Rotational positioning of the tibial tray in total knee arthroplasty: A CT evaluation

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Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (2011) 97, 699—704 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Rota arthr J. Berh a Versailles Trauma, 17 b Franc¸ois-R 2A, avenue c Poitiers U 2, rue de L Accepted: KEYWO Knee; Total kne arthropl Tibial ro Compute tomogra (CT scan Tibial co positioni ∗ Correspo E-mail a 1877-0568/$ doi:10.1016 tional positioning of the tibial tray in total knee oplasty: A CT evaluation oueta,b,∗, P. Beaufilsa, P. Boisrenoulta, D. Frascac, N. Pujola -Saint-Quentin University, André-Mignot Hospital, Versailles Hospital Center, Department of Orthopaedics and 7, rue de Versailles, 78157 Le-Chesnay, France abelais University of Tours, Trousseau University Regional Hospital Center, Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, de la République, 37170 Chambray-les-Tours, France niversity, La-Milétrie University Hospital Center, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, a-Milétrie, 86021 Poitiers, France 6 May 2011 RDS e asty; tation; d phy scanning ning); mponent ng Summary Introduction: Various surgical techniques have been described to set the rotational alignment of the tibial baseplate during total knee arthroplasty. The self-positioning method (‘‘self- adjustment’’) aligns the tibial implant according to the rotational alignment of the femoral component which is used as a reference after performing repeated knee flexion/extension cycles. Postoperative computed tomography scanning produces accurate measurements of the tibial baseplate rotational alignment with respect to the femoral component. Hypothesis: The rotational positioning of the tibial baseplate matches the rotation of the femoral component with parallel alignment to the prosthetic posterior bicondylar axis. Patients and methods: A 3-month follow-up CT scan was carried out after primary total knee arthroplasty implanted in osteoarthritic patients with a mean 7.8◦ varus deformity of the knee in 50 cases and a mean 8.7◦ valgus deformity of the knee in 44 cases. The NexGen LPS Flex (Zimmer) fixed-bearing knee prosthesis was used in all cases. An independant examiner (not part of the operating team) measured different variables: the angle between the anatomic transepicondylar axis and the posterior bicondylar axis of the femoral prosthesis (prosthetic posterior condylar angle), the angle between the posterior bicondylar axis and the posterior marginal axis of the tibial prosthesis, the angle between the posterior marginal axis of the tibial prosthesis and the posterior marginal axis of the tibial bone and finally the angle between the anatomic transepicondylar axis and the posterior marginal axis of the tibial prosthesis. Results: For the genu varum and genu valgum subgroups, the mean posterior condylar axis of the femoral prosthesis was 3.1◦ (SD: 1.91; extremes 0◦ to 17.5◦) and 4.7◦ (SD: 2.7; extremes 0◦ to 11◦) respectively. The tibial baseplate was placed in external rotation with respect to the femoral component: 0.7◦ (SD : 4.45; extremes —9.5◦ to 9.8◦) and 0.9◦ (SD: 4.53; extremes nding author. Tel.: +33 2 47 47 47 47; fax: +33 2 47 47 59 12. ddress: [email protected] (J. Berhouet). – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. /j.otsr.2011.05.006 700 J. Berhouet et al. —10.8◦ to 9.5◦), but also to the native tibia: 6.1◦ (SD: 5.85; extremes —4.6◦ to 22.5◦) and 12.5◦ (SD: 8.6; extremes —10◦ to 28.9◦). The tibial component was placed in internal rotation relative to the anatomic transepicondylar axis: 1.9◦ (SD : 4.93; extremes —13.6◦ to 7◦) and 3◦ (SD : 4.38; ◦ ◦ ligne ever the cal v d is a o be onal reser Introduc Accurate r component positioning ment has patellofem the femora anatomical the distal tion [12,13 above all p in order to anatomy. Proper e plane is ma also the di precise rot when base Various rate positi plane duri der of the the transve axis [21], t reports a a highly v positioning implant w femoral co flexion/ext This me appears re • alignmen and repr • the rota reliable. alignmen systemat terior co adapt th assisted implant condylar obj in t nent rost ch i Acco ning t, the ylar nts ts rosp en M was tatio rthri stud oper enu tella nee o 17. reme pate is su nees 8◦) reme pate extremes —16.2 to 4.8 ). Discussion: The tibial component is a initial frontal deformity (P∼= 0.7). How alignment of the tibial baseplate and could be attributed to the morphologi valgum. Conclusion: The self-positioning metho since it allows the tibial component t femur. Level of evidence: Level III. Observati © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights tion otational alignment of the tibial and femoral s is the third requirement for successful 3D of a total knee prosthesis. This rotational align- a major influence on tibiofemoral [1—4] and oral kinematics [5—8]. Rotational alignment of l component has been the subject of various [1,9—11] and surgical studies first to evaluate femoral torsion and the degree of implant rota- ], but also to assess the intraoperative [14,15] and reoperative landmarks based on CT data [12—16] adapt implant rotation to the patient’s specific valuation of tibial positioning in the transverse de difficult by the anatomical variability [17], but fficulty to identify reliable landmarks to provide ational alignment of the tibial component, even d on preoperative CT scans [18]. surgical techniques have been described for accu- oning of the tibial baseplate in the transverse ng total knee arthroplasty: the anterior bor- tibia [19], the anterior tibial tubercle [20], rse axis of the tibia [17], the transepicondylar he bi-malleolar axis [22]. Each of these options great variability in references which leads to ariable tibial component positioning. The self- (‘‘self-adjustment’’) method aligns the tibial ith respect to the rotational alignment of the mponent which is used as a reference after knee ension cycles. thod is ‘‘dependent’’ on femoral positioning and levant under two conditions: Our tioning compo knee p approa knee. positio ponen bicond Patie Patien This p betwe knees implan osteoa in this group and a g parapa • 50 k 1◦ t (ext para in th • 45 k to 1 (ext para t of the tibial component under the femur is real oducible; tional positioning of the femoral component is This is why we use an individual rotational t adapted to each specific knee based on a ic preoperative CT scan measurement of the pos- ndylar angle thus allowing to intraoperatively e femoral rotational alignment through computer navigation, the posterior border of the femoral being therefore parallel to the surgical transepi- axis. 26.8 kg/ Knowing tional align simplify th ated on thr hardware r operated o from this surgery of The Ne symmetrica d parallel to the femoral component whatever the , a difference was observed between the rotational native tibia depending on the initial deformity and ariations of the bony tibial plateau in case of genu reproducible option when using this type of implant positioned parallel to the posterior border of the prospective study. ved. ective was to measure the tibial baseplate posi- he transverse plane with respect to the femoral by means of a postoperative CT study after total hesis implantation through the medial or lateral n patients with varus or valgus deformity of the rding to our hypothesis, the tibial component would match the rotation of the femoral com- tibial component being parallel to the posterior axis of the femoral prosthesis. and methods ective non-randomized study was conducted arch 2008 and December 2009. A CT scan of 95 performed in 87 patients 3 months after primary n of a total knee prosthesis in the management of tis of the knee. Ninety-four knees were included y. Two subgroups were made: a genu varum sub- ated on through the medial parapatellar approach valgum subgroup operated on through the lateral r approach: s with a mean 7.8◦ frontal deviation (extremes 5◦) and distal epiphyseal femoral torsion of 4.9◦ s 2◦ to 7◦) were operated on through the medial llar approach. The mean body mass index (BMI) bgroup was 28.1 kg/m2; with a mean 8.7◦ valgus deviation (extremes 1◦ and a distal epiphyseal femoral torsion of 6.1◦ s 2◦ to 10◦) were operated on through the lateral llar approach. The mean BMI in this subgroup was m2. the influence of the sugical approach on rota- ment of the tibial implant [23], and in order to e study groups, all cases of genu varum oper- ough the lateral approach (patellar subluxation or emoval for example) and all cases of genu valgum n through the medial approach were excluded study. Were also excluded all cases of revision uni- or tricompartmental arthroplasties. xGen LPS Flex (Zimmer) fixed-bearing and l knee prosthesis was implanted. This is a Rotational alignment of the tibial component : CT evaluation 701 semi-constrained prosthesis with 12◦ of rotational freedom in extension (data from the manufacturer). Two options of implant keel were used at random according to the oper- ator’s preferences: a 45 mm standard keel featuring an angular section or a ‘‘mini-keel’’ featuring a pyramid-shape section. Th both cases The femor dently star femoral co navigation subgroup a gum subgr posterior c transepico place the axis which assisted na the tibial c tibial comp extention, operator w performing patella wa any tibial tibial com extension. was 6◦ acc Methods The CT sca franc¸aise d posium of were perfo non-operat software o • the pros is, the a (TEA) an compone • the angl axis of t to the ro to the n prosthet • the angl ial prost of the ti ing the C the tibia baseplat ponent p the nativ • the angl femoral axis of t obtained the post the tibia 1 Right knee: method of measurement of the pros- osterior condylar angle (PCA TKA) between the anatomic icondylar axis (TEA) and the posterior bicondylar axis femoral prosthesis (PBCf TKA), the angle between the ic transepicondylar axis (TEA) and the posterior marginal the tibial prosthesis (PMAt TKA), the angle between the or bicondylar axis of the femoral prosthesis (PBCf TKA) e posterior marginal axis of the tibial prosthesis (PMAt tiona oral sure nent and tica scrip erquartile range (25th; 75th percentiles). Non-paired 2 Right knee: method of measurement of the angle n the posterior marginal axis of the tibial prosthesis TKA) and the posterior marginal axis of the native tibia PMAt). e metallic trial tibial plateau was identical in and the keel shape could not influence rotation. al and tibial bone cuts were performed indepen- ting with the distal femoral cut. Rotation of the mponent was adjusted using computer assisted (3.6◦ [extreme values 2◦ to 5◦] for the genu varum nd 4.2◦ [extreme values 1◦ to 7◦] for the genu val- oup). The objective was to achieve a prosthetic ondylar angle of 3◦ ± 2◦ relative to the anatomic ndylar axis of Yoshioka et al. [24], in order to implant parallel to the surgical transepicondylar is similar to the knee flexion axis [16]. Computer vigation was not used for rotational alignment of omponent, the objective being to place the trial onent parallel to the femoral component in full according to the ‘‘self-adjustment’’ method. The as placed lateraly relative to the patient while flexion-extension movements of the knee. The s maintained in the reduced position to prevent rotation [25]. Rotational orientation of the trial ponent was evaluated with the knee placed in The tibial slope provided by the sagittal CT view ording to the manufacturer requirements. n protocol was that proposed by the ‘‘Société e la hanche et du genou’’ (SFHG) during the sym- the 2007 SOFCOT congress [26]. Measurements rmed twice at one month interval by the same or examiner (JB), using the Dicom Toolbox vl.2 n Dicom images. Were measured: thetic posterior condylar angle (PCA TKA), that ngle between the anatomic transepicondylar axis d the posterior bicondylar axis of the femoral nt (PBCf TKA) (Fig. 1); e between the TEA and the posterior marginal he tibial prosthesis (PMAt TKA). It corresponded tation given to the tibial component with respect ative femur. The aim was the same as the 3◦ ± 2◦ ic posterior condylar angle (Fig. 1); e between the posterior marginal axis of the tib- hesis (PMAt TKA) and the posterior marginal axis bial bone (native PMAt), obtained by superimpos- T view passing through the tibial baseplate and l CT view passing just below the metallic tibial e. The objective was to evaluate the tibial com- ositioning in the transverse plane with respect to e tibia (Fig. 2); e between the posterior bicondylar axis of the prosthesis (PBCf TKA) and the posterior marginal he tibial prosthesis (PMAt TKA). This angle was by superimposing the two views passing through erior bicondylar axis on one hand and through l baseplate on the other hand. It represented the Figure thetic p transep of the anatom axis of posteri and th TKA). rota fem Mea compo ponent Statis For de and int Figure betwee (PMAt (native l alignment of the tibial baseplate relative to the component. The objective was 0◦ ± 2◦ (Fig. 1). ments were given the + sign when the tibial was lateraly rotated relative to the femoral com- the —sign otherwise. l methods tive analysis, data were presented by median 702 J. Berhouet et al. Table 1 Angular measurements expressed in degrees for the genu varum — medial parapatellar approach subgroup: Posterior condylar angle (PCA), rotational alignment of the tibial base plate relative to the native femur (TEA angle / PMAt TKA), relative to the native tibia (PMAt TKA / native PMAt) and relative to the femoral component (PBC angle f TKA / PMAt TKA). PCA TKA TEA angle / PMAt TKA PMA angle t TKA / native PMAt PBC angle f TKA / PMAt TKA Mean 3.14 —1.89 6.11 0.75 Standard deviation 1.91 4.93 5.85 4.45 Minimum 0.0 —13.60 —4.60 —9.50 25th percentile 1.95 —5.03 1.175 —1.950 Median 3.00 —1.85 4.90 0.70 75th percentile 4.00 1.6 10.43 3.83 Maximum 7.00 7 22.50 9.2 quantitative data were compared using the Mann Whitney non-parametric test for comparisons between two groups of variables and using the non-parametric variance analysis to evaluate the intra-observer variability. P values inferior to 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The statistical analysis wa Results For both s ability was between th erative CT performed In the g group, the (SD: 1.91; The tibial b (SD: 4.93; transepicon ial compon 5.85; extre The tibial b (SD: 4.45 ; component In the g group, the (SD: 2.7 ; e The tibial (SD: 4.38; e transepicondylar axis for an objective of 3◦ ± 2◦. The tibial component was placed in 12.52◦ of external rotation (SD: 8.6; extremes —10◦ to 28.9◦) relative to the native tibia. The tibial baseplate was placed in 0.9◦ of external rotation (SD: 4.53; extremes —10.8◦ to 9.5◦) relative to the femoral nent oth ieve ts wi arum ch s n in 05) tib ic n of nific up t (P < 0 ssio is no ial b How atio ck o nced er ri n of Table 2 m — condylar a ur (T (PMA angl Mean Standard Minimum 25th perc Median 75th perc Maximum s performed using the R 2.12.0 software. eries of measurements, the intra-observer vari- not statistically significant (variation coefficient e two series less than 6%). Ninety-four postop- scans were analyzed. One CT scan examination in another center could not be analyzed. enu varum — medial parapatellar approach sub- prosthetic posterior condylar angle was 3.14◦ extremes 0◦ to 17.5◦) for an objective of 3◦ ± 2◦. aseplate was placed in 1.9◦ of internal rotation extremes —13.6◦ to 7◦) relative to the anatomic dylar axis for an objective of 3◦ ± 2◦. The tib- ent was placed in 6.1◦ of external rotation (SD: mes —4.6◦ to 22.5◦) relative to the native tibia. aseplate was placed in 0.7◦ of external rotation extremes —9.5 to 9.2) relative to the femoral (Table 1). enu valgum — lateral parapatellar approach sub- prosthetic posterior condylar angle was 4.72◦ xtremes 0◦ to 11◦) for an objective of 3◦ ± 2◦. baseplate was placed in 3◦ of internal rotation xtremes —16.2◦ to 4.8◦) relative to the anatomic compo In b to ach ponen genu v approa rotatio P∼= 0.0 of the anatom rotatio was sig subgro group Discu There for tib plasty. malrot the la unbala a high rotatio Angular measurements expressed in degrees for the genu valgu ngle (PCA), tibial base plate rotation relative to the native fem e TKA) and relative to the femoral component (PBC angle f TKA / P PCA TKA TEA angle / PMAt TKA PMA t TK 4.72 —3.0 12.52 deviation 2.7 4.38 8.60 0.0 —16.20 —10.0 entile 3 —5.78 5.2 4.3 —2.3 14.80 entile 6.0 —0.7 18.78 11.0 4.80 28.90 (Table 2). groups, the self-adjustment method was used a parallel alignment of the two prosthetic com- th no difference being established between the - medial approach and genu valgum — lateral ubgroups (P∼= 0.72). The relative femoral hypo- the genu valgum subgroup (4.7◦ versus 3.2◦; was associated with a higher internal rotation ial component (3◦ versus 1.9◦) relative to the transepicondylar axis (P∼= 0.25). The external the tibial component relative to the native tibia antly lower in the genu varum —medial approach han in the genu valgum — lateral approach sub- .0001). n consensus regarding the standard reference used aseplate positioning during total knee arthro- ever, this point is essential as tibial component n may induce a risk of early loosening due to f homogeneous stress distribution, but also an patellofemoral joint kinematics associated with sk of instability particularly in case of internal the tibial component [6,27]. lateral parapatellar approach subgroup: posterior EA angle / PMAt TKA), relative to the native tibia MAt TKA). A / native PMAt PBC angle f TKA / PMAt TKA 0.96 4.53 —10.80 —1.23 0.95 2.98 9.50 Rotational alignment of the tibial component : CT evaluation 703 Numerous methods or landmarks have been proposed to achieve accurate rotational alignment of the tibial base- plate. Referencing the tibial rotation between the medial third and the two lateral thirds of the anterior tibial tuber- cle (ATT) or using the medial border of the patellar tendon as a landmark ing method However, t particularl this landm Accordi implant at between th the medial the geome rotational Measureme between th [19] and an transepico would also positioning tibial marg the lowest In the a anatomica posterior b the tibial ments of th by Nagami only in cas component the depen the frontal of the kne et al. [9] to be para the anatom axis may be alignment ment of th systematic Whatev surgical ap positioned approxima rotation is and reprod parallelism prosthesis the tibial c When r adapted (3 valgum sub tional align anatomic t group and 3 both comp our initial No sign the two g posterior c bicondylar axis and the tibial base plate, the angle between the transepicondylar axis and the tibial base plate). How- ever, in the genu valgum subgroup, the rotational alignment of the tibial base plate with respect to native tibia, taking the posterior marginal line as a reference, is twice higher the revio tibia erat nts b into ble easu bser align ny ti is id ologi and mora des on ently en th lusi lf-a pos t is dent f th c ana e a p s re nce tibia ines enu v sur thor ning enc ller M zing n Ort relan n Ort rgren hrop ns. C agi M ra T. tal kn rger R pate n Ort for tibial rotational alignment could be a satisfy- with limited postoperative patellofemoral pain. hese landmarks vary greatly between patients y in case of patellofemoral dysplasia; therefore, ark cannot be considered as reliable [28]. ng to Akagi et al. [19], positioning of the tibial right angle to the anteroposterior axis drawn e posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) insertion and border of the patellar tendon, passing through trical center of the knee, could ensure a precise alignment relative to the femoral component. nt of the tibial rotation according to the angle e anteroposterior axis described by Akagi et al. anteroposterior axis orthogonal to the femoral ndylar axis and passing through the PCL insertion, be the most reproducible. According to Page [29], of the tibial baseplate relative to the anterior inal line appears to be the method which reports variability. bsence of precise and easily identifiable tibial l landmark, the self-adjustment method uses the order of the femoral condyles on which is aligned baseplate after flexion/extension cycling move- e knee. Such method, which has been criticized ne et al. [30] and Ikeuchi et al. [31] is relevant e of reliable rotational alignment of the femoral since it is a ‘‘dependent’’ method similarly to dent femoral and tibial bone cuts performed in plane. When admitting that the rotational axis e is the surgical transepicondylar axis of Berger and that femoral implant rotation is calculated llel to this surgical axis (that is 3◦ relative to ical axis of Yoshioka et al. [24]), therefore this considered as a reliable reference for rotational of the tibial component. Preoperative measure- e posterior condylar angle should therefore be ally carried out using CT scanning. er the initial frontal deformity and the chosen proach in our study, the tibial component is parallel to the femoral component (less than tely 1◦), whereas the theoretical intraprosthetic 12◦. The self-adjustment method is thus reliable ucible since it provides an accurate femur-tibia with the posterior bicondylar axis of the femoral placed parallel to the posterior marginal axis of omponent. otational positioning of the femoral implant is .2◦ in the genu varum subgroup, 4.7◦ in the genu group for an objective of 3◦), therefore the rota- ment of the tibial implant with respect to the ransepicondylar axis (1.9◦ in the genu varum sub- ◦ in the genu valgum subgroup) is also adapted as onents are parallel to one another which confirms hypothesis. ificant differences could be observed between roups regarding these three angles (prosthetic ondylar angle, the angle between the posterior than in of a p terior postop remna taken a varia this m intra-o tional the bo femur morph varum eral fe widely ducted to rec betwe ogy. 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