Utilization of Cement Kiln Dust in Industry Cement Bricks

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Ali & Hyung-Sik Yang (2011) Utilization of Cement Kiln Dust in Industry Cement Bricks, Geosystem Engineering, 14:1, 29-34, DOI: 10.1080/12269328.2011.10541327 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/12269328.2011.10541327 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tges20 http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/12269328.2011.10541327 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/12269328.2011.10541327 http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions Research paper ABSTRACT: Solid waste management is one of the major envi- ronmental concerns around the world. Cement kiln dust (CKD), also known as by-pass dust, is a by-product of cement manufacturing. The environmental concerns related to Portland cement production, specifically emissions to the atmosphere and the disposals of CKD are becoming progressively significant. CKD is fine-grained, particulate material chiefly composed of oxidized, anhydrous, micron-sized particles collected from electrostatic precipitators during the high temperature pro- duction of clinker. Some of the cement kiln dust that is gen- erated is reused in the cement plant and some is landfilled. Recently, there have been trends of utilizing it for soil stabiliza- tion and treatment of sewage. The beneficial uses of CKD in- clude serving as filler material in highway construction and maintenance and as a component of cement mortar/concrete. Also, attempts have been made to use it to make cement bricks for use in industrial construction, and this paper provides a re- view of the results and issues associated with this use. The paper reports the results of tests conducted by the authors to inves- tigate the properties of cement-CKD combinations and the ex- tent to which such combination are used to manufacture cement bricks. All of the properties of the bricks that were tested found to be satisfactory according to the Egyptian Code, e.g., com- pressive strength was satisfactory in the range of 59.9 to 213.3 kg/cm2, water absorption was directly increased from 3.8 to 5.9% and the density ranged between 2.1 and 2.2 gm/cm3 with different percentage of cement kiln dust from 0 to 40%. In com- paring the different types of bricks and their costs, this study found that cement bricks that include CKD as a component had acceptable properties and cost far less than other types of bricks. In addition, the use of CKD in the bricks precludes the need to dispose large quantities of this material in landfill. Key words: Cement kiln dust, Bypass, Concrete, Strength properties, Brick Cement kiln dust (CKD) is a by-product of cement manufacturing. Cement kiln dust is a fine powdery material similar in appearance to Portland cement. It is composed of micron- sized particles collected from electrostatic precip- itators during the production of cement clinker. Fresh ce- ment kiln dusts can be classified as belonging to one of four categories, depending upon the kiln process used and the degree of separation in the dust collection system (Siddique, 2006; Maslehuddin et al., 2008; Al-Jabri et al., 2006). There are two types of cement kiln processes, i.e., 1) wet-process kilns, which take feed materials in a slurry form; and 2) dry-process kilns, which accept feed materials in dry-ground form. In both of these processes, cement kiln dust can be collected in two ways, i.e., 1) part of the dust can be sepa- rated and returned to the kiln from the dust collection system (cyclone) close to the kiln, or 2) the total quantity of dust generated can be recycled or discarded (Lachemi et al., 2008). The chemical composition of CKD depends on the raw materials used to produce the clinker and on the type and source of the carbon-based fuel that is used to heat the ma- terial in the rotary kiln. Free lime can be found in CKD, and its concentration is typically highest in the coarser particles that are collected closest to the kiln. Finer particles tend to exhibit higher concentrations of sulfates and alkalis. If the coarser particles with more free lime are not separated out and are returned to kiln, the dust will contain higher con- centration of free lime. CKD from wet process kilns also tends to be lower in calcium content than the dust from dry- process kilns (Singh et al., 1995; Deborah et al., 2009). The X-ray diffraction analysis of the kiln dust indicates that its main component is limestone, combined with a small quan- tity of quartz. Cement kiln dust is use in the manufacture of vitrified sewer pipes for the disposal of hazardous wastes (El Sherbiny et al., 2004). Other uses include soil stabilization (Deok et al., 2008; Sulapha et al., 2008) and the treatment of sewage. The beneficial uses of CKD include its use as a filler mate- rial mixed with asphalt for highway construction and repair (Hassan et al., 2006) and its use in cement mortar/concrete. Brick-making near any factory is considered as secondary product to any cement plant in Egypt and other locations (El Received December 24, 2010; Revised March 2, 2011; Accepted March 7, 2011 * Corresponding Author: Hyung-Sik Yang E-mail: [email protected] Address: Department of Energy and Resources Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea D ow nl oa de d by [ T ex as A & M I nt er na tio na l U ni ve rs ity ] at 1 9: 01 0 4 O ct ob er 2 01 4 Mahrous A. M. Ali and Hyung-Sik Yang Didamony et al., 2001; Younoussa et al., 2008; Kung- Yuh et al., 2008). Through the experiments it was demonstrated that the use of CKD at percentages of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40% of the weight of the cement gave promising re- sults for use in the bricks for building walls as shown below. It is assumed that the component is used as ordinary Concrete. The materials used in our research were gravel, sand, cement, cement kiln dust, and water. The dimensions of the model were 25 x 12 x 6 cm. As shown in Fig. 1, the volume of the model be equal to the volume of the 11.3 cm cubic to determine the quantity of sand and gravel, the volume of cubic plus 20% equal the volume of model (the ordinary concrete add 0.8 gravel and 0.4 sand). Before mixing these materials in different percentage their physical and chemical properties must be determined. Two types of physical properties such as screen analysis and density must be determined. The sizes of the samples range between (2.8 - 0.075 mm, the large opining size for screen analysis to minimum opining size) the diameter 50% of the material, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2. The weight of sand used in the model was 2236 gm, and the volume of this model is equal to 1800 cm3. Thus, the density can be calculated from this equation (this volume without compaction as brick casting): (Density) = M (weight)/V (Volume) gm/cm3 = 2236/1800 = 1.24 gm/cm3 Two types of physical properties such as screen analysis and density must be determined. The maximum sizes of gravel used in this experimental model were 11 mm or less than 11 mm. The weight of gravel used in the model was 2194 gm, and the volume of the model was 1800 cm3. Thus, the density Cubic, 11.3 cm Model, 25 x 12 x 6 cm Fig. 1. The dimension of model and it’s Cubic. Table 1. Screen analysis for sand used in the mix. Sample time of sample, 25 min Weight, gm 287 Screen size mm Rt. Correction Cumulative Retained Cumulative Retained % Cumulative Pass % 4.75 0 0 0 0 100 2.8 7 7.175 7.175 2.5 97.5 2.36 6 6.15 13.325 4.64 95.36 2 8 8.2 21.525 7.5 92.5 1.18 40 41 62.525 21.78 78.22 1 37 37.925 100.45 35 65 0.85 29 29.725 130.175 45.36 54.64 0.6 61 62.525 192.7 67.14 33.86 0.5 24 24.6 217.3 75.71 24.29 0.425 20 20.5 237.8 82.86 17.14 0.355 13 13.325 251.125 87.5 12.5 0.3 10 10.25 261.375 91.07 8.93 0.25 12 12.3 273.675 95.36 4.64 0.15 7 7.175 280.85 97.86 2.14 0.125 2 2.05 282.9 98.57 1.43 0.075 2 2.05 284.95 99.28 7.2 -0.075* 2 2.05 287 100 0 Sum 280 *Minus = under size of sand in the screen analysis (1) D ow nl oa de d by [ T ex as A & M I nt er na tio na l U ni ve rs ity ] at 1 9: 01 0 4 O ct ob er 2 01 4 Utilization of Cement Kiln Dust in Industry Cement Bricks can be calculated from this equation (this volume without compaction as brick casting): = M/V gm/cm3 = 2194/1800 = 1.22 gm/cm3 The physical and chemical properties of bypass (Cement Kiln Dust, CKD) are addressed in this section. CKD is a fine powder-like material made up of particles that are relatively uniform in size. Table 2 gives some typical physical properties of CKD. The chemical composition of CKD depends on the raw materials used to produce the clinker and on the type and source of the carbon-based fuel used to heat the material in the rotary kiln. Free lime is a major component of CKD and its concentration is typically highest in the coarser particles collected closest to the kiln. Finer particles tend to exhibit higher concentrations of sulfates and alkalis, as illustrated in Table 3. Misr Cement Company (Cement Qena Factory) produces ordinary Portland cement that is consistent with European classification EN 197. The factory produces 1.5 million tons of ordinary Portland cement annually, and it produces 120 tons of CKD/day as bypass. Ordinary Portland cement was used in the experimental work as 250 kg of cement per 1 cubic meter, which is equivalent to every brick made from the 1800 cm3 of material in the model containing 450 gm of cement and CKD. The water used in this case contained a very small percentage of salt; it would be preferable to use salt-free water to minimize the effect on the rate of flowering samples bricks (salt make isolate layer in brick surface so can not use the decorate materials). Before determining the quantities to be used in the mixture to make the experimental bricks, a search was conduct to determine the ratios of the constituents in normal concrete bricks that are used in construction. Therefore in order to determine the percentages of materials to be used in the mixture, the 25 x 12 x 6 cm model (1800 cm3)was converted Fig. 2. Screen size analysis of sample of sand. Table 2. Typical physical properties of CKD. Property Value Maximum particle size 0.300 mm (no. 50 sieve) Specific surface 4600 -14000 (cm2/g) Table 3. Chemical composition of CKD (XRF)*. Constituents Amount, % CaO 63 SiO2 14.5 Al2O3 5.3 MgO 0.55 K2O 1.4 Fe2O3 3.3 SO3 2.6 * XRF (X-ray fluorescence) Sand Gravel Water CKD and Cement Fig. 3. Components of the mixture (sand, gravel, cement, bypass and water). Table 4. Weights of components in 0% and 5% bypass. Component 0% bypass 5% bypass Sand 1118 gm 1118 gm Gravel 2197 gm 2194 gm Cement 450 gm 427.5 gm Water 380 - 385gm 390 - 400 gm CKD (bypass) 0 22.5 gm (2) D ow nl oa de d by [ T ex as A & M I nt er na tio na l U ni ve rs ity ] at 1 9: 01 0 4 O ct ob er 2 01 4 Mahrous A. M. Ali and Hyung-Sik Yang to a cube of equal volume as described previously (unit cal- ibration). Table 4 shows the quantities of substances used in the case of 0% (no CKD) and 100% cement, as well as the 5% CKD (bypass) and 95% cement. The major components are shown in Fig. 3, and the mixing sequence is shown in the fol- lowing Figs. 4a and 4b. 45 samples in which the quantity of CKD in the mixture was gradually increased by five percentage points, starting at 0% and going to 40% were examined in order to determine the maximum amount of cement that can be replaced by CKD while maintaining the desirable physical and mechanical properties of the brick. Ten samples were tested for each proportion of CDK. Twenty-eight days after the bricks were cast; their properties were evaluated by members of the faculty at Al Azhar University in Egypt. The density, water absorption and compressive strength were determined. The experimental results showed that the density of the bricks decreased as the amount of CDK used increased. Statistical analyses were conducted to determine Fig. 4a. Sequence in which the ingredients were mixed. Fig. 4b. Sequence of the mixing of ingredients. Fig. 5. Relationship between density and percentage of CKD. Table 5. Physical and mechanical properties of all samples. CKD % Densitygm/cm3 Water absorption % Compressive Strength kg/cm2 0 2.2 3.8 213.3 5 2.2 3.7 182 10 2.1 5 159.9 15 2.1 4 173.7 20 2.2 4.1 128.9 25 2.1 4.7 119.4 30 2.1 5.8 101.9 35 2.1 5.4 77.3 40 2.1 5.9 59.9 Egyptian Code 2.2 < 10 >33 Korean Standard* 2.3 < 10 >80 *Ministry of Knowledge Economy/Korean Industrial Standard (KSF 4004) Fig. 6. Relationship between water absorption and percentage of CKD. Fig. 7. Relationship between compressive strength and percentage of CKD. D ow nl oa de d by [ T ex as A & M I nt er na tio na l U ni ve rs ity ] at 1 9: 01 0 4 O ct ob er 2 01 4 Utilization of Cement Kiln Dust in Industry Cement Bricks the average, standard deviation, covariance and mean deviation so that the relationship between the CKD (on the X-axis) and density (on the Y-axis) could be identified as shown in Fig. 5. Also, water absorption increased as the amount of CKD increased. The statistical analyses determined the average values, and then the relationship between the amount of CKD (on the X-axis) and the amount of water absorbed (on the Y-axis) could be identified as shown in Fig. 6. Finally, it was found that the compressive strength of the bricks decreased as the amount of CKD increased. The stat- istical analyses determined the average values and then the relationship between the CKD (on the X-axis) and the com- pressive strength (on the Y-axis) could be identified, as shown in Fig. 7. Table 5 shows the values of the physical and me- chanical properties based on the proportion of CKD in the samples. The compressive strength of the bricks was high- est for 0% CKD, and it decreased gradually as the amount of CKD increased from 0% to 40% as shown in Fig. 7. Because of the differences between the Egyptian Code and Korean Standards with respect to the physical and me- chanical properties, this study indicates that bricks that con- tain up to 30% CKD may be used for construction in Korea, as shown in Table 5. 1. The research results supported the use of cement dust extracted from the Cement Qena Cement Company for making bricks that have the appropriate mechanical and chemical properties. It is estimated that the productive capacity of the brick plant would have to be 660,000 bricks per day to use all of 120 tons of CKD generate per day. 2. Some chemical components could be used to ensure that the bricks meet all standards and specifications as the amount of CKD content is increased to the range of 45 65%. 3. 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Ali and Hyung-Sik Yang Hyung-Sik Yang Mahrous Ali Mohammed Ali is a doctoral candidate at the Energy and Resources Engineering of the Chonnam National University. He holds BS degree in Mining Engineering from Al-Azhar University and MS degree in Mining Engineering from Assiut University, Egypt. (E-mail: [email protected]) Hyung-Sik Yang is a professor candidate at the Energy and Resources Engineering of the Chonnam National University. He holds BS, MS degrees in Engineering and PhD from Seoul National University. (E-mail: [email protected]) D ow nl oa de d by [ T ex as A & M I nt er na tio na l U ni ve rs ity ] at 1 9: 01 0 4 O ct ob er 2 01 4


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