Regs for Crane Design and Safe Operation_ENG

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REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN SAFE WORK IN INDUSTRY SUPERVISION AND MINING SUPERVISION COMMITTEE (REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN GOSGORTECHNADZOR [GGTN]) REGULATIONS FOR CRANE DESIGN AND SAFE OPERATION Binding for Ministries, Agencies, Industries, Associations, Companies (irrespective of their ownership types) and Individuals. KRANENERGO SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION ALMATY 1997 2 TheseRegulationshavebeendevelopedonthebasisofCraneDesignandSafe OperationRegulationsapprovedbytheUSSRGosgortechnadzoronthe30 th of December 1969. SomeamendmentsandadditionsintroducedintheRussianFederationCraneDesign andSafeOperationRegulationsandapprovedbyGosgortechnadzorofRussiaonthe 30 th ofDecember1992,aswellascommentsandsuggestionsoftheRepublicof KazakhstanGosgortechnadzor(GGTN),theRepublicofKazakhstanMinistryof HousingConstructionandDevelopmentofAreas(Minstroy),theInstituteofKaz ProjectSteelStructureandotherconcernedorganisationsandcompaniesweretaken into consideration in the course of the Regulations development and editing. TheRegulationshavebeenreviewedandamendedaccountingfortheexperienceof craneoperation.Changesthathavetakenplaceontheengineeringlevelofhoisting units,requirementsofcurrentConstructionStandardsandRegulations(SNIPS), Standards,legislativeacts,resolutionsandotherregulatorydocumentswerealsotaken into account. Thecompilersofthefirstrevisionhereofwillappreciateanyremarksandsuggestions relatedtoprovisionofcranesafetyduringitsoperationtobereceivedfromministries, industries,researchanddevelopment,aswellasdesigninginstitutions,companies, GGTNbodies,craneownersandindividuals.Suchcommentswillbeconsideredin further revisions of the Regulations. TheseRegulationsshallcomeintoeffecton01.08.1994.TheCraneDesignandSafe OperationRegulationsapprovedbytheUSSRGosgortechnadzoronthe30.12.1969 shall be invalid since the above date. ISBN 5-620-01085-6©RepublicofKazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor Official Publication ©KranenergoStateOwned ScientificandProduction Association. Any reprint is prohibited 3 TABLE OF CONTEXT 1.General Provisions5 2.Engineering Requirements 3.Cranes and Gripping Devices Production, Reconstruction, Maintenance and Installation 4.Hoisting Equipment Design and Assemblage 4.1. Gripping Parts 4.2. Ropes 4.3. Chains 4.4. Drums, Blocks and Sprockets 4.5. Brakes 4.6. Running Wheels 4.7. Supporting Parts, Limit Stops and Bumpers 4.8. Counterweight and Ballast 4.9. Safety Instruments and Devices 4.10. Control Mechanisms and Devices 4.11. Control Cabins 4.12. Guarding 4.13. Galleries, Platforms and Ladders 4.14. Installation of Hoisting Equipment 4.15. Crane Track 5.Cable Type Cranes 6.Hoists and Winches to Lift People 7.Operation of Hoisting Equipment 7.1. Registration 7.2. Commissioning Permit 7.3. Technical Examination 7.4. Supervision and Servicing 7.5. Operation 8.Responsibility for Breaches of the Crane Design and Safe Operation Regulations 9.Emergency and Accident Investigation Procedures 10.Final Provisions Appendix 1.Terminology and Determinations Appendix 2.List of Regulatory Documents to be Applicable for Hoisting Equipment Designing, Fabrication, Maintenance and Operation Appendix 3.List of Head Organisations in Crane Production Appendix 4.Estimation of Tension in a Sling String Appendix 5.Crane Certificate Form Appendix 6.Chain Block Certificate Form Appendix 7.Maximum Permissible Deviations of Rail Tracks (Plane and Profile Views) from the Designed Position Appendix 8.Statement Form for a Crane Rail Track Acceptance at Commissioning Appendix 9.Work Permit Form (for the right of access to crane track and passage galleries of overhead travelling and mobile cantilever cranes to carry out maintenance and other types of work) 4 Appendix 10.Standards to Reject Ropes of Hoisting Equipment Appendix 11.(Reference) International Standards ISO 4301/1, 4302, 4308/1, 4308/2, 4310 and 8087 Appendix 12.Threshold Standards of Load-Lifting Equipment Component Rejection Appendix 13.Standards for Rejection of Detachable Load-Gripping Devices Appendix 14.Knowledge Assessment Certificate Form for engineering and technical personnel responsible for supervision of load-lifting equipment safe operation, engineering and technical personnel responsible for load-lifting equipment maintenance in good serviceable conditions, and persons responsible for safe performance of work by cranes. Appendix 15.Threshold Standards to Reject Basic Components of Rail Tracks Appendix 16.Knowledge Assessment Certificate Form for operating personnel (crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, safety device adjusters, and slingers) Appendix 17.Shift Logbook of a Crane Operator Form Appendix 18.Recommended Signals when Moving Loads by Cranes Appendix 19.Form of a Work Permit for a Crane Operation Close to an Overhead Power Line List of Regulatory Documents Applicable to Facilities Supervised by the Regional State Mining and Technical Supervision Inspectorates (GGTN) of the Republic of Kazakhstan State Emergency Committee. (The Documents are Available at Kranenergo Research and Development Association) 5 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1.TheseRegulationsshallsetforththerequirementstohoistingmachinesand units, as well as load gripping devices, appliances and containers design, set-up, fabrication, installation, maintenance, reconstruction and operation. 1.2.The Regulations shall be applicable for the following: a)Cranes of all types, including crane-manipulators; b)Powerdriventrucks(trolleys)travellingalonggroundrailtrackstogether with the control cabin; c)Cranes-excavators designed to operate with a hook on a steel line or electric magnet only; d)Power hoisting tackle; e)Winches to hoist loads or people; f)Removable gripping devices (hooks, clamshells, load-lifting electromagnets, etc.); g)Detachable load gripping appliances (slings, shackles, spreader bars, etc.); h)Loadcontainers,withtheexceptionofspecialcontainersappliedin metallurgy(dippers,bowls,moulds,etc.),aswellasatseaandriverports, requirementsforwhichshallbeprovidedbytheindustrystandardsand regulations. 1.3.The Regulations shall not be applicable for the following: a)Hoistingunitsinstalledinmines,onseaandriverboatsandotherfloating structures, where specific requirements shall apply; b)Excavators designed to operate with earth-moving equipment or clam-shells; c)Cranesdesignedtooperatewithattachedimplementsonly(silentpile drivers, pile draw-out devices, cradle hoists, drilling equipment, etc.); d)Hoistingunitsforspecialpurposes(e.g.floor,chargingandplanting machines,boom-cats,electricandcombustionengineforklifttrucks,pilers, tracklayers and bridge construction units, manipulators, etc.); e)Mounting polyspasts (block and tackle) and structures they are suspended on (masts, shavers, beams, etc.); f)Specific military hoisting units; g)Hand tackle units; 1.4.Basicterminologyanddefinitionsusedinthetexthereofaredescribedin Appendix1.ThelistofstandarddocumentsandInternationalstandards applicable in Kazakhstan is given in Appendix 2. 6 2. ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS 2.1.Designing and main research and development organisations (Appendix 3) shall developstandardisingandregulatorydocumentationforhoistingunits. Designing,researchanddevelopment,andspecialisedorganisationsauthorised (licensed) by Gosgortechnadzor (GGTN) shall develop designs of hoisting units to be fabricated. 2.2.Designs,requirementsspecificationsandotherstandarddocumentationfor hoistingunitstooperateinexplosiveandinflammableenvironmentshallbe developedaccountingfortherequirementsofElectricUnitDesignRegulations (PUE) and the following standard documents: RD 24.090.96 and RD 24.090.91, OperationSafetyRegulationsandSafetyRegulations.Thedesignshallprovide for arrangements to ensure safe working conditions of such hoisting units in the above environment. Theabilityofahoisttooperateinanexplosiveandinflammableenvironment (withtheparticularenvironmentcategorystated)shallbenotedbothinthe certificate and operation instructions. 2.3.Hoisting units to operate in the areas with the design temperatures below-40°C shallbedesignedandproducedinaccordancewiththeHL(cold)typeonthe basis of GOST (State Standard) 115150. Hoistingunitstooperateinseismicareas(above6degrees)shallbedesigned and produced in accordance with SNIP 11-7, as seismic proof equipment. 2.4.Thecompanythatcarriesoutthecorrespondingworkshallbeheldresponsible forthequalityofthedesign,production,installation,reconstructionand maintenance of a hoisting unit, removable gripping devices and detachable load gripping appliances, as well as for their compliance herewith. 2.5.Hoisting mechanisms and their parts supplied from abroad shall comply with the requirements hereof. Priortoconclusionofacontractforanyhoistingunitsupplyfromabroad,a company(client)shallobtainthecertificateofcomplianceherewithfromthe certificationauthority.Thecertificate,instructionsandanyotheroperation documentationsuppliedwithhoistsshallbetranslatedintothelanguageof internationalcommunicationinKazakhstan 1 andcomplywiththerequirements hereof. The client shall get all the possible deviations from these Regulations approved bytheRepublicofKazakhstanGosgortechnadzorpriortosigningofthe contract.Copiesoftheapprovalandcertificateshallbeattachedwiththe Hoisting Unit Certificate. 1 Russian. 7 2.6.Thecapacityandothercharacteristics,aswellasthesizesshallcomplywith StateStandardsandspecifications,andincasetheyareunavailable,such parametersshallbeestablishedintherequirementsspecificationsorother documents in accordance with GOST 15.001. 2.7.HoistingunitsshallbedesignedinaccordancewithISO4301/1andother standard documents. 2.8.Self-propelled,railwayandpull-typecraneswithbooms,cranes-excavators, tower and frame cranes shall be stable in both operating and stand-by conditions. Stability of a crane shall be estimated under conditions of a test load, under the load (loaded stability), absence of load (inherent stability), sudden load removal and mounting (dismounting). Ifoperationconditionsofacranerequireloweringofanunloadedboominthe horizontal position, the boom stability in such position shall be ensured. Stability of acrane shall be estimated inaccordance with regulating documents developedbyappropriateinstitutionsandapprovedbytheRepublicof Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor. 2.9.The track gradient of a frame or cantilever crane truck (trolley) shall not exceed 0.003attheworstpositionofthetruck,andwiththegreatestoperatingload. Theaboveratedgradientshallnotrefertocranes,whichthemechanismofthe trucktravellingisequippedwithanautomaticbrakingsystemofaclosedtype, or when the truck is moved with the help of cable haulage. 2.10.Thedevicesforloadliftingandcraneradiusalterationshallbedesignedsoas the load or boom are lowered with the help of the engine solely. 2.11.Hoisting unit devices equipped with jaw, friction or other mechanical appliances to switch them on, or to switch over their operating speeds shall be designed in suchawaythatspontaneousswitchingorunclenchingofthemechanismis impossible.Inaddition,thepossibilityofthedrivedisengagementwithoutthe brake application shall be eliminated for load and boom lifting winches. Applicationoffrictionandjawactuatingclutchesshallbeinadmissiblein mechanisms designed to lift people, melted metal or slag, noxious and explosive substances,aswellasinpowerdrivenmechanisms,withtheexceptionofthe following: a)Movementorturningmechanismswithseveralrangesofspeedstoswitch from one of them to another; b)Themechanismforacaterpillarcranemovement,withacommondrivefor both tracks designed for their separate control. Incasesstatedinclauses"a"and"b",thebrakeshallhaveanuninterrupted kinematicallinkwiththerevolvingsectionofthecrane,caterpillartracksor wheels. 8 2.12.Spline,keyedandboltedjointsshallbeappliedintheassembliesofahoisting unit that serve to transmit the torque. 2.13.Spline,keyedandboltedjointsofahoistingunitshallbeprotectedfrom arbitrary unscrewing or release. 2.14.Provisionforsecurefixationforslidingstructuresofcraneswithtelescopic booms and towers shall be made. 2.15.Lifting mechanisms of forging cranes shall be provided with damping devices. 2.16.Cableandchaintackleandpolyspastsofahoistingunitshallbedesignedto eliminatespontaneousfallingofthecable(chain)offthetackle,aswellasthe cable (chain) jam between the block and the pin (the sprocket and pin). 2.17.Installation of an equalising block or balancer is required if a double polyspast is applied. 2.18.Traction wheels of hoisting units with a hand drive shall be provided with guides to prevent the chains on them from falling off.The traction chain shall be long enoughforitslowerparttobeattheheightof500mmfromthesurface,on which the worker operating the unit is located. 2.19.Steelstructuresandsteelpartsofhoistingunitsshallbeprotectedfrom corrosion. Arrangementstopreventmoistureaccumulationshallbeprovidedinboxand tubular steel structures of cranes operating in the open air. 2.20.Safeaccessshallbeprovidedtothemechanisms,protectiondevices,power equipment,steelstructurecomponentsofhoistingunitsrequiringmaintenance. Galleries,platformsandladdersshallbearrangedforthepurpose.Ifthereare no platforms and ladders to serve blocks and safety devices, the possibility of the boom lowering shall be provided. 2.21.Powerequipmentofhoistingunits,itsinstallation,wiringandgroundingshall comply with the requirements of the Power Unit Design Regulations (PUE). Powerequipmentofhoistingunitsshallbeoperatedinaccordancewiththe ConsumerPowerUnitOperationRegulationsandSafetyRegulationsfor Consumer Power Unit Operation. 2.22.Automatic shutdown and fixation of mechanisms (the turning mechanism, those oftheloadandboomwinches,boomandbracingjackslifting,boomsections advancing)shallbeprovidedforcraneswithhydraulicdrives,tobeappliedin caseofapipelinebreakorpressuredropinthehydraulicsystem.Thesame shallbeprovidedforcrane-manipulatorstobeappliedincaseofflexible pipeline breaks. 9 2.23.The hydraulic system of cranes shall comply with the requirements of GOST R 50046 and provide the possibility of pressure control in each operating contour, as well as the possibility to replace hydraulic units, hoses and filters without any liquid discharge from the tank. 2.24.Steel line slings shall be designedaccountingfor the number of the line strings and their incline to the vertical line angle (Appendix 4). Incaseofgeneral-purposeslingswithseveralstringsmodelling,thedesign angle between them shall be assumed as equal to 90°.When slings designed for aparticularloadismodelled,theactualanglemaybetakenasthebasisfor calculations. Thestrengthmarginfactorforslingmodellingshallbeassumedasatleast6. The design of multiple-strand slings shall provide for uniform tension of all the strands. 2.25.Slings of hemp, caperone and cotton ropes (tapes) shall be modelled accounting for the number of rope strings and the angle of their incline towards the vertical line.The strength margin factor in that case shall be at least 8. 3. CRANES AND GRIPPING DEVICES PRODUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION 3.1.Allthehoistingunitsshallbedesignedandproducedincompliancewiththese Regulations and standard documentation. 3.2.Cranes and their elements shall be produced at plants with appropriate technical facilitiesandqualifiedpersonneltoprovidetheirproductioninfullcompliance with the requirements of the Regulations, standards and specifications, and such plantsshallpossessapermit(license)forsuchproductionissuedby Gosgortechnadzor bodies. The Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor shall be the authority to issue the above permits.The number and the date of the permit for crane production, as well as the description of the Gosgortechnadzor body issuing the permit shall be stated in the Crane Certificate. Production of hoisting units not liable for registration in accordance with clause 7.1.2 hereof requires no permit from Gosgortechnadzor bodies. 3.3.Executive officers and experts involved in production of cranes, steel structures forthemandcranewinches,aswellasincraneinstallationandmaintenance, shall pass their knowledge hereof assessment in accordance with the Regulations fortheKnowledgeofStandardsandGuidelinesAssessmentissuedbythe Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor (GGTN). 10 3.4.Apermitforanon-specialisedplanttoproduceahoistingunitfortheirown needs shall be issued by Gosgortechnadzor bodies in the order described below. The company shall submit the following documents for consideration: a)Assembly drawings of the crane and its basic units; b)Specifications for production approved in the established order; c)Acertificatetoconfirmavailabilityofweldersattestedinaccordancewith the Welders Attestation Regulations. 3.5.The company shall submit the following documents to Gosgortechnadzor bodies inordertoobtainapermittoproducedesignedcranesteelstructures,winches andsafetydevicesmadeattheplantasseparateelements(overheadbeams, booms, etc.): a)Assembly drawings of units to be produced, cinematic, hydraulic and electric diagrams; b)Specifications for production approved in the established order; c)Acertificatetoconfirmavailabilityofweldersattestedinaccordancewith the Welders Attestation Regulations. 3.6.Gosgortechnadzor bodies shall issue permits to produce cranes and their separate steelstructures,winchesandsafetydevicesonthebasisoftheproducer inspectionresults,revisionofthedocumentssubmitted,andaftersuccessful testingofapre-productionmodel.Deviationsfromdesignsandotherstandard documentsmaybeacceptedonanagreementwiththeauthoritythathasissued theirapproval.IfitistheRoKGosgortechnadzorthathasissuedtheapproval, the deviations shall be agreed with that particular body. Theproducershallattachacopyoftheagreementwiththecertificateofeach crane. 3.7.Ifacraneisassembledofunitsandpartsproducedatseveralplants,the assemblingplantshallbemaderesponsibleforthequalityoftheproductasa hole, and for compliance with these Regulations and State Standards, as well as forthedocumentation.Thecranecertificateshallbecompiledonthebasisof thedocumentscertifyingseparateunits.Suchdocumentsshallbekeptatthe plant that assembles the crane. 3.8.Weldingqualitycontrolrequirementsandrejectionparametersaccountingfor theseRegulationsandtheprocedureofunitsandthefinalproductacceptance shallbeprovidedbytherequirementsspecificationsforthecraneorseparate steelstructuresalongsidewithotherconditions.Thespecificationsshallalso includeinformationaboutthematerialappliedinproductionandwelding materials. 3.9.The producer shall carry out preliminary (mill), acceptance and recurring tests to controlthequalityofcranesandtheircompliancewithregulations,standards 11 andspecifications.Everypre-productionmodelofacraneshallundergo preliminary and acceptance testing. 3.10.Theproducershallarrangepreliminary(mill)testingofthepre-production modelinaccordancewiththeprogrammeandmethodsdevelopedbythecrane designers. ParticipationofthecranedesignersandGosgortechnadzorrepresentativesin crane testing shall be obligatory. 3.11.Acceptancetestingofthecranepre-productionmodelshallbecarriedoutin accordancewiththeprogrammedevelopedbythedesigners,approvedinthe established order and agreed with the RoK Gosgortechnadzor. 3.12.The programmes of the crane pre-production model mill and acceptance testing shallbedevelopedaccountingfortherequirementsofISO4310.The programmesshallprovidetestingofcranesfortheircompliancewiththe certificates,visualinspection,staticanddynamictesting,aswellastestingof boom self propelled cranes for stability. 3.13.Theresultsofpre-productionmodelspreliminaryandacceptancetestsshallbe presentedinMinutesandStatements,wheretheCommittees'suggestionsand conclusions shall be stated. 3.14.Theproducersshallcarryoutrecurrenttestsofstock-producedcranesin accordancewiththeprogrammetheydevelopandgetapprovedby Gosgortechnadzor.Gosgortechnadzor'srepresentativeshallparticipateincrane testing. 3.15.Theprogrammeofrecurrenttestsshallprovidefortestingincompliancewith the requirements hereof including visual inspection, idle stroke testing, static and dynamic tests, testing of safety devices and crane characteristics. 3.16.One of stock-produced cranes shall undergo recurrent testing (once in 3 years). 3.17.TheresultsofrecurrentcranetestsshallbeenteredinaStatementincluding suggestions and conclusions of the Committee. 3.18.EveryproducedcraneoritsunitsshallundergoacceptancetestsattheQA/QC Departmentoftheproducerinaccordancewithadevelopedandapproved programme.The testing results shall be entered in the Crane Certificate. 3.19.Theprogrammeofacceptancetestingshallprovideforvisualinspection,idle stroketesting,staticanddynamictestsincompliancewiththerequirements hereof,testingofsafetydevicesandcranecharacteristics,aswellastestingof thecranerunninggear.Forcranesdispatchedinthenon-assembledstate,that programme shall be developed in accordance with the standard documents. 3.20.Every produced hoisting unit shall be supplied with the following: 12 a)Certificate; b)Specifications; c)Operation instructions; d)Assemblage instructions (if required); e)Otherdocumentsprovidedforbyappropriatestatestandardsand requirements specifications. Ifseparatesteelstructures,mechanismsandsafetydevicesforcranesare produced, they shall be supplied with appropriate certificates. 3.21.Theproducershallrecordeverynewlyproducedhoistingunitinaproduction logbookandprovideitwithanameplatefastenedatavisibleplace.The nameplate shall state the name of the producer or its trademark, the capacity of thecrane,thedateofproduction,theserialnumberandotherinformationin accordancewiththedocumentation.Thenameplatewiththedatashallbekept on the crane for the whole of its life span. Craneswithamovabletruckshallhavesuchnameplatesfastenedeitheronthe crane or on the truck; and jib, tower and frame cranes shall have the producer's trademark oneach of the tower and boom sections in addition to the nameplate bolted at an easily seen place. If separate steel structures and units are produced, their data shall be entered into a logbook. 3.22.TheCraneCertificateshallbecompiledinaccordancewiththeFormgivenin Appendix5,andthecertificateforatelphershallbedrawnupinaccordance with the Form shown in Appendix 6. 3.23.Hoistingunitoperationguidelinesshallbedevelopedbyaspecialised organisation or producer in accordance with the requirements hereof and GOST 2.601. The Guidelines shall state the following: a)The frequency of units and mechanisms maintenance and service; b)Potential steel structure damages and the ways of their repairs; c)The frequency and methods to test safety devices; d)Methods of brakes adjustment; e)The list of highly wearing-out parts and tolerances for their wear-out; f)The procedure of technical examination; g)Theconditionsofaclam-shellandmagnetapplicationforclam-shelland magnet cranes; h)A rail track for cranes set-up and operation requirements; 13 i)Theinstructionstobringthecraneintoasafepositioninstand-by conditions; j)Safety requirements in case of emergency; k)The criteria of the crane's threshold conditions to dispatch it to major repairs; l)The life-span of the crane; m)Other instructions on the crane maintenance and operation accounting for its design specificity. 3.24.Theproducershalltakeintoaccountthedeficienciesinahoistingunitdesign and production revealed in the course of its operation and make arrangements to eliminate them.In cases, when the deficiencies revealed may impact the safety ofahoistingunitapplication,theproducermustnotifyallthecompanies operatingsuchunitsabouttherequirementandmethodstoeliminatesuch deficiencies.They shall also send technical documents and materials, parts and unitsrequiredforthereplacement.ThebodyofGosgortechnadzorthathas issuedthepermittoproducethehoistingunitshallapproverecommendations related to elimination of deficiencies. 3.25.On identification of deficiencies in a hoisting unit in the course of its assembling oroperation,oritsincompliancewiththerequirementshereof,theownershall send acomplaint letter to the producer.A copyof it shall be dispatchedto the certifying body and the Gosgortechnadzor body that has issued the permit for the unit production. If the hoisting units had been imported, the complaint letter shall be sent directly to the producer and the body that has issued the certificate. 3.26.Onreceivingthecomplaintletter,theproducershallundertaketoeliminatethe deficienciesandincomplianceherewithstatedintheletter,ifnopermitof Gosgortechnadzor has been issued for related deviations from these Regulations. The producer shall maintain a special logbook of claims, where the information oftheclaimant,theunitserialnumberandtheclaiminbriefshallbeentered. The producer shall also record other notifications of crane design and production deficiencies in the same logbook. 3.27.Production of detachable gripping devices and containers shall also comply with thestandarddocumentationandassemblycharts;andtheremustbeapermit (license) of the local Gosgortechnadzor body available. Ifweldingwasappliedduringproduction,theproductiondocumentsshall include information about it and its quality control. 3.28.Detachable gripping devices (slings, chains, spreader bars, clamps, etc.) shall be testedattheproducingplantaftertheyaremanufactured,andaftertheir overhaul, the same shall be carried out at the factory having repaired them. 14 Detachable gripping devices shall be visually inspected and tested with the load exceeding their rated capacity 1.25 times. Containers for small items, loose and other loads shall be visually inspected after their manufacturing.Containers have no need to be tested with loads. 3.29.Information related to detachable gripping devices and containers manufacturing shallbeenteredintoalogbook.Thelogbookshallstatethedescriptionofthe device or container, its capacity, the number of the standard document (assembly chart), the number of the certificate of materials applied, welding quality control resultsandtheresultsofthegrippingdevicetestingorcontainervisual inspection. 3.30.Detachablegrippingdevicesshallbearatrademarkorsecurelyfastenedmetal labels,withthenumber,liftingcapacityandtestingdatestatedon.Detachable grippingdevicesproducedforothercompaniesshallbesuppliedwitha certificate in addition to the trademark (label). 3.31.The purpose, number, dead weight and capacity shall be marked on containers. 3.32.Companieswithpermits(licenses)fromGosgortechnadzorbodiesmayonly carryoutreconstructionofcraneswithweldingapplication,aswellassafety device overhaul and adjustment.Permits for such work to be carried out shall be issuedinaccordancewiththeprocedureestablishedbytheRepublicof Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor. 3.33.Crane reconstruction and maintenance shall be carried out in accordancewith a design developed by a specialised company. Theactualstateofacrane(wear-outdegree,damages,etc.)shallbetakeninto consideration while the design is developed. The tower or boom may be shortened without any design on an agreement with a specialisedcompanyifthecranecertificateoritsoperationinstructionsdonot provide for the possibility of such change. Specialpurposeequipment(excavators,boom-cats,etc.)maybereconstructed into cranes on a permission of Gosgortechnadzor bodies, given they comply with the requirements hereof. Aspecialisedcompanyshallconfirmthepossibilityofspecialpurpose equipment use as cranes. 3.34.Thecompanythatrepairsandreconstructscranesshallbeprovidedwith requirementsspecificationsincludinginstructionsonmetalsandwelding materials to be applied,welding qualitycontrolmethods, welded joint rejection ratesandtheprocedureofseparateunitsanditemsacceptance,aswellason paperwork procedures. 15 3.35.After the overhaul and reconstruction is completed, the company that has carried theworkoutshallstatethecharacterofworkinthecranecertificateandenter theinformationaboutmaterialsappliedintoitstatingthenumberofthe certificate for the material. Thedocumentscertifyingthequalityofmaterialsandweldingappliedshallbe kept with the company, which has carried out the welding. 3.36.Aspecialisedcompanyonlymaycarryoutrepairsandreconstructionofsteel structureload-bearingmemberswithweldingapplication.Theownermaybe permittedtorepairorreconstructsuchcranesteelstructuresonapermitofa Gosgortechnadzor body only. 3.37.Repairs,assemblageorotherworkrelatedtocranedesignorspecifications modificationshallbecarriedoutonanapprovaloftheproducerorspecialised company. 3.38.Companiesengagedinproduction,maintenanceandassemblageofcranesand theirunitsshallbecertifiedinaccordancewiththeProvisionsofHoisting Equipment Certification. 3.39.Materials for production, maintenance and reconstruction of hoisting equipment and their units shall be applied in compliance with state standards and standard documentation developed by the main crane production organisations. 3.40.Qualityofmaterialsappliedinhoistingequipmentproduction,reconstruction and maintenance shall be confirmedwith a certificate provided bythe supplier, and that of incoming quality control. Ifnocertificateisavailable,materialsmaybeappliedaftertheirtestingin accordance with standard documentation.Materials shall be selected accounting fortheambientairtemperaturelowestthresholdvaluesforoperationaland stand-byconditions, theextent of theelements being loaded and theaggressive characteroftheenvironment.Thedataoftheappliedmaterialtypeandthe lowestthresholdtemperaturesforoperationalandstand-byconditionsshallbe stated in the crane certificate. 3.41.Cast iron with the quality of at least СЧ15 type in accordance with GOST 1412 may be applied to produce the following: a)Toothgear,wormandrunningwheelsofhoistingequipmentwithahand drive; b)Wormwheelsofhoistingunitswithmechanicaldrivesdesignedforthe classification(mode)groupofatleastM5,withthewheelperipheralspeed not exceeding 1.5 m/sec; c)Wormwheelswithbronzerimsirrespectiveofthedrivetypeandthe hoisting unit mechanism classification (mode) group; 16 d)Drums,bodies,reducersandblocks,withtheexceptionofboomandtower crane blocks; e)Brake shoes, drum cantilevers and bearing housings. Mouldings with the quality of at least СЧ20 type in accordance with GOST 1412 maybeappliedtomanufacturebrakepulleysofhoistingequipmentmovement andturningmechanisms.Typesofmouldingarenotregulatedfor counterweights and non-forced parts. 3.42.Materials,whichpreviouslyhavenotbeenappliedtomanufacture,reconstruct andrepairhoistingequipment,maybeusedontherecommendationofa specialised company and approval of the RoK Gosgortechnadzor. 3.43.Bearingelementsofhoistingequipmentsteelstructuresshallbeweldedand weldingjointsqualityshallbecontrolledinaccordancewithstandard documentation developed by specialised companies. 3.44.WelderscertifiedinaccordancewiththeRegulationsofWeldersAttestation only shall be allowed to weld and tack critical elements of steel structures, weld on platforms, railing and stairs of a crane. 3.45.Weldingshallbecarriedoutinaccordancewithflowsheetsdevelopedbythe producerorspecialisedcompanyonthebasisofstatestandardsandstandard documentationofmaincraneproductionorganisations,andaccountingfor characteristics of the structures to be welded. 3.46.Weldingmaterialsappliedincranestructureweldingshallensurethat mechanicalproperties(theultimatestresslimit,yieldpoint,extensionstrain, flare angle and impact strength) of welding seam metal and that of welded joint are not below the lowest limit values of the same basic metal features established fortheappropriatesteeltypeinthestatestandardorspecifications.The requirementshallbealsoapplicableforweldingofrailings,laddersand platforms. If steel of different types is applied in one joint, the mechanical properties of the weld metal shall correspond to the properties of the steel with the higher ultimate strength value. Types of additive materials, fluxing agents and protective gases shall be stated in specifications for crane fabrication, overhaul or reconstruction. 3.47.All cutting methods may be applied to prepare structure elements out of sheets, section steel, pipes, etc. to provide quality in obtaining the shape and sizes of the elements required in accordance with shop drawings. Materialsandhalf-finishedproductsshallbecutinaccordancewitha technology that will ensure absence of cracks or will avoid deterioration of steel quality at the rims and within the areas of thermal impacts. 17 3.48.Precision of joints within the range of sizes and tolerances set forth in drawings andbyprocessrequirementsshallbeensuredinthecourseofstructures assemblage for welding. 3.49.Crane steel structures shall be welded inside covered areas to eliminate adverse impacts of weather conditions on the quality of welded joints. Weldingintheopenairmaybepermittedinaccordancewithaspecific technologyandonconditionthatappropriatearrangementsaremadetoprotect welding from precipitation and wind. 3.50.Thepossibilityofandprocedureforweldingattheambientairtemperature below 0°C shall be established in the standard documents. 3.51.Fabrication of welded steel elements with different welding methods application withinoneandthesameunitmaybeacceptedgivenitisprovidedforby specifications. 3.52.Tacksmadeinthecourseofastructureassemblagemayremainiftheyare completelymeltedduringwelding.Slagshallberemovedfromtackspriorto welding. 3.53.Weldedjointsshallhaveastamporothermarkontoidentifythenameofthe welder.The method of welded joints marking shall not impair the items marked. Marksshallbeappliedbywayoftechniquesthatwillensuretheirpreservation inthecourseofthecraneoperation.Thetechniqueandlocationofthemark shall be stated on drawings. 3.54.Therequirementofpostweldingheattreatmentforcranestructurebearing elements shall be identified in requirements specificationsfor crane production, repairs or reconstruction. 3.55.Welded joint quality control carried out by the QA/QC Department during crane production,assemblage,reconstructionandmaintenanceshallbeperformedby way of visual inspection and measuring, mechanical tests and NDT provided for by standard documents. 3.56.Thequalityofweldedjointsshallbetestedaftertheirheattreatment(ifitis required for the particular welded joint). Weldedjointqualitycontrolresultsshallberecordedinappropriatedocuments (logbooks, charts, sheets, etc.). 3.57.Alltheweldedjointsshallbevisuallyinspectedandmeasuredinorderto identify the following possible outer deficiencies: a)Ruptures or failures to achieve the perpendicularity of the connected section axes; b)Displacement of connected element rims; 18 c)Deviations from drawings in seam dimensions and shapes (seam height, leg and width, regularity of intensification, etc.); d)Cracks of all types and directions; e)Bulges,cuts,burnsthrough,non-weldeddimples,porosityandother deficiencies. Prior to inspection, the surface of the seam and basic metal sections for at least 20 mm both ways adjoining the seam shall be cleaned from slag, drops and other contamination. Visual inspections of welded joints and their measurements shall becarried out frombothsidesalongthewholelengthofthejoint.Iftheinsidesurfaceofa weld is not available for inspection, it may be examined at the outer side only. 3.58.Inspection of welded joints with the help of radiological methods shall be carried out in compliance with GOST 7512, and ultrasound testing shall be performed in accordance with GOST 14782. Weldedjointsatdesignedelementsofsteelstructuresshallbetestedafter eliminationofdeficienciesrevealedbyvisualinspectiononly.Theinitialand theendpartsofbutt-jointseamsatbox-likebeam,column,boom,and gooseneck structures shall be inspected without fail. Thesummarisedlengthofweldedsectionstobetestedshallbeestablishedby standard documents, and shall be at least as follows: a)50%ofthejointlengthateachjointofabox-likeorgridsteelstructure tensile chord; b)25%ofthejointorcompressionwallsectionlengthateachjointofa compression chord or at compression wall sections; c)75% of the joint length at each joint of boom and gooseneck structures, and rack boxes of frame cranes; d)25% of the joint length for all the other butt-joints not stated in clauses a), b) and c); e)25%ofthejointlengthforotherweldedjointstestedwiththeultrasound technique.PriortoX-rayorgammatests,theappropriatesectionsofthe welded joint shall be marked so that they may be easily identified at X-ray or gamma films. 3.59.WeldedjointqualityestimationonthebasisofvisualinspectionandNDT resultsshallbecarriedoutinaccordancewithrequirementsspecificationsfor crane production, assemblage, repairs or reconstruction.The specifications shall includethestandardsofweldedjointqualityestimation,whichshallprevent production of defective units of reduced safety and operational reliability. 3.60.The following deficiencies shall be unacceptable for welded joints: 19 a)Cracks of all types and directions in the metal of the seam, along the fusion line and in the close to the seam area of basic metal including micro-cracks revealed by microscopic analyses; b)Faulty fusion (inadequate penetration) located atthe surfacealong the cross section of the welded joint; c)Faultyfusionatthetop(root)ofangleandT-weldedjointsmadewithout bevelling; d)Pores located as a continuous grid; e)Cuts and bulges f)Non-welded dimples; g)Blowholes; h)Non-welded burns-through in the metal of the seam; i)Burns-throughandsub-meltsofbasicmetals(incaseofpipecontactbutt welding); j)Rim bias above rated values provided by drawings. 3.61.If NDT reveals unacceptable deficiencies in welded joints, the whole joint shall beinspected.Defectivesectionsofweldsidentifiedshallbemechanically removed and welded anew. 3.62.Mechanical tests shall be carried out to check welded joints for their compliance withthestrengthandplasticcharacteristics.Theyshallbemadeatcontrol samplesweldedinconditions,whichcompletelycorrespondtothoseofsteel structurewelding(thesamebasicandaddingmaterials,thesamewelding techniques and welding positions). 3.63.Mechanicaltestsatspecialisedplantsfabricating,repairingandreconstructing cranesshallbecarriedoutfromtimetotimein accordancewithspecifications. When the above work is completed at a specialised plant, mechanical tests shall be carried out with control samples to be welded by each welder participating in crane steel structures assemblage.The number of samples shall be at least two for each type of test (strain, bending). 3.64.Mechanicalpropertiesofcontrolsampleweldedjointsshallbetested irrespectiveoftheweldedjointtypebywayofstrainingandbendingofbutt- welded joints. The results of mechanical testing shall be considered satisfactory if: a)Thepointofmaximumloadisnotbelowthelowestvalueofthatofthe appropriate steel type provided by state standards or specifications; b)The bend angle of carbon steel types is at least 120°, of low-alloy types with the element thickness up to 20 mm - at least 80°, above 20 mm - at least 60°. 20 3.65.Thequalityofweldedjointsshallbeconsideredunsatisfactoryifanytypeof inspection identifies inner or outer deficiencies exceeding the standards set forth herebyandbystandarddocumentationforcranesproduction,assemblage, reconstruction and repairs. 4. HOISTING EQUIPMENT DESIGN AND ASSEMBLAGE 4.1. Gripping Parts 4.1.1.Forgedandpressedloadhooksshallbeproducedinaccordancewiththe requirementsofGOST2105andotherstandarddocumentation.Thesizesand basic parameters of forged and pressed hooks shall depend on the hook type and thedrivetypeofthehoistingunitinaccordancewithGOST6627andGOST 6628. Safetylocksforsinglehooksofclimatictype"V"accordingtoGOST15150 appliedingeneral-purposehoistingequipment(withtheexceptionofhoisting unitsdesignedforoperationinexplosiveenvironments)shallcomplywiththe requirements of GOST 12840. Plate-type hooks shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with GOST 6619. 4.1.2.Steel forged and pressed hooks shall comply with standard documents. 4.1.3.Hookswiththecapacityofabove3tonnesshallbeinstalledonfrictionless bearings, with the exception of hooks at specific purpose cranes. 4.1.4.A forged or pressed hook with the capacity of 5and above tonnes,as well as a clevisofaplate-typehookinaspreaderbar,shallbemountedsothat spontaneous nut screwing is avoided.The nut shall be fixed with a locking plate forthepurpose.Lockingofnutswithdowels,pinsandlockingboltsshallbe unacceptable. 4.1.5.Loadhooksofcranesandtelphersshallbeequippedwithasafetylockto preventthedetachablegrippingdevicefromspontaneousfallingoff.Hooksof cranes carrying melted metal or liquid slag may be installed without safety locks. 4.1.6.ForgedandpressedhooksforloadsshallbemarkedinaccordancewithGOST 2105orGOST12840.Marksonplate-typehooksshallaccordwithGOST 6619. If a plate-type hook is fastened on a spreader bar with a clevis, the latter shall be marked in the same way as the hook. 4.1.7.Hooks of specific design shall be supplied with a certificate, where the producer, hook number, capacity and material it is made of shall be identified. 21 4.1.8.Ropegripbucketsforbulkmaterialsshallbemanufacturedinaccordancewith GOST24599.Theyshallbedesignedsothatspontaneousopeningandthe possibility of ropes leaving block grooves are avoided. Clamshellcapacityshallbeestimatedbywayofmaterialweighingaftertest scoopingtobecarriedoutbytheclamshellownerpriortoitsapplicationfora particular type (sort, kind) of load transhipment. 4.1.9.The clamshell shall be provided with a nameplate stating the producer, number, capacity,deadweight,andthetypeofmaterialitisdesignedforandthe maximumpermissibleweightofscoopedmaterial.Ifsuchnameplateis damaged, the owner shall restore it. Clamshellsmanufacturedseparatelyfromcranesshallbeprovidedwitha certificate in addition to the nameplate. 4.2. Ropes 4.2.1.Steel ropes applied as load, boom, guy, track and hauling cables, and as material tofabricateslingsshallcomplywithcurrentStateStandardsandbesupplied withacertificateofthecableproduceroritscopycertifyingtheirsuccessful testing in accordance with GOST 3241 and GOST 18899.Ropes manufactured in accordance with ISO 2408 are also acceptable.If ropes are received without certificates, they shall be tested in accordance with the above Standards. Ropes without testing certificates shall not be accepted for operation. 4.2.2.Ropesshallbelocatedandfastenedonahoistingunitinsuchawaythatshall eliminatethepossibilityoftheirfallingoffdrumsandblocks,aswellas minimise their abrasive wearing due to contacts with structure elements or ropes of other polyspasts. 4.2.3.A loop at the end of a rope to fasten it on a hoisting unit, as well as sling loops connectingthemtorings,hooksandotherpartsshallbemadewithathimble, withthefreeendplaitedorclamped,asteelforged,pressedorcastbushing secured with a cotter, by way of cast moulding with fusible alloy or otherwise in accordancewithstandarddocuments.Applicationofweldedbushingsshallbe unacceptable (with the exception of a rope fastening in the bushing of a telpher). Housings, bushings and cotters shall have no sharp edges to wear the rope out. 4.2.4.The number of the rope punches with each strand while plaiting shall correspond to that of Table 1. Table 1 Humber of Rope Punches with Strands while Plaiting Rope Diameter, mmMinimum Number of Punches with Each Strand up to 154 from 15 to 285 from 28 to 606 22 The last punch with each strand shall be made with half of its wires (half section of the strand). Thelastpunchmaybemadewithahalfoftheropestrands.Thenumberof clampsshallbeidentifiedwhiledesigning,butitshallbeatleastthree.The spacing between clamps and the length of the rope freeend after the last clamp shall be equal to at least six rope diameters.Cramp irons shall be installed at the free end of the rope. Hot (forged) installation of clamps shall be prohibited. 4.2.5.Theropeshallbesecurelyfastenedtothedrumprovidingropereplacement when required.If clamping bars are applied, their number shall be at least two. The length of the free rope end from the last clamp on the drum shall be equal to atleasttworopediameters.Itshallbeprohibitedtobendthefreeendofthe rope under the clamping bar or at the distance of less than three rope diameters away from the bar. 4.2.6.Steel ropes of hoisting units transporting melted or glowing metal and liquid slag shallbeprotectedfromthedirectimpactofradiantheatandmetaldropswith appropriate guarding. 4.2.7.Steel ropes to be applied as load, boom,guy, track and hauling cables, shall be selected in accordance with ISO 4308/1 and other standard documents, and those for boom self-propelled cranes shall be selected in accordance with ISO 4308/2. Whendesigning,aswellaspriortotheirinstallationofhoistingequipment, ropesshallbecheckedwiththehelpofcalculationutilisingthefollowing equation: p SxZ F > 0 , where: F 0 is the breaking strength of ropes in general (Н) taken from the certificate; Z p istheminimumfactoroftheropeusage(theminimumfactoroftherope safety margin), to be identified from Tables 2 and 3; S is the maximum tension of the rope strand (Н) given in the crane certificate. Ifthetestingcertificategivesasummarisedbreakingstrengthoftherope threads,thevalueofF 0 maybeobtainedbywayofthesummarisedbreaking strength multiplied by 0.83. Table 2 Minimum Factors of Rope Usage, Z p Unit Classification (Mode) Group Moving RopesStationary Ropes ISO 4301/1GOST 2583SZ p M11М3.152.5 23 М21М3.352.5 МЗ1М3.553.0 М42М4.03.5 М53М4.54.0 М64М5.64.5 М75М7.15.0 М86М 9.05.0 Table 3 Minimum Factors of Rope Usage, Z p for Boom Self-Propelled Cranes Crane Classifi cation (Mode) Group Acc. to ISO 4301/21 (GOST 27553*) Moving RopesStationary Ropes Load liftingBoom lifting / loweringTelescopingMountingOperationMounting Mechanism Classification (Mode) Group ZpMechanism Classification (Mode) Group ZpMechanism Classification (Mode) Group ZpZp А1МЗ3.55М23.35М53. A3М44.0МЗ3.55М23.353.053.02.73 А4М54.5МЗ3.55M1** *-Classification(Mode)group"A3"isassumedfortruckcranes,withthe capacity up to 16 tonnes inclusive. ** - Without load. Classification(mode)groupbelowM5shallnotbeappliedforoperationsin hazardousconditions(transportationofmeltedmetal,slag,noxioussubstances and explosives). Z p shall be calculated as for classification (mode) group M8 for ropes on winches to lift people. 4.2.8.HempandcottonropesusedtomakeslingsshallcomplywithGOST483, GOST 1088 and other standard documents. 4.2.9.Loop plaiting in case of a hemp or cotton rope shall have at least two complete and two half punches, and shall be caged. 4.2.10. Application of synthetic and other materials to fabricate slings may be admitted in accordance with standard documents. 4.3. Chains 4.3.1.LeafchainsusedathoistingequipmentshallcomplywithGOST191.Welded and pressed chains applied as load lifting ones and to make slings shall comply withGOST228andotherstandarddocuments.Anchorchainsmaybeapplied either with spacer bars or without them. 24 4.3.2.Chainsusedathoistingunitsasslingsshallbesuppliedwiththeproducer's certificateabouttheirtestinginaccordancewiththeStateStandardappliedin their production. If such certificate is not available, a sample of the chain shall be tested to assess the critical load and check its compliance with the State Standard. 4.3.3.The strength margin factor of leaf chains applied in crane units shall be at least 3 withrespecttothebreakingloadvalueforclassification(mode)groupsofM1 and M2, and at least 5 for other groups of unit classification. Strengthmarginfactorsofweldedloadchainsandchainslingswithrespectto the breaking load value shall be taken from Table 4. Table 4 Minimum Strength Margin Factors of Welded Chains Chain PurposeUnit Classification (Mode) Group М1. М2М3 - М8 Load chain operating on a smooth drum36 Loadchainoperatingonasprocket (calibrated) 38 For slings55 4.3.4.Chainsmaybejoinedbywayofelectricweldingofinsertedlinks,orwiththe helpofspecialconnectinglinks.Whenjoined,thenewchainshallbetested with a load exceeding its designed tractive force 1.25 times for 10 minutes. 4.4. Drums, Blocks and Sprockets 4.4.1.The minimum diameter of drums, blocks and compensation blocks rounded with steel ropes shall be estimated in accordance with the following equation: , 1 1 d h D × > , 2 2 d h D × > , 3 3 d h D × > where: d is the diameter of the rope, in mm; D 1 .D 2 .D 3 -arethediametersofthedrum,blockandcompensatingblock respectively at the centre line of the rope coiled, mm; h 1 . h 2 . h 3 are factors of diameter selection for the drum, block and compensating block respectively (Table 5). Factorh 1 .maybechanged,butnotabovetwostepsaccordingtothe classification group either way (see Table 5), with an appropriate compensation bywayoftheZ P .value(seeTable2)shiftingtothesamenumberofstepsthe opposite way. 25 Table 5 Diameter Selection Factors for a Drum (h 1 ), Block (h 2 ) and Compensation Block (h 3 ) Unit Classification GroupDiameter Selection Factor ISO 4301/1GOST 25835h 1 h 2 h 3 M11М11.212.511.2 М21М12.514.012.5 МЗ1М14.016.012.5 М42М16.018.014.0 М53М18.020.014.0 М64М20.022.416.0 М75М22.425.016.0 М86М25.028.018.0 4.4.2.Whenoperatingonasprocket,weldedcalibratedandleafchainsshallbeina complete clutch with at least two teeth of the sprocket at the same time. 4.4.3.The rope capacity of a drum shall provide that at the lowest possible position of thegrippingdeviceatleastoneandahalfturnsoftheropeorchainremain coiled on the drum in addition to the turns under the gripping device. 4.4.4.Hoistingequipmentdrumsforonelayerofwoundropeshallbeprovidedwith helical grooves.Clamshell cranes, if the rope is wound in one layer, and special cranes,iftheiroperationisaccompaniedwithjerksandropeslackening,shall havedrumswithagrooveatleasthalfoftheropediameterdeep.Otherwise they shall be equipped with a device ensuring proper winding of the rope on the drum. Drumswiththesmoothsurfacemaybeusedincases,whendesignpurposes require many layers of rope to be wound on the drum, or if a chain is applied. 4.4.5.Smooth drums and grooved ones for many layers of rope shall be provided with ledgesfrombothsidesofthedrum.Grooveddrumsforonelayeroftworope stringsmayhavenoledgesif the stringsare wound from the sides of the drum towards its centre.There may be no ledge at the side where the rope is fastened to the drum if one string of rope is wound on the drum with grooves.Drums of electric hoists (telphers) equipped with a device to prevent the rope from falling off the drum (a cable layer) may be produced without ledges. Ledges of a drum for rope shall rise over the top layer of the rope for at least two rope diameters, and for chains - at least for the width of the chain link. 4.4.6.If several layers of rope are laid on a hoisting unit drum, proper placing of each rope layer shall be ensured. 26 4.4.7.Blocks of boom and load polyspasts shall be equipped with a device to prevent the rope from getting out of the block pass. The gap between the above device and the block ledge shall not exceed 20% of the rope diameter. 4.5. Brakes 4.5.1.Loadliftingandcraneradiuschangingmechanismsofhoistingunitswitha mechanicaldriveshallbeequippedwithbrakesofthenormallyclosedtype automaticallyreleasingatthedriveactuation,withtheexceptionofcases provided for by clause 4.5.2. Liftingmechanismswithahanddriveshallbeequippedwithautomatically operating load thrust brakes. A device (check valve) to prevent the load or boom from going down if pressure inthehydraulicsystemdropsshallbeprovidedforthemechanismsofload lifting, radius changing and boom telescoping with a hydraulic cylinder. 4.5.2.Regulatednormallyclosedbrakesinterlockedwiththeactuationcouplingshall beappliedforthemechanismsofloadliftingandcraneradiuschangingwith regulatedmechanismactuationcouplings.Thebrakesshallpreventtheloador boom from spontaneous going down. 4.5.3.Clamshelldouble-drumwincheswithseparateelectricdrivesshallhavebrakes installed on each drive. A treadle (button) to unbrake the mechanism when the engine is shut down may beinstalledonthedriveofasupportdrum.Insuchcaseunbrakingshallbe possible after some continuous pressing of the treadle (button). Ifelectricprotectionactuatesorvoltageisfedtothegrid,thebrakeshallbe automatically engaged even if the treadle (button) is pressed. 4.5.4.Loadliftingandcraneradiuschangingmechanismsshallbeequippedwith brakes, which shall have unbreakable cinematic connection with drums. A torque-limiting clutch may be installed in cinematic circuits of chain and rope telpher lifting mechanisms. 4.5.5.Thebrakeofloadandboomliftingmechanisms,withtheexceptionofcases statedinclause4.5.8,shallprovideabreakingtorqueaccountingforthe decelerationmarginfactor,whichshallbetakenfromstandarddocumentation, but shall be at least 1.5. Toreducedynamicloadsattheboomliftingmechanism,twobrakesmaybe installed, with the deceleration margin factor of one brake being at least 1.1, and that of the second being at least 1.25. The brakes shall be actuated automatically. 27 4.5.6.Mechanismsofloadliftingandcraneradiuschangingforhoistingunitsto transportmeltedmetalandslag,noxioussubstancesandexplosivesshallbe equipped with two brakes acting independently. Lifting mechanisms of specific metallurgical cranes (stripping, etc.) designed to transport glowing metal shall be also equipped with two brakes. 4.5.7.Iftwobrakesareinstalled,theyshallbemountedsothatoneofthemiseasily disengaged to check the efficiency of the other. 4.5.8.If two or more brakes are installed on a drive, the deceleration margin factor of eachofthemshallbeatleast1.25.Ifaliftingmechanismhastwo simultaneouslyactuateddrives,atleastonebrakewiththesamedeceleration marginshallbeinstalledateachdrive.Ifeachdrivehastwobrakes,andthere are two or more drives at the mechanism, the deceleration margin factor of each brake shall be at least 1.1. 4.5.9.If a load winch is equipped with two drives, the latter shall have rigid cinematic connection to prevent spontaneous lowering of the load if one of the drives fails. 4.5.10. Aloadthrustbrakemaybeappliedasthesecondonefortelphers.Inthatcase deceleration margin factor of the electromagnetic brake shall be at least 1.25. One of the brakes at lifting mechanisms with the classification (mode) group of M1 may be replaced with self-braking transmission. 4.5.11. Brakesshallbeinstalledatmovementmechanismsofhoistingunitsinthe following cases: a)If the equipment is designed to operate in the open air; b)If the unit designed to operate indoors moves along a track laid on the floor; c)If the unit (truck) designed to operate indoors on a rail track moves with the speed above 32 m/min (0.53 m/sec.). Brakesonturningmechanismsshallbeinstalledonallthecranesoperating outdoors,aswellasoncranesoperatingindoors(classificationgroupM2and above). 4.5.12. Brakesonturningmechanismsshallbeinstalledonhoistingequipmentof classification (mode) group M2 and above. 4.5.13. Breaks on movement and turning mechanisms of hoisting equipment shall be of thenormallyclosedtypeandautomaticallydisengagingwhenthedriveis actuated.Theexceptionwillbemovementmechanismsoftruckandwheel- mounted cranes, cranes on specific chassis and railway cranes, as well as turning mechanisms of tower and frame cranes. 28 Hand brakes shall be installed on truck and wheel-mounted cranes, as well as on cranesmountedonspecificautomobilechassisthemovementmechanismof which is equipped with a regulated brake of a normally open type. Brakesonthemovementmechanismofrailwaycranesshallcomplywiththe Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Transport and Communications standards. Regulated brakes of the normally open type may be installed on the mechanisms of tower, boom, with the towerand boomequipment, and frame cranes.In that casethebrakeshallbeprovidedwithadevicetofixitintheclosedposition. Such device may be installed on brake regulating levers or treadles. 4.5.14. Brakesofmovementandturningmechanismsmayremainunlockedwhenthe powerengineisOFFifthewiringdiagramprovidesforthepossibilityof brakingwiththehelpoftheengine.Insuchcasethediagramshallprovidefor the brake engagement (disengagement) with an additional device (button) when the controller is at the zero position. Anadditionaldriveforgradualbrakingmaybeinstalledatmovementand turningmechanisms.Inthatcasetheremaybenoautomaticlockingofthe brake. 4.5.15. Brakesatmovementandturningmechanismsoftheequipmentoperating outdoorsshallensurethattheunitandthetruckstopandremainmotionlessat themaximumpossiblewindspeedtakenfortheoperationalconditionofthe crane from GOST 1451 accounting for the permissible gradient. 4.5.16. Wormgearcannotserveasthebrakesubstitutionofhoistingequipment mechanisms. 4.5.17. The weight locking a brake shall be fastened on a lever so that the possibility of itsfallingofforspontaneousshiftingiseliminated.Ifspringsareapplied,the break locking shall be produced with the force of a compressed spring. 4.5.18. Thebrakeshallbeprotectedfrommoistureoroilgettingdirectlyonthebrake pulley. 4.5.19. Cranes moving on rails outdoors shall be equipped with anticreep devices. Overhead cranes operating outdoors may have no anticreep devices if the value ofmovementmechanismsdecelerationmarginisatleast1.2atthemaximum possiblewindspeedtakenfromGOST1451forstand-byconditionsofthe crane. 4.5.20. If rail locks are applied as anticreep devices, their design shall allow securing of the crane at the whole length of its track. 4.5.21. Anticreepdeviceswithmechanicaldrivesshallbeequippedwithappliancesto engage them by hand. 29 4.6. Running Wheels 4.6.1.Runningwheelsofhoistingequipmentandtrucksmovementmechanismsmay beforged,rolled,pressedorcast.ForgedwheelsshallcomplywithGOST 28648. Wheels without ledges may be applied given there are devices preventing the wheels from coming off the rails. 4.6.2.One-ledge running wheels may be applied in the following cases: a)If the track for cranes is not wider than 4 m and both track lines are located on the same level; b)If cranes move with each side on two rails given the wheel ledges on one rail are located opposite the ledges on the other rail; c)On support and suspended trucks; d)Onsuspendedmonorailtrucks.Ifone-ledgewheelsofsupportcranesare applied, the width of the rim less the ledge shall exceed the width of the rail topforatleast30mm.Thewheelsoftowercranesonrailsshallbeoftwo ledges regardless of the track width. 4.7. Supporting Parts, Limit Stops and Bumpers 4.7.1.Hoisting equipment moving on rails shall be provided with supporting parts for the cases of wheels or axles failure. Supportingpartsofmonorailtruckswithatowingcabshallbeinstalledonthe carriage of the cab. If the cab and lifting mechanism are suspended on a common frame, supporting parts shall be installed on arch carriage. Supporting parts shall be installed at the distance not exceeding 20 mm from the rails the hoisting unit ortruck moves on. They shall be designed for the largest possible load. 4.7.2.Supportsorotherdevicestopreventtheboomfromfallingbackshallbe installedonboomcraneswiththealternatingradiusandflexibleboom suspension. Suchdevicesshallbeinstalledontowercranesiftheanglebetweenthe horizontal line and the boom exceeds 70° at the maximum radius. 4.7.3.Theforceappliedtoraise(pullout)extensionsupportsortheirpartsbyhand shall not exceed 200 H. Incaseofagreaterforce,suchsupportsshallbesuppliedwithhydraulic, mechanical or other drives. 30 4.7.4.Boomself-propelledcraneswithcushionedrunninggearandnon-outrigger characteristicsshallbeequippedwithdeviceseliminatingtheactionofelastic suspensionandtransmittingtheloadreceivedbythecranedirectlytothe carriageorextendedsupports.Suchcranesshallbealsoequippedwitha stabiliser of elastic suspension to allow the load be evenly transmitted to all the springs of one carriage axle and to provide their even sag. There may be no such devices installed on the front axles of truck cranes with specific chassis. 4.7.5.Arrestersshallbeinstalledattheendsofrailtrackstopreventhoistingunits from going off the rails. 4.7.6.Hoisting units with mechanic drives moving along rails and their trucks shall be equippedwithelasticbumpersonappropriateheightstomitigatetheirpossible impactsagainstarrestersoreachother.Ifoperationdocumentsprovidefor installation of shock-free dead-end arresters, bumpers are not installed. 4.8. Counterweight and Ballast 4.8.1.Components of crane counterweight and ballast shall be secured or enclosed in a casingtoprotectthemfromfallingandpreventtheweightdesignedfrom alteration.Ifsmallarticlesareusedasacounterweight,itshallbeplacedina steel box. The box design shall eliminate precipitation penetrating into it, as well aslossoftheload.Sand,gravelandcrushedstoneshallnotbeappliedas counterweight.Inventory marked loads shall be provided as ballastat cranes of the boom type. They shall be produced and placed in accordance with the crane producer's drawings. 4.8.2.Movablecounterweightsshallbemovedautomaticallywiththechangeofthe crane radius, or be provided with an easily visible indicator of the counterweight depending on the radius. 4.9. Safety Instruments and Devices 4.9.1.Cranes with mechanical drives shall be equipped with devices (limit switches) to stop automatically the following: a)Thegrippingdeviceliftingmechanisminitsextremeupperandlower positions. The limit switch of the gripping device lowest position may not be installedifoperationconditionsdonotrequireloweringoftheloadbelow the level established by the design (certificate); b)The mechanism of the crane radius changing in the boom extreme positions; c)Themechanismofcraneanditstruckmovementalongrails(withthe exception of railway ones) if the crane (truck) speed may exceed 0.5 m/sec at thetimeofitsapproachingtheextremeposition (movementmechanismsof tower and gantry cranes with the flight above 16 m and transhipment cranes shall be equipped with limit switches irrespective of their movement speeds); 31 d)Movementmechanismsofgantryandcantilevercranesortheirloadtrucks operating at one track. The above devices shall be also installed if the run of any other mechanism has to be limited, e.g. turning mechanisms, mechanisms of a hoisting unit telescopic part extension, mechanisms of the gripping device and cab lifting. 4.9.2.Limitswitchesinstalledonhoistingequipmentshallbeswitchedsothatthe possibilitytomoveinthereversewayisprovided.Furthermovementinthe samedirectionmaybeadmittedforthemechanismofanoverheadcrane movement,whenitapproachesalandingsiteordead-endarresterwiththe lowest speed permitted by the wiring diagram of the crane control. 4.9.3.Thelimitswitchoftheliftingmechanismshallbeinstalledsothatafterthe grippingdevicestops,theclearancebetweenthegrippingdeviceandthelimit stop of the telpher is at least 50 mm during load lifting. For all the other hoisting units it shall be at least 200 mm. 4.9.4.Thediagramoftheliftinglimitswitchatclam-shellcraneswithseparatetwo- engine power drive for the clam-shell winch shall be designed in such a way that simultaneous disengagement of the lifting mechanism engine and the clam-shell lockingengineisachieved,whentheclam-shellreachesitsutmostupper position. 4.9.5.Themovementmechanismlimitswitchshallbeinstalledinsuchawaythat disengagement of its engine takes place at the distance from the stop of at least half decelerating way of the mechanisms. For tower, frame and gantry cranes, as well as transhipment cranes, it shall be at least one and a half-decelerating ways. If stop blocks for mutual run restraining are installed at overhead and cantilever mobile cranes operating at one track, the above distance may be reduced to 500 mm. The producer shall state the unit braking distance in the crane certificate. 4.9.6.Overhead cranes shall be equipped with a device to automatically cut off power fromthecrane,whenpeoplegoouttoitsgallery.Powermaynotbecutoffat trolley cables not exceeding 42 V if cranes operate indoors. The door leading to the gallery of an overhead crane shall be equipped with such interlink, if the entrance to the crane is provided through the gallery. 4.9.7.Thedoorfromthelandingsitetothecabofacranecontrolshallbeequipped with an electric interlink, which will not allow the crane to start moving with the dooropen.Ifthecabisprovidedwithananteroom,suchinterlinkshallbe installed on the anteroom door. 4.9.8.The wiring diagram of magnetic cranes shall be designed so that if power is cut off from separate units by way of safety instruments and devices, it is not cut off from the load magnet. 32 4.9.9.Topreventpeoplefrombeingsqueezedbetweenthenon-turningandturning parts of tower cranes with a non-turning tower or frame cranes, where the cab is located at the turning part, a device to automatically cut the power engine of the turningmechanismoffshallbeinstalled.Itshallbeengagedtillthepersonnel passfromthenon-turningparttotheturningoneandtothecab.Itshallalso apply to metallurgical cranes with a turning cab. 4.9.10. Boomself-propelled,towerandframecranesshallbeequippedwithalifting capacitylimit(loadfactorlimit)topreventthemfromfallingbackwards.The deviceshallautomaticallydisengageloadliftingandradiuschanging mechanismsifaweightexceedingtheoneforthatparticularradiusbyabove 10%isbeinglifted.Fortowercraneswiththeloadfactorupto20tonnes x m and frame cranes the weight excess shall be above15%. Loadloweringdownorengagementofothermechanismstoreducetheload momentum shall be possible after the lifting capacity limit actuation Cranes with two or more load lifting features shallapply a lifting capacity limit withadevicetoswitchitovertooperationinaccordancewiththefeature selected. Access of the crane operator to the switch shall be prohibited at tower cranes.Theprotectionboardorrelay(electronic)blockoftheliftingcapacity limit shall be sealed. 4.9.11. Overheadcranesshallbeequippedwithliftingcapacitylimits(foreachload winch)iftheproductionprocessmakesoverloadspossible.Craneswithlifting capacity varying along the length of the gantry shall be also equipped with such limits. The limit of an overhead crane shall not allow any overload above 25%. 4.9.12. Gantryandtranshipmentcranesshallbedesignedformaximumpossibletilt forces occurring during movements, or equipped with automatic tilt limits. 4.9.13. Craneswithelectricdrivesshallbeprovidedwithprotectionfromloadand boom falling down if any of the three feeding grid phases breaks. When the load or boom lifting power engine is disengaged, voltage shall be cut offfromthecoilsoftheelectricmagnetorwindingofthehydraulicpusher engine. 4.9.14. Terminationsofpowercranesafetydevicesandinstruments(limitswitches, manholeandcabdoorinterlock,emergencyswitches,etc.)shalloperate breaking the circuit. 4.9.15. Craneswithelectricdrives,liftingcapacityofwhichchangeswiththeradius, shallbeprovidedwithaliftingcapacityindicatorcorrespondingtotheradius selected.Thescaleoftheindicatorshallbeclearlyseenfromtheoperator's place. 33 Whilecalibratingthescaleoftheliftingcapacityindicator,theradiusshallbe measuredonahorizontalareawiththeloadonthehookcorrespondingtothat particular radius, and scale marks shall be made after the load is taken off. 4.9.16. Indicatorsofthecranetiltangle(inclinometersandannunciators)shallbe installed in the cab and non-turning frame of boom self-propelled cranes. 4.9.17. Tower cranes with the height of above 15 m to the head top, gantry cranes with the flightabove 16 m,frame andcable cranes and transhipment cranes shall be equippedwithadevice(anemometer)toautomaticallyactuateasirenifwind speed reaches the value stated in the crane certificate. 4.9.18. Boomself-propelledcranes(withtheexceptionofcaterpillarones)shallbe equipped with protection from dangerous voltage during their operation close to overhead power lines. 4.9.19. Framecranesshallbeprovidedwithadrumtoautomaticallywindthecable feeding power to the end. 4.9.20. Thewiringdiagramofthehoistingunitpowerenginescontrolshalleliminate the following: a)Self-startingofpowerenginesaftervoltagesupplyresumesinthefeeding grid; b)Power engines start with a wrong acceleration mode; c)Powerenginesstartwithsafetydeviceterminations(limitswitchand interlink device contacts). 4.9.21. Voltage from the outer grid shall be supplied to the hoisting equipment through an input device provided with a hand or distant drive to cut voltage off. 4.9.22. Theinputdevice(protectionboard)ofoverheadandcantilevercranesshallbe equippedwithanindividualcontactlockwithakey(mark-key).Novoltage supply to the crane shall be possible without it. Theinputdeviceandcontrolboardoftowercranesshallbeequippedwitha device to lock them. 4.9.23. Aneasilyaccessibleswitchshallbeinstalledtofeedpowertothemaintrolley cables or flexible cable. The switch feeding themain trolley cables or flexible cable shall have a device to lock it in the disconnected position. 4.9.24. Lampsinstalledontowercranesshallbeswitchedonwithanindependent switch installed on the gantry. 4.9.25. Hoistingequipmentcontrolledfromthecaborcontrolpanel(incaseofdistant control)shallbeequippedwithasound-signallingdevice.Thesoundshallbe 34 clearly heard within the movement locations and its tone shall differ from that of an automobile honk. 4.9.26. The control cabin and engine part shall be electrically lighted. Lighting at hoisting equipment with power drives shall remain connected, when power is cut off from electric equipment of the unit. Lightingandalarmgridsconnectedpriortotheinputdeviceshallbesupplied with a separate switch. 4.9.27. Cranesshallbeequippedwithlowvoltagemaintenancelightingsystemnot exceeding 42 V. Themaintenancelightinggridshallbefedfromatransformerorbattery installed on the crane. 4.9.28. Crane steel structures shall not be used as an operating current conductor to feed lighting, control and other grids with voltage above 42 V. 4.9.29. Electricheatingappliancesinstalledinthehoistingunitcabshallbefiresafe, andtheircurrentconductingpartsshallbeguarded.Electricheatingappliances shallbeconnectedtothepowergridaftertheinputdevice.Thebodyofthe heating appliance shall be grounded. Installation of self-made heating appliances shall be prohibited. 4.9.30. Powerenginestartingresistorsshallnotbeinstalledinthecontrolcabofa hoisting unit. 4.9.31. Allsteelstructuresandmetalparts(powerengineanddevicehousings,metal casingofconductorsandcables,protectionpipes,etc.)ofcraneswithelectric drivesfedfromtheoutergridshallbegroundedinaccordancewiththePower Unit Design Regulations (PUE). The above parts are not included into the power grid, but may occur under voltage due to insulation failure. 4.9.32. Thehousingofapush-buttondevicetocontrolapowerhoistingunitregulated fromthefloorshallbemadeofadielectricmaterialorgroundedwithatleast two conductors. The line holding the pushbutton device may serve as one of the grounding conductors. 4.9.33. Thegrippingdeviceofarodremovingcraneandpowerequipmenthousing beingundervoltageconditionedbyoperationrequirementsshallnotbe grounded.Insuchcasetheyshallbeinsulatedfromgroundedpartsoftheunit with at least three stages of insulation. Resistance of each insulation stage shall be at least 10 MOhm after the assemblage of a newly produced crane or a crane after major repairs. Power equipment and wiring insulation shall be designed for thecaseofloadtensionbeingapplied,whenthestagesofprotectioninsulation are damaged or blocked. 35 4.9.34. Safety valves shall be installed on the discharge line of each pump at cranes with hydraulicdrive.Thevalvesshallbeadjustedforpressureexceedingthe operating one by not more than 10%. The lines of fluid supply and discharge shall be designed in such a way that fluid leaks are eliminated during operation or stand-by periods. Flexible hoses applied in the hydraulic drive shall be reliable and protected from possible mechanical damage. The system of operation fluid supply shall provide fordevicestocompletelyremovethefluidwhilerepairing,thepossibilityof main line purging and cleaning the fluid from contaminants. 4.10. Control Mechanisms and Devices 4.10.1. Controldevicesofahoistingunitshallbemanufacturedandinstalledsothat control is easy and does not impede observation of the gripping device and load. Thedirectionofhandles,leversandhandwheelsoperationshallbereasonable and shall correspond to the direction the executive mechanisms and units move. Conventionalsignsshallbeinstalledonsuchmechanismsanddevicestoshow thedirectionsofmovementscaused.Suchsignsshallbepreservedduringthe whole period of their operation. Separate positions of control handles, levers and hand wheels shall be fixed and be marked. The fixation force in the zero position or in OFF position shall exceed that of the intermediate position. Buttonsforeachmechanismreversestartingshallbeinterlinkedtoprevent simultaneous engagement of reverse contactors. 4.10.2. Manualcontrolstartingdevicesappliedathoistingequipmentcontrolledfrom the floor shall have devices for self-reset into the zero position. If contactors are used in such cases, their retention in the ON position shall be possible by way of continuously pressing the start button only. Controldevicesshallbesuspendedonasteellinewithsuchlengththatitshall enablethepersonoperatingthemechanismremainatasafedistancefromthe load lifted. The control device shall be located at the distance from 1000 mm to 1500 mm from the floor. 4.10.3. Engagement of the protection board contactor at hoisting units with power drives shall be possible in case all the controllers are in zero position only. Terminationsofthezerointerlinkofmagneticcontrollerswiththeindividual zeroprotectionmaybeexcludedfromtheprotectionboard(inputdevice) contactor circuit. 36 Insuchcase,lightsignalsshallbeinstalledinthecontrolcabtoinformofthe magnetic controller engagement or disengagement. 4.10.4. If several control stations are arranged for a hoisting unit (with the exception of manipulator cranes), an interlink preventing the unit from being controlled from separate stations simultaneously shall be provided. 4.11. Control Cabins 4.11.1. The control cab or panel shall be located at such place, where the operator could observe load gripping, as well as the load and gripping device during the whole cycle of the crane operation. Anexceptionmaybemadefortower,boom,withtowerandboomequipment, and frame cranes. 4.11.2. Thecontrolcabofaboomcraneshallbelocatedsothattheloadcannotstrike thecabinduringusualcraneoperationwiththeshortestradius.Crane mechanisms shall not be located directly above the cab. 4.11.3. Thecabofanoverheadcraneandmovablecantilevercraneshallbelocated under the gantry (cantilever) gallery and be connected to it with a ladder. Overhead cranes may have the cab suspended to the frame of the load truck. In that case the exit from the cab to the gallery shall be arranged through the truck deck or railed outer catwalk. 4.11.4. An overhead crane cab shall be suspended from the side opposite the one, where themaintrolleycablesarelocated.Exclusionsmaybemadeincases,when trolleycablesarenotaccessibleforanyaccidentaltouchfromthecab,landing site or ladder. 4.11.5. The control cab shall have the following minimum size: 2000 mm high, 900 mm wide and 1300 mm long, the minimum volume shall be 3 m . The height may be reducedto1600mmincabswithanon-verticalfrontpartinthecrosssection going through thecentre of the operator's seat. The size of boom self-propelled crane cabs shall be taken from GOST 22827. Equipment located in the cab shall be easily accessible. 4.11.6. Cabsofhoistingequipmentdesignedforoperationoutdoorsshallhavean uninterruptedenclosurefromallsidesanduninterrupteduppercovertoprotect theoperatorfromadverseweatherconditions.Fenestrationinthecabshallbe covered with safety (shatterproof) glass. Opencabsofdouble-beamoverheadandmovablecantilevercranesmaybe enclosed for the height of at least 1000 mm from the floor. Cabsinone-beamoverheadcranesdesignedforseatedworkmaybeenclosed for the height of 700 mm. 37 If the cab is enclosed with safety (shatterproof) glass for the height of 1000 mm, an additional metal grid will be required. There may be no upper cover at open cabs of cranes operating indoors. 4.11.7. Cabsofoverheadandmovablecantilevercranes,incases,whenthedistance between the back wall of the cab and the items it moves in relation to isbelow 400m,shallbeprovidedwithanuninterruptedenclosurefromthebackand lateralsidesfortheheightofatleast1800mm.Thebackwallenclosureshall coverthewholewidth,andthesidesshallhavecoversforthewidthofatleast 400 mm from the side adjoining the back wall. 4.11.8. Glass shall be installed in the cab in the way that makes it easy to clean the glass from both inside and outside, or a device to clean glass shall be provided. Lowerglasses, the operator may stand on, shall be provided with a grid to bear his weight. Sun protection screens shall be installed in cabs of cranes operating outdoors. 4.11.9. Thedoortoenterthecabmaybeofaswingingorslidingtype,andshallbe equipped with a lock from the inside. A swinging door shall open to the inside of the cab, with the exception of boom self-propelledcranesandifthereisananteroomorplatformwithappropriate railingattheentrancetothecab.Inthosecasesthedoormayopentothe outside.Cranesoperatingoutdoorsshallbeprovidedwithadevicetolockthe door from the outside when the operator leaves the working place. Entrance to the cab through a manhole in the floor shall be prohibited. 4.11.10.The floor in the cab of a hoisting unit with power drive shall be covered withplankingofnon-metalmaterialstopreventslidingandcoveredwitha dielectricrubberrug.Ifacabfloorareaisbig,rubberrugswiththesizeofat least500x700mmmaybeonlylaidatplaces,wheretheoperatorworkswith power equipment. 4.11.11.Cranecabsshallbeequippedwithastationaryseatfortheoperator.It shall be designed and located so that he maycontrol crane devicesand observe thecargoseating.Theseatshallbeadjustableverticallyandhorizontallyto make work and control devices operation convenient. In cases provided by standard documents, operator's seat at control boards or the whole cab shall be rotating. 4.11.12.Thecranecabshallbedesignedandequippedsoasappropriate temperature conditions and ventilation are provided in accordance with standard documents. The producer shall install a heating device in the cab. 38 4.11.13.Design and equipment of hoisting unit cabs operating in hot chemical or othershops,wheredustandhazardousgasesareemittedshallcomplywiththe requirements of standard documents. 4.12. Guarding 4.12.1. Easily accessible movable parts of a hoisting unit, which may cause an accident, shall be enclosed with securely fastened steel detachable guarding. The guarding shallbeeasilyexaminedandoiled.Thefollowingshallbeprovidedwith guarding: a)Tooth, chain and worm gear; b)Couplings with prominent bolts and pins, as well as other couplings located in the passageways; c)Drumslocatedclosetotheoperator'sworkingplaceorinthepassageways. At the same time guarding shall not impede the view of the rope winding on the drum; d)The shaft of overhead crane movement mechanisms, with the rotation speed of50andabover/min(ifthespeedisbelow50r/min,theshaftshallbe guarded at the location of the manhole leading to the gallery). Shaftsofothermechanismsshallbealsoguardediftheyarelocatedatplaces designed for the operating personnel passage. 4.12.2. Running wheels of cranes moving on rails (with the exception of railway cranes) andtheirtrucksshallbeequippedwithscreenstopreventforeignobjectsfrom getting under the wheels. The clearance between the screen and the rail shall not exceed 10 mm. 4.12.3. Allnon-insulatedconductorsofahoistingunitincludingswitches,contactor panelsandresistorboxesshallbeguardediftheyarelocatedinsuchplaces, wherepeopleinthecab,onthegallery,oncatwalksorclosetotheunitmay accidentallytouchthem.Non-insulatedconductingpartsofswitchessupplying power to the main trolley cables or feeding cable shall be also guarded. Contactorpanelsandresistorboxesmayremainunguardedifpoweris automatically cut off when people enter the places of their location, as well as if they are installed in special appliance cabs locked for the period of the hoisting unit operation. 4.12.4. The main trolley cables located along the crane track and their current collectors shallnotbeaccessibleforanaccidentaltouchfromthecranegantry,stairs, landingsitesandotherplaces,wherepeoplemayturnup.Theaboveshallbe ensured with the help of the cables and current collectors appropriate location or guarding. 4.12.5. Trolley cables located on a hoisting unit and not cut off with the hatch interlink device (cables of a load electric magnet, trolley cables with the voltage above 42 39 Vatcraneswithamovablecab)shallbeguardedorlocatedamongthegantry frames at the distance inaccessible for the operating personnel. Trolley cables shall be guarded along their whole length and at the butts. 4.12.6. Adequateprotectionshallbeinstalledatplaces,whereloadropesmaycontact mainorancillarytrolleycablesofanoperatingcraneorothercranelocateda layer below. Trucksofoverheadcranesinstalledonopensitesshallbeprotectedfrom precipitation. 4.13. Galleries, Platforms and Ladders 4.13.1. Overheadandmovablecantilevercranes,withtheexceptionofthosestatedin clause4.13.4,shallbeequippedwithgalleriesorplatformswithconvenient entrancesandaccesstoallthemechanismsofthecraneanditspower equipment.Thegalleriesandplatformsarerequiredforsafeandeasyservicing of equipment and devices located outside the cab. 4.13.2. Tower,gantry andframe cranes shall be provided with easy entrancesfrom the ground to the crane and into the cab. Overhead cranes shall also have a safe exit to the truck. 4.13.3. Frame cranes shall be equipped with a safe entrance from the gantry stairs to the platform located around the gantry cap (head) at any position of the rotating part ofthecrane.Theheightfromthedeckoftheplatformtothelowestprominent elementsoftheturningpartshallbeatleast1800mm.Theturningpartofthe crane shall be accessible from the gantry at any position it is in. 4.13.4. Platformsandgalleriesarenotnecessaryatone-beamoverheadcraneswitha handormechanicdrive,aswellasatdouble-beamsuspendedcranes,if maintenance platforms are available. 4.13.5. Thewidthofafreepassagewayalongthegalleryofoverheadandmovable cantilever cranes designed for power equipment and mechanisms servicing shall be as follows: a)At least 500 mm on cranes with transmission drives; b)At least 400 mm on cranes with non-transmission or hand drives. The width of the passageway between the railing and devices supporting trolley cablesandcurrentcollectorsonthesamecranesiftheirgalleriesareusedto locate them shall be at least 400 mm. 4.13.6. Galleriesshallbeinstalledinbaysofbuildingswithoverheadcranesof classification(mode)A6andaboveinaccordancewithISO4301/1inthebays to provide passages along crane tracks at both sides of the bay. 40 Galleriesarrangedaspassagesalongthecranetrackshallbeprovidedwith railingfromthebayside,andtheoppositesideifthereisnowallthere.A gallery on an open trestle may be provided with railing from the outer side only (opposite of the bay). Thewidthofthepassageway(cleardistance)alongthegalleryshallbeatleast 500 mm, and the height at least 1800 mm. At column locations, a passage at least 400 mm wide and 1800 mm high shall be arrangedatthesideofacolumnorthroughthecolumn.Everygallerysection nearcolumnsshallbeenclosed.Ifapassagewayisarrangedthroughacolumn, thewidthofthepassageinthegalleryshallbereducedtothatofthepassage through the column at the distance of 1000 mm from it. Every gallery shall be provided with exits to stairs at least every 2000 m. 4.13.7. Maintenanceplatformsshallensuresafeandconvenientaccesstomechanisms and power equipment. Ifthedistancebetweenthefloorofthemaintenanceplatformandthelowest partsofthecraneisbelow1800m,thedoorofthemaintenanceplatformshall be equipped with a lock and automatic interlink to cut off power from the main trolley cables of the maintenance section. Movable platforms may be arranged instead of stationary maintenance ones. 4.13.8. Overheadcranescontrolledfromthecab(exceptforone-beamones)shallbe equippedwithcabs(platforms)toservicethemaintrolleycablesandcurrent collectors if they are located below the deck of the crane gallery. A manhole to enter the cab from the deck to service the main trolley cables shall be provided with a lid and a device to lock it. The cab to service the main trolley cables shall be enclosed with railing at least 1000 mm high covered completely at the top for the height of 100 mm. 4.13.9. Ifamanholeisarrangedinthemaintenanceplatformdeck,itssizeshallbeat least 500 x 500 mm. The manhole shall be provided with an easily opening lid. Theanglebetweenthemanholelidintheopenpositionandthedeckshallnot exceed 75°. 4.13.10.A landing site (platform) with stationary stairs shall be arranged to enter acontrolcabinofanoverhead,movablecantilevercraneoranelectrictruck moving on rails on the ground. Thedistancefromthefloorofthelandingplatformtothelowestpartsofthe overheadcoverorprominentpartsofstructuresshallbeatleast1800mm.The floor of the platform shall be located on the same level with the floor of the cab oranteroomifany.Theclearancebetweenthelandingplatformandthedoor 41 (anteroom) threshold shall be at least 60 mm, but not exceed 150 mm, when the crane stops at the landing platform. A landing platform may be arranged below the cab floor level, but not exceeding 250 mm in cases, when the clearance of 1800 mm in height cannot be achieved iftheplatformisatthesamelevelwiththecabfloor.Itmaybealsodonein caseswhenthelandingplatformislocatedatthebuttofthebuildingandthe establishedclearancebetweenthecabthresholdandtheplatformcannotbe achieved.Ifalandingplatformisarrangedattheendofthecranetrackbelow thecabinfloorlevel,anoverlapofthecabandplatformisacceptable,butnot exceeding 400 m when bumpers are fully compressed. In such case the clearance betweentheplatformandthelowestpartofthecab(vertically)shallbewithin 100-250 mm, that between the cab and the platform railing shall be within 400- 450 mm, and from the side of the entrance to the cab - 700-750 mm. 4.13.11.Anentrancetothecontrolcabofanoverheadcranemaybearranged through the gantry in cases, when direct getting into the cab is impossible due to designoroperationreasons.Insuchcasetheentrancetothecraneshallbe arrangedinaspeciallyallocatedplacethroughadoorinthegantryrailing equipped with an electric interlink in compliance with clause 4.9.7 hereof. Noentrancetothecontrolcabofmagneticcranesthroughthegantryshallbe acceptable.Theexceptionmaybemadeforthecases,whentrolleycables feedingtheloadelectricmagnetareenclosedorlocatedinaplaceinaccessible foraccidentaltouchingandthepoweriscutoffbytheinterlinkofthecrane entrance door. 4.13.12.Galleries,platforms,passagewaysandstairsshallbedesignedin accordance with the requirements hereof. 4.13.13.Decks of galleries, platforms and passageways shall be metal or made of othersolidmaterialsiftheycomplywithfirerequirements.Thedeckshallbe laid along the whole length of the gallery or platform. A metal deck shall prevent anysliding(steelgrooved,punchedsheets,etc.).ifexpandedorpunchedmetal is applied, no hole shall exceed 20 mm. 4.13.14.Galleries, platforms, passages and stairs arranged in places, where trolley cablesornon-insulatedconductorsundervoltagearelocatedshallbeequipped withguardingtopreventaccidentaltouchingoftrolleycablesorconductors irrespective of entrance interlink existence. 4.13.15.Platforms andgalleries locatedat hoisting units, end beams of overhead cranesandplatformsandgalleriesdesignedtoservicehoistingequipmentshall beenclosedwithrailing1000mmhigh,withcompletecoveratthebottomfor the height of 100 mm and an intermediate link at the height of 500 mm. Railing and cover at the bottom shall be also installed at the butt ends of overhead crane trucks,andifthereisnogallery,alongthecranegantryandatthelengthwise sides of the truck. 42 The height of railing maybe reduced to 800 mm at the truck of an overhead or movablecantilevercraneandattheendbeamofsuchcranesifthedimensions of the building do not allow railing 1000 mm high. Posts on a landing platform the railing or fastening structures of the platform are secured to shall be located at least 400 mm away from the cab if they are at the height of 1000 mm from the platform deck. 4.13.16.Stairsfromthefloortotheplatformandgalleriesshallbeatleast600 mmwide.Thewidthofstairslocatedonthecraneitself,withtheexceptionof those not exceeding 1500 mm in height, shall be at least 500 mm.Stairs lower than 1500 mm located on the crane, as well as stairs leading from the cab to the gallery of overhead or movable cantilever cranes may be at least 350 mm wide. 4.13.17.Thedistancebetweenstepsshallnotexceed300mmforverticalstairs, 250mforinclinedstairsand200mmforinclinedstairsoftowercranes.The spacing of steps shall be the same for the whole staircase. Steps of vertical stairs shall be at least 150 mm away from the crane steel structures. 4.13.18.Stairsleadingfromthefloortolandingandmaintenanceplatformsand galleries to pass along the crane track shall be located so as squeezing of people on them by the moving crane or its cab is prevented. Such landing stairs shall be inclined, with the angle of the incline to the horizon not exceeding 60°. 4.13.19.Inclinedstairsshallberailedfrombothsidestotheheightofatleast 1000mmfromthestepsandhaveflatsteelstepsatleast150mmwide eliminating the possibility of slipping. 4.13.20.Guarding in the shape of arcs shall be installed on vertical stairs starting from2500mmfromthestaircasebottom.Thearcsshallbelocatedatthe distance not exceeding 800 mm from each other and connected with at least four longitudinal bands. The distance from the staircase to an arc shall be at least 700 mm and shall not exceed 800 mm with the radius of 300-400 mm. There is no need to install the arc guarding if a staircase is located inside a lattice columnwiththecrosssectionnotexceeding900x900mmoratubulartower with the diameter not exceeding 1000 mm. Arrangement of vertical stairs above manholes shall be unacceptable. If a staircase is above 10 m high, platforms shall be provided on them every 6-8 m.Ifastaircaseislocatedwithinatubulartower,suchplatformsarenot required. 43 4.14. Installation of Hoisting Equipment 4.14.1. Overheadcranesinbuildings,tower,frameandcablecranesonopensites,in portsandotherpermanentoperationlocationsshallbeinstalledinaccordance with a design developed by a specialised company. 4.14.2. Hoisting equipment shall be installed in such a way that when a load is lifted, it isnotrequiredtodragitwiththeloadropesbeinginclined,andthereisan opportunitytotransporttheloadliftedforatleast500mmaboveequipment, cargo piles, vehicles, etc. Whilecranescontrolledfromthefloororontheradioarebeinginstalled,an easypassagewayfortheworkercontrollingthecraneshallbeprovided. Installation of hoisting units with an electric magnet as a gripping device above industrial and other rooms shall be prohibited. 4.14.3. Installation of cranes, load trucks and movable tackle above industrial premises to lift and lower loads through a hatch in the flooring may be allowed in the only case if one room is located directly above the other. The hatch in the flooring shall be provided with stationary guarding at least 1000 mmhighwithcompletecoveratthebottomfor100mmandmandatory arrangement of light signals (lit lettering) to warn people of both the load above thehatchandloweringoftheload.Itshallbealsoprovidedwithsigns prohibiting staying of people under the load moved. Installationofstationarytackleorwinchestoliftloadsthroughahatchinthe flooring shall be prohibited. 4.14.4. Hoisting units moving along rails on the ground shall be installed in compliance with the following requirements: a)The distance from the hoisting unit upper point to the ceiling of the building, thelowestbeltoftherooftrussorarticlesfastenedtoit,aswellastothe lowestpointofanotherhoistingunitoperatingonelevelabove,shallbeat least 100 mm; b)The distance from the deck of platforms and galleries of an overhead crane, withtheexceptionofendbeamandtruckdecks,totheroofing,thelowest belt of the roof truss or articles fastened to it, as well as to the lowest point of another hoisting unit operating one level above, shall be at least 1800 mm; c)The distance from prominent parts in the crane butts to the building columns and walls and railing of galleries shall be at least 60 mm. Such distance shall beestablishedatthesymmetricpositionofthecranewheelsrelativetothe rail; d)Thedistancebetweenthelowestpointofahoistingunit(notincludingthe gripping device) to the floor of the shop or platforms, where people may be workingduringthecraneoperation(withtheexceptionofthecrane maintenance platforms) shall be at least 2000 mm. The distance between the 44 lowest point of the crane cab and the floor level shall be at least 2000 mm or (in grounded cases) within the range from 500 mm to 1000 mm; e)Thedistancebetweenthelowestprominentpartsofahoistingunit(not includingthegrippingdevice)toequipmentlocatedwithintheareaofits operation shall be at least 400 mm; f)The distance between the lowest prominent parts of a control cab and trolley cablesservicingcabtoawall,equipment,pipelines,prominentpartsofthe building,columns,roofsofancillaryfacilitiesandotherobjectsthecab moves relatively to shall be at least 400 mm. 4.14.5. Thehorizontaldistancefromtheprominentpartsofacranemovingalongrails on the ground to buildings, cargo piles and other objects located at the height of up to 2000 mm above the ground surface level or platforms shall be at least 700 mm, and at the height above 2000 mm- at least 400 mm. The vertical distance from the counterweight cantilever or counterweight located under the cantilever ofatowercranetoplatformswithpossiblelocationofpeopleshallbeatleast 2000 mm. 4.14.6. Installationofcranes,suspendedelectrictrucksandtackleswithautomaticor semi-automatic control, when the operator does not accompany the hoisting unit shallensurethattheloaddoesnotimpactthebuildingelements,equipment, cargo piles, etc. Presence of people shall be eliminated along the way of such a unitmovement.Safetycovering(mesh,etc.)capableofsustainingfallingloads shall be installed above the carriageways and passageways for people. 4.14.7. Cranesforconstructionandinstallationworkshallbemountedinaccordance withthedesignofworktobecarriedoutbycranesdevelopedbyacompany licensed by Gosgortechnadzor. 4.14.8. Thelineownersshallapproveinstallationofcranesmovingonrailswithinthe protectionzoneofoverheadpowerlines.Thepermitofsuchinstallationfor constructionpurposesshallbekepttogetherwiththeworkdesign,andinother cases with the crane certificate. 4.14.9. Boom self-propelled cranes shall be mounted on a levelled and prepared ground accountingforitscharacteristicsandcategory.Cranesshallnotbemountedon newly backfilled and non-compacted ground, as well as on a site with an incline exceeding the value stated in the crane certificate. 4.14.10.A boom self-propelled crane shall be installed in such a way that during itsoperationthedistancebetweentherotatingpartofthecraneandbuildings, cargo piles and other objects is at least 400 mm at any position of the crane. 4.14.11.If there is a requirement to install a boom self-propelled or railway crane on extended supports, it shall be mounted on all the extended supports available. Firmandstablepadsshallbelaidundersupports.Thepadsunderadditional crane supports shall be included in its inventory. 45 4.14.12.Boom self-propelled cranes may be mounted at the edge of a pit (trench) batteronconditionallthedistancesstatedinTable6arecompliedwith.Ivthe distancesarenotpossibletocomplywith,theslopeshallbestabilisedin accordance with the design. Table 6 Minimum Distances (in mm) from the Pit (Trench) Batter to the Nearest Crane Supports with Solid (not Backfilled) Ground Pit (Trench) Depth, m Ground Sand and GravelSandy LoamLoamClayDry Loess 1.0 4 5.04.4 4.15. Crane Track 4.15.1. Rail tracksfora hoisting unit (with theexception of railwaycrane tracks) shall be constructed in accordance with a design developed by a specialised company or crane producer. Prior to crane installation on its rail track the latter shall be tested for the load. Therailtrackofarailwaycraneshallbeconstructedandmaintainedin accordancewiththestandardsoftheRoKMinistryofTransportand Communications. 4.15.2. The following basic data shall be included into the design for a crane rail track: a)The rail type; b)The type and length of cross ties; c)The distance between ties; d)The technique of rails fastening to cross ties and to each other; e)The requirement of pads between the rails and cross ties; f)The clearance between the rails; g)The material and size of the ballast layer; h)The minimum permissible radius of the curve at the curved track section; i)Maximum permissible values of the general longitudinal incline, subsidence under the wheels and tolerances for the gauge width and the difference in the railhead levels; j)Dead-end arresters design; k)Rail track grounding design. 46 4.15.3. Cranetracks(withtheexceptionofthosefortowerandrailwaycranes)and tracksofsuspendedloadtrucksequippedwithpointsorturn-tables,aswellas crossings serving to move the hoisting unit or its truck from one track to another, shall comply with the following requirements: a)Uniformmotionshallbeensuredatplaces,wherethehoistingunitorits truck moves from one track to another; b)Topreventtwocloserailsofthecranetrackfromsplitting,lockswithan electric interlink shall be installed to lock the close rails securely and prevent thehoistingunitoritstruckfrommovingifthelockisnotlocked.Italso appliestotherailofthecranetrackandtherailofthepointorturn-table. Electricalinterlinkmaybereplacedbymechanicalformechanismswitha hand drive; c)Sectionsofthetracktobedisconnected,aswellastherailsofpointsand turn-tablesshallbeequippedwithautomaticlockstopreventthehoisting unit or its load trucks from going off the rail track; d)A point or turn-table shall be switched with the help of a special mechanism controlled from the ground of control cab of the hoisting unit; e)Power shall be fed to the hoisting unit trolley cables, point regulating devices and power interlink devices with the help of one switch. 4.15.4. Crane rails and load truck rails shall be installed in such a way that their lateral andlongitudinalshiftisavoidedduringthehoistingunitmovementand operation. If rails are secured with welding, the possibility of their thermal strain shall be eliminated. 4.15.5. Vehiclesandforkliftsmaycrossthetracksofgantryandtowercranesin exceptionalcasesonly,ifnoby-passispossible.Theownerofthecraneshall develop safety measures accounting for the intensity of its operation and traffic. 4.15.6. Crossingsofgantry,towerandframecranetrackswithrailtracksoftheplant trafficmaybeadmittedinseparategroundedcasesonanapprovalof Gosgortechnadzorbodiesandafterarrangementstopreventoperatingcranes from crashing with the rolling stock are developed. Acrossingofaframecranetrackwitharailwaytrackshallbeconstructedin accordance with a design developed by a specialised company and approved by both the owners of the crane and the owners of the railway. 4.15.7. Tolerancesforthegaugesize,linearityandhorizontalityofthetrackand permissiblevaluesofrailelasticsubsidenceunderthecranewheelsshallbe taken from standard documents. Ifsuchdataarenotavailableinstandarddocuments,thevaluesoftolerances shall be identified in accordance with Appendix 7. 4.15.8. A section for the crane stand-by location shall be stated in the rail track design. 47 4.15.9. Ifthereexistburiedengineeringlineslaidpreviouslywithoutaccountingfora rail track construction above them, an estimation shall be carried out to eliminate thepossibilityofcausingdamagetothelinesandtheircoverdesignedif required. 4.15.10.Arailtrackbeingreadyforoperationshallbecertifiedwithan Acceptance Statement (in accordance with Appendix 8). The results of the track transversalandlongitudinalprofilessurveyandthegaugesizetestingshallbe attached to the Statement. 4.15.11.Therailtrackconditioninspectionanditsgroundingresistancetesting shall be carried out in accordance with the standard documentation. 5. CABLE TYPE CRANES 5.1.RequirementsetforthbyChapters1-4and7withamendmentsandadditions providedforbythisChaptershallbeapplicabletocablecranes(withbearing ropes). 5.2.Thestabilityfactorofmovablesolidcranesupports(non-swingbearing)each way accounting for all the basic andadditional loads (inertia forces,wind load, snow weight, etc.) shall be at least 1.3 at their worst combination. The stability factor of swing bearings in the plane perpendicular to bearing ropes shall be at least 1.3. 5.3.Cranes shall be equipped with a device to automatically stop support movement mechanismsincaseoneofthemmovesfartherthananotheroneforadistance exceeding the designed value, and an indicator of such difference value installed in the operator's cab. 5.4.Cranes shall be equipped with lifting limits actuating at lifting capacity excess of 25%. Load lowering only shall be possible after the lifting limit actuation. 5.5.Craneswithmovablesupportsshallbeequippedwithanemometerssendinga sound signal when wind speed exceeds the value stated in the crane certificate. 5.6.A movable crane shall be secured with hand grips when operating at one place. Ifoperationofacranerequiresitsfrequentrelocation,thecranemayremain ungripped, but they shall be secured with grips after the end of work. 5.7.Indicatorsofthegrippingdevicepositionaccordingtoitsheightandalongthe span,aswellasanindicatoroftheclamshellopenorclosedpositionshallbe installed in the operator's cab. Such indicators shall be adjustable to remove errors accumulated. 5.8.Theliftingmechanismandclam-shellclosingmechanismofclam-shellcranes shall be equipped with devices (limit switches) to automatically stop them: 48 a)When lifting if the distance between the bumpers of the gripping device and the load truck reaches 1 m; b)When lowering if at least three rope wraps remain on the drum; 5.9.Theloadtruckmovementmechanismshallbeequippedwithadevice(limit switch)toautomaticallystopitatthedistanceofatleast5mfromthesupport site or a polyspast truck. Further movement of the load truck may be allowed to the support sites or polyspast truck with a lowered speed. 5.10.A load truck shall be designed so that its fall in case of failure or running wheels going off the carrying rope (ropes) is impossible. 5.11.Theloadtruckfromthebottomandthegrippingdevice(hook,clam-shell blocks)fromthetopshallbeequippedwithwoodenorotherbumpers,which will not allow the gripping device to rest against the truck equipment. 5.12.Theloadtruckmovingmechanismshallprovideforinspectionspeednot exceeding 0.5 m/sec to examine and oil ropes. 5.13.Themovableloadtruckbrakeshallprovideforthebreakingtorqueaccounting for the deceleration margin factor of at least 1.25. 5.14.Ifthemovingmechanismofatruckhasarope-drivingsheave,thediameterof the sheave shall be at least 60 rope diameters. The traction factor of the rope and thesheaveshallbeatleast1.5calculatedforthestaticload,andatleast1.25 accounting for dynamic loads. 5.15.Maintenance personnel only may go by a load truck. Such work shall be carried out on the basis of a work permit to be issued in accordance with the form given in Appendix 9. 5.16.The engine department of a crane shall comply with the following requirements: a)The height of the department shall be designed accounting for the location of hoisting means (cranes and tackles) above the main equipment; b)The distance from the department walls to winches and between the winches shall be at least 800 mm. The distance between the wall and a winch may be reduced to 200 m on condition a safe passage is provided to the winch parts requiring servicing; c)The size of the door to the department shall ensure movement of the largest inseparable parts of the equipment. The height shall be at least 1800 mm. 5.17.The engine department,operator's cab andcranetower heads shall beequipped withtelephonesallowingforasimultaneousconversationamongallthe locations. 5.18.Plates with the crane lifting capacity, its number and the date of the next testing shall be placed in the crane engine department, operator's cab and on supports. 49 5.19.Loadtrucksshallbesuppliedwithplatformstoexaminebearingropesand supports in the crane span. The platforms shall be at least 750 mm wide, with the railing 600 mm high, two intermediate longitudinal connections (rods) and with an uninterrupted enclosure atthebottom100mmhigh.Entrancestotheplatformshallbeequippedwith rigid barriers and locks eliminating their arbitrary opening. 5.20.Cranesupportsshallbeprovidedwithplatformstotightenbearingropes, maintaintheequipmentandentertheloadtruck.Thewidthofsuchplatforms shallbeatleast1000mm,andtheirrailingshallcomplywiththerequirements hereof. 5.21.Craneswithswingingsupportsshallbeequippedwithspecialplatformsand installation blocks to set the counterweight of the swinging tower. The platforms shall be designed for the weight of the support with bearing ropes detached. 5.22.Bearingropesshallrepresentanenclosedstructureandmadeofonepiece. Multistrand ropes with a steel core may be applied at cranes with hooks designed for installation work. 5.23.Double-spinropeswiththecoreofafibrematerialshallbeappliedforlifting and haulage ropes. Regular lay ropes shall be applied as lifting ones. Long lay ropes may be applied if the rope untwisting or polyspast branches spinning are eliminated. Applicationoflonglayropesispreferableforhaulageropestomovethetruck and supports. 5.24.The device to fasten a bearing rope on supports shall be a hinged one to regulate the rope tension. If several bearing ropes are applied, their uniform tension shall be ensured. 5.25.A bearing rope shall be fastened in a coupling with a cotter or cast moulded with a metal alloy. Theropemaybefastenedwithclampsoncraneswithavariablespan.Insuch case the hold shall be designed for a force equalto the breaking strength of the whole rope 5.26.Thediameterofthedrumandguidingblocksforload,haulageandclam-shell (both supporting and closing) ropes shall be estimated according to the following equation: , d h D × > where: D is the diameter of the drum or block measured along the rope centre line, mm; d is the diameter of the rope, mm; histhefactorofthedrumorblockdiameterselectiontobeidentifiedfrom Table 7. 50 Table 7. Minimum Z p and h Factors Rope PurposehZ p Bearing-3.0 Lifting: Hook installation Hook transshipment Clam-shell transshipment 30 40 50 30 40 50 30 40 50 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 haulage: load truck moving driving support movement crane (support) moving 30 30 30 4.0 4.0 4.0 Crane(support)retentionfrommovementbywindinstand-by conditions 302.5 For bearing ropes anchoring polyspasts For cam supports suspension For mast and support guying For power cables suspension Installation: With a hand drive With a mechanic drive 30 - - - 12 20 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 *Itisassumedthattheweightoftheclamshellwithmaterialisevenly distributed to all the ropes. 5.27.Lifting, haulage ropes and ropes to suspend cables shall be intact. Rope splicing may be accepted in separate cases. The length of the sections spliced shall be at least 1000 rope diameters. 5.28.Bearingropesofanencloseddesign,aswellasdouble-spinropesshallbe rejected in accordance with the criteria given in Appendix 10. If a crane with a swing support is shut down due to bearing ropes wear-out, the support shall be mounted on the installation foundation. 5.29.Statictestingofacraneshallbecarriedoutwithaloadexceedingitslifting capacity by 25%. In that case the load truck shall be placed in the middle of the span, the load shall be lifted to the height of 200-300 mm and kept there for 30 minutes.Afterthat,theconditionsofropesinthecouplingsandthegeneral condition of the crane shall be inspected. 5.30.The following shall be carried out during the crane dynamic testing: a)Rotating lifting and lowing of a load stopping at various heights; b)Rotatingmovementoftheloadtruckstoppingatvariouspointswithinthe span; 51 c)Rotating movement of the crane in different directions to different distances; d)Rotatingliftingandlowingofaload,withsimultaneousmovementofthe load truck. 5.31.The following shall be attached to the crane certificate in addition to documents enumerated in clause 7.1.3 for its registration at Gosgortechnadzor: a)Steel Structure Acceptance Statements (at the producer's or installation site). b)TheSteelStructureTestingStatementifsuchtestingisprovidedbythe design; c)The crane track design; d)TheStatementofCraneTrackandFoundationsAcceptancewithsurvey marks and adjustments; e)The Statement of Ropes Fixation in Couplings; f)The Statement of Bearing Ropes Sagging Measurements; g)The Statement of Tension in Support Guys Measurements; h)The Statement of the Swing Support Position Inspection. The sag of the bearing rope shall be measured with the truck being in the middle of the span and with the maximum operation load. The actual sag value shall not differ from the designed one for more than the tolerance established. The check of the swing support position compliance with the designed one shall be carried out with the empty truck being at the non-swinging support. Whencranetracksareinspected,theangleofinclinedcranetracksshallbe measured,thelinearityandhorizontality,thedistancebetweenthetrackofone support and the tracks of opposite supports.Inspectionsof the track conditions, ropefixationincouplingsandsupportguystension,aswellasinspectionsof rope sag compliance with the design and the swing support position in the course of operation shall be carried out during each certification of a cable crane. 6. HOISTS AND WINCHES TO LIFT PEOPLE 6.1.RequirementsetforthbyChapters1-4and7withamendmentsandadditions providedforbythisChaptershallbeapplicabletohoistsontowercranesand winches to lift people. 6.2.Hoistsattowercranesandmethodsoftheirtestingshallcomplywiththe standarddocumentationfortowercranesmanufacturingdevelopedby companies specialised in crane production. 6.3.Winches with hand drives shall be equipped with safe handles, their design shall provideforliftingorloweringbywayofuninterruptedforceapplicationtothe handle. The speed of lowering shall not exceed 0.33 m/sec. 52 6.4.Wincheswithpowerdrivesshallbeequippedwithnormallyclosedbrakes, which shall automatically close with the engine disengagement. The deceleration margin factor shall be at least 2. 6.5.The shaft of the engine shall be connected to the shaft of the drum with the help of tooth or worm gear. Belt and friction gear, friction and cam clutches shall not be applied for the purpose. 6.6.Winches shall be secured on foundation or provided with ballast to ensure their stability at double operational load. 6.7.The method of the cradle and platform for people suspension shall eliminate the possibilityoftheirfallingover.Cradlesandplatformsshallbeequippedwith railing at least 1200 mm high. Workers shall be fastened with safety belts when liftedincradlesseated(withoutrailing).Arrangementofdoorsintherailingis prohibited. If cradles are suspended on a hook, the latter shall be equipped with a safety clamp to eliminate falling of the cradle. 6.8.Incases,whenacradleoraplatformmayhitagainstprominentbuildingparts, structures, or when their speed exceeds 0.33 m/sec, rigid or flexible guides shall beinstalledandarrangementsmadetoprotectpeopleliftedfromtheirpossible hitting prominent building or structure parts. 6.9.Measures shall be taken to provide smooth stopping of a cradle or platform if the lifting or lowering speed of winches with power drives exceeds 0.33 m/sec. 6.10.Stationary winches with power drives shall be equipped with automatic switches to disengage the engine when the cradle approaches the upper position. 6.11.Stationarypowerwinchesshallbecontrolledfromcradlesorplatformsbyway of continuous pushing of the control button. The winch shall stop when pushing is ceased. 6.12.Winchesshallundergocompleteexaminationbeforecommissioningandevery 12 months. 6.13.Statictestingofwinchesshallbecarriedoutwiththehelpofaload1.5times exceedingtheirtractiveforcewhenlifting,anddynamictesting-withtheload exceeding it 1.1 times. 7. OPERATION OF HOISTING EQUIPMENT 7.1. Registration 7.1.1.The following hoisting units shall be registered at Gosgortechnadzor bodies: a)Cranes of all types, with the exception of those stated in clause 7.1.2; b)Excavators designed to operate with a hook or electric magnet; 53 c)Loadpowertruckswithacontrolcabmovingalongrailtracksonthe ground. 7.1.2.ThefollowinghoistingunitsdonotrequireregistrationatGosgortechnadzor bodies: a)Craneofalltypeswithhanddrivenmechanismsandcranesthatalongside handdrivenmovementmechanismsapneumaticorhydrauliccylinderis applied as a lifting mechanism; b)Overheadcranesandmovableorrotatingcantilevercranewiththelifting capacityupto10tonnesinclusivecontrolledfromthefloorwithapush- button device or from a stationary panel; c)Boom cranes with the lifting capacity up to 1 tonne inclusive; d)Boomcraneswiththepermanentradiusorhavingnorotationormoving mechanism; e)Adjustablecranestoinstallmasts,towers,pipesadjustedonthestructure being installed; f)Overhead cranes and tower cranes mounted on traininggrounds for training purposes; g)Cranesmountedonexcavators,crushingandloading,andotherprocess equipment to be applied for such equipment maintenance only; h)Telphers and winches to lift loads and/or people. 7.1.3.Hoisting equipment shall be registered at Gosgortechnadzor bodies on a written application of the owner and his submission of the equipment certificate. Theapplicationshallstateavailabilityofengineersandtechniciansinthe company(whoseknowledgehereofhasbeenassessed)tosupervisesafe operation of hoisting equipment, and availability of trained personnel to service thecrane.Itshallalsoconfirmthattechnicalconditionsofthecraneallowits safeoperation.Iftheownershavenorequiredexpertsavailable,theyshall submit an agreement with a specialisedcompany for supervision and servicing. If an overhead crane, tower or frame crane are registered, a statement certifying that the crane has beenmounted in accordancewith the instructions and signed by an authorised representative of the installation company. If an overhead crane is registered, the drawing of its installation shall be attached with the certificate indicating locations of the main trolley cables and the landing platform to enter the crane. The drawing shall show actual dimensions regulated in clauses 4.13.10 and 4.14.4. Whenahoistingunitmovingalongarailtrackonthegroundisregistered,a certificateconfirmingthatthetrackhasbeendesignedforthatparticularunit operation shall be submitted. The designing company or the owners of the crane shallgivethecertificatestatingthatthetrackisinlinewiththeloadsofthe crane with reference to the design. 54 Ifthecounterweightandballastplatesfortowerandframecraneshavebeen madebytheownersofthecranes,thePlatesAcceptanceStatementshallbe submitted stating the actual weights of the plates. Ifcranesareinstalledonwharfs,acertificateshallbesubmittedstatingthat cranes on them are acceptable. Ifacraneisregisteredafterhavingoperatedtheratedlife-spanthrough,a resolution of a specialised company shall be submitted stating the possibility of its further operation. Whenimportedcranesareregistered,resolutionsofthecertificationbodyshall be attached. Ifboomself-propelledcranes(withtheexceptionofcaterpillarones)are registered,Gosgortechnadzorshallmakeanoteontheowners'applicationto register it at the road police department (State Automobile Inspectorate). 7.1.4.Incaseahoistingunitisnotsuppliedwiththeproducer'scertificate,itmaybe registeredatGosgortechnadzoronthebasisofthecertificatecompiledbya specialised company. In addition, the certificate of a hoisting unit shall include the following data: a)Aconclusionmadeonthebasisoftheunitanditsseparateelementslifting capacity correspondence to the effective lifting capacity (confirmation of the effectiveliftingcapacitymaybealsogivenonthebasisoftheunitbasic designedelementscomparisonwiththesameelementsofanotherhoisting unit of the same type); b)Alaboratorycertificateofchemicalanalysesandmechanicalpropertiesof the steel structure material, with the closest analogue of local steel identified; c)ThehookdesignandcalculationsifitdoesnotcorrespondtotheState Standard or is not provided with the producer's stamp; d)The Statement of steel structures and welded joints quality testing. 7.1.5.Hoisting units shall be re-registered after: a)Reconstruction; b)Maintenance if a new certificate was made for the unit; c)Transfer to other owners; d)Installation of an overhead crane at another location. 7.1.6.If a hoisting unit is registered after reconstruction, a new certificate compiled by thecompanythatcarriedoutthereconstructionshallbesubmitted,ortheold one, with the following documents attached: 55 a)Thecertificateofthereconstructioncharactersignedbythespecialised company, which had worked out the design of the reconstruction; b)New crane characteristics and the drawings of its overall view with the basic dimensions if they have changed; c)The principle wiring and hydraulic diagrams if they have changed; d)Cinematicdiagramsofmechanismsandropereevingdiagramsiftheyhave changed; e)Copiesofcertificates(extractsfromcertificates)formetalappliedinthe hoisting unit reconstruction; f)Specificationsoftheaddingmaterial(built-upmetaltestingresultsor welding rods certificates copies); g)Data of steel structures welding quality control. 7.1.7.If a hoisting unit registration is denied, the reasons of it shall be stated in writing with reference to appropriate clauses hereof and standard documents. 7.1.8.Ifacraneisdispatchedforoperationtootherregionsforaperiodofabove3 months,theownersshallnotifytheGosgortechnadzorbody,wherethecraneis registered, about it stating the registration number of the crane, the new location and the period of operation. On the crane arrival to the place of destination, the work supervisor shall register it temporarily in the local Gosgortechnadzor body andobtainapermitforthecraneoperation.Inthatcasedocumentsregulating theprocedureofpreventiveinspectionandmaintenance,thedesignof construction and installation work to be carried out and memorandums assigning persons in charge and servicing personnel shall be submitted. 7.1.9.A hoisting unit shall be taken out of registration in the following cases: a)When it is written off; b)When transferred to other owners; c)Whentransferredintothecategoryofthosenotliabletoregistration,a hoistingunitshallbetakenoutofregistrationbyGosgortechnadzorbodies on a written application of the owners and with entering the reasons into the certificate. 7.1.10. HoistingunitsnotliabletoregistrationatGosgortechnadzorbodies,aswellas detachablegrippingdevicesshallbeprovidedwithindividualnumbers,such shall be entered in the hoisting unit and gripping device record log. 7.2. Commissioning Permit 7.2.1.ACommissioningPermitforahoistingunitsubjecttoregistrationat Gosgortechnadzorbodiesshallbeobtainedfromtheabovebodiesinthe following cases: 56 a)Prior to commissioning of a newly registered hoisting unit; b)Afterinstallationduetothehoistingunitrelocation(exceptforboomself- propelled cranes); c)After a hoisting unit reconstruction provided for by clause 3.333; d)Aftersteelstructuredesignelementsorpartsmaintenanceorreplacement with welding; e)After a frame crane installation at a new location. 7.2.2.ACommissioningPermitforahoistingunitsubjecttoregistrationshallbe issuedbyaGosgortechnadzorInspectoronthebasisofanexaminationcarried outbytheowners.Theownersshallinspecttheconditionsofthehoistingunit and the crane track. The system of units supervision and servicingarrangement in the company shall be also checked. The owners shall notify Gosgortechnadzor (Inspector) about the coming hoisting unit commissioning within at least 5 days. 7.2.3.Acommissioningpermitforcaterpillarandwheel-mountedcranesaftertheir relocationshallbeissuedbyanengineerinchargeofsafecraneoperation assignedbytheowner'smemorandum.Itshallbeissuedafterthehoistingunit conditions examination and when safe operation is ensured. 7.2.4.Acommissioningpermitforanewlymanufacturedboomcranesuppliedtothe owners assembled shall be issued by Gosgortechnadzor on the basis of the crane milltestresultsandtechnicalexamination(withouttestingunderload)carried out by the owners. An appropriate entry shall be made in the certificate. 7.2.5.Acommissioningpermitforhoistingunitsnotsubjectforregistrationat Gosgortechnadzorshallbeissuedbyanengineerinchargeofsafecrane operationonthebasisofthecraneproducer'sdocumentsandtechnical examination. 7.2.6.Acommissioningpermitforahoistingunitsubjecttoregistrationat GosgortechnadzorshallbeenteredinitscertificatebyaGosgortechnadzor Inspector,andforotherhoistingunits-byanengineerinchargeofsafecrane operation.Acommissioningpermitfordetachablegrippingdevicesand containersshallbeenteredintherecordinglogbythepersonwhoissuesthe permit. 7.3. Technical Examination 7.3.1.Hoisting units and detachable gripping devices shall undergo complete technical examination prior to their commissioning. Hoisting units liable to registration at Gosgortechnadzor shall be examined prior to their registration. 57 Technical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions on thehoistingunitoperationdevelopedaccountingforISO4310(textsofbasic International Standards are given in Appendix 11). If the above Instructions give noappropriateguidelines,theexaminationshallbecarriedoutinaccordance herewith. 7.3.2.Hoisting units in operation shall be examined from time to time: a)Partially - at least once every 12 months; b)Completely-atleastonceevery3yearswiththeexceptionofrarely operatingunits(cranestoservemotorhallsofpowerplantsandpumping stations,compressorunitsandotherhoistingequipmentusedduring equipment maintenance only). Seldom operated hoisting units shall undergo complete examination at least once every 5 years. The owners shall identify cranes as seldom operating ones on co- ordination with Gosgortechnadzor. 7.3.3.Anextraordinarycompleteexaminationofahoistingunitshallbecarriedout after the following: a)Installation due to a hoisting unit relocation; b)A hoisting unit reconstruction; c)Ahoistingunitsteelstructurerepairs,withdesignelementsorparts replacement; d)Installation of removable boom equipment or boom replacement; e)The load (boom) winch major repairs or replacement; f)The hook or hook suspension replacement (static testing only); g)Bearing or guy ropes replacement at cable cranes; h)A frame crane installation at a new location; i)OnarequestofaGosgortechnadzorInspectororapersoninchargeof supervision. 7.3.4.After the replacement of worn out load or other ropes and in all the cases of rope re-reeving,theirnewreevingandropeendfastening,aswellasropestretching with operating load shall be checked. An engineer in charge of the hoisting unit operating conditions shall enter the results in the crane certificate. 7.3.5.Theownersshallcarryouttechnicalexaminationsofhoistingequipment,with theexceptionofcasessetforthinclause7.3.6.Anengineerinchargeof supervisionandsafehoistingequipmentoperationshallcarryouttechnical examinations,withparticipationofanengineerinchargeofcraneoperating conditions. 58 Testingafterahookorhooksuspensionreplacementatnightmaybeassigned by a shop memorandum to shift engineering personnel at metallurgical and other plants with a continuous process. 7.3.6.Hoisting units manufactured at a producing or specialised maintenance plant and transported to the site assembled shall be completely examined at the plant prior to their shipment to the owner. The date of such examination and its results shall beenteredintothecranecertificate.Priortothestart-up,theownershall partially examine the crane and enter the results into the crane certificate. 7.3.7.Technical examinations have the objective to identify that: a)Thehoistingunitanditsinstallationcomplywiththerequirementshereof, the certificate and the documents submitted for registration; b)The hoisting unit is in good working condition ensuring its safe operation; c)Thearrangementofthehoistingunitsupervisionandmaintenancecomply with the requirements hereof. 7.3.8.Incaseofacompletetechnicalexaminationahoistingunitshallundergothe following: a)Visual inspection; b)Static testing; c)Dynamic testing. Incaseofpartialtechnicalexamination,neitherstaticnordynamictestingis carried out. 7.3.9.Technical examination of a hoisting unit shall include visual inspection and test- running of its mechanisms and power equipment, safety devices, brakes, running wheelsandcontrolappliances,aswellascheckingoflightingandoverall dimensions regulated hereby. Whilecheckingtheoperationofthehatchleadingtothecranegantryinterlink contact,itisrequiredtomakesurethatpowerisnotsuppliedtotrolleycables located on the crane. In addition, the following shall be checked during the examination: a)Theconditionofthehoistingunitsteelstructuresanditswelded(riveted) joints(absenceofcracks,displacements,wallthickeningduetocorrosion, loosening of riveted joints and other deficiencies), as well as the cab, stairs, platforms and railing; b)The condition of the hook, running wheels, blocks, drums, braking elements. Incaseofhoistingunitstransportingmeltedmetalandliquidslag,forged andpressedhooksandtheirsuspensionpartsshallbetestedbytheplant laboratoryinaccordancewiththeinstructionsonNDTapplication.The 59 conclusion of the laboratory shall be kept together with the crane certificate. Non-destructive testing shall include checking for cracks in the threaded part oftheforged(pressed)hook,cracksinthethreadedpartoftheplate-type hook and in the axle of the plate-type hook connection to the fork or spreader bar.Suchexaminationshallbecarriedoutatleastonceevery12months. The owner shall establish the requirement to inspect suspension parts and the frequency of such inspections. c)Theactualdistancebetweenthehooksuspensionandthestopatthelifting mechanism limit switch actuation; d)Theconditionofcablesandgroundinginsulationatapowercrane,and assessment of their resistance; e)Complianceofthecounterweightandballastweightswiththevaluesstated in the crane certificate for a boom crane; f)Theconditionofthecranetrackanditscompliancewiththerequirements hereof, design and operation instructions; g)The condition of ropes and their fastening. Thelimitstorejectelementsofahoistingunitshallbegiveninoperation instructions.Iftheinstructionsdonotcontainthem,elementsshallberejected on the basis of recommendations given in Appendixes 10 and 12. Workprovidedbyclauses"a","b"and"d"ofthisArticlemaybecarriedout beforethetechnicalexamination.Insuchcasetheresultsofvisualinspections andtestsshallberecordedinastatementsignedbytheinspectingandtesting person. 7.3.10. Statictestingofahoistingunitshallbecarriedoutwithaloadexceedingits liftingcapacityby25%inaccordancewithmethodsprovidedbythecrane operationinstructions.Suchtestingistargetedatcheckingthedurabilityofthe unit. 7.3.11. Static testing of an overhead crane and movable cantilever crane shall be carried outasfollowsfurther.Thecraneshallbeinstalledabovethesupportsofthe crane track, and its truck (trucks) shall be installed in the position corresponding to the greatest sag. The hook or device substituting it shall grip the load and lift it to the height of 100-200 mm, where it shall be kept for 10 minutes. Theloadshallbeloweredin10minutesandthecranegantrycheckedfor residual deformation. Statictestingofagantrycraneandtransshipmentcraneshallbecarriedoutin the same way as that of an overhead crane. Each cantilever of a cantilever crane shallbetestedseparately.Incaseofresidualdeformationresultingfromthe cranetest,suchcraneshallnotbeacceptedforoperationtillaspecialised company identifies the causes of the deformation and estimates the possibility of the crane further operation. 60 7.3.12. Recurrentorextraordinarytestingofaboomcranewithoneorseverallifting characteristicsshallbecarriedoutinthepositioncorrespondingtothehighest lifting capacity of the crane. Craneswithremovableboomequipmentmaybetestedwiththeequipment installed on them for operation. After removable boom equipment has been installed on a crane, the test shall be carried out in the position corresponding to the crane highest load capacity with the equipment installed. Boomcraneswithoutanymechanismtochangetheradius(theboomis supportedwithaguyline)shallbetestedwiththeradiusestablishedforthe crane.Furtheroperationofthecraneshallbepermittedwiththatveryradius given the results of testing are satisfactory. 7.3.13. Whenboomcranesarestaticallytested,theboomshallbeinstalledinthe positioncorrespondingtothecranelowestdesignedstabilityrelativetothe running platform. The load shall be lifted to the height of 100-200 mm. 7.3.14. Thecraneshallbeconsideredhavingpassedthestatictestsatisfactorilyifthe load lifted does not lower down to the ground within 10 minutes, and no cracks, residualdeformationorotherdamagetosteelstructuresandmechanismsare found. 7.3.15. Dynamic testing of a hoisting unit shall be carried out witha load exceeding its liftingcapacityby10%.Suchtestingistargetedatcheckingthefunctioningof mechanisms and brakes. Dynamic testing shall include numerous lifting and lowering of the load, as well aschecksofothermechanismsincombinationsofmovementsprovidedbythe operation instructions. 7.3.16. If a hoisting unit is equipped with two or more lifting mechanisms, each of them shall be tested. 7.3.17. If a hoisting unit is applied to lift and lower loads only (lifting of water gates at a hydraulicpowerplant),itsdynamictestingmaybecarriedoutwithoutmoving the unit itself or its truck. 7.3.18. Static and dynamic testing of overhead cranes operating at hydraulic and thermal powerplantsandsub-stationsmaybecarriedoutwiththehelpofspecific devices allowing creation of the testing force without load application. The device shall allow for dynamic testing of a mechanism under load within at leastonerevolutionofthedrum.Testingofthemovementmechanismunder load is not necessary. Thecraneownersorspecialisedcompanyshalldevelopadditionalinstructions to test cranes with specific devices. 61 7.3.19. Testingofacranewithseveralremovablegrippingdevicesmaybecarriedout with the device installed on the crane at the time of testing. Testing of magnetic andclamshellcranesmaybecarriedoutwithamagnetorclam-shell accordingly. 7.3.20. If operation conditions do not require a crane application (with the exception of a boom self-propelled one) with its rated capacity, complete examination of such crane may be based on its reduces lifting capacity. In that case an entry shall be madeinthecranecertificatethatthecapacityisreduced.Appropriatechanges shall be made in the nameplate on the crane and operator's instructions. 7.3.21. Technical examination of cranes that have operated through their rated life span shallbecarriedoutaftertheirinspectionmadebyaspecialisedcompanyin accordance with methodological guidelines developed by specialised companies and approved by the RoK Gosgortechnadzor. 7.3.22. Theownersshallensureavailabilityofasetoftestingloadswiththeirweights marked for crane resting purposes. 7.3.23. Thetechnicalexaminationresultsshallbeenteredintothecranecertificateby theperson,whohascarriedouttheexamination.Thetimeofthenexttesting shall be also stated. Whenanewlymountedcraneisexamined,theentryinitscertificateshall confirmthatthecranehasbeenassembledandinstalledinaccordancewiththe Regulations and operation instructions, and that it has passed tests satisfactorily. The entry of an operating crane undergoing a recurrent examination shall certify thatthecranecomplieswiththerequirementshereof,isingoodconditionand has passed tests satisfactorily. The permit for further operation of the crane shall be issued in that case by the safe crane operation supervising engineer. 7.3.24. Recurrent visual inspections and maintenance of hoisting units, as well as repairs andalignmentofcranetracksshallbecarriedoutinaccordancewiththe producer'sinstructionsandwithinthetermsprovidedbythepreventive maintenance schedule. The schedule shall be developed accounting for the crane actual operating time and its condition. Theownersofhoistingequipmentshallensurecomplianceoftheabovework with the schedule and timely elimination of deficiencies found. Craneoperationafterthetimeratedforinspectionandmaintenanceis prohibited. 7.3.25. Theresultsofvisualinspectionsandmaintenance,informationofhoisting equipmentrepairsshallbeenteredintoalog.Informationofahoistingunit repairs requiring its extraordinary technical examination shall be entered into its certificate. 62 7.3.26. The results of removable gripping devices and containers visual inspections shall be entered into a log. 7.3.27. Afterhavingoperatedtheratedlifespanthroughahoistingunitshallbe inspected by a specialised company licensed by Gosgortechnadzor bodies. Theprocedureofapermit(license)forcraneinspectionissuingissetforthby the standard documentation of the RoK Gosgortechnadzor. 7.3.28. Ownersshallinspectremovablegrippingdevicesandcontainersfromtimeto time in the course of their operation. The frequency shall be as follows: Spreader bars of tongs, other grips and containers - every month; Slings (except for those applied seldom) - every 10 days; Seldom applied removable gripping devices - before application. Slingsandcontainersshallbeinspectedinaccordancewiththeinstructions developedbyaspecialisedcompany.Theinstructionsshallidentifythe procedure and methods of inspection, rejection criteria and methods to eliminate damage found. If the instructions are not available, slings shall be rejected on the basis of recommendations given in Appendixes 10 and 13. Damaged removable gripping devices identified in the course of inspection shall be immobilised. 7.4. Supervision and Servicing 7.4.1.Company managers and private owners of hoisting units, containers, removable grippingdevicesandcranetracks,aswellasmanagersofcompaniesoperating cranes shall provide their good working conditions and safe operation conditions bywayofproperinspection,examination,maintenance,supervisionand servicing arrangement. The following shall be done for the purpose: a)Anengineertosupervisesafeoperationofhoistingequipment,removable grippingdevicesandcontainers,anengineerinchargeofkeepinghoisting equipment ingood working conditions and a person in charge of safe crane operation shall be assigned; b)Maintenance service and the procedure of recurrent inspections, maintenance andrepairsshallbeestablishedtoprovidegoodworkingconditionsof hoisting units, crane tracks, removable gripping devices and containers; c)Personneltrainingandknowledgeassessmentproceduresshallbe established as required hereby for people servicing hoisting units, as well as the procedure of engineering personnel knowledge hereof assessment; d)Instructionsforpersonsinchargeandservicepersonnel,workdiagrams, flow charts, specifications for handling, load slinging and piling patterns, and other regulations of hoisting unit safe operation shall be developed; 63 e)Distribution of hoistingunit safe operation regulations, job descriptions and guidelines among engineers, and operation instructions among the personnel shall be ensured; f)Complianceofengineersherewithandservicingpersonnelwiththe instructions shall be provided. 7.4.2.Theownersshallassignengineerstosupervisehoistingequipmentsafe operationaftertheirknowledgehereofassessmentbyaCommittee,witha Gosgortechnadzor Inspector participation, and issue of appropriate certifications in accordance with the form given in Appendix 14. Knowledgeofengineerssupervisinghoistingequipmentsafeoperationshallbe assessed every 3 years. The numbers of the supervision service and its structure shall be established by the hoisting equipment owners accounting for the number ofunitsandtheiroperationconditions,andshallbeapprovedby Gosgortechnadzor. 7.4.3.The engineer supervising hoisting equipment safe operation shall: a)Supervisetheconditionsandsafeoperationofhoistingunits,removable grippingdevices,containersandcranetracks,andmakearrangementsto prevent breaches of safety regulations; b)Inspecthoistingequipmentandissuepermitsforitsoperationincases providedhereby,aswellaskeeprecordsofandinspecthoistingunitsand removable gripping devices not subject to registration at Gosgortechnadzor if no one else is made responsible for that; c)Controlimplementationofimprovementnoticesissuedby Gosgortechnadzor, compliance with the schedules of hoisting equipment and cranetracksrecurrentinspectionandmaintenanceandtermsofremovable gripping devices and containers visual inspections; d)Checkcompliancewiththeworkpermitprocedureestablishedhereinfor workersoperatingandservicinghoistingequipment,participatein committeesattestingservicingandmaintenancepersonnelandassessing their knowledge, committees assessing knowledge of engineers in charge of keepingofhoistingequipmentingoodworkingconditionsandpersonsin charge of crane safe operation; e)Controlavailabilityofoperationinstructionsandcomplianceofservicing personnel, engineers (experts) in charge of keeping of hoisting equipment in good working conditions and persons in charge of crane safe operation with the above instructions; f)Checkimplementationofsafetyregulations,workchartsandprocess schedulesduringhoistingequipmentoperation.Specialattentionshallbe paidtocorrectapplicationofloadslingingmethods,compliancewithload pilingoverallsizesestablished,accuracyofboomself-propelledcranes installation,applicationofproperworkingandpersonalprotection techniques. He shall also check compliance with the system of work permits 64 whenoperatingclosetooverheadpowerlinesandoncranetracksof overhead and movable cantilever cranes; g)Controlcompliancewiththeprocedureofboomself-propelledcranes allocation and dispatch to the sites procedure established by the owners. 7.4.4.Iffaultsorbreacheshereofarerevealedinthecourseofhoistingequipment operationandmaintenance,theengineersupervisinghoistingequipmentsafe operationshalltakemeasurestoeliminatethem,andshutdowntheunitif required. The engineer supervising hoisting equipment safe operation shall prohibit a unit operation if: a)Faultsofbrakes,blocks,ropesandtheirfastening,chains,hooks,winches, running wheels, interlink devices and safety devices, as well as incompliance of the crane wiring with the design are found; b)There are cracks and displacements in bearing steel structures; c)Faults in the crane track are revealed (Appendix 15); d)The term of technical inspection or rated life span of the unit have expired; e)Itisservicedbynon-attestedoperatorsandslingers,engineersinchargeof keepingofhoistingequipmentingoodworkingconditionsandpersonsin charge of crane safe operation have not been assigned; f)ThecranecertificateorinformationofitsregistrationatGosgortechnadzor are not available; g)Removablegrippingdevicesandcontainersappropriatefortheweightand character of loads are not available or faulty; h)ImprovementnoticesissuedbyhimorGosgortechnadzorarenot implemented; i)Grounding or power equipment are faulty. 7.4.5.The responsibility for keeping of hoisting equipment in good working conditions shall be imposed on an adequately qualified engineer after his knowledge hereof assessmentbyacommitteeincludingaGosgortechnadzorinspector,andonhis reception of an appropriate certificate and job description. The personnel (except for slingers) servicing the crane shall report to him. Such engineer's knowledge shall be assessed every 3 years. Thenumberanddateofthememorandumofthepersoninchargeassignment, hisposition,name,identitycardnumberandsignatureshallbeincludedinthe hoisting unit certificate. Suchinformationshallbeenteredinthecertificatepriortotheunitregistration at Gosgortechnadzor, and also every time a new person in charge is assigned. 65 Fortheperiodofsuchperson'sannualholidays,businesstrip,sickleaveorin othercasesofhisabsence,hisresponsibilitiesshallbeimposedontheperson substitutinghiminhisposition.Thelattershallbeofappropriatequalification andafterhisknowledgehereofareassessed(withoutenteringofhisnameinto the unit certificate). Theownershallcreateconditionsforthepersoninchargetocarryouthis obligations. 7.4.6.Theengineerinchargeofkeepinghoistingequipmentingoodworking conditions shall provide the following: a)Keeping of hoisting units, removable gripping devices, containers and crane tracksingoodworkingconditions(ifworkingconditionofthelatterisnot thedutyofanotherservice)bywayofrecurrentinspections,maintenance andrepairswithinthetimesetforthbyschedules.Regularcontrolof accurateinspectionlogmaintenanceandtimelyeliminationofdeficiencies found,aswellaspersonalinspectionofhoistingunits,cranetracks, removable gripping devices and containers within the time scheduled. b)Maintenanceofhoistingequipmentbytrainedandattestedpersonnelwith adequate knowledge and skills to carry out their duties. He shall also ensure recurrent assessment of the servicing personnel knowledge; c)Complianceoftheoperatorsandmaintenancepersonnelwithoperationand maintenance instructions; d)Timely preparation of hoisting equipment for technical examination, as well as preparation of cranes, which life-span has expired; e)Shut down of hoisting equipment for scheduled maintenance; f)Compliance with the mark-key system in overhead cranes operation; g)Compliancewiththeestablishedprocedureofservicingandotherworkers accesstocranetracksofoverheadandmovablecantilevercranesfor maintenance and other work; h)Properkeepingofcertificatesandspecificationsforhoistingunitsand removablegrippingdevices,containersandcranetracks,aswellas maintenance of personnel recurrent knowledge assessment logs; i)Implementation of improvement notices issued by Gosgortechnadzor and the engineer in charge of safe hoisting equipment operation. Goodworkingconditionsofremovablegrippingdevices,containersandcrane tracks may be imposed on another expert of appropriate qualification. 7.4.7.A person responsible for crane safe operation shall be assigned in every shift at everyshop,constructionsiteorothersite,wherehoistingequipmentoperates. Such person is a foreman, crew leader or section foreman. 66 Storekeepersmaybeassignedaspersonsinchargeofcranesafeoperationat warehouses on Gosgortechnadzor approval. Suchpersonsshallbeappointedaftertheirknowledgeofappropriatesections hereof, job descriptions and those for crane operators and slingers is assessed. A committeeincludingaGosgortechnadzorinspectorshallcarryoutsuch assessmentandissuecertificateandinstructionstothosewhopassthe assessment satisfactorily. The knowledge of such persons shall be assessed at least every 12 months. 7.4.8.The person in charge of crane safe operation shall: a)Arrangecraneoperationinaccordancewiththesafetyregulations,work design, specifications and process schedules; b)Instructcraneoperatorsandslingersaboutsafeworkmethodspaying attentiontohazardousfactors,specificconditionsatthesite,non-admission ofthecraneoverload,accuracyofslingingandgripping,accuracyofboom self-propelledcranesinstallation,safetyrequirementswhileunloading railway cars, platforms and trucks and personal safety of slingers; c)Eliminate access of untrained and non-attested personnel to crane operation, estimatethenumberofslingersrequiredandtherequirementofsignalmen during operation; d)Eliminateapplicationofremovablegrippingdevicesandcontainersifthey are unmarked, faulty or inappropriate according to their lifting capacity; e)Show crane operators and slingers the place, order and overall sizes of load piling; f)Directlysuperviseoperationsofrailwaycarsloadingandunloading,load handling with several cranes, close no overhead power lines, above overhead coveringswithindustrialorancillaryroomsunderthem,wherepeoplemay be present, cases when loads without slinging patterns are handled and in all other cases provided for by designs or process schedules; g)Showcraneoperatorsthelocationstoinstallboomself-propelledcranes when close to power lines and issue work permits entering it into a shift log; h)Control compliance with the mark-key system in overhead cranes operation; i)Eliminateoperationswithoutworkpermitsincasesprovidedbythese Regulations; j)Provide workers with required implements and means for safe work; k)Lookaftertheoperatorandslingers'compliancewithinstructions,work designs and process schedules. 7.4.9.Atcompanieswithasmallnumberofhoistingunits(uptothreeregistered cranes),whereallthepersonsinchargeprovidedherebycannotbeappointed, thedutiesoftheengineerinchargeofhoistingequipmentworkingconditions 67 andthepersoninchargeofsafecraneoperationmaybeimposedonone engineeror(underacontract)anexpertofaspecialisedcompany. Gosgortechnadzor shall approve it. 7.4.10. Iftheownerofahoistingunithasnoopportunitytoassignpersonsincharge providedhereby,theirdutiesmaybeimposedonemployeesofaspecialised company under a contract and on an approval by Gosgortechnadzor. 7.4.11. The owners shall assigncrane operators and mechanics to controland maintain hoistingequipmentandelectriciansinadditiontothemforunitswithpower drives. 7.4.12. Anassistantofacraneoperatorshallbeassignedincasesprovidedforbythe crane operation instructions if required by local conditions. 7.4.13. Adrivermaybeassignedtocontrolacranetruckafterhistrainingforacrane operator and assessment by a qualification committee. 7.4.14. Slingers shall be appointed to sling loads to the crane hook, with the exceptions of cases stated in clause 7.4.15. Other workers (riggers, etc.) may be accepted as slingers if they are trained for a position requiring slinging operations. An entry shall be made in the certificates of such workers about their assignment as slingers. 7.4.15. Workersofbasicpositionstrainedadditionallyasslingersaccordingtoa shortenedprogrammemaybepermittedtohangloadsonahoistingunithook withoutitspreliminaryslinging(loadswitheyes,frames,trunnionsorthose beinginvariouscontainers).Theymayalsodoitincaseswhentheloadis gripped with a semi-automatic gripping device. The same requirements hereof as those for slingers shall be applicable to such workers. 7.4.16. Incases,whentheareaservedbyahoistingunitisnotentirelyseenfromthe operator'scabandthereisneitherradionortelephonecommunicationbetween the operator and slingers, one of the slingers shall be appointed a signalman. 7.4.17. Workersatleast18yearsoldmaybeassignedascraneoperators,operator assistants, mechanics, electricians and slingers. 7.4.18. Craneoperators,theirassistantsandmaintenancepersonnelshallpassmedical examinationpriortotheirassignmenttoestimateiftheirhealthcomplieswith the requirements for the positions. 7.4.19. Craneoperators,theirassistants,slingers,mechanics,electriciansandsafety devicesettersshallbetrainedandattestedatvocationalschoolsandatcourses andtechnicalschoolsforworkers.Technicalschoolsandcoursesmaybe established at companies and construction sites possessing an adequate base for theoretical and practical training and a permit (license) of Gosgortechnadzor. 68 Trainingofworkersfortheabovepositionsshallbecarriedoutinaccordance withprogramsdevelopedattrainingcentresandapprovedbytheRoK Gosgortechnadzor. 7.4.20. Crane operators and their assistants, when transferred from cranes of one type to cranesofothertypes(e.g.fromatowercranetoanoverheadone),shallbe trained and attested in the order established hereby. Training in such cases may becarriedoutonthebasisofashortenedprogramapprovedby Gosgortechnadzor. If crane operators and their assistants are transferred to a crane of the same type, butanothermodel,indexorwithanotherdrive,theyshallbefamiliarisedwith thepeculiaritiesofsuchcraneoperationandmaintenanceandpassa probation. Suchworkersmaybeadmittedtoindependentworkaftertheirknowledgeand skills assessment. Theownerofthecraneshallestablishtheprocedureoftraining,probationand skills assessment. 7.4.21. Crane operators and their assistants shall be assessed by a committee appointed bythecraneownerafterabreakintheirworkformorethanayear.Ifthe assessment results are satisfactory, they may be admitted for probation to restore the skills required. 7.4.22. The qualification committee shall assess recurrently knowledge of the servicing personnel(craneoperators,theirassistants,mechanics,electricians,safety device setters and slingers) as follows: a)Recurrently at least every 12 months; b)When workers are transferred to another working place; c)Onarequestoftheengineersupervisingcranesafeoperationor Gosgortechnadzor Inspector. Recurrentknowledgeassessmentsshallbecarriedoutwithinthescopeof instructions. Inspector's participation in such assessments is not required. 7.4.23. Theresultsofattestationandservicingpersonnelrecurrentknowledge assessment shall be stated in Minutes and entered into certificates. 7.4.24. Gosgortechnadzorrepresentative'sparticipationintheworkofthecrane operators qualification committee is mandatory. Gosgortechnadzor (inspector) shall be notified of the examination date within at least 10 days. Thequalificationcommitteeofthecompanyortrainingcompanymayattest other workers serving hoisting equipment without Gosgortechnadzor inspector's participation. 69 Inseparatecases,Gosgortechnadzormayrequireitsrepresentative's participation in attestation of slingers. 7.4.25. Onpassingtheirexamsworkersshallbegivencertificatesinaccordancewith the formestablished(Appendix 16) signed by the Committee Chairman,and in case of crane operators and their assistants they shall be signed by the Chairman and Gosgortechnadzor representative. Typesandindicesofcranesthecraneoperatorispermittedtoworkatshallbe stated in his certificate. Certificatesofcraneoperatorsandslingersshallbeartheirphotos.Theyshall have their certificates with them at work. 7.4.26. Work permits for crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, safety device setters and slingers shall be issued as a memorandum (order) of the crane owners. 7.4.27. Workersofbasicprofessions(machineoperators,riggers,etc.)mayoperatea hoistingunitfromthefloororstationarypanelandhookloadsonsuchunits afteranappropriateinductionandoperationandslingingskillsassessment according to a procedure developed by thecraneowners. Workers qualified for crane operators and having appropriate certificates may control cranes by radio. 7.4.28. Attestedslingersonlymayworkassignalmen.Thepersoninchargeofcrane safe operation shall appoint signalmen. 7.4.29. Workers of basic professions servicing cranes controlled from the floor or with a stationarypanelandhookingloadsshallhaverecurrentinductionsevery3 months. 7.4.30. For cranes to be served properly, the owners shall provide crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians and slingers with instructions identifying their rights, duties, safe work procedures and responsibilities. Theinstructionsshallbedistributedamongtheaboveworkers(againstreceipt) before their work permit. 7.4.31. Theownersofhoistingequipment,removablegrippingdevicesandcontainers shallestablishproceduresforthepersonsinchargeoftheequipmentservicing (craneoperators,theirassistants,electriciansandmechanics)tolookafteritby wayofvisualinspectionsandtestrunning,andmaintainitingoodworking conditions. Craneoperatorsshallinspecthoistingunitsbeforecommencingwork,andthe owners shall allocate a certain time period for it. The results of the operators' visual inspections and checking shall be entered into the shift logbook (the form is given in Appendix 1). 70 Slingers shall visually inspect removable gripping devices and containers before their application. 7.5. Operation 7.5.1.Hoisting units may be permitted to lift and handle only such loads, which weight doesnotexceedtheliftingcapacityoftheunit.Incaseofboomself-propelled and railway cranes, the position of extended supports, and in case of cranes with travellingcounterweights,thepositionofthecounterweightshallbeaccounted for. Requirements stated in the certificate of a hoisting unit and in its operation instructions shall not be infringed during its operation. 7.5.2.Hoistingunitsequippedwithaclamshellormagnetmayonlybeadmittedto operationgivenspecificdirectionsforthepurposestatedinproducer's instructions are implemented. 7.5.3.Ahoistingunitequippedwithamagnetmayhandleaone-pieceload(slabs, ingots) solely if its transloading is eliminated. 7.5.4.Hoistingunitswithliftingmechanismsequippedwithfrictionclutchesorcam clutchescannotbeappliedtoliftandhandlemeltedmetal,noxioussubstances and explosives, and pressure vessels. 7.5.5.Loadhandlingaboveoverheadcoveringswithindustrialorancillaryrooms underthem,wherepeoplemaybepresentshallbeunacceptable.Inseparate cases,onanapprovalofGosgortechnadzor,loadsmaybehandledabove overhead coverings with industrial or ancillary rooms under them, where people are present after special arrangements are developed to provide safe operation. 7.5.6.Load handling by several cranes may be permitted in separate cases. Such work shallbecarriedoutinaccordancewiththedesignorprocesschart,whereload slinging and handling patterns shall be stated, operational sequence and positions ofloadropesnoted.Theyshallalsoincludetherequirementsforthetrack conditionsandotherinstructionsonsafeoperations.Ifseveralcraneshandle loads, the load proportion for each crane shall not exceed its capacity. Thepersoninchargeofsafecraneoperationsshalldirectlysupervisethework of load handling by several cranes. 7.5.7.Operating hoisting units shall be provided with nameplates, with the registration number,liftingcapacityandthedateofthenextpartialorcompleteinspection clearly marked. 7.5.8.Hoistingunits,removablegrippingdevicesandcontainers,whichhavenot undergone technical examination shall not be admitted to operation. Faultyremovablegrippingdevicesanddeviceswithoutnameplates(stamps) shallnotbekeptatoperationsites.Unmarkedanddamagedcontainersshallbe also removed from such locations. 71 7.5.9.Amarksystemshallbeemployedinoperationofoverheadcranescontrolled from the cab. Such system means that solely the crane operator, who receives the mark-keycompletingtheelectriccircuitofthecranecontrolmaycontrolthe crane. 7.5.10. Aneasyaccessshallbeprovidedforthepersoncontrollingtheunitifitis controlled from the floor. 7.5.11. Exits to the tracks and galleries of overhead and movable cantilever cranes shall be locked if the cranes ate in operation. Access ofcrane servicing personnel and other workers to the trackand passage galleriesofoperatingoverheadandmovablecantilevercranesformaintenance oranyotherworkshallbearrangedonthebasisofaworkpermitstatingthe conditions of safe operation. Thecraneownersshalldeveloptheprocedureofworkpermitissueand induction of workers. Craneoperatorsofalltheshiftsintheworkshopspan,whereworkistobe carried out, and if necessary operators of adjoining spans shall be notified about it with the help of an entry in the shift log. 7.5.12. Theprocedureofthecraneoperator'ssafedescendingfromthecabshallbe developed in every workshop (span) with overhead or movable cantilever cranes not equipped with passage galleries along the crane track. It shall be done for the caseofthecraneemergencyhaltawayfromthelandingplatform.The descending procedure shall be stated in the operator's instructions. 7.5.13. At the owner's discretion, overhead cranes may be applied for painting and other work from platforms on the crane. Such work shall be carried out on the basis of workpermitsidentifyingsafetyarrangementstopreventfallingoffthecrane, electricshocks,clashesofcranes,movementofthecraneanditstruck.Load handling with people carrying out work on the gantry shall be unacceptable. 7.5.14. The owners of hoisting units shall develop the methods of accurate load slinging andhookingtobetaughttoslingers.Graphicpresentationoftheslingingand hooking methods shall be distributed among the slingers and operators, or placed at work locations. Theownersshallalsodevelopthemethodsofslingingformachinepartsand unitshandledduringinstallation,dismantlingandrepairs.Appliancesand methods of safe load canting shall be also mentioned if such operation is carried out with a crane. Graphicpresentationoftheslingingandcantingmethods,aswellasthelistof gripping devices applied shall be given in process schedules. Handlingofloadswithoutslingingpatternsshallbecarriedoutunderthe supervision of the person in charge of safe crane operation. 72 Themanagementofseaandriverportsshallensurethatloadhandling operationswithhoistingequipmentarecarriedoutinaccordancetoprocess charts approved. 7.5.15. The owners of hoisting units, together with operating companies, shall: a)Developanddispatchtocraneoperationsitesconstructionandinstallation work designs, process charts for load storage, handling loads from the rolling stock and other process schedules; b)Familiarise(againstreceipt)personsinchargeofsafecraneoperation, operators and slingers with the designs and process schedules; c)Provideslingerswithdistinctionsigns,testedandmarkedremovable gripping devices and containers corresponding to load weight and character; d)Placethelistofbasichandledloadsandtheirweightsattheworklocation. The same list shall be handed to crane operators and slingers servicing boom self-propelled cranes during construction and installation; e)Provide for recurrent testing of the lifting limit of the crane with the help of a preciselyweighedloadwithinthetermsstatedintheoperationinstructions or device certificate; f)Establishtheorderofboomself-propelledcranesallocationtositesonthe basis of applications, and provide compliance with it; g)Establish the procedure of tower crane protection board sealing and locking, as well as lifting limit relay block on boom self-propelled cranes sealing; h)Identifytheareasforloadstorage,equipthemwithattachmentsand accessoriesrequired(racks,pyramids,shelving,ladders,stands,supports, pads,spacers,etc.)andinstructoperatorsandslingersaboutpiling procedures and overall sizes; i)Ensureimplementationofworkdesignsandotherprocessschedulesduring hoisting equipment operation; j)Ensure good working conditions of tower cranes being at the site as stand-by equipment.Disconnectthecranefromthepowersourceandmake arrangementstoeliminatemovementofthecranebywindaftertheclient's notification about work completion (prior to dismantling commencement). k)Ensure good conditions of crane tracks. 7.5.16. The owner of a hoisting unit shall establish the pattern of signals exchanged by theoperatorandslingers.ThesystemrecommendedisgiveninAppendix18. Whenbuildingsandstructuresabove36mareconstructed,atwo-wayradio communicationsystemshallbeapplied.Thesignallingsystemandsignals appliedinradiocommunicationshallberecordedintheinstructionsforthe operator and slingers. 7.5.17. Thesiteofcraneoperationshallbelightedinaccordancewiththedesignor standard documents. 73 7.5.18. Crane operation shall be halted if wind speed exceeds the limit of that particular crane,incaseofasnowfall,rainorfog,aswellasinothercases,whenthe operator scarcely distinguishes the signals of slingers of the load being handled. 7.5.19. Ifboomself-propelledcranesoperateatthedistancebelow30mfromtheir lifted(expanded)partatanyposition,orfromtheloadtotheverticalplane formed by the projection to the ground of the closest overhead power conductor under the voltage of 42 V and above, the work shall be carried out on the basis ofaworkpermit.Thelattershallspecifytheconditionsofsafeoperation(the form is given in Appendix 19). Theprocedureofworkarrangementclosetooverheadpowerlines,awork permitissueandinductionofworkersshallbeestablishedbytheordersofthe crane owner and superintendent of work. Safe conditions specified in the work permit shall comply with GOST 12.1.013. The issuing company shall establish the period of the permit validity. Theworkpermitshallbehandedtothecraneoperatorpriortowork commencement. The operator shall not install the crane near an overhead power line himself, the prohibition shall be entered into his way ticket. Crane operation close to a power line shall be carried out under direct supervision of the person in charge of safe craneoperation.Suchpersonshallshowtheoperatorthelocationtoinstallthe craneat,providecompliancewiththeconditionsstipulatedintheworkpermit and make an entry in the shift log of the crane about his permission to work. If work is to be carried out within the protection zone of a power line, or within openings provided by the High Voltage PowerLine Protection Regulations, the workpermitmaybeissuedifthereisapermitofthelineoperatingcompany only. Ifboomself-propelledcranesoperateatexistingpowerplants,substationsand powerlines,andifhoistingworkiscarriedoutbythepersonneloperatingthe power units while the crane operators are in the staff of the power company, the workpermitforoperationsclosetoconductorsandequipmentundervoltage shall be issued in accordance with the requirements of the industry. Self-propelledcranesmayoperateunderurbantransportcontactwiresifthe distancebetweentheboomandthewireisatleast1000mm.Astop(arrester) shallbeinstalledtopreventtheabovedistancefrombeingreducedwhenthe boom is lifted. Thelineownersshallestablishtheprocedureofacraneoperationclosetoa power line utilising flexible cable. Work permits are not required in that case. 7.5.20. Theownersofcranesandthecompanythatcarriesoutworkshallensure compliance with the following requirements to provide safe load handling: 74 a)Persons without direct relation to the operations shall be denied access to the load handling site and the crane; b)Peopleshallenteranddescendoverheadandmovablecantilevercranes throughalandingsite(platform),orinseparatecasesthroughpassage galleries; c)The knife-switch of the input device shall be disconnected if there is a need toexamineorrepaircranemechanisms,powerequipment,orexamineand repair steel structures. The same requirement shall be complied with if there is a necessity to go out to the gantry of an overhead crane; d)Ifrailsofaloadtruckarelocatedatthelevelofanoverheadcranegallery deck,thetruckshallbeplacedinimmediateproximitytotheexitfromthe cab on to the deck before the servicing personnel goes out to the gallery; e)Constructionandinstallationworkshallbecarriedoutinaccordancewith the work design, which shall provide for the following: -conformityofcraneswiththeconstructionandinstallationworkas relatedtotheirliftingcapacity,liftingheightandradius(cranelifting characteristics); -provisionofsafedistancesfrompowergridsandoverheadlines,urban transportandpedestrianroutes,aswellassafedistancesfromcranesto buildings and parts and materials storage grounds; -crane installation and operation close to slopes and pits safe conditions; -safetyconditionsforseveralcranesoperatingonthesametrackor parallel tracks; -thelistofgrippingdevicesappliedandgraphicpresentationofload slinging; -load storage locations and overall sizes, access roads, etc.; -arrangementsofsafeoperationsaccountingforparticularconditionsat the crane site (fencing of the construction site, installation area, etc.); Thepersoninchargeofsafecraneoperation,operatorsandslingersshallbe familiarised with the design (against receipt) prior to the work commencement; f)Load handling and piling with cranes at bases, warehouses and sites shall be carried out in accordance with process charts worked out accounting for the requirements of GOST 12.3.009 and approved in the established order; g)Loads shall not be lowered on a truck or lifted if there are people in the cab orbody.Stationaryracksorsuspendedplatformsforslingersshallbe arrangedatthelocations,wheretrucksorrailwaycarsareloaded/unloaded. Railwaycars shall be loaded/unloaded with hook cranes in accordancewith the technology approved by the crane owners. It shall specify the locations of slingersduringloadshandlingandtheirwaystoracksandsuspended platforms.Presenceofpeopleincarswhentheyareloaded/unloadedis unacceptable; 75 h)Loads shall not be handled with people beneath. A slinger may stay close to theloadduringitsliftingorloweringiftheloadisliftedtotheheightnot exceeding 1000 mm from the platform level; i)Loadsshallbeslingedinaccordancewithslingingpatterns.Slingsshall conformwiththeweightandcharacteroftheloadlifted.Thenumberof strings and their incline angles shall be accounted for. General purpose slings shall be selected so that the angle between their strings does not exceed 90°; j)Small-pieceloadsshallbehandledinspeciallydesignedcontainers.Pieces fallingoutofsuchcontainersshallbeeliminated.Bricksmaybeliftedon pallets without enclosure when loaded on or unloaded (on the ground) from hauling units; k)Loadsofunknownweightsshallbehandledaftertheiractualweightsare identified only; l)A load or gripping device shall be lifted 500 mm above objects in the way to move them horizontally; m)When a boom self-propelled crane moves with a load, the boom position and theloadsonthecraneshallbeassumedinaccordancewiththecrane operation instructions; n)A load handled may be lowered on the place assigned for the purpose only. Suchlocationshalleliminatefalling,overturnorslidingoftheload. Appropriate spacers shall be placed at the location for the slings to be easily and without damage drawn from under the load. Loads shall not be placed at locationsnotdesignedforit.Loadsshallbestackedupandunstacked evenly,notdisturbingoverallsizesestablishedandjammingpassageways. Loadsshallbestowedinrailwaycardandonplatformsinaccordancewith theRoKTransportationandCommunicationMinistrystandardsandonthe consignee'sapproval.Loadsshallbeplacedontrucksandotherhaulersso that its easy and safe slinging is ensured when unloading. Railwaycars,platforms,trucksandotherhaulingunitsshallbeloadedand unloaded without disturbing their equilibrium. o)Presenceofpeopleandanyworkshallbeprohibitedwithintherangeof cranes with clamshells or magnets operation. Shiftmenservicingsuchcranesmaybeadmittedtocarryouttheirduties solely during breaks in the crane operation and after the clamshell or magnet is lowered to the ground. Locations of such cranes operation shall be fenced and marked with warning signs. p)Aclamshellshallnotbeusedtoliftpeopleorcarryoutantworkitisnot designed for. q)On work completion, or during a break, no load shall be left suspended, the knife-switch in the operator's cabin or gantry shall be put in the OFF position andlocked.Oncompletionofatower,frame,overhead,gantryand transhipment crane operation, the control cabin shall be locked, and the crane shall be secured with all available means against unauthorised movement. 76 r)Loadsmaybecantedwithcranesatcantingareasorspeciallyprovided places.Suchworkmayonlybecarriedoutinaccordancewithaprocess developedinadvance.Itshalldescribethesequenceofoperations,slinging methods and safe work instructions; s)Ifcranesoperatebeinginstalledonseverallayers,theupperlayercranes shall be able to move above the lower ones without loads and with the hook lifted to the upper working position only; t)When a load is lifted, it shall first be lifted to the height not exceeding 200- 300 mm to check the accuracy of slinging and reliability of brakes; u)When a load is lifted close to a wall, column, stack, railway car, machine or other equipment, people (including those hooking the load) shall not remain between the load lifted and the above parts of the building or equipment. The same requirement shall be strictly complied with when lowering loads. 7.5.21. The following shall be unacceptable during a hoisting unit operation: a)Admission into the hoisting unit cab during its movement; b)Presence of people close to an operating boom self-propelled or tower crane to eliminate their jamming between the turning and non-turning parts; c)Handlingofaloadbeinginunstablepositionorhookedwithonearmofa double hook; d)Movementofpeopleoraloadwithpeopleonit.Peoplemaybeliftedwith cranesinexceptionalcasesonly,inaspeciallydesignedcageandafter specific safety arrangements are worked out. Such work shall be carried out in accordance with specific instructions approved by Gosgortechnadzor. e)Lifting of loads covered with soil or frozen to the ground, covered with other loads,fastenedwithboltsorconcrete,aswellasliftingofmetalorslag hardened in the furnace or stuck after being poured out; f)Loaddraggingontheground,floororrailswiththecranehook,loadropes being tilt without guiding blocksapplication to provide the vertical position of load ropes; g)Crane application to release slings, ropes or chains pinched with a load; h)Pulling a load aside during its lifting, movement or lowering; Hooks or guys of appropriate lengths shall be applied to turn long and bulky loads when handling them; i)Aligningoftheloadbeingdandledbyhandandcorrectionofslingswhen hanging; j)Feeding of loads through windows or on balconies without special receiving platforms or appliances; k)Applicationoflimitswitchesastoolstostopmechanismsautomatically, withtheexceptionofthecase,whenanoverheadcraneapproachesthe landing site arranged in the butt wall of the building; 77 l)Operation with disengaged or faulty safety devices and brakes; m)Startingofcranemechanismswhenpeopleareonthecraneoutsidethecab (in the engine department, on the gallery, boom, tower, counterweight, etc.). anexceptioncanbemadeforpeopleexaminingandadjustingmechanisms andpowerequipment.Insuchcasethemechanismsshallbestartedona signal of the examining person; n)Loadliftingimmediatelyfromitslocation(ground,stack,etc.)withthe boom winch; 7.5.22. The engineer in charge of hoisting equipment good working conditions shall be the person to shut down a crane for maintenance in accordance with the schedule approved by the owners. Aworkpermitshallbeissuedinaccordancewiththeestablishedorderforthe maintenance of overhead and movable cantilever cranes. The work permit shall describe measures to be taken to create safe maintenance conditions. In particular, arrangements shall be made to prevent electric shocks, fallsofpeopledownfromheight,operatingcranescollidingwiththerepaired one and access of the maintenance personnel to the tracks of operating cranes. The date and time of a crane shut down for maintenance, as well as the name of the person in charge of it shall be entered into the work permit and the shift log of the operator. Preventive examination, servicing of the crane and elimination of defaults on the operator's request may be carried out without a work permit. Ifseveralcrewscarryoutrepairsatanoverheadcrane,awork-permitshallbe issued for each of them. Crane operation during its repairs is prohibited. 7.5.23. The engineer in charge of the hoisting equipment good working conditions shall issue the permit for a crane to operate after repairs, with the exception of cases set fort by clause 7.2.1. Such permit shall be recorded in the shift log. 8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR BREACHES OF THE CRANES DESIGN AND SAFE OPERATION REGULATIONS 8.1.TheseRegulationsshallbebindingforallthemanagersandprofessionalsof companiesengagedinhoistingequipmentdesign,production,maintenance, reconstruction,installation,operationanddiagnosingirrespectiveoftheir ownershipandtheindustrytheyreferto,andalsoforphysicalpersonsowing cranes. 8.2.Managers,professionalsandphysicalpersonsresponsibleforbreacheshereof shallbeheldresponsiblefortheinfringementscommittedinaccordancewith 78 currentlegislationregardlessweatheritresultsinanemergencyoraccident. Such persons shall be also held responsible for infringements hereof committed by their subordinates. 8.3.Ifofficersissueordersforcingtheirsubordinateemployeestoinfringethese Regulations and instructions, without authorisation resume operations suspended by Gosgortechnadzor representatives, and also in case such officers fail to make arrangementsaimedateliminationofinfringementsoftheRegulationsand instructions,suchofficersshallbeheldresponsibleinaccordancewithcurrent legislation. 8.4.Workers(craneoperators,slingers,mechanicsandelectricians)trainedand attestedintheestablishedorder,andsuppliedwithoperationinstructionsshall be responsible for infringements of directions provided by them. 8.5.Dependingonthecharacterandconsequencesofinfringements,persons indicated in clauses 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 may be held administratively, disciplinarily or criminally responsible in accordance with the legally established procedure. 9. EMERGENCY AND ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES 9.1.Investigationofincidentsoccurringduringhoistingequipmentoperationand liable to registration at Gosgortechnadzor shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures established by the RoK Gosgortechnadzor. 9.2.Incaseofanincident,theowneroftheunitsubjecttoregistrationshallnotify Gosgortechnadzorwithin1dayandprovidepreservationoftheincidentset-up until a representative ofGosgortechnadzorarrives if it does not presentrisk for the health and lives of people. Notificationsaboutincidentsshallbesenttoorganisationsconcernedin accordance with the current provisions of industrial accidents investigation. 10. FINAL PROVISIONS 10.1.DuetotheseRegulationscomingintoforce,therequirementanddeadlinesfor existing hoisting equipment reconstruction shall be established by the equipment producers and owners on an approval of Gosgortechnadzor. 10.2.Managersandexpertsofcompanies,aswellasphysicalpersonsengagedin hoisting equipment design, production, maintenance, reconstruction, installation, operationanddiagnosingshallpasstheirknowledgehereofassessmentwithin the time periods approved by Gosgortechnadzor. 79 APPENDIX 1 (to Section 1.4) TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS Ref. #TermsDefinitionsDiagrams 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 Load Lifting (Hoisting) Unit Crane Overhead travelling type crane Overhead travelling crane Gantry crane Semi-gantry crane Berth transhipment crane Cable type crane A cyclic-operation hoisting device, with a reciprocating motion of the load gripping part. 1. TYPES OF CRANES A cyclic-operation hoisting device designed to lift and spatially move loads suspended with a hook or held with other load gripping device. Design Based Crane Classification A crane that has a load gripping part suspended on a load trolley, chain block or boom crane that travels along a bridge. A crane that has bearing structural components rested directly upon the crane track. A crane that has bearing structural components rested upon the crane track with the help of two supporting stanchions. A crane that has bearing structural components rested upon the crane track directly on one side, and with the help of a supporting stanchion on the other. A crane with one or two cantilevers that has bearing structural components rested upon the crane track with the help of a portal. A crane that has a load gripping part suspended on a load trolley that travels along bearing lines fastened on two supports. - 80 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 Cable crane Overhead travelling cable crane Boom type crane Portal crane Semi-portal crane Boom crane Self-propelled boom crane Tower crane Railway crane Floating crane Marine boom crane A crane, with cable lines as bearing components that are fastened at the tops of supporting masts (towers). A crane, with cable lines as bearing components that are fastened at the ends of a bridge installed on supporting stanchions. A crane that has a load gripping part suspended on a boom or trolley travelling along a boom. A travelling crane rotating on a portal that is designed to let railway cars or trucks through. A travelling crane swinging on a half- portal that is designed to let railway cars or trucks through. A rotary crane that has a boom or tower and boom equipment fastened on a turning platform, which is located directly upon the running gear. A boom type crane that may be equipped with tower and boom equipment and may travel both loaded and unloaded on a motor vehicle chassis maintaining balance and stability due to gravity force. A rotary crane, with a boom installed in the upper part of a vertical tower. A crane installed on a platform travelling along a railway track. A crane on a self-propelled, or non- self-propelled pontoon designed for crane installation and movement. A rotary crane installed on a deck of a watercraft and designed to load and unload the craft. 81 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.3.10 Derrick pole Guyed derrick pole Stiff-leg derrick pole Cantilever crane Cantilever crane on a column Wall-track jib crane Wheeled column crane Crane- manipulator A rotary crane, with the boom fastened with a hinge on a derrick that has lower and upper supports. A derrick pole, with the top of the derrick fastened with the help of guy lines. A derrick pole, with the top of the derrick fastened by way of stiff tension bars. A boom-type crane, with a load gripping part suspended on a rigidly fastened cantilever (boom), or a trolley travelling along a cantilever (boom). A cantilever crane, with a potential to swing on a pillar that has its base fastened to a foundation, or fastened to a pillar that may rotate in a bearing installed in the foundation. A stationary crane attached to a wall, or travelling along a ground crane track fastened to a wall or bearing structure. A cantilever crane that travels along the ground rail track held with a guide at the top. A boom crane installed on a truck chassis and serving for its loading and unloading. Crane Classification on the Basis of the Load Gripping Part 1.4 1.5 1.6 Hook crane Clamshell crane Magnetic crane A crane equipped with a hook as a load-gripping device. A crane equipped with a clamshell as a load-gripping device. A crane equipped with an electric magnet as a load-gripping device. 82 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 Charging box- magnet crane Charging box- clamshell crane Turnaround charging crane Rod removing crane Stacker (piler) crane Pouring crane Block transport crane Forging crane Ingot-stripping crane Pit crane An overhead travelling type crane equipped with an electric magnet as a load-gripping device, and with a device to transfer moulds. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a clamshell as a load- gripping device, and with a device to transfer moulds. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with an overarm to grip moulds. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a gripping device to remove rods from electrolytic baths. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a vertical pillar and a device to stack (pile) load. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with tools to lift and tilt a foundry ladle. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a turnaround pillar that has horizontal tongs in its lower part to grip metal blocks and feed them into a furnace. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a device to lift, transport and turn forged pieces. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a device to push ingots out of moulds. An overhead travelling type crane equipped with a tong grapple and designed to serve pit furnaces Crane Classification on the Basis of Travelling Capacities 1.17 Stationary crane A crane that is fixed on its foundation or other immobile base. 83 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.21.1 1.21.2 Self-elevating (climbing) crane Adjustable jib Radial crane Mobile crane (jenny) Trailed crane Self-propelled crane A crane installed structures of a building under construction, and climbing with the help of its own devices as the building grows. A crane, which is installed on a base, and may be moved from one location to another manually or utilising other hoisting equipment. A crane that may move while operating in relation to one stationary support. A crane that may be moved during operation. A mobile crane that has no self- propelling equipment and is towed with a tractor (hauler). A mobile crane that has self- propelling equipment to move during operation and/or transportation. Crane Classification on the Basis of Running Gear (Chassis) 1.22 1.23 1.23.1 1.23.2 1.23.3 1.23.4 Crawler (caterpillar) crane Crane on wheels Truck- mounted crane (picker truck) Specific chassis crane Pneumatic wheel crane Short-base crane A self-propelled crane equipped with caterpillar tracks for re-location. A self-propelled crane equipped with wheels for re-location. A crane mounted on a serial production truck chassis. A crane mounted on a specific truck- type chassis. A crane mounted on a pneumatic wheel chassis. A crane mounted on a short-base chassis. 84 1.24 Track-riding crane A crane travelling on a rail track. Crane Classification on the Basis of the Drive Type 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 Manual crane Electric crane Mechanical crane Hydraulic crane A crane, with a hand drive for its gear. A crane, with a power drive for its gear. A crane, with a mechanical drive for its gear. A crane, with a hydraulic drive for its gear. Crane Classification on the Basis of the Rotation Degree 1.29 1.29.1 1.29.2 1.30 Rotary crane Partially rotating crane Full-rotating crane Non-rotating crane A crane that may swing (horizontally) its rotating part with a load against the supporting part. A rotary crane that may swing its rotating part from one limit position to another at an angle below 360 degrees. A rotary crane that may swing its rotating part from one limit position to another at an angle of 360 degrees and above. A crane that cannot swing a load (horizontally against the supporting part. Crane Classification on the Basis of the Manner of Support 1.31 1.32 Supporting crane Suspended crane An overhead travelling crane that is rested upon the ground crane track. An overhead travelling crane that is suspended on the lower flanges of the crane track. 85 2. PARAMETERS Loads 2.1 Effective lifting capacity A load, with the weight of m PL , lifted by the crane and suspended with the help of removable load gripping devices, or in the absence of such, suspended directly on stationary load gripping devices.If cranes are applied to lift gates at hydraulic power plants or lift loads from the water surface, effective lifting capacity may include efforts caused by water suction or cohesion due to suction. 2.2 2.3 2.4 Removable load gripping device Net load- lifting capacity Stationary load-gripping device Any equipment (with the weight of m NA ) connecting a load that conforms to the effective load-lifting capacity with the crane, and being neither a part of the crane nor the load.The removable load-gripping device is easily removed from the hoisting unit, and disconnected from the load. A load, with the weight of m NL lifted by a crane and suspended by way of stationary load-gripping devices. The weight of m NL is a summarised value of the load weight corresponding to the effective load-lifting capacity (m PL ), and removable load-gripping devices (m NA ): m NL = m PL + m NA Any equipment (with the weight of m FA ) to suspend a load that corresponds to the net load-lifting capacity, and which is permanently fastened to the lower end of the hoisting unit.Stationary load- gripping device form an integral part of the hoisting unit. Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 86 2.5. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Interim load- lifting capacity (on ropes) Lifting device Gross lifting capacity Load momentum: M = L x Q Tilting load momentum: M A = A x Q Design weight (G k ) A load with the weight of m HL , which is lifted by a crane and is suspended to the lower end of the hoisting unit. The m HL weight is a summarised value of the load weight corresponding to the effective load- lifting capacity (m PL ), removable load-gripping devices (m NA ), and stationary load-gripping devices (m FA ): m NL = m PL + m NA + m FA Ropes, chains or any other equipment, with the weight of m NM that hangs from the crane, load trolley or boom tip and is driven with a winch to lift or lower down a load suspended to the lower end of the lifting device. Lifting devices form a part of the hoisting unit. A load with the weight of m GL , which is suspended directly on the crane, load trolley or boom tip.The weight is a summarised value of the load weight corresponding to the effective load-lifting capacity (m PL ), removable and stationary load- gripping devices (m NA and m FA ), and the lifting device (m NM ): m GL = m PL + m NA + m FA + m NM The product of the crane radius value (L), multiplied by the corresponding lifting capacity (Q). The product of the radius from the tilt edge value (A), multiplied by the corresponding lifting capacity (Q). The crane weight without ballast and counterweight in non-serviced state, i.e. without fuel, oil, lubricants and Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 Refer to the Diagram in Section 2.1 87 2.11 2.12 Total weight (G) Load on a wheel (P) water.For boom cranes, the value is assumed as an assembly with the main boom and counterweight in a non- serviced state. A complete weight of a crane in the serviced state, with the ballast and counterweight. The value of the maximum vertical load transmitted by one running wheel onto the crane track or axel. Crane Linear Parameters 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 Crane radius (L) Radius from the tilt edge (A) Cantilever radius (l) Clearance (C) Rear clearance limit (г) Lifting height (H) A horizontal distance from the rotation axis of the rotating part to the vertical axis of the load-gripping part, without any load, while the crane is installed on a horizontal area. A horizontal distance from the tilt edge to the vertical axis of the load- gripping part, without any load, while the crane is installed on a horizontal area. The largest horizontal distance from the axis of the closest to the cantilever crane support to the axis of the load- gripping part located on the cantilever. The minimum horizontal distance from the crane rail axis to the vertical axis of the load-gripping part. The maximum radius of the crane rotary unit from the side opposite to the boom. A vertical distance from the level of the crane location site to the load- gripping part located in its uppermost position: -for hooks and forks, up to their seating surfaces; -for other load-gripping 88 2.19 2.20 2.21 Lowering depth (h) Lifting range (D) Crane track height (H Q ) devices, up to their lowest point (in the closed position). The lifting height of an overhead crane shall be measured from the floor surface.The lifting height shall be measured without a load, while the crane is installed on a horizontal area. A vertical distance from the level of the crane location site to the load- gripping part located in its lowest position: -for hooks and forks, down to their seating surfaces; -for other load-gripping devices, down to their lowest point (in the closed position). The lowering depth of an overhead crane shall be measured from the rail level.The lowering depth shall be measured without a load, while the crane is installed on a horizontal area. A vertical distance between the upper and lower operating positions of the load-gripping part (see Sections 2.18 and 2.19). Vertical distance from the floor (ground) level to the level of the crane track railheads. Operation Movement Speeds 2.22 2.23 2.24 Load lifting (lowering) speed (V n ) Landing speed (V m ) Rotation frequency (angle speed (w)) The speed of vertical load relocation under steady movement conditions. The minimum lowering speed of the maximum operating load during installation or laying down under steady movement conditions. The angle speed of the crane rotary part rotation under steady movement conditions.It is estimated at the largest radius with the operating load, while the crane is installed on a 89 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 Crane travelling speed (V k ) Trolley travelling speed (V t ) Radius alteration speed (V r ) Time of radius alteration Inspection speed Transportation speed (V o ) horizontal area, and the wind speed does not exceed 3 m/sec at the height of 10 m. Crane travelling speed under steady movement conditions.It is estimated while the crane is travelling with the operating load along the horizontal track, with the wind speed not exceeding 3 m/sec at the height of 10 m. The travelling speed of the load trolley under steady movement conditions.It is estimated while the trolley is travelling with the maximum operating load along the horizontal track, with the wind speed not exceeding 3 m/sec at the height of 10 m. The average speed of operational load horizontal relocations under steady movement conditions.It is estimated, when the radius is changed from the largest to the smallest value, while the crane is installed on a horizontal track, with the wind speed not exceeding 3 m/sec at the height of 10 m. The time required when changing the radius from the largest to the smallest value.It is estimated while the radius is changed under load equalling to the load-lifting capacity for the largest radius, and while the crane is installed on a horizontal track, with the wind speed not exceeding 3 m/sec at the height of 10 m. A low speed of the cable-type crane load trolley travelling under steady movement conditions used to inspect track cables and units of the crane. The highest speed of a crane movement in transportation position 90 2.31 Operating cycle time that is ensured by its own drive. The time required to carry out one established operating cycle. Parameters Related to the Crane Track 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 Crane location level Span (S) Track (K) Base (B) Outrigger base (B o ) Distance between outriggers (K c ) Track gradient The horizontal surface of the foundation or the surface of railheads, upon which the non-rotary part of the crane is supported.For cranes that have supports located at different heights, the location level is assessed on the basis of the lower crane support location. The horizontal distance between the crane track rail axes for overhead travelling cranes. The horizontal distance between the track rail axes or running gear wheels for boom-type cranes. For load trolleys, the distance between rail axes the trolley travels along. The distance between the crane support axes measured along its longitudinal centreline. The distance between the outrigger vertical axes measured along the longitudinal centreline of the crane. The distance between the outrigger vertical axes measured across the longitudinal centreline of the crane The gradient, on which crane operation is acceptable.The gradient is estimated utilising the ratio of i=h/B that corresponds to the difference of levels of two points located from each other at the distance of B, which equals to the crane base.The value of level difference is measured, when there is no load on that particular 91 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 Climbable gradient Supporting contour Curve radius (R k ) The smallest radius of the turn section of the track. A gradient (i=h/B) that a crane may overcome with its constant transportation speed. The contour formed by horizontal projections of the lines connecting vertical axes of the crane supporting components (wheels or outriggers). The smallest radius of the inner rail axis curve at a curved section of the track. The radius of a circumference circumscribed by the crane outer front wheel when changing the movement direction. General Parameters 2.43 2.44 2.45 2.46 Classification group (operating conditions) Clearance to obstructions Braking margin factor Characteristics Crane characteristics that account for its application on the basis of load- lifting capacity and time, as well as operation cycles. The area determined by safety requirements during the crane operation close to structures.The load gripping part only may go outside the clearance area during operations. The ratio of the momentum created by the brake to the maximum momentum at the brake shaft due to static loads applied: -the maximum operating load (for the lifting gear) -boom weight, counterweight, the maximum operating load, wind in the operating conditions (for the radius alteration unit) Load lifting characteristics of a self- 92 without outriggers propelled crane, when operating without outriggers installed. 3. BASIC NOTIONS Movements 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.5 3.6 3.7 Load lifting (lowering) Smooth landing of the load Boom lifting (lowering) Radius alteration Load horizontal movement Travelling of the crane Travelling of the load trolley Turn Vertical relocation of the load. Lowering of the load with the minimum speed while its installation or laying. Angle boom movement in the vertical plane. Movement of the load-gripping part by way of boom lifting, lowering or relocation, or by way of load trolley relocation. Alteration of the radius performed by lifting of the boom, when the load automatically moves along the curve, which is close to a horizontal line. Movement of the whole crane in the operating position. Movement of the load trolley along the overhead bridge, cable, boom or cantilever. An angle movement of the overhead travelling or boom-type crane rotary part in the horizontal plane. Crane Stability 3.8 3.9 Crane stability Load stability Capacity of the crane to withstand tilting forces. Capacity of the crane to withstand tilting forces, which are formed by load weight, inertia forces, wind load in the operating conditions, and other factors. 93 3.10 Inherent stability Capacity of the crane to withstand tilting forces in both operating (including without a load) and stand- by conditions. Testing 3.11 3.12 Static testing Dynamic testing Crane testing by way of static load application to the load-gripping unit. The load shall exceed the crane load- lifting capacity by X%. Crane testing by way of conducting routine operations under load.The load shall exceed the crane load- lifting capacity by Y%. 4. UNITS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Lifting gear Crane travelling gear Trolley or chain block travelling gear Radius alteration gear Rotation gear Boom extension gear Winch Chain block A drive unit to lift and lower loads. A drive unit to move the crane. A drive unit to move the trolley or chain block. A drive unit to change the radius by way of changing the angle of the boom and/or gooseneck incline. A drive unit to swing the rotary part of the crane in the horizontal plane. A drive unit to change the length of the crane boom. Gear, which traction force is transmitted by way of a flexible component (cable, rope) from the drive drum. Winch types: - drum-type - with cable driving pulleys - capstan winch. A load lifting gear assembled in one 94 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 Running gear Portal Equalising trolley Bridge Load trolley (carrier) Support- turning table (unit) Turning platform Tower Column Boom housing with the drive. The crane base to install the rotary platform or tower that includes a drive unit to move the crane. A structure that has an elevated running frame supported with the help of posts, or resting directly on the crane track. A supporting structure equipped with wheels or rollers, and provided with a hinged joint to equalise load transmission to wheels or rollers. A bearing structure of overhead travelling cranes designed to provide travelling of a load trolley, or a structure between supports of a gantry or semi-gantry crane. A structure designed to move suspended loads. A unit to transmit loads (load momentum, vertical and horizontal forces) from the rotary part of the crane to the non-rotating one, and to rotate the rotary part.The unit may also include the gear to rotate the table. A turning crane structure to locate gear units. A vertical crane structure that supports the boom and/or turning platform and provides the required elevation to locate the boom support. A vertical structure that supports the turning boom with the operating load and provides the required elevation for load lifting. A crane structure that provides the required radius and/or elevation to lift 95 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 Tower and boom equipment Swinging mounting Stable mounting Counterweight Ballast Brake Block (cable) Equalising block Cable guiding sheave Polyspast (block and tackle) Duplex polyspast Hook the load-gripping device. Removable equipment of a boom self- propelled crane that consists of a tower, boom with or without a gooseneck, and required devices. A cable crane support that can change the angle to the horizontal line as forces change in bearing cables. A cable crane support that cannot change the angle to the horizontal line as forces change in bearing cables. Loads adjusted to the counterweight cantilever or turning platform to balance weights of operating loads and/or separate crane parts during operations. A load adjusted to the frame or portal to provide stability of the crane. A device designed to lower the speed of movement or to stop and/or keep the gear motionless. A rotating component with one or several grooves to guide cables. A block that serves to equalise loads in two cable branches. A rotating cable sheave with grooves (a groove) that serves to drive one or several cable branches by way of friction forces occurring between the sheave and cable. A block and cable system that serves to change the force and speed of cable movements. A polyspast, with both cable ends fixed on one or two drums. A system of blocks located on a 96 4.31 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.34.1 4.34.2 4.34.3 4.34.4 4.35 4.36 suspension Load-gripping part Cinematically non-releasing link Outrigger Ladder Boarding ladder Inclined ladder Vertical ladder Rigging ladder Gallery Catwalk frame, which is equipped with a hook. A unit (hook, clamshell, electric magnet, fork, etc.) to grip and move loads. A mechanical link between the engine and the drum that is implemented by way of: direct connection of the engine with the reducer, and the reducer with the drum utilising non-releasing couplings, with the help of the gear shift mechanism (in the case, when no spontaneous starting or declutching of the mechanism is possible, or unless no normally closed brake is engaged). A device designed to enlarge the crane support contour in the operating conditions. A structure including a row of steps to climb up. A ladder providing access to the crane, with the gradient to the horizontal plane up to 60° inclusive. A ladder, with the gradient to the horizontal plane being from 60° to 75° inclusive. A ladder, with the gradient to the horizontal plane above 75°. A simplified structure, without railing, designed for workers admitted to work at elevated locations (steeplejacks), or to be used in case of emergency. A long narrow structure with horizontal flooring, which is designed to provide free passage. A structure in the form of a bridge, with horizontal or inclined flooring, 97 4.37 Platform whish is designed to provide passage during crane servicing or maintenance. A horizontal surface designed to locate a person during crane servicing or maintenance. 5. LIMITERS AND INDICATORS Load and Movement Limiters and Indicators 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 Limiter Crane function limiter Load limiter Load-lifting capacity limiter Load momentum limiter Bumper Limit stops Operating movement limiter Lifting elevation limiter Lowering elevation limiter A device that shall cause a stop, limit movements or functions of the crane. The majority of such devices actuate automatically, when the appropriate movement or function reach their threshold conditions. A limiter that causes a stop to or limits operational functions of a crane. - - - A device to mitigate impacts. - a limiter that causes a stop to and/or limits specified movements of the crane. - - 98 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 Rotation limiter Travelling limiter Trolley travelling limiter Boom pitch limiter Indicator Operating parameter indicator Load indicator Lifting capacity indicator Load momentum indicator Movement indicator Radius indicator Boom pitch indicator - - - - A device that provides visual and/or sound information to the crane operator for proper crane operation. A device that provides visual and/or sound information about operating parameter values to the crane operator - - - - - - Function Limiters and Indicators 5.9 5.9.1 Function limiter Bridge tilt distortion limiter - 99 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.9.4 5.9.5 5.9.6 5.9.7 5.9.8 5.9.9 5.10 5.10.1 5.10.2 5.10.3 5.10.4 Cable winding limiter Cable unwinding limiter Rotation frequency limiter Lifting (lowering) speed limiter Travelling speed limiter Trolley travelling speed limiter Safety valve (in hydraulic systems) Anticreep grapple Function indicator Bridge tilt distortion indicator Crane tilt angle indicator Drum rotation indicator Cable slack indicator - - - - - - - A device to prevent the crane from travelling along the rail track, when impacted by wind in stand-by conditions. 100 6. TYPES OF WORK, ORGANISATIONS AND PERSONS RELATED TO CRANES 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Regulatory documentation (standards, specifications) Maintenance (overhaul) Reconstruction Compliance certification (certification) Specialised organisation (company) for cranes Documents containing safety requirements (approved by the Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor), regulations, general principles, and characteristics related to particular types of operations or their results, and available to a wide range of customers (users). Restoration of damaged, worn out or becoming worthless for any other reason crane units, and bringing the crane to serviceable conditions. Changing of the crane design, which leads to the requirement of entering changes into its certificate (e.g., changing of the drive type, boom length, tower height, lifting capacity, and stability), crane alteration and other modifications that cause redistribution and alteration of loads. Confirmation of hoisting equipment or production compliance with the requirements of domestic and/or international regulatory documents, which is conducted by an independent organisation. An organisation (company) that has a permit (license) issued by the Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor (GGTN) (on the basis of a resolution by a Head Organisation as related to design work) to carry out the following: - full-scale or partial designing in relation to crane fabrication, overhaul and/or reconstruction; - crane fabrication, assemblage, overhaul, reconstruction, and/or adjustment of safety devices; - crane operation; - inspection of cranes with overdue 101 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 Head Crane Fabrication Organisation Engineering Centre for Safety (Engineering Centre) Certification Body Crane Operator Operating personnel Crane owner service period. An organisation authorised by the Republic of Kazakhstan GGTN to: - carry out research on safe hoisting equipment operation; - implement full-scalefunctions of a specialised organisation; - develop regulatory documents in relation to hoisting equipment; - perform expert analyses of newly developed and upgraded cranes (prior to acceptance testing); - participate in acceptance testing of hoisting equipment; - participate in certification of hoisting equipment and producing companies; - perform expert analyses of hoisting equipment, including imported units; - inspect hoisting equipment, including units with expired service life periods. An organisation authorised by the Republic of Kazakhstan GGTN to carry out work related to practical assistance to organisations, companies, and individuals in the field of safety provision during hoisting equipment operation, maintenance and overhaul. A company authorised by the Republic of Kazakhstan GGTN to arrange and carry out certification of hoisting equipment and its production, and issue compliance certificates. A person permitted to operate a crane and performing his/her duties. Persons operating a crane that is controlled from the floor, or operating a crane with automatic control system. A company, association, partnership, or other organisations, irrespective of their ownership, that have the hoisting 102 equipment on their balance sheets, or co-operators, farmers, or other individuals having hoisting equipment as their property, as well as lessees that undertake functions of crane owners on in accordance with a contract. 103 APPENDIX 2 (to Section 1.4) LIST of Regulatory Documents to be Applicable for Hoisting Equipment Designing, Fabrication, Maintenance and Operation GOST 2.601-68ESKD. Operation Documents. GOST 12.1.013-78SSBT. Construction. Electrical Safety. General Requirements. GOST 12.27058-81Safety. Cranes. Colour Indication of Hazardous Parts. GOST 12.3.009-76SSBT. Load Handling Work. General Safety Requirements. GOST 12.4.026-76SSBT. Colour Signals and Safety Signs. GOST 15.001-73Product Development and to Putting in Production. GOST 15.001-88Product Development and to Putting in Production System.Industrial Purpose Products. GOST 191-82Lifting Leaf Chain. Specification. GOST 228-79Chain Cable, with Spacers.General Specification. GOST 483-75Hemp Ropes.Specification. GOST 1088-71Sisal Ropes.Specification. GOST 1412-85Cast Iron, with Lamellate Graphite for Moulding. GOST 1451-77Cranes.Wind Loads.Standards and Determination Methods. GOST 1575-87Cranes.Series of Basic Parameters. GOST 2105-75Forged and Extruded Hooks.Specification. GOST 2688-80Double Spin Rope, of the LK-R Type, Design 6x19 (1+6+6/6)+1.Assortment. GOST 3241-80Steel Cables.Specification. GOST 6619-75Leaf Hooks, Single- and Double-Armed.Specification. GOST 6627-74Single-Armed Hooks.Rough Workpieces.Types. Design and Sizes. GOST 6628-73Double-Armed Hooks.Rough Workpieces.Types. Design and Sizes. GOST 7512-82Non-Destructive Testing.Welded Joints.Radiographic Method. GOST 7665-80Double Spin Rope, of the LK-3 Type, Design 6x25 (1+6; 6+12)+1.Assortment. GOST 7667-80Double Spin Rope, of the LK-3 Type, Design 6x25 (1+6; 6+12)+7x7(1+6).Assortment. GOST 7668-80Double Spin Rope, of the LK-RO Type, Design 6x36 (1+7+7/7+14)+1.Assortment. GOST 7669-80Double Spin Rope, of the LK-RO Type, Design 6x36 (1+7+7/7+14)+7x7(1+6).Assortment. GOST 12840-80Safety Locks for Single-Armed Hooks.Types and Sizes. GOST13556-91Tower Cranes for Construction.General Specification. GOST 14782-86Non-Destructive Testing.Welded Joints.Ultrasonic Methods. 104 GOST 15150-69Machines, Instruments and other Industrial Purpose Products.Design for Various Climatic Regions. Categories, Storage and Transportation Conditions in Relation to Impacts of Ambient Weather Conditions. GOST 16765-87Boom Self-Propelled Cranes, General Purpose. Acceptance and Testing Methods. GOST 18899-73Steel Cables.Enclosed Bearing Cables.Specification. GOST 22045-89Overhead Travelling Cranes, Electric, Single Support Beam.Specification. GOST 22827-85Boom Self-Propelled Cranes, General Purpose. Specification. GOST 22584-88Electric Cable Block and Tackle.Specification. GOST 24599-87Cable Clamshells for Bulk Loads.General Specification. GOST 25546-82Cranes.Operating Conditions. GOST 25573-82Cable Load Slings for Construction. GOST 25835-83Cranes.Unit Classification on the Basis of Operating Conditions. GOST 27584-88Electric Overhead Travelling and Gantry Cranes.General Specification. GOST 27913-88ISO 7752/1.Cranes.Control Units.Locations and Characteristics.Part 1. General Principles. GOST 27914-88ISO 8087-85. Self-Propelled Cranes. Dimensions of Drums and Blocks. GOST 27555-87ISO 4306/1-85. Cranes.Terminology and Definitions. GOST 27551-87ISO 7752/2-85.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes.Control Units.General Requirements. GOST 27552-87ISO 4306/1-85.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Terminology and Definitions. GOST 27553-87ISO 4301/2-85.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Classification on the Basis of Operating Conditions. GOST 28609-90Cranes.Basic Provisions for Modelling. GOST 28648-90Crane Wheels.Specification. GOST 29266-92ISO 9373-89.Cranes.Requirements for Accuracy of Parameter Measurements while Testing. ISO 2408Steel Wire Ropes of General Purpose.Characteristics. ISO 4301/1Cranes.Classification. ISO 4306/1Hoisting Equipment.Glossary. ISO 4308/1Load Lifting Cranes.Wire Rope Selection. ISO 4308/2Load Lifting Cranes.Steel Cable Selection.Part 2.Self- Propelled Boom Cranes.Usage Ratio. ISO 4309Cranes.Wire Ropes.Standards and Regulations for Inspection and Discarding. ISO 4310Cranes.Testing Regulations and Methods. ISO 7363-86Cranes and Hoisting Devices.Specifications and Acceptance Documents.Power Unit Design Regulations. Consumer Power Unit Operation Regulations.Safety Regulations for Consumer Power Unit Operation.Traffic Rules. 105 SNiP 2.01.01-82Construction Climatology and Geophysics. SNiP II—7-81Design Standards.Construction in Seismic Regions. SNiP III-4-80Safety in Construction. SNiP 3.08.01Mechanisation in Construction Industry.Rail Tracks of Tower Cranes. OST 34-62-81Load Lifting Equipment. General Requirements. OST 22-115-70Blocks for Steel Cables. OST 24.090.63-87Load Lifting and Transportation Equipment. Requirements for Fabrication of Welded Steel Structures. OST 24.090.85-88Electric Drives of Load Lifting Cranes.Calculation Standards. RD 22-25-79Self-Propelled Boom Cranes of General Purpose. Guidelines for Certificate Preparation. RD 22-145-85Self-Propelled Boom Cranes.Standards for Calculation of Stability against Tilting. RD 22-166-86Tower Cranes for Construction.Calculation Standards. RD 22-205-88Ultrasonic Flaw Detection of Welded Joints in Cranes. RD 22-207-88Load-Lifting Equipment.General Requirements and Standards for Production. RD 22-317-91Temporary Regulatory Documents for Polyamide Application to Fabricate Blocks. RD 22-318-91Tower Cranes.Methodological Directives for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life Period. RD 22-319-92Self-Propelled Boom Cranes of General Purpose. Methodological Directives for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life Period Conditions. RD 24.090.52-90Load Lifting and Transportation Equipment.Materials for Welded Steel Structures. RD 24.090.90-89Hoisting Equipment.Basic Requirements for Technical Documents for Reconstruction. RD 24.090.91-89Hoisting Equipment.Basic Requirements for Reconstruction for Further Application in Fire Hazardous Areas. TP RD 24.090.95-89Hoisting Equipment for Explosive Areas.Basic Requirements for Designing. TP RD 24.090.96-89Hoisting Equipment for Fire Hazardous Areas.Basic Requirements for Designing. RD 24.225.03-90Self-Propelled Boom Cranes.Steel Structures. Calculation Standards. MU 34.22.2002-92Methodological Directives for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life Period to Assess the Potential of their Further Operation.Methodological Directives for Inspection of Cranes, with the Purpose to Assess the Potential of their Further Operation.The Fourth Issue, Revised and Supplemented.Guidelines for Incoming Control of Metal Quality for Crane Overhaul, Fabrication and Reconstruction. 106 APPENDIX 3 (to Section 2.1) LIST of Head Organisations in Crane Production Organisation Description Equipment AssortmentOrganisation Address KazsteelconstructionCranes of overhead travelling and cable types, portal, cantilever, railway cranes, telphers.Specific installation cranes.Tower cranes, timber loading cranes, movable and derrick pole cranes, , boom cranes on rail tracks. (illegiblein the original) Dzhandosov St., 480070 Almaty. 107 APPENDIX 4 (to Section 2.24) ESTIMATION OF TENSION IN A SLING STRING A load with the weight of Q is suspended on a hook by way of a sling rope or chain with n strings that are inclined to the vertical line at the angle of o. When the load weight (Q t) is known, the tension of S (kN) occurring in each string shall be calculated in accordance with the following equation: S = 10Q__ = M 10Q__ ncoso n where the M factor at o = 0, 30 and 45° will be equal to 1, 1.15 and 1.42 accordingly. 108 APPENDIX 5 (to Section 3.22) CRANE CERTIFICATE FORM A Certificate shall be issued with a hard cover on sheets of the 210x297 mm format.A certificate published at a printing-house shall have the format of 218x290 mm. Certificate Cover ______________________________________________________________________ (Crane Description) ______________________________________________________________________ (Crane Index) CERTIFICATE* ______________________________________________________________________ (Certificate Description) * This Certificate is a specimen to serve as the basis for producers to develop their own Certificates accounting for the types of cranes they produce in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Head Organisation, and to select from the list contained in the specimen only the data that refer to the particular type of crane to be included in their Certificates.If required, a Certificate may include additional data, which will characterise the specific character of a produced crane.The Certificate shall be prepared in Russian. Front Page The crane is liable to registration with Gosgortechnadzor Bodies prior to its putting into operation (the caption shall be included for cranes liable for registration only). The place for the producer’s trademark (logotype). ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (Company Name) ______________________________________________________________________ (Crane Type and Description) ______________________________________________________________________ (Crane Index) CERTIFICATE ______________________________________________________________________ (Certificate Description) ______________________________________________________________________ (Registration Number) 109 If the crane is transferred to another owner or leased with transference of the owner’s functions, this Certificate shall be handed over together with the crane. Front Page Reverse Side 1.The owner of the crane or organisation (a company, co-operative, joint stock company, partnership or individual) that rents the crane with the owner’s functions shall permanently keep this Certificate. 2.A permit for crane operation shall be obtained in accordance with the procedure provided by the Crane Design and Safe Operation Regulations. 3.A list of permits issued by Gosgortechnadzor for deviations from the Regulations (copies) shall be attached to the Certificate. 4._____________________________________________________________ (other details for the crane owner ______________________________________________________________ to pay special attention to) ______________________________________________________________ Page 1 Page for the drawing of the crane general view in the operating position, and with the basic sizes identified. Format 210x297 (218x290) mm. Page 2 Permit (License) for production No. __________ of _______________ (Date) ______________________________________________________________________ (The title and address of the Gosgortechnadzor Body ______________________________________________________________________ that has issued the permit ______________________________________________________________________ for the crane production) ______________________________________________________________________ 1. General Information 1.1The Crane producer’s title and address ________________________________ 1.2The crane type ___________________________________________________ 1.3The crane index __________________________________________________ 1.4Serial number ____________________________________________________ 1.5Year of production ________________________________________________ 110 1.6The purpose of the crane ____________________________________________ 1.7Crane classification (conditions) group _________________________________ 1.7.1Unit classification (conditions) groups _________________________________ Main lifting ______________________________________________________ Auxiliary lifting ___________________________________________________ Radius alteration __________________________________________________ Crane travelling ___________________________________________________ Trolley travelling __________________________________________________ Turning __________________________________________________________ 1.8Drive type _______________________________________________________ (for self-propelled boom cranes, the type of locomotion gear drive, and the drive type of the gear located on the turning platform shall be identified) 1.9Ambient conditions of the environment, in which the crane may be operated: The highestabove 0 Temperature ___________________________ °C _______________________ The lowestbelow 0 Relative air humidity _______________________________________________ Explosion hazard __________________________________________________ Fire hazard _______________________________________________________ Other features of the environment as required ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1.10Permissible wind speed, m/sec.: For operating conditions (accounting for wind gusts) corresponding to the action threshold of the wind indicator (anemometer) installed on the crane __________ For operating conditions of a crane, which is not equipped with a wind indicator (anemometer), at the height of 10 metres _______________________________ For stand-by conditions of the crane, at the height of 10 metres ______________ ________________________________________________________________ (For modular cranes, data for particular combinations ________________________________________________________________ shall be indicated) 1.11A permissible gradient of the area, on which a self-propelled boom crane may be installed, % (degrees): When operating with outriggers ______________________________________ When operating without outriggers ____________________________________ 1.12Requirements for the site, where crane relocation with a load may be permitted: Ground pressure (specific), Pa (kg-force/cm 2 ) ___________________________ Gradient, % (degrees) ______________________________________________ 1.13Limitation of simultaneous performance of operations _____________________ 1.14Type of electric current, voltage, and the number of phases Power circuit _____________________________________________________ Operational lighting circuit __________________________________________ Maintenance lighting circuit _________________________________________ 1.15Basic engineering requirements, regulations and guidelines of Gosgortechnadzor, International and National standards, in accordance with which the crane has been manufactured (code and description) ______________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 111 2. Basic Specifications of the Crane 2.1Basic crane specifications - : Maximum lifting capacity for the main lifting, t (tonnes) ___________________ Maximum lifting capacity for the auxiliary lifting, t _______________________ Load lifting capacity at the maximum radius, t ___________________________ Maximum load momentum, t x m _____________________________________ Maximum lifting height, m __________________________________________ Lifting height at the maximum radius, m _______________________________ Lowering elevation, maximum, m ____________________________________ Maximum radius, m _______________________________________________ Radius at the maximum load lifting capacity ____________________________ Minimum radius, m ________________________________________________ Crane span, m ____________________________________________________ Cantilever radius, m ________________________________________________ 2.2Load-lifting and height characteristics (to be compiled for any operating condition combinations and crane designs, at which its operation is envisaged). Load-lifting characteristics: Tables, diagrams and graphs of the crane load-lifting characteristics. Height characteristics: Tables, diagrams and graphs of load-lifting elevations. 2.2.1The maximum weight of a load, for which a boom section may be extended, tonnes (the boom design shall be indicated – telescopic, telescopic with an extension, with mechanical extension; and also operation with or without outriggers shall be noted) ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2.2.2The maximum weight of a load, for which relocation of a self-propelled boom crane may be admitted, tonnes (the site condition, speed of movement, and the boom position versus the relocation axis shall be indicated) _________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2.3Crane geometrical parameters: Base, m __________________________________________________________ Outrigger base, m __________________________________________________ Track, m _________________________________________________________ Rear dimensions, m ________________________________________________ (to be indicated with advanced and retracted counterweight) Turning radius, m __________________________________________________ The smallest radius of the inner rail axis curve at a curved section of the track, m ________________________________________________________________ - Data for particular combinations shall be indicated for modular cranes, data for the main boom shall be given for self-propelled boom cranes. 112 Crane diagram and tables showing values of the basic crane dimensions and parameters of its manoeuvring - 2.4Speed ___________________________________________________________ (For units with several speeds, all the values or the range of their changes shall be indicated) Load Lifting, Lowering and Landing Speeds, m/sec. (m/min) Polyspast Multiplicity Main Lifting SpeedAuxiliary Lifting Speed RatedIncreased -- LandingRatedIncreased**Landing Locomotion speed, m/sec (m/min or km/hr): Of the crane with a load on its hook ___________________________________ Of the crane without load (operating) __________________________________ (The whole range of speeds shall be indicated from the minimum to the maximum) Of the crane transportation (trailed by a tractor) __________________________ Of the boom section extension/retraction _______________________________ Radius alteration (average) __________________________________________ Rotation frequency, rad./sec. (rev/min) _________________________________ (To be indicated for any design of operating equipment) 2.5Time for complete radius change (for the main boom): From the maximum to the minimum, sec. (min) _________________________ From the minimum to the maximum, sec. (min) _________________________ 2.6Turning angle, rad (degrees) _________________________________________ 2.7Climbable road gradient, rad (degrees) _________________________________ (Values for any transportation options or their range shall be indicated) 2.8Control location: During operation __________________________________________________ During assemblage and testing _______________________________________ During a self-propelled boom crane locomotion __________________________ In operating conditions _____________________________________________ In transportation conditions __________________________________________ For outriggers _____________________________________________________ 2.9Control method (methods of control shall be indicated): Mechanical, electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, etc. as related to a particular unit (gear) or a group of units ____________________________________________ 2.10Power supply to the crane and units ___________________________________ 2.11Stability characteristics _____________________________________________ - Shall be mandatory for self-propelled boom cranes. -- Conditions, at which operation with increased speed is permitted (or provided), shall be indicated. 113 Load Momentum, kN x M (t x m)Stability with Load Inherent Stability Holding Momentum, M h --- (with the radius of), m Tilting Momentum, M t *** (with the radius of), m 2.12Weight of the crane and its main parts, tonnes: The design weight (to be indicated together with the main boom for a self- propelled boom crane) ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ The total weight of the crane (to be indicated together with the main boom and in a fully serviced state for a self-propelled boom crane) ___________________ Counterweight ____________________________________________________ Ballast weight ____________________________________________________ Weight of the main assembly parts of the crane that are transported separately ________________________________________________________________ Weight of the crane in the transported condition __________________________ 2.13Design load of the running wheel on the rail, kN (t/sec) ____________________ 2.14Load of the chassis axels on the base in transported conditions Crane DesignLoad, kN (t/sec) Total \Front axelRear axel 2.15Average specific ground pressure, Pa (for caterpillar cranes) ________________ 2.16Other data as required (e.g., data related to metal, ballast drawings, etc.) ______ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Specifications and Characteristics of Assemblies and Parts 3.1Engines of power units and gear ______________________________________ 3.1.1Internal combustion engines (parameter values at the sea level): _____________ ________________________________________________________________ Purpose __________________________________________________________ Type and symbolic notation __________________________________________ Rated capacity, kW (HP) ____________________________________________ Rotation frequency, rad/sec (rev/min) __________________________________ Maximum torque, N x m (kg-force x m) ________________________________ Rotation frequency, rad/sec (rev/min) __________________________________ Specific fuel consumption, g/kW/hr ___________________________________ Start-up device, type and symbolic notation _____________________________ Capacity, kW (HP) _________________________________________________ Air filter, type ____________________________________________________ Capacity of the fuel tank, litres _______________________________________ --- Momentum values shall be indicated, which characterize inherent stability and that under load for operating equipment and at the boom position (radius) of M, when the ratio of momentums is closest to one. 114 Batteries: Type and symbolic notation __________________________________________ Voltage, V _________________________________________________ Rated capacity, u ____________________________________________ Quantity ___________________________________________________ Specific power consumption for an hour of the crane operation, kW-hr/hr _____ Type of engine connection to transmission: Type ______________________________________________________ Notation ___________________________________________________ Service meter, notation _____________________________________________ 3.1.2Generators and power engines Parameters Electric Engine of a Power Unit Generators Electric Engine of a Gear Drive Purpose (the gear, the engine is installed for) Type and symbolic notation Type of current Voltage, V Rated current, A Frequency, Hz Rated power, kW Rotation frequency, rad/sec (rev/min), % per 10 minutes Protection level in accordance with GOST 17494 Type of engine connection to transmission – the type description and notation. 3.1.3Cumulative rated power of the electric engine, kW _______________________ 3.1.4Hydraulic pumps and hydraulic monitors ParametersHydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Monitors Purpose Quantity Type and symbolic notation Limit momentum (for hydraulic monitors) Rated consumed power, kW (for hydraulic pumps) Rated pressure of the operating medium – discharge pressure, Pa (kg-force/cm 2 ) Rated capacity (flow rate), litre/min Rotation frequency, rad/sec (rev/min) Direction of rotation 115 3.1.5Hydraulic cylinders: Purpose __________________________________________________________ Quantity _________________________________________________________ Type and symbolic notation __________________________________________ Cylinder diameter, mm _____________________________________________ Piston stroke, m ___________________________________________________ Rated pressure of the operating medium – discharge pressure, Pa (kg-force/cm 2 ) ________________________________________________________________ Liquid type _______________________________________________________ 3.2Diagrams ________________________________________________________ 3.2.1Wiring schematic diagram ___________________________________________ Room for the diagram List of power equipment components LegendDescription and Brief Specification TypeQty.Notes Wiring drawings Room for the wiring drawing 3.2.2Schematic diagram for hydraulics Room for the schematic diagram 3.2.3Schematic diagram for pneumatics Room for the schematic diagram 3.2.4Cinematic diagram (the cinematic diagram shall include the diagram of bearing installation, and their list shall be attached as a specification to the diagram). Room for the diagram Characteristics of tooth gear Position on the Diagram No. Notation on the Drawing Part Description Module, mm Number of Teeth Material, Type Thermal Treatment (teeth hardness) Characteristics of Chain Gear Sprockets 116 Position on the Diagram No. Standard No., or Notation on the Drawing DescriptionSpacing, mm Number of Teeth MaterialThermal Treatment (teeth hardness) Reducer characteristics Position on the Diagram No. Description, TypeNotation on the Drawing Transmission Ratio Brake characteristics: The unit, where the brake is installed ________________________________________ Number of brakes ________________________________________________________ The type and system (automatic, controlled, normally open or closed, block brake, disk brake, etc.) _____________________________________________________________ Brake pulley of the disk diameter, mm _______________________________________ Braking margin factor of: The load winch __________________________________________________________ The boom winch ________________________________________________________ Brake drive: Type __________________________________________________________________ Effort, N _______________________________________________________________ Effector stroke, mm ______________________________________________________ Unit braking distance _____________________________________________________ 3.2.5Reeving diagrams and characteristics of ropes and chains (reeving diagrams for load polyspasts of the main and auxiliary lifting, boom, gooseneck, etc. lifting polyspasts; the diagrams shall indicate sizes of drums and blocks, and also methods of cables and chains fastening) Room for diagrams Cable characteristics (to be filled in on the basis of certificates provided by the cable producers): Cable purpose (main or auxiliary lifting, boom, etc.) ______________________ Cable design and standard notation ____________________________________ Diameter, mm ____________________________________________________ Length, m ________________________________________________________ Temporary resistance of wires to break-up, N/mm 2 _______________________ General strength of the cable, N ______________________________________ Design tension of the cable, N ________________________________________ Utilization factor (strength margin factor): Designed ________________________________________________________ Standard _________________________________________________________ Wire surface coating (in accordance with GOST) _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 117 Chain characteristics (to be filled in on the basis of certificates provided by the chain producers): Chain purpose and notation on the diagram _____________________________ Chain design and standard notation ____________________________________ Link diameter (calibre), or roller diameter, mm __________________________ Chain spacing, mm ________________________________________________ Chain length, m ___________________________________________________ Strength of the chain, kN ____________________________________________ Design tension, kN _________________________________________________ Strength margin factor: Designed ________________________________________________________ Standard _________________________________________________________ 3.3Load-gripping devices (to be filled in on the basis of the certificate provided by the load-gripping device producer) 3.3.1Hooks: Design __________________________________________________________ Type (single-armed, double-armed, forged, leaf, etc.) ________________________________________________________________ Rough workpiece of the hook according to the Standard and Standard notation ________________________________________________________________ Rated load-lifting capacity, t _________________________________________ Serial No. (Certificate, year of production) ______________________________ Crane producer’s QC Department stamp ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3.3.2Clamshells: Type ____________________________________________________________ Bucket capacity, m 3 ________________________________________________ Type of materials to be handled with the clamshell, and their maximum bulk weight, kN/ m 3 ____________________________________________________ Clamshell weight, t ________________________________________________ Weight of material scooped by the clamshell, t ___________________________ Serial No. ________________________________________________________ Producer’s QC Department stamp _____________________________________ 3.3.3Electric magnets: Type ____________________________________________________________ Power, kW _______________________________________________________ Feed current: Type of current ____________________________________________________ Voltage, V _______________________________________________________ Weight of the electric magnet, t _______________________________________ Lifting force, kN __________________________________________________ When lifting the following materials: Shavings ________________________________________________________ Scrap metal ______________________________________________________ Cast iron ingots ___________________________________________________ Maximum temperature of handled load, °C ______________________________ Serial No. ________________________________________________________ 118 Producer’s QC Department stamp _____________________________________ 3.3.4Other load-gripping devices (spreaders, automatic grapples, etc.). 3.4Instruments, safety devices and alarm systems.Protection devices. 3.4.1Limit switches - Type – lever, spindle, etc. switch (wiring diagram) Gear, the limit switch is functionally related to (installation location) Distance from the crane gripping devices, and the trolley to the limit at the time the engine is shut down (m, degrees, revolutions, etc.) InterlinkQuantity Position No. on the schematic wiring diagram 3.4.2Load lifting limiter: Gear shut down with the limiter ______________________________________ Notation (type, modification, and the serial No.) _________________________ ________________________________________________________________ System __________________________________________________________ Maximum overload, at which the limiter actuates, % ______________________ Availability of sound and light warning signals __________________________ Overload, at which warning signals actuate______________________________ 3.4.3Safety contacts Installation location (the cabin, remote control panel, etc.) TypePurposePosition No. on the schematic wiring diagram 3.4.4Arresters and bumpers: Units ____________________________________________________________ Design (rigid, spring, hydraulic, etc.) __________________________________ Maximum stroke, mm (for spring, hydraulic, etc. bumpers) _________________ 3.4.5Other safety devices DescriptionType, type of drivePurpose Anemometer (wind indicator) Anticreep devices Parking brake Arresters of caterpillar trolleys - For self-propelled boom cranes, the table shall be compiled accounting for all types and designs of operating equipment supplied with the crane. 119 Tilting limiter of a gantry crane Other safety devices 3.4.6Indicators DescriptionTypePurpose Load-lifting capacity and radius indicator Crane tilt indicator Load on the crane gripping device indicator Other information purpose indicators 3.4.7Signalling and communication devices DescriptionType, notation, and system of the device Purpose, actuation conditions Radio station Alarm signal of hazardous overhead power line (under voltage) approach Sound signal Overall size light signals Other devices 3.5Cabins Location _________________________________________________________ Purpose __________________________________________________________ Type, design solution ________________________________________________________________ (open, enclosed, etc.) Number of seats ___________________________________________________ Type and characteristics of glass ______________________________________ Insulation characteristics (thermal, acoustic, etc.) _________________________ Characteristics of systems applied to establish micro-climate in the cabin (ventilation, hating, air conditioning, etc.) _______________________________ Other equipment (screen wipers, fire extinguishes, etc.) ____________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3.6Data related to the metal utilised in the main structures of the crane (to be filled in on the basis of certificates provided by material vendors) Unit and component descriptions and notations Type and thickness of rolled metal, standard Material type, category, group, and strength class Standard for the material type Certificate No. 120 4. Acceptance Statement (Certificate) The crane ______________________________________________________________ (description, type, index, design) Serial No. ______________________________________________________________ has been fabricated in compliance with engineering standards _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ The crane has passed testing in accordance with the programme __________________, and has been accepted as fit for operation with the parameters stated in the Crane Certificate - _____________________________________________________________ Warranted service life is ________________________________ months Service life at 1.5-shift operation in the Certificate specified conditions shall be ______ years. Resources till the first overhaul shall make up ________ motor-hours. ____________________________ Signature Chief Engineer Stampof the Company ___________________________________________________ DateSignature Head of the QA/QC Department 5. Documentation to be Supplied by the Producer 5.1Documents to be included into the Crane Certificate: a)A diagram of ballast and counterweight installation, with weight allowance and plate gravity centres disconnection, warning painting and lettering on plates to be stated therein; b)Ballast and counterweight drawings. 5.2Documents to be supplied with the Crane Certificate: a)A Certificate (guidelines) of the load lifting (load momentum) limiter, and a diagram of its operation; b)A Certificate of the automobile chassis; c)A Certificate of the internal combustion engine; d)A Certificate (guidelines) of safety instruments and devices. e)A crane operation manual; f)Guidelines for rail track construction; g)A set of drawings for wearing out parts; h)A bill of spare parts, tools and appliances; - To be filled in for the cases, when the producer ships a crane in an assembled state, or if the plant performs a complete assemblage of the crane. 121 i)A set of wiring diagrams (as required); j)Other documents (as required) Information of the crane location* Name of the company (organisation) owning the crane, or the name and initials of an individual owner Crane location (owner’s address) Date of installation (delivery) ___________________________ * At least 2 pages Information about assignment of engineering and technical staff to be responsible for crane safe and serviceable conditions* No. and Date of the Assignment Memorandum, or a Contract with the Company Person’s Name PositionCertificate No. and Validity Period Signature ___________________________ * At least 5 pages Information about steel structure overhauls and replacements of units, and load-gripping device cables* DateDetails of the Overhaul and Crane Component Replacement Character Details of the Crane Acceptance after the Overhaul (date, document No.) Signature of the Engineer Responsible for the Crane Safe and Serviceable Conditions ___________________________ * At least 5 pages Note: Documents certifying quality of newly installed units, cables and other crane components, as well as applied materials (rolled metal, welding rods and wire, etc.), and also the conclusion of welding quality shall be kept with the Crane Certificate. Records of technical inspection results* Inspection DateInspection ResultsTime of the Next Inspection (complete and partial) ___________________________ * At least 32 pages 122 Note: Results of a specific crane inspection, when it has operated through its designed service life period (technological lifespan), shall be also included herein. Registration (a separate page) The crane has been registered with the No. of __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (State the registering body) The Certificate contains ____ numbered pages and totally ______ stringed sheets, including drawings on ______ sheets. Stamp________________________ (Signature and position) ______________________________________________ Date(Name and initials of the registering person) 123 APPENDIX 6 (to Section 3.22) CHAIN BLOCK CERTIFICATE FORM Producer’s Trade Mark (Logotype)A Certificate shall be issued with a hard cover on sheets of the 210x297 mm format.A certificate published at a printing-house may have the format of 145x218 mm. Certificate Cover CERTIFICATE* ______________________________________________________________________ (Chain Block Description) ______________________________________________________________________ (Chain Block Notation) Registration No. ______________ If the chain block is transferred to another owner, this Certificate shall be handed over together with the chain block. ______________________________________________________________________ (Place Name of the Chain Block Production) Page 1 Permit (License) for production No. __________ of _______________ (Date) ________________________________________ (The title and address of the Gosgortechnadzor Body ________________________________________ that has issued the permit for the chain block production) 1. General Information 1.1The chain block producer’s title and address _____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1.2The chain block type _______________________________________________ 1.3Serial number _____________________________________________________ 1.4Year of production _________________________________________________ 1.5Classification group ________________________________________________ 1.6Drive type _______________________________________________________ 124 1.7Ambient conditions of the environment, in which the chain block may be operated: The highestabove 0 Temperature ___________________________ °C _______________________ The lowestbelow 0 Relative air humidity _______________________________________________ Explosion hazard __________________________________________________ Fire hazard _______________________________________________________ Other features of the environment as required ____________________________ 1.8Basic engineering standards, in accordance with which the chain block has been manufactured 2. Basic Specifications and Characteristics 2.1General data: Load-lifting capacity, t ______________________________________________ Lifting height, m __________________________________________________ Rated lifting speed, m/sec ___________________________________________ Type of current in the power circuit: Voltage, V _______________________________________________________ Frequency, Hz ____________________________________________________ Type of current in the control circuit: Voltage, V _______________________________________________________ Frequency, Hz ____________________________________________________ Method of power supply to the chain block _____________________________ Type and profile of the track _________________________________________ Minimum radius of a track curve, m ___________________________________ Load on a wheel, N ________________________________________________ Dead weight, kg ___________________________________________________ 2.2Steel cables: Cable design and standard notation ____________________________________ Diameter, mm ____________________________________________________ Length, m ________________________________________________________ Temporary resistance of wires to break-up, N/mm 2 _______________________ ________________________________________________________________ General strength of the cable, N ______________________________________ Strength margin factor ______________________________________________ Wire surface coating _______________________________________________ 2.3Hook: Standard notation _________________________________________________ Hook No. according to Standard ______________________________________ Load-lifting capacity, t ______________________________________________ 2.4Power engines: ParametersLifting GearTravelling Gear Type and symbolic notation Voltage, V 125 Rated current, A Frequency, Hz Power, kW Rotation frequency, rev/min Starting time, % per 10 minutes Number of start-ups per 1 hour Design Level of protection 2.5Brakes ParametersLifting GearTravelling Gear Type Number of brakes Deceleration (braking) margin factor Brake drive: Type Effort, N Effector stroke, mm 2.6Safety devices 2.6.1Limit switches TypeGear the Switch is Designed to Stop Distance from the Chain Block Hook Suspension to the Stop after the Gear id Stopped Quantity 2.6.2Other safety devices ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2.7Control devices DescriptionTypePurpose 3. Acceptance Statement (Certificate) The chain block ______________________________ Serial No. __________________ has been fabricated in compliance with the requirements of GOST __________ (or TU _________________) and the Crane Design and Safe Operation Regulations. The chain block has passed testing in accordance with __________________________, ______________________________________________________________________ (Description of the Regulatory Document) and has been accepted as fit for operation with the parameters stated in the Certificate. Warranted service life is ________________________________ months 126 ____________________________ Signature Chief Engineer Stampof the Company ___________________________________________________ DateSignature Head of the QA/QC Department 4. Documentation to be Supplied by the Chain Block Producer with the Certificate A Certificate (guidelines) of the load lifting limiter (if available), and a diagram of its operation; A chain block operation manual; Guidelines for the chain block installation; Guidelines for rail track construction; A list of chain block parts and assembly units, with noted related to their routine maintenance (if required) A bill of spare parts, tools and appliances; Other documents (as required) Information of the chain block location* Name of the chain block ownerChain block location Date of installation ___________________________ * 1 page 6. Information about assignment of engineering and technical staff to be responsible for the chain block safe and serviceable conditions* No. and Date of the Assignment Memorandum Person’s Name and Position Signature ___________________________ * 1 page Note: Documents certifying quality of newly installed units, cables and other crane components, as well as materials applied in the overhaul, shall be kept in a separate file. 7. Records of technical inspection results* Inspection DateInspection ResultsTime of the Next Inspection (complete and partial) ___________________________ * At least 8 pages 127 APPENDIXES TO THE CERTIFICATE Appendix A General View (1 page) A drawing with the general view shall be attached stating overall and installation dimensions. Appendix B Schematic Wiring Diagram (1 page) A drawing with the schematic wiring diagram shall be attached including a table to interpret notations. Appendix C Cinematic Schematic Diagram (1 page) A drawing with the cinematic schematic diagrams of the chain block lifting and travelling gear, as well as the diagram of cable reeving and fastening shall be attached. 128 APPENDIX 7 (to Section 4.15) Maximum Permissible Deviations of Rail Tracks (Plane and Profile Views) from the Designed Position Deviation Graphical Representation of the Deviation Cranes Overhead Travelling TowerGantryPortalTrans ship ment Difference in elevations of railheads in the cross section (P 1 ), mm (S is the size of the track, m) Difference in rail elevations at neighbouring columns (P 2 ), mm Narrowing or widening of the rail track (rail horizontal deviation from the design position), (P 3 ), mm Mutual displacement of joined rail butts both horizontally and vertically (P 4 ), mm Gaps in rail butt joints (at the temperature of 0°C, and the rail length of 12.5 m) (P 5 ), mm Difference in railhead elevations at the rail track section of 10 m (total) (P 6 ), mm 40 10 15 2 6 - 45-60 (for S=4.5- 6 m) - 10 3 6 40 40 - 15 2 6 30 40 - 15 2 6 20 50 - 20 2 6 30 Notes: 1.Maximum permissible values of deviations shall be complied with in operation. Construction allowances shall be identified in design documents for the rail track. 2.P 1 and P 3 deviations shall be measured at the whole length of the crane potential travelling area, at the intervals of at least 5 m. 3.If the ambient temperature changes by 10°C, allowance for P 5 gap shall be amended by 1.5 mm.E.g., the gap allowance shall be reduced by 3 mm at the temperature of 20°C. 4.Deviation allowances for rail tracks of gantry cranes with the span above 30 m shall be taken as those for transhipment cranes. 129 APPENDIX 8 (to Section 4.15.10) STATEMENT FORM for a Crane Rail Track Acceptance at Commissioning ______________________________________________________________________ (Company) Date: ______________________ Facility address: _________________________________________________________ Crane type, serial and registration numbers ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Rail Track Length of the rail track ____________________________________________________ Availability of design documentation ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (Design Developers) Compliance of constructed rail track with design documents ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Availability of the ground bed for the upper rail track structure Acceptance Statement _ ______________________________________________________________________ Rolling smooth of the rail track has been carried out with the crane runs: Without load _____________________________________________________ With the maximum operating load ____________________________________ Measurement Results: Track width, mm ________________________________________________________ Straightness, mm ________________________________________________________ Longitudinal gradient _____________________________________________________ Cross slope _____________________________________________________________ Resilient trim, mm _______________________________________________________ Availability and serviceability of stop blocks __________________________________ Availability and serviceability of bumping posts _______________________________ Track Grounding Grounding design ________________________________________________________ Grounding location and length _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 130 Description, type and No. of the instrument applied to measure grounding resistance. __ ______________________________________________________________________ Measurement location ____________________________________________________ Weather during the last three days and at the day of measurement __________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Grounding resistance, Ohm _______________________________________________ Track Grounding: Complies with the requirements ___________________________________________ Does not comply with the requirements _____________________________________ Rail track grounding has been installed by ___________________________________ (Company, _____________________________________________________________________ name, position, signature) Rail track grounding resistance has been measured by ___________________________ (Company, _____________________________________________________________________ name, position, signature) Work on crane rail track construction has been carried out and handed over by _______________ (Company, ________________________________________ name, position, signature) Crane rail track has been accepted for operation by ________________________________________ (Company, ________________________________________ name, position, signature) 131 APPENDIX 9 (to Section 5.15) WORK PERMIT FORM for the right of access to crane track and passage galleries of overhead travelling and mobile cantilever cranes to carry out maintenance and other types of work. 1. Issued on ________________ (Date) at _____ hours ________ minutes 2. The responsible person ________________________________________________, (Name) with a crew consisting of ________ persons, is charged to carry out the following work: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Work location (workshop, span) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. To ensure safety during preparation to and carrying out of the work you shall implement the following precautions: a) to prevent electric shocks _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) to prevent falls from elevated locations _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) to prevent injuries by operating cranes _______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ d) to prevent access to crane tracks of operating cranes and cranes of adjoining spans ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ e) crane operators of all shifts within the span (shop) and crane operators of adjoining spans have been notified, and appropriate entries have been made in the shift logbook __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ The Crew includes: Members of the Crew (full name, position) Signatures of Crew members after being familiarised with work conditions and safety measures ________________________________________ (Signature of the Workshop Superintendent or Foreman that supervises the work of the maintenance crew) 6. Work shall commence at ____ hours ____ minutes on ___________________ (Date) 132 7. The Work-Permit is issued by: ___________________________________________ (Signature of the Workshop Superintendent or his Deputy for Equipment) 8. Briefed on the work conditions and received the Work-Permit __________________ (Signature of the Responsible Person) Note:A Work-Permit for the right of access to crane track and passage galleries of overhead travelling cranes to carry out maintenance and other types of work shall be issued on the basis of a Memorandum to the Work Supervisor (Workshop or Area Superintendent, or Foreman that supervises the work of the maintenance crew). 133 APPENDIX 10 (to Section 5.28) STANDARDS TO REJECT ROPES OF HOISTING EQUIPMENT 1.Rejection (discarding) of ropes applied in operating hoisting equipment shall be performed in accordance with the Guidelines on the hoisting unit operation (Operation Manual), which shall be developed on the basis of ISO 4309 requirements. If there is no appropriate section in the Operation Manual, rejection of ropes of a hoisting unit shall be carried out in accordance with this Appendix. The following criteria shall be applied to assess safety of the rope application: a)The nature and number of wire breaks (Figures from 1 to 3), including presence of wire at rope terminations, presence of wire break accumulations, the intensity of the wire break number increase; Figure 1. Breaks and displacements of wires in a rope of a regular lay. Figure 2. Combination of wire breaks with wear-out: a)in a regular lay rope; b)in a long lay rope Figure 3 Wire breaks within the area of an equalising block: a)in several rope strands; b)in two strands in combination with local wear-out. b)A brake of a strand; c)Surface and internal wear-out; d)Surface and internal corrosion; e)Reduction of the rope diameter, including a break of the core; 134 f)Reduction of the rope wires cross section area (loss of internal cross section); g)Displacement in the form of corrugation, wage shape, extrusion of wires and strands, squashing of strands, breaks, bends, etc.; h)Damage resulting from temperature impacts or electric arc discharges. Figure 4. Wear out of external wires in a regular lay rope: a)small flat spots on wires; b)increased length of flat spots on separate wires; c)lengthening of flat spots on separate wires, with a visible reduction of the wire diameters; d)flat spots on all the wires, reduction of the rope diameter; e)intensive wear-out of all external wires of the rope (wire diameters decrease by 40%) Figure 5. Surface corrosion of wires in a regular lay rope: a)initial oxidation of the surface; b)general oxidation of the surface; c)visible oxidation; d)high oxidation; e)intensive corrosion. Table 1 Number of Wire Breaks, with the Presence of Which Double Lay Ropes Operating with Steel and Cast Iron Blocks shall be Rejected Number of bearing wires in external strands, n Typical examples of rope designs Group of the unit classification (conditions) M1, M2, M3 and M4M5, M6, M7 and M8 Regular layLong layRegular layLong lay At a section with the length of 6d30d6d30d6d30d6d30d n s 50 51 s n s 75 6x7(1+6)+1x7(1+6) 6x7+1 8x6(0+6)+9 6x19(1+9+9)+1 2 3 4 6 1 2 2 3 4 6 8 12 2 3 4 6 135 76 s n s 100 101 s n s 120 121 s n s 140 141 s n s 160 161 s n s 180 181 s n s 200 201 s n s 220 221 s n s 240 241 s n s 260 261 s n s 280 281 s n s 300 300 < n 6x19(1+9+9)+7x7(1+6) 6x25(1+6; 6+12)+1 6x25(1+6; 6+12)+ 7x7(1+6) 6x19(1+6+6/6)+ 7x7(1+6)* 6x19(1+6+6/6)+1 6x16(0+5+11)+9 18x7(1+6)+1 8x19(1+6+6/6)+1 6x30(0+15+15_+7 6x30(6+12+12)+1 6x31(1+6+6/6+12)+1 6x31(1+6+6/6+12)+ 7x7(1+6) 6x36(1+7+7/7+14)+1 6x36(1+7/7+14)+ 7x7(1+6) 6x37(1+6+15+15)+1 18x19(1+6+6/6)+1* 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 11 12 0.04n 8 10 11 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 0.08n 2 2 3 3 3 7 4 4 5 5 6 6 0.02n 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 0.04n 8 10 11 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 0.08n 16 19 22 26 26 29 32 38 38 42 45 48 0.16n 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 0.04n 8 10 11 13 13 14 16 18 19 21 22 24 0.08n Notes: 1.n is the number of bearing wires on external strands of a rope; d is the rope diameter, in millimetres. 2.Filling wires are not considered bearing ones, thus are not liable to accounting.In ropes with several layers of strands, wires of the visible external layer are accounted only.In ropes with a steel core, the latter is considered as an internal strand, and hence is not accounted. 3.The number of visible breaks in strand design ropes shall be calculated in accordance with established equations.The obtained value shall be rounded to a whole number towards the larger one. 4.For ropes with different diameters of outer wires in external strands, the design class has been reduced in the Table and marked with an apteryx.If a rope operates only or partially with blocks of synthetic materials or metal blocks with synthetic lining, a considerable number of wire brakes inside the rope prior to occurrence of visible break indications or intensive wear out of the external surface is more characteristic [further text is illegible]. 2.Ropes that operate with steel and cast iron blocks shall be rejected on the basis of the number of wire breaks in accordance with Table 1. Ropes of hoisting equipment designed to lift people, as well as those applied to transport melted or glowing metal, flammable and toxic substances, shall be rejected if the number of wire breaks is twice less. 3.If the rope diameter decreases due to surface wear-out (Figure 4) or corrosion (Figure5) by 7% and more as compared with the rated diameter, the rope shall be rejected even if there are no visible wire breaks. If the rope diameter decreases due to damage caused to the core, e.g., internal wear-out, squashing, break, etc. (by 3% of the rated diameter for non-whirling ropes, and by 10% for other ropes), the rope shall be rejected even if there are no visible wire breaks (Figure 6). 136 Figure 6. Local rope diameter decrease at the location of the organic core damage. If a rope reveals surface wear-out or corrosion of wires, the number of brakes serving as an indication for rejection shall be reduced in accordance with data of Table 2 Table 2 Standards for Rejection on the Basis of Surface Wear-out or Corrosion Wire Diameter Decrease Due to Surface Wear-out or Corrosion, % Number of Wire Breaks at a Lay Pitch, % of those stated in Table 1 10 15 20 25 30 and more 85 75 70 60 50 If the original diameter of external wires decreases by 40% and more as a result of wear-out (Figure 4) or corrosion (Figure5), the rope shall be rejected. Wear-out and corrosion of wires on the basis of their diameter shall be identified utilising a micrometer or other instrument, which provides analogous accuracy. If the number of wire breaks is below the values specified in Table 1, as well as if the wire surfaces are worn out without breaks, a rope may be accepted for operation provided that its condition is thoroughly monitored and periodically inspected, and the results are recorded in the inspection logbook.The rope shall be replaced as the wear-out level specified in Table 2 is achieved. If loads are suspended on two ropes, each of them shall be inspected and rejected separately, and replacement of only one rope, the mostly worn-out one, may be accepted. 4.To assess conditions of internal wires, i.e., to control the loss of the metal part of the rope cross section (loss of internal cross section), which may be caused by breaks, mechanical wear-out and corrosion of wires in internal layers of strands (Figure 7), the rope shall undergo flaw detection along its whole length.If a flaw detector identifies a loss of wire metal cross section, which reaches 17.5% and above, the rope shall be rejected. Figure 7. Decrease of the wire cross section area (intensive internal corrosion) 137 5.If one or several broken strands are identified in a rope, the rope shall not be accepted for further operation. Figure 8. Corrugation of a rope (see the text for description). 6.Rope corrugation is characterised by the pitch and direction of its coil (Figure 8). If the direction of the corrugation coil and that of the rope lay coincide, and the pitch of the corrugation coil (H в ) and that of the rope lay (H k ) are equal, the rope shall be rejected at d в >1.08d k , where d в is the diameter of the corrugation coil, and d k is the rated diameter of the rope. If the directions of the corrugation coil and rope lay do not coincide, and the pitch of the corrugation coil and that of the rope lay are unequal, the rope shall be rejected at d в >4/3d k .The length of the rope section under inspection shall not exceed 25 d k . 7.Ropes shall not be accepted for further operation if the following is found: -basket-shaped displacement (Figure 9); -core extrusion (Figure 10); -strand extrusion or separation (Figure 11); -local increase of the rope diameter (Figure 12); -local decrease of the rope diameter (Figure 6); -squashed areas (Figure 13); -kinks (Figure 14); -breaks (Figure 15); -bends (Figure 16); -damage resulting from temperature impacts or electric arc discharges. Figure 9. Basket-Shaped Displacement Figure 10. Core Extrusion Figure 11. Strand Wires Extrusion a)in one strand; b)in several strands 138 Figure 12. Local Increase of the Rope Diameter Figure 13. Rope Squashing. Figure 14. Kink Figure 15. Rope Break Figure 16. Rope Bend 139 APPENDIX 11 (Reference) INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ISO 4301/1, 4302, 4308/1, 4308/2, 4310 and 8087 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4301/1 (CRANES AND LIFTING UNITS. CLASSIFICATION. PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS). Introduction Load-lifting cranes (hereinafter ―cranes‖) are applied to lift and relocate loads, weights of which do not exceed their rated load-lifting capacities.Cranes of one type (e.g., overhead travelling ones) and cranes of different types (e.g., a tower crane for construction and a port crane with a considerable lifting capacity) may have different operating conditions.Crane designing shall account for conditions of operation to ensure the required level of safety and durability that will comply with the requirements of the customer.Classification is a system that is used as a tool to establish an effective basis to design structures and machines, and as a basis to develop relations between the Customer and Producer.The Classification will assist in selecting a particular crane for the envisaged type of work. The Classification reviews such operating conditions only that are not dependent on the crane type and the ways of its control.Further International Standards will establish the portions of the classification line that will be applicable to various crane types (i.e., overhead travelling, self-propelled, tower, etc.). This International Standard establishes crane classification and forms a part of ISO 4301 International Standard. A complete list of ISO 4301 parts is as follows: Part 1. General Provisions. Part 2. Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Part 3. Tower Cranes. Part 4. Portal and Pedestal Cranes. Part 5. Overhead Travelling and Gantry Cranes. 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes crane classification on the basis of operating cycles performed during an expected period of the crane service, and the load distribution factor, which represents rated loading conditions. This Standard does not assume that the same method of load modelling or testing method will be applicable to all types of devices included into ISO/TK 96 assortment. 140 2. Application of the Classification In practice, the Classification may have two ways of application that may be considered separately. 2.1.General Classification of a Lifting Unit The first application of the Classification will allow the crane Purchaser and Producer to achieve an agreement about operating conditions of that particular crane.Hence, it is a contractual and technical reference matter, and is used for designing.The classification method is represented in Section 3. 2.2.Classification for Designing Purposes The second application of the Classification will allow the Designer to analyse the project on its basis, and prove that the crane under his design is able to operate during a certain service period in certain operating conditions established for that particular type of application. The Designer will receive the data of load distribution submitted by the Customer or provided by the Producer (in case of serial equipment designing), include them into initial data, on which his analysis will be based, and considers the factors that govern sizes of the crane parts. The form of load distribution requisition, on the basis of which the required data may be identified, is to be developed in one of future International Standards. 3. Crane Classification Groups in General To identify a group the crane refers to, it is required to consider the class of application and loading conditions. 3.1.Application Class. The Customer expects that during the service period the crane will perform a certain number of operating cycles, which is one of the main parameters for classification.In specific types of work (e.g., in bulk unloading by way of a gripping device), the number of cycles may be obtained if the summarised number of operating hours and the number of operating cycles per hour are known.In other cases, e.g., when self-propelled cranes are considered, the total number of operating cycles is more difficult to obtain, as such cranes are used in various conditions; in this case appropriate values shall be obtained by experiment.The total number of operating cycles is a sum of all operating cycles per a certain period of the crane service. Economic and engineering factors, influence of the environment and obsolescence shall be taken into account when identifying a crane service life. 141 The total number of operating cycles depends on the frequency of the crane usage.For the sake of classification, the whole range of potential operating cycle numbers has been divided into ten application classes (Table 1).The operating cycle commences, when a load is ready for lifting, and completes, when the crane is ready to lift the next load. Table 1. Class of Crane Application Application ClassMaximum Number of Operating Cycles Notes U 0 U 1 U 2 U 3 U 4 U 5 U 6 U 7 U 8 U 9 1.6x10 4 3.2x10 4 6.3x10 4 1.25x10 5 2.5x10 5 5x10 5 1x10 6 2x10 6 4x10 6 above 4x10 6 Irregular usage Regular usage in easy conditions Regular usage with intervals Regular intensive usage Intensive usage 3.2Loading Conditions. Another basic parameter of classification is that of loading conditions.Loading conditions are related to the number of load lifts, while the load is of a particular weight expressed in parts of the crane load lifting capacity.Table 2 shows the rated values of load distribution factors for a crane (K p ), and each of them characterises a corresponding loading condition. Table 2 Nominal Factors of Load Distribution for Cranes Loading ConditionRated Factor of Load Distribution Notes Q1 – easy Q2 – moderate Q3 – heavy Q4 – rather heavy 0.125 0.25 0.50 1.00 Cranes that systematically lift light loads, and rarely nominal loads. Cranes that systematically lift average loads, and rather often nominal loads. Cranes that systematically lift heavy loads, and often nominal loads. Cranes that systematically lift loads close to nominal. If numbers and weights of loads that are lifted during the crane service life are not available, selection of the appropriate loading class shall be agreed between the Producer and Customer. 142 If exact information about the numbers and weights of loads that are lifted during the crane service life is known, the ratio of load distribution for the crane may be modelled in the following way: The load distribution factor for the K p crane shall be obtained utilising the following equation: where C i is the average number of operating cycles, with particular levels of the load weight, = C 1 , C 2 , C 3 , …, C n ; C T , is the total number of operating cycles with all the loads: = E C T , = C 1 , + C 2 , + C 3 , + …, + C n ; P i are values of separate load weights (load levels) for a typical application of the particular crane: P i = P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , …, P n ; P max is the weight of the largest load (nominal, rated load) that is acceptable for the crane to lift; m = 3 Detailed, equation (1) shall look as follows: The rated value of the load distribution factor for a crane shall be established on the basis of Table 2 (the closest larger value shall be assumed). 3.3Identification of the Crane Classification Group in General After identification of the application class in accordance with Table 1 and the loading conditions on the basis of Table 2, the Classification Group of the particular crane may be established utilising Table 3. Table 3 Crane Classification Groups in General Loading Conditions Load Distribution Factor Application Class and Maximum Number of Operating Cycles for the Particular Unit U 0 U 1 U 2 U 3 U 4 U 5 U 6 U 7 U 8 U 9 Q1 – easy0.125A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 Q2 – moderate0.25A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 143 Q3 – heavy0.5A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 Q4 – rather heavy 1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8 Application of classification groups to model separate types of cranes will be developed in future International Standards. 4. Gear Classification Groups in General 4.1.Class of Gear Application A class of gear application is characterised by envisaged total duration of their operation in hours, and rated classes shown in Table 4. Table 4 Class of Gear Application Application ClassTotal Duration of Testing, hrs Notes T 0 T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 200 400 800 1600 3200 6300 12500 25000 50000 100000 Irregular usage Regular usage in easy conditions Regular usage with intervals Regular intensive usage Intensive usage The maximum total duration of operation may be obtained on the basis of envisaged daily time of application in hours, the number of working days per year, and the expected service life in years. In this Classification, it was assumed that the time of gear operation is understood as the time, during which the gear is moving. The values of total duration of application shall be only viewed as theoretical, conventionally assumed, and serving as initial data to design gear parts, for which application time is the criteria for selection (e.g., ball bearings, toothed gear wheels, and shafts).They cannot be considered as guaranteed values. 4.2.Loading Conditions Loading conditions determine relative duration, with which gear will be exposed to maximum or lowered loads.Table 5 gives rated loading conditions. Table 5 144 Nominal Factors of Load Distribution for Gear (K m ) Loading ConditionRated Factor of Load Distribution Notes L1 – easy L2 – moderate L3 – heavy L4 – rather heavy 0.125 0.25 0.50 1.00 Gear that is systematically exposed to light loads, and rarely to the highest loads. Gear that is systematically exposed to moderate loads, and rather often to the highest loads. Gear that is systematically exposed to heavy loads, and often to the highest loads. Gear that is systematically exposed to the highest loads. The load distribution factor for K m gear shall be calculated on the basis of the following equation: where t i is the average duration of the gear application, with particular levels of the load, = t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , …, t n ; t T is the total duration with all the particular levels of the load: = E t T , = t 1 , + t 2 , + t 3 , + …, + t n ; P i are values of separate loads (load levels) typical for that particular gear application: P i = P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , …, P n ; P max is the largest load that may be applied to the gear; m = 3 Detailed, equation (3) shall look as follows: Rated values of the load factor for gear shall be established on the basis of Table 5 (the closest larger value shall be assumed). 4.3.Identification of the Gear Classification Group in General 145 The Classification Group of the particular gear shall be established on the basis of Table 6 after identification of the application class and the loading conditions. Table 3 Gear Classification Groups in General Loading Conditions Rated Load Distribution Factor, m Gear Application Class T 0 T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 L1 – easy0.125M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 L2 – moderate0.25M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 L3 – heavy0.5M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 L4 – rather heavy 1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 Application of classification groups to model separate types of gear will be developed in future International Standards. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4301/2 (LIFTING UNITS. CLASSIFICATION. PART 2. SELF-PROPELLED BOOM CRANES). Introduction This International Standard establishes crane classification and forms a part of ISO 4301 International Standard. A complete list of ISO 4301 parts is as follows: Part 1. General Provisions. Note: Part 1 is to be developed on the basis of current ISO 4301. Part 2. Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Part 3. Tower Cranes. Part 4. Portal and Pedestal Cranes. Part 5. Overhead Travelling and Gantry Cranes. 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes classification of self-propelled boom cranes and appropriate crane gear on the basis of the number of operating cycles performed during an expected period of a self-propelled boom crane or gear service, and the load distribution factor, which characterises rated loading conditions. The Standard shall be applicable to the basic types of self-propelled boom cranes and gear in accordance with ISO 4306/2. 2. References ISO 4301.Lifting Units.Classification 146 ISO 4306/2.Lifting Units. Glossary.Part 2.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. ISO 4308.Cranes.Wire Cable Selection. 3. Classification. Classification of self-propelled boom cranes and their gear into groups on the basis of operation conditions is represented in Table 1. Table 1 Classification of Self-Propelled Boom Cranes into Groups* Crane Operating ConditionsGroups Cranes for general load-lifting operations, with a hook, not applied for continuous operation. Cranes equipped with a clamshell, grapple or magnet. Heavy conditions, e.g., container loading/unloading and general operations in docks. A1 A3 A4 *Corresponding lines of Q factors (loading conditions) and U (application class) are given in ISO 4301. 4. Classification of Gear into Groups Classification of self-propelled boom crane gear into groups is represented in Table 2. Table 2 Classification of Gear into Groups (Refer to the Note) Gear PurposeCrane Operating Conditions A1A3A4 Load lifting Crane rotation Boom lifting and lowering Telescoping Crane locomotion (within the site only): wheel-mounted crane caterpillar crane M3 M2 M2 M1 M1 M1 M4 M3 M3 M2 M1 M2 M6 M4 M3 M1* M1 M2 *The function of telescoping is not performed with suspended loads. Notes. 1. Refer to Table 6, ISO 4301 2. Appropriate lines of L factors (loading conditions) and T (application class) stated in Table 6, ISO 4301 are applicable for M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5. 3. The above Classification shall not refer to values of Z p for cables and values of h for the ratio of drum and block diameters (see ISO 4308). 147 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4308/1 (CRANES AND LIFTING UNITS. WIRE CABLE SELECTION. PART 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS). Introduction This International Standard is a part of ISO 4308 International Standard related to the issue of steel wire cable selection for cranes and lifting equipment. A complete list of ISO 4308 parts is as follows: Part 1. General Provisions. Part 2. Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Part 3. Tower Cranes. Part 4. Portal and Pedestal Cranes. Part 5. Overhead Travelling and Gantry Cranes. 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes two methods of wire cable selection for hoisting units, types of which are set forth in ISO 4306/1 and listed in Appendix A. This Standard establishes minimum requirements for wire ropes that shall have an acceptable margin of stress and operational features accounting for their design, application and maintenance. The Standard gives the potential to select a wire cable utilising one of the two methods; one of them is based on accounting for the value of the cable selection factor (C), and the other accounts for the value of the utilisation factor (Z p ).Table 1 shows the values of the above factors. Table 1 Values of Z P and C Factors (for R 0 =1570 N/mm 2 , and K’=0.2948) Gear Classification GroupZ p C, mm/N M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 3.15 3.35 3.35 4.0 4.5 5.6 7.1 9.0 0.085 0.087 0.090 0.095 0.100 0.112 0.125 0.140 Note: Equation (1) gives exact ratio between the C and Z p factors.The values of C and Z p are adjusted and correspond to numbers of the Renard’s series. 148 For a particular crane type (self-propelled boom, overhead travelling, gantry, etc.), classification groups shall be selected in accordance with ISO 4301/1.Cable selection shall account for values of C and Z p factor s (or their design equivalents) only. 2. References ISO 2408.Steel Wire Cables of General Purpose.Specifications. ISO 4301/1. Cranes and Lifting Units.Classification.Part 1.General Provisions. ISO 4306/1.Lifting Units.Glossary.Part 1.General Terminology. ISO 4309.Wire Cables for Lifting Units.Methods of Inspection and Discarding. 3. Cable Type A wire cable to be used shall comply with the requirements of ISO 2408. A steel cable that is not specified in ISO 2408 may be applied; in such cases the Vendor shall confirm to the Customer that the cable complies with the minimum requirements provided by the appropriate section of ISO 4308 Standard. 4. Operating Conditions Classification of lifting unit gear shall be made accounting for operating conditions specified in ISO 4301/1. 5. Cable Selection Procedure 5.1.Calculation of the cable selection factor (C). The value of C is a function of Z p , and shall be calculated I accordance with the following equation: where C is the cable selection factor (minimum); K’ is an empirically determined factor of the minimum breaking load of a particular design cable (see Table 2 of ISO 2408); R 0 is the minimum ultimate tensile strength limit of the cable wires, N/mm 2- ; Z p is the minimum actual utilisation factor. 5.2.Values of the utilisation factor (Z p ).Table 1 shows values of the Z p factor that shall be applied for each gear classification group to comply with the minimum requirements of the appropriate ISO 4308 Section, and design values of the C - 1 N/mm 2 = 10 6 N/m 2 = 1 MPa. 149 factor, which correspond to, e.g., a cable with a particular tensile strength (R 0 = 157o N/mm), and empirical factor (K’ = 0.2948). For cables with other than stated above ultimate tensile strength limit (R 0 ) and empirical factor (K’), values of the C factor may be calculated utilising equations (1) and (2). 5.3.Calculations of the minimum cable diameter. The minimum cable diameter (d) in millimetres shall be identified in accordance with the following equation: where C is the cable selection factor, and S is the maximum cable tension in Newtons, accounting for the following: a)the rated operating load of the unit; b)the weight of the tacking and/or other lifting device; c)multiplicity of reeving (the polyspast transmission ratio); d)the polyspast efficiency; e)the weight of the hanging portion of the load rope (if the lifted load is more than 5 metres below the turning gear of the lifting device). 5.4.Estimation of the minimum breaking tension. The minimum breaking tension shall be identified in accordance with the following equation: F 0 = S x Z p (3) Examples of a cable selection are given in Appendix B 6. Drum and Block Diameters The minimum diameter of drums, blocks, and equalising blocks measured along the centreline of a wound cable shall be calculated on the basis of the cable minimum diameter, which is provided by Section 5.3, utilising appropriate values of h 1 , h 2 , and h 3 factors that depend on the gear classification group (Table 2): D 1 > h 1 d (4), or D 2 > h 2 d(5), or D 3 > h 3 d(6) where D 1 is the diameter of the drum on the centre line of the wound cable; D 2 is the diameter of the block on the centre line of the wound cable; D 3 is the diameter of the equalising block on the centre line of the wound cable; D is the minimum diameter of the cable (Section 5.3); 150 h 1 is the drum diameter selection factor (the ratio of the drum diameter along the centre line of the wound cable to the design cable diameter); h 2 is the block diameter selection factor (the ratio of the block diameter along the centre line of the wound cable to the design cable diameter); h 3 is the equalising block diameter selection factor (the ratio of the equalising block diameter along the centre line of the wound cable to the design cable diameter). Table 2 Factors of h 1 , h 2 , and h 3 Selection Gear Classification Group Diameter Selection Factors Drum (h 1 )Block (h 2 )Equalising Block (h 3 ) M111.212.511.2 M212.514.012.5 M314.016.012.5 M416.018.014.0 M518.020.014.0 M620.022.416.0 M722.425.016.0 M825.028.018.0 For particular cases of hoisting equipment applications, e.g., self-propelled boom cranes, it is recommended that a single line of h factor values should be selected irrespective of the gear classification group. 7. Stationary Cables Stationary cables are fastened at both ends, and are not used for winding on drums. Such cables are selected in accordance with the requirements of Section 5.4, utilising adjusted values of Z p factor specified in Table 3.The maximum tension of the cable (S) shall be specified by the gear producer, and it shall account for both static forces, and wind and dynamic loads. Table 3 Z p Factor Value for Stationary Cables Gear Classification GroupZ p Factor Value M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.0 8. Hazardous Conditions In case of operation in hazardous conditions (operations with liquid metal): 151 a)No classification group below M5 shall be applied; b)When the cable is selected, the value for 25% Z p shall be considered up to the maximum 9.0, or the value of C shall be taken for a higher classification group. 9. Steel Wire Cable Inspection, Maintenance and Rejection Wire cable inspection, maintenance and rejection standards in accordance with ISO 4309 are recommended for application. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4308/2 (CRANES AND LIFTING UNITS. WIRE CABLE SELECTION. PART 2. SELF-PROPELLED BOOM CRANES. UTILISATION FACTOR). Introduction This International Standard is a part of ISO 4308 International Standard related to the issue of steel wire cable selection for cranes and lifting equipment. A complete list of ISO 4308 parts is as follows: Part 1. General Provisions. Part 2. Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. Utilisation Factor. Part 3. Tower Cranes. Part 4. Portal and Pedestal Cranes. Part 5. Overhead Travelling and Gantry Cranes. 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes minimum values of taken from practice utilisation factor (Z p ), which is specified in ISO 4308/1 for usual and non-spinning cables applied at self-propelled boom cranes. This Standard shall be applicable for all self-propelled cranes (see ISO 4306/2). 2. References ISO 4301/1. Cranes and Lifting Units.Classification.Part 2.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. 152 ISO 4308/1. Cranes and Lifting Units. Wire Cable Selection. Part 1. General Provisions. ISO 4306/2.Lifting Units.Glossary.Part 2.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. 3. Utilisation Factor 3.1.General-purpose cables. Minimum values of the utilisation factor (Z p ) for general-purpose cables are shown in Table 1 in accordance with the classification of cranes and lifting gear specified in ISO 4301/2. Table 1 General-Purpose Cables Crane Operating Conditions Crane Classification Moving CablesStationary Cables Load LiftingBoom Lifting/Lowering, Telescoping In Ope ration During Insta llationGear Clas sifica tion Z p Gear Clas sifica tion Z p in Ope ration Z p during Insta llation GeneralA1M33.55M23.553.0532.73 ContinuousA3M44M33.553.0532.73 HeavyA4M54.5M33.553.0532.73 Note. It is assumed that cable safety during operation is based on selection of cable inspection and rejection criteria. 3.2.A non-spinning cable is a cable that has eight or more strands in the external layer laid along a spiral in the direction opposite to the direction of the underlying layer. Minimum values of the utilisation factor (Z p ) for non-spinning cables are shown in Table 2 in accordance with the classification specified in ISO 4301/2. Table 1 General-Purpose Cables Crane Operating ConditionsCrane ClassificationMoving Cables for Load Lifting, Z p GeneralA14.5 153 ContinuousA35.6 HeavyA45.6 Note. The Table shows ―conventional‖ types of non-spinning cables.As new types of non-spinning cables appear resulting from future researches, other values of utilisation factors will be obtained. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 4310 (CRANES, REGULATIONS AND METHODS OF TESTING) 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes contents and methods of testing that are required to check whether cranes comply with their specified characteristics, as well as to check their capacity to lift rated loads.If stability determines the value of a rated load, then a testing method and a testing load shall be established, which will allow the stability margin to be easily tested. This Standard shall be applicable for the following types of cranes: a)overhead travelling; b)gantry; c)portal; d)self-propelled boom and excavator cranes; e)tower; f)railway; g)cable cranes; h)other types of cranes that may be included into the list additionally. 2. Methods and Scope of Testing 2.1.Three types of testing shall be applied to achieve objectives specified in this International Standard: a)Testing for a crane compliance with the data specified in its certificate (Section 3.1); b)External inspection of the crane (Section 3.2); and c)Testing to check if the crane is adequate for operations (Sections 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6); 2.2.Each crane shall pass the tests, methods of which are stated above.In case of large-scale production, the number of cranes to be tested (Section 2.1) shall be established on a mutual agreement between the Seller and the Buyer - - Legal Parties that have executed a contract: the Seller is the Party to supply the crane, and the Buyer is the Party receiving the crane. 154 2.3Cranes supplied from producing plants ready for operation shall have been tested at the plant prior to their shipment.Cranes that are installed or finally assembled at their operation locations shall be tested at such locations unless otherwise has been provided by agreements between the Seller and the Buyer. 3. Content and Methods of Testing 3.1.Testing for a crane compliance with the data specified in its certificate. Testing for a crane compliance with the certificate data shall be carried out in accordance with their load characteristics to check the following parameters: -Weight of the crane (if practical); -Distance from the rotation axis to the stability edge; -Height of the load lifting; -Speed of the load lifting; -Speed of landing; -Speed of the crane locomotion; -Speed of the trolley travelling; -Rotation speed; -Time for radius modification; -Time for telescoping; -Time for one cycle (if required); -Operation of limiting devices; -Operating characteristics of the power drive parameters, e.g., current intensity in electric engines under conditions of testing loads application. 3.2.Visual inspection. A visual inspection shall include a check for the crane compliance with the certificate data and/or a check for conditions of all the critical elements, such as: -gear, electric equipment, safety devices, brakes, control devices, lighting and signalling systems; -steel structures and their joints, ladders passage ways, cabins and platforms; -railing; -the hook or other load gripping device and their suspension parts; -cables and their fastening locations; -blocks, axels and details of their fastening, as well as components of the boom suspension system. 155 No disassembling of any assembled parts shall be included into the visual inspection.Visual inspection includes a check of leads for their normal opening in the course of standard operation, e.g., lids of limit switches. The objective of the visual inspection is to examine and check compliance with all the specified requirements for cranes. 3.3.Testing during operations with loads. Tests for the crane adequacy for operation include the following: -Static testing; -Dynamic testing; -Testing for stability (if required). 3.3.1Static testing. tests shall be carried out with the purpose to check the design adequacy of the crane and its assembly units. Tests shall be considered successful if during their performance no cracks, residual deformation, paint peeling or damage that may influence the crane operability and safety are identified, and no joint retention loss or damage occurs. tests shall be also carried out for each load-lifting unit, if it is provided by the crane certificate, at simultaneous operation of load lifting units in positions and design options that shall be selected so that tensions in cables, as well as mending momentums and/or axial forces in the basic crane components were the highest.A testing load shall be gradually increased, lifted to the height of 100-200 mm from the ground surface and held in that position during the time, which is required to carry out the test, but at least 10 minutes. testing load (P) for all cranes shall be at least 1.25, unless a higher value is required in accordance with National Standards or cable positions. Components of the P value are as follows: a)Load on the lifting gear, including the weight of the effective load, as well as the weight of the hook unit and rigging devices (for self-propelled cranes); b)The rated load-lifting capacity for the equipment established by the producer.The rated load-lifting capacity shall not include any lifting devices being a permanent part of the crane in operating position (for other cranes). 156 3.3.2.Dynamic testing. tests shall be carried out with the purpose to inspect operation of the crane gear and brakes. The crane shall be considered as having successfully passed the test if it is established that the above mentioned components perform their functions, and if further visual inspection reveals no damage to the gear or structural elements, and no joint retention loss occurs. The crane shall be controlled during the tests in accordance with requirements specified in the crane documentation.Attention shall be paid in the course of the described tests to prevent accelerations and speeds from exceeding the values specified for the crane operation. tests shall be carried out for each gear or, if it is provided by the crane certificate, at simultaneous operation of the gear in positions and design options that correspond to the maximum loading of the gear. Testing shall include a re-start and a stop at each movement within the whole range of such movement, and shall continue for at least 1 hour, while complying with that particular operation cycle. Testing shall include gear start-up from the intermediate position, with suspended test load.In such case no reverse movement with the test load shall occur. testing load (P) shall be at least 1.1. 3.3.3.Testing for stability. for stability under load shall be carried out with the purpose to check the crane stability.The crane shall be considered as having successfully passed the test if no tilt of the crane occurs, when a static load is applied to the hook. case of self-propelled boom cranes, the testing load for stability tests shall be established utilising the following equation: 1.25P +0.1F i (1) where F i (F 1 or F 2 ) is the weight of the crane boom (G), or the weight of the gooseneck (g) adjusted to the head of the boom or gooseneck. If the weight of the boom (G) is small,and the gooseneck is designed for relatively small loads, testing for stability shall not be carried out in accordance with equation (1), with the test load lifted on the gooseneck head. 157 In such case requirements to stability shall be checked by way of calculations. Note: The value of 1.25P may vary in cases, when higher values are required. A drawing below shows a side view of a typical crane, with the described parametersidentified: L and l are lengths of the boom and gooseneck (for telescopic booms it is the length of the boom under discussion); X, Y and x, y are coordinates of the boom and gooseneck gravity centres; j and k are radii of the boom and gooseneck; m and n are gravity centre radii for the boom and gooseneck; Fi shall be calculated in accordance with the following equation: Designation of Parameters to Estimate Loads for Stability Testing 158 For cranes equipped with a boom only, k=n=g=0, and For cranes equipped with both a boom and a gooseneck, if the load is lifted on the boom head, k=0, and if the load is lifted on the gooseneck head, Note: Values of P, G, g and the centre of gravity coordinates X, Y and x, y shall be established in the crane documents for each value of L and l. special tests for stability shall be carried out for all cranes, with the exception of self-propelled ones. shall be carried out at such positions and design options within a specified operating area, at which the crane stability is minimum. If different loads are established for different positions or operating areas, stability testing shall be carried out to select such conditions. 3.4.A Testing Statement. On completion of testing in accordance with Section 2.1, a Statement shall be drawn out, which shall include conclusions and testing results.The Statement shall state the serial No. of the tested crane, the date and testing location, and the name of Testing Supervisor.Exact loads, positions, design options, methods and testing results shall be also specified for each separate case. With reference to cranes that comply with the requirements of Clause 2.1 b only, the Statement may be drawn in a shortened form.Such Statement shall contain the crane No., the date and location of testing, the Supervisor’s name and testing results for each parameter. 159 4. Testing Conditions 4.1.To carry out testing, the crane shall be equipped with operating equipment for the rated load in accordance with the crane documentation. 4.2.Cranes travelling along a rail track shall be tested on the track, which shall be constructed and laid in accordance with specifications stated in the crane certificate. 4.3.Air-tyred or caterpillar cranes shall be tested on a horizontal site with hard cover, which will have a deviation from the horizontal line of ±0.5%. 4.4.Wind speed during the testing period shall not exceed 8.3 m/sec (30 km/hr).The crane position shall correspond to the mostly favourable conditions (wind speed) unless it is provided by the Contract. 4.5.When air-tyred cranes are tested without outrigger application, pressure in the tyres shall not differ from the pressure set by the producer for more than 3%, and all the wheels shall be oriented along the crane centre line. Note: Conditions of the overhead travelling crane bridge support shall be agreed with the requirements of the producer. 4.6.If a crane is tested with outriggers, it shall be located with the deviation from the horizontal line not exceeding ±0.5%. 4.6.1.If an air-tyred crane is tested with outriggers, it shall be located so that its wheels are not in contact with the ground, and are relieved from the crane weight, unless there are other instructions of the Seller. 4.6.2.If a caterpillar crane is tested with outriggers, it shall be located so that reliable support of outriggers on the bearing surface is ensured. 4.6.3.Cranes of other types shall be located as specified in National Regulations or contracts. 4.7.The fuel tank shall be filled for one or two thirds of its capacity.Cooling liquid, oil and hydraulic mixtures shall be filled up to the level specified by the Seller. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 88087 (SELF-PROPELLED CRANES. SIZES OF DRUMS AND BLOCKS 1. Purpose and Scope of Application This International Standard establishes the minimum ratio of the drum and block diameter to the rated diameter of the cable used for lifting and lowering. 160 The rated diameter of a cable is an initial value, which utilisation provides for universality of application, as it is not limited by the crane gear, while self-propelled cranes are designed for various purposes, such as load lifting with a hook, clamshell or electric magnet. This International Standard shall be applicable to the main types of self-propelled cranes in accordance with ISO 4306/2. 2. References ISO 4301/1.Cranes and Lifting Units.Classification. ISO 4306/2.Lifting Units.Glossary.Part 2.Self-Propelled Boom Cranes. ISO 4308.Cranes and Lifting Units. Wire Cable Selection. ISO 4309.Wire Cables for Lifting Units.Standards and Regulations for Inspection and Rejection. 3. Sizes of Drums and Blocks The minimum ratio of the drum and block diameter to the rated diameter of a cable is shown in the table below. Taking into account that self-propelled cranes are often designed for versatile application, only one group of ratios is given. Thus, the values represented have no dependence on the classification of crane gear. The Minimum Ratio of the Diameter* to the Rated Diameter of a Cable ComponentMinimum Ratio The Drum of a Load-Lifting Winch A Load Block (in Movable Tacking) An Equalising Block: Lifting Lowering A Boom-Lifting Drum A Boom Lifting Block 16.0:1 18.0:1 14.0:1 12.5:1 14.0:1 16.0:1 * The diameter shall be measured on the centre line of the wound cable. 161 APPENDIX 12 (to Section 7.3.9) THRESHOLD STANDARDS OF LOAD-LIFTING EQUIPMENT COMPONENT REJECTION Component DescriptionDefects that Serve as Criteria for the Component Rejection Running Wheels of Cranes and Trolleys Blocks Drums Hooks Brake Sheaves Brake Lining 1. Cracks of any sizes. 2. Wear-out of the flange surface for up to 50% of the original thickness. 3. Wear-out of the roll surface that reduces the original wheel diameter by 2%. 4. A difference in the diameters of wheels that are related cinematically, by above 0.5%. 1. Wear-out of the block groove for above 40% of the original groove radius. 1. Cracks of any sizes. 2. Wear-out of the drum groove along the cross section for above 2 mm. 1. Cracks and tears on the surface. 2. Wear-out of the hook opening for above 10% of the original height of the hook vertical cross section. 1. Cracks and breaks that penetrate operating and mounting surfaces. 2. Wear-out of the rim working surface for above 25% of the original thickness. 1. Cracks and breaks that penetrate to openings under rivets. 2. Wear-out of the brake lining along its thickness up to appearance of rivet heads, or for above 50% of the original thickness. * For gear with the central drive. 162 APPENDIX 13 (to Section 7.3.28) STANDARDS FOR REJECTION OF DETACHABLE LOAD-GRIPPING DEVICES Rejection of operating removable load-gripping devices shall be carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation, which identifies the rejection procedure, methods and rejection criteria. If the owner has no regulatory documents available, rope or chain slings shall be rejected in accordance with recommendations specified in this Appendix. A rope sling is liable for rejection if the number of visible breaks in the rope outer wires exceeds the values shown in the Table below. Double Lay Rope Slings Number of Visible Wire Breaks within A Section of a Rope Sling, with the Length of: 3d 4 6d 6 30d 16 Note: d is the rope diameter in millimetres. A chain sling is liable for rejection if a chain link is extended for above 3% of its original size (Figure 1), and if the chain link cross section diameter is reduced by above 10% due to its wear out (Figure 2). Figure 1. Elongation of the Chain Link: L 0 is the original length of the link, in mm.; L 1 is the increased length of the link, in mm. Figure 2. Reduction of the Chain Link Cross Section Diameter: d 0 is the original diameter, mm; d 1 , d 2 are actual link cross section diameters measured in mutually perpendicular orientations, mm. 163 APPENDIX 14 (to Section 7.4.2) Knowledge Assessment Certificate Form for engineering and technical personnel responsible for supervision of load-lifting equipment safe operation, engineering and technical personnel responsible for load-lifting equipment maintenance in good serviceable conditions, and persons responsible for safe performance of work by cranes. ______________________________________________________________________ (Description of the Company, Organisation, Facility) Issued to: ______________________________________________________________ (Full Name) Position: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Work: __________________________________________________________ To certify that he/she has passes Knowledge of ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Assessment. (State the Safety Regulations) Basis: Minutes No. ____________ of __________________________________ (Date) Chairman of the Examination Board ________________________________________ Board Members____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Stamp Information about Recurrent Examinations Position: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Work: __________________________________________________________ To certify that he/she has passes Knowledge of ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Assessment. (State the Safety Regulations) Basis: Minutes No. ____________ of __________________________________ (Date) Chairman of the Examination Board ________________________________________ Board Members____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Stamp Position: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Work: __________________________________________________________ 164 To certify that he/she has passes Knowledge of ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Assessment. (State the Safety Regulations) Basis: Minutes No. ____________ of __________________________________ (Date) Chairman of the Examination Board ________________________________________ Board Members____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Stamp Position: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Work: __________________________________________________________ To certify that he/she has passes Knowledge of ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Assessment. (State the Safety Regulations) Basis: Minutes No. ____________ of __________________________________ (Date) Chairman of the Examination Board ________________________________________ Board Members____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Stamp Position: _______________________________________________________________ Place of Work: __________________________________________________________ To certify that he/she has passes Knowledge of ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Assessment. (State the Safety Regulations) Basis: Minutes No. ____________ of __________________________________ (Date) Chairman of the Examination Board ________________________________________ Board Members____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Stamp Note: The Certificate shall be issued with a hard cover on sheets of the 110x80 mm format. 165 APPENDIX 15 (to Section 7.4.4) THRESHOLD STANDARDS TO REJECT BASIC COMPONENTS OF RAIL TRACKS Track DescriptionRail Defects A rail track of seating load-lifting equipment A rail track of suspended load-lifting equipment 1. Cracks of any sizes. 2. Indents in a railhead or rail base. 3. Vertical, horizontal or adjusted (vertical plus half of horizontal) wear out of the railhead for above 15% of the value of the appropriate non-worn out profile size. 4. Rail track deviations horizontally and vertically above the values specified in Appendix 7. 1. Cracks and dents of any sizes. 2. Reduction of the rail belt width due to wear out: AB > 0.05B 3. Reduction of the rail seat thickness due to wear out: Ao > 0.2o, with a simultaneous seat bend: f 1 s 0.15o 4. A bend of the rail seat (f 1 > 0.25o), with its simultaneous wear out: Ao s 0.1o (ref. to the Drawing) Locations of the rail track profile basic defects in case of suspended load-lifting equipment: B is the initial belt width; t is the wall thickness; f 1 is the seat bend; o is the original thickness of the seat at the distance of (B-t)/4 from the edge; Ao is the reduction of the seat thickness due to wear out. 166 APPENDIX 16 (to Section 7.4.25) Knowledge Assessment Certificate Form for operating personnel (crane operators, their assistants, mechanics, electricians, safety device adjusters, and slingers) Photograph __________________________________ (Personal Signature) Issued on _____________________ (Date) Stamp of the Training Institution CERTIFICATE No. ____________ Page 2 Issued to: ______________________________________________________________ (Full Name) to certify that he/she completed _____________________________________________ (Description, No. and location of the ______________________________________________________________________ (Training Institution) ______________________________________________________________________ on __________________________ (Date) specialising in __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Page 3 By the Examination Board Resolution ______________________________________________________________________ (Full Name) is qualified as __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ and is permitted to operate _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (the Crane Type) Page 4 The basis - the Examination Board Minutes No. ___________________ of _________________________________ (Date) Gosgortechnadzor Inspector ______________________________________________ (Inspector’s stamp and signature) Director of the Training Institution _________________________________________ (Signature) Note: The Certificate shall be issued with a hard cover on sheets of the 110x80 mm format. 167 Page 5 (Insert) TO CERTIFICATE No. ___________ Recurrent Knowledge Assessment was carried out Minutes No. __________ of _____________________ (Date) Examination Board Chairman ___________________________ (Signature) Page 6 The reason of a withdrawal COUPON No. 1 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Position of the person __________________________________ who withdraws the Coupon) ___________________________ (Date) _________________________________ (Signature) To be recorded and kept by the Safety and Labour Protection Service COUPON No. 1 To Certificate No. __________________ The Holder: _______________________ __________________________________ who has infringed safety standards and regulations (operational guidelines) at ___ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Page 7 The Coupon shall be withdrawn in case the Certificate Holder infringes safety standards and regulations. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Position of the person __________________________________ who withdraws the Coupon) ___________________________ (Date) _________________________________ (Signature) 168 Page 8 The reason of a withdrawal COUPON No. 2 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Position of the person __________________________________ who withdraws the Coupon) ___________________________ (Date) _________________________________ (Signature) To be recorded and kept by the Safety and Labour Protection Service COUPON No. 2 To Certificate No. __________________ The Holder: _______________________ __________________________________ who has infringed safety standards and regulations (operational guidelines) at ___ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Page 9 The Coupon shall be withdrawn in case the Certificate Holder infringes safety standards and regulations.After the third infringement the Holder shall be deprived of the Certificate and suspended from equipment operation.He/she has the right to pass his/her Safety Knowledge Assessment within 3 months. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Position of the person __________________________________ who withdraws the Coupon) ___________________________ (Date) _________________________________ (Signature) 169 APPENDIX 17 (to Section 7.4.31) Shift Logbook of a Crane Operator Form Date _______________________________Shift ______________________________ Crane Operator __________________________________________________________ Crane Inspection Results Ref. #Unit, Geer and Part DescriptionInspection FindingsLast Name and Initials of the Person, who Eliminates the Deficiency 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Steel structure Brakes of: The load lifting winch The boom lifting winch Travelling gear Trolley Rotation Crane locomotion gear Safety devices: Load lifting limiter Limit switches Interlink contacts Indicators Signalling devices Power equipment Ropes Load lifting Boom lifting Boom guys Trolley Hook suspension Lighting, heating Crane track Counterweight, ballast Grounding Other deficiencies revealed in the course of operation 170 Shift received by: ________________________________________________________ (Last name, initials and signature of the crane operator) Shift handed over by: _____________________________________________________ (State the crane condition) ______________________________________________________________________ (Last name, initials and signature of the crane operator) Results of the crane inspection by: Mechanic ______________________________________________________________ Electrician _____________________________________________________________ Engineer or Technician responsible for maintenance of load lifting equipment in good serviceable conditions ____________________________________________________ 171 APPENDIX 18 (to Section 7.5.16) RECOMMENDED SIGNALS WHEN MOVING LOADS BY CRANES - OperationPictureSignal Lift the load or hook Lower the load or hook Relocate the crane (bridge) Relocate the trolley Swing the boom An abrupt movement of the arm upwards at the waist level, the palm is pointing up, the arm is bent in the elbow. An abrupt movement of the arm downwards in front of the chest, the palm is pointing down, the arm is bent in the elbow. A movement with a stretched arm, the palm points to the direction of the required movement. A movement with an arm bent in the elbow, the palm points to the direction of the required trolley movement. A movement with an arm bent in the elbow, the palm points to the direction of the required boom movement. - The recommended closes of a slinger: the vest and hardhat yellow, the shirt light blue, and the armband red. 172 Lift the boom Lower the boom Stop (stop lifting or locomotion). Caution (to be applied prior to one of the above listed signals if there is a necessity of a small relocation) A movement upwards with a stretched arm, which has been previously lowered to the vertical position, the palm is open. A movement downwards with a stretched arm, which has been previously lifted to the vertical position, the palm is open. An abrupt movement of the arm right and left, the palm points down. Hands are positioned with palms facing each other an a small distance apart, arms ate lifted. 173 APPENDIX 19 (to Section 7.5.19) FORM OF A WORK PERMIT for a Crane Operation Close to an Overhead Power Line ______________________________________ (Description of the Company ______________________________________ and Ministry) Work Permit No. ___________ The Work Permit shall be issued for operations to be carried out at the distance below 30 m from the outermost conductor of an overhead power line, with the voltage above 42V. 1. To the Crane Operator _________________________________________________ (Full Name) of ____________________________________________________________________ (Crane Type, Registration No.) 2. Assigned for work _____________________________________________________ (The Company Allocating the Crane) 3. At the site of __________________________________________________________ (The Company the Crane is Allocated to, ______________________________________________________________________ Work Location, Construction Site, Warehouse, Workshop, etc.) 4. Voltage of the overhead line _____________________________________________ 5. Work conditions _______________________________________________________ (Any requirement to cut off voltage ______________________________________________________________________ from the overhead power line, the minimum horizontal ______________________________________________________________________ distance permitted for the crane operation ______________________________________________________________________ from the outermost conductor to the closest crane parts, ______________________________________________________________________ load movement methods, and other safety precautions) 6. Crane relocation conditions ______________________________________________ (Boom positions and other ______________________________________________________________________ safety precautions) 7. Work commencement at ______ hours ______ minutes on _______________ (Date) 8. Work completion at ______ hours ______ minutes on ___________________ (Date) 174 9. The Person Responsible for Safe Operations ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (Position, Full Name, the Date and No. ______________________________________________________________________ of the Assignment Memorandum) 10. Slinger _____________________________________________________________ (Full Name) ______________________________________________________________________ (Certificate No., and the Date of the Last Safety Knowledge Assessment) 11. Permit for the crane to operate in the power line protection zone ________________ (The Company ______________________________________________________________________ that Issues the Permit, Permit No. and Date) 12. The Work Permit is issued by the Chief Engineer (Electrician) _________________ ______________________________________________________________________ (Company, Signature) 13. Required safety actions specified by Section 5 have been taken ________________ ______________________________________________________________________ The Person Responsible for Safe Operations __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (Date) (Signature) 14. The instructions have been received by the Crane Operator ____________________ (Signature) _______________________ (Date) Notes: 1.The Work Permit shall be issued in two copies: the first one shall be given to the Crane Operator, and the second shall be kept by the company performing the work. 2.Section 11 hereof shall be filled in if the crane is to operate within the power line protection zone. 3.Branch lines shall also refer to overhead power lines. 4.Work close to overhead power lines shall be carried out in the presence and under supervision of the Person Responsible for Load Handling by Cranes. 175 List of Regulatory Documents Applicable to Facilities Supervised by the Regional State Mining and Technical Supervision Inspectorates (GGTN) of the Republic of Kazakhstan State Emergency Committee. (The Documents are Available at Craneenergo Research and Development Association) 1.Labour Protection and Safety Manual for Gosgortechnadzor Inspectors. 2.Standard Safety Regulations for Blasting. 3.Methodological Directions for Servicing and Maintenance of Steel Structures and Electric Equipment of Cranes (Suspended, Overhead Travelling, Gantry, etc.). RD-01-93 4.Regulations for Welder Certification. 5.Welding, Thermal Treatment and Testing of Boiler Piping Systems and Pipelines. RD-04-07-94. 6.Safety Regulations for Gas Systems. 7.Regulations for Lift Design and Safe Operation. 8.Provisions for the Procedure of the Vessel Service Life Extension in the Republic of Kazakhstan. RD-03-94. 9.Standard Safety Regulations for Mineral Crushing, Sorting, and Concentration. 10.Standard Safety Regulations for Mineral Resources Development by Open Pit Mining. 11.Regulations for Crane Design and Safe Operation. 12.Regulations for Pressure Vessel Design and Safe Operation. 13.Regulations for Steam and Water Boiler Design and Safe Operation. 14.Regulations for Steam and Hot Water Pipeline Design and Safe Operation. 15. Methods of Vessels and Equipment with Overdue Service Life Conditions Diagnostics within the Republic of Kazakhstan. RD-04-94. 16.Methodological Directions for Inspection and Certification of Kotlonadzor (Boiler Supervision) Supervised Facilities. 17.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Supervision of Load-Lifting Equipment, Removable Gripping Devices and Containers Safe Operation. 18.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Maintenance of Load-Lifting Equipment in Good Serviceable Conditions. 19.Typical Provisions for a Person Responsible for Safe Performance of Work by Cranes. 20.Typical Guidelines on Safe Work Methods for Tower Crane Operators. 21.Typical Guidelines on Safe Work Methods for Self-Propelled Boom Crane Operators. 22.Typical Guidelines on Safe Work Methods for Overhead Travelling Crane Operators. 23.Typical Guidelines for Slingers Servicing Cranes. 24.List of Regulatory Documents for Cranes and Load-Lifting Structures (GOST, OST, TU, RD) current in the Republic of Kazakhstan (as of 01/02/96). 25.Methodological Directions for Inspection and Certification of Vessels, Tanks, Drums and Cylinders Operating Under Pressure. 26.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Supervision of Pressure Vessel Conditions and Operation. 176 27.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Pressure Vessel Good Serviceable Conditions and Safe Operation. 28.Provisions for the Procedure of Expert Analyses and Inspections of Companies (Organizations), Irrespective of their Ownership and Industrial Reference, to Issue a Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor (GGTN) to Permit such Companies to Carry out Work at Boiler and Gas Facilities, Load- Lifting Equipment and in the Bread Producing Industry. 29.Provisions for the Procedure of Knowledge of Safety Regulations, Standards and Guidelines Assessment and Examination of Managerial Staff and Experts of Companies, Organisations and Facilities Supervised by the Republic of Kazakhstan Gosgortechnadzor. 30.Regulations for Stationary Compressor Unit Design and Safe Operation. 31.Regulations for Operation of Stationary, Container and Mobile Filling Stations. 32.Regulations for Electrode Boilers and Power Boiler Houses Design and Safe Operation. 33.Regulations for Steam Boilers, with the Steam Pressure of 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg- force/cm 2 ), Water Heating Boilers and Water Heaters, with the Heating Temperature not Exceeding 388 C (115°C), Design and Safe Operation. 34.Regulations for Hoist (Rig) Design and Safe Operation. 35.Regulations for Municipal Heating Boiler House Operation. 36.Amendment No. 1 to RD-04-07-94, Methodological Directions for Welding, Thermal Treatment and Testing of Boiler Piping Systems and Pipelines in Cases of Power Plant Equipment Installation and Maintenance. 37.Provisions for the System of Steam and Water Heating Boiler Diagnostics in Industrial Power Generation. 38.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Steam and Water Heating Boilers Good Serviceable Conditions and Safe Operation. 39.Load-Lifting Slings, General Purpose.Requirements for Design and Safe Operation. 40.Regulations of Non-Destructive Testing Expert Certification. 41.Specification, TU 640 RK 02495141-002-96, Cranes. Requirements for Welded Steel Structure Fabrication and Maintenance. 42.Methodological Directions for Inspection and Certification of Stationary Compressor Units Operating under Pressure of Compressed Air or Inert Gas. 43.Methodological Directions for Inspection of Boiler Houses and Certification of Steam and Water Heating Boilers. 44.Typical Guidelines for Boiler House Personnel. 45.Guidelines for Supervision of Facilities Supervised by Kotlonadzor (Boiler Supervision) Fabrication, Installation and Maintenance. 46.Provisions for Preliminary Supervision of Gas Supply System Construction and Reconstruction. 47.Guidelines for Supervision of Lifting Structure Fabrication, Installation and Maintenance. 48.Guidelines for Supervision of Gas Supply System Facilities Fabrication, Construction, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance. 49.Operation Regulations and Safety Requirements for Gas Supply Systems. 50.Typical Provisions for Engineering and Technical Staff Responsible for Steam and Hot Water Pipelines Good Serviceable Conditions and Safe Operation. 177 51.Methodological Directions for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life (Tower Cranes) with the Purpose to Identify the Potential of their Further Safe Operation. 52.Methodological Directions for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life (Self-Propelled Boom Cranes) with the Purpose to Identify the Potential of their Further Safe Operation. 53.Methodological Directions for Inspection of Cranes with Expired Service Life (Overhead Travelling Type Cranes, Cable Cranes, Railway Cranes, Column Cranes, Cantilever Cranes, Portal Cranes, and Transhipment Cranes) with the Purpose to Identify the Potential of their Further Safe Operation. 54.Regulations of Overhead Travelling Crane Tracks Design and Safe Operation. 55.RailTracks of Gantry Cranes.General Specification and Standards of Design and Safe Operation. 56.Typical Guidelines for Persons Responsible for Maintenance of Hoists (Rigs) in Good Serviceable Conditions. 57.Methodological Directions for Inspection of Hoists (Rigs) with Expired Service Life. 58.Guidelines for Inspection and Certification of Buried Tanks for Liquefied Gas Storage. 178 CRANEENERGO RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION To everyone, who wishes to cooperate with Cranenergo R&D Association and receive the latest regulatory documents related to operation, installation, maintenance and diagnostics of Gosgortechnadzor supervised equipment and facilities. Specialisation and basic types of activities: -Scientific research and introduction of its results, laboratory analyses, designing, fabrication, upgrading, overhaul, reconstruction, servicing, inspection, maintenance and testing of cranes and lifting structures, process boilers, and vessels of various types and designs; -Expert analyses of design and cost estimate documentation, expert conclusions on designed work related to designing, maintenance, reconstruction, overhaul and fabrication of crane structures, boilers and other supervised by Gosgortechnadzor equipment and facilities; -Development of standards, regulations, guidelines, methodological directions and other regulatory documents, information services; -Personnel training and professional skills improvement training; -Certification of lifting equipment and structures, steam and water heating boilers, pressure vessels and pipelines for steam and hot water. We invite you to mutually beneficial cooperation!


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