Sienna Plantation News

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November 2012 ORALCANCER SCREENING: NOTHING TO FEAR SWING IMPROVEMENT GUIDE June 2011 PRSRT STD U. S. POSTAL PAID PERMIT 40 PEARLAND TX POSTAL CUSTOMER PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S.POSTAGE PAID EDDM Retail Holiday tips boarding SelliNg a home witH pets Hwy 288 & FM 518, Pearland 713.340.0704 november Sat., Nov. 17 7 pm Movie Night: Hugo Thurs., Nov. 22 CLOSED Thanksgiving Day Fri., Nov. 23 7 am - 10 pm Department Store Hours May Vary Free $20 mall Gift Card when you spend $150 or more on November 23 at Pearland Town Center! While supplies last; see Customer Service for details. Sat., Nov. 24 5 – 8 pm Live Music: Modulation Nov. 30 - Dec. 2 Hometown Christmas Festival my Houston bootcamp Fitness Classes WEDNESDayS & SaTurDayS See Customer Service for Schedule m re Celebrate HOLIDAY BOARDING TIPS PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS: PREPARING YOUR BODY FOR PREGNANCY PEARLAND TOWN CENTER, CLOSER THAN YOU THINK! SELLING A HOME WITH PETS 8 9 6 MONTHLY DEPARTMENTS: 5 COMMUNITY PROFILE SUGAR LAND ANIMAL SERVICES 11 DEAR DOCTOR SPONSORED BY UT PHYSICIANS AT SIENNA VILLAGE 12 TOWNSQUAREOFFICE SUITES BUSINESS PROFILE HAMMONDS CONSTRUCTION CONTENTS FEATURES Sienna Plantation News is an advertiser-supported publication wholly owned by Community Magazines LLC, publishers of custom publications for narrowly focused audiences. There is no affiliation with Sienna Plantation, Sienna Plantation Residential Association Inc. or Johnson Development. Send correspondence to: Community Magazines LLC, 2245 Texas Drive, Suite 300, Sugar Land, Texas 77479 To advertise in Sienna Plantation News, contact Denise Williams: (281) 566-2527 or [email protected] 8 TOP: Smartphones are about to get a lot smarter. Fort Bend County Libraries announces the addition of a new feature – Mobile PAC – to its online catalog system. Library patrons can now search the catalog and manage their library accounts “on the go” with their iPhone or Android device. There is no need to download an app. When patrons access FBCL’s website ( with their mobile device, the website will automatically recognize that they are using a mobile device, and will switch to the mobile view. For more information, visit the Sienna branch library or call the library’s Public Information Office at (281) 341-2677. BOTTOM: The Culinary Book Club at Fort Bend County Libraries’ Sienna Branch Library will meet on Monday, November 19th, beginning at 1:30 pm, in the Large Conference Room of the library, located at 8411 Sienna Springs in Missouri City. The topic of the month is “Soup Recipes.” The program is free and open to the public. For more information, call the branch library at (281) 238-2900 or the library’s Public Information Office at (281) 341-2677. The Pet Issue 13 • Sugar Land Animal Services Thinking about adding a new member to yourfamily? Sugar Land Animal Services has a wide variety of dogs and cats from which to choose. And all their animals come with a sleepover option. Try one out for three to five days. If it’s not the perfect fit, bring it back. If it’s love at first sight, come back in to complete the adoption. Purr-fect Package $89.25 The Feline Adoption Option includes the following: Feline Leukemia Test Deworming Initial Flea Treatment Eclipse 4 Vaccination (Feline Rhinotracheitis- Calici-Panleukopenia- Clamydia Psittaci Vaccine) Feline Leukemia Vaccine Rabies Vaccine Spaying or Neutering Microchip with Lifetime Registration A Dog-Gone Deal $105.00 The Canine Adoption Option includes the following: Heartworm Test Initial Heartworm Preventative Deworming Initial Flea Treatment DA2PPvL Vaccination (Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type2 Parainfluenza-Parvovirus) Canine Parainfluenza-Bordetella Vaccine Rabies Vaccine Spaying or Neutering Microchip with Lifetime Registration Search available pets at, Departments, Animal Services, Pet Finder. Or, stop by Sugar Land Animal Services located at 101 Gillingham Lane, Sugar Land, Texas 77498. For more infor- mation call: (281) 275-ADOG (2364) or email: [email protected] :KHWKHU�\RXU�JRDOV�:KHWKHU�\RXU�JRDOV� DUH�WR�ORVH�ZHLJKW��DUH�WR�ORVH�ZHLJKW�� EXLOG�VWUHQJWK��LPSURYH�EXLOG�VWUHQJWK��LPSURYH� PRELOLW\�RU�MXVW�LPSURYH�PRELOLW\�RU�MXVW�LPSURYH� TXDOLW\�RI�OLIH��ZH�DUH�TXDOLW\�RI�OLIH��ZH�DUH� GHGLFDWHG�WR�KHOSLQJ�GHGLFDWHG�WR�KHOSLQJ� \RX�DFKLHYH�\RXU�EHVW�\RX�DFKLHYH�\RXU�EHVW� 6FRRS�3LODWHV�DQG�6FRRS�3LODWHV�DQG� 3HUVRQDO�7UDLQLQJ�ZDV�3HUVRQDO�7UDLQLQJ�ZDV� FUHDWHG�E\�3KLOOLS�FUHDWHG�E\�3KLOOLS� DQG�7UDFH\�*ULIÀ�Q�WR�DQG�7UDFH\�*ULIÀ�Q�WR� SURYLGH�VSHFLDOL]HG�SURYLGH�VSHFLDOL]HG� WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDPV�WR�WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDPV�WR� DVVLVW�FOLHQWV�LQ�DFKLHYLQJ�DVVLVW�FOLHQWV�LQ�DFKLHYLQJ� WKHLU�À�WQHVV�JRDOV��WKHLU�À�WQHVV�JRDOV�� 8817 HWY. 6, STE. 470 MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459 281-778-6801 WWW.SCOOPPILATESHOUSTON.COM 7UDFH\ 3KLOOLS *ULIÀQ 2ZQHUV� 7UDLQHUV For more info: visit 3311 Williamsburg Ln. Missouri City, TX 77459 TEL: (281) 499-8030 Quality Education With A Personal Touch I N F A N T S T H R O U G H K I N D E R G A R T E N A F T E R S C H O O L A N D S U M M E R P R O G R A M S An opportunity for students to reach their full potential; to attain a self esteem that will prepare them for future school success. 29 years of children’s programming Degreed, experienced teachers School readiness curriculum Small teacher to student ratio Enrichment Classes in Spanish, P.E., Computer and more! REDNIKHGUORHTSTNAFNI NETRAGR 3311 Williamsburg Ln. Missouri City, TX 77459 TEL: (281) 499-8030 or more info: visit thetownecreekschool.comF EMMUSDNALOOHCSRETFA REDNIKHGUORHTSTNAFNI self esteem that will prepare them for future school success. An opportunity for students to reach their full potential; to attain a P E S School readiness curriculum ers Degreed, experienced teach 29 years of children’s programming 77459 TEL: (281) 499-8030 SMARGORPRE NETRAGR uture school success. eir full potential; to attain a omputer and more! .E., CP nrichment Classes in Spanish, er to student ratio mall teach 7+( 63((&+ $1' /($51,1* &(17(5� /�/�3� ,PSURYLQJ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ� &KDQJLQJ OLYHV� 6SHHFK 7KHUDS\ IRU &KLOGUHQ $GXOWV ,1685$1&( $1' 0(',&$,' $&&(37(' ���� +Z\� �� 6WH� ��� ‡ 0LVVRXUL &LW\ �����ZZZ�VSHHFKDQGOHDUQLQJ�FRP ������������ ‡ 6SHHFK /DQJXDJH 3UREOHPV ‡ 2UDO�0RWRU 'LIÀFXOWLHV ‡ 9RLFH 'LVRUGHUV ‡ 6ZDOORZLQJ )HHGLQJ 3UREOHPV ‡ $XGLWRU\ 3URFHVVLQJ 'LVRUGHUV ‡ $XWLVP 6SHFWUXP 'LVRUGHUV ‡ )RUHLJQ $FFHQW ,PSURYHPHQW ‡ 6WXWWHULQJ &DOO QRZLI LQWHUHVWHGLQ VXPPHUVRFLDO JURXSV COMMUNITY PROFILE Happy Thanksgiving As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John Fitzgerald Kennedy 6 • Blink twice and the hustleand bustle of the holidayswill be here. If your plans include boarding your pet, here are a few tips to ease the process. Select a kennel that’s close to home. You have enough to do. Don’t add the additional stress of a long drive to drop off and pick up your pet. Sienna Plantation Animal Hospital, lo- cated in the heart of Sienna Plantation on Sienna Ranch road, offers boarding services for cats and dogs. You can’t get more convenient than that! ���� 6LHQQD 5DQFK 5RDG 0LVVRXUL &LW\� 7; ����� ,PPXQL]DWLRQV DQG :HOOQHVV FDUH +HDUWZRUP DQG )OHD 3UHYHQWDWLYHV ,Q�KRXVH /DERUDWRU\ 6HUYLFHV 2Q�VLWH 3KDUPDF\ 9HWHULQDU\ 'LHWV ;�UD\ 'LDJQRVWLFV $QLPDO 'HQWLVWU\ ,QWHUQDO 0HGLFLQH 6XUJHU\ 6HUYLFHV 0LFURFKLSSLQJ %RDUGLQJ :( 75($7 '2*6 $1' &$76 $1' 2))(5 7+( )2//2:,1* 6(59,&(6 ����� �������� ZZZ�VLHQQDSODQWDWLRQDQLPDOFOLQLF�YHWVXLWH�FRP Holiday Boarding Tips Tour the kennel before you need it. Don’t wait until the day you’re bringing in your animal for a stay to see the facility for the first time. There are good boarding facilities out there, and there are bad ones. Among the kennels that are good, for any number of reasons, one will generally be a better fit for you and your pet than another. You won’t know which kennel is the one until you’ve done a little homework. Sienna Plantation Animal Hospital invites prospective guests to come for a tour. They are open Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm and from 7:00 am to noon on Saturdays. Inform kennel staff if your pet has special needs. Make a short list of things the staff should know to help make your pet’s visit as enjoyable as possible. Include details like allergies or medications. Let them know if your dog is afraid of thunder or if she bites herself when she’s nervous. The highly qualified kennel attendants at Sienna Plantation Animal Hospital love lavishing care and atten- tion on your dogs and cats when you can’t be there. Bring your pet’s food and a special toy or blanket. Most kennels provide food for your pets while they’re visiting. If the kennel’s brand is differ- ent from what he or she eats at home, consider bringing their food from home. And if your pet has a beloved toy or blan- ket, bring it along. No matter how much fun you’re having on vacation, it’s always com- forting to have a reminder of home. Continued on page 14 /'6*1&+56 10%1.1); 2#460'45 %#0%'4 %#4' ':%'..'0%' /GVJQFKUV 5WICT .CPF*QURKVCN KU RNGCUGF VQYGNEQOG &T� ,QTIG &CTEQWTV VQ /GVJQFKUV 1PEQNQI[ 2CTVPGTU� &T� &CTEQWTV JCU GZVGPUKXG GZRGTKGPEG KP VTGCVKPI ECPEGT CPF DNQQF FKUQTFGTU� *G FGNKXGTU KPFKXKFWCNK\GF� EQORCUUKQPCVG ECTG VJTQWIJ CP KPVGITCVGF� VGCO�DCUGF CRRTQCEJ VJCV GPUWTGU GCEJ RCVKGPVŏU WPKSWG PGGFU CTGOGV� #V /GVJQFKUV 1PEQNQI[ 2CTVPGTU� &T� &CTEQWTV KU PQY UWRRQTVGF D[ VJG NGCFKPI VGEJPQNQI[ CPF JKIJN[ UMKNNGF OGFKECN RTQHGUUKQPCNU QH 6JG/GVJQFKUV *QURKVCN 5[UVGO� #PF CU CP CEVKXGOGODGT QH 6JG/GVJQFKUV 4GUGCTEJ +PUVKVWVG� &T� &CTEQWTV ECP QHHGT RCVKGPVU CEEGUU VQ C YKFG TCPIG QH ENKPKECN VTKCNU CPF VJG NCVGUV VJGTCRKGU VQ ſIJV ECPEGT� 6JKU KU VJG/GVJQFKUV NGXGN QH ECPEGT ECTGōHTQO FKCIPQUKU VQ UWTXKXCN� YJGTG VGEJPQNQI[ CPF EQORCUUKQPōCTG NGCFKPI VQ C EWTG� Call 281-276-5200 today to schedule an appointment. • Jorge Darcourt, M.D. is board certified in hematology and oncology. • Located on the Methodist Sugar Land Hospital campus in Medical Office Building Two, Suite 151. • Call 281-276-5200 to schedule an appointment. Medical Office Building Two 16659 Southwest Freeway, Suite 151 Sugar Land, Texas 77479 281-276-5200 *6'/ 165+&1* )1.1%01 064#2;) 54'0*6'/ W5VUKFQJVG/ /GVJQFKUVVQ EIPKVCGTVPK 165+&1* GNRUKNCVKRUQ*FPC.TCIW &T�2CTVPGTU�1PEQNQI[ TQUKFFQQNDFPCTGEPC )1.1%01 %#0%'4 %# ,�T&GOQENGYQVFGUCG GZVGPUKXJCU&CTEQWTV� FPKUTGXKNGFG*UTGF 064#2;) #4' ':%'.. 54'0 .'0%' EIPKVCGTVPK CPQKUUCROQE GCEJGPUWTGU /GVJQFKUV#V GVIPKFCGNGJV QJVG/GJ6HQ JV/J6H TQUKFFQQNDFPCTGEPC GVPKPCJIWQTJVGTCEGVC PGGFUWPKSWGRCVKGPVŏU &T2CTVPGTU�1PEQNQI[V U[NJIKJFPC[IQNQPJEG #�OGVU[5NCVKRUQ*VUKFQ VVKV+J4VKF FPKUTGXKNGFG*�UTGF RCFGUCD�OCGV�FGVCTIG OGV�CTG UWRPQYKU&CTEQWTVT� UUGHQTRNCEKFGOFGNNKMU OGOGXKVECPCUCFP# HHV&&QJVG/GJ6HQ GEECUVPGKVCR VJGTCRKNCVGUV G/GJVUKUKJ6 Y�NCXKXTWUQV EWTG�CVQ �GVWVKVUP+JETCGUG4VUKFQ KNEHQGIPCTGFKYCQVUU ECPEGT�ſIJVVQKGU ETGEPCEHQNGXGNVUKFQJVG QEFPC[IQNQPJJPEGVGTGJY TGHHQPCEVTWQETC&�T& GJVFPCUNCKTVNCEKPK UKUQPICKFOQTHōGTCE IPKFCGNGTCōPQKUUCROQ Call 281 • udehcs ocrcaDegroJ and oncolo 1-276-5200 to e tnioppanael fiitrrtecdrdaobsi.D.M,trrtuo .gy hematology day to .tnem nide and oncolo • nodetatcoL Medical Oni • Call 281-27 .gy aLraguStsidohteMehtn wo, SuiteOffice Building TTwo, Suite 151. 6-5200 to schedule an a supmaclatipsoHdna e 151. ppointment. Medical Office Building T ewhtuoS95661 exSugar Land, TTexas 77479 281-276-5200 woBuilding TTwo 151etiuS,yy,aweerFts xas 77479 8 • Dr. Dian Ginsberg, Dr. Lauren Ta and Dr. Ginny Weathers bring their comprehensive wellness approach and over 30 years combined experience in OB/GYN to the Fort Bend area. H e a l t h c a r e f o r W o m e n o f A l l A g e s a n d A l l S t a g e s :RPHQ V6SHFLDOW\ H E A L T H C A R E 7KH ¿UVW VWHS RQ WKH ZD\ WR WKHLU ¿UVW VWHSV��� Call now to schedule an appointment: 281-220-2069 NOW OPEN in Sienna Village! When you are ready for an addition to your family, ask about our wellness programs for Preconception, Prenatal and Postpartum women. We’ll be here to guide you every step of the way! So, you and your partner have finallydecided: you are ready to have ababy! While the emotional andfinancial timing may be perfect, you also need to ask - is my body physically prepared for pregnancy? Your OB/GYN has the answer. It is important to schedule an appointment as soon as you begin considering pregnancy especially if you are in your 30s or 40s. Your nutritional status, weight, chronic medical conditions and other lifestyle factors all influence your ability to conceive and carry a healthy child. Improving your health prior to conception helps ready your body for the challenges of pregnancy and optimizes fertility, fetal development and birth outcomes. The first step is a healthy diet including nutrient dense fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. In addition, it is vital to take a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid, iron and DHA at least 1 month prior to conception. The baby’s neural tube develops during the first month of pregnancy, often before you are aware you are pregnant. Taking folic acid before conception helps prevent spinal and brain defects. Iron helps deliver oxygen to your organs and the baby Preconceived Notions: Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy Dr. Ginny Weathers – Women’s Specialty Healthcare • while DHA can improve fetal brain and eye development. We also encourage Micronutrient Testing to detect low levels of specific micronutrients. New research shows a link between certain vitamin deficiencies and the development of serious health issues including learning disabilities. Women’s Specialty Healthcare is engaged in a study comparing nutritional deficiencies in mothers and the cord blood of infants and how it relates to birth outcomes. A woman’s pre-baby weight is also an important consideration when talking about diet and potential complications of pregnancy. Excess weight and obesity are associated with gestational diabetes, high blood pressure during pregnancy, preeclampsia, fetal abnormalities and a risk of having a large baby resulting in fetal injuries during delivery. Gestational diabetes is associated with many of the above- mentioned complications, and gaining too much weight early in pregnancy can increase your chances of having this condition. Your doctor can help you with a diet and exercise plan to address weight issues before they become a risk for you and your baby during pregnancy. A crucial part of your initial visit with the doctor should focus on your medical history. Chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, eating disorders and depression should be under control before conceiving and may require special care during pregnancy. Age also carries certain complications and risks that should be discussed with your doctor. Your lifestyle before conception plays a significant role in the success of your pregnancy. Lifestyle factors that affect conception and pregnancy may include stress, sleep habits, exercise, smoking and alcohol consumption. If you find yourself pregnant before achieving these health goals, don’t panic. As physicians, our purpose is not to scold or frighten you, but to educate you. We enjoy being part of your journey to motherhood, guiding you through your pregnancy and delivering your sweet child into the world. ■ For more information visit or call 281-220-2069 for an appointment. Located in Sienna Village, 8800 Highway 6, Missouri City, Texas 77459. Pearland Town Center, Closer Than You Think If you have lived in Sienna Plantation for awhile, turningleft at the intersection of Highway6 and Sienna Parkway is almost areflex action. But making a right turn and traveling about 15 to 20 minutes down the road will make the change in routine well worth it. The Pearland Town Center is closer than you think. You will find all your favorite stores like Dillard's, Macy's, Barnes & Noble, Sports Authority, American Eagle Outfitters, Bath & Body Works, Buckle, Chico's, The Children's Place, Finish Line, Fossil, Jos. A Bank, Josephine's Day Spa & Salon, The Limited, Victoria's Secret and many more. The Residences at Pearland Town Center include 62 luxury units above retail with the newly added Phase II featuring 172 units onsite. Onsite hotel accommodations are also available through Courtyard by Marriott A host of eateries like Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Fish City Grill, Freebirds World Burrito, Red Lobster, Pei Wei Asian Diner, ShoGun Japanese Grill and Sushi Bar, BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse and many more are waiting to satisfy your culinary cravings.Visitwww.pearlandtowncenter.comforacomplete listingof restaurants,stores and upcoming events. The quickest way to get to Pearland Town Center from Sienna Plantation is to take Highway 6 to FM 521. Turn left and travel about 3.5 miles to Broadway Street (FM 518) where you will turn right. Travel about 3 miles to Pearland Town Center on the right. Regular hours are Monday through Saturday, 10am to 9pm and Sunday, 11am to 7pm. Department store and holiday hours may vary. ■ Pearland Town Center ▪11200 Broadway ▪ Pearland, Texas 77584 ▪ (713) 340.0704 ▪ Dr. Ginny Weathers Alan Trott was a day away from beginning hospice care, barely able to breathe. Ten weeks later he was perfecting his golf swing thanks to pioneering surgery performed at the Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is an innovative procedure for patients with severe aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve opening) who are unsuitable candidates for traditional, open heart surgery. This less invasive technology places a new aortic valve within the diseased valve while the patient’s heart is still beating. Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital is among only a handful of U.S. hospitals performing the TAVR procedure. “TAVR put me back on earth,” said the 82-year-old Trott, who now walks 1 mile a day. From quick decline to newfound hope Although Trott had some minor heart issues over the years, he was in good health and played golf regularly. In early 2012, that all changed. First, he started kidney dialysis. Then testing by his cardiologist confirmed an aortic valve blockage. Because he was too fragile to undergo traditional valve replacement surgery, Trott and his wife decided it was time for hospice. They set an appointment for the following week to have Trott’s primary care physician write the order. “He was a really, really, sick, weak man,” said Maureen Trott, his wife of 19 years. Waiting for the doctor’s appointment was trying, particularly as Trott found it more difficult to breathe. Then it happened. He couldn’t breathe, and an ambulance rushed him to Memorial Hermann Southwest. At the hospital, the Trotts shared their decision about hospice care with the physicians. To their amazement, they learned this might not be necessary. Tests confirmed that Trott was indeed a candidate for TAVR surgery. Benefits of TAVR During the TAVR procedure, a catheter is inserted into the femoral artery in the groin and guided to the heart. Then a balloon-expandable stent with an integrated bovine pericardial valve is positioned inside the diseased aortic valve and inflated. Because this technique doesn’t open the chest or stop the heart, patients experience significantly lower cardiac and respiratory complications and less blood loss. Robert Baldwin, M.D., a cardiovascular surgeon affiliated with Memorial Hermann Southwest, was part of Trott’s surgical team. He said TAVR valve function is nearly equal to the valves used in open heart surgery. Additionally, valves used in Europe for the past 10 years show little signs of deterioration. He points to shorter hospital stays and faster recovery as major patient benefits of the TAVR procedure. “During a traditional aortic valve replacement, patients are normally hospitalized for one or two weeks,” said Dr. Baldwin. “Then it’s one to three months before they start to feel robust again.” One day following the TAVR procedure, Trott received a permanent pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat – a possibility explained before the TAVR surgery. Five days later he went home. Within a few weeks he was swinging at Wiffle balls in his backyard as part of his physical therapy rehabilitation. Today Trott is delighted that he can drive himself to kidney dialysis and the golf course. He also likes the images revealed on his most recent echocardiogram. With the excitement of a child receiving a coveted toy, he said, “It was the greatest thing to watch my heart valve flutter away.” To learn more about the TAVR procedure, visit For a referral to a cardiologist affiliated with Memorial Hermann Southwest, call 713.456.5348. From gravely ill to going strong with breakthrough aortic valve replacement procedure Larry Pullen Photography • What is depression and what’s the best treatment; talk-therapy or medications? A lot of people believe depres- sion to be a result of “weak will” and that a de- pressed person should be able to get over it. In fact, we’ve known for several decades that depression is an illness of the brain caused by an imbalance of one of the monoamine systems (serotonin, dopamine and noradrenergic). It’s a medical illness and requires management similar to diabetes and hypertension. When a person has diabetes, they don’t tell their pancreas to “get over it.” Depression is usually caused by a combina- tion of genes and environmental stress. It fre- quently tends to reoccur, and in some cases it becomes chronic. Clinical depression is different than feeling disappointed when things in life don’t go as anticipated. Core features of clinical depression include the presence of several symp- toms for two weeks or longer. Symptoms include changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, energy level, interest in environment, feeling guilty or having thoughts about death. Depression can be treated either with talk- therapy or antidepressant medications. The best results are obtained by a combination of both strategies. Psychotherapy by itself is effective for mild to moderate levels of depression and can teach people critical skills needed in understand- ing their illness and managing their symptoms. Several FDA-approved antidepressants are avail- able in the market that treat depression effec- tively. However, as with any other medications, risks of side effects must be weighed against the potential for benefits. These treatment choices should always be discussed with your health care professional who can guide you to the best op- tion for the specific condition. DEAR DOCTOR sponsored by Prashant Ga jwani , MD provides pa tient care a t UT Physic ia ns at Sienna Vi l l age. For more i nformation or to sc hedule an app oi ntment, p lease cal l (713) 4 86-1200. Dear Doctor: Dear Reader: Now Acce ptin g Enro llme nt ! Excellence in Christian Care and Education Serving children 6 weeks to 12 years Morning & After School Programs Private Kindergarten Hours: 6:00AM - 6:30PM eS M rP aey21otskeew6nerdlihcgnivre orning & Aftf er School Programs netragredniKetavir sra 12 • Put the Finishing Touch on YOUR BUSINESS LOCATED IN SUGAR LAND TOWN SQUARE AT U.S. 59 & HWY 6 281.566.2500 | | [email protected] Q Fully-Furnished Class A Offices Q Professional Image for Virtual Office Q Ultra High Speed Connectivity & Wi-Fi Q Class A Conference Rooms & Executive Boardroom Q Versatile Training Room Q Administrative Services (Virtual Assistants) Q Mail & Package Receipt Q Business Lounge for Collaboration WORKSPACE SOLUTIONS Q MEETING SOLUTIONS Q VIRTUAL OFFICE SOLUTIONS Q SUPPORT SOLUTIONSOLUTIONS SWORKSPACE & Wi-Fi OLUTIONS SMEETING QTIONS a High Speed ConnectivityUltrQ eVirtual Offic sional Image fesofPrQ urnished Clasy-FullFQ Busines FFICE OVIRTUAL QIONS Q Mail & PQ AdminisQ serVQ eed Connectivity ormage f ess A Officed Clas or Collabor UPPORT SQOLUTIONS SE s Lounge fsines eiptackage Recl & P es (Virtual Ase Servicativtrminis aining Roomre Tsatil ation OLUTIONSST r ants)tsisal As 22 e Boar ALARTED IN SUGAATED IN SUGOCL ffice ecutivEx es A ConfClasQ & Wi-Fi fficTSOTSO81.566.2500 | 281.566.2500 | oom UTWN SQUARE AAT OAND T TSOTSO drar e Rooms &encer @@ooom | infom | infes.ces.cuituitSSee 6Y. 59 & HWS.U tuitSSeefficfficOO Hammonds Construction Hammonds Construction is a full-service commercial generalcontractor and construction management firm serving southeastTexas. As a service company dedicated to providing exemplary client support through all phases of construction, Hammonds Construction delivers ground-up and interior projects in the office, industrial, warehouse, healthcare, manufacturing, laboratory, education, hospitality, security and retail sectors. Town Square Office Suites earned Hammonds Construction’s business by providing the most professional experience at a competitive cost. The professionalism of the staff really showed. The variety and flexibility of the Town Square Office Suites offering allowed Hammonds Construction to find an arrangement that perfectly fit their needs. “I have received multiple compliments from clients and suppliers,” says Clint Hammonds. “Town Square Office Suites is an integral part of the Hammonds Construction team.” ■ Hammonds Construction ▪ 2245 Texas Drive, Suite 300 ▪ Sugar Land, Texas 77478 ▪ (281) 566-2539 ▪ TOWN SQUARE OFFICE SUITES BUSINESS PROFILE OF THE MONTH • Families in SiennaPlantation, and aroundthe nation, love theirpets. According to the 2011-2012 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 62% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 72.9 million homes. The advantages of pet ownership are plentiful. When your home is on the market for sale or lease, pets don’t generally add to its value. Even among prospective buyers who are pet owners. You, however, can influence whether Fido and Fluffy become insurmountable liabilities or minor bumps along the road to receiving an offer. To get top dollar when selling your house, consider sending your pets on vacation while its on the market. Ship them off to live with a friend, relative, or neighbor. Or, board them at a nearby facility like Sienna Plantation Animal Hospital. For most pet owners, getting rid of your four-legged family members while the house is on the market is akin to shipping off your children. Of course it would be easier to prepare for a showing without the added burden of cleaning kid’s rooms or picking up toys from the floor, but as a parent, you do what you have to do. So, assuming your dogs and cats aren’t going away while your house is on the market, here are a few guidelines to follow: Have flooring professionally Selling A Home With Pets cleaned. If stains can not be removed, have the flooring replaced. Invite someone who doesn’t live with you to come and do regular smell-checks. You might not be able to smell the pet odors you live with on a daily basis. Outsiders can. Eliminate or reduce evidence that a pet lives in the house. Take the cat tree from the middle of the family room floor. When not in use, put away the dog’s food and water dish. When your house is being shown, put your pet in a carrier or crate with a note requesting that it not be disturbed. If you would like to discuss listing strategies or need help determining if now is the right time to put your house on the market, consider contacting Darnell Fuller. Mr. Fuller is an award-winning, full-time RE/MAX agent who lives in the Sienna Plantation area. ■ The Fullers Group ▪ RE/MAX Fine Properties ▪ 4500 Highway 6 South ▪ Sugar Land, Texas 77479 ▪ (281) 265-5533 ▪ [email protected] SiennaSaver Make sure the kennel has contact information for you.While you’re away, the kennel staff might have a question. Though unlikely, there could be an emergency. Be sure the kennel can get in touch with you. Of course, you’ll leave your cell number. Include the phone number of the place where you’re staying. You might also con- sider giving kennel staff the cell phone number of one or more of your travel companions. Your cell phone might get lost. Or, your battery could die (and you’ve for- gotten to bring the charger). Don’t prolong your departure. Animals are very sensitive to their owner’s cues. If you’re anxious and nervous, they pick up that energy, and get nervous and anxious, too. If you’re calm, most likely, they will be calm. Have the necessary paperwork completed in ad- vance. Come in, hand over the leash, say a quick see- you-later, and both of your vacations can begin. Sienna Plantation Animal Hospital ▪ 9212 Sienna Ranch Road ▪ Missouri City, Texas 77459 ▪ (281) 778-5244 Holiday Boarding Tips continued from page 6 Bill Bross, Director of Spiritual Care and Values Integration, Nancy Penney, Associate Staff Chaplain and Craig Butler, Senior Staff Chaplain Fort Bend support groups and service organizations online directory Developed by Methodist Sugar Land Hospital Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is launching a new community resource directory, designed to provide residents of Fort Bend and surrounding areas with information about support groups, charitable organizations and other providers of important health and human services. The directory is available online by visiting and clicking on the Community Support Groups button. To add an organization or group to the directory, contact Associate Staff Chaplain Nancy Penney at [email protected]. ■ Bravo Creative Arts Studio where creativity begins… Now Enrolling Get $10 off with the mention of this ad Gift Certificates Available [email protected] 832-885-4869 for Drama Kids classes 281-733-7605 For Art, Dance and Kindermusik classes Bravo Creative Arts Studio 4309 Sienna Parkway, Missouri City TX 77459 Ages 2 to 7 Ages 3 to 12 Art Classes Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop Ages 4 to 16 Dance Classes Ages 4 to 16 Acting Classes SiennaSaver Residential & Commercial Maid Service • Insured & Bonded • Equipment & Supplies provided • Affordable & Reliant • Client Referral Program • Carpet Cleaning Free Estimates (281) 498-3330 15% OFF 15% OFF SIENNA SAVER BUSINESS CARD SIZE: $150; 1/4 PAGE: $275; 1/2 PAGE: $450 No waiting list. Full color. No long-term commitment Monthly mailing to 5,000+ homes including the apartment communities Call (281) 778-9782 or email [email protected] for details Pre-School for Girls! Http:// Z�>�y�Z^͕ �K>KZ͕�hd^͕ t��s�^ �ƐŬ ƵƐ ŚŽǁ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶĞĂƌŶ Ă &Z�� ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ,ŽƵƌƐ Ͳ dƵĞƐĚĂLJ ƚŚƌƵ &ƌŝĚĂLJ ϵĂŵ Ͳ ϳƉŵ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ ϳĂŵ Ͳ ϳƉŵ͕ ^ƵŶĚĂLJ ŶŽŽŶ ƚŽ ϲƉŵ We’ve moved! Come visit us at our new location. 2932 Airport Blvd Houston, Texas 77051 From Sienna Plantation take TX-288 North to the Airport Blvd exit. Turn right and travel to 2932. (713) 731-4700 Kafe of Image Salon 20 February 2012• • Your Life ... • Nuclear Cardiology • Stress Testing • Echocardiograms • Vascular Studies • Holter Monitoring UT Physicians at Sienna Village next to HEB in the Sienna Village Shopping Center (713) 486-1200 Simplified UT Physicians at Sienna Village Primary and Specialty Care for Adults and Children 8810 Highway 6, Suite 100 | Missouri City, Texas 77459 Featuring specialty care in cardiology, including onsite non-invasive cardiovascular imaging


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