PTI Catalog.v6

June 13, 2018 | Author: jonnma | Category: Prestressed Concrete, Concrete, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Building Engineering
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2014 PTI CATALOG• Updated publications and addenda • PTI Design Seminars WHAT’S NEW? 2014 PTI CATALOG IN THIS ISSUE Publications4 4 General Reference and Publication Bundles 8 Bridges 9 Buildings/Parking 11 14 17 19 Construction and Installation Performance & Testing Rock and Soil Anchors Specifications 26 27 28 Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker (Accelerated) Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist 34 Post-Tensioning Design for Building Structures 35 In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures 35 Design of Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations Plant Certification4 32 32 Certification of Plants Producing Unbonded Single Strand Tendons (Process Certification) Certification of Plants Producing Prestressed Concrete (PC) Strand (Process Certification) 16 Repair 17 Slab-on-Ground Membership4 39 Professional 42 Organizational Events4 47 47 2014 PTI Convention 2014 PTI Committee Days Personnel Certification4 24 Level 1 Unbonded PT- Field Installation 25 Slab-on-Ground Installer-Stressor Seminars4 34 Fundamentals of Post- Tensioning for Building Structures NEWEST & BEST SELLING PUBLICATIONS PTI M10.6-14: Specification for Unbonded Tendons for Slab-on-Ground This updated specification provides performance criteria for materials, and detailed recommendations for the fabrication and installation of unbonded single strand tendons specifically used in any application of unbonded PT slabon-ground construction. Learn more on page 19. PTI M10.6-14 Specification for Unbonded Tendons for Slab-on Ground PTI DC35.1-14: Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors The updated manual supersedes the 2004 edition and represents the current state of practice in the application of permanent and temporary prestressed rock and soil anchors using high-strength prestressing steel. Learn more on page 17. PTI DC35.1-14 PTI TAB.1-06: PostTensioning Manual – Sixth Edition This best-selling manual provides the industry standard for the design and construction of posttensioning structures. Learn more on page 4. Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors PUBLICATIONS One of PTI’s principal functions is to provide technical guidance on the design, construction, maintenance and repair/rehabilitation of post-tensioned concrete structures. PTI has published over 30 informative manuals and technical guides covering most aspects of post-tensioning. In addition, PTI publishes a Technical Journal, newsletters, Technical Notes, Frequently Asked Questions, and Technical Updates which give an in-depth discussion and/or analysis of issues pertinent to designers in the post-tensioning field. PUBLICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS: General Reference............................................................................................................................................................ 4 PT Manual......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Post-Tensioning Terminology............................................................................................................................... 4 Technical Notes & FAQs.......................................................................................................................................... 4 Errata and Addenda....................................................................................................................................................5 PTI JOURNAL..................................................................................................................................................................5 PTI Convention Proceedings................................................................................................................................. 6 Publication Bundles.................................................................................................................................6 Bridges.....................................................................................................................................................................................8 Buildings/Parking............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Construction & Installation..........................................................................................................................................11 Performance & Testing.......................................................................................................................... 14 Repair......................................................................................................................................................................................16 Rock and Soil Anchors..................................................................................................................................................17 Slab-on-Ground.................................................................................................................................................................17 Specifications.....................................................................................................................................................................19 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: 3 PUBLICATIONS GENERAL REFERENCE PT MANUAL PTI TAB.1-06: Post-Tensioning Manual-Sixth Edition The first edition of the Post-Tensioning Manual was published in 1972. The manual provided the industry standard for the design and construction of post-tensioned structures. Subsequent editions reflected the growing use of post-tensioning. There have been significant advancements in post-tensioning technology in the last two decades. Post-tensioning is now used in many new areas, ranging from residential slabs-on-ground to large stay-cable bridges. As a result, the sixth edition contains updated information on the current practices in the use, design, and construction of posttensioning. The sixth edition has been extensively rewritten and expanded from the fifth edition, which was published in 1990. The manual contains 12 new chapters that give design guidance on modern applications of post-tensioning. All of the original chapters have been completely revised and modified to reflect the current industry practices. New topics include seismic design, post-tensioned concrete floors, parking structures, slabs-on-ground, bridges, stay cables, storage structures, barrier cables, dynamic and fatigue, durability, inspection and maintenance, and field and plant certification. This book is an invaluable resource for practicing engineers, architects, students, educators, contractors, inspectors, and building officials, providing basic information and essential principles of post-tensioning. 354 pages; 9 x 12 in. (Hard cover) List: $115.00 / PTI Member: $80.50 PTT PTI TAB.3-13: Post-Tensioning Terminology Post-Tensioning Terminology provides our members, committees, and the construction industry with consensus-based terminology for the PT industry. Categories include: • • • • • • Components Equipment Tendon Stressing Design Troubleshooting/Repair Concrete/Grouting Materials 33 pages DOWNLOAD FREE AT TECHNICAL NOTES & FAQS PTI TAB.2-09: Complete Collection of PTI Technical Notes and FAQs This set includes all Technical Notes, FAQs and Updates. 9 x 12 in. (Available as a photocopy.) List: $115.00 / PTI Member: $80.50 4 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: Morrow. Ross. Llanos. Kang. TX” • M. Stoker. P. “Equalized Multi-Step Stressing of Post-Tensioning Tendons of Cylindrical Shells: A Case Study” • T. Khosa. CA” List $27.R. Kang • R. Graves. T. 3900 West Alameda Boulevard.50 / PTI Member $19. Kim. Bondy. S.25 More PTI JOURNAL back issues available at: www.php PTI JOURNAL PTI Journal . and 2012 Includes: • U. “Assessment of Secondary Effects in Post-Tensioned Flat Plates” • K. Iqbal. Vejvoda. B. “Structural Efficiency from a Sustainability Perspective” • A. Murray. Kang. “The Royal Club Condominiums – Post-Tensioned Cable Restoration” • J. and H. C. Kang. A. Bondy. Schokker. “Rehabilitation of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slabs with Different Boundary Conditions” • C. “The Tower. “The PTI Method for Grade Slab Design – A Dissenting View and an Alternative” • 5 . and S.PUBLICATIONS GENERAL REFERENCE ERRATA AND ADDENDA Errata and Addenda Errata and Addenda available at: www. Graves. Juedes. Bondy. Lenzi. “One Museum Park West: Converting a High-Rise Tower’s Structural Design to Unbonded Post-Tensioning” • J. “Nonlinear Finite Element Analyses of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slab-Column Connections” • M. Chakrabarti. Scanlon. Kalil. M. B.50 / PTI Member $19. Campana. ”Design of Expansion Joints in Parking Structures” • G. “Protecting Unbonded Prestressed Tendons” • S.50 / PTI Member $19. “Specifications Updates for Multistrand Post-Tensioning” List $27. Hufnagel. Kang and Y. J.a Discussion by T. “Slab-on-Ground Alternative Design (SOGAD): A Blend of Art and Science” • B. Fort Worth. Burbank. Bondy “Two-Way Post-Tensioned Slabs with Bonded Tendons” . Y. T. Lee.August 2013 Includes: • M. Juedes. PTI Journal . “Certification: Assuring Quality in Post-Tensioned Concrete Construction” List $27. Carter Industrial Park. “Two Way Post-Tensioned Slabs with Bonded Tendons” • K. Huang. “Effects of Tendon Layout on Service Load Performance of Post-Tensioned Two-Way Slab Systems” • M.25 PTI Journal . “Corner Post-Tensioned Slab-Column Connections” • K. Collins. A. O’Connor. “Testing of Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders with No Shear Reinforcement” • A. Huang. J. 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. and R. Ansley. P. “General Motors Parts Distribution Center. “Alternate Design Procedure for Slabs on Stable Soils” • K.July 2012 Includes: • T. List $740.450 value representing more than a 50% savings on the list price of PTI Publications).00 6 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. Includes 2013 PTI Awards Program Book.00 / PTI Member $518. easy-to-use collection (a $1. including: • • • • • • • • The Post-Tensioning Manual. presentation slides.PUBLICATIONS GENERAL REFERENCE PTI CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS 2013 PTI Convention Copies of / PTI Member $ General Post-Tensioning Reference Publication Bundle This set includes the following publications: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Post-Tensioning Manual sixth edition Acceptance Standards for Post-Tensioning Systems Anchorage Zone Design Controlled Demolition of an Unbonded PT Concrete Slab Evaluation of the Condition of a Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking Structure After 15 Years of Service Earthquake Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Buildings Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures Restraint Cracks and their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building Structures Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced Post-Tensioned Monostrand Anchorages Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons Specification for 7-Wire Prestressed Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications Tech Notes Collection Ten Year Marine Atmosphere Exposure Test of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Prisms List $270. List $42.75 More Convention Proceedings available at: . Why search for the right post-tensioning design and construction reference when you can have the complete set of PTI publications for one low price? The PT Knowledge Library contains 66 references. and papers from the 2013 PTI Convention. sixth edition Design and construction guides Specifications Certification training manuals Technical Notes Frequently Asked Questions Past issues of the PTI JOURNAL PTI Membership Directory Added Bonus! As a Post-Tensioning Knowledge Library PUBLICATION BUNDLES Knowledge Library PTI is now offering all of its technical publications in one comprehensive. you will receive a 50% savings on all new or updated publications for a 5-year period after purchase of the PT Knowledge Library.00 / PTI Member $189. third Edition w/2008 Supplement Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground Foundations Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Sport Courts Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons Slab-on-Ground FAQs and Technical Notes List: $120. and Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking Structures Field Training and Certification Manual Field Procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons 7 . Construction & Maintenance of CIP PT Concrete Parking Structures Design Fundamentals of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons Specification for Seven-Wire Prestressed Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications Evaluation of the Condition of a Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking Structure After 15 Years of Service Earthquake Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Buildings Restraint Cracks and their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building Structures Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced Post-Tensioned Monostrand Anchorages Ten-Year Marine Atmosphere Exposure Test of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Prisms List $225.00 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www.50 Slab-on-Ground Combo Set This set includes the following publications: • • • • • Design & Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground.00 / Member $157. Construction.PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATION BUNDLES Building & Parking Structure Design Set This set includes the following publications: • • • • • • • • • • • • Design.50 Post-Tensioning Construction & Installation Combo Set This set includes the following publications: • • • • • • • • • Acceptance Standards for Post-Tensioning Systems Controlled Demolition of an Unbonded Post-Tenioned Concrete Slab Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground Foundations Design.third edition Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons Specification for Seven-Wire Prestress Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications List: $275.00 / PTI Member: $192.00 / PTI Member: $84. including bridges.50 PTI M50. 8 x 11 in.5 x 11 in. Designers will also find this book useful in preparing the Project Specifications. fire-resistance qualification testing details and cable loss due to fire provisions.3-12: Guide Specification for Grouted Post-Tensioning This publication includes all aspects of materials. containment structures and buildings.00 / PTI Member $24. Testing. however. pumping pressure. material certification requirements. prohibition of tendon flushing. and inspection of grouted post-tensioning systems.PUBLICATIONS BRIDGES PTI . and corrosion-protection levels for grouted post-tensioning systems. The 2012 edition includes several significant additions and updates. inclined tube testing.50PTI M55. stressing. and personnel qualification. and Installation These recommendations are used worldwide for the design.25 8 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. Addendum issued June 2013.1-12: PTI M55. corrosion protection.4-07: Level 1-2 Bonded PT Field Installation This manual is used in conjunction with PTI’s Bonded Post-Tensioning – Field Installation/Field Specialist training design. or bar as the main tension element. 8. strand. such as strength resistance factors including extrados stay systems.50 PTI C30.00 / PTI Member $31. (Soft cover) List $97. safety. and installation of cementitious grouts and ducts for post-tensioning systems used in concrete construction. It includes a discussion of post-tensioning system materials and components. The manual focuses on multi-strand tendons. (Soft cover) List $45. simplifying the approval process for the systems used in different areas of the country while allowing for local environmental conditions. wind loads and cable galloping provisions. The course is intended to train field personnel involved in the installation. grouting.1-12 Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures This publication provides minimum requirements for the selection. It is intended for use in a wide variety of structure types. stressing.50 / PTI Member $68. *Note . The aim is to have this new Specification adopted by most State Departments of Transportation (DOT). 102 pages. fatigue and static strength testing requirements.Errata issued September 2012. stressing. The 2012 edition includes significant updates such as chloride testing.1-12: Recommendations for Stay-Cable Design. materials testing. post-tensioned bar systems are also covered. Requirements for field personnel are also stated as the knowledge of all involved contributes to building durable structures. installation. HDPE pipe requirements. and troubleshooting. 8 x 11 in. 8 x 11 in. grouting. (soft cover) List $35. installation. testing. and some other updates. 60 pages. 26 pages.00 / PTI Member $52. and installation of stay cables for cable-stayed bridges using prestressing wires. 26 pages. (Soft cover) Published June 2012 List $75. 50 / PTI Member $54. however. (Soft cover) List $22.25 PTI M10. preliminary design tables for estimation of material quantities.80 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. structural x 11 in. 73 pages. lateral load considerations. 8. (Soft cover) List $44.00 / PTI Member $15. proper design and detailing for constructibility and to minimize restraint to shortening due to stiff vertical elements. (Soft cover) Published September 2011 List $77. the document is intended to be used as a reference or incorporated in its entirety in the project specifications of any building project using a barrier cable system. 8 x 11 in.9-11: Guide for Design of Post-Tensioned Buildings This guide provides basic knowledge about post-tensioning design and construction and is primarily intended for design professionals but also for others involved with the design and construction of post-tensioned concrete buildings. 87 pages.8-04: Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons This edition incorporates the provisions of ACI 318-02 Building Code and ACI 423.4-07: Specification for Seven-Wire Prestressed Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications This updated specification provides information covering the use of seven-wire prestressing steel strand for barrier cable systems (vehicle restraint) and includes details for their installation and stressing. Information is given regarding strands with different coatings as well as various anchorage systems.00 / Member $157.5 x 11 in.40 PTI DC20.PUBLICATIONS BUILDINGS/PARKING Building & Parking Structure Design Set This set includes the following publications: • • • • • • • • • • • Design.50 PTI DC20.3R-03.00 / PTI Member $30. Included is information on typical post-tensioned floor 9 . and field inspection.” This manual is updated to reflect the latest in posttensioning industry design practices and presents the basic concepts of designing post-tensioned floor systems in a clear and concise manner. 8. 18 pages. Construction & Maintenance of CIP PT Concrete Parking Structures Design Fundamentals of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons Specification for Seven-Wire Prestressed Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications Evaluation of the Condition of a Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking Structure After 15 Years of Service Earthquake Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Buildings Restraint Cracks and their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building Structures Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced Post-Tensioned Monostrand Anchorages 10-Year Marine Atmosphere Exposure Test of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Prisms List $225. “Recommendations for Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons. These specifications are written for parking structure applications. 5 x 11 in.7-01: Design. stressing. and finishing of unbonded single-strand tendons. 61 pages.6-99: Design Fundamentals of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floors This book presents fundamental design concepts.00 / PTI Member $21. which is recommended by AASHTO and ACI.70 PTI M10.50 / PTI Member $46. and maintenance practices that will ensure long-term durability and minimize life-cycle costs.PUBLICATIONS BUILDINGS/PARKING PTI DC20. practical hints. (Soft cover) List $25.5 x 11 . and construction practices of post-tensioned concrete floors and brings the design concepts to the point of practical application. (Soft cover) List $66. Construction and Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking This manual is a comprehensive reference for the design.50 / PTI Member $46. 46 pages. methodologies. 159 pages.5 x 11 in. The presented concepts. cast-inplace concrete parking structures.3-00: Field Procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons This manual has been developed to provide guidance for field personnel involved in the installation. It also provides information for the inspection of construction and the use of unbonded single-strand tendons and contains extensive discussion of job-site troubleshooting. 8. Step-by-step design analyses for a number of typical anchorage zone conditions are included in this manual. construction. (Soft cover) Public price: $30. 178 pages. 8.55 10 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. 8.00 / PTI Member $ PTI M50.5 x 11 in. (Soft cover) List $66. There is a special emphasis on practical applications of a strut-and-tie design approach. Standard details and case histories are also provided. and maintenance of free-standing. construction. The emphasis is on design. and detailed comparisons of computer-aided design methods provide a solid base for professional design efforts.50 PTI DC20. 8.2-00: Anchorage Zone Design This manual provides guidance on the comprehensive treatment of tendon anchorage zone requirements and analysis methods.00 List $31. subcontractors. licensed design professionals. 16 pages. An actual project’s case study illustrates the process. stressing. This manual provides guidance for builders. and other interested parties with the procedures. contractors. This guide demonstrates how the strength and serviceability of a structure that has experienced deterioration can be evaluated and restored to its original or greater strength and serviceability. Many illustrations provide additional support in understanding of the subject 8. Included is a discussion of the required structural analysis as well as construction methods and procedures used to create openings.5 x 11 in.2-10: Guide for Creating Openings and Penetrations in Existing Slabs with Unbonded Post-Tensioning The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that making openings in existing post-tensioned slabs is not only possible but is routinely performed in retrofit projects. 8. The document describes a comprehensive process that can be used to create openings in post-tensioned slab systems constructed with unbonded single-strand tendons. and conversion factor tables. 8. (Soft cover) Published April 2012 List $75.50 / PTI Member $10. and finishing of unbonded single-strand tendons used in the construction of light commercial and residential ground-supported foundation slabs. 8 x 11 in.00 / PTI Member $25.50 PTI DC80. suppliers. Chapter highlights include general considerations. design requirements. tests. and field personnel involved in the installation.5 x 11 in. (Soft cover) List $ 11 . inspectors. It is intended to familiarize owners.50 / PTI Member $19. construction practices. The book also covers common construction and detailing issues.PUBLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION PTI DC80. equipment.00 / PTI Member $52. and building officials. contractors. elongation.3-12: Guide for Evaluation & Repair of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures This guide provides an introduction to the evaluation and repair of existing concrete structures post-tensioned with unbonded single-strand tendons.5 x 11 in. (Soft cover) List $15.3-06: Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Sport Courts This publication presents design and construction recommendations for post-tensioned slabs intended for use as a sport court. 4 x 7 in.95 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. (Soft cover) Pocket size: 116 pages.85 PTI DC10. and other aspects of the evaluation and repair process. 20 pages.2-06: Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations The updated third edition (2006) incorporates the recommendations of the third edition of Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground. The usage of this book is intended for designers. 53 pages.20 PTI DC10. sample specification provisions. detailing considerations. 64 pages. final effective force. (Soft cover) List $36. (Soft cover) List $97.50 / PTI Member $51. and finishing of unbonded single-strand tendons.Field Installation This manual is used in conjunction with PTI’s Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation Certification workshop and provides guidance for field personnel involved in inspection. and finishing of unbonded singlestrand tendons and barrier cables.1-03: Level 1 Unbonded PT . 8. stressing.3-00: Field Procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons This manual has been developed to provide guidance for field personnel involved in the installation. This manual provides the same information as the English version. It also provides information for the inspection of construction and the use of unbonded single-strand tendons and contains extensive discussion of job-site troubleshooting.50 PTI C30. information on slab-on-ground installation. 99 pages. the manual also discusses encapsulation and barrier cable systems and the reading of construction documents.00 PTI C30.25 12 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: x 11 in. 61 pages. 105 pages.50 / PTI Member $51. 99 pages. installation. which is now offered in both Spanish and English.5 x 11 .Field Installation (Spanish) Manual Instructivo Para El Entrenamiento Y Certificación De Personal De Campo Para Postensado Sin Tendones Adherentes This manual is used in conjunction with PTI’s Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation Certification workshop. (Soft cover) List $25. but in a modern Spanish translation. 8. The latest edition has been updated to include an expanded inspection checklist. (Soft cover) List $72.PUBLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION PTI M10. and a glossary of post-tensioning terms presented in both English and Spanish.5 x 11 in.00 / PTI Member $17. In addition to the detailed guidance for single-strand unbonded tendon installation and stressing operations.1S-06: Level 1 Unbonded PT .50 / PTI Member $68. 8.5 x 11 in.00 PTI C30.2-02: Level 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker This course builds upon the Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation course and is intended to extend the knowledge and capabilities of field personnel regarding post-tensioning installation and stressing for structural concrete applications. 8. stressing. (Soft cover) List $72. The course builds on the Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation course and is designed to teach an inspector about the means and methods used to install post-tensioning 13 .25 PTI C30. (Soft cover) List $97. (Soft cover) List $97. grouting. stressing and finishing of single-strand. The manual provides guidance for inspecting installation. The manual focuses on multi-strand tendons. 102 pages.25 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. and troubleshooting.4-07: Level 1-2 Bonded PT Field Specialist This manual is used in conjunction with PTI’s Bonded Post-Tensioning – Field Installation/Field Specialist training program.5 x 11 however. materials testing. and inspection of grouted post-tensioning systems.5 x 11 in. 8. stressing. It also covers troubleshooting and inspection of repairs and barrier cable systems. installation. post-tensioned bar systems are also covered. corrosion protection. The course is intended to train field personnel involved in the installation. grouting. It includes a discussion of post-tensioning system materials and components. safety.PUBLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION PTI C30.50 / PTI Member $68.50 / PTI Member $68. and unbonded post-tensioning tendons.3-06: Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector This manual is used in conjunction with PTI’s Level 2 Unbonded Post-Tensioning Inspector program. stressing. 8. 153 pages. 8. 15 pages. The objective was to investigate the condition of the unbonded tendons after 15 years of service in a moderately aggressive environment. 8.5 x 11 in.5 x 11 in. CA. Recommendations are made for crack mitigation and maintenance of buildings that are post-tensioned with unbonded tendons.05 PTI DC20.4-90: Earthquake Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Buildings This report presents the results of a survey featuring over 200 post-tensioned buildings located in the area most affected by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake near San Francisco.5-90: Evaluation of the Condition of a Post-Tensioned Concrete Parking Structure After 15 Years This report describes the demolition of a 15-year-old parking structure in Baltimore. MD.05 PTI DC20.PUBLICATIONS PERFORMANCE & TESTING PTI DC20.2-88: Restraint Cracks and Their Mitigation in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Building Structures This report reviews the consequences of cracks on serviceability and the strength of post-tensioned buildings.5 x 11 in.5 x 11 . (Available as a photocopy) List $20. 49 pages. 8.3-89: Structural Integrity of Buildings Constructed with Unbonded Tendons This report reviews the consequences of cracks on serviceability and the strength of post-tensioned buildings. which permitted the construction of a new building at the site. Recommendations are made for crack mitigation and maintenance of buildings that are post-tensioned with unbonded tendons. (Available as a photocopy) List: $16. (Available as a photocopy) List $11.50 / PTI Member: $11.50 / PTI Member $8. 16 PTI DC20. 8. (Soft cover) List $11.50 / PTI Member $14.50 / PTI Member $8.35 14 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. 49 pages. which provide adequate anchorage zone factors of safety.50 / Members: $11.55 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. Tests of strand samples and tendon assemblies from test prisms exceeded physical requirements after 10 years of It also includes reinforcing details. (Available as a photocopy) List $ 15 .5 x 11 in.55 Ten Year Marine Atmosphere Exposure Test of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Prisms This report describes test procedures and materials used to provide corrosion protection to unbonded tendons in concrete prisms exposed to the tidal zone at Osaka Bay for 10 years. 8. 49 pages.50 / PTI Member $11. (Available as a photocopy) List: $16.1-87: Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced Post-Tensioned Monostrand Anchorages This report describes results of slab specimens with groups of monostrand tendon anchorages.PUBLICATIONS PERFORMANCE & TESTING PTI DC20. 8. Many illustrations provide additional support in understanding of the subject matter. The report illustrates that.05 16 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www.000 ft2 of post-tensioned slab. slabs constructed with unbonded post-tensioned tendons can safely and readily be . and other interested parties with the procedures. An actual project’s case study illustrates the Guide for Evaluation and Repair of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures This guide provides an introduction to the evaluation and repair of existing concrete structures post-tensioned with unbonded single-strand tendons. contractors. The document describes a comprehensive process that can be used to create openings in post-tensioned slab systems constructed with unbonded single-strand tendons. 8 x 11 in. This guide demonstrates how the strength and serviceability of a structure that has experienced deterioration can be evaluated and restored to its original or greater strength and serviceability. It is intended to familiarize owners. (Soft cover) List $15. tests. (Soft cover) Published April 2012 List $75. which was necessitated by suspicion of damage due to fire.5 x 11 in.2-10: Guide for Creating Openings and Penetrations in Existing Slabs with Unbonded Post-Tensioning The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that making openings in existing post-tensioned slabs is not only possible but is routinely performed in retrofit projects. (Available as a photocopy) List $11.PUBLICATIONS REPAIR PTI DC80. The report concludes with recommendations for demolition of similar projects. if required. 16 pages.50 PTI DC80.50 / PTI Member $8.00 / PTI Member $52.5 x 11 in. 53 pages. suppliers. licensed design professionals.85 PTI DC80. Included is a discussion of the required structural analysis as well as construction methods and procedures used to create openings.1-02: Controlled Demolition of an Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab This report describes the controlled demolition of 100. 8.50 / PTI Member $10. The saw-cutting procedure was used to neutralize over 900 post-tensioned tendons. 30 pages. and other aspects of the evaluation and repair process. equipment. 98 pages. (Soft cover) List $51. 8. 46 pages. (soft cover) Published December 2012 List $30. 8 x 11 in.1-14 Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors Additionally.70 SLAB-ON-GROUND Slab-on-Ground Combo Set This set includes the following publications: • • • • • Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground.5 x 11 in.00 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. internal forces and stiffness requirements that are used for design of all ribbed and uniform-thickness post-tensioned foundations. and testing of grouted prestressed rock and soil anchors. Grout and grouting activities. These recommendations supersede the 2004 edition and include revisions in the requirements for: • • • • • • • Corrosion protection. third Edition w/2008 Supplement Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Sport Courts Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons Slab-on-Ground FAQs and Technical Notes List: $120. This document is prepared by the PTI Committee for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors with input and review by the International Association of Foundation Drilling Anchored Earth Retention Committee.00 / PTI Member: $84. The intention of the publication is to provide licensed design professionals with soil parameters. Corrosion protection decision tree. PTI DC35. Coupler protection Hydraulic jack calibration Spacer and centralizer installation Fabricated tendon prolonged storage requirements. The recommendations provide practical guidance for the design.00 / PTI Member $ Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors This manual represents the current state of practice in the application of permanent and temporary prestressed rock and soil anchors using high-strength prestressing steel. numerous changes were made to further enhance the understanding of anchor technology.00 PTI DC10.PUBLICATIONS ROCK & SOIL ANCHORS PTI DC35. 17 .00 / PTI Member $21. and.5-12 Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils This publication is a combined standard that includes several important changes to older documents. 5 x 11 in. as well as design and construction recommendations.05 PTI DC10. (Available as a photocopy) List $11. subcontractors. elongation.50 / PTI Member $19. It includes three complete design examples and information on the design of industrial floors on stable soils. This manual provides guidance for builders.70 18 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. In addition. (Soft cover) List $71. and building officials. final effective force. It presents guidelines for soil investigation.20 PTI DC10.50 / PTI Member $50. Chapter highlights include general considerations. 35 pages. (Soft cover) List $28. 64 pages. it offers a design method for “uniform-thickness foundations” and modifies the permissible shear stress equation. inspectors. design requirements. meant to clarify or guide the designer in the application of this design procedure and its limitations. 10 case studies of post-tensioned commercial and industrial floor projects (including a “super-flat” floor. 4 x 7 in. (Soft cover) List $36. and a storage yard overlay). (Soft cover) Pocket size: 116 pages. 155 pages.2-06: Construction and Maintenance Manual for Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations The updated third edition (2006) incorporates the recommendations of the third edition of Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground (see above).7-83: Post-Tensioned Commercial and Industrial Floors This book presents an introductory discussion on the development of post-tensioned slab-on-ground applications.3-06: Design and Construction of Post-Tensioned Sport Courts This publication presents design and construction recommendations for post-tensioned slabs intended for use as a sport court.00 / PTI Member $7. tennis courts. contractors.PUBLICATIONS SLAB-ON-GROUND PTI DC10. 8. sample specification provisions.5 x 11 in. The usage of this book is intended for designers. The third edition provides notable revisions in several chapters. The book also covers common construction and detailing issues. 20 pages. and construction of post-tensioned residential and light commercial slabs on expansive or compressible soils. and finishing of unbonded single-strand tendons used in the construction of light commercial and residential ground-supported foundation slabs. 3rd Edition with 2008 Supplement This manual provides recommendations for economical post-tensioned slab-on-ground foundations.1-08: Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground. and field personnel involved in the . detailing considerations. 8. stressing. construction practices. 8.95 PTI DC10. 8. and conversion factor tables.00 / PTI Member $25.5 x 11 in.5 x 11 in. It is intended for use in a wide variety of structure types. Designers will also find this book useful in preparing the Project Specifications. 8 x 11 in. inclined tube 19 . 26 pages. and buildings.00 / PTI Member $31. and installation of cementitious grouts and ducts for post-tensioning systems used in concrete construction. Specifications are presented for both “standard” and “encapsulated” unbonded single-strand tendon systems. stressing. xx pages.6-14 Specification for Unbonded Tendons for Slab-on Ground List $xx. *Note .Errata issued September 2012.50 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www. pumping pressure and personnel qualification. material certification requirements. simplifying the approval process for the systems used in different areas of the country while allowing for local environmental Specification for Grouting of Post-Tensioned Structures This publication provides minimum requirements for the selection. The 2012 edition includes significant updates such as chloride testing.PUBLICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PTI M10.xx PTI M50. (soft cover) PTI M10. design. including bridges. (soft cover) List $45. (soft cover) List $35. Requirements for field personnel are also stated.6-14: Specification for Unbonded Tendons for Slab-on-Ground This specification provides performance criteria for materials and detailed recommendations for the fabrication and installation of unbonded single strand tendons specifically used in any application of slab-on-ground construction using unbonded post-tensioned reinforcement.00 / PTI Member $24. Addendum issued June 2013.50 PTI M55. installation. 60 pages. containment structures.xx / PTI Member $xx. and corrosion protection levels for grouted post-tensioning systems. prohibition of tendon flushing. 8 x 11 in.3-12: Guide Specification for Grouted Post-Tensioning This publication includes all aspects of materials. 8 x 11 in. The aim is to have this new Specification adopted by most State Departments of Transportation (DOT). as the knowledge of all involved contributes to building durable structures. A system approval summary outlines the test requirements and number of successful tests necessary for approval of a post-tensioning system. 8. however. acceptance criteria for prestressing strand. 8. connections.45 20 2014 PTI CATALOG Order digital editions online at: http://www.PUBLICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS PTI M10. Standards and performance requirements for prestressing materials.4-07: Specification for Seven-Wire Prestressed Steel Strand for Barrier Cable Applications This updated specification provides information covering the use of seven-wire prestressing steel strand for barrier cable systems (vehicle restraint) and includes details for their installation and stressing. Qualification tests and acceptance criteria are presented for each of the individual components as well as for the complete system. Information is given regarding strands with different coatings as well as various anchorage systems. Revisions include clearer guidelines on defining aggressive x 11 in. This document is not intended to cover unbonded 53 pages. and sheathing are discussed in detail. (Soft cover) List $25.2-00: Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons This publication presents performance specifications for single-strand unbonded post-tensioning tendons in prestressed concrete structures.00 / PTI Member $15. bearing plates.5 x 11 in. 8. 18 pages.5 x 11 in. compliance standards for encapsulated assemblies. A commentary to each section is also . Specifications are given for both tendons in normal and aggressive (corrosive) environments. and general enhanced provisions for corrosion protection of unbonded tendons. These specifications are written for parking structure applications. the document is intended to be used as a reference or incorporated in its entirety in the project specifications of any building project using a barrier cable system. wedge plates.00 / PTI Member $17. (Soft cover) List $43. (Soft cover) List $22.50 PTI M50.40 PTI M10.1-98: Acceptance Standards for Post-Tensioning Systems This publication provides specific technical requirements for the approval and acceptance of post-tensioning systems. 36 pages.50 / PTI Member $30. 00 Page 1 subtotal: 21 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www.1-08) Earthquake Performance of Unbonded PT Buildings (PTI DC20.3-00) General PT Reference Combo Set Guide for Creating Openings and Penetrations in Existing Slabs with Unbonded PT (PTI DC80.00 $45.00 $15.75 $42. FAQs.05 $8. dollars ($U.) Item description Quantity Ten-Year Marine Exposure Test for Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Prisms (PTI 10. MI 48331 • Phone: (248) 848-3180 • Fax: (248) 848-3181 Web site: www.9-11) Guide for Evaluation and Repair of Unbonded PT Concrete Structures (PTI DC80.3-06) Design.S.4-90) Evaluation of the Condition of a PT Concrete Parking Structure after 15 Years of Service (PTI DC20.2-06) Construction and Maintenance Manual for PT Slab-on-Ground Foundations (pocket size) (PTI DC10.20 $25.00 $192.85 $54.25 $97.50 $31.00 $71.00 $225.25 $97.00 $72.2-06) Controlled Demolition of an Unbonded PT Concrete Slab (PTI DC80.05 $8.25 $52.00 Total $24.4-07) Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector (PTI C30.00 $518.00 $36.1-02) Design and Construction of PT Sport Courts (PTI DC10.50 $35.2-00) Building & Parking Structure Design Set Complete Collection of PTI Technical Notes.05 $17.50 $66.00 $10.3-12) Level 1 Unbonded PT Field Installation (PTI Unit price.1-03) Level 1 Unbonded PT Field Installation (Spanish) (PTI C30. Construction and Maintenance of CIP PT Concrete Parking Structures (PTI DC20.20 $8.php .50 $11.1S-06) Level 1-2 Bonded PT Field Installation (PTI C30.55 $30.55 $46.50 $77.50 $80.70 $157. Farmington Hills.00 $270.1-98) Anchorage Zone Design (PTI M50.50 $28.00 $740.50 $275.3-12) Guide Specification for Grouted Post-Tensioning (PTI M50.50 $75.50 $68.2-10) Guide for Design of PT Buildings (PTI DC20.80 $50.50 $66.2014 PTI PUBLICATION ORDER FORM Post-Tensioning Institute • 38800 Country Club Drive.05 $19.6-99) Design of PT Slabs Using Unbonded Tendons (PTI DC20.50 $189.00 $36.50 $ $7.50 $44.50 $68. and Technical Update (PTI TAB.55 $30. sixth edition (PTI TAB.2-09) Construction and Maintenance Manual for PT Slab-on-Ground Foundations (PTI DC10.3-06) Level 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker (PTI C30.00 $11.00 $51.7-01) Design Fundamentals of PT Concrete Floors (PTI $21.5-90) Field Procedures Manual for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons (PTI $29.2-02) PT Commercial and Industrial Floors (PTI DC10.50 $51.50 $43.50 $11.70 $11.1-06) PTI members $11.1-88) Acceptance Standards for PT Systems (PTI M50.8-04) Design of PT Slabs-on-Ground (PTI DC10.50 $25.95 $46.25 $97.00 $72.50 Nonmembers $16.50 $25.50 $68.50 $115.7-83) PT Construction & Installation Combo Set PTI Knowledge Library PTI Technical Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM) Post-Tensioning Manual. dollars ($U.00 $30.50 $45.70 $51.50 (PTI dollars and drawn on a U. Return Policy: If your order is damaged.50 (PTI DC20. MI 48331 • Phone: (248) 848-3180 • Fax: (248) 848-3181 Web site: www.S. Sales Tax: MI residents add 6% to publication total. Expedited Shipping: Faster shipping is available for additional fees.2-00) $17.00 Specification for Grouting of PT Structures (PTI M55. and Installation $52.) PTI Item description Quantity members Nonmembers PT Construction & Installation Combo Set $ $35. Farmington Hills.00 (PTI DC45. bank) or credit card (circle one): Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Card #: ___________________________________________ Exp.50 $75. all prices subject to change without notice. bank.50 $25.2-88) Slab-on-Ground Combo Set $84.S.6%): Grand total: Name: __________________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip + 4: __________ Country: ______________ Fax: ______________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________________ Payment must accompany order.40 $22..5-12) Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced PT Monostrand Anchorages $11.55 $16.55 $16.35 $20. defective. we accept its return without question within 30 days of purchase.1-12) Restraint Cracks and Their Mitigation in Unbonded PT Building Structures $14.00 Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors (PTI DC35. Post-Tensioning Institute • 38800 Country Club Unit price. date: ________________ Billing zip code: ____________ Total Name as it appears on card: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ All prices include Free Ground Shipping to all destinations in the U.00 Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned $21. Please call our office to find out the shipping rate for your order.00 Recommendations for Stay Cable Design.50 $275. CONT.S.00 Applications (PTI M10.00 $120.1-87) Structural Integrity of Buildings Constructed with Unbonded Tendons $11.1-12) $31. Customs fees are the responsibility of the customer. Check (on U.50 (PTI DC20. 22 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. or incorrect. University bookstores and other resellers must receive authorization from PTI to return books in resaleable Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils (PTI DC10.2014 PTI PUBLICATION ORDER FORM.php . Testing. International Orders: Please call our office to find out the shipping rate for international deliveries based on the weight of the order and the destination country. All payments must be in U.4-07) Specification for Unbonded Single Strand Tendons (PTI M10.S.3-89) Page 2 subtotal: Page 1 subtotal: Postage and handling (expedited delivery or international orders ONLY): Sales tax (Michigan residents ONLY . Returns shipped COD are not accepted. Authorized returns in resaleable condition are subject to a 15% restocking fee.00 Specification for Seven-Wire Prestressed Strand for Barrier Cable $15. ...... PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation............. serviceability........................................................... durability.................... engineers......................................... Please refer to the enclosed workshop descriptions for certification requirements and detailed flyers outlining important course information and pricing............... Slab-on-Ground Installer-Stressor.........................................27 Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist................ and ACI 301.....................................................................................................................26 Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker (Accelerated)............... Proper training and education of personnel involved in post-tensioning (PT) field operations—installers...... and safety of PT concrete construction........................................................... ACI 318........................25 Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector.... Registration and Special Requests............28 Schedule..........................................29 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www..........................................php 23 ...................PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION PTI offers training and certification workshops for field personnel shown to comply with requirements of IBC.. and others—are vital to ensuring the performance..... 00 $350. The course and study manual are also offered in Spanish.00 $ 24 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www.00 Regular pricing $355. It also serves as an effective introduction for personnel new to post-tensioning. Workshop prerequisite • None Certification requirements • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 70% • Work experience: None Registration PTI member PTI nonmember Advance pricing (paid at least 30 days before workshop) $305. while at the same time providing support and organization for experienced persons.php .post-tensioning.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION LEVEL 1 UNBONDED PT – FIELD INSTALLATION This 2-day workshop outlines the basic body of knowledge that should be possessed by all personnel involved in the installation and inspection of single-strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems. post-tensioning.00 Regular pricing $365.00 $370.php 25 .org/certification_program.00 $420. Hands-on training is included and it requires the student to demonstrate a proficiency of the necessary skills for working with single-strand unbonded post-tensioning systems. Workshop prerequisite • None Certification requirements • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 70% • Work experience: 500 hours (working with unbonded PT on SOG or superstructure projects) Registration PTI member PTI nonmember Advance pricing (paid at least 30 days before workshop) $315.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION SLAB-ON-GROUND INSTALLER-STRESSOR This 2-day workshop is designed specifically for installation and stressing of single-strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems for residential and light commercial slabs-on-ground. It outlines the basic body of knowledge that should be possessed by all personnel involved in the installation and stressing of PT in these light foundation systems.00 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. 00 $425.) • Work experience: None Certification requirements for Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 80% • Work experience: 500 hours (installation or inspection of unbonded PT on superstructure projects) • Registration PTI member – Level 1 & 2 – All 3 days PTI member – Level 2 only – Days 2 & 3 PTI nonmember – Level 1&2 – All 3 days PTI nonmember – Level 2 Only – Days 2 & 3 Advance pricing (paid at least 30 days before workshop) $515. The 3-day model is designed to reduce travel expense and allow inspectors.00 26 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. please refer to the information flyer for special pricing and attendance This workshop will enhance the knowledge and capabilities of inspectors and other key personnel involved in the field inspection of single strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems.00 Regular pricing $565.00 $590. If you already have Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation certification and need the Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector certification.00 $325. passing score of minimum 70% constitutes renewal.00 $ $375. and industry personnel to obtain Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector certification in a shorter window of time.php .00 $640. engineers. Attendees of this workshop can receive Level 1 or Level 2 certification based on exam performance and the following requirements: Workshop prerequisite • None Certification requirements for Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 70% (If you already hold Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation certification.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION LEVEL 1 & 2 UNBONDED PT INSPECTOR This comprehensive workshop combines information from Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation and Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector into a 3-day course and replaces PTI’s traditional Level 2 Unbonded PT Inspector program. building officials. ) • Work experience: See prerequisite Certification requirements for Level 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 80% • Work experience: See prerequisite Registration PTI member PTI nonmember Advance pricing (paid at least 30 days before workshop) $485. It extends the knowledge and capabilities of field personnel in superstructure PT and all other unbonded PT applications.00 $560. OR • Current Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation certification plus 500 hours in the last 5 years (minimum 50 hours of stressing) of unbonded PT work on superstructure projects.php 27 .00 Regular pricing $ OR • 4000 hours total (minimum of 200 hours of stressing) of unbonded PT work on superstructure projects. passing score of minimum 70% constitutes renewal.00 $610. Hands-on training is included and it requires the student to demonstrate a proficiency of the necessary skills for working with single-strand unbonded post-tensioning (PT) systems. Certification requirements for Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 70% (If you already hold Level 1 Unbonded PT – Field Installation certification.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION LEVEL 1 & 2 UNBONDED PT IRONWORKER (ACCELERATED) This intensive and comprehensive 2-1/2 day workshop is designed specifically for personnel with extensive prior field 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. Attendees of this workshop can receive Level 1 or Level 2 certification based on exam performance and the following requirements: Workshop prerequisite • 2000 hours in the last 5 years (minimum of 100 hours of stressing) of unbonded PT work on superstructure projects. diverse methods for installation of prestressing steel (including strand and bar).post-tensioning.php .00 Regular pricing $605. and operation of grouting equipment and grouting techniques. Registration PTI member PTI nonmember Advance pricing (paid at least 30 days before workshop) $555. stressing equipment operation and procedures. click here for an affidavit form to prove your $685. Attendees of this workshop can receive Level 1 or Level 2 certification based on exam performance and the following requirements: Workshop prerequisite • None Certification requirements for Level 1 Bonded PT – Field Installation • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 70% • Work experience: None Certification requirements for Level 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist • Workshop attendance • Exam minimum score: 80% • Work experience: 1500 hours installation or inspection of grouted PT (500 placing + 500 stressing + 500 grouting).00 28 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION LEVEL 1 & 2 BONDED PT FIELD SPECIALIST This comprehensive 3-day workshop covers the installation and various types of duct systems.00 $735. FL Dallas. OK Charlotte. Register early to ensure space. MN Gainesville. TX NC Houston.Field Installation (Spanish) Level 1 Unbonded PT. TX Denver.Field Installation (Spanish) Level 1 Unbonded PT.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT.Field Installation  Level 1 Unbonded PT.PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION WORKSHOP SCHEDULE & SPECIAL REQUESTS Workshop Type Level 1 Unbonded PT. CO Orlando. CO San Antonio. NV Houston. PA Saint Paul.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. CAN Miami. Train and certify your employees or other group and eliminate travel-related expenses.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. visit: http://www.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. TX Atlanta. MD Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. TX  Dallas. FL Oklahoma City. IL Baltimore. TX To view the current certification workshop schedule and register. BC.php Certification workshops fill quickly and venue size limitations might require registration for some classes to close prior to the workshop. 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. CA  Orlando.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. VA for more information and to request your seminar. CAN  Dallas. TX Norfolk. IL  Ontario. TX Vancouver. FL Chicago.Field Installation Level 1 Unbonded PT. TX  Chicago. TX Pittsburgh.php 29 . BC. All of the five nationally recognized PTI Training and Certification programs can be presented at your location by proven industry experts.Field Installation (Spanish) Slab-on-Ground Installer-Stressor Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Inspector Level 1 & 2 Unbonded PT Ironworker (Accelerated) Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Level 1 & 2 Bonded PT Field Specialist Date January 19-20 February 15-16 March 1-2 April 5-6 May 3-4 June 7-8 July 12-13 August 9-10 September 6-7 October 4-5 November 8-9 December 6-7 May 17-18 January 24-26 February 21-23 March 14-16 April 11-13 May 16-18 July 25-27 August 22-24 September 26-28 November 21-23 August 15-17 March 12-14 April 23-25 May 21-23 July 16-18 October 22-24 November 12-14 Location Las Vegas. Please contact Miroslav. GA Denver. FL  Houston. TX  [email protected]. Applicants must attend all training sessions to be eligible to take the certification Names of attendees __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street address _______________________________________________ City. 30 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www.php . group discussions.S. including bridges and building structures. cancellation charge will be refunded for requests made 8 to 21 days in advance. date ________________________________ Discover Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Refund Policy: PTI will refund registration fees if cancelled in advance of the workshop as follows: 100% of the fees will be refunded for requests made more than 21 days in advance of the workshop. Registration does not include the cost of travel or hotel lodging. State ____________________________ Zip _____________ Credit card #: ____________________________________________________________ Exp. pages 24-28 Total amount enclosed: ____________________ Zip code __________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Fax _________________________________ Registration information: Workshop type. Farmington Hills. and refreshments each day. PTI members and advanced registrations take advantage of discounted prices. and no refunds will be issued for requests made within 7 days of the workshop.Personnel Certification Registration Form Complete this form and submit with payment to: Note: Course content is pertinent to all types of bonded post-tensioning construction. and field demos that allow participants to gain insight into the specific aspects of construction. location/date ______________________________________________________________________________________ Payment information: Payment method: ______ Check (on U. The workshop registration fee includes student manual. lunch. Workshop manuals are sent to applicants in advance and applicants are encouraged to read the manual prior to the workshop. Certification is valid for 4 years from the date of the workshop and can be renewed by passing an online State ____________________________________________ E-mail address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please reference pricing in personnel certification section. MI 48331 Phone: (248) 848-3180 • Fax: (248) 848-3181 Web site: www. the fee less an $85 U. participants must make their own arrangements. PTI’s training workshops feature presentations.S. 38800 Country Club Drive. Certification exams are administered at the completion of the as shown below. Bank) ______ Credit card (circle one) Visa MasterCard American Express Cardholder name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing address: ____________________________________________ City. ....................... PLANT CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Certification of Plants Producing Unbonded Single Strand Tendons (Process Certification).................. Visit www.................................................... PTI will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited PTI Plant Certification program.........32 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: 31 PTI offers two programs for certifying the processes of facilities producing materials used in post-tensioning systems.................................32 Certification of Plants Producing Prestressed Concrete (PC) Strand (Process Certification) ........................php to learn more about PTI Plant Certification and view a listing of all of the plants that are currently certified........PLANT CERTIFICATION In 2014. the Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI) program for Certification of Plants Producing Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons has been developed to provide independent certification of a plant’s extrusion and/or fabrication process and its capability to produce standard and/or encapsulated unbonded single-strand tendons. The certification of a plant under this program indicates that the plant and the personnel are capable of producing unbonded single-strand tendons in conformance with the Post-Tensioning Institute’s Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand several international plants in Asia and the Middle East have been certified and inspections of additional plants are underway. • PTI Quality Management System Manual (PTI-CRT20 G2-0713): Documents PTI’s quality system and sets forth procedures and requirements for the operation and administration of the UTPC This certification program also includes evaluation of calibration practices for jacks and gauges used for stressing single-strand tendons. The program includes standardization of reporting practices and documentation and establishes required testing procedures and specified minimum • Nonconformity Action Plan Template (PTI-CRT20 F30-1013): Template provided for plants to report their Nonconformity Action Plan.php to view a current listing of PTI Certified Plants.php Visit CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF PLANTS PRODUCING UNBONDED SINGLE STRAND TENDONS (PROCESS CERTIFICATION) Launched in 1989. APPLICATION FORMS CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT Program Requirements: The procedures and requirements of the PTI Unbonded Tendon Plant Certification Program are set forth in the following documents which can be downloaded at http://www. The certification program extends only to the process for extrusion and/or fabrication procedures and materials within the examined plant and is expressly not intended to cover procedures or events subsequent to shipment of tendons to the job site. The certification of a facility under this program indicates that the facility and its personnel are employing a process capable of producing PC strand in conformance with the program’s requirements. 32 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: CERTIFICATION OF PLANTS PRODUCING PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (PC) STRAND (PROCESS CERTIFICATION) The second PTI certification program is for the certification of the quality control process of plants that manufacture prestressing steel strand (PC Strand). APPLICATION FORM AND MANUAL CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT http://www.php: • Manual for Certification of Plants Producing Unbonded Single Strand Tendons (PTI-CRT20 G1-0713): Sets forth the procedures and administrative and technical requirements for plant certification. To date. The program is applicable to all facilities whether fixed or mobile. ............................ SEMINARS TABLE OF CONTENTS Fundamentals of Post-Tensioning for Building PTI currently offers four educational seminars related to the design and construction of post-tensioned structures........................34 Post-Tensioning Design for Building 33 ..........................................36 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www.................................................35 Design of Post-Tensioned Slab-on-Ground Foundations............................................................................................................................34 In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures .......... The seminars are a half day or a full day in length and provide attendees with the latest PT design and construction techniques from experienced design professionals.35 Registration and Special Requests............................................................................. common design mistakes. and applicable . • Construction: Installation considerations. fabrication. applicable code requirements and their impact on design.4 CEU credits) This intensive seminar will focus on post-tensioning design. and practical design and construction tips will be discussed. applicable recent building code requirements and their impact on design. secondary moments. code requirements. This seminar is designed for individuals with little or no experience in post-tensioning design. tendon arrangement in common floor systems. • Design & Analysis: Key concepts such as load balancing. common systems. Durability aspects of present PT systems. and useful design and construction tips will also be discussed. facts and myths about post-tensioned structural members as compared to reinforced concrete members. and structural drawings and detailing. POST-TENSIONING DESIGN FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES A Half-Day Seminar (4 PDH/0. inspection. • Construction: Installation considerations. key design concepts. code requirements. post-tensioning design and analysis. issues related to drawing review. Durability issues and the available PT systems will also be reviewed. various structural element interaction.SEMINARS FUNDAMENTALS OF POST-TENSIONING FOR BUILDING STRUCTURES A Half-Day Seminar (4 PDH/0. tendon arrangement in common floor systems. Presentations will include hands-on training with practical examples to illustrate the topics covered. common systems. interaction with other trades. fabrication. use of external post-tensioning in the retrofit of existing slab structures. and applicable specifications. and facts and myths about post-tensioned structural members as compared to reinforced members. This seminar is designed for individuals with some experience in post-tensioning design.4 CEU credits) This seminar provides attendees with an understanding of post-tensioning systems. various structural element interactions. site inspection. use of external post-tensioning in the retrofit of existing slabs. Key design concepts. analysis. and construction/coordination issues. hands-on preliminary design with factors affecting the selection of structural systems. and construction considerations. 34 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. installation • Applications: Project examples to illustrate various uses of post-tensioning in buildings. installation considerations. Highlights of the course include: • Post-Tensioning Technology: Recent innovations in post-tensioning materials. Highlights of the course include: • Post-Tensioning Technology: Materials. and construction considerations. • Applications: Project examples to illustrate various uses of post-tensioning in buildings. secondary moments and prestress losses. issues related to drawing review. detailed analysis with techniques for modeling of one.and two-way slabs. prestress losses. • Design & Analysis: Key concepts such as load balancing. construction/coordination issues and repair of post-tensioned structures. interaction with other trades. post-tensioning.  DESIGN OF POST-TENSIONED SLAB-ON-GROUND FOUNDATIONS (8 PDH/0.8 CEU credits) This intensive and in-depth seminar will cover most aspects of the design and analysis of post-tensioned structures and will include hands-on training with practical examples of new post-tensioned building 35 . Highlights of the course include: • Preliminary Design: Factors that affect the selection of structural systems. 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. • Detailed Analysis: Effective techniques for modeling of one. repairs of post-tensioned structures. detailed examples of common types of structural systems using hand calculations as well as commonly used software. key aspects and steps involved in the design of post-tensioned structures.8 CEU credits) This comprehensive. The seminar will highlight the new features and changes of the recently published PTI DC10. and important recent building code provisions relating to the design of posttensioned structures.SEMINARS IN-DEPTH DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF POST-TENSIONED BUILDING STRUCTURES A Full-Day Seminar (8 PDH/0. common design mistakes that are seen on structural drawings and solutions to common design/construction situations. in-depth seminar is intended for geotechnical and structural engineers and others involved in the design of post-tensioned slabs-on-ground on expansive soils.and two-way slabs. Design comparisons and examples will be presented to demonstrate these concepts and the application of the PTI Design method.5-12 “Standard Requirements for Design and Analysis of Shallow Post-Tensioned Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils.” Practical guidance will be given on: • • • • • Evaluating climate and site conditions Determining relevant soil properties Predicting soil movements using the new geotechnical analysis procedure Designing for the controlling criteria of moments. and deflection Applying the new cracked-section provisions The seminar will heavily emphasize design practice and will present recommendations for optimizing PT slab designs. • Detailing and Structural Drawings: Causes of restraint and ways of mitigating problems arising from restraint. and hands-on exercises of practical situations to explain the basic concepts. shear.  This comprehensive seminar was developed for engineers and designers actively involved in post-tensioning design. post-tensioning. All four standard design seminars are available for the special requests. Please contact Miroslav. TX Los for more information and to request your 2014 July 28.php Special request design seminars can be presented at your location and provide specialized training to your employees and colleagues to eliminate travel expenses. 2014 April [email protected] . CA Houston. TX To view the seminar schedule and register visit: http://www. 36 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. 2014 Location Washington. 2014 May 8.SEMINARS 2014 Seminar Schedule & Special Requests Seminar Type In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures In-Depth Design and Analysis of Post-Tensioned Building Structures Date March 17. DC Dallas. org/certification_program. 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. State _______________________________________________________________________ Zip code ___________________________ Credit card #: ____________________________________________________________ Exp. State _______________________________________________________________________ Zip code __________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please reference pricing in seminar section pages 34-36 Total amount enclosed: ____________________ Payment information: Payment method: ______ Check (on U.S. date ________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Refund Policy: PTI will refund registration fees if cancelled in advance of the workshop as follows: 100% of the fees will be refunded for requests made more than 21 days in advance of the workshop. the fee less an $85 U. Bank) ______ Credit card (circle one) Visa MasterCard American Express Cardholder name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Discover Billing address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City. and no refunds will be issued for requests made within 7 days of the workshop.php 37 .Seminar Registration Form: Seminar type.S. location/date ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) attendees __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City. cancellation charge will be refunded for requests made 8 to 21 days in .............................. and Mexico...... and companies supplying materials............................................................... PTI has more than 600 professional engineers................ and Europe................. and manufacturers of prestressing materials in the U........................................... MEMBERSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS PTI Professional (Individual) Membership....................................PTI MEMBERSHIP Members of the Institute include major post-tensioning material fabricators in the U............................39 PTI Professional Membership services....................................... and .... Canada...............S...... Mexico..........................41 PTI Organizational Membership... Canada.... Asia..... In addition.......... and equipment used in post-tensioned construction.........................45 38 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www..................... architects.....42 PTI Organizational Membership Application.... All membership applications must be approved by the PTI Board of Directors. Note: Persons who work for companies that are eligible for one or more company-level categories of membership may not apply for professional membership unless the company is also a member. Associate.00 International Professional Member A person with the same qualifications as noted above. Professional Member Any person who is a licensed architect or engineer. or Mexico Annual Dues: $150. however. Annual Dues: $40. construction inspector. Affiliate.00 Student Any person who is enrolled in a recognized institution of higher learning in the architectural or engineering field.PTI MEMBERSHIP PTI PROFESSIONAL (INDIVIDUAL) MEMBERSHIP Persons qualifying for Professional Membership in accordance with the definitions below who accept and agree to be governed by the by-laws of the Post-Tensioning Institute may apply for membership on line or by completing an application form and mailing it to PTI with payment of the first year’s dues. but who resides outside the U. public building official. provided. or the corresponding International Membership is available to such person or to an organization with which such person is affiliated. that no such person shall be eligible for Professional Membership if Post-Tensioning. Prestressing Steel 39 ..S. Canada.00 APPLY FOR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP ON PAGE 41 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. Annual Dues: $125. Installing Company. or any person who is deemed by the Executive Committee to have abilities or standing equal to this qualification. Technical Support The PTI staff and professional membership is available to help support you with your post-tensioning questions and concerns. Included will be development of a prototype curriculum for teaching post-tensioning and Updates are also provided to members. New FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQs). The PTI JOURNAL is published several times per year and contains interesting information about industry . In addition. Training workshops/certification are available to members at a reduced cost. eNewsletters & Technical Journal Professional members receive numerous complimentary publications throughout the year. committee meetings. Educational Opportunities Members receive discounts on educational seminars and workshops. Technical Committees Professional members have the opportunity to participate on PTI Technical Committees.PTI MEMBERSHIP PTI PROFESSIONAL (INDIVIDUAL) MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS OF PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP Discount on PTI Publications & Software Save up to 30% on PTI publications. These annual conferences feature technical sessions. which can directly lead to business referrals. The Directory is also distributed at conferences and trade shows such as World of Concrete. Magazine. Certification The PTI Field Certification Program is rapidly growing and is one of the Industry’s efforts to assure quality construction. educational seminars and a trade exhibit featuring the latest post-tensioning technology. Complimentary Publications. 40 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. Professional Members are listed in the PTI Directory. Professional members will also receive special publication offers for additional savings throughout the year. Future Workforce Development and Training PTI has efforts to support the development of structural engineering students. Directory The PTI Membership Directory contains a listing of industry suppliers and design professionals—an invaluable resource for locating post-tensioning products and services in various locales. you will be supporting the development of qualified future designers of post-tensioned concrete structures. This is a chance for you to influence the future of post-tensioning and to learn the latest state-of-the-art developments. An Education Committee has been formed to liaise with structural engineering professors and to develop student support programs. As a PTI professional member. Annual Convention Members can attend the PTI Technical Conference and Exhibition at a reduced member rate. All professional members receive a complimentary copy. Technical Notes. Associate. or International Post-Tensioning. however. All membership applications must be approved by the PTI Board of Directors. dollars) must accompany this application. or Membership Category (Check one that applies) Annual Dues o Professional Member (North America): Any person who is a licensed architect or engineer. or the corresponding International Associate Membership is available to such person or to an organization with which such person is affiliated. $125 o o $150 $40 Name: ________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Company/Academic Institution: __________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ________________________________________ City: ______________________ State/Province: _____________ Postal code: __________________ Country: _______________________________________________________________________ Are you a licensed engineer? (circle one) Are you a licensed architect? (circle one) Yes Yes No No State: ______________________ License No. Farmington Hills. MI 48331 Phone: (248) 848-3180 Fax: (248) 848-3181 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: provided. No. International Professional Member (outside North America): A person with the same qual- ifications as noted above.) Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Payment options o Check in payment of dues (U. do you hold an EIT certificate? (circle one) Yes No Phone: ________________________ Fax: _________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ Company website: ____________________________________________ Nature of company’s business (Students: Describe your academic field of study and identify an academic advisor. 38800 Country Club Drive. _____________________ If you are not a licensed professional engineer or architect. date: ________________ Cardholder’s name: _____________________________________ Credit card billing address: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Return application by mail or fax with payment to: Post-Tensioning Institute.S. public building official. Student: Any person who is enrolled in a recognized institution of higher learning in the archi- tectural or engineering field.php 41 .PTI PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Persons qualifying for Professional Membership in accordance with the definitions below who accept and agree to be governed by the by-laws of the Post-Tensioning Institute may apply for Professional Membership by completing this form and mailing it to PTI with payment of the first year’s dues. Installing Company. construction inspector.. Affiliate. ___________________ State: ______________________ License No. Bill my credit card o Visa o MasterCard o American Express Amount enclosed: _____________________________ o Discover Card no: _______________________________________ Exp. Canada. Note: Persons who work for companies that are eligible for one or more company-level categories of membership may not apply for Professional Membership unless the company is also a member. that no such person shall be qualified for Professional Membership if Post-Tensioning Prestressing Steel Supplier. but who resides outside the U. or any person who is deemed by the Executive Committee to have abilities or standing equal to this qualification.S. ___________________ State: ______________________ Cert. Installing Company A person. may apply for membership by completing the registration process on line or by downloading an application form and returning it to PTI by mail or fax with their payment of the annual dues. or Associate engaged in the installation or stressing of post-tensioning materials. Associate. Consulting Company A firm or corporation not eligible for membership as a or corporation not eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of equipment or other materials used by those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership. its members. firm. used by those eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership. Prestressing Steel Supplier. its Members. International Post-Tensioning Company A person. their customers or the Post-Tensioning Industry Membership engaged in providing professional consulting services to the Institute. All membership applications must be approved by the PTI Board of Directors. firm. firm. or corporation outside of the North American Continent.) Post-Tensioning Company A person. outside of the North American Continent. Prestressing Steel Supplier A person. 42 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. or Installing Company Member engaged in a business or industry of providing products or services allied or related to the business of those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. or corporation not eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of prestressing steel. Installing Company Member or Affiliate and engaged in providing professional consulting services to the Institute. Prestressing Steel Supplier. or corporation who maintains one or more locations from which it engages in the fabrication of posttensioning materials. that accept and agree to be governed by the by-laws of the Post-Tensioning Institute. Affiliate A person. firm. firm. Prestressing Steel Supplier. Associate A person. firm or corporation not eligible for Post-Tensioning Company membership engaged in the manufacture and/ or sale of prestressing steel used by those eligible for Post-Tensioning Company membership. International Prestressing Steel Supplier A person. (See application form on page 42 for annual dues and tonnage. or corporation who maintains one or more offices outside of the North American Continent from which it engages in the promotion and sale of post-tensioning materials and accepts contracts to deliver such materials in the name of such person.PTI MEMBERSHIP PTI ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBER Firms or corporations qualifying for organization-level membership in accordance with the definitions below. their . firm. excepting professional services. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. firm. or the Post-Tensioning Industry. Associate. you can access a nationwide referral through the PTI office. Not only do these comprehensive seminars foster critical thought and enhance pertinent information exchange. you can count on 43 . Marketing PTI is very actively involved in promoting the use of post-tensioning in various construction applications. or Installing Company Member engaged in a business or industry of providing products or services allied or related to the business of those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership outside of the North American Continent.PTI MEMBERSHIP PTI ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBER International Associate A person. To work towards this goal PTI sponsors a variety of technical seminars specific to the post-tensioning industry. firm. Whether you have a question or need advice. PTI’s Marketing Committee has developed an aggressive plan to promote post-tensioning by developing new applications (such as prestressed pavements and bridge decks). professional suppliers who have proven their commitment to quality and compliance with national standards. The Plant Certification and Field Personnel Certification Programs give your customers confidence that they are working with competent. Let us know how we can help you! 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. Prestressing Steel Supplier. Time Saving If you are looking for the right person. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. International Affiliate A person. firm. or Associate engaged in the installation or stressing of post-tensioning materials outside of the North American Continent. Association Any trade association or organization having United States income tax exemption or having purposes and objectives compatible with the goals and purposes of the Institute. or equipment for the job. Prestressing Steel Supplier. Your support and involvement will enable PTI to expand these promotional efforts and will help ensure that the needs of your particular markets are being met. and by expanding use in established applications (such as buildings and bridges). In addition to providing access to a variety of technical publications. APPLY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP ON PAGE 45 BENEFITS OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP Enhanced Profitability and Competitiveness PTI is the only association dedicated to expanding quality post-tensioning applications. or corporation not eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of equipment or other material. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. PTI can provide the technical support you need to be sure the job is done right the first time. they help you or your company achieve an industry standard that sets you aside from your competition. International Installing Company A person. The staff at PTI are dedicated to helping you make the most of your membership. used by those eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership. outside of the North American Continent. Associate. Members receive significant discounts on all certification programs. Frequently Asked Questions sheets and the website. and publishing industry-standard technical meetings. you are entitled to complimentary admittance and seminar discounts at World of Concrete. 44 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www. and seminars provide members with opportunities to exchange information and experiences with other members and industry practitioners. Networking PTI conferences. Access technical articles.PTI MEMBERSHIP PTI ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBER Certification Quality is one of the core values of the Institute. In addition. Increased Visibility Members are listed free of charge in our Membership Directory and on our website. In addition. Members receive discounts on all educational forums. code development. and sales literature by using the PTI Member logo. PTI gathers annual tonnage figures to provide you with critical market trend information that can help build your business. periodic Technical Notes. In addition. Other membership classes nominate and elect a representative to serve on the PTI Board of Directors and Executive . information and references at no additional charge. Education & Training PTI sponsors a variety of educational seminars related to the design and construction of post-tensioned structures. networking with other PTI members who may have similar concerns or experiences can often be very beneficial in effectively dealing with day-to-day business challenges. Power to Shape Your Industry Post-Tensioning Company Members are eligible to designate one person to serve on the PTI Board of Directors. These individuals are involved in the policy making and direction-setting process for PTI. Access to Important News and Information Stay informed on industry activities and issues through the PTI newsletter. catalogue sheets. Technical Assistance The PTI staff is available to assist members with their technical issues and concerns. Image Enhancement & Credibility Add value to your company stationery. PTI has a myriad of certification programs to enhance the quality of industry suppliers and installers alike. members may purchase advertising space in the directory. All members are encouraged to participate on one of our 12 standing committees. Cost Savings Receive a discount on all PTI publications and educational workshops/seminars. PTI committees have played key roles in the shaping of specifications. PTI members are recognized for their commitment to quality. Installing Company Member. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. firm.10/ton* Cap = $30. q INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATE: A person. or corporation not eligible for Post-Tensioning Company Membership engaged in manufacture and/or sale of prestressing steel used by those eligible for Post-Tensioning Company Membership q ASSOCIATE: A person. q INTERNATIONAL POST-TENSIONING COMPANY: A person.) Dues: $2500 + $2. architects. q CONSULTING COMPANY: A firm or corporation not eligible for membership as a $2900 ³ $2 million sales* $840* $840* $840* $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 *New member discount. Canada. or the Post-Tensioning industry membership engaged in providing professional consulting services to the Institute. firms.. firm. firm. education. In addition. and code development while advancing the quality. or corporation not eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of equipment or other material used by those eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership outside the North American continent. firm.php 45 . and companies supplying materials. its members. 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www. firm. firm. firm. Prestressing Steel Supplier. firm. or Associate engaged in the installation or stressing of post-tensioning materials. firm. services. or Student Members. q INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS COMPANY: A person. Associate. q AFFILIATE: A person. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. Organizational members receive a 50% discount on dues (including tonnage assessments if applicable) for their first year of membership. firm. $1900 £ $2 million sales*. and manufacturers of prestressing materials in the U. Mexico.. and contractors. This discount does not apply to International. from which it engages in the promotion and sale of post-tensioning materials and accepts contracts to deliver such materials in the name of such person. Associate. Prestressing Steel Supplier. PTI has more than 500 professional engineers. Canada. Prestressing Steel Supplier. or Associate engaged in the installation or stressing of post-tensioning materials outside the North American continent. and Mexico. firm.640 $3000 q POST-TENSIONING COMPANY: A person. Persons. q PRESTRESSING STEEL SUPPLIER: A person.PTI Organizational Membership Application Established in 1976. and use of post-tensioning systems. its research. that accept and agree to be governed by the by-laws of the Post-Tensioning Institute. Prestressing Steel Supplier. and Europe. or corporation not eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of prestressing steel. in accordance with the definitions described below. their customers. or Installing Company Member engaged in a business or industry of providing products or services allied with or related to the business of those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership outside the North American continent. or corporations qualifying for membership. ________________________________________________ would like to apply for the following category of membership: Company name (Please check the appropriate category in the box to the left. Professional. or Installing Company Member engaged in a business or industry of providing services allied with or related to the business of those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership excepting professional services. Asia. Associate. teamwork. their customers. or corporation who maintains one or more locations from which it engages in the fabrication of post-tensioning materials. q INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATE: A person. or corporation not eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership engaged in the manufacture and/or sale of equipment or other materials used by those eligible for Post-Tensioning Membership. efficiency. q CONTRACTORS COMPANY: A person. the Post-Tensioning Institute is recognized as the worldwide authority on post-tensioning. Prestressing Steel Supplier. or the PostTensioning Industry. or corporation who maintains one or more offices outside the North American continent. profitability. and equipment used in post-tensioned construction. or corporation outside the North American continent. or Affiliate and engaged in providing professional consulting services to the Institute. may apply for membership by completing both pages of this form and returning it to the Post-Tensioning Institute by mail or fax with your payment of the annual dues.S. Members of the Institute include major post-tensioning material fabricators in the U. used by those eligible for International Post-Tensioning Membership outside the North American continent.S. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. q INTERNATIONAL PRESTRESSING STEEL SUPPLIER: A person. or corporation not eligible for membership as a Post-Tensioning. PTI is dedicated to expanding post-tensioning applications through marketing. org/certification_program. MI 48331 Phone: (248) 848-3180 Fax: (248) 848-3181 Web site: www.S.php . Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Name (please print): __________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________ Payment options: q Check in the payment of dues (U. Amount enclosed: $ _________________ q Visa q MasterCard q American Express q Discover Card number: _______________________________________ Expiration date: ___________________________ Name as it appears on the card (please print): _______________________________________________________ Return application by mail or fax with payment to: 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington 46 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit online at: http://www.Company: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State/province: ____________ Postal code: ____________ Country: _______________ Company representative to receive PTI correspondence: ___________________________ Title: ___________________ Telephone: ____________________ Fax: _____________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Nature of company’s business (please describe fully): ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check all of the following that apply to your company: q Fabricate and sell post-tensioning tendons q Sell and/or manufacture PC strand and/or prestressing bars q Install post-tensioning q Sell and/or manufacture PT and materials (other than prestressing steel) q Sell and/or manufacture equipment Do you do business in North America? q Yes q No q Builder/Contractor q Provide inspection services q Sell and/or computer software q Provide professional consulting services q Provide testing services I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and agree to abide with the PTI by-laws. dollars) must accompany this application. 2014. The annual PTI Convention provides practicing professionals with the opportunity to expand their knowledge of post-tensioning and to network with other practitioners. over 25 committee meetings. Convention attendees receive continuing education credits upon 47 . PTI members. and marketing for post-tensioning systems. network. VA. learn the latest industry techniques and trends. efficiency. 2014 PTI COMMITTEE DAYS The 2013 PTI Committee Days will be held in New Orleans. The participation of committee members. and use of posttensioning systems. 2014 PTI CATALOG Visit us online at: http://www.EVENTS PTI holds two major events each year to provide the PT industry with the opportunity to meet. code development. The convention features technical sessions with presentations on a wide variety of post-tensioning design and construction 2014 PTI CONVENTION The 2014 PTI Convention will be held May 4-6. and nonmembers is crucial in advancing the quality. and a concurrent exhibition of industry suppliers showcases the latest in post-tensioning services and products. at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott in Norfolk. PTI Committee Days is a forum for PTI committees and industry professionals to collaborate on education. and earn continuing education credit. LA. profitability. research. safety.


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