Volume I, DIVISION A: THE ANCIENT NEAR-EAST AS RELATED TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND THE LAND OF ISRAEL; BIBLE STUDIES; ARCHAEOLOGY; THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPI-GRAPHA; THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS; JEWISH HISTO / כרך א, חטיבה א: המזרח הקדמון בזיקתו לעם ישראל ולארץ ישראל; תולדות עם ישראל בימי בית ראשון ובית שני; מקרא; מגילות ים המלח; הספרים הגנוזים והחיצוניים והספרות הנוצרית; ארכיאולוגיה‎ || נסיון לגלוי טכסט מאנטיוכיה של תרגום השבעים / IN SEARCH OF AN ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT: THEODORET'S "QUAESTIONES IN OCTATEUCHUM"

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World Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות / נסיון לגלוי טכסט מאנטיוכיה של תרגום השבעים  IN SEARCH OF AN ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT: THEODORET'S "QUAESTIONES IN OCTATEUCHUM" Author(s): Natalio Fernandez Marcos, Angel Saenz Badillos, סאינס-בדיליוס א' and -פרנאנדס 'מרקוס נ Source: Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / דברי הקונגרס העולמי למדעי Volume I, DIVISION A: THE ANCIENT NEAR-EAST AS RELATED TO THE ,היהדות, כרך ו PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND THE LAND OF ISRAEL; BIBLE STUDIES; ARCHAEOLOGY; THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPI-GRAPHA; THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS; JEWISH HISTO / ,כרך א חטיבה א: המזרח הקדמון בזיקתו לעם ישראל ולארץ ישראל; תולדות עם ישראל בימי בית ... ראשון ובית שני; מקרא; מגילות ים המל Published by: World Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/23515582 . Accessed: 15/06/2014 03:10 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . World Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / דברי הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=wujs http://www.jstor.org/stable/23515582?origin=JSTOR-pdf http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp IN SEARCH OF AN ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT: THEODORET'S "QUAESTIONES IN OCTATEUCHUM" Natalio Fernandez Marcos and Angel Saenz Badillos Madrid In preparing the text for the Greek Column of the BPM, we have seen as the most important step the necessity of determining the biblical text of the Antiochian Fathers, and especially of the most representative of them, Theodoret of Cyrus. It is a well known fact that the absence of critical editions of the Fathers has produced a large number of problems and perplexities when one stu dies critically the text-history of the Septuagint. In 1971 we started with the collation of Theodoret's manuscripts in order to publish a critical edition of the"Quaestionesin Octateuchum", an edition which would include a preliminary study of the biblical text employed by Theodoret. For this task we brought together in Madrid about 50 manuscripts (not every one complete). By August, 1973 we had finished the collation of 28 of them, those of the period between the IXth to the XlVth centuries, which are very probably the most impor tani. There are among these manuscripts some Catenae, especially interesting because of the influence of the "Quaestiones" in the formation of the first Catenae. We do not intend to use all of the extant Theodoret man uscripts. Our aim is to take into consideration the most significant manuscripts prior to the XVIth century. In relation to other more recent manuscripts, we shall make some exploratory investigations in order to discern their relationship to the collated manuscripts. In this way we hope to count on a sufficient number of valid testimonies for the redaction of our critical edition. The completion of our work will still take over a year, but we can, I believe, present some provisional results at the present time. In this paper we shall confine ourselves to the "Quaestiones in Gene sim", more or less a third part of the whole Theodoret Commentary. We can assume that the end results will not differ essentially from the sketch we are now about to present. 357 This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp 358 N. FERNANDEZ—A. SAENZ As is well known, all the critical editions and studies of the text history of the Septuagint are based upon Theodoret's quotations in the Schulzeedition (1769-74), reprinted by Migne (PG 80). Schulze employed basically the text of Sirmond (1642) who followed only one manuuscript. Schulze added, on his own, some variant readings from the Picusedition (1558) and, for the Octateuch, the collations of a new XVth century manuscript {Cod. in the notes of his edition). It is only too evident that a text restored in such a way, on the basis of only one or two manuscripts accidentally selected,is quite unsatisfactory. By chance, Schulze used a catena manuscript and so, one finds, as part of Theodoret's text, several passages of Theodor, Origen, Diodor, and other writers. In addition, there are variant readings and amplifications of the biblical text originating in a clearly secondary group of manu scripts. In the same way, readings scarcely represented in the textual tra dition and peculiar mistake of the manuscripts are also included. Under these conditions, it is easy to explain the inaccuracy of quite a large number of the readings recorded in the critical apparatus as supported by Theodoret and sometimes only by him. That is to say, the data of the Brooke-McLean edition must be submitted to a thorough revision. With regard to our edition, after the study of the collations, we are able to state that Theodoret's text has been transmitted in a rather uniform way, especially if we compare it to other patristic texts. The age of some of the manuscripts (IXth and Xth centuries), the uncommon diffusion of the text of "Queastiones", its preservation in Catenae and other non-catenae manuscripts, the heterogeneous sources of those manuscripts, and the small number of variant readings in the biblical quotations, all lead us to believe in the possibility of the restoration of Theodoret's biblical text. Two small groups dissent from the general text as attested to in the majority of the manuscripts: A) The first of these sub-families is a catena-group and contains passages of several Fathers intermingled with the "Quaestiones" and without continuous biblical text. These are very old manuscripts (IXth toXIIth centuries), which depart from the majority-text because of their extensive omissions (usually at the end of some questions) and because of the additions of passages belonging to other Fathers, sometimes joined to Theodoret's Commentary without interruption. From the textual point of view, the variant readings of this group with respect to the majority text (some transpositions and synonyms) are hardly significant, and, in This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT 359 spite of its remarkable age, this manuscript family appears to be seeon dary. B) The second group consists of five manuscripts (from the Xllth to the XlVth centuries). Most of its variant readings emanate from palaeo graphic corruptions, which often cause considerable confusion. They contain many parablepsis, stylistic variants, and intended text-changes. All these features point to a secondary and later group. If we except a few mixed manuscripts, most of the remaining codices follow a basically uniform test, which seems to be the closest to the origi nal of the "Quaestiones." We shall try to follow this text in our edition and we will take it as the basis for the notes we are going to present here. This majority-text disagrees in many ways with the one edited by Schulze. For instance, here you have some changes in the text of Theodoret's biblical quotations, which should be accepted in the new edition: 1,9 leg ovvrjxdr) non ovvax6r]xa> 1,29 " Jiaarjg post snavco 1,30 " navxi ante EQJIEXO) 6,7 " svedvfirjOrjv non EvsdvnaOrjv 20,10-12 Omittitur tota queastio 24,3 leg E^OQXl^CO non oqxiCco 24,14 " mvovaai non meiv 30,1 " Tcaidia non xexva 36,24" aivav non cava 45,5 " (poßsioOs non Xvneiods " 49,8 aiveoaiaav non aivEGEiav " 49,11 na>Xov non ovov etc. Results of this provisional study A." Some cases in which the critical apparatus of Brooke-McLean should be changed: Gen 1,26 leg om rj/xexegav Thdt 1/8 non Thdt 1/9 + rjfxsTsoav That 1/8 non Thdt 2/8 rrjv ipvx- avxov Thdt 1/2 non Thdt fisxa oov + eifii ALChr 3/4 and Thdt om naar! Chr 2/4 and Thdt 9joßeioOe Thdt non Thdt 1/2 cuveoeiav omittitur Thdt leg 9,5 leg 28,15 leg 45,5 leg 49,8 leg This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp 360 N. FERNANDEZ—A. SAENZ B.־ Erroneous attributions to Theodoret. Schulze's edition includes, as belonging to Theodoret, passages of different Fathers, such as Origen, Theodor, Diodor, etc. Since it was presented with the mixture of attributions in some texts, it was impossible to discern, on the basis of Schulze^ edition, if some quotations belonged to the biblical text employed by Theodoret or not. Our study has arrived at the conclusion that, in general, these passages do not belong to Theodoret's work and consequently must be excluded from any critical edition of the "Quaestiones". The use of these biblical quotations as representative of Theodoret has only served to confuse the study of our text-history. In this section we would include: Gen 2,2 exxrj] eßöo/ir] 2,8 > xvQioQ 3,24 /egovßiv] xegovßi/u 20.10 T0VT0] pr TO QQ7]fJ,a 20.11 aga] /ur/noxe C.- New Theodoret readings which agree with the majority-text. In some cases critical criteria forced us to select as a reading peculiar to Theodoret, the one represented by the majority of the biblical man uscripts (many times contrary to the data recorded in the critical ap paratus of Brooke-McLean). For instance: 7zaor]s om oxi omoov avayyeilo) non ajiayyeiXoo aiveoaioav non aiveoeiav 71 coXov non ovov Gen 1,29 leg 20,5 leg 31,13 leg 49,1 leg 49,8 leg 49,11 leg D.- Some "peculiar readings", witnessed only by Theodoret, must disappear, not only from the apparatus of Brooke-McLean, but also from our study of" Anotaciones.. .",pp 114ff. For instance: Gen 15,16 axgacprjoovxai 24,3 oqxiCco 24,14 jiieiv 29,31 rrjv firjxga post avxrji; 36,24 aiva 41,45 f0/x1dov ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT 361 On the other hand, some "new peculiar readings" of Theodoret are textually confirmed. For example: Gen 20,5 καρδία καθαρα 20,7 ζηση] σωθηση συ και πας ο οίκος σου 28,15 > εγω 30,1 τέκνα] παίδια 41,45 ψομιθονφανεχ Ε." Agreement-changes between Theodoret's readings and the textual groups. It was certainly strange that Theodoret supported the reading of the hexaplaric recension in Gen 20,10 pr τοπο τορημκ, only represented by this hexaplaric group. We can verify that this reading in the light of the new collations, is not Theodoret's reading. Aside from this, we do not find substantial changes in the whole concept presented in our book ("Anotaciones..pp. 87 if, and 122 ff.) on the relationship between Theodoret's quotations and the different textual groups of the Greek Genesis. However one can point out some cases in which our new reading propo sed for Theodoret supports readings of manuscript-groups other than those indicated by Brooke-McLean. Thus: Gen 1,29 prior: om πάσης with dipy. Now with the majority 6,3 prior: ετη εκατόν είκοσι with dfgirt 9,27 now: σκηνωμασιν with ac-gh^ i^mpxyd2 15.13 prior: γη pr τη Thdt 1/3 16,6 now εαν with Me 20,5 prior: αδελφός μου εστίν pr οτι with Eefgimr 24.3 now: εξορκίζω with my 24.14 now: om av 2Q with f 24,27 now: μου 20) + Αβρααμ with bd-gijlprs mS(vid)w 28.4 now: Αβραμα του πατρός μου with EM omnes (-dep) 31,13 prior: ο θς) + σου withquv 36,24 now: aivav with j 49,1 prior: αναγγείλω) απαγγείλω with LbclsvmSwb2c2 49,11 prior: πωλον l0 ovov with c2 All the same, not a single one of the aforementioned examples can be considered as a representative variant reading of a textual group now supported by Theodoret's evidence. This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp 362 N. FERNANDEZ—A. SAENZ In Theodoret's manuscripts one can often find variant readings of the biblical text (not accepted by us for reasons of textual criticism that demonstrate the tendency to harmonize the text with that of the majority. As a matter of fact, we are faced with an obvious process of textual harmonization that has taken place at a rather late time. In other cases the influence of late concrete groups like bw, fi, etc. is clear. Conclusions The unsatisfactory nature of the editions ofTheodoret usually employ ed until now. and the fact that the actual manuscript collations exhibit a, textual image very different from the one currently accepted up to now are factors which justify the necessity and the relevance of a critical edition of the "Quaestiones in Octateuchum". Therefore we shall continue working on this task and we hope to complete it within two years. We believe that our work could be useful both for the biblical (especially for the Septuaginta research) and for patristic scholars. Therefore, we will welcome any suggestion which might improve and complete this edition. Our provisional study of the Genesis-quotations, not yet extended to the rest of the Octateuch-books, hardly allows us to appraise essential changes in the relation between Theodoret's biblical text and the various textual groups of the Greek Genesis. For these reasons, we consider the results of our former study ("Anotaciones") as still valid. Naturally, they ought to be subjected to the new data of Prof. Wevers' expected Genesis edition. We approached this study looking for a stronger basis for the esta blishment of a potential Antiochian text in the Octateuch. In conclusion, we must sincerely admit that the new data we have compiled and elabo rated does not help to solve definitively this particular problem. This content downloaded from on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 03:10:05 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp Article Contents p. 357 p. 358 p. 359 p. 360 p. 361 p. 362 Issue Table of Contents Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / , , Volume I, DIVISION A: THE ANCIENT NEAR-EAST AS RELATED TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND THE LAND OF ISRAEL; BIBLE STUDIES; ARCHAEOLOGY; THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPI-GRAPHA; THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS; JEWISH HISTO / , : ; ; ; ; ; (" / 1973), pp. 1-221, 1-427 שער קדמי Jewish Studies — Status and Problems / תכנית הקונגרס [pp. 1-17] מדעי היהדות בימינו — מעמד ובעיות [pp. 19-37] Tradition of Israelite Worship at Lachish / מסורת של פולחן ישראלי בלכיש [pp. 39-42] The Prepositional Phrase as an Attribute in the Old Testament / צירוף היחס כלוואי במקרא [pp. 43-54] The Babylonian Jews and the Galateans / היהודים הבבלים והגלטים [pp. 55-61] Studies in the Antiquity of the Priestly Code / לקדמות "תורת כהנים" [pp. 63-72] Judge and Officer in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East / שר ושופט במקרא ובמזרח הקדום [pp. 73-89] Image and Voice in Prophetic Vision / תמונה וקול בפרקי מראות הנבואה [pp. 91-99] The Aramaic Targum of Job from Qumran Cave 11 / התרגום לאיוב ממערה 11 של קומראן [pp. 101-110] The Samaritan Targum in the Pentateuch —its distinctive characteristic and its metamorphosis / התרגום השומרוני לתורה — ייחודו וגלגוליו (לקראת מהדורה חדשה) [pp. 111-117] The Ahaz Altar: On the Problem of Assyrian Cults in Judah / מזבח אחז: לבעיית הפולחן האשורי בממלכת יהודה [pp. 119-124] On the History of the Mezuza / לתולדות המזוזה [pp. 125-131] Exegetical Approach of Abraham Ibn-Ezra and Isaac Abravanel to Prophecy / הגישה הפרשנית של ר' אברהם אבן-עזרא ור' יצחק אברבנאל אל הנבואות שנאמרו לעתיד [pp. 133-139] Apocrypha et Pseudoepigraphicao (Biblica-Hebraica) Yugoslavica / האפוקריפים התנכיים של הסלאבים הדרומיים — רקעם והשפעתם התרבותית-ספרותית [pp. 141-146] The Aocryphal Testament of Job / משמעו של ספר צוואת איוב [pp. 147-152] On the Problem of Lexical Inconsistency in the Syriac Targum of the Pentateuch / לשאלת חוסר העקביות בבחירת המלים בתרגום הסורי למקרא [pp. 153-158] On the Aramaic of the Targum of Job from Qumran / על לשונו של התרגום לספר איוב מקומראן [pp. 159-165] The Ancient Judeo-Italian Translation of the Song of Songs and its Relationship to the Vetus Latina / התרגום היהודי האיטלקי הקדום של שיר השירים וזיקתו אל ה- vetus Latina [pp. 167-170] The Syntactic Structure Ma Le-N(oun) P(hrase) in Biblical Hebrew and in Mishnaic Hebrew / מ ה ל-צ(ירוף) ש(מני) הקודם למשפט בלשון המקרא ובלשון חכמים [pp. 171-181] Characteristics of the Neophyte Targum of Exodus / על תרגום ניאופיטי לספר שמות [pp. 183-189] Jesus' Disciples and Christians in the First Centuries / תלמידי ישו ונוצרים במאות הראשונות לספירה [pp. 191-195] Waw Coniunctivum as a Possible Author-Specifying Discriminants in the Bible / ו' החיבור—קריטריון מבחין בין מחבר למחבר ובין סוג ספרותי לסוג בספרות המקראית? [pp. 197-206] The Verb ציוה—a Study in the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew / הפועל ציוה — עיון תחבירי-סמנטי בלשון המקרא [pp. 207-212] Isaiah 55:6-11: The Problems of the Fulfillment of Prophecies and Trito-Isaiah / שאלת התגשמותן של נבואות ישעיה נה, ו—יא ובעיית ישעיהו השלישי [pp. 213-221] JEWISH STUDIES — STATUS AND PROBLEMS [pp. 1-26] מאורעות העבר ומאורעות שלעתיד בפרשנות הקומראנית של ההיסטוריה / PAST EVENTS AND LAST EVENTS IN THE QUMRAN INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY [pp. 27-34] יוחגן מפאתמוס ומלאך ההתגלות / JOHN OF PATMOS AND THE ANGEL OF REVELATION [pp. 35-50] ההבחנה בין החוק האזרחי לחוק הפלילי בישראל הקדומה / THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW IN ANCIENT ISRAEL [pp. 51-62] מסגרות ארגוניות ואדמיניסטרטיביות במלכות דוד ושלמה / DROITS CUNÉIFORMES ET DROIT BIBLIQUE [pp. 63-70] L'ARRIERE-PLAN HISTORIQUE D'AMOS 1,9-10 [pp. 71-76] מפעלים והישגים בהוצאת תרגום אונקלוס לאור / PROJECTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE PUBLICATION OF THE ONQELOS TARGUM [pp. 77-87] מתי היתה אשדוד בידי ישראל ? העדות הארכיאולוגית / WHEN WAS ASHDOD IN ISRAELITE HANDS? THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE [pp. 89-91] ארכיאולוגיה לינגויסטית, אינטגרציה סמאנטית וגילוי משמעויות מקראיות אבודות / LINGUISTIC ARCHAEOLOGY, SEMANTIC INTEGRATION, AND THE RECOVERY OF LOST MEANINGS [pp. 93-95] הפשר מקומראן ותכונותיה של הפרשנות העתיקה / THE QUMRAN PESHER AND TRAITS OF ANCIENT HERMENEUTICS [pp. 97-114] הומופוניה בתרגום השבעים / HOMOPHONY IN THE SEPTUAGINT [pp. 115-120] אנש — מת = בן אדם / MAT—'NŠ=MORTAL [pp. 121-126] טרנספורמציות בלתי-שלימות של משפטים מקוטעים / IMPERFECTLY-TRANSFORMED CLEFT SENTENCES [pp. 127-133] רדיפות יהודים בידי אנטיוכוס הרביעי / THE PERSECUTION OF THE JEWS BY ANTIOCHUS IV [pp. 135-147] מסורות של פשרנות לסיפור המילה בגלגל / TRADITIONS OF INTERPRETATION OF THE CIRCUMCISION AT GILGAL [pp. 149-164] האם היו הישראלים הקדומים נוודים ? / WERE THE EARLY ISRAELITES PASTORAL NOMADS? [pp. 165-189] מקורה של הספרות הדויטרונומיסטית / THE ORIGINS OF THE DEUTERONOMIC LITERATURE [pp. 191-199] לשאלת הנוסח ותולדות הנוסח של ספר עזרא הראשון / ZU TEXT UND TEXTGESCHICHTE DES ERSTEN ESRABUCHES [pp. 201-212] על תרגום ניאופיטי לספר שמות / ORGANIZATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORKS IN THE KINGDOM OF DAVID AND SOLOMON [pp. 213-220] חיזוי העתיד, נבואה ואפוקליפסה לאור טכסטים אכדיים חדשים / PREDICTION, PROPHECY, AND APOCALYPSE IN THE LIGHT OF NEW AKKADIAN TEXTS [pp. 221-228] "והייתי לכם לאלהים" / THE UNITY OF GENESIS 12:1–9 [pp. 229-235] בראשית יב, א—ט: אחדות הקטע / שבר רעבון (GEN 22:19) IN THE LIGHT OF AN OLD BABYLONIAN PARALLEL [pp. 237-244] ראה: סאינס-בדיליוס א' — פרנאנדס-מרקוס נ / "ICH WILL EUER GOTT SEIN": b'rit in der Priesterschrift [pp. 245-254] שמות ג, א—יב: הפרשנות היהודית המסורתית למול המחקר המודרני / EXODUS 3.1-12: EARLY RABBINIC SCHOLARSHIP VERSUS MODERN RESEARCH [pp. 255-272] ברית אשורית-ישראלית בשנת 841/842 לפנה"ס ? / AN ASSYRO-ISRAELITE ALLIANCE IN 842/841 B.C.E.? [pp. 273-278] זיקתה של פרשת בלעם לתורה / THE CONNECTION OF THE BALAAM NARRATIVE WITH THE PENTATEUCH [pp. 279-290] מגמתו של ההיסטוריון הדויטרונומיסטי — עיון מחודש / THE AIM OF THE DEUTERONOMIC HISTORIAN: A REAPPRAISAL [pp. 291-298] קרבן האשם: עיון פילולוגי / THE CULTIC אשם : A PHILOLOGICAL ANALYSIS [pp. 299-308] הפונולוגיה של העברית המקראית / BIBLICAL HEBREW PHONOLOGY [pp. 309-313] הישגים ומגמות באפיגרפיה השמית העתיקה / ACHIEVEMENTS AND OBJECTIVES IN ANCIENT WEST SEMITIC EPIGRAPHY [pp. 315-320] גיחון ופישון — תקדימים מיתולוגיים לשני הנהרות של גן-העדן / GIḤON and PISHON: MYTHOLOGICAL ANTECEDENTS OF THE TWO ENIGMATIC RIVERS OF EDEN [pp. 321-328] "שבר רעבון" (בר כב, יט) לאור מקבילה בבלית עתיקה / HAMITIC LANGUAGES AS A SOURCE OF SEMITIC ETYMOLOGIES [pp. 329-340] ישראל בכורו של ה': נושא בתיאולוגיה הדויטרונו-מיסטית הקדומה / ISRAEL, THE FIRSTBORN OF GOD: A TOPIC OF EARLY DEUTERONOMIC THEOLOGY [pp. 341-349] השפות החמיות כמקור לאטימולוגיות שמיות / GERHARD VON RAD'S CONTRIBUTION TO BIBLICAL STUDIES [pp. 351-356] נסיון לגלוי טכסט מאנטיוכיה של תרגום השבעים / IN SEARCH OF AN ANTIOCHIAN TEXT OF THE SEPTUAGINT: THEODORET'S "QUAESTIONES IN OCTATEUCHUM" [pp. 357-362] חטאי ארם על-פי עמוס א / THE SINS OF ARAM IN AMOS 1 [pp. 363-375] THE RELIGION OF THE ELEPHANTINE JEWS — A NEW APPROACH [pp. 377-388] THE SEARCH FOR MACCABEAN GEZER [pp. 389-395] "עץ החיים ועץ הדעת טוב ורע" — לחקרם של שני עצים מקראיים / עץ החיים-עץ הדעת טוב ורע: UNTERSUCHUNG ZWEIER BIBLISCHER BÄUME [pp. 397-400] מסירת משפט הזיקה העברי בנוסח היווני של התורה / THE RENDERING OF THE HEBREW RELATIVE CLAUSE IN THE GREEK PENTATEUCH [pp. 401-406] פירוש בנוסת-חז"ל בתרגום השבעים לספר משלי / RABBINIC-TYPE COMMENTARY IN THE LXX VERSION OF PROVERBS [pp. 407-415] "נאום אלעזר" של יוספוס ומהימנותו ההיס-טורית / JOSEPHUS' "ELEAZAR SPEECH" AND HISTORICAL CREDIBILITY [pp. 417-427]


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