Use of biopesticides

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1.Use of Biopesticides for the Control of Insect Pests Dr. R.C.Sihag Professor Department of Zoology & Aquaculture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125004, India2. Table:1 History of Development ofPesticides PLANTS ONWARDS U. S. A.. BIO-PESTICIDES AND TRANSGENIC 1981 U. S. A. CHITIN INHIBITORS 1980-81 JAPAN SYNTHETIC PYRETHROIDS 1975-80 SWEEDEN TRIALS AGAINST DDT BEGINS 1970- 71 SPRING APPEARS U. S. A. RACHEL CARSON'S BOOK SILENT 1962 OP COMPOUNDS EUROPE, U. S. A. CYCLODIENES, CARBAMATES AND 1942-60 FRANCE, U. K. BHC- TOXIC PROPERTIES DISCOVERED 1941-42 DDT-TOXIC PROPERTIES DISCOVERED SWITZERLAND 1939-40 MODERN ERA FRANCE BOURDEAUX MIXTURE 1883 U.S.A. PARIS GREEN 1867 CAUCASUS PYRETHRINS 1800 EUROPE TOBACCO & SOAPS 1090 CHINA ARSENICALS 900 LOCATION CHEMICAL YEAR3. Biopesticides Constitute the pest control agents of biological originMicrobials: bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa Pheromones/semiochemicals: message-bearing substances produced by plants and animals (interfere with mating or disrupt pest insect behaviour) Invertebrate Biological Control Agents (macro organisms): parasitoids, predators and parasites Botanical pesticides Transgenic crops 4. Table:2Agrochemicals Vs. Biologicals (Source : agriculture Today. Nov. 2005) Factors Agrochemicals Agri-biologicals Cost effectiveness Cheap but increased spraying cost Costlier but reduced number of applications Persistence and residual effect High Low, mostly Bio-degradableand self perpetuatingKnockdown effect ImmediateDelayed Handling and Bulkiness Easy but danger and Hazardous Bulky : Carrier based Easy: Liquid formulation Pest resurgence MoreLess Resistance More prone Less prone Effect on Beneficial flora At times destruction of friendly pest Less harmful on beneficial pests Target specificity Mostly broad spectrum Mostly host specific Waiting timeVery high Almost nil Nature of control CurativePreventive Shelf life More Less5.   6. Microbial insecticides Consist of a microorganism as the active ingredient (e.g., bacterium, fungus, virus or protozoan) About 3000 reported to cause diseases in insects Viruses isolated from 1000 species of insects More than 100 bacteria identified as pathogens Over 800 fungal species belonging to 100 genera recognized More than 100 protozoans identified as pathogens 7.   8. Virus Set of one or more nucleic acid template molecules, normally encased in a protective coat or coats of protein or lipoprotein that is able to organize its own replication only within suitable host cells 9. Table:3Characteristics of Viruses found in insects NPV Polyhedral Bacilliform Ds DNA Baculoviridae GV Cigar- shaped capsules - None Helical ss RNA Rabhdoviridae Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis Polyhedral Isometric Ds DNA Reoviridae Entomopox viruses Spheroid Ovoid or brick shaped Ds DNA Poxviridae - None Ovoid ssDNA Polydnaviridae - None Isometric ss RNA Picornaviridae - None Isometric ss DNA Parvoviridae - None Isometric ss RNA Nodaviridae Iridscent None Isometric ss DNA Iridoviridae - None Isometric ss RNA Calciviridae - NoneAllantoid Ds DNA Ascoviridae Subgroups and common names Inclusion body shape Virus particle Nucleic acid Virus 10. Baculoviruses Rod-shaped, double stranded DNA genomes of 88-153 kbpCauses infection by mouth Replicate rapidly & causes extensive cell and tissue destruction in host cell Mostly found in nucleus of host cells Virions are contained within proteinaceous particles called occlusion bodies Can be mass produced by single cottage industries Highly host specific and have been isolated only from invertebrates Primarily pathogens of insects of order Lepidoptera but can also infect Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and Trichoptera 11. Apprx. 60 percent of 1200 known insect viruses belongs to family baculoviridae Baculovirus infection described in 700 species of invertebrates Species Order 1 Sphanoptera 1 Thysanoptera 1 Trichoptera 2 Neuroptera 5 Coleoptera 27 Diptera 31 Hymenoptera 455 Lepidoptera12. Baculovirus NPV Many virions within occlusion body called polyhedra, occurs in nucleus GV One or two virions within occlusion body called granules, occurs in nuclear- cytoplasmic milieu after rupture of nuclear membrane SNPV Single packagingof nucleocapsid in virionMNPV multiplepackagingof nucleocapsid in virion13. Mode of Action14. Table:4 Efficacy of Baculoviruses against insect pests Dhaliwalet al ., 2007 Effective control Spodoptera frugiperda 2.5 X 10 11OB’s SfNPV Huet al ., 2003 Effective control Helicoverpa armigera - SNPV Dhaliwalet al ., 2007 80.00 Anticarsia gemmatalis 50 LE/ha AgNPV Snegapriya and Manjula, 2008 90.60 Helicoverpa armigera 1X 10 8OB’s HaNPV Aroraet al ., 2003 95.00 Spodoptera litura 375 LE/ha SINPV Dhaliwalet al ., 2007 90- 96 Helicoverpa zea 100-250 LE/ha HzNPV Reference Mortality (%) Pest DoseVirus15. Genetic Improvement To combine pathogenecity of virus with insecticidal action of a toxin, hormone or enzyme To improve production, modifying host range & enhancing utilityTo reduce the time from infection with recombinant virus to death of infect such that feeding damage is below economic threshold16. Recombinant DNA Technology Viral Genomic DNA Plasmid Cultured insect cells b A B a Foreign gene b a b Viral DNA Transfer vector Homologous recombination Allelic replacement Screening by Plaque assayselection of recombinant virus17. Examples Buthus eupeusinsect toxin- 1 (BeIt) is an insect specific paralytic neurotoxin isolated from scorpionButhus eupeus,was inserted into AcMNPV ( Autographa californicamultiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus) genome under control of polyhedrin gene promoter Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) gene from tobacco hornworm,Heliothis virescensgenome into AcMNPV genome. In late instar lepidopterous larvae, juvenile hormone is inactivated by an increase in JHE level, this reduction in JH titers initiates metamorphosis to the pupal stage and to a cessation of feeding Kaushik, 200818. Field Stability and Persistence Highly susceptible to damage by desiccation and by exposure to sunlight or UV radiations Additives like Charcoal, egg albumin, molasses, optical brighteners and sugar Addition of crude sugar (15%) to HaNPV spray fluid increased persistence of virus both under natural sunlight and shade Brighteners reduces the LC 50of gypsy mothLymantia disparNPV by 800- 1300 fold Evening spray 19. Baculoviruses are safe Only found in insects (mainly lepidopterean species) Narrow host range, high selectivity No production of metabolites or toxins Baculoviruses are safe and cause no hazards to human health 20. Protozoans More than 1000 species pathogenic to insects Chronic nature of infection so limited efficiency Few are Highly virulent or fast acting so more appropriate for long term control programmes with high economic injury level Sarcomastigophora, Apicomplexa, Microspora and Ciliophora 21. Table: 5Protozoans considered for control of insect pests Vairimorpha necatrix N.spp. N. whitei N. pyrausta N. heliothidis N. fumifueranae N. algerae Nosema acridophagous, N. cuneatum, N. locustae Microsporidians Parasite Agrotis ipsilon, Helicoverpa zea Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera lituraTribolium castaneum Ostrinia nubialis Helicoverpa zea Spruce budworm Anopheles albimanus, Culex tritaeniorhynchus Grasshoppers Host22. Contd…. Aedes aegypti Ascogregarina culicis, A. geniculati Schistocera gregaria Gregarina garnhani Tenebrio molitor G. polymorpha Aseptate gregarines Tribolium castaneum Farinocystis tribolii Trogoderma granarium Mattesia trogodermae Neogregarines Septate gregarines Host Parasite23.   24. Mode of Action Similar to that of viruses N.spp. normally invade fat body and pericardium Pathogenecity expression:Increased mortality rates, reduced fecundity, delayed development, decreased activity and reduced food consumption Cytopathological effects:Nuclear and cellular hypertrophy, extensive alteration of cytoplasmic organelles like ER, Mitochondria, ribosome bodies, protein granules and vacuoles 25. Metarhizium anisopliae Beauveria bassianainfection ofClover Worm Beauveria bassianainfection of worm within woody substrate Fungi26. Table:6 Entomopathogens used for the control of pests Whitefly Paecilomyces fumosoroseus PFR- 97, Pae- Sin Whitefly, aphids, thrips Beauveria bassiana Mycotrol WH and Botanigard Locusts, grasshoppers Beauveria bassiana Mycotrol GH Cotton pests Beauveria bassiana Naturalis-L European corn borer Beauveria bassiana Cornguard Coffee berry borer Beauveria bassiana Conidia Locusts, grasshoppers Metarhizium anisopliae Green Muscle Cane grubs Metarhizium anisopliae Bio-Cane Sugarcane spittle bug Metarhizium anisopliae Cobicant Termites Metarhizium anisopliae Bio-Blast Cockroaches Metarhizium anisopliae Bio-Path Locusts Metarhizium anisopliae Biogreen Termites Metarhizium anisopliae Meta guard,Whitefly, thrips and aphids Verticillium lecanii Mycotol, Vertalec Target Fungus Product27. Entomopathogenic fungi-in Insect Control Tea Mites Rice bugs HelicoverpaBeauveria infected Helicoverpa Paecilomyces infected tea mites Metarhizium infected rice bugs The Pests which are difficult to control by Pesticides can be controlled by Biopesticides28.   29. Mode of action of Entomopathogenic fungi30. Table: 7Selected metabolites of important Entomopathogenic fungi Hirsutellin A, hirsutellin B, phomalatone Hirustella thompsonii Cyclosporin, efrapeptins (5 types) Tolypocladiumspp. Dipcolonic acid, hydroxycarboxylic acid, vertilecannins, bassianolide Verticillium lecanii Beauvericin, beauverolies, pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid Paecilomyces fumosoroseus Oosporein Beauveria brogniartii Bassianin, beauvericin, bassianolide, tenellin Beauveria bassiana Destruxins (>27 types), cytochalasin Metarhizium anisopliae Metabolite Pathogen31. Destruxins : cyclic peptides, biological activity includes disruption of calcium balance in cells and inhibition of vacuolar ATPases Beauvericin: hexadepsipeptide produced byBeauveria bassiana, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus and Fusariumspp. It shows antibiotic activity against several species of bacteria and moderate insecticidal activity Bassianolide: Lethal at high doses but induce atonical symptoms at low doses in silkworm Bassianin and Tenellin:non-peptide toxins inhibits erythrocyte membrane ATPases Hirsutellin: Antigenic, thermostable protein.Hirsutellin Ais highly toxic to larvae of wax moth and mosquitoes Efrapeptins: produced by Tolypocladiumspp.,i nsecticidal and miticidal activity, limited antimicrobial activity 32. Factors influencing fungal efficacy The Pathogen The Insect host The Environment 33. The Pathogen Virulent strain must be compatible with the host Spore density must be high Virulent strain must have low LD 50& LT 50 Ecologically fit strainspersists well in field more tolerant to UV radiation resist desiccation, microbial attack have sufficient endogenous reserves tosurvive adverse conditions 34. Insect host StressStarvedPlutella xylostellalarvae more susceptible than fed larvae toPaecilomyces fumosoroseus(Altre and Vandenberg, 2001) DevelopmentalstageInsect density Insect behaviour (foraging & grooming) Conidia ofM. anisopliaeare spread among individual termites by grooming Foraging coccinellids transfer conidia from sporulating cadavers to healthy aphids inducing significant mortalities in aphid population 35. Environment Solar radiationsTemperature Relative humidity Rainfall Host plant 36. Table:8Efficacy of Fungi against pests Manjula and krishnamurthy, 2005 53.40 Spodoptera litura 1X 10 9 Manjula and krishnamurthy, 2005 70.00 Helicoverpa armigera 1X 10 9 Snegapriya and Manjula, 2008 82.10 Helicoverpa armigera 1X 10 8 Nomurea rileyi Gulatiet al ., 2008 50.00 Pieris brassicae 1 X 10 9 Gulatiet al ., 2008 100.00 Spodoptera litura 2 X 10 12 Gulatiet al ., 2008 100.00 Helicoverpa armigera 2X 10 12 Dhaliwalet al ., 2007 63- 98 Nilaparvata lugens 4X 10 12to5X 10 12 Beauveria bassiana Meikleet al ., 2006 75.00 Varroa destructor 1X 10 7 Metarhizium anisopliae Meikleet al ., 2006 100.00 Varroa destructor 1X 10 7 53.33 Holotrichia consanguinea 5X 10 9 Jat and Choudhary, 2006 56.67 Holotrichia consanguinea 1X 10 10 54.50 Otiorhynchus ovatus 1X 10 8 60.35 Anthonomus signatus 1X 10 8 Sabbahiet al ., 2008 77.47 Lygus lineeolaris 1X 10 8Beauveria bassiana Reference Mortality (%) Pests (Crop) Concentration (conidia/ ml) Fungus37. Crystal Sporulated culture Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt) Bacteria38. Insecticidal toxin ofBacillus thuringiensis B. thuringiensisis an aerobic spore-forming bacterium which produces a toxin (Bt toxin or Cry) that kills certain insects TheBttoxin or Cry is produced when the bacteria sporulates and is present in the parasporal crystal Several different strains and subspecies ofB. thuringiensisexist and produce different toxins that kill specific insects They have no toxicity to human & there is no withholding period on produce sprayed withBt 39.   40. Table:9Some properties of the insecticidal toxins from various strains ofB. thuringiensis CryIV(Cry4Ba) Diptera 68 kDa israelensis CryIV (Cry4Aa) Diptera 125-145 kDa morrisoniPG14 CryIII (Cry3Aa) Coleoptera 66-73 kDa tenebrionis(sd) CryII (Cry2Ab) Lepidoptera, Diptera 71 kDa kurstakiHD-1 CryII(Cry1Da) Lepidoptera, Diptera 135 kDa aizawaiIC 1 CryI (Cry1Ca) Lepidoptera 130-140 kDa aizawai7.29 CryI (Cry1Ba) Lepidoptera 130-140 kDa entomocidus6.01 CryI(Cry1Ab) Lepidoptera 130-140 kDa kurstakiKTP, HD1 CryI (Cry1Aa) Lepidoptera 130-140 kDa berliner Cry # Target Insects Protein size Strain/subsp.41. Cry protein: mode of action The Cry protein is made as an inactive protoxin Conversion of the protoxin (e.g., 130 kDa) into the active toxin (e.g., 68 kDa) requires the combination of a slightly alkaline pH (7.5-8) and the action of a specific protease(s) found in the insect gut The active toxin binds to protein receptors on the insect gut epithelial cell membrane The toxin forms an ion channel between the cell cytoplasm and the external environment, leading to loss of cellular ATP and insect death 42.   43.   44. Table:10 Btbased commercially available pesticides Btvar.thuringenesis Btvar.sandiego Btvar.kurstaki Btvar.israelensis Btvar.galleriae Btvar.aizurai Btstrain Flies, Lepidopterous larvaeMuscabac, Thuricide Beetles and weevils Diterra, M- one plus Lepidopterous larvaeBt, Biobit, Dipel, Delfin, Javelin Larvae of mosqitoes and balckflies Bactimos, Bactis, Thurimos, Vectobac Wax moth larvae in honey combs Certan Diamondback moth Florback, Centari Uses Trade name45.   46. Mechanism of Resistance Lower level of toxin activation Btresistant strain ofPlodia interpunctelladisplayed slower processing and activation of Cry 1 protoxins Heliothis virescensexhibited slow activation as well as faster degradation of toxin by midgut extracts Reduced binding to midgut membrane P. interpunctellawas found to highly resistant to Cry 1Aa, Cry 1Ab and Cry 1Ac but not to Cry 1B, Cry 1C and Cry 1D. 47. How to prevent it? Production of hybridBttoxins Stacking ofBttoxin genesUse ofBttoxins in combination with other insecticidal proteins such as chitinase and Cyt1A In plants, the planting of crop buffer zones with non-genetically engineeredBtplants to maintain an insect susceptible population48. Btand Human Health Risks The toxicology pathway –Hazard is ubiquitous –Exposure (contact) is not unusual –Doses are low (below threshold for response ) Results of mammalian, human studies – No effects at doses > 5,000 mg/kg Cry proteins Contrast with other insecticides – Response follows the dose 49.   50. Registered Microbial Active Ingredients Agrobacterium radiobacter Bacillus thuringiensissubsp. kurstaki Bacillus thuringiensissubsp. Israelensis Bacillus thuringiensissubsp. tenebrionis Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp.malvae Cydia pomonellaGranulovirus Chondrostereum purpureum Strain HQ1 Gypsy Moth Nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) Red-Headed Sawfly NPV HaNPV Pseudozyma flocculosa Streptomyces griseoviridis Strain K61 Ophiostoma piliferum (pending) Beauveria bassiana Metarhizium anisoplia Verticillium lecanii Nomurea rileyi 51. Safety testing of microbials Necessary to know what are the hazards infection of man, livestock, useful animals and plants Poisoning, allergy, carcinogenesis by toxins Routes of hazardsoral (by food) Respiration Parenterel in wounds Dermal (through skin) Might occur during production, packaging and storage of pathogens, application to crops, operations during post- harvest crop storage, consumption of treated crop & by environmental pollution 52. 3- tier testing Tier I : Includes acute oral, inhalation, intraperitoneal, dermal and ocular application plus allergenicity tests and mutagenecity screens Tier II: Quantification of the effects and expanded mutagenecity tests Tier III:Tetratogenecity and long term testsMicrobials are non-toxic to man and vertebrates because digestion of proteins is at low ph. Stomach enzyme pepsin (ph=2) degrades the endotoxin into atoxic compound 53. Table:11Summary of desirable characteristics required by microbial pesticides Poor Poor Yes Yes Easy to produce Yes Yes Yes Yes Safe to non target organisms Poor Poor Poor Poor Environmental stability Poor Good Poor Good Storage Characteristics Yes Yes Yes Yes Easy to apply Poor Poor Poor Good Time to kill Protozoa Viruses Fungi Bacteria Characteristic54. Botanicals Allium cepa Chrysanthemumsp. Annona squamosa Tagetes erecta Ricinus communisIpomoea fistulosa55. Pesticides derived from plantsGenerally act in one of two ways:contact poison stomach poison About 2,50,000 plant species evaluated 2121 useful in pest management 1005 exhibited insecticidal activity 384 antifeedants 297 repellents 27 attractants 31 growth inhibiting properties Purohit and Vyas, 200456. Table:12Characteristics of major traditional botanicals Ryania Sabadilla Rotenone Pyrethrins Botanical insecticide Wood stems ofRyania speciosa Seeds of tropical lilySchoenocaulon officinaleand europeanVeratrum album Roots ofDerris, Lonchocarpus, other tropical legumes Flowers of pyrethrum daisy,Tanacetum (Chrysanthemum) cinerariaefolium Source plant (s) In fields &fruit crops against caterpilllars &thrips. Often combine with rotenone & pyrethrins in commercial mixtures for garden useOral LD 50near 1000 Dermal near 4000 Activate Ca++ ion release channels and causes paralysis in muscles of insects and vertebrates In vegetables and fruits against bugs and citrus thrips. Breaks down rapidly Oral LD 50near 4000 Interferes with Na & k ion movement in nerve axons. Irritates skin and mucous membranes, potent inducer of sneezingIn gardens& orchards against many insects especially beetles. Persists effectively for 4-5 days or more. Use as a fish poison Oral LD 50=25-3000 Dermal>1000 Disrupts energy metabolism in mitochondria On pests and humans to control fleas, ticks , lice Breaks down rapidly Mammalian oral LD 50>1000, some allergic reactions can occurInterferes with Na & k ion movement in nerve axonsUses Toxicity Mode of action57. Source: Weinzierl (2000) Mostly in pet shampoos, dip & sprays to kill fleas & ticks. Very short persistence on treated plants Limonene oral LD 50>5000Dermal>3500 Causes spontaneous stimulation of sensory nerves, biochemical mode of action Citrus oils Limonene/ Linalool Use medicinally in humans. On many crops & landscape plants especially against soft bodied& secondary pests. Very short persistence on treated plants Oral LD 50> 13000 Biochemical nature of feeding deterrence, repellance, growth regulation effects are not well described Leaves, bark, seeds of neem ( Azadirachta indica ) & chinaberry ( Melia azedarach) Neem Mostly in greenhouses & gardens. Nicotine fumigations target aphids, thrips &mites Oral LD 50 = 3-188 Dermal near 50 Very toxic to humans Mimics acetylcholine & overstimulates receptor cells to cause convulsions & paralysis Tobacco,Nicotianasp.,Duboisia, Anabasis, Asclepis, Equistem, Lycopodium Nicotine58. Mode of action of Botanicals Ovipositional deterrent affects the egg laying and egg hatching may be due to strong odour of product or presence of substance which causes malfunctioning of ovariole in females. eg.Pongamia pinnata ,Annona squamosa Ovicidal kill eggs and disrupts embryonic development so prevents hatching of eggs. Eg.Annona squamosa, Partheniumsp. Attractants eg.Repellents eg. Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare ),Eucalyptus globulus, Moringa oleifera, Allium cepa, Mentha Feeding deterrents/ Antifeedants Gustatory substances which causes the pest to stop feeding and starve to death or causes cessation of feeding. Eg.Melia azedarach,Neem, Garlic, Datura 59. Contd…. Antigonadal agents Vapours of oil ofAcorus calamus reported to inhibit the development of ovaries of a no. of stored grain pestsIn male insects it showed sperm malformation and agglutination Insect growth regulatorseg.Lantanasp.,Pongamia pinnata Physiological effects slow necrosis of mid gut epithelial cells reduction in size and no. of cells Malformation of circular and longitudinal muscles or welling of organelles when taken as stomach poison Neurotoxin 60. Which type of plants should we use? The plant should be a perennial It should have a wide distribution & be present in large numbers in nature otherwise it should be possible to grow it by agricultural practices. The plant parts used should be removable: leaves, flowers or fruit Harvesting should not mean destruction of the plant Plants should require small space, reduced management, little water and fertilization Plant should not otherwise have a high economic value The active ingredient should be effective at low rates 61. Table:13Important plants with pesticidal activity Jatrophin, curcusone, jatrophol Leaves, seed, seed cake, oil Jatropha curcas Jatropha Murraxonin, murrayanone Leaves and bark Murraya koenigii Murraya Ipomomin, isoergin, ergine, ipalbdinium Leaves, flowers and whole plant Ipomoea fistulosa Ipomoea Trans- decalin, clerodin Leaves Clerodenderon indicum Clerodenderon Moringyne Leaves, flowers Moringa olefifera Moringa Camphene, limonene, linalool,α - terpienol Leaf and oil Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus Pongamol, Pongapin, pongone, karanjanin Leaves, fruits, seeds, oil roots and flowers Pongamia glabra Pongam Annonin, squamocin Leaves and bark Annona squamosa Custard apple Active principle Plant parts used Scientific name Common name62. Oleic acid, cepocode- D,αandβtocopherols Bulb Allium cepa Onion Juvocimene- I, II, ocimin Leaves, stems, whole plants, oil Ocimum sanctum,O. basilicium Ocimum Menthole, limonene, menthone Leaves, flowers, whole plant, oil Mentha spicata Mint Calatropin, calatoxin Leaves, roots Calotropis gigantea Calotopis Aloesin, aloin Leaves, rhizomes Aloe vera IndianAloe Lantonolic acid, lantic acid Leaves, whole plant Lantana camera Lantana Calamol,αasarone,βasarone Rhizomes Acorus calamus Sweet flag Nicotine, nornicotine, anabasine Leaves, whole plant Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco Atropine, hyoscyamine Leaves, fruits, dried seeds, roots Datura strmonium Datura Active principle Plant parts used Scientific name Common name63. Source:Dodiaet al.(2008) Ricin, ricinnie Leaves and oilRicinus communis Castor Ailanthone Leaves Ailanthus excelsa Ardusa Juliprosopine, prosopidione, juliflorinine Leaves and seeds Prosopis julifora Khejiri Gingerols, arcurcumene Rhizomes Zingiber officinali Ginger Curcumol, curcumin Rhizomes Curcuma longa Turmeric Cymbopogon, Cymbopogonal Leaves and roots Cymbopogon marginatus Lemon grass Mycene, tagetone. allopatulein Leaves, flowers, roots Tegetes erecta Marigold Capsacin Leaves and fruits Capsicum annum Chilli Allicin, diallyl sulphide Leaves, flowers, whole plant, bulbs Allium sativum Garlic Active principle Plant parts used Scientific name Common name64. Pest resistance to phytochemicals Neem tree itself is attacked by about 60 species of insects besides mites, nematodes and 16 phytopathogens likeAonidiella orientalis, Pulvinaria maximaetc Some resistance to pyrethrins has been reported among a few agricultural pests, particularly those with resistance to organochlorines, orgaophosphates and carbamates 65. Table:14 Efficacy of botanicals against non insect pests Singh and Sumbali, 2007 Penicillium expansumrot on apples Antifungal activity Onion, Ginger, Tulsi, Lantana Tetarwal and Rai, 2007 Alternaria of Senna Antifungal activity Garlic, Neem, Onion, Datura, Tulsi, Mint Sharma and Gupta, 2003 Root rot & web blight of french bean Inhibits mycelial growth Ethanol extract of garlic bulb Chattopadhay et al ., 2005 Mustard white rust powdery mildew, Club rot of sarson Fungicidal activity Garlic bulb extract Krishnappaet al ., 2005 Paddy diseases Fungicidal activity Gehlot, 2005 Die back of chilli Inhibits mycelial growth Satishet al ., 2002 Aspergilllus flavus Inhibits mycelial growth Leaf extract of Datura Reference Against Disease/ organism Activity of material Plant material66. Eguaraset al ., 2005 Varroa destructor Rotenone Monika et al ., 2009Tetranychus urticae Acaricidal activity Pongamia pinnata seed extract Refaatet al.(2002Tetranychus urticae repellent, toxic and ovipositional deterrentOcimum basilicum, Lavandula officinalis Fuselliet al ., 2006 Paenibacillus larvae Antibacterial activity Essential oils of aguaribay, anden thyme. Pepeeine, camoline and pennyroyal Rajuet al ., 2007 Soft rot of radish Antibacterial activity Garlic, Amaltas, Anola, Castor, Peepal, Marigold, Jatropha, Jamun, Thirumalaisang andRathi, 2007 Black gram leaf crinkle virus Antibacterial activity Onion, Neem, Turmeric, Ginger Patel, 1999 Cowpea aphid born mosaic virus - Onion, Garlic, Tulsi,Lantana Patel, 1999 Cowpea aphid born mosaic virus - Jatropha extract Reference Against Disease/ organism Activity of material Plant material67.   68. Some medicinal plants Alangium salvifolium(L.f.) Wang. Local name: Ooduga chettu Medicinal uses:fruits are used as antiometic Annona squamosa Linn. Local name: Sethafalam Medicinal uses:leaf paste is applied over joints to get relief frompain and 5 grams of seed powder along with milk taken against gastric colicAzadirachta indicaA.Juss.Local name: Neem Medicinal Uses:leaf smoke is used for the control of mosquitoes and leaf paste is used to cure skin diseases. Ailanthus excelsaRoxb. Local name: Pedda vepa Medicinal uses:bark and leaf smoke is used for control of mosquitoes 69. Balanites aegyptiaca(L.) Del. Local name: Gare Medicinal uses:small twigs are kept in the ventilators to avoid the entry ofmicrobes. Dried leaf smoke is used to control the houseflies inside the home. Fruit pulp is taken orally to control the loosemotions. Bambusa arundinacea(Retz.) Willd. Local name: Veduru Medicinal uses:stem stripes are used to bind the fractured bones . Calotropis procera(Ait.) Aitf. Local name: jelladu Medicinal uses:leaves are pounded with caster oil and banded over kneejoints to get relief from joint pain Eucalyptus globulus Local name: Safeda Medicinal uses:Externally for athlete’s foot disease, dandruff,inhalation for asthma Ginkgo biloba Local name: ginkgo Medicinal uses:Relieves asthma, treat cerebral disorders Vitex negundoLocal name:Vavili Medicinal uses:Malaria, poisonous bites, leukemia, reduce blood pressure 70. Advantages of Biopesticides Difficult for insects to develop resistance to these pesticides Safe to natural enemies and higher organismsBiodegradable :Rapid degradation of the active ingredient make it more acceptable.In cotton residues of Azadirachtin dissipated within 12 hr when applied @ 20 & 40 ppm concentrations(Indumathi, 2002)Cheaper, renewable, can be handled safely Often have other uses like household insect repellents or are plants with medicinal propertiesMost are compatible with insecticides and microbial agents There is great demand for residue free cotton garments, fruits, vegetables and beverages, large scale utilization of botanical pesticides will certainly help us in meeting international standards of quality and safety in these products 71. Disadvantages of Biopesticides Slow effect Lack persistence and wide spectrum activity Rapidly degraded by UV light so residual action is slow.Half lives of pyrethrins on tomato and bell pepper fruits were 2 hrs or less(Antonious, 2004) Effective dose is higher i. e. 30 ml/10L especially in neem Seasonal availability of plant products indicates the need for their storage Not easily available everywhere Poor water solubility and are generally not systemic in nature All products applied followed by growers have not been scientifically verified 72. Inherently less harmful than conventional pesticidesSuppress, rather than eliminate, a pest population, so leaves the vulnerable population to natural enemies Effective and often quickly biodegradable andpresent no residue problems Mostly self perpetuating Safe for non target organisms and humanConclusion73. Future prospective Ecological studies on dynamics of diseases in insect populations are necessary Efforts should be made to minimize the loss of infectivity of certain pathogens due to photoinactiavtion Extension work needs to be geared up among the farming community to make them aware about the use and benefits of biopesticides Biotechnological approaches could be useful for obtaining bioactive products on large scale 74. Thank you!


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