X-MET5000 User Manual

April 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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The Business of Science TM X XX X- -- -ML15000 ML15000 ML15000 ML15000 User's Guide User's Guide User's Guide User's Guide ParI humber 5102113 ParI humber 5102113 ParI humber 5102113 ParI humber 5102113- -- -4VL 4VL 4VL 4VL Rev. 1.0 Rev. 1.0 Rev. 1.0 Rev. 1.0 Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh i Flow diagram Flow diagram Flow diagram Flow diagram iii Screeh mehus pull Screeh mehus pull Screeh mehus pull Screeh mehus pull- -- -ouI ouI ouI ouI v DescripIioh o! Ihe X DescripIioh o! Ihe X DescripIioh o! Ihe X DescripIioh o! Ihe X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 SecIioh 1 S1 1- 6 DescripIioh ahd use o! sa!eIy ihIerlocks DescripIioh ahd use o! sa!eIy ihIerlocks DescripIioh ahd use o! sa!eIy ihIerlocks DescripIioh ahd use o! sa!eIy ihIerlocks SecIioh 2 S2 1- 3 GeIIihg SIarIed GeIIihg SIarIed GeIIihg SIarIed GeIIihg SIarIed SecIioh 3 S3 1- 6 X XX X- -- -ML1 program !eaIures, ML1 program !eaIures, ML1 program !eaIures, ML1 program !eaIures, Maih Ahalysis mehu Maih Ahalysis mehu Maih Ahalysis mehu Maih Ahalysis mehu SecIioh 4 S4 1- 12 TA8LL CF CCNTLNT5 TA8LL CF CCNTLNT5 TA8LL CF CCNTLNT5 TA8LL CF CCNTLNT5 MeIhod 1ypes MeIhod 1ypes MeIhod 1ypes MeIhod 1ypes SecIioh 5 S5 1- 3 IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (i) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (i) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (i) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (i) FuhdamehIal ParameIer meIhod Iype FuhdamehIal ParameIer meIhod Iype FuhdamehIal ParameIer meIhod Iype FuhdamehIal ParameIer meIhod Iype SecIioh 6 S6 1- 11 IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (ii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (ii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (ii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (ii) IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod Iype IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod Iype IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod Iype IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod Iype SecIioh 7 S7 1- 4 IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (iii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (iii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (iii) IhsIrumehI seIIihgs (iii) Lmpirical assay meIhod Iype Lmpirical assay meIhod Iype Lmpirical assay meIhod Iype Lmpirical assay meIhod Iype SecIioh 8 S8 1- 7 8ehch 8ehch 8ehch 8ehch- -- -Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh SecIioh 9 S9 1- 2 Sample PreparaIioh Sample PreparaIioh Sample PreparaIioh Sample PreparaIioh SecIioh 10 S10 1- 6 RadiaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh RadiaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh RadiaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh RadiaIioh Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh SecIioh 11 S11 1-13 1iIle 1iIle 1iIle 1iIle SecIioh SecIioh SecIioh SecIioh Page humber Page humber Page humber Page humber 1roubleshooIihg 1roubleshooIihg 1roubleshooIihg 1roubleshooIihg SecIioh 12 S12 1- 3 Sa!eIy -i The Business of Science TM 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation All users o! Ihis equipmehI musI read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh (SecIioh All users o! Ihis equipmehI musI read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh (SecIioh All users o! Ihis equipmehI musI read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh (SecIioh All users o! Ihis equipmehI musI read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe Sa!eIy Ih!ormaIioh (SecIioh 11) be!ore usihg Ihe equipmehI. 11) be!ore usihg Ihe equipmehI. 11) be!ore usihg Ihe equipmehI. 11) be!ore usihg Ihe equipmehI. 1he X 1he X 1he X 1he X- -- -ML1 geheraIes X ML1 geheraIes X ML1 geheraIes X ML1 geheraIes X- -- -ray radiaIioh wheh iI is operaIihg. Ih mosI couhIries a licehse ray radiaIioh wheh iI is operaIihg. Ih mosI couhIries a licehse ray radiaIioh wheh iI is operaIihg. Ih mosI couhIries a licehse ray radiaIioh wheh iI is operaIihg. Ih mosI couhIries a licehse or regisIraIioh is heeded Io use iI. or regisIraIioh is heeded Io use iI. or regisIraIioh is heeded Io use iI. or regisIraIioh is heeded Io use iI. 8ecause o! Ihe radiaIioh, Ihe X 8ecause o! Ihe radiaIioh, Ihe X 8ecause o! Ihe radiaIioh, Ihe X 8ecause o! Ihe radiaIioh, Ihe X- -- -ML1 musI ohly be used by persohs who have beeh ML1 musI ohly be used by persohs who have beeh ML1 musI ohly be used by persohs who have beeh ML1 musI ohly be used by persohs who have beeh Iraihed Io operaIe iI sa!ely. Iraihed Io operaIe iI sa!ely. Iraihed Io operaIe iI sa!ely. Iraihed Io operaIe iI sa!ely. CAU1ION: 1his ihsIrumehI produces X CAU1ION: 1his ihsIrumehI produces X CAU1ION: 1his ihsIrumehI produces X CAU1ION: 1his ihsIrumehI produces X- -- -rays wheh ehergised. rays wheh ehergised. rays wheh ehergised. rays wheh ehergised. 1he X-ML1 geheraIes X-ray radiaIioh wheh iI is operaIihg. 1hree LLDs, ohe oh Ihe rear ahd ohe oh each side o! Ihe ahalyzer, ihdicaIe IhaI Ihe X-rays are oh. 1he sa!eIy o! Ihe X-ML1 has beeh veri!ied by radiaIioh sa!eIy auIhoriIies. As lohg as Ihere is ho physical damage Io Ihe ihsIrumehI, Ihere is ho dahger o! exposure Io radiaIioh above permissible levels wheh Ihe ihsIrumehI is used accordihg Io Ihe ihsIrucIiohs. II is imporIahI IhaI Ihe disIribuIor ahd user o! Ihe X-ML1 uhdersIahd boIh Ihe correcI operaIioh as well as Ihe sa!eIy measures IhaI are ehgiheered ihIo Ihe ahalyzer Io prevehI ihcorrecI operaIioh. CAU1ION: Corrosioh o! 8eryllium CAU1ION: Corrosioh o! 8eryllium CAU1ION: Corrosioh o! 8eryllium CAU1ION: Corrosioh o! 8eryllium A beryllium wihdow is used ih Ihe radiaIioh deIecIor ihside Ihe probe. Corrosioh o! beryllium may occur i! iI is exposed Io moisIure, parIicularly wheh iohs such as chlorihe, sulphaIes, copper or iroh are presehI. Corrosioh may damage Ihe deIecIor compohehI. Ih case o! suspecIed corrosioh, sIore Ihe ihsIrumehI ih a sa!e place ahd cohIacI Ihe hearesI OIA represehIaIive !or !urIher ihsIrucIiohs. 1he ihsIrumehI should hoI be used or sIored ih high humidiIy areas or ih circumsIahces where aImospheric cohdehsaIioh may occur. CAU1ION: 8eryllium IoxiciIy CAU1ION: 8eryllium IoxiciIy CAU1ION: 8eryllium IoxiciIy CAU1ION: 8eryllium IoxiciIy 8eryllium ahd iIs compouhds are cohsidered Io be Ioxic. Overexposure is usually caused by ihhalaIioh o! a) airborhe parIiculaIes resulIihg !rom grihdihg beryllium meIal or iIs compouhds, or b) weldihg !umes cohIaihihg beryllium. 8eryllium ih iIs solid !orm, as iI is used ih Ihe deIecIor wihdow, poses ho healIh hazard. NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: 1he beryllium wihdow is very Ihih ahd Ihus mechahically weak. Do hoI grihd or machihe beryllium wihdow. Removal o! corrosioh producIs !rom Ihis wihdow should be dohe ohly by auIhorized persohhel. 5afety -ii The Business of Science TM Warhihg symbols used ih Ihis mahual Warhihg symbols used ih Ihis mahual Warhihg symbols used ih Ihis mahual Warhihg symbols used ih Ihis mahual IMPOR1AN1 INFORMA1ION ih Ihis mahual IMPOR1AN1 INFORMA1ION ih Ihis mahual IMPOR1AN1 INFORMA1ION ih Ihis mahual IMPOR1AN1 INFORMA1ION ih Ihis mahual Ih!ormaIioh easily overlooked-please read care!ully. CAU1ION CAU1ION CAU1ION CAU1ION 1his ihsIrumehI produces X-rays wheh ehergized. Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer aI ahy persoh wheh iI is ih operaIioh. 8e aware o! Ihe direcIioh o! Ihe X-ray beam wheh Ihe red lighI is ON ahd avoid placihg ahy parI o! your body (especially Ihe eyes ahd hahds) hear Ihe !rohI o! Ihe ahalyzer Io ad|usI Ihe ihsIrumehI or sample durihg measuremehI. F l o w d i a g r a m p a g e i i i C x f o r d l n s t r u m e n t s A n a l y t i c a l 2 0 0 7 I h s e r I ! u l l y c h a r g e d I h s e r I ! u l l y c h a r g e d I h s e r I ! u l l y c h a r g e d I h s e r I ! u l l y c h a r g e d b a I I e r y i h I o h a h d l e b a I I e r y i h I o h a h d l e b a I I e r y i h I o h a h d l e b a I I e r y i h I o h a h d l e S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 P o w e r o h X P o w e r o h X P o w e r o h X P o w e r o h X - -- - M L 1 a h d P D A M L 1 a h d P D A M L 1 a h d P D A M L 1 a h d P D A S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 W a r m u p W a r m u p W a r m u p W a r m u p I u b e a h d d e I e c I o r I u b e a h d d e I e c I o r I u b e a h d d e I e c I o r I u b e a h d d e I e c I o r L h I e r p a s s w o r d L h I e r p a s s w o r d L h I e r p a s s w o r d L h I e r p a s s w o r d U s i n g t h e X U s i n g t h e X U s i n g t h e X U s i n g t h e X - -- - M L T 5 0 0 0 : F l o w D i a g r a m M L T 5 0 0 0 : F l o w D i a g r a m M L T 5 0 0 0 : F l o w D i a g r a m M L T 5 0 0 0 : F l o w D i a g r a m S e l e c I M e I h o d S e l e c I M e I h o d S e l e c I M e I h o d S e l e c I M e I h o d 5 e l e c t o p e r a t i o n m o d e 5 e l e c t o p e r a t i o n m o d e 5 e l e c t o p e r a t i o n m o d e 5 e l e c t o p e r a t i o n m o d e 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 P o s i I i o h S a m p l e P o s i I i o h S a m p l e P o s i I i o h S a m p l e P o s i I i o h S a m p l e N a m e S a m p l e N a m e S a m p l e N a m e S a m p l e N a m e S a m p l e L n t e r s a m p l e n a m e L n t e r s a m p l e n a m e L n t e r s a m p l e n a m e L n t e r s a m p l e n a m e 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 W r i I e I o l o g W r i I e I o l o g W r i I e I o l o g W r i I e I o l o g ! i l e 7 Y e s / N o ! i l e 7 Y e s / N o ! i l e 7 Y e s / N o ! i l e 7 Y e s / N o W r i I e S p e c I r a 7 W r i I e S p e c I r a 7 W r i I e S p e c I r a 7 W r i I e S p e c I r a 7 Y e s / N o Y e s / N o Y e s / N o Y e s / N o S e l e c I o w h S e l e c I o w h S e l e c I o w h S e l e c I o w h ! o r m a I ! o r m a I ! o r m a I ! o r m a I N o h e N o h e N o h e N o h e S e l e c I d e ! a u l I S e l e c I d e ! a u l I S e l e c I d e ! a u l I S e l e c I d e ! a u l I X R F L i h e d i s p l a y X R F L i h e d i s p l a y X R F L i h e d i s p l a y X R F L i h e d i s p l a y Z o o m ! e a I u r e s Z o o m ! e a I u r e s Z o o m ! e a I u r e s Z o o m ! e a I u r e s M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u S 4 S 4 S 4 S 4 5 = 5 e c t i o n i n U s e r ' s M a n u a l 5 = 5 e c t i o n i n U s e r ' s M a n u a l 5 = 5 e c t i o n i n U s e r ' s M a n u a l 5 = 5 e c t i o n i n U s e r ' s M a n u a l M a k e a m e a s u r e m e h I M a k e a m e a s u r e m e h I M a k e a m e a s u r e m e h I M a k e a m e a s u r e m e h I D i s p l a y S p e c I r a D i s p l a y S p e c I r a D i s p l a y S p e c I r a D i s p l a y S p e c I r a C r a p h i c a l f o r m a t C r a p h i c a l f o r m a t C r a p h i c a l f o r m a t C r a p h i c a l f o r m a t d i s p l a y d i s p l a y d i s p l a y d i s p l a y 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 S e I I i h g s S e I I i h g s S e I I i h g s S e I I i h g s A d v a n c e d s e t u p A d v a n c e d s e t u p A d v a n c e d s e t u p A d v a n c e d s e t u p f e a t u r e s f e a t u r e s f e a t u r e s f e a t u r e s O u I p u I S e I I i h g s O u I p u I S e I I i h g s O u I p u I S e I I i h g s O u I p u I S e I I i h g s D e f i n e L C C f i l e f o r D e f i n e L C C f i l e f o r D e f i n e L C C f i l e f o r D e f i n e L C C f i l e f o r s a v i n g d a t a 5 4 s a v i n g d a t a 5 4 s a v i n g d a t a 5 4 s a v i n g d a t a 5 4 R e s u l I F o r m a I R e s u l I F o r m a I R e s u l I F o r m a I R e s u l I F o r m a I M o d i f y r e s u l t M o d i f y r e s u l t M o d i f y r e s u l t M o d i f y r e s u l t p r e s e n t a t i o n 5 4 p r e s e n t a t i o n 5 4 p r e s e n t a t i o n 5 4 p r e s e n t a t i o n 5 4 S 6 S 6 S 6 S 6 F P M e I h o d s F P M e I h o d s F P M e I h o d s F P M e I h o d s S 7 S 7 S 7 S 7 I d e h I i ! i c a I i o h M e I h o d s I d e h I i ! i c a I i o h M e I h o d s I d e h I i ! i c a I i o h M e I h o d s I d e h I i ! i c a I i o h M e I h o d s D a I a O u I p u I D a I a O u I p u I D a I a O u I p u I D a I a O u I p u I S 8 S 8 S 8 S 8 L m p i r i c a l A s s a y M e I h o d s L m p i r i c a l A s s a y M e I h o d s L m p i r i c a l A s s a y M e I h o d s L m p i r i c a l A s s a y M e I h o d s L a h g u a g e s C a l i b r a I i o h L h e r g y C a l i b r a I i o h 1 i m e d A s s a y Y L S / h o C o h ! i g u r a I i o h 8 a c k u p F i l e L i s I 5 c r e e n M e n u P u l l o u t p a g e v M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u M a i h M e h u N a m e S a m p l e S e l e c I M e I h o d D i s p l a y ' s p e c I r a S e I I i h g s O u I p u I S e I I i h g s R e s u l I F o r m a I S e I M e a s u r e m e h I 1 i m e M e I h o d l i s I S e I L o g F i l e S e I L o g F i l e h a m e S e I S p e c I r a d i r e c I o r y S e I A v e r a g e ! i l e K e y b o a r d e h I r y Z o o m O u I Z o o m o h Y - a x i s Z o o m I h F i I I o w i h d o w X R F L i h e D i s p l a y S e I C o l o r S e l e c I N o h e M o d i ! y N e w K e y b o a r d e h I r y X XX X - -- - M L T A n a l y z e r C p e r a t i n g M L T A n a l y z e r C p e r a t i n g M L T A n a l y z e r C p e r a t i n g M L T A n a l y z e r C p e r a t i n g 5 o f t w a r e V e r s i o n : 1 . 1 5 o f t w a r e V e r s i o n : 1 . 1 5 o f t w a r e V e r s i o n : 1 . 1 5 o f t w a r e V e r s i o n : 1 . 1 5 c r e e n M e n u s 5 c r e e n M e n u s 5 c r e e n M e n u s 5 c r e e n M e n u s M e I h o d 1 y p e P a r a m e I e r s S c r e e h S e I I i h g s U s e r S e I u p 1 e s I M e a s u r e m e h I C o n f i g u r a t i o n M e I h o d P a r a m e I e r s ( I D , L A ) A v e r a g e M o d e Y L S / h o F o h I S i z e S c r o l l b a r S i z e N o r m a l U s e r S u p e r v i s o r S e r v i c e C h a n g e P a s s w o r d R e ! e r e h c e M a i h I e h a h c e ( I D ) R e c a l c u l a I i o h M e I h o d ( I D ) S e I P o s s i b l e M a I c h L i m i I ( I D ) S e I G o o d M a I c h L i m i I ( I D ) S i h g l e P o i h I R e c a l i b r a I i o h ( L A ) C h e c k S a m p l e M e a s u r e m e h I ( L A ) A h a l y I e C o r r e c I i o h ( L A ) C o h ! i r m N o M a I c h Y L S / h o ( I D ) C o h ! i r m P o s s i b l e M a I c h Y L S / h o ( I D ) D i ! ! e r e h c e S c r e e h i h g P a I h Y L S / h o ( I D ) D i ! ! e r e h c e d i s p l a y Y L S / h o ( I D ) C u r r e h I / V o l I a g e p a i r S e I C o h c e h I r a I i o h R e s e I C h a h g e O ! ! s e I S 1 D D i s p l a y Y L S / h o ( F P , L A ) C o h c e h I r a I i o h % / p p m ( F P ) D i s p l a y G r a d e I D Y L S / h o ( F P , L A ) I h v i s i b l e L l e m e h I s ( F P ) G r a d e L x p a h s i o h C o e ! ! i c i e h I ( F P , L A ) G r a d e 1 a b l e L d i I o r ( F P , L A ) D i s I a h c e S c a l i h g Y L S / h o ( L A ) D i s p l a y S p e c I r a l I D Y L S / h o ( L A ) S e I I h v i s i b l e L l e m e h I D i s p l a y Y L S / h o C o r r e c I i o h ( Y L S / h o ) A d d L l e m e h I D e l e I e L l e m e h I C h a h g e L l e m e h I N a m e C h a h g e L l e m e h I V a l u e K e y b o a r d L h I r y A d d R e m o v e L d i I U p p e r / L o w e r L i m i I N e w e l e m e h I A d d S a m p l e D e l e I e S a m p l e C h a h g e N a m e S e I S c r e e h i h g M e I h o d S e l e c I M a I r i x L l e m e h I The Business of Science TM S1 - 1 Description of the X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT Description of the X Description of the X Description of the X Description of the X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 ahalyzer (Figure 1) is a porIable elemehIal ahalyzer ihIehded !or various di!!erehI applicaIiohs. Lxample applicaIiohs ihclude, meIal alloy ahalysis, soil ahd mihihg ahalysis, ahd elecIrohic ihdusIry applicaIiohs. 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 ahalyzer is based oh ehergy dispersive X-ray !luorescehce Iechhology ahd uses ah X-ray Iube as Ihe source o! exciIaIioh. 1he sIahdard IargeI maIerial is Rhodium. 1he ahalyzer cohIaihs a high resoluIioh PehIa-PIN diode deIecIor wiIh PelIier coolihg. 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 provides a meIhod !or chemical ahalysis or sample idehIi!icaIioh (sorIihg) direcIly !rom samples ih various !orms. 1he ihsIrumehI is a !ully porIable ahalyzer wiIh ah ihIegraIed PDA (Persohal DigiIal AssisIahI) compuIer. WiIhih Ihe X XX X - -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 ahalysis program, Ihe user may selecI ahalyIical modes, view specIra ahd save daIa. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 1he ahalyzer is baIIery operaIed wiIh A/C operaIioh as ah opIioh. Ih some cases, iI may be more cohvehiehI Io use Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 ih a sIaIiohary behch Iop coh!iguraIioh (Figure 2) ih Ihe opIiohal sIahd provided (re!er Io SecIioh 9, 8ench-top operation). NoIe IhaI !or behch Iop operaIioh, Ihe ihsIrumehI cah be used wiIh baIIery or A/C (lihe volIage) power. Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 The Business of Science TM X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S1 -2 X XX X- -- -MLT components MLT components MLT components MLT components 8attery (x2) 8attery (x2) 8attery (x2) 8attery (x2) 8attery charger 8attery charger 8attery charger 8attery charger Charger cable Charger cable Charger cable Charger cable PDA computer PDA computer PDA computer PDA computer 5tylus 5tylus 5tylus 5tylus Prihciple parIs Prihciple parIs Prihciple parIs Prihciple parIs Analyzer case Analyzer case Analyzer case Analyzer case Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Ihcluded accessories Ihcluded accessories Ihcluded accessories Ihcluded accessories Kapton window film kit Kapton window film kit Kapton window film kit Kapton window film kit PDA AC multi PDA AC multi PDA AC multi PDA AC multi- -- -adaptor adaptor adaptor adaptor PDA AC adaptor plug PDA AC adaptor plug PDA AC adaptor plug PDA AC adaptor plug Reference cap Reference cap Reference cap Reference cap Rain cover Rain cover Rain cover Rain cover The Business of Science TM S1 - 3 Description of the X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT CohIihued, Ihcluded accessories CohIihued, Ihcluded accessories CohIihued, Ihcluded accessories CohIihued, Ihcluded accessories 5ample bags 5ample bags 5ample bags 5ample bags OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic 5ample pressing tool 5ample pressing tool 5ample pressing tool 5ample pressing tool Light Travel stand : includes small sample safety shield Light Travel stand : includes small sample safety shield Light Travel stand : includes small sample safety shield Light Travel stand : includes small sample safety shield 8enchtop stand 8enchtop stand 8enchtop stand 8enchtop stand 5ample cups 5ample cups 5ample cups 5ample cups 8ackground plate 8ackground plate 8ackground plate 8ackground plate 5ample cup film 5ample cup film 5ample cup film 5ample cup film User's Manual (Lnglish) User's Manual (Lnglish) User's Manual (Lnglish) User's Manual (Lnglish) Application specific Application specific Application specific Application specific Check samples Check samples Check samples Check samples Quick 5tart guide Quick 5tart guide Quick 5tart guide Quick 5tart guide (12 languages) (12 languages) (12 languages) (12 languages) Memory card reader Memory card reader Memory card reader Memory card reader PDA PDA PDA PDA- -- -X XX X- -- -MLT remoter MLT remoter MLT remoter MLT remoter connection cable connection cable connection cable connection cable The Business of Science TM X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S1 -4 CohIihued, OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic CohIihued, OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic CohIihued, OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic CohIihued, OpIiohal accessories: Ahalyzer speci!ic Pistol holder Pistol holder Pistol holder Pistol holder Weld beam adapter Weld beam adapter Weld beam adapter Weld beam adapter 1here are Iwo ihdicaIor lighIs oh Ihe rear o! Ihe ahalyzer: 1he greeh lighI is always oh wheh Ihe power is oh. 1he red lighI is oh wheh X-rays are beihg geheraIed (Figure 3). Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J The Analyzer The Analyzer The Analyzer The Analyzer 1he ih!rared sa!eIy proximiIy sehsor oh Ihe ihsIrumehI hose operaIes by deIecIihg IR re!lecIed !rom Ihe sample sur!ace. II is desighed Io prevehI accidehIal X-ray acIivaIioh while ho sample is ih place ih !rohI o! Ihe ahalyzer (Figure 4). Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 The Business of Science TM S1 - 5 Description of the X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT The PDA Computer The PDA Computer The PDA Computer The PDA Computer 1he removable PDA compuIer ih Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 ihcludes Ihe user ihIer!ace !or operaIihg Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1he compuIer is ihsIalled ih Ihe cradle o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1he display is a color Iouch screeh, which cah be operaIed eiIher wiIh a !ihgerIip or Ihe sIylus provided. For !urIher ih!ormaIioh abouI Ihe compuIer re!er Io Ihe HP iPAÇ PockeI PC ihsIrucIioh guide. 1he guide cah be !ouhd wiIh Ihe CD delivered wiIh Ihe ihsIrumehI. Power 5upply Power 5upply Power 5upply Power 5upply 8aIIery power 8aIIery power 8aIIery power 8aIIery power 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 baIIeries are siIuaIed ihside Ihe hahdle. 1o remove Ihe baIIery, push Ihe swiIch (Figure 5) ahd pull Io remove Ihe baIIery (Figure 6). Lach !ully charged baIIery will operaIe Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 !or approximaIely 4 Io 7 hours depehdihg oh use. Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Lihe (A/C) power Lihe (A/C) power Lihe (A/C) power Lihe (A/C) power Lihe operaIioh is possible by cohhecIihg Ihe dedicaIed charger Io Ihe ahalyzer baIIery charger cohhecIor (ih base o! baIIery). 1he charger is a combihaIioh o! a Li-Ioh baIIery charger ahd a maihs power supply. Wheh Ihe charger is powered oh, iI supplies volIage Io Ihe ahalyzer. Ahalyzer ihIerhal logic will deIecI Ihis supply volIage ahd swiIch Ihe baIIery o!!-lihe. 1he o!!-lihe baIIery cah how be charged by Ihe charger. Charger circuiI is Ihus separaIed !rom supply circuiI. SIahd alohe baIIery chargihg SIahd alohe baIIery chargihg SIahd alohe baIIery chargihg SIahd alohe baIIery chargihg 1he baIIery cah also be charged wheh removed !rom Ihe ahalyzer. Remove baIIery !rom Ihe hahdle ahd cohhecI charger cable Io baIIery cable cohhecIor. Chargihg !ully depleIed baIIery will Iake approximaIely 2 hours (See SecIioh 3). NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: Ihe PDA has iIs owh ihIerhal baIIery. 1he PDA will be kepI !ully charged !rom boIh charger lihe (A/C) power ahd ihsIrumehI maih X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 baIIery. The Business of Science TM X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S1 -6 Lnvironmental operating conditions for the X Lnvironmental operating conditions for the X Lnvironmental operating conditions for the X Lnvironmental operating conditions for the X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT 1emperaIure 1emperaIure 1emperaIure 1emperaIure Ahalyzer -10 Io 50 °C Charger 0 Io 40 °C, operaIihg - 20 Io 70 °C, hoh-operaIihg HumidiIy HumidiIy HumidiIy HumidiIy CohIihuous operaIioh aI 20 Io 95 % RH, hoh cohdehsihg. 1he charger is desighed !or ihdoor use ohly. Shock Shock Shock Shock resisIahce resisIahce resisIahce resisIahce Ih IrahsporI ahd operaIioh Ihe ihsIrumehI musI hoI be dropped or le!I ih excepIiohal cohdiIiohs, which mighI damage iIs sehsiIive compohehIs. Lihe Lihe Lihe Lihe VolIage VolIage VolIage VolIage Ahalyzer (Charger): 100 - 240 V, 46 - 64Hz, 0.6A. PDA : 100 - 240 V, 50 - 60 Hz Hot 5urface Adapter Hot 5urface Adapter Hot 5urface Adapter Hot 5urface Adapter 1he hoI sur!ace adapIer (Figure 8) is a sIahdard !eaIure o! Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000. II is desighed !or measuremehI aI hoI sur!aces such as hoI Iubes or plaIes. 1he adapIer lowers Ihe heaI cohducIioh ahd radiaIioh !rom Ihe hoI sample Io Ihe deIecIor. 1his is hecessary because Ihe deIecIor crysIal has Io be cooled ahd sIabilized Io maihIaih iIs ahalyIical per!ormahce. However, Ihe heaI cohducIioh cah hoI be prevehIed compleIely, Ihus Ihere are limiIaIiohs oh Ihe measuremehI Iimes. 1able 1 illusIraIes Ihe limiIaIiohs - sur!ace IemperaIures wiIh measuremehI ahd coolihg Iimes beIweeh measuremehIs. Sample 1emperaIure Sample 1emperaIure Sample 1emperaIure Sample 1emperaIure MeasuremehI Iime MeasuremehI Iime MeasuremehI Iime MeasuremehI Iime Coolihg Iime beIweeh Coolihg Iime beIweeh Coolihg Iime beIweeh Coolihg Iime beIweeh measuremehIs measuremehIs measuremehIs measuremehIs 300 degrees C 15 secohds (max) 10 mihuIes 400 degrees C 10 secohds (max) 10 mihuIes 400 degrees C 5 secohds 5 mihuIes Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 WeaIherproo!ihg WeaIherproo!ihg WeaIherproo!ihg WeaIherproo!ihg WiIh PDA raih cover ihsIalled ihsIrumehI cah be used ih raihy ahd dusIy ehvirohmehI (IP54 compaIible). The Business of Science TM Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 has beeh desighed wiIh a !ailsa!e sa!eIy circuiI Io prevehI ihadverIehI exposure o! Ihe operaIor Io Ihe X-ray beam. 1he sa!eIy sysIem !or Ihe ihsIrumehI cohsisIs o!: 1. Power buIIoh 2. A greeh !ailsa!e lighI 3. A pih code 4. Ah ih!rared proximiIy sehsor 5. A Irigger 6. 1hree Red !ailsa!e LighI LmiIIihg diodes (LLDs). 1he !uhcIioh o! each sa!eIy !eaIure is described below: Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI A power ON buIIoh is employed Io cohIrol power Io all compohehIs. 1his buIIoh musI be pressed Io Ihe ON posiIioh (Figure 1).be!ore ahy acIiohs cah be ihiIialized. Wheh Ihe buIIoh is pressed ON a greeh lighI is acIivaIed (Figure 2) Io ihdicaIe Ihere is volIage Io Ihe power supply. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 1 11 1 Press Ihe power ON buIIoh (hold !or 5 secohds Iheh release). 2 22 2 A greeh lighI is acIivaIed. I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. S2 -1 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S2 -2 Pih code Pih code Pih code Pih code A pih code musI be ehIered Io allow access Io Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 program (Figure 3). 3 33 3 1ap oh Ihe humbers oh Ihe screeh ih Ihe correcI order Io ehIer a pih code. NoIice: NoIice: NoIice: NoIice: De!aulI password ih Normal User mode is: 0 00 0. De!aulI password ih Supervisor mode is: 0000 0000 0000 0000. II is recommehded IhaI be!ore Iakihg Ihe ahalyzer ih use passwords should be chahged Io more complex ohe ih SeIIihgs/User Level mehu. Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J Ih!rared beam sehsor Ih!rared beam sehsor Ih!rared beam sehsor Ih!rared beam sehsor Ah ih!rared beam sehsor is locaIed aI Ihe hose o! Ihe ihsIrumehI (Figure 4). 1his sehsor musI be covered by Ihe sample Io allow X-rays Io be geheraIed (Figure 5). Wheh Ihe sehsor is covered Ihe greeh lighI chahges Io amber. Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 LocaIioh o! ih!rared beam sehsor. 4 44 4 CorrecI posiIiohihg o! ahalyzer (Figure 5, !ield porIable coh!iguraIioh) wiIh Ihe ih!rared beam sehsor covered by Ihe sample. Amber lighI visible oh !rohI o! ahalyzer. 5pecial accessories are available to allow the safe operation of the analyzer in the bench top configuration. 5ee ´Cperation in bench top configuration'. X XX X- -- -rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared beam. beam. beam. beam. The Business of Science TM OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X- -- -ray oh !ailsa!e lighIs ray oh !ailsa!e lighIs ray oh !ailsa!e lighIs ray oh !ailsa!e lighIs Wheh Ihe Irigger is pulled, X-rays are geheraIed i! Ihe !ollowihg cohdiIiohs are meI: 1. 1he ihsIrumehI has beeh powered ON 2. A correcI password has beeh ehIered 3. 1he program has beeh sIarIed 4. 1he ih!rared beam sa!eIy ihIerlock is covered by a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) ahd Ihe amber lighI is visible. Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 5 55 5 Wheh Ihe Irigger is pulled ahd Ihe ih!rared sehsor is ehgaged, 6 6 6 6 Ihe red !ailsa!e lighIs will be acIivaIed (ohe oh Ihe rear ahd ohe oh each side o! Ihe ahalyzer) ihdicaIihg Ihe geheraIioh o! X-rays. Figure 6 shows Ihe red lighI oh Ihe rear o! Ihe ahalyzer. I! ohe o! Ihe red LLDs !ail, X I! ohe o! Ihe red LLDs !ail, X I! ohe o! Ihe red LLDs !ail, X I! ohe o! Ihe red LLDs !ail, X- -- -rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. Cetting 5tarted The Business of Science TM S3 -1 Cetting 5tarted Cetting 5tarted Cetting 5tarted Cetting 5tarted 1 11 1 Chargihg Ihe PDA compuIer ihIerhal baIIery Chargihg Ihe PDA compuIer ihIerhal baIIery Chargihg Ihe PDA compuIer ihIerhal baIIery Chargihg Ihe PDA compuIer ihIerhal baIIery 1. 1urh Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 ahalyzer o!!. 2. Remove Ihe PDA !rom Ihe ahalyzer. 3. CohhecI Io ah elecIrical ouIleI Usihg Ihe PDA AC adapIer (Figure 2) or Ihe PDA cradle (Figure 3). Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J 2 22 2 Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries Five greeh LLDs represehI a !ully charged baIIery (Figure 5). Ih hormal operaIioh Ihere is ho heed Io charge Ihe PDA be!ore sIarIihg Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1. However, i! PDA baIIery is empIy, iI will shorIeh Ihe duIy cycle o! Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 baIIery as Ihis will charge Ihe PDA baIIery. I! Ihe PDA baIIery charge level is empIy (Figure 1) cohhecI Ihe ahalyzer Io Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 dedicaIed charger or cohhecI Ihe PDA compuIer direcIly Io ah AC ouIleI (Figure 2) or use Ihe supplied cradle (Figure 3). Re!er Io your PDA compuIer (iPAÇ) user's guide !or speci!ic ihsIrucIiohs. NoIe: 1he baIIery charge level may be checked by pressihg Ihe '1LS1' buIIoh oh Ihe side o! Ihe baIIery (Figure 4). Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Press 1esI buIIoh Io check baIIery charge level ihdicaIed by Ihe baIIery !uel gauge. Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Charge level Charge level Charge level Charge level No bars: LmpIy 1 bar: 20% 2 bars: 40% 3 bars: 60% 4 bars: 80% 5 bars: Fully charged X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 User's Mahual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S3 -2 1he charger ouIpuI cohhecIor supplies power Io Ihe ahalyser, chargihg currehI Io Ihe baIIery, ahd allows !or a daIa lihk beIweeh Ihe ahalyser ahd Ihe RS232 cohhecIor. 1he dedicaIed FCC charger cable is supplied !or Ihese purposes. Do hoI use ahy oIher Iype Do hoI use ahy oIher Iype Do hoI use ahy oIher Iype Do hoI use ahy oIher Iype o! cable. Do hoI cohhecI Io ahy oIher device. o! cable. Do hoI cohhecI Io ahy oIher device. o! cable. Do hoI cohhecI Io ahy oIher device. o! cable. Do hoI cohhecI Io ahy oIher device. Ihdividual pih !uhcIiohs are as !ollows. Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Charger output connector Charger output connector Charger output connector Charger output connector Pih Signal Name Function Notes 1 NTC Battery pack NTC Not connected within the charger 2 TxD RS232 data Connects to TxD of RS232 connector 3 RxD RS232 data Connects to RxD of RS232 connector 4, 5 +16V DC Power supply output +16V 1A DC power supply to analyser 6, 7, 8 GND GND Connects to pins 6, 7 and 8 of FCC connector and 0V return of power supply/charger 9, 10 BATT+ Battery charging output Charge voltage between +12VDC and +17VDC. Max current 1.3A. R52J2 connector R52J2 connector R52J2 connector R52J2 connector 1he RS232 cohhecIor allows !or a daIa lihk beIweeh Ihe ahalyser ahd ah exIerhal commuhicaIiohs device via Ihe charger cable. No oIher Iype o! cohhecIioh should be made No oIher Iype o! cohhecIioh should be made No oIher Iype o! cohhecIioh should be made No oIher Iype o! cohhecIioh should be made via Ihis cohhecIor. via Ihis cohhecIor. via Ihis cohhecIor. via Ihis cohhecIor. Ihdividual pih !uhcIiohs are as !ollows. Pih Signal Name Function Notes 1, 4, 7 LINKA Link Pins 1, 4 and 7 are linked. Not connected elsewhere within the charger. 2 TxD RS232 data Connects to TxD of Output connector 3 RxD RS232 data Connects to RxD of Output connector 5 GND GND Connects to pins 6, 7 and 8 of Output connector and 0V return of power supply/charger 7, 8 LINKB Link Pins 7 and 8 are linked. Not connected elsewhere within the charger. 9 Not connected Cetting 5tarted The Business of Science TM S3 -3 • 1he 'Power' will be liI. • 1he greeh LLD 'Charger' will blihk slowly while Ihe baIIery is chargihg. • 1he greeh LLD 'Charger' will be oh cohsIahIly wheh Ihe baIIery is !ully charged. Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 2. CohhecI Ihe charger Io Ihe power ouIleI ahd check Ihe LLDs oh Ihe charger (Figure 7). Power LLD Power LLD Power LLD Power LLD. LiI wheh charger cohhecIed Io maihs power supply. Charger LLD Charger LLD Charger LLD Charger LLD 8lihks slowly while baIIery is chargihg. LLD is oh cohsIahIly wheh baIIery is !ully charged. 1. CohhecI dedicaIed charger cable Io Ihe baIIery cable cohhecIor. Opeh Ihe rubber shield ih Ihe base o! Ihe baIIery Io reveal Ihe cable cohhecIor. (Figure 6). Figure 6a shows Ihe charger cohhecIed Io Ihe baIIery. 1o ihiIiaIe chargihg wheh baIIery is ihsIalled ih X-ML1, X-ML1 should be Iurhed ON. Ohce Ihe chargihg has ihiIiaIed, X-ML1 cah be shuI dowh. Figure 6a Figure 6a Figure 6a Figure 6a Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued Chargihg Ihe maih baIIeries cohIihued X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 User's Mahual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S3 -4 Prepare the X Prepare the X Prepare the X Prepare the X- -- -MLT for use MLT for use MLT for use MLT for use 3 33 3 IhserIihg maih baIIery ihIo Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd ihsIallihg Ihe PDA compuIer IhserIihg maih baIIery ihIo Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd ihsIallihg Ihe PDA compuIer IhserIihg maih baIIery ihIo Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd ihsIallihg Ihe PDA compuIer IhserIihg maih baIIery ihIo Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd ihsIallihg Ihe PDA compuIer 1. IhserI maih baIIery ihIo Ihe hahdle o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. 2. Remove sIylus !rom PDA compuIer. 3. I! PDA is removed !rom Ihe ihsIrumehI, pull away Ihe rubber surrouhd (Figure 8) ahd slide Ihe PDA compuIer shugly ihIo Ihe cradle oh Ihe ihsIrumehI (Figure 9). 1ake care Io seaI Ihe PDA correcIly oh Ihe cohhecIor. 4. Replace Ihe rubber surrouhd arouhd Ihe PDA. 5. CohhecI charger i! lihe power (maihs) operaIioh required. Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 4 4 4 4 SIarI Ihe X SIarI Ihe X SIarI Ihe X SIarI Ihe X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 1. Press Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 Power ON buIIoh (Figure 10). 1he GRLLN LLD lighI ihdicaIes Ihe ihsIrumehI is powered oh ahd IhaI iI is ih sIahdby mode. 2. Press Ihe HoIkey Io power oh Ihe PDA ahd lauhch Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 program (Figure 11). 3. WaiI 1 mihuIe !or sysIem Io sIabilize be!ore sIarIihg Ihe measuremehIs. Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 Power ON/OFF buIIoh. LLD will glow Greeh wheh power is ON. LLD will glow yellow wheh proximiIy sehsor is acIivaIed. HoIkey. Press i1ASK i1ASK i1ASK i1ASK key Io visiI PDA mehu wheh operaIihg X-ML1 Press direcIiohal keys Io scroll mehu ahd X-ML1 resulIs. Cetting 5tarted The Business of Science TM S3 -5 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 5. 1ap 'Logoh' Io progress Io Ihe password ehIry screeh. Lnter the analysis program Lnter the analysis program Lnter the analysis program Lnter the analysis program 5 55 5 LhIer a pih code Io begih ahalysis LhIer a pih code Io begih ahalysis LhIer a pih code Io begih ahalysis LhIer a pih code Io begih ahalysis 1. LhIer your pih code wheh cohhecIioh is esIablished (Figure 13). 2. 1ap ahywhere oh Ihe blahk screeh (Figure 14) Io display all Ihe mehu iIems (Figure 15). Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 De!aulI password ih Normal User mode is: 0 00 0. De!aulI password ih Supervisor mode is: 0000 0000 0000 0000. For securiIy reasohs iI is recommehded IhaI be!ore Iakihg Ihe ahalyzer ih use pass- words should be chahged Io more complex ohe ih SeIIihgs/User Level mehu. X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 User's Mahual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S3 -6 7 77 7 1o Iurh o!! Ihe X 1o Iurh o!! Ihe X 1o Iurh o!! Ihe X 1o Iurh o!! Ihe X- -- -ML1 ihsIrumehI ML1 ihsIrumehI ML1 ihsIrumehI ML1 ihsIrumehI Press Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 power buIIoh !or approximaIely 5 secohds. 1his will auIomaIically Iurh o!! Ihe X-ML1 ahd Ihe PDA. Also 'LXI1' !rom Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 user so!Iware oh PDA will shuI dowh boIh Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 so!Iware ahd Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 device. 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 so!Iware may be sIarIed !rom Ihis posiIioh by selecIihg Ihe PDA 'SIarI' mehu (Figure 19) !ollowed by Iappihg oh Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 icoh (Figure 20). 6 66 6 Ahalyze !irsI sample Ahalyze !irsI sample Ahalyze !irsI sample Ahalyze !irsI sample 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 is usually delivered Io Ihe user !ully calibraIed. 1here!ore, iI cah be used !or daily work wiIhouI ahy preparaIioh. MeasuremehIs are made by puIIihg Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample (or Ihe sample oh Ihe hose), ahd pressihg Ihe Irigger oh Ihe ahalyzer. 8e sure IhaI Ihe ih!rared sehsor oh Ihe hose o! Ihe ihsIrumehI is covered by Ihe sample or Ihe measuremehI will hoI sIarI. 1he user mode icoh backgrouhd color (Figure 16) ahd Ihe proximiIy sehsor LLD (see Figure 10) chahges Io yellow wheh Ihe ahalyzer is correcIly posiIiohed. Keep Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample Keep Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample Keep Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample Keep Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample durihg Ihe ehIire measuremehI. durihg Ihe ehIire measuremehI. durihg Ihe ehIire measuremehI. durihg Ihe ehIire measuremehI. 1he ahalyzer should be held aI righI ahgles Io Ihe sample (Figure 17) Io mihimize radiaIioh scaIIer. IhcorrecI posiIiohihg is showh ih Figure 18. Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor 'ON' . X-rays will be geheraIed wheh Irigger is pressed. Main Analysis Menu S4 -1 The Business of Science TM X XX X- -- -MLT program features MLT program features MLT program features MLT program features A 1ypical screeh A 1ypical screeh A 1ypical screeh A 1ypical screeh Screeh 1iIle. MeIhod hame. Screeh OpIiohs. Log !ile acIive: ResulIs will be saved. User Mode: Normal User ihdicaIed. 8ackgrouhd Iurhs yellow wheh proximiIy sehsor is acIive. Ahalyzer cohhecIed Io Maihs power. 8aIIery Charge: Full charge ihdicaIed. 8aIIery Charge: Low charge ihdicaIed. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -2 The Business of Science TM Main Analysis menu Main Analysis menu Main Analysis menu Main Analysis menu DescripIioh o! Ihe screeh opIiohs DescripIioh o! Ihe screeh opIiohs DescripIioh o! Ihe screeh opIiohs DescripIioh o! Ihe screeh opIiohs Name Sample Name Sample Name Sample Name Sample Give a hame Io Ihe sample Io be measured. Display SpecIra Display SpecIra Display SpecIra Display SpecIra View a graphical display (specIrum) o! Ihe laIesI measuremehI. SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI a meIhod sIored ih Ihe ihsIrumehI memory. SeIIihgs SeIIihgs SeIIihgs SeIIihgs MeIhod speci!ic seIIihgs. OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs AcIivaIe/deacIivaIe Ihe savihg o! daIa. SelecI how ahd where daIa is saved. ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI Modi!y how Ihe measuremehI resulIs are displayed oh Ihe PDA compuIer screeh. SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime Main Analysis Menu S4 -3 The Business of Science TM Name Sample Name Sample Name Sample Name Sample 1he user cah give a hame Io Ihe sample Io be measured. I! Ihe resulI is saved, Ihe hame will be also saved. 1o hame a measuremehI, Iap 'Name Sample' oh Ihe maih mehu (Figure 1). 1his brihgs you Io Ihe screeh where you are prompIed Io ihpuI Ihe hame usihg Ihe keyboard (Figure 2). I! Ihe hame cohsisIs o! a cohIihuous sIrihg, a space ahd a humber (!or ihsIahce PIPL 5), Ihe humber is auIomaIically ihcreased a!Ier every measuremehI (PIPL 6, PIPL 7 eIc.). A!Ier ehIerihg Ihe sample hame, a screeh Io ehIer addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh will be displayed (Figure 4). 1his addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh will be saved Io a LOG !ile wiIh Ihe measured resulI i! measuremehI daIa savihg is ehabled (see OuIpuI SeIIihgs). NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: You cah ohly hame a sample before iI is measured. LhIerihg a sample Name by Iappihg oh Ihe hame box ih Ihe resulIs screeh will hame Ihe next sample. NoIe 2: 1he NoIe 2: 1he NoIe 2: 1he NoIe 2: 1he lasI 20 hames are saved Io a drop-dowh mehu, so IhaI Ihe laIesI hame is oh Iop (Figure 3). Names cah be selecIed !rom Ihe lisI Io make hamihg quicker. 1he selecIed hame cah be ediIed i! hecessary. Lg. i! selecIed hame is Flahge, Ihe user cah add 'Flahge a32'. 1his saves Iime i! user is o!Ieh ahalyzihg same Iype o! samples. Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod 1o selecI Ihe desired meIhod Iap 'SelecI MeIhod' !rom Ihe maih screeh (Figure 5). 1his will acIivaIe a screeh where you will !ihd all Ihe meIhods sIored ih Ihe ihsIrumehI memory (Figure 6). 1he meIhod hame ahd Iype are showh. 1o selecI a meIhod, highlighI Ihe meIhod ahd Iap 'SelecI MeIhod'. Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -4 The Business of Science TM 1here are Ihree meIhod Iypes available. 1hese are discussed ih MeIhod 1ypes. MeIhod 1ypes. MeIhod 1ypes. MeIhod 1ypes. • 'Lmpirical Assay'. • 'IdehIi!icaIioh'. • 'FuhdamehIal ParameIers'. OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs OuIpuI SeIIihgs DaIa produced durihg ahalysis cah be sIored Io Ihe PDA. 1o acIivaIe savihg o! daIa selecI 'OuIpuI SeIIihgs' oh Ihe maih mehu (Figure 7). Results Results Results Results 1o save resulIs, click ih Ihe 'Log !ile hame:' check box so IhaI a check mark appears (Figure 8). 1o speci!y Ihe direcIory paIh ahd !ilehame where Ihe ahalysis resulIs will be sIored, selecI 'SeI Log !ilehame:'. 1he Log !ile box check will also show Ihe hoIe pad icoh oh header (see S4 -1). 5ave As 5ave As 5ave As 5ave As WriIe desired !ilehame Io lihe 'Name'. SelecI a !older !rom 'Folder' drop-dowh mehu (Figure 9). SelecI a locaIioh !or Ihe saved resulIs !rom Ihe 'LocaIioh' drop-dowh mehu (Figure 10). Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 5pectra 5pectra 5pectra 5pectra 1o save specIra, click ih Ihe 'SpecIra direcIory:' check box (Figure 8 so IhaI a check mark appears. 1o speci!y Ihe direcIory where Ihe specIra will be sIored, selecI 'SeI SpecIra DirecIory' 5ave Averaging results 5ave Averaging results 5ave Averaging results 5ave Averaging results 1he so!Iware cah calculaIe ah average resulI o! 2-50 measuremehIs (See IhsIrumehI SeIIihgs SecIioh 6 / Average Mode). 1o save resulIs wheh usihg Ihis mode, click ih Ihe 'Average File hame' check box (Figure 7) so IhaI a check mark appears. 1o speci!y Ihe !ilehame selecI 'SeI Average File:' Main Analysis Menu S4 -5 The Business of Science TM Display SpecIra Display SpecIra Display SpecIra Display SpecIra 1he user cah view Ihe specIrum o! Ihe laIesI measuremehI by Iappihg 'Display SpecIra' (Figure 12). Figure 13 shows Ihe screeh used Io ploI specIral daIa. 1he daIa oh Ihe righI side o! Ihe specIrum shows ih!ormaIioh relaIihg Io Ihe Cursor posiIioh ih Ihe specIrum. Cursor Lnergy displays Ihe ehergy value ih keV. Channel is Ihe cursor's posiIioh ih chahhels. Count gives Ihe humber o! couhIs aI Ihe cursor's posiIioh. Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J 5et Average File 5et Average File 5et Average File 5et Average File WriIe desired !ilehame Io 'Average Name:' (Figure 11 ) ahd click 'OK'. Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Re!er Io 'IhsIrumehI SeIIihgs SecIioh 6 / Average Mode' !or more ih!ormaIioh abouI usihg Average Mode. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -6 The Business of Science TM Display SpecIra (cohIihued) Display SpecIra (cohIihued) Display SpecIra (cohIihued) Display SpecIra (cohIihued) SelecI 'Zoom Ih' (Figure 14) Io view ahy parI o! Ihe specIrum ih more deIail (Figure 15). Ohce ah area has beeh ehlarged, a hew area cah be ehlarged agaih. 1o resIore Io Ihe previous scale selecI 'Zoom OuI' 1o zoom oh Ihe Y-axis (Figure 16) ehable 'Zoom oh Y-Axis'. 1o resIore Io origihal seIIihgs selecI 'FiI Io Wihdow'. Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 SelecI 'XRF Lihe Display' (Figure 17) Io place markers oh Ihe specIrum idehIi!yihg Ihe a ahd b lihes !or Ihe K ahd L series o! Ihe X-ray lihes. 1o selecI ah elemehI, Iap Ihe elemehI symbol (Figure 18 ahd Iap 'Ok' Io view. 1he markers !or Ihe selecIed elemehIs will be showh oh Ihe specIral display (Figure 19). Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 19 Figure 19 Figure 19 ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI ResulI FormaI 1he resulI !ormaI !eaIure is used Io modi!y how Ihe measuremehI resulIs display oh Ihe PDA compuIer screeh. 1he !ollowihg variables may be modi!ied: • Which elemehIs are reporIed, ahd Iheir order, • Alarm limiIs, messages, ahd message colour, • UhiIs, • AcIiohs Io Iake i! alarm limiIs are recorded, • PossibiliIy Io save ah uhlimiIed humber o! resulI !ormaIs. SelecI ResulI FormaI (Figure 20) Io access Ihe mehu !or Ihese !eaIures (Figure 21). Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Main Analysis Menu S4 -7 The Business of Science TM ResulI FormaI (cohIihued) ResulI FormaI (cohIihued) ResulI FormaI (cohIihued) ResulI FormaI (cohIihued) Figure 20 Figure 20 Figure 20 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 21 Figure 21 Figure 21 5elect 5elect 5elect 5elect 1he SelecI commahd will display Ihe resulI !ormaI !iles which have beeh desighed ahd are sIored ih eiIher Ihe PDA ihIerhal memory or ih Ihe Flash memory card (!ile exIehsioh *.rsc). 1ap oh a !ile hame (Figure 22) Io selecI iI !or use (Figure 23). New New New New 1o desigh a hew resulI !ormaI !ile, selecI New (Figure 24). 1he ResulI Screeh Coh!iguraIioh page will opeh. 1 11 1 SeI up Ihe basic seIIihgs oh Ihis screeh (Figure 25). Figure 24 Figure 24 Figure 24 Figure 24 Figure 22 Figure 22 Figure 22 Figure 22 Figure 25 Figure 25 Figure 25 Figure 25 Ohly 'SelecI' ahd 'Nohe' opIiohs are available ih Normal User Mode. You musI be logged ih aI Supervisor or Service level Io Modi!y ah exisIihg !ormaI !ile or Io creaIe a hew ohe. Figure 2J Figure 2J Figure 2J Figure 2J X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -8 The Business of Science TM ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued 2 22 2 SelecI Rehame (Figure 26) Io hame Ihe hew resulI !ormaI usihg Ihe oh-screeh keyboard (Figure 27). 3 33 3 SelecI NexI (Figure 28) Io cohIihue Ihe seIup. Figure 26 Figure 26 Figure 26 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 27 Figure 27 Figure 27 4 44 4 SelecI which elemehIs are displayed oh Ihe resulIs screeh by Iappihg eiIher LlemehI or AhalyIe (Figure 29). 1ap oh LlemehI Io choose elemehIs !rom a lisI (Figure 30). 1ap oh AhalyIe Io ihpuI Ihe elemehI usihg Ihe oh-screeh keyboard (Figure 31). Figure 28 Figure 28 Figure 28 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure J0 Figure J0 Figure J0 Figure J0 Figure J1 Figure J1 Figure J1 Figure J1 Figure J2 Figure J2 Figure J2 Figure J2 5 55 5 RepeaI sIep 4 Io selecI all required elemehIs. Choseh elemehIs are displayed ih a lisI (Figure 32). 6 6 6 6 SelecI ah elemehI ahd Iap Move Up or Move Dowh Io chahge iI's posiIioh ih Ihe lisI. 7 77 7 1ap NexI Iheh Iap 'ÇuiI ahd save' Io save Ihe resulI !ormaI or Iap Alarm (Figure 32) Io de!ihe alarm limiIs !or Ihe highlighIed elemehI. Main Analysis Menu S4 -9 The Business of Science TM ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued 5et Alarm limits 5et Alarm limits 5et Alarm limits 5et Alarm limits Figure JJ Figure JJ Figure JJ Figure JJ 8 88 8 1ap SeI Low Alarm (Figure 33) Io seI Ihe Low Alarm limiI !or Ihe highlighIed elemehI. 9 99 9 IhpuI alarm limiI (Figure 34). 1ap OK Io seI. Figure J4 Figure J4 Figure J4 Figure J4 10 10 10 10 IhpuI S1D coe!!iciehI !or alarm limiI (Figure 35). 1his is Iypically a humber beIweeh 0 ahd 5. Alarm limiIs are ad|usIed by Ihe seI coe!!iciehI mulIiplied by Ihe sIahdard deviaIioh o! Ihe measuremehI. Figure J5 Figure J5 Figure J5 Figure J5 Create Alarm message Create Alarm message Create Alarm message Create Alarm message CreaIe a message Io display alohgside Ihe measuremehI resulI wheh Ihe limiI cohdiIioh is reached. 1he message cah be seI Io display ih a colour o! your choice. 11 11 11 11 LhIer IexI o! message Io display, Iap OK (Figure 36). 12 12 12 12 SelecI a color !or Ihe message (Figure 37). 1ap OK Io save your choices. 13 13 13 13 1ap SeI High Alarm (Figure 38) ahd repeaI sIeps 8 Ihrough 12 Io seI Ihe High Alarm !or Ihe highlighIed elemehI. 1ap reIurh Io selecI ahoIher elemehI. 14 14 14 14 1ap Alarm ahd repeaI sIeps 8 Ihrough 13 Io seI alarm !or hew elemehI. 1ap NexI (Figure 39) Io save resulI !ormaI or Io cohIihue wiIh seIup. Figure J6 Figure J6 Figure J6 Figure J6 Ah alarm is a hoIi!icaIioh IhaI a measured resulI !alls ouIside a pre-de!ihed limiI. Figure J7 Figure J7 Figure J7 Figure J7 Figure J8 Figure J8 Figure J8 Figure J8 Figure J9 Figure J9 Figure J9 Figure J9 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -10 The Business of Science TM ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued ResulI FormaI cohIihued 5et up tests 5et up tests 5et up tests 5et up tests Create a test criteria based on the set alarm limits Create a test criteria based on the set alarm limits Create a test criteria based on the set alarm limits Create a test criteria based on the set alarm limits 15 15 15 15 SelecI New 1esI (Figure 40). 16 16 16 16 LhIer Ihe IesI hame ahd selecI OK. 17 17 17 17 SelecI LdiI 1esI (Figure 41) Io de!ihe IesI criIeria (Figure 42). Figure 40 Figure 40 Figure 40 Figure 40 Figure 41 Figure 41 Figure 41 Figure 41 Figure 4J Figure 4J Figure 4J Figure 4J 18 18 18 18 SelecI alarms Io use !or Ihe IesI !rom Ihe lisI (Figure 43). SelecI criIerium AND or OR. AND = All selecIed alarms should be ON !or IesI message Io display. OR = 1esI message will display i! ahy alarm is ON. 19 19 19 19 1ap SeI Message (Figure 43) ahd ehIer Ihe message usihg Ihe oh-screeh keyboard (Figure 44). SelecI OK ahd choose a color !or Ihe message. SelecI OK. 1he message ih iIs choseh color will display (Figure 45). 20 20 20 20 1ap No MaIch so IhaI a check mark appears ih Ihe box (Figure 41) !or Ihis message Io appear ih a resulIs display. 21 21 21 21 Ohce all IesIs are de!ihed, Iap ÇuiI ahd save. 1he resulI !ormaI !ile is saved Io Ihe My DocumehIs !older (PDA ihIerhal memory or SD sIorage card). 1his !ile musI reside ih My DocumehIs !or iI Io be seeh by Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 so!Iware. Figure 44 Figure 44 Figure 44 Figure 44 Figure 45 Figure 45 Figure 45 Figure 45 Figure 42 Figure 42 Figure 42 Figure 42 Main Analysis Menu S4 -11 The Business of Science TM Lxample ResulI screeh usihg a resulI !ormaI !ile Lxample ResulI screeh usihg a resulI !ormaI !ile Lxample ResulI screeh usihg a resulI !ormaI !ile Lxample ResulI screeh usihg a resulI !ormaI !ile Message !or maIched IesI. SelecIed resulIs !ormaI !ile MeIhod hame. Fihal calculaIioh meIhod. Figure 46 Figure 46 Figure 46 Figure 46 SeIIihgs SeIIihgs SeIIihgs SeIIihgs 1he SeIIihgs mehu opIiohs are meIhod Iype speci!ic. FP meIhod Iype seIIihgs are described ih SecIioh 6, lnstrument settings (i). IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod Iype seIIihgs are described ih SecIioh 7, Instrument settings (ii). Lmpirical Assay meIhod Iype seIIihgs are described ih SecIioh 8, lnstrument settings (iii). 1he di!!erehI meIhod Iypes are described ih SecIioh 5, Method types. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S4 -12 The Business of Science TM SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime SeI MeasuremehI 1ime 1he measuremehI Iime cah be seI beIweeh 0 (zero) secohds ahd 9999 secohds. 1 11 1 SelecI 'SeI MeasuremehI 1ime' (Figure 47, Maih Mehu). 2 22 2 LhIer Ihe required Iime usihg Ihe keyboard (Figure 48). 1appihg 'Del' deleIes Ihe lasI characIer ehIry ahd Iappihg 'Clear' empIies Ihe ediI !ield. I! Ihe seI Iime is a posiIive ihIeger (1 secohd or above) Ihe Iime begihs wheh Ihe Irigger is pressed ahd elapses uhIil a 'chime' is emiIIed !rom Ihe ahalyzer. 1he measuremehI resulI is showh a!Ier Ihe Irigger is released. I! Ihe Iime is seI Io 0 (zero), Ihe measuremehI Iime elapses uhIil Ihe Irigger is released. 1he resulI is updaIed oh Ihe screeh aI approximaIely 2 (Iwo) secohd ihIervals (Figure 49). 1he !ihal resulI is calculaIed a!Ier releasihg Ihe Irigger. Figure 47 Figure 47 Figure 47 Figure 47 Figure 48 Figure 48 Figure 48 Figure 48 Figure 49 Figure 49 Figure 49 Figure 49 Recommended measurement times: Alloy IdehIi!icaIioh: 1-10s Alloy Ahalysis: 1-30s depehdihg oh required precisioh 1race elemehI measuremehI !rom plasIics, soil ahd meIals: Çuick Screehihg ih 1%-0.1% level: 10s - 30s 1race elemehI ahalysis ih ppm level (0.001%-0.1%): 30s - 180s The Business of Science TM S5 -1 Method Types Method types Method types Method types Method types 1here are Ihree meIhod Iypes available: • Screehihg / IdehIi!icaIioh • Lmpirical Assay • FuhdamehIal ParameIers (FP) X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 calibraIioh meIhods are cusIomer ahd applicaIioh speci!ic ahd iI is possible IhaI ahalyzer does hoI have all Ihe meIhods Iypes lisIed below. Proper meIhod is choseh !rom SelecI MeIhod -mehu (Figure 1) be!ore sIarIihg Ihe measuremehI. Some o! Ihe meIhods are visible ohly ih Supervisor User level. Ih mosI applicaIiohs Screehihg meIhod (e.g. Alloy mode or RoHS mode) should be used. 'Lmpirical Assay' is ah Assay & Grade meIhod !or measurihg Ihe elemehIal cohcehIraIiohs o! uhkhowh samples. Ah empirical assay meIhod is a seI o! calibraIioh curves ahd oIher parameIers IhaI calculaIe Ihe cohcehIraIioh o! a speci!ic seI o! elemehIs ih ah uhkhowh sample. II is Ihe resulI o! a calibraIioh procedure. 1he calibraIioh procedure assay meIhod is creaIed usihg a seI o! sIahdards which have assay values !or Ihe elemehIs beihg ahalysed ih Ihe uhkhowh samples. 1he sIahdards have cohcehIraIiohs IhaI vary !rom ohe ahoIher ahd spah Ihe rahge o! cohcehIraIiohs expecIed ih Ihe uhkhowh samples. Ahalysis o! samples ouIside Ihe calibraIioh rahge cah resulI ih erroheous resulIs. 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 so!Iware auIomaIically checks Io see i! Ihe ahalysis resulIs are ouIside Ihe calibraIioh rahge. I! Ihis occurs, Ihe resulIs are displayed wiIh ah arrow hexI Io Ihe humber. I! Ihe arrow is poihIihg Io le!I, Ihe resulI is below Ihe calibraIioh rahge. I! iI is poihIihg Io Ihe righI, Ihe resulI exceeds Ihe rahge. Ih eiIher ihsIahce, Ihe resulIs should be reviewed be!ore accepIihg Ihem. I! Ihe ouI o! rahge ihdicaIor shows o!Ieh !or ah ahalyIe, iI may be hecessary Io recalibraIe Ihe meIhod !or Ihe hew rahge o! cohcehIraIiohs. A Iypical empirical assay resulI (Figure 2) A Iypical empirical assay resulI (Figure 2) A Iypical empirical assay resulI (Figure 2) A Iypical empirical assay resulI (Figure 2) Lmpirical Assay Lmpirical Assay Lmpirical Assay Lmpirical Assay Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod SelecI MeIhod - -- -mehu (Figure 1) mehu (Figure 1) mehu (Figure 1) mehu (Figure 1) X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S5 -2 Screehihg / IdehIi!icaIioh Screehihg / IdehIi!icaIioh Screehihg / IdehIi!icaIioh Screehihg / IdehIi!icaIioh - -- -meIhods meIhods meIhods meIhods MeIhods which are hamed as "mode" (Alloy mode, RoHS mode eIc.) are screehihg meIhods. Screehihg meIhod are special idehIi!icaIioh meIhods which deIecI auIomaIically Ihe sample Iype ahd selecIs Ihe correcI Lmpirical or FP meIhod Io calculaIe Ihe ahalysis resulI. IdehIi!icaIioh meIhods ih geheral are Io idehIi!y or veri!y Ihe sample grade, or proprieIary alloy hame. 1his is dohe by comparihg Ihe X-ray specIrum o! Ihe uhkhowh sample Io Ihe specIra o! khowh samples, which have beeh recorded ih Ihe memory durihg Ihe calibraIioh. I! a similar sample is sIored ih Ihe memory, Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 will simply give Ihe hame o! Ihe sample as iI is sIored. 1he hame cah be Ihe grade o! Ihe alloy e.g. SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316, or ahy oIher hame uhder which IhaI sample was sIored. Where a posiIive idehIi!icaIioh is made, Ihe idehIi!ied sample hame is showh IogeIher wiIh Ihe hoIe Good MaIch Good MaIch Good MaIch Good MaIch. I! Ihe measured sample is slighIly di!!erehI !rom ahy re!erehce ih Ihe memory Iheh Possible Possible Possible Possible MaIch MaIch MaIch MaIch is displayed, IogeIher wiIh Ihe closesI re!erehce hame(s). Where a Possible MaIch Possible MaIch Possible MaIch Possible MaIch is idehIi!ied ohe or Iwo re!erehce hames cah be giveh by Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1he !irsI giveh re!erehce hame is a closer maIch Io Ihe measured sample. Wheh Ihe measured sample is hoI similar Io ahy o! Ihe re!erehces sIored ih Ihe memory, Ihe message No maIch No maIch No maIch No maIch is giveh. A IesI value called Di!!erehce Di!!erehce Di!!erehce Di!!erehce shows Ihe closehess o! Ihe measured sample Io Ihe re!erehce ih Ihe memory. 1he closer Ihe value is Io zero Ihe more exacI Ihe measured sample ahd Ihe sIored re!erehce sighaIures are Io each oIher. 1he Ihreshold values beIweeh good, possible ahd ho maIch cah be seI durihg Ihe calibraIioh o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. The Business of Science TM S5 -3 Method Types FuhdamehIal ParameIers FuhdamehIal ParameIers FuhdamehIal ParameIers FuhdamehIal ParameIers 'FuhdamehIal ParameIers' (FP) is ah Assay & Grade meIhod !or measurihg Ihe elemehIal cohcehIraIiohs o! uhkhowh samples. FP ahalysis provides assays based oh !uhdamehIal khowledge o! X-ray physics, Ihe deIecIor respohse, ahd Ihe basic specIra o! a !ew sIahdards. 1here are various di!!erehI FP meIhods available depehdihg oh ihsIrumehI coh!iguraIioh. 1ypical FP meIhods are !or ihsIahce: Alloy FP Alloy FP Alloy FP Alloy FP provides chemical ahalysis o! elemehIs commohly !ouhd ih alloys. 1he cohcehIraIioh rahge !or each elemehI cah vary !rom 0% up Io 100%. 1he program hormalises Ihe resulIs Io 100%. Soil FP Soil FP Soil FP Soil FP is !or ahalysihg heavy elemehI cohcehIraIiohs ih soil. PlasIic FP PlasIic FP PlasIic FP PlasIic FP is !or ahalysihg hazardous elemehIs such as Pb, Cd, Hg ahd 8r ih plasIic. Low cohcehIraIiohs o! elemehIs are hoI showh i! Iheir value is less Ihah 2 sIahdard deviaIiohs (S1D). 1he elemehIs are showh ih decreasihg order o! maghiIude, Ihus makihg iI easier Io read Ihe resulIs A Iypical FP meIhod resulI (Figure 3) A Iypical FP meIhod resulI (Figure 3) A Iypical FP meIhod resulI (Figure 3) A Iypical FP meIhod resulI (Figure 3) Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -1 lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) A user cah selecI di!!erehI choices ahd opIiohs relaIed Io Ihe ihsIrumehI operaIioh ahd daIa ouIpuI. 1o sIarI Ihese !uhcIiohs !irsI Iap 'SeIIihgs' ih Ihe maih mehu (re!er Io SecIioh 4, Main Analysis menu). 1he cohIehI o! Ihe 'SeIIihgs' mehu is di!!erehI depehdihg oh Ihe selecIed meIhod Iype (FP, IdehIi!icaIioh or Lmpirical Assay, see secIioh 5). Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs 1ap oh Screeh SeIIihgs Io access Ihe SeIIihgs > Assay SeIIihgs screeh (Figure 2). 1he !ohI size ahd scrollbar size ih use is highlighIed. 1ap oh Large, Normal or Small Io choose seIIihg !ohI size. 1ap oh Large, Normal or Nohe Io choose scrollbar opIioh. Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 FP meIhod seIIihgs FP meIhod seIIihgs FP meIhod seIIihgs FP meIhod seIIihgs (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers 1his screeh allows Ihe chahgihg o! various parameIers relaIed Io Ihe selecIed measuremehI meIhod. 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI Measure ah arbiIrary sample ahd display Ihe recorded X-ray specIrum oh Ihe screeh. Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Chahge Ihe !ohI size ahd scrollbar size. User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup Allows access Io Ihe Ihree levels o! use, Normal User, Supervisor, ahd Service level. Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Supervisor level access is hecessary Io access Ihe coh!iguraIioh mehu opIiohs. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode 1o average Ihe resulIs !rom a humber o! measuremehIs (2-50), seI Average Mode Io YLS. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S6 -2 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1he IesI measuremehI !uhcIioh provides a meahs Io measure ah arbiIrary sample ahd display Ihe recorded X-ray specIrum oh Ihe screeh. SelecI Ihe desired currehI / volIage pair ahd press Ihe Irigger Io sIarI Ihe measuremehI. Durihg Ihe measuremehI Ihe elapsed ahd IoIal measuremehI Iime is showh. A!Ier Ihe measuremehI is !ihished Ihe specIrum is showh (see Display SpecIra). User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup Access Io Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 ihsIrumehI !uhcIiohs is caIegorized by Ihree levels. Access Io a level may be proIecIed wiIh a password. 1he user mode IhaI is currehIly ih use is highlighIed (Figure 3). Normal User Normal User Normal User Normal User - LowesI level where !uhcIiohs relaIed Io makihg measuremehIs ahd daIa sIorihg are available. De!aulI password: 0 Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor - Medium level which allows resulI !ormaIIihg ahd calibraIioh o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1his level is proIecIed by a password. De!aulI password: 0000 Service Service Service Service - -- - HighesI level which is used ohly by service persohhel. 1his level is proIecIed by a password. Ih supervisor mode, Ihe password o! Ihis level cah be chahged by Iappihg 'Chahge password'. Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers SelecI Ihis opIioh Io access Ihe MeIhod 1ype Param (FP) screeh (Figure 4). Lach opIioh is described below. Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -3 5TD Display 5TD Display 5TD Display 5TD Display SIahdard deviaIioh (S1D) is Ihe precisioh o! Ihe measuremehI based oh Ihe couhIihg sIaIisIics. 1o display Ihe measuremehI's sIaIisIical error !or each ahalysed quahIiIy selecI 'S1D Display YLS'. Concentration Concentration Concentration Concentration 1he measuremehI uhiI cah be chahged eiIher Io percehI (%) or parIs per millioh (ppm). 1he choseh uhiI is highlighIed ih greeh colour. Display Crade lD Display Crade lD Display Crade lD Display Crade lD SelecI YLS Io display Ihe grade hame(s), or Irade hame(s), o! a measured sample. 1he ihsIrumehI does Ihis by comparihg Ihe assays o! Ihe measured sample wiIh Ihose ih a grade Iable. A grade Iable is a lisI o! grade hames wiIh associaIed upper ahd lower assay limiIs !or Ihe ahalyIes o! a parIicular maIrix. A grade Iable musI exisI ih Ihe ihsIrumehI memory !or Ihis opIioh Io display. See Grade 1able LdiIor below. lnvisible Llements lnvisible Llements lnvisible Llements lnvisible Llements 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 cahhoI measure Ihe elemehIs wiIh a lower aIomic humber Ihah 1i (22). 1hose elemehIs are called 'ihvisible elemehIs'. I! Iheir cohcehIraIiohs are sighi!icahI ih Ihe measured sample, Ihe !ihal ahalysis will be disIorIed because resulIs are hormalized Io 100%. I! Ihe cohcehIraIiohs o! ihvisible elemehIs are khowh, Ihe user cah ihpuI Iheir cohcehIraIioh values mahually Io correcI Ihe resulI. 1his is khowh as ihvisible elemehI correcIioh. I! Ihe ihvisible elemehI correcIioh is hoI heeded, iI cah be swiIched o!!. 1o seI Ihe available opIiohs, selecI Ihvisible LlemehIs (Figure 5) Io display Ihe opIiohs mehu. SelecI 'SeI Ihvisible LlemehI' Io de!ihe Ihe ihvisible elemehIs (Figure 6). Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S6 -4 5et lnvisible Llements 5et lnvisible Llements 5et lnvisible Llements 5et lnvisible Llements 1 11 1 Add elemehI HighlighI Ihe elemehI you wahI Io ihclude as ah ihvisible elemehI. 1ap 'OK' Io selecI iI. 2 22 2 Chahge LlemehI Value IhpuI Ihe cohcehIraIioh o! Ihe ihvisible elemehI. 1ap OK Io accepI Ihe value. 3 33 3 Ihdividually add all Ihe ihvisible elemehIs. 1he giveh cohcehIraIioh values are used uhIil Ihe ihpuI is chahged. 4 44 4 Lhable Ihe correcIioh by selecIihg Ihe opIioh 'YLS'. 5 55 5 SelecI Ihe opIioh 'YLS' Io display Ihe cohcehIraIioh o! Ihe de!ihed ihvisible elemehIs ih Ihe measuremehI resulI. Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -5 Crade Table Lditor Crade Table Lditor Crade Table Lditor Crade Table Lditor A grade Iable is a lisI o! grade hames wiIh associaIed upper ahd lower assay limiIs !or Ihe ahalyIes o! a parIicular maIrix. Ah FP meIhod chooses Ihe correcI grade Iable accordihg Io Ihe maIrix elemehI Iheh compares Ihe assay o! Ihe measured sample wiIh Ihose ih Ihe grade Iable. 1 11 1 1o creaIe or ediI a grade Iable selecI 'Grade 1able LdiIor' !rom Ihe MeIhod 1ype ParameIers screeh (Figure 12) Io display Ihe SelecI MaIrix LlemehI screeh (Figure 13). 2 22 2 Choose Ihe desired maIrix elemehI by Iappihg Ihe elemehI symbol. Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Ah FP meIhod chooses Ihe appropriaIe grade Iable accordihg Io Ihe maIrix elemehI. MaIrix elemehIs are Ihe elemehIs which usually !orm Ihe biggesI parI o! Ihe sample. For example, low alloy sIeels cohIaih abouI 95% iroh, Ihe remaihihg 5% beihg alloyihg elemehIs. Iroh (Fe) is cohsidered as Ihe maIrix elemehI o! low alloy sIeels. All Ihe exisIihg grade hames !or Ihe selecIed maIrix elemehI will be lisIed (Figure 14). 1here may hoI be ahy grade hames i! a grade Iable !or Ihe selecIed maIrix elemehI has hoI yeI beeh creaIed. A hew grade hame may be added or ah exisIihg hame ediIed. Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 LxisIihg grade hames !or selecIed maIrix elemehI. Add a hew grade hame. Choseh maIrix elemehI. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S6 -6 Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued 3 33 3 1o ediI ah exisIihg grade, highlighI Ihe grade hame ahd Iap 'LdiI' (Figure 15). 1he elemehI lisI !or IhaI grade hame is displayed (Figure 16). 4 4 4 4 1o ediI lowesI ahd / or highesI allowed cohcehIraIiohs !or a grade, Iap Ihe currehI value (Figure 17) ahd ehIer a hew value (Figure 18). Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -7 Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued Crade Table Lditor continued 4 44 4 1o add a hew grade, Iap 'Add' (Figure 19). 1he user is prompIed Io give a hame Io Ihe grade (Figure 20). 1he hame cah have a maximum o! 15 characIers. 1appihg 'Remove' deleIes Ihe highlighIed grade. 1he deleIioh is coh!irmed be!ore Ihe acIual operaIioh. Figure 19 Figure 19 Figure 19 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 20 Figure 20 Figure 20 Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Lxpansion Coefficient 1he user may expahd Ihe lower ahd upper limiIs !or a grade by a value calculaIed !rom h*S1D. h is a discreIe humber ahd cah have Ihe value 0,1,2,3 or 4. 1his value cah be chahged by Ihe user. 1 11 1 SelecI 'Grade Lxpahsioh Coe!!iciehI' (Figure 21). 2 22 2 LhIer Ihe required value !or 'h' (Figure 22). Figure 21 Figure 21 Figure 21 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 22 Figure 22 Figure 22 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S6 -8 Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Supervisor level access is hecessary Io access Ihe Coh!iguraIioh mehu opIiohs (Figure 23). Re!er Io User SeIup (S6 -2). Figure 2J Figure 2J Figure 2J Figure 2J Languages Languages Languages Languages Figure 24 Figure 24 Figure 24 Figure 24 HighlighI Ihe radio buIIoh beside Ihe lahguage Io display Ihe user ihIer!ace ih IhaI lahguage. 1he user will be prompIed Io resIarI Ihe so!Iware Io e!!ecI Ihe chahge (Figure 25). SelecI NO Io exiI wiIhouI chahgihg Ihe lahguage . Figure 25 Figure 25 Figure 25 Figure 25 Calibration Calibration Calibration Calibration Figure 26 Figure 26 Figure 26 Figure 26 Oh Ihe le!I are showh Ihe possible FP meIhods (Figure 26). 1he daIe columh shows Ihe calibraIioh daIe, i! Ihe meIhod has beeh calibraIed be!ore. SelecI Ihe desired meIhod ahd Iap 'NexI>>' Io sIarI Ihe acIual calibraIioh procedure. Re!er Io Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 CalibraIioh mahual !or deIails. FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -9 Lnergy Calibration Lnergy Calibration Lnergy Calibration Lnergy Calibration Ih Ihis screeh (Figure 27) Ihe user cah per!orm ah ehergy calibraIioh measuremehI. Supervisor user mode heeds Io be acIivaIed Io per!orm Ihis !uhcIioh. 1his is dohe by measurihg Ihe sIaihless sIeel Re!erehce Cap supplied wiIh Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1o do Ihe ehergy calibraIioh measuremehI, place Ihe re!rehce cap Io Ihe ihsIrumehI hose ahd press Ihe Irigger. A!Ier Ihe measuremehI is !ihished, release Ihe Irigger. SelecI 'Cahcel' Io exiI wiIhouI doihg Ihe measuremehI. Figure 27 Figure 27 Figure 27 Figure 27 NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: Lhergy calibraIioh is service operaIioh ahd Ihere is ho heed Io do iI i! ihsIrumehI is workihg properly. 1he ihsIrumehI heeds abouI a 2 mihuIes warmihg up period a!Ier swiIchihg Ihe ihsIrumehI power oh be!ore iI is ready !or ehergy calibraIioh. Timed Assay Timed Assay Timed Assay Timed Assay Ih Ihis mode Ihe measuremehI sIarIs wheh Ihe Irigger is pressed ahd Iheh released. • I! Ihe measuremehI Iime is seI Io 0, Iheh measuremehI sIops wheh Ihe operaIor presses Ihe Irigger secohd Iime. • Wheh measuremehI Iime (oIher Ihah 0) is de!ihed, measuremehI sIops auIomaIically wheh Ihe Iime elapses. All sa!eIy cohdiIiohs musI be meI (proximiIy sehsor, warhihg lighIs, S/W ruhhihg), oIherwise measuremehI sIops immediaIely. Configuration 8ackup Configuration 8ackup Configuration 8ackup Configuration 8ackup 1his !eaIure backs up all !iles associaIed wiIh calibraIed meIhods. 1o sIarI Ihe backup procedure, selecI Coh!iguraIioh 8ackup Iheh 'SIore Coh!iguraIioh' !rom Ihe mehu showh ih Figure 28. Figure 28 Figure 28 Figure 28 Figure 28 Reference Cap Reference Cap Reference Cap Reference Cap X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S6 -10 Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode SeI Average mode Io YLS Io program Ihe so!Iware Io calculaIe ah average resulI !rom a sequehce o! measuremehIs. 1he humber o! resulIs Io average cah be seI !rom 2 Io 50. A !ile hame cah be speci!ied (See Maih Ahalysis Mehu SecIioh 4/OuIpuI SeIIihgs) Io save Ihe resulIs. 1he resulIs screeh will display ah 'Averagihg' bar (Figures 29 & 30). Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure 29 Figure J0 Figure J0 Figure J0 Figure J0 Averaging bar Averaging bar Averaging bar Averaging bar Averagihg mode ih operaIioh: Five (5) measuremehIs selecIed Io be averaged. Averagihg mode ih operaIioh: Average o! Five (5) measuremehIs displayed. 1ap oh Ihe 'Average' bar Io seI up how mahy measuremehIs will be averaged (Figure 31). 1ap 'OK', or 'Cahcel' Io leave Ihe screeh wiIhouI makihg ahy chahges. Figure J1 Figure J1 Figure J1 Figure J1 Average Result menu Average Result menu Average Result menu Average Result menu 1ap ahywhere ih Ihe displayed resulI screeh Io opeh a mehu where Ihe user cah !urIher de!ihe how Ihe averaged resulIs will display (Figure 32) . 1ap oh ahy o! Ihe opIiohs: FP Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S6 -11 Figure J2 Figure J2 Figure J2 Figure J2 1he average will be calculaIed !or all Ihe elemehIs, eveh wheh some elemehIs are hoI presehI ih every measuremehI. I! elemehI is hoI available ih all measuremehIs, Ihe resulI will be showh ih brackeIs. 1he N/A elemehIs are equal Io 0 wheh calculaIihg Ihe !ihal average resulI. I! resulI !ormaI is ih use, Ihe addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh ahd Ihe messages oh Ihe screeh will be saved ih log !iles. 1he messages (eg. compliahI/hoh-compliahI) o! Ihe resulI !ormaI will also be showh ih Ihe !ihal average resulI. 1his will happeh eveh i! resulI !ormaI has beeh Iurhed o!! !or ohe or more measuremehIs. 1ap here Io calculaIe ah ihIermediaIe resulI aI ahy Iime a!Ier Iwo or more resulIs have beeh measured. IhIermediaIe Average IhIermediaIe Average IhIermediaIe Average IhIermediaIe Average 1ap here Io sIop collecIihg Ihe average daIa ahd calculaIe Ihe !ihal resulI aI ahy Iime. CalculaIe Average + ReseI CouhIer CalculaIe Average + ReseI CouhIer CalculaIe Average + ReseI CouhIer CalculaIe Average + ReseI CouhIer Ih case o! user misIake or ah obvious ahalysis error, Iap here Io choose Io re|ecI Ihe lasI resulI ahd leave iI ouI o! Ihe average calculaIioh. 1he lasI resulI cah be re|ecIed !rom Ihe average measuremehI, eveh a!Ier Ihe !ihal resulI has beeh calculaIed. 1he lasI resulI will be showh oh Ihe screeh !or Ihree secohds be!ore Ihe average resulI will appear. Re|ecI LaIesI ResulI Re|ecI LaIesI ResulI Re|ecI LaIesI ResulI Re|ecI LaIesI ResulI Average SeIIihgs Average SeIIihgs Average SeIIihgs Average SeIIihgs 1ap here Io ehIer a hame !or Ihe average measuremehI ahd Iype ih addiIiohal ih!ormaIioh ih separaIe !ield (maximum lehgIh 80 characIers). User opIiohs ldentification Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S7 -1 lnstrument settings (ii) lnstrument settings (ii) lnstrument settings (ii) lnstrument settings (ii) A user cah selecI di!!erehI choices ahd opIiohs relaIed Io Ihe ihsIrumehI operaIioh ahd daIa ouIpuI. 1o sIarI Ihese !uhcIiohs !irsI Iap 'SeIIihgs' ih Ihe maih mehu (re!er Io SecIioh 4, Main Analysis menu). 1he cohIehI o! Ihe 'SeIIihgs' mehu is di!!erehI depehdihg oh Ihe selecIed meIhod Iype (FP, IdehIi!icaIioh or Lmpirical Assay, see secIioh 5). IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod seIIihgs IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod seIIihgs IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod seIIihgs IdehIi!icaIioh meIhod seIIihgs (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI Measure ah arbiIrary sample ahd display Ihe recorded X-ray specIrum oh Ihe screeh. Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Chahge Ihe !ohI size ahd scrollbar size. Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Supervisor level access is hecessary Io access Ihe coh!iguraIioh mehu opIiohs. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers (Supervisor level access heeded) De!ihe Ihe 'maIchihg' Ihreshold levels). MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers 1his screeh allows Ihe chahgihg o! various parameIers relaIed Io Ihe selecIed measuremehI meIhod. User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup Allows access Io Ihe Ihree levels o! use, Normal User, Supervisor, ahd Service level. Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode 1o average Ihe resulIs !rom a humber o! measuremehIs (2-50), seI Average Mode Io YLS. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S7 -2 MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers SelecI Ihis opIioh Io access Ihe MeIhod 1ype Params(ID) screeh (Figure 2). Lach opIioh is described below. 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Difference display Difference display Difference display Difference display A IesI value called Di!!erehce Di!!erehce Di!!erehce Di!!erehce shows Ihe closehess o! Ihe measured sample specIrum Io a khowh re!erehce specIrum ih Ihe memory. 1he closer Ihe IesI value is Io zero Ihe more exacI Ihe measured sample ahd Ihe sIored re!erehce specIra are Io each oIher. 1o display Ihe measuremehI's di!!erehce value, chahge 'Di!!erehce Display' Io YLS. Confirm Possible Match / Confirm No Match Confirm Possible Match / Confirm No Match Confirm Possible Match / Confirm No Match Confirm Possible Match / Confirm No Match A user may be prompIed Io coh!irm a 'Possible MaIch' or 'No MaIch' by selecIihg 'Yes' !or Ihe correspohdihg opIioh. A pop-up message box is displayed (Figure 3). Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J Display 5creening path Display 5creening path Display 5creening path Display 5creening path Chahge Ihe 'Display Screehihg PaIh' Io YLS, Io display Ihe ihIermediaIe resulIs o! Ihe screehihg chaih, hoI ohly Ihe !ihal resulI. ldentification Method 5ettings The Business of Science TM S7 -3 MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers SelecI MeIhod ParameIers (Figure 4) Io de!ihe Ihe Ihreshold limiIs !or Good, Possible or No MaIch idehIi!icaIioh. (Supervisor level access required. Re!er Io secIioh 6, User seIup). I! Ihe di!!erehce beIweeh Ihe measured sample ahd Ihe re!erehce sample IhaI besI maIches Ihe measured sample, is below Ihe !ihe Ihreshold value, iI is cohsidered Io be a good maIch. I! Ihe di!!erehce is beIweeh Ihe !ihe ahd coarse Ihreshold values, iI is a possible maIch. I! Ihe di!!erehce is greaIer Ihah Ihe coarse Ihreshold value, Ihere is ho maIch. 1o chahge Ihe Ihreshold values selecI MeIhod ParameIers (Figure 4) Iheh selecI 'Ad|usI Coarse 1hreshold' 'Ad|usI Coarse 1hreshold' 'Ad|usI Coarse 1hreshold' 'Ad|usI Coarse 1hreshold' ahd/ or 'Ad|usI Fihe 1hreshold' Ad|usI Fihe 1hreshold' Ad|usI Fihe 1hreshold' Ad|usI Fihe 1hreshold' (Figure 5) ahd ehIer a hew value. I! 'No MaIch' is reporIed !or a measuremehI, Ihe resulI may be recalculaIed usihg a di!!erehI meIhod. SelecI 'RecalculaIioh MeIhod RecalculaIioh MeIhod RecalculaIioh MeIhod RecalculaIioh MeIhod' ahd selecI Ihe meIhod you wish Io use !or recalculaIioh, !rom Ihe lisI. Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Re!erehce MaihIehahce Re!erehce MaihIehahce Re!erehce MaihIehahce Re!erehce MaihIehahce SelecI Ihis opIioh (Figure 5) Io view a lisI o! all Ihe re!erehces sIored ih Ihe selecIed meIhod. A daIe hexI Io Ihe sample hame ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe re!erehce is measured ahd has a specIrum ih Ihe idehIi!icaIioh library (Figure 6). Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S7 -4 Add sample Add sample Add sample Add sample 1ap oh Add Sample (Figure 6) Io add a hew sample Io Ihe idehIi!icaIioh library. LhIer a hame !or Ihe sample. 1ap Ihe 'OK' buIIoh. Make sure IhaI Ihe hew sample hame is highlighIed oh Ihe sample lisI. Place Ihe sample oh Ihe ahalyzer ahd pull Ihe Irigger Io sIarI Ihe measuremehI. Keep Ihe ahalyzer oh Ihe sample durihg Ihe ehIire measuremehI Iime. A!Ier Ihe measuremehI is compleIe Ihe sample hame ahd iIs specIrum are sIored ih Ihe memory. NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: Wheh sIorihg re!erehces you should use a measuremehI Iime lohg ehough Io collecI a well-de!ihed specIrum (60 - 120 secohds). 1he opIioh 'Chahge Name' Chahge Name' Chahge Name' Chahge Name' ahd 'DeleIe Sample' DeleIe Sample' DeleIe Sample' DeleIe Sample' cah be used Io ediI Ihe re!erehce lisI. SeI Screehihg MeIhod SeI Screehihg MeIhod SeI Screehihg MeIhod SeI Screehihg MeIhod SelecI Ihis opIioh Io use ahoIher meIhod Io re-calculaIe Ihe resulI, i! Ihe re!erehce ih quesIioh has beeh idehIi!ied. 1he reasoh !or Ihis may be IhaI more accuraIe idehIi!icaIioh or cohcehIraIioh ahalysis is heeded. NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: NoIe: Screehihg happehs ohly i! Ihe resulI !rom Ihe idehIi!icaIioh is Good maIch. Good maIch. Good maIch. Good maIch. SelecI 'SeI Screehihg MeIhod' (Figure 4). 1his will brihg a mehu oh Ihe screeh, which shows all Ihe calibraIiohs ih Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 memory (Figure 5). Scroll Io move Ihe cursor Io Ihe meIhod you wish Io use. 1ap Ihe 'SelecI' buIIoh Io selecI Ihe meIhod. Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Lmpirical Assay Method 5ettings S8 -1 The Business of Science TM lnstrument settings (iii) lnstrument settings (iii) lnstrument settings (iii) lnstrument settings (iii) A user cah selecI di!!erehI choices ahd opIiohs relaIed Io Ihe ihsIrumehI operaIioh ahd daIa ouIpuI. 1o sIarI Ihese !uhcIiohs !irsI Iap 'SeIIihgs' ih Ihe maih mehu (re!er Io SecIioh 4, Main Analysis menu). 1he cohIehI o! Ihe 'SeIIihgs' mehu is di!!erehI depehdihg oh Ihe selecIed meIhod Iype (FP, IdehIi!icaIioh or Lmpirical Assay, see secIioh 5). Lmpirical Assay meIhod seIIihgs Lmpirical Assay meIhod seIIihgs Lmpirical Assay meIhod seIIihgs Lmpirical Assay meIhod seIIihgs (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) (Figure 1) 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI Measure ah arbiIrary sample ahd display Ihe recorded X-ray specIrum oh Ihe screeh. Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Chahge Ihe !ohI size ahd scrollbar size. Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 11 1 ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu ReIurh Io Maih Mehu 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: !or a descripIioh o! Ihe opIiohs: Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Screeh SeIIihgs Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI 1esI MeasuremehI Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers (Supervisor level access heeded re!er Io secIioh 6 User seIup). For Ihe maihIehahce o! Ihe calibraIed meIhods. MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers 1his screeh allows Ihe chahgihg o! various parameIers relaIed Io User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup User SeIup Allows access Io Ihe Ihree levels o! use, Normal User, Supervisor, ahd Service level. Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Coh!iguraIioh Supervisor level access is hecessary Io access Ihe coh!iguraIioh mehu opIiohs. Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode Average Mode 1o average Ihe resulIs !rom a humber o! measuremehIs (2-50), seI Average Mode Io YLS. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S8 -2 The Business of Science TM 4 44 4 MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers MeIhod 1ype ParameIers SelecI Ihis opIioh Io access Ihe MeIhod 1ype Params(L.A) screeh (Figure 2). Lach opIioh is described below. 1ap here Io reIurh Io previous screeh. Figure Figure Figure Figure 2 22 2 5TD Display 5TD Display 5TD Display 5TD Display SIahdard deviaIioh (S1D) is Ihe precisioh o! Ihe measuremehI based oh Ihe couhIihg sIaIisIics. 1o display Ihe measuremehI's sIaIisIical error !or each ahalysed quahIiIy selecI 'S1D Display YLS'. Distance 5caling Distance 5caling Distance 5caling Distance 5caling I! disIahce scalihg is ehabled, Ihe ahalysis is auIomaIically correcIed !or irregular shape o! Ihe sample ahd !or disIahce chahges beIweeh Ihe sample ahd Ihe ahalyzer. 1he disIahce scalihg works by idehIi!yihg Ihe sample ahd scalihg Ihe measured specIrum Io a similar specIrum ih Ihe memory. I! a similar specIrum is hoI !ouhd ih Ihe memory a warhihg is showh (Figure 3). Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J Ih Ihis case, Ihere is ho maIchihg re!erehce ih Ihe specIrum library o! Ihe meIhod. However, Ihe user cah add Iypical samples Io Ihe idehIi!icaIioh library !or disIahce scalihg. 1he sample Io be used !or scalihg musI be eveh ahd cover Ihe whole measuremehI wihdow o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. Re!er Io secIioh 7, Re!erehce maihIehahce. Lmpirical Assay Method 5ettings S8 -3 The Business of Science TM Display Crade lD Display Crade lD Display Crade lD Display Crade lD SelecI YLS Io display Ihe grade hame(s), or Irade hame(s), o! a measured sample. 1he ihsIrumehI does Ihis by comparihg Ihe assays o! Ihe measured sample wiIh Ihose ih a grade Iable. A grade Iable is a lisI o! grade hames wiIh associaIed upper ahd lower assay limiIs !or Ihe ahalyIes o! a parIicular maIrix. A grade Iable musI exisI ih Ihe ihsIrumehI memory !or Ihis opIioh Io display. See Grade 1able LdiIor below. Display 5pectral lD Display 5pectral lD Display 5pectral lD Display 5pectral lD 1o display Ihe idehIiIy o! Ihe specIrum ahd meIhod used wheh DisIahce Scalihg is ehabled selecI 'Display SpecIral ID' as 'YLS' (Figure 4). 1he idehIiIies are displayed oh Ihe measured resulIs screeh (Figure 5). Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Crade Table Lditor and Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Table Lditor and Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Table Lditor and Crade Lxpansion Coefficient Crade Table Lditor and Crade Lxpansion Coefficient A grade Iable is a lisI o! grade hames wiIh associaIed upper ahd lower assay limiIs !or Ihe ahalyIes o! a parIicular maIrix. Ah Assay meIhod chooses Ihe correcI grade Iable accordihg Io Ihe maIrix elemehI Iheh compares Ihe assay o! Ihe measured sample wiIh Ihose ih Ihe grade Iable. Grades !or empirical assay meIhods are always associaIed wiIh prede!ihed assay meIhods. Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh Re!er Io secIioh lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) lnstrument settings (i) !or a descripIioh o! Ihe Grade 1able !or a descripIioh o! Ihe Grade 1able !or a descripIioh o! Ihe Grade 1able !or a descripIioh o! Ihe Grade 1able LdiIor ahd Lxpahsioh Coe!!iciehI LdiIor ahd Lxpahsioh Coe!!iciehI LdiIor ahd Lxpahsioh Coe!!iciehI LdiIor ahd Lxpahsioh Coe!!iciehI X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S8 -4 The Business of Science TM Sihgle poihI recalibraIioh is a meIhod Io correcI Ihe resulIs !or a selecIed maIerial Iype ohly. II is use!ul wheh Ihe user has Io make ah accuraIe ahalysis wiIhih harrow cohcehIraIioh rahges. The correction is only valid for samples close in concentrations to the reference sample used to The correction is only valid for samples close in concentrations to the reference sample used to The correction is only valid for samples close in concentrations to the reference sample used to The correction is only valid for samples close in concentrations to the reference sample used to make the correction. make the correction. make the correction. make the correction. 1 11 1 1o per!orm a sihgle poihI recalibraIioh, selecI 'Sihgle poihI recalibraIioh'(Figure 7). 2 22 2 HighlighI Ihe ahalyIe you wahI Io correcI ahd Iap 'SeI cohcehIraIioh' (Figure 8). 3 33 3 LhIer Ihe khowh cohcehIraIioh (Figure 9) ahd Iap 'OK'. 4 44 4 Place Ihe re!erehce sample agaihsI Ihe measuremehI wihdow o! Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd pull Ihe Irigger Io sIarI Ihe measuremehI. I! Ihe sihgle poihI calibraIioh is ho lohger heeded, you cah reseI Ihe sihgle poihI recalibraIioh by pressihg 'ReseI'. MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers MeIhod ParameIers 1he MeIhod parameIers mehu (Figure 6) o!!ers Ihree !uhcIiohs !or Ihe maihIehahce o! calibraIed empirical assay meIhods. 1hese !eaIures help Io ihsure accuraIe meIhod ahalysis over Iime while mihimisihg Ihe heed !or !requehI recalibraIioh. Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 5ingle Point Recalibration 5ingle Point Recalibration 5ingle Point Recalibration 5ingle Point Recalibration Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Lmpirical Assay Method 5ettings S8 -5 The Business of Science TM Check 5ample Measurement Check 5ample Measurement Check 5ample Measurement Check 5ample Measurement 1he !uhcIioh o! a check sample is Io provide a re!erehce poihI durihg calibraIioh IhaI cah be used laIer !or updaIihg calibraIioh equaIiohs. 1his applies Io empirical assay meIhods ohly. Durihg calibraIioh, a sample is measured ahd sIored as a check sample. 1his sample is represehIaIive o! Ihe sIahdards used ih Ihe calibraIioh. Wheh Ihe sample is measured, Ihe assay values ahd sIahdard deviaIiohs are sIored alohg wiIh Ihe calibraIed meIhod. 1his seIs a re!erehce poihI !or Ihe per!ormahce o! Ihe calibraIioh equaIioh. AI ahy Iime, Ihe same sample cah be measured usihg Ihe Check sample opIioh. 1 11 1 1o per!orm a check sample measuremehI, selecI 'Check Sample MeasuremehI' (Figure 10). 2 22 2 1he check sample measuremehI screeh will display (Figure 11). 3 33 3 Place Ihe measuremehI wihdow agaihsI Ihe check sample ahd press Ihe Irigger Io sIarI Ihe measuremehI. 4 44 4 View Ihe ahalysis resulI screeh (Figure 12) Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 Figure 12 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL S8 -6 The Business of Science TM Check sample measurement continued Check sample measurement continued Check sample measurement continued Check sample measurement continued I! Ihe di!!erehce is less Ihah Ihree sIahdard deviaIiohs, iI is assumed IhaI Ihere is ho sIaIisIical di!!erehce beIweeh Ihe measuremehIs. 1hus ho updaIe is recommehded. Ih Ihis ihsIahce, Iap Ihe Cahcel buIIoh (Figure 13). Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 Figure 15 I! Ihe di!!erehce beIweeh Ihe Iwo measuremehIs o! ah ahalyIe is more Ihah Ihree sIahdard deviaIiohs, Ihe deviaIihg ahalyIe is marked wiIh yellow colour (Figure 14). Ih Ihis ihsIahce, usihg Ihe check sample resulIs Io updaIe Ihe calibraIioh curve is recommehded. 1o updaIe Ihe calibraIioh simply Iap Ihe 'Save' buIIoh. 1he ihIercepI o! Ihe calibraIioh equaIioh will be ad|usIed so Ihe hew ahalysis will correspohd wiIh Ihe origihal. I! Ihe di!!erehce beIweeh Ihe Iwo values is more Ihah Ieh sIahdard deviaIiohs, a warhihg is displayed (Figure 15). Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J Figure 1J I! Ihe warhihg 'Check Io see i! sample is correcI' is displayed, Iap 'Cahcel' ahd check Ihe !ollowihg: • Check IhaI Ihe sample currehIly beihg ahalysed is Ihe sample used !or Ihe origihal check sample measuremehI. • Make sure IhaI Ihe sample is sIable over Iime ahd has hoI chahged ih composiIioh sihce Ihe origihal ahalysis. • Lhsure IhaI Ihe sample has beeh properly placed agaihsI Ihe measuremehI wihdow. • I! all Ihese cohdiIiohs have beeh meI, Iheh re-measure Ihe sample ahd updaIe Ihe calibraIioh i! hecessary. Lmpirical Assay Method 5ettings S8 -7 The Business of Science TM Analyte Correction Analyte Correction Analyte Correction Analyte Correction CorrecIioh o! Ihe calibraIioh equaIioh (o! ah empirical assay meIhod) wiIh Ihe check sample creaIes a coe!!iciehI IhaI is applied Io Ihe calibraIioh´s curve ihIercepI value. 1he 'AhalyIe correcIioh' opIioh shows Ihe correcIioh coe!!iciehI ahd allows !or iI Io be mahually chahged. 1 11 1 1o ehIer a mahual correcIioh coe!!iciehI selecI ' AhalyIe CorrecIioh' (Figure 16). 2 22 2 HighlighI Ihe elemehI Io be chahged ahd Iap 'Chahge O!!seI' (Figure 17). 3 33 3 LhIer Ihe hew value ahd Iap 'OK' Io updaIe Ihe calibraIioh equaIioh (Figure 18). Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 Figure 18 8ench-top Cperation The Business of Science TM 8ench 8ench 8ench 8ench- -- -top operation top operation top operation top operation 1he X 1he X 1he X 1he X- -- -ML1 cah be used as a baIIery operaIed !ield porIable ahalyzer or ih a sIaIiohary ML1 cah be used as a baIIery operaIed !ield porIable ahalyzer or ih a sIaIiohary ML1 cah be used as a baIIery operaIed !ield porIable ahalyzer or ih a sIaIiohary ML1 cah be used as a baIIery operaIed !ield porIable ahalyzer or ih a sIaIiohary behch behch behch behch- -- -Iop coh!iguraIioh wiIh baIIery or A/C (lihe volIage) power. Iop coh!iguraIioh wiIh baIIery or A/C (lihe volIage) power. Iop coh!iguraIioh wiIh baIIery or A/C (lihe volIage) power. Iop coh!iguraIioh wiIh baIIery or A/C (lihe volIage) power. 1he opIiohal 1ravel sIahd (Figure 1) is a lighI ahd porIable behch-Iop sIahd. Figure 2 shows Ihe ahalyzer ih posiIioh uIilizihg Ihe small sample sa!eIy shield. Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 11 1 A more robusI soluIioh Io behch-Iop operaIioh is provided by Ihe opIiohal sIahd showh ih Figure 3. A sample holder cah be !iIIed (Figure 4). Figure 5 shows a Iypical behch-Iop coh!iguraIioh. Figure Figure Figure Figure J JJ J Figure Figure Figure Figure 2 22 2 Figure Figure Figure Figure 4 44 4 Figure Figure Figure Figure 5 55 5 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM RadiaIioh sa!eIy wheh measurihg samples ih behch RadiaIioh sa!eIy wheh measurihg samples ih behch RadiaIioh sa!eIy wheh measurihg samples ih behch RadiaIioh sa!eIy wheh measurihg samples ih behch- -- -Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh Iop operaIioh mode mode mode mode Please read Ihoroughly Ihe Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety secIioh, ih addiIioh Ihe !ollowihg should be Iakeh ihIo cohsideraIioh wheh measurihg ih Ihe behch-Iop operaIioh coh!iguraIioh: Use an appropriate X-ray shield when measuring light matrix samples (for example, soil or sediment and plastics) and samples in plastic bags or solution. Do not hold a sample on the analyzer measurement nose by hand. Do not hold a sample on the analyzer measurement nose by hand. Do not hold a sample on the analyzer measurement nose by hand. Do not hold a sample on the analyzer measurement nose by hand. 5ample Preparation S10 -1 The Business of Science TM For Ihe mosI accuraIe resulIs !rom bulk XRF ahalysis, Ihe sample should be dry, cleah, homogehous, ahd presehI a !laI sur!ace Io Ihe ahalyzer. 1his is hoI always possible, especially wheh doihg !ield ahalysis, ahd excellehI resulIs cah be obIaihed oh raw, uhprepared samples. Loose samples, such as powders, soils ahd liquids may be measured Ihrough a plasIic sample bag or ih a sample cup. CohsideraIioh musI be giveh Io limiI ahy scaIIered radiaIioh wheh measurihg small or lighI maIrix samples such as plasIics ahd soils (re!er Io SecIioh 11, Radiation 5afety). Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs AhalyIical Oy provide sample bags ahd sample cups, ahd oIher accessories Io aid ih Ihe sa!e measuremehI o! mahy maIerials. 5ample Preparation 5ample Preparation 5ample Preparation 5ample Preparation Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Sample bags Sample bags Sample bags Sample bags Wheh makihg Ihe ahalysis Ihrough plasIic bags, a !laI, smooIh ahd cleah sample sur!ace should be presehIed !or measuremehI. 8e!ore usihg ahy commercial sample bags iI should be checked IhaI Ihe plasIic does hoI cohIaih ahy elemehIs (!or example such as Zh or 1i) which may disIorI Ihe XRF ahalysis. II is recommehded IhaI sample bags provided by OIA Oy are used !or Ihe measuremehIs. I! Ihe sample amouhI ih Ihe sample bag is Ioo small i.e. Ihe Ihickhess o! Ihe sample uhder Ihe ahalyzer is less Ihah abouI 1cm Iheh Ihe backgrouhd plaIe (Figure 6) should be used hoI ohly !or Ihe radiaIioh sa!eIy issues buI also Io keep Ihe measuremehI backgrouhd cohsIahI. Sample cups Sample cups Sample cups Sample cups A sample cup cohsisIs o! a plasIic cell ahd shap-oh rihg wiIh a piece o! XRF wihdow maIerial beIweeh Ihem (Figure 1). A pressihg Iool (Figure 2) is used Io remove air !rom Ihe sample. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 5102113-4VE S10 -2 The Business of Science TM Sample cups cohIihued Sample cups cohIihued Sample cups cohIihued Sample cups cohIihued Wheh preparihg Ihe sample, Ihe depIh (Ihickhess) o! Ihe sample should be Iakeh ihIo accouhI . Di!!erehI elemehIal X-rays peheIraIe a sample Io a lesser or greaIer degree. For example, wheh measurihg a soil sample, Cr X-rays are emiIIed !rom wiIhih ohly abouI 100µm o! Ihe sample depIh buI Cd X-rays cah be emiIIed !rom up Io abouI 6mm sample depIh. 1hus, Ihe emiIIed Cr ahd Cd ihIehsiIy is a !uhcIioh o! Ihe sample Ihickhess. I! Ihe sample layer is less Ihah 6mm Iheh Ihe sample mass musI be sIahdardized !rom ohe cup Io ahoIher i.e. each sample weighI will be Ihe same alIhough Ihe sample volume would be di!!erehI. IhcohsisIehI posiIiohihg o! samples ih !rohI o! Ihe ahalyzer wihdow is a poIehIial source o! error because Ihe X-Ray sighal decreases as Ihe disIahce !rom Ihe X-Ray Iube ihcreases. MaihIaihihg a cohsisIehI disIahce beIweeh Ihe wihdow ahd Ihe sample mihimizes Ihe problem. For Ihe besI resulIs, Ihe wihdow o! Ihe ahalyzer should be ih direcI cohIacI wiIh Ihe sample. OIA Oy supply a sample bag holder ahd sample cup holder (opIiohal exIra) Io aid ih Ihe measuremehI o! sample bags ahd sample cups. 5ample Preparation S10 -3 The Business of Science TM 8ackgrouhd plaIe 8ackgrouhd plaIe 8ackgrouhd plaIe 8ackgrouhd plaIe Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 II is recommehded IhaI Ihe backgrouhd plaIe (Figure 3) be used (Figure 4) Io limiI radiaIioh scaIIer ahd Io provide a cohsIahI backgrouhd !or each measuremehI. Small sample sa!eIy shield Small sample sa!eIy shield Small sample sa!eIy shield Small sample sa!eIy shield Wheh a sample is Ioo small Io ehIirely cover Ihe measuremehI wihdow, uh-aIIehuaIed primary X-ray radiaIioh !rom Ihe Iube cah pass Ihe sample (re!er Io SecIioh 11, Radiation 5afety) posihg a radiaIioh exposure risk. 1o elimihaIe Ihe risk Ihe proIecIive sa!eIy shield !or small samples (Figure 5 ahd showh ih use, Figure 6) is provided Io cover Ihe sample ehIirely. Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Weld beam adapIer Weld beam adapIer Weld beam adapIer Weld beam adapIer 1he weld beam adapIer (Figure 7) reduces Ihe measurihg wihdow size resIricIihg Ihe size o! Ihe sample area 'seeh' by Ihe ahalyzer. 1his is use!ul !or small samples as iI limiIs how much 'uhwahIed' sample area is measured. NoIice IhaI use o! Ihe Weld beam adapIer compromises Ihe ahalyzer accuracy ahd precisioh. Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 5102113-4VE S10 -4 The Business of Science TM Powders ahd pelleIs Powders ahd pelleIs Powders ahd pelleIs Powders ahd pelleIs For Ihe mosI acuraIe resulI, Ihe sample should be dry ahd grouhd !ihe ehough Io be homogehous. For Cu ahd Fe ahalysis a graih size o! ~50-80 µm is su!!iciehI. For lighIer elemehIs Ihe graih size should be ~20µm. Ih pracIice, accepIable resulIs cah be obIaihed wiIh coarser maIerials. MeIals MeIals MeIals MeIals MeIals are usually homogeheous ih haIure ahd Ihe measured resulI will o!Ieh represehI Ihe acIual meIal composiIioh. I! Ihere is a coaIihg or paihI oh Ihe meIal Ihis should be scraped o!! ahd measured separaIely Io Ihe base maIerial. 5ample Handling 5ample Handling 5ample Handling 5ample Handling Di!!erehI sample Iypes require di!!erehI hahdlihg. Rapid screehihg o! a sample cah be achieved by simply holdihg Ihe ahalyzer agaihsI Ihe sample ahd measurihg usihg a suiIable meIhod Iype (re!er Io SecIioh 5, Method Types). 1he more accuraIe a resulI required Ihe more sample preparaIioh is required. A !ew guidelihes oh measurihg various sample Iypes are giveh. Liquids Liquids Liquids Liquids Liquids should be measured ih disposable sample cups wiIh Ihe ahalyzer used ih Ihe behch-Iop coh!iguraIioh (re!er Io SecIioh 9, 8ehch-Iop operaIioh). A sa!eIy shield musI be used. usihg disposable sample cups (Figure 8) ahd Ihe wiIh Ihe ahalyzer used ih Ihe behch-Iop coh!iguraIioh 5ample Preparation S10 -5 The Business of Science TM Solders Solders Solders Solders Ih order Io comply wiIh various direcIives Io ehsure IhaI elecIrohic compohehIs are Pb !ree, ahd Io coh!orm Io Ihe ResIricIioh o! Hazardous SubsIahces direcIive (RoHS), IradiIiohal Iih-lead solder (Sh-Pb) has beeh replaced wiIh hoh-lead cohIaihihg solders. 1he mosI commoh replacemehI is Iih- silver- copper (Sh/Ag/Cu or SAC) solder. 1he Pb level o! Ihis solder is less Ihah 1000ppm. 1he IoIal solder composiIioh deIermihes Ihe characIerisIics o! Ihe solder. For accuraIe resulIs solder sample should be homogeheous ahd uhi!orm Wheh measurihg solder direcIly oh a circuiI board (PC8) Ihe board will also be ih Ihe measuremehI wihdow. 1he measuremehI resulI will show Ihe elemehIs presehI buI Ihe composiIioh o! Ihe elemehIs will ih ihcorrecI. 1o geI ah accuraIe measuremehI resulI ohly Ihe solder should be ih Ihe measuremehI wihdow. PlasIics PlasIics PlasIics PlasIics Mahy meIals such as IiIahium, lead, cadmium, zihc, iroh, bromihe are used ih Ihe mahu!acIure o! plasIic producIs. For accuraIe resulIs sample Ihickhess should be mihimum 3mm. IhdicaIive screehihg resulIs cah be obIaihed !rom mihimum o! 1mm Ihick sample. Ahy coaIihg or paihI layer should be removed ahd measured separaIely !or Ihe mosI accuraIe resulIs. WhaI is behihd, or beheaIh Ihe plasIic (wheh measurihg cable ihsulaIioh !or ihsIahce) will also be measured due Io Ihe peheIraIihg e!!ecI o! X-rays. Where possible Ihe plasIic maIerial should be measured oh Ihe backgrouhd plaIe (Figure 6) Io reduce X-ray scaIIer ahd Io provide a cohsIahI measuremehI backgrouhd. PrihIed circuiI boards ahd semicohducIor chips PrihIed circuiI boards ahd semicohducIor chips PrihIed circuiI boards ahd semicohducIor chips PrihIed circuiI boards ahd semicohducIor chips PC8 ahalysis is very complex as iI is hoh-homoeheous mulIi-layer sIrucIure, cohIaihihg meIals, epoxy, !iberglass, !ire reIardahI eIc. which meahs IhaI Ihe measuremehI resulI is ah average composiIioh o! meIals ih Ihe measured area. PeheIraIioh depIh is depehdehI oh maIerial layers, which meahs IhaI Ihe measured resulI cah be di!!iculI Io ihIerpreI. Geherally ohly ihdicaIive screehihg resulIs cah be obIaihed !rom Ihis Iype o! hoh-uhi!orm samples. II is more e!!ecIive Io measure small semicohducIor chips ih a sample cup (Figure 8). X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 5102113-4VE S10 -6 The Business of Science TM Ih Ihe !ield: Ih Ihe !ield: Ih Ihe !ield: Ih Ihe !ield: A sample cah be direcIly measured ih iIs raw sIaIe i! iI is accessible Io Ihe ahalyzer. Simply place Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer agaihsI Ihe sample Io measure. 1he measured resulI may ohly provide a guide Io Ihe accuraIe resulI i! Ihe raw sIaIe o! Ihe sample is hoI dry, cleah or homogehous. Soil samples Soil samples Soil samples Soil samples Soil sample measuremehIs cah be made by direcI measuremehIs oh Ihe grouhd wiIhouI ahy preparaIioh !or Ihe quickesI possible screehihg resulIs. However, mihimal sample preparaIioh will improve measuremehI accuracy. 1. Remove ahy debris such as leaves, grass ahd sIohes !rom Ihe sur!ace. 2. Screeh loose maIerial wiIh a 2mm mesh i! Ihere is a loI o! debris ih Ihe soil. 3. Looseh Ihe soil Io a depIh o! a !ew cehIimeIres ahd sIir Io homogehize Ihe loosehed maIerial. 4. Leave Ihe loosehed soil Io dry !or a !ew hours or dry iI wiIh absorbehI paper. 5. Measure, direcIly placihg Ihe ahalyzer agaihsI Ihe grouhd, holdihg iI a righI ahgles Io Ihe sur!ace. 5ample measurement 5ample measurement 5ample measurement 5ample measurement Ih Ihe laboraIory: Ih Ihe laboraIory: Ih Ihe laboraIory: Ih Ihe laboraIory: 1. Place Ihe dry, cleah, homogeheous maIerial ihIo a plasIic sample bag or disposable sample cup (Figure 8). 2. Place Ihis bag or cup oh a backgrouhd plaIe (Figure 3) Io mihimize radiaIioh scaIIer ahd Io provide a cohsIahI backgrouhd sighal. Pack iI dowh gehIly Io presehI a !laI sur!ace. 3. Measure, holdihg Ihe ahalyzer aI righI ahgles Io Ihe sample (Figure 4). 4. AlIerhaIively, measure, usihg Ihe ahalyzer ih Ihe behch-Iop coh!iguraIioh (Figure 9) placihg Ihe sample bag or cup ihIo Ihe sample holder (Re!er Io SecIioh 9, 8ehch-Iop operaIioh). Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Figure 9 Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -1 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation 5afety lnformation You You You You MUS1 MUS1 MUS1 MUS1: :: : • Read ahd uhdersIahd Ihis ehIire sa!eIy secIioh. • CohIacI Ihe appropriaIe regulaIory auIhoriIy Io deIermihe whaI is heeded (see CusIomer RespohsibiliIies) • Have received Iraihihg ih Ihe sa!e operaIioh o! Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 (see CusIomer RespohsibiliIies . • CompleIe a risk assessmehI !or Ihe sa!e operaIioh o! Ihe X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML1 (Re!er Io 7.4 !or dose raIes). • MaihIaih a lisI o! auIhorized users. • Check correcI !uhcIiohihg o! ahalyzer ohce a mohIh. See CusIomer RespohsibiliIies ahd CusIomer MaihIehahce). Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety Radiation 5afety 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 musI ohly be used by persohs who have beeh Iraihed Io operaIe Ihe ahalyzer sa!ely. Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer aI ahy persoh wheh iI is ih operaIioh. Users musI hoI Iry Io gaih access Io Ihe radiaIioh ehclosure. Users musI hoI Iry Io gaih access Io Ihe radiaIioh ehclosure. Users musI hoI Iry Io gaih access Io Ihe radiaIioh ehclosure. Users musI hoI Iry Io gaih access Io Ihe radiaIioh ehclosure. Servicihg musI ohly be carried ouI by ehgiheers Iraihed by Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs. X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -2 Customer Responsibilities Customer Responsibilities Customer Responsibilities Customer Responsibilities • CohIacI Ihe appropriaIe regulaIory auIhoriIy Io deIermihe i! regisIraIioh or licehsihg requiremehIs apply: For example, ih Ihe UhiIed Kihgdom, equipmehI o! Ihis Iype is de!ihed as a radiaIioh geheraIor, ahd iIs use is goverhed by Ihe 'Iohisihg RadiaIioh RegulaIiohs 1999' (IRR99), Ihe 'HealIh ahd Sa!eIy aI Work eIc. AcI 1974' (HSAW), Ihe 'MahagemehI o! HealIh ahd Sa!eIy aI work RegulaIiohs 1999' ahd Ihe 'Provisioh ahd Use o! Work LquipmehI RegulaIiohs 1998'. Users musI hoIi!y Ihe HealIh ahd Sa!eIy LxecuIive (HSL) o! Iheir ihIehIioh Io work wiIh iohisihg radiaIioh. (NoIi!icaIioh is ohly dohe ohce or wheh ah employer makes a maIerial chahge Io Iheir work IhaI would a!!ecI Ihe parIiculars o! Ihe origihal hoIi!icaIioh. I! Ihe employer has already hoIi!ied Ihe HSL, !urIher hoIi!icaIioh !ollowihg Ihe purchase o! a 30001X is hoI required). Help ahd advice is available !rom Ihe HSL ih!olihe oh Ielephohe humber 0845 345 0055. 1he HSL require 28 days hoIice. 1here is a requiremehI Io appoihI a RadiaIioh ProIecIioh Advisor (RPA). 1he RPA will help speci!y work procedures Io be !ollowed ihcludihg Iraihihg requiremehIs !or Ihe correcI use o! Ihe equipmehI. • 1esI Ihe device !or correcI operaIioh o! Ihe ON/OFF mechahism every six mohIhs ahd keep a record o! Ihe IesI resulIs. I! Ihe ihsIrumehI !ails Ihe IesI, cohIacI ah OIA represehIaIive immediaIely !or ihsIrucIiohs ahd reIurh Ihe ihsIrumehI !or repair. • MaihIaih a record o! Ihe ihsIrumehI use ahd ahy service Io shieldihg ahd/or cohIaihmehI mechahisms !or Iwo years or uhIil Ihe owhership o! Ihe ihsIrumehI is Irahs!erred or Ihe ihsIrumehI is decommissiohed. • ReporI Io appropriaIe auIhoriIy ahy possible damage Io shieldihg ahd ahy loss or Ihe!I o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. • 1rahs!er or loah Ihe ihsIrumehI ohly Io persohs speci!ically auIhorized Io receive iI, ahd reporI ahy Irahs!er Io Ihe appropriaIe regulaIory auIhoriIy, hormally 15 Io 30 days !ollowihg Ihe purchase, i! required. • ReporI Ihe Irahs!er o! Ihe ihsIrumehI Io ah appropriaIe OIA represehIaIive. • Comply wiIh all ihsIrucIiohs ahd labels provided wiIh Ihe ihsIrumehI ahd do hoI remove labels. Removal o! labels will void Ihe warrahIy. Removal o! labels will void Ihe warrahIy. Removal o! labels will void Ihe warrahIy. Removal o! labels will void Ihe warrahIy. • Do hoI abahdoh Ihe ihsIrumehI. Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks Description and use of safety interlocks 1he X XX X- -- -ML1 ML1 ML1 ML15000 has beeh desighed wiIh a !ailsa!e sa!eIy circuiI Io prevehI ihadverIehI exposure o! Ihe operaIor Io Ihe X-ray beam. 1he sa!eIy sysIem !or Ihe ihsIrumehI cohsisIs o!: • Greeh !ailsa!e lighI • PIN code • Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor • 1rigger • 1hree red !ailsa!e X-ray ON lighIs. 1he !uhcIioh o! each sa!eIy !eaIure is described below: Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -3 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI Greeh !ailsa!e lighI A power ON buIIoh is employed Io cohIrol power Io all compohehIs. 1his buIIoh musI be pressed Io Ihe ON posiIioh (Figure 1).be!ore ahy acIiohs cah be ihiIialized. Wheh Ihe buIIoh is pressed ON a greeh lighI is acIivaIed (Figure 2) Io ihdicaIe Ihere is volIage Io Ihe power supply. Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 1 11 1 Press Ihe power ON buIIoh. 2 22 2 A greeh lighI is acIivaIed. I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage I! Ihe bulb has !ailed or has beeh removed, Ihe sa!eIy circuiI will hoI allow Ihe volIage Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Io be applied. 1he ahalyzer will hoI power ON. Pih code Pih code Pih code Pih code A pih code musI be ehIered Io allow access Io Ihe X-MeI program (Figure 3). 3 33 3 1ap oh Ihe humbers oh Ihe screeh ih Ihe correcI order Io ehIer a pih code. Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -4 Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor Ih!rared proximiIy sehsor Ah ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is locaIed aI Ihe hose o! Ihe ihsIrumehI (Figure 4). 1his sehsor musI be covered by Ihe sample Io allow X-rays Io be geheraIed (Figure 5). Wheh Ihe sehsor is covered Ihe greeh lighI chahges Io amber. Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 Figure 5 LocaIioh o! ih!rared beam sehsor. CorrecI posiIiohihg o! ahalyzer (Figure 5, !ield porIable coh!iguraIioh) wiIh Ihe ih!rared proximiIy sehsor covered by Ihe sample. 5pecial accessories are available to allow the safe operation of the analyzer in the bench top configuration. 5ee 5ection 9 ´8ench-top operation . X XX X- -- -rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared rays will hoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample) covers Ihe ih!rared beam. beam. beam. beam. OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X OperaIor Irigger ihIerlock / Red X- -- -ray oh !ailsa!e lighI ray oh !ailsa!e lighI ray oh !ailsa!e lighI ray oh !ailsa!e lighI Wheh Ihe Irigger is pulled, X-rays are geheraIed i! Ihe !ollowihg cohdiIiohs are meI: 1. 1he ihsIrumehI has beeh powered ON 2. A correcI password has beeh ehIered 3. 1he program has beeh sIarIed 4. 1he ih!rared beam sa!eIy ihIerlock is covered by a solid ob|ecI (Ihe sample). Amber lighI visible oh !rohI o! ahalyzer. 5 55 5 Wheh Ihe Irigger is pulled ahd Ihe ih!rared sehsor is ehgaged, Ihe dual red !ailsa!e lighI will be acIivaIed (Figure 6) ihdicaIihg Ihe geheraIioh o! X-rays. I! ahy o! Ihe warhihg LLD's is burhed ouI, X I! ahy o! Ihe warhihg LLD's is burhed ouI, X I! ahy o! Ihe warhihg LLD's is burhed ouI, X I! ahy o! Ihe warhihg LLD's is burhed ouI, X- -- -rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. rays will hoI be geheraIed. Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -5 Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing 5mall 5mall 5mall 5mall samples samples samples samples Small samples IhaI do hoI cover Ihe measuremehI wihdow ehIirely are quiIe obviously poIehIially risky Io measure because parI o! Ihe primary radiaIioh may go Ihrough Ihe sample uh-aIIehuaIed. 1o elimihaIe Ihe risk Ihe proIecIive sa!eIy shield (Figure 7) !or small samples is provided Io cover Ihe sample ehIirely (Figure 8). Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing Precautions to take when analyzing thin thin thin thin samples samples samples samples A less obvious risk Io radiaIioh exposure is caused by Ihe measuremehI o! Ihih samples. ParI o! Ihe radiaIioh comihg !rom Ihe X-ray Iube is so high ehergy IhaI iI peheIraIes Ihih samples, especially i! Ihey are o! low aIomic humber maIerial. 1he !ollowihg Iable gives Ihe relaIive ihIehsiIies a!Ier Ihe radiaIioh has gohe Ihrough alumihum / iroh sheeIs o! various Ihickhesses. (1he Iube is ruh aI maximum high volIage, 40 kV). Alumihium sheeI RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy Iroh sheeI Iroh sheeI Iroh sheeI Iroh sheeI RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy RelaIive IhIehsiIy 0 mm 100 0.0 mm 100 1 mm 55 0.1 mm 31 2 mm 36 0.2 mm 15 3 mm 26 0.3 mm 8 4 mm 19 0.4 mm 5 5 mm 15 0.5 mm 3 10 mm 5 1.0 mm 0.4 NO1L: NO1L: NO1L: NO1L: I! Ihe sample is uhable Io sIop Ihe primary radiaIioh Ihe dose raIe may be high behihd Ihe sample. Ah alumihum sample musI be quiIe Ihick be!ore iI absorbs mosI o! Ihe radiaIioh whereas iroh provides much beIIer shieldihg. Ih pracIice Ihe di!!erehce is imporIahI ahd meahs IhaI iI is wise Io measure alumihum samples aI arms lehgIh. Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 Table 1 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8 X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -6 Radiation Protection Dos and DCNTs Radiation Protection Dos and DCNTs Radiation Protection Dos and DCNTs Radiation Protection Dos and DCNTs Radiation Dose Rates Radiation Dose Rates Radiation Dose Rates Radiation Dose Rates 1he ihIehsiIy o! Ihe primary beam 1he ihIehsiIy o! Ihe primary beam 1he ihIehsiIy o! Ihe primary beam 1he ihIehsiIy o! Ihe primary beam 1he ihIehsiIy IhIehsiIy o! Ihe primary beam is very high wheh Ihe ih!rared sehsor is ihIehIiohally bypassed ahd ho sample is placed ih !rohI o! Ihe probe. RadiaIioh levels aI Ihe sample porI are subsIahIial. 1here is ho reasoh !or Ihe operaIor or ahy persohhel Io be exposed by Ihe primary beam. OperaIors should hever hold samples ih Iheir !ihgers or cupped ih Iheir hahds, as Ihis may geheraIe sighi!icahI radiaIioh exposure. OperaIors should hever poihI Ihe ahalyzer aI ahoIher persoh ahd sIarI measurihg, as Ihis may also provide sighi!icahI exposure Io Ihe persoh i! Ihey are close o! Ihe sample porI o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. Reduce exposure by maihIaihihg Ihe maximum possible disIahce !rom Ihe radiaIioh source Io Ihe operaIor or member o! Ihe public. Lxposure raIe is reduced as Ihe disIahce !rom Ihe source is ihcreased. 1he greaIer Ihe disIahce, Ihe less amouhI o! radiaIioh received. Doublihg Ihe disIahce !rom a poihI source reduces Ihe dose raIe (ihIehsiIy) Io 1/4 o! Ihe origihal. 1riplihg Ihe disIahce reduces Ihe dose raIe Io 1/9 o! iIs origihal value. Table 2 Table 2 Table 2 Table 2 DO DO DO DO DON1 DON1 DON1 DON1 Read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe sa!eIy Read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe sa!eIy Read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe sa!eIy Read ahd uhdersIahd Ihe sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh. ih!ormaIioh. ih!ormaIioh. ih!ormaIioh. Override Ihe sa!eIy !eaIures. Follow ahy ihsIrucIiohs giveh. Follow ahy ihsIrucIiohs giveh. Follow ahy ihsIrucIiohs giveh. Follow ahy ihsIrucIiohs giveh. PoihI Ihe ahalyzer aI ahy persoh or ahimal. SIore Ihe ahalyzer ih a sa!e locaIioh SIore Ihe ahalyzer ih a sa!e locaIioh SIore Ihe ahalyzer ih a sa!e locaIioh SIore Ihe ahalyzer ih a sa!e locaIioh wheh hoI ih use. wheh hoI ih use. wheh hoI ih use. wheh hoI ih use. Leave Ihe ahalyzer uhaIIehded i! hoI sa!ely sIored away. Keep cohIrol over who is auIhorized Io Keep cohIrol over who is auIhorized Io Keep cohIrol over who is auIhorized Io Keep cohIrol over who is auIhorized Io use Ihe device. use Ihe device. use Ihe device. use Ihe device. Allow people ihIo Ihe beam paIh ahd Iraih users ih mahagihg Ihis risk. Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Do hoI leI ahy persoh Do hoI leI ahy persoh Do hoI leI ahy persoh Do hoI leI ahy persoh closer Ihah ohe meIer closer Ihah ohe meIer closer Ihah ohe meIer closer Ihah ohe meIer !rom Ihe primary X !rom Ihe primary X !rom Ihe primary X !rom Ihe primary X- -- -ray ray ray ray beam beam beam beam Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer Do hoI poihI Ihe ahalyzer aI ahy body parI aI ahy body parI aI ahy body parI aI ahy body parI Do hoI measure agaihsI Do hoI measure agaihsI Do hoI measure agaihsI Do hoI measure agaihsI ahy body parI ahy body parI ahy body parI ahy body parI Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -7 Primary beam direction Primary beam direction Primary beam direction Primary beam direction if the safety logic circuit is bypassed if the safety logic circuit is bypassed if the safety logic circuit is bypassed if the safety logic circuit is bypassed Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Warning! Lxamples of potential misuse of the instrument Do hoI use !ihgers or oIher Do hoI use !ihgers or oIher Do hoI use !ihgers or oIher Do hoI use !ihgers or oIher body parIs Io block Ihe IR body parIs Io block Ihe IR body parIs Io block Ihe IR body parIs Io block Ihe IR sehsor. Use sa!eIy shield wheh sehsor. Use sa!eIy shield wheh sehsor. Use sa!eIy shield wheh sehsor. Use sa!eIy shield wheh measurihg small samples. measurihg small samples. measurihg small samples. measurihg small samples. Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI ih Iouch Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI ih Iouch Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI ih Iouch Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI ih Iouch wiIh Ihe sample durihg Ihe wiIh Ihe sample durihg Ihe wiIh Ihe sample durihg Ihe wiIh Ihe sample durihg Ihe whole measuremehI. whole measuremehI. whole measuremehI. whole measuremehI. Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI aI correcI Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI aI correcI Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI aI correcI Keep Ihe ihsIrumehI aI correcI ahgle (90°) agaihsI Ihe sample ahgle (90°) agaihsI Ihe sample ahgle (90°) agaihsI Ihe sample ahgle (90°) agaihsI Ihe sample Io mihimize scaIIerihg radiaIi- Io mihimize scaIIerihg radiaIi- Io mihimize scaIIerihg radiaIi- Io mihimize scaIIerihg radiaIi- oh. Wheh measurihg repeaIed- oh. Wheh measurihg repeaIed- oh. Wheh measurihg repeaIed- oh. Wheh measurihg repeaIed- ly low dehsiIy samples such as ly low dehsiIy samples such as ly low dehsiIy samples such as ly low dehsiIy samples such as plasIic, wood or soil sa!eIy plasIic, wood or soil sa!eIy plasIic, wood or soil sa!eIy plasIic, wood or soil sa!eIy shield should be used. shield should be used. shield should be used. shield should be used. NoIice IhaI Primary NoIice IhaI Primary NoIice IhaI Primary NoIice IhaI Primary beam direcIioh is abouI beam direcIioh is abouI beam direcIioh is abouI beam direcIioh is abouI 25 degrees upwards. 25 degrees upwards. 25 degrees upwards. 25 degrees upwards. X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -8 Radiation Dose rate profile Radiation Dose rate profile Radiation Dose rate profile Radiation Dose rate profile Dose raIe measuremehIs were Iakeh aI 10 cm disIahce !rom Ihe !rohI ehd o! Ihe ahalyzer (poihIs 1-10) wiIh ahalyzer pressed agaihsI a sIaihless sIeel ahd plasIic sample. MeasuremehIs were Iakeh !rom Ihe sur!ace o! Ihe ahalyzer !rom areas where user Iypically Iouches Ihe ahalyzer (poihIs 11- 17) . MeasuremehI were Iakeh aI maximum used high volIage ahd currehI 40kV/50uA. As cah be seeh !rom Iable 4, scaIIered radiaIioh !rom plasIic sample (or ahy oIher low dehsiIy sample like alumihium, wood or soil) is hoIiceably higher arouhd Ihe hose o! Ihe ihsIrumehI Ihah wheh sIeel or oIher high dehsiIy sample is measured. II is recommehded IhaI wheh low dehsiIy samples are measured repeaIedly behch Iop sIahd or small sample sa!eIy shield should be used. Recorded dose raIes aI posiIiohs 1-17 (Figure 10) are showh ih 1able 4. (1µSv = 100µrem). PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh SIeel SIeel SIeel SIeel sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh PosiIioh 1 (10cm) < 1 7 (10cm) < 1 13 (0cm) 2 (10cm) < 1 8 (10cm) < 1 14 (0cm) 3 (10cm) < 1 9 (10cm) < 1 15 (0cm) 4 (10cm) < 1 10 (10cm) < 1 16 (0cm) 6 (10cm) < 1 12 (0cm) < 1 PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 5 (10cm) < 1 11 (0cm) < 1 17 (0cm) < 1 PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic PlasIic sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr 47 35 5 26 47 42 SIeel SIeel SIeel SIeel sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr 37 37 4 4 < 1 < 1 SIeel SIeel SIeel SIeel sample, sample, sample, sample, µ µµ µSv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr Sv/hr < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 1able 4 RadiaIioh Dose raIe pro!ile [1] 1able 4 RadiaIioh Dose raIe pro!ile [1] 1able 4 RadiaIioh Dose raIe pro!ile [1] 1able 4 RadiaIioh Dose raIe pro!ile [1] Ref [1] Ref [1] Ref [1] Ref [1] RadiaIioh leakage IesIihg was carried ouI by Fihhish RadiaIioh ahd Nuclear Sa!eIy AuIhoriIy (S1UK), 1esI ReporI No. 1/02/08 ahd 1/03/08. Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -9 1he X-ray emissioh !rom Ihe ihsIrumehI could be harm!ul Io a persoh i! Ihey operaIe Ihe ahalyzer wiIhouI Ihe appropriaIe Iraihihg. I! Ihe ihsIrumehI is losI or sIoleh, hoIi!y Ihe local ahd/or sIaIe regulaIory agehcy as sooh as possible. What to do ln case of emergencies What to do ln case of emergencies What to do ln case of emergencies What to do ln case of emergencies 1he !irsI acIioh Io Iake ih Ihe evehI o! ah accidehI wiIh ihsIrumehI is Io Iurh o!! Ihe device ahd 1he !irsI acIioh Io Iake ih Ihe evehI o! ah accidehI wiIh ihsIrumehI is Io Iurh o!! Ihe device ahd 1he !irsI acIioh Io Iake ih Ihe evehI o! ah accidehI wiIh ihsIrumehI is Io Iurh o!! Ihe device ahd 1he !irsI acIioh Io Iake ih Ihe evehI o! ah accidehI wiIh ihsIrumehI is Io Iurh o!! Ihe device ahd remove Ihe baIIery pack. remove Ihe baIIery pack. remove Ihe baIIery pack. remove Ihe baIIery pack. Mihor damage Mihor damage Mihor damage Mihor damage I! ahy hardware iIem appears Io be damaged, eveh i! Ihe sysIem remaihs operable, cohIacI your hearesI OIA represehIaIive immediaIely. Use o! a damaged ahalyzer may lead Io uhhecessary radiaIioh exposure ahd/or ihaccuraIe measuremehIs. Ma|or damage Ma|or damage Ma|or damage Ma|or damage I! Ihe ahalyzer is severely damaged, cohIacI ah OIA represehIaIive immediaIely ahd Ihe appropriaIe regulaIory agehcy ih your sIaIe or couhIry. Care musI be Iakeh Io ehsure IhaI persohhel hear Ihe device are hoI exposed Io uhshielded X-rays IhaI may be geheraIed. Removal o! baIIery pack will sIop all X-ray producIioh. Loss or Ihe!I Loss or Ihe!I Loss or Ihe!I Loss or Ihe!I NoIi!y Ihe appropriaIe regulaIory agehcy ih Ihe couhIry or sIaIe ih which Ihe device is beihg uIilized. Ih addiIioh, cohIacI your hearesI OIA represehIaIive immediaIely ih case o! a sIoleh device. 1ake Ihe !ollowihg precauIiohs Io mihimize Ihe chahce o! loss or Ihe!I: • Never leave Ihe ahalyzer uhaIIehded wheh ih use. • Wheh hoI ih use, always keep Ihe device ih iIs shippihg cohIaiher ahd sIore iI ih a locked vehicle or ih a secured area. • MaihIaih records Io keep Irack o! all ihsIrumehIs, ahd Ihe operaIors assighed Io use Ihem ahd where Ihey were used. X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -10 LsIablish a rouIihe !or checkihg Ihe correcI !uhcIiohihg o! Ihe ih!rared beam sa!eIy sehsor, locaIed aI Ihe hose o! Ihe ahalyzer: Measure a sample ih Ihe hormal way buI pull away !rom Ihe sample durihg Ihe measuremehI. 1he measuremehI will immediaIely cease as Ihe sa!eIy beam is uhcovered. Do Ihis every day Io check IhaI x-ray emissioh does ihdeed cease uhless a solid ob|ecI covers Ihe ih!rared beam. 1he X-MeI5000 cohIaihs ho user serviceable parIs. Removihg Ihe cover ihvalidaIes Ihe warrahIy ahd will expose live elecIrical compohehIs ahd hoI compohehIs. Users musI hoI remove Ihe covers o! ahy parI o! Ihe sysIem. Customer Maintenance Customer Maintenance Customer Maintenance Customer Maintenance Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -11 Llectrical 5afety Llectrical 5afety Llectrical 5afety Llectrical 5afety 1he X-MeI is powered by a rechargeable baIIery pack. 1he baIIery pack cohIaihs a sa!eIy circuiI ahd elecIrohics IhaI mohiIors Ihe charge sIaIe o! Ihe baIIery cells. Please !ollow Ihe sa!eIy warhihgs below wheh usihg Ihe baIIery pack. Wheh usihg Ihe baIIery pack Wheh usihg Ihe baIIery pack Wheh usihg Ihe baIIery pack Wheh usihg Ihe baIIery pack Misusihg Ihe baIIery pack may cause Ihe baIIery cells Io geI hoI, explode or ighiIe ahd cause serious ih|ury. Do hoI place Ihe baIIery pack ih !ire or heaI iI. Do hoI cohhecI Ihe posiIive Iermihal ahd hegaIive Iermihal o! Ihe baIIery pack IogeIher wiIh ahy meIal ob|ecI (such as wire). Do hoI carry or sIore Ihe baIIery pack IogeIher wiIh hecklaces, hairpihs, or oIher meIal ob|ecIs. Do hoI pierce Ihe baIIery pack wiIh hails, sIrike Ihe baIIery pack wiIh a hammer, sIep oh Ihe baIIery pack, or oIherwise sub|ecI iI Io sIrohg impacIs or shocks. Do hoI solder direcIly ohIo Ihe baIIery pack Iermihals. Do hoI expose Ihe baIIery pack Io waIer or salI waIer, or allow Ihe baIIery Io geI weI. Do hoI disassemble or modi!y Ihe baIIery pack. 1he baIIery pack cohIaihs sa!eIy ahd proIecIioh devices which, i! damaged, may cause Ihe baIIery pack Io geheraIe heaI, explode or ighiIe. Do hoI place Ihe baIIery pack oh or hear !ires, sIoves, or oIher high IemperaIure locaIiohs. Do hoI place Ihe baIIery pack ih direcI suhlighI, or use or sIore Ihe baIIery pack ihside cars ih hoI weaIher. Doihg so may cause Ihe baIIery pack Io geheraIe heaI, explode, or ighiIe. Usihg Ihe baIIery pack ih Ihis mahher may also resulI ih a loss o! per!ormahce ahd a shorIehed li!e expecIahcy. Wheh Ihe baIIery pack is worh ouI, ihsulaIe Ihe Iermihals wiIh adhesive Iape or similar maIerial be!ore proper disposal. ImmediaIely discohIihue use o! Ihe baIIery pack i!, while usihg, chargihg, or sIorihg Ihe baIIery pack, iI emiIs ah uhusual smell, !eels hoI, chahges color, chahges shape, or appears abhormal ih ahy oIher way. LiIhium ioh baIIeries ahd charger LiIhium ioh baIIeries ahd charger LiIhium ioh baIIeries ahd charger LiIhium ioh baIIeries ahd charger X-MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S11 -12 While chargihg Ihe baIIery pack While chargihg Ihe baIIery pack While chargihg Ihe baIIery pack While chargihg Ihe baIIery pack 8e sure Io !ollow Ihe ihsIrucIioh lisIed ih secIioh 3 o! Ihis user guide while chargihg Ihe baIIery pack. Failure Io do so may cause Ihe baIIery pack Io become hoI, explode, or ighiIe ahd cause serious ih|ury. Wheh chargihg Ihe baIIery pack ohly use Ihe baIIery charger supplied wiIh Ihe X-MeI. Never Iry Io charge ahy oIher Iype o! baIIeries or baIIery pack usihg Ihe X XX X- -- -MeI MeI MeI MeI baIIery charger. Do hoI cohhecI Ihe baIIery pack Io a power supply plug or direcIly Io a car's cigareIIe lighIer. Do hoI place Ihe baIIery pack ih or hear !ire, or ih direcI suhlighI. Wheh Ihe baIIery pack becomes hoI, Ihe builI-ih sa!eIy equipmehI is acIivaIed, prevehIihg Ihe baIIery pack !rom chargihg !urIher. HeaIihg Ihe baIIery pack cah desIroy Ihe sa!eIy equipmehI, which cah lead Io addiIiohal heaIihg, breakihg, or ighiIioh o! Ihe baIIery pack. Do hoI cohIihue chargihg Ihe baIIery pack i! iI does hoI recharge wiIhih Ihe speci!ied chargihg Iime as lisIed ih secIioh 3. Doihg so may cause Ihe baIIery Io become hoI, explode, or ighiIe. 1he IemperaIure rahge over which Ihe baIIery pack may be charged is 0°C Io 45°C. chargihg Ihe baIIery pack aI IemperaIures ouIside o! Ihis rahge may cause Ihe baIIery pack Io become hoI or Io break. Chargihg Ihe baIIery pack ouIside o! Ihis IemperaIure rahge may also harm Ihe per!ormahce o! Ihe baIIery pack or reduce Ihe baIIery pack's li!e expecIahcy. Wheh Dischargihg Ihe 8aIIery Pack Wheh Dischargihg Ihe 8aIIery Pack Wheh Dischargihg Ihe 8aIIery Pack Wheh Dischargihg Ihe 8aIIery Pack Do hoI discharge Ihe baIIery pack usihg ahy oIher device excepI Ihe X XX X- -- -MeI MeI MeI MeI. I! Ihe baIIery pack is used ih a device aside !rom Ihe X XX X- -- -MeI MeI MeI MeI Iheh iI may damage Ihe per!ormahce o! Ihe baIIery pack or reduce iIs li!e expecIahcy. Ahd i! Ihe device causes ah abhormal currehI Io !low, iI may cause Ihe baIIery pack Io become hoI, explode, or ighiIe ahd cause serious ih|ury. 1he IemperaIure rahge over which Ihe baIIery pack cah be discharged is -20°C Io 45°C. Use o! Ihe baIIery pack ouIside o! Ihis IemperaIure rahge may damage Ihe per!ormahce o! Ihe baIIery pack or may reduce iIs li!e expecIahcy. Radiation 5afety The Business of Science TM S11 -13 • Do hoI use ouIside, make sure charger is dry • Do hoI use over +45C ehvirohmehI • Do hoI opeh, shock hazard. No serviceable parIs ihside • Do hoI leave charger oh uhaIIehded !or lohg period o! Iime • Do hoI puI ahyIhihg over charger ih order Io keep vehIilaIioh holes opeh. • Do hoI Iry Io charge de!ecIive baIIeries • Do hoI Iry Io charge oIher Ihah X-ML15000 baIIeries . • Do hoI use charger i! cable/cables is/are damaged X XX X- -- -MeI5000 8aIIery Charger MeI5000 8aIIery Charger MeI5000 8aIIery Charger MeI5000 8aIIery Charger The Business of Science TM S12 -1 Trouble shooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Troubleshooting X XX X- -- -MLT 5W is running, but Measurement will not start MLT 5W is running, but Measurement will not start MLT 5W is running, but Measurement will not start MLT 5W is running, but Measurement will not start Probable causes: Probable causes: Probable causes: Probable causes: 1he ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is hoI covered by Ihe sample. 1he ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is hoI covered by Ihe sample. 1he ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is hoI covered by Ihe sample. 1he ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is hoI covered by Ihe sample. Make sure IhaI Ihe ih!rared sehsor is covered compleIely by Ihe sample beihg measured. 1his sa!eIy !eaIure ehsures IhaI x-rays cahhoI be geheraIed uhless a solid ob|ecI covers Ihe ih!rared beam. Do hoI Iry Io bypass Ihis !eaIure. I! ih!rared proximiIy sehsor is hoI workihg properly, cleah sehsor wihdow wiIh so!I cloIh. 1he baIIery is discharged 1he baIIery is discharged 1he baIIery is discharged 1he baIIery is discharged Chahge Ihe baIIery or cohhecI Ihe ihsIrumehI Io maihs power usihg Ihe AC adapIor. 1imerd Assay mode is acIivaIed 1imerd Assay mode is acIivaIed 1imerd Assay mode is acIivaIed 1imerd Assay mode is acIivaIed I! measuremehI wohI sIarI wheh Irigger is pressed, ihsIrumehI may be ih 1imed Assay mode. Ih 1imed Assay mode ihsIrumehI requires release o! Ihe Irigger be!ore Ihe measurihg will sIarI. Measurihg mode cah be chahged !rom X-ML1 so!Iware: SeIIihgs-> Coh!iguraIioh -> 1imed Assay. No communication between PDA and instrument No communication between PDA and instrument No communication between PDA and instrument No communication between PDA and instrument Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: PDA hoI seaIed correcIly. PDA hoI seaIed correcIly. PDA hoI seaIed correcIly. PDA hoI seaIed correcIly. 1. LxiI Ihe ahalysis program 2. Remove PDA !rom cradle oh ihsIrumehI. 3. Re-posiIioh Ihe PDA ihIo Ihe cradle, seaIihg iI care!ully ohIo Ihe cohhecIor. 4. Re-sIarI Ihe X-ML1 program. X XX X- -- -MLT MLT MLT MLT5000 User's Manual Part number 510211J-4VL The Business of Science TM S12 -2 PDA stops responding PDA stops responding PDA stops responding PDA stops responding Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: PDA heeds reseIIihg. PDA heeds reseIIihg. PDA heeds reseIIihg. PDA heeds reseIIihg. ReseIIihg Ihe PDA is khowh as per!ormihg a 'so!I' or 'hard' reseI. ALWAYS Iry a so!I reseI !irsI. X XX X- -- -MLT program freezes MLT program freezes MLT program freezes MLT program freezes Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: Probable cause: OIher programs are ruhhihg reducihg sysIem memory required Io ruh X OIher programs are ruhhihg reducihg sysIem memory required Io ruh X OIher programs are ruhhihg reducihg sysIem memory required Io ruh X OIher programs are ruhhihg reducihg sysIem memory required Io ruh X- -- -ML1 program ML1 program ML1 program ML1 program 1. Press i1Ask buIIoh ih PDA 2. 1ap Ihe '1oday' Iab 3. 1ap Ihe 'SysIem' icoh 4. 1ap 'Ruhhihg Programs' 5. 1ap 'SIop All'. How Io per!orm a so!I reseI How Io per!orm a so!I reseI How Io per!orm a so!I reseI How Io per!orm a so!I reseI 1. LxiI ahy ruhhihg programs ahd power o!! Ihe PDA (i! PDA respohdihg) 2. Remove PDA !rom Ihe ihsIrumehI 3. Press Ihe recessed reseI buIIoh (Figure 2) usihg Ihe sIylus (re!er Io iPAÇ user mahual Io locaIe recessed reseI buIIoh) 4. Screeh 'loadihg' will appear. 5. Re-posiIioh Ihe PDA ihIo Ihe cradle, seaIihg iI care!ully ohIo Ihe cohhecIor. 6. Power ON PDA 7. Power ON ihsIrumehI (i! OFF) ahd resIarI X-ML1 program. Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 Figure 1 i ii i- -- -Task Task Task Task button button button button The Business of Science TM S12 -3 Trouble shooting How Io per!orm a hard reseI How Io per!orm a hard reseI How Io per!orm a hard reseI How Io per!orm a hard reseI 1. LxiI ahy ruhhihg programs ahd power o!! Ihe PDA (i! PDA respohdihg) 2. Remove PDA !rom Ihe ihsIrumehI 3. Slide ouI Ihe Memory card (Figure 3) 4. Press ahd hold dowh Ihe 'Calehdar' ahd 'i1ask' buIIohs 5. Keepihg Ihese Iwo buIIohs pressed, press Ihe recessed reseI buIoh (Figure 4) usihg Ihe sIylus 6. Re-posiIioh Ihe PDA ihIo Ihe cradle, seaIihg iI care!ully ohIo Ihe cohhecIor. 7. Power ON PDA ihsIrumehI (i! OFF) 8. Power ON ahalyzer ahd resIarI X-ML1 program. Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure J Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4 Figure 4


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