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Bharathidasan University (For the candidates admitted from the academic year 2007 onwards) 1. Name of the Programme Bharathidasan University is offering a one year M. Phil. (Computer Science) Prog ramme to be conducted in the Department of Computer Science, Bharthidasan Univer sity. 2. Eligibility for admission to the Programme Masters degree in science majoring Computer Science, IT or Computer Application or its equivalent with 60% or Any Masters degree with PGDCA 3. Duration of the Program The program is for a period of 1 year. The programme consists of two semesters n amely odd and even semester. Odd semester shall commence from July and even seme sters from December. There shall not be less than 90 working days which shall co mprise 270 teaching clock hours for the first semester (Exclusive of the days fo r the conduct of the examinations) 4. Scheme of the Examination An End Semester Examination (ESE) must be conducted in the first semester will b e conducted in November/December and the End semester for the second semester wi ll be conducted in the month of April. A candidate who does not pass the examina tion in a certain subject(s) of the first semester will be permitted to appear i n such failed subject(s) along with the subjects in any subsequent semester exam inations. 5. Attendance â ¢ Students should put in at least 75% attendance in each course â ¢ In each semester every candidate must compulsorily register for the examination in all the courses pertaining to that semester â ¢ No candidate who has put in attendance for less than 75% of the working days in a semester will be permitted to take the ESE pertaining to that semester unless he/she gets condonation certificate. â ¢ On the day on which a course is concluded, the course teacher of the course shal l intimate the Head of the Department the particulars of all the students who ha ve shortage of attendance in the course offered by him/her. â ¢ The Head of the Department should announce the names of all the students who wil l not be eligible to take the end semester examination in the various courses du e to shortage of attendance â ¢ Condonation of shortage of attendance shall be given as per the provisions given below: o The head of the Department may condone lack of attendance for a student in a course when the student had put in at least 65% attendance for the course c oncerned and pays a condonotion fee of suitable amount to be prescribed by the U niversity from time to time. A candidate who has put in less than 65% attendance must repeat the course. 6. Question Paper Pattern Part A - Ten questions, two from each unit. No choice. Each carries two marks (1 0 X 2 = 20) Part B - Five questions, one from each unit either or type. Each carries 5 marks (5 X 5 = 25) Part C - Five questions, one from each unit. Any three questions to be answered. Each carries 10 Marks. 7. Passing Minimum for a course A candidate shall be declared to have passed a certain course if he/she secures not less than 40% marks in the ESE and not less than 50% in the aggregate taking CIA and ESE together. In terms of marks, the student should secure not less tha n 30 marks and not less than 50 in the aggregate taking CIA and ESE together. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in the project work if he/she gets not less than 40% in the valuation of dissertation and not less than 50% in the aggregate of both the marks for valuation of dissertation and viva-voce examinat ion to pass in project work. 8. Grade and Grade Points of the Courses Marks in % Grade Grade Points 96 and above S+ 10 91-95 S 9.5 86-90 D++ 9.0 81-85 D+ 8.5 76-80 D 8.0 71-75 A++ 7.5 66-70 A+ 7.0 61-65 A 6.5 56-60 B 6.0 50-55 C 5.5 Below 50 F 0 When a candidate earns 30 (Thirty) credits his/her overall grade point average ( OGPA) will be grade point of the total marks obtained in all courses. 9. Ranking and Classification Ranks are awarded based on the total marks obtained by the candidate. Only those candidates who successfully complete the whole programme within two semesters a nd are not awarded grade E (passing minimum) or I (inadequate attendance) or AAA (absent to ESE ) in ESE are eligible for consideration for ranking. If the OGPA is four or above the candidates will be declared to have passed in f irst class; otherwise second class. If the OGPA is eight or above the candidate will be declared to have passed in f irst class with distinction provided he/she passes all the courses without any E or I or AAA in any ESE. 10. Supplementary Examinations Any candidate, for whom, when the results of the exam conducted in April/May of the end of the semester are published there is just one course for which credit is to be earned and it is from the final semester, will be eligible to appear fo r the supplementary exam which may be conducted in the supplementary July/August provided that he/she appears for the ESE for that courses in April/May. Note. The above regulations are subject to amendments from time to time. Dr Gopinath Ganapathy Professor & Head Education: Ph. D., Address : C-66, Thillai Nagar, Trichy-620017 ,TN ,India e-Mai l : [email protected] Years of Experience: ( UG-B.E) -8yrs PG (M.E,M.C.A,M.Tec h.,)- 12yrs Field of Specialization: Software Architecture and Patterns, Enterpr ise Application Integration, Natural Language Processing Courses Teaching: Middl eware Technologies M.Phil (Computer Science)- Grid of Core Courses 1. List of Core Courses Course Code Course Type MPH10101 Core Course I MPH10102 MPH10103 MPH10104 MPH10201 Course Name Research Methodology Download Core Course II Advance Paper in Computer Science Download Core Course III Paper on Topic of Research Core Course IV Teaching and Learning Skills Download Core Course V Dissertation M.Phil Computer Science Syllabi - MPH10101- Research Methodology Unit I Thesis Writing: Research types - objectives and approaches - Literature collecti on, Web browsing - Software tools - Writing review and journal articles - manusc ript publication Planning a thesis - general format - page and chapter format footnotes -tables and figures - references and appendices. Unit II Analysis of algorithm: The role of algorithm in computing - Insertion sort - Ana lyzing and designing algorithms - growth of functions - introduction to NP - com pleteness. Unit III Formal Languages and Finite Automata: Context free grammars - Derivation trees Simplification of context free Grammars - Chomsky normal form - Greiback normal form - The pumping lemma for context free languages -Finite state systems - Bas ic definitions - Non deterministic finite automata -Finite automata with epsilon moves - Regular expressions - Applications of finite Automata (Stress on theore m statement and problems only). Unit IV Probability and Statistical Analysis: Probability - Fail time data analysis -Haz ard models - Conditional probability - Bayes rule - System reliability -Stochast ic process. Unit V Logics - Relations and Functions: Propositions - Precedence rules for operators - Laws of equivalence - Natural deduction system - Developing natural deduction system proofs Relation properties - Matrix and Graph - Graph Notations for relat ions -Partition and covering - Equivalence relation - Compatibility relations -P artial ordering Functions - Components - Composition of function -Inverse functi ons Binary and n-ary operations. Text Books: 1. Kothari C. R. Research1 Methodology - methods and techniques, 2nfl Edition, W ishwa Prakashjan New Delhi 1999 2. Elis Horowtz and Sartaj Sahni, 'Fundamentals of Computer algorithms', Galgoti a Publications, New Delhi 2000. 3. John E. Hopcroft, Jeffery D. Ullman, 'Introduction to Automata Theory Languag e and Computation', narosa Publishing House, 1979 4. L.S. Srinath, 'Reliability Engineering', Third Edition, Affliated East, West press pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005 . 5. David Gries, 'The Science of Programming' Narosa Publishing House, 1981. Reference Books: 1. Berny H. Durston, M. Poole, 'Thesis and Assignment writing', Wiley Eastern Lt d. ND 1970 2. Misra R.P. Research Methodology - A Hand Book, Concept publishing Company, Ne w Delhi 1988 3. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, RonaldiL. Rivest 'Introduction to Alg orithms', Prentice Hall of India, 1998 4. E. Balagurusamy, 'Reliability Enginering', Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Ltd., New Delhi 2003 5. Leon S. Levy, ;Discrete structures of Computer Science', Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1980 M.Phil Computer Science Syllabi - MPH10102 - Advance paper in Computer Science Unit I Security problems in Computing - Cryptography - program security -Database secur ity - Security in Networks. Unit II Grid Computing organization and their role - Grid computing anatomy -Merging the Grid service architecture with web services architecture. Unit III Fundamental - Remote procedure cells - Distributed shared memory -Synchronizatio n. Unit IV Distributed Databases - Homogeneous and Heterogeneous databases -Distributed dat a storage - distributed transactions - commit protocols -concurrent control - av ailability -- Distributed theory processing Heterogeneous distributed databases - Directory systems. Unit V Fundamentals of Parallel processing - MIMD computers or Multiprocessor 4.1-4.2,4 .3. Text Books: 1. Chapter 1,2,3,6 & 7 - (Security in Computing, Charles P. Pfleeger, & Shani La wrence Pfeeger) 2. Joshy Joseph, Graig Felenstern 'Grid Computing' - Pearsons 2004. 3. Distributed file systems, Chapter 1,4,5,6 & 9 Distributed Operating Systems, Pradeep K. Sinha, PHI, 2004 4. Abraham fiberschatz & Hendry F. Korths "Data base systems concepts" Mc Graw H ill International fifth edition, 2006 5. Distributed memory multiprocessors 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 Data dependence and parallelism - 7.1 - 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 Implementing synchronization and data sharing 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 Harry F. Jordan Gita Alaghband M.Phil Computer Science Syllabi - MPH10104 - Teaching and Learning Skills Unit I : Computer Applications Skills Computer sysyem : Characteristics, Parts and their functions - Different generat ions of Computer - Operation of Computer: switching on/off/restart,Mouse control , Use of key Board and some fundtions of key - Information and Communication Tec hnology (ICT): Definitiong, Meaning, Features, Trends- Integration of ICT in tea ching and learning - ICT Applications: Using word processors, Spread sheets. Pow er point slides in the classroom - ICT for Research: On-line journals, e-books,C ourseware, Tutorials, Technical reports, Theses and Dissertations. Unit II : Communication Skills Communication : Definitions - Elements of Communication: Sender, Message, Channe l, Receiver,Feedback and Noise - Types of Communication: Spoken and Written; Non -verbal Communication - Intrapersonal,Interpersonal,Group and Mass communication - Barriers to communication: Mechanical,Physical,Linguistic & Cultural - Skills of communication: Listening,Speaking,Reading and writing - Methods of developin g fluency in oral and written communication - style,Diction and Vocabulary - Cla ssroom communication and dynamics . Unit III : Communication Technology Communication Technology : Bases,Trends and Developments - Skills of using Commu nication Technology - Computer Mediated Teaching: Multimedia, E-content - Satell ite - based communication : EDUSAT and ETV Channels. Communication through web: Audio and Video applications on the internet, Interpersonal communication throug h the web. Unit IV : Pedagogy Instructional Technology: Definition, Objctives and Types - Difference between T eaching and Instruction - Lecture Technique: Steps, Planning of a Lecture, Deliv ery of a lecture - Narration in tune with the nature of different disciplines Lecture with power point presentation - Versatility of Lecture technique - Demon stration: Characteristics, Principles, Planning Implementation and Evaluation Teaching-lerning Techniques: Team Teaching, Group discussion, Seminar, Workshop, Symposium and Panel Discussion - Modes of teaching: CAI,CMI and WBI. Unit V : Teaching Skills Teaching skill: Definition, Meaning and Nature - Types of Teaching skills: Skill of Set Induction, Skill of Stimulus Variation, Skill of Explaining, Skill of Pr obing Questions, Skill of Black Board Writing and skill of Closure - Integration of Teaching Skills - Evaliation of Teachning Skills. References: 1. Bela Rani Sharma (2007 ), Curriculum Reforms and Teaching Methods, Sarup and sons, New Delhi. 2. Don Skinner (2005), Teacher Traning, Edinburgh University Press Ltd., Edinbur gh. 3. Information and Communication Technology in Education: A Curruculum for schoo ls and Programme of Teacher development, Jonathan Anderson and Tom Van Weart, UN ESCO,2002. 4. Kumar, K.L. (2008) Educational Technology, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi 5. Mangal, S.K. (2002) Essential of Teaching - Learning and Information Technolo gy, Tandon Publications, Ludhiana. 6. Michael, D and William (2000), Intergrating Technology into Teaching and Lear ning: Concepts and Applications, Prentice Hall, New York. 7. Pandey, S.K. (2005) Teaching Communication, Commonwealth Publishers, New Delh i. 8. Ram Babu. A and Dandapani, S (2006) Microteaching (Vol, 1&2), Neelkammal Publ ications, Hyderabad. 9. Singh V.K. and Sudarshan K.N. (1996), Computer Education, Discovert Publishin g Company, New York. 10. Sharma, R.A (2006) Fundamentals of Educational Technology, Surya Publication s, Meerut 11. Vanaja, M and Rajasekar, S (2006), Computer Education, Neelkamal Publictions , Hyderabad.


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