QC Manual ISO 3834 -2 QM-02 Final

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QUALITY MANUAL FORFUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.1 Revision - 00 TITLE -COVER SHEET Effective Date 01.06.2016 Page no.-1 Quality Manual Fusion Welding of Metallic Material Conformance Standard : ISO 3834-2:2006 (E) (QM-2) Comprehensive quality requirements ISO 9001-2008 (QM-1) DOCUMENT NO. - QM: 02 Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Vikas Dighe Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 1 of 34 QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.2 Revision - 00 TITLE –TABLE OF CONTENT Effective Date 01.06.2016 Page no.-1 Sr. TITLE Section Rev. Total No. no. no. Pages 1 COVER SHEET 0.1 00 1 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.2 00 1 3 DISTRIBUTION OF MANUAL 0.3 00 1 4 AMENDMENT HISTORY 0.4 00 1 5 ABBREVIATION 0.5 00 1 6 INTRODUCTION OF ORGANISATION & EXCLUSIONS CLAIMED 0.6 00 3 7 INTRODUCTION OF ISO 3834-2 0.7 00 1 8 SCOPE 1 00 2 9 NORMATIVE REFERENCE 2 00 1 10 TERMS & DEFINITION 3 00 1 11 GENERAL OUT LINE OF ISO 3834 4 00 1 12 REVIEW OF REQUIREMENT AND TECHNICAL REVIEW 5 00 1 13 SUB-CONTRACTING 6 00 2 14 WELDING & RELATED ACTIVITIES 7 00 4 15 INSPECTION AND TESTING PERSONNEL 8 00 1 16 EQUIPMENT 9 00 2 17 WELDING CONSUMABLE 10 00 1 18 STORAGE AND PERENT MATERIAL 11 00 2 19 POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT 12 00 1 20 INSPECTION AND TESTING 13 00 2 21 NON-CONFIRMANCE& CORRECTIVE ACTION 14 00 1 22 CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION OF MEASURING 15 00 1 INSTRUMENTS 23 IDENTIFICATION AND TRECEBILITY 16 00 1 24 CONTROL OF DOCUMENTS & QUALITY RECORD 17 00 1 For Reference and application for ISO 3834-2 Follow the ISO 9001-2008 Established Quality Manual / Work Instruction / Mandatory Procedure. Documentation requirement / control of document / Record / Formats / Infrastructure List / Mandatory procedure / work Instruction / statuary requirement / regularly requirement Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Vikas Dighe Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 2 of 34 QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.3 Revision - 00 TITLE –DISTRIBUTION OF QUALITY MANUAL 3834-2 Effective Date Page no.-1 01.06.2016 DISTRIBUTION OF QUALITY MANUAL – ISO 3834-2 SR.NO. TYPE OF COPY DISTRIBUTE TO DISTRIBUTE COPY 1 MASTER COPY QC MANAGER. 1 NO. 2 CONTROLLED COPY WELDING CO-ORDINATOR 1 NO. 3 CONTROLLED COPY MANAGER (PLANNING) 1 NO. 4 CONTROLLED COPY MANAGER (PRODUCTION) 1 NO. 5 CONTROLLED COPY GENERAL MANAGER 1 NO. 6 CONTROLLED COPY DIRECTOR 1 NO Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Vikas Dighe Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 3 of 34 -1 AMENDMENT HISTORY SHEET Effective Sr. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.00 TITLE –AMENDMENT HISTORY Effective Date 01. 4 of 34 . Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. Avinash Silimkar Mr. By Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mr.06. Vikas Dighe Mr. Page Approved Section No.2016 Page no.4 Revision . Existing Detail Revised to Amendment No No. LTD.00 TITLE – ABBREVIATION Effective Date 01. 15 LPT LIQUID PENETRENT TEST 16 MRM MANAGEMENT REVIEW MEETING 17 MR MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE 18 MPT MAGNETIC PARTICAL TEST 19 NDT NON DISTRICTIVE TESTING 20 PCN PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION IN NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 21 PROD PRODUCTION 22 PLG.5 Revision . ABBREVIATION FULL FORM 1 AI AUTHORISED INSPECTOR 2 AWS AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY 3 ASME AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 4 ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING MATERIAL 5 AC ALTERNATE CURRENT 6 AMP AMPEREAGE 7 DC DIRECT CURRENT 8 FCAW FLUX CORE ARC WELDING 9 GM GENERAL MANAGER 10 GTAW GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING 11 GMAW GAS METAL ARC WELDING 12 ISO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION 13 ITP INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN 14 DEPL DYNAXCEL ENGINEERS PVT.NO.2016 Page no.06. Vikas Dighe Mr. 5 of 34 . Avinash Silimkar Mr.5 ABBREVIATION SR. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.-1 0. PLANNING 23 PE PRODUCTION ENGINEER 24 PPM PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGER 25 PQR PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD 26 QMS QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 27 QAP QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN 28 QCE QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER 29 QCM QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER 30 RT RADIOGRAPHY TEST 31 SMAW SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING 32 SK STORE KEEPER 32 SM STORE MANAGER 33 TIG TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDING 34 UT ULTRASONIC TEST 35 VOLT VOLTAGE 36 WPQR WELDER PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD 37 WPS WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION 38 IWE/IWT/IWS/WE INTERNATIONAL WELDING ENGINEER/TECHNOLOGIST/ SPECIALIST/ ENGR 39 WQT WELDER QUALIFICATION RECORD 40 EN EUROPIAN STANDARD 41 MDR MANUFACTURING DOSSIER RECORD Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. de-aerators. tubes. delivered at site.  Fabrication of Heavy equipment’s up to 35 tons for power generation eqpt manufacturers.6 INTRODUCTION OF ORGANISATION Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. We undertake projects consisting of stainless steel fabrication at our factory. TUV India. jiggers. We have the experience of doing jobs under the third party inspection agencies viz. Mr. ISO14001:2004. semiskilled workers & experienced supervisors for execution of this activity. Refiners Housings to American & European OEM’s. Bureau Veritas. silencers / baffles for power generation equipment. DEPL maintains strict manufacturing & documents control of equipment’s.  Pressure Vessels. DEPL is more concern for manufacturing Equipment related to Mining. Tata Projects Ltd. Avinash Silimkar Mr.  Textile dyeing machines. Carbon steel.-1 0. We have a team of 80 skilled. Disc Filters. Vikas Dighe Mr. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0.2016 Page no.  Acoustic enclosures. process and chemical plants. Nickel & its alloys. Lloyds Register etc. and Drum washers. Titanium & its alloys etc. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. OHSAS 18001:1999 certified manufacturers of engineering equipment in various materials like Stainless Steel. 6 of 34 . Limited are ISO 9001:2008. UTM’s.  Heat exchangers. Power sector.. We have proficiency in manufacture & supply of fabricated metal equipment’s and engineering job works. fabrication & erection of equipment’s at site. Food Industry. structural work etc. Approach flow piping for paper industry. In addition to this. We have exported process equipment like sludge mixers. pulpers. agitators for flotation cell in effluent treatment plants.6 Revision . SILO’s.00 TITLE –INTORDUCTION OF ORGANISATION Effective Date 01. we are working with OEM’s in Paper Machinery Suppliers for manufacture of paper pulp equipment in India. We also supply fabricated assemblies with critical machining to global market. filtration unit. Paper Industry.06. Pressure screen Housings . dryers. Condensers  Bleaching towers. part/full fabrication at site and erection & commissioning. DEPL also specializes in executing projects at site along with mechanical design. Screen Vessels. Reactors  Distillation columns. Copper. Bearing Columns. ABS. Avinash Silimkar Mr. 7 of 34 . Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. Vikas Dighe Mr. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Mr. ENGINEER Q./ Q.) WELDING ENGINEER+ WELDING COORDINATOR Sr.C.C. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) ORGANIZATION CHART FOR QC DEPARTMENT MANAGING DIRECTOR MANAGER (Q. C.A. Vikas Dighe Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. 8 of 34 . Q. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. ENGINEER WELDING INSPECTOR +DEPUTY WELDING +DEPUTY WELDING +DEPUTY WELDING CO-ORDINATOR CO-ORDINATOR CO-ORDINATOR Mr. 01/01/2015) Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Ltd.06. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. ISO 3834-2 is use full tool for welding & allied processes in ISO 9001-2008 QMS. then Dynaxcel will work as per applicable minimum levels of applicable EN ISO standards. Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. therefore. limited has implemented ISO 3834-2 welding Quality management System for fusion welding which are widely used to Steel Structures as per the standard of EN ISO standards/ PED /ASME / API-2H / AWS D1. Products may range from simple to complex. Dynaxcel has included all processes in control of the organization for implementation. Ltd. for ISO 3834-2.-1 0.1. Vikas Dighe Mr. to ensure that these welding management processes are carried out in the most effective way and that appropriate control is exercised over all aspects of the operation.7 Revision . will follow the self-design of equipment drawing / weld map etc. Refer standard welding quality plan no (QC/15 rev 01 Dt. 9 of 34 .2016 Page no. Similarly. IS-800 & BS 5950 the standard ISO 3834-2 is applying only welding containing part. will follow the client’s specification / Approved drawings / weld map and other special instruction for control the welding process. If nothing is specified in drawings. This will be particularly applicable for Structural Steel components designed as per Eurocode – 3 (EN- 1993). Mr.00 TITLE – INTRODUCTION OF ISO 3834-2 Effective Date 01. These welding management processes exert a profound influence on the cost of manufacture and quality of the product. Fusion Welding process is considered as special processes in ISO 9001:2008.7 INTRODUCTION OF ISO 3834-2 Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Avinash Silimkar Mr. EXCLUSIONS CLAIMED No exclusions to EN ISO 3834-2 & ISO 9001: 2008 are claimed by the Organization. It is important. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 0. to control the welding process. Reactors Mining.06. tubes. dryers.g. jiggers.-1 1 SCOPE OF ISO 3834-2 Clause No : 01 This part of ISO 3834 defines comprehensive quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials in workshops. its alloys more • Fabrication of Heavy as per equipment’s up to 35 tons for approved WPS power generation eqpt manufacturers. Food more as per metal de-aerators. This part of ISO 3834 specifies the documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2. This part of ISO 3834 does not specify requirements for a total quality management system. Industry. Vikas Dighe Mr. Silo’s.g. ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4. 10 of 34 . Power Carbon Steel. Screen Industry. Approach flow piping for process and engineering paper industry. structural work Non Ferrous 1. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. Disc filtration unit. and Filters. ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4. • Customer orientated equipment for list of Industry given in right side column. plants. Railway. and Drum washers. approved WPS equipment Vessels. 1. pulpers. e.2016 Page no. Stainless to 100 mm baffles for power generation Steel. Nickel & equipment. Avinash Silimkar Mr.00 TITLE – SCOPE OF ISO 3834-2 Effective Date 01.15 mm • Acoustic enclosures. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 1 Revision . silencers / etc. Mr. 112 mm & supply of • Distillation columns. Condensers sector. Industry Thickness Scope Equipment Covered Covered Material Range Welding and • Heat exchangers. Clause 6 identifies quality management system elements where their inclusion will complement ISO 3834. It can only be used in conjunction with ISO 3834-2. UTM’s. Ferrous e. Paper Mild Steel and fabricated • Bleaching towers. chemical job works • Textile dyeing machines. However.5 mm to manufacturing • Pressure Vessels. K) Internal audit (see ISO 9001:2008.2.4). 7. 7.2). E) Planning of product realization (see ISO 9001:2008. 4.2. Mr.Elements to be considered for a quality management system to complement ISO 3834 ISO 3834 contains many attributes that contribute to a quality management system (QMS). F) Determination of requirements related to the product (see ISO 9001:2008. Vikas Dighe Mr. 4. Clause 5).2).2. 6. 6.1). J) Customer property (see ISO 9001:2008.2). 7. 8.4).2. L) Monitoring and measurement of product (see ISO 9001:2008. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Clause 6 . 8.2 b)].1). D) Competence.2.4).3. 7.4). Avinash Silimkar Mr. 7.5.5. 7. This clause Identifies those QMS elements that the DEPL has consider implementing to support the ISO 3834 quality requirements A) Control of documents and records (see ISO 9001:2008. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.2. I) Validation of processes (see ISO 9001:2008. C) Provision of resources (see ISO 9001:2008. G) Review of requirements related to the product (see ISO 9001:2008. 7. awareness and training of operational personnel [see ISO 9001:2008.1).2.2. B) Management responsibilities (see ISO 9001:2008. H) Purchasing (see ISO 9001:2008. 11 of 34 .5. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — General rules ISO 15609-1. Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 2 Revision . Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification based on tested welding consumables ISO 15611. Non-destructive testing of welds — Visual testing of fusion-welded joints ISO 17638. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — welding Procedure specification — Part 1: Arc welding ISO 15610.-1 2. Non-destructive testing of welds — General rules for fusion welds in metallic materials ISO 17637. NORMATIVE REFERENCE Clause No : 02 The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.06.00 DT. Non-destructive testing — Qualification and certification of personnel ISO 14731.2016 Page no. the latest edition of the referenced Document (including any amendments) applies.Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and of resistance Weld setters for fully mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials ISO 15607. 12 of 34 . For undated references. the latest edition of the referenced Document (including any amendments) applies. Welding personnel . For undated references. ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4 ASME .00 DT. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.AWS – AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY ISO 9606-1. ISO 3834-1.00 TITLE – NORMATIVE REFERANCE Effective Date 01. Non-destructive testing of welds — Magnetic particle testing ISO 17639. Avinash Silimkar Mr. ISO 9001:2008. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification by Adoption of a standard welding procedure ISO 15613. For dated References. 01/01/2015) Mr. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification based on pre-production welding test ISO 15614-1. Vikas Dighe Mr. For dated References. Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Macroscopic and microscopic examination of Welds Quality manual # (DEPL/QM Rev-01 DT. 01/01/2009) OHS Manual # (DEPL/EHS Rev. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — welding Procedure test — Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys ISO 17635. Welding coordination — Tasks and responsibilities ISO 14732. Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 5: Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2. only the edition cited applies. Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials — Qualification based on previous welding experience ISO 15612. 01/01/2015) ENV Manual # (DEPL/EHS Rev. only the edition cited applies. Qualification test of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels ISO 9712. Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 1: Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements ISO 3834-5:2005. 3. training and/or relevant practical experience NOTE:-In order to demonstrate the level of competence and knowledge.06. structure or any other welded item. or by regulation NOTE:-the requirements for products and in some cases associated processes can be contained in.1 Company/DEPL DYNAXCEL ENGINEERS PVT LIMITED 3. 3. 3.8 Document This is information and its supporting medium. Vikas Dighe Mr.10 Procedure Specified way to carry out an activity or a process. technical specifications.7 welding operator Person who performs fully mechanised or automatic fusion welding processes 3.3 Qualified person Person whose competence and knowledge have been obtained by education. product standards. a qualification test may be required. Avinash Silimkar Mr.5 Manufacturer/fabricator Person or organization responsible for the welding production.4 Construction Product. 3. 13 of 34 .6 Sub-contractor Supplier of products. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 3 Revision . Mr. services and/or activities to the DEPL in a contractual situation 3.2016 Page no.9 Non Conformity Non-fulfilment of a requirement 3. 3.2 Design specification Requirements for products specified by customers or by the organization in anticipation of customer requirements. for example.00 TITLE – TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Effective Date 01.-1 3 Terms and definitions Clause No : 03 For the purposes of this document. contractual agreements and regulatory requirements. the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000:2000 and the following apply. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 3. process standards. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 4 Revision – 00 TITLE – GENERAL OUT LINE OF ISO 3834 Effective Date 01. Mr. Vikas Dighe Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 14 of 34 .-1 4 GENERAL OUTLINE OF ISO 3834 Clause No : 04 The requirements contained within ISO 3834-2 are adopted in full.2016 Page no.06. The Responsible Planning Engineer shall review the contract requirements as per Document No:-PLAN/03 Rev. 15 of 34 .2 Review of requirements Aspects to be considered shall include the following: a) The product standard to be used.00 dt.g. DEPL is required to take into consideration the requirements of 5.06. that sufficient resources are available to achieve delivery schedules and that documentation is clear and unambiguous. Vikas Dighe Mr.-1 REVIEW 01.00 TITLE – REVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS & TECHNICAL Effective Date Page no. The review of requirements is carried out by the DEPL to verify that the work content is within its capability to perform. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 5 Revision . very low-temperature ambient Conditions or any necessity to provide protection against adverse weather conditions). (DEPL) review the contractual requirements and any other requirements. identification and/or traceability (e. The DEPL shall ensure that any variations between the contract and any previous quotation are identified and the purchaser notified of any programme. ferrite content of weld metal. 5. or elsewh0ere. d)The capability of the DEPL to meet the prescribed requirements. Items in 5. Ltd. Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.3 usually form part of the technical review and are considered during the initial planning stage. l)Other welding requirements. i)Inspection and testing. Items in 5.2 are typically considered at or before the time of the review of requirements review. q)Handling of non-conformances. non-destructive testing procedures and heat-treatment procedures. m)Use of special methods (e. e)The approach to be used for the qualification of welding procedures.g. h) quality-control arrangements. The Technical Review of Requirements shall be carried out by Designated Planning Engineer as perPLAN/02 Rev. c) Any additional requirement determined by the DEPL. When a contract does not exist. weld profile. Hydrogen content. shall establish that all information necessary to carry out the manufacturing operations is complete and available prior to the commencement of the work. j)Sub-contracting. b)Quality and acceptance requirements for welds. together with any technical data provided by the purchaser or in-house data when the construction is designed by the DEPL. use of penning.3 Technical review Technical requirements to be considered shall include the following: a)Parent material(s) specification and welded joint properties. welds). f) The qualification of personnel. 5.2 while carrying out the technical review (see 5. ageing. cost or engineering changes that may result. batch testing of consumables. DEPL affirm capability to meet all requirements and shall ensure adequate planning of all quality-related activities. including any involvement of an independent inspection body. surface finish. e. c)Location. permanent backing.g.3). to achieve full penetration without backing when welded from one side only). n)Dimensions and details of joint preparation and completed weld.g. including accessibility for inspection and for non-destructive testing. items made for stock.01/06/2016. Avinash Silimkar Mr. accessibility and sequence of welds.00 dt. e. o)Welds which are to be made in the workshop. g)Selection.2016 5 Review of requirements and technical review Clause No:-05 5. together with any supplementary requirements.1 General Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Ltd. b) Statutory and regulatory requirements. p)Environmental conditions relevant to the application of the process (e. for materials. d)The specification of welding procedures. Mr.g.01/06/2016. Avinash Silimkar Mr. a.  Certification of NDE Personnel is done by NDE level III and QCM.: QM7. NDE Level III shall be responsible for:  Training of NDE Level I/II personnel.  Preparation and Approval of NDE Procedures. Ultrasonic Examination : DEPL/NDE/EN/UT/01 d.06. Vikas Dighe Mr.1 Scope – This section describes requirements for NDE during Fabrication of Steel Structures.00 TITLE – SUB CONTRACTING Effective Date 01. Mr. Radiographic Examination : DEPL/NDE/RT/01 c.3 NDE Procedures – All NDE shall be performed according to following procedures approved by ISO 9712/EN473/ASNT Level III. 01/01/2009 (Doc No: Pur/02 Rev 01 Dt.  Maintaining Qualification and Certification records of NDE Personnel.depending on the project specific requirements by Sub-contracting. 01/01/2013) 2 Non Destructive testing Material 2.1 Scope –This Section describes all scope of work is in QMS Section No.6 Rev 00 dt. However following activities shall be hired for meeting the product requirement 1. 2. 16 of 34 . Ltd.-1 6. Accordingly PCN / ASNT Level III personnel shall be appointed. Ltd. Evaluation of applicable NDE shall be done by qualified personnel with level II or III in accordance to ISO 9712/ ASNT. Calibration of the measuring instruments 1. Experience and ASNT / PCN Level III certification.  Guidance in Calibration of NDE equipment at shop and field sites. has decided not to outsource welding activities related to fabricated Structures and components.2016 Page no. 2. Liquid Penetrant Examination : DEPL/NDE/PT/01 b. All NDE shall be performed in accordance with applicable NDE procedures duly reviewed & approved by qualified personnel with level III in accordance to ISO 9712/ ASNT.  To assist in review and analysis of NDE documents with respect to applicable Code Edition. Sub-Contracting Clause No :6 As a policy decision. Training and Qualification.2 Qualification of NDE Personnel – NDE Level III shall be appointed by Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Magnetic particle testing : DEPL/NDE/EN/MPT/01 All NDE reports shall be reviewed and evaluated for acceptance by EN 473/ISO 9712 or Level II. Dynaxcel Engineers Pvt. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 6 Revision . The appointment of NDE Level III is based on his Education.  Examination and Qualification of NDE Personnel. Dt. “Request of UT” (Doc no:- QC/37 Rev. All NDE Records shall be maintained by QCE / QCM. Production Engineer shall offer the weld joint to QCE for visual examination. Dt.2005) of Dynaxcel Engineer’s Pvt. 01/01/2016) and hand over to NDE Level II. 01/01/2013) 4 Heat Treatment: Heat treatment of the material / PWHT carried out at Supplier place from approved supplier list (Doc No: . 17 of 34 .QC/37 Rev.6 Re-Qualification – The NDE Level III may ask for re-qualification of NDE procedures & NDE personnel at any time and for any changes to essential variables in NDE Procedures. Rev. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Note NDE: At present RT method are not used at DYNAXCEL ENGG. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. (Doc No: pur/02 Rev 01 Dt. 2.QC/37 Rev. LTD’s QCM.2016) given by DEPL to the supplier. However. 01/01/2013) 3 Destructive testing Material – Destructive Testing of material is carried out at NABL accredited Laboratory only on Raw materials & Test Pieces. qualified and certified for these methods.8 NDE Reports – The results of NDE shall be recorded on Liquid Penetrant test report.00 Dt. All NDE reports shall be filled by QCE in the job inspection File & shall be made available to the Inspector (as applicable) for Review. All Subcontractors’ NDE personnel documentation shall be reviewed and approved by Dynaxcel ENGG. Also the NDE personnel shall be trained. 2. 2.-00. PVT. Dt. 00 Dt.Pur/02 Rev. 2. LTD. 01. The NDE Level III/Level II shall select the applicable NDE procedures from the existing approved procedures provided they comply with the job requirements and the Code.10. Magnetic Particle Test report.DEPL/HT-01. 2.7 Calibration of NDE Equipment – The QCE shall monitor NDE Equipment for calibration and maintain its records. 01/01/2016“Request for PT” (Doc No:. QCE shall fill the “Request for MPT” (Doc no:.-00. Based on ITP after ensuring that the previous examination stages are cleared and visually examining the weld joint. (Doc No: pur/02 Rev 01 Dt. Extent of NDE shall be as per “Controlled Copy” drawing(s) and approved Weld Map. the procedure for RT shall be developed and approved by EN ISO 9712/EN473/PCN Level III / Level II or ASNT’s SNT-TC-1A/ ISNT Level III / Level II prior to their use on job. Vikas Dighe Mr. 01/01/2016). Radiography Inspection Test Report& Ultrasonic Inspection Test Report.5 Subcontracting – NDE may be subcontracted to an organization whose written practice & personnel qualification comply with ISO 9712.-00. (Doc No: pur/02 Rev 01 Dt. when RT method is required to be used. Ltd as per procedure (Doc No:.4 Performance of NDE –EN ISO 9712/EN473/PCN Level III / Level II or ASNT’s SNT-TC-1A/ ISNTLevel III / Level II shall review all applicable job documents and identify the required NDE procedures & Techniques. On completion of the welding. PVT. 01/01/2013) Mr. Avinash Silimkar Mr. 01.06. When defect in a weld is repaired prior to final acceptance. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 7 Revision . 01/03/2013 & for Dish End DEPL/REPAIR PROCEDURE/2 REV. and when required supplementary essential variables for each welding process used in the WPS. Vikas Dighe Mr. Preparation and testing of the test specimens are performed in accordance with EN ISO 15614-1/ applicable standards by testing laboratory.00 TITLE – WELDING PERSONNEL Effective Date 01.g. 01/08/2015 in-case any repair is to be carried out. All changes to nonessential variables of a WPS require a revision of the WPS which is signed. The QCE files the PQR. he prepares and certifies the PQR by signature and date. Using certified PQR QCE/QCM prepares WPS. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. using qualified WPS in accordance with EN ISO 15609-1 and/or applicable requirements of Code of Construction (e. 18 of 34 . If Weld Map is required to be revised due to revision in drawing. No: DEPL/REPAIR PROCEDURE/1 REV. When there is a change to an essential variables. A separate repair report shall be generated as per Doc. performing and supervising of the welding production according to specified requirements.1 General The DEPL has at his disposal sufficient and competent personnel for the planning. The assignment of WPS to the respective weld joints shall be indicated on the Weld Map by QCE and shall be forwarded to PPM/PE for implementation. Completed WPS shall describe all the essential. and in-case of impact testing requirements a change in supplementary essential variables. ASME/ AWS/ PED). 01/02/2013) and same is approved by QCM. same shall be carried out by QCE appropriately. The QC personnel shall arrange for the qualification of each WPS. dated and controlled in the same way as the original without re-qualification.3 The QC personnel are responsible for the preparation and qualification of pWPS.2016 Page no.2 Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)/pWPS Clause No : 10. and if test results are acceptable. Test coupons are welded under supervision of the internal welding inspector/ QC engineer or TPI arrange by DEPL. Using “Controlled Copy” drawing(s).-1 7 Welding & Related Activities 7. Avinash Silimkar Mr.0 Dt. nonessential.00 Dt. 7. No NCR will be issued. The test results report of the testing lab is reviewed by the QCE / QCM. The QCE is responsible to make qualified WPS available to the PPM/PE and welders in the shop.06. witness the welding of the test coupon and record the variables used for each qualification test in the PQR. recording actual variables used while making the weld coupon and test results of the weld coupon. the repair will be considered part of the welding process as long as the same WPS is used. When fabrication drawing(s) are revised. the Weld Map shall be reviewed for changes by QCE. The Welding Inspector personnel shall approve WPS by signing after its successful qualification. All Welding Shall be performed by qualified welders. the WPS shall be revised and re-qualified. The WPS shall have reference of the supporting PQR and is approved by QCE / QCM.2& 10. Mr.00 Dt. QCE prepares Weld Map (QC/20 Rev. 0 Dt.2 The WE/QCM is responsible for training. Preparation and testing of the required specimens. A welder has welded prior to expiration of his qualification using a manual or semiautomatic welding process which will maintain his qualification for manual and semiautomatic welding with that process for further six months. are conducted by a testing laboratory. qualification and certification of the welders. The WPQ documents include the essential variables for performance qualification used for the test welds. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) 7.2 The QCE / WE shall assign to each qualified welder a unique identification number. If welder leaves the company. then his qualifications which support the welding work in question shall only be re qualified. A WPQ is not required for welders who are performing test welds to qualify a WPS or re-qualify it.3 Welders Qualification Clause No : 7. he certifies the WPQ. 7. The successful test of a test coupon covering the planned fabrication. his unique identification number shall not be re-assigned. he may ask for re-qualification at any time. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. Mr. 19 of 34 . B) If there is a specific reason to question his ability to make welds that meet The Code requirements.2 Welder’s qualification shall be affected if one of the following conditions occurs: A) If a welder has not welded with the specific process for six months or more. as identified in the Welder Continuity Log/Record (Doc no:-QC/40 Rev. The welding operator has welded prior to expiration of his qualification with that process using machine or automatic welding. 7. All welders performing welds on Steel Structures are to be qualified according to the requirements of EN ISO 9606-1/other applicable standards & Codes & any additional requirement of the Code under the supervision of the QCE. Avinash Silimkar Mr.6 Welders Identification Clause No : 7. Copy of Qualified Welder List (QWL) is provided by QCE to PPM/PE and QCM. and the ranges qualified for welding during fabrication. QCE / WE determines when welder’s qualification will expire. D) If there is a change in variable of his qualification. 01/06/2016) at least every 3 Months or earlier in case of a new qualification or expiry of qualification and shall be approved by QCM. . or NDE test of welds. C) If anyone has reason to question a welder’s ability to make welds that meet the Code requirements.5 Qualified Welders List (QWL) Clause No : 7. 01/06/2016)then his qualification for that process shall expire unless: . 01/06/2016) and the Qualified Welder List (Doc No:-QC/39 Rev. renews his qualification.0 Dt. Vikas Dighe Mr.2 The QCE / WE is responsible for preparing and updating the Qualified Welders List (QWL) (Doc No:- QC/39 Rev.4 Re-Qualification of Welders Clause No : 7. under the supervision and control of the qualifying DEPL.0 Dt. welding and testing as required by EN ISO 9606-1. The test report is reviewed by the QCE and if acceptable. 7. boilers. heavy engineering. boilers.1 involves Welding’s and NDT of heat Welding Inspector exchanger. Automobiles. piping & structures 4 Avinash QC Engineer + ASNT Level II (UT. & Professional Inspector. assurance & Welding & VT. MT. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) 7. piping & structures. pressure vessels.MT) welding of Casting.3 NDT & Welding Coordinator Personnel Details Sr Name Designation NDT Experience Details No Qualification 1 Rahul Quality Control ASNT Level II 10 years hand on experience in Chaukhande Manager (PT. Certified Quality Manager 3 Utereshwar Sr. 2 Vikas Dighe Welding ASNT NDT Level 28 years’ experience in metallurgy.7 Welding Coordination Personnel Clause No : 7. RT. piping & structures 5 Navid Omne QC Engineer + ASNT Level II 4 year experience in NDT & Deputy Welding (VT. 20 of 34 . boilers. Coordinator pressure vessels.UT. Vikas Dighe Mr. QC Engineer + ASNT Level II Five years’ experience in Miskin Deputy Welding (UT) production & quality of fabrication Coordinator of heat exchanger. Avinash Silimkar Mr. storage tanks.VT) Constructional & Fabrication field Coordinator CSWIP 3. storage tanks. services. pressure vessels.RT) overall quality management in fabrication & team handling. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. heat exchanger. storage tanks. Mr. PT. PT Quality management. Five years’ experience in Silimkar Deputy Welding RT. MT. Certified Welding renewable energy. RT. Control in manufacturing Coordinator International Engineering industries like Welding Engineer. Engineer+ III UT. Environmental conditions (e. 7.4 The DEPL use the welding-procedure specification directly for instruction purposes.Order and timing in which the individual processes are to be performed.g. as appropriate.8 Production Planning Clause No : 10. b) Weld Map is prepared by QCE and approved by QCM for each item. Vikas Dighe Mr.9 Work instructions Clause No : 10.00Dt.Allocation of qualified personnel. 8. Relevant codes & Standards & Specification.g.00 Dt. e) PPM/PE assigns qualified welders on job using QWL and Weld Map for Code work. c) Weld Map shall be forwarded to PPM/PE by QCE for implementation on each item. 21 of 34 . Dedicated work instructions may be used.: QC/45 Rev.0 Dt. 01/02/2013) 5.Reference to the appropriate procedure specifications for welding and allied processes. The necessary instructions shall only be prepared in accordance to Approved WPS-PQR. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Mr. d) The QCE shall prepare and update the QWL at least every 3 months and obtain approval from QCM.6 of manual QM-02) 10. 7. (As per attached Document no . 9.QC/20 Rev.Arrangement for any production test. as single parts or sub-assemblies.(As per Doc no:.5 DEPL establish and maintain procedures for the preparation and control of relevant quality Documents as per Master List of WPS (Doc No.PLAN/01 Rev. QWL shall be provided to PPM/PE and QCM by Quality Engineer.0 Dt. The Production Planning Items to be considered shall include at least: 1. This Work instruction is made in local languages for better understandings. components or parts. and the order of subsequent final assembly). 01/02/2013) 4. the same shall only be issued by QCE / QCM to WE.(As per attached Document no- PLAN/01Rev. (As per Doc no:.1 a) The QCE / WE is responsible for making qualified WPS available to the PPM/PE and welders in the shop. including the involvement of any independent inspection body. (As per Section 0.Identification by batches. Alternatively.Sequence in which the welds are to be made.Specification for inspection and testing.00 Dt. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.01/01/2012) 3. Such dedicated work instructions shall be prepared from a qualified Welding-procedure specification and do not require separate qualification. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) 7. protection from wind and rain).Specification of the sequence by which the construction shall be manufactured (e.QC/20 Rev. 01/06/2016) as per relevant standards. 6.10 Procedures for preparation and control of documents Clause No : 10. If any additional instructions are to be issued. (As per Client Approved ITP) 7.01/01/2012) 2-identification of the individual processes required to manufacture the construction. 00 Dt. Table 3. Table 10. When a qualification test is not required. and supervising the inspection and testing of the welding production according to specified requirements. For visual testing. The ISO documents to which it is required to conform to fulfil the quality requirements are specified in ISO 3834-5:2005.: Pur/02 Rev. Mr. 01/01/2013)& Non-destructive testing personnel qualification List (Doc No. Avinash Silimkar Mr. DEPL has decided to outsource this activities from approved NDT supplier from approved supplier List(Doc No. 8. 01/07/2016). laser beam welding and gas welding.2016 Page no.1 General The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent personnel for planning. Vikas Dighe Mr. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. for other fusion welding processes.00 TITLE – INSPECTION AND TESTING PERSONNEL Effective Date 01.-1 8 Inspection and testing personnel Clause No : 08 8. electron beam welding. a qualification test may not be required. performing. for arc welding. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 8 Revision .2 Non-destructive testing personnel The non-destructive testing personnel shall be qualified in accordance to EN ISO 9712/EN473/ ASNT’s SNT-TC-1A/ ISNT. and in ISO 3834-5:2005. 22 of 34 .06. competence shall be verified by the DEPL.01 Dt.: QC/46 Rev. 2016 Page no.00 Dt. total number of power sources for the different processes). Vikas Dighe Mr. This list shall identify items of major equipment. No.00 Dt. .-MM-01Rev. No. bending and cutting equipment (as per Doc.Equipment for joint and surface preparation and for cutting.01/06/2016).-1 9 Equipment Clause No : 09 9. No.00 Dt. 3 . 9.MM-01 Rev. Mr.MM-01 Rev. 6 . Avinash Silimkar Mr. for Example: 1-Maximum capacity of crane(s) (as per Doc. . 2-Size of components that the workshop is able to handle (As per MCC Certificate). 3-Destructive and non-destructive testing facilities.06.00 Dt.MM-01 Rev.g. 3-Capability of mechanised or automatic welding equipment (as per Doc. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. .MM-01 Rev. No.01/06/2016). . 5-Capacities of rolling.4 New equipment After installation of new (or refurbished) equipment appropriate tests of the equipment shall be performed by supplier services engineer.00 Dt.Personal protective equipment and other safety equipment. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 9 Revision . directly associated with the applicable Manufacturing process (as per Doc. when necessary: 1 .01/06/2016). including thermal cutting (as per Doc. 9.Jigs and fixtures.Power sources and other machines (as per Doc.01/06/2016).00 Dt.3 Suitability of equipment The equipment has been checked & found adequate for the application concerned. This includes.MM-01 Rev. 2-Facilities for surface cleaning (as per Doc.01/06/2016).00 Dt. used for treatment of welding consumables (as per Doc.00 Dt.MM-01 Rev. etc.01/06/2016):- 1-Ovens.01/06/2016). used for the production.Equipment for preheating and post-heat treatment including temperature indicator. .Cranes and handling equipment used for the production (as per Doc.00 Dt. 2 . –MM-01 Rev.1 Production and testing equipment The following equipment shall be available. . 5 . Other equipment only needs to be specified by approximate total numbers which cover each general type (E. No.2 Description of equipment DEPL maintain a list of essential equipment. essential for an evaluation of workshop capacity and capability. 23 of 34 . . 4-Dimensions and maximum temperature of furnaces for post-weld heat treatment.MM-01 Rev. 9.01/06/2016). No.00 TITLE –EQUIPMENTS Effective Date 01. No. quivers. 4 .01/06/2016). No. No. Defective equipment shall not be used& shall be tagged ‘SCRAP’ / ‘UNDER MAINTENANCE’. Avinash Silimkar Mr. 01/01/2014. The maintenance plan is shown in #MAIN/01 Rev. 24 of 34 . The plan shall ensure Maintenance checks of those items in the equipment which control variables listed in the relevant procedure specifications.5 Equipment maintenance DEPL has documented plans for the maintenance of equipment. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) 9. Vikas Dighe Mr. 00 Dt. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. Mr. 1 Scope –This procedure describes the minimum requirements to be complied with for receipt.00 Dt. Welding Consumable Requision Slip – Store/06 Rev 00 Dt.01/07/2016 4. Following Documents shall be maintained:- 1.2 Batch testing Batch testing of welding consumables shall be required only if specified in Contract. Avinash Silimkar Mr.1 General Responsibilities and procedures for control of welding consumables are specified. PROD/12 REV. 10. issue. Welding Electrode Baking File – Doc No DEPL/STORE/07-F Rev.00 Dt. 25 of 34 .-1 10 Welding consumables (ML: Pur/05 Dt. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.2016 Page no.00 Dt. and treatment of welding consumables prior to use in order to ensure acceptable weld quality during fabrication & erection is as per procedure no DEPL/WCP-01 Rev. 00 Dt. 01/06/2016 10. 01/06/2016 2. 01/08/2016) Clause No : 11 10. Vikas Dighe Mr. 01/06/2016 5.06. storage.00 TITLE – WELDING CONSUMABLE Effective Date 01. Material Issue Slip – Doc No. Welding Consumable Issue File – DEPL/STORE/05-F Rev.3 Storage and handling 1. Mr. Welding Consumable Inspection Report – QC/41 Rev 00 Dt.01/06/2016. 01/05/2016 3. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 10 Revision . handling. approval for usage shall be given by signature and date of the QCM/QCE on the IMIR Acceptable material shall be attached with a tag/sticker “ACCEPTED” (Exhibit No. When the material is found to be acceptable. 00 Dt. or specified requirements shall be attached with a tag/sticker “HOLD“(Exhibit No. 26 of 34 . B) Packaging (Defects) C) General Condition D) MTR/MTC Status Store Keeper (SK) prepares Goods Receipt Note (GRN) (Doc No . Available stock materials shall be inspected by QCE. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 11 Revision .01/05/2016) upon receipt of the material and forwards GRN with necessary attachments to QCE/WE for receiving inspection. Avinash Silimkar Mr.08) and shall not be allowed to enter in store & shall be kept outside of stores at separate identified area. 00 Dt.-1 11Storage of parent materials Clause No : 12 Storage shall be such that the material. 11.01/10/2013) to material.00 Dt. If the material does not conform to the requirements of the Code. In this case marking shall be done preferably by etching or engraving or by permanent paint marker. Identification shall be maintained during storage& manufacturing. 01/06/2016).00. Hard stamping shall not be applied to ferrous material less than ¼” (6 mm) and nonferrous material less than ½” (13 mm) thickness. After Identified & clearance from QCE by verification of Physical copy of MTC & Visual then CT Number will be given to them to as identity for production and it shall be marked by preferably permanent paint marker. Vikas Dighe Mr. Where necessary MTR / MTC and any additional Mr.QC/42 Rev.08) and shall be allowed to be kept in stores.2016 Page no. 6. The QCE/WE upon notification from SK shall verify that material is correctly marked in accordance with the Material Purchase Specification (MPS) and material specification as per the Code and Issue CT number (Doc No: QC/30 Rev.1 Material Release:- The QCE checks the MTR/MTC against the Material Purchase Specification (MPA). as follows but not limited to A) Quantity and transit damage if any. Rejected material shall be attached with a tag/sticker “REJECTED” (Exhibit No. All materials which do not conform to the Code. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.O.08) until NCR is resolved.O. including material supplied by the client (if any). He will review available marking to verify compliance with applicable Code requirements. Acceptable Material is released by QCE / QCM by Signing the IMIR. 6.STORE/03 REV. specification & P.O.00 TITLE – STORAGE OF PERENT MATERIAL Effective Date 01. specification/P. SK is responsible to check the material and the delivery challan for compliance with the PI / P. QCE/WE shall verify the markings as per the Code requirements and shall record their observation on the Incoming Material Inspection Report (IMIR) (Doc No . will not be adversely affected. then QCE will put the remarks on the IMIR & it shall be considered as Non Conformity and to be handled as per Section 12 (Correction of Nonconformities) of the QC Manual – QM-02. 6. The MTR/MTC is checked for compliance with the requirements of Code. g.. Mr.4 Non-Conforming Material:- Nonconforming material shall be handled as described in Section 14 (Correction of Nonconformities). Note: If the Size of the part does not permit complete marking as above. Other details of such parts i. Heat No.e. Heat/Lot No. 11. Material Spec.3 Marking Transfer:- Before material is cut into two or more pieces. Part No.). The PE shall raise the Material Issue Slip (Doc No:-Prod/12 Rev. Project Name (If required). material P No. the marking shall be done by Permanent Marker or any other suitable method. Production Engineer (PE) shall arrange to mark accepted material with proper stamping (E. CT No. Plate No.6 Incoming Material Inspection Report (IMIR):- All IMIR mentioned in this Section are made available by the QCM with all accepted test results for review to the AI (if applicable) and are filed in the job file.08) tag and will be stored at separate identified location. Avinash Silimkar Mr. part shall be identified with the relevant Part No. CT No. 11. etc. Grade/Type/Class as applicable. 11. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.2 Material Issuance:- The SK/QCE shall be responsible for controlled issuance of material.5 Material Testing:- When supplementary material testing is required (e. 01 dt. 27 of 34 . Rating. 11. FORGING: Material Specification. Size. Job No.. 11. Grade/Type/Class as applicable. The QCE shall confirm the proper transfer of marking as per above. either the complete Code required markings or a minimum of following marks shall be transferred by hard punching for proper Traceability of materials on each piece. 01/05/2016) in order to issue the material from the stores 11.. Project Name (If required) PIPE: Material Specification. Grade/Type/Class as applicable. If current Edition of the Specification calls for additional tests. shall be documented on Material Heat Chart (Doc No:-QC/10 Rev 00 Dt. etc.. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) material or inspection requirement shall be validated to ensure conformance to the requirements of Code. the same shall be undertaken as necessary.00 Dt. 01/10/2005) for the job.g. or Material grade. 6. If the hard stamping is not permitted or not possible. PLATE: Material Specification.7 Rejection of Materials:- Materials which do not conform to Code requirements shall be rejected by QCE in concurrence with the QCM with the appropriate comments on the corresponding NCR (QC/16 Rev. 01/01/2016). Rejected materials shall be identified with “REJECTED” (Exhibit No. & Grade & Heat No. impact testing) the QCM shall be responsible for subcontracting to laboratory complying with the Code requirements for calibration and certification. or the original marking is cut out or obliterated. Vikas Dighe Mr.. 06. Avinash Silimkar Mr.00 Dt. Mr. 01.-1 12Post-weld heat treatment (ML# Pur/02 Rev01 Dt. 00 Dt. Vikas Dighe Mr.2005) of Dynaxcel Engineer’s Pvt.00 TITLE – POST WELD HEAT TREATMENT Effective Date 01.10. 01.Pur/02 Rev. 28 of 34 .2016 Page no.2016) given by DEPL to the supplier. Ltd as per procedure (Doc No:. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 12 Revision .DEPL/HT-01.01/01/2013) Clause No:13 Heat treatment of the material / PWHT carried out at Supplier place from approved supplier list (Doc No: .06. Rev. 01/02/2013). 19/07/2016. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 13 Revision .00 Dt. 01/06/2016).00 Dt. 6-fit-up.And intermediate examination (e. 4-Back gouging. 8. 4-Identity of welding consumables (As per batch no.0 Dt.2 Inspection and testing before welding Before the start of welding. 5-Joint preparation (e. welding current. Reporting of such tests is not required. 3-Identity of parent material (As per Approved Drawings).). checking of dimensions).3 Inspection and testing during welding During welding. 13. arc voltage and travel speed).QC/43 Rev. 7-Control of distortion.Form no: QC/43 Rev.g. 01/01/2012) NOTE DEPL may carry out additional tests without restriction.-1 13Inspection and testing Clause No : 14 13. shape and dimensions) – As per Doc No . the following shall be checked at suitable intervals or by continuous monitoring: 1-Essential welding parameters (e. 5-Welding sequence. the following shall be checked: 1-Suitability and validity of welders’ and welding operators’ qualification certificates (As per Doc No - QC/39 Rev. 2-preheating/interposes temperature. Location and frequency of such inspections and/or tests will depend on the Standard Quality Plan (QC/15 Rev01 Dt.1 General Applicable inspections and tests shall be implemented at appropriate points in the manufacturing process to assure conformity with contract requirements. 19/07/2016. jigging and tacking 7-Any special requirements in the welding-procedure specification (e.2016 Page no.g. including environment (As per Doc No . prevention of distortion). Vikas Dighe Mr. 2-Suitability of welding-procedure specification (As per Doc No . 3-Cleaning and shape of runs and layers of weld metal.g.0 Dt.g. 29 of 34 . Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. All the above parameters shall be recorded in Document No .00 TITLE – INSPECTION AND TESTING Effective Date 01.QC/43 Rev. 6-Correct use and handling of welding consumables.00 Dt. Mr. 19/07/2016).06. 8-Suitability of working conditions for welding. 13.As per Doc no:.QC/20 Rev. Avinash Silimkar Mr. 2-by non-destructive testing (As per approved NDT report formats in NDT Procedure No - DEPL/NDE/PT/01. 01/07/2012). DT. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 01/10/05).4 Inspection and testing after welding After welding.g. Avinash Silimkar Mr.01 REV. 5-Results and records of post-weld operations (e. by marking of the item. e. DEPL/NDE/RT/01. post-weld heat treatment. 30 of 34 . to indicate.QC/9 REV. ageing). DEPL/NDE/UT/01.QC/11 REV. Mr.5 Inspection and test status Measures shall be taken. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) 13. 4-Form. the compliance with relevant acceptance criteria shall be checked: 1-by visual inspection (As per Doc no . DT. shape and dimensions of the construction (As per Doc no .00. Vikas Dighe Mr.g. 13. Welding History Chart. the status of inspection and test of the welded construction. DEPL/NDE/MPT/01 3-by destructive testing (Lab Test Reports – If Applicable). as appropriate. Mr.3 Corrective Action:- 1.00 TITLE – NON CONFIRMANCE AND CORRECTIVE Effective Date Page no.2016 14Non-conformance and corrective actions Clause No : 15 14. 14. 31 of 34 .: QM8. the NCR shall be signed by the QCM for acceptance of NCR Closure. P/04/MR Rev. Vikas Dighe Mr. the QC Manual. as per procedure no P/05/MR rev.4 Preventive Action:- When the proposed corrective action has been completed and verified by the QCM.1 Scope –This Section describes all scope of work is in procedure no. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 14 Revision .00 Dt. or other specified requirements.1 Definition:- Nonconformity is any condition which does not comply with the applicable rules of the Code. All NCRs shall be closed out before the QCM certifies the MDR. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. 01/01/2009 14.00. Avinash Silimkar Mr.-1 ACTION 01.3 Rev.06. 01/01/2009 14. 01/01/2009.2 Nonconformity Identification:- Scope –This Section describes all scope of work is in QMS Section No.00 Dt. Non conformities must be corrected before the completed component can be considered to comply with the Code. The QCE then shall remove the “Hold” tag from the item. Dt. 1 This Section describes the calibration of examination. inspection and testing equipment 15.: QM7. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No.00. dated 01/01/2009 Mr. measurement and test equipment used in fulfillment of applicable Code requirements& all scope of work describe in QMS Section No. 32 of 34 .1 Scope:- 1. TITLE – CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION OF Effective Date Page no.06.2016 Clause No : 16 15Calibration and validation of measuring.-1 01 MEASURING / INSPECTION / TESTING EQUIPMENT 01. Vikas Dighe Mr. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 15 Revision . Avinash Silimkar Mr.6 Rev. Documented systems to ensure identification and traceability of the welding operations shall include. 6-Identification and/or traceability of parent material (e.QC/30 Rev. 33 of 34 . 01/06/2016). Vikas Dighe Mr. 5-Identification of welding consumable (E. Avinash Silimkar Mr. Mr.g.-1 16Identification and traceability Clause No : 17 Identification and traceability shall be maintained throughout the manufacturing process.00 TITLE – IDENTIFICATION AND TRECEBILITY Effective Date 01. cast number)(As per Doc No:.00 Dt. 01/02/2013)).06. if Required: 1-Identification of production plans 2-Identification of routing cards 3-Identification of weld locations in construction 4-Identification of non-destructive testing procedures and personnel (As per Clause – 6 sub clause 2 of manual QM-02).QC/20 Rev. trade name.00 Dt.00 Dt. if required. 01/02/2013).00 Dt. manufacturer of consumables and Batch or cast numbers)(As per Doc No:. type.2016 Page no. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 16 Revision .QC/41 Rev. 7-Identification of location of repairs 8-Traceability for fully mechanised and automatic welding units to specific welds 9-Traceability of welder and welding operators to specific welds (As per Doc No:. 10-Traceability of welding-procedure specifications to specific welds(As per Doc No:.01/10/2013).g.QC/20 Rev. designation. 3 & 7.06. 01/01/2008) 14-Other documents. Dt.01/06/2016&(As per Doc No:. 01/06/2016) 4-Welding-procedure specifications (As per Clause – 7.QC/41 Rev 00 Dt. 01/10/2005) 9-Non-destructive testing personnel certificates (As per Clause – 6 sub clause 2 of manual QM-02) 10-heat-treatment procedure specification and records 11-non-destructive testing and destructive testing procedures and reports (As per Clause – 6 sub clause 2 of manual QM-02) 12-Dimensional reports(As per Doc No:-QC/09 Rev 01 Dt. if required. Mr.QC/06 Rev 01 Dt. when applicable: 1-Record of requirement/technical review(As per Doc No:. 01/06/2016) 3-Welding consumable inspection documents(As per Doc No:. 01/07/2012) 13-Records of repairs and non-conformance reports(As per Doc No:.-1 17Quality records Clause No : 18 Quality records shall include.2016 Page no. Vikas Dighe Mr.2 of manual QM-02) 5-Equipment maintenance records 6-Welding-procedure qualification records (WPQR) 7-Welder or welding-operator qualification certificates (As per Clause – 7. 00 Dt.00. 34 of 34 .00 TITLE – QUALITY RECORD Effective Date 01.PLAN/03 Rev.PLAN/02 Rev. Avinash Silimkar Mr.01/06/2016) 2-Material inspection documents(As per Doc No:. Quality records shall be retained for a minimum period of five years in the absence of any other specified Requirements. Rahul Chaukhande PREPARED BY REVIEWED BY APPROVED BY Page No. QUALITY MANUAL FOR FUSION WELDING OF METALLIC MATERIAL QM-02 ISO 3834 – 2 : 2006 (E) Section – 17 Revision .00 dt.QC/42 Rev.00 dt.4 of manual QM-02) 8-Production plan(As per Doc No:-Prod/03 Rev.


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