Stability of circular vertical earth anchors: Note : Saeedy, H S Can Geotech J V24, N3, Aug 1987, P452–456

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88424 I Mechanisms of water jet assisted drag tool cutting of rock Ip, C K; Fowell, R J Proc 6th International Conference on Rock Alechanics. ~t4ontreal, 30 AugoiO Sept 1987 VI. P667-674. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema. 1987 A model for high pressure water jet assisted drag tool cutting is presented. The importance of correct jet penetration (slot depth) in reducing forces on the tool is highlighted. This is particularly so in the case of blunted tools, the usual case. The significance of traverse speed, spacing between tools on a cut- ting head, and tool bluntness is also demonstrated. Rock and Soil Reinforcement and Support 884242 Matching materials technologies to changing rock reinforcement needs Moore, R K; Davis. T Proc SANGORM Symp: Design of rock reinforcing: components and systems, Johannesburg, 13 Nov 1987 P9-12. Publ Johannesburg. South African National Group on Rock Mechanics. 1987 Three methods of reinforcement used in mining in South Africa are discussed to illustrate how materials technology can be applied to increase safety and efficiency. Backfill is increas- ingly seen as a tool for ground control and a variety of fills are discussed. Controlled roof closure in stressed mineways is achieved using pumped packing materials. Application is dis- cussed with reference to long pumping distances, rapid set when mixed and controlled yielding resistance. Rock bolting is discussed with reference to grout development. 884243 Alternative techniques for rock and coal consolidation or reinforcement and water control Norkus, H Proc SANGORM Syrup: Design of rock reinforcing: components and systems. Johannesburg, 13 Nov 1987 P55-58. Publ Johannesburg." South African National Group on Rock Mechanics. 1987 The use of synthetic resins in European tunnel construction is increasing. The development of a silicate resin, composed of a mineral component (mainly sodium silicate) and an organic component (mainly isocyanate) is presented. The resin is envi- ronmentally acceptable, viscoelastic, has high compressive strength and is ideal for use in saturated conditions. The devel- opment of a high pressure injection pump, a drill injection and rock bolt system, and the use of a safety mesh to control rock fall are briefly discussed. 184A Bolts and anchors See also. 884303 884244 Stability of circular vertical earth anchors: Note Saeedy. H S Can Geotech J V24. N3. Aug 1987. P452-456 A general solution for the uplift capacity of earth anchors, assuming a log-spiral failure surface, is developed. A dimen- sionless chart is provided to predict the ultimate uplift force. Results from the model show good correlation with experi- mental and field data. 884245 Automated rock bolter for hardrock mines Haines, T Can Min J V108. NI2. Dec 1987, P28-29 To improve safety in underground hard rock mining, an auto- mated, remotely operated rock bolting and screening machine has been developed. The RBS and its operation are described, and the design philosophy considered. 884246 Design of rooflmlting systems Harrison, N J Collier)' Guard V235. N9. Sept 1987. P366-372 Systematic roofbohing enhances the strength of rock struc- tures and improves the load bearing capacity. The design of roof bolting patterns for Rufford Colliery, Notts, is presented. Roofbohing is suggested as an economical method of support. 884247 Cable bolting - a mass support that stabilises stopes Pandey, P J Min Met Fuels V35. NT, July 1987. P313-316 Cable bolting, often in conjunction with shorter conventional rock bolts, has been adopted to counteract the high rock pres- sures met at increased mining depths. It is used to stabilise pillars and hangingwalls in large blasthole diameter open stop- ing systems, including VCR. Typical cable bolts, mechanised bolting, design parameters, failure mechanisms, and the pres- ent status of cable bolting are described. 884248 Design of roof support in jointed rock masses (In French) Fine, J; Korini, T Proc 6th International Conference on Rock Mechanics, Montreal, 30 Aug-lO Sept 1987 V2. P883-886. Publ Rotterdam. .4 A Balkema, 1987 A method to help in the design of roof support in a jointed rock mass is presented. Block analysis is used where the prob- ability of a block moving is calculated using joint spatial dis- tribution based on sliding and dilatancy criteria. Application of the method to bolting in a mine shows good correlation with measured results. 884249 Integral method for the design of grouted rock anchors (In French) Ballivy, G; Benmokrane, B; Lahoud, A Proc 6th International Conference on Rock Mechanics, Montreal, 30 Aug-lO Sept 1987 V2, P761-768. Publ Rotterdam. A A Balkema, 1987 Theoretical and experimental studies on the uplift behaviour of grouted anchors in a homogeneous rock are presented. A model using finite element analysis is developed using data on (: 1988 Pergamon Press pie. Reproduction not permitted


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