Tools for water resources planning decision support system planning dss (p) nih

April 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Technology
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1. Participating States A.P. Chhattisgarh Gujarat M.P. Maharashtra Karnataka Kerala Orissa Tamil Nadu Participating Central Agencies CWC CGWB CWPRS NIH (Nodal Agency) IMD CPCB 2. Decision A reasoned choice among alternatives Definition of a DSS Computer based systems integrating tools and databases that assist a decision-maker in making informed decisions and analyze consequences. 3. Misconception: A DSS takes decisions o Using a DSS, a project manager is able to make rational use of resources without an in-depth knowledge of modeling techniques o Provides timely information o Communicate result to a larger audience o Open and unbiased working o Scenario analysis 4.  Surface water planningSurface water planning  Integrated operation of reservoirsIntegrated operation of reservoirs  Conjunctive surface and ground waterConjunctive surface and ground water planningplanning  Drought monitoring, assessment andDrought monitoring, assessment and managementmanagement  Management of surface and ground waterManagement of surface and ground water qualityquality 5. Member Name Concerned State Mr. D. S. Rathore Maharashtra Dr. M. K. Goel Kerala Dr. A. K. Lohani Tamil Nadu Dr. R. P. Pandey Orissa Dr. Anupma Sharma Gujarat Dr. Surjeet Singh Chattisgarh Dr. Sanjay Kumar Maharashtra Dr. B. Venkatesh Karnataka Mr. Ravi Galkate Madhya Pradesh Dr. P. C. Nayak Andhra Pradesh 6. • A river basin is divided into a number of sub- basins based on the location of hydraulic structures and hydrological network • A hydrological model (NAM) is calibrated for each sub-basin to estimate the hydrological components (evaporation, rainfall recharge, overland flow, interflow and base flow) ~ Soul • An allocation model (MIKE Basin) in conjunction with hydrological inputs is used to allocate the available SW and GW ~ Heart • DSS is used to analyze scenarios ~ Brain 7. Objective • NAM model provides a conceptual representation of land phase of hydrological cycle and simulates rainfall-runoff processes at the catchment scale. Basic data requirements • Precipitation time series • Temperature time series (for snow melt modeling) • Evapo-transpiration time series • Observed discharge time series Basic model outputs • Catchment runoff • Subsurface contributions (base flow, interflow) • Actual evapo-transpiration • Groundwater recharge and levels • Soil moisture storage content 8. • Process and analyse GIS and time series informationProcess and analyse GIS and time series information • Publish selected information (general, drought, flood..)Publish selected information (general, drought, flood..) • Model applications for long-term/short-term planningModel applications for long-term/short-term planning 9. Model explorer Model structure Properties Tools 10. Specific runoff in the basinRain fall distribution 11. For given scenarios of planned water allocation:  What is the risk of reaching critically low levels in coming dry season?  What is the likelihood of filling the reservoir in the coming wet season? 12. Combined use of SW & GW in Sri Ram Sagar Project  Scenario I: no restriction on SW use  Scenario II: limited SW abstraction by head and middle section users permitted 13. To study viability of inter sub-basin water transfer during monsoon to rain shadow regions to augment ground resource. 14.  Drought Indicators  Assessing the impact of check dams and artificial recharge measures 15. Combined management of reservoirs and water transfers within Sriramsagar project area including its Stage-II extension Providing water for all sectors considering the increased demands Crop selection and corresponding water requirement of command area Balancing head end and tail end abstractions Groundwater seasonal planning and artificial recharge 16. Assessment of surface and ground Water availability in Wainganga basin Seasonal planning of Sanjay Sarovar reservoir project Impact of changes in cropping pattern, particularly in dry years Impact of rehabilitation of infrastructure Identification of efficient use of existing and under- construction projects 17.  Operation analysis of Tandula reservoir  Conjunctive use in command areas  Benefits of changes in cropping pattern and canal lining  Inter basin Transfer (from RSP to Tandula Tank)  Groundwater seasonal planning and artificial recharge 18.  Conjunctive use of SW & GW in Hirakud command  Mitigation of water logging through increased GW pumping in Hirakud command  Benefits of changing cropping pattern in Hirakud command  Benefits of changing cropping pattern in Upper Tel basin  Drought management measures in Upper Tel basin 19. Drought management measures in Palar basin Impact of changing cropping pattern and artificial recharge in Palar basin Climate change application for one sub- catchment in Palar basin Conjunctive use of SW & GW in Tungabhadra command Seasonal planning of Tungabhadra reservoir Tungabhadra Dam Palar River Basin 20. Evaluate and compare scenarios for water management in basin Inter-basin transfer for conjunctive use Impact of artificial recharge in a sub-basin Impact of changing cropping pattern Sustainable environmental flows for ensuring acceptable water quality Hydropower analysis 21. Impact of increasing efficiency of water management Water management scenarios in drought-prone areas Reduced periods of inundation in low-sloping command areas through conjunctive use, weather forecasts, improved drainage Assessment and monitoring of surface and GW quality Seasonal planning for Patadungri command 22. Increasing competition between domestic, industrial and agricultural water demands Evaluating integrated reservoir operation to minimize the effects of drought and flooding Conjunctive use of SW & GW in command area Assessing the water pollution on Ujjani from upstream irrigation, municipal, and industrial waste Seasonal planning for reservoir systems 23. A number of tanks in the catchment area o Maximum efforts made for setting up of Mike SHE model for the selected basins 24. Training courses o More that 20 common courses o Total duration: 38 weeks o Two courses in Denmark (6/3 weeks) o Detailed ToT for NIH Nodal Officers 25. • Software manual & Training manual • Workshops and high-level awareness • Brochures • web site ( • You Tube,… 26. THANKS


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