Sufism Books

April 3, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Documents
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A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century Retail Price: $24.95 "Our Price": $22.46 A S i m p l e G u i d e T o S u f i s m ( F a r i d a K h a n a m ) A u t h o r f o c u s e s o n t h e c o n ti n u i n g r e l e v a n c e o f S u fi s m , w h i c h i s i n c r e a s i n g l y a c k n o w l e d g e d a s a s p ir it u a l a n s w e r t o m o d e r n m a t e ri a li s m . R e t a il P ri c e : $ 5 . 9 5 " O u r P ri c e " : $ 5 . 3 6 Al-Ghazali's Path to Sufism : His Deliverance from Error (Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.65 Al-Qushayri's Epistle on Sufism (Al-Risala alqushayriyya fi 'ilm altasawwuf) (Abu 'l-Qasim al-Qushayri) Gives us an illuminating insight into the everyday lives of Sufi devotees of the eighth-eleventh centuries C.E. and shows the moral and ethical dilemmas they faced. Retail Price: $34.95 "Our Price": $31.46 An Introduction to Sufi Doctrine Retail Price: $5.95 "Our Price": $5.35 Alone with the Alone, Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi Retail Price: $26.95 "Our Price": $24.25 Al-Ghazali: The Mystic Retail Price: $10.95 "Our Price": $9.86 Angels Unveiled: A Sufi Perspective Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 As Through A Veil : Mystical Poetry in Islam (Annemarie Schimmel) Draws on an enormous range of sources. Retail Price: $23.95 "Our Price": $21.55 Autobiography of a Moroccan Sufi Saint: Ahmad Ibn 'Ajiba Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam : An Architectural Reading of Mystical Ideas (Samer Akkach) Fascinating interdisciplinary study reveals connections between architecture, cosmology, and mysticism. Retail Price: $80.00 "Our Price": $72.00 Early Sufi Women (Dhikr an-niswa al-muta 'abbidat as sufiyyat) English+Arabic Retail Price: $24.95 "Our Price": $22.46 Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'raj, Poetic and Theological Writings Discussion of thought & practice of several early Sufis of notable or distinct eminence or notoriety. Retail Price: $27.95 "Our Price": $19.55 Essays in Islamic Philosophy, Theology & Mysticism (Parviz Morewedge) Collection of essays focusing on three domains of Islamic intellectual literature --philosophy, theology, and mysticism. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $16.25 Garden of Paradise : Sufi Ceremony of Remembrance (audio CD) Sufi music CD. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 Faith and Practice in Islam: Three Thirteenth Century Sufi Texts Retail Price: $21.95 "Our Price": $19.76 Ibn Arabi:The Great Muslim Mystic & Thinker Retail Price: $3.95 "Our Price": $3.56 Ibn ‘Abbad of Ronda: Letters on the Sufi Path Composition of numerous letters of spiritual direction to his associates in Fez. Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $13.95 In the Mystic Footsteps of Saints, Volume 2 (Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani) Collection of short spiritual teachings of Shaykh Nazim who is considered by many to be one of the most important Sufi masters alive. Retail Price: $10.00 "Our Price": $9.00 In the Mystic Footsteps of Saints Volume 1 (Shaykh Nazim Adil AlHaqqani) Presents a deeply insightful assessment of the various causes of human suffering that is so rampant in the 21st century, despite all the technological advances. Retail Price: $13.00 "Our Price": $11.70 Irshad : Wisdom of a Sufi Master (Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak) Magnum opus of this venerable Sufi shaykh. Retail Price: $29.95 "Our Price": $26.96 Islamic Art and Spirituality Retail Price: $29.95 "Our Price": $26.95 Islam and World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 Islamic Philosophy, Theology, and Mysticism : A Short Introduction (Majid Fakhry) From the introduction of Greek philosophy in the eighth century to modern times, this book charts the evolution and interaction of philosophy, theology, and mysticism in the Islamic context. Retail Price: $17.95 "Our Price": $16.16 Islamic Sufism Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 Islamic Spirituality Volume 1: Foundations (Seyyed Hossein Nasr) This book discusses the foundations of Sufism, including the Qur’an, the Hadith, pilgrimage, and prayer, as well as a study of the rise of Islam. Retail Price: $37.50 "Our Price": $33.75 Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam Ali (Shah-Kazemi, Reza) Powerful and refreshing interpretation of Ali's life and thought." --The Muslim News Retail Price: $22.95 "Our Price": $20.66 Letters From a Sufi Teacher Retail Price: $4.95 "Our Price": $4.46 Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism : Emerald Hills of the Heart : Volume 1 (M. Fethullah Gülen) Analysis of key components of the Islamic science 'tasawwuf' (sufism) by the noted Turkish scholar. Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.65 Letters of a Sufi Master : The Shaykh ad-Darqawi Retail Price: $11.95 "Our Price": $10.75 M e r t o n a n d S u f i s m : T h e U n t o l d S t o r y : A C o m p l e t e C o m p e n Muslim Saints and Mystics : Episodes from the Tadhkirah al-Awliya' of Farid al-Din 'Attar (A J Arberry) Book of Sufi tales, abridged from the famous Tadhkirah alAwliya by Farid al-Din Attar, one of Persia's greatest poets, devotes a short chapter to each of the early Sufis. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 d i u m R e t a il P ri c e : $ 2 5 . 9 5 " O u r P ri c e " : $ 2 3 . 3 6 Mystical Dimensions of Islam (Annemarie Schimmel) Presents a balanced historical treatment of the transnational phenomenon of Sufism–Islamic mysticism–from its beginnings through the nineteenth century. Retail Price: $21.95 "Our Price": $19.76 Mystical Secrets Of The Last Days Retail Price: $11.95 "Our Price": $10.75 Pearls and Coral : Secrets of the Sufi Way, Volume 2 (Muhammad Hisham Kabbani) Experience the spiritual ascent of the Sufi masters as Shaykh Hisham Kabbani relates the intricacies of treading the mystic path. Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 Rabia Basri: The Mystic and Her Fellow Saints in Islam Retail Price: $6.95 "Our Price": $6.25 Principles of Sufism by alQushayri Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.96 Readings from the Mystics of Islam (Margaret Smith) Retail Price: $11.95 "Our Price": $10.76 Realities of Sufism (Shaykh 'Abd al Qadir Isa) Refutes misconceptions on tasawwuf which is based on the Qur'an Sunnah, and Shari'ah, and which follows the ahl al-Sunna wa al Jama'ah. Retail Price: $26.95 "Our Price": $24.95 Root Islamic Education (Shaykh Abdalqadir asSufi) This modern classic will open up a new world of understanding about Islam as the Companions understood it because it focuses on the actions of the first three generations of the salafi Muslims of Madinah, Retail Price: $14.95 "Our Price": $13.46 Rumi Speaks Through Sufi Tales (Jalal al Din Rumi, Krish Khosla) Rumi explains spiritual themes through the medium of tales, anecdotes and animal fables drawn from different sources to which he gives a spiritual coloring and makes them Reunion : Ceremonial Music of the Sufis (audio CD) Sufi music CD. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 Rumi and the Sufi Tradition (John A. Moyne) Monograph being a collection of talks and notes by Rumi prepared at different times and for different audiences. Retail Price: $12.00 "Our Price": $6.00 Short Sufi Stories (Mohamad Yasin Owadally) Contains a series of mysticism related tales, of pious ascetic servants of God. Retail Price: $4.95 "Our Price": $4.46 his own. Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 Spirituality in a Material World (audio CD) Shaykh Riyadh alHaq Shaykh Riyadh al-Haq explains in this lecture that we live in a material world where spirituality holds no bases within society, but for a Muslim his whole religion rests upon spirituality. Retail Price: $6.95 "Our Price": $6.26 Spirituality in Islam (dawah booklet) Maulana Wahiduddin Khan This small booklet on Spirituality in Islam is part of a da’wah series by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Retail Price: $0.75 "Our Price": $0.68 Sufi Book of Spiritual Ascent: (Al-Risala AlQushayriya) Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 Spirituality In Islam Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $7.77 Studies in Early Mysticism in the Near and Middle East Retail Price: $14.95 "Our Price": $13.46 Sufi Essays (Seyyed Hossein Nasr) Author combines his research into Sufi doctrine and history with a rich account of the spiritual and metaphysical significance of Sufism as a living tradition. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 Sufi Metaphysics and Qur'anic Prophets : Ibn Arabi's Thought and Method in the Fusus al-Hikam (Ronald L Nettler) Attempts to extract the main ideas that underlie Ibn Arabi's worldview. Retail Price: $27.95 "Our Price": $25.15 Sufi Meditation (Lex Hixon / Nur al-Jerrahi) Retail Price: $9.00 "Our Price": $8.10 Sufi Poems : A Mediaeval Anthology Bilingual Arabic-English (Martin Lings) Includes unique translated works by Rabia, Hallaj, Ibn al-Farid and Ibn Arabi. Retail Price: $24.95 "Our Price": $22.45 Sufi Terminology Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 Sufi Sage of Arabia : Imam 'Abdallah ibn 'Alawi alHaddad (Mostafa al-Badawi, foreword by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf) Part of the Fons Vitae Imam alHaddad Spiritual Masters series. Retail Price: $17.95 "Our Price": $16.15 Sufi Wisdom Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 Sufi Women of America : Angels in the Making Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 Sufis and Anti-Sufis: The Defence, Rethinking and Rejection of Sufism in the Modern World (Curzon Sufi Series) Retail Price: $84.95 "Our Price": $76.46 Sufis and Sufism : A Defence (Shaykh 'Abdu'lHayy al-'Amrawi, Shaykh Abdu'l-Karim Murad) Authors' defense of a scholar from Morocco, plus treatise on tasawwuf. Retail Price: $32.95 "Our Price": $29.65 Sufis of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh : 3 volume hardcover set (Nagendra Kumar Singh, Dr.) Comprehensive biographical analysis of the prominent sufis of the Indian subcontinent. Retail Price: $49.95 "Our Price": $44.96 Sufism and Shar'iah: A Study of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi's Effort to Reform Sufism Retail Price: $15.95 "Our Price": $14.36 S u f i s m a n d G o o d C h a r a c t e r : P r o p h e t i c G u i d a n c e o n t h e S p i r i t u a l P a t h ( I m a m Z a f a r U t h m a n i ) K e y P r o p h e ti c s a y i n g s r e l a t e d t o g o o d c o n d u c t, a l o n g w it h c o m m e n t a r y o n t h e i m p li c a ti o n s . R e t a il P ri c e : $ 9 . 9 5 " O u r P ri c e " : $ 7 . 9 5 Sultaniyya (Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi) Definitive modern statement on leadership in The Book of Sufi Healing Retail Price: $14.95 "Our Price": $13.46 Islam, according to the shaykh of the Murabitun movement. Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 The Book of Tawhid (Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi) Nine Discourses given between Marcyh 27th and May 29th 2004 at Al-Jami'a Mosque, Claremont, Cape Town. Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 The Elements of Sufism Retail Price: $9.95 "Our Price": $8.96 The Doctrine of the Sufis Retail Price: $5.95 "Our Price": $5.35 The Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh Retail Price: $12.95 "Our Price": $11.66 The Heart of Sufism: Essential Writings of Hazrat Inayat Khan Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.96 The Key to Salvation: A Sufi Manual of Invocation Retail Price: $29.95 "Our Price": $26.96 The Knowing Heart: A Sufi Path of Transformation Retail Price: $24.95 "Our Price": $22.46 The Masterpiece of Sufism: Part 1: The Mystical Doctirnes &. Retail Price: $8.95 "Our Price": $8.06 The Masterpiece of Sufism: Part 2: Studies in Islamic Mysticism Retail Price: $8.95 "Our Price": $8.06 The Masterpiece of Sufism: Part 3: Islamic Sufism Retail Price: $8.95 "Our Price": $8.06 The Mystical Teachings of Al-Shadhili Retail Price: $29.95 "Our Price": $26.96 The Quranic Sufism Retail Price: $3.95 "Our Price": $3.56 The Reality of Sufism Retail Price: $5.95 "Our Price": $5.36 The Risalah : Principles of Sufism (Abu-l-Qasim Abd al Karim bin Hawazin Al Qushayri) Detailed treatise on Sufism and many of its components. Retail Price: $39.95 "Our Price": $35.96 The Sublime Treasures : Answers to Sufi Questions (Imam Haddad) Contains the shaykh's answers to letters he received posing questions on easily confusing and subtle matters, presented in his inimitable style of succinct clarity. Retail Price: $17.95 "Our Price": $16.16 The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi (William C. Chittick) Richly illustrated book on the thought behind the great Sufi poet's mystical words. Retail Price: $18.95 "Our Price": $16.95 The Station of No Station: Open Secrets of the Sufis (Henry Bayman) Sufi centered positions on various eternal questions, such as the creation of the universe, the hidden realms, spirits, and more. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $11.85 The Subtleties of the Ascension : Early Mystical Sayings on The Prophet Muhammad’s Heavenly Journey : The Isra wa Mi'raj (Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman Sula Offers a spiritual interpretation of the Prophet's (pbuh) 'Isra and Mi'raj. Retail Price: $22.95 "Our Price": $20.66 The Sufi Path of Knowledge : Ibn alArabi's Metaphysics of Imagination Retail Price: $32.95 "Our Price": $29.66 The Sufi Path, 12 Volume Set Retail Price: $34.95 "Our Price": $31.46 The Sufi Science of SelfRealization : A Guide to the Seventeen Ruinous Traits, the Ten Steps to Discipleship, and the Six Realities of the Heart (Sha Modern day interpretation of spiritual practices meant to increase self knowledge, using classical sources (Qur'an, Hadith, sayings of pious people), incorporating modern artifacts such as cell phones, the Net, jet flights, and such. Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.95 The Unveiling of Love : Sufism and the Remembrance of God (Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak) Retail Price: $12.00 "Our Price": $10.80 The Way of the Sufi (Idries Shah An anthology of Sufi writings. Retail Price: $14.95 "Our Price": $13.46 The Sufis (Idries Shah) Classic complete primer on the Sufi way, from one of its preeminent sages. Retail Price: $15.95 "Our Price": $11.15 The Way of Muhammad (Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi) Exposition on the religion of Islam by a Scottish Muslim activist. Retail Price: $26.95 "Our Price": $24.25 Three Early Sufi Texts : A Treatise on the Heart, Stations of the Righteous, and Stumblings of those Aspiring Collection of 3 important texts. Retail Price: $16.95 "Our Price": $15.26 Two Who Attained : Twentieth-Century Sufi Saints: Shaykh Ahmad al-'Alawi & Fatima alYashrutiyya (Leslie Cadavid ) Biographical and spiritual look at two Muslim sages of modern times. Retail Price: $22.95 "Our Price": $20.65 T o D i e B e f o r e D e a t h : t h e S u f i W a y o f L i f e R e t a il P ri c e : $ 1 4 . 9 5 " O u r P ri c e " : $ 1 3 . 4 6 Umar Ibn al-Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life 13th century Egyptian poet's ode to spiritual life. Retail Price: $24.95 "Our Price": $17.45 Under the Sufi's Cloak: Stories of Abu Sa'id Retail Price: $8.95 "Our Price": $8.06 Universal Sufism Retail Price: $15.95 "Our Price": $14.36 What is Sufism? Retail Price: $19.95 "Our Price": $17.96 What is Sufism? From the Letters of Shaykh Mawlay ad Darqawi (audio CD) Shaykh Nuh Keller Retail Price: $9.95 "Our Price": $8.96


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