z/OS Customer Forum Presentation 030507

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1. z/OS 1.7 MigrationTechnical Overview March 5, 2007 2. DTS Introduction Welcome! Robert Jenkins - Supervisor DTS Engineering Division Platform Branch z/OS 1Presentation Slides will be available on the DTS website Evaluation SurveyUpcoming DTS Technology Days and Customer Forums Network Customer Forum (March 7, 2007) Cal Net II Customer Forum (March 8, 2007) Gartner Technology Day on Industry Trends (tentative April) Look for more DTS events coming soon athttp://www.dts.ca.gov/news_events / 3. Coexistence Starting with z/OS 1.6, IBM has aligned the coexistence, fallback, and migration policy with the service policy.z/OS 1.4, z/OS 1.5, z/OS 1.6, and z/OS 1.7 are supported for coexistence, migration, and fallback.The lowest release planned for coexistence, migration, and fallback support on z/OS 1.8 is z/OS 1.5. 4. End of Service General Availability Service Expiration z/OS 1.4September 27, 2002[1] March 31, 2007 z/OS 1.5March 26, 2004 March 31, 2007z/OS 1.6September 24, 2004 Planned for September 2007 z/OS 1.7September 30, 2005[2] Planned for September 2008 z/OS 1.8September 2006 Planned for September 2009 [1]Current Operating System @ Gold Camp [2] Planned Operating System @ Gold Camp 5. z/OS 1.7 Improvements Ease of use Health Checker for z/OS -More checks, integrated in z/OS, and new user interfaceHardware Configuration Manager –can simplify I/O configuration and planning SMP/E Internet Service Delivery -can simplify and automate service acquisitionz/OS Network Security Configuration AssistantIBM OMEGAMON®z/OS Management Console (separate product 6. z/OS 1.7 Improvements Networking and Security Encryption Facility for z/OS to help protect data shared with partners, suppliers, and customers RACF enhancements 64-bit cryptography support in ICSF, AES (128) support for TLS and SSL apps Application Transparent TLS IPSecsupport planned for z/OS 1.8 * 7. z/OS 1.7 Improvements Scalability 32-way z/OS image Support for MIDAW and Multiple Channel Subsys (with System z9) Support for larger sequential data sets, more then 255 extents per VSAM 8. z/OS 1.7 Improvements Availability z/OS Load Balancing AdvisorImproved management with WLM and Sysplex DistributorIP Automatic Takeover when IP stack is not healthyz/OS UNIX System Services dynamic service activation may reduce the need to IPL Improved GDPS options for high volume apps with XRC+ 9. z/OS 1.7 Improvements Application and Data Serving Support Improvements to Language Environment®, zSeries File System (zFS), C/C++, z/OS UNIX System Services Support for zAAP and ZIIP 10. "Big Migs" from z/OS 1.4 to z/OS 1.7 Migration Actions You SHOULD NOT Overlook: z/OS 1.6 Architecture Level Set - must be z/Architecture™ mode –Use the z/Architecture checklist provided. z/OS 1.7 BCP most of the 1-byte Console ID support removed –Use the Console ID Tracking Facility, introduced in z/OS V1R4Consoles Enhancement feature with the latest exclusion list now. z/OS 1.7 XL C/C++ does not ship the OS/390 2.10 Compilers –Move to the ISO C/C++ compilers now, may still use OS/390 2.10compilers from prior system. z/OS 1.7 HCD IODF V5Coexistence considerations with lower systems. z/OS 1.7 DFSMS JOBCAT/STEPCAT support removed. 11. z/OS 1.5 EnhancementsMulti-Level Security Combined with IBM’s DB2 UDB for z/OS Version 8, z/OS provides multilevel security on the zSeries mainframe to help meet the stringent security requirements of government agencies and financial institutions, and can help open up new options for e-hosting facilities.Multilevel security technology allows IT administrators to give users access to information based on their need to know, or clearance level. It is designed to prevent individuals from accessing unauthorized information and to prevent individuals from declassifying information.With multilevel security support in IBM’s z/OS 1.5 and DB2 V8, customers can enable a single repository of data to be managed at the row level and accessed by individuals based on their need to know. For example, a person with a top secret clearance can be enabled to access more information in a database than someone without that clearance level . 12. z/OS 1.5 Enhancements Self Optimizing z/OS 1.5 simplifies WLM control for WebSphere. Customers now have the choice to manually define WebSphere application environments for WLM or have WebSphere define them as and when required. 13. z/OS 1.5 EnhancementsPerformance DFSMS can significantly enhance application backup by enabling DFSMShsm to utilize volume level fast replication. The fast backup is designed to exploit the FlashCopy® and virtual concurrent copy capability of IBM TotalStorage® Enterprise Storage Server® and IBM RAMAC® Virtual Array (RVA) respectively.DFSMShsm Fast Replication in z/OS 1.5 also provides a fast, easy to use backup and recovery solution specifically designed for DB2 Universal Database™ (UDB) for z/OS V8. It is designed to allow fast, non-disruptive backups to be taken at appropriate events when there is minimum activity at the application level or when a fast point-in-time backup is desired. 14. z/OS 1.5 Enhancements Security Intrusion Detection Services were introduced in z/OS 1.2. The scope of these services are extended in z/OS 1.5. 15. z/OS 1.5 Enhancements Simplified Management Infoprint Centralis a graphical user interface for managing print jobs and printers across systems. The Library Center for z/OS is a new internet facility to access the z/OS library, with enhanced search facilities. Managed System for Setup (msys for Setup) is an element of z/OS that makes it easier to define and configure technologies on z/OS. With z/OS 1.5 four new technologies are supported by msys for Setup: RMF, FTP, ISPF and DB2 UDB for z/OS V8. 16. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Application Integration Increased scale and performance64-bit C/C++ application development and deployment64-bit JAVA (available as separate product)Improved performanceNew C/C++ compiler options to exploit z890 and z990 serversUnicode performance improvements in z/OS UNIXImprovements to z/OS UNIXNew commands supported (clear, uptime)Enhanced Euro symbol supportPre-built UNICODE environment 17. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Improved TCP/IP Network Management Sysplex support for IPv6 industry standardHigh availability - TCP/IP Sysplex enhancementsAutomatic Takeover when TCPIP stack  is not healthyMonitor key heath indicatorsOption to manage TN3270 in separate address space from TCP/IPEnterprise Extender enhancements for SNA over TCP/IP 18. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Simplified Management of z/OS Security Features RACFSupport for recoverable passwordsImproved interoperability with LDAP change logAbility to update most RACF classes without IPLLDAP 64bit and IPv6 supportSSL enhanced certificate management 19. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Increased Optimization of Resources WLM enhanced for DB2 stored procedures (can prioritize dependent requests)DFSMS improved placement of critical datasets on ESS/PAVAllows the sharing of a single tape inventory across multiple sysplexes (DFSMSrmm) 20. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Increased Scale of z/OS Workloads 32-way single image in z990 logical partition 24-way single image supported at general availability 21. z/OS 1.6 Enhancements Improved Availability Resource Recovery Services (RRS) restart enhancements in sysplexExploiting resource managers (eg: DB2) can be restarted on another z/OS 1.6 system without necessarily impacting other applicationsReduce the need to IPLPDSE restartable address spaceCan reduce the need to re-IPL a system due to a hang, deadlock condition, or out of storage conditionRename LPAR without IPL (requires z890 and z990 server)Add and update most RACF classes without an IPL 22. z/OS 1.7 Enhancements Simplifying z/OS Management To help simplify systems management, the IBM Health Checker for z/OS is now a base component of z/OS, providing an integrated tool for checking on best practices for configuration values. Significantly more checking is provided and the tool has a simplified user interface. IBM intends to provide a new user interface for z/OS management that is planned to help the new generation of Information Technology workers by automating, eliminating, and simplifying many z/OS management tasks.The first phase of the new user interface is planned to provide real-time health check information executed by the IBM Health Checker for z/OS and configuration status information for z/OS systems and sysplex resources. The new interface contains built-in automation and expert advice capabilities that provide detailed contextual information on alerts and corrective actions. 23. z/OS 1.7 Enhancements Simplifying Network Security(continued) As security concerns continue to increase, more enterprises are deploying network security protocols, such as IP Security (IPSec) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) on z/OS to protect their mission-critical data as it crosses the network.However, the programming changes needed to enable applications for security, and the complexity of security configuration can increase the cost and deployment time for network security. In z/OS V1R7, we add the following new functions to z/OS Communications Server to address these issues by simplifying the requirements for implementing network security on z/OS: Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS). This function provides TLS for TCP applications without requiring application modification for TLS enablement.Communications Server IPSec (CS IPSec). This function provides an alternative to z/OS Firewall Technologies for host-based IPSec and IP filtering. 24. z/OS 1.7 Enhancements Simplifying Network Security (continued) Both AT-TLS and CS IPSec feature a policy-based configuration that: Requires less definitionUses existing z/OS Communications Server infrastructure, such as the policy agent Is optimized for host-based security scenarios To help you implement these new functions, z/OS V1R7 includes a new configuration tool, the Network Security Configuration Assistant (NSCA). This tool combines the configuration activities for AT-TLS and IPSec into a single administrative task 25. z/OS 1.7 Enhancements Other Enhancements To help customers build and extend their z/OS applications, z/OS V1.7 delivers C/C++ enhancements and enhanced support for TLS (Transport Layer Security) designed to be transparent to applications.The dynamic capabilities of z/OS are also extended with the TCP/IP Sysplex Load Balancing Advisor for better interaction with network-based load balancers and integration between Sysplex Distributor and Workload Manager.z/OS V1.7 provides advances in business resiliency and security with extensions to GDPS for system recovery and improvements in RACF interoperability, including support for mixed-case passwords.Customers also may see a reduction in their need for IPLs with dynamic service activation for z/OS UNIX® System Services.In addition, z/OS V1.7 can simplify network management with JES2 NJE support for TCP/IP (planned to be available in 1Q2006). 26. z/OS Support for theIBM System z9-109 The new System z9-109, designed to provide systems leadership in an integrated heterogeneous infrastructure, is supported by z/OS V1.4 and above.The powerful combination of z/OS V1.7 and z9-109 can provide significantly increased I/O addressability and bandwidth, designed to help improve availability, performance, cryptography, and problem diagnosis while providing more options for network connectivity. 27. z/OS Support for theIBM System z9-109 (continued) These new functions include: Multiple subchannel sets support: Provides a second set of subchannels for defining Parallel Access Volume (PAV) aliases. This new function can help provide relief from the 64K device limit by allowing PAV aliases to be defined without making device numbers unavailable for defining additional devices. Support for additional subchannels on the z9-109: The z9-109 makes an additional 768 subchannels available, making it possible to define up to 65,280 devices for each z/OS LPAR. 28. z/OS Support for theIBM System z9-109 (continued) Wild branch diagnosis improvement. MIDAW (modified indirect addressing words) support: The z9-109 implements a new function for channel programming, modified indirect addressing words (MIDAWs). MIDAWs can be used to move data over FICON and ESCON (R) channels. For FICON channels, this support can provide substantially better response time while increasing overall channel bandwidth. MIDAWs exploitation by z/OS is expected to improve performance for some DB2 table scan, DB2 sequential prefetch, BSAM, and extended-format data set operations by reducing system overhead for I/O requests, with no application changes. 29. z/OS Support for theIBM System z9-109 (continued) z/OS V1.7 requires the z/Architecture, and runs only on the IBM System z9-109 and zSeries (z890, z990, z800, z900) servers.z/OS V1.7 is an important release for all z/OS V1.4 customers, because it is the last z/OS release that they can migrate to in a single step. End of service for z/OS V1.4 is March 31, 2007, and customer plans to migrate to z/OS V1.7 should be in place to ensure migration is complete by this date. 30. Questions? Thank You!Your participation today is greatly appreciated.


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