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1.Small and medium Scale Enterprisein IndiaSour htp:/msme.govce: t / .in/ 2 0 .0 3 .12. SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES3. WHAT IS SME ?4. DEFINITION OF SME : SME is the abbreviation for Small and MediumEnterprises. These enterprises can be rightly called as thebackbone of the GDP of India. The SME sector in India is growing at anexceptionally fast rate due to which it is proving to bebeneficial to the Indian Economy.”5. DEFINITION OF SME IN INDIA IN CONTEXT OF MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES:DESCRIPTION INR USDMICRO ENTERPRISEUPTO 25 LAKHUPTO $62500SMALL ENTERPRISEABOVE 25LAKH—ANDABOVE $62500 ANDUPTO 5CRORE UPTO $1.2 MILLIONMEDIUM ENTERPRISE ABOVE 5 CRORE AND ABOVE $1.25 MILLIONUPTO 25 CRORE AND UPTO $2.5MILLION6. SERVICE ENTERPRISEDESCRIPTION INRUSDMICRO ENTERPRISEUPTO 10 LAKH UPTO $ 25000SMALL ENTERPRISEABOVE 10 LAKH—2ABOVE $25000—UPTOCRORE$ 0.5 MILLIONMEDIUM ENTERPRISE ABOVE 2 CRORE– 5 ABOVE $ O.5CROREMILLION-- $1.5MILLION7. Micro enterprise:- An enterprise where investment in plant andmachinery [original cost excluding land and building and the itemsspecified by the Ministry of Small Scale Industries] does notexceed Rs.50 lakh.Small enterprise:-An enterprise where the investment in plant andmachinery [original cost excluding land and building and the itemsspecified by the Ministry of Small Scale Industries] is more thanRs.25 lakh but does not exceed Rs.5 crore.Medium enterprise:- medium enterprise is an enterprise where theinvestment in plant and machinery [original cost excluding landand building and the items specified by the Ministry of Small ScaleIndustries] is more than Rs.5 crore but does not exceed Rs.10crore.8. TYPE’S OF SME’SSMEs have been established in almost all-majorsectors in the Indian industry such as:· Food Processing· Agricultural Inputs· Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals· Engineering; Electricals; Electronics· Electro-medical equipment· Textiles and Garments· Leather and leather goods· Meat products· Bio-engineering· Sports goods· Plastics products· Computer Software, etc.9. FIGURE’S ABOUT SME’S The Indian SME market is worth $5 billion. There are over 11 million SME units in India thatproduce more than 8,000 products. SMEs Contribution towards GDP in 2011 was17% which is expected to increase at the rate of22% by 2012. SMEs are the fountain head of several innovationsin manufacturing and service sectors, the majorlink in the supply chain to corporate and the PSUs.By promoting SMEs, the rural areas of India will bedeveloped.10. IMPORTANCE OF SME’S Employment generation. Use of local resources. Balanced regional development Promoting exports Efficient use of productive factors.11. BENEFITS OF REGISTERD SME’S Credit benefits Exemptions under direct tax laws Incentives and concession in power tariffs Price and purchase preference of goods produced.12. ROLE OF SME’S IN THE GROWTHOF INDIAN ECONOMY 35%40%T A OUT OFINDIA OT L PUTINDUST IA E TR L XPOR 60 MN 1.3 MNE PL M NTG NE T D M OY E E RAE J PE Y A OB R E R 8000 90%QUAIT PR L Y ODUCTG NE AE BYT MF INDIA AE R T D HE OR N NDINDUST IA UNITININDIAR LINT R T LM R T E NAIONA A KE13. REASON BEHIND SURVIVAL & GROWTHOF SME’S IN INDIAN ECONOMY14. REASON BEHIND SURVIVAL & GROWTHOF SME’S IN INDIAN ECONOMY Govt. policy, tariff and easy loan with low interestrate for SME’S in help to grow these enterprises. Foreign and local fund providers are taking hugeinterest in the small and medium enterprises of India. Banking sector has also shown a keen interest inlending credit to these enterprises. Recent mergers have taken place in the sector. The sector has significantly contributed towards thedomestic production as well as the export earnings.15. REASON BEHIND SURVIVAL & GROWTHOF SME’S IN INDIAN ECONOMY  Low investment is required to start and maintain these enterprises.  The sector has contributed impressively towards job creation and increase in individual incomes.  Technological growth is also a factor for growth of SMEs in India as there are several trade portals and “ BUISNESSESS DIRECTORIES “ available online with huge database of buyers, sellers, manufacturers who are basically back bone of SMEs.16. CHALLENGE AHEAD FOR SME’S Infrastructure needs to be developed for settingup the SMEs in the rural sector of the country.Transportation, electricity and communication arethe main parts of the infrastructure required. Technology need to be evolved so that qualityproducts are manufactured by the sector. Lack of information about the inputs, includingraw material, machinery and skills, is one criticalchallenge in front of the owners of theseenterprises. High level of research and development isrequired.17. GOVT. DEPARTMENT FOR SME’S IN INDIA Small & Medium Business Development Chamber ofIndia Msme govt of india India International Trade Centre (IITC-India) Europe-India SME Business Council (EISBC) Maharashtra Industrial and Economic DevelopmentAssociation SME Export Promotion Council Indian Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum SME Training Institute of India SME Technology Development Council18. SCHEME OF GOVT. OF INDIA FOR SME’S Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojna ( RGUMY) Marketing Assistance ( Bar Code) Skill Development Export Promotion Infrastructural Development National Awards Credit Guarantee Scheme19. SCHEME OF GOVT. OF INDIA FOR SME’S ISO 9000/14001 Certification Fee ReimbursementScheme Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster DevelopmentProgrammed Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme Intellectual Property Rights for MSMEs Quality Management Standards/Quality TechnologyTools20. RAJIV GANDHI UDHAMI MITRARajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojna ( RGUMY)Rajiv Gandhi Udhyami Mitra Yojna (RGUMY) is toprovide handholding support and assistance to thepotential first generation entrepreneurs who havealready successfully completed EDP/SDP/ESDP/VTprogrammes, through the selected lead agencies i.e.‘Udyami Mitras” in the establishment and managementof the new enterprises in dealing with various proceduraland legal hurdles and in completion of variousformalities required fo setting up and running of theenterpriseUdyami Mitras :Under RGUMY, financial assistance would beprovided to the selected lead agencies i.e. UdyamiMitras for rendering assistance and handholding supportto the potential first generation entrepreneurs.21. MARKETING ASSISTANCE/SUPPORT TOMSES (BAR CODE)T obj iv oft scheme is t popul r t Ba code regist aion a mot ae t he ect e hisoaize he r r t nd iv t he smala micro ma ct ingent pr t a t Ba Code Cerificaion on l rge l nd nufa ur er ises o dopt he rt ta scae a t sel t v l a product w l ide a ena e higherexpor prl nd o l heir aue ddeds ordw nd blt ice reaizaion Itaso hel in domest maket (w esae &ret il 75% ofa lfee (l t l ps ic r ing hol l a ). nnua recuring)ofBa Code Cerificaion fort fir t yeas a reimbur t Mrrt t he st hree r re sed o SEs undert scheme.he22. SKILL DEVELOPMENTW h a obj iv t creae sel emplit n ect e o t f oyment t ent , he repreneur a skil dev opment ship nd l elscheme is impl ed byOffice oft DC(SM ’S)tementheE hrough it net or of59M E_ DIS s wk SMa t br nches,. T progr ms a conduct incl Ent nd heir ahe a reed ude repreneur Dev opment ship el ,Entrepreneur a Skil Dev opment M na ship nd l el, a gementDev opmenta Business Skil el nd lDev opment T progr m a conduct forunempl yout a instanomina feeel. hese a re ed oyed h ga la in some ca st is aso prov nd ses ipend l ided.23. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTForsetingup ofindustia est t a t dev op infr stuct fa it l pow distibut net or tr l aes nd o el a r ure cil ies ike er r ion w k,w t t ecommunicaion, dr ina a polut cont fa it roa ba r wmaer l st aaer elt a ge nd l ion rol cil ies, ds, nks, a t ia, or gea maket outet common ser ices fa it a t nd r ing l s,vcil ies nd echnol lba up ser ices et forM Es, togica ckvc.SM heint aed Infr st uct a Dev opment(IID)Scheme w s l unched in 1994 t scheme cov s r a a egr t a r ur l el aa. heer ur l sw la ur n a s w h aprov of50 reser aion forr a a s a 50 industia pl s a t beel s ba rea it ision %vt ur l rea nd % r l ot re oreser ed fort micro ent pr T scheme aso prov up gr daion/ rengtv heer ises. helides a t st hening oft heinfr stuct a fa it in t exist industia est t T est t costt setup a IID Cent is Ra r ur l cil ies he ingr l aes. he imaed o nre s.5 Crore. Centa Gov nmentprov 4 % in ca ofgener lst t a up t 8 % forNorh Ea r l erided 0 se a aes nd o 0 t stR egion, J H.Pa Utr kha a gr nta rema a &K, . nd t a nd s a ndining mountcoul be l n fro SIDBI/ nk/ ncia d oa Ba Fina lInst ut ort st t ions he ae24. CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEMET ensure beterfl ofcreditt micro a smalent pr byminimizingt r ot ow ond l er ises he isk percept ofba fina linst ut in lion nks/ ncia it ions endingw houtcolaer lsecur y titlt a it , he Gov nmentl unched CreditGuaa ee Fund Scheme forSM ’Sin A 20 0. t erar ntE ugust 0 his scheme cov s colaer l-free creditfa it ext er l t a cil y ended byel e l igibl endinginst ut t it ions o newa exist SM ’Sforl n upt R 10 l kh perbor ingunit T guaa eend ing E oa o s. 0 a row . he r nt cov is upt 75% oift creditsa ioned (8 in respectofl ns upt R 5 l kh aer ohe nct 5% oa o s. a nd 8 % forl ns prov t SM ’Sow / aed byw a all ns in t Norh0 oa ided o E ned oper t omen nd l oa he t Ea R ) st egion25. ISO 9000/14001 CERTIFICATION FEE REIMBURSEMENT SCHEMET enha t compet iv st h oft SM ’S, t Gov nmentint o nce he it e rengt he E he er roduced a scheme t incent es to iv echnol lup gr daion , quait improvogicaa tlyementa beter nd t environmentma gementbyt SM ’S. T scheme reimbur 75% oft fees, na he E he ses he subj t ama ect o ximum ofR 75,0 0-fora ingQuait M nas. 0 / cquir l y a gementSystem (QM ISO90 0cerificaion a /orEnvS)/ 0 t t ndironmentM naa gement(EM IS)14 0S)? 0 1 cerificaion byt SM ’S.t the E26. SME’S CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMET M a SmalEnt pr Cl erDev opmentProgr mmme (SM ’SCDP)is he icro nd l er ises ustela E impl ed forhol icdev opmentofcl er ofSM ’S. T progr mme env ges ementist el ust sE heaisa mea forca cit buil skil dev opment t sures pa y ding, l el , echnol up gr daion oft ogy a the ent pr improv creditdel er , maket suppor, setingup ofcommon fa iter ises, ediv y r ingt t cil y cent s et ba on dia ic st car outin consulaion w h cl erunit a er c, sedgnost udies ried t t it ust s nd t colect es a ma gementofcl erw fa it byt cl ercolect es.heir l iv nd na ust - ide cil ies he ust l iv27. CREDIT LINKED CAPITAL SUBSIDYSCHEMET CreditLinked Ca a SubsidyScheme hepit l(CL a a fa it t t CSS) ims t cil aing echnol up-gr daion byprov 15% upfrontca a ogy a t idingpit l subsidyw 29th Sept.e.f.ember, 20 5 t ma ct ingSM ’S, on inst ut lfina 0 o nufa urE it iona nce upt R 1 crore a a ed ofbyt forinduct ofw lest bl a improvo s.v ilhem ion el a ished nded technol in t specified sub sect s/ogies he or product a ed undert scheme. s pprov he28. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS FORSME’ST Scheme ha been l unched t ena e India his sao bl nSM t at in gl ll der posit a t Es o ta oba ea ship ion nd oempow t in usingeffect el t t s ofer hemiv y he oolInt l ua ProperyR s (IPR ofinnov t e proj s. elect lt ight) aiv ectT ma feaures oft scheme a :- he in t hereAa w reness/ izaion Progr m on IPRSensit t aPil St forSel ed Cl er Groups ofIndusties ot udiesect ust s/ rInt a iv seminas/ or er ct er W kshopsSpeciaized Ta l r iningA a forGr ntofPaentG R r tssist nceat / I egistaionSetingup ofIPF cil aion Cent (IPFC) t a it treInt a ion w h Int naiona A er ct it er t l gencies.29. QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS & QUALITY TECNOLOLGY TOOLSGov nmentofIndial unched ascheme, ‘Ena inger ablM nufa ur Sect be Compet iv ta ct ing or it e hrough QuaitlyM naa gementSt nda (QM a Quait Ta rds S) nd l y echnol ogyT s (QT )I’ in ordert improv quait a ool T oe l y ndproduct it in t SM ’Ssect , T scheme is a aiv y he E or heimed timprov t quait oft product in t SM ’Ssect ing he l y he s he E ora incul t t Quait consciousness in t sect . nd cae he l y his orT maora iv ies undert scheme a he j ct it hereOrga nizingA aw reness Ca igns forSM ’S mpa EOrga nizingCompet ion- ach (CWt it Wt - ach)Impl aion ofQuait M naement t l y a gementSt nda nd Quait Ta rdsal y echnol T s in sel ed SM ogy oolectM or Int naiona St Monit ing er t l udy issions30. DESIGN CLINIC SCHEME FOR SMEST ma obj iv oft scheme is t br t SM sect a design experise int a he in ect e heo ing he E or nd t o common pl t m a t prov exper a ice a sol ions on rea t design afor nd o idet dv nd utl ime probl resulingin cont ems, tinuous improvementa v l a ion forexist productnd aue- dditing s. Itaso a a v l a cost pl nned undert scheme incl creaion ofDesign l ims t aue dded s ahe ude t Cl Secret r taongw h regiona cent s forint v ion on t design needs oft inics aia l itl erer enthe he SM sect .E or31. MARKETING ASSISTANCE AND TECHNOLOGYUPGRADATION SCHEME FOR SMEST obj iv oft scheme is t ident a encour ge t cl er ofSM w ha e he ect e his o ify nda hose ust s Es hich vquait product a expor pot ia a a t t a e compet iv in t lyion nd t ent l nd ssist hem o chiev it eness henaiona a int naiona maket T scheme a a improv t makett l nd er t l r s. he ims ting he r ingcompet iv ofSM sect byimprov t tit eness E or ing heir echniques a tnd echnol forogypr mot ofexpors.0 ion t32. EXPORT PROMOTIONExpor promot for t SM sect ha been a t ion m he E or s ccorded ahigh pr it . ior yT hel M in exporing t product t folow fa it incent es a o p SEs t heirs, he l ing cil ies/ iv reprovidedProduct ofSM a displ yed in int naiona exhibit a t expendit incur is reimbur by sE re a er t l ion nd he ure red sed t Gov nmenthe erT a intSM w h l t pa ging st nda t o cqua E it aest cka a rds, echniques et ta progr m on pa ging for c. r iningacka exporer a orga in v r pat oft countyin a t w h t India Inst ut oft s re nized aious rs he r ssociaion it hen it e Pa ging ckaUndert SM M r ing Dev opmentA a (M )Scheme, a a is prov t indiv l for he E aket elssist nce DAssist nce ided o iduas pat t in ov sea fa s/ ricipaion er s ir exhibit o ov sea st t s. ions, er s udy ourT scheme aso offera a for he l ssist nceSect specific maketst bySM A t / tPromot Council Feder t ofIndia Expororr udy E ssociaing Expor ion s/ aion n t Orga t nizaion33. TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY UPGRADATIONSUPPORT TO SME’ST obj iv oft scheme is t sensit t ma ct ing sect in Indiat upgr de t t he ect e his o ize he nufa uror o a heir echnologies,usa ofenergyefficienttgeechnol t reduce emissions ofGreen House Ga a ion ofotogies o sses, dopthertechnol ma t a pert gl lst nda improv t quait a reduce costofproduct etogies ndaed s he oba a rds,e heir l y ndion ,t a becoming gl lycompet iv T maora iv ies pl ned undert scheme incl Ca cit ow rds obalit e. he j ct it ahe ude pa yBuil ofSM Cl erforEnergyEfficiency/ ea Dev opmentInt v ions, Impl aion ofEnergy dingEs ust Cl n eler entement tEfficientT echnol in SM sect , setingup ofCabon creditaogiesE or t rggregaion cent s a encour ging SM t er nd a Esta o cquire productcerificaion lt t icenses from Naiona/Int naiona bodies. t l er t l34. JOB PROSPECTSeniora J Execut es -And unior iv dministaion, BusinessrtDev opment Promot Coordinaion a M r ingel ,ion, t nd aketSeniora J Execut es -M nand unior iv a gementa coordinaion ofE ent exhibit , conferences nd tv s, ionSeniora J Execut es -Int naiona M r ing forEv s, conferences , exhibitnd unior iver t l aket entionPubl R aion Officer ic el tDaa se M na t ba a gementSeniorExecut es -ProductSourcing a procurement ivndR rch A l s forIndustia, Fina SM &M r esea naystr l nce, E aketSeniorExecut es forprepaaion ofBusiness pl ns (Promot a Br nding) iv rt aion nd aJ Execut es -M r ing (T e /Fiel M r ing ) unior iv aket eld aketSt T , Execut e Secret r T ephone Oper t seno- ypistivaies, elaor35. SUBMITTED BY:-VIKRAM SINGH CHAUAHN


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