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1. THOMAS GORDON CONLEY Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 59 Applewood Drive Rochester, NY 14612 (585) 720-0012 Email: [email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Versatile systems programmer, expert in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS systems programming, managing projects involving MVS, OS/390, and z/OS upgrades, MVS hardware/software installation, SMP/E, DFSMS Storage Administration, DFSMSrmm conversion, data management system (CA-ASM2, CA-Disk, DFSMShsm, FDR/ ABR) conversion, RACF conversion, IDMS database, system automation, ISPF dialogs, REXX, and PL/I. Extensive experience in CICS, VTAM, TCP/IP, RACF/ACF2 security administration, DB2, IMS, and a wide range of OEM software. Can perform multiple system programming functions and conduct training. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Consultant, Conversion Specialist/Trainer, California Casualty, San Mateo, CA 03/10 - Present Primary responsibility is to convert CA software to IBM equivalent software. Major accomplishments include working on CA-1 to DFSMSrmm conversion CA-Disk to DFSMShsm conversion, DYL280 to DFSORT/COBOL conversion, conducting training classes in DYL280 to DFSORT/COBOL conversion, and CA-Allocate to Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management conversion. Consultant, Systems Programmer, UNUM, Portland, ME 01/10 - Present Primary responsibility is to support UNUM’s IDMS databases, including software installation, support, and troubleshooting, CEO, Consultant, Systems Programmer, Author, Presenter, Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc., Rochester, NY 02/93 - Present Primary responsibility is to support client base and business operations for Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. Major accomplishments include designing, building, and running PC’s in support of business operations, installing, configuring, and maintaining Windows Vista, XP, 98, and 95, installing wireless LAN using Linksys router to set up NAT addressable network connected to the internet, hardening PC’s against intrusion with the installation of software firewalls, anti-virus and Trojan detection programs, installing and configuring FTP and TN3270 servers on wireless LAN, planning and purchasing P390 for mainframe development, installing and configuring OS/390 V2R10, z/OS V1R2, and z/OS V1R4, migrating from OS/390 V2R10 to z/OS V1R2, migrating from z/OS V1R2 to z/OS V1R4, systems programming and software support of P390, TCP/IP configuration of LAN PC’s and P390, creating documents with Microsoft Word, spreadsheets with Microsoft Excel, presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, and managing projects with Microsoft Project. Other accomplishments include published articles in Technical Support magazine and Cheryl Watson’s Tuning Letter, numerous presentations at SHARE, and numerous presentations at zExpo. Software installed and configured include: CICS, COBOL, DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm, DFSMSrmm, DFSORT, HFS, HTTP Server, IPCS, ISMF, JES2, LE/370, MQSeries, MVS, MXI, OS/390, PDS, PL/I, RACF, RMF, ShowMVS, SMF, SMP/E, SUF, TASID, TCP/IP, USS. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Conversion Specialist/Trainer, IBM, various locations Atlanta, GA (CA-1 to DFSMSrmm conversion) 01/10 - 03/10 Phoenix, AZ (CA-1 to DFSMSrmm conversion, EMC DLm and STK VSM integration with DFSMSrmm) 06/08 - 05/09 Columbus, OH (DFSMSrmm training/assistance) 09/01 - 10/01, 02/02 - 02/02 Kansas City, KS (CA-Disk to DFSMShsm conversion) 05/01 - 12/01 Bloomington, IL (CA-1 to DFSMSrmm conversion) 08/99 - 01/01 Syracuse, NY (ASM2 to DFSMShsm conversion) 01/00 - 07/00 Primary responsibility is to support IBM clients. Major accomplishments include DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm installation, configuration, dump analysis, problem analysis and resolution, and production support, converting over 65 CA-1 tape catalogs to DFSMSrmm, integrating DFSMSrmm into a Parallel Sysplex environment, converting custom CA-1 tape jobs and applications to DFSMSrmm, integrating IBM ATL and VTS virtual tape systems, EMC DLm virtual tape systems, and STK VSM virtual tape systems with both CA-1 and DFSMSrmm, SMS administration and coding ACS routines, integrating STK VSM tape and DFSMSrmm, converting CA-ASM2 and CA-Disk to DFSMShsm, conducting DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm training classes, supporting DOS/VSE to OS/390 conversion, using IBMLink for IBM support, © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission. 2. project management with Microsoft Project, and JES3 support. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Customer Engineer, Eastman Kodak, various locations Rochester, NY 11/94 - 08/98, 08/99 - 05/00, 01/03 - 12/08 Dayton, OH 03/08 - 04/08, 12/08 Primary responsibility is to support Kodak’s Optical Disk library and AXCIS software clients. Major accomplishments included hardware configuration planning and installation of IBM 9221 and RAMAC DASD, fixing inoperative FLEX-ES server, modifying TCP/IP network, setting up PSF printers for TCP/.IP printing, performance and capacity planning, client support, dump analysis, problem analysis and resolution, production support, using IBMLink for IBM support, SMP/E installs, maintenance, and usermod creation for IBM and OEM software, coding operating system, JES2, and OEM software exits, performing successful Y2K test, Dynamic ISPF install and conversion from “Standard” ISPF, coding REXX execs and ISPF applications for system utilities, coding CA-GSS REXX execs for system automation, defining RDO resources to CICS, TCP/IP and VTAM/SNA network configuration, 3745 NCP generation, 3172 configuration, 3174 control unit configuration, HCD hardware definition and IOCDS creation, coding unit information module (UIM) to define Kodak Optical Disk to MVS, creating and testing standalone dump, restore, and ICKDSF programs, ICF catalog maintenance, DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm storage administration, SMS administration and coding ACS routines, SMF data collection and analysis, RACF security administration, and conducting training classes for Kodak hardware and software. Software installed and configured include: CICS, COBOL, DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm, DFSMSrmm, ENF, GSS, IPCS, ISMF, JES2, LE/370, MVS, OS/390, PDS, PL/I, RACF, RMF, SCLM, SMF, SMP/ E, SYNCSORT, SYSVIEW, TCP/IP, TNG Unicenter, View. Consultant, Security Specialist, Computer Associates Trenton, NJ 10/07 - 07/08 Primary responsibility was to perform work items arising from CA-ACF2 Health Check. Major accomplishments included analysis and implementation of MODE(ABORT), documentation and reduction of users with security and special access authority, analyzing and implementing Cleanup Tool for CA-ACF2 to remove obsolete entries from ACF2 security database, creating documents and procedures for security access issues, and analyzing security access issues for Linux on System z. Consultant, Systems Programmer, Wegmans Food Markets, Rochester, NY 03/94 - 11/98, 01/05 - 02/08 Primary responsibilities are MVS and IDMS system support and ad hoc problem solving. Major accomplishments included replacing 9672 with z9BC and upgrading OS/390 V2R10 to z/OS V1R8, installing, configuring, and integrating IBM 3584 Tape Library and 3592 tape drives with CA-1, OEM software installs, including CA-Allocate, CA-ESP job scheduling, CA-Disk, CA-Vantage, CA-1, AbendAid, XPEDITER, VPS, ViewDirect, SnapShot, SVAA, Syncsort, and NFM file transfer software, installing IBM’s Application Performance Analyzer, HIPAA/Visa/PCI audit compliance, successful Disaster Recovery tests at Sungard, SMP/E installs, maintenance, and usermod creation for IBM/OEM software, USS installation, configuration, and HFS filesystem management (FTP, HTTP server, RLOGIN, SNMP, SUF, Telnet, Java, etc.), troubleshooting STK tape and HSC software issues, coding operating system, JES2, and OEM exits, SMS administration and coding ACS routines, ServerPac upgrade from MVS V4R3 to OS/390 V1R2, creating Y2K test LPAR, dump analysis, problem analysis and resolution, production support, SMF data collection and analysis, using IBMLink for IBM support, storage administration, 3380 to 3390 DASD migration, performance and capacity planning, TCP/IP network configuration, OSA, 3172, and 3174 configuration, coding NetView CLISTs and REXX execs for system automation, 3745 NCP generation, OSA configuration with OSA/SF, 3174 control unit generation and consolidation, HMC/SE configuration, operation, and training, HCD hardware definition and IOCDS creation, creating and testing standalone dump, restore, and ICKDSF programs, ICF catalog maintenance, installing and configuring Sterling Commerce GENTRAN EDI software, RACF security administration, installing CA-IDMS 12.01, 14.0, and IDMS Tools, IDMS software support, creating IDMS Y2K test environment, coding IDMS database procedures, IDMS DBA responsibilities, IDMS application programming, and IDMS usermod creation. Software installed and configured includes: AbendAid, APA, CA-Allocate, CA Common Services (CA90s), CA-Disk, CA-Vantage, CA-1, CA-7, CA-11, CICS, COBOL, DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DISPATCH, DMS/OS, DRS, ENF, ESP, GENTRAN, GSS, HCF, IDMS, IPCS, ISMF, JES2, JES328X, LE/370, MVS, NFM, OS/390, OSA/SF, PDS, PL/I, PSF, RACF, RMF, SDMLink EDI, SMF, SMP/E, SnapShot, SSL, SVAA, SYNCSORT, TCP/IP, VMCF, VPS, VSV, WLM, XPEDITER. Consultant, Conversion Specialist, Innovation Data Processing, Little Falls, NJ 03/02 - 09/07 Primary responsibility is to assist in converting Innovation clients from CA-Disk and DFSMShsm to Innovation’s FDR/ABR. Conversion is accomplished with tools specially developed by Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. Consultant, Conversion Specialist, National City, Cleveland, OH 01/05 - 03/06 Primary responsibility is to convert security system from ACF2 to RACF. Major accomplishments included successful ACF2 to RACF © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission. 3. conversion, conducting training classes, configuration and operation of IBM’s smA2Rt conversion tool, CLASMAP to CDT translation, evaluation of ACF2 security exits for conversion to RACF, installation and configuration of RACF in a Parallel Sysplex, security reporting, project management, and conversion of in-house security utilities, SDSF, SAFDEFs, and CICS. Consultant, Systems Programmer, SIAC, Brooklyn, NY 04/04 - 12/04 Primary responsibility was to provide systems programming support for SIAC systems. Major accomplishments included installation of OMEGAMON XE products, IBM Tivoli Storage Optimizer, FaultAnalyzer, and FileManager, supporting Disaster Recovery testing with Capacity Backup, HCD hardware definition and IOCDS creation, maintaining Parallel Sysplex environment, USS and HFS filesystem administration, performance and capacity planning, DFSMSrmm tape management, running SoftAudit report software to verify software usage, Coupling Facility and structure maintenance for parallel sysplex operation, troubleshooting STK SILO and HSC software issues, integrating STK SILO with DFSMSrmm, SMF data collection and analysis, dump analysis, problem analysis and resolution. Consultant, RACF Security Administrator, Citigroup, New York, NY 08/03 - 04/04 Primary responsibility was RACF security administration to support Citigroup’s security audit remediation efforts. Major accomplishments included the review of existing RACF definitions, coding, implementing, cleanup, and deletion of RACF security definitions, using the Vanguard Security Solution for RACF to manage RACF security definitions, using Serena’s ChangeMan software to promote Vanguard security jobs into production, and using Connect:Direct (NDM) to transmit files through Citigroup’s network. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Analyst, Pepco, Washington, DC 01/03 - 02/03 Primary responsibility was to assist Pepco with insourcing an installation by analyzing NetView and SA OS/390. Major accomplishments included completing overview and creating documentation describing the NetView and SA OS/390 configuration and how to manage it, coding NetView CLISTs and REXX execs to automate system functions, modifying SA OS/390 configuration for insourced operation, and training client staff to manage the NetView and SA OS/390 environment. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Analyst, Project Leader, Rochester Gas & Electric, Rochester, NY 12/97 - 06/99, 04/01 - 05/02 Primary responsibility was system software support and project management. Major accomplishments included managing and leading ServerPac upgrades for MVS V5R2 to OS/390 V1R3 and OS/390 V1R3 to OS/390 V2R9, creating Y2K test LPAR, SMP/E installs, maintenance, and usermod creation for IBM and OEM software, coding operating system and OEM software exits, WLM Goal Mode conversion, SDSF install and conversion from Command/MVS, ACF2 and ACF2/CICS upgrades and security administration, successful disaster recovery test at Sungard, USS installation, configuration, and HFS filesystem management (FTP, HTTP server, RLOGIN, SNMP, SUF, Telnet, Java, etc.), hardware and installation planning for mainframe upgrades (CPU, memory, RVA, 3494 ATL, FE OSA, additional channels and cabling), configuring 3494 ATL in a shared UNIX, NT, and mainframe environment, HMC and SE configuration, operation, and training, HCD hardware definition and IOCDS creation, DASD conversion using TDMF from RAMAC to RVA, SHARK microcode and capacity upgrades, training and mentoring systems programming staff, CA-Endevor install and conversion from CA-Panvalet, CA-Disk (DMS/OS) to DFSMShsm conversion, troubleshooting, production support, using IBMLink for IBM support, performance and capacity planning, TCP/IP and VTAM/SNA network configuration, 3745 NCP configuration, OSA configuration with OSA/SF, 3174 control unit configuration, eliminating 3745 NCP by converting NCP dial-up links to OSA SNA-over-IP links, Dynamic ISPF install and conversion from “Standard” ISPF, coding REXX execs and ISPF applications for system utilities, coding Command/MVS and CA-GSS REXX execs for system automation, SMF data collection and analysis, defining RDO resources to CICS, IDMS software support, IDMS DBA responsibilities, IDMS application programming, creating and testing standalone dump, restore, and ICKDSF programs, ICF catalog maintenance, and DFSMShsm and DFSMSrmm storage administration. Project leader and planning responsibilities with Microsoft Project included MVS V5R2 to OS/390 V1R3 and OS/390 V1R3 to OS/390 V2R9 upgrades. Software installed and configured included: $AVRS, ACC/SRS, ACF2, ACF2/CICS, CA-Disk, CA-11, CCITCP, CICS, COBOL, Command/MVS, DFSMSdfp, DFSMSdss, DFSMShsm, DFSMSrmm, DMS/OS, DRS, DumpMaster, Endevor, ENF, GSS, HTTP server, IDMS, Infopac, IPCS, ISMF, IXFP, Java, JCLCHECK, JES2, JOBTRAC, LE/370, MQSeries, MVS, MXI, OMEGAMON, OS/390, OSA/SF, PDS, PL/I, RACF, RMF, ShowMVS, SMF, SMP/E, SnapShot, SUF, SYNCSORT, TASID, TCP/IP, TMON, TNG Unicenter, ViewDirect, VPS. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Analyst, Automated Migration Services, West Trenton, NJ 11/00 - 03/01 Primary responsibility was software evaluation and installation for DOS/VSE to OS/390 conversion. Major accomplishments included evaluations of schedulers, SMS data managers, and report archiving products, installs and user training for DFSMSrmm, VPS, Tivoli OPC, and RMDS, and creating operational procedures for DFSMSrmm and VPS. Consultant, Analyst, Trainer, Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY 01/96 - 02/96 © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission. 4. Prepared estimate for upgrading IDMS 10.2 system to IDMS 12.0, including installation, customization, and user training. Presented a training class on using CA-TCC online product information database, including terminal emulation and keyboard customization. Consultant, Systems Programmer, First Data Technologies, Boston, MA 05/94 - 11/94 Primary responsibility was installing CA-IDMS Release 12.0 and SQL to support data center migration. Major accomplishments included supporting IDMS 10.2 regions, IDMS performance and capacity planning, installing ACF2/IDMS external security, IDMS DBA responsibilities, IDMS application programming, IDMS usermod creation, SMP/E maintenance, and MVS system maintenance. Consultant, Systems Programmer/Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, VA 11/93 - 02/94 Primary responsibility was reviewing existing procedures for generating IMS systems in all Federal Reserve districts to standardize and automate IMS gen process. Major accomplishments included reviewing, installing, and configuring BMC's DELTA/IMS product, researching installation of IMS Online Change, reviewing IMS SMP/E environment, troubleshooting and problem solving for IMS-related production issues, and reviewing automation of end-user input to the IMS gen. Consultant, Programmer/Analyst, Citicorp, Buffalo, NY 09/93 - 11/93 Primary responsibility was developing WordPerfect and Freelance specifications and coding ADS/O for an IDMS-based Credit Risk Management system. Major accomplishments included IDMS DBA and application programming responsibilities, including testing, debugging, SQL analysis, physical database design, and online mapping. Consultant, Systems Programmer, REXX Programmer, MCI, Arlington, VA 05/93 - 08/93 Primary responsibility was supporting Storage Management group with DFSMS, including DFSMShsm, DFSMSdss, POOL-DASD, and STOP-X37. Major accomplishments included developing REXX-based ISPF application for Storage Management service requests, converting standalone CLISTs into a REXX-based ISPF toolkit, end-user support, using IBMLink for IBM support, transferring files with NDM, automating existing procedures. Systems Programmer/Analyst, ISSC (now IBM Global Services), Rochester, NY 04/92 - 02/93 Primary responsibility was implementing performance strategy for IMS systems. Major accomplishments included installing OMEGAMON II for IMS, creating SLA’s and reports to measure compliance, managing Kodak's GDDM graphic devices, problem coordination and troubleshooting for IMS, DB2, and OEM software, using IBMLink for IBM support, QMF support, conversion of in-house QMF ISPF applications, coding QMF procedures, transferring files with NDM, support for JES2 system upgrade, and JES3 support. Systems Programmer, RCI Incorporated, Rochester, NY 12/90 - 04/92 Primary responsibility was MVS software support. Major accomplishments included migrating mainframe from Rochester, NY to Dallas, TX, I/O configuration, performance and capacity planning, dump analysis, using IBMLink for IBM support, RACF security administration, coding JES2 and system exits, implementing DASD management using DFSMShsm, transferring files with NDM, and conversion to System Determined Blocksize (SDB). Systems Programmer, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Camp Hill, PA 04/87 - 12/90 Primary responsibility was installing and maintaining IDMS. Major accomplishments included coding NetView CLISTs for IDMS automation, 3380 to 3390 DASD conversion, SMP/E maintenance, using IBMLink for IBM support, transferring files with NDM, coding IDMS exits, and design and development of IDMS ADS/O, COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler applications. Applications Programmer, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Rochester, NY 09/84 - 04/87 Primary responsibility was maintaining PL/I IMS manufacturing programs for GM account. Major accomplishments included development of an IMS online system using PL/I, on-call abend resolution, and IMS DBA responsibilities, including logical and physical database design. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS: ACM, IEEE, SHARE © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission. 5. PROFESSIONAL AWARDS: Three-time winner of SHARE’s Best User Session Award, July 2000, July 2001, and August 2006. EDUCATION: B.A., B.M. State University College at Potsdam, NY, May 1984 with 3.49 cum laude Grade Point Average Majors: B.A. Computer Science, B.M. Music Performance; both degrees earned in same four years. © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission. 6. COMPUTER EXPERTISE Operating Systems DOS, Windows, Windows ’95, Windows NT, MVS, OS/2, OS/390, VM/SP, z/OS Languages Assembler, BASIC, COBOL, COBOL II, EASYTRIEVE, FORTRAN, High-Level Assembler, JCL, LE/370, NetView CLISTs, PASCAL, PL/I, SAS, TSO/E CLISTs, TSO/E REXX, VM REXX Access Methods BDAM, BPAM, BSAM, GSAM, HDAM, HFS, HIDAM, HISAM, HSAM, OSAM, PDS, PDSE, QSAM, SHISAM, SHSAM, VSAM IBM Program Products and Utilities ACIF, ACO, ADCD, AFP, AMASPZAP, AMBLIST, AMDPRDMP, AOC, APA, ATAM, Binder, BookManager, CMS, DAE, DFSMSdfp, dss, hsm, and rmm, DFSORT, DITTO, FaultAnalyzer, FFST, FileManager, GDDM, GTF, HCD, HCF, HTTP Server, IBMLink, ICKDSF, IDCAMS, IEBCOPY, IEBDG, IEBGENER, IEBUPDTE, Info/Management, IOCP, IPCS, ISMF, ISPF, ISPF Workstation Agent, IXFP, Java, JES2, JES3, JES328X, LE/370, Linkage Editor, MPF, MQSeries, MVSCP, NetView: Access, FTP, and NetView; OLTEP, OPC/A, OSA/SF, Parallel Sysplex, PLITEST, PROFS, PSF, RACF, RLOGIN, RMDS, RMF, RSCS, SA OS/390, SDSF, SLIP, SMF, SMP/E, SnapShot, standalone dump, smA2Rt, standalone ICKDSF, standalone restore, SUF, TCP/IP, Telnet, Tivoli OPC and Storage Optimizer, Total Storage Expert, TSO, Unix System Services (USS), Virtual Concurrent Copy, VTAM, WLM, WLM Goal Mode Conversion Tool, zSecure CA Program Products and Utilities Allocate, ACF2, CA-1, CA-11, CA-7, CA-90's, CCITCP, Cleanup Tool for ACF2, Common Services, Disk, DISPATCH, Endevor, EPIC, GSS, JCLCHECK, JOBTRAC, OPS/MVS, PANVALET, PMO, QUICKFETCH, RUNTRAC, SAR, SmartConsole, SYSVIEW, Star-TCC, Teleview, TNG Unicenter, Vantage, Verify, View, Xpertware Miscellaneous Program Products and Utilities (E)JES, $AVRS, AbendAid, ACC/SRS, AXCIS, ChangeMan, CICAT, Command/MVS, Connect:Direct, DATAXPERT, DRS, DUMPMASTER, ESP, FDR, FDRABR, FDRPAS, FileAid, GENTRAN, HSC, INFOPAC, IOF, MDRS, MULTSESS, MXI, NDM, NETMASTER, OMEGAMON, OMEGAVIEW, PDS, PDSFAST, PDSMAN, PDSTOOLS, PIE, POOLDASD, SDMLink, ShowMVS, SoftAudit, SPIFFY, STARTOOL, STOP-X37, Strobe, SUPERSESSION, SVAA, SYNCSORT, tableBASE, TDMF, TMON, TPX, TRMS, TRX, Vanguard Security Solution for RACF, ViewDirect, VPS, VMCF, VSV, VTAM/SWITCH, WSF2, XPEDITER CA-IDMS ADS/O, ASF, BCF, CA-Server, DC-Assembler, DC-COBOL, DEBUG, DMCL, DML/O, IDD, IDMS TOOLS, LRF, MAPC, OCF, OLM, OLQ, Performance Monitor, SCHEMA, SQL, SUBSCHEMA, SYSGEN, TCF, Utilities IMS DB/DC ADF, BATCH, BMP, BTS, DELTA/IMS, DFSDDLT0, FAST PATH, FileAid/IMS, IMSXPERT, LOCAL COPY PLUS, MPP, OMEGAMON II FOR IMS Hardware Amdahl 5990, COMPUTERM Channel Extender, EMC: DLm, Symmetrix; Kodak Optical Storage System (KOSS); IBM: ATL, Coupling Facility, DS8100, ESS SHARK, ES/9000, OSA, PC, RVA, VTS, 2096, 308X, 3090, 3172, 3174, 3380, 3390, 3420, 3480, 3490, 3494, 3584, 3590, 3592, 3725, 3745, 4381, 9221, 9393, 9395, and 9672; STK: SILO, SVA, VSM, V2X2, 9840 PC Software AdAware, Adobe Acrobat, AVG Anti-Virus, BlueZone, EXTRA!, EZ-SCSI, Firefox, Freelance, HostExplorer, IBM Library Reader, IBM PCOMM, IBM Softcopy Librarian, LapLink, Lotus: Notes and 1-2-3; Microsoft: Excel, Intellimouse, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Outlook Express, PowerPoint, Project, and Word; Netscape, Norton: AntiVirus, Ghost, Goback, Internet Security, and Utilities; Novell: LAN, and 3270; OpenObject Rexx, Opera, Palm Desktop and Hotsync, PCAnywhere, PC3270, PKZIP, Quicken, QuickBooks, RUMBA, Seagull FTP, SPFPC, Spybot, Sygate Personal Firewall, The Cleaner, TN3270, Vista, WebEx, WinFAX, WS_FTP Pro, ZoneAlarm DB2 Cursor programming, DB2I, DXT, OMEGAMON, QMF, SPUFI, Utilities © Pinnacle Consulting Group, Inc. 1993-2010. All rights reserved. May not be distributed or reproduced without express permission.


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