Unit 3 pp effective communication in health and social care outcome a

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1. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session1 2. Aims and Objectives forsession Identify ways to communicate with others Explain, why communication is important in aHealth Care setting Justify why communication is important in acare setting Outline different forms of communication Outline three main forms of communication Identify key terms to remember when thinkingabout communication in a care setting Outline verbal and nonverbal communication Identify important facts about verbal andcommunication 3. Starter Activity – Write answerson the classroom white boardHow many ways can youcommunicate with others? 4. Why is communication importantin a Health Care setting?Board Blast as a table 5. Why is communication importantin a Health Care setting? Interpersonal development Develops positive professionalrelationships Allows information sharing Allows experiences to be shared People are able to express feelings andconcerns Ask questions to develop ownknowledge and skills 6. Individual Reflection Counting up in your head as anindividual, how many people do youthink you have spoken to alreadytoday? What different forms of communicationhave you used? 7. What are the three main forms ofcommuncation? Verbal Non verbal AlternativeMove around the room and giveexamples for each form ofcommunication method 8. Blind ShapesHospital workers need to be able to communicateeffectively with each other, particularly whendelegating tasks and trying to accomplish acommon goal.Team task - Split yourselves into three’s and put your blindfolds on. Each group to have the same length of string Groups to make a shape of either a star or aheart out of their rope. Students to have 5mins to complete the task Since you cannot see, students must trust eachother and organize themselves quickly.http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/timer 9. Blind ShapesReflect on your communication used Did everyone within your team join inwith the task? Were you able to tell what your rolewas within the team? Did you find being blindfolded harder? What have your learnt aboutcommunication from doing thisactivity? 10. Key Terms to remember Communication – the exchange ofinformation between people Context – the circumstances andsetting in which an event occurs 11. Verbal and Non-Verbal sortingEffective VerbalCommunication InvolvesEffective Non-VerbalCommunication InvolvesMake sure you use your mobiles to take aphoto of the correct order, to use asrevision 12. Verbal CommuncationVerbal communcation uses words topresent ideas, thoughts and feelings.Good verbal communcation is the abilityto both present and explain your ideasclearly thought the spoken word, and tolisten carefully to other people.This involves using a verity ofapproaches and styles appropriate tothe audience or person you areaddressing. 13. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session2 14. Aims and Objectives forsession Outline percentages of verbal and nonverbalcommunication used Identify the four context of communication Explain formal and informal letter writing Identify what body language can include Identify use of eye contact, in relation tocommunication Outline emotions Identify use of posture, in relation tocommunication Describe own personal space tolerances Outline people within space zones Outline gestures 15. Starter Activity – Discuss as agroupWhat do you think the percentages are? 16. Context of communication andtheir benefits 1-2-1 Group Discussion Formal Informal 17. Formal and Informalhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdDBY2-WmisPlease write a formal letter and an informal email 18. Body Language Includes…. Posture Facial Expression Eye Contact Appropriate use of touch Personal space Gestures Non threatening use of body language 19. Showing Emotions Use the laminated blank faces, thatshow the following emotions:1. Worried2. Bored3. Surprised4. Sad5. Aggressive6. Happy 20. Personal space Pair up with someone in the group Stand face to face at arm’s length Maintain eye contact Take steps closer and closer towards eachother on the tutors until you start to feeluncomfortable Place your sticky note on the floor to identifypeoples different personal space tolerancesFeedback to the group 21. Space ZoneWho would be in these zones? 22. GesturesPlease fill in the hand-out with what youbelieve the gestures meanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTE0G9amZNk 23. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session3 24. Aims and Objectives forsession Identify key elements of effectivecommunication Consider a variety of communicationmethods used within care settings Explain why clear communication is soimportant Explain key information needed on handover notes Justify how others can perceive you as acare worker, due to our communicationskills 25. Starter - Follow InstructionsPlease read all of the instructions before doing anything, you are allowed 10minutes to complete this task.1. Find a pen and paper.2. Write your name at the top of the paper.3. Write the numbers 1 to 5, one per line.4. Draw five small circles beside #1.5. Put an "X" in the second and fourth circles next to #1.6. On the back of the paper multiply 7 x 9.7. Put an X in the lower right-hand corner of the paper.8. Say your name out loud.9. Count the number of words in this sentence and write the answer beside #2 onyour paper.10. Punch 3 small holes anywhere in the paper.11. Write today's date beside #5 on your paper.12. Circle every letter 'E' you have written.13. Stand up and say 'I HAVE FINISHED' out loud, then sit down.14. Now that you read all of the instructions, skip all of them except the first two! 26. Did you follow theinstructions?If you have followed the instructionscorrectly, you should only have yourname on the paper! 27. Communication cycleDraw this images and make notes formthe information on the following slide. 28. Effective communicationKey elements needed are as follows: sender – the person starting the communication message – what the sender wishes to communicate medium – the method of communication: verbal, written,signed, electronic, telephone, etc. receiver – the person who receives the message andinterprets it understanding – the message has to be correctlyinterpreted by the receiver feedback – the receiver needs to show the sender thathe or she has received and understood the message.We sometimes describe the steps that need to be taken forcommunication to be effective as the communication cycle. 29. Silent Whispers Line up all facing the same way Student at the end of the line, read thestatement on the paper shown by theirtutor When ready student to tap the nextstudent on the shoulder to turn round Students to lip read the statement fromtheir colleague Student at the end of the line to say thestatement out loud 30. Clear speechSpeaking clearly is essential,particularly when working with serviceusers who may have difficulties whenreceiving or giving messages. Speakingclearly allows instructions to beabsorbed and understood and if hearingor learning difficulties are involved thensome service users can lip-read or usebody language to gain furtherunderstanding. 31. Give instructionsUsing the speech marks, create someclear handover instructions to give to acolleague about a service user. 32. What effects can these issueshave on communcation? What words are often not pronouncedcorrectly by young people? What words can have differentmeanings? What words can have the endingsmissed off? 33. Newspaper ConstructionHospital workers can't always verbally communicate exactlywhat they are thinking, this activity will teach you how touse nonverbal cues to accomplish a task. Students to be split into 3’s Students to have 6 newspapers and a roll of maskingtape. Students to build a free-standing structure that shelterseveryone in the group. Students have five minutes to plan the structure, duringwhich time you can speak. After that period, you have 20 minutes to build thestructure, but cannot speak at allhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkfGzbMZZAc 34. Newspaper Construction Reflect on your teamwork skills? How with the skills you have gainedsupport you in your career? What would you change if you were todo it activity again? 35. Non Verbal Case Study -JohnWhat are the non-verbalsigns that John might bedepressed? John’s ability tocommunicate with hiscarers is made worse bythe fact that he cannot see.Explain why this is. 36. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session4 37. Aims and Objectives forsession Justify how information can be hard toread, if not written correctly Explain what technology is used tocommunicate Identify social networking logo’s Identify what nonverbalcommunication consists of Identify key functions on mobilephones Explain different forms ofcommunication used in a care setting 38. Can you change this into acorrect a English sentenceDnt b lk tht m8C%l c u l8erI knw u wld rather spk 2 evr1 lkthiz n stead of rglr tlk cuz it mchezr 2 type it all up. 39. Changing articlesFind a recent news article on the internetrelating to health care, please convert thearticle into texted languagePass to your neighbour when written forthem to decode 40. What technology do you useto communicate? – Writeanswers on the classroomwhite boardTake a photograph of your graffiti board to support with your assignmenttasks 41. Can you identify the socialnetworking logo? You have under3mins123456781110 91213http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/timer 42. Non verbal communicationThis refers to the messages we sendout to express ideas and opinionswithout talking. Understanding bodylanguage is very important as it oftengives care workers a better idea of howsomeone is feeling than what they say.It is also important that as a carer youunderstand when messages your ownbody language is giving to the personyou are trying to help. 43. Mobile PhonesMobile phones havefacilities where individualsare able to change thesettings to allow for thetexted to be enlargedThe vibration functionalerts the hearing impairedthat they have received aphone call and textedmessage or an email 44. PosterPlease create a poster about thedifferent forms of communication used ina care settingRemember Verbal Non verbal Importance of communication Context of communicationPlease be colourful, creative andinformative this will be displayed in theclassroom 45. Self Study – Computer time Self Study Unit 3 - Different forms ofcommunicationAccess this directed study task onOracle. 46. Non Verbal Case Study -JohnHow does John’sblindness affect the wayin which his carerscommunicate with him?What are the signs thatJohn might be in pain? 47. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session5 48. Aims and Objectives forsession Explain how posture can demonstratenegative body language Identify positive body language todemonstrate in different situations Identify what they must consider whencommunicating Justify why listening to information isvery important. 49. Starter – Posture Get into pairs and act out differentpostures by sitting in your chair Your team mate to guess you emotionor feeling from the posture you havedemonstrated When in placement what posture dowe need to demonstrate? 50. Role Play from Case Study -JohnIn groups of three, role play an interactionbetween John and his carer where Johnhas eaten very little of his lunch and isreluctant to say anything other than ‘yes’ or‘no’. One of you should act the role of John, bybeing blindfolded and sitting hunched in achair, so you can’t see the carer. Use yourbody language to portray how you arefeeling. One of you should act as carers. One of you will observe and take note ofthe interactions and body language used 51. Role Play from Case Study -JohnIn groups of three, role play an interaction betweenJohn and his carer where John has eaten very little ofhis lunch and is reluctant to say anything other than‘yes’ or ‘no’. Think carefully about how it must feel to not be able tosee anything but black, all day every day, and what itmust feel like to have people coming in and out ofyour room when you have never seen them so haveno idea what they look like or who they are. After the first run-through of the role play, discuss howthe carer could improve by using body languagewhich John can access despite being unable to see. Repeat the role play to show this improved bodylanguage. 52. What must we consider whencommunicating? 53. ListeningCommunication is a two-way process, it is asmuch about listening and understanding others,as getting your own messages across.Good listening involves: Giving the person your full attention Showing that you are interested in what theyhave to say Occasionally summarising what they havesaid to be sure you have understood.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY6b5REkLnk 54. Active Listening Team TaskWork in groups of three. Person 1 should choose a topic to talk about(e.g. your family, what you did last weekend, ahobby or interest, your favourite music or film,etc.) You should then talk about this topic for oneminute. Person 2 should listen and show interest in thetopic. Person 3 should watch carefully and make noteson the grid providedRepeat the above twice, but in different roles, sothat each of you gets a chance to be the speaker,the listener and the watcher. 55. Active Listening Team Task Did everyone within your team joinin with the task? What did you find hard about thetask Feedback some interestinginformation from the notes youcreated What have your learnt aboutcommunication from doing thisactivity? 56. Non Verbal Case Study - John One day John woke up and was ableto see fuzzy shapes such as thepattern on his apron. However, hedidn’t tell anyone in case it went again.How might his body language havechanged so that his carers could tellthat something was different? The next day his sight had totally goneagain. How do you think this will haveaffected John? How will his bodylanguage change after this? 57. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session6 58. Aims and Objectives forsession Justify how easy it can be to get themessage across and when confusionmay have arise Identify alternative forms ofcommunication Identify difficulties with communicationand how they could be adapted inorder to help the individual understand Explain positives and negatives ofdifferent forms of communication 59. Starter – Drawing images In pairs, person 1 draw a pictureusing simple shapes of squares,triangles etc. Person 1, describe the picture toperson 2, they are unable to repeatinstructions Person 2 can only listen and carryout instructions, but are not allowedto ask questions. Students to sit back to back tocomplete this activity 60. Starter – Drawing imagesfeedback Now compare pictures for accuracy ofsize, shape, position on page etc. How easy was it to get the messageacross? When did confusion arise? 61. Key facts to rememberSometimes it is necessary to findalternative form of communication tomeet peoples particular needs, such aswhen communication challenges maybecaused though visual and hearingimpairments or leading difficulties.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_beIKgSsuY 62. Communication difficultiesGive three different examples ofcommunication difficulties that anindividual might have and explain whatyou could do, to adapt thecommunication in order to help theindividual understand.1. Example 12. Example 23. Example 3Share ideas with the group 63. What alternative forms ofcommunication could be used ina setting?Write as many answers as you can think ofin a list on a word document.You have 2mins 30sechttp://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/timerGo around the room with your note pad andnote down any you missed that others hadidentified 64. Alternative forms ofcommunication Braille British Sign language Makaton Finger Spelling Text Messaging Interpreters of speech Translators for written or verbal language Objects of reference Communication Passports Symbols Technology Aids Pictures Advocates 65. Communication TableCreate a table on your computer like theone below to add notes as we covereach form of communication used tosupport services usersForm ofcommunicationWho could thissupport?Positives Negatives 66. Alternative Communication Table Add your listed forms ofcommunication you identified as agroup in this table Add what you feel the positives andnegatives are for each form ofcommunication, we will see if yourviews change throughout this unitAs we cover each form ofcommunication you can update thistable so save carefully 67. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session7 68. Aims and Objectives forsession Outline what Braille is Identify where Braille came from Outline own name using Braille Analyse own ability to complete andread Braille Identify where Braille is used today Outline software that can be used tosupport Braille users 69. Starter 70. What's Braille?Braille is a method of reading by touch that is used bymany blind and partially sighted people around theworld.Each Braille character or (cell) is made up of 6 dot positions,arranged in a vertical rectangle of 2 columns of 3 dots each.The six dots of each Braille cell are arranged like theexample above to form a letter. The dots are numbered 1through 6, starting in the upper left corner, going down.The dots are raised in one of the 64 possible combinationsand each combination represents a different letter or sound.The character that each combination represents variessomewhat between languages, but the dot height, cell sizeand cell spacing are always consistent. Formatting of Braille,however, such as the positioning of main headings, is used inBraille in much the same way, as in print. 71. Where Braille came fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IQKqPaICKI 72. This is the basic English Braillealphabet... 73. Lets learn BrailleUsing the Braille alphabet that has beenput on your desks, please write youname using the buttons/coins or blue-tacprovided.Extension – if youare confident withwriting your name,choose someone onanother table andwrite them a secretmessage. 74. Reflect How could we use Braille within a caresetting to make service users aware? How could you make Braille into arewarding activity for young people toallow inclusive practice for all servicesusers? 75. Where is Braille used today Can you think of Braille on everydayitems? Lets have a look at where Braille isused 76. Braille SoftwareThis software creates Braille and comesin a wide range of packages, includingthose to create mathematical andmusical resources, as well as text andto translate different language 77. Using your memoryUsing your memory only as a table, tryand decide what is written down on yourpiece of paper, by spelling out theletters. 78. Answers Well done you have worked hardtoday Great teamwork skills today Super Braille learnt today 79. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session8 80. Aims and Objectives forsession Identify what BSL is Identify some basic BSL hadsignals Identify what finger spelling is Justify how we use sign languagewithin a setting to support serviceusers Outline communication throughsign 81. Starter - Famous Deaf PeopleCan you name five famous deafpeople? (try to do this in pairs first,then if you need to, use the internet tohelp) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 82. Starter - Famous Deaf People1234 83. What’s BSL / British SignLanguage?This is the standard two handed fingerspelling alphabet used in British SignLanguage.Sign Language is a visual means ofcommunicating using gestures, facialexpression, and body language. SignLanguage is used mainly by people who areDeaf or have hearing impairments.All photographs are taken from theperspective of somebody looking at theperson signing. 84. BSLhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y0e1zmFWE8 85. Finger SpellingThis is the representation of letters andsometimes numbers by tracing theshapes of the letters in the air or on ahand.American, French and Irish signlanguage are all examples of onehanded finger spelling as compared toBritish Sign Language, which is twohanded 86. Now for you to learn BritishSign LanguageLog onto Oracle to access this PowerPoint 87. Lets practice our BSLUsing the skills you have gained and theBSL alphabet that you have beenpracticing with, please show yourpartner how to sign your name.Extension – if you are confidentwith signing your name, use theinternet to research commonwords, service users may use in asetting and copy images of how tosign it, on a colourful way todisplay. 88. ReflectWrite a paragraph of reflectionon the below statements How could we use signlanguage within a setting tomake service users aware? How could you make signlanguage into a rewardingsession to ensure an inclusiveenvironment? 89. Communication through signComprehension Supports verbal information, providinglistener with a visual clue. Accompanying speech with signs, has moreimpact than the words alone. Signing is morelikely to capture listener’s attention.Expression Gives a non-speaker (or person with unclearspeech) a way of communication until theycan say it clearly. Signing takes the pressure off, which themallows for concentration to become easier. Signing always fades when speech develops. 90. Signing We all use gesture – signing is just amore formalised version of that. Signing is being used increasingly bythose who come into contact withchildren and adults withcommunication difficulties. 91. MakatonMakaton is also a method ofcommunication through using signs andsymbols. Unlike British Sign Language,is uses speech as well as actions,symbol and pictures cards. Makatonties in facial expressions with the wordto make the word more easilyrecognised by those withcommunication difficultieshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3A5ostdr 92. Self StudyPlease complete this self studytask, titles - Deaf Club: British SignLanguage, overcoming barriers tocommunication 93. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session9 94. Aims and Objectives forsession Explain why clear communicationis important when working withservice users Identify different signs andsymbols that are used tocommunicate Outline STC symbols Identify how symbols can be usedand who might use them 95. StarterPlease pair up with someone in thegroupYou need to write down a step by stepguide on how to make a cup of tea theway you like it 96. StarterOnce you have written you step by stepguide, please pass it to your colleague.You will need to make them a cup of teafollowing their instructions exactly. 97. ReflectionWhat did youlearn?Why is clear communication important toremember when in placement and working 98. Signs and symbols help uscommunicatehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQKYCwDmGbMMute the sound before watch clip 99. Symbols A symbol is a pictorial representation of aword or concept or idea. STC symbols are based upon Rebuses,which were developed in the 1970s for thePeabody Rebus Reading Program inNashville, Tennessee. They provide an extra visual clue. They provide an alternative means ofexpression. They are more immediate than writteninformation. They are more accessible for anyone whohas literacy difficulties. They can provide a bridge between picturesand written words. 100. As a group lets look at thewebsitehttp://www.somersettotalcommunication.org.uk/How could you use this resource within yoursetting? 101. How can symbols be used?Symbols can be used to: Back up speech to help understanding Enable expression of needs andwants Enable choices to be made Give information Check understanding 102. Who uses symbols? Everybody! Examples are computericons, road signs, logos, etc. Symbols from various sources (STC andMakaton) are increasingly being used bychildren and adults with communicationdifficulties and those who come intocontact with them. We rely on symbols because they areoften easily recognisable. If you are learning to drive and have notyet taken your theory test, you will needto learn common road signs. 103. Create you ownCreate your own symbols that could be usedwithin a care setting. You can use myexamples below or think of your own.Be neighbourlyDoctorPets are welcome hereKeep your germs to yourselfNurseOnly two visitors at a time allowed on the ward at the bedside 104. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session10 105. Aims and Objectives forsession Describe two alternative forms ofcommunication Describe the different forms of verbaland non-verbal communication whichare used in settings Describes different forms ofcommunication which would enableresidents, staff and volunteers tocommunicate with each other 106. StarterDescribe two alternative form ofcommunication for someone who1. Is visually impaired2. Is hearing impaired3. Has a learning difficulty 107. Alternative Communication TablePlease update your table on yourcomputer, with all the alternativecommunication methods you haveidentified. Remember to add detail, thiswill support you in your assignmenttasksForm ofcommunicationWho could thissupport?Positives Negatives 108. Scenario – Assessment 1You are going to produce an informationpack, within your information pack you mustinclude a leaflet which describes the differentforms of verbal and non-verbalcommunication which are used in thesetting and explains the advantages anddisadvantages of each form when used ina) 1-1 interactions and 109. Scenario – Assessment 1You are going to produce an informationpack, within your information pack you mustinclude a booklet which describes the differentforms of communication which wouldenable residents, staff and volunteers tocommunicate with each other- your booklet must also include anassessment of how effective eachone would be in enablingcommunication. 110. Effective Communicationin Health and Social CareUnit 3Session11 111. Aims and Objectives forsession Identify technology aids thatcan support service users Outline what a picture is andhow they can be used Outline what a visual scheduleis and how it can be used Identify people who can aidcommunication 112. Starter - British Sign LanguagerecapPlease spell out to the group thealphabet using British Sign Language 113. Technology AidsTechnology provides many electronic aidsto help us communicate. For examplecomputers record, store and communicateinformation very quickly. Electronic aidscan turn small movements into writtenwords or musichttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wggj7Kd7q2UThe voice box is the most well knownelectronic aid, famously used by professorStephen Hawking 114. Picture cardsPicture cards can be used tocommunicate with people who havelittle or no ability to speak. For exampleindividuals with Autism use picturecards as they tend to learn visually andcan communicate better by usingimages and pictures. These have anadvantage of having a universal meansof communication understandable bypeople of all ages, abilities and 115. Visual Schedules Visual schedules help people withAutism, Asperger Syndrome or otheradditional needs, to understand theirworld better. Just like adults need calendars, or tocreate lists and planners, to help themremember their important activities forthe day, week or month. Individualswith ASD (Autism spectrum disorder)may need visual schedules to supporttheir memory 116. Example of a visual schedule 117. Create a visual scheduleUsing resources available, please create acolourful, interesting and engaging visualschedule for an individual.You can use one of mine below or createyour own Using the toilet Brushing their teeth Getting ready for bed Getting dressed in the morning Making a sandwich 118. People who can aidcommunicationSometimes you may need to involvespecialists to aid communication in Healthand Social Care. People may need to usesign language and may need an interpreterto communicate for them, or if they speak adifferent language they may need atranslator. An intervener may also supportsomeone with their communication skills.Research using mobile or tablets, the jobroles of the individuals highlighted in blue 119. Human Aids An intervener acts as the eyes andears of a deafblind person. Intervenershelp deafblind people to pick upinformation about their surroundings. Interpreters convert one spokenlanguage into another, or in the case ofsign language, they convert spokenlanguage into sign language Translators convert written materialsfrom one language into another 120. Holby City's worst everpatient!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUr9ZwglFS0Complete the Different forms of communication hand-outfrom watching the above clip


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