube & Fitting Self Weights…………………………45 Inspection & Tagging ………………………….. Advice as to the appropriateness of particular access systems should be sought from those member companies of OCA. which do not have permanent access. To provide guidance on health and safety issues arising from the provision and use of temporary access systems. which provide access services. Over the years various means of access have been introduced into the offshore oil and gas industry. Additional risk assessment may be required for floating installations. manual handling and overside working. their clients and contractors as to the various types of access available. Objectives To provide guidance on types of temporary access available to companies requiring access to work faces. including system scaffolding. INTRODUCTION Member companies of the Offshore Contractors Association (OCA) provide scaffolding access services to the Offshore Oil and Gas industry. such as risk assessment. To list relevant legislation and other sources of information. Scope Bill Abbott The Rigblast Group Ltd Steve Black Salamis (Marine & Industrial) Ltd Keith McMillan Cape Industrial Services Ltd This guidance is intended for the users and providers of temporary access systems on oil and gas installations operating on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. Graham Morrison Health and Safety Executive Joe Bogan SGB Powerchem Robin McKenzie The Rigblast Group Ltd Doug Sheal Salamis (Marine & Industrial) Ltd Gail Amey Offshore Contractors Association SCAFFOLDING 54 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 3 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . aluminium scaffolding and roped access.1. This document is intended as guidance for member companies. Allocate personnel to the task ensuring competencies and numbers are sufficient to complete tasks safely. Co-ordinate the completion of task risk assessments and toolbox talks to relay information and instructions to the working party. who will request the scaffold in order to complete a scope of work or service. Other Applicable Regulations include: ⇒ Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 (COSHH).1 Initiator of access requirement For every scaffold / access platform erected there will be an initiator. employees and self-employed workers to prevent risks of injury from electrical equipment and systems.2. These require employers. ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ SCAFFOLDING Arrange appropriate Permit to Work compliance at all times. This document gives comprehensive guidelines of the completion of task risk assessment. This ensures that one central point is utilised to co-ordinate all aspects of access management. This recent Directive is expected to be incorporated into UK law by 2004 by amending the regulations to describe a preferred hierarchy of access systems as between scaffolding. The following responsibilities ensue: 11. RESPONSIBILITIES The following is a broad set of responsibilities for the key positions in any scaffolding / access environment. These require employers to protect workers’ hearing form exposure to noise at work. ladders and rope access and the arrangements for their use. These require employers to protect workers’ hearing from exposure to noise at work. The initiator therefore has a number of responsibilities to fulfil to assist in the safe and efficient erection of any access structure: • • • Formally notify the Scaffolding Foreman of access requirement. Compliance with the minimum requirements is designed to ensure a better standard of health and safety for workers in the use of work equipment provided for temporary work at a height. to assist the scaffolding contractor in ensuring that the structure is ‘fit for purpose’ on erection. Noise at Work Regulations 1989 (NAWR). Ensure that any potential conflicts of activities are addressed during the pre job planning. reducing risk and increasing efficiency. Ensure that sufficient materials are readily available to complete workscopes. 10. Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EAWR). CONTRIBUTORS SCAFFOLDING 53 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . Ensure that a competent person is available to conduct statutory 7day inspections and to maintain the inspection tags and scaffold 4 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA 12. It is recommended that they be used as the basis for the development of local rules that more specifically define the key interfaces and responsibilities at a specific location. Ensure that reasonable timescales are provided to allow sufficient pre task planning and risk assessment to be carried out by the Scaffolding Foreman. Request Design Engineer assistance if access requirements are not within the parameters of BS5973 or the company’s Technical Manual. ⇒ ⇒ 2. Step Change in Safety Task Risk Assessment Guide.2 Scaffolding Foreman The Scaffolding Foreman / Chargehand will be the central focus for all access activities. Accurately define the scope of the access requirements. Handover completed scaffold structure to initiator / end user. 2. positioned and installed to minimise any risks. ⇒ Maintain a high level of housekeeping / tidiness whilst working on the access platform and when leaving the worksite unattended. the effects of increased congestion in increasing blast overpressures may need to be considered. SCAFFOLDING 2. The employer should avoid the need for hazardous manual handling. ⇒ Providing the Scaffold Foreman with suitably trained and competent ⇒ Providing access to competent design engineers. for example. ⇒ Notify the scaffolding foreman of any changes to the scaffold due to weather. Follow local rules relating to ‘adverse weather’ policy. ⇒ Ensuring that the quality of the equipment supplied for erecting the scaffold / access structures meets the relevant standards. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) LOLER require that where the scaffolding is erected using lifting equipment the equipment is strong and stable enough for the particular use and marked to indicate safe working loads. organised and performed by competent people and subject to ongoing thorough examination and inspection by competent people. scaffolding / access structure. damage or collision.3 Scaffold / Access platform user To ensure that the scaffolding / access platform is maintained to as safe a standard as practical. These require employers to notify certain injuries.4 Project Support (onshore & offshore) Project support function provides technical support to the scaffolding foreman to carry out their duties. The Reporting of Injuries. ⇒ Identify and manage any conflicting activities that occur when using the ⇒ Ensure that the scaffold is ‘fit for purpose’ for the intended workscope. 6. Offshore Installations (Safety Case) Regulations 1992 The primary purpose of these Regulations is to reduce risks to the offshore workforce from major accident hazards. Temporary Work Act Height Directive 2001 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA 52 SCAFFOLDING 5 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 These require employers to assess and control the risks to their employees from manual handling. diseases and dangerous events. as far as reasonable practicable. 8. Diseases Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) and Dangerous ⇒ ⇒ Make adequate provisions available (labour) for the safe dismantle of access structures. Where scaffolding offshore is left in place for any length of time. in conjunction with the client. 9. Any alterations to the structure should be requested to the scaffolding foreman. 2. ensuring the access platform is left in an acceptable condition. the user has these key responsibilities: ⇒ Conduct a task risk assessment (TRA) for the activities to be carried out on the scaffolding structure. It also requires arrangements to be in place for the verification of safety critical elements and to show that risks are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). personnel to complete the workscopes safely. used safely ie the work is planned. ⇒ Formally notify the scaffold foreman when work on scaffold has ceased.5. assess the risks of injury from manual handling that can not be avoided and reduce the risks of injury. Responsibilities include: - ⇒ Providing a Safe System of Work. 7. training and instruction for workers. Application Outside Great Britain Order 2001 (AOGBO) This order is an amendment of the earlier Order that applies most of the regulations made under the HSW Act to offshore installations. Statutory Inspection Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) PUWER contains general duties covering the selection of suitable work equipment and its maintenance and information.e. undertake appropriate health surveillance and arrange appropriate information and training for employees. covering mobile equipment such as scaffolding as well as fixed plant. Act 1974 (HSW Act) This act covers nearly all the safety regulations in Great Britain both onshore and offshore (see below). Scaffold inspected by a competent person Scaffold Register & Inspection Tag maintained Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) These contain general duties to carry out risk assessment. Develop a design drawing Erect Scaffold 3. the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their undertaking (HSW Act sections 2 and 3). Yes Request design drawing from Design Engineer Initiator Requests Scaffold access Scaffold foreman Surveys workscope Does scaffold require a design? (I. pipeline works and connected activities in the territorial waters outside the mainland of Great Britain. Handover to end user 4. As well as these general regulations. Health and Safety at Work etc. scaffold foreman notified to dismantle scaffold SCAFFOLDING 6 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 51 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . Job complete. These general duties are supported by the specific requirements of the supporting Regulations.Flowchart of Key Responsibilities. outwith the parameters of BS5973 or Technical Manual) No Requisition Materials 2. OCA Revision of Offshore Scaffold Guidance Regulations 1. there are also some offshore-specific regulations made under the Act. The equipment to which PUWER applies is wide. PUWER also cover the control of hazards such as instability and contact with dangerous parts of machinery and hot and cold surfaces. so far as is reasonable practicable. The Act places general duties on employers to ensure. the hazards and the precautions put in place. the employee must be given the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice. The potential hazards should be identified for each stage of the task. Material Quality. and failure by employees to adhere to procedure. Open two-way dialogue should take place at a meeting prior to starting the task. in order to demonstrate that skills are maintained and training needs identified. CITB. whilst training imparts knowledge. 4. and also ensures that those skills are maintained and enhanced. Make clear to all involved that should conditions or personnel change or assumptions made when planning the job prove false. these meetings are referred to as toolbox talks. If agreement cannot be reached.requisite skills. Section 11 of this guidance contains further references to legislation. Provide the opportunity for those involved in the task to identify any further hazards and control measures which may have been overlooked in the initial assessment.1 Introduction A scaffolding activity risk assessment together with a task based risk assessment must be carried out prior to the erection or dismantling of a scaffold and must involve the persons carrying out the task. THE JOB SHOULD NOT BE STARTED. which demonstrates the level of skills and competence attained. Component Identification Manual Handling. and should include all people involved in the work and those who may be affected by it. in order to develop the requisite skills and achieve the standard required in the work place. which provide scaffolding qualifications based on continuous assessment and competency. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Competent persons are employed Evidence of competency can be provided to the client Evidence of competency can be provided to the regulatory authorities Training needs are identified and appropriate training programmes implemented It is acknowledged that. The success of a Task Risk Assessment will depend on the method of communication to the workforce. SCAFFOLDING 7 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . The toolbox talk should fulfil four functions: 1. through training and examination. The Construction Industry Training Board. It is recommended that scaffolders hold a recognised qualification. It is recommended that employers have in place procedures for the erection and dismantling of scaffold structures. knowledge and understanding to enable them to perform their work tasks to an appropriate standard. RISK ASSESSMENT 3. is the lead body in the provision of scaffold training. if in any doubt. standards and codes of practice relating to access. The control measures to be put in place to mitigate the hazards and the individual actions and responsibilities at various stages of the task should be established for each specific project. A competency process ensures that: 3. Recommended Training 11. Failure by management to provide a safe system of work. etc. may result in serious injury. The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) is also a recognised body. Basic & Advanced Advance or Inspectors Scaffold Awareness. Give everyone involved in the task a thorough understanding of the activity details involved in the task. 2. 50 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA (CITB) (CITB) (In-house) For these reasons a toolbox talk should be held at or near the worksite. THE JOB SHOULD BE STOPPED. both their own and that of others. they should re-assess the situation and. LEGISLATION & REFERENCES Scaffolder Inspector Scaffolder Helper SCAFFOLDING 3. It is further recommended that employers have in place a programme of continuous assessment. Reach agreement of the whole work team on whether or not to proceed with the task. (See Risk Assessment Flow Chart). Those carrying out the task must be fully aware and thoroughly understand. The control room via the permit to work system must ensure that all hazards in the area of the task location are clearly identified and communicated to the persons carrying out the task. Two competent scaffolders overside One competent scaffolder providing materials for overside workers. Stand-by vessel is available at all times when working overside. self-inflating lifejackets are worn at all times when working overside. Any overside scaffold that is outwith the parameters of BS 5973 and/or company technical manuals. The guidance below has been developed to act as a checklist of activities that require to be considered and/or actioned when working overside:• • • • • • • • Valid Permit to work is available for the task in hand Task specific risk assessments are conducted for each individual overside job. Weather restrictions are advised by the standby vessel captain. Radio contact is maintained with the stand-by vessel at all times.2 Manning Recommended minimum manning for overside scaffolding works:• • • 10. they can then undertake the task. the same communication should be given to them. One competent radio operator. 9. Risk Assessment Flow Chart Break tasks into component parts to identify activities to be assessed Identify any hazards Identify who hazards could affect Using risk ratings – determine level of risk yes Identify and evaluate current control measures Is significant risk already Is significant risk already yes adequately controlled? adequately controlled? no Is risk significant? no Overside working during the hours of darkness will only be undertaken in EXTREME emergency situations and with a suitable & sufficient task risk assessment in place. (Must have valid training on the radio communication equipment onboard) COMPETENCE & TRAINING A competency and training process ensures that employees have the Review/revise existing control measures or identify/implement new preventative and protective measures Evaluate controls yes Is risk now acceptable? Is risk now acceptable? Implement controls Record findings of risk assessment and set date for review Monitor and review no SCAFFOLDING 8 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 49 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . Twin chamber. Once the team is satisfied that all hazards have been identified and that suitable controls have been put in place to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. is designed by a competent design engineer. Fall arrest system is in place including training to the scaffolding operatives. “Take 5 principles” are encouraged as the mechanism to address any changes to the workscope.When new team members join the team. rescue arrangements for working overside to be detailed on a rescue plan. Where mechanical handling aids cannot be used. Manual Handling risks can be reduced by the use of lightweight system scaffold. Manual handling operations are defined as the transporting or supporting of any load. pulling. The training should address: 4 4 4 4 SCAFFOLDING COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA How to recognise harmful manual handling Appropriate systems of work Use of mechanical aids Good handling techniques 48 SCAFFOLDING 9 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . avoid the need for his employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work. the employer shall: a) b) c) Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the manual handling operations to be undertaken Take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury to those employees arising out of manual handling operations Take appropriate steps to provide those employees who are undertaking any manual handling operations general indications. putting down. In practice.g. Risk assessment shall identify whether mechanical handling aids (e.9. crane) can be used. at outside locations. which involve a risk of personal injury. where feasible (see section 6). The manual handling operations regulations apply to all employers in respect of their employees at work and others who may be affected. including the lifting. Appropriate manual handling training should be provided for all personnel involved in the erection/dismantling of scaffold structures. and. this results in scaffold components being manhandled from storage racks to worksites. high winds. in inclement weather e. pushing.g. where it is reasonably practical to do so.1 Restrictions 3. often at different levels on the installation and often. The scaffolding service provider shall. carrying or moving by hand or bodily force. precise information on: • • The task to be carried out The weight of each load/component Attention to the ergonomic design of the workplace is an important factor in controlling the risks associated with manual handling.2 Manual Handling The manual handling of scaffold components on offshore oil and gas installations is commonplace because of restricted access for mechanical handling aids. so far as is reasonably practical. especially if mechanical handling aids are employed. When assessing the capability of personnel the following should be taken into consideration: Age Fitness Health Height Strength shall record all such inspections in the contract scaffold register. exposing the prohibition notice. sling. SCAFFOLDING 10 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 47 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . It should be tested to appropriate testing standards. All lifting equipment should be of adequate strength.3 Raising and Lowering of Materials Lifting equipment is defined as follows: Any device which is used or designed to be used directly or indirectly to connect a load to a lifting appliance and which does not form part of the load e. rope. As soon as instructions have been received to dismantle the scaffold. When hand balling (lifting or lowering from hand to hand) materials up and down the scaffolding structure the scaffolder must either: a) b) construct a safe handling platform. to certify that.g. 8. lifting device etc. Good practice requires that any lifting equipment shall have an adequate factor of safety incorporated into its design. All subsequent modifications will be recorded in the contract scaffold register. fully boarded with appropriate guardrails. the scaffold structure is in good working order and fit for it’s intended purpose. a minimum factor of safety for the specific item is recommended and this should not be reduced. thereby removing authorisation. The certificate is an important legal document. the Scaffold Identification & Inspection Record inserts should be removed from all structures. but as soon as an opening is formed. of sound material. Any scaffold requiring modification will be considered in relationship with the initial request. 3. scaffolders must be clipped on to a suitable anchorage point. lifting beam. at the time of inspection. and of good construction for the duty it is to perform. in accordance with LOLER and a test certificate should be obtained and identified with the equipment before it is used. scissor clamp. OVERSIDE WORKING Consideration must also be given to the possible need for special training to perform the task.Each person should be assessed with particular consideration given to their individual capability. or be clipped (attached with harness to a suitable anchorage at all times) Scaffolders do not need to be clipped on when working within a finished working platform. authorisation date and date dismantled will be entered in the contract scaffold register. eyebolt. shackle. Prior to any scaffold being dismantled the details regarding dismantling authorisation. Where appropriate in each of the separate equipment types. hook.2 Inspection Tags 9. plate clamp. The methods used to raise and lower scaffolding materials will be determined by the extent and type of scaffolding being built and the equipment available. chain. When the inspector is satisfied that a scaffold structure is in good order. The inspector shall record the initial inspection in the contract scaffold register. should be used as a permanent storeroom for ropes and gin wheels to prevent deterioration of condition as a result of exposure to adverse weather. Loose. along with the risks identified may be the basis for generating a safe and efficient lifting operations plan. The information gathered. exposing the prohibition notice. That person must also have a working knowledge of its properties and the defects likely to arise in service. it must be subject to a ‘pre-use’ examination. Special duty : brown. Wrong spacing. to certify that. Insufficient length. Damaged boards Guard Rails / Toe Boards :. Insecurely fastened. Wrongly supported Coupling :. Inserts shall only be replaced following the remobilisation of scaffolding personnel and a satisfactory inspection of each structure. Missing. signifying that it is fit for use at the time of inspection. the Inspection Tag. Inspect Monitor & Maintain Scaffold On a regular basis.75 Kn/M2 : white. the scaffold structure is in good working order and fit for it’s intended purpose. Any person using rope lifting equipment must be trained to operate that equipment.Wrongly spaced.Not plumb. 46 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 11 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .Not level.Missing. and scaffold inspections cannot take place within the 7 days period. Undermined Standards :. No base plates.Incomplete. or subsequent to any high winds or severe weather conditions. Loose.8.Wrong fitted. Insufficient supports. noting colour coding to suit specified loads. i. at intervals not exceeding 7 days. This knowledge will be of value when carrying out the pre-use examinations. at the time of inspection. Jointed in the same bays. Once the equipment has been selected. loose.Damaged. Damaged Transoms :. The extent of the risk assessment and the approach taken must be consistent with the type of lift that is being performed. Insufficient tying The scaffold shall not be used until all defects noted during the inspection have been rectified. Joined at same height. Loose. ( See sketch details. which may have effect upon the integrity of the structure.Wrong height. Loose. 2 Kn/M2 : orange.e. The scaffold will be unsatisfactory and require amendments if any of the following faults are found :Footing :. Ladders :. No sole boards. The suitability of rope equipment should be established for specific tasks. must be recorded on the Scaffold SCAFFOLDING The methods available will generally fall into one of the following categories: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Hand balling Light line/hand line Gin wheel and rope Prior to raising and lowering scaffolding materials . all the Scaffold Identification & Inspection Record inserts should be removed from all structures. 0. the inspector ( competent person ) shall satisfy himself that the construction conforms to the initial request information. chemicals etc. must be completed and inserted into the holder. thereby withdrawing authorisation for the scaffold to be used.1 Inspection / Tagging Upon completion of the scaffold structure. which pose a risk to personnel. No check couplers Ties :. to the environment or to equipment. Should any item fail this visual examination. etc. Side 1 (green). All inspections of scaffolding structures.Soft & uneven. In instances where scaffolding personnel are de-mobilised from site and scaffold structures are to remain erected. it must be withdrawn from service immediately. Damaged. Damaged Ledgers :. ). the inspector will ensure that all erected scaffolds are inspected. Wrong coupler being used Boarding :. a risk assessment must be performed to identify hazards. including the use of knots and hitches common to scaffolding. A waterproof container / store. 0 21.02 1.0 17.5 43. broken stitches and undue stretching. THEREFORE THE ABOVE SELF WEIGHT OF A BOARD COULD BE LESS THAN SHOWN. All equipment should comply with the requirements of statutory provisions.7 17.1 19.8 145.7 36.7 14.9 161. In particular:: • • • Webbing should be carefully checked before being stored and before being used.6 43.5 47.6 16.S.94lbs/ft Self Wt.3 36.3 18.90Kg/M 8.25 2.2 41. dry.9 52.0 41. must be inspected to ensure that they work smoothly.3 59 52 46 41 37 34 32 29 27 26 24 23 21 20 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 17. high humidity. 5973:1993 4. Also all fall arrest equipment must be given a visual and physical inspection before each use to ensure that it is in a safe condition and operates correctly.4 32. Qty/ Kg Tonne 0.6 56.0 12.70 1. product information must be supplied by the manufacturer.3 14. Equipment should be stored unpacked in a cool.3 80. Page 5.8 136 109 91 78 68 60 54 49 45 42 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 37.0 134.7 16.6 23.87 4. Harnesses and webbing should be checked for cuts. deformation or other damage. Page 80 ) Qty/ Self Wt.5 155.S. TON = 555 Ft 6 Inches LADDER BEAMS 11.1 16.8 68.37Kg/M As B. Self Wt.7 375 3 254 190 152 127 108 95 84 76 69 63 58 54 50 47 44 42 40 38 36 4.Lb 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168 Qty/ Ton 46 40 35 31 28 25 23 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 14 13 As Manufacturers Spec.5 18.5 21.0 48.45 Type As Manufacturers Spec..7 34. These must be EN approved and visually marked to confirm this standard.2 50.6 76. corrosive or other possible causes of damage. Qty/ Ton Kg Tonne Ft Wt.91 1098 1.0 47.3 40.77 0.6 68 138 111 92 79 69 61 55 50 46 42 7.0 9. Employers should ensure that information and training is provided on how to complete these inspections and on how to put on the harness.11 980 884 1298 1176 500 680 900 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TOTAL FOOTAGE PER METRIC TONNE = 410 Ft 0 Inches TOTAL FOOTAGE PER IMP.4 96. Fall arrest equipment should be thoroughly examined by a competent person at intervals determined by the manufacturers recommendations.0 32. a shock absorbing system. 2482).0 5. Information on use.3 20.2 Qty/ Tonne 45 39 34 30 27 25 22 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 TOTAL FOOTAGE PER METRIC TONNE = 750 Ft 9 Inches TOTAL FOOTAGE PER IMP. buckles on harnesses. Qty/ Length Self Qty/ Self Wt.9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8.6 28.8 54.6 20.Lb 12. (i.3 68. FALL ARREST EQUIPMENT WORKING AT HEIGHT 4.9 118.1 61. Kg 21.1 107.8 14. such as The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations. LADDERS 8.5 61.41 3.2 38.8 29. TON = 280 Ft 0 Inches NOTE : IT HAS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THE TIMBER SCAFFOLD BOARDS INCLUDE A MOISTURE CONTENT OF 27.2 28. Under the legislation on PPE. Items showing defects should be taken out of service. Lb Double 2.1 36.7 61.2 53.7 65.3 69 14. REGARDING THE TIMBER LADDERS. Qty/ Ton 1116 996 899 1319 1195 508 691 915 Self Wt.1 Inspection and Use of Fall Arrest Equipment Self Wt. This information should be read and understood by the user before using the equipment.2 24.8 51. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ( Section 6.2 150.01 Swivel Sleeve Single Joint Pin Band & Pt Gravloc k Basepla te 2.03lbs/ft Self Wt.3 44.1 64. abrasions.4.3 6.Lb Ton Kg Tonne 185 5.13 0.3 48.5 112.85 2.3 10.3 39.3 31.9 24.4 29.6 20.0 91. DUE TO EXPOSED WEATHERING. by being run through the hands to combine a visual and physical examination. care and maintenance should be provided by the manufacturer and should be strictly complied with.9 46.e.3 22.3 9. 5973:1993 2. TO A LESSER EXTENT.7 8.9 23.1 44.0% (B. SCAFFOLDING COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA TOTAL FOOTAGE PER METRIC TONNE = 275 Ft 9 Inches TOTAL FOOTAGE PER IMP. THE SAME WOULD APPLY.6 129.6 24.00 1. that bolts and rivets are tight and that there are no signs of wear. sharp edges. 5973:1993 Length Self Ft Wt.1 20. TUBING 4. A fall arrest system should include a full body harness.00lbs/ft Self Wt.1 21.5 69.7 12. a lanyard or a block) and a 55mm opening scaffold hook.2 58 51 45 41 37 34 31 29 27 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 TOTAL FOOTAGE PER METRIC TONNE = 546 Ft 9 Inches TOTAL FOOTAGE PER IMP.1 11.7 ( Section 6.3 123.4 58. BOARDS 6. TON = 416 Ft 6 Inches Metal items such as rings.4 26.00Kg/M As B.24 2.4 52.9 55.9 75.9 72.7 73.8 11.49 1.0 49. dark place in a chemically neutral environment away from excessive heat or heat sources. Employers should record details of thorough examinations and any maintenance carried out. Karibiners and connectors etc. but at least every six months.0 25.Lb 2 5.0 63. The legislation for ensuring the health and safety of the workers must be adhered to.4 48.S.8 102. Items showing defects should be withdrawn from service immediately.5 26.2 32.8 25.8 59. Qty/ Length Ton Kg Tonne Ft 381 2. cracks.4 29.4 53. Page 80 ) 81 ) Qty/ Self Wt. TON = 762 Ft 6 Inches FITTINGS Self Wt.47 1. Any items showing defects should be taken out of service.38lbs/ft ( Section 6.5 182 6 32.3 70.S.8 58.4 65. 12 SCAFFOLDING 45 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .4 139.1 58.0 13.6 86.9 43.6 39.4 Self Wt.3 35.3 26.0Kg/M As B.0 250 187 150 125 107 93 83 75 68 62 57 53 50 46 44 41 39 37 35 Length Ft 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Self Wt. including those where people are required to work at height. 7. and replaced as necessary. the manner in which such equipment can most safely be used by workers must therefore be specified.0 M Max. B. Other duties under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.in each "Pigeon Hole" a. bay between standards. No. Std Centres 1. ladders and ropes are the equipment most commonly used in performing temporary work at height and the safety and health of workers engaged in this type of work therefore depend to a significant extent on their correct use. fall arrest equipment must be immediately withdrawn from use.The following Scaffolding details will support :. "lift" height @ 1. adequate specific training of workers is required.0M Check fitting under all transom/standard positions Max. It also requires that other persons are not put at risk by any work activity. It is a requirement.Lifts 2 Max. The inertia reel should be connected to the harness ‘D’ ring or a 400mm webbing strop.0M Max. The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to ensure that all employees enjoy a safe place of work and that there is a safe means of access and egress from that place of work. Max. E. Max. does is not used again without the inspection and approval of a competent person.0 M Max. as this may adversely affect their operation and render them unsafe. bay between standards. which have particular relevance when work is to be undertaken at height include: Max. which has been withdrawn from service. Any employer who intends to have scaffolding work carried out at height must use working methods and equipment. Std Centres 1. that it is not used in conjunction with a lanyard which incorporates a shock absorbing system. when using an inertia reel. D.7 Tube & Fittings Self Weights INSPECTION & TAGGING Check Fitting Req'd Under All Transom: Standard Positions Work at height may expose workers to severe risks to their health and safety. Scaffolding. including protective and preventative measures identified by the risk assessment as being necessary. which account for a large proportion of all accidents. 4. 22 Off Scaffold Pole Ladders A.2 Working at Height 8. 68 Off Scaffold Boards OR c. at front storage entrance @ 1. After arresting a fall. which afford adequate protection against the risks of falls from height. These general provisions apply to all work situations.0M. along length of rack @ 1.2 Off ( As these illustrated details ) Fully braced throughout suspect equipment. C. Any repair to a harness. On no account should harnesses or lanyards be altered or adapted in any way.0 M Capacity Per "Pigeon Hole" a) 116 off Scaffold Tubes OR b) 68 off Scaffold Boards OR c) 22 off Scaffold Ladders ALL RACKS TO BE DESIGNED : SEE PREVIOUS SECTION ⇒ The provision of comprehensible and relevant information about risks to employees. 116 Off Scaffold Tubes OR b. 13 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 44 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING . Note :. lanyard or inertial reel should be carried out by the manufacturer or an approved service agent. number of lifts :. notably to the risk of falls from a height and other serious occupational accidents.The foundation steelwork/deck must be suitable to support the rack and stored material. Lift Ht 1. F. In either case. splits. to protect persons from falling a distance or being struck by a falling object. splits. specific risk assessments must be completed prior to the commencement of the work. In others. solvent. Consideration should extend to the training and experience of those required to install or use the equipment and any SCAFFOLDING Tube ends cut cleanly & square with axis of tube Free from excessive distortion. paint (except for identification purposes). which in either case is likely to cause personal injury. the provision of all necessary equipment. Equipment and Materials Providing a safe place of work at height and safe access and egress involves. cracks.⇒ ⇒ Taking of individual capabilities into account when selecting persons to carry out such work. Planning is required to anticipate potential problems and implement safe procedures. In many situations where work at height is involved. Plans for evacuation from height in the event of an incident and any special first aid requirements should be in place. In some circumstances. cracks. The assessment of risks will generally include an evaluation of the extent to which risk is being controlled. taking into account the control measures provided. paint (except for identification purposes). those assessments made in relation to the work activities must be subject to review to ensure they remain valid. Risk Assessment for working at height Central to the development of a safe system of work at height is the assessment of the risks involved and the implementation of precautions to eliminate or control them. it may be a simple process involving the application of the generic risk assessment information to the particular circumstances. Emergency procedures should not be neglected in relation to working at height. installation. corrosion. knots and distortion Tie-rods under every rung All stile ends to be square & even 14 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 43 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .5 Inspection Details : Pole Ladder Ladder showing no signs of rot or insect attacks Free from excessive oil. the use of safety nets or other specialist access equipment. This may include the selection. or to be provided. grease. Areas where these hazards may occur must be clearly indicated. uniform & not ovalled Regulations require suitable and effective safeguards to be provided. use and maintenance of temporary access equipment as well as the provision of adequate edge protection. lamination & surface flaws 7. The provision of adequate training Straight to the eye Circular profile. so far as is reasonably practicable. this may be a complex task depending on the nature of the work involved and the environment in which it is to be completed. (Except for identification purposes) showing no signs of rot or insect attacks Where system scaffolds or alternative materials are used. Scaffolding should be completed progressively with scaffolders installing the minimum of a single guardrail on all lifts to provide protection whilst traversing and at work. the user must contact the supplier to ensure anchoring to the scaffold structure is appropriate. All dismantling activities should be carried out progressively. tools and equipment to enable the work to be completed and materials to be safely lifted. Scaffolders must be clipped on at all times when installing components outside of the single guardrail. It is recommended that a single guardrail remains to ensure that scaffolders are protected when carrying out alteration work. damaged bolts & nuts Free movement at joint position Environmental hazards. the control of access to the work areas. distortion & paint (except for identification purposes) Slot jaws allow bolt access Nuts should turn without undue force ⇒ Free from worn threads.4 Inspection Details : Scaffold Tube 7. inspection and maintenance of such equipment. All those involved in scaffolding operations must wear and use fall arrest equipment. distortion. the effects of adverse weather conditions. All erection works should follow the working method as described below. work at dusk. work over water. Scaffolders should be working off a minimum of 3 boards when carrying out these operations. ⇒ 7. No board to show signs of excessive splits. knots & pressure Boards to be unpainted. or work adjacent to ventilation outlets posing a risk of exposure to hazardous substances. and must have received appropriate training in the use. for example. except for end bands To suit offshore operations. the provision of barriers and warning signs at ground level: the posting of banks-man etc. night or dawn. alteration and dismantling of basic independent and tower type tube and fitting scaffolds only. grease solvents & notches All ends to be square & fitted with end bands No nails within board.3 Inspection Details : Scaffold Board Suitable work equipment may include the use of lifting equipment as well as the provision of suitable plant. all boards to be fire retardant SCAFFOLDING 42 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 15 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . reversing the Board to be free from oil. Other aspects to consider when working at height include: Free from excessive corrosion. working in an open environment. The protection of others not involved in the work.3 NASC Guidance Note SG4:00 SG4 guidance note applies to the erection. This may involve additional considerations in relation to any further hazards posed by the use of the equipment. cracks. for example.7. It provides practical advice on the duties placed on employers and employees on how to carry out this work using fall arrest equipment.6 Illustration of Rack Capacity 4. have square or chamfered corners be free from oil. be free from oil. electricity cables or other construction activities. grease. be free from signs of excessive pressure be fitted with galvanised end bands be free from notches be free from splits be fire retardant. Equipment which is beyond repair or defective for any reason will be quarantined for disposal. 3. h. paint and solvents etc. 7. be free from excessive corrosion be free from distortion have all T bolts present have nuts which are not seized Rescue plans should be based on the risks that potentially impact the scaffolding operation. The SG4 guidelines apply to independent and tower scaffolds only. grease. to suit offshore operations Tubes shall :1. all scaffold equipment should be inspected in strict accordance with the following requirements :Boards shall :1. first aid provision 7. f. Equipment. 6. Ladders shall :1. 3. working in proximity to hot pipes. Rescue Plans at associated training should be periodically reviewed to incorporate lessens learned from incidents and exercises. d. be free from excessive corrosion be free from excessive bends be free from thin. c. 3.1 Inspection & Storage of Scaffold Material Once the scaffold is dismantled. Personnel should be trained and understand rescue plans. shall be serviced.g. e. e. 4. rough or split ends uniform and not ovalled Fittings shall :1. 2. due to the health hazards associated with being suspended in a harness. Emergency procedures should consider: a. 2. b. 4. 5. paint (Only acceptable for identification purpose) and solvents etc. accessible. For all other scaffolds structures refer to existing platform procedures. 4. 2.4 Rescue Plan It is advisable that. the location of the work access to emergency services provision of communication equipment number and experience of scaffold teams the nature of the site the type of scaffolding structure any surrounding hazards. The single guardrail must not be removed from the whole elevation before lowering the boards. These plans should be documented. 7. Any equipment which does not conform to these requirements. be free from distortion be free from cracks or splits All equipment which conforms to the above shall be placed in the relevant racks. facilities and personnel needed for emergency response should be identified. Note: Contractors procedures may exceed the requirements of SG4. tested and available. clearly communicated and align to the clients emergency response management system. a suitable emergency procedure be in place to ensure that scaffolders are aware of who to contact and what rescue procedures to follow.2 Inspection Details : Scaffold Fitting SCAFFOLDING 16 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 41 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . 3. and can be repaired.removing the single guardrail and then lowering the boards from that section of guardrail to the lift below. 4. g. 2. their roles and responsibilities. 1 Scaffold Tube Purpose : NOTE :To provide the tubular members in scaffolding structures To comply with HSE Manual Handling Guidelines.Description Mechanical mobile plant comprises of tracked and wheeled units capable of elevating personnel to access work areas. Restrictions • • Are limited to the individual Operative who had access to the work area. Max. Uses The benefits of rope access allow for rapid deployment of the Operative to the Work area. NB. The Operative would normally undertake this job task. The weather is another limiting factor Examples of these various components are illustrated in this section. dependent on the type and design of the scaffold structure: · · · · Ladder Beams Unit Beams Lightweight Platform Staging Pole Ladders Recommendations All Operatives must have training and competency in the use of this type of machine. CONVENTIONAL SCAFFOLDING Conventional Scaffolding comprises 3 basic components: · · · Tubes Boards Fittings These are supplemented by the following components. Restrictions • • • Self weight of unit Restricted work area Lack of flexibility in tight locations 5. 6. MATERIAL STORAGE SCAFFOLDING 40 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 17 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . 5. tube wts/ lengths above (in lengths exceeding 18ft (25kg) it is recommended that the tube be handled by a minimum of 2 persons) 7.4 Rope Access Description Rope access activities are primarily used to allow Operatives to work in areas that cannot by reached by conventional means of access. Uses Mechanical mobile plant allows rapid access to work areas.25kg (18ft) to be handled by 1 x person. Rope access is limited to trained and managed Personnel only in strict accordance to recognised codes of practice. 5.2 Scaffold Board Purpose : To provide the support surface or platform in a scaffold when supported at appropriate centres and subjected to anticipated loadings. 6. Inclined Ladder Vertical Ladder Stairway or Stairladder Frame Access SCAFFOLDING 18 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 39 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .3 Fitting : Double Coupler Purpose : For connecting two scaffold tubes crossing at right angles.3 Mechanical Elevated Work Platforms (Mechanical Mobile Plant) Finish : Four Typical Types of Prefabricated Aluminium Alloy Towers 5. ‘Flame retardant’ All operatives erecting and dismantling tower systems should undertake dedicated training to identify any areas or omissions from the CITB syllabus. No structure should be build unless the assembly guide for the specific tower is available. especially for joining ledgers to standards. GRP Towers are Zone 1 approved. Aluminium towers should not be used in areas where exothermic reactions may occur (incendive sparking) such as zone 1 hazardous areas.4 Fitting : Single Coupler Purpose : For connecting transom tubes to ledger tubes. (Conforms with BS1139 Part 3 1994 (HD1004). 6.2 Aluminium/GRP Tower Systems Description The tower systems can be manufactured from aluminium or glass reinforced plastic (GRP). • • Aluminium GRP 950kgs 720kgs 5.5 Fitting : Swivel Coupler Purpose : For connecting two scaffold tubes at any angle other than a right angle. ⇒ ⇒ Aluminium and GRP towers are more susceptible to mechanical damage. ⇒ Tower systems are typically restricted to maximum safe working limits. diagonals and horizontal braces. adjustable legs with base plates or castor wheels. Above a certain height stabilisers or outriggers will be required. ⇒ Recommendations SCAFFOLDING 38 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 19 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . The main structure comprises frames.scaffolds may have a speciality against other system types. Restrictions 5. Working areas at the top and intermediate level are required by platform units. Uses Tower structures are primarily used for short duration work and are especially valuable in a quick response situation. around which will be guardrails and toe-boards for safety. forms a safe scaffold structure. when erected. aluminium or GRP (glass reinforced plastic) and which.6 Fitting : Sleeve Coupler Purpose : For joining two scaffold tubes end to end. particularly bracing and ledger tubes. with no loose fittings (dropped objects) Low maintenance (servicing & costs) Restrictions System scaffold does not accommodate confined areas with limitations especially when used in overboard situations. Orientation should be given to the Operative as different brands of system SCAFFOLDING 20 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 37 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .5. The system scaffold comprises of 5 basic components: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Adjustable base Standards Ledgers/Transoms Braces Decking Uses The uses of system scaffold are wide and varied. 6. ♦ ♦ ♦ Lighter weight reducing manual handling and lifting by crane Speed of erection. ♦ Lack of flexibility in tight locations Recommendations The Operative erecting the system scaffold shall strictly adhere to the manufacturers guidelines and code of practice.1 System Scaffold Description System scaffold is a generic term used to describe a proprietary type of scaffold made from prefabricated components such as steel. the main benefits being: 5.7 Fitting : Base Plate Purpose : For providing a flat bearing surface for distributing the load from a standard to a foundation or supporting structure. but it should be noted that scaffolding is only a TEMPORARY structure. a Risk Assessment. for use in applications with flange thicknesses of up to 45mm. On these findings a decision should be made on the appropriate action to be taken. should be conducted. 5. Location : Whether exposed to sea/salt water. 1. such as an under-deck scaffold or within a dry module.17 Life Duration of Erected Scaffold Within B.8 Fitting : Gravlock Purpose : For coupling of scaffold tube to a beam flange. in order to identify the condition of the materials. 2. SCAFFOLDING 36 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 21 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . Frequency of Use : Either constant or intermittent. There are two main factors which determine the life of a scaffold. there is no mention of life spans. On this basis. 5973:1993.9 Fitting : Band & Plate Purpose : For connecting of two scaffold tubes crossing at right angles.5. by a competent person. after a scaffold has been erected for 12 months.S. 5. fitted with a mild steel tie rod under every stile. strong.Hazards associated with contamination to the ladder 5. 2. etc). No Yes Yes 5.10 Timber Pole Ladder Pole ladder. brushes. Hazard Control Proceed to construct scaffold SCAFFOLDING 22 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 35 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . with varnished stiles.11 Lightweight Platform Stagings Designed to provide a safe. Are there substances in the local environment that could contaminate the rungs of the ladder (i. This staging is reinforced with steel cable on the bottomed edge of stiles and screwed and nutted tie-rods under each cross bar. Introducing suitable fall arrest equipment. absorption pads.Flow Chart No. drilling mud.e. water etc)? Yes Hazard Prevention Can the hazard be avoided through changing the access point to the scaffold? No Can the hazards be avoided through extending the size of the scaffold structure? No Carry out risk assessment and consider implementing the following control measures:1.2M without intermediate support.4:.e. uninterrupted working platform 0. oil.6M wide that will span up to 7. Rungs spaced at 250 mm (10”) centres. Introducing additional housekeeping measures at the base of the ladder (i. 3M centre.4M (12 & 8 Ft. Could you fall beyond the base of the ladder to another level below or overboard when ascending or descending the ladder? No Hazard Prevention Hazard Control Can the hazard be avoided through changing the access point to the scaffold? No Can the hazard be avoided through extending the size of the scaffold structure? No Carry out risk assessment and consider implementing the following control measures:1. ) SCAFFOLDING 34 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 23 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . to allow the required standard centres to be increased to suit conditions. 21 Ft.4M ) Unit Beam ( Lattice ) Top/bottom chords and outer vertical members are conventional scaffold tubing and diagonal members are approx. The chords are spaced at approx. Standard maximum length 6. 26mm Dia.3:.3mm dia Yes 350 mm Overall Yes Max Length 21 ft ( 6.4M.12 Ladder/Unit (Lattice) Beams Primarily manufactured to increase the capacity of a load-bearing scaffold or introduced to an access scaffold.6M centres. The flat gusset plates and the machined spigots at the ends of the beam are to join the units end to end. 2. thus enabling any length of beam to be achieved. Introducing suitable fall arrest equipment.3mm dia Tube 26mm dia 650 mm Overall Proceed to construct scaffold Standard lengths 3. Scaffold Tube 48.6M & 2. constructed to form a lattice type welded construction. 0. ( top/bottom chords and ‘rungs’ ) forming a ladder type welded construction..Flow Chart No.Hazards associated with falling from height 5. The chords and ‘rungs’ are spaced at approx. 0. Erect additional handrails / barriers or install fall-arrest netting with associated warning signs. No Ladder Beam All members are conventional scaffold tubing. Scaffold Tube 48. 0 M TOE BOARDS LIFT OVERALL HEIGHT Yes STANDARD BOARDED TRANSOMS TRANSOM LEDGER OVERALL LENGTH BAY LENGTH WIDTH BASE PLATE Carry out risk assessment and consider implementing the following control measures:1. KEY DETAILS WORKING PLATFORM :TOE BOARDS :BASE PLATES :- STANDARDS :LEDGERS :TRANSOMS :BOARDED TRANSOMS :BRACERS :RAILS :- Proceed to construct scaffold SCAFFOLDING SCAFFOLDING 24 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA 33 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .5. HT.g.2:. 5. etc. Reducing the exposure height through constructing intermediate access lifts for ladders internal to the structure.) from the access point of the scaffold to another location? Hazard Prevention No Can the hazards be avoided through changing the access point to the scaffold? No Can the hazards be avoided through extending the size of the scaffold structure? No BRACER No This section contains illustrations of these scaffold structures.13 Types of Scaffold Structure There are 5 basic types of scaffold structure: 1. describing terminology and maximum dimensions. oil drums. 3. Raising awareness to the increased hazard through warning signs. 3.Hazards surrounding the access point to the scaffold Are there any hazards in vicinity of the access point that would increase the severity of injury if a person fell from the ladder? Yes Is is practicable to remove the hazards (e. 1) Independent Scaffold Scaffold Definitions: (this diagram illustrates the location & terminology of the material in position) WORKING PLATFORM INDEPENDENT SCAFFOLD Yes Yes RAILS MAX. 1. 4. crates. Introducing suitable fall arrest equipment. 2. Independent Birdcage Tower Cantilever Hanger or Slung version of 1-4 Flow Chart No. Hazard Control 2. Reducing the exposure height through constructing intermediate access lifts for ladders internal to the structure. Introducing additional handrail supports if the ladder cannot project beyond 1. Raising awareness to the increased hazard through warning signs. WORKING LIFTS 10 NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations Can the pitch of ladder be set an angle of 4 vertical to 1 horizontal (75% angle) and will it project a minimum of 1. MAX. OVERALL DROP 4. LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 MAX WIDTH M 1.1 MAX NO BOARDING LIFTS 10 MAX NO. 3.5M O V E R A L L HEIGHT MAX.Pitch and projection of Ladder 2. Yes This diagram illustrates the Scaffold Constructual Terminology & Max Dimensions INDEPENDENT HANGER MAX LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 2.05m above the top landing? No Can the correct ratio and projection be achieved through changing the access point for the scaffold? No Yes LIFT HEIGHT MAX 2. 4.Guidelines for Erecting Ladder Access Flow Chart No. Introducing suitable fall arrest equipment.05m beyond the top landing. LIFT HEIGHT 2.0 MAX WIDTH M 1.4 NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations OVERALL LENGTH MAX.0 M 2.20 MAX BAY LENGTH M 2.0 INDEPENDENT SCAFFOLD MAX.0 M Proceed to construct scaffold WIDTH MAX.0 M TIED Yes O V E R A L L LENGTH M A X B A Y L E N G T H WIDTH Hazard Prevention Hazard Control Can the correct ratio and projection be achieved through extending the size of the structure? No Carry out risk assessment and consider implementing the following control measures:1.1:. 20.20 MAX BAY LENGTH M 2. BAY LENGTH SCAFFOLDING 32 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 25 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . 75 MAX WIDTH M 1. LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 0.0 M TIED LIFT HEIGHT MAX 2. BAY WIDTH BIRDCAGE.5 M OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL WIDTH MAX. BOARDED LIFTS 1 MAX NO.85 (The above diagram illustrates a ladder and top rail access the actual configuration is dependable on scaffold location and area conditions) NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations OVERALL DROP MAX.75 MAX WIDTH M 1. HANGER MAX.85 MAX BAY LENGTH M 1.2) Birdcage This diagram illustrates the Scaffold Constructual Terminology & Max Dimensions BIRDCAGE SCAFFOLD MAX.85 MAX BAY LENGTH M 1. WORKING LIFTS 1 6. BAY LENGTH MAX. OTHER ACCESS SYSTEMS NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations Note: Top rail identified with opening/closing mechanism. LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 0. 20. type dependent on scaffold contractor OVERALL HEIGHT MAX. replacing fixed rail system. LIFT HEIGHT MAX. BAY WIDTH MAX. BAY WIDTH OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL WIDTH SCAFFOLDING 26 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 31 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .85 MAX NO. The flowcharts on the following pages therefore provide guidance on what is deemed ‘best practice’ if these goals cannot be achieved and are based on removing or controlling the resultant hazards. drilling mud. SCAFFOLDING 4) Cantilever NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations OVERALL HEIGHT MAX.85 It is recognised that the temporary nature of scaffold access will make it impossible to achieve these goals for every scaffold. WORKING LIFTS 1 NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations OVERALL HEIGHT MAX. that scaffold ladders greater than 3m in height pose a significant risk to the user because there is no fall protection (e. There should be clear unobstructed access with no potential hazards in the area that would increase the risk of injury if a person fell from the ladder (See Flowchart No. oil. 1 working lift). i. The ladder should project a minimum of 1. These discussions may result in the introduction of ‘local rules’ that limit the maximum vertical height of a ladder to 3m (i. 20. The Scaffold Contractor should therefore discuss with the Installation Operator reducing this potential risk through constructing intermediate access lifts for ladders internal to the structure where practicable. Personnel should not be able to fall beyond the base level of the ladder to another level or over-board from the platform (See Flowchart No.4).0m”.75 WIDTH M MAX WIDTH M 1. 75° angle (See Flowchart No.05m above the top landing with the landing rung level or slightly above the level of the landing platform angle (See Flowchart No.Providing safe access and egress is fundamental to the construction of any scaffold structure that is required for a working platform.g.75 MAX WIDTH M 1.0 M TIED MAX. There should be no substances in the local environment that could potentially contaminate the rungs of the ladder. a firm grip of the ladder should always be maintained when ascending or descending ladder. 3) Tower This diagram illustrates the scaffold Constructual Terminology & Max Dimensions. The stiles should be securely fixed to the scaffold at both the top and bottom of the ladder and where appropriate at a central position. i. TOWER SCAFFOLD MAX LIVE=LOAD Kn-M2 0. LIFT HEIGHT MAX 2.3). back scratchers) that would normally be found on a fixed vertical ladder.1). HANGER Kn/M2 MAX LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 0. Maximum Ladder Height BS 5973 stipulates that the “vertical distance between two successive landing places should not exceed 9. water.85 LENGTH M MAX BAY LENGTH M 1.85 MAX BAY LENGTH M 1. It should be noted.2).1).85 MAX NO BOARDED LIFTS 1 MAX NO.e.5M WIDTH OVERALL LENGTH TOWER. Ladders should be tied just below the rung level to prevent any obstruction to the foot and handholds of the users. LIFT HEIGHT OVERALL WIDTH OVERALL LENGTH 30 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 27 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA . however.e. etc (See Flowchart No. Irrespective of this.e. which should be done in a controlled manner to minimise the risk of slipping. When planning the construction of a scaffold structure consideration must therefore be given to how such access / egress can best be provided onto the platform based on the following goals: • • • • • • • The pitch of ladder should be set at an angle of 4 vertical to 1 horizontal. 9. 8. Parts 1. birdcage. 5. 7.15 Scaffolds Requiring Design Engineering Input 1 NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations 2.1 1.) 5. 14. 6.25 1.8 5. 15. WORKING LIFTS those described earlier in the preceding section require the scaffold design input of a competent engineer.14 Designed Scaffold Structures Scaffold structures outside the parameters of 4. 12.75 2 3 MAX WIDTH M 1. 5. refer to scaffolding contractors management systems for any additional requirements and appropriate design requisition procedures etc.5 M MAX VERT BRACING HT Typical examples of scaffolds that require design input are listed below :1. Independent tied.This diagram illustrates the Scaffold Constructual Terminology & Max Dimensions. 2 & 3 ) Load bearing/support scaffolds Exposed sheeted scaffolds ( encapsulated ) other than those covered by BS 5973:1993 Scaffold utilised for lifting/rigging purposes Suspended cradle other than those covered by BS 5974:1993 Slung scaffolds other than those covered by BS 5973:1993 Truss-out scaffolds Bridging within access scaffolds Scaffolds utilising ladder/unit beams Storage racking Uniformly distributed loads greater than 3. 11. NOTE: All other scaffolds outwith the above are subject to design & calculations (The above list is for guidance only. 13.5 MAX BAY LENGTH M 2.7 2. CANTILEVER LIVE-LOAD Kn/M2 2 MAX WIDTH M 1. BOARDED LIFTS 1 MAX NO. 2.20 MAX BAY LENGTH M 2. tower & cantilevered scaffolds other than those covered by BS 5973:1993 ( European Standard EN 12811. 10.1 MAX NO.0 kN/M2 Temporary buildings & roofs Temporary ramps Pedestrian bridges & walkways Scaffold subjected to extreme wind forces WIDTH OVERALL LENGTH MAX BAY LENGTH CANTILEVER HANGER LIVE-LOAD Km/M2 0. 3.16 Ladder Access MAX LIFT HEIGHT WIDTH MAX BAY LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA SCAFFOLDING 28 SCAFFOLDING 29 COPYRIGHT © 2002 OCA .00 1.
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