Social studies methods and concepts for primary esoc

April 14, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Education
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1. Course Outline Faculty of Education and Arts 2. Course Instructor: Marilynn Tulcey (M. Ed)   Credits: 3   Section: 1   Semester: January - May 2012   Cass Meeting Times Tuesday/Thursday- 2:30 – 3:45p.m.   Class Venue: Room SM - D1   Pre-requisites: Teaching Methods EDUC 1402   Co-requisites None   Office Location:   Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 2:30 or by appointment   Telephone: 605-0059 E-Mail Address: [email_address] 3. Required Text: Sunal, E. C. & Hass, M. E. (2008). Social studies for the elementary and middle grades: a constructivist approach . Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. 4. King, R., Morris, P., Morrissey, M. & Robinson, P.(2000). Social studies through discovery . Chalkboard Press.   Farris, P.J. (2004). Elementary & middle social studies: An interdisciplinary ,multicultural approach. New York: McCraw-Hill   Martorella, P.H. ( 1994 ). Social studies for elementary school children: Developing young citizens. New York: Mcmillian Publishing Company   National Geographic ( 2001 ). Peoples of the world. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society Shoman, A. (2000). 13 chapters of a history of Belize. Belize City: The Angelus Press. The Constitution of Belize: 5. Be punctual Be committed Read suggested readings/text prior to class Submit all assignments/tasks on time Be active participants in the learning process Respect each other Use APA formats Apply basic research skills Adhere to UB policies and regulation (See course outline) 6. Social Studies methodology is built on the constructivist philosophy. In this course, student teachers will be exposed to strategies that will help them to develop lessons where they directly involve the learner. They will also tie in overviews of local and regional history, geography, culture and political science. This course is designed to provide interaction with the National Comprehensive Primary School Curriculum. Conceptual knowledge, critical thinking, social skill development and positive self-esteem will be promoted. It will equip student teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively plan for learning and delivery of the curriculum. 7. Knowledge Incorporate local, national and global issues to effectively facilitate learning. Examine the impact of social studies using local and regional perspectives. Understand, develop, and apply the role of concepts, generalizations, hypotheses, and problem solving in social studies. Explain the importance of promoting democratic ideals. Explain the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature of social studies. Define social studies Understand the organization and function National Primary School Social Studies Curriculum and its accompanying resources. Locate and define Belize, the Caribbean and Central America Describe characteristic features of society and culture in Belize and the region Describe and explain the physical and environmental features that shaped Belize and the region Develop an awareness of how the following factors (regionalization, integration, globalization, climate change) affects Belize and the regions Know and understand the various social studies disciplines and of topics and themes contained in the National Primary School Curriculum Know and understand the vocabulary of social studies disciplines, in particular, terms relating to society, culture, geography, geology, history, politics, democracy, economics, diversity and ethnicity 8. Skills Research current best practices to complement social studies instruction. Explain and recognize the rights and responsibilities of the family, social groups, community and the nation. Demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver social studies lessons. Participate in and analyze their experience with a variety of instructional strategies. Identify a variety of instructional strategies for teaching social studies. Using inquiry skills to draw conclusions. Properly plan and conduct a field trip. Distinguish between primary and secondary resources. Develop thematic units using the integrated approach to plan meaningful lessons. Use appropriate techniques to assess student learning Evaluate how development in Belize and the region is influenced by political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, and technological factors Analyze factors that have shaped Belize and the region and determind how such factors have influenced their own lives and that of the community in which they live Read and interpret maps Collect, interpret and present data using surveys and other forms of data collection techniques   Apply social and intellectual skills and abilities in making decisions and responding to challenges in their personal lives 9. Attitudes Demonstrate tolerance and respect. Develop civic responsibility. Show appreciation for democratic ideals Develop a respect for other cultures and for their contribution to local and regional development Develop an appreciation of the importance of dealing justly and equitably with other groups and individuals 10. In this course we will utilize the following methodologies: Face to face discussions Lectures Seminars Guest speakers Peer instructions Field experience Group work Collaborative teaching Comparative learning strategies Web quest 11. Course introduction Class expectations and goals Definition, role and purpose of Social Studies Meaningful Social Studies 12. Define social studies (8.4)   Explain the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary nature of social studies. (8.5, 8.12) -Describe the characteristics of social studies - Explain the importance of understanding students’ prior knowledge about the social students content and skills to be taught 13. In pairs, exchange, look and discuss with each other the collage then give a 1 min presentation of your classmates using the collage. Discussion on video presentation The Power of Service –learning video/cd YouTube Discussion on video presentation 14.   15.   16.   17.  


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