Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
[email protected] WINNERBEST FREE NEWSPAPER IN SA BELLVILLE Somerset West 021 852 7400 Constantia 021 794 2221 Kenilworth 021 671 9050 Milnerton 021 528 4000 Bellville 021 919 1106 Prices valid until 30 August 2015 while stocks last Visit our award winning Garden Centres and receive on your Club card for the month of August!!10% back Visit our award winning Garden Centres and receive on your Club card for the month of August!!10% back Seagro 200ml Seagro 200ml All Purpose Fertilizer 5kg All Purpose Fertilizer 5kg Coin Planter (Glaze) Assorted colours Coin Planter (Glaze) Assorted colours 279.95 389.95WAS NOW LARGE 129.95 199.95 WAS NOW 199.95 299.95 WAS NOW MEDIUM SMALL DaisiesDaisies StaticeStatice BrachycomeBrachycome Spanish Lavender Spanish Lavender NOW 17.95 39.95 NOW 18.95 WAS 36.95 NOW 19.95 WAS 36.95 NOW NOW 26.95 36.95 36.95 74.95 WAS WAS WAS NOW 29.95 WAS 64.95 X1QFU7PW-AL260815 Offer valid till 30 August 2015 While stocks last WAS 64.95 NOW 29.95 DaisiesDaisies X1QFP1XM-AL260815 0HUFHGHV�%HQ] 'HVLJQ $ 'HDO )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ� JR WR RXU ZHEVLWH ZZZ�VDQGRZQ�PHUFHGHV�EHQ]�FR�]D� 5HFHLYH 5�� ��� 7UDGH $VVLVWDQFH RQ VHOHFWHG &�&ODVV &RXSÃV ! &HQWXU\ &LW\ ��� ��� ���� Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
[email protected] BELLVILLE CRIME: STING OPERATION YIELDS RESULTS AFTER FOUR YEARS OF OBSERVATION Couple bust for drugs MICHELLE LINNERT @linnertmb A Groenvallei woman and her alleged druglord partner were arrested du- ring a sting operation by the Bracken- fell police’s crime intelligence unit on Thursday. Bellville police’s own crime intelligence unit has launched numerous raids on the house Kingsley Ukatu (38) shared withMan- dy Williams (38) and two of her three chil- dren. Over a period of more than four years and several raids later, police were never able to findanydrugs in thehouse, saidGroenvallei Neighbourhood Watch vice-chairperson Criselda Greyling. “It took the Brackenfell police twomonths to capture them. Every time a raid was plan- ned for that house, you would see no druggy on the streets. They knew. We always said they were tipped off beforehand,” she said. A combined force, including a canine unit from Maitland and two other specialised units, swooped on the home on Thursday at about 21:30 Williams spoke to TygerBurger on Mon- day, after her court appearance. She said she and Ukatu had been together for eight years, five of which were spent in the home where they were arrested on char- ges of dealing in drugs and having at least R15 500 in suspected stolen goods on the pre- mises. According to the Brackenfell police spoke- sperson Erica Crous, an electronic scale and several zip-lock bags, as well as cash and fo- reign currency, television sets, a gas heater and various tools were confiscated during the raid. Williams claimed some of the items as her own property. V To page 2. Klein Jacobus Pieters (4) van Welgemoed hardloop hier los voor die eerste rugbyspan van die Hoërskool Stellenberg uit met die span se geluk bringerteddiebeer onder geesdriftige toejuiging van die Stelliesleerders. Dit was voor die finale interskolekragmeting teen die Hoërskool Durbanville verlede Saterdag. Die span het nóg twee gelukbrin gers gehad, Giscard Pieters (6) en Chris Taljaard (8). Met al dié gelukbringers was dit geen wonder die skool se rugbyspanne het agt van hul 11 wedstryde teen die Durbies gewen nie. Lees die sportberig op bl. 44. FOTO: KOOSPROPIC Drie bring geluk vir Stellies 2 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS Talitha le Sueur Bsc. Hons. (Stell.) Registered Audiologist. Practising at Lompré House Loerie Park • Paul Kruger Rd • Durbanville Tel: 021 976 2811 • Evaluation of hearing loss for adults and children • Fitting of hearing aids • Variety of styles and makes supplied • Trial period available Reg No. AU 0000043 X1QFU1R9-AL260815 VISA & MASTERCARD FACILITIES Dr. JENNIFER DE KOK FAMILY ORIENTATED DENTAL PRACTICE GLENGARRY DENTAL B.Ch.D (Pretoria) MON to FRI: 8h00 - 17h00 EVERY 2nd SATURDAY: 8h00 - 13h00 FIRST FLOOR - GLENGARRY CENTRE MEDICAL AID TARIFFS / SPECIAL PENSIONERS TARIFFS TEL: 021 - 982 7111 X1QCY1BD-AL260815 HEARING AIDS Call Toll-free 0860666660 or 083 272 3112 By appointmet only HEARING TESTS If you are interested sms ‘HEAR’ to 34007 DURBANVILLE: Mediplein Medical Centre BRACKENFELL:Medicross Medical Centre, c/o Brackenfell Boulevard & Nina Str. BELLVILLE: Oakmed Centre behind Mkem PAROW: Medicross Medical Centre, McIntyre Road Contracted into Medical Aids MICHAEL FOURIE B. Pharm Dip.HAA HEARING AIDS X1QFU0T1-AL260815 www.nb-hearing.co.za NB-HEARING@ nb hearing we think hearing’s important Carien de Jager B (Speech & HearingTherapy)B (Speech & Hearing Therapy) M (Audiology) with distinction Natalie Buttress Sea Point 021 433 0340 Durbanville Medi Clinic 021 976 5599 Selfs KOUE ore moet HOOR! X1QEY2UR-AL260815 BRACKENFELL: 021 981 0528 OKAVANGO JUNCTION KENWIL DR MAITLAND: 021 593 6307 8TH AVE, KENSINGTON RETREAT/TOKAI: 021 701 2101 6 HONEYWELL RD www.thecandlefactoryshop.co.za
[email protected] WE’RE CLOSED 24TH SEPTEMBER PUBLIC HOLIDAYWE’RE CLOSED 24TH SEPTEMBER PUBLIC HOLIDAY FOR ALL YOUR EVENTS, GIFTS, DÉCOR & LOAD SHEDDING ESSENTIALS FOR ALL YOUR EVENTS, GIFTS, DÉCOR & LOAD SHEDDING ESSENTIALS CANDLES, CANDLE ACCESSORIES, SERVIETTES & MORE!CANDLES, CANDLE ACCESSORIES, SERVIETTES & MORE! X1QFYKFR-AL260815 Freshly Baked or Frozen Pies www.excellentpies.co.za Tel 021 981 7733 / 801 7071 Cnr. Taurus & Orion St, Brackenfell WINTER SPECIAL ON FROZEN PIES D I S T R I B U T O R S R E Q U I R E D I N A L L A R E A S 24 x 200g @ R180-00 12 x 300g @ R130-80 12 x @ R130-80 PIES (R7-50 ea) JUMBO PIES (10-90 ea) CHEESE BURGER PIES (R10-90 ea) X1QFLQ79-AL260815 ���>3."+13&&3 �"/>1%>�3 Find us online www.tygerburger.co.za facebook.com/tygerburger twitter.com/tygerburger(@TygerBurger) youtube.com/tygerburgerweb issuu.com/tygerburgerweb FROM PAGE 1 “I bought that television. They say I stole goods,but there is the box of the contract cellphone I bought,” she said, showing Tyg- erBurger a box with a courier’s waybill en- velope still attached. “Mykidsand I are stayingon inGroenval- lei. I refuse to move out. Kingsley won’t be coming back here. My kids and I will be making a clean slate,” she said. “I am amother and I have integrity. I will show this judgmental community that Iwill not fall down,” she said. “I’m from good stock, they don’t know me or where I’m from or who I am. “It is in this community that my children and I have been referred to as ‘k–rs’. They are racist. How would you feel if your 12-year-old comes running home, cry- ing, because children called him a ‘k–r’?” she said. “What I do, I do for my kids,” she said. Williams confirmed she is “accused number one”, but denied that any charges had been brought against Ukatu. “All the charges are against me alone,” she said. However, the Bellville po- lice on Tuesday confirmed both she and Ukatu would appear on the mentioned charges. According to Bellville po- lice spokesperson Captain Fienie Nimb, Ukatu will ap- pear in the Bellville Magis- trate’s Court again on Fri- day. “Ukatu’s appearance was hampered by the fact he had no legal docu- mentation to be in the country. On Friday he must produce the necessary documenta- tion. “According to our information his pass- port has expired. The accused says he has applied to have his passport renewed. On Friday hewill have to prove this to themag- istrate or be deemed illegal in the country,” she said. In previous articles written by TygerBur- ger since 2011, there has been a steady stream of unknown people frequenting the couple’s home in Groenvallei. The neighbourhood watch alleges the strollers and visitors are mostly drug ad- dicts and a constant source of irritation to residents. “They only ever disappeared when there was a police raid coming,” said Greyling. She and watch secretary Petro Neethling and watch member Patsy Barnardo said on Monday that they welcomed the arrests. “You have no idea how quiet it’s been around here since Thursday,” Neethling said. Neethling added: “The community will give her another chance. But she’s going to have to prove herself. We don’t understand how she’ll be able to pay the rent – nobody in that house is working, as far as we know.” The watch bought paint and refurbished the wall along one of the alleys where sus- pects used to hang out. “We patrol here everyday. We see the fa- ces, we know who comes and goes. Does anyone wish to tell us people to go into that house to ‘fetch water’ at twelve at night?” Neethling said. “Or that they come ‘for their birthday cake’ that Williams had baked? Or that she’s keeping their ‘meat in her freezer’, but they don’t even live in the area?”The neigh- bours had lived with the comings and go- ings of various people traipsing in and out of Williams’s home for so long, “they will only realise the full impact of the goings-on at that house once this house is sold and there are new residents,” said Greyling. Mandy Williams, life partner of alleged Groenvallei druglord Kingsley Ukatu. PHOTOS: MICHELLE LINNERT The door was kicked in by police when they raided the Groenvallei house. MAGRIET THERON @magrietron I nwoners van Boston is geskok nadat nóg ’n leerder van die Hoërskool D.F. Malan voor skool beroof is. Dié graad 12-seun, wat van Scottstraat na die skool op pad was, is om 07:15 gisterog- gend (Dinsdag) deur ’n man in die gesig ge- steek en van sy foon beroof. “Sy lip is gesny en hy sal stekemoet kry,” het ’n bron by die skool gesê. Annelize Brand, ’n ma wat op pad na ’n nabygeleë laerskool was, vertel: “Ek voel verskriklik. Ek het daar verbygery toe dit gebeur en glad nie besef dít is wat aangaan nie. Twee seuns het agtermekaar geloop en die man het van voor gekom en die agterste seun met die skouer gestamp en aangeloop. Dit het soos ’n ongeluk gelyk en het so vin- nig gebeur,” het sy gesê. “Ek kan nie eens onthou wat die man aangehad het nie, ek weet net dit was donker klere.” Sy sê sedert haar 13-jarige dogter twee jaar gelede deur tweemans op straat gegryp en die kind se selfoon gesteel is, loop haar kinders glad nie meer alleen skool toe nie. ’nD.F.Malan-ouermet tweedogters indie skool, sê: “Daar is al baie kinders se selfone gegryp, maar hierdie is die eerste keer dat ek hoor ’n kind is beseer. Ek was altyd be- kommerd oor die selfone wat wegraak, maar nou besef ek ’n mens moet méér be- kommerdwees oor jou kind. ’nMenswil nie jou kind bang praat nie,maar hullemoet ge- waarsku word.” Inwoners van die Bosbell- omgewing blameer die insident op die onomheinde TielmanMarais-park suid van die skool. Dié park, waardeur die Elsies- kraalrivier vloei, verleen wegkruipplek aan misdadigers en bied toegang tot die woonbuurt aanvoetverkeer vanDurban- en Voortrekkerweg. ’n Inwoner meen: “Dit is onaanvaarbaar. Ten spyte van bure wat so- veel omgee, patrolleer, uitkyk vir mekaar enWhatsApp,moet daardie bruggie (oordie kanaal) waai.” Inwoners oorweeg ’n petisie aan die Stad om die park te omheim. DF-effer gesteek op pad skool toe Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 3 M - K E M 2 6 0 8 1 5 Email:
[email protected] (Opposite Barons & Toys Us in Bellville) R M-KEM is conveniently situated next to the N1 Tel: 021 948 5706 www.mkem.co.zal M-KEM partners Gill Watson, Mr M & Leigh Hershaw Great Value! Great Value! 20% discount on all including Green Cross Slippers and Oskava Sheep Skin Slippers 20% FOOTWEAR FOOTWEAR Valid until 09 Sep 2015 20% 20% T’s & C’s Apply Earn While You Learn! Salary for 4 Months = R4000 Basic + Commission Thereafter Salary Negotiable based on performance. Valued At Over Only Available if you Un-Employed and Under the age of 35. Previous work as Sales is an Advantage. Please call 087 702 4644 or
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[email protected] Visit our websitewww.help2read.org X1QE6A67-AL260815 X1QFX87D-AL260815 Withmore than 35 years of experience inmanufacturing leather furniture, we bring you excellence and quality furniture at an affordable price. Select from our furniture in our showroom ranging from classic tomodern or bring your own custom design.We also offer repair services, re-dying of old couches and the re-stuffing of pillows. There is no job too big or too small forMagda's Leather. Withmore than 35 years of experience inmanufacturing leather furniture, we bring you excellence and quality furniture at an affordable price. Select from our furniture in our showroom ranging from classic tomodern or bring your own custom design.We also offer repair services, re-dying of old couches and the re-stuffing of pillows. There is no job too big or too small forMagda's Leather. Tel: (021) 945 1931 • www.magdasleather.co.za ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme ’n Verwese Sandra Robinson en haar man, Phil, koorleier van die beken- de Suid-Afrikaanse Jeugkoor, het verlede Donderdag weer in die Bellville- handelshof verskyn in verband met die saak van R9,4 miljoen se vleisbedrog. Sandra (44) en Phil (48), voorheen van Durbanville, staan tereg op meer as 30 aan- klagte van bedrog, diefstal, geldwassery en sameswering om bedrog te pleeg. Die egpaar word daarvan beskuldig dat hulle tussen 2009 en 2013 beleggers genader het om geld in hul vleisverspreidingsmaat- skappy, Nulogix, te belê. Volgens die staat het dié onderneming, wat na bewering vleis vanNamibië naSuid- Afrika ingevoer en plaaslike versprei het, nooit bestaan nie. Sandra en Phil het afgemat en strak voor- gekom en hulle het skaars met mekaar ge- praat. Streeklanddros Sabrina Sonnenberg het die saak tot 18 September uitgestel. Phil se borgtog van R5 000 is verleng, ter- wyl Sandra in aanhouding bly tot hul vol- gende verskyning. Sy word sedert Februa- rie aangehou nadat sy haar borgtogvoor- waardes oortree het. Sy het na bewering verdere bedrog gepleeg ná sy in Desember verlede jaar op borgtog vrygelaat is. Adv. Gertrude Magopeni het vir die staat verskyn. Carika Esterhuizen het namens die regs- hulpraad vir die beskuldigdes verskyn. Verwese egpaar weer voor oor vleisbedrog Sandra Robinson en haar man, Phil, is hier in gesprek met hul regsverteenwoordiger, Carika Esterhuizen, tydens hul verskyning in die Bellvillehandelshof. Streeklanddros Sabrina Sonnenberg het ’n aansoek van die media toegestaan om foto’s in die hof te mag neem ondanks hul versoek daarteen. Sonnenberg het gesê dis in belang van die gemeenskap. FOTO: DENVOR DE WEE 4 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS Dr. Ockert Bekker BChD (UWC) PDD (Endo) (UWC) PDD (Aest) (UWC) Monday – Friday: 8AM – 6PM Saturday: 8AM – 1PM Medical Aid Rates Apply Tel: 021 976 4610 Email:
[email protected] www.bekkerdental.co.za Office 1A Aurora Ipic Shopping Centre c/o Aurora and Burton Road Now open in Aurora, Durbanville! B E L LV I L L E HOP is proudly associated as a member of the Franchise Association of South Africa legendaryretailBRANDS @HouseofPaintfacebook.com/houseofpaint House of Paint reserves the right to limit quantities of any advertised item offered for sale. All offers valid from 26 August - 16 September 2015. While stocks last. House of Paint takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Prices exclude accessories used for display purposes and include VAT. Visit us at www.houseofpaint.co.za. address: 176 Durban Road, Bellville trading hours: mon - fri: 07:30 – 17:00 sat: 08:00 – 13:00 sun and public holidays: CLOSED tel: (021) 945 3162 Velvaglo CODE: VLW1-5L • For interior & exterior use non-drip enamel • Available in white only 389 99 5L Water Based Wise Buy Plaster Primer 530 99 20L OUT DEALS VALID FROM 26 AUGUST - 16 SEPTEMBER 2015 Wallseal • For exterior walls 720 00 20L • White only • 20L - Pastel colours ...750 00 True Colour Acrylic Roof • Long lasting • Available in standard colours 570 99 20L DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE ELDERLY & FRAIL THEN GIVE THEM THE BEST • COMFEY PREMIUM ADULT DIAPERSDO YOU CARE ABOUT THE ELDERLY & FRAIL THEN GIVE THEM THE BEST • COMFEY PREMIUM ADULT DIAPERS The (MED, LARGE, X/LARGE) ORR65.00 (10’s) R370.00 (CASE OF 60’s) (MED, LARGE, X/LARGE) (10’s)OR (CASE OF 60’s) R65.00 R370.00 COMFEY CARE ADULT DIAPERS COMFEY CARE ADULT DIAPERS PAMPERS BABY WIPES PAMPERS BABY WIPES R18.95R18.95 (64’s / 54’s)(64’s / 54’s) COMFREY LINEN SAVERS COMFREY LINEN SAVERS R35.00R35.00 600 mm x 900 mm PER PACKED OF 10’S 600 mm x 900 mm PER PACKED OF 10’S R35.00 (10’s)R35.00 (10’s) DRY FIRST PREMIUM BABY DIAPERS DRY FIRST PREMIUM BABY DIAPERS R139.95 (BAG)R139.95 (BAG) (MED, LARGE, X/LARGE)(MED, LARGE, X/LARGE) COMFREY CARE ADULT PULL UP PANTS COMFREY CARE ADULT PULL UP PANTS R79.95 (10’s)R79.95 (10’s) (MED, LARGE, X/LARGE)(MED, LARGE, X/LARGE) OROR R750.00 (CASE OF 100’s)R750.00 (CASE OF 100’s) COMFREY ADULT UNISEX PADS COMFREY ADULT UNISEX PADS Address: Unit 7 Beacon Corner, Corner of Jan Smuts road and Linton close (Next to traffic department) Beaconvale Parow Tel: 021 932 6561 • Fax: 021 932 6557 • Email:
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[email protected] Address: Unit 7 Beacon Corner, Corner of Jan Smuts road and Linton close (Next to traffic department) Beaconvale Parow Tel: 021 932 6561 • Fax: 021 932 6557 • Email:
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[email protected] FACTORY SHOP 8hr protection – suitable for Day & Night use 8hr protection – suitable for Day & Night use PREMIUM ADULT DIAPERS PREMIUM ADULT DIAPERS MED 40's (R5.00/nappy) MED 40's (R5.00/nappy) R199.95R199.95 R150.00R150.00 XL 30's (R5.00 /nappy) XL 30's (R5.00 /nappy) SLEEP & PLAY (Jumbo Pack) SLEEP & PLAY (Jumbo Pack) ACTIVE PAMPERS (Jumbo Pack) ACTIVE PAMPERS (Jumbo Pack) R159.95 (BAG)R159.95 (BAG) R179.95 (BAG)R179.95 (BAG) (All sizes)(All sizes) (All sizes)(All sizes) HOPE GIRL MENSTRUAL PANTS HOPE GIRL MENSTRUAL PANTS (4's) R5.00 each)(4's) R5.00 each) R19.95R19.95 X1QG2AND-QK250815 Liezel Viljoen van die Laerskool Totius was deel van die Proteaspan wat SuidAfrika verteenwoordig het by die Presisieskietwêreldkampi oenskap wat onlangs in Brisbane, Australië plaasgevind het. Sy verower ’n silwermedalje in die junior presisieskietafdeling vir die liggeweerklas. Die Presisieskietwê reldkampioenskap word slegs elke 4 jaar aangebied. Die volgende wêreldkampioenskap vind in 2019 in SuidAfrika plaas. Liezel het ook deelgeneem aan die Australiese teikenskietkompetisie vir .22’s en daar behaal sy ’n algehele derde plek. Sy het ook verlede maand in Brisbane aan ’n groot netbaltoer nooi (High Energy Youth Tourna ment) deelgeneem. Liezel was deel van die Beetlesnetbalklub se o.14Aspan. Na 14 uitspeelwedstryde het hulle die toernooi gewen. Laerskool Totius se Liezel presteer Meah Groenewald (graad 4) en Charl Wolfaardt (graad 5) van die Laerskool Totius dans in dieselfde hiphopspan, Ablaze. Hulle het WesKaap kleure verwerf ná die WesKaapkampioenskap. Hulle het onlangs deelge neem aan die kadetkategorie by die SA kampioenskap en tot die eindronde deurge dring, waarin hulle die agtste posisie beklee het. MICHELLE LINNERT @linnertmb A n innovative group of recyclers are collecting, sorting and repurposing old andunwantedhousehold itemsnot fit for resale. Noel Ehrenreich and partner Justin Hur- ling started New Earth Recycling two years ago in the hope of creating jobs and conser- ving the environment at the same time. “We offer a free collection and recycling service of broken and unwanted ‘white ele- phant’ goods and furniture,” said Noel. InApril the duo launched their “residenti- al collection campaign” in the Durbanville area. The initiative is so successfull they are expanding into Bellville and beyond. The team has joined forces with a well- known high-end furnishing company and through the initiative are donating part of their earnings to needy schools. “We have a sorting, materials recovery and refurbishment facility in Parow Indus- tria where our team recycle all goods collec- ted into different recyclable streams,” said Noel. The items are then either used as rawma- terial for other manufacturing processes, or turned into refurbished units. “We literally turn waste into a resource, diverting it away from scarce landfill sites.” The team are accredited by the City of Ca- pe Town, he said. “People who wish to refurbish their ho- mes and get rid of old furniture, appliances or bric-a-brac can contact us to recycle these goods,” said Noel. They also have a competition in which le- arners can submit a drawing or article and win an iPad or digital camera, as well as an appliance discount voucher from the furnis- her. VMore Details can be obtained from www.newear threcycling.co.za. Residents can call 021 975 3936 to schedule a collection time. Recycling venture grows Law studies: Justice and Correctional Services Minister Michael Masutha last Wednesday delivered the 10th Dullah Omar Memorial Lecture at UWC. With him is Farieda Omar, widow of former Justice Minister Dullah Omar, who also founded the Community Law Centre at the university’s law faculty in 1990. Farieda Omar officially unveiled the Dullah Omar Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance, and Human Rights at UWC on Thursday. PHOTO: PICASA Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 5 BUY DIRECT AND SAVE!!!WEMAKE IT OURSELVES SALE ENDS 02/09/2015 T’s &C’s APPLY - - FREE PARKING AT ALL STORESTOLL FREE: 0800 0030 47 TOKAI - SOUTH PALMS 021 701 1682 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.furnicraft.co.za OTTERY - MEGASTORE ADJACENT TOMAKRO UTILITY ROBE RRP R1659 R799 White melamine Hanging and top shelf Fully assembled UTILITY 5 DRAW CHEST RRP R999 Available in colours & mahogany finish Deep drawer storage on both sides of bed Available in 3 quarter, double, queen and king size HERITAGE 137cmSTORAGE BED R6499 R4499 RRP R14999 RRP R10599 CRAFTMASTER 6pcMULTIROBE CRAFTMASTER 3pcMULTIROBE DREAM COT Supawood - deep routered Centre robe all packing Storage top boxes Deep drawers on metal runners Fully assembled White melamine Spacious drawers Fully assembled N E W R2499 RRP R5799 SLIDE UNDER TOP & BOTTOM BED SUPAWOOD DOUBLE BUNK RRP R4599 RRP R4199 Supawood construction Colours extra Mattresses not included R1999 R1899 Extra large with mattress included Drop side and deep drawer Supawood and solid wood construction Fully assembled RRP R6699 R1999 Built in look ceiling height (2.35m) MAMMOTH CLEARANCE Supawood - deep routered Deep drawers on metal runners Spacious mirror dressing table unit 1 X all hanging robe & 1 X hanging and packing No assembly required R469 R2999 RRP R7999 Extra deep drawers on metal runners Designer splashback Towel rail Fully assembled Bottom bed fitted on wheels Real space saver! Bookcase headboard & mattress optional extra Fully assembled TWINKLE DELUXE BABY COMPACTUM Lam- braai t jops kg R69 99 Hoender Boudj ies & dye Gevr ies Leg 1/4 3.5Kg Sakke R90.97 elk R25 99 kg Heel en halwe lam R69 99 kg R24 99 kg Hoenderdye gevr ies 3.5Kg sakke - R87.46 elk Heel Hoender gevr ies R23 99 kg R39 99 kg Heel/halwe Vark R39 99 kg Varkpakke met stowevleis R39 99 kg Beespakke met stowevleis R149 99 R149 99 kg Maandae Beesbi l tong Dinsdae Beesdroë- wors R129 99 kg R39 99 kg Texan Hamburger Patt ies R39 99 kg Oukraalwors R49 99 kg Maer Bees- maalvleis R59 99 kg Skaapland Boerewors Cheddar-/ Goudakaas R69 99 kg Aanbod geldig vanaf 26 Aug - 1 Sept 2015 | Terwyl voorraad hou | Verskeidenheid wild snitte in voorraad | Ma. tot Vry. 8h30-17h30 / Sat 8h30-14h00 Pensionaris 5% korting op Woensdae op alle produkte behalwe spesiale aanbiedings. X1QG0HJ9-AL260815 Factory Shop Now Open! Real Leather Shoes at Factory Shop prices. 17 Van Der Stel Road Beaconvale Parow 58 Voortrekker Road Goodwood Open Monday to Saturday CHIC S H O E S X1QFRK6M-AL260815 w w w . fi e l l i . c o . z a a touch of distinction fi e l ill * All major credit cards accepted. E&OE. *Pod 5B Roof Top Parking, Canal Walk Shopping Centre - 021 552 3119 - Century City (next to Bride & Co) *Bloemfontein - 051 430 7071 *Woodmead,Johannesburg - 011 656 1885 *Springfield,Durban - 031 263 2820 Trading Hours Mon - Sun : 09h00 to 19h00 STOCKIST OF Valid until 8 March or While Stocks Last DÈCOR 50% OFF Valid Until 31 August 2015 NO Lay-Bye’s on SALE Items. MICHELLE LINNERT @linnertmb S oos van sy nabygeleë bure spog die Ridgeworth-woonbuurt ook nou met twee nuwe lisensieherkenningskame- ras (LPR-kameras). Dié kameras word deur ’n plaaslike se- kerheidsmaatskappy gemonitor, wat dan inligting oor verdagte mense en voertuie aan die polisie deurstuur en self ook die to- neel besoek, sê Myburgh du Plessis, dié buurtwag se voorsitter. “Ons beoog om in die toekomsookvanSMS’e gebruik temaak om die nodige kommunikasie uit te stuur.” Myburgh sê sy buurtwaghet reeds ’n aan- soek ingedien om deel van die provinsiale netwerkvanLPR-kameras te raak. “Ons sal dan toegang hê na hul databasis,” sê hy. Myburgh voeg by dat sy wag en die naby- geleë Stellenridge-buurtwag saam ses in- gange deel en dat dit dus “net sin gemaak dat ons die projek saam aanpak om sodoen- de die kostes te deel en ’n noue samewer- king tussen ons gemeenskap skep”. Sedert hulle die kameras ’n paarweke ge- lede geïnstalleer het, sê Myburgh het hulle reeds ’n bakkie opgelet wat drie keer in hul areamense genader het om vullis te verwy- der. Hy meen die kameras dui aan hoeveel “besoekers” van ander gebiede hul buurt besoek, en of daar sodoende ’n risiko inge- hou word. Soos met ander buurtwagte in die Bellville-gebied wat reeds van LPR-ka- meras gebruik maak, meen Myburgh die ander groot hulp is hul kommunikasie op die sosiale medium Whatsapp. “Sodra ons ’n alert kry, kommunikeer ons viaWhatsApp na patrolleerders, seker- heidsmaatskapye en ander omliggende are- as. Op dié manier deel ons inligting en al- mal in ons onmiddellike omgewingkan rea- geer, en sodoende help ons mekaar om n verskil te maak.” Myburgh sê met die kameras in plek is hulle nou in staat om met naburige woon- buurtes inligting tedeel, so ookmetdiepoli- sie en sekerheidsmaatskappye. Van die ses ingange word twee gemonitor. “Elke ingang kos ongeveerR40 000 vir die kameras, en sodra daar R40 000 ingesamel is, ‘doen’ ons ’n ingang. Ek hoopmet die sa- mewerking van ons bure kan ons genoeg geld insamel om al ses ingange teen die ein- de van die jaar klaar te hê.” V Inwoners wat belangstel, is welkom om hulle te kontak by
[email protected] of Stellenrid
[email protected] indien hulle meer inligting soek. Dit kos slegs R300 eenmalig. R’worth het kameras Badisa se beradingsentrum vir vroue in Boston, die Magdalenahuis, hou eersdaags sy jaarvergadering. Dié vergadering sal opVrydag 16Oktober plaasvind, waar dr. Sibis Mouton die gas- spreker sal wees. Mouton is ’n dosent in ingenieurswese aan ’n plaaslike universiteit, ’n praktise- rende gedragskinesioloog, ’n voormalige ysterman-wêreldkampioen in die afstand- kompetisie, asook fasiliteerder van die Zest4Life-kursusse wat in Kaapstad, die Verenigde Koninkryk en die Seychelles aangebied word. Mouton is ’n formidabele vrou en haar aanbieding is getiteld: Journey to Joy, ge- grond op haar outobiografie, Journey to Joy, World Champ at last. Dienste by die sentrum sentreer rondom swangerskapsberading, aanneming en her- komsnavrae. V Kontak 021 948 3637 met enige navrae. Beradingsentrum hou jaarvergadering 6 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS Notice lots of good grocery specials in the paper today? So dowe. BrandMatch now includes advertised specials. Remember to check your coupon. Only at Pick n Pay. T’s & C’s apply. www.picknpay.co.za/brandmatch Open Streets Bellville to go ahead T he Open Streets project has been given the go-ahead in Bellville and all resi- dents are invited to participate in a public presentation. Aftermonths of planning, discussions and walkabouts hosted by local organisations, the NGO tasked with planning the event in partnershipand theGreaterTygerbergPart- nership (GTP), the go-ahead was given to host the event on Sunday 4 October. Car-free This will see a car-free corridor in Bell- ville, allowing residents to play in the street, in this case Kruskal Avenue and Durban Road. A public meeting will be held tonight (Wednesday 26 August from 18:00 to 20:00) at the Bellville Library. All local residents and other interested parties are invited to hear a presentation on the proposed plans for Open Streets Bell- ville. “For the past two months, we have been working with the Greater Tygerberg Part- nership (GTP) to assess the feasibility of holding an Open Streets Day in Bellville,” said organiser Rebecca Campbell. “Connecting with the Voortrekker Road Corridor is of strategic importance to the Open Streets Cape Town agenda of eventual- ly connecting the city with a network of ‘open streets’,” she said. An agreement was reached on Friday 14 August to continue with plans for hosting the event in October, which will be the third such event in Cape Town. One was held in BreeStreet in January andanother inLanga in March. Pedestrian friendly “Stay tuned for details of planning meet- ings and other ways of getting involved in this exciting day,” said Campbell. “If you have any friends who live in Bell- ville,make sure to let themknow so they can join the planning process. Get ready to ride the train or join one of the bicycle buses heading to Bellville on Sunday 4 October.” GTP CEO Chris O’Connor said they are working to improve the area by making it more pedestrian-friendly. “Open Streets is an opportunity for all to experience what that would be like. It will also be a good op- portunity for local residents to come togeth- er and meet each other.” The event is inspired by Bogota’s Ciclovia where 120 km of streets are turned into car- free space across the Colombian city every Sunday. The aim of Open Streets is to enable citi- zens to use streets freely and safely. Hun- dreds of cities around the world have devel- oped similar programmes. Gekies vir WP: René Scott, ’n gr. 7leerder aan die Laerskool BellvilleNoord, is gekies vir die WP se o.13netbalspan. Sy het op 7 en 8 Augustus saam met haar span, The Doves, aan ’n toernooi op Riversdal deelgeneem. Die span het ’n silwermedalje verower. Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 7 BUTCHERY Pork Rib & Loin Chops 59.99per kg Spatchcock Chicken Assorted Marinades 29.99per kg Sekelhout Boerewors 49.99per kg Thigh Sosaties 59.99per kg Stewing Beef 49.99per kg Chicken Leg Quarters 29.99per kg WORLD CLASS BUTCHERY They bring you the finest gourmet cuts, so be sure to come and say “hi” the next time you visit our store. COME & MEET OUR EXPERT BLOCKMEN WILLOWBRIDGE Carl Cronje Drive, Tygervalley, Tel: 021 914 8011/12/14 Valid Dates: Wednesday 26 - Sunday 30 August 2015 • While Stocks Last! ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 250815 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE 8 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS OPEN SUNDAYS SHOP SOILED FRIDGES & SERVICESHOP SOILED FRIDGES & SERVICE WIDE range of all KIC andWhirlpool Appliances. All Guaranteed. LAY-BYES ACCEPTED (OVER 3 MONTHS) 29 MONTAGUE DRIVE, UNIT 7, MONTAGUE GARDENS, 7441 TEL: 021 552 6648 WIDE range of all KIC andWhirlpool Appliances. All Guaranteed. LAY-BYES ACCEPTED (OVER 3 MONTHS) 29 MONTAGUE DRIVE, UNIT 7, MONTAGUE GARDENS, 7441 TEL: 021 552 6648 Double Oven WHIRLPOOL NFX IX AQUA now R7999 was R8999 10 left in stock It is our Birthday! It is our Birthday! Visit us in store for more specials on our wide range of products! Single Oven 700mm wide NOW IN STOCK HUGE QUANTITIES Double Door Fridges of Kelvinator Dishwashers R1799 R1999 white metallic X1QE5AHM-AL260815 FREE R2000 Training Course Gift Time To Up-Skill Yourself Study At Campus Or Distance Learning Cut Out & Bring In This Ad To Redeem Your Free R2000 Training Voucher. Online Your Online Shopping Mall Head Office 52 St Georges Mall 6th Floor Allianz House Cape Town www.ushoponline.co.za 6 th Floor,Allia nz House 52 St Georges Mall Cape Town CBD Call Now: 087 702 4644 Power Bank R295 NOW ONLY 2400mAH & 6000mAH Charge Your Phone & Tablet R799 NOW ONLY was R1300 Refurbished Includes: Full Computer Box Monitor Keyboard & Mouse Full P4 Desktop Computer R85 NOW ONLY 7" Dual Core Tablet PC R699 NOW ONLY was R1200 8GIG Storage Dual Core Front & Rear Camera WiFi +Bluetooth Free Silicon Casing R6999 NOW ONLY was R8999 4 Channel Surveillance Systems Installed Surveillance Systems FREE R2000 T Cut Out & Bring In This House FREE R2000 Training Course Gift Cut Out & Bring In This Ad To Redeem Your 6 th Floor,Allia z House T’s & C’s Apply was R8999was R8999was R8999 Kenridge Shopping Centre www.vdmoptom.co.za Tel: 021 914 1521 “Word jouoë moeg,of ervaar jyhoofpynemet rekenaarwerk?” Kombesoekonsomdie oplossinghiervoor te bespreek. Maaksommer vandagnog 'nafspraak! X1QFU25R-AL260815 A lthough shopping expeditions can be a tiring excursion for some, it is met with a lot of enthusiasm by Stikland Psychiatric Hospital clients. Established in 2008 and located on the hos- pital’s premises, the “Stikland Môl”, a sec- ond-hand clothing shop, enables clients of the facility to shop for their own clothing – at no cost to them. Store manager and member of the Health Facility Board, Chantelle Van Niekerk, says the shop is a great benefit to the clients. “Because many of our clients are finan- cially constrained and have no family or friends to rely on, the Stikland Môl enables themtoobtain clothingandessential items.” Van Niekerk said the shop operates on a clothing voucher system to ensure a record is kept of items leaving the shop. The general public and staff members have to purchase items using cash. “Each ward will be informed of what items are available at the shop. They will then iden- tify which clients require what clothing items,” says Van Niekerk. “The unit manager of the ward will then sign a voucher for each client, and a staff member will accompany the client to the Sti- kland Môl to ‘purchase’ the clothing items. “Dressing rooms are also available for cli- ents who would like to determine the fit of an item beforemaking a purchase,” says VanNi- ekerk. She explains that the facility is dependent on the generosity of the public. “The act of helping others has a profound ability to create an improved sense of well- being. We therefore encourage and invite everyone to donate to the StiklandMôl – all donations will be accepted.” Apart from clothing, Stikland Môl also stocks bedding, ‘bric-a-brac’, board games, puzzles, reading material and DVDs. All donated products are also available to staff members and the general public at reasonable prices. The funds generated from the store go to- wards internal projects for the clients and items like donated board games and puz- zles are used by clients for recreational purposes. The hospital also boasts a library and a hair salon. This service is available on Wednesdays and is offered by a volunteer. Brought to fruition and managed by the Health Facility Board of Stikland Hospital, the Stikland Môl has allowed community members to become more aware and in- formed about mental health. Dalena Folscher, chairperson of Stikland Hospital’s Health Facility Board, says: “When donating to an organisation, one be- comes more informed about social needs and a change in perspective on certain top- ics may occur as well as developing a new point of view. “This knowledge may enable you to help increase the awareness of social needs, in this casemental health, among those in your community and among your peers.” The Stikland Môl is open on Mondays to Wednesdays and Fridays from 09:00 to 14:00. It is closed on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. V Donations of clothing to stock the shop can be ar ranged with Chantelle Van Niekerk on 021 940 8909 or
[email protected]. Shop empowers Stikland patients Chantelle van Niekerk, manager of the Stikland Môl and member of the Health Facility Board, takes a sneak peak at the clothing on offer to Stikland Hospital clients. Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 9 55 .00 49 .99 bring this voucher in-store and receive your choice of any of these featured offers to enjoy with your main meal cup of coffee chilli poppers spring rolls Only valid at Ocean Basket De Ville and Ocean Basket Glengarry. While stocks last. Terms & Conditions apply. Ocean Basket De Ville 021 975 5344 Ocean basket Glengarry 021 981 8948 the winter warm-up The University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) in Bellville is to receive the 2015 Diamond Arrow Award. This follows being ranked the top accredited business school for the fifth consecutive year in the Professional Management Review (PMR.af- rica) annual survey of schools offeringMBA and MBL degrees in South Africa. Human resource directors and line mana- gers at listed and large companies, national, provincial and local government depart- ments, municipalities and state-owned en- terprises participated in the survey. Employees studying at, or who have gra- duated from, accredited business schools were ranked according to a list of criteria, including academic knowledge, knowlede application, communication skills, emotio- nal intelligence, entrepreneurial skills, en- vironmental awareness, ethical business conduct, financial management and human resource management. “USB is delighted at this confirmation that our students are highly regarded in the actual marketplace. It is a vindication of hard work by our academics and of a pro- gramme design that prepares students for the fast shifting demands of the business world,” says USB director professor Piet Naudé. USB marketing director Dr Marietjie Theron-Wepener, says the reputation of any organisation is ultimately determined by its clients and other stakeholders. “The fact this survey was done by an external, inde- pendent institution gives the outcome credi- bility.” Commenting on USB scoring even higher than last year, she said it means USB’s con- stant renewal of its MBA programme and the impact of its MBA graduates on South African organisations are being noticed. The school is the only one in Africa with five-year European (EQUIS) accreditation. It was also the first school from an African university to be awarded all three major in- ternational accreditations – EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. USB is best once again 10 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015HOOFARTIKELBLAD Jy kan nie hand skud met ’n gebal de vuis nie. Indira Ghandi Young Fiddlers: The Grade R class at Good Hope Seminary Junior School in Vredehoek started violin lessons in March this year. Last Friday the young five and sixyearold violinists performed before an audience for the first time. They are taught through the Suzuki method by renowned violin teacher Maria Botha. PHOTO: CARINA ROUX BRIEWE
[email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00 There seem to be quite a few unfortunate dog attacks reported lately: dog vs dog, human vs dog, etc. The com- mon denominator here is at least one dog off a leash. Come on people, it’s not that difficult. Put your dog on a lead. I have dogs and I’m a huge dog lover but would never walk them off leash. My daughter was bitten by a dog belonging to an idiot down the road and is emotio- nally scarred to the point where she is now terrified of strange dogs. His dog continues to roam the street unattended. The incident was reported, he was warned, yet there has been no change and the damage has been done to my child. I don’t blame the dog, I blame the owner but will certainly not hesitate to protect myself or my children, by any means possible should any dog off leash approach us in an agressive fashion. Would I also be charged with animal cruelty? If you can’t be a responsible dog owner, get a goldfish. JP Email Dogs need to be kept on a leash Onlangs stop ek by die Hiper- mark-sentrum in Brackenfell. Ek neem my handsak en sambreel en gaan eers na die OTM en toe na twee van die ondernemings. Toe ek aanstap na die uit- Sekerheidsman se hulp aan te prys A while ago you published a letter of mine (TB, 5 August) in connection with the street people, with the bold heading “Hose the People off the Streets”. I strongly object to your heading as it creates a completely false impression of the content of my letter. “Fine Spray could act as Deterrent” would have been a far more honest and less inciting heading. In subsequent letters written by certain contributors this ‘Hose the People off the Streets” heading is repeated alongside my name. This Finemist not the sameas ‘hose’ creates the impression that it was part of my original letter and that I am some kind of callous individual. Obviously the intermittent fine water spray idea was to act as a deterrent and encourage the street people to move away from the shop doorways. In fact the spray used in veggie shops is more of a mist than actual water droplets. J CORONA Email On 18 August I took my mother, who is 79-years-old, and an Alzheimer sufferer to the Tyger Manor ABSA branch. We needed to arrange for Power of Attorney on her account. I arrived at the branch and approached a consultant in one of the offices to explain the situation and ask where to go. She told me we would need to stand in the queue at the enquiries counter. I mentioned my mothers condition as there were numerous people in the queue and she said unfortunate- ly we would need to stand and wait our turn. Another consul- tant appeared and went through the queue to ask what each one’s requirements were when I told her she said that we would have to wait our turn in the queue. My mother has been an ABSA account holder for many years and I am totally disgusted in the lack of empathy at the Tyger Manor Branch. MARLENE LAMBERT Blomtuin Bank offers no help to pensioner I have received a message with the pin number CTY 201 claiming I have won a 2015 Toyota Yaris in the latest Toyota Give Away Promotion. I have called Toyota about it and they confirmed that they are not running such a promo. After I called Toyota, I tried the number and quoted the given pin number, the guy told me to give my home address to deliver the car to our house, it will be between 11h00 and 21h00. I then got another message to say that they are waiting on my address. I have alerted the police who asked me to alert my community newspaper to warn people about the scam. They say it could be a new hijack or house robbery syndi- cate on the go. VALENCIA SCOTT Email Beware of being anSMSwinner Uitgewer: TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is deel van die Media24groep Verspreiding: TygerBurger Bellville word elke Woensdag in die volgende gebiede afgelewer: Belgravia, Bellair, Bellrail, BellvilleSentraal, Blommendal, Blomtuin, Chrismar, De La Haye, Groenvallei, Heemstede, La Rochelle, Labiance, Oak Glen, Oakdale, Sanlamhof, Shirley Park, Loumar, Vredenberg, Bloemhof, Durbell, Chantecler, East Rock, Eversdal, Everglen, Glen Ive, Kenever, Ridgeworth, Rosendal, Stellenberg, Stellenridge, Stellenryk, Boston, Danena, De Bron, Doordekraal, Hoheizen, Loevenstein, Proteavallei, Welgemoed, Oude Westhof, Van Riebeeckshof, Welge dacht, Kenridge. Totale verspreiding: 30 357 TygerBurger het twaalf verskillende uitgawes vir die volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow, Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier, Milnerton, Table View, Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en Elsiesrivier. Totale verspreiding: 285 531 Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel 0021 910 6500 of epos: verspreiding@ tygerburger.co.za Kontak ons: Redakteur: Marita Meyer 0021 910 6500
[email protected] Joernalis: Michelle Linnert 0021 910 6551 michelle.linnert@tygerbur ger.co.za Advertensiebestuurder: Garth Hewitt 0021 910 6520
[email protected] Hoofkoerante advertensies: Bellville onder N1: Veronique Muller 0021 910 6523 of 0084 900 7440
[email protected] Hoofkoerante advertensies: Bellville bo N1: Andre Schreuder 0021 910 6525 0072 735 2504
[email protected] Geklassifiseerd: 0 087 740 1091 www.tygerburger.co.za Korreksies: Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by george.claas
[email protected] of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van SuidAfrika, mnr. Joe Tholoe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus 0011 484 3612/8, stuur ’n faks na 0011 484 3619 of ’n epos na nakhanyim@ombuds man.org.za of johan2@om budsman.org.za SLICE OF LIFE Hou verby of hou vas as jy inOKaap ry Wanneer jy jou motor se neus in die rigting van die Oos-Kaap stuur, sal jou ken baie gou op die paneelbord beland as jy kyk na die ontvouende landskap. Elke paar kilometers lyk na ’n skildery deur een of ander groot meester. Jy is verplig om elke nou en dan jou voet van die versneller af te haal, uit te klim en die verte in te staar. ’n Kamera is by sommige plekke onnodig, want die landskap moet met die blote oog waargeneem en in die hart gestoor word. Die oorskakeling van die Wes-Kaap na die Oos-Kaap is iets wat jy aan jou vel voel en jy wonder hoe kan twee provinsies soveel skoonheid huisves. Hoe geseënd is die inwoners van hierdie twee provinsies nie om, sonder dat hulle daarvoor hoef te betaal, soveel skoonheid te kan aanskou? Die motorbestuurder word egter gou uit sy digterlike droomwêreld geruk wanneer hy die Oos-Kaapse paaie moet aandurf. Dit laat mens dink aan die ou grappie: As hulle jou in die Oos-Kaap vang reguit bestuur, sluit hulle jou sommer op vir dronkbestuur. Net ’n dronk ou sal dit waag om met sy motor oor al die gate te ry. Die Oos-Kaap het van die mooiste natuurskoon in die land, maar as jy nie gemaklik voel om daar te bestuur nie, beteken dit niks. En gewoonlik is paaie die eerste teken van algehele verval. Ons moet duime vashou dat paaie nie eersdaags die rede is hoekom Kapenaars nie die skat van die Oos-Kaap wil gaan besoek nie. HOOFARTIKEL SMS V Ons groot boerboel is hondevriendelik. Ongelukkigkanekniemeermethomgaan stap nie oormensewat hul honde laat los loop en nie weet wat die ander hond sal doen nie. ’n Persoon in ons buurt laat sy hondesó los loop.Hygaanveroorsaakdat ons hond niemeer ander honde gaan ver- dranie.Hullekominonsplek inenvalhom deur die hek aan. Praat help nie; hy is ui- tersonbeskofas jydurfwaagomhomaan te spreek. - Anoniem V “Hondjiewreedheid”, TB, 19/08: dieDBV moet hierdie man voor die hof daag vir dieremishandeling.Maakvireensenaltyd ’n voorbeeld van sulke mense. - Gail Gre- vensteyn V It would be wonderful if a person would take a shopping bag when walking the dog,be it to thebeach,parkorneighbour- hoodandpick upany sweet paper, plastic or other garbage they may come across. I have noticed that Dolphin beach is a lot cleaner since a few strollers have been doing just this over the past few weeks. - Anonymous V Two month shortage L.P gas in winter, so time to buy electric heater. Pity those using gas for cooking. - Pensioner V Help my! Ek het ’n woonstel gekry om nie te bedel enmykinders/samelewing te pla nie. Het van alle onnodige goed ont- slae geraak om ’n eenvoudige bestaan te voer. Ons sien toe ’n perseel en onderdak- parkeerplek en aanvaar dit. Maar nou vra ’n ander eiendomsagent R700permaand vir die parkeerplek. Só jy koop ’n plek en betaal ekstra vir joumotorhuis aan ’n an- der agent! Senior burgersworduitgebuit. -MargaretMentz, inwonerBellaVista-afree- oord. VEks-gemeentelid (SMS/19/08):Godkyk nie van bo af nie. Hy is hier by ons en by jouook.Hyhet jouoneindig lief.Die “prag- tige kerk” is maar net ’n gebou as Hy nie daarbinne is nie. - Antoinette ) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord “Tyger”, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527. gang, besef ek dat ek my sambreel vergeet het. Ek gaan vra by die ondernemings en gaan kyk by die OTM, maar vind niks. ’n Handige optelding op ’n reëndag, dink ek. Ek koes teen die reën tot by my motor en toe ek uit die parkeerterrein ry, kom ’n man met ’n breë glimlag en ’n sambreel in die reën na my toe aan. Hy probeer duidelik my aandag trek en toe ek besef hy wil nie bedel nie, hou ek stil en draai die ruit af. Hy beduie na die sambreel en uit die veld geslaan vra ek hoe hy geweet het dis myne. Hy het dit op die sekerheidskameras gesien en hy beduie dat hy my aan my klere kon uitken. Toe sien ek eers dat hy sekerheidsdrag dra. Uit dankbaarheid vir so ’n weldaad gee ek hom iets en ry verbaas weg terwyl ek dink oor die baie klagtes oor sekerheid by winkelsentrums en die ongelooflike hulp wat ek ontvang ten spyte van my eie nalatigheid. M. TRUTER Stellenberg Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 11 021 979 4602 5 Marais Street, Durbanville. TRELLIDOR DURBANVILLE Alcohol Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. DEALS GREAT CHEERSTOTHESE PRICESVALID27-30AUGUST2015ATPICKNPAYLIQUOR STORES LANGEBAAN, MALMESBURY, VREDENBURG, GRAANENDAL, DURBANVILLE, WILLOWBRIDGE, SABLE SQUARE, FRANSCHHOEK, BIG BAY AND CERES STORES. Liquor not for sale on Sundays at Malmesbury, Wellington, Stellenbosch Square or Franschhoek Liquor. Promotional stocks are limited. Prices include VAT, where applicable. Smart Shopper terms and conditions apply. No traders. E&OE. Selected products may not be available at all stores. Visitwww.picknpay.co.za, or call 0800112288. Cellphone rates apply. 1 1 9 5 0 3 9 _ 1 0 0 x 2 6 0 Outofcash? Terms and conditions apply. Switch points to cash back on your card at the kiosk or on the PicknPayMobileApp. Hunter’sDry or Gold Cans 6 x 440ml Per Pack 59 50 Richelieu Brandy 750ml R 107 Olof Bergh Brandy 750ml R 88 Scottish Leader Whisky 750ml R 117 Cape toRio Pure Cane Spirit 750ml R 75 Nederburg Baronne 750ml R 43 4th StreetSweet Red,White or Rosé 750ml Each R 23 Ondersteuningsvriende, ’n on- dersteuningsgroep vir mans en vroue wat hul geliefdes verloor het, vergader op Dinsdag 1 Sep- tember by die Durbanville-roos- tuin in Durbanville vanaf 10:00. Die groep vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand om me- kaar te ondersteun, om in me- kaar se verlies te deel en nuwe vriende te maak. Gratis toegang. V Skakel Marina by 072 199 4982. Ondersteuningsgroep vergader DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke V an al die lewenslesse wat Zel- da la Grange by die ontslape oud-president Nelson Mande- la geleer het, was dié van respek, eerlikheid en integriteit veral bly- wend. La Grange het 19 jaar lank vir Mandela in verskeie hoedanighede gewerk tot sy dood op 5 Desember 2013. Sy het vroue van oor die noordeli- ke voorstede heen verlede Vrydag toegespreek oor haar ervaringe oor amper twee dekades wat sy saam met dié ikoon gewerk het. Die vrouedag-geleentheid was deur die plaaslike prokureurs De Klerk en Van Gend by Nitida-wyne aangebied ter viering van Vroue- maand. “Die manier waarop jy enige mensbenader sal bepaalhoedieper- soon jou sal behandel,” het Madiba altyd gesê. En dit was juis die bena- dering tot mense wat Mandela so suksesvol as staatsman gemaak het. “Hy het almal om hom respekteer en sy integriteit en eerbaarheidwas onmiskenbaar,” sê sy. Dis veral die staaltjie oor ’n nieti- ge gebeurtenis op een oorsese be- soek wat haar altyd sal bybly. “Madiba het my een laataand erg ontsteld uit sy hotelkamer geskakel en beveel om dadelik die destydse polisiekommissaris, Jackie Selebi, in Suid-Afrika te skakel. “Hy het opgelet dat daar ’n koekie seep uit sy badkamer weg was, wat heel moontlik deur een van sy per- soonlike sekerheidspersoneellede gesteel is,” vertel La Grange. Sy verduidelik: “Madiba het altyd sy eie toiletbenodighede gepak en gebruik ten spyte van die feit dat die hotelle waar hy tuisgegaan het, al- tyd seker gemaakhet dat daar ’nvol- le reeks van net die beste ontwer- persprodukte in sy badkamer vir hom uitgestal is. Hy het dit egter nooit gebruik of enigiets saammet hom gevat nie, sê sy. Op die betrokke aand moes La Grange self inderhaas as “getuie” optree toeMadiba sypersoneel inge- roep en kasty het oor die vermiste badproduk. “Hy het dit aan hulle duidelik gemaak dat almal hulwerk kwyt sou wees as die item nie teen die einde van die volgende dag terug geplaas word in die badkamer nie.” Nodeloos om te sê, het die verlore se- pie vinnig sy pad teruggevind na Madiba se badkamer. En wanneer hy die hotel na sy be- soek verlaat het, het hy nooit nage- laat omdie bestuur te bedankvir die luukse produkte nie. “Baie dankie virugasvryheid,maar ekhetmyeie goed saamgebring,” het hy altyd ge- sê. VirMandelawas daar nie ’n grys gebied as dit kom by eerlikheid nie, sê sy. Madiba het vas daaraan geglo dat dit makliker is om jouself te ver- ander, eerder as ander mense. “Hy het altyd gesê dat ons ’n ge- broke samelewing kan verander deur ons eie gedrag te verander.” LaGrange beskryfNelsonMande- la as ’n komplekse, hardkoppige, maar baie lojale persoonlikheid. Ook die manier waarop hy sy eg- genote,GracaMachel, behandel het, het boekdele gespreek. “Hy het haar met die hoogste respek en bewonde- ringbehandel en in 19 jaarhet eknie een keer die teendeel gesien nie. Saam met haar was hy werklik ge- lukkig”. LaGrangehet in Junie 2014 haar memoires “Good Morning, Mr Mandela” laat publiseer waarin sy vertel van haar lewe saammetMan- dela. Die boek is in Desember van dieselfde jaar aangewys as 2014 se topverkoper in Suid-Afrika. Zelda gesels oorMadiba Hier is (van links) Catherine Warr, Joline Norman, Zelda la Grange, Marisa Koorts, Celeste le Roux, Corne Gersbach en Jacorine Booyens. FOTO: DESIRÉE RORKE 12 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS #WeAreCPUT A T H L O N E B E L L V I L L E C A P E T O W N G E O R G E G R A N G E R B A Y M O W B R A Y W E L L I N G T O N W O R C E S T E R +27 21 959 6767 www.cput.ac.za www.facebook.com/cput.ac.za
[email protected] @CPUT 2005-2015 creating futures Apply to CPUT now to study in 2016. DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT WILL MAKE YOUR FUTURE SELF PROUD MONDAY: 10:00 - 16:00 SATURDAY: 8:00 - 12:00 While stocks last to N1SASOLto Voortrekker Rd Cecil Morgan Street La Belle Road TUES - FRI: 8:30 - 17:00 Valid from 26/08/15 to 29/08/15 Alles plaaslik Vervaardigde Gehalte produkte Alles plaaslik Vervaardigde Gehalte produkte Aanbiedinge slegs by fabriekswinkel beskikbaar All products frozen R12 90 R12 90 COUNTRY CROP 1KG R119 00 R119 00 BATTERED FISH 3KG R199 00 R199 00 CRUMBED FILLETS 5KG R139 90 R139 90 THIGHS R39 90 R39 90 FILLETS 1KG R179 90 R179 90 LEG QUARTERS (FRESH) 5KG 5KG R159 90 R159 90 DRUMSTICK & THIGH PACKS 5KG CRUMBED FISH R15 90 R15 90 5 PIECE BUFFALO WINGS R24 90 R24 90 500G SOUP PACKS R70 00 R70 00 10x 500G X1QFX71W-AL260815 Enjoy a Spring Day dinner at the Silver Creek Spur in Durbanville on Tuesday 1 Sep- tember in support of the Fisantekraal Centre for Development (FCD). A Spur shadow shift inititiative is presen- ted in which 10 % of patrons’ bills between 18:00 and 21:00 will be donated to the FCD. Rugby fans will also have the chance to meet an old Springbok rugby player to build Rugby World Cup fever. So bring those yo- ung Bokkies to get their rugby balls signed. FCD students will be shadowing aswaiters that evening. “Our aim at the FCD is to help people, espe- cially the unemployed, to lead meaningful li- ves,” said FCD director Jane Gelderman. Apart fromoffice administrationandbake- for-profit courses, the centre also plans to launch a frail care course in thenext quarter, she says. “We are moving away from offering com- puter skills training in isolation, but rather a more integrated approach offering a com- prehensive job readiness programme. “Now all learners gain computer skills with the life skills course, but also the key skills needed to enter the job market,” says Gelderman. The job readiness course, with its strong emphasis on guiding candidates on the jour- ney from unemployment to leading a mea- ningful life, has merged three courses which were previously run separately. These is a pre-employment life skills cour- se, a customer service and retail point-of-sale course, as well as an introduction to the world of computers course. Candidates who successfully complete the course are offered an opportunity to partici- pate in a three to six daywork experience op- portunity. “The success of the programme has been evident in the increased placement results,” said Gelderman. V Formore information on courses, visit www.fisante kraal.org.za or phone 021 975 7764. Restaurant spurs jobs training F ast Forward to a New You is a cele- bration of spring- time with MC Helene Truter (Tannie Pop- pie), featuring a host of speakers and a perfor- mance bymusicianGe- rald Clark. The ladies brunch in aid of the FASt For- ward Fund takes place at Skilpadvleiin Stel- lenbosch on Saturday 5 September from 10:00. Participants can look forward to a fun- filledmorning of enter- taining and informati- ve talks on health, beauty and wellbeing by industry specialists such as Dr Nardus Le Grange from Aesthe- tics and Riaan Heinse from Heinz Hair and Beauty Salon. The FASt Forward Fund provides support for children who suffer from Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and focuses on providing equestrian therapy for youngsters suffering the effects of the illness. Horse riding im- proves balance, posture,muscle tone and joint flexibility. It also develops attenti- on span, reasoning, memory and other cognitive functions. By working with programmes such as Equitots near Dur- banville, the fund provides FAS-suffe- rers access to this excellent form of the- rapy. Gerald Clark, who will be performing at the brunch, decided he would like to assist the community and has found a way to do this by deciding to work with FASt Forward after observing the re- sults of equine therapy with FAS chil- dren. V For tickets to the brunch, phone 061 277 1983 or email
[email protected] or purchase them from the Jade and Velvet store in Tygerval ley. Anybody interested in contributing to the FASt Forward Fund can email ice@choclatela ce.co.za with enquiries. Brunch raises funds for FAS children A horse lover himself, Gerald Clark will help raise funds to provide equine therapy to children with FAS. PHOTO: VETMAN DESIGN AND PHOTOGRAPHY Pannekoek, worsrolle, pasteie, koeksisters en beskuit is onder die lekkernye beskik- baar by die kos- en kunsmark van die Be- tesda-uitreikprojek van die NG Kerk Dur- banville-Bergsig op Saterdag 29 Augustus. Die mark duur van 08:30 tot 14:00 by die kerksentrum in Bolandweg in Vierlanden, Durbanville. Dié projek samel geld in om mense in die gemeenskap met een of ander gestremdheid te ondersteun en om Perde- pret, ’n terapeutiese aktiwiteit met perde waaraan kinders van die Durbanville-kin- derhuis deelneem, te finansier.Oorspronk- like hand- en kunswerk en tweedehandse boeke, DVD’s en CD’s word te koop aange- bied. Mense wat boeke, DVD’s of CD’s wil skenk, kan dit by die kerksentrum aflaai of skakelHansHumanomdit te laat afhaal. V Bel Hans by 082 549 0518 vir meer inligting. Weer talle lekkernye by kos en kunsmark It is time to tee off and help children at the Durbanville Children’s Home. The home’s Golf Day is on Thursday 29 October at the Bellville golf course. Participants can enroll in a 4BBB-stable- ford, sponsor ahole or simplymakea finan- cial donation. All the funds generated will go towards covering urgent needs such as school clo- thes, school stationery and food parcels for the children to take home in December. Entrance fee is R3 000 for a four ball and R1 000 per hole. The entrance fee include prizes to the value of more than R30 000, green fees, goodie bags, team photographs, a dinner and a marketing opportunity for your company. V Contact Johanna Strauss on 021 975 6822 or by email to
[email protected] to book. Tee off to assist children’s home Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 13 Use your phone to bust corruption T he Justice Alliance of South Africa (JASA) has launched a new platform to enable citizens to take action against corruption. “Expose It uses reports of bribery and corruption collected on its website and USSDphone app to fight corruption on eve- ry level within public service organisati- ons, including government departments, political parties and parastatals,” said di- rector John Smyth at last week’s launch. As a socially driven movement, Expose It relies on citizen reports. “The more incidents reported, the more hotspots are exposed for our legal team to know exactly where to take action,” said Smythe. The reporting process is simple, free and user friendly, making Expose It open and accessible to allmembers of the SouthAfri- can public on a mobile friendly website (http://www.ExposeIt.org.za) or even on old cell phones without internet access by dialing the free USSD number *134*1105#. “Incidents of corruption can be safely and anonymously reported – from bribery, back-handed deals and bullying to abuse of power,” said Smythe. “Unlike many other corruption organi- sations, Expose It’s legal team of experts is dedicated to taking legal action and acting on hotspots exposed by public reports on our platform. Through JASA, we have the support of the Hawks, Crime Intelligence, the National Prosecuting Authority and Public Protector to help ensure cases are prosecuted whenever there is appropriate evidence.” To spread the word and galvanise sup- port,Expose It has started a popular online protest by calling on all South Africans to create an anti-corruption protest poster and posting it to social media with the hashtag #exposeit. JASA is an NGO comprised of lawyers working for justice in South Africa. V For more on JASA, visit www.justicealliance.co.za or see www.exposeit.org.za 14 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS LEATHER BAGS AT FACTORY PRICES!LEATHER BAGS AT FACTORY PRICES! GATES AFRICAtoGATES AFRICAto 35 NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD, BELLVILLE (Behind Toys-R-Us) Tel: 021 948 9506 - 946 4872Tel: 021 948 9506 - 946 4872 Cel: 082 969 9515Cel: 082 969 9515 Bellville Northhumberland Aylesbury Rd R a g l a n s t r e e t N 1 Durban Rd TOYS R US WE CUSTOMIZE & RE-UPHOLSTER FABRIC SOFA'S ON SALEFABRIC SOFA'S ON SALE E&OE Trading Hours: Mon - Fri 08:30 – 17:00 Sat 09:00 – 14:00 2.3m Studio Sofa- Bovine Oxblood R12 500R12 500 1.5m Constantia Sofa Bovine Oxblood R7 800R7 800SPECIAL SPECIAL 2.3m Laguna R10 500R10 500 SPECIAL PRICE Fabric Opening SPECIALS X1QCV9Q9-AL260815 With a bold and sassy programme of over 70 productions, this year’s Cape Town Fringe – which runs in the city from 24 September to 4 October – will showcase some of the most innovative South African theatre. Audiences can look forward to an invigora- ting mix of new and original work spanning every genre, say organisers. It is the second time this annual event will be held in the Ci- ty. Artistic Director IsmailMahomed says the Cape Town Fringe was developing an eng- aged, original, socially aware programme. “It demonstrates how independent artists and arts companies are passionately eng- aging with the world around them and brin- ging that experience to their work,” Maho- med said. While theatre comprises the bulk of the programme, dance, performance art, physi- cal theatre, music, family theatre and magic are included in the 11-day festival. This year’s line-up offers a wide variety, ensuring the Cape Town Fringe matches the vibrancyand creativity of otherFringeFesti- vals worldwide. A broad selection panel reviewed the pro- posals submitted. Led by Mahomed, it com- prised Jaqueline Dommisse, Yazeed Kamal- dien, Warona Seane, Sifiso Kweyama, Adrienne Sichel and Lynette Marais. Producedby the experiencedNationalArts Festival team, the festival will make use of venues in the City Hall, the V&AWaterfront and Langa. “The programme has a strong Cape flavor with locally based artists making up approx- imately 60% of the programme,” said Fringe CEO Tony Lankester. More than18 000 ticketswere sold last year, with the event estimated to have contributed over R4m to the local economy, besides its R2.7m direct spend, said Lankester. V Booking open for the Fringe at the end of August at www.capetownfringe.co.za. Fringe festival forges forward Van die Kaap se beste jong instrumentis- te sal op Sondag 30 Augustus hul slag wys by die jaarlikse concertofees van die MusieksentrumHugoLambrechts inPa- row. Die veelbekroonde vier violiste, drie pianiste, drie tjelliste, ’n fluitvirtuoos, ’n perkussiespeler en ’n harpiste sal deur die sentrum se hoogaangeskrewe simfo- nieorkes onder leiding vanLiamBurden bygestaan word. Van die soliste is net 10 jaar oud en die gehoor kan ook uitsien na die optrede van Alexander Whitehead, die algehele wenner verlede jaar se Samro-Hubert van der Spuy-nasionale musiekkompeti- sie. Hy sal die eerste deel van die Schu- mann-tjellokonsert uitvoer. RhiyaanSmith,wat die eerste deel van Mendelssohn seKlavierkonsert nr 2 gaan speel, is gekeur om later vanjaar aan die nasionale jeugmusiekkompetisie deel te neem. Hywas in 2014 die wenner van die PieterKooij-musiekkompetisie, sowel as die Johann Vos-klavierkompetisie. Nog ’n solis wat al die pad van Bloemfontein kom, is Ashlin Grobbelaar. Hy is ’n leer- ling van die Mangaung-strykerspro- gram en sal as tjellis saammet die orkes optree. Een van die Hugo Lambrechts-soliste is die harpspeler, Lisa Britz, wat gehoor sal word in Claude Debussy se Sacred and Profane Dances. Vanweë die uitgebreide program be- gin die konsert reeds om 18:00. Omdat dit so gewild is, word gaste aangeraai om vroegtydig hul sitplekke te bespreek. V Kaartjies teen R120 en R80 sal ook by die loket beskikbaar wees. Bel 021 939 9105 tussen 10:00 en 18:00 vir navrae. Die Kaap se beste sal slag by feeswys Lisa Britz is een van die soloiste wat by die fees sal optree. Michiel Heyns praat oor sy boek Invisible Furies by die byeenkoms van die Durban- ville-leesunie op Dinsdag 1 September van- af 14:30 in die klubhuis by die Durbanville- roostuin.Besoekers is welkom teen R30 per persoon. V Rig navrae aan Letitia by 082 872 5687 of 021 976 0010. Michiel Heyns gesels oor boek byD’ville-leesunie Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 15 SOLAR LANTERN - LITHIUMBATTERY-HIGH INTENSITY WITH15 LED’S FORUPTO7HOURSLIGHT - SWINGARMHANDLE FOREASYCARRYING - NEW AND IMPROVED CONSOL SOLAR JAR KEROSENE LANTERN - IDEAL FOR BRAAING AND CAMPING SOLAR JAR - SUITABLE FOR LOADSHEDDING • Longer lasting battery - shines up to 12 hours • Improved stainless steel ring • Alt USB charging feature R179 S A V E R 4 0 R149 S A V E R 5 0 R149 S A V E R 5 0 LIGHT UP YOUR LIFEWITH OUR LOW PRICES S O L A R J A R N E W F E A T U R E S S O L A R J A R S O L A R R E T R O L O O K K E R O S E N E L A N T E R N JUST ARRIVED R59 LARGE BLACK/ SILVER R49 BLACK/ SILVER SMALL SOLAR JAR S P A C E W O R X _ M A M _ 1 0 6 5 HEADOFFICE: 021 911 5555 WESTERNCAPE: RETREAT: 021 701 0566, GREENPOINT: 021 418 7805, SOMERSETWEST: 021 852 1605, KENILWORTH: 021 671 3114 BELLVILLE: 021 948 3767 EASTERNCAPE: PORT ELIZABETH: 041 368 6551, BAYWESTMALL: 041 492 0372 EAST LONDON: 043 726 3679 FREE STATE: BLOEMFONTEIN: 051 421 0029GAUTENGVAAL TRIANGLE: VANDERBIJLPARK: 016 985 2822 OFFERS VALID UNTIL 25TH SEPTEMBER ORWHILE STOCKS LAST. VISIT OURWEBSITE AT: WWW.MAMBOSPLASTICS.CO.ZA LIKEUSON FACEBOOK We hava a dynamic qualified team of Technicians, Automotive Engineers, Auto Electricians, Aircon Technicians, Diagnostic & Fault Finding Experts and Engine Enhancement Specialists. For competitive pricing on fleet servicing and maintenance, contact our Sales Executive, Richard Da Silva. SERVICING & REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF VEHICLES SERVICING & REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF VEHICLES Major ServiceMajor Service Including Quality Assured 58 point inspection, report & Aircon test, Brake Fluid Test & Glycol in Antifreeze test free free free MOTOR INDUSTRY WORKSHOP ASSOCIATION X1QFLR9M-AL260815 The South African National Zakah Fund (SANZAF)will host aWomen’s DayCelebra- tion on 30 August at the Crystal Towers Ho- tel and Spa at Century City. The event is to raise funds for SANZAF projects and programmes. Women from all walks of life will receive five-star treatment at this morning of love and inspiration. The main speaker will be Debbie Adling- ton, the sole survivor of a gruesome family murder in Marina da Gama in January 2002 in which Debbie’s three children were mur- dered with an axe by her husband, Tony. Community broadcasting veteran Fatima Allie will be MC at the event and attendees can also look forward to enjoying the compa- ny of vibrantwomen froman range of indus- tries. The event starts at 09:30 and there are a limited number of tickets available at R250 per person from SANZAF’s offices at No.1 Thornton Road, Athlone. For more informa- tion or to reserve your seat, call Farahnaaz or Shameemah on 021 638 0965. V To find out more about SANZAF Projects and Pro grammes, visit their website (www.sanzaf.org.za), Twitter @SANZAFSA or like them on Facebook. Spa treatments aid charity 16 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS Monte VistaThe Besoek ons op ons Facebook blad WHOLE OR HALF TWEETAND SKAAP WHOLE OR HALF TWEETAND SKAAP BEEF FILLETBEEF FILLET VAN LOUVEREN JAVA PINOTAGE VAN LOUVEREN JAVA PINOTAGE MUSHROOM PUNNETS MUSHROOM PUNNETS 59 99 59 99 99 99 99 99 49 99 49 99 30 00 30 00 3 FOR 3 FOR 21 99 21 99 19 99 19 99 35 99 35 99 /kg/kg /kg/kg /kg/kg /kg/kg 36 99 36 99 Geldig Wo. 26 August - So. 30 August 2015 • Voorwaardes en bepalings geld. BF&W. Solank Voorraad hou. LARGE 18 'S EGGS'S LARGE 18 'S EGGS'S BEEF POTJIEBEEF POTJIE 2KG SUGAR2KG SUGARPORK PACKSPORK PACKS DE TIJGER Hannes Louw Drive PAROW NORTH Tel 021 930 4711 DE TIJGER Hannes Louw Drive PAROW NORTH Tel 021 930 4711 VIERLANDEN h.v. Vierlanden- & Proteaweg, Vierlanden, Durbanville Tel. 021 975 0711 VIERLANDEN h.v. Vierlanden- & Proteaweg, Vierlanden, Durbanville Tel. 021 975 0711 VAN LOUVEREN RIVER RED VAN LOUVEREN RIVER RED 34 99 34 99 X1QFH15W-AL260815 The Sunflower Fund celebrated Women’s Day on 15 August with a luncheon at The Vi- neyard Hotel in Cape Town. GawieMarx, theSunflowerFund’s ambas- sador of hope and MC, spoke about his jour- neywith leukaemia.Kathy JordanandBrett Archibald delivered riveting life stories. All proceeds will be used to pay for new donors to join the South African Bone Mar- row registry, improving the chance leukae- mia patients have of finding their life-saving donor match. The Sunflower Fund strives to build a re- gistry of all ethnic groups and appeals to South Africans to register and become a do- nor to help save a life. V For more information on how to become a donor visit www.sunflowerfund.org.za or call tollfree 0800 121 082. Luncheon drives donor search Janine Loynes and Mareli Esterhuizen from Durbanville attended the luncheon. Check mates: Three chess players from Eversdal Primary School have been selected to represent South Africa in the 2015 African Schools Individual Chess Championship in Gaborone, Botswa na, from 21 to 30 August. They are, from left: Emile Schnäbel, Reese Frye and Danté Eaton. Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 17 U se your creative flair to help raise funds during Breast Cancer Aware- ness month by joining the Pink Lady Sixth Annual Craft Workshop in conjunc- tion with Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing. Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and pluckingup the courage to fight the disease is one thing, but imagine not being able to go for treatment because you don’t have the funds for transport to the clinic. This is the reality for many women diag- nosed with breast cancer at the Tygerberg Hospital’s Breast Clinic. “From humble beginnings in 2010 with 25 ladies attending, we are now thrilled to host as many as 90 ladies at our crafting morning. The continued supportwe’ve had from ladies throughout the Western Cape over the years has been phenomenal. Ev- ery yearwe are blown away by the enthusi- asm and passion every lady shows for our event and the charity we support,” said Pink Lady marketing manager Liza Matt- hews. This year’s memorable day will be held on Saturday 19 September at D’Aria, Dur- banville. All funds raised will be donated towards the Tygerberg Hospital’s Breast Clinic Transport Project. “Joinus and learn the art of lino printing with the talented Lizel Cloete, craft editor for Ideasmagazine. After a relaxing morn- ing of creativity our guests will have a deli- cious lunch and listen to well known pian- ist, Rocco de Villiers,” she says. Professor Justus, head of theBreast Clin- ic at Tygerberg Hospital, will talk on Breast Cancer and Breast Health. V The cost is R280 per person, which includes the workshop, lunch, soft drinks, tea and coffee and a goody bag. Space is limited. Bookings can be made with Theresa Richards on 083 457 0763 or
[email protected]. All funds raised from ticket sales will be donated to the Transport Fund. Craft day to fund patient transport Just 30 bodies prevent a Bellville pilates studio from achieving its goal of raising R20 000 to help Huis Jabes, a home for phy- sically abused woman in the northern su- burbs, buy a house. The Wellness Through Movement Pila- tes Studio is celebrating Woman’s month by hosting a pilates-thon on Saturday 29 August between 08:00 and 18:00. Ten hour sessions of pilates will be pre- sented at the studio at the Bella Rosa secu- rity complex to raise funds for Huis Jabes. The studio is one of 50 businesses invited to join forces to help Huis Jabes to reach their goal of raising R1 million by 31 De- cember to buy a house. Since 2008, Huis Jabes has offered a safe haven to victims of domestic violence. “By using behaviour modification and teaching new life skills, women are given a second chance at life,” says Huis Jabes founder Adri Klindt. “The objective is to remove women from their circumstances and equip them with the right mentality and life skills to confi- dently take their rightful place in society. “We solely rely on contributions from in- dividuals and businesses,” said Klindt. A fund-raising campaign will be laun- ched in September to purchase a house to assure the sustainability of Huis Jabes. Those interested in the pilates-thon can book any hour at R200 per mat. VContactKarien on079 874 9006or sendanemail to
[email protected] to book. Visit www.huisja bes.co.za of phone Adri on 083 564 3313 for more information about Huis Jabes. Pilates helps shelter for abuse victims 18 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS DIE STAD KAAPSTAD SE GOEDKEURING VAN DIE AANSUIWERINGSBEGROTINGS VIR 2015/16 Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge regulasie 26 van die Munisipale Regulasies oor Begrotings en Verslagdoening, 2009, saamgelees met die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Stelsels, Wet 32 van 2000, en dieWet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisipale Finansiële Bestuur,Wet 56 van 2003, dat die dokumente oor die Stad se aansuiweringsbegrotings vir 2015/16, wat op 19 Augustus 2015 deur die Raad goedgekeur is, ter insae beskikbaar is op die Stad Kaapstad se webwerf by www.capetown.gov.za/en/Budget. ACHMAT EBRAHIM STADSBESTUURDER 179/2015 DESIRÉE RORKE @dezzierorke N á ’n opvallende afwesigheid in 2014 is die immergewilde Kraaifontein-Ok- toberfees weer vanjaar terug. “Die fees is beslis vanjaar volstoom te- rug,” het Isabel Koekemoer, organiseerder, verlede week bevestig. “Weens onvoorsiene omstandighede, wat ’n gebrek aan borge en botsingsmet vele an- der plaaslike feeste ingesluit het, kondit nie verlede jaar plaasvind nie, maar die feesbe- stuur beloof om vanjaar daarvoor te ver- goed met topkunstenaars,” sê sy. Feesgan- gers kanuitsiennagroot name inAfrikaans wat onder meer Ray Dylan, Manie Jackson en FrediNest sal insluit. Ander sangerswat reeds bespreek is vir die fees, is Pierre Ros- souw,DieKaapseAffodille, PieterMohr, Ri- nel Day en Dee Dee. Die fees – al ’n tradisie in Kraaifontein – sal vanjaar op 24 Oktober vanaf 10:00 tot 23:00 in Stanleystraat, Zoopark plaasvind. Koekemoer sê daar sal weer baie aktiwitei- te wees vir kinders en ’n groot skerm vir rugby. Nog ’n groot verrassing wag vir alle aspi- rantsangers. “Ons gaanvanjaar ’n openmic- geleentheid bied aan almal wat voel hulle het talent en wat nog altyd op ’n groot ver- hoog wou optree,” sê sy. Die hoofdoel van die fees is om met die wins behoeftige organisasies te help. V Kontak Isabel Koekemoer by 084 3590 745 of stuur ’n epos na
[email protected] met navrae. Bel Mona by 083 265 7603 om ’n stalletjie te bespreek. Oktoberfees is weer terug Keldermaak bydrae tot renosters Hier tydens die tjekoorhandiging is (voor) Martin Moore (links), keldermeester van Durbanville Hills, en Albert Gerber (besturende direkteur: Durbanville Hills) met ’n bottel 2013 Rhinofields Chardonnay. Agter is Digs Pascoe (links), uitvoerende hoof en trustee van die Space for Ele phantsstigting, en Jasper Cloete van Stellenbosch, ’n trusteelid en tesourier van die stigting. Hulle staan by ’n bronsstandbeeld van ’n renoster, wat Gerber ’n paar jaar gelede op ’n veiling gekoop het, en in die hervestigde renosterveldtuin by dié kelder. FOTO: ESMÉ ERASMUS ESMÉ ERASMUS @erasmusesme M et R1 per bottel Rhinofields-wyn wat die Durbanville Hills-wynkelder ver- koop, wil dié kelder nou ’n bydrae maak tot Project Rhino KZN, ’n renostersbe- waringsprojek. Durbanville Hills-Wyne het verlede Woensdag R60 000 geskenk aan Project Rhi- no KZN en terselfdertyd ook een van die re- nosters aangeneem wat tans in die Pongola- wildreservaat in KwaZulu-Natal aangehou word. Die geld gaan aangewend word deur die Space for Elephants Foundation, een van die stigterslede van Project Rhino, vir die oplei- ding van, toerusting vir en plasing van re- nosterwagtewat diemeeste vandie tyd saam met die renosters in die veld sal rondloop. Daar is gevind dat renosterwagte die doel- treffendste manier is om die renosters op te pas terwyl dit ook werk skep binne die ge- meenskap, ’n inisiatiefwat tenvolle deur die minister van die Departement van Omge- wingsake ondersteun word. Hierdie wagte word ook geleer om inlig- ting in te samel oor die gedrag van die diere in hul sorg wat dan vir navorsingsdoelein- des gebruik kan word, asook om by te dra tot ’n sentrale databasis. Die lede vandie plaaslike gemeenskapwat in ’n omgewing langs die Lubomboberge bly en wat die tuiste is van die meeste van Suid- Afrika se renosters, sal ook opleiding in wildbestuur ondergaan. Die area is deel van die internasionaal beskermde Maputoland Pondoland Albany Hotspot, ’n gebied van uitsonderlike biodiversiteit wat deur ver- skeie organisasies beskerm word. Die ge- meenskap sal “eienaarskap” van die gebied ontvang nadat sy lede ten volle opgelei is. Digs Pascoe, uitvoerende hoof en trustee van die Space for Elephants-stigting, het ge- sê hulle gaan die geld spesifiek gebruik om jongmense van die plaaslike gemeenskappe bloot te stel aanwilde diere in wildtuine, on- der meer renosters, om hulle in te koop op die bewaring van dié diere. Hulle sal ook meer oor dié diere geleer word om toeriste in wildtuine meer daarvan te vertel – om kampvure en by gasteplase. Dié projek het gespruit uit die onlangse World Youth Rhino Summit, waar die jeug blootgestel is aan renosters. “Baie kinders wat langs ’n wildtuin bly, het nog nooit eens ’n wilde dier gesien nie en verstaan nie waaroor dit gaan nie. Tien jongmense is ge- kies om opgelei te word in renosterprogram- me, om te leer hoe waardevol dié diere is. Dit gee hulle eienaarskap,” het Pascoe gesê. Albert Gerber, besturende direkteur van Durbanville Hills-Wyne, sê die doel van die wynmakery se borgskap is nie net om die diere te beskerm nie, maar ook om werkge- leenthede in plaaslike gemeenskappe te skep. “Dis vir ons ’n natuurlike uitvloeisel van ons eie bewaringspogings om deel van die opbrengs vandie verkoopvanonsRhino- fields-wynreeks vir die beskerming van die renoster en die opleiding van plaaslike ge- meenskappe wat hul tuiste deel, aan te wend. By ons kelder en op ons ledeplase be- skerm ons sowat 320 ha renosterveld, die in- heemse en hoogs bedreigde plantegroei. “Die skakel tussen hierdie plantegroei en die renoster is steeds effens van ’n geheim, maar daar is dokumente wat daarop dui dat renosters reeds so ver terug as die middel van die 1600’s gesien is in die heuwels van Durbanville, dieselfde area waar ons win- gerde vandag geplant is. “Onshet ’n renosterveldtuin by onskelder geskep waar besoekers die pragtige blomme in blommetyd tydens Oktober en November kan geniet en ook een van ons wynreekse Rhinofields gedoop as ’n huldeblyk aan hier- die plantspesie wat so ’n belangrike deel uit- maak van die Kaapse blommeryk.” Dié tuin is van Julie tot einde Oktober in blom en mense is welkom om die kelder te besoek om meer daaroor te leer. Heart wrenching lifelong search for stolen son Betty Maritz (83) sits next to Rachel (right) who has tried to assist her in finding her son.PHOTO: CHEVON BOOYSEN CHEVON BOOYSEN @chevonbooysen A n 83-year-old woman has one wish be- fore she departs thisworld – shewants to meet her son who was taken from her a day after she gave birth to him. Betty Maritz says her heart’s desire is to meet her only child, who should be 64-years- old this year. Maritz longs to meet her son and will only feel better once they reunite. “I was 19 when I fell pregnant. At the time I lived with a woman in Retreat who took me in as her own daughter. She eventually noticed I was pregnant. “She asked who the father was and I told her. I suggested the guy come meet her as well but she did not want to hear anything of it. Not long after, the father of my child did not contact me anymore,” Maritz says. She says on the day she gave birth she re- members a midwife assisting with her deli- very at home. “After giving birth I was so tired and exhausted. All I know is I gave birth to a boy who had a distinct birthmark on his back. After the birth I was exhausted, my guardian mother said we could go the next day to give my child’s details at the cli- nic,” she recalls. She says the next morning she was woken up and told to wash her baby as well as his clothes. “My guardian then offered to take my ba- by to the clinic and have his details registe- red. I can’t read or write so I gave her my baby as she offered her help,” Maritz says. When her guardian returned later that afternoon, she came home drunk and wit- hout Maritz’s child. “I asked her where my child was and all she said was: ‘Wat worry jy vir jou? Jou kind is vrek.’ (Why are you worried?Your child is dead). I couldn’t belie- ve it and I kept asking her where my child was, but she gaveme the same response each time. Up until today I do not knowwhat hap- pened to my child but I suspect he was sold or given away. I just want my child back,” Maritz cries. She addsher search forher sonnever stop- ped, but due to too little detail she has had no luck. “But I will continue,” she says. “I feel like Iwas robbedof beingamother.” Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 19 CRAZY DEALSCRAZY DEALS * BF&WPRYSESLEGSKONTANT * GEEN TJEKSAANVAARNIE * PRYSESLUIT BTW IN * PRYSE NET VAN TOESPASSING WANNEER BANDE OP ONS PERSEELAANGESIT WORD EN SOLANK VOORRAAD HOU * PRYSE SLUIT OU BANDE VANAF VOERTUIG IN * BRING HIERDIE ADVERTENSE OM TE KWALIFISEER * ALLIE GROOT KREDITKAARTE AANVAAR, INSLUITEND MASTERCARD EN VISA OP 3% HANTERINGFOOI * MINIMALE TARIEF VIR MONTERING EN BALANSERING. TOP DEALSTOP DEALS 195X50X15 R439195X50X15 R439 205X55X16 R599205X55X16 R599 205X40X17 R539205X40X17 R539 TAXI TYRESTAXI TYRES 4X4 TYRES4X4 TYRES 215 X 15 DUNLOP...................... 245 X 75 X 15 DUNLOP.............. 245 X 70 X 16 DUNLOP.............. 255 X 70 X 16 CONTI ................. 265 X 70 X 16 GENERAL ........... 31.10.5 X 15 PIRELLI ................ 265 X 65 X 17 DUNLOP.............. R 979 R 1199 R 1250 R 1599 R 1599 R 1699 R 1350 14” TYRES14” TYRES 13” TYRES13” TYRES 16” TYRES16” TYRES 17” BANDE17” BANDE 185 X 14C................................... 195 X 14 ..................................... 195 X 15 ..................................... 225 X 70 X 15............................. 225 X 70 X 15 W/W.................... 195 X 14 W/W ............................ 195 X 70 X 15............................. R 669 R 699 R 899 R 1099 R 1350 R 999 R 899 175 X 65 X 14............................. 185 X 60 X 14............................. 205 X 55 X 16............................. 245 X 75 X 15............................. R 599 R 699 R 899 R 1399 175 X 65 X 14............................. 185 X 60 X 14............................. 185 X 65 X 14............................. 205 X 55 X 16............................. R 599 R 699 R 699 R 999 15” TYRES15” TYRES 195 X 60 X 15 ............................... 195 X 65 X 15 ............................... 195 X 55 X 15................................ R 599 R 599 R 599 225 X 50 X 16................................ 205 X 60 X 16................................ R 799 R 799 175 X 65 X 14 ............................. 185 X 60 X 14 ............................. 185 X 65 X 14 .............................. 185 X 70 X 14 .............................. 195 X 70 X 14 .............................. R 399 R 469 R 479 R 599 R 609 175 X 65 X 14............................ 185 X 60 X 14 ........................... 205 X 55 X 16............................ 225 X 45 X 17............................ R 499 R 599 R 799 R 1199 155 X 13......................................... 165 X 13 ........................................ 175 X 70 X 13 ................................ R 329 R 379 R 389 205 X 45 X 17 ............................. 225 X 45 X 17 .............................. 245 X 40 X 17 .............................. 255 X 40 X 17 ............................. 225 X 50 X 17 ............................. 235 X 55 X 17 ............................. 235 X 60 X 17 .............................. 225 X 60 X 17 ............................. 225 X 65 X 17 ............................. 235 X 65 X 17 .............................. R 899 R 799 R 1099 R 1199 R 899 R 1299 R 1299 R 1099 R 1099 R 1499 PARKLANDS Eenheid 2, Eclipse-park Parklands-Hoofweg 021 556 5380/1 BELLVILLE Durbanweg 44, (naby stasie) 021 949 6499 021 949 6517 BRACKENFELL Winkel 31 Brackenell-winkelsentrum H.v. Ou Paarlweg & Brackenfell Boulevard 021 982 4401 / 021 982 4404 BELLVILLE Voortrekkerweg 1A 021 946 1534 021 946 1382 GOODWOOD Voortrekkerweg 336 021 591 5555 / 021 591 6786 021 591 6490 BLUE DOWNS Cavalier-sentrum H.v. Eersterivier- & Hindleweg 021 909 1175 / 021 909 0487 RUNFLATSRUNFLATS 195 X 55 X 16 ........................... 205 X 55 X 16............................ 225 X 45 X 17............................ 255 X 40 X 17............................ 225 X 40 X 18 ........................... 255 X 35 X 18 ........................... R 1399 R 1199 R 1499 R 2599 R 3200 R 3799 X1QFH4VM-AL260815 Artscape Theatre Centre will is a hive of sto- ries this August and September in celebrati- on of Heritage month. HeritageMonthmeansdifferent things for different people but Artscape is celebrating heritage by telling stories and considering how narratives are reflected orally, in wri- ting and other creative forms. Through various disciplines, Artscape questions identity through a focus on “who weare,whatweare andwhatwehavebeen”, encouraging people to reclaim and restore the important stories of ourheritage, to chal- lenge misappropriations and find healing. Some of the heritage festival highlights in- clude a new work, Inkundla, by Indoni Aca- demy Dancers, which looks at the “theatre of life”, and Siembamba, a multilingual play which explores the life of a black domestic worker and the white child she helped raise. Choirs from around the province will sing alongside the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra on Sunday 13 September for theWestern Ca- pe Choral Music Association’s (WeCCMA) 2015 Choral Music Eisteddfod. Fans of more contemporary sounds can look forward to Zanne, Zoid and Zolaniwith Freshlyground’s Zolani Mahola, rock queen Karen Zoid and soprano Zanne Stapelberg. Back by popular demand, Izityhilelo Zobu- ze byLinguaFrancawill explore the concept of circumstantial inheritance through sen- sational poetry and music while Words of War by Anele Rusi will tell stories of herita- ge and history through poetry and song. Much of South Africa’s heritage is tied up in stories from neighbouring countries, a point proven byBorn aroundHere, a produc- tion by Botswana’s Company@Maitisong. The work tells the often unknown story of Botswana and other neighbouring coun- tries’ contribution to freedom in South Afri- ca through the eyes of a Botswana family. Artscape will host a dialogue titled “Con- necting Creatives” on Heritage Day while Artscape’s Tunnel (mural area between Art- scapeandCivicCentreParking)will become the backdrop for Ngokomzekeliso Wakhe (In His Image) – a performance art installation on Thursday 24 and Saturday 26 September. V The Artscape Heritage Festival runs from Thursday 27 August to Sunday 27 September. Tickets available from Computicket or Artscape DialaSeat on 021 421 7695. Visit www.artscape.co.za for more info. Heritage celebrated in story Marang Molosiwa in a scene from Born around Here. 20 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 21 BO EN BEHALWE JOU VOLLE POLISWAARDE, BIED AVBOB JOU: HOU JOU GELD • ‘n GRATIS basiese begrafnis of verassing* • GRATIS vervoer van die oorledene in Suid Afrika* Dit beteken jy kan jou geld - die volle poliswaarde - spandeer op spesiale ekstras sodat jy jou geliefdes met waardigheid kan afsien. A V B - 1 5 0 7 2 9 - 5 - T B / 3 9 5 *Bepalings en voorwaardes geld. AVBOB is ‘n Gemagtigde Verskaffer van Finansiële Dienste. *Begrafnisvoordele is slegs van toepassing indien AVBOB Begrafnisdiens die begrafnis onderneem. AVBOB is ‘n vlak 2 SEB bydraer. VFD 20656. www.AVBOB.co.za ’N LID VAN DIE VERENIGING VIR SPAAR & BELEGGING IN SA LID VAN DIE NASIONALE BEGRAFNIS DIREKTEURE ASSOSIASIE Skakel gerus jou plaaslike verteenwoordiger in verband met AVBOB se een-stop begrafnisversekering en begrafnisoplossing. Hierdie GRATIS begrafnisvoordele* is bo en behalwe jou poliswaarde en spesiale bonusse wat verklaar is. Bellville-tak Jannie Jacobs Blanckenbergstraat 9, Bellville Tel: (021) 948 2601/2 Tyger Valley-tak Jannie Jacobs Old Oakweg 1, Delphe Arena, Tyger Valley Tel: (021) 914 6234/7492 ‘Katkoring’op skou van die kaf geskei ’n Katskou het Saterdag in die Brackenfell-burgersentrum ná honderde inskrywings eindelik die “kat-koring” van die kaf geskei. Die wêreld se mooiste, beste kietsies is aangewys en Carina Roux het die pragtige vierpotiges gekiek. Die VSAbeoordelaar, Pam de la Bar (middel), is by die wenner van die tweede plek, Sir Noah (Siamese Sealpoint Bicolour), van Grace Visser van Bellville (links) en die wenner, Adam (Ragdoll Blue Bicolour), van Jean van Zyl van Bothasig (regs). Vir die eerste keer in SuidAfrika is 'n meesterring van die Wêreldkatfederasie(WCF) gehou. WCF is 'n organisasie wat strek oor eenendertig lande. 'n WCFmeesterring mag net een keer per jaar per katorganisasie aangebied word. Slegs katte wat voorheen ope ringwenners van die WCF was, mag aan die meesterring deelneem. 'n Meesterring is oop vir alle lande. Die wenner kry die titel "meester".FOTO’S: CARINA ROUX Sir Noah (Siamese Sealpoint Bicolour), tweedeplekwenner van Grace Visser van Bellville (links) en Joy van Eeden, teler van Joosten bergvlakte. Vir die eerste keer in SuidAfrika is 'n meesterring van die Wêreldkatfedera sie (WCF) gehou. WCF is 'n organisa sie wat strek oor eenendertig lande. Hier is Belinda van Gemert van Vierlanden met Romi, ’n korthaarhuiskat (9de plek in meesterring). Die dag het begin lank raak vir Mandy Hawkins van De Tyger en haar kat, Mysticats Cracker (Persian Brown Tortie Blotched Tabby), by die WCF se meesterring in Brackenfell. Cum Laude-Media en Die Burger bied vanjaar weer hul gewilde Lenteskool ter voorbereiding vir die eindeksamen aan. Dié bykomende eksamenvoorberei- dings- en hersieningsklasse sal van 5 tot 9 Oktober by die Hoërskool Brackenfell aangebiedword. Hiertydens sal gr. 11- en 12-leerders die geleentheid hê om hersie- ning en eksamenvoorbereiding (in Afri- kaans) vir wiskunde, fisiese wetenskap- pe, besigheidstudies (slegs gr. 12), reke- ningkunde, lewenswetenskappe en Afrikaans (slegs gr. 12) te doen. Die vakke word per dag aangebied, dus kan daar vir een of twee dae, of die hele week ingeskryf word. Die onderrigtyd is ses uur per dag en klasse sal daagliks om 08:30 begin, en om 16:00 eindig, en sluit badkamer- en middagetepouses in. Die koste vir die Lenteskool beloop R450 per dag, R650 vir twee dae, R800 vir drie dae, R900 vir vier dae of R1000 vir die hele week. Hierdie koste is vooruitbetaal- baar. Leerders is vir hul eie vervoer, ver- blyf en middagete verantwoordelik, en moet ook self die nodige skryfbehoeftes saambring. Die registrasievorm is by www.cumlaudemedia.com/downloads beskikbaar. Plek vir die Lenteskool is be- perk. Dit is dus noodsaaklik om vroegty- dig te bespreek. V Rig navrae aan
[email protected]. Eksamen-hersiening gehou Stap saam enbesigtig blomme Die Bellville-stap- klub gaan op Saterdag 29 Augustus in die Caledon-natuur- tuin stap. Vervoer kos R82 en vir nie-lede is daar ’n ekstra R10-fooitjie. Die groep vertrek om 08:00 vanaf Van Nie- kerkstraat 9, Bellville. Jackie Mellet is die stapleier. Die dag beloof ’n tog tussen die blomme- prag deur, met die groep wat hoër op in die reservaat sal stap. V Kontak Jackie by 021 948 3939. The Bellville Art Centre will be hosting a se- ries of creative Saturday workshops over the next four months. “Beginning on Saturday 29 August the monthly workshops will explore the art of Japanese bookbinding, gold-leaf work, air- dry clay possibilities as well as creative pac- kaging in November,” says Ian Engelmohr, chairperson of the Art Centre. Theseworkshopswill be facilitatedbyCis- kiaHanekom, previously the assistant Crea- tive Editor at Ideas magazine. During first workshop attendees will make their own journals with the Japanese stab binding technique. The workshop starts at 09:30 and the cost includes refresh- ments and all the materials needed. V To book and receive information regarding the workshops contactCiskia atworkshops@creativeaf fairs.co.za or 083 234 9669. General enquiries about the other activities of the Bellville Art Centre can be directed to
[email protected] , phoning 021 444 7230 or visiting their Facebook atwww.face book.com/bellvillekunssentrum. Creativeworkshops at theBellville LibraryArt Centre DieNGKerkLaBelle hou op Saterdag 29Au- gustus basaar op die terrein van die NG Kerk De La Bat vir Dowes in Herta Louw- straat, Loumar. Alle basaar-gunstelinge sal vanaf 09:00 uitgestal wees. V Skakel Anita by 021 945 2810 vir meer inligting. Alle basaar-gunstelingeword hier uitgestal 22 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015NUUS 3 Montague Drive | Montague Gardens Tel. 021 5515790 • www.plasticsforafrica.com Tin with 2 boxes of fire lighters Tin with 2 boxes of fire lighters C AT E RWAR E • G I F TWAR E • T O Y S X1PFDKTW-AL191114 R89.00R89.00 R65.00R65.00 Wooden giftsWooden gifts the original plastic shop 445 x 330mm braai grid 445 x 330mm braai grid eaea R5.00R5.00 MouldsMoulds R8.00R8.00 eaea Hangers – still only Hangers – still only pack of 20pack of 20 R25.00R25.00 X1QFJY9D-AL260815 Hidden treasure on theWest Coast LOUISA STEYL S outh African singer Ivan Zimmerman often refers to theWest Coast as “God’s backyard”. With its friendly people, long stretches of beach and incredibly diverse collection of fauna and flora, it’s easy to see why somany people fall in love with the area. Stretching from Blaauwberg Nature Re- serve right up to St Helena Bay, West Coast Way is introducingmore people to thewond- ers of theWestCoastwith routes showcasing the West Coast Biodiversity Corridor. The corridor is one of only 35 biodiversity hotspots around the world. These hotspots make up only 2.3% of the earth’s surface but supportmore thanhalf theworld’s plant spe- cies and almost half the global bird, mam- mal, reptile and amphibian species. However, these areas are threatened and through its tourism projects, West Coast Way create awareness about the importance of biodiversity. They also promote heritage tourism and stimulate job creation. Thinkers and adventurers will find hours of pleasure in a range of activities, from mountain bike trails to educational tours on either the heritage rich Groenekloof or lei- surely BlueBenguela routes, before relaxing at one of the great accommodation options along the way. Some of the highlights of the Groen- kloof Route include: . Khwa ttu San Cultural and Educational Centre offers a range of accommodation op- tions from absolute luxury in their guest house, to their tented bush village, along with tranquil hiking and mountain bike trails with views that stretch across the R27 to Yzerfontein. But it’s their San guided tours that make the centre a hidden gem. Guests can walk around the Kwa ttu farm and up to their traditional San village with a guide who explains San culture, language, medicinal plants and tracking along the way. The centre also offers a development programme for young people of San heri- tage, who live on the farm while learning about their heritage and receiving training in the hospitality industry. It’s these young people who greet you in the curio shop or the restaurant, which is open for breakfast and lunch. Find out more at www.khwattu.org. . West Coast Biosphere Trails offer five different trails for everyone from hard core mountaineers to modern-day strandlopers. Funds generated from these guided hikes help run Cape West Coast Biosphere whose main role is conservation of the West Coast Biodiversity Corridor. The non-profit orga- nisation negotiates with land-owners and helps ensure environmental sustainability. They also run environmental educational programmes and an alien clearing project. Visit www.capebiospheretrails.co.za for more information about Cape West Coast Biosphere’s work and their trails. On the BlueBenguela route visitors can look forward to: . The tranquil MerryWidow Country Re- treat in Hopefield becomes a hive of activity on Saturday morning between 10:00 to 14:00 when local farmers and crafters sell their wares at the Mill Country Fair. Once the beautiful guest house has stolen your heart, you may want to stay in one of their rooms decorated with pieces from owner Ulrich Donaggi’s travels, enjoy their hearty break- fast andperhaps indulge in a great conversa- tion and even better coffee at Cafe@ theMill. Visit www.themerrywidow.co.za for a taste of this “home away from home”. . A few doors down from The Merry Wid- ow, visitors can learn about the life of bees and their importance from Helena van der Westhuizen at Simply Bee. While their shop offers a huge range of award-winning, envi- ronmental beeswax products, and honey of course, Helena shares her passion for bees at her bee observation centre where you can watch a hive atwork. The centre also houses an exhibition on the history of different farms in the Hopefield area, complete with documents and old farm equipment. Visit simplybee.co.za for more about the bee ob- servation centre and a list of Cape Town stockists of Simply Bee products. . One of the most diverse collections of fossils are at theWest Coast Fossil Park. The park is home to fossils up to five million years old. Visit www.fossilpark.org.za. With spring almost here, the West Coast is abuzz with festivals and activities. V The fun starts this weekend with the Hopefield Fynbos Show which runs from Thursday 27 to Sunday 30 August. Visitors can look forward to flowerdisplays and spec- imens, traditional meals, children’s activi- ties, live entertainment, a mountain bike race and a fun run. Call Hopefield Tourism on 022 723 1720 or visit the Hopefield Fyn- bosskou Facebook page for more informa- tion. VTheClanwilliamWildFlower Show is al- so on this weekend and runs until Saturday 5 September. Email
[email protected] or call 027 482 2024 for more. V The Mamre Wild Flower Festival takes place fromFriday 18 toSunday 20September at Mamre Park where there will be plenty of entertainment on offer. There will be a performance by The Rockets and visitors can enjoy a meal at Tori Oso restaurant and browse the market at Mamre Werf. Call 083 692 0356 for more. V The 98th DarlingWildflower Show takes place on the same weekend at the Darling Sports Club. Call 084 916 1111. VMountain bikers can look forward to the Darling ttu race on a trail that is only open to the public once a year, on Saturday 26 Sep- tember. The route offers West Coast flora and game encounters with beautiful views on 10km, 45km, 60km and 5km kiddies fun ride options. There will also be music, food stalls and children’s activities on offer. Visit www.darlingttu.co.za for more information or to enter. V Visit www.westcoastway.co.za for more informa tion about West Coast Way and the many other stops on their routes. WIN! WIN! WIN! VOne reader canwin a !Khwa ttu San authentic get away for two people. Experience a celebration of San Culture, with accommodation set in a tranquil and natural location within the rich biodiversity of the Cape West Coast. Accommodation consists of a double room and ensuit bathrooms (twin available on request), a luxurious lounge with fire place, dining area, fully equipped openplan kitchen, WiFi access and beautiful décor. Added to your stay is a tourwith the San, where they demonstrate their skills and share their ancient knowledge. Enjoy breakfast in the farmhouse lovingly restored into a beautiful restau rant. The prize is valued at R2 500 and is valid for six months, but not over school holidays and public holidays. SMS the word “San” to 45527 before 12:00 on 2 September to enter. SMSs cost R1.50. MAGRIET THERON @magrietron ’n Liefdadigheidsgebaar vir bejaardes het meer bereik as om net honger mae te vul. Die Tygerbergse mobiele etes en Parow- sentrum se Winter Charity Can Drive, wat tussen 17 en 23 Augustus by dié sentrum ge- hou is, het gehelp om seniors wat aan die sentrum behoort en dikwels huisgebonde is, met die publiek te laat omgaan. “Die projek hou die seniors aktief in hul omgewing en was ook ’n uitstekende ge- leentheid om die publiek in te lig watmobie- le etes in hul omgewing doen,” sê Linda Louw, bestuurder van mobiele etes. Hierdie organisasie, wat hoofsaaklik van donateurs afhanklik is, maak weekliks dui- sende borde kos vir minderbevoorregte be- jaardes, gesinne en kinders deur verskeie voedingskemas. By ’n stalletjie in die sentrum het die seni- ors blikkieskos ingesamel van die publiek. Volgens Louw is meer as twee winkelwa- entjies vol blikkieskos só ingesamel. Diebestuurvanmobiele etes gaanhiervan kospakkies maak om aan behoeftige bejaar- des uit te deel. Die seniors is bygestaan deur vrywillige werkers en die Parow-baanbreker-jeug- groep. “Die bestuur bedank hul lede, vrywillige werkers, die jeug, die Parow-sentrum, Chec- kers Hyper en die publiek vir hul ondersteu- ning om hierdie projek te kon doen,” sê Louw. VKontak Linda Louwbydie Tygerbergsemobiele etes en sentrum vir bejaardes om betrokke te raak. Gebaar vir seniors bereikmeer as net vol mae Neel van Zyl, Sally Toerien, Alta Lanz en Rina Pretorius help by die Winter Charity Can Drive om blikkieskos vir behoeftige bejaar des in te samel. Ryno Pienaar is the conservation manager for Cape West Coast Biosphere. Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 23 SWIPE FOR A NEW HAIRDO. SAVE FOR MY WEDDING DAY. A CARD HAS NEVER LET YOU SWIPE AND SAVE. UNTIL NOW. Introducing Old Mutual Money Account, a transactional account that helps you save your money even while you’re spending some of it. Every time you swipe to pay for something, an amount set by you is deposited into a money market unit trust that grows your savings. Old Mutual is a Licensed Financial Services Provider. In association with Bidvest Bank Limited. Terms and conditions apply. To open an Old Mutual Money Account visit your nearest Old Mutual branch. Visit www.moneyaccount.co.za to locate your nearest branch or call 0860 222 252 today. SET HOWMUCH YOU WANT TO SAVE SWIPE YOUR CARD TO PAY GOES TO PURCHASE GOES TO SAVINGS TOTAL YOU PAID R110 R100 1 2 3 0% 5% 10% 15% FCB10017870JB/E Rol! Die Hoërskool D.F. Malan se eerste rugbyspan het verlede week vir spanbou en ontspanning by die Bellvillerolbalklub gaan aanklop. Heel links staan die rolbalklub se afrigter, Clive Haddon, en toekyk hoe Bertro Swartz die bal rol, ná hy hulle touwys gemaak het. Jaco Blaauw en Handon Mandy wag hulle beurt af. FOTO: CARINA ROUX T he Greater Tygerberg Partnership (GTP) invites the community to their first Tygerberg Health Forum. TheHealth Forumwill include stakehol- ders from public and private sectors and provide members an opportunity to net- work and communicate on key issues they are facing, according to a GTP statement. It will also present the opportunity to de- velop innovative solutions for the health care sector, meeting once per quarter. “The first Health Forummeeting will in- troduce the GTP and identify the role the GTP can play in facilitating improved health care in the region. “It will also be discussing two projects theGTPhasunderway: theTygerberg Inte- grated Medical Portal and the Tygerberg Medical Cluster Business Retention and Expansion programme. Themeetingwill take place at ProteaHo- tel Durbanville (2999 Jip de Jager Driver, Vineyards Office Estate) on 22 September from 09:00 to 11:00. The establishment of a Health Forum was adopted by a number of stakeholders. V Visit the GTP at www.gtp.org.za for more infor mation. GTP invites all to first health forum Kaartjies vir die NG Kerk Bellville-Oos se jaarlikse basaar is nou te koop. Vanjaar is die basaar op Vrydag 4 Sep- tember en dit begin die middag om 17:30 – net die regte tyd vir mense wat vir die na- week op pad huis toe is, en nie lus het om op ’n Vrydagaand kos te maak nie, meen die kerk. Die tema vanjaar is “Disse Lek- ker OuKaap”. Teen slegs R45 kan ’n heerli- ke ete van Kaaps-Maleise hoender, geelrys met rosyne, Weskus-patatrol en gerooster- de Kaapse groente vooraf bestel word. Kaartjies vir hamburgers en boerewors- rolle teen R15 is ook vooraf beskikbaar. V Kontak die kerkkantoor van Dinsdae tot Vrydae tussen 09:00 tot 12:00met navrae of om kaartjies te bespreek, of skakel die kantoor by 021 948 5785. Kerkbasaar-kaartjies is nou beskikbaar The Charity Bargain Shop in Parow, which sells their wares to raise funds for a mobile healthcare clinic caring for ani- mals in the Little Karoo, are having a half- price sale. The Karoo Animal Protection Society’s shop is thus once again inviting the sur- rounding communities to support them. The sale starts on Friday 28 August at 10:00. “If we haven’t got what you are loo- king for, please keep visiting us in our shop, as we keep getting lovely items from our generous public,” says Gloria Pitlo. The shop is open every Friday from 10:00 to 15:00 and every Saturday from 09:00 to noon at Shopno. 4 in theMontanaBuilding at 249 Voortrekker Road. V Visit www.kaps.org.za for more information or call Gloria on 083 450 2782. Half price sale funds Karoo animal care Join a talk on conserving endangeredAfri- can penguins by the Friends for an Educa- tional Talk. The talk will be hosted by Tamlyn Har- dy, educational manager of Sanccob. Members are requested to donate old newspapers, towels and teddies for use by Sanccob and various miscellaneous pen- guin items will be for sale. The talk will be at the Christo Pienaar Centre at theTygerbergNatureReserve on Tuesday 1 September at 19:30. Entrance for members is free, R20 for visitors. V Contact Diane on 021 975 5660 or 083 270 8546 for more information. Penguins the subject of conservation talk Blomtuin-buurtwagbyeen Die Blomtuin-buurtwag hou sy maandver- gadering op 7 September van 19:00 tot 20:00. Dit sal op die hoek van Postma- en St. Andrewstraat in Oakdale plaasvind. V Kontak Karen van Wijk by online1296798@tel komsa.net met navrae. Snapgesels breinoefening Die waarde van breinoefeninge word bespreek by die vergadering van die Snap-ondersteuningsgroep vir ouers met kinders met outisme en Asperger se sindroom op Dinsdag 8 September. Die vergadering begin om 19:00 by die Snap-sentrum in De Damstraat 9 in Vierlanden, Durbanville.Tamara Carter sal die gesprek lei. V Kontak Sonja Brand by 021 975 7224 met navrae. 24 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015VERMAAK The Vanilla are (from left) Barthlo Visagie, JaenPierre Dowling, Tyan Odendal and Francois Keyser. PHOTO: NADINE AUCAMP Still clean after Oppikoppi gig LOUISA STEYL @lounotes T hey might still be blowing dust out of their noses but The Vanilla are very happy at having played their firstOppi- koppi festival together as a band. The fact they got booked to play the Gaut- eng festival earlier this month is in itself a big deal for the band who have only been to- gether since February. “It was crazy,” says frontman Tyan Oden- dal. “It was the first time we got to decorate our cases with ‘fragile’ stickers.” It was the first time the band had flown somewhere to perform, so they ran a compe- tition to take a fan along. First they had to come up for the money for the trip. Theband threwanold-fashioned fund-raising show for family and friends at their alma mater, De Kuilen High School, complete with raffle tickets and hot dogs. “We went all out.” Excited While The Vanilla were excited to play to new audiences, they also used Oppikoppi as an opportunity to network with industry heavyweights and got a lot of positive feed- back. “If the right people see you, that’s all that matters,” said bassist Jaen-Pierre Dowling. Oppikoppi isn’t the only important festi- val to the band. The idea for TheVanilla was born at Rocking the Daisies last year when Tyan and Jaen-Pierre joked about starting a band to “get the girls”. It stayed a joke until earlier this year when Tyan, who also plays for blues rock band The Ballistics, started writing more pop-inspired songs. He, Jaen-Pierre and drummer Francois Keyser (also from The Ballistics), who have all known each other for years, started playing the songs together to see what came out. “It just felt really natural,” says Jaen- Pierre. Eventually they got Barthlo Visagie in on lead guitar and synth and carried on writing. The band describe their music as positive and upbeat. “When people come to a gig they should leave feeling happy,” Jaen-Pierre says. Image conscious They are very serious about their image. On stage, theymake sure they look presenta- ble, believing their image and branding is as important as their music. They created social media “hype” about a month and a half before they released a sin- gle and try to be as interactive as possible online, giving fans the chance to get to know them and invest in the band. They approach the band from a business perspective and try create brand awareness by keeping their image consistent. Jaen-Pierre says their target market is high school kids and the band has played a few shows at Northern Suburbs schools. The Vanilla documented their trip and fanswill get to share theirOppikoppi experi- ence when they release the music video for the single Little Thoughts in September. They’re also planning to release a profes- sionally recorded version of their song Sally towards the end of the year, with the aim of “getting it on the radio”. They’ll also be playingTheRiverRepublic festival in Swellendam and Plett Rage in No- vember. The Vanilla will perform a free show with Dum-Chang at Bohemia in Stellenbosch on Thursday night. They’ll be opening for Die Heuwels Fantasties at Music Experience on Wednesday 2 September. The Vanilla will be doing an acoustic set and the performance is free, but booking is essential, as there are only 80 seats available. Call 021 510 4591/2 or email
[email protected] to book. V Visit The Vanilla’s Facebook page for more about the band, their music and upcoming shows. Laugh-a-lot: #ThatsFunny has found a permanent home at Meraki in Durbanville where they’ll be hosting comedy every Saturday night. Saturday (29 August) will feature Nelson De Gouveia, Peter Sserwan ga, Chantal Venter Dalin Oliver (pictured) and Joe Emilio. The first Saturday of every month will be an open mic night, the second an improv night and the third will be a variety show with a “premium show” to end each month. Visit www.joeemi lio.com, HashTag ThatsFunny shows on Facebook or follow @htthatsfunny on Twitter for more. Tickets for the launch cost R40 at the door or R20 from 062 688 1570. Fans of opera, good food and décor can look forward to a musical soirée and exhi- bition opening at Sanders SouthAf- rica in Salt River on Sunday 30 Au- gust from 15:00. The showroom will be transfor- med into a pop-up exhibition and theatre space for the musical after- noon of Cape Town Opera (CTO) singers Arline Jaftha (soprano), Jo- hannes Slabbert (baritone) and Nolovuyiso Mpofu (soprano) who will be performing ex- tracts from popular operas including the upcoming Merry Widow of Malagawi, alongside more contempo- rary pieces. CTO artistic director Matthew Wild will give so- me insight into the pro- duction of The Merry Wi- dow, the rest of the compa- ny’s season and some of the new talent that will be on stage for the 2016 season. CuratorDylanThomaz of StudioDy- lan Thomaz will introduce his latest exhibition featuring a range of pain- tings and textiles by bbellamy & bbellamy inspiredbynature and the solar system. These unusual pieces, which will be exhibited at Sanders until Fri- day 4 September, embody Tho- maz’s innovative idea of col- laboration with artists who are working on sustainable projects that combine natural fabrics with original artistic design. VTickets cost R140 and include ref reshments. Call 086 123 4448 or email le@sanderssouthafri ca.co.za to book. Visit www.thesof terside.co.za for more information. Design andmusic in Salt River Johannes Slabbert Acclaimed: On Sunday 30 August, the captivating sounds of music for flute, cello and piano will fill the historical Nederburg Manor House in Paarl from 17:00 with a performance by the critically acclaimed Esperanza Trio made up of Liesl Stoltz (flute), Polina Burdukova (cello) and Kerryn Wisniewski (piano). Tickets cost R220 per person includes sherry on arrival, Nederburg Brut during interval, plus top Nederburg wines which will be served with a finger supper after the concert. Call 021 809 8412/8106 during office hours or email
[email protected] to book. Following its resounding success in the United States earlier this year, the South African theatre classic Sizwe Banzi is Dead, directed by John Kani and starring Mncedisi Shabangu and Atandwa Kani, will be on stage at the Baxter Flipside until Saturday 12 September. Forty years since John Kani and Win- ston Ntshona won the Best Actor Tony Award for their performances in the play, which they co-created with Athol Fugard, and nearly a decade after the two theatre veterans reprised their roles at the Baxter in 2006, JohnKani returns as director,with his son in the role which he made famous. The award-winning iconic production is about the universal struggle for human dignity. A black man in apartheid-era South Africa tries to overcome oppressive work regulations to support his family. Kani and Ntshona performed the play in South Africa, England and on Broadway, where they jointly won the coveted Tony Awards for Best Actor. In 1976 they were arrested by the Apartheid Secret Police and were detained in solitary confinement for 23 days. Theywere only released becau- se of massive demonstrations by the arts fraternity all over the world. “SizweBanzi isDeadbecamea statement that articulated the anger of black people against these laws,” says the triple Honou- rary Doctorate recipient, Kani. “It’s about the universal struggle of identity, of the dignity of the human being, and respect for humanity.” VTickets costR120 (matineeandBaxterMondays), R130 Tuesday to Thursday and R150 over wee kends. The Baxter Monday special applies where patrons pay R120 which includes a meal and the performance. All tickets are available throughCom puticket. ‘Sizwe’ returns after success in the USA Atandwa Kani and Mncedisi Shabangu in Sizwe Banzi Is Dead. PHOTO: RUPHIN COUDYZER Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 25 26 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015VERMAAK V Sizwe Banzi is Deadwill be on stage at the Baxter Flipside until Saturday 12 Sep- tember. Tickets are available at Compu- ticket. V Rock Royalty, a tribute to flamboyant rock stars will be on stage at Barnyard Willowbridge until Sunday 30 August. Vi- sit www.barnyardtheatre.co.za for boo- kings and more information. V Danie Niehaus kuier vanaand (Woens- dag) by Die Boer. R120. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of www.dieboer.com. V The Derk Blaisse Trio will be at The Crypt in CBD tonight from 19:00. R75. SMS 079 683 4658 to book. V Comedy on Roll presents an open mic night at Obviously Armchair in Observa- tory every Wednesday from 21:30. R30. Follow @ComedyOnARoll on Twitter for more. V Joshua Bellwill be performing with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra at Cape Town City Hall on tonight (Wednesday) and tomorrow (Thursday). Tickets are available from Artscape Dial-a-Seat on 021 421 7695. V Vittorio Leonardi (JHB), Stuart Tay- lor, Westley Cock- rell and Paul Cowan will be at the Cape Town Comedy Club from tonight (Wed- nesday) until Sun- day. Tickets are avai- lable from Compu- ticket. V Jason Potgieter will be at Alexander Upstairs tonight (Wednesday) and from Monday 31 Au- gust until Saturday 5 September in Gone Camping. Visit shows.alexander- bar.co.za for more. V TWEE (Herman Kleinhans en Maria Rademan) kuier Donderdag by Die Boer. R100. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of www.dieboer.com. V Livingston(UK) will be performing a free show at Aces &Spades in CBD on Thursday. Visit www.facebook.com/livingstonmusic for more information. V The Artscape Heritage Festival takes place at theArtscapeCentre fromThurs- day 27 August to Sunday 27 September. Visit www.artscape.co.za for the festival program and more information. VMello & Jive (Derek and Linda Gordon) will be performing at the Bampas Coffee Shop in Durbanville, on Friday from 19:00. Call 021 975 3250 to book. V Dirkie and Talisa (violin and guitar acoustic duo) will be at Villa Pascal in Durbanville onFriday. R100.Visitwww.vil- lapascal.co.za or call 021 975 2566 to book. V Stef Bos is Vrydagaand by Die Boer te sien. R160. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of www.dieboer.com. V J. J Brits kuier Vrydag in die Bavaria-te- ater in Melkbos met Jakkals Songs. R100. Bespreek by
[email protected]. V The biPolar ratswill be launching their new album Antisocial with guests Skelmbosch, Johnny Gilmour, Nuns or Ninjas and The Dirty South at Mercury Live on Friday. Tickets cost R50 at the door from 19:30. V Sylvia Mdunyelwawill be at The Crypt in CBD on Friday from 20:00. SMS 079 683 4658 to book. VWayneMcKaywill present his new one man show at Baran’s Kurdish Restaurant, Green Market Square on Friday and Sa- turday. Tickets cost R240 and include a buffet dinner. Call 071 877 0440 to book. V Abel Kraamsaal kuier Vrydag in die Ou Meulteater. R60. Bespreek by 083 564 0056 of
[email protected]. V The Rocketswill be performing at Lon- don Town Pub in Milnerton on Saturday from 21:00. R50. Call Gill on 021 551 3460 after 10:00 for bookingsormore informa- tion. V Macstanley will be at Die Boer on Sa- turday. R120. Call 021 979 1911 or visit www.dieboer.com to book. V Johan Roos, Heidi van Wyk and Bian- ca Lombard will be performing at the fi- nals of the Pop Idols Junior Western Cape competition at Durbanville Civic Centre from 19:00 on Saturday. Call 071 118 1775 to book. VVernonCastle andhis bandwill be per- forming alongside DJs at Club Zouke in Kensington on Saturday. R40. Call 079 661 4279 to book. V The Abigail Petersen Trio will be at The Crypt in CBD on Saturday from 20:00. SMS 079 683 4658 to book. V Axenmore will be playing rock classics at Hillcrest Quarry on Sunday from 14:00. R70.Call 0724569071 to book. V The Esperanza Trio made up of Liesl Stoltz (flute), Polina Burdukova (cello) and Kerryn Wis- niewski (piano) will be at the Nederburg Manor House in Paarl on Sunday from 17:00. Tickets cost R220 and include drinks and ca- napés. Email con-
[email protected] or call 021 809 8412/8106 to book. V Musicanti Cham- ber Orchestra will perform its next con- cert onSunday 30Au- gust at 18:00 at the St Martini Church, Loop Street, CBD. Tickets cost R60 or R30 for students at the door. Scholars enter free. V The Barleycorn Music Club meets on Mondays at 20:00 at Villager Football Club, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont. En- trance is (usually) R20 for members and R30 for non-members. Visit www.barley- corn.org.za for more. V Comedy on Roll present an open mic night at I heart IT, Main Road, Ronde- bosch on Monday nights from 20:00. R20. Follow@ComedyOnARoll onTwitter for more. V Jack Parow and Dirt Nasty will be at Aandklas in Stellenbosch on Tuesday. R60 at the door. V The Crypt Jazz Jam takes place at The Crypt in CBD on Tuesday nights from 19:00with their houseband:AlvinDyers, Tino Europa and Denver Furness. En- trance is free formusiciansandcostsR50 for patrons. SMS 079 683 4658 to book. V Dozi kuier op Dinsdag 1 en Woensdag 2 September by Die Boer. R120. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of www.dieboer.com. V TWEE, Deon Meiring en Len Muller, kuier op Woensdag 2 September in die Drostdy-teater. R120. Bespreek by in-
[email protected] of 071 931 9954. V Jack Parow and Dirt Nasty will be at The Assembly in CBD on Wednesday 2 September. Tickets cost R60 from www.webtickets.co.zaorR80at thedoor. What’s On |Wat’s Waar Bos-pad: Stef Bos kyk terug en vooruit na ’n musikale pad van 25 jaar in Sprong in die Tijd, wat Vrydag by Die Boer te sien is. Dis ’n reis deur die lewe en die wêreld langs die liefde, die drome en die werklikheid. Sy stories en liedjies is soos foto’s van die reis. Kaartjies kos R160. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of aanlyn by www.dieboer.com. Leon Schuster will be back on screen at Ster- Kinekor Theatres from Friday with Schuks! Pay back the money!. After losing rugby’s holy grail, the Currie Cup, Schuks (Leon Schuster) sets off on a hi- larious journey to pay for what he has done. In lieu of a R1 million fine, the Sports Minis- ter (Desmond Dube) offers Schuks a lifeline to create a documentary film that shows South Africa in a positive light. As the docu- mentary takes shape, the Currie Cup traver- ses its own perilous journey as it moves from two clueless crooks, Bossie (Ivan Lucas) and Savage (Gerrit Schoonhoven), to an enterpri- sing traffic officer and a conniving pawnbro- ker, among others. True to form, the “documentary” features a series of brand new candid camera gags for which Schuster is so well known, featuring unsuspecting South African citizens and a host of famous personalities and celebrities - both past and current VVisit www.sterkinekor.com or call Ticketline on 0861 668 437 for more information. Schuster pays for his sins at Ster-Kinekor Rocking: Axenmore rock band will be playing rock classics at Hillcrest Quarry in Durbanville on Sunday 30 August from 14:00. Tickets cost R70. Call 072 456 9071 to book. PHOTO: GEOFF SHAR Tour stop: UK and Germany based rock band Livingston will be performing at Aces & Spades in CBD on Thursday 27 August. This will be the last stop of their South African tour for the band made up of singer Beukes Willemse and a guitarist/key boardist Chris van Niekerk from South Africa, guitarist/percussionist Jakob Nebel from Germany and bassist Phil Magee. Entrance is free. Visit livingstonmusic.co.uk for more. Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 27 Property Centre 021 976 3042 LA ROCHELLE R1 100 000 A MUST TO VIEW! 3 Bedroom duplex townhouse in gated security complex in popular La Rochelle Park. 2 Bathrooms, living/lounge area which leads out on to private braai Patio with built in braai. Automated single garage! Ralph Moore 082 565 3015
[email protected] WebRef RXDU-0876 NEW RELEASE SOLE MANDATE AREA SPECIALIST ALLEENMANDAAT La Rochelle, Blomtuin, Oak Glen and Surrounds Are you ready to sell or just curious to know what your property is worth? For Professional and efficient service call me to assist you with a ValuationFREE Ralph Moore 082 565 3015
[email protected] X1QFLK4R-AL260815 Wynliefhebbers geniet fees Goeie wyn het nie lofliedere nodig nie soos plaaslike wynliefhebbers van oor die stad heen weer eens die naweek uitgevind het, met die CapeGate-winkelsentrum se derde jaarlikse We Luv Wine-wynfees. Dit proe vanself lekker. ’n Verskeidenheid wynkultivars van 21 Kaapse wynplase is hier ten toon gestel. Carina Roux het die foto’s by die geleentheid geneem. Melisa Marx (Brackenfell), Francis Kilonza (Kenya/ Wild Ventures) en Jeanine Calitz (Sonstraalhoogte) klink ’n glasie. Hierdie vriende, (van links) Charlene Coetzé, Seppie Coetzé (Brackenfell), Garett Goss, Surita Smit (Kraaifontein), Nadia Coetzee en Martin Groenewald (Durbanville), kuier saam. Jill en Gavin Maneveldt van Bracken Heights. Annusska Scott (Brackenfell), Linda van Wyk (Kraaifontein) en Jackie Groenewald (Brackenfell) geniet hul gunsteling wyn. Antoinette Lombard en Riaan Swarts van Durbanville gesels met Werner Barkhuizen, wynmaker van Eerste Hoopwynkel der. Donna en Michael Singleton (Stellenbosch) en Dewald en Yvette Koeke moer (Durbanville) geniet die dag saam. Cindy Speling en Annie van Deventer van Brackenfell 28 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 29 VERHURINGS!: AANDAG: VERKOPE: EK HET 3 HUISE HIERDIE MAAND VERKOOP! EK DOEN OOK VERHURINGS TEEN NET 8% KOMMISSIE. SKAKEL MY OOK INDIEN U U EIENDOM WIL VERHUUR! WEES GERUS, U IS IN GOEIE HANDE. DIE VERHURINGSMARK IS UITSTEKEND EN U BELEGGING GROEI TERSELFDERTYD! Waarom meer kommissie betaal as u as Verkoper meer in u sal kan kry?? Skakel my vir meer inligting. 3.8% kommissie, beter diens en meer in u sak! Seënwense / Blessings. WILMA DE VILLIERS (s) 083 631 4755 (e)
[email protected], www.belldur.co.za NETJIESE RUIM FAMILIEWONING.... LOOP AFSTAND VAN DIE LAERSKOOL! Wilma: 083 631 4755 4 Ruim slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, sitkamer met kaggel, eetkamer. Ruim kombuis met ontbythoekie. Studeerhoek. Kuier lekker uit kombuis na privaat swembad en buite braai patio. Enkelmotorhuis met dubbel oordekte en geboude motorafdak wat voor kan toegemaak word. Braai patio agter OAKDALE, BELLVILLE – R1 550 000 OHB GOODWOOD – R750 000 NB: BOSTON (BELLVILLE) – TEEN R15 000 PER MAAND TE HUUR ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! SEE IT TODAY! WILMA: 0836314755 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, 4 Living areas. Extra large double auto garage. Study! Bar! Walking Wine Cellar! Domestic quarters. Lovely granny flat on ground level. Sparkling pool. Great entertainer's dream home with all the trimmings. SONSTRAAL, DURBANVILLE R4 750 000 BELLVILLE, OAK GLEN (HEEMSTEDE R450 000) – OULIKE SONNIGE NOORDFRONT GRONDVLOER WOONSTEL. IN VE I L IGE KOMPLEKS . 1 Slaapkamer met ingeboude kaste. Sitkamer met oopplan kombuis. Ingeboude stoof en plek vir Wasmasjien. 1 Badkamer met stort bo bad. Onderdak parkering. LEKKER NABY W INKELS EN UITGANGSROETES! WILMA: 0836314755 RIDGEWORTH (TYGERVALLEI AREA) BELLVILLE NOORD VAN DIE N1 R2 195 000– MANDAAT ALLEENMANDAAT pic outstanding pic outstanding ALLEENMANDAATALLEENMANDAAT OULIKE GRONDVLOER WOONSTEL IN VEILIGE KOMPLEKS MET EIE PRIVAAT TUINTJIE EN TOEGANG VANAF DIE STRAAT! WILMA: 083 631 4755 Twee slaapkamers, ingeboude kaste. 1 volledige badkamer. Sit-/eetkamer met skuifdeure na tuin. Oopplan kombuis met stoof en plek vir wasmasjien. OnderdakParkering. RUIM 4 SLAAPKAMER WONING WILMA: 083 631 4755 Groot sitkamer met kaggel. Studeer kamer. Eetkamer. Moderne kombuis en opwaskamer. Ingeboude kaste. 2 Vol badkamers. Studeerhoekie. Groot Ond e r d a k s t o e p me t b r a a i . Outomatiese Dubbel motorhuis met t o e g a n g . P r i v a a t t u i n . Sprinkelbesproeiing. Woonstel agter plus 3 stoorkamers en kelder. LEKKER RUIM EN VEILIG! GROOT 3 SLAAPKAMER FAMILIE WONING! VEILIG OMHEIN met elektriese omheining en outomatiese hek. Min onderhoud! Privaat sitkamer en studeerkamer. Groot TV kamer met kaggel. Eetkamer oopplan. 3 moderne badkamers, Moderne semi oopplan kombuis. Opwaskamer. Dubbel motorhuis met toegang. Dubbel motorafdak. Ekstra parkering vir 4 motors. Grasdak lapa met sauna. Sprankel swembad. Baie sentraal. WILMA: 0836314755 UITSTEKENDEBELEGGINGOFRUIM WOONHUIS! HUURINKOMSTE VAN ONGEVEER R13 000 PER MAAND! HUURDERS KAN OORGENEEM WORD. WILMA: 083 631 4755 Opgedeel in 4 woonstelle maar maklik om weer terug te omskep na ruim 3 slaapkamer woonstel met braaikamer, sitkamer, eetkamer en 4 badkamers plus gaste toilet. Die Dubbelmotorhuis is ook omskep in woonstel met 3rdemotorhuis beskikbaar. OAK DALE, BELLVILLE – R1 145 000 ALLEENMANDAATALLEENMANDAATALLEENMANDAAT X1QFUHNM-AL260815 MELCK 021 • 949 4949 ESTATES www.melck.info Klasie 079 857 8485 BOSTON Estelle 079 257 7664 OAKDALE Estelle 079 257 7664 Estelle 079 257 7664 Jurgens Tubb 0861 919 070 2 Bedrms, full bathrm, lounge and dining, enclosed balcony, kitchen, Security block Web Ref. 430 Large one bedroom duplex, bathrm, lounge, dining, kitchen, covered parking Klasie 079 857 8485 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining, study, newer kitchen, d/garage, Pool ++ Estelle 079 257 7664 3 Bedroom Town house, 2 bathrms, lounge dining room, fitted kitchen, double garage,+ DE LA HAYE R469 000 4/5 Bedrms, 3 Bathrms, Study, lounge, dining, Braai room, double garage, pool,+ Klasie 079 857 8485 Morné 079 347 4677 OAKGLEN Stunning VIEWS! 6 Bedrms, 4 Bathrms, 6 Living areas, Pool, 4 Garages, +++ New 2 Beds flat, full bathrm, lounge, balcony, new kitchen, parking, ++ Morné 079 347 4677 Estelle 079 257 7664 LOEVENSTEIN R1 599 000 Web Ref. 518 WELGEMOED R6 800 000 Web Ref. 520 BOSTON R650 000 Web Ref. 463 Eloise Pretorius Doordekraal R2 850 000 Estelle 079 257 7664 3 Bedrm Duplex, bathroom, lounge, dining Braai room, kitchen, garage, large yard, + GROENVALLEI R745 000 Estelle 079 257 7664 OAKDALE R1 060 000 3 Bedrm Duplex, 2 bathrms, lounge, dining fitted kitchen, 2 Parking, Secure Complex 2 Bedrooms flat, full bathrm, lounge, balcony, new kitchen, parking, + Morné 079 347 4677 BUH-REIN R599 000 Web Ref. 417 STELLENRYK R2 890 000 Lovely 3 Bedroom, Full bathrm, lounge, kitchen, garage, Patio “Braai”, Pool, + JOUBERT PARK R1 250 000 Morné 079 347 4677 Klasie 079 857 8485 Lovely VIEWS!! 4/5 Bedrms, 4 bathrms, 5 living areas, Pool, Garages, DQ, laundry Web Ref. 524 Web Ref. 530 Web Ref. 398 Ground floor, large 1 bedrm flat, lock-up garage, bathrm, lounge, kitchen, parking,+ OAKGLEN R515 000 Morné 079 347 4677 Web Ref. 532 OAKDALE R1 450 000 Renovated 3 beds, 2 bathrms, lounge, dining, new fiited kitchen, garage, + Web Ref. 533 STELLENBERG Eloise 073 780 1551 Web Ref. 535 LOEVENSTEIN R3 700 000 NEW listing Estelle 079 257 7664 3 Bedrms home, bathrm, lounge, dining, large enclosed stoep, Garage, Wendy, ++ NEW listing Web Ref. 534 Our NewAgent for areas: Stellenberg, Stellenryk, Ridgeworth, Eversdal, Amanda Glen, Everglen Wil u huis verkoop in BOSTON Ek het die Kopers wat dringend huis soek! Klasie 079 857 8485 Web Ref. 536 NEW listing Web Ref. 537 NEW listing GROENVALLEI R890 000 Wil u huis verkoop in OAKDALE Ek het die Kopers wat dringend huis soek! Estelle 079 257 7664 Price reduced 30 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD HANNA JOUBERT EIENDOMME • PROPERTIES Office Tel: 021 949 1062 Email:
[email protected] www.hjproperties.co.za RENTALS BOSTON R9 990 p/m - Well kept 2 bedroom home with secure parking in upper avenues. R10 500 p/m – 3 Bedoom home with garage and secure parking. Fully enclosed. R12 000 p/m – HOHEIZEN – 3 Bedroom home with study/4th bedr, 2 bathr, pool. Secure parking. R13 000 p/m – 3 Bedroom home with granny flat and garage. R8500 p/m – Very neat 2 bedroom home with garage and carport in upper avenues R2 970 p/m – Furnished room in house for female student/ young working lady. R2 500 p/m - Furnished room with separate bathroom for mature lady with nursing experience. Moonyeen 076 157 7132 Paul 082 591 5575 / Hanna 082 591 5575 Web Ref #808 BOSTON R1 399 000 TRUE BOSTON GEM 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom open plan family home with garage. Not to be missed phone now! BOSTON R1 850 000 NOT TO BE MISSED Spacious 3 bedroom family home with beautiful wooden floors. TV room with stacking doors to undercover entertainment area. Laundy and study. Garage, carport for 4 cars. BOSTON R1 980 000 DOUBLE STOREY DREAM Sunny family home with north facing living areas. Great entertainment area with pool. Paul 082 591 5575 / Hanna 082 399 2819 Web Ref #809 NEW RELEASENEW RELEASENEW RELEASENEW RELEASE Hanna 082 399 2819 / Paul 082 591 5575 Web Ref #811 OAK GLEN R1 795 000 JUST MOVE IN! Very neat 3 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms and study. Large kitchen with breakfast nook and scullery. Double garage with space for office. Pool Web ref#780 Paul 082 591 5575 BOSTON R1 500 000 FAMILY LIVING Large family home with sunny open plan living area. 3 Bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. Single garage with the bonus of a granny flat. Paul 082 591 5575 Web Ref #804 BOSTON RENTAL R15 000p/m OFFICE TO LET Beautifully renovated office situated in first avenue Boston. 4 Offices plus open plan work station, boardroom, kitchen etc.. Phone now!! Web Ref #807 Moonyeen 076 157 7132 NEW RELEASENEW RELEASE CHRISMAR R1 725 000 LOOKING FOR SPACE? Large 3 bedroom open plan family home close to schools. Fully enclosed. Phone now to view. Paul 082 591 5575 Web Ref #806 X1QFFC51-AL260815 Edzard Barnard PROPERTY CONSULTANT Harcourts House of Real Estate C 082 975 1670 T 021 949 6060 View www.harcourtshouseofrealestate.co.za AGENT FEATURE On signing with me, you can be confident of professional service, regular feedback and the essential element of communication. Whether you’re buying or selling property, give me a call TODAY! PROPERTY CONSULTANT 10 PROPERTIES SOLD IN 2 WEEKS! AGENT FEATURE On signing with me, you can be confident of professional service, regular feedback and the essential element of communication. Whether you’re buying or selling property, give me a call TODAY! 10 PROPERTIES SOLD IN 2 WEEKS! R1 750 000 SPACIOUS MONTE CARLO Scaling down without pain to 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms and easy flowing living areas. Sunny and light with lovely braai area.. R 2 650 000 EXCLUSIVE GATED VILLAGE Become one of 7 proud homeowners in a sought-after complex. Truly spacious home(249m²) with 4 living areas and 3 bedrooms & study. R 4 450 000 COME HOME TO SECURITY Enjoy the tranquility and spoil yourself with spaciousness in the large living rooms, masterly main bedroom,study, 3 bedrooms and domestic room. A covered patio opens to the main bedroom and all living rooms. R1 800 000.00 TOWN HOUSE IN FAIRTREES RETIREMENT ESTATE – 24-HOUR NURSING CARE!!! Spacious open-plan living areas that flow to an under roof patio. 2 Double bedroom, 2 dovetailing bathrooms and study . In mint condition! Web Ref: 3288158Web Ref: 3269601 Web Ref: 3272689 Web Verw: Mili-0227 DURBANVILLE - EVERSDAL HEIGHTS DURBANVILLE -VYGEBOORD VILLAGE DURBANVILLE DURBANVILLE Office 021 976 3662
[email protected] www.milieuproperties.com Erna van Rensburg: 021 976 3662 / 082 891 7672 Erna van Rensburg: 021 976 3662 / 082 891 7672 Erna van Rensburg: 021 976 3662 / 082 891 7672 Alecia de Villiers: 021 914 4555 / 083 359 3643 S O L D S O L D S O L D S O L D X1QG0F79-AL260815 Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 31 Jacques Groenewald T 021 801 2224 S E
[email protected] www.harcourtsselect.co.za KOOP OF VERKOOP U EIENDOM? Kontak my gerus vir goeie resultate, goeie diens en die ware prentjie. HARCOURTS EIENDOMME KRY MEER AS 4 MILJOEN AANLYN BESOEKE ELKE WEEK.* HET JY GEWEET? *Gebaseer op Harcourts Internasionale syfers in 2014. 078 109 7521 www.harcourtsselect HARCOURTS EIENDOMME KRY MEER AS KOMPETISIE - PRYSE TER WAARDE VAN R28 000!! Kontak My - Jou Area Agent. BELOFTE: HARCOURTS EN JACQUESWAARBORG UITSTEKENDE DIENS OF AL JOU KOMMISSIE TERUG! VERKOOP BINNE 4 WEKE!! R1,700,000 MAPLESTRAAT 13, BELLAIR/BLOMMENDAL VERKOOP BINNE 1 UUR!! R2,122,000 KORAALBOOMSTRAAT 9, BLOMMENDAL R1,700,000 R2,122,000 KOOP, VERKOOP OF VERHUUR U EIENDOM? As jy ernstig is om jou eiendom te verkoop, kontak my gerus vir ‘n markverwante waardebepaling van jou woning – sonder enige verpligtinge. JOHN DE VILLIERS B.Rek, MBA C 083 414 7373 // T 021 801 2224 E
[email protected] www.harcourtsselect.co.za TOT U DIENS! 32 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD 2 ARAUNA STREET, BRACKENFELL | 021 982 1053 | www.lregroup.co.za LEADING REALTY EXPERTS RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL | DEVELOPMENTS | RENTALS R2,549,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Hester: 082 663 9958 / Clinton: 083 892 8828 SOLE MANDATE BREATH-TAKING BEAUTY!! From floorboard to Cornish; from gully to gutter… feast your eyes on what modern living looks like. State of the art security system; ultra-chic in every way!!! Web: LREG-0089 BRACKENFELL SONKRING R1,915,000 Bedrooms 4 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Hester: 082 663 9958 / Clinton: 083 892 8828 SOLE MANDATE COMFORTABLE FAMILY-LIFE APPEAL! Braai with your friends and family while enjoying the pool, beautiful palm trees & the shading it provides in summer… & the neat jetmaster in the cozy lounge. Web: LREG-0133 BELLVILLE OAKGLEN R1,849,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Tino: 060 738 3693 SOLE MANDATE A HAPPY HOME! Everything about this property just looks & feels right; it is cosy. It is warm and it is inviting. This one is going to go fast. Web: LREG-0127 BRACKENFELL MORGENSTER HEIGHTS R1,799,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Sunay: 083 700 0097 SOLE MANDATE FAMILY INVESTMENT! This cosy 3 bedroom + study home with BIC could be ideal for you. It has a kitchen with scullery, living & braai area that brings a cosy family atmosphere to the home. A big erf size. Web: LREG-0078 BRACKENFELL MORGENSTER HEIGHTS R1,599,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 1 Ilzette: 083 697 7830 SOLE MANDATE MOVE IN TIME FOR SUMMER!! Situated in the sought after area of Sonstraal Heights Close to Curro Private School, Cobble Walk shopping centre and churches. Security Estate. Web: LREG-0140 DURBANVILLE SONSTRAAL HEIGHTS R1,349,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 1 Jaco: 084 794 0052 SOLE MANDATE IMMACULATE FAMILY DREAM HOME Close to Hypermarket etc.3 –Bedroom home with a Ensuite Bathroom , Surrounded with electric fence, Braai Room and lots more... Web: LREG-0120 BRACKENFELL ST MICHAELS R1,299,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 1 Ilzette: 083 697 7830 SOLE MANDATE WHY RENT? Safe & secure living. Situated in a security estate in Protea Village, Brackenfell. Almost new lovely 3 bedr home, 1.5 baths, open plan living & dining room. Fully enclosed yard (front & back) Web: LREG-0129 BRACKENFELL PROTEA VILLAGE R1,295,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 1 | Garage 2 Gerald: 079 358 9456 SOLE MANDATE BRING GRANNY ALONG Don’t let this 3 bedroom house with Granny flat slip through your fingers. It also offers a TV room, Dining area and Lounge leading out to a covered patio with a braai. Web: LREG-0131 KRAAIFONTEIN BONNY BROOK R779,000 Bedrooms 2 | Bath 1 | Garage 1 Ilzette: 083 697 7830 SOLE MANDATE STOP RENTING! INVEST IN YOUR OWN HOME! Ideal starter home.Well maintained 2 bed home, 1 bath with O/P dining & lounge area, O/P kitchen with BIC, fully enclosed garden with open braai area. Web: LREG-0141 KRAAIFONTEIN BONNIE BRAE R870,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 1 | Garage 1 Justin: 082 430 4819 SOLE MANDATE GREAT START!! Nice spacious 3 bedroom home with braai room, bathroom, garage and study. Property also situated on corner plot close to shops. Dont miss out on this opportunity... Web: LREG-0122 KRAAIFONTEIN PEERLESS PARK EAST R660,000 Bedrooms 2 | Bath 1 | Garage 1 Marlene: 083 261 7660 SOLE MANDATE ITCHING TO BE SOLD! This 59 m² first floor apartment with 18 m² garage nestled in the heart of Vredekloof East consists of two bedrooms, one bathroom & open plan kitchen/living room. Web: LREG-0128 BRACKENFELL VREDEKLOOF EAST R2,199,000 Bedrooms 5 | Bath 3 | Garage 2 JOINT MANDATE Web: LREG-0032 IMMACULATE DREAM HOME with study, laundry, solar-heated & chlorinated pool, tiled garages, indoor braai & enclosed patio. Upstairs you’ll find 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and mini lounge. Lalie: 084 512 4956 BRACKENFELL PROTEA HOOGTE R1,699,000 Bedrooms 4 | Bath 3 | Garage 3 Sunay: 083 700 0097 SOLE MANDATE DON’T LET THIS ONE SLIP THROUGH YOUR FINGERS!! Family delight nearby schools and shop- ping centrum. 4 Bedroom BIC, Kitchen, Laundry, 3 bathrooms, 3 garages, Lounge, TV room/Study Web: LREG-0053 BELLVILLE DE LA HAYE B R1,299,000 Bedrooms 2 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Hester: 082 663 9958 / Clinton: 083 892 8828 THE PERFECT START!! This cosy facebrick home is situated in a quite and safe close with tranquil, well maintained garden. Close to shop- ping centers and schools. Easy access to N1. Web: LREG-0115 SOLE MANDATE BRACKENFELL PROTEA HEIGHTS BRACKENFELL VREDEKLOOF HEIGHTS R1,199,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 1 Aron: 074 473 8418 SOLE MANDATE BEAUTIFUL CORNER PLOT TOWNHOUSE! It has 3 bedrooms, En-suit, second bathroom, open plan kitchen to lounge & dining room, covered patio. Well point pump, 200L solar geyser, Fold away attic stairs Web: LREG-0114 BRACKENFELL RUWARI R1,399,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 1 Sunay: 083 700 0097 JOINT MANDATE NEW LADY IN TOWN! Warm welcome atmosphere, wooden floors and a lot of character. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Living areas, 1.5 Bathrooms, Single garage, Enclosed under cover parking, act today! Web: LREG-0157 BELLVILLE BOSTON R1,429,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Jaco: 084 794 0052 SOLE MANDATE WELL POSITIONED IN EVER POPULAR SUBURB!!! The impressive entrance of this stunning single level property leads to a open plan family, dining room, kitchen and bedrooms 2 garages, and pool. Web: LREG-0153 KRAAIFONTEIN BONNIE BRAE NEW RELEASENEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE R1,749,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Theuns: 082 573 6968 SOLE MANDATE LOCK-UP & GO! Located within a secure complex lies this well designed Townhouse with loads of space for the growing family. Close to Curro Private School and other Amenities. Brand New Web: LREG-0149 BRACKENFELL SONKRING R2,199,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 2 | Garage 2 Theuns: 082 573 6968 SOLE MANDATE MOVING UP!When you buy me, you can stay forever. You will immediately fall in love with this Old Charmer of a Property. Settled, yet modern. Space for all the kiddies, even Mum & Dad. Web: LREG-0151 BRACKENFELL PROTEA HEIGHTS R1,100,000 Bedrooms 3 | Bath 1 | Garage 1 Jaco: 084 794 0052 SOLE MANDATE PERFECT FAMILY HOME! 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, open plan Kitchen / Living room, Large Braai Room, Outside Pool.Front off yard consist of 2 electric gates. Web: LREG-0121 KRAAIFONTEIN PEERLEST PARK EAST NEW RELEASE Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 33 “Having achieved more than of property51 Years SEEFF MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN OUR COMMUNITY Join us on Friday Mornings @ 08:00 to clean our community. We will donate R20.00 per black bag you fill at the chosen spot to the Boston Neighbourhood Watch to patrol the streets of Boston. STOP talking, start DOING! Modern and neat home of fers 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge and dining room, kitchen, study and 1 Bedroom flatlet. 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan living area with braairoom, modern kitchen and separate scullery, pool, garage and double carport. Spacious and neat 2 Bedroom Apartment with bathroom and separate toilet, lounge, kitchen and garage in a well maintained complex. SEEFF MAD!!! CLAUDETTE 083 769 9446 AVONDALE R1 200 000 OAKDALE R1 550 000 BOSBELL R700 000 GOUS 083 249 2471 RYNO 083 232 4547 X1QFMPXW-AL260815 34 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 35
[email protected] www.buhrein.co.za 021 801 5400 27-30 August 2015 CTICC COME VISIT THE BUH-REIN ESTATE STAND AT Own the home Live the dream Office: 087 700 4124 | Mobile: 082 831 5050 | e-mail:
[email protected] www.durrestates.co.za BELLVILLE | DURBANVILLE | BRACKENFELLBELLVILLE | DURBANVILLE | BRACKENFELL BELLVILLE BELLVILLE Sanlamhof R595 000 Ground floor Very spacious 2Bedrooms Lock upgarage BELLVILLE Perfect family home, 4 beds, 3 bathr, 3 garages,Study, formal lounge, family room, braai room IntercomsystemandCCTV AMust to see!! Goedemoed R2 395 000 DURBANVILLE Durbanville R795 000 Bellville R2 195 000 Vacant plot, LangebergRidge 3bed, 3 bath, study, formal lounge, openplan living area/kitchen, pool, lapa andmuchmore Sanlamhof R549 000 Tyger Waterfront R1 259 000 O F F E R P E N D I N G Groenvallei From R745 000 BELLVILLE Spacious 2 bedrooms First floor Lock up garage in secure complex 2 bedroom Modern apartment Great views Safe basement parking 2Own Title Townhouses available 3 Bedr, bathr, Kitchen, lounge, dining room and lock up garage Pet friendly Close to all amenities and major Selling Houses, Creating Homes. THINKING OF A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE THINKING OF A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES WITH HANNESPROPERTIES WITH HANNES - Estate Agents - Office personnel WHY NOT JOIN US?? Vacancies NEW LISTINGS SOLE MANDATESOLE MANDATE SOLE MANDATE NEW RENTALS Oak Glen R4 400 pm Batchelor unit S O L D X1QFKWJ5-AL260815 . . . KRAAIFONTEIN BONNIE BRAE. “ENTERTAINERSDREAM” R1395 000. 3 Bed,2 bath,Big kitchen,Braairoom, Pool,Big under cover entertainment area with braai and Dover stove Double garage,remote gate,Outside room +++ Amust see!! REFWHR26774. Attie de lange. 0837889605 0219496060. . BELLVILLE BOSTON /OAKDALE ANDSURROUNDINGS *SOLDOUT *PROPERTIES WANTED *BESTPRICES *FREEVALUATIONS CALL LIZET 083 261 3897 021 9490826 . KRAAIFONTEIN Bordering onWINDSORPARK Bargain! 2 Neat separate houses on large plot. 3-Bed and 2-Bed, near station. Price: R1,079,000 Norman van der Heyde 082 3070629
[email protected] . *** PAROW*** R1 100000 5 Bedrooms (4X b.i.c’s) * Lounge + Fireplace * Diningr. * T.V. Room * Big Kitchen * Full En-Suite + Full Bathroom Domestic Rm + Toilet * Garage * Big Erf * Wellpoint + Pump www.angelhomes.co.za DeWaal 083 233 1737 . PAROWWEST NewRelease Exclusivemandate R1.1Make an offer! . Close to Frans Conradie and Ajax . Neat 3 bedroomwith full bathroom and sep toilet. Lounge kitchen d/carport and garage. Large enclosed backyard. . PAROWVALLEY R950 000 Neg - (Ref: ABDS-0658): Beautiful 3 Bedr. House. Spac. lounge. Sun room. Tiled kitch (BIC). Bathr. with sep. toilet. 3 Sec. lock up gar., b. bars. 2 Bedr. g. flat with lounge & bathr. Prop. sit. on the corner. Big Grounds. Potential for Investment Income. Contact SAMAD0826916841 or 0219319265 R1 050 000 (Ref: ABDS-0661): 3 Bedr. (BIC), m.e.s., Kitch. (b.i.c). Sep. bathr. & toilet. TVr. O.plan lounge & Diningr. Entertain. roomwith Braai Area. Garage including a Carport for 3 Cars. Contact NATALIE 0722974377 or 0219319265 R1 200 000 (Ref: ABDS-0589) 3 Spac. bedr. (BIC),Mod. Kitch. & Bathr. scullery, Laundry room, Entertain./Braair., Sparkling pool, Single Garage, Close to All Amenities. Contact ABDUS0827862251 or 0219319265 I Have qualified buyers for your properties in –Parow, Belhar & Kuils River and All Surrounding Areas. FREEVALUATIONS Contact ABDUS on 0827862251 or 0219319265 (office hours 9am – 5pm) . PAROW-WES R1 250000 (Verw.336) 3 slaapkamers, 2 leefareas, studeerkamer, braaikamer, swembad,motorhuis met direkte toegang. R1 295000 (Verw.339) 4 slaapkamers,moderne kombuis, studeerkamer, braaikamer, afdak vir 3 motors, swembad. R1 300000 (Verw.332) 3 slaapkamers,2 badkamers, braaikamer, swembad,motorhuis en toesluitafdak. Madelein 083 4505231 / 021 9396443 www.madeleinproperties.co.za 36 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD www.bedbuys.co.za valid till end Sept. 2015 I HAVE HUNDREDS OF BEDS, IF I CAN’T BEAT ANYONE’S PRICE ON THE SAME BED, I WILL GIVE YOU Full 1 Year Guarantee SOUTH AFRICA’S FAVOURITE BED! 15 Year Warranty 12 Year Warranty DBL: R 3590 QN: R 3990 KNG: R 4990 INCLUDES MATTRESSES FROM STRANDMATTRESS *SA QUALITY! 7 Year Warranty 15 SGL: R 2499 DBL: R 2999 QN: R 3599 KNG: R 4799 * MAX 2 PER CUSTOMER Strandmattress, powered by Cloud Nine Double Pine R1999 L-Shape Pine R2399 Triple Pine R2999 Metal R2599 INCLUDES MATTRESSES SGL: R 2199 3/4: R 2399 DBL: R 2729 QN: R 2999 FROMFROM DEBT? SKULD? DROWNING IN DEBT? SLEEPLESS NIGHTS? CAN'T KEEP UP WITH ACCOUNTS? WE WILL ENSURE: You have MORE ‘Take Home Pay’. * Provide Legal Protection * Give you Peace of Mind WE CAN HELP * Credit Card Repayments * Home Loan & Car Repayments * Personal Loan Repayments * Any other Accounts Let us your:RESTRUCTURE Apply online: www.drstyg.co.za Email:
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[email protected] Complete the ONLINE APPLICATION & Fax to: 086 268 2902 Bellville: Worcester: InsideABSABank,32VoortrekkerRoad,4thFloor (OppositeShoprite) Tel : 0219490458 77AdderleyStreet Tel : 0233425501/0233428496 Visit us Monday - Saturday for your same day deal! Loans & Consolidations and so much more! R20 000 to R5 Million R20 000 to R5 Million � � � No Funny Registration Fees No Fuzz No Time Wasted WAPP or SMS your Name, ID, Salary, Town & Total Debt to: 082 257 4164 078 095 5017 You Need : SA ID, Payslip, Latest Bank + Account Statements for All Deals! One Easy Payment L o a n s & D e b t C o n s o l i d a t i o n s R 20 000 - R 500pm R 40 000 - R 900pm R100 000 - R1 500pm R200 000 - R2 800pm from from from from T&C apply for All Deal Assessments Send a “Please Call Me” to: 071 440 2535Call me X1QCBDAH-AL050815 . PERSONAL SERVICES 1400 . HERBALIST 1435 . Herbalist Hassan Holy oil for winning lotto, power balls and casino Holy oil for winning tenders / contracts Improve Business, get promotion at work. Pay off all your bank debts Super Magic Rings and Magic Wallets White Rats & Short Boys to bring money in your house. Weak Erection and premature ejaculation. Childless marriage, relationship problems and divorce. Bring back lost love, Pension delay and many more Call or Whatsapp 071 2111112 245 Travenna Centre, Goodwood . GOOD NEWS FOR ALL FINANCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP EXPERT MAMA HAWA *Bring back lost lover *Win Lotto / & Casino/Marriage Problems *Quick selling/buying of property *Spiritual loans & Cash in your account. *To clear debts, Magic stick amagundwane to get rich in 24hrs*Pensioners Free Treatment GOODWOOD 0730171068/076948 4999 Watsapp . LOANS 1445 . ARE U STRUGGLING TO PAY YOUR MONTHLY DEBT? Would you like to pay one affordable monthly instalment up yo 50% less than what you are currently paying? •Is your debt more than your monthly instalment? •Are your creditors not accepting your arrangements? •Do you want your interest rates to be reduced drastically? •Is debt placing stress on you and your family? WE CAN HELP YOU! DONT WAIT TILL IT IS TOO LATE CONTACT US Call Or Whatsapp Now! 021 556 5945 / 083 659 0405 . VEHICLES 3000 . . J&NMOTOR&GEARBOXREPAIRS •Engine overhaul from – R3,800.00 •Clutch overhaul from – R1,800.00 •Wheel bearings fitted from R350.00 •CV Joint fitted from – R700.00 •Minor service from – R700.00 •Major service from – R1,300.00 PARTS + LABOUR INCLUDED Unit 3, No. 2 Coenru Street, Stikland 021 945 3606 / 078 875 4394
[email protected] . PERSONAL SEVICES . CATERING & VENUES 1401 . EASYDOES IT Spitbraai Specialist Any weather conditions. Tel:Swannie 0832876746 . SPITBRAAI KING DURBANVILLE 20 Yrs Exp. Best price & value. Indoors or Outdoors. WINTER SPECIAL NOW ON. Phone Jan083 457 1060 . CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT 1405 . CHILDREN'S FUN, 3-in-1 Jumpingcastles, tables & chairs. 021 905 6119 /072 909 1203 . A JOLLY JUMP-021 979 1729 Durbanville: Naomi 072 324 2607 www.jollyjumpcastles.com . All Weather Jumping Castles & Waterslides. Free delivery/ collection in Northern Subs. See www.castlemania.co.za for prices/pics. (0836512570/ 0219110595 (a.h.) . JUMPING CASTLES 4 HIRE Tel: 0219351773 / 082 4576807 0R 0825941796 . WELGEMOED J/Castles & W/slides. Carin 072 147 4414 . DRIVING SCHOOLS 1417 . AGAPE Driving school learner + driver's lessons code 8+10+14. Patient Instructors Lorraine 082 336 0391/021 917 1935 . ALL CODES: Learners classes, dri- ving lessons code 8. Contact Charmaine 0722101774/0215912575 DRIVE DYNAMICS . Drive Alive Bestuurskool 074 300 3476 / 021 911 2657 Leerlinglisensie klasse (alle kodes) Bestuurslesse (Kode 8 (B) en 10 (C1) . HEALTH & BEAUTY 1430 . * Golden Produkte* Onafhanklike GNLD Verspreider. Tel. 021 553 2343 of 072 173 8763 . HYPNOSIS CENTRE Tel: 021 975 3620 www.hypnotists.co.za Kan help met ophou: Rook, Stres, Dwelms en Gewigverlies Kontak Elsie & Chris Britz . HERBALISTS 1435 . A STRONG WOMAN HEALER IS HERE FOR YOU STOP SUFFERING COME MENTION YOUR PROBLEMS FOR THE LAST * Financial problems * Pregnancy problems * Unfinished jobs with other healers * Job & home & business protection * Court cases PAY AFTER WORK IS DONE 071 057 4042 073 803 9768 . A WOMAN DOCTOR • Lucky numbers • All business problems • Marriage problems • Lost Lover • Lucky key for all your problems. Call: 078 795 8591 . DR.MASSA * Pay after work done* * Financial problems * Bring back lost lover * Promotion at work * Magic Ring * Chasing evil spirits 073 902 5735 . HERBALIST MARTIN Financial problems Love problems Lucky numbers Public servants receive free help and domestic workers. CALL/WHATSAPP 0731804765 . MAAMA RASHIMA Strong and powerful leady healer. * Bring back lost lovers immediately, Abo oil to attrack lovers. * Clean bad luck, * Financial problems, * Relationship problem. * Money wallet. Call: 078 682 6226 . MAMAFATUMAH * Love Spells * Sexual Problems * Bring Back lost lover * Unfinished Job from the other doctors. *Love Powder * Pension Delay * Financial Problems * Short Boys to bring whatever you want Call for Appointment Bellville/Cape Town Call: 072 012 0746 / 021 948 3738 . HEALER CHIEF ZUNGA 100% Love Potion Fortune Teller, Relation- ship Problems, Bring Back Lost Lover, Palm Reading, Clean Bad Luck, Job & Financial Problems, Sel- ling of Properties & Lotto. Call 078 031 0049 / 021 825 5109 Kuils River / Bellville . MAMA JALIA Bring back lost Lover in 24 hrs Amagundwane and Money in your account Bad Luck and selling of your properties Home cleaning and protection Pay after job is done Goodwood 0604503391 . LEGAL 1440 . Attorney: Divorce, Criminal Matters 0219493619 Rob v.d. Linde . BOEDELS Testamente, egskeidings, voorhuwelikse kontrakte. Bel Gideon 0219484872 Meyer Nel Prokureurs . EGSKEIDINGS, Boedels, ens. Cap van Tonder 021 930 5721 . EGSKEIDINGS,strafhof ens. Buks vd Schyff 083 462 9298 . � ��� � ��� ���� �� ������ � ��� � �� �� ����� � ������ �� ����� �� ��� � ��� � ���� ����������� �����������!�� �� ����!��� � " � ��� � �� . LOANS 1445 . AA PAWN ANY VEHICLE Lowest interest 5%. Tel. 082 058 9735 . AANBOD: Pawn your vehicle 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 . A BRIDGING LOAN Waiting for Pension / Package payouts? SMS or send "please call me" 082 301 7856 Ph: 0860 105 546 . AANBOD: Verpand motors by ons! % 021 987 2277 / 082 558 4836 . AFFORDABLE LOANS Up to R100 000 Call or whattsapp: Denise 079 177 0111 . . 38 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD CENTRAL FLOORING DUSTLESS FLOORSANDING Eienaar toesig. Free quotes Willie 073 228 3929 www.centralflooring.co.za Volwassenes R70 | Pensionarisse R50 Kinders onder 12 Gratis create | decorate | renovate Don tot Sat 10h00 - 20h00 Son 10h00 - 18h00 Kaartjies by die deur en 27 - 30 Aug KIKS www.homemakersonline.co.za . Are u waiting on a PENSION /PROVIDENT payout? Lump sum only. Sms/Call: 0768867655 . CASHFOR GOLD & DIAMONDS ANYBROKEN, UNWATEDOR UNUSEDGOLD. EXCELLENT PRICES TEL.MARIUS 082 354 7696 . R250 000 B/listed + Gov+Priv. Fax your latest payslip, copy of ID & contact details to Fax 086 558 7899/ Tel: 074 655 3686/
[email protected] If no 1 can help,try us! . . Want to CONSOLIDATE all your Loans & Credit payments? One AFFORDABLE PAYMENT each month A simple and easy pro- cess – Legal Protection - Become DEBT FREE Open Mondays - Saturdays Watts’s app us on: 072 8826 481 Or call Call: 021 826-2699 info@financialfreedom- solutions.co.za Visit our friendly offices at 7 Gertrude Street, Goodwood Opposite Goodwood Post office T&C apply . PERSONAL 1460 . BELASTING Opgawe en konsultasie Individue en klein besighede Quantum Portefeuljes 082 498 3738 of 021 975 1615 . . HEREBY AN URGENT APPEAL FOR: Sandra Coetzee, last seen in Wallacedene and Vernon, last seen in Eerste River. Please contact social worker Elzeth Conradie on 021 913 8224, regarding an urgent family matter. . MAGDALENAHUIS is opsoek na Laurika Schröder ivm dringende familiesake. Kontak Riana Barry by 021 948 3637 . PRIVAATSPEURDERS Ondersoeke en apparate Tel. 082 978 1127 . PSYCHIC MIA For accurate answers to all problems, SMS your name, date of birth and a specific question to 38381. R10 per sms . ROOMSFORHIRE WITHTV!&DVD! Next to Post office,Parow From R100 Day/Night Time R250 0716203320/021839 5675 . SIENER / PSYCHIC % Pieter 021 910 3499 . VOLMAAN-vriendskapsklub. (Sedert 1994). Enkel en alleen, op soek na jou sielsgenoot? % Elize, 021 801 0580 / 071 340 2290 . TRAINING & EDUCATION 1480 . ACCREDITED TRAINING & PLACEMENTS ACADEMY: DOMESTIC BLISS STAFF: Trained, Reference Checked & Reliable Domestic Workers TRAINING: Household Manage- ment, Corporate Cleaning, Cooking, Baking, Frail Care, Child Care, Laundry Skills, Receptionist and Front Line Staff, Supervisory Training, Starting a Business and Business Planning. Contact Tandi & Nomaphelo 021 948 0117
[email protected] . MUSIEKSKOOL. Klavier, klawerbord, kitaar, blokfluit, orrel, viool, tjello, teorie. 021 981 2696 / 083 261 5854 . . . WANTED 1485 . AANDAG BETAAL KONTANT VIR ALLE 2DE-HANDSE meubels, beddens, sitkamerstelle, yskaste, stowe, elektriese ware, kombuisware, breekgoed, beddegoed, klere, ens. Tel. 021 558 7546 / 082 4100 405 . ATTENTION CASH PAID FOR ALL SECOND- HAND FURNITURE, Beds, lounge suits, stoves, fridges & bric a brac. Tel. 021 558 7546 / 082 4100 405 . Fridges, freezers and washing machines' working or not. SMS "Sell" to 083 4250 447 Peter . Ons koop munte, militaria, horlosies, juwele en oudhede. Skakel 021-914 2727. Cape Town Coins and Collectables . WEDDINGS 1490 . A MARRIAGE OFFICER Get married anytime, anywhere. Phone 0219305119 / 0828524571 . FOR SALE . WENDY HOUSES 1677 . AK WENDY'S Cash D.I.Y. 3 x 6 - R4800 3 x 9 - R6800 3 x 3 - R3300 3 x 7 - toilet + basin R7 500 082 621 4441/021 3935475 . E & G QUALITY WENDY'S This Weeks Special!!!! Nutec 3x6 From R8 000 Wendy 3x6 m Pitched Roof R7 500. Our Own Finance, No Deposit!!! Up to R5000 Cash Back T & C applies Tel: 021 838 8801 Cell: 076 857 3455 Email:
[email protected] . JR WENDYS 3 X 6m R7900 FLAT ROOF Gratis Voering AFBETALING WELKOM Tel: 021 905 8097 072 870 6973 www.jrwendys.co.za . BOOKS 1607 . EK KOOP BOEKE en langspeelplate. 0826708987 . ANTIQUES & ART 1605 . Ek koop antiekeware,juweliersware , speelgoed, kombuisware, linne, skilderye, ornamente & meubels Skakel Anita 082 963 8877 . BUILDING MATERIAL 1610 . . BOUSAND & KLIP Bruinklip, Rivierklip, Kompos, Topsoil. Klein en Grootmaat. Teerwerk, Plaveisel, Bouwerk. Skakel: 021 930 5411 . CLOTHING 1615 . ACT NOW! TOP CASH FOR GOOD USED CLOTHING, ETC. We collect Monday to Sunday. Contact Ian, 078 452 1976
[email protected] . A Cash Deal on All Goods Cash paid for all your unwanted good quality ladies, mens, kids clothing. Shoes, linen, bric 'n brac etc. Christelle 0844081437 . FURNITURE 1635 . AANKOOP van meubels vir kontant % 021 982 2401/ 083 383 2505. . AARON WANTS ENTIRE Home Contents. 074 554 6614 . A1 FURNITURE SHOP Koop alle tweedehandse beddens/meubels/ breekware. KOM DADELIK 0835651685/0219824176 078 150 1702 . AANDAG AAN ALMAL DIRK BETAAL KONTANT Vir alle 2de-handse meubels, kombuisware, ens. Tel. 021 558 9815/ 082 443 2640 . AANDAG: Barend soek dringend 2de Handse Meubels, Beddens, kaste & yskaste om te koop. Betaal kontant en kom haal self. Skakel 082 848 2880 . AUCTION INTERACTION Ons koop en verkoop alle bruikbare meubels. KOM DADELIK. ALLE AREAS WERNER 083 5651685/0219824176 078 150 1702 . ONS KOOP MEUBELS 072 218 9988 . SPOT CASH For Full Contents of house, 2nd hand Furniture, Antiques & wardrobes, lounge suites and fridges. 021 591 5708 076 017 0630 . THEOKOOP 2de Handse Meubels. % 083 310 1081. . WE BUY ANYTHING OF VALUE 072 218 9988 . MISCELLANEOUS 1655 . AANDAG ALMAL: ALLE GROOTMENS-DOEKE beskikbaar. Laagste pryse in die Wes-Kaap. Skakel Vera of Dian Tel: 021 5911104 . PETS 1660 . ERVARE TWEETALIGE HONDE-OPLEIER Saterdaemiddae:Kuilsrivier Volgende groep: Einde Augustus. Skakel Chris 021 8514303/082 590 7660
[email protected] . . MOBILE DOG WASH & DIP Good service, low rates. Hennie ( 0762201607 . WANTED TO BUY 1675 . 2de handse en nuwe klere, skoene, beddegoed, gordyne, breekgoed, potte, panne, eletriese ware, MEUBELS bv. beddens, sit- kamerstelle, yskaste, TV's ens VIR HARDE KONTANT Tel: Johan 074 474 4275 . ABANDON your search! CASH for modern adult & children's clothes, shoes, linen, kitchen-ware. I collect! Tel. Carol 082 890 5749 . BEST CASH PAID PER ITEM For: Clothing, Furniture, Appliances. 082 419 1110/ 021 555 3111 . CASH / KONTANT For all your unwanted audio, Vinyl records, CD’s, tools, Camping, sports equipment etc. Free no obligation Quotations. Tel. 084 240 3878 . GENERAL & HOME SERVICES . CARPETS/CURTAINS/ UPHOLSTERY 1803 . A SPECIAL CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 3 Bdrms for R450 6 Seater Couches for R450 Beds, Curtains & Cars. Dry in 45 min Contact Rob 078 556 6708 web specialcarpetcleaning.co.za
[email protected] . ALLE WEER DROOG - Matte & Skoonmaak van bekleedsel / Matrasse-nat. Deon 084 5648225 . CARPET STEAM - CLEANING 3 Rooms R450 Marius 0720923875 . CARPETS, COUCHES CLEANED A deep wash at best rates. 021 592 0626/082 428 7163 . NEW TECH DRY CARPET CLEANERS In All weather,90% dry carpets. Homes, businesses, loose rugs and upholstery. Using quality carpet shampoo Owner operated, Northern Subs.
[email protected] 0215920487 / 0832896674 . BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 1801 . AANBOUINGS VAN A TOT Z Sedert 1980 Christie 082 5700261/ 021 5582325 . . ALLE BOUWERK / PLANNE • Huise • Aanbouings • Verbouings • Verfwerk • Plaveisel Profesionele toesig NHBRC & SACAP Geregistreer Calie Vermeulen 082 651 4452 . ALLE Plaveisel. Goeie verwysing. 0761244713 . AVENANT Residential Services Badkamer Opgradering Kombuis/Slaapkamer Kaste ALLE BOUWERK % Deon 084 983 9979 . AWILL BOUERS. NHBRC- gereg. Aanbouings, strukturele betonwerk, nuwe huise, afdakke & verfwerk. William 0722297619 . BEN THE HANDYMAN Carpentry: doors, ceilings, cupboards, facias. Painting. Flooring. Steel gates / fences. Carports. 15 yrs experience Call Ben 074 627 1150 www.benshandymanservices.co.za . Herstel, verf, loodgiet, vibracrete. 021 988 5917/076 197 9053 . CARPORTS / PATIO COVERS SEE www. carportscapetown.co.za 083 414 8103/ 021 858 1873 . . ALTERATIONS, RENOVATIONS, MAINTENANCE Electrical, Carpentry, hanging of doors, roofing, B.I.C., tiling, painting & brick paving, carports, water proofing, pumbing. Andrew 082 935 2251 / 021 903 9563 . BUILDINGPLANS &CONSTRUCTION We will beat any written quote. www.jvharch.co.za 021 917 1127 . BUILDING PLANS 1802 . ALLE BOUPLANNE www.izaksarchitec- ture.co.za Skakel Izak 021 981 4352 of 082 9200 839 . Alle Bouplanne Vir nuwe huise en aanbouings. Skakel Louis 021 982 0845 . BOUPLANNE Billike fooie. Flink, kundige diens. 30 jaar ondervinding estetiese ontwerpe. SACAP - Reg. Goedkeuring. Alle Ure: 021 903 8063 Mike 083 564 7227 . BOUPLANNE Teken & ontwerp van nuwe huise & aanbouings. REG. MET SACAP. Skakel Riaan % 082 415 9696 . Building Plans / Bouplanne Karel 021 9814788 / 0724465054 www.lifestylearchitec- ture.co.za . CLEANING SEVICES 1805 . 1 ave room steam cleaned R280 2 ave rooms R320 3 ave rooms R399 4 ave rooms R499 Turbo Kleen 0845932223 . Bubbles & Brooms Skoonmaakdiens Tel. 082 825 3934
[email protected] . CLEAN CREW STRICT SUPERVISION 076 182 2512 / 084 622 4220
[email protected] Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 39 FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE WITHIN A 50km RADIUS. NEW CLUTCH BRAKE DISCS & DRUMS, COMPLETE CV SHAFTS, ALL BRAKES & CLUTCH CYLINDERS. 44 STRAND STREET, BELLVILLE – 021 949 8124 / 5 / 6 Fax 021 949 8119 Johan du Toit on 083 269 1714 WE DO: CLUTCH & BRAKE OVERHAULS ON-CAR DISC SKIMMING HYDRAULIC & METAL BRAKE PIPES MACHINING OF DRUMS, DISCS & FLYWHEELS PROPSHAFT REPAIRS RELINING OF TRUCK BRAKE SHOES CV SHAFTS ALL OUR PARTS & WORK CARRIED OUT HAVE A 12 MONTH OR 20 000km GUARANTEE • • • • • • Engine Rebuilding Reboring Servicing Cylinder Head Reconditioning Crankshaft Grinding Balancing HERSTEL VAN ALLE TIPE SILINDERKOPPE WAARBORG: 12 maande/Ongeag die kilometers Tel. 021 981 8171/2 Faks 021 981 8173 Johan Du Toit by 083 269 1714 Kom besigtig gerus ons uiters moderne & netjiese fasiliteit: Taurusstraat 14, BRACKENFELL www.automotivedynamix.co.za . CLEANING SERVICES HOMES, OFFICES & SPRING CLEANING. 0219499082/074 3096830 . . DSTV/TV/DVD SERVICES 1807 . . AERIAL SATELLITE SERVICES Have DStv/Aerial Problems? * No Signal? * Picture breaking up? * Re-installations? We do: Home Theatre, Extra Points, TOP TV install Call Vincent 0822689339 Same day response. . . WEREPAIRANY REMOTE,GHD, LAPTOP&TV'S TEL: 021 829 6731/ 076 178 7855 BRING ADD WITH FOR A 10% DISCOUNT . ELECTRICAL 1810 . . #1 AIR-CON & FRIDGE Services , Repairs,Installations,Fridges wan- ted. 021 945 1376/ 078 901 1594 . Aircon & Appliances Repair: Fridges, Stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, Aircons, Dishwasher, ONSITE Repairs Contact Tiaan 021 917 1620 / 082 776 2393 . Airconditioning and fridges. Repairs & Installations . 021 917 1384 / 071 710 9299 . ALL APPLIANCES REPAIRED ON SITE Fridges, stoves, washing machines with guarantee and regas from R180 Skakel Francois 0798381851 . ALTYD KONTANT Vir jou yskas, vrieskas. werkend of nie - werkend 0820864752 . Appliance at all - Herstel by u huis! ys/vrieskaste, wasmasjiene, stowe, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs. Tel. 071 755 3390 . BESTE PRYSE VIR YSKASTE Vrieskaste - Werkend of nie. Tel. 072 493 9332 . . CHESTFREEZERS & FRIDGES, dbl beds, tv's URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223 . COENIE'S APPLIANCE AND ELECTRICAL For fast, efficient, quality personal service Call Coenie at 072 365 3622 . ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Registered and Qualified Power Failure, Rewiring, Stove Connections. Issue C.O.C. Patrick 0828368051/0796444087 . ELECTRICIAN Michael 021 939 2543/ 082 479 6083 . Fridges & Deep Freezers wanted Working or not WILL PAY CASH! Tel: 072 592 2507 . FRIDGES WANTED Working fridges wanted & cash offer. Tel. 071 710 9299 . FRIDGES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE WE COLLECT & CASH OFFER Call 071 710 9299 . CHESTFREEZERS & FRIDGES, double beds URGENTLY WANTED! (021) 911 3366 /083 377 7223 . GI ELECTRICAL Maintenance, repairs, Installations and C.O.C's Gordon 079 464 0362 . J.M. Murray Electrical Services For installation. Electrician. Tel. John 076 073 7150 . SPEEDQUEEN / WHIRLPOOL Repairs, all work guaranteed. 083 6415038/0219528471 . WE DO REPAIRS On all appliances. Regassing done on all types of fridges @ R180. Tel. 0782128078 3 months' guarantee! . ELECTRONIC & DIGITAL SERVICES 1815 . ON-SITE PC REPAIRS Power Inverters & UPS Free Quotes WERNER at 083 788 0876 or 021 982 4951 www.imonet.co.za . . REPAIRS 1818 . THE HANDY MAN We refurbish houses, faciboards, gutters, painting, sealing of roofs, repairing and replacing of ceilings, etc. For FREE quote please contact: Adrian 071 483 0390
[email protected] . GARDEN & IRRIGATION 1825 . AAA BOOMSLOPING EN SNOEIWERK. ALLE AREAS ( HANNES 0724114820 . AAATREE FELLING Pruning&Felling of Trees&Palms. STUMPREMOVAL % Deneys Steyn: 0837699286 Charl Steyn 071 347 0717 . ACE TREEFELLING Pruning Stump Removal Garden & Rubble removal Garage Clean Ups R450 per load Selwyn 0832676181 . ADDO MASTERFELL TREEFELLERS Afsaag en snoei van bome en palms Hannes 082 082 3116 . Afsaag van Bome Beste pryse en diens gewaarborg 0745897874 / 9753065 . AFSAAG VAN BOME Wegry van tuinvullis David 072 676 9651 021 975 5084 . AFSNY, SNOEI PALMSENBOME Tel. Fred 076 874 9682 . AM LANDSCAPING Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, water features, stone, bark & roll-on lawn. New & up-grading of irrigation systems. I beat any written quote. Anton 082 729 3811 . BENNO - TUINE Tuinuitleg, algehele skoonmaak, afsaag van bome, snoeiwerk. *PERSOONLIKE TOESIG* Tel: 021 903 1272 Tel: 082 775 0977 . BENNO - TUINE Tuinuitleg, algehele skoonmaak, afsaag van bome, snoeiwerk. *PERSOONLIKE TOESIG* Tel: 021 903 1272 Tel: 082 775 0977 . Boomsloop,snoei verwyder 021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176 . DIE ROMMELMAN Tuinvullis verwydering. Tel 083 458 3416/ 988-0374 . KOMPOS TE KOOP R20 per streepsak. Min. 30 sakke vir aflewering. Ook bakkievragte (1,75m 2 ) beskikbaar vir R600. Skakel 083 650 4502
[email protected] . RETIEF BOOMSLOPING GRATIS KWOTASIES tenvolle verseker TREEFELLING FREE QUOTATIONS Fully insured Tel. 082 709 7129 . TREE FELLING/PRUNING Clean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints. Phone Kevin: 0219825111 or 0814817653 . TREEFELLING 0826787200 www.simonprophet.co.za . VIR VERWYDERING VAN TUIN EN BOUROMMEL Verskaf bas & kompos Johan 083 985 3477/021 825 5701 . GLASS/WINDOWS 1827 . ALUMINIUM windows, doors, b.bars, gates & glass repairs. Call: 073 429 7856 . HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR 1835 . DESIGNER KITCHENS (25 Years Exp) FreeQUOTESOnSite Colour 3DDesigns Call Erica 084 611 2037 . LAMINATED FLOORING BLINDS We beat any Realistic Quote % GLENTON 072 409 5224 . Low Winter Rates for Tiling, Waterproofing, Ceilings, Brickwork, Paving, Plumbing, Plastering, Skimming & General work. Contact Vickie 0786005206 for Quotes and Refs. . HOME IMPROVEMENTS EXTERIOR 1836 . BUDGET PAVE Affordable Paving Call 0215596148 . BUILDING & ROOFING Paving, braai rms, boundary walls, bathrms, plumbing, garages,carports NHBRC 24/7. Plans guaranteed. Tel: 082 956 7776 / 021 982 1309 . Carport repairs,Fascias & Gutte- ring
[email protected] 072 422 6787 . ROOFCLEANING & PAINTING Water proofing, building & alterations. Call STEVEN on 083 991 5730 / 021 952 2403 . UNIVERSAL PAVING Gratis kwotasie vir alle areas Skakel 021 9454455 0732631191 (Mnr Boonzaaier) . MISCELLANEOUS 1845 . A BEST TILER All tiling wall and floor, from R30/m 2 Call Desmond 021 988 3295/ 072 566 1281 . AHA Burglar Bars & Gates Tel: 021 933 1647 083 542 1097 of 021 909 1807 . ALL HRS HANDY MAN 4 efficient home maintenance and painting% David 072 422 6787 E-mail:
[email protected] . ALL TILING Do work myself, Mike 076 9364153 / 0219307015 . Burglar Bars Gates, Fencing&Balustrade. Call Alex @ ABBG for a free quote.T:082 496 8760 www.abbg.co.za . DC STEELWORKS Sliding gates, palisade fencing, safety gates, burglar bars, etc. David 079 913 0618 . DIE LAAGSTE PRYSE VIR * DIEFWERING * SPAANSE SKERMS * VEILIGHEIDSHEKKE * TRALIEWERK, ENS. "BYVOORBEELD" %0833025559 0219489479 k.u. TERTIUS MACFARLANE GRATIS KWOTASIES . FIRST CHOICE TILING Tiling from R65 /sqm, Plumbing, bricklaying, Skimming, laminated flooring, painting, plastering and wallpaper hanging. Call 0744840288 . HOME MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS & BUILD IN CUPBOARDS 20 years experience. Free quotes. Tel. Bennie 084 510 4715 . KWALITEITSTAALWERKE vir diefwering, Spaanse diefwering, hekke, rolhekke, omheinings, balustrades, afdakke, outomatisering van hekke. Skakel KOBUS DE JONGH 021 988 6547/ 083 962 8437 . MIKES HANDISERVE Your all round ''make nice'' Handiman Call Mike 083 4599 748 021 949 1285 . STAPELBERG energie GmbH HANDYMAN - DURBANVILLE - BELLVILLE - BRACKENFELL General Carpentry Repair faulty doors and windows Building of kitchen and bathroom cabinets Hang picture frames Carpet cleaning General Handyman Painting Small tiling jobs and grout repair Leaking taps Gutter cleaning PLEASE PHONE STEPHAN STAPELBERG ON 082 538 0506 OR EMAIL
[email protected] . PAINTING 1872 . ABRIE VERF/PAINT 021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628 . PAVING 1873 . ALL paving best prices. 4 free quote: PAVEMASTER Eugene 0826774445 . ALL TYPES OF PAVING & brick sales at a very good price. Tel. 082 2296 714 . MR PAVING Alle plaveisel vanaf R135 per m 2 . Alls ing. Tel. 072 132 5573 . PLUMBERS 1855 . . AQUAPLUMBER Diens en vervang alle geysers, toilette, krane.Versekerings eise. Christelike loodgieter. ELMSLEY 0712548500 . . . . PLUMBING 24/7 SERVICE Tel: 021 948 3070 Tel: 083 326 5009 . 24/7 PLUMBING SERVICE & MAINTENANCE % Quinton 084 564 2451 . RUBBLE REMOVAL 1860 . 1.3-ton bakkie A2Z Transport anything. % 083 783 9458 . BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS -rommel. Tel: 0790259221 . BOUROMMEL VERWYDERING MELINDA 021 930 5411 . Call Martin 084 907 5513 RUBBLE REMOVAL Garden Refuse, Renovation Rubble, Garage junk,treefelling . Pang Vat Amper Alles: Verwyde- ring van fabriek, kantoor, huis garage, bou, tuin, rommel en afval. 7 days a week. Tel. 071 404 2584 . RUBBLE 8-ton truck CALL 0828459998 . RUBBLE REMOVAL Excellent Service. Tel. 072 869 2559 . VERWYDERING van alle vullis en bourommel asook skoonmaak van erwe. David, % 083 2911 914 Eienaartoesig. . SWIMMING POOLS 1867 . BAKGAT POOLS New Pools, Renovations Repairs, Pool Nets & Covers, Pool Heating Call: 082 826 5455
[email protected] . DJ POOLS SWEMBAD DIENSTE *Pompe *Filters *Lekke Tel: DJ 072 589 2802 . POOLBLU Beste Pryse en Diens % 083 610 1211 . PRICE POOLS For all your pool equipment and servicing needs. Jaco Visser 082 336 9984 . TRANSPORT & STORAGE 1870 . 1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer in Bellville area - 0799954815 . A2B Afford-A-Move Enclosed truck Pierre 083 255 6148 . AA ENGELBRECHT MEUBELVERVOER
[email protected] Skakel: 083 231 2964 . . . . GERRIE'S VERVOER Ons trek kleiner vragte met beter diens teen 'n beter prys. Die verskuif van huis/kantoor inhoud binne en rondom die Noordelike Voorstede. Vanaf R300 'n vrag, bel enige tyd vir 'n kwotasie. Tel. Gerrie 074 104 8068 . . MEUBELVERVOER met persoonlike toesig. 021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684 . MINI VERVOER Enige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie Eienaar bestuur self Anthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565 . Nolen's Transport Home&Office Removals Enclosed Truck Tel: 021 903 3013 Tel 021 981 9170 021 982 5644 24 GOUD CRESCENT, MIDA PARK, BRACKENFELL 7560 Service & Mechanical Repairs 2x4 & 4x4 Dyno Tuning Auth. Unichip Dealer Installation & Mapping of Management Systems X1PG83VD-AL031214 40 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015GEKLASSIFISEERD STORAGE 4 U BRACKENFELL (naby Cape Gate) Vanaf R495 pm incl VAT 021 982 7426 X1QDBH55-AL050815 . ��������� �� �$��) �� ����� �,�% �� ���)��$ ������ ��% -�$ #� �$�)�% �.�)�%�� ��� 1+ �*1 �+'� ����� 1+ �*1 &+�� ������/)$��%!�$)������"��� ..."������/)$��%!�$)"��"0� . . REYNECKE'S REMOVALS No move too small. Storage & packaging available. Tel./fax: 021 591 0375 083 227 4245 083 233 1784 . . TRUCKS FOR HIRE 4, 5 & 7 Tons enclosed volume body trucks available for short & long distance. Contact Anisa 078 665 9259 or email:
[email protected] . BUSINESS . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2415 . EARN EXTRA INCOME selling Avon products. SMS/Whatsapp name & area to 084 470 9888 . EARN EXTRA MONEY By Selling Avon SMS Name/Area Tel: 074 602 7373 . EKSTRA GELD! Benodig 50 Avon Agente Ontvang gratis geskenk. Tel. 082 933 3986 . ENTREPRENEURS I'm looking for business minded people who like to explore new income opportunities. Please email
[email protected] for more info . SERVICES 2420 . ALL ACCOUNTING, tax, payroll & all Reg. 0219305310 . HOLIDAY & TRAVEL . ACCOMMODATION 2635 . GORDONS Bay S/catering holiday accom. 6-10 sleeper from R1000p/n 0795224309. . Kleinmond self-catering units available from R350. www.wavecrestholidays.co.za or Tel. Erika 082 550 5585 . VEHICLES . ACCESSORIES, SPARES & MODIFICATIONS 3001 . ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn. Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735 . GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars & bakkies. Pawn as well. 021 987 2277/082 558 4836
[email protected] . CARAVANS FOR SALE 3020 . GESOEK: Karavane/Motorhomes & Karavaan Herstelwerk. Skakel 082 771 2213 . GESOEK: Karavane/Motorhomes & Karvaan Herstelwerk. Skakel 082 771 2213 . VEHICLE REPAIRS 3080 . ALL your motor vehicle repairs if you cant come to me, I will come to you. Call: 082 301 6618 . ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS: Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe. Skakel 073 092 7128 . ALLE HERSTELWERK, dienste aan alle voertuie in alle areas. Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972 . QUALIFIED AUTO-TRIMMER Vehicle upholstery/interiors. Rooflinings, seats & more. Call Leon 082 563 7509 . VEHICLES FOR HIRE 3070 . Cash Car Rental with an option to Purchase! No credit checks. No credit cards required. From R3 500 per month. Contact: Maryke 079 837 8473 . VEHICLES WANTED TO BUY 3075 . AANBOD Aan alle bakkie/motor eienaars. Ek benodig voertuie, enige model welkom. Skakel Marius 079 442 5550 . AANBOD AAN ALLE EIENAARS Ons koop nie-lopende of beskadigde voertuie vir kontant. Beste pryse. Ons verwyder gratis. Skakel 083 294 8428 of 021 949 9083 . AANDAG Kits kontant vir u voertuig 082 767 1953/ 079 6770 221 . "ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses and Bikes Wanted." PHONE 082 058 9735 . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 082 558 4836 /021 987 2277
[email protected] . Alle bakkies / motors gesoek. 021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726 . AANBOD Ek soek nie-lopende, stukkende of ongeluk- beskadigde voertuie. Ek betaal kontant en verwyder u voertuig gratis uit enige gebied Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620 . . . PROPERTIES . FLATS TO RENT 3250 . KUILS RIVER For single person only, secure parking, R2 800 p.m. Water & elec- tricity included. Sober habits. Avail. immed. CONTACT 082 372 5956 . FOR RENT 3205 . Kraaifontein – Telani 3 Bed House 1 Sep R6500 Parow 2 Bed Flat 1 Sep R5100 Bellville Garage for Storage 1 Sep R800 Boston Garden Flat (1 Person only) Avail Imm R4300 Chrizane 0824172487 Kuilsriver 2 Bed Townhouse 1 Sep R5950 Kraaifontein 2 Bed Flat 1 Sep R4500 Blackheath 3 Bed House 1 Sep R5500 Lisalet 0793676930 Kraaifontein – Viking Villas 2 Bed Flat 1 Sep R4500 Sonja 0829643432 o/h 021 975 1770 www.landlords.sa.com . GARDEN FLATS TO LET 3265 . BELHAR AVAILABLE 1 SEPT 2015 Dean 021 952 3776 . BELLVILLE/RIDGEWORTH: Eenvertrek wooneenheid, klein o/plan komb. en vol badk. vir sober nie-rokende dame. R2,600 p.m. plus krag & dep. Tel. 021 919 7292 . RETIREMENT VILLAGES 3309 . AFTREEOORD SPESIALIS LINETTE TEEPE EIENDOMME 071 413 0592 of 082 852 7632 Welverdiend /Bellville Luukse Eenmans w/s 33vkm, Vele ekstras. R750 000 Sunette 082 656 2852 . DURBANVILLE Apartments for sale Studio/1 or 2 bedroom Contact Cindy 0769577 605 . DURBANVILLE SIEKEBOEG Kamers beskikbaar vanaf R11,500 p.m. Skakel Kim021 811 0225 . ROOMS TO LET 3315 . GOODWOOD - Enkel persoon. 073 895 6921 . GOODWOOD: Gemeubileerde bin- nekamer te huur vir werkende dame. R1 600 p.m. R500 deposito. Skakel 0720429605 / 021 591 9329 . EMPLOYMENT . ADMINISTRATIVE 3605 . MEDICAL TYPIST REQUIRED Experience in typing medical reports Please send CV to
[email protected] . Nasionale maatskappy in die Noordelike voorstede het die volgende poste: Liaseerings Klerk Kantoor Assistent Ontvangs Werksure: Maandae - Vrydae Moet dadelik pos kan vul. Suksesvolle kandidate sal 31 Aug 2015 pos moet vul. Skakel Mariska op 0607886311 . DRIVERS 3650 . DRYWER (CELMAR BRACKENFELL) Woonagtig in Brackenfell area. 5 Jaar ondervinding. Kode 14 met PDP. Roetes slegs in Skiereiland. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Faks CV en getuigskrifte asook verwagte salaris na: 086 684 5567 of e-pos na
[email protected] Sluitingsdatum: 15 September 2015 Indien u nie teen 20 September 2015 gekontak is nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol. . EDUCATION 3660 . VOORBEREIDING SKOOL DURBANVILLE BEHEERLIGGAAM KLASASSISTENTE GRONDSLAGFASE Vakatures vanaf: 1 Januarie 2016: Gr 1 Afr Assistent - Verkieslik B.Ed Hons student Gr 1 Eng Assistant - Preferance to B.Ed Hons students VEREISTES: Toepaslike Grondslagfase kwalifikasie Kennis en Opleiding van KABV’S Rekenaarvaardigheid Meld buitemuurse aktiwiteite Nasorg ondervinding DOEN AANSOEK MET VOLLEDIGE CV, TWEE REFERENTE EN ONLANGSE GETUIGSKRIFTE Die Hoof, Posbus 43 DURBANVILLE 7551
[email protected] Aansoeke sal nie opsigself ‘n onderhoud verseker nie. SLUITINGSDATUM: 3 September 2015 om 12:00 . Teach in Thailand with Linda Hanekom
[email protected] . GENERAL 3680 . 99 % sal nie reageer nie 1% Skakel Tanja Vir ± R18,000.00 0724155695/0219100992 . Aantreklike Geleentheid As jy weer sien is 2015 verby! Ek het 3 poste beskikbaar gemaak in my bemarkings afdeling van die firma. Aan entoesiastiese en doelgedrewe jong mense bied ek aan: Inkomste van R5,000 p.m. Byvoordele soos sel, vervoer en behuisings toelae. Skakel die Personeel Bestuurder indien jy wil begin bou aan jou toekoms voordat die jaar verby is. 021 949 2929 . CASHIER Convenience store in Panorama requires a Cashier to work shifts. Own transport essential. Must be well spoken in English and Afrikaans. No experience required. Salary up to R4 500 p.m. Fax 2 page CV to 021 930 2123. If not contacted within 2 weeks, application was unsuccessful. . Cashier required for Supermarket in Durbanville. 3 month contract. Must be honest, reliable and own transport. Salary R4,100 p.m. Phone AD 021 976 4731 before 11:00 am . Earn extra money by selling Avon Products. SMS name & area to 084 516 3353. . EARN EXTRA MONEY Sell Avon Products SMS/Whatsapp Name & Area to: 084 558 5777 . EXTRAS URGENTLY REQUIRED for various TV Series, Movies & TV Commercials All ages, shapes & sizes No experience needed, high earning potential Contact us on 021 447 9459 . Fast growing Educare Centre need additional staff The following positions are available: •Cleaner / Assistant Teacher (2-3 years) – Hours from 07:00 – 17:00 •Aftercare Teacher – Hours from 12:00 – 18:00 Supervise with homework from Grade 4 to Grade 7 •Class Teacher (3-4 years) – Shifts Requirements Overall cleanliness is very important Be able to work well on your own and together in a team Fully bilingual (English and Afrikaans) Must have reliable transport Be literate and give attention to detail. Maintain good discipline Love children and share a passion for them ECD Diploma or B-ED qualifications and experience at a kindergarten Non-Smoker Start date as soon as possible Contact Reference Cover letter Fax a 2 page CV to 086 527 7873 or email to
[email protected] . Klaar met skool!! Kry nog steeds nie werk nie? Ek is op soek na energieke, jong en entoesiastiese applikante. Werk en leer terwyl jy betaal word! Begin met R5000 plus vervoer, sel en behuising toelaag! Skakel vir Nadia by 081 435 5249 . Looking for agents To sell biltong, droewors, bites, sausage, mince & patties. Please contact Sharne at 083 320 3119 . Looking for part time agents for fashionable, affordable and exclusive jewellery range. Call: 081 269 6504 . Sewing Machinist All-round sewing machinist required to do mending & alterations in the Kraaifontein area. Must have sound knowledge of renewing jeans & jacket zips. Phone 021-987 5726. . . HAIR/BEAUTY 3685 . Urgently seeking quali- fied hairstylists to rent a chair & beautician to rent a room in upmarket salon in Durbanville. Formore info contact Krisna@0836446042 . MEDICAL 3705 . Durbanville Frail Care Vacancy for Registered Nurse Email CV & 2015 SANC Receipt to
[email protected] . MOTOR INDUSTRY 3710 . Junior Operations Managers / Fleet Controllers Required for a Cape Town based transport company. Send CV's to 021 933 8038 or contact Carl on 079 488 8331 . PROFESSIONAL/ MANAGEMENT 3735 . EFRC is looking for a Senior Manager to head up the Montague Gardens Factory Store. Candidates must have: • 2-3 year’s work experience in a retail environment • Good working skills on Excel, Word and Microsoft Office • Selling skills • Own reliable car • Contactable references Suitable candidates can email CV’s to samanthab@ freerangechickens.co.za . SALES & MARKETING 3760 . A BEAUTIFUL NEW CAREER Company est. 1984 expanding Managers/Reps needed now for BELLVILLE office. Full training to Management We offer: R25 000 OTE to start + bonuses. Must have: Own Car & Laptop Ex-teachers will be an advantage, but not a necessity. CV:
[email protected] . A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N Our Company is expanding and we have career opportunities for Individuals who want to be trained as Sales Representatives. Start by promoting our products through referrals, leads & exhibitions. • All Training Provided • No Experience Necessary • Earn R 7500 + commission. To Join our Dynamic Company based in TYGERVALLEY Call CHRISTINE (021) 910-0457 . Extra Income Sell Justine Cosmetics Sms name area 082 412 5505 . JOIN AVON: 081 494 6578 Avon Office 308. 169 Voortrekker Rd. Faulls Building. Parow. (Opposite: Shoprite/Hungry Lion) Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Bellville 41 . EMPLOYMENT 3600 . ADMINISTRATIVE 3605 . NG Kerk in SA - SEKRETARESSE (Bellville) Die NG Kerk in Suid-Afrika (Sinode Wes-en-Suid-Kaapland) beskik tans oor ’n vakature by die Diensgroep Armoede en Sorg te Bellville. Die aangewese kandidaat sal verantwoordelik wees vir sekretariële ondersteuning en administratiewe pligte, insluitend: • Algemene ondersteuning aan Predikante in Sinodale Diens binne die diensgroep in die uitvoering van diverse daaglikse verpligtinge •Agendas en notules • Taalkundige versorging van dokumente • Die reël van vergaderings en byeenkomste van kleiner groepe • Skakeling met gemeentes en leraars • Betalingsaanvrae Die ideale kandidaat beskik oor ’n toepaslike kwalifikasie, asook toepaslike ervaring wat professionele tikvermoë, ’n natuurlike administratiewe aanleg en uitstekende organisasievermoë behels. Goeie kommunikasievermoë in beide Afrikaans en Engels en uitstekende menseverhoudinge word vereis, asook die vermoë om geskrewe stukke taalkundig te versorg. Die aanstelling verg gevorderde kennis van woordverwerkingsprogramme, sigblaaie, asook e-pos en webwerf aangeleenthede. Boekhouding tot matriek sal u aansoek versterk. Deeglike kennis aangaande die strukture, interne werking en geskiedenis van die NG Kerkfamilie sal as ’n sterk aanbeveling dien. Vergoeding is onderhandelbaar in ooreenstemming met kwalifikasies en verantwoordelikhede. Rig ’n volledige CV voor 4 September 2015 aan: Die Bestuurder: Menslike Hulpbronne (Kenny Raats), NG Kerk in SA, Privaatsak X8, Bellville, 7535, E-pos:
[email protected] . GENERAL 3680 . PART time & FULL time job available now 8 Data capturers, 5 Waiters, 4 Bartenders, 6 Call centres, 2 Bank tellers, 4 Cruise ship attendants, 6 flight attendants, 2 Receptionists, 10 General workers, 10 Pickers / Packers, 10 House- keeper / Cleaners, 7 Cashiers, 8 Porters, 5 Kitchen Staff, 7 Drivers (code 8, 10, 14 ). No Matric needed. 17 Heerengracht Str, Pier House, 6th Floor, Next to Park InnHotel Cape Town 021 418 4287 / 021 421 9170 / 021 828 2416 / 081 827 7046 1 Kort St, RegkamBldg, 2 Flr Bellville 021 945 2223 /079 485 5896 . HAIR/BEAUTY 3685 . CURVESDURBANVILLE is looking for An energetic lady to join our team! Starting salary R3500. Email
[email protected] for full details of the position. . Curves, the largest global weight loss franchise in the world requires a full time FITNESS COACH. Multi-tasking across all activities is a requirement – marketing, referrals, circuit training, phoning & sales. Excellent people skills and service orientation is crucial. Basic computer skills and a serious interest in the fitness and weight-loss industry is a requirement. Ongoing training provided, with future study opportunities as career path. Salary: R 30.00 per hour. Send your CV to:
[email protected] . HANDSDOWNDISTRIBUTION BELLVILLE Shop Sales Person Qualified hairdresser, beauty therapist or nail technician required for a shop sales position. Must be professional and have strong sales, communication and pc literacy skills. Sales experience and strong product knowledge advantageous. PLEASE INDICATE THE POSITION YOU’RE APPLYING FOR. Fax CV’s to 086 599 2738 or Email
[email protected] . PROFESSIONAL/MANAGEMENT 3735 . FLEET AND LOGISTICS MANAGER At least 3 years’ experience in managing a large fleet of vehicles- Must Have Mechanical experience or qualification. Send CV to Fidelity Security Services at Fax: 086 641 0340 . SALES & MARKETING 3760 . Business Consultant – FAIS Compliant LIPCO, an established Financial Service Provider is looking for a Business Consultant. If you are a Dynamic, Ambitious individual with previous sales experience and a will to succeed, then look no further. Apply your previous Marketing / Sales presentation experience in a thriving industry by selling Law for All Policies Your Matric, excellent command of the English language, a valid driver’s license, own car (beneficial) and an ability to speak an African language will pave the way to a lucrative and financially rewarding CAREER. Available: Immediately E-mail CV:
[email protected] Or Fax to: 0865847840 Application Code to be indicated on Subject line or on CV: TG BUSINESS CONSULTANT . TRAINING COURSES 3765 . Kingsway College DHETNO:0199992102 Umalusi Reg:14FET0200011PA www.kingswaway college.co.za NoSkills Nowork , add value to your life Registration is still on for the following courses at 50%discount Office administration, Tourism, Human resource Management, Business courses N4 -N6, Project Management , Marketing Manage- ment, Public Relations Accounting / pastel, Information technology, selected Nursing programs community Health Care, Ancillary, and Home Based Care, flight attendants and Engineering courses N1 to N6. High school from Grade 9 to Grade 12. MATRIC REWRITEANDARANGEOFSHORT COURSESALSOAVAILABLE CAPETOWNCAMPUS 17Heerengrach Str, Pier House, 6th Floor, Next to Park InnHotel 021 418 4287 / 021 421 970 /021 828 2416 BELLVILLE CAMPUS 1 KORTSTR, REGKAMBUILDING, 2ND FLOORBELLVILLE 021 945 2223 . VIBRACRETE VERHOGING OPRIGTING VAN NUWE MURE GRATIS KWOTASIE KEVIN 083 375 1321 Tel: 021 591 4469 JUST Email:
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Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 SPORT TYGERBURGER Bellville 43 R699 95 R699 95 R899 95 R899 95 VANS SK8 -HI SIZE 3-8 VANS SK8 -HI SIZE 3-8 CAT BOOT HONEY SIZE SIZE 3-10 CAT BOOT HONEY SIZE SIZE 3-10 ATLANTIS - Shop 13/14, Atlantic Centre (Next to Pick ’n Pay) • BELHAR - Airport Shopping Centre, Cnr Belhar & Stellenbosch Arterial • BELLVILLE - Shop 34, Bellstar Junction (Opposite Train Station) MITCHELL’S PLAIN - Shop F26, Station Plaza, Upper Level (Next to KFC) • PAARL - Shop 34, Paarl Shoprite Centre • SOMERSET WEST - Vinyard Centre (Opposite Somerset West Taxi Terminals) WYNBERG - Shop G7, Wynberg Centre, 123 Main Road, Wynberg • PAROW - Corner De La Rey & Voortrekker Road, Parow • STELLENBOSCH - Andringa Street, Stellenbosch • N1 CITY - Goodwood 086 137 7737 JORDAN 7 RETRO GS SIZE 3-6 JORDAN 7 RETRO GS SIZE 3-6 R399 95 R399 95 R499 95 R499 95 R499 95 R499 95 R349 95 R349 95 ADIDAS ZX FLUX NPS GS SIZE 3-6 ADIDAS ZX FLUX NPS GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE AIR MAX 90 GS SIZES 3-6 NIKE AIR MAX 90 GS SIZES 3-6 NIKE AIR MAX 90 GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE AIR MAX 90 GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE ROSHE ONE GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE ROSHE ONE GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE ROSHE ONE GS SIZE 3-6 NIKE ROSHE ONE GS SIZE 3-6 LIMITED STOCKLIMITED STOCK R999 95 R999 95 R999 95 R999 95 R599 95 R599 95 R699 95 R699 95 R699 95 R699 95 JORDAN 9 RETRO GS SIZE 3-6 JORDAN 9 RETRO GS SIZE 3-6 Follow us onFollow us on CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR INFANTS SIZE 4-9 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR INFANTS SIZE 4-9 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR YOUTHS SIZE 3-8 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR YOUTHS SIZE 3-8 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR MENS 6-10 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR MENS 6-10 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR KIDS SIZE 10-2 CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLOR KIDS SIZE 10-2 NIKE AIR MAX 90 INFANTS SIZE SIZE 3-9 NIKE AIR MAX 90 INFANTS SIZE SIZE 3-9 JORDAN INFANTS 7 RETRO SIZES 3-9 JORDAN INFANTS 7 RETRO SIZES 3-9 NIKE AIR ALPHA FORCE II SIZE 5-10 NIKE AIR ALPHA FORCE II SIZE 5-10 LIMITED STOCK LIMITED STOCK X1QG0JLQ-AL260815 Citymarathon goes for ggoolldd label With less than a month before the running of the second Sanlam Cape Town Marathon the wheels are set in motion to make it the first IAAF Golden label status race in South Africa. Ainsley Moos (Sanlam), George Grieve (CEO, Vital Health Food), Roxanne Moses (City of Cape Town), Elana Meyer (Sanlam Cape Town Marathon Ambassador), Jakes Jacobs (Western Province Athletics) W ith less than 30 days to go to one of Africa’s most prestigious road ra- ces, the Sanlam Cape Town Mara- thon organisers are gearing up to present a spectacular eventwhen they host the second edition of the relaunched running festival on 20 September. Havingmade anumber of announcements with 60 days to go, the organisers are pleased to reveal further information in relation to this year’s event, as they aim to make histo- ry by becoming the first race in SouthAfrica to achieve IAAF Gold label status. A faster, flatter route has already been confirmed, and the course will be discussed in more detail along with any further changes in the build-up to the race. “Last year there were concerns over the route which made the race a little slower than we had hoped, so this has been one of the main focus points ahead of this year’s event,” says race ambassador Elana Meyer. “Having earned Silver Label status at our first attempt, we know we are on the right track, but there are some areas where we know we can improve and various tweaks to the route could make a notable difference for participants hoping to achieve personal bests.” Meanwhile, after announcing a promising local field and the first few elite internation- al entries at the 60-day countdown to the event, organisers confirmed the line-up would be further boosted by a number of global stars who would chase the men’s and women’s course records set last year byKen- yanWillyKiborKoitile (2:10:45) andEthiopi- an Meseret Mengistu Biru (2:30:57). The men’s field will include nine IAAF Gold Label Status athletes who have run un- der 2:10.00. David Kemboi Kiyeng, who fin- ished third at the 2009 Paris Marathon in 2:06:26, holds the fastest personal best in the race,while three othermenhave also dipped under 2:08:00. The domestic contingent also includes some of the country’s most accomplished athletes, including 43-year-old Hendrick Ramaala (2:06:55 PB), who won the 2004 New York Marathon, and 42-year-old Shadrack Hoff (2:11:51), a formerSArecordholder over 5 000m on the track. Both men have their sights set on the veterans’ title. Shaun Mei- klejohn (53), who won the Comrades ultra- marathon in 1995, lines up in the masters’ division. Sestien o.19-rugbyspanne sal aanstaande Dinsdag sake uitspook in TygerBurger en King Cars se sewemantoernooi vir skole in die Tygerbergstreek. Die spanne sal in vier afdelings op ’n rondomtalie-basis meeding, waarna die vier afdelingwenners deurdring na die halfeindronde. Die toernooi skop om 14:30 af op die velde van die Hoërskool Bell- ville en die eindstryd begin om 18:00. Die deelnemende spanne is HS Tygerberg A, HTS Bellville, J.G. Meiring, HS Bellville, Bellville-Suid, Tygerberg-klub, Brackenfell, Jan Kriel-skool, Monumentpark, Fairbairn, Kasselsvlei, Malibu, Scottsdene, Excelsior, Kleinvlei en HS Tygerberg B. Sestien spanne spook sake uit in 7’srugby Rank hoog: Anine van Dyk (DFM) en Monét van Zyl (Bellville) rank vir die bal tydens hul interskolenetbalwedstryd die afgelope Saterdag. DFM het die wedstryd met 4427 gewen. FOTO: CARINA ROUX On the tee: This year celebrates 23 years of the popular Sanlam Cancer Challenge. To date, R38m has been raised for CANSA since the inception of the tournament. More than 36 000 golfers participated nationwide this past year, with 105 players qualifying to play in the finals at Sun City on 19 and 20 October. Back from left: Gary van Loggerenberg (Sanlam), Keith February (Royal Cape, Adivision), Gordon Banellie (Royal Cape, Bdivision) and Peter Terblanche (Steenberg, Cdivision). Front: Guy Reynolds (WPGU president), Gwen Ortlepp (Adivision, Steenberg), June Harrison (Bdivision, Clovelly), Eleanor Wilson (Cdivision, Westlake), Dorothy du Plooy (CANSA) and Sarah Braude (WGWP president). PHOTO: STEHAN SCHOEMAN Op aanval: Monya Millar van die Hoërskool Stellen berg is op die aanval met Jana Duvenhage van Durbanville wat die bal probeer afvat Vrydagmiddag tydens die interskolewed stryd. Stellenberg het die wedstryd 50 gewen. FOTO: CARINA ROUX Sport Page 44 | Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 Onder redaksie van Stehan Schoeman Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
[email protected] www.tygerburger.co.za SPRING IS ALMOST HERE Our prices are the only thing not growing! TYRES: Prices include fitting, but exclude valves and balancing. Prices are subject to fitment in-store, while stocks last. Stockists of Bridgestone and Firestone and other leading brands of tyres. Offers are valid from 24 August to 7 September 2015. All tyre prices exclude the tyre levy. RCS: Revolving plan (10% repayment); 24 & 36 month budget plans. No deposit. RCS Terms & Conditions apply. • Tyger Valley: (021) 914-3707 330 Durban Rd, Above KIA ‘My School Cards’accepted at all stores. FOLLOW US FREE INSTORE D W F C O L L 5 1 8 7 4 0 T B Firestone Excellent Value Passenger Tyres SIZE TREAD PRICE 155/80TR13 MULTIHAWK R 485.00 175/65TR14 MULTIHAWK R 550.00 185/60HR14 TZ200 R 750.00 195/65VR15 TZ200 R 695.00 205/55VR16 TZ200 R 895.00 225/45WR17 TZ700 R 1 195.00 High Performance Passenger Tyres SIZE TREAD PRICE 195/50VR15 MY01 R 650.00 205/55VR16 EP200 R 1 150.00 205/55WR16 ER300 RFT R 1 250.00 205/40WR17 RE002 R 975.00 225/45WR17 RE050 RFT R 1 695.00 225/45WR17 P7 Cinturato R 1 395.00 225/40WR18 RE002 R 1 650.00 Top Brand SUV & 4x4 Tyres SIZE PRICE 155/80TR13 R 425.00 175/65TR14 R 475.00 185/60HR14 R 585.00 195/50VR15 R 585.00 205/55VR16 R 795.00 205/40WR17 R 695.00 225/40WR18 R 1 050.00 Budget Passenger Tyres SIZE TREAD PRICE 245/70SR16 D697 R 1 595.00 265/65TR17 D697 R 2 195.00 265/65R17 SC-ATR R 1 995.00 LEARN TO DANCE Social * Ballroom * Latin * Wedding J A C Q U E S C A R S T E N S 021 948 3219 1st lesson FREE No contracts / Competitive rates X1QFX8GR-AL260815 Sport Page 44 | Woensdag, 26 Augustus 2015 Onder redaksie van Stehan Schoeman Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos:
[email protected] www.tygerburger.co.za SKOLERUGBY: STELLIES EN MONUMENTPARK KRAAI KONING Triomf vir B’ville Carlu Sadie (Bellville se SA skolestut) wys sy krag en hou sy spanmaat Adrian van Rensburg in die lug terwyl hy die bal uitgee aan Daniël Jacobs (7). FOTO: CARINA ROUX SAREL BURGER D ie hoërskole Bellville, Stellenberg en Monumentpark se o.19A-rugbyspanne het die afgelope naweek koning ge- kraai in hul onderskeie interskole-kragme- tings,maar Bosmansdamhet sleg tweede ge- kom in sy stryd teen Labori. D.F. Malan se voorhoede het verras deur hul HS Bellville-eweknie deeglik vas te vat, maar agterlangs was die tuisspan nie in staat om Bellville aan bande te lê nie. Dank- sy die besoekendedriekwarte se groter deur- dringingsvermoë het Bellville met 29-20 die botoon gevoer. Stellenberg was verreweg die gunsteling teen Durbanville en hoewel die Durbies ’n moedige stryd gevoer het, was dit Stellen- berg wat met 25-0 geseëvier het. Monument- park het Vredenburg met 20-19 geklop, ter- wyl Bosmansdam nie opgewasse was om die sterk spanvanLabori in toom tehounie.Die gevolg was ’n pak slae van 49-0. De Kuilen sal waarskynlik laat blyk dat Brackenfell se wentelling van 46-28 nie die hele waarheid verkondig nie. En heeltemal tereg. Die Kuile het die tuisspan laat bloed- sweet vir die oorwinning. HSTygerbergwas met die draaislag slegs met 9-14 agter teen die pronkspan van Paarl Gim, maar in die tweede helfte was daar geen keer aan die Paarliete nie en die Tiere verloor met 16-54. Ander spanne in die Tygerbergstreek aan die wenkant in die jongste reeks wedstryde was HTS Bellville (40-20 t Hottentots-Hol- land), Bellville-Suid (19-12 t Primrose-klub), Kasselsvlei (28-12 t Milnerton), Tygerberg- klub (36-14 t Bernadino Heights), Parow (13- 10 t J.G.Meiring), Scottsdene (33-10 tTheSet- tlers) en Edgemead (47-12 t Plumstead). Fairbairn en President het met 15-15 die louere gedeel. SAREL BURGER Brackenfell se senior rugbyspan het met ’n laat-aanslag nou een van die gunstelinge ge- word om saam met Kuilsrivier uit die B-afde- ling van die WP se Superliga aanstaande jaar opgeskuif te word na die topliga. Behalwe dat dieBrakkemet hul oorwinning die afgelope naweek van 24-13 oor Unie-Mil- nerton die laasgenoemde span uit die prentjie geskuif het wat bevordering na die hoër liga betref, het Noordelikes/Northlink-kollege, ’n ander potensiële A-liga-kandidaat, onverwags op sy herrie gekry. Macassar het Noordelikes teen alle verwagtinge in met 51-48 geklop. Net die boonste twee spanne op die punte- leer kry outomatiese bevordering na die top- liga (waarin Durbanville-Bellville, Universi- teit van Wes-Kaapland, Belhar en Tygerberg- klub wel speel). NNK kan darem nog, met ’n oorwinning in eerskomende Saterdag se laas- te wedstryd teen Violets, derde op die punte- leer eindig –wat die Parowiete die geleentheid sal gun om later in die seisoen in ’n uitspeel- wedstryd te speel (teen die spanwat derde van onder in die A-afdeling eindig). ’n Oorwinning in so ’n uitspeelwedstryd sal dan ook aan NNK A-liga-status besorg. In die afgelope Saterdag se ander wedstryde het die onoorwonne Kuilsrivier sy segetog voortgesit deurHamlets 56-36 te klop, terwylHands&He- art met ’n naelskraapse oorwinning van 48-47 teen Franschhoek deurgeskuur het. Bellville het egter 16-20 teen Rangers vasgeval. Brakke dalk ook op pad topliga toe