Prolonged analgesic effect of PLGA-encapsulated bee venom on formalin-induced pain in rats

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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 380 (2009) 62–66 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Pharmaceutics journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com Prolong ed formal Injae Jeo e b, Sung-Kee a Acupuncture n-gu, b Department o c Department o ea d College of Ori a r t i c l Article history: Received 8 Ap Received in re Accepted 26 Ju Available onlin Keywords: Nanoparticle Bee venom Acupuncture Analgesia d,l-Lactide-co-glycolide Rat of be colid ue. R unctu -NPs e, com was a in bee venom. These results indicate that PLGA-encapsulation provided a more prolonged effect of BV acupuncture treatment, while maintaining a comparable therapeutic effect. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduc For optim istration is in the body sites. There drug carrie micro/nano carrier cap controlled systems usi can provide improve the mulated dr the stabiliti controlled r Nanopar ically from from a bio co-glycolide ∗ Correspon ∗∗ Correspon E-mail add 0378-5173/$ – doi:10.1016/j.i tion um drug action, the most efficient method of admin- to deliver the drug to the desired site of action , removing or minimizing side effects at non-target have been many reports addressing nano-engineered r systems, such as liposomes, micelles, and polymer particles (Gupta et al., 2000), with advantages of high acity, efficient incorporation, targeted delivery, and (sustained) release. Nanoparticle-based drug delivery ng biodegradable polymers are strong candidates that sustained, controlled, and targeted drug delivery to therapeutic effect and reduce the side effects of a for- ug (Soppimath et al., 2001). It also helps to increase es of chemical or protein drugs and possesses useful elease properties. ticles are colloidal systems that range in size typ- 10 to 1000 nm in diameter and are formulated degradable polymer (Langer, 1997). Poly(d,l-lactide- ) (PLGA) is one of the most extensively studied ding author. Tel.: +82 2 961 0949; fax: +82 2 963 2175. ding author. Tel.: +82 2 961 0366; fax: +82 2 966 2175. resses: [email protected] (C.-S. Yin), [email protected] (D.-H. Hahm). biopolymers and is particularly suitable for manufacturing a bio- compatible drug delivery system. Although a number of different polymers have been investigated for formulating biodegradable nanoparticles, PLGA is the only one approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a biocompatible and biodegrad- able polymer (Jain, 2000). The biocompatibility, bioabsorbability, changeable biodegradability, and good mechanical properties of PLGA nanoparticles have been recognized in previous studies (Emerich et al., 1999). In Korean traditional medicine, BV acupuncture is considered a useful therapeutic method for treating chronic diseases accompa- nied by severe pain and inflammation (Kwon et al., 2001b). In the BV acupuncture treatment, BV injection is conducted to stimulate an acupuncture point as well as to exert pharmacological effects by the biologically active compounds in BV (Kwon et al., 2001a). Although BV acupuncture therapy is relevant to treating various chronic pain diseases in Korean traditional medicine, the treat- ment sometimes results in erythema and eventually edema and pain, because of allergenic components in BV. It has been reported that melittin injection induces paw edema in mice (Hartman et al., 1991). Thus, the use of BV acupuncture therapy in treating disease has been somewhat limited. The present study was performed to investigate the prolonged medicinal effects of BV acupuncture with a combination of BV and poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (BV-PLGA-NPs) in see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. jpharm.2009.06.034 ed analgesic effect of PLGA-encapsulat in-induced pain in rats ng a, Beom-Soo Kim b, Hyejung Lee a,d, Kang-Min Le l Kang d, Chang-Shick Yin a,∗, Dae-Hyun Hahm a,∗∗ and Meridian Science Research Center, Kyung Hee University, Hoigi-dong, Dongdaemoo f Biochemistry, Chonbuk National University, Chonju 561-756, Republic of Korea f Integrative Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul 137-701, Republic of Kor ental Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea e i n f o ril 2009 vised form 25 June 2009 ne 2009 e 3 July 2009 a b s t r a c t To enhance the medicinal activity biodegradable poly(d,l-lactide-co-gly emulsion/solvent-evaporation techniq of BV-PLGA-NPs to the Zusanli acup tar injection of 2% formalin. BV-PLGA BV acupuncture during the late phas lasted for 12 h. PLGA-encapsulation / locate / i jpharm bee venom on Insop Shim c, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea e venom (BV) acupuncture, bee venom was loaded into e) nanoparticles (BV-PLGA-NPs) by a water-in-oil-in-water- at formalin tests were performed after subcutaneous injection re point (ST36) at 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h before plan- treatment showed comparable analgesic activity to typical pared with saline-treated controls, and the analgesic effect lso effective in alleviating the edema induced by allergens I. Jeong et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 380 (2009) 62–66 63 relieving formalin-induced pain in rats. BV-PLGA-NPs were injected to the Zusanli acupuncture point. The controlled release system of BV-PLGA-NPs was also evaluated by assessment of BV-induced edema. An emulsion/solvent-evaporation technique was applied to formulate P as an emuls nanoparticl formalin-in ture. 2. Materia 2.1. Chemic Lyophili (V-3125, S 26,300∼30, = 50:50; MW and other Sigma–Aldr 2.2. Animal Male Sp chased from in colony ca in tempera light/dark c to the study by the Anim All procedu the Care an National Ins 2.3. Prepara BV-load w/o/w emu Briefly, aliq emulsified PLGA to pro tor (Sonicat an ice-bath solution (12 w/o/w emu 50 W in an netic stirre were recov 4 ◦C and wa PVA. Particle light scatte Japan). For was dispers a scattering age particle index were measured u tometer (EL measureme BV encapsu the protein tion using a The appear lyzed using Tokyo, Japa ing bee venom-loaded nanoparticles in 1 ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) followed by incubation at 4 and 37 ◦C under mild agita- tion. After predetermined time intervals, samples were harvested and centrifuged. The supernatant was collected for analysis of BV e pr BS, a reme perc culat g/the t for i-noc ing t f 2% of th sic ef h af e of 5 sanli d hin ne-fi ligam beh mal ls du of sp te p on) w y a p afte -stim BV- me rison wde l of s d in nflam itho he in ex of Com ior t e (IPV aseli atisti data ere A), f ant ly sig ults arac cha e ind with s det LGA nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was used ifier in this study (Chiba et al., 1997). BV-loaded PLGA es were prepared and examined for analgesic efficacy in duced pain rats in comparison with plain BV acupunc- ls and methods als zed powder of bee venom from Apis mellifera igma–Aldrich Co.), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, MW 000 kDa), poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA:PVA 40 kDa), formalin (35% formaldehyde), indomethacin chemical reagents were all purchased from ich Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA). s rague–Dawley rats, weighing 200–250 g, were pur- Samtaco Animal Co. (Osan, Kyungki-do, Korea), housed ges with free access to food and water, and maintained ture and light-controlled rooms (23 ± 0.5 ◦C, 12/12 h ycle with lights on at 07:00) for at least one week prior . All methods used in the present study were approved al Care and Use Committee of Kyung Hee University. res were conducted in accordance with the “Guide for d Use of Laboratory Animals,” published by the Korean titute of Health. tion of bee venom-nanoparticles ed PLGA/PVA nanoparticles were prepared, using a lsion/solvent-evaporation technique (Chiba et al., 1997). uots of 200�l of BV (2 mg/ml) or saline solution were with 2 ml of chloroform solution containing 40 mg of duce a primary emulsion using a microtip probe sonica- or XL; Misonix, Farmingdale, NY, USA) for 30 s at 50 W in . This emulsion was further emulsified in aqueous PVA ml, concentration of PVA was 3%) to form a multiple lsion. Emulsification was performed again for 5 min at ice-bath. The emulsion was stirred overnight on a mag- r to allow the chloroform to evaporate. Nanoparticles ered by ultracentrifugation (35,000 rpm) for 20 min at shed twice with distilled water to remove un-entrapped sizes and size distribution were determined by the ring method (DLS-8000; Otsuka Electronics Co., Osaka, particle size analysis, 0.2 ml of nanoparticle suspension ed in 3 ml of distilled water and optically analyzed at angle of 90◦ and the temperature of 25 ◦C. The aver- size, expressed as a mean diameter, and polydispersity determined. The zeta potential of the nanoparticles was sing an electrophoretic light-scattering spectropho- S-8000; Otsuka Electronics Co., Osaka, Japan). All the nts above were repeated three times. The amount of lated in the nanoparticles was determined by analyzing content in the washing step of nanoparticle formula- BCA protein assay kit (Pierce Co., Rockford, IL, USA). ance and shape of the nanoparticle surfaces were ana- a scanning electron microscope, JSM-6400 (JEOL Co., n). The release rate of BV was determined by suspend- and th fresh P measu The the cal loadin 2.4. Ra Ant accord 50�l o surface analge and 48 volum the Zu injecte imal o patella ceptive the ani interva phases tial acu injecti then b 10 min 2.5. BV The titative compa NPs po in 1 m injecte acute i PLGA w trols. T an ind Basile, paw pr volum ume/b 2.6. St All Data w (ANOV signific tistical 3. Res 3.1. Ch The cles ar shape sion, a ecipitated nanoparticles were resuspended in 1 ml of nd then returned to the incubator for continuous release nt. entage of encapsulation efficiency was 70.6 ± 2.3% by ion as follows: encapsulation efficiency (%) = (actual BV oretical BV loading) × 100. malin test iception was assessed using the rat formalin test, o Dubuisson and Dennis (1977). To perform the test, formalin was injected subcutaneously into the plantar e right hind paw with a 30-gauge needle. The prolonged fects were examined at time points of 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, ter the injections of BV, BV-PLGA-NPs (0.08 mg/kg in a 0�l of saline), PLGA, and indomethacin (10 mg/kg) to (ST36) acupuncture point to be ipsilateral to formalin d paw. The acupuncture point was located at the prox- fth point on the line from the depression lateral to the ent to the anterior side of ankle (Yin et al., 2008). Noci- aviors were quantified by counting the number of times licked, bit, or shaked the formalin-injected paw at 5-min ring the period from 10 to 60 min after injection. Two ontaneous nociceptive behavior were observed: an ini- hase (early phase, during the first 10 min after formalin as followed by a relative short quiescent period and rolonged tonic response (late phase, beginning about r formalin injection). ulated paw edema stimulated paw edema rat model was used for quan- asurement of the local inflammatory response in with plain BV acupuncture. In this method, BV-PLGA- r equivalent to 0.4 mg BV was weighed and dissolved aline solution, and 50�l of BV-PLGA-NPs solution was to the subplantar muscle of the right paw to induce mation. Equivalent amounts of BV without PLGA and ut BV were also used to induce edema as negative con- crease in volume of the injected hind paw was used as the severity of inflammation. A plethysmometer (Ugo erio, Italy) was used to measure the volume of the hind o and up to 3 h after BV treatment. The increase in paw ) was calculated as: %IPV = test volume − baseline vol- ne volume. cal analysis in this study are presented as the means ± S.E.M. analyzed by independent t-test or analysis of variance ollowed by post hoc comparisons using Fisher’s least difference test. Values of p < 0.05 were considered sta- nificant. terization of BV-loaded nanoparticles racterization and morphology of BV-loaded nanoparti- icated in Fig. 1. The BV nanoparticles were spherical in smooth surfaces and without any aggregation or adhe- ermined by scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 1(A)). 64 I. Jeong et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 380 (2009) 62–66 Fig. 1. Characterization of BV-loaded nanoparticles (BV-PLGA-NPs). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph (29,000×; the bar indicates 2�m) (A), particle size distribution profile (B), zeta potential measurement (C), and cumulative release of BV from the BV-loaded nanoparticles (D). BV-loaded nanoparticles showed a mean diameter of 179.8 ± 2.1 nm (Fig. 1(B)) and polydispersity index of 0.126 ± 0.032, respectively. A lower polydispersity index means a narrower size distribution. Zeta potential w efficiency in The zeta po specific medium and the magnitude of the zeta potential gives an indication of the potential stability of the colloidal system. If all the particles have a large negative or positive zeta potential (more pos- an + ther a tent Fig. 2. (A) Pro behavior as co the CON group as −20.6 ± 0.2 mV (Fig. 1(C)). The drug encapsulation to the nanoparticles was determined to be 70.6 ± 2.3%. tential is the overall charge a particle acquires in a itive th each o zeta po longed analgesic effect of nanoparticle-encapsulated BV (Nano-BV, n = 8) acupuncture to t mpared with saline (CON, n = 8)-, PLGA vehicle (PLGA, n = 8)-, plain BV (BV, n = 8)- and ind . (B) Schematic diagram of BV-PLGA-NPs treatment protocols at time points 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 1 30 mV or more negative than −30 mV), they will repel nd there is dispersion stability. If the particles have low ial values then there is no force to prevent the particles he Zusanli acupuncture point (ST36) on formalin-induced nociceptive omethacin (INDO, n = 8)-treated groups. *p < 0.05, as compared with 2, 24, and 48 h before 2% formalin injection. I. Jeong et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 380 (2009) 62–66 65 coming together and flocculating, and there is dispersion instability. The magnitude of the measured zeta potential is thus an indication of the repulsive force that is present and can be used to predict the long-term stability of the product (Lin et al., 2006; Veronesi et al., 2002). Fig. 1(D) shows the time courses of in vitro cumula- tive release of bee venom from nanoparticles at 4 and 37 ◦C. During the initial burst phase (day 0–1), BV was released rapidly from the nanoparticles and accumulated to a concentration of 53.9�g/ml on the day after encapsulation at 37 ◦C. However, the release rate of BV markedly decreased after this time point and the cumula- tive amount of BV eventually reached about 91.5�g/ml at day 11 post-encapsulation. Thus, the in vitro release profile of BV from PLGA nanoparticles was a typical biphasic release phenomenon; there was an initial burst release (day 0–1) and a subsequent slower release (day 1–11). On the other hand, after incubation at 4 ◦C, BV release from the nanoparticles was not significant over the time period examined. 3.2. Prolonged analgesic effect of nanoparticle-encapsulated BV The time courses of nociceptive behavior in the rat formalin test after BV-PL in Fig. 2. Th effect of BV- ture treatm point signifi in the late p saline-treat (BV-PLGA-N of plain BV up to 12 h ( treatment w analgesic ef icant. There the early ph 3.3. Paw ed Fig. 3 in increase of increased p decreased encapsulati to BV inject amount of B muscle of th tion was ne with plain B Fig. 3. Increm into the hind p and **p < 0.001 ing trend in paw volume in 3 h post-injection did not observed. No significant increase in paw volume was observed with PLGA injection as a vehicle control, which implied that a biodegradable polymer, PLGA did not affect the edema induction in itself. 4. Discussi BV acup relieving pa (Chen et al. al., 2001a,b also induce fever, tonic 1996). It wa component (Chen et al. the nanopa strategy for enhancing In the pr articl ial b ncap articl the f slow adily in im ntro r min may s. Th d to ne t on in rder opar the s vehi the xerte as th is in BV f nclu ed fo inin he ra ught t an re at tors, Whe of an ber ima owin The king by su e hin he pr ulati e his hosp GA-NPs injection at various time intervals are shown is figure shows the prolonged duration of the analgesic PLGA-NPs treatment, as compared to plain BV acupunc- ent. The BV injected to the Zusanli (ST36) acupuncture cantly suppressed the formalin-induced pain behavior hase, at time points of 0.5, 1, and 2 h, as compared with ed controls (p < 0.05). In the case of BV nanoparticles Ps), the pain-relieving activity was comparable to that treatment at 0.5, 1, and 2 h, and the effect lasted for p < 0.05; Fig. 2(A)). Even at 24 and 48 h, BV-PLGA-NPs as more likely than plain BV acupuncture to exhibit an fect, although the difference was not statistically signif- were no significant changes of nociceptive behaviors in ase among groups (Fig. 2(A)). ema by nano-BV injection dicates that subplantar injection of BV induced an 30% in paw volume at 30 min post-injection. This aw volume was lasted for up to 2 h and slightly in 3 h. To exam the preventive effect of PLGA- on from inducing allergic and inflammatory response ion, the BV-PLGA-NP powder containing the equivalent V was dissolved in PBS and injected to the subplantar e right paw. The BV-PLGA-NPs-induced edema forma- gligible in all phases of the experiment as compared V (p < 0.05). In case of BV-PLGA-NPs, however, a decreas- ents in paw volume after subcutaneous injection of Nano-BV (n = 8) aw, as compared with PLGA (n = 8) or plain BV (n = 8) injection. *p < 0.05 as compared with the PLGA group. nanop an init post-e nanop face of stage o and ste useful and co tant fo which tration require to confi injecti In o BV nan tion to or the phase, ST36 e where result file of was co extend mainta In t are tho withou phase a media 1992; ulator a num that an ity foll 1996). mimic duced into on In t encaps includ tide, p on uncture has been known to exert a remarkable effect in in and inflammation in various acute or chronic diseases , 2001; Hartman et al., 1991; Kim et al., 2005; Kwon et ; Son et al., 2007). On the other hand, the BV injection s a systemic or local allergic response, accompanying pain and edema, itching, etc. (Lariviere and Melzack, s reported that the injection of melittin, a representative in BV induced dose-dependent edema in mouse paws , 2003). In recent years, the drug delivery system using rticle encapsulation technique seems to be a promising reducing the side effects of BV injection as well as for the targeting or delivering efficiency of the drug. esent study, the in vitro release profile of BV from PLGA es showed a typical biphasic pattern and there was urst release of BV from BV-PLGA-NPs for the first 24 h sulation (Fig. 1(D)). The rapid initial release of BV from es was probably the result of drug adsorbed on the sur- nanoparticles (Magenheim et al., 1993). In the second er release, the BV from the nanoparticles was gradually released. A burst of release in the initial phase can be proving the penetration efficiency of BV, and sustained lled release in the second phase also becomes impor- imizing the irritating effects of some ingredients in BV, occur in BV acupuncture treatment at higher concen- ese releasing properties of BV-PLGA-NPs are necessarily provide a prolonged duration of effective BV therapy and he nanoparticles to the limited area around the point of the skin in BV acupuncture. to verify the sustained and controlled release of BV from ticles in vivo, the analgesic effect of BV-PLGA-NP injec- pecific acupuncture point was compared with either BV cle (PLGA) injection in the rat formalin test. In the late injection of BV nanoparticles to the acupuncture point d a significant analgesic effect for 12 h post-injection e effect of plain BV acupuncture lasted for only 2 h. This considerable agreement with the in vitro release pro- rom BV-PLGA-NPs at 37 ◦C. Based on these results, it ded that the analgesic effect of BV acupuncture could be r more than 12 h by nanoparticle encapsulation, while g activity comparable to that of BV acupuncture. t formalin test, pain behaviors during the early phase to be due to direct chemical stimulation of nociceptors y tissue damage, while those associated with the late tributed to inflammatory pain induced by inflammatory including histamine and prostaglandin (Tjoelsen et al., eler-Aceto and Cowan, 1991). BV can be a powerful reg- ti-nociception and a potential therapeutic agent against of diseases. On the other hand, it has been reported ls show most types of nociception and hypersensitiv- g subcutaneous treatment of BV (Lariviere and Melzack, BV test, a well-established experimental animal model honeybee sting-induced natural tissue injury, is pro- bcutaneous injection of a given dose of honeybee venom d paw (Chen et al., 2001). esent study, BV-induced edema was controlled by PLGA- on. The main ingredients of BV responsible for pain tamine, melittin, mast-cell degranulating (MCD) pep- holipase A, and apamin (Lariviere and Melzack, 1996). 66 I. Jeong et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 380 (2009) 62–66 Melittin causes the release of histamine and serotonin from mast cells, erythrocytes, and thrombocytes. MCD peptide causes the release of histamine from destroyed mast cells. Phospholipase A potentiates melittin’s effect, and apamin has neurotoxic effects on spinal cord. The BV components responsible for the inflammation and edema are also known to be histamine, serotonin, apamin, and hyaluro the clinical caused by t Calixto et al may be a pr of BV by pr of BV, such (Lariviere an BV from BV Although acupunctur several mec gested. Amo anti-nocice and serono system in th reported th formalin-in c-Fos expre In the pr diametrical nociception cutaneous i produced a without eli ever, in the glabrous sk tory edema of spontane vation of n needle inse named acup induce any ical and his mechanism ent pain res can be sugg between th skin of plan might be ex stimulation pathway by In this s point (ST36 synergistic logical actio medicinal e quite differ larly or sub effects on th PLGA-encap releasing ra resulted in and the pha The resu acupunctur markedly p with forma effects of BV by retarding the rate of BV release from the nanopar- ticles. Overall, PLGA-encapsulation in BV acupuncture therapy is a promising technique to extend the medicinal effect and to reduce BV-induced irritation and edema. Acknowledgement s wor tion 1-20 nces M.C., T e rat 139. Chen, : From .S., Ch ced c poral 57–6 ., Han sine-c 901. on, D., c effec . Pain , D.F., T . Bioc the br .K., M meric ies. In , D.A. pariso -indu ., 2000 (lactid ., Kw hanism rat for ways. .B., Ka Han, unctu t vers .B., Ki b. The mpara ., 199 841. , W.R o, C., prolon g. Li. , W.R 71–27 , Zhon ass e echno eim, B rug re sure. I , Lee, J n of a onstit th, K. polym . , A., Be valuat i, B., C iculate . Toxic -Aceto valua , Jeon osed 84, 15 nidase. Several experimental reports have elucidated importance of evoking an allergic (immune) response hese allergen components of BV (Lariviere et al., 2005; ., 2003). The PLGA-encapsulation technology used here omising strategy to minimize the irritating side effects eventing instant exposure to the allergen components as histamine, melittin, phospholipase A, and apamin d Melzack, 1996), and by controlling the release rate of nanoparticle. the precise mechanism of analgesic effect of BV e to the acupuncture points has remained unclear, hanisms involving neuronal receptors have been sug- ng them, the representative theory is that BV-induced ption is produced by the activation of the�2-adrenergic nergic components of the descending pain inhibitory e rat formalin pain model (Kim et al., 2005). It was also at the anti-nociceptive effect of BV pretreatment on the duced pain behavior is associated with the reduction of ssion in the rat spinal cords (Son et al., 2007). esent study, the injection of BV or BV-PLGA-NP provided ly opposing results: analgesic action and spontaneous in two different animal models, respectively. The sub- njection of BV to ST36 acupuncture point on the knee therapeutic effect on the formalin-induced nociception citing any sign of pain due to the BV injection. How- paw edema test, the intramuscular injection of BV to in of plantar surface induced the significant inflamma- at the injection site. In contrast to the general induction ous and persistent inflammatory pain through the acti- ociceptor by chemical or physical stimuli to skin, the rtion to the specific acupuncture points on the skin, uncture in the traditional Oriental medicine, does not significant signs of pain behavior as well as biochem- tological changes (Kwon et al., 2001a,b). Although the by which the single stimulation of BV elicits the differ- ponses to the different skins has not been elucidated, it ested that the nociceptors are differentially distributed e hairy skin around ST36 acupoint and the glabrous tar surface. And in some pain-controlling acupoints, it plainable that the analgesic mechanism by acupuncture might be separated with the pain transmission neural acupuncture needle pricking. tudy, BV or nano-BV was injected to the acupuncture ) on the hind legs of rats, which attempted to produce effects of acupuncture therapy as well as pharmaco- n of BV components. The efficacy and the duration of ffect of BV acupuncture to the acupuncture points were ent from those of simple injection of BV intramuscu- cutaneously (data not shown). Since PLGA had little e medicinal activities of BV acupuncture, it seems that sulation of BV enhanced its analgesic by controlling the te of BV components from the BV nanoparticles, which extending the period of acupuncture point stimulation rmacological action of the various BV components. lts of this study demonstrated experimentally that e therapy using PLGA-encapsulated BV exhibits rolonged suppression of nociceptive behavior in rats lin-induced pain, and minimizes the irritating side Thi Founda (No. R1 Refere Calixto, in th 132– Chen, J., Pain Chen, H indu tem 298, Chiba, M tyro 893– Dubuiss gesi cats Emerich 1999 into Gupta, A poly stud Hartman Com PLA2 Jain, R.A poly Kim, H.W mec the path Kwon, Y D.Y., acup poin Kwon, Y 2001 a co Langer, R 840– Lariviere Y., Lu and Shen Lariviere 66, 2 Lin, D.Q. biom Biot Magenh of d pres Son, D.J. catio its c Soppima able 1–20 Tjoelsen an e Verones part cells Wheeler the e Yin, C.S. prop Sci. k was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering (KOSEF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) 05-014). richês, K.M., Calixto, J.B., 2003. 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Prolonged analgesic effect of PLGA-encapsulated bee venom on formalin-induced pain in rats Introduction Materials and methods Chemicals Animals Preparation of bee venom-nanoparticles Rat formalin test BV-stimulated paw edema Statistical analysis Results Characterization of BV-loaded nanoparticles Prolonged analgesic effect of nanoparticle-encapsulated BV Paw edema by nano-BV injection Discussion Acknowledgement References


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