Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel? MILOSLAV TOGHACEK and FRANCIS GENE AMRHEIN PRESTRESSED STEEL STRUCTURES are those in which, during manufacture, assembly, or exploitation, deliberate stresses are produced of precise magnitude, direction, and period of duration. The most significant aims of prestressing are: enlarge- ment of the elastic range in which the structure works; redistribution of internal stresses or forces; improve- ment of stability; increase of fatigue resistance; de- crease in deformations; wider use of high strength steels. Some examples of the many types of prestressed steel structures and methods of prestressing are: rigid basic structures (girders, trusses, frames, masts, towers, etc.) prestressed by high strength tendons; systems or networks of prestressed flexible strings (hanging roofs and walls, etc.);- multi-layer and hybrid beams or vessels (simultaneous use of different materials as concrete and steel, carbon steel and quenched-tempered steel, etc.) ; statically indeterminate structures pre- stressed by enforced displacement of redundant re- straints (usually by enforced shifting of some redundant supports or by compelled assembly of some elements fabricated with planned dimension "inaccuracies"); removal or exploitation of residual, secondary, or other "parasi te" stresses (from welding, temperature treatments, mechanical operations with steel in cold state, unwanted constructional rigidity of some details, etc.). Prestressed structures utilizing tendons are the most widely used and most economical. Prestressing could be utilized in many types of steel structures of civil, naval, aircraft, mechanical, and electrical engineering, both in designing new structures and strengthening old ones. In civil engineering, prestressing could be exploited mainly in: roofing, especially of great areas; structures of industrial plat- forms; cladding and wall panels; craneway girders and crane bridges; highway, railroad and transportation Miloslav Tochacek is Assistant Professor and Project Leader of the Institutional Research on Prestressed Steel Structures in the School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla. Francis Gene Amrhein is a Graduate Assistant in the School of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla. bridges from steel or of composite design (steel and concrete); stacks, towers, masts, and piers; large sheet steel vessels, tubes and pipelines; diverse structures for various special purposes. In the United States, many interesting prestressed steel structures have already been designed, propor- tioned, and buil t .1 - 6 In proportioning ordinary, non- prestressed steel structures, there are no special dif- ficulties or discrepancies* in using the familiar concept of allowable stress; however, this is not so in designing prestressed steel structures. In this paper, the authors wish to discuss the distinct concepts which could be used in proportioning prestressed metal structures, and to recommend the best one for common usage. PRINCIPAL CONCEPTS IN PROPORTIONING During the design of a structure, two conditions must be considered to insure safety, to meet the service require- ments, and to provide economy; these two conditions involve the state of stress and the state of deformation, respectively. Of the two, the state of stress inherently contains more problems and merits more consideration. State of Stress Concept of Allowable Stresses—The analysis of non-pre- stressed structures according to allowable stresses7-9 is based on a unique safety factor for all stretched, com- pressed or bent** elements (Fig. l a ) Hlim &lira / A \ V = = (1) °all aall In Eq. (1), qlim is the loading at which the stress in the material reaches the limit stress alim. (For the ma- jority of steel grades and structural shapes, this is the yielding point ayv or the yielding stress 0-0.2- But for some others, where it is difficult to determine even the yielding stress 0-0.2, as in some wire ropes, the ultimate * Nevertheless, the present specifications for ordinary steel struc- tures are also subject to criticism, and revisions based on a new, more up-to-date base are being suggested.2021 ** Assuming for the latter two that buckling or plastic behavior are not considered. 18 A I S C E N G I N E E R I N G J O U R N A L (a) ANALYSIS OF NON-PRESTRESSED STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO ALLOWABLE STRESSES. CTq-CTv %a q a l i q qoll q,im=Z/ , tensile stress aus may be used.*) The term qall is the loading which produces stresses in the material equal to the allowable value, aaU. T h e basic allowable stress—in tension, pure com- pression, or bending (from which the values for the other types of stresses could be derived, e.g., by the use of failure theories)—has been determined from the yielding point crUm = ayp using the safety factor v = 1.667 (Sec. 1.5 in Ref. 7 and Table 1.3 in Ref. 9), so that Gail 1.667 = 0.6cru This value corresponds9 to the expected maximum deviations, — 2 5 % from the standard yield point, + 2 5 % from the standard loadings. The term " a standard value" is hereby interpreted to mean the usual or most probable value as prescribed in specifications, codes, etc., and is explained more fully in the section regarding the Concept of Limit States Design. For some specific wider combinations of loads (Sec. 1.57) the safety factor could be reduced to v = 3^(1.667) = 1.25 Related to ultimate stress aUm = aus, the considered safety factor is z^ > 2.0 (Sec., and for wire- ropes v = 1.5 through 3.0 (Sec. 103). In the concept of allowable stresses, a structural member is considered safe if the stress produced in it due to an external load q meets the criterion Gq < 25 33.3 50 66.7 75 RATIO OF STRESSES (Tly/GQ^ AND (Jy/(JQ\\ (%) Fig. 2. Variation of safety factors */, v" in prestressed structures designed according to allowable stresses. 100 / tflim V — v — Qall !f tflim = G Um i G v 22 ksi or G'aii = 60%o-G„ (Group I) a\u = 127% aall (Group II) 21 JANUARY/ 1971 < O O 50 00 50 z/=l.67 no ~*90 _ 113.3 86.7 1 120 8 0 _ _ - — a * , ^ 126.7 f .£&-- ' "" ^—-^ __J 73.3 1 70 6 0 i 25 33.3 5 0 66.7 RATIO OF STRESSES 0, the limitation a'v < crall follows (Fig. lc) . Concept Approaching Limit States Design—It was probably B. Fritz13 who first attempted to do away with the liabilities of the previously mentioned concepts of analysis. The approach has also been utilized by several other authors such as W. Wrycza,14 K. H. Schneider,15 and M. Mortensen16 et al. Fritz's method is a simplified and, unfortunately, an imperfect limit states analysis (as described in the next section). The fundamental condition of safety has the form q — 0" v -^ (and the mentioned inconsistency from the point of view of limit states design) is the unchanged condition for stresses due to prestressing < Table 1. Design of a Prestressed Bar According to Fig. 4, General Formulas Concept of Allowable Stresses Limit States PQ -a O Strength conditions N = 2Nt AQ < R Design formulas A0> Gall A a > l Strength conditions N = 2Nt,X = 2Xt V ^ *aU _ v ^ " all N -X - v < Vail JV = VniuNt, Z = 2rc*MZ/ _ OftvuV A ~ < R r "T" = < /2 Z + nvuV v = : S Rv Redundant force in tendon X = N 1 + X = N 1 + €- Design formulas A > N ep — rj °all ( _T 1 \ 4 , > iV 0?7 ( e p ~ ^ ^ ~~ V F = # ep - V (v+l-v) 6rj A > Av> N ep - V Rv(ep+]~v) N N V = — nv ep - y) ( e p + ^ - ^ ) 6r) Parameters ^ . Gall, v Glim, v V . 1 1 E Rv mvkv 7.0, in the first case the allowable stress has been reduced (Sec. 7.51); in the second case, a further component of stress (expressed as a percentage of the live load stress) has been taken into account (Sec. 7.31). ficient 6 > 1.0; another example would be a dynamic coefficient K > 1.0. On the right hand side of these for- mulas we might have a fatigue coefficient y < 1.0, etc.** Let us illustrate the difference between the designs according to allowable stresses and limit states, respec- tively, by a simple problem. Consider a stretched bar prestressed by a high-strength tendon as shown in Fig. 4. The governing relations are assembled in Table 1 and prestress is assumed to be introduced before any load acts on the bar. Effects of dead loads are denoted by subscript g and effects of live loads by subscript p; ** The present American specifications (Sec. 7.71), instead of de- creasing the allowable stresses, increase the computed stresses. A I S C E N G I N E E R I N G J O U R N A L 24 Table 2. Design of a Prestressed Bar According to Fig. 4 and Table 1, Numerical Results Concept of Assumed values of parameters Results according to formulas from Table 1 Allowable Stresses Limit States Ng = 0.5N; Np = 0.5iV; N = Ng + Np e = i . i ; e = i.25« 77 = 1.8 v = Vv = 1.667 c Gyp P 5 ' ^ ^667 ^ o = 1.667 — d'yp N A = 0.761 — 4„ = 0.181 — d'yp N A + Av = 0.943 — dyp A+Al = 0.566 V = 0.365 iV" (113%) (106%) (94.2%) (103.4%) (91.9%) (93.8%) 7? = 1.655 ngu = 1.1; wpM = 1.3; ngX = wpw = 0; wr7, = 1.1; w„j = 0.9& hi = 0.9- p = 0.9 X 5 = 4.5; R = ^ ^ 0.9*yjl = 0 . 8 1 ^ * ^ 0 = 1.48 — (100%) dyp A - 0.720 ^ - (100%) N 1 i4p = 0.192 — (100%)) A + Av = 0.912 I— (100%) ^4^ - ° = 0.616 (100%) Ao V = 0.389 iV (100%) 1 Notes: a Buckling coefficient B > 1.0 could be easily controlled by arranging stabilizing diaphragms; their distance / equals the buckling length, Fig. 4. & Cf. with Table 3. c Homogeneity factors for high strength steels have lower values than for carbon steels, cf. with Table 5. d Difference between the U. S. requirements of safety (v = 1.667) and the continental ones (v = 1.5) expressed by a reduction factor of 1.5/1.667. subscript i is a general notation for any type of load. Subscripts u and / at prestress accuracy factors nv designate their upper or lower value, respectively: nvu > 1.0; nvi < 1.0. The assumed values of parameters and the numerical results are indicated in Table 2. Obviously, the limit states design brings material savings to the non-pre- stressed structures (Ao), especially because of low values of safety factor ngu — 1.1 for dead loads. When the limit states design is used in the prestressed structures (A + Av), such an economy is nearly lost. This is caused chiefly by the necessity of considering both values nu < 1.0, niu > 1.0 of load factors and prestress-accuracy factors, for the sake of safety. Material is differently distributed than in the allowable stresses analysis; prestressing force V is of a greater value, economy from prestressing (A + Av)/A0 is a little less. However, the safety of the prestressed structure has grown larger due to all discrepancies being removed. State of Deformations—The aforementioned problems are not encountered in the analysis of deformations of prestressed structures. No matter which concept is used to design the prestressed structure, the conditions limiting the deformation are the same. For elements falling into Group I : q V For elements falling into Group I I : £«"« + E5\ < A" (23) (24) The formulas have been written in the symbols of the limit state analysis: 8q is the deformation due to the load; 8V is the deformation due to prestressing; A is the standard deformation (a limit prescribed by speci- fications). The bars over the symbols emphasize that the deformations are computed for standard loads as 25 J A N U A R Y / 1 9 7 1 requested by rules of limit states design. Also the dynamic coefficients K > 0 are not considered when checking deformations. The reason is that the deformations are checked for the frequent conditions of service and not for an extraordinary stage when the structure is shortly overloaded to the greatest possible extent (such a possi- bility is studied in the analysis of the state of stresses). Difficulties encountered in the state of stress dis- appear, as neither the safety factor v, nor the load coefficient nor the prestress accuracy factor nv influence Eqs. (23) and (24). However, another problem arises for elements of Group I resulting from service requirements or dictated by esthetic aspects: that is, are the conditions of Eqs. (23) and (24) really suitable for prestressed structures, or should we satisfy a stricter condition: H~8\ < A' (25) Q Let us compare the analysis according to both conditions in an example of a simply supported beam (Fig. 5), where the deformation 8 represents the de- flection / . The supporters of the stricter conditions, Eq. (25), consider the deflection from prestressing (Fig. 5a) as an initial camber resulting from the manufacture of the girder (Fig. 5b); and in structures with a camber, the design deflection A is usually measured from the cambered position (Fig. 5d). On the other hand, the advocates of Eq. (23) treat the prestressing effects as a special kind of external loading. They compare, for example, the girder pre- stressed by a straight tendon (Fig. 5a) with one having loaded overhanging ends (Fig. 5c). This load could be regarded as a. dead load of the usual type or as a special means of prestressing—ballast. Naturally, when check- ing deformations, a unique standpoint should be em- ployed for both cases (Figs. 5a and 5c); i.e., to measure the limit deformation A from the horizontal axis (Fig. 5e). Our recommendation is to consider the upward deflection from prestressing as a camber and to sum it up with constructional camber, and then to disregard the deflection due to the dead load, if the total camber is greater than this deflection (Fig. 6a). If they are equal, take into account only the difference between the values due to the dead load and the total camber in a case when the total camber is less than the deflection due to the dead load (Fig. 6b). Formulas appearing in Fig. 6 are then in force. a) n | rr b) Constructional Camber fp * A ' c) d) (a) TOTAL CAMBER GREATER THAN DEAD LOAD DEFORMATIONS e) Fig. 5. Diagrams explaining Eqs. (23) and (25) for checking deformations of prestressed structures. - f c ' - f v + f g + f p , S A ' (b) TOTAL CAMBER LESS THAN DEAD LOAD DEFORMATIONS Fig. 6. Checks of deflections of a loaded prestressed beam: (a) Total camber (sum of constructional camber f° and of camber due to pre- stressing fv°) is greater than deflection from dead load: fc° + fv° > fa°> (^) t°tal camber is less than deflection from dead load: fc° -\- fv° ^ fo°m In (a) and (^) fp° means deflection from live load. 26 A I S C E N G I N E E R I N G J O U R N A L Additional Information about Limit States Design— The concept of limit states design was introduced first in the Soviet Union17-18 in the 60's, and later in other East European countries. For the present, the limit states analysis is utilized only for civil engineering structures other than bridges, because not enough ex- perimental data have been gathered to specify all needed coefficients and parameters for the latter.* The re- search work on the fundamentals for design of bridges according to limit states is in progress, so that speci- fications and standards for bridges could be expected to be issued in a few years. In recent years, the limit states design concept has been studied seriously in Western European states as well.22 There are signs that the United States will also follow in the use of limit states design eventually, Sec. 103; Art. 1.69; p. 1377.6-20-21 Two limit states are distinguished in metal structures: First limit state—when checking strength and stability. Second limit state—when checking deformations. When investigating the first limit state, the so-called design loading is to be used; with the second limit state, the standard loading. If required by the character of loading, the fatigue of materials is accounted for in the computations according to the first limit state; in this case the standard loading is considered. In checking the second limit state, there are no substantial alterations from present concepts. There are, however, major changes in the calculations according to the first limit state. The unique safety factor v, Eq. (1), has been replaced by three groups of factors as they appear in Eqs. (21) and (22): (a) the load factors nq or the prestress accuracy factor (b) the working condition factor m (c) the homogeneity factor k The improbability of the simultaneous appearance of the most critical load combination is handled by a decreasing grouping factor c < 1.0. Coefficients and parameters prescribed by speci- fications for the limit states design have been obtained by a statistical analysis of numerous sets of data and test results. The arrangement of coefficients and compu- tations not only results in a safe and more scientific * On the contrary, in the U.S.A. tentative criteria for the load factor design were first prepared for bridges.20 ** Furthermore, coefficients nq and nv are differentiated (Table 3) according to: character of loading (nqu = 1.1 for self-weight; nqU = 7.4 for snow); critical combinations of loading (where more severe, lower values of coefficients nql < 7.0 or nvi < 7.0 are to be used rather than the upper values nqu > 7.0 or nvu> 7.0). Table 3. Load Factors nq and Prestress-Accuracy Factors nv Type of Loading Self-weight Snow Wind Movable and/or moving loads Hydrostatic pressure Pressure of loose materials Prestressing Lower Value ni 0.9 0 0 0 1.0 0.9-0.8 0.9 Upper Value nu 1.1° 1.4 1.26 1.2-1. 4C 1.1 1.2-1. 3C l . l d a For concrete or brick-structures or for elements with great productional tolerances . . . nqu = 1.2. b For slender structures with height-width ratio H/B > 5 . . . V = 1 . 3 . c Values according to the reliability of information about loading. d At less reliable prestressing techniques and insufficient check of prestressing . . . even more unfavorable values. At extraordinarily accurate prestressing and check . . . until a,, = nvu = 1.0. design, but frequently leads to savings in both material and cost, especially in non-prestressed structures. Principal information concerning the factors en- countered in limit states design arc presented in Tables 3 through 7, predominantly according to Czechoslovak sources.19 At the present time, Czechoslovakia is the only country having specifications for designing pre- stressed steel structures.! Table 3 is comprised of the common values of the load factors nQ and of the prestress accuracy factors nv. The standard loads whose effects are to be multiplied by the mentioned coefficients are, in principle, the same as those used in the design according to allowable stress. The values of the grouping factors c appear in Table 4 along with some basic information concerning three groups of loading (basic, wider and extraordinary com- binations). The homogeneity factors k (Table 5) account for the possibility that the actual limit stress (yield point ayp, yield stress a0.2, or ultimate stress aus) could be smaller than that assumed by specifications and denoted by bars over the symbols. The more complex (e.g., either in chemistry or production method) the material, the lower the value of k. By the aid of the homogeneity factor, another danger is also guarded against: the deviations of the actual profile of the element from that stated in the manufacturer's catalog. The working condition factors m are used to account for peculiarities of behavior of some exceptional or unusual structural detail or element where the frequent f M. Tochacek had the distinction to be the main author of them. J A N U A R Y / 1 9 7 1 Table 4. Load Combinations and Grouping Factors c Load Combination Basic Wider Extraordinary Components Dead Loads 1 or more Live Loads Long Acting0 1 or more Short Acting6 1 More * Extraordinary Loads0 More 1 multiply Grouping Factor c 1.0 0.9 0.8 * Examples of loads: a Movable loads, long-lasting tempera ture effects, effects of mining subsidence and supports settlements. 6 Snow, wind, moving loads, short-lasting temperature effects. c Ear thquake , explosions, defect-loads. Table 5. Homogeneity Factors k Material Constructional steels Carbon steels High-strength low alloy steels Heat treated high-strength carbon steels Heat treated alloy steels Reinforcing bars (as used in concrete engineering) Single wires Strands and ropes with helically laid wires. Wires are: Ropes with straight wires. Cables. Wires are: Light alloys Uncoated Zinc-coated (class A)c Uncoated Zinc-coatedc (class A) Unbrazed Brazed Unbrazed Brazed Uncoated Zinc-coatedc (class A) Standard Stress R Gyp (70.2 (70.2 (TO.2 Vus f US aus b Homogeneity Factor k 0.9 0.85-0.8° 0.8-0.75a 0.75 0.85-0.75° 0.85-0.8a 0.65 0.60 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.70 0.65 a Lower values for more complex materials with higher yielding stress 0-0.2. b The ult imate stress of a wire-rope or of a cable __ 2/0"t is , l^ l aus sir is determined as the min imum breaking strength—approximate metallic area ratio. The minimum breaking strength So"U8,1A1 (given in catalogs or specifications) is the sum of min imum ultimate tensile strengths of all bearing wires in a rope, if the wires are tested individually; the total approximate metallic area XAi (given also in specifications or catalogs) is the sum of areas of all bearing wires. Subscript 1 denotes the respective quantities for one wire. Obviously, the term "min imum breaking strength" is not quite precise (the Continental nomenclature uses the term "nominal ultimate strength") because the actual strength at failure is smaller and could be approximately determined by multiplying the specified breaking strength by homogeneity factor m < 1.0 from Table 6. c T h e higher value of k, tha t value for the uncoated wires, is to be used for the zinc-coated wires, if the minimum breaking strength for the zinc-coated wires is already considered in the formula in note6 and similar ones. Class A coating is the most frequent one for structural purposes. If heavier coatings are utilized, the homogeneity factor k need not be decreased when the specified mini- m u m breaking strengths are adequately reduced. 28 A I S C E N G I N E E R I N G J O U R N A L Table 6. Working Condition Factors m for Prestressing Tendons Type of Tendon Strands and ropes with helically laid wires "Br idge" strand Locked coil strand "Bridge" rope Othe r ropes Single strand, multiple wire, zinc-coated Z- or H-O-locked strand Multiple strand, wire strand core, zinc-coated Number of wire lays in a strand 1 2 3 Constructions with more than 222 wires. Lang lay wire ropes (Seale, Warr ington, etc.) Ropes with straight wires. Cables Constructional steels. Reinforcing bars m (h80 0.90 0 .85 0.82 0.75 0.92 1.00 methods of analysis are not quite reliable or suitable. For example, stress concentrators (grooves, notches, cavities, holes, etc.) increase stresses locally above the average value; then m < 1.0. In another case, due to the plastic reserve of ductile materials, a detail or a section may have a greater bearing capacity than supposed by the "elastic" analysis; then m > 1.0. In prestressed steel structures, the working condition factors of tendons (Table 6) are of a special interest: for instance, in tendons composed of several elements (wire ropes, cables, etc.), stress is distributed non- uniformly among the elements and, therefore, over- stressing of some elements could occur; hence, it is reasonable to introduce m < 1.0. Other working condi- tion factors m for prestressed steel structures are listed in Table 7. I t is necessary to draw the reader's attention to the fact that in the United States, a higher safety factor (v = 1.667) for constructional steels is specified than was in Europe (y = 1.50). The mentioned coefficients and parameters of the limit states design have been deter- mined to correlate with the concept of allowable stress and a safety factor v = 1.50. To employ the concept of limit states and not deviate too much from the American safety factor v = 1.667, it is reasonable to take into consideration, in addition to the other working con- dition factors, a supplemental factor m = 1.5/1.667 = 0.9. The supplemental working condition factor m = 0.9 normally need not be employed for tendons of wire- ropes, cables or wires. Limit states design using factors from Tables 3 through 6 gives approximately equivalent results as the usual U. S. design (Sec. 103). If more than one of the working condition factors m would be employed, just their product is used. However, if more than one of them is greater than 1.0, for the sake of greater safety, it is better to consider in this product only the greatest factor mmax > 1.0. Table 7. Working Condition Factors m for Prestressed Steel Structures Special detail or special type of service Parts of anchoring Prestressing tendons in zones of curvatures if stresses are figured out according to elementary elastic theory Short-acting overstressing of elements caused especially by: (a) prestretching ropes or wires; (b) increasing prestressing effects to reduce successive prestress-losses; (c) unfavorable transport or erection effects m 0.8 I 1.15° 1.10 ° The value could be raised if it is reasoned by results of tests. CONCLUSIONS The brief analysis of principal concepts of proportioning prestressed steel structures presented has demonstrated that the concept of allowable stress is not suitable at all for these structures. Special character of these structures requires the use of more ingenious concepts of which the limit states design seems to be the most suitable. The usage of the allowable stress concept for non- prestressed structures could be tolerated as long as such large safety factors like 1.667 (related to yielding point) or 3.0 (related to ultimate stress) are utilized. However, future efforts for a higher economy and lower costs of structures will lead to reductions of safety factors. Since the appropriate safety is to be maintained, there will probably be no other way than to use the limit states concept for non-prestressed structures too. 29 J A N U A R Y / 1 9 7 1 F o r t h e p resen t , des igners in t h e U n i t e d S ta tes c o u l d prof i t f rom t h e expe r i ence of t h e E u r o p e a n s a n d the i r d a t a , coefficients, a n d p a r a m e t e r s m i g h t b e a d a p t e d (see T a b l e s ) to A m e r i c a n s t a n d a r d s for t h e des ign a c c o r d i n g to t h e l imi t s tates. Never the less , t h e t i m e is a p p r o a c h i n g to t h i n k a b o u t p r e p a r a t i o n s of t h e A m e r i c a n specif icat ions. T h e first ach ievements 3 ' 2 0 ' 2 1 in this d i r ec t ion s h o u l d b e h i g h l y a p p r e c i a t e d . REFERENCES 1. Cable Roof Structures Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, Pa., Nov., 7968. 2. Howard, H. S., Jr. Suspended Structures Concepts United States Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct., 7966. 3. Bethlehem Wire Rope for Bridges, Towers, Aerial T r a m - ways and Structures Catalog 2277-A, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, Pa. 4. Roebl ing Galvanized Strand for Cable-Supported Struc- tures Bulletin A-963, C. F. & I. Steel Corp., Roebling Wire Rope, Trenton, N. J., 7966. 5. Bibliography—Structural Applications of Steel Cable Systems American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, N. Y., 7968. 6. Subcommittee 3 on Prestressed Steel of Joint ASCE-AASHO Committee of Steel Flexural Members Development and Use of Prestressed Steel Flexural Members Proc. ASCE, Journal of Structural Division, No. ST9, 7968; No. ST6, 7969. 7. Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings AISC, New York, N. Y., 7969. 8. Bresler, B., Lin, T. Y. and Scalzi, J. B. Design of Steel Structures Wiley and Sons, New York, 7968. 9. Beedle, L. S. et al. Structural Steel Design Ronald Press Co., New York, 7964. 10. Freyssinet, E. Expose d'ensemble de l'idee de precontrainte Annal. Inst. Techn. Bat. Tray., PubL, No. 77, 7949. 11. Dischinger, F. Stahlbriicken im Verbund mit Stahlbeton- druckplatten bei gleichzeitiger Vorgpannung durch hoch- wertige Seile Bauingenieur, No. 77 and 72, 7949. 12. Magnel, G. Prestressed Steel Structures Struct. Engr., No. 77, 7950; No. 7, 7957. 13. Fritz, B. Ube r die Berechnung und Konstruktion vorges- pannter , stahlerner Fachwerktrager Stahlbau, No. 8, 7955. 14. Wrycza, W. Vorgespannte Stahlkonstruktionen im Hoch- bau Beratungsstelle fur Stahlverwendung, Dusseldorf, 7959. 15. Schneider, K. H. Disposition, Ausziige und Erganzungen zur Dissertation 'Beitrag zur Theorie vorgespannter Stahlkonstruktionen' Wiss. Z. Hochsch. Bauwes. Cottbus, No. 4, 7967. 16. Mortensen, M. Bestimmung des optimalen Querschnitts vorgespannter stahlerner Vollwandtrager Stahlbau, No. 8, 7964. 17. Goldenblat, I. I. Osnovniye polozheniya metoda rastshota stroitelnikh konstrukciy po rastshotnych predelnim sos- toyaniyam Gosstroyizdat, Moscow, 7955. 18. Baldin, V. A. Rastshot stalnikh konstrukciy po rast- shotnim predelnim sostoyaniam Gosstroyizdat, Moscow, 7956. 19. O N 73 1405 Smernice pro navrhovani predpjatych ocel- ovych konstrukci Praha, UNM, 7969. 20. Vincent, G. S. Tentat ive Criteria for Load Factor Design of Steel Highway Bridges AISI, New York, N. Y., Bull. No. 75, 7969. 21. Galambos, T. V. Load Factor Design for Steel Building Structures Progress Report No. 7 to the Advisory Committee of AISI, Feb., 7970. 22. European Convention of Steel Construction Preliminary Recom- mendations for the Safe Sizing of Steel Structures Con- struction metallique, June, 7969. A I S C E N G I N E E R I N G J O U R N A L Welcome Screen Copyright Information Editors Table of Contents 1964 1st Quarter Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Zetlin, Lev Discussion Effective Column Length-Tier Buildings Higgins, T.R. Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Galambos, Theodore V. Discussion Simplifications in the Solution of Column Interaction Problems Hooper, Ira Rapp, Robert E. End Plate Connections in Plastically Designed Structures Coel, Joseph Lathrop, R.P. Onderdonk, A.B. Folded Steel Plate Roof for a Suburban Branch Bank Shogren, V.E. 2nd Quarter Fundamentals of Orthotropic Plate Design Au, Tung Chang, Jerry C. L. AISC Orthotropic Plate Design Manual Milek, W.A. Wearing Surfaces for Orthotropic Decks Gilligan, John A. The Poplar Street Bridge Shields, E.J. Discussion: Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Gould, Phillip L. 3rd Quarter Curvilinear Grid Frames Hutton, Charles R. Stiffened Thin Shell Domes Buchert, Kenneth P. The Steel Framed Dome Odom, Gerald S Stevens, David E. Research in Plastic Design of Multi-story Frames Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Wind Connections with Simple Framing Disque, Robert O. Castellated Beams - New Developments Boyer, J.P. 4th Quarter Steel is Changing the Los Angeles Skyline Johnston, Roy G. On the Lateral Support of Inelastic Columns Pincus, George Tests of Steel Moment Connections Beedle, Lynn S. Christopher, Richard Space Frame Structures Naslund, Kenneth C. The Bridge Delta Girder: Single-Webbed and Double-Webbed Hadley, Homer M. Old Bridges Give Clues to Steel Deck Performance Wolchuk, Roman Discussion: Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Hooper, Ira 1965 1st Quarter Bending Under Seated Connections Abolitz, A. Leon Warner, Marvin Effective Length of Columns in Gable Frames Lu, Le-Wu Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge Welden, Neil Lessons from Crane Runways Mueller, John E. Discussion Discussion Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams Toprac, A.A. One Engineer's Opinion (Bolting and Composite) Milek, W.A. 2nd Quarter Splices in Plastically Designed Continuous Structures Hart, Willard H. Milek, W.A. Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Chinn, James Discussion Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Hagen, Hans William Penkul, Richard C. Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Discussion Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Liu, William Y. Discussion Short Span Highway Bridges with Wide Stringer Spacing and a Two-way Reinforced Concrete Deck Grossman, Stanley Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Saxe, Van Rensselaer P. 3rd Quarter Shell Shapes Framed in Steel Geiger, David H. Plastic Design of a Three-Story Steel Frame De Buen, Oscar Plastic Design of Multi-Story Buildings-A Progress Report Driscoll, George C., Jr. Yura, Joseph A. Method of Combining Mechanisms in Plastic Analysis Pincus, George Considerations in the Design of Large-Size Welded Tubular Truss Joints Bouwkamp, J.G. Framing Connections for Square and Rectangular Structural Tubing White, Richard N. One Engineer's Opinion (Bending of Tees) Milek, W.A. Discussion: Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Walsh, Martin P., Jr. Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Murray, J.J. 4th Quarter Cost Studies of High Strength Bolted Connections Graves, Frederick E. Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Wichman, Sven H. Discussion Buckling of Framed Domes Buchert, Kenneth P. Structural Lightweight Concrete for Composite Design Jenny, Daniel P. Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Concrete Benjamin, Irwin A. Pushout Tests on Lightweight Composite Slabs Chinn, James Composite Design with Lightweight Aggregates on Building Projects Leabu, Victor F. One Engineer's Opinion (Vibration) Milek, W.A. Discussion: Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Scheiner, Alfred 1966 1st Quarter Steel Shell Roof Structures Nilson, Arthur H. Analysis Of Framed Space Structures Baer, Oliver A. Measured and Computed Stresses in Three Castellated Beams Baldwin, James W., Jr. Douty, R.T. Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Hotchkiss, John G. Discussion Torsion in Closed Sections Siev, Avinadav 2nd Quarter Lehigh Conference on Plastic Design of Multi-Story Frames-A Summary Driscoll, George C., Jr. Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. Errata Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata Discussion Errata Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Geer, Elihu Kushman, Robert L. Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Froyton, George Discussion Errata One Engineer's Opinion (Lateral Support) Milek, W.A. Discussion: Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Barnoff, Robert M. Discussion: Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Burton, John C. Hotchkiss, John G. 3rd Quarter Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Discussion Errata Analysis of Curved Steel Girder Bridges Lavelle, Francis H. Testing of a Model Curved Steel Girder Bridge Clarke, C. Bernard Small Scale Models for Steel Frameworks Litle, William A Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Discussion Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab Floors Lenzen, Kenneth H. Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata: Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. 4th Quarter A Plastic Method For Unbraced Frame Design Daniels, J. Hartley High-Strength Steels for Plastic Design Adams, Peter F. The Dry Floor; A New Approach to High Rise Apartment Buildings Newman, Joseph H. Discussion: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Bertwell, W. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Marrone, Adolph A. 1967 1st Quarter Design of Braced Multi-Story Frames by the Plastic Method Lu, Le-Wu Composite Action of Concrete Slab and Open Web Joist (Without the Use of Shear Connectors) Kaley, D.J. Wang, P.C. High-Strength Bolting Munse, W.H. Errata Discussion Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John Errata Discussion Discussion: Ponding of Two-way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Sawyer, Donald A. Errata: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress. (Paper presented April, 1966) Groyton, George Marrone, Adolph A. Errata: Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred 2nd Quarter Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira Errata A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Discussion Plastic Design of a 14-Story Apartment Building Bennett, William A. Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Wang, Chen-Hwa Discussion Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Fisher, John W. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Errata: High-Strength Bolting Munse, W.H. Errata: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John 3rd Quarter Hyperboloid Space Frames for Tower Structures Levinton, Zusse Box Girder Bridge Design Kavanagh, Thomas C. Horizontally Curved Steel Girders;Fabrication and Design Thatcher, W.M. The Evolution of German Cable Stayed Bridges- An Overall Survey Feige, Adolf Simplified Procedure to Determine Maximum Beam Deflection Koo, Benjamin Discussion: High-Strength Bolting Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John Errata: Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira 4th Quarter Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Gaylord, Edwin H. Discussion Generalized Superposition Method in Plastic Analysis Pincus, George The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Seigel, L.G. Errata Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. Errata One Engineer's Opinion (Beam Splice) Marino, Frank J. Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Shah, Manu 1968 1st Quarter Economic Study of a Braced Multi-Story Steel Frame Galambos, Theodore V. Williams, James B. Analysis of Cables as Equivalent Two-Force Members Kudder, Robert J. Tung, David H.H. An Investigation of the Effective Concrete Slab Width for Composite Construction Guthrie, Lucian Hagood, Thomas A. Hoadley, Peter G. Automated Design of Space Trusses Patton, Fredrick W. Weaver, William, Jr. Test on Diaphragm Behavior of Dry-Floor System with Steel-Edged Gypsum Planks Jeng Fang, Pen Discussion: Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Wahl, Howard W. Wang, Chen-Hwa Errata: The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Seigel, L.G. Errata: Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. 2nd Quarter A Cost Evaluation of Space Trusses of Large Span Geiger, David H. Shear Strength of Thin Flange Composite Specimens Goble, George G. Amplification Factors for Beam-Columns Koo, Benjamin The Use of Viscoelastic Material to Damp Vibration in Buildings and Large Structures Nelson, Frederick C. Discussion: Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Gaylord, Edwin H. Gurfinkel, German 3rd Quarter A Composite Action Duct-Beam System Shah, Kirit N. Vergun, Dimitry K. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns Rubinsky, Moe A. Automated Analysis of Grid Beam Systems Elleby, Hotten A. Deformation Analysis of Structures Near Collapse Load Lavingia, Kishor P. 4th Quarter Analysis of Horizontally Curved Bridges Gillespie, James W. Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Stetina, Henry J. Discussion Determining the Cost of Welded Joints Donnelly, J.A. Design Curves for Plastic Design of Uniformly Loaded Steel Beams Hill, Louis A., Jr. Vanderplaats, Garret N. Space Frame Buckling Buchert, Kenneth P. Admissible Loads of Gable Frames Cheng, Franklin Y. 1969 1st Quarter Bridge Construction Details Lally, Andrew Milek, W.A. Discussion Proposed Working Stresses for Fillet Welds in Building Construction Higgins, T.R. Preece, F.R. Design of Unstiffened Girders Abolitz, A. Leon Some Non-Conventional Cases of Column Design Dalal, Suresh T. Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Klayton, Thurston Stetina, Henry J. 2nd Quarter Correlation of Discontinuities and Physical Properties in Steel Weldments Criscuolo, E.L. Reliability Assurance in Navy's Welded Steel Shore Structures Amirikian, Arsham Assurance of Reliability in Fabricated Steel Structures Through Nondestructive Testing Olsson, D.A. Use of Ultrasonic Testing in the Structural Steel Industry Wehrmeister, Allen E. Reliability in Building Construction Through Nondestructive Testing Greenberg, Simon A. 3rd Quarter Push-up Steel Construction Hansen, Robert J. Exposed Steel Framing on High Rise Buildings Nassetta, Anthony F. Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. Errata Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Abdul-Baki, Assad Bartel, Dean Discussion: Bridge Construction Details Vansant, G.F. 4th Quarter Moment-Rotation Characteristics of Shear Connections Kennedy, D.J.L. Another Approach to Simplified Design of a Curved Steel Girder Ketchek, Konstantin Yield-Line Analysis and Design of Grids Cannon, John P. Steel Plate Analysis by Finite Elements Firkins, Norman L. A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames De Buen, Oscar Errata Errata: Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. 1970 1st Quarter Homogeneous and Hybrid Girder Design in the 1969 AISC Specification Milek, W.A. Analysis of Curved Girder Bridges Bednar, David Brogan, Darryl Culver, Charles Preliminary Wind Analysis of Multistory Bents Ben-Arroyo, Abraham Composite Open-Web Steel Joists Galambos, Theodore V. Tide, Raymond H.R. Errata: A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames (pp. 142, 144, 145) De Buen, Oscar 2nd Quarter Design of Steel Bearing Plates Fling, Russell S. Discussion Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems Weissman, Herbert A. Errata Preliminary Design of Curved Bridges Heins, Conrad P. Siminou, Javid Calculator for Beam-column Design Ting, Ea-Lu One Engineer's Opinion (Rectangular Section Beams) Milek, W.A. 3rd Quarter Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box Girders by the M/R-Method Fountain, Richard S. Tung, David H.H. Maximum A325 and A490 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Fisher, John W. Discussion Minimum Cost Structures by Dynamic Programming Goble, George G. Moses, Fred Errata: Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems (pp. 44, 45) Weissman, Herbert A. 4th Quarter Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 1-Response of Steel Columns to Temperature Exposure McLaughlin, E.R. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 2-Structural Analysis Kar, Anil K. West, Harry H. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 3-Design Considerations Khan, Fazlur R. Nassetta, Anthony F. One Engineer's Opinion (Multistory Bracing) Disque, Robert O. Discussion: Design of Steel Bearing Plates Gogate, Anand B. Sling, Russell S. 1971 1st Quarter The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion Painting Structural Steel Keane, John D. Noncombustible Schools for Omaha Alsmeyer, William C. Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel? Amrhein, Francis Gene Tochacek, Miloslav Discussion: Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Fisher, John W. Winter, George 2nd Quarter The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Discussion Discussion Automated Optimum Design of Unstiffened Girder Cross Sections Goble, George G. Moses, Fred Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Shermer, Carl L. Discussion Treatment of Eccentrically-loaded Connections in the AISC Manual Higgins, T.R. Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Fisher, John W. Ollgaard, Jorgen G. Slutter, Roger G. Discussion Errata 3rd Quarter Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Pinkney, R. Bruce Popov, Egor P. Adapting the AISC Specification to Computer-Aided Design Fenves, Steven J. Gaylord, Edwin H. Goel, Surendra K. Lightweight Concrete-on-Steel Composite Beams Baldwin, James W., Jr. McGarraugh, Jay B. Classification of Steels for Structures Column Research Council Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Macadam, John N. 4th Quarter Load Factor Design for Steel Highway Bridges Hansell, W.C. Viest, Ivan M. Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Disque, Robert O. Discussion Simplified Plastic Analysis for Reinforced Web Holes Redwood, R.G. Recommended Design Procedures for Beams with Web Openings Bower, John E. The Staggered Truss System-Structural Considerations Scalzi, John B. Discussion: Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. 1972 1st Quarter Tables for Plastic Design of Beams with Rectangular Holes Redwood, R.G. Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Walker, William H. Wright, Richard N. Discussion The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Errata Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Adams, Peter F. Johnston, Bruce G. Yura, Joseph A. Zweig, Alfred 2nd Quarter Simplified High-Rise Drift Analysis and Optimized Adjustment Fleischer, Walter H. Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Buchert, Kenneth P. Discussion Experimental Study of a Schwedler Rigid Framed Dome Beaufait, Fred Beavers, James E. Torsional Properties of Composite Girders Heins, Conrad P. Kuo, John T.C. Discussion: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Chinn, James 3rd Quarter A Stub-Girder System for High-Rise Buildings Colaco, Joseph P. A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Nethercot, D.A. Rockey, K.C. Discussion Load Factor Design of Steel Buildings Galambos, Theodore V. Stiffness Coefficients of Beam-Columns with Non-Prismatic Members Eimer, N. Stack-Staikidis, W.J. Discussion: Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Wiesner, Kenneth B. Errata: The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Errata: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete. (Paper presented April, 1971) Chinn, James 4th Quarter Investigation of Triangular Heats Applied to Mild Steel Plates Nicholls, J.I. Weerth, D.E. Direct Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Loading Celenza, Eugene Phang, Michael K.S. Effective Length of Columns with Intermediate Axial Load Sandhu, Balbir S. Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns Anderson, John P. Woodward, James H. Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Discussion: Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Murray, Thomas M. Discussion: Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Koo, Benjamin 1973 1st Quarter Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Fisher, John W. Oyeledun, Abayomi O Struik, John H.A. Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Baseheart, T.M. McDonough, J.F. Ringo, B.C. Graphical Solution for Selection of Web Splice Bolts Mehta, Narendra K. Powers, J.J. Fast Check for Ponding Burgett, Lewis B. Plastic Design Applied to Trusses Croucher, Meredith W. Fisher, James M. 2nd Quarter Inelastic K-factor for Column Design Disque, Robert O. A Prestressed Composite Girder for Short Span Bridges Anand, Subhash C. Headed Steel Anchor under Combined Loading Fisher, John W. McMackin, Patrick J. Slutter, Roger G. A Rapid Solution of Vierendeel Frames Abdul-Shafi, A. Selection of a ""Trial"" Column Section Burgett, Lewis B. Discussion: A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Chinn, James Piepenburg, Dwayne D. 3rd Quarter Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Discussion Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. Errata Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Discussion 4th Quarter Recent Developments in Steel Building Design Beedle, Lynn S. Lu, Le-Wu Ozer, Erkan Quality Control in Design and Supervision Can Eliminate Lamellar Tearing Thornton, Charles H. Steel Box Girder Bridges Lally, Andrew Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Discussion Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Stetina, Henry J. Errata: Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. 1974 1st Quarter Cable-Stayed Bridges Podolny, Walter, Jr. Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Discussion Discussion Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High-Rise Structures Taranath, B.S. Errata Rapid Selection of W Columns (AASHO Method of Design) Mehta, Narendra K. 2nd Quarter Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Barnoff, Robert M. Mead, Edwin O'Neil, Richard Watson, James Experimental Investigation of Lug Stresses and Failures Hackett, R.M. Tolbert, R.N. Yield Line Analysis of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Kapp, Richard Light Gage Steel Infill Panels in Multistory Steel Frames Miller, Craig J. Discussion: Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Errata: Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High Rise Structures Taranath, B.S. 3rd Quarter Simplified Seismic Drift Analysis of High-Rise Steel Frames Fleischer, Walter H. Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formulas Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata Dynamic Analysis of Multistory Buildings Sandhu, Balbir S. Lateral Instability of Castellated Beams Chesson, Eugene, Jr. Pattanayak, Umesh C. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Kapp, Richard 4th Quarter Errata: Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Colaco, Joseph P. Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Colaco, Joseph P. Errata Innovative Approaches to the Erection of Tension Roof Structures Cuoco, Daniel A. Thornton, Charles H. Approximate Analytical Model for Multistory Frames LeMessurier, William J. McNamara, Robert J. Scrivener, J.C. Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Podolny, Walter, Jr. Discussion Errata: Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formula Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. 1975 1st Quarter Application of AISC Design Provisions for Tapered Members Lee, G.C. Morrell, M.L. Directional Moment Connections--A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Disque, Robert O. Discussion Panel Zone Effect on the Strength and Stiffness of Steel Rigid Frames Becker, Roy Simplified Solution to Interaction Equation Babyak, R. Carey Phang, Michael K.S. One Engineer's Opinion (Interaction Equations) Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Jones, Norman B. Milek, W.A. 2nd Quarter Structural System; Standard Oil of Indiana Building (T.R. Higgins Award) Picardi, E. Alfred Eccentrically Loaded Slip-Resistant Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. Seismic Drift Control Criteria Teal, Edward J. Errata Nomograph for Design of Channel Section Beams Maitra, N. Discussion: Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Kavanagh, Thomas C. 3rd Quarter Design of Columns Subject to Biaxial Bending Springfield, John Design to Prevent Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Errata Discussion Preliminary Base Plate Selection Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata: Seismic Drift Control Criteria Teal, Edward J. 4th Quarter Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Teal, Edward J. Discussion Errata Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. 1976 1st Quarter AISC Column Design Logic Makes Sense for Composite Columns, Too Furlong, Richard W. Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Cheong-Siat-Moy, F. Errata Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Falby, W.E. Lee, G.C. Errata A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Chong, Ken P. Errata The Effective Length of Unbraced Single Story Columns Marx, Christopher Discussion 2nd Quarter Modern Approaches to Solution of the Wind Problems of Long Span Bridges (T.R. Higgins) Scanlon, Robert H. Structural Steel and Fire; More Realistic Analysis Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Bird, William R. Errata Discussion Discussion Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Cooper, Peter B. Kussman, Richard L. Errata Discussion Discussion: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings SEAOC Seismology Committee Teal, Edward J. Discussion: Directional Moment Connections-A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Wiesner, Kenneth B. Errata: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Teal, Edward J. Errata: Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Falby, W.E. Lee, G.C. 3rd Quarter The New Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures Johnston, Bruce G. In-Plane Fatigue Strength of Plates with Laminar Discontinuities Brockenbrough, R.L. Owens, D.E. A Simple Approach to Truss Deflections Tsai, Wan-Tswan Girder Stiffness Distribution for Unbraced Columns Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. On Inelastic Column Buckling Smith, C.V., Jr. Discussion Errata: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Cooper, Peter B. Kussman, Richard L. Errata: Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Cheong-Siat-Moy, F. Errata: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates 4th Quarter A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 1; Pin Jointed Systems LeMessurier, William J. Errata Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Fiesenheiser, E.I. Ronan, J.G. A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata Discussion Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Driscoll, George C., Jr. Errata Discussion: The Effective Length of Unbraced Singal Story Columns Green, Robert W. Discussion: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Redwood, R.G. Discussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Douty, R.T. 1977 1st Quarter Fracture and Fatigue Control in Steel Structures Rolfe, S.T. Capacity of Columns with Splice Imperfections Popov, Egor P. Stephen, Roy M. Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck Fisher, John W. Grant, John A., Jr. Slutter, Roger G. Errata: A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis (Part 1 - Pin Jointed Systems) LeMessurier, William J. Errata: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Disscussion: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Disscussion: On Inelasic Column Buckling Matz, Charles A. Disscussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Bird, William R. 2nd Quarter A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 2; Rigid Frames LeMessurier, William J. Multistory Rigid Frames with Composite Girders Under Gravity and Lateral Forces Schaffhausen, Robert J. Wegmuller, Anton W. Direct Feasible and Optimal Design of Laterally Unsupported Beams* Brandt, G. Donald 3rd Quarter Floor Vibrations and Cantilevered Construction Hendrick, William E. Murray, Thomas M. Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. Discussion Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Discussion Discussion Errata A Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings Magnusson, Sven Erik Pettersson, Ove Thor, Jorgen Discussion: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Birdsall, Blair Samelson, Harold Errata: Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Driscoll, George C., Jr. 4th Quarter Fatigue Strength of Steel Members with Welded Details (T.R. Higgins Award) Fisher, John W. Yen, Ben T. Mill Building Design Procedure Bakota, John F. Discussion Discussion The Mysterious 1/3 Stress Increase Ellifritt, Duane S. History of Steel Beam Design Galambos, Theodore V. 1978 1st Quarter An Introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design for Steel Buildings Hansell, W.C. Pinkham, C.W. Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Galambos, Theodore V. Ravindra, M.K. Errata LRFD Design Office Study Wiesner, Kenneth B. Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. 2nd Quarter Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods (T.R. Higgins Award) Teal, Edward J. Discussion A Fresh Look at Bolted End- Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata Discussion Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Maitra, N. Errata End Restraints on Steel Joist Floor Vibrations Carrle, Gunther Wang, Leon Ru-Liang Fire Safety Of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Law, Margaret Errata Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members (Lin) Lin, Phillip H. Errata: Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Galambos, Theodore V. Ravindra, M.K. 3rd Quarter Design of an Eccentrically Braced Steel Frame Popov, Egor P. Roeder, Charles W. Shear in Beam-Column Joints in Seismic Design of Steel Frames Krawinkler, Helmut Discussion: Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods Berg, Glen V. A Method for the Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames De Buen, Oscar The AISC Quality Certification Program Peshek, Charles, Jr. Errata: Fire Safety of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Law, Margaret 4th Quarter Behavior of Bearing Critical Double-Angle Beam Connections Birkemoe, Peter C. Gilmor, Michael I. Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Lie, T.T. Box Girder Bridge Design; State of the Art Heins, Conrad P. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Diefenderfer, C.F. Errata: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata: Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Maitra, N. 1979 1st Quarter Plastic Design Aids for Pinned-Base Gabled Frames Beskos, Dimitrios E. Manolis, George D. Allowable Axial Stresses in Segmented Columns Barnes, D.W. Mangelsdorf, C.P. Analysis of Vierendeel Frames for Deflections Abdul-Shafi, A. Combined Shear and Tension on Grouted Base Details Adihardjo, Rianto Soltis, Lawrence A. 2nd Quarter Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Kanchanalai, T. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion Strength Design in Steel Using Programmable Calculators Anderson, James C. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Agerskov, Henning Griffiths, John D. Krishnamurthy, N. McGuire, William Rimmer, Norman W. Wooten, J.M. 3rd Quarter Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings (T.R. Higgins Award) Hansen, Robert J. Reed, John W. Vanmarcke, Erik H. Prefabricated Press-Formed Steel T-Box Girder Bridge System GangaRao, H.V.S. Taly, Narendra Optimum Design of Steel Pipe Racks Arya, Suresh C. Feng, Edward G. Pincus, George A Simple Formula for the Polar Second Moment of Area of a Regular Skew-Symmetric Bolt Group Bradfield, C.D. Irvine, H.M. 4th Quarter A Specification for the Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns Structural Stability Research Council, Task Group 20 Efficiency of Tubular Framing for Medium-Height Buildings Leffler, Robert E. Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Hawes, William H. Errata Discussion: Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Nethercot, D.A. Errata: A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Chong, Ken P. 1980 1st Quarter Moment Resisting Connections for Mixed Construction Hawkins, Neil M. Mitchell, Denis Roeder, Charles W. Steel Supported Masonry Walls Soltis, Lawrence A. Tuan, Young-Bee One Engineer's Opinion Fisher, James M. Elastic Buckling of a Column Under Varying Axial Force Shrivastava, Suresh C. Anchor Bolt Design for Shear and Tension Kharod, Umesh J. 2nd Quarter Computer-Aided Design of Stub-Girder System Gotschall, John A. Wang, P.C. Torsional Strength and Stiffness of Steel Structures Shermer, Carl L. The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Gillett, Paul E. Kriegh, James D. Lewis, Brett A. Richard, Ralph M. 3rd Quarter Some Aspects of Stub-Girder Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Bjorhovde, Reidar Zimmerman, T.J. An Update on Eccentric Seismic Bracing Popov, Egor P. A Cautionary Note on Beam Copes Milek, W.A. Fast Design of Beams with Cb Greater Than 1.0 Burgett, Lewis B. Tide, Raymond H.R. 8th Edition Manual Errata 4th Quarter Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Steel Frames with Composite Beams De Buen, Oscar Eccentrically Loaded Weld Groups; AISC Design Tables Tide, Raymond H.R. Errata Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Agrawal, Krishna M. Stafiej, Andrew P. Errata Detailing to Achieve Practical Welded Fabrication Blodgett, Omer W. 1981 1st Quarter An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Ainso, Heino Hoptay, Joseph M. Discussion Generalized Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Bending Moment Monasa, Frank Snyder, John K. Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Hawkins, Neil M. Roeder, Charles W. Errata: Eccentrically Loaded Weld Group--AISC Design Tables Tide, Raymond H.R. Errata: Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Hawes, William H. 2nd Quarter Preliminary Analysis and Member Sizing of Tall Tubular Steel Buildings El Nimeiri, Mahjoub M. Tang, John W. Wong, Chow H. Analysis and Design of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Anand, Subhash C. Bertz, Richard F. A Graphical Method for Design of Cantilevered and Suspended Span Beams Mehta, Purushottam B. Nomograph for Design of Power Plant and Industrial Precipitator Shell Maitra, N. Stress Reduction Factor for Unsupported Lengths Roy, Ranjit Acceptability Criterion for Occupant-Induced Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. 3rd Quarter Load and Resistance Factor Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Galambos, Theodore V. Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Discussion Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 1) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion Discussion: An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Sears, Frank D. Errata: Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Agrawal, Krishna M. Stafiej, Andrew P. Book Review: Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings, Vol. SB Haaijer, Geerhard 4th Quarter Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Disque, Robert O. Young, Ned W. Discussion Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Libby, James R. Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 2) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion 1982 1st Quarter Predesigned Bolted Framing Angle Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Computing The Effective Plastic Moment Carskaddan, Phillip S. Grubb, Michael A. Haaijer, Geerhard Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Plastic Behavior of Beams with Mid-Depth Web Openings Afifi Aglan, Ahmed Qaqish, Samih Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 3) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA 2nd Quarter Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata Discussion Discussion Discussion Errata Correction Steel Members Subject to Axial Tension and Biaxial Bending Moments Hsu, C.T.T. Errata: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-up or Composite Members Gossett, Stephen R. Discussion Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Brandt, G. Donald Discussion Discussion Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 4) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Marx, Christopher Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 2) Wolchuk, Roman Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 1) Clark, J.W. 3rd Quarter Seismic Steel Framing Systems for Tall Buildings Popov, Egor P. A General Solution for Eccentric Loads on Weld Groups Brandt, G. Donald Lateral Wind Bracing Requirements for Steel Composite Bridges Heins, Conrad P. Hou, C.K. Kato, H. Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Iwankiw, Nestor R. Schlafly, Thomas Discussion: Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Griffiths, John D. 4th Quarter Tips for Avoiding Crane Runway Problems Ricker, David T. Allowable Stress for Bending Members Maitra, N. Discussion Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Discussion Discussion Discussion: Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-Up or Composite Members Chesson, E., Jr. Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Marsh, Cedric Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Salmon, Charles G. 1983 1st Quarter Calculation of Wind Drift in Staggered-Truss Buildings Leffler, Robert E. End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Discussion Considerations in the Design of Bolted Joints for Weathering Steel Brockenbrough, R.L. Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Brandt, G. Donald Iwankiw, Nestor R. 2nd Quarter Buckling of One-Story Frames Schilling, Charles G. Discussion Closure Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Shipp, John G. Discussion Steel Shear Walls for Existing Buildings Baldelli, Joseph A., Jr. Some Economic Considerations for Composite Floor Beams Lorenz, Robert F. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. 3rd Quarter Interactive Computer Graphics in Steel Analysis/Design--A Progress Report McGuire, William Pesquera, Carlos I. The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. Discussion Economics of Low-Rise Steel-Framed Structures Ruddy, John L. Discussion: Allowable Stress for Bending Members Parikh, Prabhakar Discussion: Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Popov, Egor P. 4th Quarter Steel Box Girder Bridges-Design Guides and Methods Heins, Conrad P. Design of Lightly Loaded Steel Column Base Plates Murray, Thomas M. Web Design Under Compressive Edge Loads Elgaaly, Mohamed Lateral Stiffness of Core/Outrigger Systems Boggs, P.C. Gasparini, D.A. Analysis of Knee-Braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading Surtees, John O. Vilas, Howard K. 1984 1st Quarter Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion Discussion Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Nair, R. Shankar Errata Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Odeh, M. David Discussion End-Plate Moment Connections- Their Use and Misuse Griffiths, John D. Errata Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles Lay, M.G. Leigh, J.M. Thomas, B.F. Structural System--Getty Plaza Tower Wong, Charles Engineering for Steel Construction Disque, Robert O. Introduction to the Proposed AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification Edinger, John A. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. 2nd Quarter Finite Element Modeling of Girders with Large Web Openings Berak, E.G. Watwood, V.B. Structural Engineering for the 80's and Beyond McGuire, William Errata: End-Plate Moment Connections: Their Use and Misuse Unknown Author Economical Steel Plate Girder BridgesEconomical Steel Plate Girder Bridges Knight, Richard P. Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Abrahams, Michael J. Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yoganandan, Naryan Simplified Approach to the Analysis and Design of Columns with Imperfections Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Discussion: Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Sherman, William C. Shipp, John G. Book Review: Detailing for Steel Construction (AISC) Stanczak, John S. Design Aid for Deflection of Simple Beams Under Concentrated Loads Mazzarella, M. Max, Sr. Discussion: The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. 3rd Quarter Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Errata Bracing Connections for Heavy Construction Thornton, William A. Industrial Buildings-Guidelines and Criteria Fisher, James M. A Composite Girder System for Joist Supported Slabs Rongoe, James Column Web Compression Strength at End-Plate Connections Hendrick, Alan Murray, Thomas M. Discussion: Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Fleischer, Walter H. Odeh, M. David Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Fouad, Fouad H. Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Lorenz, Robert F. Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata 4th Quarter The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections Boothby, Thomas E. Discussion Direct Determination of Required Rigidities for Multiple-Bracing Frames Wechsler, Marius B. Discussion: Buckling of One-Story Frames Correnti, Dan S. Springfield, John Zweig, Alfred Closure: Buckling of One-Story Frames Schilling, Charles G. Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Adjusting the Beam-line Method for Positive-moment Yielding Carskaddan, Phillip S. Grubb, Michael A. Haaijer, Geerhard Correction: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Discussion: Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Becker, Edward P. Richard, Ralph M. Analysis of Knee-braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading: Part 2-Columns of Unequal Stiffness Surtees, John O. Vilas, Howard K. Nonlinear Analysis of Eccentric Bolted Connections Rutenberg, Avigdor 1985 1st Quarter Design and Optimization of Plate Girders and Weld-fabricated Beams for Building Construction Fleischer, Walter H. Errata: Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Lorenz, Robert F. Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata: Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Ainso, Heino Batson, Gordon B. Hopper, Bruce E. Automated Search for Optimal Standard Sections Ginsburg, S. Kaaz, G. A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Moore, William E., II Discussion Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Errata Anchorage of Steel Building Components to Concrete Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Moore, Jay P. Discussion Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Chen, Wai-Fah Gerstle, Kurt H. Lui, E.M. Discussion: Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplication Factor Lu, Le-Wu Yura, Joseph A. Discussion: Design of Single-Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Becker, Edward P. Richard, Ralph M. 2nd Quarter Deflections of Stepped Beams and Girders Yamamoto, Y. Eugene Procedure for a Design and Analysis of Hanger-type Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Prying Action- A General Treatment Thornton, William A. Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength--Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar New Design Criteria for Gusset Plates in Tension Bjorhovde, Reidar Hardash, Steve G. Errata: Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Nair, R. Shankar Book Review: Design of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Solids (Gaylord & Gaylord, Prentice-Hall, 1984) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-Rolled Sections Lampitt, Edwin A. Discussion Bolt Preload Measurements Using Ultrasonic Methods Notch, James S. 3rd Quarter Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Errata Allowable Bending Stresses for Overhanging Monorails Tanner, N. Stephen Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections Polyzois, D. Yura, Joseph A. Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Errata Testing Method to Determine Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. 4th Quarter LRFD Analysis and Design of Beams with Partially Restrained Connections Goverdhan, Arvind Lindsey, Stanley D. Loannides, Socrates A. A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements Fisher, James M. Lutz, Leroy A. Effective Width Criteria for Composite Beams Bjorhovde, Reidar Vallenilla, Cesar R. Discussion: The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections Boothby, Thomas E. A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Kane, Thomas Loomis, Kenneth M. Thornton, William A. 1986 1st Quarter Stepped Columns: A Simplified Design Method Castiglioni, Carlo A. Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Amin, Navin R. Louie, Jason J.C. Popov, Egor P. Stephen, Roy M. Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination Bowman, Mark D. Jarosch, K.H. Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Discussion: A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Budeshtsky, Rudolf J. Writing for Publication: The Engineer's Obligation Friedstein, Harriet Effective Length Factor for the Design of X-bracing Systems El-Tayem, Adel A. Goel, Subhash C. 2nd Quarter The Disposable Knee-bracing Technique in Steel Frames Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario A Programmable Solution for Stepped Crane Columns Moore, William E., II Some Design Considerations for Composite-frame Structures Griffis, Lawrence G. Effect of Overspray and Incomplete Masking of Faying Surfaces on the Slip Resistance of Bolted Connections Frank, Karl H. Polyzois, D. Discussion: Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Moore, Jay P. Use of High-strength Steel for Simply Supported Beams Wechsler, Marius B. Limit Analysis and Plastic Design of Grid Systems Vukov, Ante Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Brockenbrough, R.L. Garrett, J.H., Jr. 3rd Quarter Plastic Analysis of Pinned-base Haunched Gable Frames Parsanejad, S. The Use of Jumbo Shapes in Non-column Applications American Institute of Steel Construction Design Solutions Utilizing the Staggered-steel Truss System Cohen, Michael P. Ponding of Concrete Deck Floors Ruddy, John L. Discussion: Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-rolled Sections Lampitt, Edwin A. Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Brady, Frank Kennedy, John B. Seddeik, Mokhtar Combined Shear and Tension Stresses Goel, Subhash C. A Modified Tube Concept for Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar 4th Quarter Earthquake-resistant Design of Double-angle Bracings Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Goel, Subhash C. Hanson, Robert D. Errata Viscoelastic Damping Devices Proving Effective in Tall Buildings Caldwell, D.B. Least Cost Computer-aided Design of Steel Girders Anderson, Katherine E. Chong, Ken P. Moments on Beam-Columns with Flexible Connections in Braced Frames Brown, Jack H. Erecting the Staggered-truss System: A View from the Field Hassler, Arthur E. A Beam Design Aid for Structural Tubing Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. 1987 1st Quarter The AASHTO Guide Specification for Alternate Load-factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Grubb, Michael A. Plate Girder Design Using LRFD Zahn, Cynthia J. Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Correction Design of a Rolled Beam Bridge by New AASHTO Guide Specification for Compact Braced Sections Holt, Robert C. Hourigan, Edward V. Computer-aided Design of Horizontally Curved Girders by the V-load Method Poellot, William N., Jr. 2nd Quarter Behavior of Semi-rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Experience with Use of Heavy W Shapes in Tension Fisher, John W. Pense, Alan W. Errata: Earthquake-Resistant Design of Double-angle Bracing Unknown Author The Significance of Weld Continuities Regarding Plastic Failure Gresnigt, A.M. The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams Zahn, Mark C. 3rd Quarter Jointless Bridge Decks Wasserman, Edward P. Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Errata Applications of Orthotropic Decks in Bridge Rehabilitation Wolchuk, Roman Design of Diagonal Cross Bracings: Part 1 Theoretical Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Discussion Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Barsom, J.M. Discussion 4th Quarter Simplified Frame Design of Type PR Construction Ackroyd, Michael H. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Lin, Jihshya McCauley, Robert D. Composite Cable-stayed Bridges The Concept with the Competitive Edge Taylor, Peter R. Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolt and Weld Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion 1988 1st Quarter Field Welding to Existing Steel Structures Ricker, David T. A Conceptual Approach to Prevent Crack-related Failure of Steel Bridges McNamara, Michael P. Verma, Krishna K. Columns: From Theory to Practice Bjorhovde, Reidar Understanding Composite Beam Design Methods Using LRFD Lorenz, Robert F. Flexural-torsional Buckling for Pairs of Angles Used as Columns Brandt, G. Donald Code of Standard Practice For Steel Buildings and Bridges Unknown Author 2nd Quarter Design of 8-bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Kukreti, Anant R. Murray, Thomas M. Discussion Discussion: Simplified Design of 8-Bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Griffiths, John D. Wooten, J.M. Optimal Design of Cantilever-suspended Girders Gurfinkel, German Errata: Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams with Ribbed Metal Deck Using LRFD Specifications Foley, Christopher M. Vinnakota, Murthy R. Vinnakota, Sriramula LRFD and the Structural Engineering Curriculum Geschwindner, Louis F. 3rd Quarter A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Lui, E.M. Discussion Errata Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Davison, J. Buick Kirby, Patrick A. Nethercot, D.A. Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Haaijer, Geerhard Zahn, Cynthia J. Parking Structure with a Post-tensioned Deck Bakota, John F. Errata: Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Discussion: Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolts and Weld Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Traian, Miguel 4th Quarter Preliminary Minimum Weight Design of Moment Frames for Lateral Loading Grigorian, Mark Grigorian, Carl A New Approach to Floor Vibration Analysis Tolaymat, Raed A. Secondary Stresses in Trusses Nair, R. Shankar Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Galambos, Theodore V. Kubo, Masahiro Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Correction Discussion Reinforcing Loaded Steel Compression Members Brown, Jack H. 1989 1st Quarter Serviceability Guidelines for Steel Structures Ellingwood, Bruce R. Design of Tee Framing Shear Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Nadar, Marwan N. Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Call, Steven M. McMullin, Kurt M. Discussion The Reinforcement of Steel Columns Tall, Lambert 2nd Quarter Column Flange Strength at Moment End-Plate Connections Curtis, Larry E. Murray, Thomas M. Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Errata Uniform Pin-based Crane Columns, Effective Lengths Fraser, Donald J. Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Engelhardt, Michael D. Popov, Egor P. Ricles, James M. 3rd Quarter Some Practical Aspects of Column Base Selection Ricker, David T. Correction: Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Correction: Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. The Results of Experiments on Seated Beam Connections Dailey, Ronald H. Roeder, Charles W. Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Duerr, David Errata Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Arciszewski, T. Olowokere, O.D. Uduma, K. What Structural Engineers and Fabricators Need to Know About Weld Metal Miller, Duane K. Selecting Laterally Unsupported Beams of Least Weight Brandt, G. Donald Design Aid for Required Moment of Inertia of Simple Beams Eisenman, Mark L. 4th Quarter Autostress Design Using Compact Welded Beams Grubb, Michael A. On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Chen, Wai-Fah Duan, Lian Sohal, Iqbal S. Discussion Cambering Steel Beams Ricker, David T. Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. Discussion: Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracings-Part 1: Theoretical Study; Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Stoman, Sayed H. 1990 1st Quarter Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Behavior and Design of Flexibly- Connected Building Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. Gerstle, Kurt H. Notes on Bracing Design Wyczolkowski, Adam Approximate Plastic Modulus of Wide Flange Beam Sections Gilsanz, Ramon Allowable Bending Stress of Steel Pipes Chakrabarti, S.K. Discussion: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Carskaddan, Phillip S. Lui, E.M. Discussion: Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Stecich, J. Errata: Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Errata: Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Duerr, David Errata: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Lui, E.M. 2nd Quarter Design of Connectors in Web-Flange Beam or Girder Splices Green, Deborah L. Kulak, Geoffrey L. The In-Plane Stability of a Frame Containing Pin-Based Stepped Columns Fraser, Donald J. Practical Analysis of Semi- Rigid Frames Barakat, Munzer Chen, Wai-Fah Electronic Spreadsheet Tools for Semi- Rigid Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. Usman, Ali Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Folse, Michael D. Harris, Barton H. 3rd Quarter Experimental Study of Gusseted Connections Gross, John L. Hardness Testing of Thermal Cut Edges of Steel Wilson, Alexander D. Inconsistencies in Column Base Plate Design in the New AISC ASD Manual Ahmed, Salahuddin Kreps, Robert R. Design of Small Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns Thornton, William A. LRFD Beam Tables for Structural Tubes Sputo, Thomas Short Span Pre-Stressed Steel Bridges Densford, Thomas A. Hendrick, Thomas L. Murray, Thomas M. Discussion: Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Richard, Ralph M. Errata: Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. 4th Quarter Reinforcing Steel Members and the Effects of Welding Tide, Raymond H.R. Behavior of a Two-Span Continuous Plate Girder Bridge Designed by the Alternate Load Factor Method Grubb, Michael A. Moore, Mark Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. A Method To Predict the Fire Resistance of Steel Building Columns Almand, K.H. Lie, T.T. Discussion: On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Dumonteil, Pierre Design of Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns: A Concatenation of Methods Thornton, William A. 1991 1st Quarter Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Bruneau, Michel Mahin, Stephen A. Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Chasten, Cameron P. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Fleischman, Robert B. Lu, Le-Wu Designing Longitudinal Welds for Bridge Members Alexander, Warren G. Load Combinations for Buildings Exposed to Fires Corotis, Ross B. Ellingwood, Bruce R. Redundancy in Highway Bridges Frangopol, Dan M. Nakib, Rachid 2nd Quarter Design Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames: Evaluation and Implementation Barakat, Munzer Chen, Wai-Fah Tables for Equal Single Angles in Compression Walker, Wayne W. 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid Hulshizer, Allen J. A Simplified Look at Partially Restrained Beams Geschwindner, Louis F. Design Strength of Schifflerized Angle Struts Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Madugula, Murty K.S. 3rd Quarter Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zandonini, Riccardo Zanon, Paolo Buckling of Prestressed Steel Girders Bradford, Mark A. Building Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Errata Reuse of A325 and A490 High-Strength Bolts Betancourt, Miguel Bowman, Mark D. U.S. Seismic Steel Codes Popov, Egor P. Stiffness Reduction Factor for LRFD of Columns Harichandran, Ronald S. Editor's Note: 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid (paper by Allen J. Hulshizer) Unknown Author 4th Quarter Application of Second-Order Elastic Analysis in LRFD: Research to Practice Hajjar, Jerome F. White, Donald W. Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Ricker, David T. Errata An Analytical Criterion for Buckling Strength of Built-up Compression Members Aslani, Farhang Goel, Subhash C. Unified Autostress Method Schilling, Charles G. Errata:: Building Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. 1992 1st Quarter A Method for Incorporating Live Load Reduction Provisions in Frame Analysis McGuire, William Ziemian, Ronald D. High-Strength Bolts for Bridges Beckmann, Fred R. Verma, Krishna K. Reliability of Rotational Behavior of Framing Connections Gerstle, Kurt H. Rauscher, Thomas R. The Significance and Application of Cb in Beam Design Zuraski, Patrick D. An Equivalent Radius of Gyration Approach to Flexural-Torsional Buckling for Singly Symmetric Sections Bakos, Jack D. O'Leary, James A. Forces on Bracing Systems Nair, R. Shankar 2nd Quarter Non-Slender Single Angle Struts Dagher, H. Davids, W. Elgaaly, Mohamed Eccentrically Loaded Steel Single Angle Struts Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Madugula, Murty K.S. Flexural Strength of WT Sections Ellifritt, Duane S. Samuel, Santosh Sputo, Thomas Wine, Gregory An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata 3rd Quarter Distortion-Induced Cracking During Transit Roddis, W.M. Kim Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Henderson, J.E. Packer, Jeffrey A. Wardenier, Jaap Analytical Criteria for Stitch Strength of Built-Up Compression Members Aslani, Farhang Goel, Subhash C. Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Dumonteil, Pierre Discussion Correction Application of Tuned Mass Dampers To Control Vibrations of Composite Floor Systems Vaicaitis, Rimas Webster, Anthony C. 4th Quarter Fast Check for Block Shear Burgett, Lewis B. Correction Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Blodgett, Omer W. Design Aid-Anchor Bolt Interaction of Shear and Tension Loads Scacco, Mario N. Design Chart for Vibration of Office and Residential Floors Hatfield, Frank J. Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Correction A Novel Approach for K Factor Determination Lui, E.M. Computers and Steel Design McGuire, William 1993 1st Quarter Serviceability Limit States Under Wind Load Griffis, Lawrence G. Design Strength of Concentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts Zureick, A. The Warping Constant for the W-Section with a Channel Cap Ellifritt, Duane S. Lue, Tony The Economic Impact of Overspecifying Simple Connections Carter, Charles J. Geschwindner, Louis F. Discussion: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Moore, William E., II Correction: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Dumonteil, Pierre Correction: Fast Check for Block Shear Burgett, Lewis B. 2nd Quarter Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Sputo, Thomas Discussion Discussion Correction Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists Easterling, W. Samuel Gibbings, David R. Murray, Thomas M. Earthquakes: Steel Structures Performance and Design Code Developments Marsh, James W. SI Units for Structural Steel Design American Institute of Steel Construction Composite Girders with Partial Restraints: A New Approach Wexler, Neil 3rd Quarter Shear Lag Effects in Steel Tension Members Easterling, W. Samuel Gonzalez Giroux, Lisa Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Chen, Wai-Fah Goto, Y. Kishi, N. Matsuoka, K.G. A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Azizinamini, Atorod Prakash, Bangalore 4th Quarter Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking Allen, D.E. Murray, Thomas M. LRFD Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah King, Won Sun Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Lee, Seng-Lip Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Ting, Lia-Choon Discussion Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Iwankiw, Nestor R. Sputo, Thomas Errata: ASD/LRFD Volume II- Connections Shear Tab Design Tables Unknown Author 1994 1st Quarter Removal of Yield Stress Limitation for Composite Tubular Columns Bjorhovde, Reidar Bruce, Donald A. Kenny, John R. Column Base Plate Design Table Chhabra, Surendra J. Ductility of Non-Compact Steel Bridge Beams Tabsh, Sami W. Frame Response Considering Plastic Panel Hinges Fielding, David J. 2nd Quarter Local Buckling Rules for Rotation Capacity Daali, M.L. Korol, R.M. Optimal Design of Steel Frames to Enhance Overall Stability Hjelmstad, K.D. Pezeshk, S. Composite Semi-Rigid Construction Leon, Roberto T. Geometric Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Angles Including the Effects of Toe Radii and Fillet Madhava Rao Adluri, Seshu Madugula, Murty K.S. 3rd Quarter The Accuracy of Column Stability Calculations in Unbraced Frames and the Influence of Columns with Effective Length Factors Less Than One Hajjar, Jerome F. White, Donald W. Examination of Fillet Weld Strength Bowman, Mark D. Quinn, Brian P. Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Valley, Michael Correction: Discussion of Design of Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Iwankiw, Nestor R. Sputo, Thomas Discussion: Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Iwankiw, Nestor R. Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan 4th Quarter Practical Approaches in Mill Building Columns Subjected to Heavy Crane Loads Bendapudi, Kasi V. A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column Geschwindner, Louis F. Correction Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Kajita, Yasuyuki Kojima, Toshifumi Madugula, Murty K.S. Ohama, Michihiro 1995 1st Quarter An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Chen, Wai-Fah Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Steel Frame Stability Design Visser, Mike Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Bhatti, M. Asghar Hingtgen, James E. Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Barker, Michael G. 2nd Quarter Buckling of Webs in Unsymmetric Plate Girders Frank, Karl H. Helwig, Todd A. Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column Geschwindner, Louis F. Effective Width of Composite L-Beams in Buildings Brosnan, David P. Uang, Chia-Ming 3rd Quarter Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Snyder, Russell D. Discussion Optimal Cost Design of Semi-Rigid, Low-Rise Industrial Frames Grierson, Donald E. Sherbourne, Archie N. Xu, Lei Effective Lengths of Uniform and Stepped Crane Columns Lui, E.M. Sun, Manqing Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Azizinamini, Atorod Beacham, Michael W. Kathol, Steve Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Gross, Jeremy M. Orbison, James G. Ziemian, Ronald D. 4th Quarter Steel Rigid Frames With Leaning Columns-1993 LRFD Example Folse, Michael D. Nowak, Paul S. Correction Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Thornton, William A. Partially Restrained Composite Beam-To-Girder Connections Easterling, W. Samuel Rex, Clinton O. Correction: A Practical Approach to the "Leaning" Column Geschwindner, Louis F. 1996 1st Quarter The Effect of Burrs on the Shear Capacity of Bearing Connections Saleh, Y. Zwerneman, F.J. Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Abruzzo, John Dahl, Joan S. Fisher, John W. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion Optimum Cost Design of Partially Composite Steel Beams Using LRFD Bhatti, M. Asghar Effects of the Latest LRFD Block Shear Code Change Epstein, Howard I. A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections Thornton, William A. Correction: Steel Rigid Frames with Leaning Columns Folse, Michael D. Nowak, Paul S. Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. 2nd Quarter Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Carter, Charles J. Discussion Closure Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Christopher, Bradley P. Cousins, Thomas E. Stallings, J. Michael Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Discussion Critique Errata A Closer Examination of the Axial Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts Lutz, Leroy A. Critique: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1¼-in. Diameter Bolts Flucker, Ronald L. Sharp, David F. 3rd Quarter Optimization of Large Steel Truss Structures Using Standard Cross Sections Adeli, H. Soegiarso, R. Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. Discussion Closure Designing With Structural Tubing Sherman, Donald R. Future Use of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns in Highway Bridges Itani, Ahmad M. Discussion: Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Kocsis, Peter 4th Quarter The Effect of Eccentricity on Brace-to-gusset Thornton, William A. Practical Advanced Analysis for Semi-rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Seung-Eock Formulas for Beams with Semi-rigid Connections Kotlyar, Nathan Block Shear of Structural Tees in Tension- Alternate Paths Epstein, Howard I. LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids Laman, Jeffrey A. 1997 1st Quarter Ultimate Strength Considerations for Seismic Design of the Reduced Beam Section (Internal Plastic Hinge) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix A: Beam Gravity Load Considerations Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix B: Corollary for Cover-Plated Connections (without RBS) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix C: Elastic Stiffness Change for Reduced Beam Section Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix D: Combination Detail (RBS With Nominal End Reinforcement) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Cao, Junjie Packer, Jeffrey A. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Kennedy, D.J.L. MacCrimmon, Robert A. Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Abruzzo, John Dahl, Joan S. Fisher, John W. Lu, Le-Wu 2nd Quarter Truss Analogy for Steel Moment Connections Goel, Subhash C. Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Stojadinovic, Bozidar Optimization of Large Space Frame Steel Structures Adeli, H. Soegiarso, R. The Dogbone: Back to the Future Plumier, Andre Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. Errata Errata 3rd Quarter A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Closure Errata The Restraint Girder System- Local Web Buckling Behavior and Design Considerations Wexler, Neil The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated-Beam Connections Bowman, Mark D. Chen, Wai-Fah Yang, W.H. Discussion Errata Errata Calculation of the Plastic Section Modulus Using the Computer Bauer, Dominique Bernard Discussion: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Flucker, Ronald L. Closure: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Carter, Charles J. Discussion: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Kocsis, Peter Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. 4th Quarter Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Goel, Subhash C. Leelataviwat, Sutat Stojadinovic, Bozidar Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar Errata Low-Rise Building Wind Load Provisions Chiu, Gregory L.F. Perry, Dale C. Discussion: The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Carter, Charles J. Murray, Thomas M. Thornton, William A. Errata Critique: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Wanant, Sompandh 1998 1st Quarter Steel Built-up Girders with Trapezoidally Corrugated Webs Elgaaly, Mohamed Seshadri, Anand Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Mourad, Shehab Tabsh, Sami W. Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Galambos, Theodore V. Integrity of Structural Steel After Exposure to Fire Tide, Raymond H.R. Discussion: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Biren, Joseph Dumonteil, Pierre Closure: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. 2nd Quarter Design of Crane Runway Beam with Channel Ellifritt, Duane S. Lue, Dung-Myau Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk Errata Errata Web Shear Strength of Flexural Members Segui, William T. Errata: Discussion of A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yura, Joseph A. Errata: Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar 3rd Quarter K-factors for Unbraced Frames: Alignment Chart Accuracy for Practical Frame Variations Guo, Chelsea Q. Hamid, Hazlan Abdul Roddis, W.M. Kim Optimal Stiffness Design to Limit Static and Dynamic Wind Responses of Tall Steel Buildings Chan, Chun-Man The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Carter, Charles J. Murray, Thomas M. Thornton, William A. Discussion: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Ellifritt, Duane S. Closure: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. 4th Quarter Experimental Implementation of Active Control to Reduce Annoying Floor Vibrations Hanagan, Linda M. Murray, Thomas M. Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Engelhardt, Michael D. Potyraj, Timothy J. Winneberger, Ted Zekany, Andrew J. Belt Trusses and Basements as 'Virtual' Outriggers for Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar Simplified Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Schilling, Charles G. 1999 1st Quarter Spliced Axially-Loaded Single-Angle Members in Compression Madugula, Murty K.S. Sakla, Sherief S.S. Wahba, Yohanna M.F. Semi-Rigid Frame Design Methods for Practicing Engineers Bjorhovde, Reidar Christopher, John E. Beam-Column Base Plate Design - LRFD Method Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. Errata Errata Discussion The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Gentry, Guy Nielsen, Richard J. Schmeckpeper, Edwin R. Discussion Closure 2nd Quarter Preface to the North American Design Comparisons Gilmor, Michael I. Iwankiw, Nestor R. Martinez-Romero, Enrique A Comparison of Canadian, Mexican, and United States Steel Design Standards Galambos, Theodore V. A Comparison of General Design and Load Requirements in Building Codes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States Ellingwood, Bruce R. Design Aids for Walking Vibrations in Steel Framed Floors Laman, Jeffrey A. Historical Note on K-Factor Equations Dumonteil, Pierre 3rd Quarter Seismic Performance and Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Probabilistic Modeling of Steel Moment Frames with Welded Connections Ellingwood, Bruce R. Song, Jianlin Cantilever Beam Framing Systems Hemstad, Michael Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Carter, Charles J. Zuo, Jiahong Discussion Discussion: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Ricker, David T. Closure: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Gentry, Guy Nielsen, Richard J. Schmeckpeper, Edwin R. 4th Quarter Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Anderson, James C. Compton, Jack Hayes, Walter Maranian, Peter Simon, Warner Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Ellifritt, Duane S. Sputo, Thomas Errata Sidesway Web Buckling of Steel Beams Cheng, J.J.R. Grondin, Gilbert Y. 2000 1st Quarter Errata: Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Ellifritt, Duane S. Sputo, Thomas Inelastic Design and Testing of Steel Bridges Comprising Noncompact Sections Barker, Michael G. Hartnagel, Bryan A. Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Kodur, V.K.R. MacKinnon, David H. Modeling of Support Conditions at the Bases of Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Goel, Subhash C. Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Stojadinovic, Bozidar 2nd Quarter A New Approach for Design of Steel Beam-Columns Aminmansour, Abbas Developments in Long Span Composite Slabs Easterling, W. Samuel Widjaja, Budi R. Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. 3rd Quarter Examination of AISC LRFD Shear Lag Design Provisions Kirkham, William J. Miller, Thomas H. LRFD Beam-Column Graphical Design Aid Keil, William J. Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata 4th Quarter Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Cheng, J.J.R. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Steel Girder Bridges Deng, Linzhong Ghosn, Michel Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Beck, Hermann Engelhardt, Michael D. Kates, Zachary Stasney, Blake Discussion: Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Milbradt, K.P. Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. Errata: Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif 2001 1st Quarter The Use of Orthotropic Decks in Redecking of Bridges Wolchuk, Roman Fundamentals of Beam Bracing Yura, Joseph A. What You Should Know About Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Avent, R. Richard Mukai, David J. Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Driver, Robert G. Kennedy, D.J.L. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Medhekar, Manoj 2nd Quarter Strength of Singly Symmetric I-Shaped Beam-Columns Galambos, Theodore V. Restrained Fire Resistance Ratings in Structural Steel Buildings Gewain, Richard G. Troup, Emile W.J. Design of Mill Building Columns Using Notional Loads Schmidt, Jon A. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Bowman, Mark D. Chen, Wai-Fah Yang, W.H. 3rd Quarter The Performance and Design Checking of Chord-Angle Legs in Joist Girders Galambos, Theodore V. Tables for the Design Strength of Eccentrically-Loaded Single Angle Struts Sakla, Sherief S.S. A Technical Note: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Tide, Raymond H.R. Discussion Design of Skewed Connections Kloiber, Larry Thornton, William A. Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert Errata 4th Quarter The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Dexter, Robert J. Lu, Le-Wu Errata Design Considerations for W-Shape Flexural Members Built-Up from Plates Bankes, Michael E. Drake, Richard M. Constrained Through-Thickness Strength of Column Flanges of Various Grades and Chemistries Dexter, Robert J. Perez, Minerva I. Prochnow, Sara D. AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Errata Discussion Closure Compactness and Bracing Recommendations for Equal Leg Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Errata: Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert 2002 1st Quarter Perfobond Shear Connector for Composite Construction Medberry, Sara B. Shahrooz, Bahram M. Story-Based Effective Length Factors for Unbraced PR Frames Liu, Yuxin Xu, Lei Effect of Compound Buckling on Compression Strength of Built-up Members Duan, Lian Reno, Mark Uang, Chia-Ming Flexural Capacity and Ductility of HPS-70W Bridge Girders Azizinamini, Atorod Mans, Patrick Yakel, Aaron J. Tension Field Action in Hybrid Steel Girders Barker, Michael G. Hurst, Austin M White, Donald W. Errata: The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Dexter, Robert J. Lu, Le-Wu 2nd Quarter New Fatigue Provisions for the Design of Crane Runway Girders Fisher, James M. Van de Pas, Julius P. Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Fisher, James M. Thomas, Steven J. Errata Discussion A Technical Note: Comparison of Design Specifications for Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Sputo, Thomas Discussion Closure Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members D'Aiuto, Christopher L. Epstein, Howard I. Discussion Closure Relating the Seismic Drift Demands of SMRFs to Element Deformation Demands Gupta, Akshay Krawinkler, Helmut Errata: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections--A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. 3rd Quarter Composite Steel Joists Samuelson, David Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Bartels, Peter A. Barth, Karl E. Orbison, James G. The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Chang, Sung-Pil Kim, Jong-Hee Matsui, Shigeyuki Shim, Chang-Su Ultimate Strength Prying Models for Bolted T-stub Connections Swanson, James A. Dynamic Amplitude Prediction for Ballroom Floors Hanagan, Linda M. P-V-M Interaction Curves for Seismic Design of Steel Column Base Connections Arlekar, Jaswant N. Murty, C.V.R. Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk 4th Quarter 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Geschwindner, Louis F. Errata Technical Note: Torsional Analysis of Steel Sections Moore, William E., II Mueller, Keith Design Method for the Bolts in Bearing-Type Connections with Fillers Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Elastic Design Charts for the Rapid Selection of Web Bolts for Composite Steel Bridge Splices Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Epstein, Howard I. Stamberg, Hans Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gupta, Mohan Gupta, L. M. Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Errata: An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. Errata: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Fisher, James M. Thomas, Steven J. 2003 1st Quarter Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bartlett, F. Michael Dexter, Robert J. Galambos, Theodore V. Graeser, Mark D. Jelinek, Jason J. Schmidt, Bradley J. Discussion Closure Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension Packer, Jeffrey A. Puthli, R.S. Willibald, S. Design of Free Flange Moment Connection Choi, Jaehyung Goel, Subhash C. Stojadinovic, Bozidar MTR Survey of Plate Material Used in Structural Fabrication Brockenbrough, R.L. Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Burdette, Edwin G. Deatherage, J. Harold Goodpasture, David W. Ingram, Earl E. Errata: Strengthening of Existing Compostie Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. 2nd Quarter Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Drysdale, Dougal Lamont, Susan Lane, Barbara Usmani, Asif S. Experimental Investigation of Reduced Beam Section Connections by Use of Web Openings Hwang, In Kyu Won Park, Jong Strength of Joints that Combine Bolts and Welds Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Static Pullout Strength of Power Actuated Fasteners in Steel: State-of-the-Art Review Beck, Hermann Engelhardt, Michael D. Glaser, Neil Achieving a Stable Inelastic Seismic Response for Multi-Story Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert 3rd Quarter Update on the AISC Seismic Provisions Malley, James O. A Comparison of Australian and American Design of Double Angle Connections Carrato, Peter J. Design Optimization Study of a Three-Span Continuous Bridge Using HPS70W Barth, Karl E. Clingenpeel, Beth F. Design of Single Angles Bent About the Major Principal Axis Earls, C.J. Proposed Equal Leg Single Angle Flexural Design Provisions for Consideration in the Development of Future AISC Specification Editions Earls, C.J. Discussion: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Lu, Le-Wu 4th Quarter Development of Design Rules for Composite Construction Viest, Ivan M. Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Ojard, Sara D. Ye, Yanqun Constrained Axial Buckling About Non-Principal Axes Zvarick, Albert G. Behavior of Built-Up Shear Links Under Large Cyclic Displacement Douglas, B.M. Elfass, S. Itani, Ahmad M. Discussion: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Hemstad, Michael Discussion: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Moore, William E., II Closure: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Sputo, Thomas Errata: 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Geschwindner, Louis F. 2004 1st Quarter Rationale Behind and Proper Application of the Ductility Factor for Bracing Connections (PDF) Hewitt, Christopher M. Thornton, William A. Elastic and Plastic Section Moduli of Steel Angles About Principal Axes (PDF) Ding, Yongcong Madugula, Murty K.S. Effect of Straightening Method on the Ciclic Behavior of k-Area in Steel Rolled Shapes (PDF) Chi, Brandon Uang, Chia-Ming Elastic In-Plane Stiffness for a Circular Cut Reduced Beam Section (RBS)(PDF) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Mohammadi, Jamshid 2nd Quarter Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Deng, Kam Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Ng, Anthony K.F. Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Parametric and Reliability Analyses (PDF) Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Ng, Anthony K.F. Fabrication Aids for Cold Straightening I-Girders (PDF) Gergess, Antoine Sen, Rajan Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams (PDF) Dowswell, Bo 3rd Quarter Steel Plate Shear Walls Are Not Plate Girders Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Errata Effects of Variable Pretension on the Behavior of Bolted Connections with Prying Amrine, Jennifer J. Swanson, James A. Structural Steel Detailing Practices--Good and Bad Dobbie, Hugh Errata A Technical Note: A Direct Method for Obtaining the Plate Buckling Coefficient for Double Coped Beams Muir, Larry S. Thornton, William A. Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams Dowswell, Bo Errata: Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Ricker, David T. Errata: Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee 4th Quarter Recommended Provisions for Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Sabelli, Rafael Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System Gwie, David S. Lauck, Thomas W. López, Walterio A. Saunders, C. Mark Confined Steel Brace for Earthquake Resistant Design Higgins, Christopher C. Newell, James D. Technical Note: Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Application Higgins, Christopher C. Newell, James D. 2005 1st Quarter Plate Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs Sayed-Ahmed, Ezzeldine Yazeed Preliminary Assessment for Walking-Induced Vibrations in Office Environments Hanagan, Linda M. Kim, Taehoo Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS Frater, George S. Packer, Jeffrey A. Discussion: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Grondin, Gilbert Y. Closure: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Epstein, Howard L. Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Errata: Steel Plate Shear Walls are Not Plate Girders Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Errata: Structural Steel Detailing--Good and Bad Dobbie, Hugh 2nd Quarter Discussion: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bennett, Richard M. Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bartlett, F. Michael Dexter, Robert J. Galambos, Theodore V. Graeser, Mark D. Jelinek, Jason J. Schmidt, Bradley J. Yielding Limit State of Tee Stems in Flexural Compression Earls, C.J. Volle, L.E. Understanding the Response of Composite Structures to Fire Usmani, Asif S. Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces--A Return to Simplicity Disque, Robert O. Geschwindner, Louis F. Discussion Discussion Closure Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar 3rd Quarter On Moment Capacity and Flexural Ductility in Doubly Symmetric Web-Tapered I-Girders Earls, C.J. Miller, B.S. Safir a Thermal/Structural Program for Modeling Structures Under Fire Franssen, Jean-Marc The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Hsiao, J. Kent Schultz, William Widjaja, Suhendi Wiemeler, Steven A Historical and Technical Overview of the Cb Coefficient in the AISC Specifications Dekker, Brian Zoruba, Sergio Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar 4th Quarter Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Performance of the AISC LRFD Specification in Predicting the Capacity of Eccentrially Loaded Single-Angle Struts Sakla, Sherief S.S. Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Errata Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Dinehart, David W. Gross, Shawn P. Hennessey, J.M. Hoffman, R. M. Yost, J.R. Discussion: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Œ LRFD Method Doyle, James M. Fisher, James M. Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar 2006 1st Quarter Solutions for Enhancing the Fire Endurance of HSS Columns Filled with High Strength Concrete Kodur, V.K.R. Effect of Loading Angle on the Behavior of Fillet Welds Deng, Kam Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Bracing of Beams, Trusses, and Joist Girders Using Open Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. A Comparison of the Krawinkler and Scissors Models for Including Beam Column Joint Deformations in the Analysis of Moment Resisting Steel Frames Charney, Finley A. Marshall, Justin Development of Fabrication Guidelines for Cold Bending of Plates Brockenbrough, R.L. Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Foley, Christopher M. Fournelle, Raymond A. Peronto, John L. Current Steel Structures Research -Q1-2006 Bjorhovde, Reidar 2nd Quarter Effective Length Factors for Gusset Plate Buckling Dowswell, Bo In-Plane Properties and Modeling of Reduced Beam Sections Dumonteil, Pierre Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Garcia-Alvarez, Francisco Itani, Ahmad M. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Itani, Ahmad M. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Deeney, James Dinehart, David W. Gross, Shawn P. Pote, Joseph J. Yost, J.R. Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar 3rd Quarter Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Hallal Fakury, Ricardo Lopes Ribeiro, Jose Carlos de Souza Verissimo, Gustavo Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata Progressive Collapse Analyses of 2D Steel Framed Structures with Different Connection Models Krauthammar, Theodor Lim, Joonhong Current Steel Structures Research -Q3-2006 Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Nethercot, D.A. Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Foley, Christopher M. Schaad, John A. Closure: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Disque, Robert O. Geschwindner, Louis F. 4th Quarter Evolution of Shear Lag and Block Shear Provisions in the AISC Specification Geschwindner, Louis F. Evaluating Single Angle Compression Struts Using An Effective Slenderness Approach Lutz, Leroy A. New Method of Design for Combined Tension and Bending Aminmansour, Abbas Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata Technical Note: Determination of Allowable Strength Design Safety Factors in the 2005 AISC Specification Duncan, Cynthia J. Fenves, Steven J. Iwankiw, Nestor R. Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Bjorhovde, Reidar Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Clifton, G. Charles Ferguson, George Short, Andrew Woerner, Wolfram W. Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. 2007 1st Quarter The 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Malley, James O. Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Brockenbrough, R.L. Fraser, Timothy P. Liu, Judy Sabelli, Rafael A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Lopez-Garcia, Diego Vian, Darren Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Engelhardt, Michael D. Okazaki, Taichiro Richards, Paul Uang, Chia-Ming Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Earls, C.J. Keelor, D. Christian Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Errata: Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. 2nd Quarter Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Badie, Sameh S. Girgis, Amgad Nguyen, Nghi Tadros, Maher K. Seismic Performance of a 62-Story Steel Frame Hotel Tower Henige, Richard A. Hines, Eric M. Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Poncet, Laure Tremblay, Robert The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Amro, Akef Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Rahman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Ruhman, Adeeb Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Augustine, Binson Hosur, Vinod Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. 3rd Quarter Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Fleischman, Robert B. Hoskisson, Blake E. Sumer, Ali Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Fleischman, Robert B. Palmer, Nathan J. Sumer, Ali Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Geometric Formulas for Gusset Plate Design Bartley, Tony C. Chambers, Janice J. Modified Slenderness Ratio for Built-up Members Sato, Atsushi Uang, Chia-Ming Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar 4th Quarter Improved Flexural Stability Design of I-Section Members in AISC (2005) -- A Case Study Comparison to AISC (1989) ASD Chang, Ching-Jen White, Donald W. Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part I: Combined Braced and Gravity Framing Systems Kim, Sang-Cheol Surovek, Andrea White, Donald W. Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part II: Moment Frames and General Framing Systems Chang, Ching-Jen Surovek, Andrea White, Donald W. Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Hajjar, Jerome F. Kim, Dong Keon Leon, Roberto T. The Behavior of Steel Perimeter Columns in a High-Rise Building Under Fire Garlock, Maria M. Quiel, Spencer E. Current Steel Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Author Index A Abdul-Baki, Assad Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Abdul-Shafi, A. A Rapid Solution of Vierendeel Frames Analysis of Vierendeel Frames for Deflections Abolitz, A. Leon Bending Under Seated Connections Design of Unstiffened Girders Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Discussion Abrahams, Michael J. Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Abruzzo, John Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Discussion Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Ackroyd, Michael H. Behavior and Design of Flexibly- Connected Building Frames Electronic Spreadsheet Tools for Semi- Rigid Frames Simplified Frame Design of Type PR Construction Adams, Peter F. Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames High-Strength Steels for Plastic Design Adeli, H. Optimization of Large Space Frame Steel Structures Optimization of Large Steel Truss Structures Using Standard Cross Sections Adihardjo, Rianto Combined Shear and Tension on Grouted Base Details Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Design Strength of Schifflerized Angle Struts Eccentrically Loaded Steel Single Angle Struts Afifi Aglan, Ahmed Plastic Behavior of Beams with Mid-Depth Web Openings Agerskov, Henning Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Agrawal, Krishna M. Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Errata Errata: Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Ahmed, Salahuddin Inconsistencies in Column Base Plate Design in the New AISC ASD Manual Ainso, Heino An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Discussion Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Alexander, Warren G. Designing Longitudinal Welds for Bridge Members Allen, D.E. Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking Almand, K.H. A Method To Predict the Fire Resistance of Steel Building Columns Alsmeyer, William C. Noncombustible Schools for Omaha American Institute of Steel Construction Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Discussion Predesigned Bolted Framing Angle Connections SI Units for Structural Steel Design The Use of Jumbo Shapes in Non-column Applications Amin, Navin R. Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Aminmansour, Abbas A New Approach for Design of Steel Beam-Columns New Method of Design for Combined Tension and Bending Amirikian, Arsham Reliability Assurance in Navy's Welded Steel Shore Structures Ammerman, Douglas Behavior of Semi-rigid Composite Connections Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Amrhein, Francis Gene Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel? Amrine, Jennifer J. Effects of Variable Pretension on the Behavior of Bolted Connections with Prying Amro, Akef The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Anand, Subhash C. A Prestressed Composite Girder for Short Span Bridges Analysis and Design of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Anderson, James C. Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Strength Design in Steel Using Programmable Calculators Anderson, John P. Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns Anderson, Katherine E. Least Cost Computer-aided Design of Steel Girders Arciszewski, T. Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario The Disposable Knee-bracing Technique in Steel Frames Arlekar, Jaswant N. P-V-M Interaction Curves for Seismic Design of Steel Column Base Connections Arya, Suresh C. Optimum Design of Steel Pipe Racks Aslani, Farhang An Analytical Criterion for Buckling Strength of Built-up Compression Members Analytical Criteria for Stitch Strength of Built-Up Compression Members Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Discussion Design of Tee Framing Shear Connections Earthquake-resistant Design of Double-angle Bracings Errata Procedure for a Design and Analysis of Hanger-type Connections Seismic Performance and Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Au, Tung Fundamentals of Orthotropic Plate Design Augustine, Binson Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Avent, R. Richard What You Should Know About Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Azizinamini, Atorod A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Flexural Capacity and Ductility of HPS-70W Bridge Girders Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges B Babyak, R. Carey Simplified Solution to Interaction Equation Badie, Sameh S. Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Baer, Oliver A. Analysis Of Framed Space Structures Bakos, Jack D. An Equivalent Radius of Gyration Approach to Flexural-Torsional Buckling for Singly Symmetric Sections Bakota, John F. Mill Building Design Procedure Discussion Discussion Parking Structure with a Post-tensioned Deck Baldelli, Jr., Joseph A. Steel Shear Walls for Existing Buildings Baldwin, Jr., James W. Lightweight Concrete-on-Steel Composite Beams Measured and Computed Stresses in Three Castellated Beams Bankes, Michael E. Design Considerations for W-Shape Flexural Members Built-Up from Plates Barakat, Munzer Design Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames: Evaluation and Implementation Practical Analysis of Semi- Rigid Frames Barker, Michael G. Inelastic Design and Testing of Steel Bridges Comprising Noncompact Sections Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Tension Field Action in Hybrid Steel Girders Barnes, D.W. Allowable Axial Stresses in Segmented Columns Barnoff, Robert M. Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Discussion: Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Barsom, J.M. Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Discussion Bartel, Dean Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Bartels, Peter A. Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Barth, Karl E. Design Optimization Study of a Three-Span Continuous Bridge Using HPS70W Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Bartlett, F. Michael Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure Bartley, Tony C. Geometric Formulas for Gusset Plate Design Baseheart, T.M. Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Batson, Gordon B. Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Bauer, Dominique Bernard Calculation of the Plastic Section Modulus Using the Computer Beacham, Michael W. Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Beaufait, Fred Experimental Study of a Schwedler Rigid Framed Dome Beaulieu, D. Correction: Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Design of Diagonal Cross Bracings: Part 1 Theoretical Study Discussion Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Correction Discussion Discussion: Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracings-Part 1: Theoretical Study; Part 2: Experimental Study Beavers, James E. Experimental Study of a Schwedler Rigid Framed Dome Beck, Hermann Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Static Pullout Strength of Power Actuated Fasteners in Steel: State-of-the-Art Review Becker, Edward P. Discussion: Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Discussion: Design of Single-Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Becker, Roy Panel Zone Effect on the Strength and Stiffness of Steel Rigid Frames Beckmann, Fred R. High-Strength Bolts for Bridges Bednar, David Analysis of Curved Girder Bridges Beedle, Lynn S. Recent Developments in Steel Building Design Research in Plastic Design of Multi-story Frames Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Tests of Steel Moment Connections Ben-Arroyo, Abraham Preliminary Wind Analysis of Multistory Bents Bendapudi, Kasi V. Practical Approaches in Mill Building Columns Subjected to Heavy Crane Loads Benjamin, Irwin A. Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Concrete Bennett, Richard M. Discussion: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bennett, William A. Plastic Design of a 14-Story Apartment Building Berak, E.G. Finite Element Modeling of Girders with Large Web Openings Berg, Glen V. Discussion: Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods Berman, Jeffrey W. A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Errata: Steel Plate Shear Walls are Not Plate Girders Steel Plate Shear Walls Are Not Plate Girders Errata Bertwell, W. Discussion: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Bertz, Richard F. Analysis and Design of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Beskos, Dimitrios E. Plastic Design Aids for Pinned-Base Gabled Frames Betancourt, Miguel Reuse of A325 and A490 High-Strength Bolts Bhatti, M. Asghar Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Optimum Cost Design of Partially Composite Steel Beams Using LRFD Bird, William R. Disscussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Errata Discussion Discussion Birdsall, Blair Discussion: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Biren, Joseph Discussion: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Birkemoe, Peter C. Behavior of Bearing Critical Double-Angle Beam Connections Bjorhovde, Reidar Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Columns: From Theory to Practice Current Steel Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research Current Steel Structures Research -Q1-2006 Current Steel Structures Research -Q3-2006 Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength--Practical Applications Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Discussion Discussion Effective Width Criteria for Composite Beams New Design Criteria for Gusset Plates in Tension Removal of Yield Stress Limitation for Composite Tubular Columns Semi-Rigid Frame Design Methods for Practicing Engineers Some Aspects of Stub-Girder Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Blodgett, Omer W. Detailing to Achieve Practical Welded Fabrication Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Boggs, P.C. Lateral Stiffness of Core/Outrigger Systems Boothby, Thomas E. Discussion: The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections Discussion Bouwkamp, J.G. Considerations in the Design of Large-Size Welded Tubular Truss Joints Bower, John E. Recommended Design Procedures for Beams with Web Openings Bowman, Mark D. Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Examination of Fillet Weld Strength Reuse of A325 and A490 High-Strength Bolts Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated-Beam Connections Discussion Errata Errata Boyer, J.P. Castellated Beams - New Developments Bradfield, C.D. A Simple Formula for the Polar Second Moment of Area of a Regular Skew-Symmetric Bolt Group Bradford, Mark A. Buckling of Prestressed Steel Girders Closure: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Discussion Closure Brady, Frank Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Brandt, G. Donald A General Solution for Eccentric Loads on Weld Groups Direct Feasible and Optimal Design of Laterally Unsupported Beams* Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Flexural-torsional Buckling for Pairs of Angles Used as Columns Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Discussion Discussion Discussion Selecting Laterally Unsupported Beams of Least Weight Brockenbrough, R.L. Considerations in the Design of Bolted Joints for Weathering Steel Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Development of Fabrication Guidelines for Cold Bending of Plates Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions In-Plane Fatigue Strength of Plates with Laminar Discontinuities MTR Survey of Plate Material Used in Structural Fabrication Brogan, Darryl Analysis of Curved Girder Bridges Brosnan, David P. Effective Width of Composite L-Beams in Buildings Brown, Jack H. Moments on Beam-Columns with Flexible Connections in Braced Frames Reinforcing Loaded Steel Compression Members Bruce, Donald A. Removal of Yield Stress Limitation for Composite Tubular Columns Bruneau, Michel A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Errata: Steel Plate Shear Walls are Not Plate Girders Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Steel Plate Shear Walls Are Not Plate Girders Errata Buchert, Kenneth P. Buckling of Framed Domes Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Discussion Space Frame Buckling Stiffened Thin Shell Domes Buckle, Ian G. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Budeshtsky, Rudolf J. Discussion: A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Burdette, Edwin G. Anchorage of Steel Building Components to Concrete Errata: Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Errata Burgett, Lewis B. Correction: Fast Check for Block Shear Fast Check for Block Shear Correction Fast Check for Ponding Fast Design of Beams with Cb Greater Than 1.0 Selection of a ""Trial"" Column Section Burton, John C. Discussion: Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel C Caldwell, D.B. Viscoelastic Damping Devices Proving Effective in Tall Buildings Call, Steven M. Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Discussion Cannon, John P. Yield-Line Analysis and Design of Grids Cao, Junjie Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Carden, Lyle P. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Carrato, Peter J. A Comparison of Australian and American Design of Double Angle Connections Carrle, Gunther End Restraints on Steel Joist Floor Vibrations Carskaddan, Phillip S. Adjusting the Beam-line Method for Positive-moment Yielding Computing The Effective Plastic Moment Discussion: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Carter, Charles J. A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Discussion Closure Errata Closure: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Closure: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Discussion: The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Errata Errata: Discussion of A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Discussion Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Discussion Closure The Economic Impact of Overspecifying Simple Connections Castiglioni, Carlo A. Stepped Columns: A Simplified Design Method Celenza, Eugene Direct Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Loading Chakrabarti, S.K. Allowable Bending Stress of Steel Pipes Chambers, Janice J. Geometric Formulas for Gusset Plate Design Chan, Chun-Man Optimal Stiffness Design to Limit Static and Dynamic Wind Responses of Tall Steel Buildings Chang, Ching-Jen Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part II: Moment Frames and General Framing Systems Improved Flexural Stability Design of I-Section Members in AISC (2005) -- A Case Study Comparison to AISC (1989) ASD Chang, Jerry C. L. Fundamentals of Orthotropic Plate Design Chang, Sung-Pil The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Chao, Shih-Ho Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Errata Charney, Finley A. A Comparison of the Krawinkler and Scissors Models for Including Beam Column Joint Deformations in the Analysis of Moment Resisting Steel Frames Chasten, Cameron P. Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Chen, Stuart S. Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Design Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames: Evaluation and Implementation Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Errata Errata Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Discussion Errata: Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections LRFD Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Discussion Practical Advanced Analysis for Semi-rigid Frame Design Practical Analysis of Semi- Rigid Frames Simplified Approach to the Analysis and Design of Columns with Imperfections The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated-Beam Connections Discussion Errata Errata Cheng, Franklin Y. Admissible Loads of Gable Frames Cheng, J.J.R. Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Sidesway Web Buckling of Steel Beams Cheong-Siat-Moy, F. Errata: Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Errata Chesson, Jr., E. Discussion: Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-Up or Composite Members Chesson, Jr., Eugene Lateral Instability of Castellated Beams Chhabra, Surendra J. Column Base Plate Design Table Chi, Brandon Effect of Straightening Method on the Ciclic Behavior of k-Area in Steel Rolled Shapes (PDF) Chinn, James Discussion: A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Discussion: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Errata: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete. (Paper presented April, 1971) Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Discussion Pushout Tests on Lightweight Composite Slabs Chiu, Gregory L.F. Low-Rise Building Wind Load Provisions Choi, Jaehyung Design of Free Flange Moment Connection Chong, Ken P. A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Errata Errata: A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Least Cost Computer-aided Design of Steel Girders Christopher, Bradley P. Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Christopher, John E. Semi-Rigid Frame Design Methods for Practicing Engineers Christopher, Richard Tests of Steel Moment Connections Clark, J.W. Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 1) Clarke, C. Bernard Testing of a Model Curved Steel Girder Bridge Clifton, G. Charles Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Clingenpeel, Beth F. Design Optimization Study of a Three-Span Continuous Bridge Using HPS70W Coel, Joseph End Plate Connections in Plastically Designed Structures Cohen, Michael P. Design Solutions Utilizing the Staggered-steel Truss System Colaco, Joseph P. A Stub-Girder System for High-Rise Buildings Errata: Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Errata Column Research Council Classification of Steels for Structures Compton, Jack Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Cooper, Peter B. Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Errata Discussion Errata: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Corotis, Ross B. Load Combinations for Buildings Exposed to Fires Correnti, Dan S. Discussion: Buckling of One-Story Frames Cotton, Sean C. Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cousins, Thomas E. Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Criscuolo, E.L. Correlation of Discontinuities and Physical Properties in Steel Weldments Croucher, Meredith W. Plastic Design Applied to Trusses Culver, Charles Analysis of Curved Girder Bridges Cuoco, Daniel A. Innovative Approaches to the Erection of Tension Roof Structures Curtis, Larry E. Column Flange Strength at Moment End-Plate Connections D D'Aiuto, Christopher L. Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Discussion Closure Daali, M.L. Local Buckling Rules for Rotation Capacity Dagher, H. Non-Slender Single Angle Struts Dahl, Joan S. Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Discussion Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Dailey, Ronald H. The Results of Experiments on Seated Beam Connections Dalal, Suresh T. Some Non-Conventional Cases of Column Design Daniels, J. Hartley A Plastic Method For Unbraced Frame Design Davids, W. Non-Slender Single Angle Struts Davison, J. Buick Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames De Buen, Oscar A Method for the Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames Errata Errata: A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames (pp. 142, 144, 145) Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Steel Frames with Composite Beams Plastic Design of a Three-Story Steel Frame De Falco, Fred Column Stability in Type 2 Construction Errata Errata: Column Stability in Type 2 Construction de Souza Verissimo, Gustavo Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Deatherage, J. Harold Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Deeney, James Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Dekker, Brian A Historical and Technical Overview of the Cb Coefficient in the AISC Specifications Deng, Kam Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Effect of Loading Angle on the Behavior of Fillet Welds Deng, Linzhong Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Steel Girder Bridges Densford, Thomas A. Short Span Pre-Stressed Steel Bridges Dexter, Robert J. Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Constrained Through-Thickness Strength of Column Flanges of Various Grades and Chemistries Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Errata: The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Errata Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure Diefenderfer, C.F. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Dinehart, David W. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Ding, Yongcong Elastic and Plastic Section Moduli of Steel Angles About Principal Axes (PDF) Disque, Robert O. Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Discussion Closure: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Discussion Directional Moment Connections--A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Discussion Engineering for Steel Construction Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces--A Return to Simplicity Discussion Discussion Closure Inelastic K-factor for Column Design One Engineer's Opinion (Multistory Bracing) Wind Connections with Simple Framing Dobbie, Hugh Errata: Structural Steel Detailing--Good and Bad Structural Steel Detailing Practices--Good and Bad Errata Donnelly, J.A. Determining the Cost of Welded Joints Douglas, B.M. Behavior of Built-Up Shear Links Under Large Cyclic Displacement Douty, R.T. Discussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Measured and Computed Stresses in Three Castellated Beams Dowswell, Bo Effective Length Factors for Gusset Plate Buckling Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams (PDF) Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams Doyle, James M. Discussion: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Œ LRFD Method Drake, Richard M. Beam-Column Base Plate Design - LRFD Method Errata Errata Discussion Design Considerations for W-Shape Flexural Members Built-Up from Plates Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Dranger, Thomas S. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Discussion Driscoll, Jr., George C. Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Errata Errata: Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Lehigh Conference on Plastic Design of Multi-Story Frames-A Summary Plastic Design of Multi-Story Buildings-A Progress Report Research in Plastic Design of Multi-story Frames Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Driver, Robert G. Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Parametric and Reliability Analyses (PDF) Effect of Loading Angle on the Behavior of Fillet Welds Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Drysdale, Dougal Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Duan, Lian Effect of Compound Buckling on Compression Strength of Built-up Members On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Discussion Duerr, David Errata: Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Errata Dumonteil, Pierre Correction: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Discussion: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Discussion: On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Historical Note on K-Factor Equations In-Plane Properties and Modeling of Reduced Beam Sections Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Discussion Correction Duncan, Cynthia J. Technical Note: Determination of Allowable Strength Design Safety Factors in the 2005 AISC Specification E Earls, C.J. Compactness and Bracing Recommendations for Equal Leg Single Angle Beams Design of Single Angles Bent About the Major Principal Axis On Moment Capacity and Flexural Ductility in Doubly Symmetric Web-Tapered I-Girders Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Proposed Equal Leg Single Angle Flexural Design Provisions for Consideration in the Development of Future AISC Specification Editions Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Yielding Limit State of Tee Stems in Flexural Compression Easterling, W. Samuel Developments in Long Span Composite Slabs Partially Restrained Composite Beam-To-Girder Connections Shear Lag Effects in Steel Tension Members Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists Edinger, John A. Introduction to the Proposed AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification Eimer, N. Stiffness Coefficients of Beam-Columns with Non-Prismatic Members Eisenman, Mark L. Design Aid for Required Moment of Inertia of Simple Beams El Nimeiri, Mahjoub M. Preliminary Analysis and Member Sizing of Tall Tubular Steel Buildings El-Tawil, Sherif Errata: Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections Errata El-Tayem, Adel A. Effective Length Factor for the Design of X-bracing Systems Elfass, S. Behavior of Built-Up Shear Links Under Large Cyclic Displacement Elgaaly, Mohamed Non-Slender Single Angle Struts Steel Built-up Girders with Trapezoidally Corrugated Webs Web Design Under Compressive Edge Loads Elkin, Sharon J. Beam-Column Base Plate Design - LRFD Method Errata Errata Discussion Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Elleby, Hotten A. Automated Analysis of Grid Beam Systems Ellifritt, Duane S. Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Errata Design of Crane Runway Beam with Channel Discussion: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Errata: Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Flexural Strength of WT Sections The Mysterious 1/3 Stress Increase The Warping Constant for the W-Section with a Channel Cap Ellingwood, Bruce R. A Comparison of General Design and Load Requirements in Building Codes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States Load Combinations for Buildings Exposed to Fires Probabilistic Modeling of Steel Moment Frames with Welded Connections Serviceability Guidelines for Steel Structures Engelhardt, Michael D. Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Static Pullout Strength of Power Actuated Fasteners in Steel: State-of-the-Art Review Epstein, Howard I. An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Errata Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Block Shear of Structural Tees in Tension- Alternate Paths Effects of the Latest LRFD Block Shear Code Change Errata: An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Discussion Closure Epstein, Howard L. Closure: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members F Falby, W.E. Errata: Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Errata Feige, Adolf The Evolution of German Cable Stayed Bridges- An Overall Survey Feng, Edward G. Optimum Design of Steel Pipe Racks Fenves, Steven J. Adapting the AISC Specification to Computer-Aided Design Technical Note: Determination of Allowable Strength Design Safety Factors in the 2005 AISC Specification Ferguson, George Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Fielding, David J. Frame Response Considering Plastic Panel Hinges Fiesenheiser, E.I. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Firkins, Norman L. Steel Plate Analysis by Finite Elements Fisher, James M. A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements Bracing of Beams, Trusses, and Joist Girders Using Open Web Steel Joists Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Errata Discussion Discussion: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Œ LRFD Method Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Discussion: The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Errata: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Errata: Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Industrial Buildings-Guidelines and Criteria New Fatigue Provisions for the Design of Crane Runway Girders One Engineer's Opinion Plastic Design Applied to Trusses Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Errata Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Discussion Discussion The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Discussion Fisher, John W. Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Discussion Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Discussion Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Discussion: Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Experience with Use of Heavy W Shapes in Tension Fatigue Strength of Steel Members with Welded Details (T.R. Higgins Award) Headed Steel Anchor under Combined Loading Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Discussion Errata Fleischer, Walter H. Design and Optimization of Plate Girders and Weld-fabricated Beams for Building Construction Discussion: Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Simplified High-Rise Drift Analysis and Optimized Adjustment Simplified Seismic Drift Analysis of High-Rise Steel Frames Fleischman, Robert B. Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Fling, Russell S. Design of Steel Bearing Plates Discussion Flucker, Ronald L. Critique: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1¼-in. Diameter Bolts Discussion: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Foley, Christopher M. Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams with Ribbed Metal Deck Using LRFD Specifications Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Folse, Michael D. Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Correction: Steel Rigid Frames with Leaning Columns Steel Rigid Frames With Leaning Columns-1993 LRFD Example Correction Fouad, Fouad H. Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Fountain, Richard S. Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box Girders by the M/R-Method Fournelle, Raymond A. Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Frangopol, Dan M. Redundancy in Highway Bridges Frank, Karl H. Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Buckling of Webs in Unsymmetric Plate Girders Effect of Overspray and Incomplete Masking of Faying Surfaces on the Slip Resistance of Bolted Connections Testing Method to Determine Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Franssen, Jean-Marc Safir a Thermal/Structural Program for Modeling Structures Under Fire Fraser, Donald J. The In-Plane Stability of a Frame Containing Pin-Based Stepped Columns Uniform Pin-based Crane Columns, Effective Lengths Fraser, Timothy P. Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Frater, George S. Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS Friedstein, Harriet Writing for Publication: The Engineer's Obligation Froyton, George Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Discussion Errata Furlong, Richard W. AISC Column Design Logic Makes Sense for Composite Columns, Too G Galambos, Theodore V. A Comparison of Canadian, Mexican, and United States Steel Design Standards Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Composite Open-Web Steel Joists Economic Study of a Braced Multi-Story Steel Frame Errata: Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification History of Steel Beam Design Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Discussion Load Factor Design of Steel Buildings Load and Resistance Factor Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Errata Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Strength of Singly Symmetric I-Shaped Beam-Columns The Performance and Design Checking of Chord-Angle Legs in Joist Girders Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure GangaRao, H.V.S. Prefabricated Press-Formed Steel T-Box Girder Bridge System Garcia-Alvarez, Francisco Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Garlock, Maria M. The Behavior of Steel Perimeter Columns in a High-Rise Building Under Fire Garrett, Jr., J.H. Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Gasparini, D.A. Lateral Stiffness of Core/Outrigger Systems Gaylord, Edwin H. Adapting the AISC Specification to Computer-Aided Design Discussion: Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Discussion Geer, Elihu Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Geiger, David H. A Cost Evaluation of Space Trusses of Large Span Shell Shapes Framed in Steel Gentry, Guy Closure: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Discussion Closure Gergess, Antoine Fabrication Aids for Cold Straightening I-Girders (PDF) Gerstle, Kurt H. Behavior and Design of Flexibly- Connected Building Frames Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Reliability of Rotational Behavior of Framing Connections Geschwindner, Louis F. 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Errata A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column Correction A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column A Simplified Look at Partially Restrained Beams Closure: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Correction: A Practical Approach to the fiLeaningfl Column Errata: 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Evolution of Shear Lag and Block Shear Provisions in the AISC Specification Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces--A Return to Simplicity Discussion Discussion Closure LRFD and the Structural Engineering Curriculum The Economic Impact of Overspecifying Simple Connections Gewain, Richard G. Restrained Fire Resistance Ratings in Structural Steel Buildings Ghorbanpoor, Al The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Ghosn, Michel Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Steel Girder Bridges Gibbings, David R. Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists Gillespie, James W. Analysis of Horizontally Curved Bridges Gillett, Paul E. The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Gilligan, John A. Wearing Surfaces for Orthotropic Decks Gilmor, Michael I. Behavior of Bearing Critical Double-Angle Beam Connections Preface to the North American Design Comparisons Gilsanz, Ramon Approximate Plastic Modulus of Wide Flange Beam Sections Ginsburg, S. Automated Search for Optimal Standard Sections Girgis, Amgad Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Glaser, Neil Static Pullout Strength of Power Actuated Fasteners in Steel: State-of-the-Art Review Goble, George G. Automated Optimum Design of Unstiffened Girder Cross Sections Minimum Cost Structures by Dynamic Programming Shear Strength of Thin Flange Composite Specimens Goel, Subhash C. An Analytical Criterion for Buckling Strength of Built-up Compression Members Analytical Criteria for Stitch Strength of Built-Up Compression Members Combined Shear and Tension Stresses Design of Free Flange Moment Connection Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Earthquake-resistant Design of Double-angle Bracings Errata Effective Length Factor for the Design of X-bracing Systems Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Errata Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Truss Analogy for Steel Moment Connections Goel, Surendra K. Adapting the AISC Specification to Computer-Aided Design Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: Design of Steel Bearing Plates Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Gonzalez Giroux, Lisa Shear Lag Effects in Steel Tension Members Goodpasture, David W. Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Gossett, Stephen R. Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-up or Composite Members Discussion Goto, Y. Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Gotschall, John A. Computer-Aided Design of Stub-Girder System Gould, Phillip L. Discussion: Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Goverdhan, Arvind LRFD Analysis and Design of Beams with Partially Restrained Connections Graeser, Mark D. Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure Grant, Jr., John A. Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck Graves, Frederick E. Cost Studies of High Strength Bolted Connections Green, Deborah L. Design of Connectors in Web-Flange Beam or Girder Splices Green, Robert W. Discussion: The Effective Length of Unbraced Singal Story Columns Greenberg, Simon A. Reliability in Building Construction Through Nondestructive Testing Gresnigt, A.M. The Significance of Weld Continuities Regarding Plastic Failure Grierson, Donald E. Optimal Cost Design of Semi-Rigid, Low-Rise Industrial Frames Griffis, Lawrence G. Serviceability Limit States Under Wind Load Some Design Considerations for Composite-frame Structures Griffiths, John D. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Discussion: Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Discussion: Simplified Design of 8-Bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates End-Plate Moment Connections- Their Use and Misuse Errata Grigorian, Carl Preliminary Minimum Weight Design of Moment Frames for Lateral Loading Grigorian, Mark Preliminary Minimum Weight Design of Moment Frames for Lateral Loading Grondin, Gilbert Y. AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Errata Discussion Closure Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Parametric and Reliability Analyses (PDF) Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Discussion: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Effect of Loading Angle on the Behavior of Fillet Welds Errata: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections--A Review Sidesway Web Buckling of Steel Beams Strength of Joints that Combine Bolts and Welds Gross, Jeremy M. Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Gross, John L. Experimental Study of Gusseted Connections Gross, Shawn P. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Grossman, Stanley Short Span Highway Bridges with Wide Stringer Spacing and a Two-way Reinforced Concrete Deck Groyton, George Errata: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress. (Paper presented April, 1966) Grubb, Michael A. Adjusting the Beam-line Method for Positive-moment Yielding Autostress Design Using Compact Welded Beams Behavior of a Two-Span Continuous Plate Girder Bridge Designed by the Alternate Load Factor Method Computing The Effective Plastic Moment The AASHTO Guide Specification for Alternate Load-factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Guo, Chelsea Q. K-factors for Unbraced Frames: Alignment Chart Accuracy for Practical Frame Variations Gupta, Akshay Relating the Seismic Drift Demands of SMRFs to Element Deformation Demands Gupta, L. M. Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gupta, Mohan Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gurfinkel, German Discussion: Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Optimal Design of Cantilever-suspended Girders Guthrie, Lucian An Investigation of the Effective Concrete Slab Width for Composite Construction Gwie, David S. Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System H Haaijer, Geerhard Adjusting the Beam-line Method for Positive-moment Yielding Book Review: Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings, Vol. SB Computing The Effective Plastic Moment Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Hackett, R.M. Experimental Investigation of Lug Stresses and Failures Hadley, Homer M. The Bridge Delta Girder: Single-Webbed and Double-Webbed Hagen, Hans William Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Hagood, Thomas A. An Investigation of the Effective Concrete Slab Width for Composite Construction Hajjar, Jerome F. Application of Second-Order Elastic Analysis in LRFD: Research to Practice Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification The Accuracy of Column Stability Calculations in Unbraced Frames and the Influence of Columns with Effective Length Factors Less Than One Hallal Fakury, Ricardo Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Hamid, Hazlan Abdul K-factors for Unbraced Frames: Alignment Chart Accuracy for Practical Frame Variations Hanagan, Linda M. Dynamic Amplitude Prediction for Ballroom Floors Experimental Implementation of Active Control to Reduce Annoying Floor Vibrations Preliminary Assessment for Walking-Induced Vibrations in Office Environments Haninger, Edward R. Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Discussion Discussion: Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Hansell, W.C. An Introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design for Steel Buildings Load Factor Design for Steel Highway Bridges Hansen, Robert J. Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings (T.R. Higgins Award) Push-up Steel Construction Hanson, Robert D. Earthquake-resistant Design of Double-angle Bracings Errata Hardash, Steve G. New Design Criteria for Gusset Plates in Tension Harichandran, Ronald S. Stiffness Reduction Factor for LRFD of Columns Harris, Barton H. Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Hart, Willard H. Splices in Plastically Designed Continuous Structures Hartnagel, Bryan A. Inelastic Design and Testing of Steel Bridges Comprising Noncompact Sections Hassler, Arthur E. Erecting the Staggered-truss System: A View from the Field Hatfield, Frank J. Design Chart for Vibration of Office and Residential Floors Hawes, William H. Errata: Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Errata Hawkins, Neil M. Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Moment Resisting Connections for Mixed Construction Hayes, Walter Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Heins, Conrad P. Box Girder Bridge Design; State of the Art Lateral Wind Bracing Requirements for Steel Composite Bridges Preliminary Design of Curved Bridges Steel Box Girder Bridges-Design Guides and Methods Torsional Properties of Composite Girders Helwig, Todd A. Buckling of Webs in Unsymmetric Plate Girders Hemstad, Michael Cantilever Beam Framing Systems Discussion: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Henderson, J.E. Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Hendrick, Alan Column Web Compression Strength at End-Plate Connections Hendrick, Thomas L. Short Span Pre-Stressed Steel Bridges Hendrick, William E. Floor Vibrations and Cantilevered Construction Henige, Richard A. Seismic Performance of a 62-Story Steel Frame Hotel Tower Hennessey, J.M. Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Hewitt, Christopher M. Rationale Behind and Proper Application of the Ductility Factor for Bracing Connections (PDF) Higgins, Christopher C. Confined Steel Brace for Earthquake Resistant Design Technical Note: Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Application Higgins, T.R. Column Stability under Elastic Support Discussion Discussion: Column Stability under Elastic Support Effective Column Length-Tier Buildings Proposed Working Stresses for Fillet Welds in Building Construction Treatment of Eccentrically-loaded Connections in the AISC Manual Hill, Jr., Louis A. Design Curves for Plastic Design of Uniformly Loaded Steel Beams Hines, Eric M. Seismic Performance of a 62-Story Steel Frame Hotel Tower Hingtgen, James E. Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Hjelmstad, K.D. Optimal Design of Steel Frames to Enhance Overall Stability Hoadley, Peter G. An Investigation of the Effective Concrete Slab Width for Composite Construction Hoffman, R. M. Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Holt, Robert C. Design of a Rolled Beam Bridge by New AASHTO Guide Specification for Compact Braced Sections Hooper, Ira Design of Beam-Columns Errata Discussion: Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Errata: Design of Beam-Columns Simplifications in the Solution of Column Interaction Problems Hopper, Bruce E. Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Hoptay, Joseph M. An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Discussion Hormby, David E. Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Discussion Discussion Errata: Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Errata Hoskisson, Blake E. Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Hosur, Vinod Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Hotchkiss, John G. Discussion: Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Discussion Hou, C.K. Lateral Wind Bracing Requirements for Steel Composite Bridges Hourigan, Edward V. Design of a Rolled Beam Bridge by New AASHTO Guide Specification for Compact Braced Sections Hsiao, J. Kent The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Hsu, C.T.T. Steel Members Subject to Axial Tension and Biaxial Bending Moments Hulshizer, Allen J. 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid Hurst, Austin M Tension Field Action in Hybrid Steel Girders Hutton, Charles R. Curvilinear Grid Frames Hwang, In Kyu Experimental Investigation of Reduced Beam Section Connections by Use of Web Openings I Ingram, Earl E. Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Irvine, H.M. A Simple Formula for the Polar Second Moment of Area of a Regular Skew-Symmetric Bolt Group Itani, Ahmad M. Behavior of Built-Up Shear Links Under Large Cyclic Displacement Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Future Use of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns in Highway Bridges Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix A: Beam Gravity Load Considerations Appendix B: Corollary for Cover-Plated Connections (without RBS) Appendix C: Elastic Stiffness Change for Reduced Beam Section Appendix D: Combination Detail (RBS With Nominal End Reinforcement) Book Review: Design of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Solids (Gaylord & Gaylord, Prentice-Hall, 1984) Correction: Discussion of Design of Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolt and Weld Groups Discussion Discussion: Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolts and Weld Groups Discussion: Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Elastic In-Plane Stiffness for a Circular Cut Reduced Beam Section (RBS)(PDF) Errata: Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Discussion Preface to the North American Design Comparisons Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Errata Errata Technical Note: Determination of Allowable Strength Design Safety Factors in the 2005 AISC Specification Ultimate Strength Considerations for Seismic Design of the Reduced Beam Section (Internal Plastic Hinge) Iyengar, S.H. Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Errata Errata: Composite Floor System for Sears Tower J Jarosch, K.H. Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination Jelinek, Jason J. Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure Jeng Fang, Pen Test on Diaphragm Behavior of Dry-Floor System with Steel-Edged Gypsum Planks Jenny, Daniel P. Structural Lightweight Concrete for Composite Design Johnston, Bruce G. Correction: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Errata Discussion Discussion Discussion Errata Correction Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion The New Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures Johnston, Roy G. Steel is Changing the Los Angeles Skyline Jones, Norman B. Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections K Kaaz, G. Automated Search for Optimal Standard Sections Kajita, Yasuyuki Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Kaley, D.J. Composite Action of Concrete Slab and Open Web Joist (Without the Use of Shear Connectors) Kanchanalai, T. Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Discussion Kane, Thomas A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Kapp, Richard Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Yield Line Analysis of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Kar, Anil K. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 2-Structural Analysis Kates, Zachary Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Kathol, Steve Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Kato, H. Lateral Wind Bracing Requirements for Steel Composite Bridges Kavanagh, Thomas C. Box Girder Bridge Design Discussion: Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Keane, John D. Painting Structural Steel Keelor, D. Christian Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Keil, William J. LRFD Beam-Column Graphical Design Aid Kennedy, D.J.L. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Moment-Rotation Characteristics of Shear Connections Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Kennedy, John B. Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Kenny, John R. Removal of Yield Stress Limitation for Composite Tubular Columns Ketchek, Konstantin Another Approach to Simplified Design of a Curved Steel Girder Khan, Fazlur R. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 3-Design Considerations Kharod, Umesh J. Anchor Bolt Design for Shear and Tension Kim, Dong Keon Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Kim, Jong-Hee The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Kim, Sang-Cheol Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part I: Combined Braced and Gravity Framing Systems Kim, Seung-Eock Practical Advanced Analysis for Semi-rigid Frame Design Kim, Taehoo Preliminary Assessment for Walking-Induced Vibrations in Office Environments Kim, Uksun Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Kim, Yosuk Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Errata Errata Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections King, Won Sun LRFD Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design Kirby, Patrick A. Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Kirkham, William J. Examination of AISC LRFD Shear Lag Design Provisions Kishi, N. Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Klayton, Thurston Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Kloiber, Larry Design of Skewed Connections Knight, Richard P. Economical Steel Plate Girder BridgesEconomical Steel Plate Girder Bridges Kocsis, Peter Discussion: Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Discussion: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Kodur, V.K.R. Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Solutions for Enhancing the Fire Endurance of HSS Columns Filled with High Strength Concrete Kojima, Toshifumi Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Koo, Benjamin Amplification Factors for Beam-Columns Discussion: Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Simplified Procedure to Determine Maximum Beam Deflection Korol, R.M. Local Buckling Rules for Rotation Capacity Kotlyar, Nathan Formulas for Beams with Semi-rigid Connections Krauthammar, Theodor Progressive Collapse Analyses of 2D Steel Framed Structures with Different Connection Models Krawinkler, Helmut Relating the Seismic Drift Demands of SMRFs to Element Deformation Demands Shear in Beam-Column Joints in Seismic Design of Steel Frames Kreps, Robert R. Inconsistencies in Column Base Plate Design in the New AISC ASD Manual Kriegh, James D. Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Discussion Discussion Errata: Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Errata The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Krishnamurthy, N. A Fresh Look at Bolted End- Plate Behavior and Design Errata Discussion Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Errata: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Kubo, Masahiro Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Kudder, Robert J. Analysis of Cables as Equivalent Two-Force Members Kukreti, Anant R. Design of 8-bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Discussion Kulak, Geoffrey L. AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Errata Discussion Closure Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Design of Connectors in Web-Flange Beam or Girder Splices Discussion: High-Strength Bolting Discussion: Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Eccentrically Loaded Slip-Resistant Connections Errata: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections--A Review Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Strength of Joints that Combine Bolts and Welds The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Discussion Kuo, John T.C. Torsional Properties of Composite Girders Kushman, Robert L. Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Kussman, Richard L. Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Errata Discussion Errata: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings L Lally, Andrew Bridge Construction Details Discussion Steel Box Girder Bridges Laman, Jeffrey A. Design Aids for Walking Vibrations in Steel Framed Floors LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids Lamont, Susan Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Lampitt, Edwin A. Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-Rolled Sections Discussion Discussion: Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-rolled Sections Lane, Barbara Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Lathrop, R.P. End Plate Connections in Plastically Designed Structures Lauck, Thomas W. Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System Lavelle, Francis H. Analysis of Curved Steel Girder Bridges Lavingia, Kishor P. Deformation Analysis of Structures Near Collapse Load Law, Margaret Errata: Fire Safety of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Fire Safety Of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Errata Lay, M.G. Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles Leabu, Victor F. Composite Design with Lightweight Aggregates on Building Projects Lee, Daeyong Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Lee, G.C. Application of AISC Design Provisions for Tapered Members Errata: Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Errata Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Truss Analogy for Steel Moment Connections Lee, Seng-Lip Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Discussion Leelataviwat, Sutat Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Leet, Kenneth M. Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leffler, Robert E. Calculation of Wind Drift in Staggered-Truss Buildings Efficiency of Tubular Framing for Medium-Height Buildings Leigh, J.M. Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles LeMessurier, William J. A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 1; Pin Jointed Systems Errata A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 2; Rigid Frames Approximate Analytical Model for Multistory Frames Errata: A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis (Part 1 - Pin Jointed Systems) Lenzen, Kenneth H. Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab Floors Leon, Roberto T. Behavior of Semi-rigid Composite Connections Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Composite Semi-Rigid Construction Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Levinton, Zusse Hyperboloid Space Frames for Tower Structures Lewis, Brett A. The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Libby, James R. Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Discussion Lie, T.T. A Method To Predict the Fire Resistance of Steel Building Columns Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Discussion Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Structural Steel and Fire; More Realistic Analysis Lim, Joonhong Progressive Collapse Analyses of 2D Steel Framed Structures with Different Connection Models Lin, Jihshya Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members (Lin) Errata: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Discussion Discussion Errata Lindsey, Stanley D. LRFD Analysis and Design of Beams with Partially Restrained Connections Litle, William A Small Scale Models for Steel Frameworks Liu, Judy Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Liu, William Y. Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Discussion Liu, Yuxin Story-Based Effective Length Factors for Unbraced PR Frames Loannides, Socrates A. LRFD Analysis and Design of Beams with Partially Restrained Connections Loomis, Kenneth M. A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Lopes Ribeiro, Jose Carlos Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes López, Walterio A. Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System Lopez-Garcia, Diego A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Lorenz, Robert F. Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Errata Errata: Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Some Economic Considerations for Composite Floor Beams Understanding Composite Beam Design Methods Using LRFD Louie, Jason J.C. Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Lu, Le-Wu Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Discussion Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Discussion Design of Braced Multi-Story Frames by the Plastic Method Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Discussion: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Discussion: Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplication Factor Effective Length of Columns in Gable Frames Errata: The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Recent Developments in Steel Building Design The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Errata Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Lue, Dung-Myau Design of Crane Runway Beam with Channel Lue, Tony The Warping Constant for the W-Section with a Channel Cap Lui, E.M. A Novel Approach for K Factor Determination A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Discussion Errata Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata Discussion: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Effective Lengths of Uniform and Stepped Crane Columns End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Discussion Errata: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Errata: Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Simplified Approach to the Analysis and Design of Columns with Imperfections Lutz, Leroy A. A Closer Examination of the Axial Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements Evaluating Single Angle Compression Struts Using An Effective Slenderness Approach M Macadam, John N. Discussion: The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members MacCrimmon, Robert A. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings MacKinnon, David H. Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Madhava Rao Adluri, Seshu Geometric Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Angles Including the Effects of Toe Radii and Fillet Madugula, Murty K.S. Design Strength of Schifflerized Angle Struts Eccentrically Loaded Steel Single Angle Struts Elastic and Plastic Section Moduli of Steel Angles About Principal Axes (PDF) Geometric Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Angles Including the Effects of Toe Radii and Fillet Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Spliced Axially-Loaded Single-Angle Members in Compression Magnusson, Sven Erik A Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings Mahamid, Mustafa The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Mahin, Stephen A. Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Maitra, N. Allowable Stress for Bending Members Discussion Errata: Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Errata Nomograph for Design of Channel Section Beams Nomograph for Design of Power Plant and Industrial Precipitator Shell Malley, James O. The 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Update on the AISC Seismic Provisions Mander, John B. Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Mangelsdorf, C.P. Allowable Axial Stresses in Segmented Columns Manolis, George D. Plastic Design Aids for Pinned-Base Gabled Frames Mans, Patrick Flexural Capacity and Ductility of HPS-70W Bridge Girders Maranian, Peter Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Marino, Frank J. Column Stability in Type 2 Construction Errata Discussion: Ponding of Two-way Roof Systems Errata: Column Stability in Type 2 Construction Errata: Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems One Engineer's Opinion (Beam Splice) Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems Discussion Errata Marrone, Adolph A. Discussion: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Errata: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress. (Paper presented April, 1966) Marsh, Cedric Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Marsh, James W. Earthquakes: Steel Structures Performance and Design Code Developments Marsh, M. Lee Anchorage of Steel Building Components to Concrete Errata: Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Errata Marshall, Justin A Comparison of the Krawinkler and Scissors Models for Including Beam Column Joint Deformations in the Analysis of Moment Resisting Steel Frames Martinez-Romero, Enrique Preface to the North American Design Comparisons Marx, Christopher Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings The Effective Length of Unbraced Single Story Columns Discussion Mataya, John Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Errata Discussion Discussion: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Errata: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Matsui, Shigeyuki The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Matsuoka, K.G. Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Matz, Charles A. Disscussion: On Inelasic Column Buckling Mazzarella, Sr., M. Max Design Aid for Deflection of Simple Beams Under Concentrated Loads McCauley, Robert D. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames McDonough, J.F. Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns McGarraugh, Jay B. Lightweight Concrete-on-Steel Composite Beams McGuire, William A Method for Incorporating Live Load Reduction Provisions in Frame Analysis Computers and Steel Design Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Interactive Computer Graphics in Steel Analysis/Design--A Progress Report Structural Engineering for the 80's and Beyond McLaughlin, E.R. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 1-Response of Steel Columns to Temperature Exposure McMackin, Patrick J. Headed Steel Anchor under Combined Loading McMullin, Kurt M. Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Discussion McNabb, J.W. Disscussion: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures Errata Discussion Errata: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNamara, Michael P. A Conceptual Approach to Prevent Crack-related Failure of Steel Bridges McNamara, Robert J. Approximate Analytical Model for Multistory Frames Mead, Edwin Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Medberry, Sara B. Perfobond Shear Connector for Composite Construction Medhekar, Manoj Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Mehringer, Vincent Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Errata Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehta, Narendra K. Graphical Solution for Selection of Web Splice Bolts Rapid Selection of W Columns (AASHO Method of Design) Mehta, Purushottam B. A Graphical Method for Design of Cantilevered and Suspended Span Beams Milbradt, K.P. Discussion: Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Milek, W.A. A Cautionary Note on Beam Copes AISC Orthotropic Plate Design Manual Bridge Construction Details Discussion Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Homogeneous and Hybrid Girder Design in the 1969 AISC Specification One Engineer's Opinion (Bending of Tees) One Engineer's Opinion (Bolting and Composite) One Engineer's Opinion (Lateral Support) One Engineer's Opinion (Rectangular Section Beams) One Engineer's Opinion (Vibration) Splices in Plastically Designed Continuous Structures Miller, B.S. On Moment Capacity and Flexural Ductility in Doubly Symmetric Web-Tapered I-Girders Miller, Craig J. Light Gage Steel Infill Panels in Multistory Steel Frames Miller, Duane K. What Structural Engineers and Fabricators Need to Know About Weld Metal Miller, John P. Errata: Strengthening of Existing Compostie Beams Using LRFD Procedures Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Discussion Critique Errata Miller, Thomas H. Examination of AISC LRFD Shear Lag Design Provisions Mitchell, Denis Moment Resisting Connections for Mixed Construction Mohammadi, Jamshid Elastic In-Plane Stiffness for a Circular Cut Reduced Beam Section (RBS)(PDF) Monasa, Frank Generalized Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Bending Moment Moore, Jay P. Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Discussion Discussion: Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Moore, Mark Behavior of a Two-Span Continuous Plate Girder Bridge Designed by the Alternate Load Factor Method Moore, II, William E. A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Discussion A Programmable Solution for Stepped Crane Columns Discussion: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Discussion: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Technical Note: Torsional Analysis of Steel Sections Morrell, M.L. Application of AISC Design Provisions for Tapered Members Moses, Fred Automated Optimum Design of Unstiffened Girder Cross Sections Minimum Cost Structures by Dynamic Programming Mourad, Shehab Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Mueller, John E. Lessons from Crane Runways Discussion Discussion Mueller, Keith Technical Note: Torsional Analysis of Steel Sections Muir, Larry S. A Technical Note: A Direct Method for Obtaining the Plate Buckling Coefficient for Double Coped Beams Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Mukai, David J. What You Should Know About Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Munse, W.H. Errata: High-Strength Bolting High-Strength Bolting Errata Discussion Murray, J.J. Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Murray, Thomas M. Acceptability Criterion for Occupant-Induced Floor Vibrations Building Floor Vibrations Errata Column Flange Strength at Moment End-Plate Connections Column Web Compression Strength at End-Plate Connections Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking Design of 8-bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Discussion Design of Lightly Loaded Steel Column Base Plates Design to Prevent Floor Vibrations Discussion: The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Errata Discussion: Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Errata:: Building Floor Vibrations Experimental Implementation of Active Control to Reduce Annoying Floor Vibrations Floor Vibrations and Cantilevered Construction Short Span Pre-Stressed Steel Bridges Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists Murty, C.V.R. P-V-M Interaction Curves for Seismic Design of Steel Column Base Connections Muvdi, B.B. Disscussion: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures Errata Discussion Errata: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures N Nadar, Marwan N. Design of Tee Framing Shear Connections Nair, R. Shankar A Modified Tube Concept for Tall Buildings Belt Trusses and Basements as 'Virtual' Outriggers for Tall Buildings Errata: Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Errata: Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Forces on Bracing Systems Modeling of Support Conditions at the Bases of Tall Buildings Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Errata Secondary Stresses in Trusses Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Errata Nakib, Rachid Redundancy in Highway Bridges Naslund, Kenneth C. Space Frame Structures Nassetta, Anthony F. Exposed Steel Framing on High Rise Buildings Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 3-Design Considerations Nelson, Frederick C. The Use of Viscoelastic Material to Damp Vibration in Buildings and Large Structures Nethercot, D.A. A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Discussion Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Discussion: Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Newell, James D. Confined Steel Brace for Earthquake Resistant Design Technical Note: Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Application Newman, Joseph H. The Dry Floor; A New Approach to High Rise Apartment Buildings Ng, Anthony K.F. Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Parametric and Reliability Analyses (PDF) Nguyen, Nghi Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Nicholls, J.I. Investigation of Triangular Heats Applied to Mild Steel Plates Nielsen, Richard J. Closure: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Discussion Closure Nilson, Arthur H. Steel Shell Roof Structures Notch, James S. Bolt Preload Measurements Using Ultrasonic Methods Nowak, Paul S. Correction: Steel Rigid Frames with Leaning Columns Steel Rigid Frames With Leaning Columns-1993 LRFD Example Correction O O'Leary, James A. An Equivalent Radius of Gyration Approach to Flexural-Torsional Buckling for Singly Symmetric Sections O'Neil, Richard Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Odeh, M. David Discussion: Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Discussion Odom, Gerald S The Steel Framed Dome Ohama, Michihiro Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Ojard, Sara D. Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Okazaki, Taichiro Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Ollgaard, Jorgen G. Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Discussion Errata Olowokere, O.D. Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Olsson, D.A. Assurance of Reliability in Fabricated Steel Structures Through Nondestructive Testing Onderdonk, A.B. End Plate Connections in Plastically Designed Structures Orbison, James G. Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Errata Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Owens, D.E. In-Plane Fatigue Strength of Plates with Laminar Discontinuities Oyeledun, Abayomi O Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Ozer, Erkan Recent Developments in Steel Building Design P Packer, Jeffrey A. Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS Palmer, Nathan J. Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Parikh, Prabhakar Discussion: Allowable Stress for Bending Members Parsanejad, S. Plastic Analysis of Pinned-base Haunched Gable Frames Pattanayak, Umesh C. Lateral Instability of Castellated Beams Patton, Fredrick W. Automated Design of Space Trusses Pekcan, Gokhan Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Penkul, Richard C. Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Pense, Alan W. Experience with Use of Heavy W Shapes in Tension Perez, Minerva I. Constrained Through-Thickness Strength of Column Flanges of Various Grades and Chemistries Peronto, John L. Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Perry, Dale C. Low-Rise Building Wind Load Provisions Peshek, Jr., Charles The AISC Quality Certification Program Pesquera, Carlos I. Interactive Computer Graphics in Steel Analysis/Design--A Progress Report Pettersson, Ove A Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings Pezeshk, S. Optimal Design of Steel Frames to Enhance Overall Stability Phang, Michael K.S. Direct Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Loading Simplified Solution to Interaction Equation Picard, A. Correction: Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Design of Diagonal Cross Bracings: Part 1 Theoretical Study Discussion Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Correction Discussion Discussion: Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracings-Part 1: Theoretical Study; Part 2: Experimental Study Picardi, E. Alfred Structural System; Standard Oil of Indiana Building (T.R. Higgins Award) Piepenburg, Dwayne D. Discussion: A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Pierson, George Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Errata Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Pincus, George Generalized Superposition Method in Plastic Analysis Method of Combining Mechanisms in Plastic Analysis On the Lateral Support of Inelastic Columns Optimum Design of Steel Pipe Racks Pinkham, C.W. An Introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design for Steel Buildings Pinkney, R. Bruce Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Plumier, Andre The Dogbone: Back to the Future Podolny, Jr., Walter Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Discussion Cable-Stayed Bridges Poellot, Jr., William N. Computer-aided Design of Horizontally Curved Girders by the V-load Method Polyzois, D. Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections Effect of Overspray and Incomplete Masking of Faying Surfaces on the Slip Resistance of Bolted Connections Poncet, Laure Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Popov, Egor P. An Update on Eccentric Seismic Bracing Capacity of Columns with Splice Imperfections Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Design of an Eccentrically Braced Steel Frame Discussion: Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Errata: Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Errata Seismic Steel Framing Systems for Tall Buildings U.S. Seismic Steel Codes Pote, Joseph J. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Potyraj, Timothy J. Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Powers, J.J. Graphical Solution for Selection of Web Splice Bolts Prakash, Bangalore A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Preece, F.R. Proposed Working Stresses for Fillet Welds in Building Construction Prochnow, Sara D. Constrained Through-Thickness Strength of Column Flanges of Various Grades and Chemistries Puthli, R.S. Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension Q Qaqish, Samih Plastic Behavior of Beams with Mid-Depth Web Openings Quiel, Spencer E. The Behavior of Steel Perimeter Columns in a High-Rise Building Under Fire Quinn, Brian P. Examination of Fillet Weld Strength R Rahman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Rapp, Robert E. Simplifications in the Solution of Column Interaction Problems Rauscher, Thomas R. Reliability of Rotational Behavior of Framing Connections Ravindra, M.K. Errata: Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Errata Redwood, R.G. Discussion: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Simplified Plastic Analysis for Reinforced Web Holes Tables for Plastic Design of Beams with Rectangular Holes Reed, John W. Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings (T.R. Higgins Award) Reno, Mark Effect of Compound Buckling on Compression Strength of Built-up Members Rex, Clinton O. Partially Restrained Composite Beam-To-Girder Connections Richard, Ralph M. Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Discussion Discussion Discussion: Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Discussion: Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Discussion: Design of Single-Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Errata: Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Errata The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Richards, Paul Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Ricker, David T. Cambering Steel Beams Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Errata Discussion: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Errata: Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Field Welding to Existing Steel Structures Some Practical Aspects of Column Base Selection Tips for Avoiding Crane Runway Problems Ricles, James M. Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Rimmer, Norman W. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Ringo, B.C. Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Rockey, K.C. A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Discussion Roddis, W.M. Kim Distortion-Induced Cracking During Transit K-factors for Unbraced Frames: Alignment Chart Accuracy for Practical Frame Variations Roeder, Charles W. Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Design of an Eccentrically Braced Steel Frame Moment Resisting Connections for Mixed Construction The Results of Experiments on Seated Beam Connections Rogers, Paul A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Discussion Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rolfe, S.T. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Steel Structures Ronan, J.G. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Rongoe, James A Composite Girder System for Joist Supported Slabs Roy, Ranjit Stress Reduction Factor for Unsupported Lengths Rubinsky, Moe A. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns Ruddy, John L. Economics of Low-Rise Steel-Framed Structures Ponding of Concrete Deck Floors Ruhman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Rutenberg, Avigdor Nonlinear Analysis of Eccentric Bolted Connections S Sabelli, Rafael Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Recommended Provisions for Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Sakla, Sherief S.S. Performance of the AISC LRFD Specification in Predicting the Capacity of Eccentrially Loaded Single-Angle Struts Spliced Axially-Loaded Single-Angle Members in Compression Tables for the Design Strength of Eccentrically-Loaded Single Angle Struts Saleh, Y. The Effect of Burrs on the Shear Capacity of Bearing Connections Salmon, Charles G. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Samelson, Harold A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Errata Discussion Discussion: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Errata: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samuel, Santosh Flexural Strength of WT Sections Samuelson, David Composite Steel Joists Sandhu, Balbir S. Discussion: Steel Column Base Plate Design Dynamic Analysis of Multistory Buildings Effective Length of Columns with Intermediate Axial Load Steel Column Base Plate Design Discussion Sato, Atsushi Modified Slenderness Ratio for Built-up Members Saunders, C. Mark Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System Sawyer, Donald A. Discussion: Ponding of Two-way Roof Systems Saxe, Van Rensselaer P. Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Sayed-Ahmed, Ezzeldine Yazeed Plate Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs Scacco, Mario N. Design Aid-Anchor Bolt Interaction of Shear and Tension Loads Scalzi, John B. The Staggered Truss System-Structural Considerations Scanlon, Robert H. Modern Approaches to Solution of the Wind Problems of Long Span Bridges (T.R. Higgins) Schaad, John A. Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Schaffhausen, Robert J. Multistory Rigid Frames with Composite Girders Under Gravity and Lateral Forces Scheiner, Alfred Discussion: Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Schilling, Charles G. Buckling of One-Story Frames Discussion Closure Closure: Buckling of One-Story Frames Simplified Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Unified Autostress Method Schlafly, Thomas Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Schlenker, Norman E. Errata: The Case for the Semi-Box Girder The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Errata Schmeckpeper, Edwin R. Closure: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Discussion Closure Schmidt, Bradley J. Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Discussion Closure Schmidt, Jon A. Design of Mill Building Columns Using Notional Loads Schultz, William The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Scrivener, J.C. Approximate Analytical Model for Multistory Frames SEAOC Seismology Committee Discussion: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Sears, Frank D. Discussion: An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Seddeik, Mokhtar Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Segui, William T. Web Shear Strength of Flexural Members Seigel, L.G. Errata: The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Errata Sen, Rajan Fabrication Aids for Cold Straightening I-Girders (PDF) Seshadri, Anand Steel Built-up Girders with Trapezoidally Corrugated Webs Shah, Kirit N. A Composite Action Duct-Beam System Shah, Manu Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Shahrooz, Bahram M. Perfobond Shear Connector for Composite Construction Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Discussion Sharp, David F. Critique: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1¼-in. Diameter Bolts Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Design Method for the Bolts in Bearing-Type Connections with Fillers Elastic Design Charts for the Rapid Selection of Web Bolts for Composite Steel Bridge Splices The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Sherbourne, Archie N. Optimal Cost Design of Semi-Rigid, Low-Rise Industrial Frames Sherman, Donald R. Designing With Structural Tubing Sherman, William C. Discussion: Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Shermer, Carl L. Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Discussion Torsional Strength and Stiffness of Steel Structures Shields, E.J. The Poplar Street Bridge Shim, Chang-Su The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Shipp, John G. Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Discussion Discussion: Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Shogren, V.E. Folded Steel Plate Roof for a Suburban Branch Bank Short, Andrew Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Shrivastava, Suresh C. Elastic Buckling of a Column Under Varying Axial Force Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. A Beam Design Aid for Structural Tubing LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Siev, Avinadav Torsion in Closed Sections Siminou, Javid Preliminary Design of Curved Bridges Simon, Warner Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Sling, Russell S. Discussion: Design of Steel Bearing Plates Slutter, Roger G. Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck Headed Steel Anchor under Combined Loading Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Discussion Errata Smith, Jr., C.V. On Inelastic Column Buckling Discussion Snyder, John K. Generalized Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Bending Moment Snyder, Russell D. Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Discussion Soegiarso, R. Optimization of Large Space Frame Steel Structures Optimization of Large Steel Truss Structures Using Standard Cross Sections Sohal, Iqbal S. On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Discussion Soltis, Lawrence A. Combined Shear and Tension on Grouted Base Details Steel Supported Masonry Walls Song, Jianlin Probabilistic Modeling of Steel Moment Frames with Welded Connections Springfield, John Design of Columns Subject to Biaxial Bending Discussion: Buckling of One-Story Frames Sputo, Thomas A Technical Note: Comparison of Design Specifications for Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Discussion Closure Closure: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Correction: Discussion of Design of Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Errata Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Discussion Discussion Correction Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Errata: Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Flexural Strength of WT Sections LRFD Beam Tables for Structural Tubes SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 1) Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 2) Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 4) Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 3) Stack-Staikidis, W.J. Stiffness Coefficients of Beam-Columns with Non-Prismatic Members Stafiej, Andrew P. Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Errata Errata: Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Stallings, J. Michael Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Stamberg, Hans Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Stanczak, John S. Book Review: Detailing for Steel Construction (AISC) Stanzak, W.W. Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Discussion Structural Steel and Fire; More Realistic Analysis Stasney, Blake Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Stecich, J. Discussion: Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Stephen, Roy M. Capacity of Columns with Splice Imperfections Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Stetina, Henry J. Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Discussion Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Errata: Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Errata Maximum A325 and A490 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stevens, David E. The Steel Framed Dome Stockwell, Jr., Frank W. Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Errata Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Errata: Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Errata: Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formula Girder Stiffness Distribution for Unbraced Columns One Engineer's Opinion (Interaction Equations) Preliminary Base Plate Selection Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formulas Errata Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Discussion Discussion Stojadinovic, Bozidar Design of Free Flange Moment Connection Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Truss Analogy for Steel Moment Connections Stoman, Sayed H. Discussion: Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracings-Part 1: Theoretical Study; Part 2: Experimental Study Structural Stability Research Council, Task Group 20 A Specification for the Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns Struik, John H.A. Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Sumer, Ali Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Sun, Manqing Effective Lengths of Uniform and Stepped Crane Columns Surovek, Andrea Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part I: Combined Braced and Gravity Framing Systems Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part II: Moment Frames and General Framing Systems Surtees, John O. Analysis of Knee-Braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading Analysis of Knee-braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading: Part 2-Columns of Unequal Stiffness Swanson, James A. Effects of Variable Pretension on the Behavior of Bolted Connections with Prying Ultimate Strength Prying Models for Bolted T-stub Connections T Tabsh, Sami W. Ductility of Non-Compact Steel Bridge Beams Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Tadros, Maher K. Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Tall, Lambert The Reinforcement of Steel Columns Taly, Narendra Prefabricated Press-Formed Steel T-Box Girder Bridge System Tang, John W. Preliminary Analysis and Member Sizing of Tall Tubular Steel Buildings Tanner, N. Stephen Allowable Bending Stresses for Overhanging Monorails Taranath, B.S. Errata: Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High Rise Structures Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High-Rise Structures Errata Taylor, Peter R. Composite Cable-stayed Bridges The Concept with the Competitive Edge Teal, Edward J. Discussion: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Errata: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Errata: Seismic Drift Control Criteria Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Discussion Errata Seismic Drift Control Criteria Errata Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods (T.R. Higgins Award) Discussion Thatcher, W.M. Horizontally Curved Steel Girders;Fabrication and Design Thomas, B.F. Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles Thomas, Steven J. Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Errata Discussion Errata: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Thor, Jorgen A Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings Thornton, Charles H. Innovative Approaches to the Erection of Tension Roof Structures Quality Control in Design and Supervision Can Eliminate Lamellar Tearing Thornton, William A. A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections A Technical Note: A Direct Method for Obtaining the Plate Buckling Coefficient for Double Coped Beams Bracing Connections for Heavy Construction Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Design of Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns: A Concatenation of Methods Design of Skewed Connections Design of Small Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns Discussion: The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Errata Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Prying Action- A General Treatment Rationale Behind and Proper Application of the Ductility Factor for Bracing Connections (PDF) Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Correction The Effect of Eccentricity on Brace-to-gusset Tide, Raymond H.R. A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Discussion Closure Errata A Technical Note: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Discussion Composite Open-Web Steel Joists Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Eccentrically Loaded Weld Groups; AISC Design Tables Errata Errata: Discussion of A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Errata: Eccentrically Loaded Weld Group--AISC Design Tables Fast Design of Beams with Cb Greater Than 1.0 Integrity of Structural Steel After Exposure to Fire Reinforcing Steel Members and the Effects of Welding Ting, Ea-Lu Calculator for Beam-column Design Ting, Lia-Choon Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Discussion Tochacek, Miloslav Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel? Tolaymat, Raed A. A New Approach to Floor Vibration Analysis Tolbert, R.N. Experimental Investigation of Lug Stresses and Failures Toprac, A.A. Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams Traian, Miguel Discussion: Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolts and Weld Groups Tremblay, Robert Achieving a Stable Inelastic Seismic Response for Multi-Story Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Errata: Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Errata Troup, Emile W.J. Restrained Fire Resistance Ratings in Structural Steel Buildings Tsai, K.C. Errata: Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Errata Tsai, Wan-Tswan A Simple Approach to Truss Deflections Tuan, Young-Bee Steel Supported Masonry Walls Tung, David H.H. Analysis of Cables as Equivalent Two-Force Members Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box Girders by the M/R-Method U Uang, Chia-Ming Effect of Compound Buckling on Compression Strength of Built-up Members Effect of Straightening Method on the Ciclic Behavior of k-Area in Steel Rolled Shapes (PDF) Effective Width of Composite L-Beams in Buildings Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Modified Slenderness Ratio for Built-up Members Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Uduma, K. Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Unknown Author Code of Standard Practice For Steel Buildings and Bridges Editor's Note: 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid (paper by Allen J. Hulshizer) Errata: ASD/LRFD Volume II- Connections Shear Tab Design Tables Errata: Earthquake-Resistant Design of Double-angle Bracing Errata: End-Plate Moment Connections: Their Use and Misuse Urdal, Tor B. Bracing of Continuous Columns Errata Errata: Bracing of Continuous Columns Usman, Ali LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Usmani, Asif S. Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Understanding the Response of Composite Structures to Fire V Vaicaitis, Rimas Application of Tuned Mass Dampers To Control Vibrations of Composite Floor Systems Vallenilla, Cesar R. Effective Width Criteria for Composite Beams Valley, Michael Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Van de Pas, Julius P. New Fatigue Provisions for the Design of Crane Runway Girders Vanderplaats, Garret N. Design Curves for Plastic Design of Uniformly Loaded Steel Beams Vanmarcke, Erik H. Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings (T.R. Higgins Award) Vansant, G.F. Discussion: Bridge Construction Details Vergun, Dimitry K. A Composite Action Duct-Beam System Verma, Krishna K. A Conceptual Approach to Prevent Crack-related Failure of Steel Bridges High-Strength Bolts for Bridges Vian, Darren A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Viest, Ivan M. Development of Design Rules for Composite Construction Load Factor Design for Steel Highway Bridges Vilas, Howard K. Analysis of Knee-Braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading Analysis of Knee-braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading: Part 2-Columns of Unequal Stiffness Errata: Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Errata Vinnakota, Murthy R. Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams with Ribbed Metal Deck Using LRFD Specifications Vinnakota, Sriramula Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams with Ribbed Metal Deck Using LRFD Specifications Visser, Mike Steel Frame Stability Design Volle, L.E. Yielding Limit State of Tee Stems in Flexural Compression Vukov, Ante Limit Analysis and Plastic Design of Grid Systems W Wahba, Yohanna M.F. Spliced Axially-Loaded Single-Angle Members in Compression Wahl, Howard W. Discussion: Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Walker, Wayne W. Tables for Equal Single Angles in Compression Walker, William H. Correction: Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Correction Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Discussion Walsh, Jr., Martin P. Discussion: Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Wanant, Sompandh Critique: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Wang, Chen-Hwa Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Discussion Discussion: Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Wang, Leon Ru-Liang End Restraints on Steel Joist Floor Vibrations Wang, P.C. Composite Action of Concrete Slab and Open Web Joist (Without the Use of Shear Connectors) Computer-Aided Design of Stub-Girder System Wardenier, Jaap Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Warner, Marvin Bending Under Seated Connections Wasserman, Edward P. Jointless Bridge Decks Watson, James Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Wattar, Samer W. Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Watwood, V.B. Finite Element Modeling of Girders with Large Web Openings Weaver, Jr., William Automated Design of Space Trusses Webster, Anthony C. Application of Tuned Mass Dampers To Control Vibrations of Composite Floor Systems Wechsler, Marius B. Direct Determination of Required Rigidities for Multiple-Bracing Frames Use of High-strength Steel for Simply Supported Beams Weerth, D.E. Investigation of Triangular Heats Applied to Mild Steel Plates Wegmuller, Anton W. Multistory Rigid Frames with Composite Girders Under Gravity and Lateral Forces Wehrmeister, Allen E. Use of Ultrasonic Testing in the Structural Steel Industry Weissman, Herbert A. Errata: Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems (pp. 44, 45) Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems Errata Welden, Neil Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge West, Harry H. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 2-Structural Analysis Wexler, Neil Composite Girders with Partial Restraints: A New Approach The Restraint Girder System- Local Web Buckling Behavior and Design Considerations White, Donald W. Application of Second-Order Elastic Analysis in LRFD: Research to Practice Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part I: Combined Braced and Gravity Framing Systems Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part II: Moment Frames and General Framing Systems Improved Flexural Stability Design of I-Section Members in AISC (2005) -- A Case Study Comparison to AISC (1989) ASD Tension Field Action in Hybrid Steel Girders The Accuracy of Column Stability Calculations in Unbraced Frames and the Influence of Columns with Effective Length Factors Less Than One White, Richard N. Framing Connections for Square and Rectangular Structural Tubing Wichman, Sven H. Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Discussion Widjaja, Budi R. Developments in Long Span Composite Slabs Widjaja, Suhendi The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Wiemeler, Steven The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Wiesner, Kenneth B. Discussion: Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Discussion: Directional Moment Connections-A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames LRFD Design Office Study Williams, James B. Economic Study of a Braced Multi-Story Steel Frame Willibald, S. Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension Wilson, Alexander D. Hardness Testing of Thermal Cut Edges of Steel Wine, Gregory Flexural Strength of WT Sections Winneberger, Ted Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Winter, George Discussion: Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Woerner, Wolfram W. Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Wolchuk, Roman Applications of Orthotropic Decks in Bridge Rehabilitation Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 2) Old Bridges Give Clues to Steel Deck Performance The Use of Orthotropic Decks in Redecking of Bridges Won Park, Jong Experimental Investigation of Reduced Beam Section Connections by Use of Web Openings Wong, Charles Structural System--Getty Plaza Tower Wong, Chow H. Preliminary Analysis and Member Sizing of Tall Tubular Steel Buildings Woodward, James H. Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns Wooten, J.M. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Discussion: Simplified Design of 8-Bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Wright, Richard N. Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Discussion Wyczolkowski, Adam Notes on Bracing Design X Xu, Lei Optimal Cost Design of Semi-Rigid, Low-Rise Industrial Frames Story-Based Effective Length Factors for Unbraced PR Frames Y Yakel, Aaron J. Flexural Capacity and Ductility of HPS-70W Bridge Girders Yamamoto, Y. Eugene Deflections of Stepped Beams and Girders Yang, W.H. Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated-Beam Connections Discussion Errata Errata Ye, Yanqun Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Yen, Ben T. Fatigue Strength of Steel Members with Welded Details (T.R. Higgins Award) Yoganandan, Naryan Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Yost, J.R. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Young, Ned W. Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Discussion Yura, Joseph A. A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Discussion Closure Errata Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Discussion: Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplication Factor Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections Errata: Discussion of A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Fundamentals of Beam Bracing Plastic Design of Multi-Story Buildings-A Progress Report Testing Method to Determine Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Discussion Discussion Discussion Z Zahn, Cynthia J. Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Errata: Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Plate Girder Design Using LRFD Zahn, Mark C. The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams Zandonini, Riccardo Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zanon, Paolo Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zekany, Andrew J. Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Zetlin, Lev Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Discussion Ziemian, Ronald D. A Method for Incorporating Live Load Reduction Provisions in Frame Analysis Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Zils, J.J. Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Errata Errata: Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Zimmerman, T.J. Some Aspects of Stub-Girder Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Zoruba, Sergio A Historical and Technical Overview of the Cb Coefficient in the AISC Specifications Zuo, Jiahong Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Discussion Zuraski, Patrick D. The Significance and Application of Cb in Beam Design Zureick, A. Design Strength of Concentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts Zvarick, Albert G. Constrained Axial Buckling About Non-Principal Axes Zweig, Alfred Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Errata Discussion Errata Discussion: Buckling of One-Story Frames Discussion: Column Stability under Elastic Support Discussion: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zwerneman, F.J. The Effect of Burrs on the Shear Capacity of Bearing Connections Subject Index A Analysis A Comparison of the Krawinkler and Scissors Models for Including Beam Column Joint Deformations in the Analysis of Moment Resisting Steel Frames Charney, Finley A. Marshall, Justin A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 1; Pin Jointed Systems LeMessurier, William J. Errata AISC Orthotropic Plate Design Manual Milek, W.A. An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Chen, Wai-Fah Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Analysis and Design of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Anand, Subhash C. Bertz, Richard F. Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Abdul-Baki, Assad Bartel, Dean Application of Second-Order Elastic Analysis in LRFD: Research to Practice Hajjar, Jerome F. White, Donald W. Closure: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Disque, Robert O. Geschwindner, Louis F. Correction: Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Chen, Wai-Fah Goto, Y. Kishi, N. Matsuoka, K.G. Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Hagen, Hans William Penkul, Richard C. Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Abruzzo, John Dahl, Joan S. Fisher, John W. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Nethercot, D.A. Discussion: Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces Œ A Return to Simplicity Foley, Christopher M. Schaad, John A. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Kapp, Richard Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion Discussion Effective Length Factors for Gusset Plate Buckling Dowswell, Bo Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Bhatti, M. Asghar Hingtgen, James E. Errata: A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis (Part 1 - Pin Jointed Systems) LeMessurier, William J. Errata: Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Flexible Moment Connections for Unbraced Frames Subject to Lateral Forces--A Return to Simplicity Disque, Robert O. Geschwindner, Louis F. Discussion Discussion Closure In-Plane Properties and Modeling of Reduced Beam Sections Dumonteil, Pierre Interactive Computer Graphics in Steel Analysis/Design--A Progress Report McGuire, William Pesquera, Carlos I. Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Correction Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Kennedy, D.J.L. MacCrimmon, Robert A. Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Errata Nonlinear Analysis of Eccentric Bolted Connections Rutenberg, Avigdor Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata Practical Advanced Analysis for Semi-rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Seung-Eock Progressive Collapse Analyses of 2D Steel Framed Structures with Different Connection Models Krauthammar, Theodor Lim, Joonhong Simplified Frame Design of Type PR Construction Ackroyd, Michael H. Steel Plate Analysis by Finite Elements Firkins, Norman L. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 2-Structural Analysis Kar, Anil K. West, Harry H. The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Amro, Akef Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Rahman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Ruhman, Adeeb The Mysterious 1/3 Stress Increase Ellifritt, Duane S. Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. Discussion Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Discussion Discussion Yield Line Analysis of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Kapp, Richard Yield-Line Analysis and Design of Grids Cannon, John P. Yielding Limit State of Tee Stems in Flexural Compression Earls, C.J. Volle, L.E. Analysis, Lateral Systems, Satbility and Bracing Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part I: Combined Braced and Gravity Framing Systems Kim, Sang-Cheol Surovek, Andrea White, Donald W. Direct Analysis and Design Using Amplified First-Order Analysis Part II: Moment Frames and General Framing Systems Chang, Ching-Jen Surovek, Andrea White, Donald W. Anchorage To Other Materials Anchor Bolt Design for Shear and Tension Kharod, Umesh J. Anchorage of Steel Building Components to Concrete Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Hawkins, Neil M. Roeder, Charles W. Design Aid-Anchor Bolt Interaction of Shear and Tension Loads Scacco, Mario N. Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Shipp, John G. Discussion Design of Steel Bearing Plates Fling, Russell S. Discussion Discussion: Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Sherman, William C. Shipp, John G. Discussion: Design of Steel Bearing Plates Gogate, Anand B. Sling, Russell S. Errata: Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Headed Steel Anchor under Combined Loading Fisher, John W. McMackin, Patrick J. Slutter, Roger G. Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Errata Simplifications in the Solution of Column Interaction Problems Hooper, Ira Rapp, Robert E. Steel Supported Masonry Walls Soltis, Lawrence A. Tuan, Young-Bee Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel Considerations in the Design of Bolted Joints for Weathering Steel Brockenbrough, R.L. B Base Plates Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Combined Shear and Tension on Grouted Base Details Adihardjo, Rianto Soltis, Lawrence A. Correction: Discussion of Design of Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Iwankiw, Nestor R. Sputo, Thomas Curvilinear Grid Frames Hutton, Charles R. Design of Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns: A Concatenation of Methods Thornton, William A. Design of Lightly Loaded Steel Column Base Plates Murray, Thomas M. Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Sputo, Thomas Discussion Discussion Correction Design of Small Base Plates for Wide Flange Columns Thornton, William A. Discussion: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Œ LRFD Method Doyle, James M. Fisher, James M. Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Iwankiw, Nestor R. Sputo, Thomas Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Valley, Michael Discussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Douty, R.T. Discussion: Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Disscussion: Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Bird, William R. Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. Errata: Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Maitra, N. Graphical Aid for Design of Base Plate Subjected to Moment Maitra, N. Errata Inconsistencies in Column Base Plate Design in the New AISC ASD Manual Ahmed, Salahuddin Kreps, Robert R. Preliminary Base Plate Selection Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Rapid Selection of Column Base Plates Bird, William R. Errata Discussion Discussion Some Practical Aspects of Column Base Selection Ricker, David T. Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Discussion Beams and Flexural Members 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid Hulshizer, Allen J. A Beam Design Aid for Structural Tubing Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. A Cautionary Note on Beam Copes Milek, W.A. A Closer Examination of the Axial Capacity of Eccentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts Lutz, Leroy A. A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Moore, William E., II Discussion A Graphical Method for Design of Cantilevered and Suspended Span Beams Mehta, Purushottam B. A Historical and Technical Overview of the Cb Coefficient in the AISC Specifications Dekker, Brian Zoruba, Sergio A New Approach for Design of Steel Beam-Columns Aminmansour, Abbas A Rapid Solution of Vierendeel Frames Abdul-Shafi, A. A Simple Approach to Truss Deflections Tsai, Wan-Tswan A Simplified Look at Partially Restrained Beams Geschwindner, Louis F. A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Chong, Ken P. Errata A Stub-Girder System for High-Rise Buildings Colaco, Joseph P. A Technical Note: A Direct Method for Obtaining the Plate Buckling Coefficient for Double Coped Beams Muir, Larry S. Thornton, William A. A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements Fisher, James M. Lutz, Leroy A. A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Nethercot, D.A. Rockey, K.C. Discussion Adjusting the Beam-line Method for Positive-moment Yielding Carskaddan, Phillip S. Grubb, Michael A. Haaijer, Geerhard Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John Errata Discussion Allowable Stress for Bending Members Maitra, N. Discussion Amplification Factors for Beam-Columns Koo, Benjamin An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Ainso, Heino Hoptay, Joseph M. Discussion Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Kanchanalai, T. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Abdul-Baki, Assad Bartel, Dean Another Approach to Simplified Design of a Curved Steel Girder Ketchek, Konstantin Appendix A: Beam Gravity Load Considerations Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix B: Corollary for Cover-Plated Connections (without RBS) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix C: Elastic Stiffness Change for Reduced Beam Section Iwankiw, Nestor R. Appendix D: Combination Detail (RBS With Nominal End Reinforcement) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Approximate Plastic Modulus of Wide Flange Beam Sections Gilsanz, Ramon Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-Rolled Sections Lampitt, Edwin A. Discussion Automated Optimum Design of Unstiffened Girder Cross Sections Goble, George G. Moses, Fred Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zandonini, Riccardo Zanon, Paolo Beam-Column Base Plate Design - LRFD Method Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. Errata Errata Discussion Behavior of Bearing Critical Double-Angle Beam Connections Birkemoe, Peter C. Gilmor, Michael I. Belt Trusses and Basements as 'Virtual' Outriggers for Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar Box Girder Bridge Design Kavanagh, Thomas C. Box Girder Bridge Design; State of the Art Heins, Conrad P. Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Ainso, Heino Batson, Gordon B. Hopper, Bruce E. Buckling of One-Story Frames Schilling, Charles G. Discussion Closure Buckling of Prestressed Steel Girders Bradford, Mark A. Beams And Flexural Members Buckling of Webs in Unsymmetric Plate Girders Frank, Karl H. Helwig, Todd A. Beams and Flexural Members Calculator for Beam-column Design Ting, Ea-Lu Cantilever Beam Framing Systems Hemstad, Michael Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Bjorhovde, Reidar Column Base Plate Design Table Chhabra, Surendra J. Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Discussion Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Concrete Benjamin, Irwin A. Computer-Aided Design of Stub-Girder System Gotschall, John A. Wang, P.C. Computer-aided Design of Horizontally Curved Girders by the V-load Method Poellot, William N., Jr. Correction: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Critique: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Wanant, Sompandh Design Aid for Required Moment of Inertia of Simple Beams Eisenman, Mark L. Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Hallal Fakury, Ricardo Lopes Ribeiro, Jose Carlos de Souza Verissimo, Gustavo Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Froyton, George Discussion Errata Design Considerations for W-Shape Flexural Members Built-Up from Plates Bankes, Michael E. Drake, Richard M. Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Brockenbrough, R.L. Garrett, J.H., Jr. Design and Optimization of Plate Girders and Weld-fabricated Beams for Building Construction Fleischer, Walter H. Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira Errata Design of Columns Subject to Biaxial Bending Springfield, John Design of Connectors in Web-Flange Beam or Girder Splices Green, Deborah L. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Shipp, John G. Discussion Design of Single Angles Bent About the Major Principal Axis Earls, C.J. Design of Unstiffened Girders Abolitz, A. Leon Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata Discussion Discussion Discussion Errata Correction Design of a Rolled Beam Bridge by New AASHTO Guide Specification for Compact Braced Sections Holt, Robert C. Hourigan, Edward V. Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Badie, Sameh S. Girgis, Amgad Nguyen, Nghi Tadros, Maher K. Direct Feasible and Optimal Design of Laterally Unsupported Beams* Brandt, G. Donald Discussion: A General Solution for the Governing Bending Equation Budeshtsky, Rudolf J. Discussion: A Unified Approach to the Elastic Lateral Buckling of Beams Chinn, James Piepenburg, Dwayne D. Discussion: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John Discussion: Allowable Stress for Bending Members Parikh, Prabhakar Discussion: An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Sears, Frank D. Discussion: Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Nethercot, D.A. Discussion: Approximate Stiffness and Bending Strength for Compact-rolled Sections Lampitt, Edwin A. Discussion: Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress Marrone, Adolph A. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Salmon, Charles G. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Chen, Wai-Fah Gerstle, Kurt H. Lui, E.M. Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength--Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion: Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Fleischer, Walter H. Odeh, M. David Discussion: Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplication Factor Lu, Le-Wu Yura, Joseph A. Discussion: Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Kocsis, Peter Discussion: Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Scheiner, Alfred Discussion: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Kocsis, Peter Economics of Low-Rise Steel-Framed Structures Ruddy, John L. Effective Width of Composite L-Beams in Buildings Brosnan, David P. Uang, Chia-Ming Effects of Cope Geometry on the Strength and Behavior of Cellular and Castellated Beams Dinehart, David W. Gross, Shawn P. Hennessey, J.M. Hoffman, R. M. Yost, J.R. Elastic Buckling of a Column Under Varying Axial Force Shrivastava, Suresh C. Elastic In-Plane Stiffness for a Circular Cut Reduced Beam Section (RBS)(PDF) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Mohammadi, Jamshid End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Discussion Errata: A Simplified Method for the Flexural Design of Stiffened Hybrid Girders Chong, Ken P. Errata: Allowable Loads on Beams without Lateral Support Mataya, John Errata: Design Aids: Minimum Depth and Allowable Bending Stress. (Paper presented April, 1966) Groyton, George Marrone, Adolph A. Errata: Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata: Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formula Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata: Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Errata: Strengthening of Existing Compostie Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Errata: The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Errata: Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Nair, R. Shankar Evaluation of Applicability of Typical Column Design Equations to Steel H-Piles Supporting Integral Abutments Burdette, Edwin G. Deatherage, J. Harold Goodpasture, David W. Ingram, Earl E. Fast Check for Laterally Supported Beam Capacity Odeh, M. David Discussion Fast Design of Beams with Cb Greater Than 1.0 Burgett, Lewis B. Tide, Raymond H.R. Flexural Strength of WT Sections Ellifritt, Duane S. Samuel, Santosh Sputo, Thomas Wine, Gregory Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. Formulas for Beams with Semi-rigid Connections Kotlyar, Nathan Fundamentals of Beam Bracing Yura, Joseph A. Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Augustine, Binson Hosur, Vinod History of Steel Beam Design Galambos, Theodore V. Homogeneous and Hybrid Girder Design in the 1969 AISC Specification Milek, W.A. In-Plane Properties and Modeling of Reduced Beam Sections Dumonteil, Pierre LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. Usman, Ali LRFD Beam Tables for Structural Tubes Sputo, Thomas LRFD Beam-Column Graphical Design Aid Keil, William J. Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams (PDF) Dowswell, Bo Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams Dowswell, Bo Limit Analysis and Plastic Design of Grid Systems Vukov, Ante Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Henderson, J.E. Packer, Jeffrey A. Wardenier, Jaap Local Buckling Rules for Rotation Capacity Daali, M.L. Korol, R.M. Measured and Computed Stresses in Three Castellated Beams Baldwin, James W., Jr. Douty, R.T. Moments on Beam-Columns with Flexible Connections in Braced Frames Brown, Jack H. New Method of Design for Combined Tension and Bending Aminmansour, Abbas Nomograph for Design of Channel Section Beams Maitra, N. Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Chen, Wai-Fah Duan, Lian Sohal, Iqbal S. Discussion On Moment Capacity and Flexural Ductility in Doubly Symmetric Web-Tapered I-Girders Earls, C.J. Miller, B.S. One Engineer's Opinion (Interaction Equations) Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. One Engineer's Opinion (Lateral Support) Milek, W.A. Beams And Flexural Members Optimal Design of Cantilever-suspended Girders Gurfinkel, German Beams and Flexural Members Optimization of Large Steel Truss Structures Using Standard Cross Sections Adeli, H. Soegiarso, R. Optimum Cost Design of Partially Composite Steel Beams Using LRFD Bhatti, M. Asghar Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Baseheart, T.M. McDonough, J.F. Ringo, B.C. Plastic Design of Multi-Story Buildings-A Progress Report Driscoll, George C., Jr. Yura, Joseph A. Plate Girder Design Using LRFD Zahn, Cynthia J. Plate Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs Sayed-Ahmed, Ezzeldine Yazeed Practical Approaches in Mill Building Columns Subjected to Heavy Crane Loads Bendapudi, Kasi V. Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Galambos, Theodore V. Proposed Equal Leg Single Angle Flexural Design Provisions for Consideration in the Development of Future AISC Specification Editions Earls, C.J. Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns Rubinsky, Moe A. Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles Lay, M.G. Leigh, J.M. Thomas, B.F. Secondary Stresses in Trusses Nair, R. Shankar Selecting Laterally Unsupported Beams of Least Weight Brandt, G. Donald Simplifications in the Solution of Column Interaction Problems Hooper, Ira Rapp, Robert E. Simplified Approach to AISC Bending Formulas Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata Simplified Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Schilling, Charles G. Simplified Procedure to Determine Maximum Beam Deflection Koo, Benjamin Simplified Solution to Interaction Equation Babyak, R. Carey Phang, Michael K.S. Some Aspects of Stub-Girder Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Bjorhovde, Reidar Zimmerman, T.J. Steel Box Girder Bridges-Design Guides and Methods Heins, Conrad P. Steel Built-up Girders with Trapezoidally Corrugated Webs Elgaaly, Mohamed Seshadri, Anand Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Liu, William Y. Discussion Steel Members Subject to Axial Tension and Biaxial Bending Moments Hsu, C.T.T. Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Goel, Subhash C. Leelataviwat, Sutat Stojadinovic, Bozidar Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems Weissman, Herbert A. Errata Strength of Singly Symmetric I-Shaped Beam-Columns Galambos, Theodore V. Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Errata Stress Reduction Factor for Unsupported Lengths Roy, Ranjit Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Geer, Elihu Kushman, Robert L. Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Tension Field Action in Hybrid Steel Girders Barker, Michael G. Hurst, Austin M White, Donald W. The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Errata The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. Discussion The Performance and Design Checking of Chord-Angle Legs in Joist Girders Galambos, Theodore V. The Restraint Girder System- Local Web Buckling Behavior and Design Considerations Wexler, Neil The Significance and Application of Cb in Beam Design Zuraski, Patrick D. The Steel Framed Dome Odom, Gerald S Stevens, David E. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. The Warping Constant for the W-Section with a Channel Cap Ellifritt, Duane S. Lue, Tony Ultimate Strength Considerations for Seismic Design of the Reduced Beam Section (Internal Plastic Hinge) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Use of High-strength Steel for Simply Supported Beams Wechsler, Marius B. Vertically Curved Girder Flanges Nair, R. Shankar Errata Web Design Under Compressive Edge Loads Elgaaly, Mohamed Web Shear Strength of Flexural Members Segui, William T. Beams and Flexural Members, Specifications Improved Flexural Stability Design of I-Section Members in AISC (2005) -- A Case Study Comparison to AISC (1989) ASD Chang, Ching-Jen White, Donald W. Beams and Flexural MembersMiscellaneous Structural Products Lateral Instability of Castellated Beams Chesson, Eugene, Jr. Pattanayak, Umesh C. Beams and Flexural Memebers Sidesway Web Buckling of Steel Beams Cheng, J.J.R. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Blast, Physical Security, and Progressive Collapse Progressive Collapse Analyses of 2D Steel Framed Structures with Different Connection Models Krauthammar, Theodor Lim, Joonhong Bolts A Fresh Look at Bolted End- Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata Discussion A Simple Formula for the Polar Second Moment of Area of a Regular Skew-Symmetric Bolt Group Bradfield, C.D. Irvine, H.M. A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Closure Errata AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Errata Discussion Closure Anchor Bolt Design for Shear and Tension Kharod, Umesh J. Bolt Preload Measurements Using Ultrasonic Methods Notch, James S. Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Fisher, John W. Oyeledun, Abayomi O Struik, John H.A. Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Fouad, Fouad H. Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. Closure: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Closure: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Carter, Charles J. Closure: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Gentry, Guy Nielsen, Richard J. Schmeckpeper, Edwin R. Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4- in. Diameter Bolts Abruzzo, John Dahl, Joan S. Fisher, John W. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion Considerations in the Design of Bolted Joints for Weathering Steel Brockenbrough, R.L. Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Cost Studies of High Strength Bolted Connections Graves, Frederick E. Critique: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1¼-in. Diameter Bolts Flucker, Ronald L. Sharp, David F. Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Hagen, Hans William Penkul, Richard C. Design Method for the Bolts in Bearing-Type Connections with Fillers Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata Discussion Errata Design of Headed Anchor Bolts Haninger, Edward R. Shipp, John G. Discussion Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Discussion Discussion Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Agerskov, Henning Griffiths, John D. Krishnamurthy, N. McGuire, William Rimmer, Norman W. Wooten, J.M. Discussion: A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Biren, Joseph Dumonteil, Pierre Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gupta, Mohan Gupta, L. M. Discussion: Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolts and Weld Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Traian, Miguel Discussion: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Bertwell, W. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Fisher, John W. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Marsh, Cedric Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Brandt, G. Donald Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion: Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion: Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Flucker, Ronald L. Discussion: The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Ricker, David T. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. Eccentrically Loaded Slip-Resistant Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections Polyzois, D. Yura, Joseph A. Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Iwankiw, Nestor R. Schlafly, Thomas Effect of Overspray and Incomplete Masking of Faying Surfaces on the Slip Resistance of Bolted Connections Frank, Karl H. Polyzois, D. Effects of Variable Pretension on the Behavior of Bolted Connections with Prying Amrine, Jennifer J. Swanson, James A. Effects of the Latest LRFD Block Shear Code Change Epstein, Howard I. Errata: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections--A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata: Discussion of A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yura, Joseph A. Errata: Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. Errata: The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Seigel, L.G. Graphical Solution for Selection of Web Splice Bolts Mehta, Narendra K. Powers, J.J. High-Strength Bolts for Bridges Beckmann, Fred R. Verma, Krishna K. Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Bartels, Peter A. Barth, Karl E. Orbison, James G. Maximum A325 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. Errata Maximum A325 and A490 Bolt Loads at a Glance Stetina, Henry J. Multiple Bolt Anchorages: Method for Determining the Effective Projected Area of Overlapping Stress Cones Burdette, Edwin G. Marsh, M. Lee Errata Nonlinear Analysis of Eccentric Bolted Connections Rutenberg, Avigdor One Engineer's Opinion (Bending of Tees) Milek, W.A. Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Shermer, Carl L. Discussion Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Discussion Predesigned Bolted Framing Angle Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Procedure for a Design and Analysis of Hanger-type Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Prying Action- A General Treatment Thornton, William A. Rapid Determination of Ultimate Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Groups Brandt, G. Donald Discussion Discussion Discussion Reuse of A325 and A490 High-Strength Bolts Betancourt, Miguel Bowman, Mark D. Specifying Bolt Length for High-Strength Bolts Carter, Charles J. Discussion Closure Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Correction Strength of Joints that Combine Bolts and Welds Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination Bowman, Mark D. Jarosch, K.H. Testing Method to Determine Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. The Effect of Burrs on the Shear Capacity of Bearing Connections Saleh, Y. Zwerneman, F.J. The Effects of Over-Compressing ASTM F959 Direct Tension Indicators on A325 Bolts Used in Shear Connections Gentry, Guy Nielsen, Richard J. Schmeckpeper, Edwin R. Discussion Closure The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Chasten, Cameron P. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Fleischman, Robert B. Lu, Le-Wu Ultimate Strength Prying Models for Bolted T-stub Connections Swanson, James A. Yield Line Analysis of Bolted Hanging Connections Dranger, Thomas S. Discussion Bolts, Composite Construction One Engineer's Opinion (Bolting and Composite) Milek, W.A. Bracing Discussion: Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Hooper, Ira Bracing and Stability Bracing of Beams, Trusses, and Joist Girders Using Open Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Bridges A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata Discussion A Prestressed Composite Girder for Short Span Bridges Anand, Subhash C. AISC Orthotropic Plate Design Manual Milek, W.A. Analysis of Curved Girder Bridges Bednar, David Brogan, Darryl Culver, Charles Analysis of Curved Steel Girder Bridges Lavelle, Francis H. Analysis of Helicoidal Girders Abdul-Baki, Assad Bartel, Dean Analysis of Horizontally Curved Bridges Gillespie, James W. Applications of Orthotropic Decks in Bridge Rehabilitation Wolchuk, Roman Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box Girders by the M/R-Method Fountain, Richard S. Tung, David H.H. Autostress Design Using Compact Welded Beams Grubb, Michael A. Behavior of Built-Up Shear Links Under Large Cyclic Displacement Douglas, B.M. Elfass, S. Itani, Ahmad M. Behavior of a Two-Span Continuous Plate Girder Bridge Designed by the Alternate Load Factor Method Grubb, Michael A. Moore, Mark Box Girder Bridge Design Kavanagh, Thomas C. Box Girder Bridge Design; State of the Art Heins, Conrad P. Bridge Construction Details Lally, Andrew Milek, W.A. Discussion Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Podolny, Walter, Jr. Discussion Cable-Stayed Bridges Podolny, Walter, Jr. Composite Cable-stayed Bridges The Concept with the Competitive Edge Taylor, Peter R. Correction: Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Itani, Ahmad M. Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Garcia-Alvarez, Francisco Itani, Ahmad M. Design Optimization Study of a Three-Span Continuous Bridge Using HPS70W Barth, Karl E. Clingenpeel, Beth F. Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Sputo, Thomas Discussion Discussion Correction Design of a Rolled Beam Bridge by New AASHTO Guide Specification for Compact Braced Sections Holt, Robert C. Hourigan, Edward V. Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Badie, Sameh S. Girgis, Amgad Nguyen, Nghi Tadros, Maher K. Discussion: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Birdsall, Blair Samelson, Harold Discussion: Bridge Construction Details Vansant, G.F. Discussion: Cable Connections in Stayed Girder Bridges Kavanagh, Thomas C. Discussion: Design of Pipe Column Base Plates Under Gravity Load Valley, Michael Discussion: High-Strength Bolting Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Kocsis, Peter Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Ductility of Non-Compact Steel Bridge Beams Tabsh, Sami W. Economical Steel Plate Girder BridgesEconomical Steel Plate Girder Bridges Knight, Richard P. Elastic Design Charts for the Rapid Selection of Web Bolts for Composite Steel Bridge Splices Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Errata: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata: High-Strength Bolting Munse, W.H. Errata: The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Christopher, Bradley P. Cousins, Thomas E. Stallings, J. Michael Fatigue Strength of Steel Members with Welded Details (T.R. Higgins Award) Fisher, John W. Yen, Ben T. Flexural Capacity and Ductility of HPS-70W Bridge Girders Azizinamini, Atorod Mans, Patrick Yakel, Aaron J. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Steel Structures Rolfe, S.T. Fundamentals of Orthotropic Plate Design Au, Tung Chang, Jerry C. L. High-Strength Bolting Munse, W.H. Errata Discussion High-Strength Bolts for Bridges Beckmann, Fred R. Verma, Krishna K. Horizontally Curved Steel Girders;Fabrication and Design Thatcher, W.M. In-Plane Fatigue Strength of Plates with Laminar Discontinuities Brockenbrough, R.L. Owens, D.E. Inelastic Design and Testing of Steel Bridges Comprising Noncompact Sections Barker, Michael G. Hartnagel, Bryan A. Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Barker, Michael G. Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Azizinamini, Atorod Beacham, Michael W. Kathol, Steve Jointless Bridge Decks Wasserman, Edward P. Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Correction Lateral Wind Bracing Requirements for Steel Composite Bridges Heins, Conrad P. Hou, C.K. Kato, H. Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge Welden, Neil Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Mourad, Shehab Tabsh, Sami W. Load Factor Design for Steel Highway Bridges Hansell, W.C. Viest, Ivan M. Modern Approaches to Solution of the Wind Problems of Long Span Bridges (T.R. Higgins) Scanlon, Robert H. Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Steel Girder Bridges Deng, Linzhong Ghosn, Michel Old Bridges Give Clues to Steel Deck Performance Wolchuk, Roman Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Galambos, Theodore V. Kubo, Masahiro Prefabricated Press-Formed Steel T-Box Girder Bridge System GangaRao, H.V.S. Taly, Narendra Preliminary Design of Curved Bridges Heins, Conrad P. Siminou, Javid Prestressed Steel Girders for Single Span Bridges Snyder, Russell D. Discussion Redundancy in Highway Bridges Frangopol, Dan M. Nakib, Rachid Short Span Highway Bridges with Wide Stringer Spacing and a Two-way Reinforced Concrete Deck Grossman, Stanley Short Span Pre-Stressed Steel Bridges Densford, Thomas A. Hendrick, Thomas L. Murray, Thomas M. Simplified Inelastic Design of Steel Girder Bridges Schilling, Charles G. Small Scale Models for Steel Frameworks Litle, William A Steel Box Girder Bridges Lally, Andrew Steel Box Girder Bridges-Design Guides and Methods Heins, Conrad P. Testing of a Model Curved Steel Girder Bridge Clarke, C. Bernard The AASHTO Guide Specification for Alternate Load-factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Grubb, Michael A. The Bridge Delta Girder: Single-Webbed and Double-Webbed Hadley, Homer M. The Case for the Semi-Box Girder Schlenker, Norman E. Errata The Effect of Bedding Layer on the Strength of Shear Connection in Full-Depth Precast Deck Chang, Sung-Pil Kim, Jong-Hee Matsui, Shigeyuki Shim, Chang-Su The Evolution of German Cable Stayed Bridges- An Overall Survey Feige, Adolf The Poplar Street Bridge Shields, E.J. The Use of Orthotropic Decks in Redecking of Bridges Wolchuk, Roman Unified Autostress Method Schilling, Charles G. Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Walker, William H. Wright, Richard N. Discussion Built-Up Members Buckling of Webs in Unsymmetric Plate Girders Frank, Karl H. Helwig, Todd A. Modified Slenderness Ratio for Built-up Members Sato, Atsushi Uang, Chia-Ming Plate Girder Design Using LRFD Zahn, Cynthia J. Plate Girders with Corrugated Steel Webs Sayed-Ahmed, Ezzeldine Yazeed The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Hsiao, J. Kent Schultz, William Widjaja, Suhendi Wiemeler, Steven C Coatings and Corrosion Protection Computer-aided Design of Horizontally Curved Girders by the V-load Method Poellot, William N., Jr. Effect of Overspray and Incomplete Masking of Faying Surfaces on the Slip Resistance of Bolted Connections Frank, Karl H. Polyzois, D. Painting Structural Steel Keane, John D. Testing Method to Determine Slip Coefficient for Coatings Used in Bolted Joints Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. Coatings And Corrosion Protection Wearing Surfaces for Orthotropic Decks Gilligan, John A. Columns and Compression Members A Novel Approach for K Factor Determination Lui, E.M. A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column Geschwindner, Louis F. Correction A Practical Approach to the ""Leaning"" Column Geschwindner, Louis F. A Programmable Solution for Stepped Crane Columns Moore, William E., II A Technical Note: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Tide, Raymond H.R. Discussion AISC Column Design Logic Makes Sense for Composite Columns, Too Furlong, Richard W. Allowable Axial Stresses in Segmented Columns Barnes, D.W. Mangelsdorf, C.P. Amplification Factors for Beam-Columns Koo, Benjamin An Analytical Criterion for Buckling Strength of Built-up Compression Members Aslani, Farhang Goel, Subhash C. An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Chen, Wai-Fah Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. An Equivalent Radius of Gyration Approach to Flexural-Torsional Buckling for Singly Symmetric Sections Bakos, Jack D. O'Leary, James A. Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Kanchanalai, T. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion Analytical Criteria for Stitch Strength of Built-Up Compression Members Aslani, Farhang Goel, Subhash C. Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Stetina, Henry J. Discussion Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. Errata Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Ainso, Heino Batson, Gordon B. Hopper, Bruce E. Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Deeney, James Dinehart, David W. Gross, Shawn P. Pote, Joseph J. Yost, J.R. Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns Anderson, John P. Woodward, James H. Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Agrawal, Krishna M. Stafiej, Andrew P. Errata Calculator for Beam-column Design Ting, Ea-Lu Capacity of Columns with Splice Imperfections Popov, Egor P. Stephen, Roy M. Closure: Buckling of One-Story Frames Schilling, Charles G. Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. Errata Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Discussion Columns: From Theory to Practice Bjorhovde, Reidar Constrained Axial Buckling About Non-Principal Axes Zvarick, Albert G. Constrained Through-Thickness Strength of Column Flanges of Various Grades and Chemistries Dexter, Robert J. Perez, Minerva I. Prochnow, Sara D. Correction: A Practical Approach to the fiLeaningfl Column Geschwindner, Louis F. Correction: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Dumonteil, Pierre Correction: Steel Rigid Frames with Leaning Columns Folse, Michael D. Nowak, Paul S. Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Design Strength of Schifflerized Angle Struts Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Madugula, Murty K.S. Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira Errata Design of Columns Subject to Biaxial Bending Springfield, John Columns And Compression Members Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Kodur, V.K.R. MacKinnon, David H. Columns and Compression Members Design of Mill Building Columns Using Notional Loads Schmidt, Jon A. Direct Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Loading Celenza, Eugene Phang, Michael K.S. Discussion: Analysis and Design of Framed Columns Under Minor Axis Bending Nethercot, D.A. Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Klayton, Thurston Stetina, Henry J. Discussion: Buckling of One-Story Frames Correnti, Dan S. Springfield, John Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Column Stability under Elastic Support Higgins, T.R. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: Derivation of the LRFD Column Design Equations Lu, Le-Wu Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Chen, Wai-Fah Gerstle, Kurt H. Lui, E.M. Discussion: Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength--Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Stetina, Henry J. Discussion: Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplication Factor Lu, Le-Wu Yura, Joseph A. Discussion: Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Scheiner, Alfred Discussion: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Kocsis, Peter Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Adams, Peter F. Johnston, Bruce G. Yura, Joseph A. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Discussion: The Effective Length of Unbraced Singal Story Columns Green, Robert W. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Kapp, Richard Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Disscussion: On Inelasic Column Buckling Matz, Charles A. Effect of Compound Buckling on Compression Strength of Built-up Members Duan, Lian Reno, Mark Uang, Chia-Ming Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Haaijer, Geerhard Zahn, Cynthia J. Effect of End Restraint on Column Strength-Practical Applications Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion Discussion Effective Length of Columns in Gable Frames Lu, Le-Wu Effective Length of Columns with Intermediate Axial Load Sandhu, Balbir S. Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Driscoll, George C., Jr. Errata Effective Lengths of Uniform and Stepped Crane Columns Lui, E.M. Sun, Manqing Elastic Buckling of a Column Under Varying Axial Force Shrivastava, Suresh C. End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Discussion Errata: Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. Errata: Calculation of Effective Lengths of Stepped Columns Agrawal, Krishna M. Stafiej, Andrew P. Errata: Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. Errata: Design of Beam-Columns Hooper, Ira Errata: Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Evaluating Single Angle Compression Struts Using An Effective Slenderness Approach Lutz, Leroy A. Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Discussion Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. Flexural-torsional Buckling for Pairs of Angles Used as Columns Brandt, G. Donald Future Use of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns in Highway Bridges Itani, Ahmad M. Columns And Compression Members Generalized Design of Columns Subjected to Combined Axial Load and Bending Moment Monasa, Frank Snyder, John K. Columns and Compression Members Girder Stiffness Distribution for Unbraced Columns Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Augustine, Binson Hosur, Vinod Inelastic K-factor for Column Design Disque, Robert O. Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Azizinamini, Atorod Beacham, Michael W. Kathol, Steve Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams (PDF) Dowswell, Bo Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Wide Flange Cantilever Beams Dowswell, Bo Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Hajjar, Jerome F. Kim, Dong Keon Leon, Roberto T. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Kennedy, D.J.L. MacCrimmon, Robert A. Local Buckling Rules for Rotation Capacity Daali, M.L. Korol, R.M. Modified Slenderness Ratio for Built-up Members Sato, Atsushi Uang, Chia-Ming Moment-Rotation Characteristics of Shear Connections Kennedy, D.J.L. Moments on Beam-Columns with Flexible Connections in Braced Frames Brown, Jack H. Note on Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Chen, Wai-Fah Duan, Lian Sohal, Iqbal S. Discussion On Inelastic Column Buckling Smith, C.V., Jr. Discussion On the Lateral Support of Inelastic Columns Pincus, George One Engineer's Opinion (Interaction Equations) Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. One Engineer's Opinion (Lateral Support) Milek, W.A. One Engineer's Opinion (Rectangular Section Beams) Milek, W.A. Performance of the AISC LRFD Specification in Predicting the Capacity of Eccentrially Loaded Single-Angle Struts Sakla, Sherief S.S. Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Baseheart, T.M. McDonough, J.F. Ringo, B.C. Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns Rubinsky, Moe A. Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Fiesenheiser, E.I. Ronan, J.G. Rapid Selection of W Columns (AASHO Method of Design) Mehta, Narendra K. Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata Selection of a ""Trial"" Column Section Burgett, Lewis B. Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Dumonteil, Pierre Discussion Correction Simplified Approach to the Analysis and Design of Columns with Imperfections Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Simplified Solution to Interaction Equation Babyak, R. Carey Phang, Michael K.S. Some Non-Conventional Cases of Column Design Dalal, Suresh T. Space Frame Buckling Buchert, Kenneth P. Steel Column Bending Amplification Factor Liu, William Y. Discussion Steel Rigid Frames With Leaning Columns-1993 LRFD Example Folse, Michael D. Nowak, Paul S. Correction Stepped Columns: A Simplified Design Method Castiglioni, Carlo A. Stiffness Coefficients of Beam-Columns with Non-Prismatic Members Eimer, N. Stack-Staikidis, W.J. Stiffness Reduction Factor for LRFD of Columns Harichandran, Ronald S. Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Discussion Critique Errata Stress Reduction Factor for Unsupported Lengths Roy, Ranjit Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Tables for Equal Single Angles in Compression Walker, Wayne W. Tables for the Design Strength of Eccentrically-Loaded Single Angle Struts Sakla, Sherief S.S. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 1-Response of Steel Columns to Temperature Exposure McLaughlin, E.R. The Accuracy of Column Stability Calculations in Unbraced Frames and the Influence of Columns with Effective Length Factors Less Than One Hajjar, Jerome F. White, Donald W. The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams Zahn, Mark C. The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Discussion Discussion The Effective Length of Unbraced Single Story Columns Marx, Christopher Discussion The In-Plane Stability of a Frame Containing Pin-Based Stepped Columns Fraser, Donald J. The New Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures Johnston, Bruce G. The Reinforcement of Steel Columns Tall, Lambert Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Earls, C.J. Keelor, D. Christian Understanding Composite Beam Design Methods Using LRFD Lorenz, Robert F. Uniform Pin-based Crane Columns, Effective Lengths Fraser, Donald J. Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Discussion Discussion Combined Loading A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Kane, Thomas Loomis, Kenneth M. Thornton, William A. A New Approach for Design of Steel Beam-Columns Aminmansour, Abbas Design Charts for Bolts with Combined Shear and Tension Hagen, Hans William Penkul, Richard C. Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata Discussion Errata Discussion: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Bertwell, W. Zweig, Alfred Discussion: On Beam-Column Moment Amplification Factor Dumonteil, Pierre Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata: Design of Bolts or Rivets Subject to Combined Shear and Tension Zweig, Alfred Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Graphical Design Aid for Beam-Columns (LRFD) Augustine, Binson Hosur, Vinod New Method of Design for Combined Tension and Bending Aminmansour, Abbas Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Fiesenheiser, E.I. Ronan, J.G. Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata Serviceability Guidelines for Steel Structures Ellingwood, Bruce R. Strength of Singly Symmetric I-Shaped Beam-Columns Galambos, Theodore V. Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Earls, C.J. Keelor, D. Christian Composite Construction A Composite Action Duct-Beam System Shah, Kirit N. Vergun, Dimitry K. A Composite Girder System for Joist Supported Slabs Rongoe, James A Prestressed Composite Girder for Short Span Bridges Anand, Subhash C. A Specification for the Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns Structural Stability Research Council, Task Group 20 A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Azizinamini, Atorod Prakash, Bangalore AISC Column Design Logic Makes Sense for Composite Columns, Too Furlong, Richard W. An Investigation of the Effective Concrete Slab Width for Composite Construction Guthrie, Lucian Hagood, Thomas A. Hoadley, Peter G. Application of Tuned Mass Dampers To Control Vibrations of Composite Floor Systems Vaicaitis, Rimas Webster, Anthony C. Behavior and Design of Flexibly- Connected Building Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. Gerstle, Kurt H. Behavior of Semi-rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-up or Composite Members Gossett, Stephen R. Discussion Composite Action Without Shear Connectors Barnoff, Robert M. Mead, Edwin O'Neil, Richard Watson, James Composite Action of Concrete Slab and Open Web Joist (Without the Use of Shear Connectors) Kaley, D.J. Wang, P.C. Composite Beams of Steel and Lightweight Concrete Benjamin, Irwin A. Composite Beams with Formed Steel Deck Fisher, John W. Grant, John A., Jr. Slutter, Roger G. Composite Design with Lightweight Aggregates on Building Projects Leabu, Victor F. Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. Errata Composite Girders with Partial Restraints: A New Approach Wexler, Neil Composite Open-Web Steel Joists Galambos, Theodore V. Tide, Raymond H.R. Composite Semi-Rigid Construction Leon, Roberto T. Composite Steel Joists Samuelson, David Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Lorenz, Robert F. Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Hawkins, Neil M. Roeder, Charles W. Critique: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Wanant, Sompandh Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Hallal Fakury, Ricardo Lopes Ribeiro, Jose Carlos de Souza Verissimo, Gustavo Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Fisher, John W. Discussion Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Kodur, V.K.R. MacKinnon, David H. Design of Partially or Fully Composite Beams with Ribbed Metal Deck Using LRFD Specifications Foley, Christopher M. Vinnakota, Murthy R. Vinnakota, Sriramula Development and Application of Large-Size Shear Studs to Steel Girder Bridges Badie, Sameh S. Girgis, Amgad Nguyen, Nghi Tadros, Maher K. Development of Design Rules for Composite Construction Viest, Ivan M. Discussion: Calculator Program for Determining Properties of Built-Up or Composite Members Chesson, E., Jr. Discussion: Design of Composite Beams with Formed Metal Deck Fisher, John W. Winter, George Discussion: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Chinn, James Discussion: Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Discussion: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Kocsis, Peter Effective Width Criteria for Composite Beams Bjorhovde, Reidar Vallenilla, Cesar R. Effective Width of Composite L-Beams in Buildings Brosnan, David P. Uang, Chia-Ming Errata: Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. Errata: Concrete Slab Stresses in Partial Composite Beams and Girders Lorenz, Robert F. Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Errata: Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete. (Paper presented April, 1971) Chinn, James Experiments on the Effects of Power Actuated Fasteners on the Strength of Open Web Steel Joists Beck, Hermann Engelhardt, Michael D. Kates, Zachary Stasney, Blake Future Use of Composite Steel-Concrete Columns in Highway Bridges Itani, Ahmad M. Lightweight Concrete-on-Steel Composite Beams Baldwin, James W., Jr. McGarraugh, Jay B. Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Hajjar, Jerome F. Kim, Dong Keon Leon, Roberto T. Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Mourad, Shehab Tabsh, Sami W. Moment Resisting Connections for Mixed Construction Hawkins, Neil M. Mitchell, Denis Roeder, Charles W. Multistory Rigid Frames with Composite Girders Under Gravity and Lateral Forces Schaffhausen, Robert J. Wegmuller, Anton W. Partially Restrained Composite Beam-To-Girder Connections Easterling, W. Samuel Rex, Clinton O. Perfobond Shear Connector for Composite Construction Medberry, Sara B. Shahrooz, Bahram M. Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Galambos, Theodore V. Kubo, Masahiro Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Steel Frames with Composite Beams De Buen, Oscar Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Galambos, Theodore V. Pushout Tests on Lightweight Composite Slabs Chinn, James Removal of Yield Stress Limitation for Composite Tubular Columns Bjorhovde, Reidar Bruce, Donald A. Kenny, John R. Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Lin, Jihshya McCauley, Robert D. Shear Strength of Stud Connectors in Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete Fisher, John W. Ollgaard, Jorgen G. Slutter, Roger G. Discussion Errata Shear Strength of Thin Flange Composite Specimens Goble, George G. Solutions for Enhancing the Fire Endurance of HSS Columns Filled with High Strength Concrete Kodur, V.K.R. Some Design Considerations for Composite-frame Structures Griffis, Lawrence G. Some Economic Considerations for Composite Floor Beams Lorenz, Robert F. Steel Box Girder Bridges Lally, Andrew Steel Column Base Plate Design Sandhu, Balbir S. Discussion Strength of Shear Studs in Steel Deck on Composite Beams and Joists Easterling, W. Samuel Gibbings, David R. Murray, Thomas M. Strength of Three New Types of Composite Beams Toprac, A.A. Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Discussion Critique Errata Structural Lightweight Concrete for Composite Design Jenny, Daniel P. Structural System; Standard Oil of Indiana Building (T.R. Higgins Award) Picardi, E. Alfred The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams Zahn, Mark C. Torsional Properties of Composite Girders Heins, Conrad P. Kuo, John T.C. Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Understanding the Response of Composite Structures to Fire Usmani, Asif S. Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab Floors Lenzen, Kenneth H. Composite Cosntruction Errata: Strengthening of Existing Compostie Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Composite Design Developments in Long Span Composite Slabs Easterling, W. Samuel Widjaja, Budi R. Composte Construction Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. Understanding Composite Beam Design Methods Using LRFD Lorenz, Robert F. Compostie Construction One Engineer's Opinion (Bending of Tees) Milek, W.A. Connctions-Simple Shear Closure: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Epstein, Howard L. Discussion: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Grondin, Gilbert Y. Connection-Simple Shear Discussion: The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Carter, Charles J. Murray, Thomas M. Thornton, William A. Errata Connections Simplified Frame Design of Type PR Construction Ackroyd, Michael H. Connections - Moment Column Flange Strength at Moment End-Plate Connections Curtis, Larry E. Murray, Thomas M. Continuity Plate Detailing for Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Ojard, Sara D. Ye, Yanqun Design of Free Flange Moment Connection Choi, Jaehyung Goel, Subhash C. Stojadinovic, Bozidar Truss Analogy for Steel Moment Connections Goel, Subhash C. Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Stojadinovic, Bozidar Connections - Simple Shear Engineering for Steel Construction Disque, Robert O. Moment-Rotation Characteristics of Shear Connections Kennedy, D.J.L. The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Amro, Akef Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Rahman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Ruhman, Adeeb Top-and-Seat-Angle Connections and End-Plate Connections: Snug vs. Fully Pretensioned Bolts Chasten, Cameron P. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Fleischman, Robert B. Lu, Le-Wu Connections and Joints Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Connections Œ Partially-Restrained 8th Edition Manual Errata Connections-Moment A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Azizinamini, Atorod Prakash, Bangalore Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Closure: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Epstein, Howard L. Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Discussion Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Hawkins, Neil M. Roeder, Charles W. Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Thornton, William A. Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Pinkney, R. Bruce Popov, Egor P. Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Goel, Subhash C. Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Stojadinovic, Bozidar Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Fleischman, Robert B. Hoskisson, Blake E. Sumer, Ali Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Fleischman, Robert B. Palmer, Nathan J. Sumer, Ali Directional Moment Connections--A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Disque, Robert O. Discussion Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Jones, Norman B. Milek, W.A. Discussion: Directional Moment Connections-A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Wiesner, Kenneth B. Discussion: Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members Grondin, Gilbert Y. Errata: Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata: Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Engelhardt, Michael D. Potyraj, Timothy J. Winneberger, Ted Zekany, Andrew J. Experimental Investigation of Reduced Beam Section Connections by Use of Web Openings Hwang, In Kyu Won Park, Jong Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Clifton, G. Charles Ferguson, George Short, Andrew Woerner, Wolfram W. Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Errata Connections-moment Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Connections-Moment Seismic Performance and Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Blodgett, Omer W. Tests of Steel Moment Connections Beedle, Lynn S. Christopher, Richard Connections-Partially-Restrained Behavior of Semi-rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Davison, J. Buick Kirby, Patrick A. Nethercot, D.A. Design Aid of Semi-rigid Connections for Frame Analysis Chen, Wai-Fah Goto, Y. Kishi, N. Matsuoka, K.G. Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Lee, Seng-Lip Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Ting, Lia-Choon Discussion Discussion: Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Iwankiw, Nestor R. Effective Length of Columns with Semi-Rigid Connections Driscoll, George C., Jr. Errata Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Bhatti, M. Asghar Hingtgen, James E. Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan Partially Restrained Composite Beam-To-Girder Connections Easterling, W. Samuel Rex, Clinton O. Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Lin, Jihshya McCauley, Robert D. Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Blodgett, Omer W. Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Connections-Simple Shear A Comparison of Australian and American Design of Double Angle Connections Carrato, Peter J. A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Kane, Thomas Loomis, Kenneth M. Thornton, William A. A Fresh Look at Bolted End- Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata Discussion A General Solution for Eccentric Loads on Weld Groups Brandt, G. Donald A Rational Approach to Design of Tee Shear Connections Thornton, William A. An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Ainso, Heino Hoptay, Joseph M. Discussion An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata Analysis and Design of a Web Connection in Direct Tension Anand, Subhash C. Bertz, Richard F. Behavior of Bearing Critical Double-Angle Beam Connections Birkemoe, Peter C. Gilmor, Michael I. Bending Under Seated Connections Abolitz, A. Leon Warner, Marvin Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Gross, Jeremy M. Orbison, James G. Ziemian, Ronald D. Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Epstein, Howard I. Stamberg, Hans Block Shear of Structural Tees in Tension- Alternate Paths Epstein, Howard I. Bolted Shear Connections with Painted Surfaces Fouad, Fouad H. Frank, Karl H. Yura, Joseph A. Bracing Connections for Heavy Construction Thornton, William A. Bracket Loaded Webs with Low Slenderness Ratios Ainso, Heino Batson, Gordon B. Hopper, Bruce E. Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Column Web Compression Strength at End-Plate Connections Hendrick, Alan Murray, Thomas M. Compactness and Bracing Recommendations for Equal Leg Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Thornton, William A. Constrained Axial Buckling About Non-Principal Axes Zvarick, Albert G. Correction: Fast Check for Block Shear Burgett, Lewis B. Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Disque, Robert O. Young, Ned W. Discussion Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Ellifritt, Duane S. Sputo, Thomas Errata Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Brockenbrough, R.L. Garrett, J.H., Jr. Design Strength of Concentrically Loaded Single Angle Struts Zureick, A. Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk Errata Errata Design of 8-bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Kukreti, Anant R. Murray, Thomas M. Discussion Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Discussion Discussion Design of Skewed Connections Kloiber, Larry Thornton, William A. Design of Tee Framing Shear Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Nadar, Marwan N. Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Discussion: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Agerskov, Henning Griffiths, John D. Krishnamurthy, N. McGuire, William Rimmer, Norman W. Wooten, J.M. Discussion: An Experimental Look at Bracket-Loaded Webs Sears, Frank D. Discussion: Design Aids for Single-Plate Framing Connections Griffiths, John D. Discussion: Design of Single Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Becker, Edward P. Richard, Ralph M. Discussion: Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Richard, Ralph M. Discussion: Design of Single-Plate Framing Connections with A307 Bolts Becker, Edward P. Richard, Ralph M. Discussion: Simplified Design of 8-Bolt Stiffened Moment End Plates Griffiths, John D. Wooten, J.M. Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Iwankiw, Nestor R. Schlafly, Thomas Effects of Variable Pretension on the Behavior of Bolted Connections with Prying Amrine, Jennifer J. Swanson, James A. Effects of the Latest LRFD Block Shear Code Change Epstein, Howard I. End-Plate Moment Connections- Their Use and Misuse Griffiths, John D. Errata Errata: A Fresh Look at Bolted End-Plate Behavior and Design Krishnamurthy, N. Errata: ASD/LRFD Volume II- Connections Shear Tab Design Tables Unknown Author Errata: An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata: Beam-Column Base Plate Design Drake, Richard M. Elkin, Sharon J. Errata: Design Criteria for Stiffened Seated Connections to Column Webs Ellifritt, Duane S. Sputo, Thomas Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk Errata: Design Tables for Top- and Seat-Angle with Double Web-Angle Connections Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Yosuk Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Carter, Charles J. Murray, Thomas M. Thornton, William A. Errata: Discussion of The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated Beam Connections Bowman, Mark D. Chen, Wai-Fah Yang, W.H. Errata: End-Plate Moment Connections: Their Use and Misuse Unknown Author Errata: Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Experimental Investigation of Lug Stresses and Failures Hackett, R.M. Tolbert, R.N. Experimental Study of Gusseted Connections Gross, John L. Fast Check for Block Shear Burgett, Lewis B. Correction Framing Connections for Square and Rectangular Structural Tubing White, Richard N. Geometric Formulas for Gusset Plate Design Bartley, Tony C. Chambers, Janice J. Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Cheng, J.J.R. Kulak, Geoffrey L. New Design Criteria for Gusset Plates in Tension Bjorhovde, Reidar Hardash, Steve G. Practical Compactness and Bracing Provisions for the Design of Single Angle Beams Earls, C.J. Galambos, Theodore V. Predesigned Bolted Framing Angle Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Reliability of Rotational Behavior of Framing Connections Gerstle, Kurt H. Rauscher, Thomas R. Safe Load for Laterally Unsupported Angles Lay, M.G. Leigh, J.M. Thomas, B.F. Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Errata Spliced Axially-Loaded Single-Angle Members in Compression Madugula, Murty K.S. Sakla, Sherief S.S. Wahba, Yohanna M.F. Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Miller, John P. Discussion Critique Errata Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Blodgett, Omer W. The Analysis and Design of Single Plate Framing Connections Gillett, Paul E. Kriegh, James D. Lewis, Brett A. Richard, Ralph M. The Behavior and Load-Carrying Capacity of Unstiffened Seated-Beam Connections Bowman, Mark D. Chen, Wai-Fah Yang, W.H. Discussion Errata Errata The Economic Impact of Overspecifying Simple Connections Carter, Charles J. Geschwindner, Louis F. The Results of Experiments on Seated Beam Connections Dailey, Ronald H. Roeder, Charles W. Connections-Simple Shear, Connections-Moment Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gupta, Mohan Gupta, L. M. Errata: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections--A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Constructability Discussion: Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Popov, Egor P. Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Libby, James R. Discussion D Detailing A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Azizinamini, Atorod Prakash, Bangalore Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Discussion Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Ricker, David T. Errata Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Detailing to Achieve Practical Welded Fabrication Blodgett, Omer W. Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Jones, Norman B. Milek, W.A. Distortion-Induced Cracking During Transit Roddis, W.M. Kim Engineering for Steel Construction Disque, Robert O. Erecting the Staggered-truss System: A View from the Field Hassler, Arthur E. Errata: Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Ricker, David T. Errata: Structural Steel Detailing--Good and Bad Dobbie, Hugh Errata: Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Duerr, David Geometric Formulas for Gusset Plate Design Bartley, Tony C. Chambers, Janice J. Innovative Approaches to the Erection of Tension Roof Structures Cuoco, Daniel A. Thornton, Charles H. Push-up Steel Construction Hansen, Robert J. Structural Details To Increase Ductility of Connections Blodgett, Omer W. Structural Engineering for the 80's and Beyond McGuire, William Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. E Economy (Cost) Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Thornton, William A. Cost Studies of High Strength Bolted Connections Graves, Frederick E. Determining the Cost of Welded Joints Donnelly, J.A. Discussion: Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Popov, Egor P. Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Libby, James R. Discussion Noncombustible Schools for Omaha Alsmeyer, William C. The Economic Impact of Overspecifying Simple Connections Carter, Charles J. Geschwindner, Louis F. F Fabrication Cambering Steel Beams Ricker, David T. Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Bjorhovde, Reidar Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Brady, Frank Kennedy, John B. Seddeik, Mokhtar Detailing to Achieve Practical Welded Fabrication Blodgett, Omer W. Development of Fabrication Guidelines for Cold Bending of Plates Brockenbrough, R.L. Effect of Burrs on Bolted Friction Connections Polyzois, D. Yura, Joseph A. Effect of Hole-Making on the Strength of Double Lap Joints Iwankiw, Nestor R. Schlafly, Thomas Fabrication Aids for Cold Straightening I-Girders (PDF) Gergess, Antoine Sen, Rajan Horizontally Curved Steel Girders;Fabrication and Design Thatcher, W.M. Investigation of Triangular Heats Applied to Mild Steel Plates Nicholls, J.I. Weerth, D.E. Structural Steel Detailing Practices--Good and Bad Dobbie, Hugh Errata Fire And Temperature Effects A Method To Predict the Fire Resistance of Steel Building Columns Almand, K.H. Lie, T.T. A Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings Magnusson, Sven Erik Pettersson, Ove Thor, Jorgen Fire and Temperature Effects Assessment of the Fire Resistance Test with Respect to Beams in Real Structures Drysdale, Dougal Lamont, Susan Lane, Barbara Usmani, Asif S. Design of Concrete-Filled Hollow Structural Steel Columns for Fire Endurance Kodur, V.K.R. MacKinnon, David H. Fire And Temperature Effects Discussion: Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Stetina, Henry J. Errata: Fire Safety of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Law, Margaret Fire and Temperature Effects Errata: The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Dexter, Robert J. Lu, Le-Wu Fire And Temperature Effects Errata: The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Seigel, L.G. Fire Resistance of Protected Steel Columns Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Discussion Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Lie, T.T. Fire Safety Of External Building Elements--The Design Approach Law, Margaret Errata Fire and Temperature Effects Integrity of Structural Steel After Exposure to Fire Tide, Raymond H.R. Fire And Temperature Effects Load Combinations for Buildings Exposed to Fires Corotis, Ross B. Ellingwood, Bruce R. Fire and Temperature Effects Restrained Fire Resistance Ratings in Structural Steel Buildings Gewain, Richard G. Troup, Emile W.J. Safir a Thermal/Structural Program for Modeling Structures Under Fire Franssen, Jean-Marc Solutions for Enhancing the Fire Endurance of HSS Columns Filled with High Strength Concrete Kodur, V.K.R. Fire And Temperature Effects Structural Steel and Fire; More Realistic Analysis Lie, T.T. Stanzak, W.W. Fire and Temperature Effects The Behavior of Steel Perimeter Columns in a High-Rise Building Under Fire Garlock, Maria M. Quiel, Spencer E. The Effects of a Severe Fire on the Steel Frame of an Office Building Dexter, Robert J. Lu, Le-Wu Errata Fire And Temperature Effects The Severity of Fires in Steel-Frame Buildings Seigel, L.G. Errata Fire and Temperature Effects Understanding the Response of Composite Structures to Fire Usmani, Asif S. H Hollow Structural Section LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. Usman, Ali LRFD Beam Tables for Structural Tubes Sputo, Thomas Hollow Structural Sections A Beam Design Aid for Structural Tubing Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. A Tentative Design Guideline for a New Steel Beam Connection Detail to Composite Tube Columns Azizinamini, Atorod Prakash, Bangalore Closure: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Sputo, Thomas Considerations in the Design of Large-Size Welded Tubular Truss Joints Bouwkamp, J.G. Deformations in Cold-bent HSS Members Brady, Frank Kennedy, John B. Seddeik, Mokhtar Design Recommendations for Bolted Rectangular HSS Flange-Plate Connections in Axial Tension Packer, Jeffrey A. Puthli, R.S. Willibald, S. Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Lee, Seng-Lip Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Ting, Lia-Choon Discussion Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Cao, Junjie Packer, Jeffrey A. Designing With Structural Tubing Sherman, Donald R. Discussion: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Moore, William E., II Discussion: Design of I-Beam to Box-Column Connections Stiffened Externally Iwankiw, Nestor R. Efficiency of Tubular Framing for Medium-Height Buildings Leffler, Robert E. Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Foley, Christopher M. Fournelle, Raymond A. Peronto, John L. Framing Connections for Square and Rectangular Structural Tubing White, Richard N. Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Cheng, J.J.R. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS Frater, George S. Packer, Jeffrey A. I Industrial Buildings Bracing Connections for Heavy Construction Thornton, William A. Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Fisher, James M. Thomas, Steven J. Errata Discussion Design of Crane Runway Beam with Channel Ellifritt, Duane S. Lue, Dung-Myau Discussion: Comparative Effectiveness of Tightening Techniques for A490 1 1/4-in. Diameter Bolts Abruzzo, John Dahl, Joan S. Fisher, John W. Lu, Le-Wu Discussion: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Hemstad, Michael Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Saxe, Van Rensselaer P. Discussion: Lessons from Crane Runways Murray, J.J. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Diefenderfer, C.F. Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Marx, Christopher Discussion: Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Errata: Design Concepts for Jib Cranes Fisher, James M. Thomas, Steven J. Errata: Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Industrial Buildings-Guidelines and Criteria Fisher, James M. Lessons from Crane Runways Mueller, John E. Discussion Discussion Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Kennedy, D.J.L. MacCrimmon, Robert A. Mill Building Design Procedure Bakota, John F. Discussion Discussion Mill Building Frame Analysis: Distribution of Lateral Loads Vilas, Howard K. Errata New Fatigue Provisions for the Design of Crane Runway Girders Fisher, James M. Van de Pas, Julius P. Nomograph for Design of Power Plant and Industrial Precipitator Shell Maitra, N. One Engineer's Opinion Fisher, James M. One Engineer's Opinion (Beam Splice) Marino, Frank J. Structural Details in Industrial Buildings Fisher, James M. Discussion Discussion The Effect of Eccentricity on Brace-to-gusset Thornton, William A. Tips for Avoiding Crane Runway Problems Ricker, David T. Information Technology A Programmable Solution for Stepped Crane Columns Moore, William E., II Adapting the AISC Specification to Computer-Aided Design Fenves, Steven J. Gaylord, Edwin H. Goel, Surendra K. Automated Optimum Design of Unstiffened Girder Cross Sections Goble, George G. Moses, Fred Automated Search for Optimal Standard Sections Ginsburg, S. Kaaz, G. Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Folse, Michael D. Harris, Barton H. Calculation of Effective Lengths and Effective Slenderness Ratios of Stepped Columns Anderson, John P. Woodward, James H. Calculation of the Plastic Section Modulus Using the Computer Bauer, Dominique Bernard Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Errata Computer-aided Design of Horizontally Curved Girders by the V-load Method Poellot, William N., Jr. Computers and Steel Design McGuire, William Correction: Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Electronic Spreadsheet Tools for Semi- Rigid Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Errata: Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Falby, W.E. Lee, G.C. Lateral Load Distribution in Multi-girder Bridges Walker, William H. Correction Least Cost Computer-aided Design of Steel Girders Anderson, Katherine E. Chong, Ken P. Minimum Cost Structures by Dynamic Programming Goble, George G. Moses, Fred Strength Design in Steel Using Programmable Calculators Anderson, James C. Tension-Field Design of Tapered Webs Falby, W.E. Lee, G.C. Errata L Lateral Systems A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Lopez-Garcia, Diego Vian, Darren Directional Moment Connections--A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Disque, Robert O. Discussion Discussion: Directional Moment Connections-A Proposed Design Method for Unbraced Steel Frames Wiesner, Kenneth B. Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Engelhardt, Michael D. Popov, Egor P. Ricles, James M. Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Bhatti, M. Asghar Hingtgen, James E. Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata: Steel Plate Shear Walls are Not Plate Girders Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Experimental Study of Gusseted Connections Gross, John L. Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Engelhardt, Michael D. Okazaki, Taichiro Richards, Paul Uang, Chia-Ming Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Poncet, Laure Tremblay, Robert Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata Preliminary Minimum Weight Design of Moment Frames for Lateral Loading Grigorian, Mark Grigorian, Carl Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Lin, Jihshya McCauley, Robert D. Shear in Beam-Column Joints in Seismic Design of Steel Frames Krawinkler, Helmut Steel Plate Shear Walls Are Not Plate Girders Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Errata Steel Plate Shear Walls-An Overview Driver, Robert G. Kennedy, D.J.L. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Medhekar, Manoj Steel Shear Walls for Existing Buildings Baldelli, Joseph A., Jr. Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Wind Connections with Simple Framing Disque, Robert O. M Material Properties and Specifications Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zandonini, Riccardo Zanon, Paolo Classification of Steels for Structures Column Research Council Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Bjorhovde, Reidar Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Discussion Considerations in the Design of Bolted Joints for Weathering Steel Brockenbrough, R.L. Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Jones, Norman B. Milek, W.A. Discussion: Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Stecich, J. Discussion: The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Macadam, John N. Elastic and Plastic Section Moduli of Steel Angles About Principal Axes (PDF) Ding, Yongcong Madugula, Murty K.S. Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Geometric Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Angles Including the Effects of Toe Radii and Fillet Madhava Rao Adluri, Seshu Madugula, Murty K.S. Geometrical and Mechanical Properties of Large Rolled Steel Angles Kajita, Yasuyuki Kojima, Toshifumi Madugula, Murty K.S. Ohama, Michihiro Hardness Testing of Thermal Cut Edges of Steel Wilson, Alexander D. In-Plane Fatigue Strength of Plates with Laminar Discontinuities Brockenbrough, R.L. Owens, D.E. MTR Survey of Plate Material Used in Structural Fabrication Brockenbrough, R.L. Material Considerations in Structural Steel Design Barsom, J.M. Discussion Quality Control in Design and Supervision Can Eliminate Lamellar Tearing Thornton, Charles H. Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bartlett, F. Michael Dexter, Robert J. Galambos, Theodore V. Graeser, Mark D. Jelinek, Jason J. Schmidt, Bradley J. Discussion Closure Miscellaneous Structural Products A Prestressed Composite Girder for Short Span Bridges Anand, Subhash C. A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Discussion A Technical Note: Comparison of Design Specifications for Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Sputo, Thomas Discussion Closure Allowable Bending Stresses for Overhanging Monorails Tanner, N. Stephen Application of AISC Design Provisions for Tapered Members Lee, G.C. Morrell, M.L. Castellated Beams - New Developments Boyer, J.P. Closure: Comparison of Design Specifications for the Design of Pipe and Round HSS Pedestrian Guardrail Systems Sputo, Thomas Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Wang, Chen-Hwa Discussion Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Shah, Manu Discussion: Conceptual Design of Double Steel Containment Vessels Wahl, Howard W. Wang, Chen-Hwa Discussion: Simple Equations for Effective Length Factors Moore, William E., II Discussion: Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Barnoff, Robert M. Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Haaijer, Geerhard Zahn, Cynthia J. Errata: Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Cheong-Siat-Moy, F. Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge Welden, Neil Live Load Distribution in Integral Composite Steel Bridges Mourad, Shehab Tabsh, Sami W. Measured and Computed Stresses in Three Castellated Beams Baldwin, James W., Jr. Douty, R.T. Stiffness Design of Unbraced Steel Frames Cheong-Siat-Moy, F. Errata Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Wichman, Sven H. Discussion Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel? Amrhein, Francis Gene Tochacek, Miloslav N Non-Building Structures Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Moore, Jay P. Discussion Book Review: Design of Steel Bins for Storage of Bulk Solids (Gaylord & Gaylord, Prentice-Hall, 1984) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion: Bin Supports--A Caution to Designers Moore, Jay P. Optimum Design of Steel Pipe Racks Arya, Suresh C. Feng, Edward G. Pincus, George P Plastic Design A Method for the Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames De Buen, Oscar A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames De Buen, Oscar Errata A Plastic Method For Unbraced Frame Design Daniels, J. Hartley Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Disque, Robert O. Discussion Calculation of the Plastic Section Modulus Using the Computer Bauer, Dominique Bernard Computing The Effective Plastic Moment Carskaddan, Phillip S. Grubb, Michael A. Haaijer, Geerhard Deformation Analysis of Structures Near Collapse Load Lavingia, Kishor P. Design Curves for Plastic Design of Uniformly Loaded Steel Beams Hill, Louis A., Jr. Vanderplaats, Garret N. Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolt and Weld Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Discussion Design of Braced Multi-Story Frames by the Plastic Method Lu, Le-Wu Discussion: Applied Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames Wiesner, Kenneth B. Discussion: Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Gaylord, Edwin H. Gurfinkel, German Discussion: Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Fisher, John W. Kulak, Geoffrey L. End Plate Connections in Plastically Designed Structures Coel, Joseph Lathrop, R.P. Onderdonk, A.B. Errata: A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames (pp. 142, 144, 145) De Buen, Oscar Errata: Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Hawes, William H. Generalized Superposition Method in Plastic Analysis Pincus, George High-Strength Steels for Plastic Design Adams, Peter F. Limit Analysis and Plastic Design of Grid Systems Vukov, Ante Method of Combining Mechanisms in Plastic Analysis Pincus, George Plastic Analysis of Pinned-base Haunched Gable Frames Parsanejad, S. Plastic Behavior of Beams with Mid-Depth Web Openings Afifi Aglan, Ahmed Qaqish, Samih Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Shermer, Carl L. Discussion Plastic Collapse Load of Continuous Composite Plate Girders Galambos, Theodore V. Kubo, Masahiro Plastic Design Aids for Pinned-Base Gabled Frames Beskos, Dimitrios E. Manolis, George D. Plastic Design Applied to Trusses Croucher, Meredith W. Fisher, James M. Plastic Design by Moment Balancing Gaylord, Edwin H. Discussion Plastic Design of Biaxially Loaded Beam-Columns Baseheart, T.M. McDonough, J.F. Ringo, B.C. Plastic Design of Eccentrically Loaded Fasteners Abolitz, A. Leon Discussion Plastic Design of Steel Floor Beams Hawes, William H. Errata Plastic Design of a 14-Story Apartment Building Bennett, William A. Plastic Design of a Three-Story Steel Frame De Buen, Oscar Research in Plastic Design of Multi-story Frames Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Simplified Plastic Analysis for Reinforced Web Holes Redwood, R.G. Splices in Plastically Designed Continuous Structures Hart, Willard H. Milek, W.A. Tables for Plastic Design of Beams with Rectangular Holes Redwood, R.G. Q Quality Assurance and Control Bolt Tension Control with a Direct Tension Indicator Fisher, John W. Oyeledun, Abayomi O Struik, John H.A. The AISC Quality Certification Program Peshek, Charles, Jr. R Repair Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Anderson, James C. Compton, Jack Hayes, Walter Maranian, Peter Simon, Warner Repair, Retrofit and Rehabilitation Correction: Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Design of Diagonal Cross-bracings Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Correction Discussion Errata: Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Field Welding to Existing Steel Structures Ricker, David T. Reinforcing Steel Members and the Effects of Welding Tide, Raymond H.R. Strengthening Open-Web Steel Joists Fisher, James M. Errata The Reinforcement of Steel Columns Tall, Lambert What You Should Know About Heat Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Avent, R. Richard Mukai, David J. Research A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Lopez-Garcia, Diego Vian, Darren An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata Block Shear Tests in High-Strength Steel Angles Gross, Jeremy M. Orbison, James G. Ziemian, Ronald D. Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Epstein, Howard I. Stamberg, Hans Buckling Strength of Single Angle Compression Members in K-Series Joists Deeney, James Dinehart, David W. Gross, Shawn P. Pote, Joseph J. Yost, J.R. Connections Between Steel Frames and Concrete Walls Hawkins, Neil M. Roeder, Charles W. Current Steel Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research -Q1-2006 Bjorhovde, Reidar Current Steel Structures Research -Q3-2006 Bjorhovde, Reidar Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Pinkney, R. Bruce Popov, Egor P. Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Cao, Junjie Packer, Jeffrey A. Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Fleischman, Robert B. Palmer, Nathan J. Sumer, Ali Errata: An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata: Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Engelhardt, Michael D. Potyraj, Timothy J. Winneberger, Ted Zekany, Andrew J. Experimental Investigation of Lug Stresses and Failures Hackett, R.M. Tolbert, R.N. Experimental Study of Gusseted Connections Gross, John L. Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Bruneau, Michel Mahin, Stephen A. Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Engelhardt, Michael D. Okazaki, Taichiro Richards, Paul Uang, Chia-Ming Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Poncet, Laure Tremblay, Robert Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata Tests of Steel Moment Connections Beedle, Lynn S. Christopher, Richard The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part I: The Unstiffened Connections Amro, Akef Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Rahman, Adeeb The Analyses of Extended Shear Tab Steel Connections Part II: Stiffended Connections Ghorbanpoor, Al Mahamid, Mustafa Ruhman, Adeeb Writing for Publication: The Engineer's Obligation Friedstein, Harriet S Safety A Method To Predict the Fire Resistance of Steel Building Columns Almand, K.H. Lie, T.T. Connections: Art, Science, and Information in the Quest for Economy and Safety Thornton, William A. Seismic Design A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Lopez-Garcia, Diego Vian, Darren Achieving a Stable Inelastic Seismic Response for Multi-Story Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert An Update on Eccentric Seismic Bracing Popov, Egor P. Confined Steel Brace for Earthquake Resistant Design Higgins, Christopher C. Newell, James D. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Itani, Ahmad M. Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Garcia-Alvarez, Francisco Itani, Ahmad M. Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details - I Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Behavior of Steel Moment-Resisting Connections Reinforced by Alternative Column Stiffener Details II Cotton, Sean C. Dexter, Robert J. Hajjar, Jerome F. Lee, Daeyong Ye, Yanqun Cyclic Yield Reversal in Steel Building Connections (T.R. Higgins Award) Pinkney, R. Bruce Popov, Egor P. Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part I: Prototype Development Fleischman, Robert B. Hoskisson, Blake E. Sumer, Ali Development of A Cast Modular Connector for Seismic-Resistant Steel Moment Frames Part II: Experimental Verification Fleischman, Robert B. Palmer, Nathan J. Sumer, Ali Discussion: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings SEAOC Seismology Committee Teal, Edward J. Discussion: Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods Berg, Glen V. Earthquakes: Steel Structures Performance and Design Code Developments Marsh, James W. Effect of Straightening Method on the Ciclic Behavior of k-Area in Steel Rolled Shapes (PDF) Chi, Brandon Uang, Chia-Ming Elastic In-Plane Stiffness for a Circular Cut Reduced Beam Section (RBS)(PDF) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Mohammadi, Jamshid Errata: Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata: Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Errata: Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata: Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Brockenbrough, R.L. Fraser, Timothy P. Liu, Judy Sabelli, Rafael Experimental Investigation of Dogbone Moment Connections Engelhardt, Michael D. Potyraj, Timothy J. Winneberger, Ted Zekany, Andrew J. Experimental Investigation of Reduced Beam Section Connections by Use of Web Openings Hwang, In Kyu Won Park, Jong Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Clifton, G. Charles Ferguson, George Short, Andrew Woerner, Wolfram W. Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Engelhardt, Michael D. Okazaki, Taichiro Richards, Paul Uang, Chia-Ming Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Poncet, Laure Tremblay, Robert In-Plane Properties and Modeling of Reduced Beam Sections Dumonteil, Pierre Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Semi-Rigid Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan Low-Cycle Variable Amplitude Fatigue Modeling of Top-and-Seat Angle Connections Chen, Stuart S. Mander, John B. Pekcan, Gokhan P-V-M Interaction Curves for Seismic Design of Steel Column Base Connections Arlekar, Jaswant N. Murty, C.V.R. Panel Zone Yielding in Steel Moment Connections El-Tawil, Sherif Errata Performance of Large Seismic Steel Moment Connections Under Cyclic Loads Popov, Egor P. Tsai, K.C. Errata Performance-Based Seismic Design of Eccentrically Braced Frames Using Target Drift and Yield Mechanism as Performance Criteria Chao, Shih-Ho Goel, Subhash C. Errata Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Fiesenheiser, E.I. Ronan, J.G. Recommended Provisions for Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Sabelli, Rafael Relating the Seismic Drift Demands of SMRFs to Element Deformation Demands Gupta, Akshay Krawinkler, Helmut Repair of Existing Steel Moment Frame Buildigns Damaged from Earthquakes Using Fracture Tough Weld Overlays Anderson, James C. Compton, Jack Hayes, Walter Maranian, Peter Simon, Warner Seismic Behavior and Design of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Tremblay, Robert Errata Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Teal, Edward J. Discussion Errata Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods (T.R. Higgins Award) Teal, Edward J. Discussion Seismic Performance and Design of Bolted Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Seismic Performance of a 62-Story Steel Frame Hotel Tower Henige, Richard A. Hines, Eric M. Seismic Steel Framing Systems for Tall Buildings Popov, Egor P. Shear in Beam-Column Joints in Seismic Design of Steel Frames Krawinkler, Helmut Static Pullout Strength of Power Actuated Fasteners in Steel: State-of-the-Art Review Beck, Hermann Engelhardt, Michael D. Glaser, Neil Steel is Changing the Los Angeles Skyline Johnston, Roy G. Structural Design and Experimental Verification of a Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame System Gwie, David S. Lauck, Thomas W. López, Walterio A. Saunders, C. Mark Suggestions for Avoiding Beam- to- Column Web Connection Failure Beedle, Lynn S. Driscoll, George C., Jr. Technical Note: Abrasive Waterjet Cutting Application Higgins, Christopher C. Newell, James D. The 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Malley, James O. The Dogbone: Back to the Future Plumier, Andre U.S. Seismic Steel Codes Popov, Egor P. Ultimate Strength Considerations for Seismic Design of the Reduced Beam Section (Internal Plastic Hinge) Iwankiw, Nestor R. Update on the AISC Seismic Provisions Malley, James O. Seismic Design, Structural and Building Systems Behavior of Steel Joist Girder Structures with PR Column Bases Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Serviceability and Ponding A Simple Approach to Truss Deflections Tsai, Wan-Tswan Analysis of Vierendeel Frames for Deflections Abdul-Shafi, A. Calculation of Wind Drift in Staggered-Truss Buildings Leffler, Robert E. Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Davison, J. Buick Kirby, Patrick A. Nethercot, D.A. Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Deflections of Stepped Beams and Girders Yamamoto, Y. Eugene Design Aid for Deflection of Simple Beams Under Concentrated Loads Mazzarella, M. Max, Sr. Discussion: Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Walsh, Martin P., Jr. Discussion: Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Milbradt, K.P. Discussion: Ponding of Two-way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Sawyer, Donald A. Discussion: Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods Berg, Glen V. Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 1) Clark, J.W. Discussion: Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Murray, Thomas M. Disscussion: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Errata Discussion Effect of Connector Spacing and Flexural-torsional Buckling on Double-angle Compressive Strength Haaijer, Geerhard Zahn, Cynthia J. Effects of Connection Stiffness and Plasticity on the Service Load Behavior of Unbraced Steel Frames Bhatti, M. Asghar Hingtgen, James E. Errata: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Errata: Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Errata: Seismic Design Practice for Steel Buildings Teal, Edward J. Errata: Seismic Drift Control Criteria Teal, Edward J. Failure of Simply-Supported Flat Roofs by Ponding of Rain Chinn, James Discussion Fast Check for Ponding Burgett, Lewis B. Live Load Deflections in a Prestressed Steel Beam Bridge Welden, Neil Ponding Calculations in LRFD and ASD Carter, Charles J. Zuo, Jiahong Discussion Ponding of Concrete Deck Floors Ruddy, John L. Ponding of Two-Way Roof Systems Marino, Frank J. Discussion Errata Rapid Selection of Beam-Columns for Wind or Earthquake Effects Fiesenheiser, E.I. Ronan, J.G. Seismic Drift Control Criteria Teal, Edward J. Errata Seismic Drift Control and Building Periods (T.R. Higgins Award) Teal, Edward J. Discussion Serviceability Guidelines for Steel Structures Ellingwood, Bruce R. Serviceability Limit States Under Wind Load Griffis, Lawrence G. Simplified High-Rise Drift Analysis and Optimized Adjustment Fleischer, Walter H. Simplified Procedure to Determine Maximum Beam Deflection Koo, Benjamin Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 1) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Correction Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Walker, William H. Wright, Richard N. Discussion Single Angles Toward the Simplified Design of Single-Angle Beam-Columns Earls, C.J. Keelor, D. Christian Special Structures A Cost Evaluation of Space Trusses of Large Span Geiger, David H. A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Discussion Analysis Of Framed Space Structures Baer, Oliver A. Analysis of Cables as Equivalent Two-Force Members Kudder, Robert J. Tung, David H.H. Automated Design of Space Trusses Patton, Fredrick W. Weaver, William, Jr. Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Folse, Michael D. Harris, Barton H. Buckling of Framed Domes Buchert, Kenneth P. Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Shah, Manu Discussion: Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Gould, Phillip L. Experimental Study of a Schwedler Rigid Framed Dome Beaufait, Fred Beavers, James E. Flexural-Torsional Buckling and its Implications for Steel Compression Member Design Iwankiw, Nestor R. Zahn, Cynthia J. Hyperboloid Space Frames for Tower Structures Levinton, Zusse Shell Shapes Framed in Steel Geiger, David H. Space Frame Buckling Buchert, Kenneth P. Space Frame Structures Naslund, Kenneth C. Steel Cable Creates Novel Structural Space Systems Zetlin, Lev Discussion Steel Plate Analysis by Finite Elements Firkins, Norman L. Steel Shell Roof Structures Nilson, Arthur H. Stiffened Thin Shell Domes Buchert, Kenneth P. Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Geer, Elihu Kushman, Robert L. Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Arciszewski, T. Olowokere, O.D. Uduma, K. Variation of Lift Load Distribution Due to Sling Length Tolerance Duerr, David Errata Special Structures, Connections-Simple Shear Design of Single Plate Shear Connections Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Call, Steven M. McMullin, Kurt M. Discussion Specifiactions Editor's Note: 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid (paper by Allen J. Hulshizer) Unknown Author Specification A Historical and Technical Overview of the Cb Coefficient in the AISC Specifications Dekker, Brian Zoruba, Sergio Low-Rise Building Wind Load Provisions Chiu, Gregory L.F. Perry, Dale C. Specifications Code of Standard Practice For Steel Buildings and Bridges Unknown Author LRFD and the Structural Engineering Curriculum Geschwindner, Louis F. SI Units for Structural Steel Design American Institute of Steel Construction The AASHTO Guide Specification for Alternate Load-factor Design Procedures for Steel Beam Bridges Grubb, Michael A. Treatment of Eccentrically-loaded Connections in the AISC Manual Higgins, T.R. Specifications, Codes, and Stanards Errata: Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AiSC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Reliability of the Member Stability Criteria in the 2005 AISC Specification Galambos, Theodore V. Errata Specifications, Codes, and Standards A Comparison of Canadian, Mexican, and United States Steel Design Standards Galambos, Theodore V. A Comparison of General Design and Load Requirements in Building Codes in Canada, Mexico, and the United States Ellingwood, Bruce R. A Review of Steel Plate Shear Wall Design Requirements and Research Berman, Jeffrey W. Bruneau, Michel Lopez-Garcia, Diego Vian, Darren A Summary of Changes and Derivation of LRFD Bolt Design Provisions Carter, Charles J. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Closure Errata An Introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design for Steel Buildings Hansell, W.C. Pinkham, C.W. Book Review: Detailing for Steel Construction (AISC) Stanczak, John S. Book Review: Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings, Vol. SB Haaijer, Geerhard Closure: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Closure: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Errata Critique: Strengthening of Existing Composite Beams Using LRFD Procedures Wanant, Sompandh Design Loads for Seated-beam in LRFD Brockenbrough, R.L. Garrett, J.H., Jr. Designing for Ductile Performance of Bolted Seismic Connections to Axially Loaded Members Muir, Larry S. Direct Determination of Required Rigidities for Multiple-Bracing Frames Wechsler, Marius B. Discussion: AISC LRFD Rules for Block Shear in Bolted Connections-A Review Gupta, Mohan Gupta, L. M. Discussion: End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Abrahams, Michael J. Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Tide, Raymond H.R. Yoganandan, Naryan Discussion: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Ellifritt, Duane S. Effects of the Latest LRFD Block Shear Code Change Epstein, Howard I. End Restraint and Column Design Using LRFD Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Discussion Errata: Columns with End Restraint and Bending in Load and Resistance Factor Design Chen, Wai-Fah Lui, E.M. Errata: Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Galambos, Theodore V. Ravindra, M.K. Evaluating Single Angle Compression Struts Using An Effective Slenderness Approach Lutz, Leroy A. Evolution of Shear Lag and Block Shear Provisions in the AISC Specification Geschwindner, Louis F. Examination of AISC LRFD Shear Lag Design Provisions Kirkham, William J. Miller, Thomas H. Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Brockenbrough, R.L. Fraser, Timothy P. Liu, Judy Sabelli, Rafael Impact of Recent Research Findings on Eccentrically Braced Frame Design Engelhardt, Michael D. Okazaki, Taichiro Richards, Paul Uang, Chia-Ming Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. Discussion Closure Introduction to the Proposed AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification Edinger, John A. LRFD Aid for Tubeshaped Beams Siddiqui, Faruq M.A. Usman, Ali LRFD Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah King, Won Sun LRFD Beam Tables for Structural Tubes Sputo, Thomas LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids Laman, Jeffrey A. LRFD Design Office Study Wiesner, Kenneth B. Load Factor Design of Steel Buildings Galambos, Theodore V. Load and Resistance Factor Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Galambos, Theodore V. Load and Resistance Factor Design and Analysis of Stepped Crane Columns in Industrial Buildings Kennedy, D.J.L. MacCrimmon, Robert A. Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Henderson, J.E. Packer, Jeffrey A. Wardenier, Jaap Optimum Cost Design of Partially Composite Steel Beams Using LRFD Bhatti, M. Asghar Plate Girder Design Using LRFD Zahn, Cynthia J. Preface to the North American Design Comparisons Gilmor, Michael I. Iwankiw, Nestor R. Martinez-Romero, Enrique Proposed Criteria for Load and Resistance Factor Design Galambos, Theodore V. Ravindra, M.K. Errata Proposed Revision of the Equivalent Axial Load Method for LRFD Steel and Composite Beam-Column Design Leet, Kenneth M. Uang, Chia-Ming Wattar, Samer W. Single-Plate Framing Connections with Grade-50 Steel and Composite Construction Hormby, David E. Kriegh, James D. Richard, Ralph M. Errata Technical Note: Determination of Allowable Strength Design Safety Factors in the 2005 AISC Specification Duncan, Cynthia J. Fenves, Steven J. Iwankiw, Nestor R. The 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Malley, James O. The Economies of LRFD in Composite Floor Beams Zahn, Mark C. Splices Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Stetina, Henry J. Discussion Capacity of Columns with Splice Imperfections Popov, Egor P. Stephen, Roy M. Design of Connectors in Web-Flange Beam or Girder Splices Green, Deborah L. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Klayton, Thurston Stetina, Henry J. Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Bruneau, Michel Mahin, Stephen A. Graphical Solution for Selection of Web Splice Bolts Mehta, Narendra K. Powers, J.J. One Engineer's Opinion (Beam Splice) Marino, Frank J. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. The Ultimate Strength of Symmetric Beam Bolted Splices Frank, Karl H. Sheikh-Ibrahim, Firas I. Stability Discussion: Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Hooper, Ira Stability and Bracing A Unified Approach for Stability Bracing Requirements Fisher, James M. Lutz, Leroy A. An Assessment of K Factor Formulas Chen, Wai-Fah Shanmugam, Nandivaram E. Analysis of Knee-braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading: Part 2-Columns of Unequal Stiffness Surtees, John O. Vilas, Howard K. Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. Errata Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. Errata Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Itani, Ahmad M. Cyclic Behavior of Single Angles for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Garcia-Alvarez, Francisco Itani, Ahmad M. Design of Diagonal Cross Bracings: Part 1 Theoretical Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Discussion Design of Single Angles Bent About the Major Principal Axis Earls, C.J. Stability And Bracing Design of an Eccentrically Braced Steel Frame Popov, Egor P. Roeder, Charles W. Stability and Bracing Discussion: Design of Diagonal Cross-Bracings-Part 1: Theoretical Study; Part 2: Experimental Study Beaulieu, D. Picard, A. Stoman, Sayed H. Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 2) Wolchuk, Roman Discussion: Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 1) Clark, J.W. Discussion: The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. Earthquake-resistant Design of Double-angle Bracings Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan Goel, Subhash C. Hanson, Robert D. Errata Stability And Bracing Eccentrically Braced Frames: U.S. Practice Engelhardt, Michael D. Popov, Egor P. Ricles, James M. Stability and Bracing Eccentrically Loaded Steel Single Angle Struts Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Madugula, Murty K.S. Effective Length Factor for the Design of X-bracing Systems El-Tayem, Adel A. Goel, Subhash C. Effective Length Factors for Gusset Plate Buckling Dowswell, Bo Errata: Bracing of Continuous Columns Urdal, Tor B. Errata: Column Stability in Type 2 Construction De Falco, Fred Marino, Frank J. Errata: Earthquake-Resistant Design of Double-angle Bracing Unknown Author Errata: Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar Forces on Bracing Systems Nair, R. Shankar Fundamentals of Beam Bracing Yura, Joseph A. Historical Note on K-Factor Equations Dumonteil, Pierre Lateral Stiffness of Core/Outrigger Systems Boggs, P.C. Gasparini, D.A. Lateral Support for Tier Building Frames Galambos, Theodore V. Discussion Limit State Response of Composite Columns and Beam-Columns Part I: Formulation of Design Provisions for the 2005 AISC Specification Hajjar, Jerome F. Kim, Dong Keon Leon, Roberto T. Non-Slender Single Angle Struts Dagher, H. Davids, W. Elgaaly, Mohamed Notes on Bracing Design Wyczolkowski, Adam One Engineer's Opinion (Lateral Support) Milek, W.A. Stability And Bracing One Engineer's Opinion (Multistory Bracing) Disque, Robert O. Stability and Bracing Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar Errata Proposed Equal Leg Single Angle Flexural Design Provisions for Consideration in the Development of Future AISC Specification Editions Earls, C.J. Rationale Behind and Proper Application of the Ductility Factor for Bracing Connections (PDF) Hewitt, Christopher M. Thornton, William A. Recommended Provisions for Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames Sabelli, Rafael Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Stability And Bracing Simplified Frame Design of Type PR Construction Ackroyd, Michael H. Stability and Bracing Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 1) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 2) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Discussion Stability of Metal Structures- A World View (Part 4) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Stability of Metal Structures--A World View (Part 3) SSRC, ECCS, LRCJ,CMEA Stability And Bracing The Accuracy of Column Stability Calculations in Unbraced Frames and the Influence of Columns with Effective Length Factors Less Than One Hajjar, Jerome F. White, Donald W. Stability and Bracing The Disposable Knee-bracing Technique in Steel Frames Aristizabal-Ochoa, J. Dario The Effect of Eccentricity on Brace-to-gusset Thornton, William A. The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. Discussion The New Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures Johnston, Bruce G. Structural and Building Systems 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Geschwindner, Louis F. Errata A Comparison of the Krawinkler and Scissors Models for Including Beam Column Joint Deformations in the Analysis of Moment Resisting Steel Frames Charney, Finley A. Marshall, Justin A Composite Action Duct-Beam System Shah, Kirit N. Vergun, Dimitry K. A Cost Evaluation of Space Trusses of Large Span Geiger, David H. A Method for Incorporating Live Load Reduction Provisions in Frame Analysis McGuire, William Ziemian, Ronald D. A Method for the Plastic Design of Unbraced Multistory Frames De Buen, Oscar A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames De Buen, Oscar Errata A Modified Tube Concept for Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 1; Pin Jointed Systems LeMessurier, William J. Errata A Practical Method of Second Order Analysis Part 2; Rigid Frames LeMessurier, William J. A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Lui, E.M. Discussion Errata A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Discussion A Stub-Girder System for High-Rise Buildings Colaco, Joseph P. Structural And Building Systems Admissible Loads of Gable Frames Cheng, Franklin Y. Structural and Building Systems Allowable Bending Stress of Steel Pipes Chakrabarti, S.K. Analysis Of Framed Space Structures Baer, Oliver A. Analysis of Knee-Braced Portal Frames for Vertical Loading Surtees, John O. Vilas, Howard K. Approximate Analytical Model for Multistory Frames LeMessurier, William J. McNamara, Robert J. Scrivener, J.C. Automated Analysis of Grid Beam Systems Elleby, Hotten A. Automated Design of Space Trusses Patton, Fredrick W. Weaver, William, Jr. Automated Second-Order Elastic Analysis for Steel Space Frames Folse, Michael D. Harris, Barton H. Behavior and Design of Flexibly- Connected Building Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. Gerstle, Kurt H. Belt Trusses and Basements as 'Virtual' Outriggers for Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Buchert, Kenneth P. Discussion Buckling of One-Story Frames Schilling, Charles G. Discussion Closure Calculation of Wind Drift in Staggered-Truss Buildings Leffler, Robert E. Closure: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. Errata Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Errata Connection Flexibility and Beam Design in Non-sway Frames Davison, J. Buick Kirby, Patrick A. Nethercot, D.A. Correction: Steel Rigid Frames with Leaning Columns Folse, Michael D. Nowak, Paul S. Cyclic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces for Ductile End Cross Frames Buckle, Ian G. Carden, Lyle P. Itani, Ahmad M. Design Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames: Evaluation and Implementation Barakat, Munzer Chen, Wai-Fah Design Solutions Utilizing the Staggered-steel Truss System Cohen, Michael P. Designing With Structural Tubing Sherman, Donald R. Direct Determination of Required Rigidities for Multiple-Bracing Frames Wechsler, Marius B. Discussion: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Carskaddan, Phillip S. Lui, E.M. Discussion: A Prestressed Steel Space Frame Rogers, Paul Shah, Manu Discussion: Buckling of Hyperbolic Paraboloids Koo, Benjamin Structural And Building Systems Discussion: Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Popov, Egor P. Structural and Building Systems Discussion: Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Ellifritt, Duane S. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: Mill Building Design Procedure Diefenderfer, C.F. Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Gogate, Anand B. Discussion: The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Adams, Peter F. Johnston, Bruce G. Yura, Joseph A. Zweig, Alfred Disscussion: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Errata Discussion Dynamic Analysis of Multistory Buildings Sandhu, Balbir S. Structural And Building Systems Eccentrically Braced Frame Construction--A Case History Libby, James R. Discussion Structural and Building Systems Economic Study of a Braced Multi-Story Steel Frame Galambos, Theodore V. Williams, James B. Economics of Low-Rise Steel-Framed Structures Ruddy, John L. Effective Column Length-Tier Buildings Higgins, T.R. Effective Length of Columns in Gable Frames Lu, Le-Wu Electronic Spreadsheet Tools for Semi- Rigid Frames Ackroyd, Michael H. Erecting the Staggered-truss System: A View from the Field Hassler, Arthur E. Errata: 2000 T.R. Higgins Award Paper - A Practical Look at Frame Analysis, Stability and Leaning Columns Geschwindner, Louis F. Errata: A Modification to the Subassemblage Method of Designing Unbraced Multi-story Frames (pp. 142, 144, 145) De Buen, Oscar Errata: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata: A Practical P-Delta Analysis Method for Type FR and PR Frames Lui, E.M. Errata: Composite Floor System for Sears Tower Iyengar, S.H. Zils, J.J. Errata: Computer-aided Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Mehringer, Vincent Orbison, James G. Pierson, George Errata: Drift Reduction Factors for Belted High-Rise Structures McNabb, J.W. Muvdi, B.B. Errata: Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High Rise Structures Taranath, B.S. Errata: Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Colaco, Joseph P. Errata: Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar Experimental Implementation of Active Control to Reduce Annoying Floor Vibrations Hanagan, Linda M. Murray, Thomas M. Exposed Steel Framing on High Rise Buildings Nassetta, Anthony F. Folded Steel Plate Roof for a Suburban Branch Bank Shogren, V.E. Frame Response Considering Plastic Panel Hinges Fielding, David J. Hyperboloid Space Frames for Tower Structures Levinton, Zusse Improved Shear Strength of Webs Designed in Accordance with the LRFD Specification Bradford, Mark A. Discussion Closure Improving the Seismic Stability of Concentrically Braced Steel Frames Poncet, Laure Tremblay, Robert Influence of Cross Frames on Load Resisting Capacity of Steel Girder Bridges Azizinamini, Atorod Beacham, Michael W. Kathol, Steve K-factors for Unbraced Frames: Alignment Chart Accuracy for Practical Frame Variations Guo, Chelsea Q. Hamid, Hazlan Abdul Roddis, W.M. Kim LRFD Analysis and Design of Beams with Partially Restrained Connections Goverdhan, Arvind Lindsey, Stanley D. Loannides, Socrates A. LRFD Analysis for Semi-Rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah King, Won Sun LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids Laman, Jeffrey A. Lateral Stiffness of Core/Outrigger Systems Boggs, P.C. Gasparini, D.A. Lehigh Conference on Plastic Design of Multi-Story Frames-A Summary Driscoll, George C., Jr. Light Gage Steel Infill Panels in Multistory Steel Frames Miller, Craig J. Limit Analysis and Plastic Design of Grid Systems Vukov, Ante Mill Building Design Procedure Bakota, John F. Discussion Discussion Modeling of Support Conditions at the Bases of Tall Buildings Nair, R. Shankar Moments on Beam-Columns with Flexible Connections in Braced Frames Brown, Jack H. Multistory Rigid Frames with Composite Girders Under Gravity and Lateral Forces Schaffhausen, Robert J. Wegmuller, Anton W. Optimal Cost Design of Semi-Rigid, Low-Rise Industrial Frames Grierson, Donald E. Sherbourne, Archie N. Xu, Lei Optimal Design of Steel Frames to Enhance Overall Stability Hjelmstad, K.D. Pezeshk, S. Optimal Stiffness Design to Limit Static and Dynamic Wind Responses of Tall Steel Buildings Chan, Chun-Man Optimization of Large Space Frame Steel Structures Adeli, H. Soegiarso, R. Optimization of Large Steel Truss Structures Using Standard Cross Sections Adeli, H. Soegiarso, R. Optimum Belt Truss Locations for High-Rise Structures Taranath, B.S. Errata Panel Zone Effect on the Strength and Stiffness of Steel Rigid Frames Becker, Roy Parking Structure with a Post-tensioned Deck Bakota, John F. Partial Tube Concept for Mid-Rise Structures Colaco, Joseph P. Errata Plastic Analysis of Pinned-base Haunched Gable Frames Parsanejad, S. Plastic Design of a 14-Story Apartment Building Bennett, William A. Plastic Design of a Three-Story Steel Frame De Buen, Oscar Practical Advanced Analysis for Semi-rigid Frame Design Chen, Wai-Fah Kim, Seung-Eock Practical Analysis of Semi- Rigid Frames Barakat, Munzer Chen, Wai-Fah Practical Application of Energy Methods to Structural Stability Problems Nair, R. Shankar Errata Preliminary Analysis and Member Sizing of Tall Tubular Steel Buildings El Nimeiri, Mahjoub M. Tang, John W. Wong, Chow H. Preliminary Wind Analysis of Multistory Bents Ben-Arroyo, Abraham Probabilistic Modeling of Steel Moment Frames with Welded Connections Ellingwood, Bruce R. Song, Jianlin Recent Developments in Steel Building Design Beedle, Lynn S. Lu, Le-Wu Ozer, Erkan Seismic Design of Steel Joist Girder Structures Galambos, Theodore V. Kim, Uksun Leon, Roberto T. Seismic Performance of a 62-Story Steel Frame Hotel Tower Henige, Richard A. Hines, Eric M. Semi-Rigid Composite Connections for Gravity Loads Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Semi-Rigid Frame Design Methods for Practicing Engineers Bjorhovde, Reidar Christopher, John E. Semi-rigid Composite Steel Frames Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Lin, Jihshya McCauley, Robert D. Simplified High-Rise Drift Analysis and Optimized Adjustment Fleischer, Walter H. Simplified Seismic Drift Analysis of High-Rise Steel Frames Fleischer, Walter H. Some Aspects of Stub-Girder Design (T.R. Higgins Award) Bjorhovde, Reidar Zimmerman, T.J. Space Frame Buckling Buchert, Kenneth P. Space Frame Structures Naslund, Kenneth C. Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Goel, Subhash C. Leelataviwat, Sutat Stojadinovic, Bozidar Steel Shear Walls for Existing Buildings Baldelli, Joseph A., Jr. Steel Shell Roof Structures Nilson, Arthur H. Steel is Changing the Los Angeles Skyline Johnston, Roy G. Story-Based Effective Length Factors for Unbraced PR Frames Liu, Yuxin Xu, Lei Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems Weissman, Herbert A. Errata Stresses and Displacements in Three-Dimensional Trusses Geer, Elihu Kushman, Robert L. Structural And Building Systems Structural System--Getty Plaza Tower Wong, Charles Structural and Building Systems Survey of Existing Studies on the Strength and Deformation of Spherical Joints in Steel Space Trusses Arciszewski, T. Olowokere, O.D. Uduma, K. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 1-Response of Steel Columns to Temperature Exposure McLaughlin, E.R. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 2-Structural Analysis Kar, Anil K. West, Harry H. Temperature Effects on Tall Steel Framed Buildings Part 3-Design Considerations Khan, Fazlur R. Nassetta, Anthony F. Test on Diaphragm Behavior of Dry-Floor System with Steel-Edged Gypsum Planks Jeng Fang, Pen The Dry Floor; A New Approach to High Rise Apartment Buildings Newman, Joseph H. The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames Yura, Joseph A. Discussion Discussion Discussion The Restraint Girder System- Local Web Buckling Behavior and Design Considerations Wexler, Neil The Staggered Truss System-Structural Considerations Scalzi, John B. Unbraced Frames with Semi-Rigid Composite Connections Ammerman, Douglas Leon, Roberto T. Viscoelastic Damping Devices Proving Effective in Tall Buildings Caldwell, D.B. Web Shear Strength of Flexural Members Segui, William T. Wind Connections with Simple Framing Disque, Robert O. Yield-Line Analysis and Design of Grids Cannon, John P. Structural and Building Systems, Stability and Bracing Steel Frame Stability Design Visser, Mike Structural and Buildings Systems Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Stetina, Henry J. Discussion Discussion: Are Tier Building Column Splices Designed? Klayton, Thurston Stetina, Henry J. Structural Shapes Closure: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bartlett, F. Michael Dexter, Robert J. Galambos, Theodore V. Graeser, Mark D. Jelinek, Jason J. Schmidt, Bradley J. Cold Bending of Wide-Flange Shapes for Construction Bjorhovde, Reidar Discussion: Updating Standard Shape Material Properties Database for Design and Reliability Bennett, Richard M. Experience with Use of Heavy W Shapes in Tension Fisher, John W. Pense, Alan W. The Use of Jumbo Shapes in Non-column Applications American Institute of Steel Construction Sustainability A Conceptual Approach to Prevent Crack-related Failure of Steel Bridges McNamara, Michael P. Verma, Krishna K. Distortion-Induced Cracking During Transit Roddis, W.M. Kim Systems Errata: Straight-Element Grid Analysis of Horizontally Curved Beam Systems (pp. 44, 45) Weissman, Herbert A. T Tension Members An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Errata Block Shear and Net Section Capacities of Structural Tees in Tension: Test Results and Code Implications Epstein, Howard I. Stamberg, Hans Combined Shear and Tension Stresses Goel, Subhash C. Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Design of Tension Circular Flange Joints in Tubular Structures Cao, Junjie Packer, Jeffrey A. Discussion: The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Macadam, John N. Errata: An Experimental Study of Block Shear Failure of Angles in Tension Epstein, Howard I. Evolution of Shear Lag and Block Shear Provisions in the AISC Specification Geschwindner, Louis F. Examination of AISC LRFD Shear Lag Design Provisions Kirkham, William J. Miller, Thomas H. Expected Yield Stress and Tensile Strength Ratios for Determination of Expected Member Capacity in the 2005 AISC Seismic Provisions Brockenbrough, R.L. Fraser, Timothy P. Liu, Judy Sabelli, Rafael Fatigue Life of Double Angle Tension Members Christopher, Bradley P. Cousins, Thomas E. Stallings, J. Michael Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Bruneau, Michel Mahin, Stephen A. Gusset Plate Connection to Round HSS Tension Members Cheng, J.J.R. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Influence of Bolt-Line Eccentricity on WT Tension Member Capacity Bartels, Peter A. Barth, Karl E. Orbison, James G. New Design Criteria for Gusset Plates in Tension Bjorhovde, Reidar Hardash, Steve G. New Method of Design for Combined Tension and Bending Aminmansour, Abbas Shear Lag Effects in Steel Tension Members Easterling, W. Samuel Gonzalez Giroux, Lisa Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination Bowman, Mark D. Jarosch, K.H. The Behavior of A514 Steel Tension Members Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion The Effects of Stress Singularity on Welded Gusset Plates Loaded in Tension Hsiao, J. Kent Schultz, William Widjaja, Suhendi Wiemeler, Steven Using Moment and Axial Interaction Equations to Account for Moment and Shear Lag Effects in Tension Members D'Aiuto, Christopher L. Epstein, Howard I. Discussion Closure Testing and Inspection Assurance of Reliability in Fabricated Steel Structures Through Nondestructive Testing Olsson, D.A. Correlation of Discontinuities and Physical Properties in Steel Weldments Criscuolo, E.L. Testing And Inspection Cyclic Behavior of Large Beam-column Assemblies Amin, Navin R. Louie, Jason J.C. Popov, Egor P. Stephen, Roy M. Testing and Inspection Reliability Assurance in Navy's Welded Steel Shore Structures Amirikian, Arsham Reliability in Building Construction Through Nondestructive Testing Greenberg, Simon A. Small Scale Models for Steel Frameworks Litle, William A Tests of Steel Moment Connections Beedle, Lynn S. Christopher, Richard Use of Ultrasonic Testing in the Structural Steel Industry Wehrmeister, Allen E. Torsion A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata Discussion Approximate Torsional Analysis of Curved Box Girders by the M/R-Method Fountain, Richard S. Tung, David H.H. Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata Discussion Discussion Discussion Errata Correction Discussion: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Birdsall, Blair Samelson, Harold Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Salmon, Charles G. Discussion: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members (Lin) Lin, Phillip H. Discussion: The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections Boothby, Thomas E. Discussion: Thermal Prestressing of Structural Steel Burton, John C. Hotchkiss, John G. Errata: A New Design For Torsion Resistant Suspension Bridges Samelson, Harold Errata: Design of W-Shapes for Combined Bending and Torsion Johnston, Bruce G. Errata: Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Lehigh Conference on Plastic Design of Multi-Story Frames-A Summary Driscoll, George C., Jr. Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of Rolled Steel Members Lin, Phillip H. Discussion Discussion Errata Technical Note: Torsional Analysis of Steel Sections Moore, William E., II Mueller, Keith The Application of Flexural Methods to Torsional Analysis of Thin-walled Open Sections Boothby, Thomas E. Discussion The Importance of Tension Chord Bracing Fisher, James M. Discussion Torsion in Closed Sections Siev, Avinadav Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in Building Structures Hotchkiss, John G. Discussion Torsional Properties of Composite Girders Heins, Conrad P. Kuo, John T.C. Torsional Strength and Stiffness of Steel Structures Shermer, Carl L. V Vibration 1989 AISC Specification (Ninth Edition) Allowable Bending Stress Design Aid Hulshizer, Allen J. A New Approach to Floor Vibration Analysis Tolaymat, Raed A. A Simplified Look at Partially Restrained Beams Geschwindner, Louis F. Acceptability Criterion for Occupant-Induced Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Application of Tuned Mass Dampers To Control Vibrations of Composite Floor Systems Vaicaitis, Rimas Webster, Anthony C. Beam Design in PR Braced Steel Frames Zandonini, Riccardo Zanon, Paolo Building Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Errata Design Aids for Walking Vibrations in Steel Framed Floors Laman, Jeffrey A. Design Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames: Evaluation and Implementation Barakat, Munzer Chen, Wai-Fah Design Chart for Vibration of Office and Residential Floors Hatfield, Frank J. Design Criterion for Vibrations Due to Walking Allen, D.E. Murray, Thomas M. Design Strength of Schifflerized Angle Struts Adluri, Seshu Madhava Rao Madugula, Murty K.S. Design to Prevent Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Discussion: Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Murray, Thomas M. Dynamic Amplitude Prediction for Ballroom Floors Hanagan, Linda M. End Restraints on Steel Joist Floor Vibrations Carrle, Gunther Wang, Leon Ru-Liang Errata:: Building Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Experimental Implementation of Active Control to Reduce Annoying Floor Vibrations Hanagan, Linda M. Murray, Thomas M. Floor Vibrations and Cantilevered Construction Hendrick, William E. Murray, Thomas M. Human Response to Wind-Induced Motion of Buildings (T.R. Higgins Award) Hansen, Robert J. Reed, John W. Vanmarcke, Erik H. Modern Approaches to Solution of the Wind Problems of Long Span Bridges (T.R. Higgins) Scanlon, Robert H. One Engineer's Opinion (Vibration) Milek, W.A. Preliminary Assessment for Walking-Induced Vibrations in Office Environments Hanagan, Linda M. Kim, Taehoo Redundancy in Highway Bridges Frangopol, Dan M. Nakib, Rachid Tables for Equal Single Angles in Compression Walker, Wayne W. The Use of Viscoelastic Material to Damp Vibration in Buildings and Large Structures Nelson, Frederick C. Vibration and Deflection of Steel Bridges Walker, William H. Wright, Richard N. Discussion Vibration of Steel Joist-Concrete Slab Floors Lenzen, Kenneth H. Viscoelastic Damping Devices Proving Effective in Tall Buildings Caldwell, D.B. W Web Penetration Plastic Behavior of Beams with Mid-Depth Web Openings Afifi Aglan, Ahmed Qaqish, Samih Simplified Plastic Analysis for Reinforced Web Holes Redwood, R.G. Web Penetrations Buckling of Prestressed Steel Girders Bradford, Mark A. Building Floor Vibrations Murray, Thomas M. Errata Design Aids for Unreinforced Web Openings in Steel and Composite Beams with W-Shapes Hallal Fakury, Ricardo Lopes Ribeiro, Jose Carlos de Souza Verissimo, Gustavo Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Cooper, Peter B. Kussman, Richard L. Errata Discussion Discussion: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Redwood, R.G. Errata: Design Example for Beams with Web Openings Cooper, Peter B. Kussman, Richard L. Finite Element Modeling of Girders with Large Web Openings Berak, E.G. Watwood, V.B. Recommended Design Procedures for Beams with Web Openings Bower, John E. Steel Moment Frames with Ductile Girder Web Opening Goel, Subhash C. Leelataviwat, Sutat Stojadinovic, Bozidar Tables for Plastic Design of Beams with Rectangular Holes Redwood, R.G. U.S. Seismic Steel Codes Popov, Egor P. Web Design Under Compressive Edge Loads Elgaaly, Mohamed Web Penetratons Reuse of A325 and A490 High-Strength Bolts Betancourt, Miguel Bowman, Mark D. Welds A Design Aid for Connection Angle Welds Subjected to Combined Shear and Axial Loads Kane, Thomas Loomis, Kenneth M. Thornton, William A. A General Solution for Eccentric Loads on Weld Groups Brandt, G. Donald An Analytical Criterion for Buckling Strength of Built-up Compression Members Aslani, Farhang Goel, Subhash C. Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Experimental Program (PDF) Deng, Kam Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Ng, Anthony K.F. Behavior of Transverse Fillet Welds: Parametric and Reliability Analyses (PDF) Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Ng, Anthony K.F. Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections American Institute of Steel Construction Discussion Correction: Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Correlation of Discontinuities and Physical Properties in Steel Weldments Criscuolo, E.L. Design and Construction of Lifting Beams Ricker, David T. Errata Design of Welded Steel Moment Connections Using Truss Analogy Goel, Subhash C. Lee, Kyoung-Hyeog Stojadinovic, Bozidar Designing Longitudinal Welds for Bridge Members Alexander, Warren G. Determining the Cost of Welded Joints Donnelly, J.A. Discussion: Commentary on Highly Restrained Welded Connections Jones, Norman B. Milek, W.A. Discussion: Design for Eccentric and Inclined Loads on Bolts and Weld Groups Iwankiw, Nestor R. Traian, Miguel Discussion: Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Kulak, Geoffrey L. Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Kapp, Richard Discussion: Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Eccentrically Loaded Weld Groups; AISC Design Tables Tide, Raymond H.R. Errata Effect of Loading Angle on the Behavior of Fillet Welds Deng, Kam Driver, Robert G. Grondin, Gilbert Y. Errata: Eccentrically Loaded Weld Group--AISC Design Tables Tide, Raymond H.R. Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. Errata: Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. Examination of Fillet Weld Strength Bowman, Mark D. Quinn, Brian P. Failure of Welded Moment Resisting Connections Clifton, G. Charles Ferguson, George Short, Andrew Woerner, Wolfram W. Fatigue Life Prediction and Variability of New and Existing Welded CHS Y-Joints Foley, Christopher M. Fournelle, Raymond A. Peronto, John L. Fatigue Strength of Steel Members with Welded Details (T.R. Higgins Award) Fisher, John W. Yen, Ben T. Field Welding to Existing Steel Structures Ricker, David T. Full-Scale Tests of Butt-Welded Splices in Heavy-Rolled Steel Sections Subjected to Primary Tensile Stresses Bruneau, Michel Mahin, Stephen A. Load and Resistance Factor Design of Welded Box Section Trusses Henderson, J.E. Packer, Jeffrey A. Wardenier, Jaap Plastic Behavior of Eccentrically-Loaded Connections Shermer, Carl L. Discussion Proposed Working Stresses for Fillet Welds in Building Construction Higgins, T.R. Preece, F.R. Rational Basis for Increased Fillet Weld Strength Iwankiw, Nestor R. Errata Errata Recommended Effective Throat Sizes for Flare Groove Welds to HSS Frater, George S. Packer, Jeffrey A. Reinforcing Steel Members and the Effects of Welding Tide, Raymond H.R. Reliability Assurance in Navy's Welded Steel Shore Structures Amirikian, Arsham Stiffness Reduction Factor for LRFD of Columns Harichandran, Ronald S. Strength and Serviceability of Hanger Connections Thornton, William A. Correction Strength of Joints that Combine Bolts and Welds Grondin, Gilbert Y. Kulak, Geoffrey L. Tension Butt Joints with Bolts and Welds in Combination Bowman, Mark D. Jarosch, K.H. The Significance of Weld Continuities Regarding Plastic Failure Gresnigt, A.M. Unified Autostress Method Schilling, Charles G. Use of Ultrasonic Testing in the Structural Steel Industry Wehrmeister, Allen E. What Structural Engineers and Fabricators Need to Know About Weld Metal Miller, Duane K. Yield Line Analysis of Column Webs with Welded Beam Connections Stockwell, Frank W., Jr. Discussion Discussion Help Print Search Exit
Report "Which Design Concept for Prestressed Steel"