Summit County Town Hall Meeting

April 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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1.Summit County Town Hall Meeting March 26, 2014 2. Agenda  Summit County Water History  Background  Colorado Basin Roundtable  Colorado Water Plan  Basin Implementation Plan (BIP)  BIP Project Status  Where have we been?  Where are we going?  Breakout Stations  This is your plan  Input 3. Summit County Water History  Value of water locally  Environment and habitat  Fishing/boating  Water supply  Skiing  Impacts  Mining  Transmountain diversion  Community growth 4. Colorado River Cooperative Agreement Benefits  Environmental Enhancement Project Funds - $1M/ $9M  Wastewater Treatment Upgrades Fund - $1M  West Slope Fund – watershed enhancement  Summit and Grand – watershed and forest health – 20%  Denver commitment to conservation and reuse – 29,000 Acre-Feet  Denver commitment to lake levels and lower Blue river flows  No future development of water or use of Denver’s transbasin infrastructure without agreement 5. Summit County Water History - Projects  Mine site remediation (multiple efforts within French Gulch; Peru Creek; St. John's Creek)  Dillon Reservoir and Dam  Low flow channel  Wetlands mitigation  Stream restoration  Water treatment plant improvements  Forest health and watershed improvements 6. Background  Basin Roundtables  HB 1177 (2005)  9 Roundtables in Colorado (8 watersheds plus 1 additional for the Metro)  Colorado Water Plan  Executive Order May 2013  Plan has to show how we meet the Gap  Planning horizon is 2050  Basin Implementation Plan  Grassroots document  Projects, policies and processes on how to meet the Gap 7. Colorado Water Plan Overview –  Governor’s Executive Order  Compilation of 9 Basin Roundtables Plans  How can we meet the “Gap”?  Planning horizon-2050  Draft due July 2014 8. Governor’s Executive Order-Why?  The “Gap” between future demand and future projects is real….500,000 acre-feet per year  Population  Drought  Transfer of water rights from agriculture is unacceptable  Water quality  Interstate issues pressing  Front Range new supply project 9. Your Opportunity  CWP is an opportunity to transition from an individual perspective to a regional perspective. 10. Colorado Basin Population Projections County 2000 Population 2030 Population Increase in Population 2000 to 2030 Percent Change 2000 to 2030 Percent Annual Growth Rate Eagle 43,300 86,900 43,600 101 2.3 Garfield 43,800 119,900 76,100 274 5.2 Grand 12,900 28,800 15,900 123 2.7 Mesa 116,250 220,600 104,350 190 3.8 Pitkin 15,900 27,200 11,300 71 1.8 Summit 25,700 50,400 24,700 96 2.3 TOTAL 248,000 492,600 244,600 99 2.3 Population doubling Ref: SWSI and AGNC 11. Conservation Ag to Urban Transfers New Projects (Colorado Basin development) How can we Fill the Gap? Already planned projects (Windy Gap firming, Moffat Collection System) + Graphics provided by the Colorado Foundation forWater Education 12. Existing Stresses Headwaters: Low, Flat Flows  Flows reduced by transmountain diversions.  Ecosystem impacts: degraded habitat for fish, riparian vegetation  Economic impacts: impediment to growth, tourism Middle section: Flows depend on Shoshone Call  Water quality concerns: natural gas drilling, saline springs  Rapid population growth Lower section: Flows depend on Cameo, Shoshone  Salts and selenium leach into river when water percolates through soils  Less high-mountain water makes river saltier 13. Threats, Challenges, Issues  Compact Calls  Transbasin diversions  Endangered Species  Growth separation of land use and water planning  Energy  Shoshone Call  Loss of agriculture  Climate change 14. Imbalances between Supply and Demand (US BOR) - Exacerbate Current Stresses 15. Lake Powell Elevations 16. Figures from report “Water and its Relationship to the Economies of the Headwaters Counties,” commissioned by the Northwest Colorado Council of governments. 17. BIP Project Status – Where Have we Been?  Visioning document White Paper, West Slope Principals  Developed themes from PLT’s, public, and interviews  Goals and Measureable outcomes (3 PLT’s)  Actions  Short term actions  Long term actions  Constraints and opportunities  Main-stem administration and management issues  GIS maps of each region/county/watershed  Public outreach activities  Water provider interviews  All of this is iterative and subject to your input! 18. Project Status – Where are we Going?  Continuation of Public Outreach  April Implementation Strategies  May and June finalize report, feedback, reviews, resolutions?  July 15 Draft BIP due to CWCB (July 16..go fishing)  December 2014 Draft to Governor  Building off existing SWSI information and other sources  Nonconsumptive Needs Assessment (NCNA) 19. Roundtable Themes  Local control  Land use - connection with water use  Healthy rivers  Not just flat, but supporting healthy biology  Multi-purpose projects  Existing reservoirs, restricted, better cooperation of review  Why reliance upon stream – vulnerable no redundancy  Save agriculture  No water to support other basins  Protect Mainstem water rights operations  Regional cooperation  Themes change and evolve 20. Nonconsumptive Needs Assessment (NCNA)  Part of the Statewide Water Supply Initiative (SWSI) 2010  Environmental and recreational mapping – focus areas and projects and methods  Habitat restoration (bank stabilization or instream habitat restoration)  Flow protection [voluntary flow agreements, instream flow (ISF) donations, voluntary re-operation of reservoirs for environmental and recreational benefit] 21. Nonconsumptive Needs Assessment (NCNA)  Attributes at risk  Water quality  Geomorphic function  Riparian/wetlands ecological function  Aquatic ecological function  Recreational boating  #1 Factor affecting attributes - FLOW  Quantification of “at-risk” reaches = 64+  5 reaches within Blue River 22. Public Outreach Nonconsumptive  Recovery Program, Conservation Rep. for the Recovery Program Implementation Team  Bureau of Reclamation  Colorado Parks and Wildlife  Denver Water  Bureau of Land Management  United States Forest Service  Nonconsumptive Roundtable Representatives  Trout Unlimited  Consumptive  Water provider interviews  Agricultural  NRCS Ag Days (January 29)  Rancher/Farmer individual meetings  Colorado River District-Colorado River Water Supply and Demand Study 23. Upcoming Meetings  Town Hall Meetings  Thursday, March 27, 6-8 p.m., Avon (Walking Mountains Science Center)  Thursday, April 3, 6-8 p.m., Grand Junction (Grand Junction City Hall)  Thursday, April 10, 6-8 p.m., Aspen (Rio Grande Building/Conference Room)  Colorado Basin Roundtable Meeting April 14, 2014, Glenwood Springs Community Center, noon – 4 p.m. 24. Have you Checked Out the Website?  25. Thank You  This is your plan and project….we want to hear from You! You are driving this plan!  Breakout stations  Gaps  Needs  Projects  Concerns


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