Recent books in political science
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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at and-conditions Recent books in political science Please note that publication dates are not provided below, as the books are listed according to their release date, which may differ from the year of publication. Australian and New Zealand politics Considerations for Australia’s next woman prime minister Diann Rodgers–Healey Australian Centre for Leadership for Women Don’t mention the war: The Australian Defence Force, the media and the Afghan conflict Kevin Foster Monash University Publishing The Gillard governments Chris Aulich, ed. Melbourne University Press Refuge New Zealand: A nation’s response to refugees and asylum seekers Ann Beaglehole Otago University Press Taking God to school: The end of Australia’s egalitarian education? Marion Maddox Allen & Unwin International relations The charismatic leadership phenomenon in radical and militant Islamism Haroro J. Ingram Ashgate The geopolitical power shift in the Indo-Pacific region: America, Australia, China, and triangular diplo- macy in the twenty-first century Randall Doyle Lexington Books Globalizing Somalia: Multilateral, international and transnational repercussions of conflict Emma Leonard and Gilbert Ramsay, eds Bloomsbury Good-bye hegemony! Power and influence in the global system Simon Reich and Richard Ned Lebow Princeton University Press The Horn of Africa Kidane Mengisteab Polity Press Australian Journal of Political Science, 2014 Vol. 49, No. 2, 376–388, © 2014 Australian Political Studies Association D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 The limits of partnership: U.S.–Russian relations in the twenty-first century Angela E. Stent Princeton University Press Mixed emotions: Beyond fear and hatred in international conflict Andrew A.G. Ross University of Chicago Press Rethinking power, institutions and ideas in world politics: Whose IR? Amitav Acharya Routledge Russian foreign policy: Interests, vectors, and sectors Nikolas K. Gvosdev and Christopher Marsh CQ Press U.S.–Iran misperceptions: A dialogue Abbas Maleki and John Tirman, eds Bloomsbury Global governance Global governance, human rights and international law: Combating the tragic flaw Errol P. Mendes Routledge Governing failure: Provisional expertise and the transformation of global development finance Jacqueline Best Cambridge University Press International summitry and global governance: The rise of the G7 and the European Council, 1974– 1991 Emmanuel Mourlon–Druol and Federico Romero, eds Routledge New constitutionalism and world order Stephen Gill and A. Claire Cutler, eds Cambridge University Press The return of the public in global governance Jacqueline Best and Alexandra Gheciu, eds Cambridge University Press International relations theory The ethics of armed conflict: A cosmopolitan just war theory John W. Lango Edinburgh University Press A history of international thought: From the origins of the modern state to academic international relations Lucian Ashworth Routledge Interpreting international politics Cecelia Lynch Routledge RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 377 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 The morality of defensive war Cécile Fabre and Seth Lazar, eds Oxford University Press Semantics of statebuilding: Language, meanings and sovereignty Nicolas Lemay–Hébert, Nicholas Onuf, Vojin Rakic ́ and Petar Bojanic,́ eds Routledge Visions of peace: Asia and the West Takashi Shogimen and Vicki A. Spencer Ashgate War, terrorism and strategic studies Arguing counterterrorism: New perspectives Daniela Pisoiu, ed. Routledge Can war be eliminated? Christopher Coker Polity Press Controlling small arms: Consolidation, innovation and relevance in research and policy Peter Batchelor and Kai Michael Kenkel, eds Routledge Great powers, small wars: Asymmetric conflict since 1945 Larisa Deriglazova Johns Hopkins University Press How peace operations work: Power, legitimacy, and effectiveness Jeni Whalan Oxford University Press Knowing the adversary: Leaders, intelligence, and assessment of intentions in international relations Keren Yarhi–Milo Princeton University Press NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting together, fighting alone David P. Auerswald and Stephen M. Saideman Princeton University Press The NATO intervention in Libya: Lessons learned from the campaign Kjell Engelbrekt, Marcus Mohlin and Charlotte Wagnsson, eds Routledge North Korean nuclear operationality: Regional security and nonproliferation Gregory J. Moore, ed. Johns Hopkins University Press Nuclear politics, 4 vols Maria Rost Rublee and Ramesh Thakur, eds Sage Nuclear strategy in the modern era: Regional powers and international conflict Vipin Narang Princeton University Press 378 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Obama’s foreign policy: Ending the War on Terror Michelle Bentley and Jack Holland, eds Routledge Out of the cold: The Cold War and its legacy Michael R. Fitzgerald, ed., with Allen Packwood Bloomsbury Peacekeeping in Africa: The evolving security architecture Marco Wyss and Thierry Tardy, eds Routledge Routledge handbook of civil wars Edward Newman and Karl DeRouen Jr., eds Routledge States of war since 9/11: Terrorism, sovereignty and the War on Terror Alex Houen, ed. Routledge Strategic narratives: Communication power and the new world order Alister Miskimmon, Ben O’Loughlin and Laura Roselle Routledge Strategic reassurance and resolve: U.S.–China relations in the twenty-first century James Steinberg and Michael E. O’Hanlon Princeton University Press Strategy: Key thinkers – A critical engagement Thomas M. Kane Polity Press Success and failure in limited war: Information and strategy in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars Spencer D. Bakich University of Chicago Press Asian politics and security The arms race in Asia: Trends, causes and implications Andrew T.H. Tan Routledge China’s regional relations: Evolving foreign policy dynamics Mark Beeson and Fujian Li Lynne Rienner Publishers Chinese politics and international relations: Innovation and invention Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin and Shaun Breslin, eds Routledge Democracy or alternative political systems in Asia: After the strongmen Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, ed. Routledge Democratization in China, Korea and Southeast Asia? Local and national perspectives Kate Xiao Zhou, Shelley Rigger and Lynn T. White III, eds Routledge RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 379 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 The politics of accountability in Southeast Asia: The dominance of moral ideologies Garry Rodan and Caroline Hughes Oxford University Press Regionalism and regional security in South Asia: The role of SAARC Zahid Shahab Ahmed Ashgate Middle Eastern politics Arabs and Israelis: Conflict and peacemaking in the Middle East Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman and Khalil Shikaki Palgrave Macmillan The Arab Spring and Arab thaw: Unfinished revolutions and the quest for democracy John Davis, ed. Ashgate Informal power in the Greater Middle East: Hidden geographies Luca Anceschi, Gennaro Gervasio and Andrea Teti, eds Routledge Modern Middle East authoritarianism: Roots, ramifications, and crisis Noureddine Jebnoun, Mehrdad Kia and Mimi Kirk, eds Routledge The new Middle East: Protest and revolution in the Arab world Fawaz A. Gerges, ed. Cambridge University Press Non-state actors in the Middle East: Factors for peace and democracy Galia Golan and Walid Salem, eds Routledge Political aid and Arab activism: Democracy promotion, justice, and representation Sheila Carapico Cambridge University Press European politics Blaming Europe? Responsibility without accountability in the European Union Sara B. Hobolt and James Tilley Oxford University Press The changing welfare state in Europe: The implications for democracy David G. Mayes and Anna Michalski, eds Edward Elgar The EU and effective multilateralism: Internal and external reform practices Edith Drieskens and Louise G. van Schaik, eds Routledge Globalisation vs Europeanisation: A human-centric interaction Léonce Bekemans Peter Lang 380 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 The long quest for identity: Political identity and fundamental rights protection in the European Union Gabriele De Angelis and Paulo Barcelos, eds Peter Lang The meanings of Europe: Changes and exchanges of a contested concept Claudia Wiesner and Mieke Schmidt–Gleim, eds Routledge Party attitudes towards the EU in the member states: Parties for Europe, parties against Europe Nicolò Conti, ed. Routledge Human rights Human rights: Old problems, new possibilities David Kinley, Wojciech Sadurski and Kevin Walton, eds Edward Elgar The international politics of human rights: Rallying to the R2P cause? Monica Serrano and Thomas G. Weiss, eds Routledge Kantian theory and human rights Andreas Føllesdal and Reidar Maliks, eds Routledge Reframing the intercultural dialogue on human rights: A philosophical approach Jeffrey Flynn Routledge The rise and decline of a global security actor: UNHCR, refugee protection and security Anne Hammerstad Oxford University Press Gender politics Gender and global justice Alison M. Jaggar, ed. Polity Press Gender, mobilities, and livelihood transformations: Comparing indigenous people in China, India, and Laos Ragnhild Lund, Kyoko Kusakabe, Smita Mishra Panda and Yunxian Wang, eds Routledge The Korean women’s movement and the state: Bargaining for change Seung-kyung Kim with Kyounghee Kim Routledge Sovereign masculinity: Gender lessons from the War on Terror Bonnie Mann Oxford University Press Women and militant wars: The politics of injury Swati Parashar Routledge RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 381 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 States in transition The capitalist transformation of state socialism: The making and breaking of state socialist society, and what followed David Lane Routledge Post-conflict development in East Asia Brendan M. Howe Ashgate Ruling Russia: Authoritarianism from the Revolution to Putin William Zimmerman Princeton University Press Violence after war: Explaining instability in post-conflict states Michael J. Boyle Johns Hopkins University Press Comparative politics Civil society and world regions: How citizens are reshaping regional governance in times of crisis Lorenzo Fioramonti, ed. Lexington Books Clientelism, social policy, and the quality of democracy Diego Abente Brun and Larry Diamond, eds Johns Hopkins University Press Comparative welfare state politics: Development, opportunities, and reform Kees van Kersbergen and Barbara Vis Cambridge University Press Corruption, contention, and reform: The power of deep democratization Michael Johnston Cambridge University Press Democratic extremism in theory and practice: All power to the people Paul Lucardie Routledge Diffusion of democracy: The past and future of global democracy Barbara Wejnert Cambridge University Press Handbook of Central American governance Diego Sánchez–Ancochea and Salvador Martí i Puig, eds Routledge Inside the unions: A comparative analysis of policy-making in Australian and British printing and telecommunication trade unions Ed Blissett Peter Lang In the interest of others: Organizations and social activism John S. Ahlquist and Margaret Levi Princeton University Press 382 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Mass politics in tough times: Opinions, votes and protest in the Great Recession Larry Bartels and Nancy Bermeo, eds Oxford University Press The organization of political interest groups: Designing advocacy Darren R. Halpin Routledge Religion and politics: European and global perspectives Johann P. Arnason and Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski, eds Edinburgh University Press Public administration, policy and governance The global promise of federalism Grace Skogstad, David Cameron, Martin Papillon and Keith Banting, eds University of Toronto Press How welfare states shape the democratic public: Policy feedback, participation, voting, and attitudes Staffan Kumlin and Isabelle Stadelmann–Steffen, eds Edward Elgar Public service efficiency: Reframing the debate Rhys Andrews and Tom Entwistle Routledge Environmental politics and energy security Carbon politics and the failure of the Kyoto Protocol Gerald Kutney Routledge Democratizing global climate governance Hayley Stevenson and John S. Dryzek Cambridge University Press Eco-business: A big-brand takeover of sustainability Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister MIT Press Energy security, equality and justice Benjamin K. Sovacool, Roman V. Sidortsov and Benjamin R. Jones, eds Routledge Fairness and justice in environmental decision making: Water under the bridge Catherine Gross Routledge Global energy dilemmas: Energy security, globalization, and climate change Michael J. Bradshaw Polity Press The political economy of global warming: The terminal crisis Del Weston Routledge RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 383 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 The politics of climate change negotiations: Strategies and variables in prolonged international negotiations Christian Downie Edward Elgar Routledge handbook of the climate change movement Matthias Dietz and Heiko Garrelts, eds Routledge Political economy Advanced introduction to international political economy Benjamin J. Cohen Edward Elgar Challenging the orthodoxy: Reflections on Frank Stilwell’s contribution to political economy Susan K. Schroeder and Lynne Chester, eds Springer The China model and global political economy: Comparison, impact, and interaction Ming Wan Routledge Globalization and food sovereignty: Global and local change in the new politics of food Peter Andrée, Jeffrey Ayres, Michael J. Bosia and Marie-Josée Massicotte, eds University of Toronto Press Handbook of global economic governance: Players, power and paradigms Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver, eds Routledge Handbook of the international political economy of governance Anthony Payne and Nicola Phillips, eds Edward Elgar Institutional diversity and political economy: The Ostroms and beyond Paul Dragos Aligica Oxford University Press The politics of global supply chains: Power and governance beyond the state Kate Macdonald Polity Press Towards a cultural political economy: Putting culture in its place in political economy Ngai-Ling Sum and Bob Jessop Edward Elgar Transnational financial regulation after the Crisis Tony Porter, ed. Routledge White-collar government: The hidden role of class in economic policy making Nicholas Carnes University of Chicago Press 384 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Politics of development Alternative development strategies for the post-2015 era Jose Antonio Alonso, Giovanni Andrea Cornia and Rob Vos, eds Bloomsbury Climate-resilient development: Participatory solutions from developing countries Astrid Carrapatoso and Edith Kürzinger, eds Routledge Development perspectives from the Antipodes Susanne Schech, ed. Routledge From Rio+20 to a new development agenda: Building a bridge to a sustainable future Felix Dodds, Jorge Laguna–Celis and Liz Thompson Routledge The global development crisis Benjamin Selwyn Polity Press Non-governmental development organizations and the poverty reduction agenda: The moral crusaders Jonathan J. Makuwira Routledge The politics of public sector performance: Pockets of effectiveness in developing countries Michael Roll, ed. Routledge Elections and political parties The American political landscape Byron E. Shafer and Richard H. Spady Harvard University Press Authoritarian origins of democratic party systems in Africa Rachel Beatty Riedl Cambridge University Press British general elections since 1964: Diversity, dealignment, and disillusion David Denver and Mark Garnett Oxford University Press Changing societies, changing party systems Heather Stoll Cambridge University Press Gender, race, and office holding in the United States: Representation at the intersections Becki Scola Routledge Indian youth and electoral politics: An emerging engagement Sanjay Kumar, ed. Sage RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 385 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Parliamentary elites in Central and Eastern Europe: Recruitment and representation Elena Semenova, Michael Edinger and Heinrich Best, eds Routledge Party systems in East Central Europe Ladislav Cabada, Vít Hloušek and Petr Jurek Lexington Books Presidential campaigning in the internet age Jennifer Stromer–Galley Oxford University Press The selection of political party leaders in contemporary parliamentary democracies: A comparative study Jean-Benoit Pilet and William P. Cross, eds Routledge Timing and turnout: How off-cycle elections favor organized groups Sarah F. Anzia University of Chicago Press Why India votes? Mukulika Banerjee Routledge Media and political communication The dynamics of political communication: Media and politics in a digital age Richard M. Perloff Routledge Jihadi culture on the World Wide Web Gilbert Ramsay Bloomsbury Politics and the internet, 4 vols William H. Dutton, ed. Routledge The spiral of silence: New perspectives on communication and public opinion Wolfgang Donsbach, Charles T. Salmon and Yariv Tsfati, eds Routledge State power 2.0: Authoritarian entrenchment and political engagement worldwide Muzammil M. Hussain and Philip N. Howard, eds Ashgate Social movements and radical politics Communism in the 21st century, 3 vols Shannon Brincat, ed. Praeger The post-political and its discontents: Spaces of depoliticization, spectres of radical politics Japhy Wilson and Erik Swyngedouw, eds Edinburgh University Press 386 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Protest camps Anna Feigenbaum, Fabian Frenzel and Patrick McCurdy Zed Books Social movements in global politics David West Polity Press Political theory Born free and equal? A philosophical inquiry into the nature of discrimination Kasper Lippert–Rasmussen Oxford University Press Bottlenecks: A new theory of equal opportunity Joseph Fishkin Oxford University Press The color of citizenship: Race, modernity and Latin American/Hispanic political thought Diego A. von Vacano Oxford University Press Critical theory in the twenty-first century Darrow Schecter Bloomsbury Democracy disfigured: Opinion, truth, and the people Nadia Urbinati Harvard University Press Dictatorship: From the origin of the modern concept of sovereignty to proletarian class struggle Carl Schmitt, trans. Michael Hoelzl and Graham Ward Polity Press Encyclopedia of modern political thought, 2 vols Gregory Claeys, ed. CQ Press Equality and opportunity Shlomi Segall Oxford University Press Equal recognition: The moral foundations of minority rights Alan Patten Princeton University Press Foucault and power: The influence of political engagement on theories of power Marcelo Hoffman Bloomsbury Freedom’s right: The social foundations of democratic life Axel Honneth, trans. Joseph Ganahl Polity Press How groups matter: Challenges of toleration in pluralistic societies Gideon Calder, Magali Bessone and Federico Zuolo, eds Routledge RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 387 D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Leo Strauss and the crisis of rationalism: Another reason, another Enlightenment Corine Pelluchon, trans. Robert Howse SUNY Press Locke, science and politics Steven Forde Cambridge University Press Negative revolution: Modern political subject and its fate after the Cold War Artemy Magun Bloomsbury The politics of compassion Michael Ure and Mervyn Frost, eds Routledge The politics of rationality: Reason through Occidental history Charles P. Webel Routledge The structure of pluralism Victor M. Muñiz–Fraticelli Oxford University Press A theory of militant democracy: The ethics of combatting political extremism Alexander S. Kirshner Yale University Press Political history and the discipline of political science The Cambridge companion to Nelson Mandela Rita Barnard, ed. Cambridge University Press Forging a discipline: A critical assessment of Oxford’s development of the study of politics and inter- national relations in comparative perspective Christopher Hood, Desmond King and Gillian Peele, eds Oxford University Press Politics against pessimism: Social democratic possibilities since Ernst Wigforss Winton Higgins and Geoff Dow Peter Lang Revolutionary ideas: An intellectual history of the French Revolution from The Rights of Man to Robespierre Jonathan Israel Princeton University Press 388 RECENT BOOKS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE D ow nl oa de d by [ U ni ve rs ity o f St ra th cl yd e] a t 0 3: 44 0 5 D ec em be r 20 14 Recent books in political science
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