Quiet - Matilda
Quiet - Matilda
June 23, 2018 | Author: MarikoWatt | Category:
Entertainment (General)
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Matilda: ...BIG FAT BULLY!!![start LFO] Trunchbull: ...crush you [GO] 18. Quiet Music & Lyrics Tim Minchin (The Eye Of The Storm) Moderato q.=c.69 [LFO] 4 Have A you e - ver won - dered, well I have, a - bout how when I say, say "red", for ex -am - ple, there's no way of 8 Know -ing if "red" means the same thing in your head as "Red" means in myhead when some -one Matilda - Royal Shakespeare Company - 12/10/2010 14:01 says "red"? And how vel.bid -den These sto .vel a .ries de .der if in . which seems right in a way.18.ing a light.Royal Shakespeare Company .ing to 14 say I'm not sure.side my head I'm not just a bit diff . at the full speed of Light.ly .swers that come in - G/B to my mind un . that light would still 12 Tra .2 10 if we are tra.'rent from some of my 16 friends B¨ These an .most the speed of Light and we're hold .ling at al . Quiet .way from us.12/10/2010 14:01 A7/C© to me ful . but I won .li-vered C Matilda . but I'm try . 12/10/2010 14:01 And the heat and the .ten.ing in .ger.Royal Shakespeare Company .I'm sor .ing it right C/E But this noise be -comes an .'ry .one shouts like they seem to like shout.ries would stop for just E¨'2 22 once And.3 B writ . my dad and my mum D‹ And the te . Quiet . And when ev .ry I'm not quite ex . F‹/C Matilda .side me would u .di .su .bly loud E¨'2 (still lots of pedal) 20 And I just wish they'd stop.cre . poco a poco D‹ The noise in myhead is in .n't to .ger is E‹ 24 light D¨ And this burn . cresc.18. and the an .ally fade But it is .ing.le and sto .plain .day. Quiet . Like si -lence but not real .ing and sud .et. E¨11 28 ev - 'ry - thing.ing And my eyes are D¨! burn .et.12/10/2010 14:01 pause in a walk in the .ing And my heart is pound . 26 shout .ly si .den .18. Like the sound of a page be. Just that still sort of subito p 33 qui .ly. E¨9 ev - 'ry thing is E¨11 C Semplice (meno mosso) Qui.Royal Shakespeare Company .4 rall. Or a loco Matilda .lent.ing turned in a book. 5 D 36 woods.et. Their mouths are still B¨6 mov . B¨‹^ The words they are B¨‹6 Matilda .et.ly 39 si . of your heart in your head.12/10/2010 14:01 A&7 .Royal Shakespeare Company .ing.lence but not real . Qui .ple B¨^ a . Like the sound when you 42 lie up .18. Just the sound And though the E peo .round me.lent. Like si . Just that nice kind of qui . Quiet .side down in your bed. tip it over! (etc.Royal Shakespeare Company . And I am C 50 warm.12/10/2010 14:01 in . Like I've sailed 53 storm. Matilda .18. Quiet ...not reach me a .to the eye of the .et.ny more. 55 Double speed (x=e) Matilda: Tip it.ing E¨ Can. G‹ And it is qui ...6 47 form .). Quiet .18.Royal Shakespeare Company .7 58 61 Vamp Matilda .12/10/2010 14:01 .
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