RGNUL Intra Moot Competition, 2017

June 8, 2018 | Author: Shivam Aggarwal | Category: World Of A Song Of Ice And Fire, Professional Wrestling, Pleading, Typefaces, Justice
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RGNUL INTRA MOOT COURT COMPETITION, 2017MOOT PROPOSITION 1. WESTEROS, officially the Republic of Westeros, is a country in South of Essos. It is the home of around 1.2 billion people having distinct and unique cultural background. It is famous across the globe for its more than 1000 year’s old traditions. Westeros is a Federation with a parliamentary system government under the constitution of Westeros, which serves as the country’s supreme legal document by which all other organs derive their powers. Westeros is composed of 29 states and 7 union territories. In 1956, the states were re-organized on the basis of linguistic and cultural grounds under the State Re-Organisation Act, 1956. 2. Lannisport in Westeros is known for its unique culture and religious practices. The state is composed mainly of Lannisters, who are wealthy but are in minority in comparison to other population of Westeros. The state is composed largely of Cerseian speaking population and known for its grand cultural festival called ‘Harvest Feast’ which is celebrated in the month of March every year. ‘Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal’ is a traditional event involving camels held in the state of Lannisport as a part of Lannisport’s ‘Harvest Feast’. In Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal, the participant try to embrace the camels. Camels are bred specifically by people of all the villages in Lannisport for the event and attended mainly by the Rajwadi Camels. A Rajwadi Camel is like the head of all camels in a village and special rituals and worships are performed for the camel on important days. A Rajwadi camel since ancient days are trained to fight in battle, these are known for their agility and fierceness. During Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal, prizes are announced to encourage the youth to participate. After the event, tamed weak camels are used for domestic activities and agriculture while untamable strong camels are used for mating. Thus, wild generation of camels are inherited to its next generation, even though these camels are domesticated a very long time ago. Apart from the traditional values attached to this event various scientific studies have proven that this is one of the best way of breeding. Further, the studies have shown that calves born from the mating of Rajwadi Camels and other female camels have higher immunity and less prone to diseases. 3. OONT (ऊंट)-DANGAL has been known to be practiced during Lannisport classical period since last 2000 years. Later, it became a platform for display of bravery and prize money was introduced for participation encouragement. A Seal from Westeros Valley Civilization depicting the practice is preserved in the National Museum of King’s The Court also asked the Centre to amend its law on cruelty to animals to bring camels within its ambit. The human participants in the event are also said to undergo medical tests as well as are tested for alcohol. This witnessed wide-spread protests by youths and youngsters across the state of Lannisport. Similarly in ‘Cave of Three eyed Crows’. The Animal Board of Westeros (ABW) filed a case in the Supreme Court of Westeros for an outright ban on ‘Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal’ because of the cruelty to animals and threat to public safety involved. the people take every care to ensure the fair conduction of the competition. OONT (ऊंट)-DANGAL is the pride of Lannisport culture and thus. 5. Since 2004. Landing. The calves that are reared to become camels are fed a nutritious diet so that they develop into strong and sturdy animals. But the practice of Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal continued to be held under the Lannisport Regulation of Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal Act.500 years old. Nearly 28000 youths protested in front of the State legislature building in King’s Landing following the ban. In general. the Famous Lannisport Film super . Before camels are released in gate. In 2014. thereby banning the event. the Supreme Court struck down the State law passed by Lannisport government and banned Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal altogether further stating that any violations would bring heavy penalties. In 2010. Act No 35 of 2009. Federation of Westeros Animal Protection Agencies (FWAPA) and PETA Westeros have started protesting against the practice of Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal. In the meanwhile. 4. capital of Westeros. they are subjected to medical tests under the government vets including alcohol and substance that will aggravate the camels. 7. camels are trained to not allow strangers to come near them. It was claimed by the protestors that ‘Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal’ is promoted to camel taming it exploits the camel’s natural nervousness as prey animals by deliberately placing them in a terrifying situation in which they are forced to run away from those they perceive as predators and the practice effectively involves catching a terrified animal. 6. the Supreme Court permitted the Lannisport government to allow ‘Oont (ऊंट)- Dangal’ and directed the District Collectors to make sure that animals that participate in ‘Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal’ are registered to the Animal Welfare Board and in return the Board would send its representatives to monitor over the event. several cave paintings can also be found which depicts a lone man trying to control a camel and which is estimated to be about 3. The Ministry of Environment and Forests issued a notification in 2011 that banned the use of camels as performing animals. the Governor of Lannisport also promulgated a special ordinance. The object and purpose of Ordinance was to protect camels in particular Rajwadi Camels. Laws of Westeros are pari materia with the Laws of India. It was also necessary to protect the local ways. 11. The matter is listed for final adjudication. On January 2016. the Animal Welfare Board of Westeros filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Westeros challenging the constitutional validity of the notification and also challenging the validity of ordinance promulgated by the Governor. On 14th January. 10. traditions providing for effective manner of breeding and increasing immunity of camels. 2016. the Supreme Court of Westeros issued a stay order against the Notification and also issued notices to Central Government and Government of Lannisport to seek complete ban on Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal until final disposal of the present case. the Ministry of Environment and Forests through its official notification permitted the continuation of the tradition under certain conditions. Also we should ban all animal slaughter-houses across the country and major sports like horse racing. Mr. 8. Suspecting the arbitrary and sudden nature of the notification of Ministry of Environment and Forests. 9. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the contentions raised & clubbed all petitions together for final oral hearings and arguments. . On 16th January 2016. bullock-cart racing as the gravity of cruelty is obviously more in those sports” These excerpts from the Tyrion Lannister’s interview literally set the state of Lannisport on fire which resulted in mass protests across the state and in some places even resulting some minor casualties and human injuries. Tyrion Lannister gave an interview to a leading national magazine in which he said: “Oont (ऊंट)-Dangal is a cultural symbol of our state and it is our pride too. All the formalities with respect ordinance was duly complied by the state of Laninsport. filed a separate petition in the Supreme Court requesting the court to lift the ban immediately as it prevents them from enjoying their cultural rights. We have been practicing this art of valour for years and it is utterly disgraceful when some groups and individuals are terming this art as cruelty. If this cultural practice is cruelty then there should be an outright ban on eating all non-vegetarian food across the country. star. the House of Lannisters. Buffalo-racing. In addition to this. effectively ending the ban. an NGO working for preservation of cultural rights of Lannisters. THE RGNUL INTRA MOOT COURT COMPETITION RULES 2017 . universities and institutions in and outside India wherein the University shall be represented. e. b. “Competition” means the RGNUL Intra Moot Court Competition. “National Moot Court Competition” means various moot court competitions. g. d.PRELIMINARY 1. c. “Hard Copy” refers to the printed version of the written submission submitted to the committee. THE RGNUL INTRA MOOT COURT COMPETITION RULES. the words used in the Rules shall be construed as defined hereinafter – a. “Committee” means the RGNUL Moot Court Committee. “Administration” means the administration of the University and shall include decisions of the committee. national or international. j. i. . “Draw of Lots” means the picking up of chits by the teams in order to determine the fixture of the competition. including National Rounds of International Moot Court Competitions organized by various colleges. 2. (2) These Rules shall come into force on 1st of May 2017. 2017 CHAPTER I . 2017. Short Title and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the RGNUL Intra Moot Court Competition Rules. h. “Rules” mean the RGNUL Intra Moot Court Competition Rules. f. “Moot Proposition” means the case or the fact sheet released by the committee for the purpose of the competition. Definitions: Unless otherwise provided. 2017. “Oral Rounds” means the oral pleadings presented by the teams before the judges. “Researcher’s Test” means the written test for the researchers. Registration: The scanned copy of the Registration form mentioned in Schedule IV shall be sent to rgnul.rmcc@gmail. [email protected] on or before the date of registration. “Written Submission” means the document prepared by the team in accordance with Rule 8. o. m. pursuing five year integrated course of B. Punjab. Format of the Competition: (1)The Competition will be held in two stages: a) Memorial Selection Round b) Oral Pleading Round . 2017. “University” means Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law. Provided that students who have been barred from participating by the Committee under any foregoing Rules of the Committee or by the order of the Administration shall not be eligible for taking part in the Competition.com. “Soft Copy” refers to the electronic version of the written submission mailed to the committee on rgnul. CHAPTER III–FORMAT OF THE COMPETITION 7. who are in their Second year or onwards. 6. No entries after the registration date shall be entertained by the Committee. l. Allotment of Team Code: Every team registered for the competition shall be allotted a unique code which shall be used by it for all further communications with the Committee.B. 4. CHAPTER II–ELIGIBILITY & TEAM COMPOSITION 3. (Hons.) are eligible for taking part in the RGNUL Intra Moot Court Competition. k.A. Team Composition: A team shall comprise of three members out of whom two shall be designated as speakers while one shall be designated as the researcher Provided that same person cannot be designated as the speaker as well as researcher. “Team Code” means the unique code that shall be provided to the registered teams and shall be used by the teams for all further communications. 5. “Team” means the team having composition as mentioned in Rule 4 and is registered by the committee under Rule 5 for participating in the competition. Eligibility: All the students of the University. n. e. (2) Researcher’s test shall be of 100 marks. Researcher’s Test: (1) There shall be a researcher’s test for the teams that have qualified the memorial selection rounds. 9. Each team shall be allotted a maximum time of 30 minutes inclusive of time for rebuttals and sur-rebuttals. and other like penalties)-Penalty for late submission. Provided that the format and duration of the Researcher’s Test may change according to the Committee’s decision without any prior notification as to the same. (2) Each team shall be submitting memorials from both sides i. (4) The duration of the test shall be 90 minutes. The aggregate memorial scores shall be calculated as follows: Aggregate Memorial scores = Memorial Scores of Both sides . Only the individual designated as ‘researcher’ in the registration form shall be allowed to take Researcher’s Test. (2) Every speaker can speak a maximum of 18 minutes subject to minimum time of 12 minutes. (2) Only the teams qualifying the Memorial Selection Round will be eligible the Oral Pleading Rounds and Researchers’ Test 8. . Memorials from both sides shall be marked as per the criteria mentioned in Schedule II. (3) The format of the test shall be subjective as well as objective. Memorial Selection Round: (1) All registered teams compulsorily have to go through a Memorial Selection Round. footnoting. Orals Rounds: (1) Each team that has qualified memorial rounds shall be arguing from one side only. (3) The selected teams. Appellant/Plaintiff/Petitioner and Defendant/Respondent. (3) Extra time shall be at sole discretion of judges. 10.Penalty (formatting. on the basis of their aggregate memorial scores. will be eligible to participate in the Oral Pleading Rounds and Researchers’ Test. That Side shall be decided on the basis of draw of lots. The researcher score shall be calculated as follows: Researcher scores: Marks scored in Researcher Test + Memorial Scores (same as calculated in Rule 8) c) Memorial Rankings: Memorial shall be ranked as per the aggregate memorial scores calculated in Rule 8. b) Researcher Ranks: Researchers shall be ranked according to the individual Researchers score. (4) Speakers in the oral rounds shall be marked in accordance with the marking criteria as provided under Schedule III of the Rules and as determined by the Committee from time to time. If the tie still subsists. Arrangement of Ranking: The committee shall be declaring the following rankings: a) Speaker Ranks: Speakers shall be ranked according to the individual speaker scores calculated as per Rule 10. If the tie subsists. The teams shall be first differentiated on their cumulative aggregate score as per Rule 11 b. c. the team with the higher researcher’s will be allotted the higher rank. d) Team Rankings: The teams shall be ranked on the basis of below mentioned criterion – a. Memorials’ Score (calculated as per the Rule 8) 12. the team with the higher aggregate speaker score will be allotted the higher rank. (5) Individual speaker Scores shall be calculated as following: Speaker Score = Score in oral rounds + Memorial scores (same as calculated in Rule 8) 11. c. . Score of Speaker 1. Computation of Aggregate Score: The aggregate score of a team shall be computed as the total of - a. b. Score of Researcher’s Test. Score of Speaker 2. and d. (2)The written submission shall be submitted in soft copy as well as hard copy. 16. (6) Footnote Style: The Harvard Blue Book Style (19th Edition) of footnote shall be followed strictly. 13. (2) Printing: The written submission shall be printed on both sides of A4 pages with proper page numbering. (5) Line Spacing: The line spacing shall be 1. CHAPTER IV–WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS 15. . Parameters for the Written Submission: (1) Each team shall submit the written submission only containing pages as mentioned in the schedule I of the rules. the team with the higher memorial score will be allotted higher rank. d. Publication of Final Result and Allotment of Moots: Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules. Results: (1) The results of the Memorial Selection Rounds will be declared as on the date so notified by the Committee. (2) The results of the Oral Pleading Rounds shall be declared soon after the conclusion of Rounds. subject to the RGNUL Allotment of National and International Moot Court Competition Rules. e. If the tie still subsists. If the tie still subsists.5 for the text and 1 for the footnotes. (3) Font Type: The text and footnote of written submission shall be either in Times New Roman or Garamond. (4) Font Size: The font size of the text shall be in 12 points while that of footnotes shall be 10 points. The ranking and scores once declared shall be final and binding. be considered for all future purposes. The pages in the said schedule shall be inclusive of the footnotes. then the rank shall be determined by the toss of coin. 14. the final result published at the conclusion of the Competition shall consist of Team Rankings. Written Submission: (1) The written submissions shall be submitted by the teams from both the sides after the allotment of team codes. Individual ranking list of speakers Researchers and Memorial scores which shall. doc or . (8) Team Code: The written submission shall contain the team code on the right corner of the cover page and no other identification of the team shall be there other than the team code on the cover page. such team shall be penalized with deduction of two marks per extra page in the written submission.PENALTIES 19. and hard copy of the written submission within the time as stipulated by the committee. Penalty for exceeding the page limit: If the team exceeds the page limit of the written submission under Schedule I. The file shall be sent as an attachment and the file name shall be the team code allotted. CHAPTER VI . 20. Submission Soft Copy of Written Submission: The soft copies of the written submissions shall be sent in . . (10) The written submissions shall be marked on the parameters which are laid down under Schedule II of the Rules and as determined by the committee.docx or . On the other hand. (9) Binding of Written Submission: Since the University encourages eco-friendly practices hence. 17. the written submission from the side of the respondent/defendant must have light red paper as cover page. (7) Colour of Cover Page: The written submission from the side of the petitioner/appellant/complainant must have light blue paper as cover page.rmcc@gmail. it is recommended that the teams bind their written submission with thread or staple the pages and tape the same or use any eco-friendly method of binding. Every team shall submit three hard copies of the written submission.com. Submission of Hard Copy of Written Submission: Only teams that have qualified memorial selection rounds are required to submit the hard copies to the committee on or before the notified date. 18.pdf formats via email to the committee on or before the notified date on rgnul. The hard copy shall be a replica of the soft copy submitted. All the contents of the soft copy of the written submission shall be mailed as a single file. Penalty for late submission of written submission: If the team fails to submit the soft copy of the written submission. such team shall be have a deduction of one mark per hour per side in the memorial marks. rmcc@gmail. then such team shall be disqualified from the competition. it shall be disqualified from the Competition. Copyright: The copyright with regard to the memorials submitted for the participation in the Competition is assigned by participants and shall also vest completely and fully with the Organizers. Penalty for violation of any other Parameter: Whichever team violates any other rule provided under Rule 16 shall be punished with deduction of 1 mark per side per such violation. Scouting: No team shall be allowed to hear or see the Oral Rounds of any other team until the Oral Round of that team is completed.21.com on or before the date as shall be notified by the committee. 25. 27. Difference between hard copy and soft copy of Written Submission: If there exists discrepancy between the soft and hard copy of the written submission. If any team is found indulged in scouting. Provided that no punishment under this Rule shall be levied unless an opportunity to present his/her case is given to the delinquent.MISCELLANEOUS 26. Punishment for use of Unfair Means: Any person or team found indulging in use of any unfair means during the course of competition shall be punished with disqualification from competition and shall be deemed to be ineligible for participating in any National and International Moot Court Competitions notified by the Committee during that academic year. CHAPTER VII . 23. The participants shall certify the originality of the memorials and the materials used and shall be responsible for any claim or dispute arising out of further use and exhibition of . In case of any discrepancy the decision of the committee shall be final and irrevocable. Punishment for Violation of any Rule: Any person or team found in violation of any provisions of this Rules or any other Rules made by the Committee for the Competition shall be liable with punishment of not less than deduction of 10% of his total score but not more than deduction of 20% of his total score. 24. 22. Clarification: Any team having any doubt regarding the moot proposition or registration or any other rule shall mail the same to rgnul. com. Imposition of all penalties including disqualification rests solely with the organizers in case of failure to comply with the rules mentioned herein. these materials. or for accuracy. 30. distribute either electronically or otherwise and they shall not be responsible for any liability to any person for any loss caused by errors or omissions in this collection of information. amend or add to the rules mentioned herein at any point of time. Gentlemen: White shirt. doubts or related issues shall be final and binding. Dress Code: The participants shall adhere to following dress code when present in any court room during the Competition. 31. Language: The language of the Competition shall be English only. Contact Details: In case of any queries or clarifications regarding the competition feel free to mail your queries at rgnul. The Organizers reserve the right to alter.rmcc@gmail. completeness or adequacy of the information contained in these materials. Power to Amend or Alter Rules: The rules mentioned herein are not exhaustive. and b. black trousers and black tie along with black coat and black shoes. 29. The Organizers shall have the right to publicly display. . Ladies: White salwar and kurta or white shirt and black pant or skirt along with black coat and black shoes. a. 28. All decisions made by Organizers in case of any disputes. SCHEDULE I HEADINGS OF THE PAGES MAXIMUM PAGES Cover Page 1 Table of Contents No Limit List of Abbreviations No Limit Index of Authorities No Limit Statement of Jurisdiction 1 Statement of Facts 2 Issues Raised 1 Summary of Arguments 3 Body of Arguments 15 Prayer/Relief 1 . SCHEDULE II MARKING CRITERIA MAXIMUM MARKS ALLOTTED Evidence of Original Thought 20 Knowledge of Law and Facts 20 Proper and Articulate Analysis 20 Clarity and Organization 10 Grammar and Style 10 Correct format and Citation 10 Extent and Use of Research 10 TOTAL 100 . SCHEDULE III MARKING CRITERIA MAXIMUM ALLOTTED MARKS Knowledge of Law 20 Application of Law and Facts 20 Ingenuity and Ability to Answer Questions 20 Style. Poise. Courtesy and Demeanour 15 Organization and Flow of Arguments 15 Reference to Written Submission 10 TOTAL 100 . SCHEDULE IV REGISTRATION FORM SPEAKER 1 NAME: _________________________________________________________ YEAR OF STUDY: _____________ ROLL NO.: _______________ EMAIL ID: ______________________ SIGNATURE SPEAKER 2 NAME: _________________________________________________________ YEAR OF STUDY: _____________ ROLL NO.: _______________ EMAIL ID: ______________________ SIGNATURE RESEARCHER NAME: _________________________________________________________ YEAR OF STUDY: _____________ ROLL NO.: _____________________ CONTACT NO.: _______________ EMAIL ID: ______________________ SIGNATURE .: _____________________ CONTACT NO.: _____________________ CONTACT NO. 2017 copies are to be submitted during draw of lots.) Researchers’ Test 4 August. 2017 Last Date of Registration 10 June 2017 Last date of Seeking clarification 20 June 2017 Last Date of Written 20 July. 2017 . 2017 Draw of Lots and Exchange of 4 August. 2017 Memorials Dates of the Competition 5 August. 2017 Submission(Soft Copy) Last Date of Written Submission(Hard Copy) (Hard 4 August. IMPORTANT DATES Release of Moot Proposition 1 May.


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