Prayers and Blessings
May 4, 2018 | Author: Anonymous |
vrct hmzw< p∆ o˙P ÁT †‡V ˙†ÈB „R ~ ¨uÓ` [X b_ ÈÚF †ÏI ÎC φÁÈ`†¯D ˆoÔ. To prepare the heart and mind for the Birkat Hamazon, some recite this verse from Psalm 145 as an introductory meditation. You open Your hand and sustain all life with Your will. 1 A song of ascent: When God brings the exiles back to Zion, we will be as dreamers. Then will our mouths fill with laughter and our tongues with song. They will then say among the nations, “God has truly done great things for them.” God will do great things for us, and we will rejoice. Return our exiles, God, as You return streams to the Negev, and let those who sow in tears reap in joyful song. Those who go out weeping, bearing the burden of seeds, shall return joyfully with the harvested grain. My mouth will utter praises of God, and all shall bless God’s holy name for eternity. And we will bless God for now and forever, Hallelujah! We thank God, for God is good, God’s kindness is everlasting. Who might enumerate the powers of God, or proclaim all of God’s praises? ÷œ ȯ†‰ÃÓ∆ ÃÚ⁄Ï›˙†b∆ Ÿ ÷u·†ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ˙†÷œ È·Ã˙†ˆ_ È∆ › Ô ‰A È_ Èu∆ †q∆ Ÿ Á› ÏI Óœ ÈÌ.†‡À ʆÈ_ Ó∆ À ÏÕ ‡†◊Ÿ Á› ˜†p_ Èu∆ uÏI ÷› O u∆ †¯œ B ‰.†‡À ʆț ‡ÓŸ ¯u∆ †·Ã ‚∆ › È_ Ì ‰œ ‚H „∆ œ ÈφÈI ÈB Ïà Ú⁄ ◊› ˙†Úœ ̆‡Õ Ï∆ Œ ‰. ‰œ ‚H „∆ œ ÈφÈI ÈB †Ïà Ú⁄ ◊› ˙†Úœ Ó∆ À u∆ †‰A È_ Èu∆ †◊Ÿ ÓP Áœ ÈÌ. ÷u∆ ·C ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ˙†÷Ÿ ·_ È˙Õ u†q∆ à ‡⁄ Ùœ y˜œ È̆b∆ à ∆ Q ‚Q ·. ‰Ã Ê∆ › ¯J Úœ ÈÌ b∆ Ÿ „œ ÓŸ ÚÀ ‰†b∆ Ÿ ¯œ B ‰†È_ ˜Ÿ ˆ› ¯u∆ . ‰A Ï› ÍŸ †ÈÕ ÏÕ ÍŸ †u∆ ·C Λ ‰†› ◊P ‡†ÓŒ ÷Œ ÍŸ †‰Ã ÊB ¯G Ú b∆ › ‡†ÈB ·› ‡ ·∆ Ÿ ¯œ B ‰†› ◊P ‡†‡⁄ Ï‹ Ó∆ › ˙C ÈÂ. √J hW ylT t†ÈI ÈB ÈI dG bU r p_ y wK yvA rU | qC l bC [S r ]U > kS dJ [o lX eolS > wB eV d. wE aY nE iX nu nH vF rP | yC ≈ mU eT √D h wH eT d eolC > hT ÏI luyC ≈. hodu lT ÈI ÈB q_ y jov q_ y lX eolC > iT sX do. mW y ÈI mT lU l gH vurot†ÈI ÈB yE ]X mW yeT qC l √J h_ lC to. Shir Hama’a’lot b’shuv Adonai et shivat Tzion hayinu k’cholmim. Az y’malei s’chok pinu ul’shoneinu rina. Az yomru vagoyim Higdil Adonai la’a’sot im eileh. higdil Adonai la’a’sot imanu, hayinu s’meichim. Shuva Adonai et sh’viteinu ka’afikim banegev. Hazor’im b’dima b’rina yik’tzoru. Haloch yeileich uvacho, nosei meshech hazara. Bo yavo v’rina nosei alumotav. T’hilat Adonai y’daber pi, vi’varech kol basar shem kodsho l’olam va’ed. Va’anachnu n’varech ya me’ata v’ad olam halleluyah. Hodu l’Adonai ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo. Mi yemalel gevurot Adonai ya’shmi’ah kol tehilato. On Shabbat and holidays, begin with this introductory psalm: G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< My teachers, my friends, let us say Birkat Hamazon. May God’s name be blessed for now and forever. May God’s name be blessed for now and forever. With your permission, rabbis, friends, and teachers, let us bless (our God) the one from whose bounty we have eaten. Blessed is (our God) the one from whose bounty we have eaten and from whose goodness we have merited life. Blessed is (our God) the one from whose bounty we have eaten and from whose goodness we have merited life. Blessed is God, and Blessed is God’s name. ¯G b∆ › ˙Ã È ¨ÁF vÕ ¯G y†H ·C rP ÍŸ . ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓP Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌÆ ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓP Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌƆ b∆ œ ¯J ]u˙†ÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô,ÁF vÕ ¯G y†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à Ȩ H ·À ¯Õ ÍŸ ©‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ®†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †©‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ®†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › u∆ ·Ÿ Ëu∆ ·Â› †ÁÀ Èœ Èu∆ Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †©‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ®†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆  u∆ ·Ÿ Ëu∆ ·Â› †ÁÀ Èœ Èu∆ Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡†u∆ vC ¯u∆ ÍŸ †÷Ÿ Ó› . Rabotai, chaverei n’varech. Y’hi sheim Adonai m’vorach mei’ata v’ad olam. Y’hi sheim Adonai m’vorach mei’ata v’ad olam. Birshut maranan v’rabanan, chaverai v’rabotai, n’vareich (Eloheinu) she’achalnu mishelo. Baruch (Eloheinu) she’achalnu mishelo uv’tuvo chayinu. Baruch (Eloheinu) she’achalnu mishelo uv’tuvo chayinu. Baruch hu u’varuch sh’mo. 2 Leader: Group: Leader: When three or more have eaten together, one invites the others to join in the blessing after the meal. When a minyan is present, include the words in parentheses. At a wedding, see page 20. Group: Leader: All: G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< Blessed are You, God, ruler of the world, who gives food to all with grace, kindness, and compassion. God gives sustenance to all beings, God’s kindness endures forever. Through God’s great goodness, we have never wanted; may we never want for food, for the sake of God’s great name. For God sustains and nourishes all beings and is good to all, providing food for all the creatures of creation. Blessed are You, God, who nourishes all. Thank You God, for bestowing upon our ancestors a beautiful, good, and spacious land, and for taking us out of Egypt and redeeming us from slavery, and for the covenant You have sealed within us, and for Your Torah, which You have taught us, and for Your laws in which You b∆ C¯u∆ ÍH†‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu†ÓŒ Ï^ |†‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‰S ÊB Ô†‡Œ ˙†‰A Ú› ÏC ̆q∆ ‹ Ï∆ › †b∆ Ÿ Ëu∆ ·Â› †b∆ Ÿ ÁP Ô†b∆ Ÿ ÁŒ ÒŒ „† u∆ ·Ÿ ¯G Á⁄ Óœ ÈÌ,†‰u∆ ‡†Â› ˙Õ Ô†Ï^ ÁŒ ̆ÏI ÎÀ Ï bC ◊À ¯ q_ ȆÏI Ú› ÏC ̆Á` ÒŸ „∆ › Ɔu∆ ·Ÿ Ëu∆ ·Â› †‰Ã ‚B „› Ï ˙D Óœ È„† ¿‡†ÁÀ Òà ¯†ÏC u∆†¨ÂH ‡Ã φÈQ ÁŸ Òà ¯†ÏC u†ÓÀ Ê› Ô† ÏI Ú› ÏC ̆ÂB ÚŒ „Ɔb∆ à Ú⁄ ·u∆ ¯†÷Ÿ Ó› †‰Ã ‚B „› Ϩ q_ È ‰u∆ ‡†‡Õ φÊB Ô†u∆ ÓŸ Ùà ¯J O Ò†Ïà q∆ › φu∆ ÓÕ ËM È· Ïà q∆ › Ϩ u∆ ÓÕ Õ ÎL ÈÔ†ÓÀ Ê› Ô†ÏI Λ φb∆ Ÿ ¯œ È∆ › ˙À Ȇ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ b∆ C ¯D ‡Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‰A zB Ô†‡Œ ˙†‰Ã q∆ › Ï. ›dŒ‰†Ï∆ Ÿ }C †ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †Úà φ÷Œ ‰œ H Á` ÏI √∆ D Ïà ‡⁄ ·Â› ˙Õ Èu∆†¨‡Œ ¯Œ ı†ÁŒ ÓŸ „∆ D ‰†Ë› ·À ‰†u∆ ¯J ÁÀ ·À ‰¨ ÂH Úà φ÷Œ ‰Â› ˆÕ ‡˙À u∆ †ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓÕ ‡Œ ¯Œ ı Óœ ˆŸ ¯G È̆¨u∆ ÙŸ „œ È˙À u∆ †Óœ b∆ Õ È˙†Ú⁄ ·À „œ Ę̀ ÂH Úà φb∆ Ÿ ¯œ È˙J }C †÷Œ ÁÀ ˙à ӟ √∆ D †b_ ·Ÿ ◊À ¯P u∆ ¨ ÂH Úà φ√∆ › ¯D ˙J }C †÷Œ Ï_ Ó∆ à „J √∆ D u∆†¨ÂH Úà φÁ‹ ˜∆ Œ È}C Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, hazan et ha’olam kulo b’tuvo b’chein b’chesed uv’rachamim, hu notein lechem l’chol basar, ki l’olam chasdo. Uv’tuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar lanu, v’al yechsar lanu mazon l’olam va’ed. Ba’avur sh’mo hagadol, ki hu El zan um’farneis lakol u’meitiv lakol, u’meichin mazon l’chol b’riyotav asher bara. Baruch ata Adonai, hazan et hakol. Nodeh l’cha Adonai Eloheinu al she’hinchalta la’avoteinu eretz chemda tovah ur’chava, v’al she’hotzeitanu Adonai Eloheinu mei’eretz mitz’rayim uf ’ditanu mibeit avadim, v’al brit’cha she’chatamta biv’sareinu, v’al torat’cha she’limad’tanu, v’al chukecha 3 1 . s u s t e n a n c e 2 . t h a n k s g i v i n g G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< 4 ÷Œ ‰Â› „à ڟ ˙∆ À u∆ †ÂH Úà φÁ` ÈK È̆ÁP Ô†ÂB ÁŒ ÒŒ „ ÷Œ Á› E H √∆ D u∆†¨ÂH Úà φ‡⁄ ÎL ÈÏà ˙†ÓÀ Ê› Ô†÷À ‡Ã √∆ D ‰ ÊB Ô†u∆ ÓŸ Ùà ¯J O Ò†‡Â› ˙À u∆ †˙∆ À Óœ È„¨ b∆ Ÿ ÎC φÈ› Ì u∆ ·Ÿ ÎC φÚÕ ˙†u∆ ·Ÿ ÎC φ÷À ÚÀ ‰. she’hoda’tanu, v’al chayim chein va’chesed she’chonantanu, v’al achilat mazon she’ata zan um’farneis otanu tamid, b’chol yom uv’chol eit uv’chol sha’ah. have instructed us, and for the life, kindness, and compassion You have bestowed upon us, and for the sustenance You have provided, and which You continue to provide at all times. Al hanisim v’al hapurkan v’al hag’vurot v’al hat’shu’ot, v’al hamilchamot she’asita la’avoteinu bayamim haheim baz’man hazeh. Bimei Mordechai v’Esther b’Shushan habira, k’she’amad aleihem Haman ha’rasha, bikeish l’hashmid laharog ul’abeid et kol ha’y’hudim, mina’ar v’ad zakein, taf v’nashim b’yom echad, bish’losha asar l’chodesh sh’neim asar, hu chodesh Adar, ush’lalam lavoz. V’ata b’rachamecha harabim heifarta et atzato, v’kilkalta et machashavto, vahasheivota lo g’mulo b’rosho, v’talu oto v’et banav al ha’eitz. ÚÃφ‰ÃLÒ∆ œ È̆ÂH Úà φ‰Ã p∆ ‹ ¯J ˜À Ô†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã ‚H ·u∆ ¯Â› ˙ ÂH ÚÃ Ï ‰Ã √∆ Ÿ ÷u∆ Ú› ˙†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ÏI ÁÀ Ó› ˙†÷Œ ÚÀ ◊œ È˙ Ïà ‡⁄ ·Â› ˙P Èu∆ b∆ à à È∆ B Óœ È̆‰A ‰Õ ̆b∆ à ÊH Ó` Ô†‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ b_ÈÓÕ È†ÓÀ¯Jd∆ JÎÃȆÂH‡ŒÒŸ˙P¯†b∆ Ÿ ÷u∆ ÷G Ô†‰Ã b_ ȯD ‰¨q∆ Ÿ ÷Œ ÚÀ Ó` „† Ú⁄ ÏÕ È‰Œ ̆‰A ÓÀ Ô†‰A ¯D ÷À Ú†¨b_ ˜Õ ÷ ÏI ‰Ã ÷Ÿ Óœ È„ Ïà ‰⁄ ¯› ‚ u∆ ÏI ‡Ã b∆ Õ „†‡Œ ˙†q∆ À φ‰Ã ÈI ‰u∆ „œ ÈÌ ¨Óœ E Úà ¯†ÂH Úà „†ÊB ˜P Ô¨ Ëà ۆÂH B ÷œ È̆b∆ Ÿ È› ̆‡Œ ÁÀ „†¨b_ ÷Ÿ Ï› ÷À ‰†ÚÀ ◊À ¯†ÏI Á› „Œ ÷† ÷Ÿ O È̆ÚÀ ◊À ¯‰¨u∆ ‡†Á› „Œ ÷†‡⁄ „D ¯ ¨u÷Ÿ ÏC ÏC ̆ÏC ·Â› ÊÆ ÂH ‡Ã √∆ D ‰ b∆ Ÿ ¯G Á⁄ ÓŒ ÈÍC †‰A ¯G b_ È̆‰Õ Ùà ¯J √∆ D ‡Œ ˙†Ú⁄ ˆB˙o, ÂH ˜œ ÏI ˜Ã ÏI √∆ D †‡Œ ˙†Ó` Á⁄ ÷G ·Ÿ ˙∆ › ¨ÂE ‰⁄ ÷P ·Â› ˙À †Ï∆ › ‚H Óu∆ Ï› b∆ Ÿ ¯› ‡÷›†¨ÂH ˙À Ïu∆ †‡Â› ˙ ÂH ‡Œ ˙†b∆ C B È Úà φ‰A ÚÕ ıÆ And for the miracles, and for the salvation, and for the heroic acts, and for the victories, and for the battles which You fought for our ancestors in those days, in this season. In the days of Mordechai and Esther, in Shushan the capital city, they were confronted by the evil Haman, who sought to destroy, kill, and eliminate all the Jews, from the youngest to the oldest, women and children, on one day, the thirteenth of the twelfth month, that is Adar, and take their possessions as spoils. And You in Your great kindness foiled his plan, and thwarted his intention, and returned unto him that very verdict, and hanged him and his children on the gallows. On Purim: And for the miracles, and for the salvation, and for the heroic acts, and for the victories, and for the battles which You fought for our ancestors in those days in this season. In the time of Mattityahu, the son of Yochanan, the Hasmonean High Priest, and his children, when the evil Greek empire confronted Your righteous people to make them forget Your Torah and to divert them from the laws of Your choos- ing. And You in Your great kindness stood up for them in their time of trouble, fought their fights, judged their judgments, avenged their vengeance, placed the mighty in the hands of the weak, the many in the hands of the few, the impure in the hands of the pure, the evil in the hands of the good, and the heathens in the hands of those who immerse themselves in Your Torah. And You sanctified Your great and holy name in the world, and for Your people Israel You achieved a great victory and salvation which lasts to this day. And afterwards Your children came to Your sanctified dwelling place, and cleansed Your sanctuary, and purified Your Temple, and lit candles in Your holy courtyards, and established these eight days of Chanukah, to give thanks and praise to Your great name. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ÚÃφ‰ÃLÒ∆ œ È̆ÂH Úà φ‰Ã p∆ ‹ ¯J ˜À Ô†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã ‚H ·u∆ ¯Â› ˙ ÂH Úà φ‰Ã √∆ Ÿ ÷u∆ Ú› ˙†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ÏI ÁÀ Ó› ˙†÷Œ ÚÀ ◊œ È˙ Ïà ‡⁄ ·Â› ˙Õ Èu∆ †bà È∆ B Óœ È̆‰A ‰Õ ̆b∆ à ÊH Ó` Ô†‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ b∆ œ ÈÓÕ È†Ó`√∆ œ˙JÈB‰u∆ †bQ Q Ԇț ÁÀ B Ô†q∆ › ‰Õ Ô†‚B „› Ï Á` ÷Ÿ Ó› B ‡œ È u∆ ·À B Ȇ¨q∆ Ÿ ÷Œ ÚÀ ÓŸ „D ‰†Ó` ÏI Îu∆ ˙†ÈB ÂB Ô ‰A ¯J ÷À ÚÀ ‰†Úà φÚà Ó∆ Ÿ }C ÈL ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φ¨ÏI ‰Ã ÷Ÿ q_ ÈÁÀ Ì √∆ › ¯D ˙R }C†¨u∆ ÏI ‰Ã Ú⁄ ·_ ȯD ̆ÓÕ Á‹˜P È ¯J ˆÂ› Q }C ÆÂH ‡Ã √∆ D ‰ b∆ Ÿ ¯G Á⁄ ÓŒ È}C †‰A ¯G b_ È̆¨ÚÀ Ó` „J √∆ D †ÏC ‰Œ Ì b∆ Ÿ ÚÕ ˙ ˆC ¯D ˙À Ì ¨¯G ·Ÿ √∆ D †‡Œ ˙†¯œ È·C Ì ¨„∆ à H √∆ D †‡Œ ˙†„∆ œ ÈB ̨ B ˜Ã ÓŸ √∆ D †‡Œ ˙ K ˜Ÿ ÓÀ ˙À ÌÆÓÀ Òà ¯J √∆ D †‚_ b∆ › ¯œ È̆b∆ Ÿ Èà „ Á` ÏC ÷œ ÈÌ ¨ÂH ¯G b_ È̆b∆ Ÿ Èà „†ÓŸ Úà Ë_ È̆¨u∆ ËŸ ÓÕ ‡œ È̆b∆ Ÿ ÈE „ ËŸ ‰Â› ¯œ ÈÌ ¨u∆ ¯J ÷À Úœ È̆b∆ Ÿ ÈE „†ˆÃ „∆ œ Șœ ÈÌ ¨ÂH ÊN „œ ÈÌ b∆ Ÿ Èà „ Ú› ÒŸ ˜P È √› ¯D ˙R }C .†u∆ ÏI }C †ÚÀ ◊œ È˙D ÷P ̆‚B „› Ï ÂH ˜À „› ÷ b∆ Ÿ Ú› ÏC ÓŒ }C ¨u∆ ÏI Úà Ó∆ Ÿ ÍC Èœ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φÚÀ ◊œ È˙ √∆ Ÿ ÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰ ‚Ÿ „› ÏC ‰†u∆ Ù‹ ¯J ˜À Ô q∆ Ÿ ‰Ã È› ̆‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ ÂH ‡Ã Á` ¯ q∆ Õ Ô b∆ C ‡u∆ ·À Q ÈÍC Ï_ „J ·_ ȯ bÕ È˙Q ÍC ¨u∆ Ùœ ∆ u†‡Œ ˙†‰Õ ÈÎC Ï^ ÍC ¨ ÂH Ë_ ‰⁄ ¯u ‡Œ ˙ Óœ ˜Ÿ „∆ D ÷Œ }C ¨ÂH ‰œ „J Ï_ Șu∆ †O ¯Â› ˙ b∆ Ÿ Á` ˆŸ ¯Â› ˙ ˜À „J ÷Œ ÍC †ÂH ˜À ·Ÿ Úu∆ ÷Ÿ Ó› E˙†ÈI ÓÕ È†Á⁄ ‹ q∆ À ‰ ‡Õ Ïu∆ ¨ ÏI ‰Â› „› ˙ u∆ ÏI ‰Ã Ï∆ Õ Ï†ÏI ÷œ ÓŸ ÍC †‰Ã ‚B „› ÏÆ Al hanisim v’al hapurkan v’al hag’vurot v’al hat’shu’ot, v’al hamilchamot she’asita la’avoteinu bayamim haheim baz’man hazeh. Bimei Matityahu ben Yochanan kohein gadol Chashmona’i u’vanav, k’she’amda malchut Yavan har’sha’a al amcha Yisrael, l’hash’kicham toratecha ul’ha’aviram meichukei r’tzonecha. V’ata b’rachamecha harabim, amad’ta lahem b’eit tzaratam, ravta et rivam, danta et dinam, nakamta et nikmatam, masarta giborim b’yad chalashim, v’rabim b’yad m’atim, ut’me’im b’yad t’horim, ur’sha’im b’yad tzadikim, v’zeidim b’yad os’kei toratecha. Ul’cha asita sheim gadol v’kadosh b’olamecha, ul’amcha Yisrael asita t’shu’a g’dola u’furkan k’hayom hazeh. V’achar kein ba’u vanecha lid’vir beitecha, u’finu et hei’chalecha, v’tiharu et mikdashecha, v’hidliku neirot b’chatzrot kodshecha v’kav’u sh’monat y’mei Chanuka eilu, l’hodot ul’haleil l’shimcha hagadol. 5 On Chanukah: And so for everything, we thank You God, and bless You, may Your name be blessed by every living thing, always and forever. As it is written, you will eat, and be satisfied, and you will bless God, for the good land God has given you. Blessed are You, God, for the land and for the food. Have mercy, God, on Israel Your people, and on Jerusalem Your city, and on Zion Your sanctified dwelling place, and on the Kingdom of the House of David Your anointed and on the great and holy Temple which is consecrated by Your name. Our God, our father, guide and sustain us, support us and make us prosper, and relieve us from all our troubles. God, do not abandon us to the suuplication of others, dependent on their gifts and loans, but take us in Your hands, full, open, holy, and spacious, which will never let us be ashamed or embarrassed. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< V’al hakol Adonai Eloheinu anachnu modim lach, um’varchim otach, yitbarach shimcha b’fi kol chai tamid l’olam va’ed. Kakatuv, v’achalta v’savata, u’veirachta et Adonai Elohecha al ha’aretz hatova asher natan lach. Baruch ata Adonai, al ha’aretz v’al hamazon. Racheim na Adonai Eloheinu al Yisrael amecha, v’al Yerushalayim irecha, v’al Tzion mishkan k’vodecha, v’al malchut beit David m’shichecha, v’al habayit hagadol v’hakadosh shenikra shimcha alav. Eloheinu, avinu, r’einu, zuneinu, parn’seinu, v’chalk’leinu, v’harvicheinu, v’harvach lanu Adonai Eloheinu m’heira mikol tzaroteinu. V’na al tatz’richeinu Adonai Eloheinu, lo lidei matnat basar vadam, v’lo lidei hal’va’a’tam, ki im l’yad’cha ham’lei’a, hap’tucha, hak’dosha v’har’chava, shelo neivosh v’lo nikaleim l’olam va’ed. 6 All Continue: 3 . s u p p l i c a t i o n ÂHÚÃφ‰Ãq∆ ›Ï†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †‡⁄ E ÁŸ u∆ †Ó› „œ È̆ÏC ÍŸ ¨ u∆ ÓŸ ·À ¯J ÎL È̆‡Â› ˙À ÍŸ†¨È_ ˙J b∆ C ¯G ÍŸ †÷œ ÓŸ ÍC †b∆ Ÿ Ùœ Ȇq∆ À φÁ` È √∆ D Óœ È„†ÏI Ú› ÏC ̆ÂB ÚŒ „Ɔq∆ à q∆ À ˙u∆ ·†¨ÂH ‡À Îà ÏI √D †ÂH ◊S ·À ÚŸ √∆ D†¨u∆ ·P ¯G ÎI √∆ D †‡Œ ˙†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Œ ÈÍC Úà φ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı†‰Ã Ë∆ › ·À ‰†‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†B ˙à ԆÏC ÍŸ Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨Úà φ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã Ó∆ À Ê› Ô. ¯G ÁP̆B‡†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆†¨Úà φȜ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φÚà Ó∆ Œ ÍC ¨ ÂH Úà φÈI ¯u∆ ÷À Ïà Ȝ ̆ڜ ȯŒ ÍC†¨ÂH Úà φˆ_ È∆ › Ô†Óœ ÷Ÿ q∆ E Ô q∆ Ÿ ·Â› „R ÍC†¨ÂH Úà φÓ` ÏI Îu∆ ˙†b∆ Õ È˙†„∆ D ÂK „†ÓŸ ÷œ ÈÁŒ ÍC ¨ ÂH Úà φ‰Ã b∆ à È_ ˙†‰Ã ‚B „› φÂH ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷†÷Œ K ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡÷œ ÓŸ ÍC ÚÀ ÏC ÈÂÆ ‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆†¨‡À ·_ Èu∆†¯¨J ÚÕ u†¨Êu∆ O u∆ , p∆ à ¯J H ÒÕ u, † Ÿ Îà ÏI q∆ Ÿ ÏÕ u∆†¨ÂH ‰Ã ¯J ÂK ÈÁP u∆†¨ÂH ‰Ã ¯J ÂE Á†ÏC u∆ ÈŸ ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu ÓŸ ‰Õ ¯D ‰†Óœ q∆ À φˆÀ ¯Â› ˙P Èu∆ .†ÂH B ‡ ¨‡Ã Ï √G ˆŸ ¯œ ÈÎÕ u ÈI ÈB ‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu,†¿‡†Ï_ È„P ȆÓà ˙∆ Ÿ E ˙ b∆ À ◊À ¯ ÂB „D Ì † ÂI ¿‡†Ï_ È„P Ȇ‰Ã ÏI ÂB ‡À ˙À Ì, q_ Ȇ‡œ Ì ÏI ÈB „J ÍC ‰Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ÏÕ ‡À ‰ ¨‰Ã p∆ Ÿ ˙uÁÀ ‰ ¨‰Ã ˜∆ Ÿ „› ÷À ‰ ÂH ‰A ¯J ÁÀ ·À ‰¨ ÷Œ ¿‡†O ·Â› ÷ÂH ¿‡†K q∆ À ÏÕ ÌÏI Ú› ÏC ̆ÂB ÚŒ „. Please, God, please revitalize us through Your commandments and through the law of the seventh day, this great and holy Shabbat. For this day is great and holy to You, to pause during and to rest on, lovingly, as You desired and commanded. God, please spare us from trouble, sorrow, and grief on our day of rest. God, display to us the compassion of Zion, Your city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Your holy city, for You are the source of salvation and compassion. God and God of our ancestors, may notice of us rise and come before You and arrive and be seen and be desired and be heard and be considered, and be remembered, as well as the memory of our ancestors, and the memory of Mashiach, son of David Your servant, and the memory of Jerusalem Your holy city, and the memory of the whole nation of Israel, G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< Jˆ¯Õ ‰†ÂH ‰Ã Á⁄ Ï_ ÈˆÕ u∆ †ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙R ÈÍC † u∆ ·Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ ÂE ˙†È› ̆‰T ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ Ȇ‰Ã ÷∆ à b∆ C ˙†‰Ã ‚B „› Ï ÂH ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷†‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ†q_ ȆÈ› ̆ÊQ ‰†‚B „› φÂH ˜À „› ˘ ‰u∆ ‡†ÏI ÙÀ Q ÈÍC†¨Ï_ ÷Ÿ b∆ C ˙†b∆ › †ÂH ÏC u∆ Á` †b∆ › b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰ q∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ ÂE ˙†¯J ˆÂ› Q ÍC †u∆ ·_ ¯J ˆÂ› H ÍC †‰A K ÈÁ` †ÏC u∆ †ÈI ÈB † ‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆†¨÷V ¿‡†˙J ‰Õ ‡†ˆÀ ¯D ‰†ÂH ÈB ‚› Ô†ÂE ‡⁄ B ÁS ‰ b∆ Ÿ È› ̆ӟ u∆ ÁÀ ˙Õ u∆ ƆÂH ‰Ã ¯J ‡Õ u†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu b∆ Ÿ Q ÁÀ Ó` ˙†ˆœ È∆ › Ô†Úœ ȯŒ }C†¨u∆ ·Ÿ ·_ H ÈE Ô†ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À Ïà È_ ̆ڜ ȯ ˜À „J ÷Œ }C†¨q_ Ȇ‡Ã √∆ D ‰†‰u‡†b∆ à Úà φ‰Ã ÈI ÷uÚ› ˙ u∆ ·Ã Úà φ‰Ã Q ÁÀ Ó› ˙. ‡¤¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÂÕ ‡¿‰Õ Ȇ‡⁄ ·Â› ˙Õ Èu∆†¨Èà Ú⁄ Ï^ ‰†ÂH ÈB ·› ‡ ÂH Èà ‚_ ÈÚƨÂH ÈÕ ¯D ‡Œ ‰†¨ÂH ÈÕ ¯D ˆQ ‰†¨ÂH È_ ÷∆ À Ó` Ú†¨ÂH È_ pC ˜P „¨ ÂH È_ Ê∆ B ÎÕ ¯†ÊK ÎI¯Â› O u∆ †uÙœ ˜Ÿ „∆ › O u†¨ÂH ÊK ÎI¯Â› Ô†‡⁄ ·Â› ˙P Èu¨ ÂH ÊK ÎI ¯Â› Ô†ÓÀ ÷œ ÈÁ` †bQ Ô†„∆ D ÂK „†Úà ·Ÿ „∆ Œ ÍC†¨ÂH ÊK ÎI¯Â› Ô ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À Ïà È_ ̆ڜ ȯ†˜À „J ÷Œ ÍC†¨ÂH ÊK ÎI¯Â› Ô†q∆ À φÚà Ó∆ Ÿ ÍC R’tzei v’hachalitzeinu Adonai Eloheinu b’mitzvotecha uv’mitzvat yom hash’vi’i ha’Shabbat hagadol v’hakadosh hazeh. Ki yom zeh gadol v’kadosh hu l’fanecha, lish’bot bo v’lanuach bo b’ahava k’mitzvat r’tzonecha. U’virtzon’cha haniach lanu Adonai Eloheinu, shelo t’hei tzara v’yagon va’anacha b’yom m’nuchateinu. V’har’einu Adonai Eloheinu b’nechamat Tzion irecha, uv’vinyan Yerushalayim ir kodshecha, ki ata hu ba’al ha’y’shuot u’va’al hanechamot. Eloheinu veilohei avoteinu, ya’aleh v’yavo v’yagia, v’yeira’eh v’yeiratzeh, v’yishama, v’yipakeid, v’yizacheir zichroneinu u’fikdoneinu, v’zichron avoteinu, v’zichron Mashiach ben David avdecha, v’zichron Yerushalayim ir kodshechah, v’zichron kol am’cha 7 On Shabbat: On Rosh Chodesh and Festivals: and be a source of deliverance, good, favor, kindness, compassion, life, and peace on this: Rosh Chodesh, the New Month Passover, the Feast of Matzah Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles Shmini Atzeret, the Eighth-Day Assembly Festival Rosh Hashana, the Day of Remembrance God, remember us for good, and consider us for a blessing, and grant us salvation for life. For salvation and compassion, have pity and be kind, and have compassion and save us, for our eyes look to You, for You are a kind and compassionate ruler. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< b∆ Õ È˙†È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φÏI ÙÀ Q ÈÍC†¨Ï_ ÙŸ ÏÕ ÈËÀ ‰†uÏI Ë› ·C ‰ ÏI ÁP Ô u∆ ÏI ÁŒ ÒŒ „†u∆ ÏI ¯G Á⁄ Óœ È̆¨ÏI Á` ÈK È̆u∆ ÏI ÷À Ï› ̆b∆ Ÿ È› Ì: ¯› ‡÷†‰Ã Á› „Œ ÷ Á` ‚†‰Ã Ó` ˆ∆ › ˙ Á` ‚†‰Ã ÷À ·‹ Ú› ˙ Á` ‚†‰Ã Ò‹ q∆ › ˙ ‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ Óœ ÈK ȆÁ` ‚†‰Ã Ú⁄ ˆ+¯Œ ˙ ‰Ã ÊK q∆ À ¯Â› Ô ‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ†ÊB ÎI¯Õ u∆ †ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †b∆ › †ÏI Ë› ·C ‰Æ u∆ ÙÀ ˜Ÿ „Õ u∆ v› †Ï_ ·Ÿ ¯D ÎC ‰Æ†ÂH ‰Â› ÷œ ÈÚÕ u∆ †·Â› †ÏI Á` È∆ œ Ę̀ u∆ ·_ „J ·Ã ¯†ÈI ÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰†ÂH ¯G Á⁄ Óœ È̆¨Áu∆ Ò†ÂH ÁÀ ∆ Õ u∆ ¨ ÂH ¯G ÁP ̆ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu∆ †ÂH ‰Â› ÷∆ œ ÈÚÕ u∆†¨q_ Ȇ‡Õ Ï^ ÈÍC †ÚÕ ÈO Èu∆ ¨ q_ Ȇ‡Õ φӌ Ï^ ÍŸ †Á` u∆ Ô†ÂH ¯G Áu∆ ̆‡À √∆ D ‰. beit Yisrael l’fanecha, lif ’leita ul’tova l’chein ul’chesed ul’rachamim, l’chayim ul’shalom b’yom: Rosh HaChodesh Chag HaMatzot Chag HaShavuot Chag HaSukkot Hash’mini Chag Ha’Atzeret HaZikaron hazeh. Zochreinu Adonai Eloheinu bo l’tova, u’fokdeinu vo livracha, v’hoshi’einu vo l’chayim. U’vidvar y’shua v’rachamim, chus v’chaneinu, v’racheim aleinu v’hoshi’einu, ki eilecha eineinu, ki El melech chanun v’rachum ata. 8 Rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our day. Blessed are You, God, who builds Jerusalem with kindness. Amen. Blessed are You, God, ruler of the universe, God who is our father, our king, our majesty, our creator, our redeemer, our sculptor, our Holy One, and the Holy One of Jacob, our shepherd, the shepherd of Israel, the great ruler who is benevolent to all, who each day has been good, is good, and will always be good to us, and who has always and will always act generously with us, in favor, kindness, and compassion, and for relief, salvation, success, blessing, redemption, consolation, sustenance, life, and peace and all good things, and let us never lack for good. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< u∆ ·ŸO‰†ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À Ïà Ȝ ̆ڜ ȯ†‰Ã ˜∆ › „Œ ÷ b_ ÓŸ ‰Õ ¯D ‰ vŸ ÈB ÓÕ Èu∆ Ɔb∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨b∆ › O ‰†vŸ ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ È ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À Ïà Ȝ ÌƆ‡À ÓÕ Ô. b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‰A ‡Õ φ‡À ·_ Èu∆†¨Ó` ÏI q∆ Õ u∆†¨‡Ã „œ ȯP u∆ †b∆ › ¯J ‡Õ u∆ ¨ ‚∆ › ‡⁄ ÏÕ u∆†¨È› ˆŸ ¯P u∆†˜¨Ÿ „› ÷P u∆ †˜Ÿ „› ÷†Èà Ú⁄ ˜› ·¨ ¯Â› ÚÕ u∆ †¯Â› ÚÕ ‰†ÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ ÏƆ‰Ã Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰Ã Ë∆ › ·¨ ÂH ‰Ã Ó∆ Õ Ë_ È·†Ïà q∆ › Ï.†÷V b∆ Ÿ ÎC φÈ› ̆ÂB È› Ì ‰u∆ ‡ ‰Õ Ë_ È·†¨‰u‡†ÓÕ Ë_ È·†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈÕ ÈË_ È·†ÏC u∆ Æ ‰u∆ ‡†‚H ÓÀ ÏC u∆†¨‰u∆ ‡†‚› ÓŸ ÏÕ u∆†¨‰u‡†ÈK ‚Ÿ ÓŸ ÏÕ u ∆ ÏC Úà „†ÏI ÁP Ô u∆ ÏI ÁŒ ÒŒ „†u∆ ÏI ¯G Á⁄ Óœ È̆u∆ ÏI ¯Œ ÂE Á†‰Ã ˆ∆ B ÏC ‰ ÂH ‰Ã ˆŸ ÏC ÁÀ ‰†b∆ Ÿ ¯D ÎC ‰†ÂK È÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰†¨Q ÁÀ ÓÀ ‰†¨p∆ à ¯J B ÒÀ ‰ ÂH Îà ÏI qC ÏC ‰, ÂH ¯G Á⁄ Óœ È̆¨ÂH Á` È_ È̆ÂH ÷À Ï› ̨ ÂH ÎC φË› · ¨u∆ Óœ qC Ï Ëu∆ ·†ÏI Ú› ÏC ̆‡Ã φÈI Á` Ò∆ Ÿ ¯P u∆ . Uv’nei Yerushalayim ir hakodesh bimheira v’yameinu. Baruch ata Adonai, boneh v’rachamav Yerushalayim. Amen. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, ha’El avinu malkeinu adireinu bor’einu go’aleinu, yotz’reinu, k’dosheinu k’dosh Ya’akov, ro’einu ro’ei Yisrael. Ha’melech hatov v’hameitiv lakol. She’b’chol yom vayom hu heitiv, hu meitiv, hu yeitiv lanu. Hu g’malanu, hu gomleinu, hu yig’m’leinu la’ad l’chein ul’chesed ul’rachamim ul’revach hatzala v’hatzlacha b’racha vi’shua, nechama, parnasa v’chalkala, v’rachamim, v’chayim v’shalom, v’chol tov, u’mikol tuv l’olam al y’chasreinu. 9 4 . b e n e v o l e n c e All Continue: May the Compassionate One rule over us forever. May the Compassionate One be blessed in Heaven and on Earth. May the Compassionate One be praised in all generations, be glorified through us for eternity, and be honored through us for all time. May the Compassionate One sustain us in honor. May the Compassionate One break the yoke from our necks, and escort us upright to our land. May the Compassionate One grant abundant blessing to this house and to this table, upon which we have eaten. May the Compassionate One send us Elijah the Prophet, for good things remembered, to bring us good tidings of redemption and consolation. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ‰A¯G Á⁄ÓÀÔ†¨‰u‡†È_ ÓŸ Ï› ÍŸ †ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu∆ †ÏI Ú› ÏC ̆ÂB ÚŒ „Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u‡†ÈK˙J b∆ C ¯G ÍŸ †b∆ à ÷À Ó` ÈK ̆u∆ ·C ‡À ¯Œ ıÆ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ ÈK ÷X √G b∆ à Á†ÏI „›¯†„∆ ›¯œ Ę̀ ÂH ÈK˙J p∆ À ‡` ¯†b∆ C u∆ †ÏC Úà „†uÏI O ˆÃ Á†H ˆB Áœ Ę̀ ÂH ÈK˙J ‰Ã „G ¯†b∆ C u†ÏC Úà „†u∆ ÏI Ú› ÏI ÓÕ È†Ú› ÏC Óœ ÈÌÆ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈI Ùà ¯J H ÒÕ u∆ †b∆ Ÿ ÎC ·Â› „Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ ÈK ÷Ÿ b∆ › ¯†Ú‹ Ï∆ Õ u∆ †ÓÕ Úà φˆÃ Â∆ B ‡¯P u ÂH ‰u∆ ‡†È› Ï_ ÈÎÕ u∆ †˜Â› ÓŸ Óœ È∆ u∆ ˙†ÏI ‡Ã ¯J ˆO u∆ Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†È_ ÷Ÿ Ïà Á†ÏC u∆ †b∆ Ÿ ¯D ÎC ‰†ÓŸ ¯‹ b∆ C ‰ b∆ à b∆ à È_ ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰†¨ÂH Úà φ÷‹ ÏI ÁÀ Ô†ÊQ ‰†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †ÚÀ ÏC ÈÂÆ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u‡†È_ ÷Ÿ Ïà Á†ÏC u†‡Œ ˙†‡Õ Ï_ ÈC ‰u ‰Ã B ·_ ȇ†ÊB Îu∆ ¯†Ïà Ë∆ › ·†¨ÂK È·Ã ˘∆ › Œ ¯†ÏC u∆ †b∆ Ÿ ◊›¯Â›˙ Ë› ·Â›˙†ÈI ÷u∆ Ú›˙†ÂH Q ÁÀ Ó›˙Æ Harachaman, hu yimloch aleinu l’olam va’ed. Harachaman, hu yitbarach bashamayim u’va’aretz. Harachaman, hu yishtabach l’dor dorim, v’yitpa’ar banu la’ad ul’neitzach n’tzachim, v’yit’hadar banu la’ad ul’olmei olamim. Harachaman, hu y’farn’seinu b’chavod. Harachaman, hu yishbor uleinu mei’al tzavareinu v’hu yolicheinu kom’miyut l’artzeinu. Harachaman hu yishlach lanu b’racha m’ruba babayit hazeh, v’al shulchan zeh she’achalnu alav. Harachaman hu yishlach lanu et Eliyahu Hanavi zachur latov, vivaser lanu b’sorot tovot y’shu’ot v’nechamot. 10 5 . c o m p a s s i o n May the Compassionate One bless all those who have eaten with us, May the Compassionate One bless me (and my spouse, and my children) and all that is mine, May the Compassionate One, bless (my father, my teacher, and my mother, my teacher) the heads of this house, them and their families and their children and all that is theirs, and us and all that is ours, as You blessed Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with the fullness of everything, (some add: and Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, with the goodness of good,) so may You bless all of us together, with a complete blessing and we say, Amen. May it be a merit for those above as well as for us, to act as a guardian of peace, and may we receive a blessing from God and righteousness from the God of our salvation and let us find favor and understanding before God and humanity. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙ qC Ï hT mX sub_ y< qC a May the Compassionate One grant us a day of complete Shabbat and rest for eternal life. May the Compassionate One renew for us this month as one of goodness and blessing. May the Compassionate One bestow upon us a day of complete goodness. May the Compassionate One renew this year for us as one of good and blessing. May the Compassionate One rebuild for us the fallen tabernacle of David. May the Compassionate One do miracles and wonders for us, as was done for our ancestors in those days, in this season. In the days of . . . G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†Èà H Áœ ÈÏÕ u∆ †È› ̆÷Œ q∆ ‹ Ï∆ › ÷à b∆ C ˙ u∆ ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰†ÏI Á` È∆ Õ È†‰A Ú› ÏC Óœ ÈÌÆ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈI Á` „P ÷†ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã Á› „Œ ÷ ‰Ã ÊQ ‰†ÏI Ë› ·C ‰†ÂH Ï_ ·Ÿ ¯D ÎC ‰Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†Èà H Áœ ÈÏÕ u†È› ̆÷Œ q∆ ‹ Ï∆ › †Ë› ·Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈI Á` „∆ Õ ÷ ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã ÷∆ À B ‰ ‰Ã Ê∆ › ‡˙†ÏI Ë› ·C ‰†ÂH Ï_ ·Ÿ¯D ÎC ‰Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈB˜œ È̆ÏC u∆ ‡Œ ˙†Ò‹ q∆ à ˙ „∆ D ÂK „†‰Ã › ÙÀ Ï^ ˙Æ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ yE eY [R h lT nu nK s_ y> wH nK fX lT aot qI mo ÷Œ eC [S h lT aY votP ynubT yB mW y> hA hU > bT zH m` < hF zQ h. b_ ymP y... Harachaman hu yan’chileinu yom she’kulo Shabbat um’nucha l’chayei ha’olamim. Harachaman hu y’chadeish aleinu et hachodesh hazeh l’tovah v’livracha. Harachaman hu yan’chileinu yom she’kulo tov. Harachaman hu y’chadeish aleinu et hashanah hazot l’tovah v’livracha. Harachaman hu yakim lanu et sukkat David hanofalet. Harachaman hu ya’aseh lanu nisim v’nifla’ot k’mo she’asa la’avoteinu bayamim hahem bazman hazeh. Biy’mei . . . 12 On Shabbat: On Rosh Chodesh: On Festivals: On Rosh Hashana: On Sukkot: If one forgot to add ‘Al Hanisim’ on Purim or Chanukah, add this line and continue on page 4: May the Compassionate One grant peace between the children of Sarah and the children of Hagar. May the Compassionate One bless the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces, and protect them. Outside of Israel: May the Compassionate One bless this land, and protect it. May the Compassionate One grant peace between human beings and the Earth. May the Compassionate One redeem the prisoners of Israel, and return them to their families. May the Compassionate One shine the light of your Presence into our souls, and fill our hearts with a spirit of lovingkindness and compassion. May the Compassionate One renew within us a spirit of wisdom, of insight, and of strength, to renew, build, and perfect the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts. May the Compassionate One, source of peace, repair all the broken vessels of the world, and grant us the ability to pursue, to seek, and to make peace in our every action, in every moment, and in every part of our souls. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ yB [W y> ]S lo> bU y< bX nN y [S rD h uvU y< bX nN y hF gB r. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙ iT yB lU y xI vC a hY gE nB h lI ÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ï, wH yB gO < eC lU yhV >. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô hua ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙ hA aS rR { hF z› at, wH yB gO < eC lQ yhA . ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ yB [W y> ]S lo> bU y< aS dD > uvU y< hF aS dG mD h. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô,huayK fX dR h]X vuyO yÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ï,wH yE iX zK yrG > lI mW ]X pX iotG >. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô ¨hua yK zH rG i aor ]X cL ynB to bX nE fX ]U nu, wH yK m` lU a lL bU nu bX ruiT iV sQ d wH rG iY mW y>. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô, hua yI i` dP ] bX kW rJ bU nu rui` iC cI mD h, eU xB h ugH vurD h, lI i` dP ], lL vX not ulI ]` cI lU l aV t aW mJ rP y f_ ynu wH hV gyonN y lL bU nu. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô, mJ kor hF ]S lo>, hua yI tG kP < aV t qC l hF qU lL y> hF ]X vurM y> bT eolC >, wH yK √P < bC nu q› i` lL rJ d› Û, lL dJ r› ] wH lT eY [ot ]S lo>, bX cC l rR gE e, bX cC l m` eY [U ynu, uvX cC l nK ]X motP ynu. Harachaman, hu yasim shalom bein b’nei Sarah u’ven bnei Hagar. Harachaman, hu yevarech et chayalei Tzva Hagana l’Yisrael v’yagen aleihem. Harachaman, hu yevarech et ha’aretz hazot v’yagen aleha. Harachaman, hu yasim shalom bein adam u’vein ha’adamah. Harachaman, hu yifdeh shvuyei Yisrael, v’yachziram l’mishpechotam. Harachaman, hu yizrach ohr sh’chinato b’nafsheinu, v’yimalei libeinu b’ruach chesed v’rachamim. Harachaman, hu yechadesh b’kirbeinu ruach hochmah, eitza, u’gvurah l’chadesh, livnot, u’lishachlel et imrei finu v’hegyonei libenu. Harachaman, m’kor hashalom, hu yitaken et kol hakeilim hashvurim ba’olam, v’yiten banu ko’ach lirdof, lidrosh, v’la’asot shalom, b’chol regah, b’chol ma’aseinu, u’v’chol nishmoteinu. 13 At this time, it is customary to add personal supplications, according to one’s own wishes, and in one’s own words. Some recent compositions are reprinted here. Outside of Israel: May the Compassionate One bless the State of Israel, the beginning of the dawn of our redemption. May the Compassionate One bless our brothers and sisters throughout the people Israel, who are suffering, and bring them from darkness into light. May the Compassionate One cause us to merit the days of the Messiah and the life of the world to come. Orchestrator of great victories for Your kingdom, and performer of kindness for Your Messiah, for David and his offspring for eternity. May God, who makes peace in the Heavens, grant peace to us and all Israel, Amen. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙ mX dM ynE t ÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ϩ ¯P ‡]_ yt xX m_ yiT t gH aulC tP nu. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡ ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙ aF iÕ ynu qC l bU yt ÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ϩ hF nI tunK y> bX xB rD h, wH yoxL yaU > mP aY fU lC h lI aorD h. ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†¨‰u∆ ‡†ÈI Êà q∆ Õ u∆ †Ï_ ÈÓ›˙†‰Ã Ó∆ À ÷œ ÈÁ u∆ ÏI Á` È∆ Õ È ‰A Ú› ÏC ̆‰Ã b∆ C ‡Æ Óœ ‚Ÿd∆ ›ϩ·ÁÂÏ∫†Ó` ‚Ÿ „∆ œ ÈÏ® ÈI ÷u∆ Ú› ˙†Ó` ÏI q∆ › ¨ÂH Ú› ◊Œ ‰†ÁŒ ÒŒ „†Ï_ ÓŸ ÷œ ÈÁ› ÏI „D ÂK d u∆ ÏI ÊE ¯J Ú› †Úà „†Ú› ÏC Ì. Ú› ◊Œ ‰†÷À Ï› Ì b_ ÓŸ ¯Â› ÓÀ Ȩ ‰u∆ ‡†Èà Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰†÷À Ï› Ì,ÚÀ ÏÕ ÈuÂH Úà φq∆ À φÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ϩ ÂH ‡œ ÓŸ ¯u∆ †‡À ÓÕ Ô. Harachaman hu yevarech et medinat Yisrael, reishit tzimichat ge’ulateinu. Harachaman hu yevarech et acheinu kol beit Yisrael, hanetunim b’tzara, v’yotzi’em m’afelah l’orah. Harachaman hu y’zakeinu limot hamashiach ul’chayei ha’olam haba. Migdol (On a weekday: Magdil) y’shu’ot malko, v’oseh chesed lim’shicho l’David ul’zar’o ad olam. Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru amen. 14 Some add: All Continue: Holy ones, revere God, for those who revere God do not lack. Lion cubs stagger and are hungry, but those who seek God will not lack for good things. We thank God, for God is good, God’s kindness is everlasting. You open Your hand and sustain all life with Your will. Blessed are those who trust in God; God will be their security. I was young and I was old and I never saw a righteous person forsaken and his children begging for bread. God will give strength to God’s people and bless God’s people with peace. Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ÈI¯‡u∆ †‡Œ ˙†ÈI ÈB †˜Ÿ „› ÷À Ȩq_ Ȇ‡Õ ÈÔ†Ó` ÁŸ Ò› ¯Ï_ ȯP ‡À ÈÂÆ q∆ Ÿ Ùœ ȯœ È̆¯D ÷u∆ †ÂH ¯D ÚÕ ·u∆ ¨ÂH „› ¯J ÷P È ÈI ÈB ¿‡†Èà ÁŸ ÒŸ ¯u∆ ÎC φË› ·Æ‰Â› „u∆ †Ïà ÈI ÈB †q_ ÈË› ·¨q_ ȆÏI Ú› ÏC ̆Á` ÒŸ „∆ › Æ p∆ › ˙P Á` †‡Œ ˙†ÈB „Œ ÍC ¨uÓ` ◊Ÿ b_ ÈÚà †ÏI ÎC φÁ` Ȇ¯D ˆÂ› ÔÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰Ã ‚Q ·Q¯ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÈK ·Ÿ Ëà Á†bà ÈI ÈB ¨ÂH ‰A ÈB ‰†ÈI ÈB Óœ ·Ÿ Ëà Á› Æ E Úà ¯†‰A ÈK È˙œ Ȇ‚à ̆ÊB ˜F H √∆ œ ÂH ¿‡†¯D ‡œ È˙œ È ˆÃ „∆ œ Ș†Q Ú¤ ÊB · ÂH Êà ¯J Ú› †ÓŸ ·Ã ˜P ÷†lC ÁŒ ÌÆ ÈI ÈB †Ú› Ê ÏI Úà Ó∆ › †ÈK √P Ô¨ÈI ÈB †ÈI ·C ¯Õ ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙†Úà Ó∆ › †·Ã ÷∆ À Ï› ÌÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯Õ ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ Y’ru et Adonai k’doshav, ki ein machsor lirei’av. K’firim rashu v’ra’eivu v’dorshei Adonai lo yach’s’ru chol tov. Hodu L’Adonai ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo. Potei’ach et yadecha, u’masbia l’chol chai ratzon. Baruch hagever asher yivtach b’Adonai, v’haya Adonai mivtacho. Na’ar hayiti gam zakanti, v’lo ra’iti tzadik ne’ezav, v’zar’o m’vakesh lachem. Adonai oz l’amo yitein, Adonai y’vareich et amo vashalom. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei pri hagafen. 15 When three or more have eaten together, some conclude with the blessing over wine. At a wedding continue on page 21. 6 . s u m m a t i o n Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, for the sustenance and the nourishment, for the vine and the fruit of the vine for the tree and the fruit of the tree and for the harvest of the field, and for a bountiful, good, and spacious land which You desired for and bestowed upon our ances- tors, to eat from its fruit and to be satisfied from its bounty. Have mercy, God, on Israel Your people, and on Jerusalem Your city, and on Zion the dwelling place of Your glory, and on Your altars, and on Your holy places. And rebuild Jerusalem Your holy city speedily ·¯Î‰†‡Á¯Â‰ b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ ÓŒ ÏŒ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̆ ÚÃ Ï ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ÁŸ ÈB ‰†ÂH Úà φ‰Ã q∆ à ÏI qC ÏC ‰¨ ÚÃ Ï ‰Ã ‚Q ÙŒ Ô†ÂH Úà φp∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚Q ÙŒ Ô¨ Úà φ‰A ÚÕ ı†ÂH Úà φp∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰A ÚÕ ı¨ ÂH Úà φ√∆ Ÿ u·Ã ˙†‰Ã ˘∆ › À „Œ ‰†¨ÂH Úà φ‡Œ ¯Œ ı†ÁŒ ÓŸ „∆ D ‰ Ë› ·C ‰†u∆ ¯J ÁÀ ·C ‰†¨÷Œ ¯D ˆ_ È˙D †ÂH ‰œ H Á` ÏI √D Ïà ‡⁄ ·Â› ˙P Èu∆†¨ÏŒ ‡¤ Λ φӜ p∆ œ ¯J ÈB ‰∆ †ÂH Ï_ ◊Ÿ b∆ › ÚT †Óœ Ë∆ u∆ ·C ‰∆ Æ ¯G ÁP ̆B ‡†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu†ÚÃ Ï È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ï Úà Ó∆ Œ ÍC†¨ÂH Úà φÈI ¯u÷À Ïà È_ ̆ڜ ȯŒ ÍC†¨ÂH ÚÃ Ï ˆ_ È∆ › Ô Óœ ÷Ÿ q∆ à ԆqŸ ·Â› „Œ ÍC†¨ÂH Úà φӜ ÊH b∆ Ÿ ÁŒ ÍC †ÂH Úà φ‰Õ ÈÎC Ï^ ÍC Ɔ u∆ ·Ÿ O ‰†ÈI ¯u÷À Ïà È_ ̆ڜ ȯ†‰Ã ˜∆ › „Œ ÷†b∆ œ ÓŸ ‰Õ ¯D ‰ Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, al ha’michya v’al ha’kalkalah, al hagefen v’al pri ha’gefen, al ha’etz v’al pri ha’etz, v’al t’nuvat hasadeh, v’al eretz chemda tova ur’chava, she’ratzita v’hinchalta la’avoteinu, le’echol mipirya v’lisboa mituva. Rachem na Adonai Eloheinu al Yisrael amecha, v’al Yerushalayim irecha, v’al Tzion mishkan k’vodecha, v’al mizbechecha, v’al heichalecha. Uv’nei Yerushalayim ir hakodesh bimheira 16 For grain products: For wine: For fruits: This blessing is said after eating products associated with the land of Israel, including grain products (other than bread), grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, or dates. B L E S S I N G S A F T E R F O O D·¯Î‰†‡Á¯Â‰ in our day and bring us up to it, and let us rejoice in its rebuilding and we will eat from its fruit and be satisfied by its bounty and we will bless it in holiness and purity. And give us strength on this Shabbat day, And remember us for good on this day of the New Moon, And gladden us on this Feast of Unleavened Bread/Feast of Weeks Feast of Tabernacles/Eighth Day, the Feast of Assembly, And remember us for good on this Day of Rememberance, For You, God, do good for all, and we thank you for the land and for the sustenance/(and on) the fruit of the vine/(and on) the fruits. Blessed are You, God, for the land and for the sustenance/(and for) the fruit of the vine/(and for) the fruits. B L E S S I N G S A F T E R F O O D·¯Î‰†‡Á¯Â‰ ·Ÿ ÈB ÓÕ Èu∆†¨ÂH ‰Ã Ú⁄ ÏÕ u∆ ∆ †ÏI ˙› ÎC ≈†¨ÂH ◊à Ó∆ Ÿ ÁP u∆ †b∆ Ÿ ·_ H ÈB B ≈ ∆ ÂH › ‡Îà φӜ pœ ¯J ÈB ≈∆ †ÂH K ◊Ÿ b∆ à چӜ Ë∆ u∆ ·C ‰∆†¨ uH ·C ¯Œ ÎI ÍC ÚÀ Ï^ ȉA b∆ œ ˜Ÿ „‹ ÷∆ À ‰†u·Ÿ ËÀ ‰fl¯D ‰, u∆ ¯J ˆÕ ‰†ÂH ‰Ã Á⁄ Ï_ ÈˆÕ u∆ †b∆ Ÿ È› ̆‰Ã ÷∆ à b∆ C ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰, ÂH ÊB ÎI¯P u∆ †ÏI Ë› ·C ‰†¨b∆ Ÿ È› ̆¯› ‡÷†‰Ã Á› „Œ ÷†‰Ã ÊQ ‰, ÂH ◊à Ó∆ Ÿ ÁP u∆ †b∆ Ÿ È› ̆Á` ‚†‰Ã Ó` ˆ∆ › ˙ØÁ` ‚ ‰Ã ÷À ·‹ Ú› ˙ Á` g ‰Ã Ò‹ q∆ › ˙؉à ÷∆ Ÿ Óœ ÈK ȆÁ` ‚†‰Ã Ú⁄ ˆ+¯Œ ˙ ‰Ã ÊQ ‰, ÂH ÊB ÎI¯P u∆ †ÏI Ë› ·C ‰†b∆ Ÿ È› ̆‰Ã ÊK qC¯Â› Ô†‰Ã ÊQ ‰, q_ Ȇ‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †Ë› ·†u∆ ÓÕ Ë_ È·†Ïà q∆ › Ϩ ÂH › „Œ ‰†Ï∆ Ÿ ÍC Úà φ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı ÂH ÚÃ Ï ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ÁŸ ÈB ‰°©ÂH Úà Ϯp∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ Ô°©ÂH Úà Ϯ‰Ã p∆ Õ ¯Â› ˙. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †Úà φ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı ÂH ÚÃ Ï ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ÁŸ ÈB ‰°©ÂH Úà Ϯp∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ Ô°©ÂH Úà Ϯ‰Ã p∆ Õ ¯Â› ˙. v’yameinu, v’ha’aleinu l’tochah, v’samcheinu b’vinyana, v’nochal mipirya v’nisba mituva, un’varech’cha alehah bikdusha uv’tahara, U’retzei v’hach’ali’tzeinu b’yom haShabbat hazeh, V’zoch’reinu l’tova, b’yom Rosh haChodesh hazeh, V’sam’cheinu b’yom Chag haMatzot/Chag haShavuot Chag haSukkot/Hashmini Chag ha’Atzeret hazeh, V’zochreinu b’yom haZikaron hazeh, ki ata Adonai tov u’meitiv la’kol, v’nodeh l’cha al ha’aretz v’al hamichya/(v’al) pri ha’gefen/(v’al) ha’peirot. Baruch ata Adonai al ha’aretz v’al hamichya/(v’al) pri ha’gefen/(v’al) ha’peirot. 17 On Shabbat: On Rosh Chodesh: On Festivals: On Rosh Hashana: Blessed are You, God, creator of many life forms along with their needs, for all that You have created to sustain all forms of life. Blessed is the eternal lifegiver. B L E S S I N G S A F T E R F O O D·¯Î‰†‡Á¯Â‰ † b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†H ÙÀ ÷› ˙†¯G b∆ › ˙†ÂH ÁŒ ÒŸ ¯Â› B Ô†Úà φqC φÓ` ‰ ÷Œ b∆ C ¯D ‡˙D †ÏI ‰Ã Á⁄ È› ˙†b∆ C ‰Œ ̆Q ÙŒ ÷†qC φÁÀ ÈÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †ÁP Ȇ‰A Ú› ÏC Óœ ÈÌÆ 18 This blessing is said after eating or drinking foods other than those listed above, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, drinks (other than wine), etc. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei n’fashot rabot v’chesronan al kol ma she’barata l’ha’chayot ba’hem nefesh kol chai. Baruch chei ha’olamim. Blessed are you, God, ruler of the world, Who creates eternally, who makes humanity Who prepares provision for all His creatures Blessed are you, God, who nourishes all. You made the land, you laid out the table You gave us our portion in Torah and Pact Blessed are you, God, for the land and for the food. Build your city! Make firm Shalem! With mercy redeem your holy house. Blessed are you, God, who rebuilds with compassion Jerusalem. B L E S S I N G S A F T E R F O O D·¯Î‰†‡Á¯Â‰ vrch mkwxrt b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC Ì borP a eolC > yoxU r aS dD > mP cL y< mD zo< lI cC l bX rM yotD yw b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB hF zB < aV t hF q› l. aV rR { eC [W ytD h ]Z lI iC < eC rG cI √D √orD h uvX rM yt iV lI kP ynu nB tG √D h b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB eF l hA aS rR { wH eF l hF mD zo √J conN < bU yt mW kX dD ]S | bX rG iJ E mW y> √W fX kod b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB bonQ h vX X rG iJ E mD yw yI ru]S lC yK >. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, Boreh olam, yotzer adam, Mechin mazon l’chol briyotav Baruch ata Adonai, hazan et hakol. Eretz asita, shulchan arachta, Torah u’brit, chelkeinu natata Baruch ata Adonai, al haaretz v’al hamazon. Ircha tibaneh, shalem techonen, Beit mikdashach b’rachamim tifkod Baruch ata Adonai, bonei v’rachamav Yerushalayim. 19 Yose ben Yose, a fifth century poet of Eretz Yisrael, composed this poetic form of the Birkat Hamazon for use as part of the daily liturgy. Several manuscript copies were found in the Cairo genizah. Scribes also added the fourth blessing of the Birkat Hamazon (page 9), which was codified after this prayer was written. Teachers, friends, let us say Birkat Hamazon. May the name of God be blessed now and forever. May the name of God be blessed now and forever. Banish sadness and anger and then even the mute will rejoice in song, guide us down a righteous path, receive the blessing of the children of Aharon. With your permission, rabbis, teachers, and friends, let us bless our God whose dwelling place is joy and from whose bounty we have eaten. Blessed is our God whose dwelling place is joy and from whose bounty we have eaten. Blessed is God, blessed is God’s name. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< 20 ÒÚ„˙ ˘Â‡ÈÔ ¯G b∆ › ˙à y, ÁF vÕ ¯G y†H ·C¯P Í.† ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓÕ Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌÆ ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓÕ Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌƆ „∆ J ÂE Ȇ‰A ÒÕ¯†ÂH ‚à ̆ÁÀ ¯Â› Ô†¨ÂH ‡À ʆ‡œ Ï∆ Õ Ì†b∆ Ÿ ÷œ ȯ†ÈB¯Â› Ô,† H ÁP u∆ †bŸ Ó` ÚŸ ‚I ÏÕ È†ˆŒ „Œ ˜†¨÷Ÿ ÚÕ ‰†b∆ K rŸ q∆ ` ˙ b∆ Ÿ O È ‡Ã ‰⁄ ¯› ÔÆ b_ ¯J ÷»˙ ÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô, ÁF vÕ ¯G yÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à Ȩ H ·À ¯P ͆‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu†÷Œ ‰Ã ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†b∆ œ ÓŸ Ú› › ÂH ÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷Œ Ï∆ › Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡¤ ¿‰Õ È»†÷Œ ‰Ã [_ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†b∆ œ ÓŸ Ú› ›†¨ ÂH ÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI »†Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › †u·Ÿ Ë»·Â› †ÁÀ È_ Èu. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡¤ ¿‰Õ È»†÷Œ ‰Ã ˘∆ › œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†b∆ œ ÓŸ Ú› ›†¨ ÂH ÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI »†Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › †»·Ÿ Ë»·Â› †ÁÀ Èœ È»Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡†u∆ vC ¯u∆ ÍŸ †÷Ÿ Ó› . Rabotai, chaverei n’vareich. Yehi shem Adonai m’vorach mei’ata v’ad olam. Yehi shem Adonai m’vorach mei’ata v’ad olam. D’vai haseir v’gam charon, v’az ileim b’shir yaron, n’cheinu b’mag’lei tzedek, sh’ei birkat b’nei Aharon. Birshut maranan v’rabanan, chaveirei v’rabotai, v’rabotai n’vareich Eloheinu she’hasimcha bim’ono v’she’achalnu mishelo. Baruch Eloheinu she’hasimcha bim’ono, v’she’achalnu mishelo uv’tuvo chayinu. Baruch Eloheinu she’hasimcha bim’ono, v’she’achalnu mishelo uv’tuvo chayinu. Baruch hu uvaruch sh’mo. Leader: Group: Leader: Group: Leader: All: Continue on page 3. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, for whose glory everything is created. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, shaper of humanity. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who shaped humanity in Your image, in the image of Your shape and form, and established for humanity an eternal structure. Blessed are You, God, Shaper of humanity. The barren one will rejoice and celebrate when her children are joyfully gathered back to her. Blessed are You, God, who creates joy for Zion with her children. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ˘·Ú†·¯ÎÂ˙ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ÷Œ ‰Ã q∆ › φb∆ C ¯D ‡†Ï_ ÎI ·Â› „› Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ È› ˆÕ ¯†‰A ‡À „D ÌÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÈBˆÃ ¯†‡Œ ˙†‰A ‡À „D ̆b∆ Ÿ ˆÃ ÏI Ó› ¨ b∆ Ÿ ˆŒ Ï^ ̆„∆ J Óu∆ ˙†√∆ G ·Ÿ K È˙› ¨ ÂH ‰œ ˙J ˜œ ÈԆϛ †Óœ Ó∆ Œ u†b∆ œ H ÈE Ô†Ú⁄ „P ȆÚà „Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †È› ˆÕ ¯†‰A ‡À „D ÌÆ ◊› ◊†√∆ D ◊œ È◊†ÂH ˙D ‚Õ Ï†‰A Ú⁄ ˜À ¯D ‰ b∆ Ÿ ˜œ b∆ u∆ ı†b∆ C Q ȉA †ÏI ˙› ÎC ≈†bŸ ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ◊à Ó∆ Õ Á†ˆœ È∆ › Ô†b∆ Ÿ ·C Q ȉA Æ Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, she’hakol bara lichvodo. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, yotzeir ha’adam. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher yatzar et ha’adam b’tzalmo, b’tzelem d’mut tavnito, v’hitkin lo mimenu binyan adei ad. Baruch ata Adonai yotzeir ha’adam. Sos tasis v’tagel ha’akara b’kibbutz baneha l’tocha b’simcha. Baruch ata Adonai m’samei’ach Tzion b’vaneha. 21 The Sheva Brachot are seven blessings recited at the wedding ceremony and at feasts which are given for the bride and groom on the six days following their marriage. The blessings are said over wine. 1 2 3 4 Friends and lovers will be delighted by You, just as you delighted Your creations in the Garden of Eden back then. Blessed are You, God, who delights the groom and the bride. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who created happiness and joy, the groom and the bride, delight, celebration, gaiety and mirth, love and companionship, peace and friendship. Quickly, God, let there be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of happiness and the voice of joy, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the delighted voices of newlyweds from their wedding canopy and young people from their joyous festival. Blessed are You, God, who delights the groom with the bride. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ◊G Ó∆ Õ Á` †√∆ Ÿ ◊G ÓG Á†¯P Úœ È̆‰A ‡⁄ ‰u∆ ·_ ÈÌ q∆ Ÿ ◊G Ó∆ P Á⁄ ÍC †ÈI ˆœ ȯJ ÍC †b∆ Ÿ ‚E Ô†ÚÕ „Œ Ô†Óœ ˜∆ Œ „Œ ÌÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ◊G Ó∆ Õ Á` †ÁÀ ˙D Ô†ÂH Îà ÏC ‰Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC Ì ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†b∆ C ¯D ‡†◊À ◊› Ô†ÂH ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰,†ÁÀ ˙D Ô†ÂH Îà ÏC ‰, ‚_ ÈÏC ‰,†¯œ B ‰,†„∆ œ ȈC ‰†ÂH ÁŒ „J ÂB ‰,†‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰†ÂH ‡Ã Á⁄ ÂB ‰ ÂH ÷À Ï› ̆ÂH ¯P Úu∆ ˙Ɔӟ ‰Õ ¯D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu È_ ÷∆ À Ó` Ú†b∆ Ÿ ÚÀ ¯P ȆÈI ‰u∆ „D ‰†u∆ ·Ÿ Á‹ ˆÂ› ˙†ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À ÏF È_ Ì ˜Â› φ◊À ◊› Ô†ÂH ˜Â› φ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰,†˜Â› φÁÀ ˙D Ô ÂH ˜Â› φq∆ à ÏC ‰,†˜Â› φӜ ˆŸ ‰⁄ Ï› ˙†Á⁄ ˙D K ÈÌ ÓÕ Á‹ p∆ À ˙D Ì u∆ H ÚÀ ¯œ ÈÌ Óœ Ó∆ œ ÷Ÿ √P ‰†H ‚K ÈB ˙D ÌÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ◊G Ó∆ Õ Á` †ÁÀ ˙D Ô†Úœ ̆‰Ã qà ÏC ‰. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙQ ÔÆ Samei’ach t’samach rei’im ha’ahuvim k’sameichacha y’tzircha b’gan eiden mikedem. Baruch ata Adonai m’samei’ach chatan v’chalah. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher bara sason v’simcha, chatan v’chala, gila, rina, ditza v’chedva, ahava v’achava v’shalom v’rei’ut. M’heira Adonai Eloheinu yishama b’arei Yehuda uv’chutzot Yerushalayim kol sason v’kol simcha, kol chatan v’kol kala, kol mitzhalot chatanim m’chupatam un’arim mimishtei n’ginatam. Baruch ata Adonai m’samei’ach chatan im hakala. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen. 22 5 6 7 Teachers, friends, let us say Birkat Hamazon. May God’s name be blessed for now and forever. May God’s name be blessed for now and forever. Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. With the permission of the Awesome and Revered One, the refuge in times of trouble, God girded in might, God who is mighty on high; Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. By permission of the holy Torah, pure is she and her interpretation, the heritage commanded to us by Moses, the servant of God. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< ·¯y˙ mylh ¯G b∆ ›˙à È, ÁF vÕ ¯G y†H ·C rP ÍŸ . ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓP Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌÆ ÈI ‰œ Ȇ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ·› ¯D ÍŸ †ÓP Úà √∆ D ‰†ÂH Úà „†Ú› ÏC ÌƆ nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . b∆ œ ¯J ]ut aU l aS yo> wH norD a, mW [X gB v lI eW √ot bT xB rD h, aU l nQ aX zA r b_ gH vurD h, a` dM yr bT mD ro> yI yB . nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . b∆ œ ¯J ]ut hF √orD h hF kX do]S h, jH horD h h_ ya wH gE > pX ru]S h xL wB h lC nu morD ]S h, m]R h eR vQ d yI yB . 23 Rabotai, chaverai nevarech Yehi shem adonai mevorach me’ata v’ad olam Yehi shem adonai mevorach me’ata v’ad olam Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Birshut el ayom v’nora, Misgav l’itot batzara, El ne’ezar bigvurah, adir bamarom Adonai Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Birshut hatorah hak’dosha T’hora hi v’gam p’rusha Tziva lanu morasha, Moshe eved Adonai Leader: Group: Leader: Group: Leader: Group: Leader: Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. By permission of the Kohanim and Leviim, I will call on the God of the Hebrews, Whom I praise in all lands; I will bless God. Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. With permission of my teachers and rabbis, I open in song my mouth and lips, and let my very bones declare: blessed is he who comes in God’s name. Let us praise Your Name among my faithful brethren—may you be blessed to God. With your permission, teachers, rabbis and friends, let us bless (our God) the one from whose bounty we have eaten. Blessed is (our God) the one from whose bounty we have eaten and from whose goodness we have merited life. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . b∆ œ ¯J ◊ut hF q› hY nK y> wH hF lI wK yK >, aV kX rD a lU a¿hU y hF eW vX rM yK y>, aY hodP nu bX cC l aW yK y>, aY vC rJ cC h aV t yI yB . nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . b∆ œ ¯J ◊ut morG y wH rG botG y, aV fX √G i bX ]W yr p_ y u[X fC tG y, wH t› am` rJ nB h eF xI motG y, bC ru| hF bC a bX ]O > yI yB . nodR h lI ]W mJ ~bX to|a\ munE y,bX rucL y> a` √R > lT yI yB . b∆ œ ¯J ◊u˙†ÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô,†¯G b∆ › ˙Ã È wH ÁF vÕ ¯G y¨ H ·À ¯Õ ÍŸ ©‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ®†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †©‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ®†÷Œ ‡À Îà ÏI u∆ †Óœ ÷∆ Œ Ï∆ › u∆ ·Ÿ Ëu∆ ·Â› †ÁÀ ÈL Èu∆ . b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡†u∆ vC ¯u∆ ÍŸ †÷Ÿ Ó› . Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Birshut haKohanim v’ha’Levi’im Ekra l’elohei ha’ivriim Ahodeinu b’chol iyyim, avarcha et Adonai Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Birshut morai v’rabotai, Eftach b’shir pi u’sfatai, V’tomarna atzmotai, baruch ha’ba b’shem Adonai Nodeh l’shimcha b’toch emunai, bruchim atem la’Adonai Birshut maranan v’rabanan, rabotai v’chaverei n’vareich (Eloheinu) she’achalnu mishelo. Baruch (Eloheinu) she’achalnu mishelo uv’tuvo chayinu. Baruch hu uvaruch sh’mo. 24 Group: Leader: Group: Leader: Group: Leader: Group: Continue on page 3. After page 11, continue on the next page. All: May the Compassionate One bless the father and mother of this boy, grant them the merit to raise him and teach him wisdom. From this eighth day forward, may his blood be precious, and may the Lord his God be with him. May the Compassionate One bless the master of this brit milah, who rejoiced in acting with righteousness. May his efforts be doubly rewarded, and may he granted to ascend to higher and higher levels. May the Compassionate One bless this tender eight-day-old. May his hands and heart be faithful to God, and may he merit the vision of the Divine Presence three times a year. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< hA rG iY mD < hua yI vC rP } aY v_ y hF yQ lQ d wH aW mo, wH yK zH qu lI gE dJ lo ulI iT nI co ulI iT qI mo, mW yo> hF ]X mW ynK y wB hA lI aS h yO rD xQ h dD mo, wK yI h_ y yI yB a\ ¿hA yw eW mo. hA rG iY mD < hua yI vC rP } bT eF l bX rM yt hF mW ylC h, aY ]R r [S [ lT eY [ot xQ dR k bX gK ylC h, wK y]` lU > pC eC lo um` [X qZ rJ √o qI fulC h, wH yK √J nN hu lI m` eX lC h lI m` eX lC h. hA rG iY mD < hua yI vC rP } rG | hF nK mol lL ]X monB h, wH yK hX yu yB dD yw wH lL bo lI aU l a\ munB h, wH yK zH qQ h lL rJ aot pX nN y hF ]X cL ynB h, ]S ¿] pX eC mW y> bT ]S nB h. Harachaman hu y’varech avi hayeled v’imo, v’yizku l’gadlo ul’chancho ul’chakmo, miyom hashmini vahal’a yeiratzeh damo, vayehi Adonai Elohav imo. Harachaman hu y’varech ba’al brit hamilah, asher sas la’asot tzedek b’gilah, vishalem pa’alo umaskurto kfula, v’yit’neihu l’mala l’mala. Harachaman hu y’varech rach hanimol lishmonah, v’yihyu yadav v’libo l’el emuna, v’yizkeh lir’ot pnei hashechina, shalosh p’amim bashana. 25 May the Compassionate One bless the one who circumcised flesh and foreskin, split the membrane, and drew off the blood of circumcision. The efforts of a timid or faint-hearted man would be invalid; he could not have done these three acts. May the Compassionate One send us the messiah, pure in action, by the merit of he who has joined those wedded together by the blood of circumcision, to bring news of goodness and comfort, to this one nation, scattered and dispersed among others. May the Compassionate One send us the righteous priest, hidden away until his throne is ready to shine like the sun and the diamond and his face wears the Divine countenance. The brit I made with him is life and peace. G R A C E A F T E R M E A L Svrct hmzw< hA rG iY mD < hua yI vC rP } hF mD l bX [` r hA eC rJ lC h, ufC rG e umD xE { dJ mP y hF mW ylC h, aW y] hF yB rP a wH rG | hF lU vC v eY vodD to pX sulC h, aW > ]X lC ] aU lQ h ¿a yE eY [R h lC ≈. hA rG iY mD < hua yK ]X lT i lC nu mJ ]W yio holU | √D mW y>, b_ zH cut i` tA < lF mulot dD mW y>, lI vT [U r bX [orotjovotwH nK iumW y>, lI eF > aV iA d mJ fZ zA r umJ f› rD d bU y< hA eF mW y>. hA rG iY mD , wE yB lQ j pC nB yw bX a` dG rJ √o wE yK gH ¿>, bX rM ytM y hA yI tD h aW √o hF i` yK y> wH hF ]S lo>. Harachaman hu y’varech hamal b’sar ha’orla, ufara umatzatz d’mei hamila, ish hayarei v’rach halevav avodato p’sula, im shlosh eileh lo ya’aseh lah. Harachaman hu yishlach lanu m’shicho holeich tamim, bizchut chatan lamulot damim, l’vaser b’sorot tovot v’nichumim, l’am echad m’fuzar um’forad bein ha’amim. Harachaman hu yishlach lanu kohen tzedek asher lukach l’eilom, ad huchan kis’o kashemesh vayahalom, vayalet panav b’adarto vayiglom, briti hay’ta ito hachayim v’hashalom. 26 Continue on page 14. (On Shabbat and Festivals continue on page 12.) ˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· Our doubt gives meaning to our actions, making them precious. In observing Shabbat, are we motivated by love of God or self-interest? If we knew for certain that God existed, then fulfilling the mitzvah could not be praiseworthy. It would be within our self-interest, and we would have virtually no choice in the matter. In order to love God, we must be given an honest opportunity not to love God. — M a t t E i s e n f e l d 28 Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us through Your commandments, and commanded us to light the Shabbat candles. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us through Your commandments, and commanded us to light the (Shabbat and) festival candles. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this day. May it be your will, Adonai, my God and God of my ancestors, that you show favor to me (and my husband/my sons/my daughters/my father/my mother) and all my relatives, and grant us and to all Israel ‰„Ϙ˙†¯Â˙ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √D ‰ ÈI ÈB ‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰À Ú› ÏC Ì, ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ ˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ȆÂH ˆœ Â∆ B u∆ † ÏŸ ‰Ã „J Ï_ Ș†O¯†÷Œ φ÷G b∆ C ˙Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰À Ú› ÏC Ì, ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ ˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ȆÂH ˆœ Â∆ B u∆ ÏŸ ‰Ã „J Ï_ Ș†O¯†÷Œ φ©÷` b∆ C ˙†ÂH ÷Œ Ï® ȫ̆Ëo·Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ Ÿ †‰À Ú› ÏC ̨ ÷Œ ‰Œ Á¤ ÈA »†ÂH ˜œ yI ∆ ÓÀ »†ÂH ‰œ ‚K ÈÚÀ n»†Ïà zI Ó` Ô†‰Ã zQ ‰Æ yIh_yrDxo Ë· S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S On the first night of Festivals add: Some add the following benediction: The Sabbath and holidays are welcomed with the kindling of candles. Some have the custom of lighting one candle for themselves and additional candles for their loved ones. Others light two candles to symbolize the ‘extra soul’ which we are granted at these holy times. Once lit, the Sabbath and holiday candles are ‘set apart’ to burn on their own, and to illuninate our homes and our hearts with the the sanctity of the day. After lighting the candles, recite the appropriate blessing: S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· wH tM √P < lC nu ulI cC l yK [X rD aU l i` yK y> jov_ y> wE aY rucL y>. wH tW zH qI rP nubX zK cI ro< jovC h uvX rD cC h,wH tW fX kX dP nu b_ fX kZ dG t yI ]ueC h wH rG iY mW y>, utJ vC rJ cU nu bX rD cot gH dolot, wH tG ]X lL y> bC tP ynu, wH tG ]X qO < ]X cL ynB tJ ~ bU ynN ynu. wH zE qO nK y lI gE dP l bC nK y> uvX nN y vT nK y> iY cC mW y> unI vonK y>, aohY vU y yI yB , yK rJ aU y a\ ¿h_ y>, a` nI ]U y a\ mR t, zQ rG e k› dR ], bT yI yB dJ vU kW y>, umJ aW yrM y> aV t hA eolC > bT √orD h uvX m` eY [W y> jov_ y>, uvX cC l mJ lQ acQ t eY vodG t hA borP a. aS nB a ]X m` e aV t √J i_ nB tW y bC eU t hF z› at, b_ zH cut [S rD h wH rM vX kS h wH rD iU l wH lU aS h aW motP ynu, wH hA aU r nN rP nu ]R ¿a yK cI bQ h lI eolC > wB eR d. wH hA aU r pC nQ y~ wH nK wB ]U eC h. aS mP xI vC a ]S lo> umJ nuiC h. b› aW y, b› aW y hF m` lI qC h, b› aW y, b› aW y hF qT lC h ÷À Ï› ̆Ú⁄ ÏÕ ÈÎQ ̆¨Ó` ÏH ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ï› Ì. v’titen lanu ul’chol Yisrael chayim tovim va’aruchim. V’tizkereinu b’zichron tova u’vracha, v’tifk’deinu bifkudat y’shu’a v’rachamim, u’tvarcheinu brachot gdolot, v’tashlim bateinu, vitashken shechinat’cha beineinu. V’zakeni l’gadel banim u’vnei vanim chachamim unevonim, ohavei Adonai, yirei Elohim, anshei emet, zera kodesh, ba’Adonai dveikim, ume’irim et ha’olam batorah uv’ma’asim tovim, u’v’chol m’lechet avodat haborei. Ana, sh’ma et t’chinati ba’et hazot, bizchut Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, v’Leah imoteinu, v’ha’er nereinu shelo yichbei l’olam va’ed. V’ha’er panecha v’nivashe’a. Amen. Hachama meirosh ha’ilanot nistalka, Bo’u v’neitzei likrat Shabbat hamalka, Hinei hi yoredet, hak’dosha, habrucha V’imah malachim, tzva shalom u’menucha Bo’i, bo’i, hamalka, bo’i, bo’i, hakala Shalom aleichem, malachei hashalom. 29 The sun has disappeared behind the treetops; Let us go out to towards the Sabbath Queen, for She is descending upon us, Holy and Blessed, and with her, angels of peace and of rest. Come, draw near O Queen. Come, draw near O Bride. Peace be upon you, O angels of peace. Some recite this poem by Chaim Nachman Bialik after lighting the Shabbat candles: good and long lives; remember us well and for blessing; consider us for salvation and mercy, and bless us; make whole our homes; and cause your Presence to dwell among us. Grant me the privilege of raising wise, discerning children and grand- childen, lovers and reverers of God, people of truth, holy offspring, who cleave to God and illuminate the world with Torah and good deeds, and with all labor in service of the Creator. Please, hear my supplication at this time, in the merit of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah our mothers. Cause our light to shine and never be extinguished, and shine your face on us so we are saved. Amen. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· vrct hvny> ÈI [_ yÓJ ÍC †‡¤ ¿‰_ ÈÌ qŸ aŒ fŸ rG yK > wH c_ mŸ nE ÷Œ h. ÈI [_ yÓP ÍŸ †‡¤ ¿‰_ ÈÌqŸ [À rD h,rœ vI kÀ h,rD iÕ l wH lÕ aÀ h. ÈI ·C ¯Œ ÎI ~†ÈI ÈB †ÂH ÈK ÷Ÿ ÓŸ ¯Œ ~. ÈB ‡Õ ¯†ÈI ÈB †pC B Ȇ‡Õ Ï^ È~†ÂK ÈÁ‹ Q =.† ÈK ˘∆ › À ‡†ÈI ÈB †p∆ C B Ȇ‡Õ Ï^ È~†ÂH ÈB ◊P ̆ÏI ~†÷À Ï› Ì.† Yisim’cha Elohim k’Ephraim v’chi’Menashe. Yisimech Elohim k’Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, v’Leah. Y’varechecha Adonai v’yishmerecha. Ya’er Adonai panav eilecha v’yechunekah. Yisah Adonai panav eilecha v’yasem l’cha shalom. 30 For a son: For a daughter: May God guide you in the path of Ephraim and Menashe. May God guide you in the path of Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah. May God bless you and protect you. May God’s face shine upon you and show you favor. May God’s face look upon you and bless you with peace. On Shabbat and holidays, as we take time away from our busy, creative lives to appreciate the gifts God has given us, it is an especially good time to notice, be thankful for, and bless those we love. Traditional expressions of gratitude include these blessings for one’s children (customarily bestowed with one’s hands touching the child’s head ) and the proverbs of Eishet Chayil, which follows Shalom Aleichem and is often sung between husband and wife. May you find peace, attending angels, angels of Heaven, from the Ruler of all rulers, the Holy One Blessed is He. May you come in peace, angels of peace, angels of Heaven, from the Ruler of all rulers, the Holy One Blessed is He. May you bless me with peace, angels of peace, angels of Heaven, from the Ruler of all rulers, the Holy One Blessed is He. May you depart in peace, angels of peace, angels of Heaven, from the Ruler of all rulers, the Holy One Blessed is He. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ÷ÀÏ›̆Ú⁄ÏÕ ÈÎQ̆¨†Ó` ÏH ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†‰Ã ÷∆ À ¯P ˙¨ ÓG ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†ÚV ÏH È› Ô ¨Óœ Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †ÓG ÏI ÎÕ È†‰Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ÏC Î_ Ę̀ ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷†b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡. b∆ ›‡⁄ÎQ̆ÏI ÷À Ï› ̆¨ÓG ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ï› ̨ ÓG ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†ÚV ÏH È› Ô ¨Óœ Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †ÓG ÏI ÎÕ È†‰Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ÏB Î_ Ę̀ ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷†b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡. b∆ C¯JÎu∆ KȆÏI ÷À Ï› ̆¨Ó` ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ï› ̨ Ó` ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†ÚV ÏH È› Ô ¨Óœ Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †Ó` ÏI ÎÕ È†‰Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ÏB Î_ Ę̀ ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷†b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡. ˆÕ ‡J˙ÎQ̆ÏI ÷À Ï› ̆¨Ó` ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ï› ̨ Ó` ÏI ‡⁄ ÎÕ È ÚŒ ÏI È› Ô ¨Óœ Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †Ó` ÏI ÎÕ È†‰Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ÏB Î_ Ę̀ ‰Ã ˜∆ À „› ÷ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰u∆ ‡. Shalom aleichem, malachei hashareit, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham’lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Bo’achem l’shalom, malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham’lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Barchuni l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham’lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. Tzeitchem l’shalom malachei hashalom, malachei elyon, mimelech malchei ham’lachim, hakadosh baruch hu. 31 Shalom Aleichem begins the Shabbat evening meal by welcoming angels to our table. Some have the custom of singing each stanza three times; others only once. Who might find a valorous woman, whose worth far exceeds pearls. Her husband trusts her deeply and he lacks for no riches. Each day she merits her family only good and never evil. She seeks wool and flax and gladly works with her hands. She would trade like a sea merchant in order to obtain goods for her family. She awakens late in the night to provide food for her family and wages for her staff. She surveys land and acquires it, and grows a vineyard from her labor. She keeps herself strong and her arms are powerful. She ensures her business dealings are successful and keeps her light on at night. Her hands work the spinner, and keep a firm grip on the spindle. Her arms are open to the poor and she is generous to the destitute. She does not fear for her family in the cold, for they are clothed in wool. She makes her own carpets, and wears clothing of white and purple. Her husband is known in the city, where he meets with the elders. She makes cloths for the markets and sells belts to the merchants. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ‡U ]Œ˙†Á`È_φӜ ȆÈ_ ÓŸ ˆC ‡ ÂH ¯D Á› ˜†Óœ p∆ Ÿ K ÈK È̆Ӝ ÎI¯D ≈. b∆ C Ëà Á†b∆ C ≈∆ †ÏÕ ·†b∆ à ڟ ÏC ≈∆ †ÂH ÷À ÏC φ¿‡†ÈQ ÁŸ ÒÀ ¯. ‚HmS Ïà ˙J ‰u∆ †Ë› ·†ÂH ¿‡†¯D Ú†q∆ › φÈI ÓP ȆÁ` ÈQ ȉS . d∆ D¯J ÷À ‰†ˆQ ÓŒ ¯†u∆ Ùœ ÷Ÿ √∆ œ È̆ÂE √∆ à Úà ◊†b∆ Ÿ ÁP Ù^ ı†q∆ à p^ ȉS . ‰ÀÈI ˙D ‰†qC ‡fl L È∆ › ˙†ÒoÁP ¯†Óœ Ó∆ Œ ¯J ÁÀ ˜†√∆ À ·_ ȇ†Ïà ÁŸ ÓÀ ≈∆ . ÂE√∆ À ˜À ̆b∆ Ÿ Ú› „†Ïà ÈI ÏB ‰†ÂE √∆ œ √P Ԇˌ ¯V Û†ÏI ·Õ È˙D ≈ ÂH Á› ˜†ÏI E Ú⁄ ¯› ˙R ȉA . ÊBÓŸ ÓÀ ‰†◊À „Œ ‰†ÂE √∆ œ ˜∆ À ÁP ‰u†Óœ p∆ Ÿ ¯œ ȆÎà p^ ȉAB ËŸ ÚÀ ‰†qB¯Œ Ì. ÁÀ‚H ¯D ‰†bŸ Ú› ʆÓÀ ˙J Q ȉA †ÂE √∆ Ÿ ‡` Ó∆ Õ ı†ÊH ¯Â› Ú› › ˙R ȉA . ËÀÚ⁄ ÓÀ ‰†q_ ȆË› ·†Òà ÁŸ ¯D ≈∆ †¿‡†È_ ÎI bQ ‰†b∆ à Ï∆ à ÈI ÏC ‰†O¯D ≈∆ . ÈB„Œ ȉÀ †÷œ Ï∆ Ÿ ÁÀ ‰†·Ã q_ È÷› ¯†ÂH Îà pQ ȉA †√D ÓŸ Îu∆ †ÙC Ï^ ÍŸ . q∆ Ãp∆ À ≈∆ †p∆ À ¯J ◊À ‰†Ï^ ÚÀ L ȆÂH ÈB „Œ ȉA †÷œ Ï∆ Ÿ ÁÀ ‰†ÏC ‡Œ ·Ÿ È› Ô. ¿‡†˙œ ȯD ‡†ÏI ·Õ È˙D ≈†Óœ ÷∆ À Ï^ ‚†q_ ȆÎÀ φb∆ Õ È˙D ≈ ÏC ·‹ ÷†÷À L ÈÌ. Ó`¯J ·Ã „∆ œ È̆ÚÀ ◊Ÿ ˙D ‰†ÏC ≈∆ †÷P ÷†ÂH ‡Ã ¯J ‚B ÓÀ Ô†ÏI ·u∆ ÷À ‰∆ . › „D Ú†b∆ à ÷∆ Ÿ ÚÀ ¯œ È̆b∆ à ڟ ÏC ≈∆ †b∆ Ÿ ÷œ ·Ÿ √∆ › †Úœ ̆ÊK ˜Ÿ O Ȇ‡À ¯Œ ı. ÒÀ„œ ÈÔ†ÚÀ ◊Ÿ ˙D ‰†ÂE √œ ÓŸ q∆ › ¯†ÂE Á⁄ ‚› ¯†B˙J B ‰†Ïà q∆ Ÿ E Ú⁄ K È. Eishet chayil mi yimtza v’rachok mip’ninim michra. Batach ba leiv ba’ala v’shalal lo yechsar. G’malat’hu tov v’lo ra kol y’mei chayeha. Darsha tzemer ufishtim vata’as b’cheifetz kapeha. Hay’ta ka’oniyot socheir mimerchak tavi lachma. Vatakom b’od laila vatitein teref l’veita v’chok l’na’aroteha. Zam’ma sadeh va’tikacheihu mipri kapeha nat’a karem. Chagra b’oz motneha vat’ameitz z’ro’oteha. Ta’a’ma ki tov sachra lo yichbeh balaila neira. Yadeha shilcha vakishor v’chapeha tamchu falech. Kapa parsa le’ani v’yadeha shilcha la’evyon. Lo tira l’veita mishaleg ki chol beita lavush shanim. Marvadim asta la shesh v’argaman l’vusha. Noda bash’arim bal’a b’shivto im ziknei aretz. Sadin asta vatimkor vachagor natna lak’na’ani. 32 She exudes strength and dignity and radiates joyous optimism. Her mouth drips of wisdom and her words are kindness. She maintains the decorum of her house, and knows not of sloth. Her children strive to please her and her husband to praise her. Many are the women who have demonstrated valor, but you surpass them all. Charm can be false, and beauty a ruse, but a God-fearing woman is truly praiseworthy. Give due credit to her works, and celebrate her through her accomplishments. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ڛʆÂH ‰A „D ¯†ÏI ·u÷À ≈∆ †ÂE √œ ◊Ÿ Á` ˜†ÏI È› ̆‡Ã Á⁄ ¯Â› Ô. p_ ȉA †p∆ À ˙J ÁÀ ‰†·Ÿ ÁÀ ÎI ÓÀ ‰†ÂH ˙› ¯G ˙†ÁŒ ÒŒ d Úà φÏI ÷› B ≈. ˆÂ› Ùœ ÈB ‰†‰A Ï_ ÈΛ ˙†b∆ Õ È˙D ≈∆ †ÂH Ï^ ÁŒ ̆Úà ˆŸ Ïu∆ ˙¿‡†˙› ‡ÎÕ Ï. À˜Óu∆ †·C Q ȉA †ÂE ÈI ‡` ÷∆ Ÿ ¯u∆ ‰A †b∆ à ڟ ÏC ≈∆ †ÂE ÈI ‰` ÏI ÏC ≈. ¯G b∆ › ˙†b∆ C › ˙†ÚÀ ◊u∆ †ÁÀ È_ φÂH ‡Ã √∆ J †ÚÀ Ï_ È˙†Úà φq∆ ‹ ÏC B ‰. ]Œ˜Œ ¯†‰Ã ÁP Ô†ÂH ‰Œ ·Q φ‰Ã È∆ › Ùœ Ȇ‡œ ÷∆ À ‰†È_ ¯J ‡Ã ˙†ÈI ÈB ‰œ ȇ†˙œ ˙J ‰Ã Ï∆ C Ï. √∆ Ÿu†ÏC ≈∆ †Óœ p∆ Ÿ ¯œ ȆÈB „Œ ȉA †ÂK ȉà ÏI Ïu‰S ·∆ à ÷∆ Ÿ ÚÀ ¯œ È̆Ó` Ú⁄ ◊Œ ȉC . Oz v’hadar l’vusha vatis’chak l’yom acharon. Pi’ha pat’cha v’chochma v’torat chesed al l’shona. Tzofiha halichot beita v’lechem atzlut lo tocheil. Kamu vaneha va’y’ashruha ba’la vay’hal’la. Rabot banot asu chayil v’at alit al kulana. Sheker hachein v’hevel hayofi, isha yir’at Adonai hi tit’halal. T’nu la mipri yadeha vihal’luha vash’arim ma’aseha. 33 It was evening and it was morning on the sixth day. God completed the heavens and the earth and all of their multitudes. And God completed on the seventh day the work that God had done, and God rested on the seventh day from the work that God had done. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on the seventh day God rested from all the work which God had made to be completed. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ˜È„¢ ÂE ÈI ‰œ Ȇڌ ¯Œ ·†ÂE ÈI ‰œ Ȇ·› ˜Œ ¯ È›̆‰Ã]∆ œ ]∆ œ ÈƆÂE ÈI ΋ Ï∆ u∆ †‰Ã ÷∆ À Ó` È_ ̆ÂH ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı ÂH ÎÀ φˆŸ vC ‡À Ì.†ÂE ÈI Îà φ‡¤ ¿‰œ È̆b∆ à È∆ › ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ È ÓŸ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › †‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÚÀ ◊À ‰†¨ÂE ÈK ÷Ÿ b∆ › ˙†b∆ à È∆ › Ì ‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆӜ qC φӟ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › †‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÚÀ ◊À ‰. ÂE ÈI ·C ¯Œ ÍŸ †‡¤ ¿‰_ È̆‡Œ ˙†È› ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆÂE ÈI ˜Ã „P ÷ ‡› ˙›†¨q_ Ȇ·Â› †÷À ·Ã ˙†Óœ qÀ Ï ÓŸ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › ¨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†b∆ C ¯D ‡†‡¤ ¿‰œ È̆Ïà Ú⁄ ◊› ˙. Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯Õ ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ Va’y’hi erev va’y’hi voker Yom hashishi. Vay’chulu hashamayim v’ha’aretz v’chol tz’va’am. Vay’chal Elohim bayom hashvi’i m’lachto asher asa, vayishbot bayom hashvi’i mikol m’lachto asher asa. Va’y’varech Elohim et yom hashvi’i va’y’kadeish oto, ki vo shavat mikol mi’lachto asher bara Elohim la’a’sot. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen. 34 o n s h a b b a t e v e n i n g Although the Torah says that God sets apart (kadesh) the Shabbat and festivals, our participation is necessary to complete this sanctification—in the world and in our hearts. Thus, in the evening and the morning of Shabbat and festivals, the kiddush is recited over a full (at least three ounces) cup of wine. If one cannot use wine, grape juice may be used instead. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments, and favored us, and gave us the holy Shabbat with love and grace as a remembrance of the work of creation. For this is the foremost of the holy days, a remembrance of the exodus from Egypt. For as You have chosen us and sanctified us from all the nations, You have bestowed upon us Your holy Shabbat in love and grace. Blessed are You, God, who sanctifies the Shabbat. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̆¨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ ˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ȆÂH ¯D ˆC ‰†·C u∆ ¨ ÂH ÷` b∆ à ˙†˜À „J ÷› b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰†u∆ ·Ÿ ¯D ˆÂ› Ô†‰œ H Áœ ÈÏC u ÊK qC ¯Â› Ô†ÏI Ó` Ú⁄ ◊P ‰ ·Ÿ ¯P ‡÷œ È˙¨ q_ Ȇ‰u∆ ‡†È› Ì √∆ Ÿ Áœ œ ÏC ‰ ÏI Óœ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ȇ˜› „Œ ÷¨ ÊO ÎQ ¯†Ï_ Ȉ_ ȇ` ˙ Óœ ˆŸ ¯D È_ ̨ q_ Ȇ·C u∆ †·C Á` ¯J √∆ D †ÂH ‡Â› ˙D u∆ †˜œ „G ÷X √∆ D mœ qC Ï ‰A Úà Ó∆ œ Ę̀ ÂH ÷` b∆ à ˙†˜À „J ÷Ÿ ~†b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰ u∆ ·Ÿ ¯D ˆÂ› Ô†‰œ H Á` ÏI √D u∆ Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB¨†ÓŸ ˜F „P ÷†‰Ã ÷` bC ˙Æ Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu, v’Shabbat kodsho b’ahava uv’ratzon hin’chilanu zikaron l’ma’asei v’reishit. Ki hu yom t’chila l’mikra’ei kodesh zeicher litzi’at Mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha’amim, v’Shabbat kodsh’cha b’ahava uv’ratzon hinchaltanu. Baruch ata Adonai, m’kadeish ha’Shabbat. 35 It was evening and it was morning on the sixth day. God completed the heavens and the earth and all of their multitudes. And God completed on the seventh day the work that God had done, and God rested on the seventh day from the work that God had done. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on the seventh day God rested from all the work which God had made to be completed. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ÂE ÈI ‰œ Ȇڌ ¯Œ ·†ÂE ÈI ‰œ Ȇ·› ˜Œ ¯ È›̆‰Ã]∆ œ ]∆ œ ÈƆÂE ÈI ΋ Ï∆ u∆ †‰Ã ÷∆ À Ó` È_ ̆ÂH ‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı ÂH ÎÀ φˆŸ ·C ‡À Ì.†ÂE ÈI Îà φ‡¤ ¿‰œ È̆b∆ à È∆ › ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ È ÓŸ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › †‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÚÀ ◊À ‰†¨ÂE È_ ÷Ÿ b∆ › ˙†b∆ à È∆ › Ì ‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆӜ qC φӟ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › †‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÚÀ ◊À ‰. ÂE ÈI ·C ¯Œ ÍŸ †‡¤ ¿‰œ È̆‡Œ ˙†È› ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆÂE ÈI ˜F „P ÷ ‡› ˙›†¨q_ Ȇ·Â› †÷À ·Ã ˙†Óœ q∆ À φӟ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › ¨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†b∆ C ¯D ‡†‡¤ ¿‰œ È̆Ïà Ú⁄ ◊› ˙. Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫ b∆ C ¯uÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯Õ ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ Va’y’hi erev va’y’hi voker Yom hashishi. Vay’chulu hashamayim v’ha’aretz v’chol tz’va’am. Vay’chal Elohim bayom hashvi’i m’lachto asher asa, vayishbot bayom hashvi’i mikol m’lachto asher asa. Vay’varech Elohim et yom hashvi’i vay’kadeish oto, ki vo shavat mikol m’lachto asher bara Elohim la’a’sot. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen. 36 On Shabbat begin here and add words in parentheses: k i d d u s h f o r f e s t i v a l e v e n i n g s On Festivals that do not fall on Shabbat begin here: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has chosen us from among the nations, and raised us up from among the languages, and sanctified us through the commandments. And You gave us, God, with love (the Shabbat on which to rest and) festivals on which to rejoice, and holidays and seasons in which to be glad, and this (Shabbat, and this) Festival of Matza, the season of our freedom Festival of Shavuot, the season of receiving our Torah Festival of Sukkot, the season of our joy Festival of Shmini Atzeret, the season of our joy, Day of Rememberance, a day of (remembering) blowing the shofar S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu†ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ b∆ C Á` ¯†b∆ C u∆ †Óœ qC φÚÀ ̆ÂH ¯Â› ÓŸ ÓÀ u Óœ qC Ï ÏC ÷› Ô ¨ÂH ˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ÈÂÆ ÂE √∆ œ √∆ Œ Ô†ÏC u∆ †ÈI ÈB ‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰ ©÷` b∆ C ˙› ˙†Ï_ ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰†u∆ ® Ó› Ú⁄ „œ ÈÌ ÏI ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†¨Á` ‚K È̆u∆ ÊH Ó` L ∆ È̆ÏI ◊À ◊› Ô¨ ‡Œ ˙†È› ̆©‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰†ÂH ‡Œ ˙†È› Ì® Á` ‚†‰Ã Ó` ˆ∆ › ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰,†ÊH Ó` Ô†ÁP ¯u∆ ˙P u Á` ‚†‰Ã ÷∆ À ·‹ Ú› ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰,†ÊH Ó` Ô†Ó` √G Ô†√∆ › ¯D ˙P u∆ Á` ‚†‰Ã Ò‹ q∆ › ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰,†ÊH Ó` Ô†◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ˙P u∆ hF ÷Ÿ Óœ ÈK ȆÁ` ‚†‰A Ú⁄ ˆR ¯Œ ˙†‰Ã ÊQ ‰,†ÊH Ó` Ô†◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ˙P u∆ ‰Ã ÊK qC ¯Â› Ô ‰Ã ÊQ ‰, È› Ì ©zK ÎI¯Â› Ô® √J rueC h Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher bachar banu mikol am v’rom’manu mikol lashon, v’kid’shanu b’mitzvotav. Va’titen lanu Adonai Eloheinu b’ahava (Shabbatot lim’nu’cha u) mo’a’dim l’simcha, chagim uz’ma’nim l’sason, et yom (haShabbat ha’zeh v’et yom) Chag ha’Matzot hazeh, z’man cheiruteinu Chag ha’Shavuot hazeh, z’man matan Torateinu Chag ha’Sukkot hazeh, z’man simchateinu Hash’mini chag ha’Atzeret hazeh, z’man simchateinu Yom Hazikaron, yom (zichron) tru’ah 37 On Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah: On Pesach: On Shavuot: On Sukkot: On Rosh Hashana: (With love) a holy gathering, a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. For You have chosen us and sanctified us from all the nations, and your holy (Shabbat and) festivals (with love and favor and) with happiness and joy, You have bestowed upon us. Blessed are You, God, who sanctifies (the Shabbat and) Israel and the seasons. ™On Rosh Hashana: Blessed are You, God, who sanctifies (the Shabbat and) Israel and the Day of Rememberance. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this day. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us through Your commandments, and commanded us to sit in the Sukkah. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ©b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰®†Óœ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡†˜› „Œ ÷ ¨ÊO ÎQ ¯†Ï_ Ȉ_ ȇ` ˙ Óœ ˆŸ ¯D È_ Ì.†q_ Ȇ·C u∆ †·C Á` ¯J √∆ D†¨ÂH ‡Â› ˙D u∆ †˜œ „∆ à ÷Ÿ Ÿ √∆ D Óœ qC φ‰A Úà Ó∆ œ È̆©ÂH ÷` b∆ C ˙®†u∆ Ó› Ú⁄ „P Ȇ˜À „J ÷Œ ÍC ©b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰†u∆ ·Ÿ ¯D ˆÂ› Ô®†b∆ Ÿ ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†u∆ ·Ÿ ◊À ◊› Ô ‰œ H Á` ÏI √∆ D u∆ .™†b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ˜Ã „P ÷ ©‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙†ÂH ®†È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡P φÂH ‰Ã ÊH Ó` K ÈÌ. ™vra˘ h˘nh∫ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †ÓŸ ˜Ã „P ÷ ©‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙†ÂH ® È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡P ÏÂH È› Ì ‰Ã ÊK qC ¯Â› Ô. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ÷Œ ‰Œ Á¤ ÈB u∆ †ÂH ˜œ È∆ I ÓÀ u∆ †ÂH ‰œ ‚K ÈÚÀ u∆ †Ïà z∆ Ÿ Ó` Ô†‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ†‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ȆÂH ˆ_ Â∆ B u∆ †ÏÕ È÷P ·†b∆ à Ò∆ ‹ qC ‰Æ (b’ahava) mikra kodesh, zeicher litzi’at mitz’rayim. Ki vanu vacharta v’otanu kidashta mikol ha’a’mim, (v’Shabbat) u’mo’adei kodsh’cha (b’ahava uv’ra’tzon) b’simcha uv’sason hinchaltanu.™ Baruch ata Adonai m’kadeish (ha’Shabbat v’) Yisrael v’haz’manim. ™On Rosh Hashana: Baruch ata Adonai m’kadeish (ha’Shabbat v’) Yisrael v’yom hazikaron. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, shehecheyanu, v’kiy’manu v’higi’anu laz’man hazeh. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu lei’sheiv ba’sukkah. 38 On Saturday night, continue on page 39. On all other nights (except for the last two nights of Pesach) continue here: On Sukkot: S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡ ÓŸ ‡Â› ¯P Ȇ‰A ‡Õ ÷Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ†‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‰Ã Ó∆ à ·Ÿ „œ Èφb∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI Á› Ϩ b∆ Õ ÈÔ†‡Â› ¯†ÏI Á÷Œ ÍŸ ¨b∆ Õ ÈÔ†È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡P φÏC Úà Ó∆ œ Ę̀ b∆ Õ ÈԆț ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ È ¨ÏI ÷P ÷Œ ˙†ÈI ÓP Ȇ‰Ã Ó∆ à Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰. b∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜Ÿ „‹ ÷` ˙†÷` b∆ C ˙Ï_ ˜Ÿ „‹ ÷` ˙†È› ̆Ë› ·†‰œ ·Ÿ „G ÏI √∆ D ¨ ÂH ‡Œ ˙†È› Ì ‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆӜ ÷∆ Õ ÷Œ ˙†ÈI ÓP Ȇ‰Ã Ó∆ à Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰ ˜œ „∆ à ÷Ÿ √∆ D ¨‰œ ·Ÿ „∆ G ÏI √∆ D †ÂH ˜œ „G ÷Ÿ √∆ D †‡Œ ˙†Úà Ó∆ Ÿ } È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ï b∆ œ ˜Ÿ „‹ ÷À ˙R }C Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‰Ã Ó∆ à ·Ÿ „∆ œ ÈÏ b∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI ˜› „Œ ÷Æ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ÷Œ ‰Œ Á¤ ÈB u∆ †ÂH ˜œ È∆ I ÓÀ u∆ †ÂH ‰œ ‚K ÈÚÀ u∆ †Ïà z∆ Ÿ Ó` Ô†‰Ã ÊQ ‰Æ Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei m’orei ha’eish. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol, bein or l’choshech, bein Yisrael la’amim, bein yom hash’vi’i l’sheshet y’mei hama’aseh. Bein k’dushat Shabbat lik’dushat yom tov hiv’dal’ta, v’et yom hash’vi’i mi’sheishet y’mei ha’ma’aseh kidash’ta. Hivdalta v’kidashta et amcha Yisrael bik’dushatecha. Baruch ata Adonai, hamavdil bein kodesh l’kodesh. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, shehecheyanu, v’kiy’manu v’higi’anu laz’man hazeh. 39 On Saturday night: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the light of fire. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who differentiates between the holy and the common, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. As You have distinguished between the holiness of the Shabbat and the holiness of the festivals, and as You have sanctified the seventh day from among the six days of labor, You have distinguished and sanctified Your nation Israel in Your holiness. Blessed are You, God, who distinguishes between the holy and the holy. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has given us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this day. And the Jewish people will keep the Shabbat, in order to make the Shabbat a covenant for the generations, between Myself and the Jewish people it will be a sign for eternity that God created the heavens and the earth in six days and on the seventh day God paused and rested. Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it. Six days you shall work and will complete all of your labors. And the seventh day is a Shabbat for God. Do not do any work, neither you nor your son or daughter nor your servant or laborer. Nor your animals, nor the stranger in your land. For in six days God created the heavens and the earth, and the sea and all that lives within it, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ÂH]ÀÓŸ¯u∆ †·Ÿ O ȆÈ_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙ ¨ Ïà Ú⁄ ◊› ˙ ‡Œ ˙ ‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙†ÏI „› ¯› ˙D ̆b∆ Ÿ ¯œ È˙ Ú› ÏC ÌÆ b∆ Õ ÈK È u∆ ·Õ ÈÔ†b∆ Ÿ O ȆÈ_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φ‡Â› ˙†‰_ ȇ†ÏI Ú› ÏC ̨ q_ Ȇ÷P ÷Œ ˙†ÈB Óœ È̆ÚÀ ◊À ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ˙†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ó` È_ Ì ÂH ‡Œ ˙†‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı†¨u·Ã È› ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ Ȇ÷À ·Ã ˙†ÂE È_ B Ùà ÷Æ ÊBΛ¯†‡Œ ˙†È› ̆‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙†ÏI ˜Ã „∆ J ÷› Æ ÷P ÷Œ ˙ ÈB Óœ È̆˙G Ú⁄ ·› „†ÂH ÚÀ ◊œ È˙D †q∆ À φӟ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ Œ }C Æ ÂH È› ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ Ȇ÷` b∆ C ˙†Ïà ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Œ È}C ¨ ¿‡†˙à Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰†ÎÀ φӟ ÏC ‡ÎC ‰†¨‡Ã √∆ D ‰†u∆ ·_ H }C u∆ ·_ √∆ Œ }C †Úà ·Ÿ „∆ J }C †ÂE ‡⁄ ÓÀ ˙J }C †u∆ ·Ÿ ‰Œ ÓŸ √∆ Œ }C ¨ÂH ‚Õ ¯J }C †‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ b∆ œ ÷Ÿ ÚÀ ¯Œ È}C Ɔq_ Ȇ÷P ÷Œ ˙†ÈB Óœ ÈÌ ÚÀ ◊À ‰†ÈI ÈB ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã ÷∆ À Ó` È_ ̆ÂH ‡Œ ˙†‰A ‡À ¯Œ ı ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã È∆ B Ì ÂH ‡Œ ˙†qC φ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†bC Ì ¨ÂE ÈB E Á†b∆ à È∆ › ̆‰Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ È. ÚÃφq∆ Õ Ô†b∆ Õ¯G ÍŸ †ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ˙†È› ̆‰Ã ÷` b∆ C ˙ ÂE ÈI ˜F „∆ J ÷P ‰uÆ Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫† b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ V’shamru v’nei Yisrael et ha’Shabbat, la’asot et ha’Shabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam. Beini u’vein b’nei Yisrael ot hi l’olam, ki sheishet yamim asa Adonai et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz, u’vayom hash’vi’i shavat va’yinafash. Zachor et yom ha’Shabbat l’kad’sho. Sheishet yamim ta’avod v’asita kol m’lachtecha. V’yom hashvi’i Shabbat l’Adonai Elohecha, lo ta’aseh chol m’lacha, ata u’vin’cha u’vitecha avd’cha va’amat’cha uv’hemtecha, v’geir’cha asher bisharecha. Ki sheishet yamim asa Adonai et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz et hayam v’et kol asher bam, vayanach bayom hashvi’i. Al kein beirach Adonai et yom ha’Shabbat vayikad’sheihu. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen 4o k i d d u s h f o r s h a b b a t d a y (On Festivals continue on page 41.) S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ‡Õ Ï^‰†Ó›Ú⁄dPȆÈI ÈB †Óœ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ȇ˜› „Œ ÷ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯ √∆ œ ˜Ÿ ¯J ‡u∆ †‡› ˙D ̆b∆ Ÿ Ó› Ú⁄ „D ÌÆ ÂE ÈI „G b∆ Õ ¯†Ó› ÷Œ ‰†‡Œ ˙ Ó› ÚJ à „P ȆÈI ÈB †‡Œ φb∆ Ÿ O ȆÈ_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ ÏÆ Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫† b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ†‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†˜œ „∆ J ÷À u∆ †b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ › ˙D ȆÂH ˆ_ Â∆ B u∆ †ÏÕ È÷P ·†b∆ à Ò∆ ‹ qC ‰Æ ˙∆ œŸ˜Úu∆ †·Ã Á› „Œ ÷†÷› ÙÀ ¯†¨b∆ à qŒ ÒŒ ‰†ÏI È› ̆Á` ‚O u∆ Æ q_ ȆÁ› ˜†ÏI È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φ‰u∆ ‡†¨Óœ ÷Ÿ p∆ C ˆÏÕ ‡¿‰Õ ȆÈà Ú⁄ ˜› · Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫† b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ Eleh mo’a’dei Adonai mikra’ei kodesh asher tik’r’u otam b’mo’a’dam. Vay’daber Moshe et mo’a’dei Adonai el b’nei Yisrael. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu lei’sheiv ba’sukkah. Tik’u va’chodesh shofar, bakeseh l’yom chageinu. ki chok l’Yisrael hu, mishpat l’Elohei Ya’akov. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen On Sukkot conclude: (If Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbat begin on page 40.) k i d d u s h f o r r o s h h a s h a n a d a y k i d d u s h f o r f e s t i v a l d a y (If Festival falls on Shabbat begin on page 40.) 41 These are God’s sanctified times and holy gatherings which you shall proclaim in their season. And Moshe conveyed the festivals of God to the Jewish people. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who has sanctified us in your commandments, and commanded us to dwell in the Sukkah. Blast the shofar when the month arrives, the new moon proclaiming our festival. For it is an ordinance given to Israel, a law of the God of Jacob. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Here is the God of my salvation, I will trust and I will not fear, for God is my strength and my song and will be my salvation.You will joyously draw water from the waters of salvation. Salvation is in God’s hands. God’s nation is blessed. God is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Blessed is the one who trusts in You. God will save us, the Ruler will answer us when we call. The Jews enjoyed light and joy and happiness and grace. May we enjoy them as well. I will raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of God. With your permission, Rabbis and Teachers: Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ‰·„ω ‰œ O‰†‡Õ φÈI ÷u∆ ÚÀ ˙œ Ȇ¨‡Œ ·Ÿ Ëà Á†ÂH ¿‡†‡Œ ÙŸ ÁÀ „¨ qL ȆÚÀ ÊK ȆÂH ÊK ÓŸ ¯D ˙†ÈB ≈∆ †ÈI ÈB†¨ÂE ÈI ‰œ ȆÏ_ ȆÏ_ ÈI ÷uÚÀ ‰. u∆ ÷Ÿ ‡Ã ·Ÿ √∆ Œ ̆Ó` È_ ̆b∆ Ÿ ◊À ◊› Ô†Óœ Ó∆ à Úà ÈI O Ȇ‰Ã ÈI ÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰. Ïà ÈI ÈB †‰Ã ÈI ÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰†Úà φÚà Ó∆ Ÿ }C †·_ ¯J ÎÀ ˙R }C †Ò∆ Œ ÏC ‰. ÈI ÈB †ˆŸ ·C ‡Â› ˙†Úœ Ó∆ À u∆ †Óœ ◊Ÿ ‚B ·†ÏC u∆ †‡¤ ¿‰Õ ȆÈà Ú⁄ ˜› · ÒŒ ÏC ‰.†ÈI ÈB †ˆŸ ·C ‡Â› ˙†‡Ã ÷Ÿ ¯P Ȇ‡À „D ̆b∆ › ËÕ Á` †b∆ C ÍX . ÈI ÈB B †‰Â› ÷œ ÈÚÀ ‰†‰Ã Ó∆ Œ Ï^ ÍŸ †Èà Ú⁄ O u∆ †·Ÿ È› ̆˜À ¯J ‡Õ u. Ïà È∆ Ÿ ‰u„œ È̆‰A ÈI ˙D ‰†‡Â› ¯D ‰†ÂH ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰ ÂH ◊À ◊› Ô ÂK ȘÀ ¯. q∆ Õ Ô†√∆ œ ‰Ÿ ÈQ ‰†ÏC u∆ . q∆ › Ò†ÈI ÷u∆ Ú› ˙†‡Œ ˘∆ › À ‡ u∆ ·Ÿ ÷P ̆ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡. Òà ·Ÿ ¯œ ȆÓÀ ¯D B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ C B Ô†ÂH ¯G b∆ › ˙à È∫† b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB †‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯P ‡†p∆ Ÿ ¯œ Ȇ‰Ã ‚B ÙŒ ÔÆ Hinei El y’shu’ati evtach v’lo efchad, ki ozi v’zimrat Yah Adonai, va’y’hi li lishu’a. Ush’avtem mayim b’sason mima’a’nei hay’shu’a. L’Adonai hay’shu’a, al amcha virchatecha selah. Adonai tz’va’ot imanu, misgav lanu Elohei Ya’akov, sela. Adonai Tz’va’ot ashrei adam botei’ach bach. Adonai hoshi’a hamelech ya’aneinu v’yom koreinu. La’y’hudim ha’y’ta ora v’simcha v’sason vikar. Kein tihyeh lanu. Kos y’shu’ot esa uv’sheim Adonai ekra. Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotai: Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei p’ri hagafen. 42 At the conclusion of the Shabbat and holidays, we mark the distinction between sacred and ordinary time with the Havdalah service. On Shabbat, Havdalah is made over a full cup of wine, fragrant spices, and the flame of at least two candles held (or woven) together. On festivals, only wine is used. Songs and poems are often sung after the Havdalah to ease the transition back into secular time. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, creator of many fragrances. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, creator of the light of fire. Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who distinguishes between the holy and the common, between light and darkness, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed are You, God, who distinguishes between the holy and the common. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯Õ ‡†Óœ ÈO Ȇ·Ÿ ◊À Óœ ÈÌ. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ b∆ › ¯Õ ‡†ÓŸ ‡Â› ¯P Ȇ‰A ‡Õ ÷. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC ̨ ‰Ã Ó∆ à ·Ÿ „œ Èφb∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI Á› Ï ¨ b∆ Õ ÈÔ†‡Â› ¯†ÏI Á÷Œ ÍŸ ¨b∆ Õ ÈÔ†È_ ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ φÏC Úà Ó∆ œ Ę̀ b∆ Õ ÈԆț ̆‰Ã ÷Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ È ÏI ÷P ÷Œ ˙†ÈI ÓP Ȇ‰Ã Ó∆ à Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‰Ã Ó∆ à ·Ÿ „œ ÈφbÕ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI Á› Ï. aU l_yBhu hTnBv_ya, aU l_ yB hu hT √M ]X b_ y, aU l_ yB hu hT gK lX eT dM y. b_ mX hU rD h vX yB mP ynu yB voa aU lU ynu eW > mS ]_ yiF bV < dD wK d. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei minei b’samim. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, borei m’orei ha’eish. Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech ha’olam, hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol, bein or le’choshech, bein Yisrael la’amim, bein yom hashvi’i l’shei’shet y’mei hama’aseh. Baruch ata Adonai, hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol. Eliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu ha’Tishbi, Eliyahi ha’Giladi. Bimheira v’yameinu yavo eleinu im Mashiach ben David. 43 Elijah the Prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah from Gilead, Speedily come to us with Mashiach, son of David. May the One who distinguishes between the holy and the common forgive our sins, and multiply our offspring and our wealth like the sands, and like the stars of the night. The day has passed like the shadow of a palm tree. I call to the God who is good to me. The sentry calls out: Day has come, and also night. Your righteousness is as great as Mount Tabor—let my sins pass away like the day passes, and like a watch in the night. Now that my time of offering has passed, who will give me rest? I am weary from sighing, and drench with tears every night. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ‰ÃÓ∆ ÷Ÿdœ Èφb∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI Á› Ï ¨ iE j› atP ynu hua yK mI iol, zE rJ eU nu wH cE sH pU nu yE rJ bQ h cE Á› Ï, wH cE qocE v_ y> bF lC yI lC h. yo> pC nB h qI xU l √omR r, aR kX rD a lC aU l eC lT y gomP r, aS m` r ]omP r, aS tD a v› kR r wH gE > lC yI lC h. xL dI kS tJ ~ qI hF r √D vor, eT l iY jA a` y eC vor√G eY vor, qI yo> aR tJ mol qL y yE eY vor, wH a` ]X murD h vT lC yI lC h. iC lI fC h eonE t mW nI iC tM y, mW y yK L √P < mJ nuiC tW y, yB gE eX √W y vX a` nH iC tM y, a` [X iV h bX cC l lC yI lC h. Hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol, Chatoteinu hu yimchol, Zareinu v’chaspeinu yarbeh chachol, V’chakochavim balailah Yom panah k’tzeil tomer, Ekrah la’eil alai gomeir, Amar shomeir, ata voker V’gam lailah. Tzidkatcha k’har tavor, Al chata’ei avor ta’avor, K’yom etmol ki ya’avor, V’ashmura valailah. Chalfa onat minchati, Mi yiten m’nuchati, Yagati v’anchati, As’cheh b’chol lailah. 44 Do not take away my voice. Open for me the lofty gate, for my head is soaked with dew, my curls with the drops of night. Listen, Great and Awesome One! When I cry out, grant me redemption—in the dimness of evening, in the darkness of night. I have called out to You, God—redeem me! Teach me the path of life. Keep me from poverty from day until night. Remove all impurity from my actions, lest my detractors ask, where is God, my maker, who inspires songs at night? S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· kol_ y bT l yZ nH jA l pI tG i l_ y ]` eT r hF mJ nZ jB l, ]R r› a]W y nK mJ lC a jA l, kX wZ xotG y rJ s_ ysU y lC yI lC h. hU eC tU r norD a wH aS yo>, aY ]w`N eT √J nB h f_ dJ yo>, bX nQ ]R Û bX eR rR v yo>, bX aW y]o< lC yI lC h. kX rD atW y~ yB ≈ ho]W yeU nK y aorG i i` yK y> √odM yeU nK y mW dG lut √J vT xI eU nK y mW yo> wH eF d lC yI lC h. j` hU r j_ nuÛ m` eY [` y, pV < y› amJ ru m` cI eW sT y, a` yO h nB a a\ lo≈∆ F e› [S y, hF notP < zH mW yrot bT lC yI lC h. Koli bal yuntal, P’tach li sha’ar ha’m’nutal, Sheroshi nimla tal, K’vutzotai r’sisei lailah. Hei’ateir nora v’ayom, Ashavei’a t’na fidyom, B’neshef b’erev yom, B’ishon lailah. K’raticha yah hoshieini, Orach chayim todieini, Midalut t’vatz’eini, Miyom v’ad lailah. Taheir tinuf ma’asai, Pen yomru mach’isai, Ayei na elohah osai, Hanotein z’mirot balailah. 45 We are like clay in Your hands, forgive sins small and great. Day after day speaks out in Your praise, and night after night. May the One who distinguishes between the holy and the common forgive our sins, and multiply our offspring and our wealth like the sands, and like the stars of the night. Bring the day which will be neither day nor night. We proclaim your greatness, for just as the day is Yours the night is Yours as well. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· nE iX nu vX yB dJ ~ qT iomP r, sX lT i nB a eF lkF l wB i› mP r, yo> lI yo> yE b_ yeT a› mR r, wH lC yI lC h lI lC yI lC h. ç ‰Ã Ó∆ à ·Ÿ „œ Èφb∆ Õ ÈÔ†˜› „Œ ÷†ÏI Á› Ï ¨ iE j› atP ynu hua yK mI iol, zE rJ eU nu wH cE sH pU nu yE rJ bQ h cE iol, wH cE qocE v_ y> bF lC yI lC h. kS rPv yo>aY ]V r hua ¿a yo> wH ¿a lC yI lC h. rD > hodG e, qL y lX ~ yo> aT Û lX ~ hT lC yI lC h. Nachnu v’yad’cha kachomer S’lach na al kal v’chomer, Yom l’yom yabi’a omer, V’laila l’laila. Hamavdil ben kodesh l’chol, Chatoteinu hu yimchol, Zareinu v’chaspeinu yarbeh chachol, V’chakochavim balaila. Karev yom asher hu lo yom v’lo laila. Ram hoda, ki l’cha ha’yom af l’cha ha’laila. 46 Blessed are You, God, Ruler of the universe, who with speech created the heavens, and with breath created its hosts; who gave them laws and times, so that they never deviate from their processes. They rejoice and are glad to do the will of their creator, the true active principle, whose works are true. To the moon God said that it should renew itself, as a crown of glory to those born of the womb, that they too may be renewed like her, to consummate their creation according to the name of the glorious kingdom. Blessed are you, God, who renews the months. Blessed is your Shaper; blessed is your Maker; Blessed is your Owner; blessed is your Creator. As I dance before you, and cannot touch you, So may my enemies be unable to touch me for evil. S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· ˜È„¢ lvnh b∆ C¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB†¨‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ ∆ †ÓŒ Ï^ ÍŸ †‰A Ú› ÏC Ì ¨aY ]R r bX m` aY mD ro bC rD a ]X iC kW y> uvX rui` p_ yw qC l xI vC eC >, i› k uzH m` < nB tG < lC hV > ]R ¿a yI ]` nu aV t √G fX kW ydD >. [S [W y> u[X mP i_ y> lT eY [ot rJ xo< konB >, poeU l a\ mR t ]R pX eZ lC to a\ mR t, wH lT lX vC nB h aS m` r ]R √M tJ i` dP ] eY jQ rR t √W fX aV rR t lT eY musU y vC jQ eY tW ydM y> lI h_ tJ i` dP ] qI motD ≈ ulX fC aU r lX yoxI rD > eF l ]U > qI vod m` lI cuto. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‡Ã √∆ D ‰†ÈI ÈB ¨mJ i` dP ] iC dD ]W y>. b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ yoxI rP |, b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ eo[U |, b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ konN |, b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ borJ aU |. qI ]U >]R aY nK yrokP dqI nQ gH dP | wH aU ynK yyB collL nH g› eFbC |, qT | ¿a yucI lu qC l aoyI vT y lL nH g› e b_ y lI rD eC h. Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech haolam, asher b’ma’amaro bara sh’chakim, uv’ruach piv kol tzva’am, chok uzman natan lahem shelo y’shanu et tafkidam. Sasim usmeichim la’asot r’tzon konam, po’el emet shepe’ulato emet, v’lal’vana amar shetitchadesh ateret tiferet la’amusei vaten, shehem atidim l’hitchadesh k’motah ul’faer l’yotzram al shem kvod malchuto. Baruch ata Adonai, m’chadesh chodashim. Baruch Yotzrech, baruch Osech, Baruch Konech, baruch Borech. K’shem she’ani roked knegdech, v’eini yachol lin’goa bach Kach lo yuchu kol oivai lin’goa bi l’ra’a. 47 It is customary to recite the following blessing between the third and fourteenth day of the lunar cycle, when the moon becomes visible. In many communities, it is recited immediately after Havdalah, at the conclusion of the first Shabbat within this period. Kiddush Levana expresses the hope that as the moon is renewed, so may we be renewed as well. Each of the following verses is recited three times: √W p› l eY lU yhV > aU ymD tD h wB f` iT d, b_ gH d› l zH roeY ~ yK dJ mu qC aS vQ √W p› l. „D ÂK „†ÓŒ ÏŒ ÍŸ †È_ ◊Ÿ ¯À ‡Õ φÁ` ȆÂH ˜F È∆ C Ì. ]S lo> eY lU ycQ > eY lU ycQ > ]S lo> Òœ Ó∆ À Ԇ˛ ·†u∆ Óà Ê∆ B φË› ·ÈH ‰Õ ‡†ÏÀ u†u∆ ÏŸ ÎC ÏÈ_ ◊Ÿ ¯À ‡U χ¨À ÓÕ Ô. yIh_y hFi›dR]hF zQ h qL nI vua` t aY v_ y iozQ h wH yL ]S m` e bX bT yK t zQ h kol [S [o< wH kol [W mJ iC h. iC zA k yI m` lU a mW ]X a` lotP ynu a` mW y{ yE eY [R h bT kS ]S tP nu wH hua yK ]X lT i bX m` eY [U h yB dP ynu bX rD cC h wH hF xI lC iC h. Tipol aleihem eimata vafachad, Big’dol zro’acha yidmu ka’aven. Ka’aven yidmu zroa’cha bigdol vafachat eimata Aleichem tipol. David melech Yisrael chai v’kayam. Shalom aleichem Aleichem shalom Siman tov u’mazal tov yehei lanu u’lchol Yisrael, Amen. Yehi hachodesh hazeh kin’vuat avi chozeh V’yishama b’bayit zeh kol sasson v’kol simcha. Chazak yimaleh mishaloteinu amitz ya’aseh bakashateinu V’hu yishlach b’maasei yadeinu bracha v’hatzlacha. May fear and trembling fall upon them. Amid the greatness of Your power, may they be still as a stone. Still as a stone is Your power in its greatness, And fear and trembling will fall upon them. David, king of Israel, lives forever. Peace be unto you—Peace be unto you May this be a good sign and fortune for us and all of Israel. Amen. ˘·˙ ÂÈÂ> Ë· S H A B B A T & F E S T I V A L S 48 Turn to three people and greet each by saying: Respond by saying: Three times: May this month be as envisioned in my father’s prophecy, And may we hear in this house the voice of happiness and the voice of joy. May the Strong One fulfill our wishes, may the Brave One perform our requests, May God grant the work of our hands blessing and success. zmyrwtl˘vt I finally understood why I like Shabbat so much— singing is the way I pray with most honesty. Shirah =Tefillah. —M a t t E i s e n f e l d 50 Rest and joy, light for the Jews, The Shabbat day, a day of delights, Those who keep it and remember it will attest, That in six days all were created and endure. The highest heavens, the land and the sea, The multitudes of creation great and mighty, Sea creatures and humans and wild beasts, For God is the eternal lifegiver. This is what God commanded the treasured nation: To ensure the Shabbat’s holiness from its arrival through departure, The holy Shabbat is the day of Your delight, For on that day You rested from all Your labor. ÓŸu∆ ÁÀ‰†ÂH[œ ÓŸÁÀ‰†‡Â› ¯†Ïà È∆ I ‰u∆ „œ Ę̀ È› ̆÷` b∆ C ˙› Ԇț ̆Ó` Á⁄ Ó` „∆ œ Ę̀ ÷› ÓŸ ¯D ȆÂH Ê› ÎI¯D Ȇ‰Õ Ó∆ À ‰†ÓŸ Úœ È„M Ę̀ q_ ȆÏI ÷œ ÷∆ À ‰†q∆ › φb∆ Ÿ ¯u‡œ È̆ÂH Ú› ÓŸ „M ÈÌÆ ÷Ÿ ÓÕ È†÷À Ó` È_ ̆‡Œ ¯Œ ı†ÂH Èà Ó∆ œ Ę̀ qC φˆI ·C ‡†ÓÀ ¯Â› ̆‚H ·Â› ‰œ È̆ÂH ¯D Óœ Ę̀ √G K ÈÔ†ÂH ‡À „D ̆ÂH Á` È∆ à ˙†¯J ‡Õ Óœ Ę̀ q_ Ȇb∆ Ÿ ÈB ≈∆ †ÈI ÈB †ˆu¯†Ú› ÏC Óœ ÈÌÆ ‰u∆ ‡†‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†„∆ œ bQ¯†ÏI Úà ̆ҟ ‚‹ ÏC ˙› ¨ ÷À Ó›¯†ÏI ˜Ã „∆ J ÷› †Óœ b∆ › ‡Â› †ÂH Úà „†ˆÕ ‡˙› ¨ ÷` b∆ à ˙†˜› „Œ ÷†È› ̆ÁŒ ÓŸ „∆ D ˙› ¨ q_ Ȇ·Â› †÷À ·Ã˙†‡Õ Ï Óœ qC φӟ Ïà ‡ÎI √∆ › Æ M’nucha v’simcha or la’Yehudim, Yom Shabbaton yom mach’madim, Shomrav v’zochrav heima m’idim, Ki l’shisha kol b’ru’im v’omdim. Sh’mei shamayim eretz v’yamim, Kol tz’va marom g’vohim v’ramim, Tanin v’adam v’chayat re’eimim, Ki b’Yah Adonai tzur olamim. Hu asher diber l’am s’gulato, Shamor l’kad’sho mibo’o v’ad tzeito, Shabbat kodesh yom chemdato, Ki vo shavat El mikol m’lachto. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ The Shabbat table is a place of joy, companionship, and song. Most of the zmirot (hymns) included here date from the medieval period. Some were composed by luminaries such as the Biblical commentor Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra (Tzama Nafshi, page 56) and the mystic Rabbi Israel Najara (Yah Ribon, page 58). Others, such as this hymn, were written by authors whose names are unknown. Together, they represent the literary output of centuries of Jewish poetic imagination. Those who keep the Shabbat will draw from God’s strength, When you call on God, God will soon empower you, Say the prayers “Soul of all life” and “We proclaim,” Eat joyfully, for you are in God’s favor. With two loaves of bread and the blessing on wine, With a bounty of delicious food and a spirit of generosity, Those who take pleasure in the Shabbat will merit only good, When the redeemer comes to grant eternal life. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ b∆ Ÿ Óœ ˆŸ ÂE ˙†÷` b∆ C ˙†‡Õ φÈà Á⁄ Ï_ ȈC ÍŸ ¨ ˜ŭ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡†‡Õ ÏC ȆÈB Áœ È÷†ÏI ‡Ã Ó∆ Ÿ ˆC ÍŸ ¨ K ÷Ÿ Ó` ˙†qC φÁ` ȆÂH ‚E ̆E Ú⁄ ¯œ ȈC ÍŸ ¨ ‡¤ Λ φb∆ Ÿ ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰†q_ ȆÎI ·C¯†¯D ˆC ÍŸ Æ b∆ Ÿ Óœ ÷Ÿ Q ‰†Ï^ ÁŒ ̆ÂH ˜œ „∆ u÷†¯G b∆ C ‰¨ b∆ Ÿ ¯› ·†Ó` ËŸ Úà Ó∆ œ È̆ÂH ¯u∆ Á` †H „M È·C ‰¨ È_ ÊH q∆ u∆ †ÏI ¯G ·†Ëu∆ ·†‰Ã Ó∆ œ ˙J Úà H ‚K È̆b∆ C ≈∆ ¨ b∆ Ÿ ·_ ȇà ˙†‚∆ › ‡Õ φÏI Á` È∆ Õ È†‰A Ú› ÏC ̆‰Ã b∆ C ‡Æ B’mitzvat Shabbat El yachalitzach, Kum k’ra eilav yachish l’amtzach, Nishmat kol chai v’gam na’aritzach, Echol b’simcha ki ch’var ratzach. B’mishneh lechem v’kidush raba, B’rov mat’amim v’ruach n’diva, Yizku l’rav tuv ha’mitan’gim ba, B’vi’at go’eil l’chayei ha’olam haba. 51 How lovely is the rest you bestow, O Shabbat Queen, I will race to greet you; enter, Majestic Queen, Clothe yourself in fine garments as we light and bless the candles, We finish all of our labors, on Shabbat we will not work. To rejoice with delicacies, fowl, quail, and fish. From evening we assemble all kinds of delicacies, While it is still day we prepare stuffed chickens, The table is set with foods, we drink rich wines, And we enjoy culinary delights at all three meals. We will inherit the legacy of Jacob, it is a bountiful heritage, Both rich and poor will honor it and will merit redemption, If you keep the Shabbat, I, God, will consider you my treasure, Six days you will work and on the seventh you will rejoice. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ Ó`‰†È∆ ŸdMÈdu∆˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ˙P ÍŸ†¨‡Ã √∆ Ÿ †÷` b∆ C ˙†‰Ã Ó∆ à ÏI qC ‰¨ b∆ Ÿ ÎÕ Ô†B¯uı†Ï_ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡˙P ÍŸ†¨b∆ › ‡œ ȆÎà ÏC ‰†H ÒuÎB ‰¨ ÏI ·u÷†b∆ œ ‚Ÿ „P ȆÁ⁄ Óu∆ „› ˙†¨ÏI ‰Ã „J Ï_ Ș†O¯†b∆ œ ·Ÿ ¯D ÎB ‰¨ ÂE √P ÎQ φqC φ‰A Ú⁄ ·Â› „› ˙†¨¿‡†˙à Ú⁄ ◊u∆ †ÓŸ ÏC ‡ÎB ‰Æ ÏI‰œ˙JÚÃ∆ Õ ‚†b∆ ŸtG Ú⁄u∆ ‚KÈ̆b∆ ïJb∆ u∆¯œ È̆u∆ ◊ŸÏC †ÂHdD‚KÈÌÆ ÓÕ ÚŒ ¯Œ ·†Ó` ÊH Óœ ÈK È̆¨qC φӜ ÈO ȆÓ` ËŸ Úà Ó∆ œ Ę̀ Óœ b∆ Ÿ Ú› „†È› ̆Óu∆ ÎB K È̆¨√∆ ïJ H ‚› Ï_ È̆ӟ Ù‹ Ë∆ À Óœ Ę̀ ÂH Ïà Ú⁄ ¯› ÍŸ †q∆ à Ó∆ À ‰†Óœ ÈK È̆¨÷Ÿ ˙›˙†ÈÕ È› ˙†ÓŸ ·‹ ◊∆ À Óœ y̨ ÂH ˙G ÙŸ u∆ ˜Õ ȆÓ` Ú⁄ „G L È̆¨b∆ Ÿ ÎB φ÷À ¿÷†p∆ Ÿ ÚÀ Óœ ÈÌÆ E Á⁄ Ïà ˙†Èà Ú⁄ ˜› ·†È_ ȯD ÷†¨b∆ Ÿ Ï_ Ȇӟ ˆÀ ¯œ È̆E Á⁄ ÏC ‰¨ ÂK ÈÎà b∆ Ÿ „u‰u∆ †ÚÀ ÷œ ȯ†ÂB¯D ÷†¨ÂH ˙œ ÊH qu∆ †Ï_ ‚I ‡‹ ÏC ‰¨ È› ̆÷` b∆ C ˙†‡œ ̆√∆ œ ÷Ÿ Ó› ¯u∆†¨ÂK ‰Ÿ È_ È˙R ̆Ï_ Ȇҟ ‚‹ ÏC ‰†¨ ÷P ÷Œ ˙†ÈB Óœ È̆√∆ à Ú⁄ ·› „u∆†¨u∆ ·Ã ÷∆ Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆB ‚K ÈÏC ‰Æ Mah y’didut m’nuchateich, at Shabbat hamalka, B’chein narutz likrateich, bo’i chala n’sucha, L’vush bigdei chamudot, l’hadlik neir bivracha, Vateichel kol ha’avodot, lo ta’asu m’lacha. L’hitaneig b’ta’anugim barburim u’slav v’dagim. Mei’erev mazminim kol minei mat’amim, Mib’od yom muchanim, tarn’golim m’futamim, V’la’aroch kama minim sh’tot yeinot m’vusamim, V’tafnukei ma’a’danim b’chol shalosh p’amim. Nachalat ya’akov yirash, b’li m’tzarim nacha’la, Vichab’duhu ashir varash, v’tizku lig’ula, Yom Shabbat im tishmoru, vi’hitem li s’gula, Sheishet yamim ta’avodu u’vash’vi’i nagila. 52 Wordly matters are forbidden, you may not calculate accounts, Meditations are permitted, and you may arrange marriages for your children, You may teach a child to read and to sing the melodies, As you may delight in conversation wherever you may be. You should delight in your Shabbat strolls, it is a day of joy, And sleep is praiseworthy, for it refreshes the soul, This makes my soul yearn for You, God, so it may rest in Your embrace, Like gathered roses, so will rest sons and daughters. A taste of the world to come, the Shabbat day of rest, All those who delight in it will merit great joy, From the birth-pangs of the Messiah we will be saved, Our redemption will flourish and distress and sorrow will disappear. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ Á⁄ ÙÀ ˆŒ ÈÍC †b∆ › †‡⁄ Òu∆ ¯œ È̆¨ÂH ‚E ̆Ïà Á⁄ ÷› ·†ÁŒ ÷Ÿ b∆ › › ˙¨ ‰W ¯J ‰u¯œ È̆Ӌ √∆ D ¯œ È̆¨u∆ ÏI ÷` „P ÍŸ †‰Ã b∆ C › ˙¨ ÂH ˙œ È› ˜†ÏI Ïà Ó∆ Ÿ „› †ÒÕ ÙŒ ¯†¨Ïà ӟ E ˆ∆ Õ Á` †b_ H ‚K È› ˙¨ ÂH Ïà ‰⁄ ‚› ˙†b∆ Ÿ ‡œ ÓŸ ¯P Ȇ÷Œ ÙŒ ¯†¨b∆ Ÿ ÎB φp∆ _ ∆ › ˙†u∆ Ó` Á⁄ › ˙Æ ‰œ Ïu∆ ÎB ÍŸ †√J ‰Õ ‡†vŸ E Á` ˙†¨Ú› Q ‚†˜Ÿ ¯D ‡†Ïà ÷∆ à b∆ C ˙¨ ÂH ‰Ã ÷∆ Õ B ‰†ÓŸ ÷‹ b∆ à Á` ˙†¨q∆ Ÿ „∆ D ˙†Q ÙQ ÷†ÓŸ ÷œ È·Ã˙¨ b∆ Ÿ ÎÕ Ô†E ÙŸ ÷œ ȆÏI ÍC †ÚÀ ¯J ‚B ‰†¨ÂH ÏC u∆ Á` †b∆ Ÿ Áœ b∆ à ˙¨ q∆ à ÷∆ › ÷` L È̆Òu‚B ‰†¨b∆ › †ÈB uÁu∆ †b∆ Õ Ô†u∆ ·Ã ˙Æ ÓÕ ÚÕ ÈÔ†Ú› ÏC ̆‰Ã b∆ C ‡†È› ̆÷` b∆ C ˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰¨ qC φ‰Ã Ó∆ œ ˙J Úà H ‚K È̆b∆ C ≈∆†¨È_ ÊH q∆ u∆ †ÏI ¯› ·†◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰¨ ÓÕ ÁŒ ·Ÿ ÏÕ È†ÓÀ ÷œ ÈÁ`†¨È‹ ˆ∆ À Ïu∆ †Ï_ ¯J ÂB ÁÀ ‰¨ p∆ Ÿ „u∆˙P u∆ †˙à ˆŸ Óœ ÈÁ`†¨ÂH B Ò†ÈB ‚› Ô†ÂE ‡⁄ B ÁÀ ‰Æ Chafatzecha bo asurim v’gam lachashov cheshbonot, Hirhurim mutarim, ul’shadeich habanot, V’tinok l’lamdo seifer, lam’natzei’ach bin’ginot, V’la’hagot b’imrei shefer, b’chol pinot umachanot. Hiluchach t’heh v’nachat, oneg k’ra la’Shabbat, V’hasheina m’shubachat, k’dat nefesh m’shivat, B’chein nafshi l’cha orga, v’lanuach b’chibat, Kashoshanim suga, bo yanuchu bein u’vat. Mei’ein olam haba yom Shabbat m’nucha, Kol hamitan’gim ba, yizku l’rov simcha, Me’chevlei mashiach, yu’tzalu lirvacha, P’duteinu tatzmiach, v’nas yagon va’anacha. 53 This day is one of light and joy for Israel, a Shabbat of rest. You commanded your legions while standing at Sinai, The Shabbat and the holidays to be kept in every year, To lay out before you repast and food, a Shabbat of rest. A delight to the hearts of a broken nation, To sorrowful spirits an extra soul is given, From the depressed spirit a burden will be lifted, a Shabbat of rest. You sanctified and blessed it from all days, On the sixth day you finished the work of the universe, On it the melancholy found quiet and serenity, a Shabbat of rest. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ È›̆ÊQ‰†ÏIÈ_◊Ÿ¯D‡Õ φ‡Â›¯D‰†ÂH[œ ÓŸÁÀ‰]`¨b∆ C˙†ÓŸu∆ ÁÀ‰Æ ˆ_ ÂL È˙D †p∆ œ ˜∆ u∆ „M È̆b∆ Ÿ Ó` Ú⁄ Ó` „†‰Ã ¯†Òœ ÈE Ȩ ÷` b∆ C ˙†uÓ› Ú⁄ „M È̆Ï_ ÷Ÿ Ó› ¯†·∆ Ÿ ÎB φ÷À E Ȩ Ïà Ú⁄ ¯› ÍŸ †ÏI ÙÀ E ȆÓ` ◊Ÿ ‡Õ ˙†ÂE ‡⁄ ¯u∆ ÁÀ ‰¨ ÷` b∆ C˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰Æ ÁŒ ÓŸ „G ˙†‰Ã Ï∆ Ÿ ·C ·Â›˙†ÏI ‡‹ Ó∆ À ‰†÷Ÿ ·u∆ ¯D ‰¨ Ï_ H ÙÀ ÷› ˙†K ÎI ‡À ·Â› ˙†H ÷À ÓÀ ‰†ÈI ˙P ¯D ‰¨ ÏI Q ÙQ ÷†ÓŸ ˆÕ ¯D ‰†yC Òœ ȯ†‡⁄ B ÁÀ ‰¨ ÷` b∆ C˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰Æ ˜œ „∆ à ÷Ÿ √∆ D †b∆ Õ¯G ÎI √∆ D †‡Â›˙› †Óœ qC φÈB Óœ Ę̀ b∆ Ÿ ÷P ÷Œ ˙†q_ Ï_ È˙D †ÓŸ Ï^ ‡ÎQ ˙†Ú› ÏC Óœ Ę̀ b∆ › †ÓÀ ˆŸ ‡u∆ †Ú⁄ ‚u∆ Óœ È̆‰Ã ÷Ÿ ˜P ˆu∆ ·_ ËŸ ÁÀ ‰¨ ÷` b∆ C˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰Æ Yom zeh l’Yisrael ora v’simcha, Shabbat menucha. Tzivita pikudim b’ma’amad har sinai, Shabbat u’mo’adim lishmor b’chol shanai, La’aroch l’fanai mas’et va’arucha, Shabbat menucha. Chemdat ha’levavot le’umah shevurah Lin’fashot nich’avot, neshama yetera, L’nefesh m’tzeirah yasir anacha, Shabbat menucha. Kidashta beirachta oto mikol yamim, B’sheshet kilita m’lechet olamim, Bo matzu agumim hash’ket u’vitcha, Shabbat menucha. 54 You forbade us from labor, Awesome One, We will merit the glory of majesty if we keep the Shabbat, I will offer to the awesome God an offering of spices, a Shabbat of rest. Renew our Temple, remember its destruction. The goodness of your salvation give to those who are sad. Who sit on Shabbat in song and praise, a Shabbat of rest. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ÏH ‡œ Ò∆ u∆¯†ÓŸ ÏC ‡ÎB ‰†ˆ_ ÂK È˙D u†Â› ¯D ‡¨ ‡Œ ÊH qQ ‰†‰Â› „†ÓŸ Ïu∆ ÎB ‰†‡œ ̆÷` b∆ C˙†‡Œ ÷J Ó›¯D ‰¨ ‡Ã ˜Ÿ ¯œ È·†÷` ȆÏà Ó∆ ›¯D ‡†¨Óœ H ÁÀ ‰†ÓŒ ¯J ˜À ÁÀ ‰¨ ÷` b∆ C˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰Æ Á` „P ÷†Óœ ˜Ÿ „∆ D ÷P u∆ †ÊB ÎI¯D ‰†Q Á¤ ¯Œ ·Q˙¨ Ëu∆ ·Ÿ ÍC †Ó› ÷œ ÈÚÕ u†√J B ‰†Ïà Q Ú¤ ˆQ ·Q˙¨ b∆ Ÿ ÷` bC ˙†È› ÷Œ ·Q˙†b∆ Ÿ ÊQ ÓŒ ¯†u÷Ÿ ·C ÁÀ ‰¨ ÷` b∆ C˙†ÓŸ u∆ ÁÀ ‰Æ L’issur m’lacha tzivitanu nora, Ezkeh hod melucha im Shabbat eshmora, Akriv shai lamora, mincha merkacha, Shabbat menucha. Chadesh mikdashenu zachra necherevet, Tuvcha moshi’einu t’na la’ne’etzevet, B’Shabbat yoshevet b’zemer u’shvacha, Shabbat menucha. 55 My soul thirsts for the Eternal, the living God. My heart and my flesh sing to the God who lives. The One God created me, and declared, ‘By My life, Humans cannot see me and live.’ God created all with wisdom, understanding, and design, In ways hidden from the eyes of those who live. God’s glory is higher than all. All mouths express God’s majesty. Blessed is the One in whose hand rests the souls of all life. God set apart Jacob’s children, teaching them laws, That they might fulfill them and live. Who could be deemed righteous among those that are compared to fine dust? In truth, none among all who live. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ xBmJaS hnEfI]W ylU a¿h_ y> lI aU l i` y. l_ b_ y uvX [S rM y yI rG nI nu lI aU l iC y. aU l iT y bX rD aS nK y, wH aS m` r i` y aA nK y qL y ¿a yK rJ a` nK y hA aS dD > wE iC y. bC rD a c› l bX iC cI mD h bX eU xB h uv_ mH zK mD h mJ a› d nQ e\ lC mD h mP eU ynN y cC l iC y. rD > eF l q› l qI vodo qC l pV h yI iw`Q h hodo bC ru| aY ]R r bX yB do nQ fV ] qC l iC y. h_ vX dM yl nK ynN y tD > iZ kW y> lX horotD > aY ]R r yE eY [R h aotD > hA aS dD > wE iC y. mW y zQ h yK xI j` dD k nK mJ ]` l lI aS vC k dD k aR mR t qL y ¿a yK xI dD k lI fC nQ y~ qC l iC y. Tzama nafshi le’Elohim, l’El chai libi uv’sari y’rannenu l’El chai. El chai b’ra’ani, v’amar chai ani Ki lo yirani ha’adam vachai. Bara chol b’chochma, b’eitza, uvimzima, M’od ne’elama mei’einei chol chai. Ram al kol k’vodo, kol peh h’chaveh hodo, Baruch asher b’yado nefesh kol chai. Hivdil ninei tam chukim l’horotam, Asher ya’aseh otam ha’adam vachai. Mi zeh yitztadak nimshal l’avak dak, Emet ki lo yitzdak l’fanecha kol chai. 56 The instinct in our hearts is like a viper’s poison. How is return possible for those who live? They may return if they wish it, and turn from their paths, Before they lie in the final home of all life. For everything I will praise You, every mouth will declare your oneness. For You open Your hand to feed all life. Remember the love of old, and bring life to the slumbering. Bring close the day when Jesse’s heir will live. Perceive the woman of truth, the maidservant who declared: No, yours is the dead child; mine lives. I bow with my face to the ground, spreading out my palms to You, As I open my mouth with ‘Soul of all life.’ S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ bX lU v yO xQ r iC ]uv qL dJ mut iY m` t eF cI ]uv wH aU ycC cC h yB ]uv hF bC [S r hR iC y. nI sogK y> aW > aS vu umW dG rJ qC > ]S vu jQ rR > yK ]X qC vu bU yt moeU d lI cC l iC y. eF l q› l aY hodR ~ qC l pV h √J yE iY dR ~ potP i` aV t yB dR ~ um` [X bL yeF lI cC l iC y. zH cor a` hY vT t kX dumW y> wH hF iY yO h nK rJ dD mW y> wH kS rP v hF yB mW y> aY ]R r bQ < yK ]` y iC y. rJ aU h l_ gH vQ rR t a\ mR t ]W fX iC h noaV mR t ¿a qL y vX nN | hF mP t uvX nK y hV iC y. aV k› d eF l a` p_ y wH aV fX ro[ lI ~ qT p_ y eU t aV fX √G i p_ y bX nK ]X m` t qC l iC y. B’lev yetzer chashuv kidmut chamat achshuv, V’eichacha yashuv habasar hechai. N’sogim im avu umidarkam shavu, Terem yishkavu mo’ed lchol chai. Al kol ahodecha kol peh t’yachadecha, Pote’ach et yadecha u’masbia l’chol chai. Z’chor ahavat k’dumim v’hachayei nirdamim, V’karev hayamim asher ben Yishai chai. R’ei ligveret emet shifcha no’emet Lo ki v’nech hameit uv’ni hechai. Ekod al api v’efros l’cha kapi, Et eftach pi b’nishmat kol chai. 57 God, master of the world and the universe, You are the Ruler of all rulers, You have created wonders and great deeds, It is great to sing Your praises. I will offer praises morning and night, For You, holy God, who has created all life, Holy beings and humans, Animals on land and birds in the sky. Many are Your deeds and they are great, You humble the proud and straighten the bent, Even if a person could live one thousand years, He could never account for Your glory. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ÈB≈†¯œ b∆ ›ԆÚÀÏÃ̆ÂHÚÀÏIÓ`ÈB‡¨ ‡ÃH√J†‰u∆ ‡†Ó`ÏIqC ‡†ÓŒÏ^ÍC †Ó`ÏIÎÃÈB‡¨ Ú› ·Ã „†‚H ·u∆ ¯J √P ÍŸ †ÂH ˙œ ÓŸ ‰Ã ÈB ‡¨ ÷Ÿ Ùà ¯†˜fl „D ÓÀ ÍŸ †ÏI ‰Ã Á⁄ ÂB ÈB ‡Æ ÷Ÿ ·C Áœ ÈÔ†‡⁄ Òà „P ¯†ˆÃ ÙŸ ¯D ‡†ÂH ¯G ÓŸ ÷À ‡¨ ÏC ÍŸ †‡¤ ÏC ‰A ‡†˜F „∆ œ È÷À ‡†„∆ œ Ȇ·Ÿ¯D ‡†qC φE ÙŸ ÷À ‡¨ Úœ ȯœ ÈÔ†˜Ã „∆ œ È÷œ ÈÔ†u·Ÿ O Ȇ‡¤ B ÷À ‡¨ ÁP ÈÂE˙†b∆ I¯D ‡†ÂH Ú› ÙÕ È†÷Ÿ Ó` ÈB ‡Æ ¯G ·Ÿ ¯J ·_ ÈÔ†Ú› ·Ÿ „P ÈÍŸ †ÂH ˙G ˜∆ œ ÈÙœ ÈÔ¨ ÓÀ ÎL ÈÍŸ †¯J Ó` ÈB ‡†ÂH ÊE˜∆ œ ÈÛ†q∆ Ÿ Ùœ ÈÙœ ÈÔ¨ Ïu∆ †È_ ÁŸ ÈQ ‰†‚H ·Ã ¯†÷Ÿ K ÈÔ†‡Ã ÏI Ùœ ÈÔ¨ ÏC ‡†ÈÕ Ú› φ‚H ·u∆ ¯J √P ÍŸ †b∆ Ÿ Á‹ ÷Ÿ b∆ Ÿ E ÈB ‡. Yah ribon alam v’almaya, Ant hu malka melech malchaya. Ovad g’vurteich v’timhaya, Sh’far kodamach l’hachavaya, Sh’vachin asader tzafra v’ramsha, Lach elaha kadisha di v’ra kol nafsha, Irin kadishin uvnei enasha, Cheivat b’ra v’ofei sh’maya. Rav’r’vin ovdach v’takifin, Machich r’maya v’zakif k’fifin, Lu yi’chei g’var sh’nin alfin, La yei’ol g’vurteich b’chush’b’naya. 58 God, to whom belongs the precious and plentiful, Save your sheep from the enemy lions, Bring your people out of exile, The nation You have chosen from all the nations. Return to Your temple and Your Holy of Holies, The place where spirits and souls will rejoice, And sing to You songs and praises, In Jerusalem, Your beautiful city. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ‡¤ ÏC ‰A ‡†„∆ œ ȆÏÕ ≈∆ †ÈI ˜Ã¯†u∆ ¯J ·u∆ ˙D ‡¨ p∆ Ÿ ¯Â› ˜†Èà ˙†ÚÀ B ÍŸ †Óœ p∆ u∆ ̆‡Ã¯J ÈI ÂB˙D ‡¨ ÂH ‡Ã p∆ Õ È˜†Èà ˙†Úà Ó∆ Õ ÍŸ †Óœ ‚∆ › †‚B Ïu∆ ˙D ‡¨ Úà Ó∆ Õ ÍŸ †„∆ œ Ȇ·Ÿ Á`¯J √J †Óœ qC φ‡‹ Ó∆ à ÈB ‡Æ ÏI Óœ ˜Ÿ „∆ D ÷P ÍŸ †√u∆ ·†uÏI ˜› „Œ ÷†˜‹ „J ÷œ ÈÔ¨ ‡⁄ ˙∆ œ Ȇ·Õ ≈∆ †ÈQ Á¤ „uÔ†¯uÁœ ÈÔ†ÂH E ÙŸ ÷œ ÈÔ¨ ÂK ÈÊE Ó∆ Ÿ¯u∆ Ô†ÏC ÍŸ †÷œ ȯœ ÈÔ†ÂH¯G Á⁄ ÷œ ÈÔ¨ b∆ œ ȯu÷Ÿ ÏÕ Ì†˜Ã¯J √∆ D ‡†„J ÷u∆ ÙŸ ¯G ÈB ‡Æ Elaha di lei y’kar ur’vuta, P’rok yat anach mipum ary’vata, V’apeik yat ameich migo galuta, Ameich di v’chart mikol umaya. L’mikdasheich tuv ul’kodesh kudshin, Atar di vei yechedun ruchin v’nafshin, Vizamrun lach shirin v’rachashin, Birush’leim karta d’shufraya. 59 The Rock from whose bounty we have eaten, my friends, let us bless, We are sated and have enjoyed abundance, according to the word of God. The one who nourishes our world, the shepherd of our ancestors, We ate of God’s bread and drank of God’s wine. Therefore let us bless God and sing praises, We have proclaimed and repeated, there is none holy as God. In song with grateful voices we bless our God, For the delightful land bestowed upon our ancestors. Food and sustenance is provided for our souls, God’s kindness has overcome us, God is truth. With kindness, be merciful to Your nation, Our Rock, And to Zion Your holy dwelling place, location of Your glory. The son of David Your servant will come and redeem us, The spirit of our being, anointed of God. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ˆu∆¯†Óœ ]∆ ŒÏ›†‡ÀÎÃÏIu∆ †b∆ C¯JÎu∆ †‡¤Óu∆ EȨ [À·ÃÚŸu∆ †ÂH‰Â›˙ïJu∆ †q_dJ·Ã¯†ÈIÈBÆ ‰Ã Ê∆ B Ô†‡Œ ˙†Ú› ÏC Ó› †¯Â› ÚÕ u∆ †‡À ·_ Èu∆ ¨ ‡À Îà ÏI u†‡Œ ˙†Ïà ÁJ Ó› †ÂH ÈÕ È› †÷À ˙œ Èu∆ ¨ Úà φq∆ Õ Ô†Â› „R ‰†Ï_ ÷Ÿ Ó› u∆ H ‰Ã Ï∆ Ÿ Ï› †b∆ Ÿ Ùœ Èu∆ ¨ ‡À Ó` ¯J u∆ †ÂH ÚÀ K Èu∆ †‡Õ ÈÔ ˜À „› ÷†q∆ à ÈI ÈB Æ b∆ Ÿ ÷œ ȯ†ÂH ˜Â› φ√∆ › „D ‰†H ·C ¯P ÍŸ †ÏÕ ‡¿‰Õ Èu∆ ¨ Úà φ‡Œ ¯Œ ı†ÁŒ ÓŸ „∆ D ‰†Ë› ·C ‰†÷Œ ‰œ H Áœ ÈφÏà ‡⁄ ·Â›˙P Èu∆ ¨ ÓÀ Ê› Ô†ÂH ˆÕ „D ‰†‰œ ◊Ÿ b∆ _ ÈÚà †ÏI E ÙŸ ÷P u∆ ¨ Á` ÒŸ „∆ › †‚B ·Ã ¯†ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu∆ †ÂQ ‡¤ ÓŒ ˙†ÈI ÈB Æ ¯G ÁP ̆b∆ Ÿ Á` ÒŸ „∆ Œ ÍC †Úà φÚà Ó∆ Ÿ ÍC †ˆu¯P u¨ Úà φˆœ È∆ › Ô†Óœ ÷Ÿ q∆ à Ԇq∆ Ÿ ·Â› „Œ }C †ÊH ·u∆ φb∆ Õ È˙†√∆ œ ÙŸ ‡Ã ¯J √P u¨ bQ Ô†„∆ D ÂK „†Úà ·Ÿ „∆ Œ ÍC †ÈB ·Â› ‡†ÂH È_ ‚Ÿ ‡À ÏÕ u∆ ¨ ¯u∆ Á` †‡Ã p∆ Õ Èu∆ †ÓŸ ÷œ ÈÁ` †ÈI ÈB Æ Tzur mishelo achalnu bar’chu emunai, savanu v’hotarnu kid’var Adonai. Hazan et olamo ro’einu avinu, Achalnu et lachmo v’yeino shatinu, Al ken nodeh lishmo un’hal’lo b’finu, Amarnu v’aninu ein kadosh ka’Adonai. B’shir v’kol todah n’varech l’Eloheinu, Al eretz chemda tovah shehinchil la’avoteinu, Mazon v’tzeida hisbi’a l’nafsheinu, Chasdo gavar aleinu ve’emet Adonai. Racheim b’chasdecha al amcha tzureinu, Al tzion mishkan k’vodecha, z’vul beit tifarteinu, Ben David avdecha, yavo v’yig’aleinu, Ruach apeinu, M’shiach Adonai. 60 Rebuild the Temple, fill the city of Zion, And there we will sing a new song and arise in joy. God of mercy, the holy one, will be blessed and exalted, On a cup full of wine, as in God’s blessing. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ È_ b∆ C Q ‰†‰Ã Ó∆ œ ˜Ÿ „∆ D ÷†¨Úœ ȯ†ˆ_ È∆ › Ô†√J Ó` Ï∆ Õ ‡¨ ÂH ÷À ̆B ÷œ ȯ†÷œ ȯ†ÁÀ „D ÷†u·_ ¯J B B ‰†E Ú⁄ Ï^ ‰¨ ‰A ¯G Á⁄ ÓÀ Ô†‰Ã L ˜Ÿ „∆ D ÷†È_ ˙J b∆ C ¯G ÍŸ †ÂH È_ ˙J Úà ÏQ ‰¨ Úà φq∆ › Ò†Èà È_ Ô†ÓÀ ÏÕ ‡†q∆ Ÿ ·_ ¯J q∆ à ˙†ÈI ÈB Æ Yibaneh hamikdash ir Tzion t’malei, V’sham nashir shir chadash u’virnana na’aleh, Harachaman hanikdash yitbarach v’yitaleh, Al kos yayin malei, k’virkat Adonai. 61 Blessed is the God on high who has given rest, To our souls a redemption from burden and weariness, And God will seek Zion, the abandoned city, How long will you grieve, oh groaning soul. Those who observe Shabbat, son and daughter, Are desired by God, like an offering upon a tray. The eternal Ruler who rides upon the clouds, God made it known that the nation should rest on the Shabbat, With various foods and delicacies, With honored dress and a family feast. Happy are those who wait for a double portion, From the All-seeing who dwells in the heavens, They will merit an inheritance on the mountain and in the valley, Inheritance and rest, arise for them like the sun. All those who strictly keep the Shabbat from desecration, Are worthy of the beloved holiness of God, S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ bC ru| aU l eV lIyo hTbTt, lS aU l yOrDxu qX mW nIiC h eTl m`iY vTt. rocU v bC eY rD vot mV lQ | eolS mW y>, aV t eT mo l_ ]X bot aW zO < bT nH eW ymW y>, bX m` aY cC lU y eY rP vot bX mW ynO y m` jX eT mW y>, bX m` lX bu]U y cS vod zQ vT i mW ]X pS iC h. wH aT ]X rP y qS l iocQ h lX tT ]X lumU ycU fV l, mU aU t qS l socQ h ]ocU < bC eY rD fQ l, nE iY lS h lo yK zH qQ h bC hS r uvT ]S fQ l, nE iY lS h umX nuiC h qT ]V mV ] lo zB rJ iC h. Baruch El elyon asher natan menucha, Lenafshenu pidyon mish’et va’anacha, V’hu yidrosh litzion ir hanidacha, Ad anah tugyon nefesh ne’enacha. Hashomer Shabbat ha’bein im ha’bat, La’El yeiratzu k’mincha al machavat. Rochev ba’aravot melech olamim, Et amo lishbot eezen ban’imim, B’ma’achalei areivot b’minei mat’amim, B’malbushei chavod zevach mishpacha. V’ashrei kol chocheh l’tashlumei chefel, Mei’et kol socheh shochen ba’arafel, Nachala lo yizkeh bahar u’vashafel, Nachala u’menucha kashemesh lo zarcha. 62 And whoever fulfills the obligations of the day are praised, To God, who fashioned all, it is an offering. My God, the rock, called it the beloved of days, And it is praiseworthy to the righteous if it is protected, A crown will be fashioned for their heads, The spirit of the Eternal rock will rest upon them. Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it, Those who do will be honored with jewels upon their heads, Therefore let each person’s soul be granted, Enjoyment and happiness in which to exalt. The Shabbat majesty is holy to you, Bring it in to your house to place a blessing, In all of your dwelling places you should not labor, Your sons and your daughters and your servants as well. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ qS l [omU r ]T bC t qT dD t mU iF lX lo, hU < hV cX ]U r iW bT t kodR ] gorD lo, wH aW > yO xU a iovT t hT yo> aT ]X rP y lo, aV l aU l aS do< mX iolX lo mW nI iC h hW ya ]X luiC h. iV mJ dG t hT yB mW y> kX rD ao aU l_ y xur, wH aT ]X rP y l_ tJ mW ymW y> aW > yK hX yQ h nB xur, qV tV r hW lumW y> eT l r› a]S > yB xur, xur hS eolS mW y> ruiobC > nB iC h. zB coraV t yo> hT ]T bC t lX kF dJ ]o, kT rJ noq_ y gB vX hS h nO zQ r eT l r› a]o, eT l qU < yK √P < hS aS dD > lX nE fX ]o, eonQ gwH gE > [W mX iC h bT hV > lo lX mS ]X iS h. kodR ] hW ya lS cQ > ]T bC t hT m` lX qS h, aV l √o| bC √P ycQ > lX hS nL yiF bX rD cS h, bX cS l mo]X votP ycV > ¿a tG eY [u mX lS acC h, bX nO ycQ > uvX notP ycQ > eV vV d wH gE > ]W fX iC h. Kol shomer Shabbat kadat michalelo, Hen hechsher chibat kodesh goralo, V’im yetzeh chovat hayom ashrei lo, El El adon m’cholelo mincha hi shelucha. Chemdat hayamim k’ra’o Eli tzur, V’ashrei lit’mimim im yi’hyeh natzur, Keter hilumim al rosham yatzur, Tzur ha’olamim rucho bam nacha. Zachor et yom haShabbat l’kadsho, Karno ki gavha nezer al rosho, Al kein yitein ha’adam l’nafsho, Oneg v’gam simcha ba’hem lo l’mosh’cha. Kodesh hi lachem Shabbat hamalka, El toch bateichem l’hani’ach b’racha, B’chol moshvoteichem lo ta’asu m’lacha, B’neichem u’vnoteichem eved v’gam shifcha. 63 This day is honored more than all other days, Because the Rock of Eternity rested on it. Six days do all your work, And the seventh day is for God, On Shabbat do no labor, For all was done in the six days. It is foremost of the holy days, The day of rest is the holy Shabbat, Each person sanctifies it with wine, And with the cutting of two complete breads. Eat delicacies, drink sweet things, For God has provided for those who are steadfast, Clothes to wear and bread each day, Meat and fish and all tasty things. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ yo> zQh mX cZbTd mW qS l yBmW y>, q_y vo ]S vTt xur eolC mW y>. ]U ]V t yB mW y> √T eY [V h mX lT acX √V ~, wH yo> hT ]X v_ yeW y lU a¿hV y~, ]T bC t ¿a tT eY [V h vo mX lC acC h, q_ y c› l eS [S h ]U ]V t yB mW y>. rW a]o< hua lX mW kX rD aU y kodV ], yo> ]T bC to< yo> ]T bC t kodV ], eT l qU < qS l aW y] bX yN yno yH kT dP ], eT l ]X √P y lV iV > y_ vX xX eu tJ mW ymW y>. aV J col m` ]X m` nL y> ]X tP h m` mX √T kW y>, qW y aU l y_ √P < lX cS l bo dJ vU kW y>, bV gQ d l_ lX bo] lV iV > iZ kW y>, bC [S r wH dD gK y> wH cS l m` jX eT mW y>. Yom ze m’chubad mikol ha’amim, Ki vo shavat tzur olamim. Sheshet yamim ta’aseh m’lachtecha, V’yom hashvi’i le’Elohecha, Shabbat lo ta’aseh vo m’lacha, Ki chol asa sheshet yamim. Rishon hu l’mikra’ei kodesh, Yom shabbaton yom Shabbat kodesh, Al kein kol ish b’yeino yikadesh, Al shtei lechem yivtz’u t’mimim. Echol mashmanim sh’tei mamtakim, Ki El yitein l’chol bo d’veikim, Beged lilbosh lechem chukim, Basar v’dagim v’chol mat’amim. 64 You will not lack for anything while you eat, And you will be satisfied and you will bless, God who loves you, For God has blessed you from all the nations. The heavens tell of God’s glory, And the earth is full of God’s compassion, Behold all of this was made by God’s hand, For God is the rock whose acts are eternal. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ¿a tV iX sT r q› l bo wH aS cT lX √D , wH [S vC eX √D uvU rG cX √D , aV t yI yB aV J ¿hV y~ aY ]V r aS hT vX √D , qW y vU rG cX ~ mW qS l hS eT mW y>. hT ]S m` y_ > mX sT pX rM M y> qX vodo, wH gE > hS aS rV { mS lX aS h iT sX do, rJ au qW y cS l aU lV h eS [X tD h yB do, qW y hua hT xur pS eS lo tS mW y>. Lo techsar kol bo v’achalta, V’savata uveirachta, Et Adonai Elohecha asher ahavta, Ki beirach’cha mikol ha’amim. Hashamayim m’saprim k’vodo, V’gam ha’araetz mal’a chasdo, R’u ki chol eileh as’ta yado, Ki hu hatzur pa’alo tamim. 65 When I keep the Shabbat, God will watch over me. It is an eternal sign between God and me. It is forbidden to acquire an object or to make a path, Also to discuss matters of everyday life, Words of business, even words of politics. I will act according to the Torah and it will make me wise. On Shabbat I always find sustenance for my soul, To the first generation God gave my sanctification, A miracle, with the giving of two loaves on the sixth day, Thus on every sixth day God will double my sustenance. It is inscribed in God’s religion, a law for God’s servants, To set out two loaves of bread on Shabbat. Therefore, the wise have said that to fast on it Is forbidden, except for the day of Yom Kippur. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ q_y aV ]X mX rDh ]TbC t aU l y_]X mX rPnLy. aot h_ya lX eolX ÓPy eTd bU yno uvU ynLy. aS surmX x› a ÁP fV ı eY [otdJ rG c_ y>, gE > mW lX dG bU r bo dM vX rP y xX rD c_ y>, dM vX rP y sX iorD h aS Û dM vX rP y mX lT c_ y>, aV hX gQ h bX √orG t aU l utJ iF qX ÓU nL y. bo aV mX xC a tD mW yd nofV ] lX nE fX ]_ y, hW nO h lX d› r rM a]o< nB tG < kX do]_ y, mofU t bX tP t lV iV > mW ]X nQ h bT ]_ ]_ y, qC cC h bX cB l ]_ ]_ y yE cX p_ yl mX zonL y. rD ]T > bX dG t hS aU l iok aV l sX gB nB yw, bo lT eY ro| lV iV > pS nL y> bX fS nB yw, eT l qU < lX hW tJ eT not bo eT l p_ y nH vonB yw, aS sur, lX vT d mW yo> qW pureT onL y. Ki eshm’ra Shabbat, El yishm’reini Ot hi l’olmei ad beino u’veini Asur m’tzo cheifetz asot d’rachim, Gam mil’daber bo divrei tzerachim, Divrei s’chorah af divrei m’lachim, Ehgeh b’torat El ut’chakmeini. Bo emtza tamid nofesh l’nafshi, Hinei l’dor rishon natan k’doshi, Mofeit b’teit lechem mishne bashishi, Kacha b’chol shishi yachpil m’zoni. Rasham b’dat ha’El chok el s’ganav, Bo la’aroch lechem panim b’panav, Al ken l’hitanot bo al pi n’vonav, Asur l’vad miyom kipur avoni. 66 It is an honored day, a day of celebration, Bread and good wine, meat and fish, Those who mourn on it are set back, For it is a day of happiness and it will gladden me. The one who labors on it is doomed to excommunication. Therefore I will cleanse my heart as with soap, And I will pray to God in the evening and the morning, At Mussaf and Mincha as well, God will answer me. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ hua yo> mX cZ bC d hua yo> √T eY nugK y>, lV iV > wH yE y_ < jov bC [S r wH dD gK y>, hT mW tJ aT bX l_ y> bo aS ior nI sogK y>, qW y yo> [X mS iot hua utJ [` mX ÁP nL y. mU ÁP l mX lC acS h bo sofo lX hT cX rM yt, eT l qU < aY cT bU s bo l_ bW y qX v› rM yt, wH aV tJ pT lX lC h aV l aU l eT rJ v_ yt wH ]T iY rM yt, musT Û wH gE > mW nI iC h hua yE eY nO nL y. Hu yom m’chubad hu yom ta’anugim, Lechem v’yayin tov basar v’dagim, Hamitablim bo achor n’sogim, Ki yom s’machot hu ut’samcheni. Mechel m’lacha bo sofo l’hachrit, Al ken achabes bo libi k’vorit, V’etpal’lah el El arvit v’shacharit, Musaf v’gam mincha hu ya’aneini. 67 The Shabbat day is unforgettable, Its memory is a sweet fragrance, The dove found it a resting place, And there rest the laborers as well. The day is honored by the faithful, Parents and children keep it steadfastly, Engraved upon two stone tablets, With great fortitude and abundant strength. And all joined together in the covenant, They said together, “we will obey and we will listen,” They began by answering “God is one,” Blessed is the one who gives strength to the weary. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ È›̆]`b∆ C˙›Ԇ‡Õ ÈÔ†Ï_ ÷Ÿ q∆ › Á` ¨ ÊK ÎI ¯Â› †q∆ Ÿ ¯P ÈÁ` †‰Ã K ÈÁ› Á`†¨ È›B‰†ÓÀˆŸ‡À‰†b›†ÓÀ›Á`¨ ÂH]À̆ÈBu∆ Áu∆ †ÈI‚KÈÚÕ È†Î›Á`. ‰Ã È∆ › ̆K ÎI b∆ C „†Ï_ ·Ÿ O Ȇ‡¤ Óu∆ K Ę̀ ÊH ‰œ ȯœ È̆ÏI ÷À ÓŸ ¯Â› †‡À ·Â› ˙†u∆ ·C K È̆¨ ÁÀ ˜u˜†b∆ œ ÷Ÿ O Ȇϋ Á› ˙†‡⁄ ·C K Ę̀ ÓÕ¯› ·†‡Â› K È̆ÂH ‡Ã Ó∆ œ Èı†q∆ › Á` Æ † u∆ ·C ‡u†Î‹ ÏC ̆b∆ œ ·Ÿ ¯œ È˙†Èà Á` „¨ E Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰†ÂH K ÷Ÿ ÓÀ Ú†‡À ÓŸ ¯u∆ †q∆ Ÿ ‡Œ ÁÀ „†¨ u∆ ÙÀ ˙J Áu∆ †ÂH ÚÀ u∆ †ÈI ÈB †‡Œ ÁÀ „¨ b∆ C ¯u∆ ÍŸ †‰Ã ›˙P Ô†Ïà ÈB ÚÕ Û†q∆ › ÁG Æ Yom shabbaton ein lishko’ach, Zichro k’rei’ach hanicho’ach, Yonah matza bo mano’ach, V’sham yanuchu y’gi’ei cho’ach. Hayom nich’bad liv’nei emunim, Z’hirim l’shamro avot u’vanim, Chakuk bishnei luchot avanim, Meirov onim v’amitz ko’ach. Uva’u chulam bivrit yachad, Na’aseh v’nishma amru k’echad, Ufatchu v’anu Adonai echad, Baruch hanoten laya’ef koach. 68 Speaking in holiness from the mountain of myrrh, Remember and keep the seventh day, Its laws should be learned as a unit, Be bold and of great strength. The errant nation, wandering like sheep, Will not fail to heed God’s covenant and commandments, Lest bad events occur to them, As was foretold to Noah upon the waters. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ „∆ œ bQ¯†b∆ Ÿ ˜À „J ÷› †b∆ Ÿ ‰Ã ¯†‰Ã Ó›¯¨ È› ̆‰Ã ÷Ÿ ·_ ÈÚœ ȆÊB Λ¯†ÂH ÷À Ó› ¯†¨ ÂH ÎB φp∆ _ ˜∆ ‹ „D ȆÈE Á` „†Ï_ ‚H Ó› ¯¨ Á` Ê∆ O ˜†ÓÀ ˙J E È_ ̆ÂH ‡Ã Ó∆ Õ ı†q∆ › ÁG Æ hF ÚÀ ̆‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†B Ú†q∆ à ˆ∆ › ‡Ô†˙D ÚÀ ‰¨ È_ ÊH q∆ ›¯†ÏI ÙÀ ˜Ÿ „› †b∆ Ÿ ¯œ È˙†u÷Ÿ ·u∆ ÚÀ ‰†¨ ÏI ·Ã φÈE Ú⁄ ·C ¯†b∆ C ̆Ӝ ˜Ÿ¯P ‰†¯D ÚÀ ‰¨ q∆ à ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†K ÷Ÿ b∆ à Úà √∆ D †Úà φÓÕ È†› Á` Ɔ Diber b’kadsho b’har hamor, Yom hashvi’i zachor v’shamor, V’chol pikudav yachad lig’mor, Chazeik matnayim v’ametz ko’ach. Ha’am asher na katzon ta’a, Yizkor l’fak’do brit ushvu’a, L’val ya’avor bam mikreh ra’a, Ka’asher nishba’ata al mei no’ach. 69 God will proclaim freedom for man and woman, And will protect you like the pupil of God’s eye. Your names will be unceasingly pleasant, Pause and rest on the Shabbat day. Seek my holy place and my sanctuary, And make for me a sign of salvation. Plant a branch in my vineyard, Heed the call of my nation. Work the wine-press in Batzrah, As well as Babylon the mighty city. Crush my oppressors with wrath, Hear my voice the day I call. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ dJ¯Â›¯†È_˜Ÿ¯D‡†ÏI ·Õ Ô†e_ > bà ˙¨ ÂH È_ H ˆC ¯J ÎQ ̆qI ∆ Ó« ·C ·Ã ˙ H Úœ È̆÷œ ÓŸ ÎQ ̆ÂH ¿‡†È‹ ÷Ÿ bà ∆ ˙¨ ÷Ÿ ·»†wH »Á»†·Ÿ ∆ ȫ̆÷` bC ˙Æ „J ∆ ¯› ÷†B ÂK ȆÂH ‡»Ïà ÓW Ȩ ÂH ‡«˙†ÈQ ÷` Ú†Ú⁄ ◊P ‰†Úœ Óœ Ȩ H Ëà چ◊«¯P ˜†bŸ ∆ ˙«ÍŸ †qà ∆ ¯J Óœ Ȩ ÷Ÿ ÚÕ ‰†÷` ÂH Úà ˙†b∆ Ÿ O ȆÚà Ó∆ œ ÈÆ „J ∆ ¯› ÍŸ †p∆ »¯D ‰†b∆ Ÿ ˙«ÍŸ †bÀ ˆŸ ¯D ‰¨ ÂH ‚E ̆bC ∆ ·Œ φ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†‚B ·Ÿ ¯D ‰¨ H ˙› ı†ˆÀ ¯G Ȇb∆ Ÿ ‡Ã Û†wH ÚŒ ·Ÿ ¯fi ‰¨ ÷Ÿ Ó` Ú†˜«Ï_ ȆbŸ ∆ ȫ̆‡Œ ˜Ÿ ¯D ‡Æ 70 D’ror yikra l’vein im bat, V’yin’tzor’chem k’mo vavat, N’im shimchem v’lo yushbat, Sh’vu v’nuchu b’yom Shabbat. D’rosh navi v’ulami, V’ot yesha asei imi, N’ta soreik b’toch karmi, Sh’ei shav’at b’nei ami. D’roch pura b’toch Batzra, V’gam Bavel asher gavra, N’totz tzarai b’af v’evra, Sh’ma koli b’yom ekra. God, give on the desert mountain Myrtle, cypress, fir, and pine, And for the careful and those who are warned, Give them peace flowing like a river. Crush my enemies, jealous God, With melting heart and grief, And we will open our mouths and fill them, With joyous song for You. Teach wisdom to your soul, And let it be a crown upon your head. Keep your holy commandments, Observe your holy Shabbat. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ‡¤ ¿‰W È̆√Õ ∆ Ô†bT Óœ „J b∆ à ¯†‰S ¯¨ ‰⁄ „G Ò†÷œ Ë∆ À ‰†bŸ ∆ ¯«÷†√∆ œ „J ‰S ¯¨ ÂH Ïà Ó∆ à ÊH ‰œ ȯ†ÂH Ïà L ÊH ‰C ¯¨ ÷Ÿ Ï«Óœ È̆√P Ô†qŸ ∆ ÓÕ È†B ‰S ¯Æ ‰⁄ „› ÍŸ †˜C Ó` Ȇ¨‡Õ φ˜Ã B ‡¨ bŸ ∆ Ó«‚†ÏÕ ·C ·†»·T ÓŸ ‚K B ‰¨ ÂH E ¯J Áœ È·†pV ‰†uH Ó` ÏH ‡V B h ÏI ÷«O »†ÏI ÍC †¯œ B ‰Æ „J ÚP ‰†ÁÀ ÎI ÓÀ ‰†ÏI E ÙŸ ÷Œ ÍC ¨ ÂH ‰œ ȇ†ÎQ ˙R¯†ÏI ¯› ‡÷Œ ÍC , H ˆ› ¯†Óœ ˆŸ ÂE˙†˜Ÿ „«÷Œ ÍC ¨ ÷Ÿ Ó› ¯†÷` bC˙†˜À „J ÷Œ ÍC Æ 71 Elohim tein bamidbar har, Hadas shita b’rosh tidhar, V’lamaz’hir v’laniz’har, Sh’lomim tein k’mei nahar. Hadoch kamai El kana, B’mog leivav uvam’gina, V’nar’chiv peh, u’n’malena, L’shoneinu l’cha rina. D’eh chochma l’nafshecha, V’hi cheter l’roshecha, N’tzor mitzvat k’doshecha, Sh’mor Shabbat kodshecha. Keep my Sabbath, so that you may nurse and be sated, From the splendor of my blessings for you have come to my offering. Escort me, my children, and delight in my delicacies, For today is a Shabbat for God. Freedom is proclaimed to the worker and I give my blessing. Women pack bundles for one another to unwrap on my joyous day, With garments of scarlet and linen, and to contemplate my elders, For today is a Shabbat for God. Hurry to do your giving, as Esther has ordered, And negotiate with the merchants to acquire abundant food. Have deep faith in me and drink wine from my bounty, For today is a Shabbat for God. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ]W mJru ]`bX totG ylX m` eF < √W ynH ku u[X vT eX √R >, mW zK yw b_ rJ cotG y aR l hF mJ nuiC h qL y vC atR >, ulI wueC lT y bC nE y wH eW dJ nu m` eY dD nE y, ]` bC t hF yo> lT yI yB . lQ eC mP l kW rJ au dJ ror wH nB tG √M y aR t b_ rJ cC tW y, aW ]S haR laY iotD ≈l_ xr› rlI gE loteF lyo>[W mJ iC tW y, b_ gH dP y ]U ] eW > ]S nE y wH h_ tJ bonH nu mW zH kP nE y, ]` bC t hF yo> lT yI yB . m` hY ru aR t hF mD nQ h lT eY [ot aR t dJ vT r aR sX √R r, wH iY ]X vu eW > hF k› nQ h lI ]` lU > aS col wH hotP r, b_ jH iu v_ y aR munE y u]X tu yO y< m` ]X m` nE y, ]` bC t hF yo> lT yI yB . Shimru Shab’totai l’ma’an tinku usvatem, Miziv birchotai, el ha’menuchah ki vatem, Ul’vu alai banai v’id’nu ma’adanai, Shabbat hayom la’Adonai. Le’amel kiru d’ror v’natati et birchati, Isha el achotah litzror, l’galot at yom simchati, Bigdei sheish im shanai v’hitbon’nu mizkeinai, Shabbat hayom la’Adonai. Maharu et hamaneh, la’asot et d’var Ester, V’chash’vu im hakoneh, l’shaleim achol v’hoteir, Bitchu vi emunai ushtu yein mashmanai, Shabbat hayom la’Adonai. 72 If you keep Shabbat, it will be a day of redemption, And you will be for me a treasure, rest and then go on. Live before me and attain my wonders, For today is a Shabbat for God. Strengthen my walls, God who dwells above, And restore my dwelling in joy and wisdom. Kohen and Levi will there sing songs of joy, And then you will rejoice with God. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ h_ nN a yo> gH aZ lC h yo> ]` bC t aW > √W ]X m› ru, wK hX yK ytR > l_ y sX gZ lC h l_ ynu wH a` i` r √G eY v› ru, wH aS z √W iX yu lX f` nE y utJ m` lX au xI funE y, ]` bC t hF yo> lT yI yB . i` zO k kW rJ yE tW y aR l aR ¿h_ y> eR lX yo From God’s mouth let all of Israel be blessed. There is none powerful as God; there is none blessed like the son of Amram There is no greatness like the Torah and there are none who seek it like Israel. There is none glorious as God; there is none dedicated like the son of Amram There is no merit like the Torah and there are none who are its teachers like Israel. There is none pure as God; there is none upright like the son of Amram There is no honor like the Torah and there are none who learn it like Israel. There is none majestic as God; there is no prophet like the son of Amram There is no treasure like the Torah and there are none who immerse in it like Israel. There is no redeemer like God; there is none righteous like the son of Amram There is no holiness like the Torah and there are none who exalt it like Israel. There is none holy as God; there is none merciful like the son of Amram There is no guardian like the Torah and there are none who support it like Israel. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ mW p_y aU l,mW p_ y aU l, yI v› rD | yK [X rD aU l. aU y< a` dM yr qT yH yB , wH aU y< bC ru| qI vU < eT mJ rD >, aU y< gH dZ lC h qT √orD h, wH aU y< dorJ ]R yh qI yK [X rD aU l. aU y< hA dur qT yH yB , wH aU y< wB tM yk qI vU < eT mJ rD >, aU y< zH cL yB h qT √orD h, wH aU y< iY cC mR yhA qI yK [X rD aU l. aU y< jB horqT yH yB ,wH aU y< yB ]S r qI vU < eT mJ rD >, aU y< qI vZ dD h qT √orD h, wH aU y< lomJ dR yhA qI yK [X rD aU l. aU y< mR lQ | qT yH yB , wH aU y< nB v_ ya qI vU < eT mJ rD >, aU y< sX gZ lC h qT √orD h, wH aU y< eosX kR yhA qI yK [X rD aU l. aU y< podR h qT yH yB ,wH aU y< xE dM yk qI vU < eT mJ rD >, aU y, aU y S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ 75 iC v_yv_y yBh iC v_yv_y hA aU l hA mRlQ~ hA rG iY mD bT ]S nB h. Chavivi, Yah chavivi, ha’El hamelech harachaman, Yishlach m’shicho hane’eman. Av harachaman, sh’ma koleinu, Shlach ben David v’yigaleinu, Nashuv l’tzion ir kadsheinu, V’nishlot bah b’yad Ramah. Shama nitaseph b’ir habira, Umechadesh yishma kol shira, V’az nadlik hamenora, B’veit shochen me’ona. R’eh ba’ani Yisrael amecha, Vahashivem na ligvulecha, V’az yira’eh chol z’churecha, Shalosh p’amim bashana. Friend, God, Friend, God, King, Compassionate One Send your faithful anointed one. Compassionate Father, hear our voice, Send the seed of David and redeem us. We will return to Zion, the holy city, And govern it with heavenly guidance. There we will gather ourselves, in the capital city, And, renewed, will hear the voice of song. So we will light the Menorah In the house where the Presence dwells. See the impoverishment of your people Israel And return them, please, to within your borders. So your remembrance will be seen by all, Three times in the year. The might and the faith, to the One who lives forever. The understanding and the blessing, to the One who lives forever. The pride and the greatness, to the One who lives forever. The knowledge and the speech, to the One who lives forever. The glory and the majesty, to the One who lives forever. The counsel and the faithfulness, to the One who lives forever. The clarity and the radiance, to the One who lives forever. The valor and the strength, to the One who lives forever. The ceremony and the purity, to the One who lives forever. The unity and the awe, to the One who lives forever. The crown and the honor, to the One who lives forever. The moral and the inclination, to the One who lives forever. The kingdom and the sovereignty, to the One who lives forever. The beauty and the grandeur, to the One who lives forever. The loftiness and the greatness, to the One who lives forever. The power and the humility, to the One who lives forever. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ Haaderet v’haemuna, l’chai olamim. Habina v’habracha, l’chai olamim. Haga’ava v’hagdula, l’chai olamim. Hadei’a v’hadibbur, l’chai olamim. Hahod v’ha’hadar, l’chai olamim. Hava’ad v’havatikut, l’chai olamim. Hazach v’hazohar, l’chai olamim. Hachayil v’hachosen, l’chai olamim. Hateches v’hatahor, l’chai olamim. Hayichud v’hayirah, l’chai olamim. Haketer v’hakavod, l’chai olamim. Halekach v’halibuv, l’chai olamim. Ham’lucha v’hamemshala, l’chai olamim. Hanoi v’hanetzach, l’chai olamim. Hasigui v’hasegev, l’chai olamim. Ha’oz v’ha’anava, l’chai olamim. 76 hA a`dRrRt wHhFa\munBh,lIi`y eolC mW y>. hF b_ ynB h wH hF bX rD cC h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF gE aY wB h wH hG gH dZ lC h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF dP eC h wH hF dM bur, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF hod wH hR hA dD r, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF wE eF d wH hF wB tM ykut, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF zA | wH hF z› hF r, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF i` yK l wH hF i› sQ . hF jQ cQ s wH hF j› hF r, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF yK iud wH hF yK rJ aS h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF qQ tR r wH hF qC vod, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF lQ kF i wH hF l_ buv, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF mJ lucC h wH hF mR mJ ]S lC h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF noy wH hF nN xE i, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF s_ guy wH hF sQ gQ v, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hA eoz wH hA eY nB wB h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. The redemption and the brilliance, to the One who lives forever. The splendor and the righteousness, to the One who lives forever. The call and the holiness, to the One who lives forever. The rejoicing and the exaltedness, to the One who lives forever. The song and the praise, to the One who lives forever. The acclaim and the magnificence, to the One who lives forever. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ Hap’dut v’hape’er, l’chai olamim. Hakriya v’hakdusha, l’chai olamim. Haron v’harommemot, l’chai olamim. Hashir v’hashevet, l’chai olamim. Hatehilah v’hatiferet, l’chai olamim. 77 hF pI dut wH hF pI aU r, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF F kX rM yaA h wH hF kX dZ ]S h, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF ro< wH hF romP mot, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF ]W yr wH hF ]R vT i, lI i` y eolC mW y>. hF √J h_ lC h wH hF √W fI aR rR t, lI i` y eolC mW y>. Blessed be his glory—which gave the law. In heaven it is praised—which gave the law. Given to me in the desert, my heart was quivering, And called this way and that and said: The joy of Torah—yes, yes. The joy of bridegrooms—yes, yes. Gladness, mirth—yes, yes. Mighty is the glory; Blessed is the glory; Great is the glory; Excellent is the glory—which gave the law. Adorned is the glory; Ancient is the glory; Worthy is the glory; Gracious is the glory—which gave the law. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ bC ru| qIvodo, i›k nBtG hodo, i› k nB tG ≠yO] yO]. rMnBh gKylC h≠yO] yO]. a` dM yr qI vodo, i› k nB tG Pure is the glory; Upright is the glory; Glorious is the glory; Eternal is the glory—which gave the law. Royal is the glory; Awesome is the glory; Steadfast is the glory; Aid is the glory—which gave the law. Salvation is the glory; Righteous is the glory; Holy is the glory; Compassionate is the glory—which gave the law. Shaddai is the glory; Preserving is the glory; Whole is the glory; Reliant is the glory—which gave the law. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ jB hor qI vodo, i› k nB tG A Song for David: God is my shepherd, I will not lack. God lays me down in the green fields, and leads me by the waters of peace. My soul is restored; God guides me on the way of righteousness, for the sake of God’s name. Even when I walk through the valley of death, I will not fear from evil, for You are with me. Your walking stick and Your staff, these will comfort me. You set a table before me against my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Only goodness and kindness will accompany me, all of my days, And I will dwell in the House of God forever. mW zHmor lIdDwKd, ÈI ÈB †r› eW y ¿a aViX sS r. b_ nI aot dR ]Va yE rJ b_ yxU nK y, eF l mP y mX nuiotyI nE hY lU nL y. nE fX ]W y yI ]ovU v, yE nI iU nK y bX m` eX gH lU y xVdR k lI m` eT < ]X mo. gE > qL y aU lU | bI gOya xT lI mw`Q t ¿a aW yrD a rD e, qL y aT √S h eW mC dMy, ]W vX jX ~ umW ]X eT nI √V~ hU mC h yI nE iY munK y. √G eY r› | lI fC nE y ]ZlI iC < nQ gQ d x› rJ rD y, dM]T nI √D vT ]VmV< r› a]W y, qosW y rJ wB yB h. aT | jov wB iVsVd yK rJ dJ funK y qS l yI mP y i` yB y, wH ]T vI √W y bX vU yt ÈI ÈB †lI a› rR | yB mW y>. s o n g s f o r s e u d a h s h l i s h i t S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ 80 Seudah Shlishit, the “third meal” of the Sabbath, takes place in the waning hours of Shabbat. Accordingly, the zmirot for Seudah Shlishit tend to be slower, introspective, almost melancholy. We have arranged the Seudah Shlishit zmirot according to our favorite sequence. For an alphabetical listing, please see the index. Mizmor l’David, Adonai ro’i lo echsar. Bin’ot desheh yarbitzeini, al mei m’nuchot y’nahaleini. Nafshi y’shoveiv, yancheini b’ma’glei tzedek l’ma’an sh’mo. Gam ki eilech b’gei tzalmavet lo ira ra, ki ata imadi, Shiv’t’cha umish’antecha heima y’nachamuni. Ta’aroch l’fanai shulchan neged tzor’rai, Dishanta va’shemen roshi kosi r’vaya. Ach tov va’chesed yir’d’funi kol y’mei chayai, v’shavti b’veit Adonai l’orech yamim. Beloved of my soul, Merciful Father, summon Your servant to do Your will. Your servant will run like a ram to bow before your beauty, For Your friendship is sweeter than the finest honey, or any taste at all. Glorious one, light of the world, my soul is sick for Your love. Please, God, heal it by revealing to it the serenity of Your light. So, be strong and healed, and it will be for You an eternal servant. Ancient one, gather Your kindness, and have mercy on Your beloved child, For how desirous it is to gaze upon the glory of Your power. Please, God, whom my soul craves, respond and do not turn aside. Reveal Yourself please, and lovingly spread upon me your tabernacle of peace. The land will shine from Your glory, we will be happy and rejoice in it. Hurry, love, for the time approaches, and show me Your favor as in days of old. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ yIdMydnQfV ]aS v hArG i` mA. hhAdur nB aVh zK yw hAeolS >, nE fX ]W y iolT t aT hY vS tD |, aS nB aaU lnB a,rJ fS anB alS h,bX hT rJ aotlS hnoeT >zK ywB |, aS z √MtJ iz`Ok wH tMtJ rG pU a, wH hS yH tD h lC | ]W fX it` eolS >. wwB tMyk yQ hVmu rG iY mVy~, wH ius nB a eT l bU < aohF vC |, qL y zQ h qT mC h nK cX soÛ nK cX sT Û, l_ rJ aot bX tW fX aVrR t eZzB |, aS nB a aVlL y m` iX m` d lL b_ y, iu]S h nB a wH aT l √W tX eT lS >. hhW gB lVh nB a ufX ros iY v_ yv eS lT y, aVt suqT t ]X lomD |, √S aW yr aVrR { mW qX vodD |, nB gK ylS h wH nK [X mX iC h bS |, mD hU r, aS huv, q_ y vC a moeU d, wH iC nOnK y q_ ymU y eolC >. Y’did nefesh av harachaman, m’shoch avdach el r’tzonach, Yarutz avdach k’mo ayal, yishtachaveh mul hadarach, Ki ye’erav lo y’didutach, minofet tzuf v’chol ta’am. Hadur na’eh ziv ha’olam, nafshi cholat ahavatach, Ana el na, r’fa na la, b’harot la no’am zivach, Az titchazek v’titrapei, v’haita la shifchat olam. Vatik yehemu rachamecha, v’chus na al ben ohavach, Ki ze kama nichsof nichsaf, lir’ot b’tiferet uzach, Ana, Eli, machmad libi, chushah na v’al tit’alam. Higaleh na ufros chaviv alay, et sukat sh’lomach, Ta’ir eretz mikvodach, nagila v’nism’cha bach, Maher ahuv ki va mo’ed, v’chaneini kimei olam. 81 I will build a sanctuary in my heart to glorify Your honor, And I will place an altar in the sanctuary, to the splendor of Your glory, And for the eternal flame I will take the fire of the Akedah, And as a sacrifice I will offer up my unique soul. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ hY vU < yEkW yr lLyaVfX rG yK >, aW > yQ lQ d ]` eY ]ZeW y>, qL y mW dP y dG bX rMy bo zAc› r aVzH qI rR nueod, eF lqU aY rG iY mR nunH aZ>h’. p_˙JÁu∆ †Ïœ Ȇ÷à Ú⁄ ¯P ȆˆŒ „Œ ˜†‡¨À ·› ‡†vC ̆‡Â› „R ‰†ÈC ≈. ÊQ ‰†‰Ã ÷∆ à Úà ¯†Ïà h’†ˆ¨Ã „∆ œ Șœ È̆ÈC ·› ‡u∆ †·Â› Æ b_lIvC v__ymW ]X qC < aVvX nQ h lT hT dG r qH vodo, uvT mW ]X qB < mW zH bU i` aS [_ y> lI kT rJ nOy hodo, ulI nOr √D mW yd aVkF i l_ y aVt aU ] hS eT kU dD h, ulX kS rJ bC < aT kX rMyv lo aVt nE fX ]_ y hT yH iW ydD h. Havein yakir li Efrayim, Im yeled sha’ashuim, Ki midei dab’ri bo Zachor ezk’renu od, Al kein hamu mei’ai lo, Rachem arachamenu n’um Hashem. Pitchu li sha’arei tzedek, avo vam odeh Yah. Zeh hasha’ar laHashem tzadikim yavo’u vo. Bilvavi mishkan evneh l’hadar k’vodo, Uvamishkan mizbei’ach asim l’karnei hodo, Ul’neir tamid ekach li et eish ha’akeida, Ul’korban akriv lo et nafshi hay’chida. 82 Is Ephraim not a dear son to me, a darling child? Even when I speak against him, I always remember. So my innards are moved for him; I will have mercy on him, says God. Open for me the gates of righteousness, I will enter them and praise God. This is the gate of God, the righteous will enter here. Return to Jerusalem Your holy city, with compassion, and dwell there, as You have promised. Rebuild it speedily in our day, to last eternally. Speedily make ready the throne of David, Your servant. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ a`iÕ ynuqC l bOyt ÈK ◊Ÿ ¯D ‡Õ Ï ¨hF nI tunK y> bX xB rD h uvG F ]W vX yB h hF eomJ dMy> bU y< bF yF > uvU y< bF yF bC ]S h, hF mD ko> yI rG iU > eY lU yhV>wH y«xL yaU > mW xB rD h l_ rJ wB iC h, umJ aY fU lC h lI a«rD h, umJ ]W eI bud l_ gH aZlC h, hF ]X √D a bT eY gB lC a uv_ zH m` < kF rMyv. ÂIÏ_ȯu∆ ]ÀÏÃÈK̆ڜ ȯJ ÍC †b∆ Ÿ ¯G Á⁄ Óœ È̆√D ÷u∆ ·¨ ÂI ˙œ ÷Ÿ q∆ › Ô b∆ Ÿ ˙› ÎC ≈∆ †q∆ à ‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†„∆ œ b∆ à ¯J √∆ À ¨ u∆ ·Ÿ O‰†‡Â› ˙À ≈∆ †b∆ Ÿ ˜À ¯Â› · b∆ Ÿ ÈB ÓÕ Èu∆ †b_ H ÈE Ô†Ú› ÏC ̨ ÂI Î_ Ò∆ Õ ‡†„À ÂK „†eF vH dJ }C ÓŸ ‰Õ ¯D ‰†ÏŸ ˙› ÎC ≈∆ †˙∆ À Î_ ÈÔ. lU v jA horbI rD a lW y ‡¤¿‰W ÈÌ, wH rui` nB co< i` dP ] bX kW rJ b_ y:. aT l √T ]X l_ ycU nK y mW lX fC nQ y~, wH rui` kS dJ ]V~ aT l √W kF i mW mVnK y. Acheinu kol beit Yisrael, han’tunim b’tzrah u’vashivya, ha’omdim bein bayam uvein bayabasha, Hamakom y’rachem aleihem v’yotzi’eim mitzarah lirvacha, u’me’afeilah l’orah, u’mishi’bud ligeulah, Hashta ba’agalah u’vizman kariv. V’li’Yerushalayim ircha b’rachamim tashuv, V’tishkon b’tochah ka’asher dibarta, Uv’nei otah b’karov b’yameinu binyan olam, V’chisei David avdecha m’heirah l’tochah tachin. Lev tahor b’ra li Elohim, V’ruach nachon chadesh b’kirbi. Al tashlicheini milfanecha, V’ruach kodshecha al tikach mimeni. 83 For our brothers, and all in the family of Israel, who are trapped in sorrow and in captivity, who are stranded between the sea and the land: May God have mercy on them and release them from anguish to relief, from darkness to light, from servitude to redemption, speedily, soon, in our days. God created for me a pure heart, And blessed me with a righteous spirit. Do not send me away from Your presence, And do not take from me Your holy spirit. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ rG b«t mG iY ]S v«tbX lQ v aW y], wE eY xE t h’h_ ya tG ku>. eY xE t h’lX e«lT > √G eY m› d. m` iX ]X vot l_ bo lI d› r wB d› r. aW > aV ]X qC iU |yI ru]S lT yK > √W ]X qT i yI mW ynK y. √W dJ bT k lX ]onK y lX i_ qL y aW > ¿a aR zH qI rP cL y, aW > ¿a ae`Y lQ h aR t yI ru]S lT y> eF l r› a] [W mJ J iT tW y. Óœ Ȇ‰A ‡œ È]†‰Œ ÁÀ ÙÕ ı†Á` È∆_ Ę̀ ‡Â› ‰Õ ·†ÈB Óœ ÈÌ Ï_¯J ‡Â›˙†Ë› ·. H ˆ› ¯†ÏI ÷› I ÍC †ÓÕ¯D Ú, u∆◊Ÿ ÙÀ ˙R ÈÍC Óœ „∆G b∆Õ¯†Óœ¯J ÓÀ ‰. Òu∆¯†ÓÕ¯D Ú†ÂE Ú⁄ ◊P ‰†Ë› ·¨ b∆à ˜U ÷†÷À Ï› Ì ÂH¯D „J ÙÕ ‰u∆. Rabot machshavot b’leiv ish, V’atzat Hashem hi takum. Atzat Hashem l’olam ta’amod, Machshevot libo l’dor vador. Im eshkacheich Yerushalayim tishkach y’mini. Tidbak l’shoni l’chiki im lo ezk’reichi, Im lo a’aleh et Yerushalayim Al rosh simchati. Mi ha’ish hechafeitz chayim, Oheiv yamim lirot tov. N’tzor l’shon’cha mei’ra, Us’fatecha midaber mirmah. Sur mei’ra va’aseh tov, Bakesh shalom v’rodfeihu. 84 A person carries many ideas, But the will of God is eternal. God’s will lasts for all time, God’s thoughts for all generations. If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand lose its cunning. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, If I do not raise Jerusalem to the highest of my joys. Who is the man who seeks life, enjoys his days to witness good. Block your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking falsely. Stray from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. For my brothers and my friends, I will speak of peace, For the sake of God, I will seek only good. God will give strength to God’s people and will bless them with peace. S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ‰ÃÓ∆ ÃÏŸ‡ÀÍŸ†‰Ã‚∆ ›‡Õ φ‡› ˙œ ȆӜ qC φ¯D Ú, ÈH ·C ¯P ÍŸ ‡Œ ˙†‰Ã ∆ H ÚÀ ¯œ È̆¨ÂI ÈK ˜∆ À ¯P ‡†·C ‰Œ Ì ÷Ÿ Óœ È, Ÿ ÷P Ì ‡⁄ ·› ˙G Ȇ‡G ·Ÿ ¯D ‰À ̆Ÿ ÈK ˆŸ ÁÀ ˜¨ ÂH ÈK „J ‚∆ u∆ †ÏC ¯› ·†b∆ Ÿ ˜Œ ¯Œ ·†‰À ‡À ¯Œ ı. aU lQy~ h’aVkX rD a, wH aVl aY donB y aVtJ i` nB S H A B B A T S O N G Szmyrwt l˘·˙ ‡ÃÁ`˙†]À‡ÃÏŸ√∆ œ ȆÓÕ ‡Õ˙†h’†‡Â›˙À ≈∆ †‡Ã ·⁄ ˜∆ Õ ÷ ÷œ ·Ÿ √∆ œ Ȇb∆ Ÿ ·Õ È˙ h’†qC φÈI ÓÕ È†Á` ÈE È Ïà Á⁄ Ê›˙ b∆ Ÿ › ÚÃ Ì h’†u∆ ÏŸ ·Ã ˜∆ Õ¯†b∆ Ÿ ‰Õ ÈÎC Ïo. Ë›·†ÏŸ‰Â›d›˙†Ïà h’†u∆ ÏŸ ÊE Ó∆ Õ ¯†ÏŸ ÷œ ÓŸ ÍC †ÚŒ ÏŸ È› Ô. ÏŸ ‰Ã ‚∆ _ È„†b∆ à b∆ › ˜Œ ¯†Áà ҟ „∆ R ÍC †ÂQ ‡¤Óu∆ B ˙J ÍC †b∆ à Ï∆ Õ ÈÏ› ˙. Achat sha’alti mei’eit Hashem ota avakeish Shivti b’veit Hashem kol y’mei chayai Lachazot b’no’am Hashem ul’vaker b’heichalo. Tov l’hodot la’Hashem ul’zamer l’shimcha elyon. L’hagid baboker chasdecha ve’emunatcha baleilot. 86 I requested but one thing from God; this is what I request. Allow me to dwell in the house of God all the days of my life, to behold the sweetness of God and visit God’s holy place. It is good to praise God, And to sing praises to God’s great name. To speak in the morning of God’s kindness, And of God’s faithfulness in the night. ˘yry> One does not have to play well. Just play. —Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, as told to Matt Eisenfeld You are my God and I praise You; my God and I glorify You. Oh Lord, My God I pray that these things never end: The sand and the sea, The rush of the waters, The crash of the heavens, The prayers of man. El yivneh hagalil. Baruch yivneh hagalil. Eli Eli Shelo yigamer l’olam, Hachol v’hayam Rishrush shel hamayim B’rak hashamayim T’filat ha’adam. Eli ata v’odeka Elohai arom’meka. 88 aU l yKvX nQhhT gE l_ yl. bC ru| yK vX nQ h hT gE l_ yl. aPl_y aPl_y ]V ¿a yK gB mU r lI eolB >, hT iol wH hT yB > rM ]X ru] ]V l hT m` yK > bX rG k hT ]S m` y_ > √J f_ ylF t hS aS dD >. ‡Õ Ï_Ȇ‡Ã√∆ À‰†ÂH ‡Â› „Œ = ‡¤ ¿‰Ã Ȇ‡⁄ ¯Â› ÓŸ ÓŒ Œ =C . God will rebuild the Galilee. Blessed is the one who rebuilds the Galilee. S O N G S˘yry> I believe with complete faithfulness in the coming of the Mashiach. And even though he tarries, even so, I wait for him on each day that comes. A land flowing with milk and honey. S O N G S˘yry> Ana Hashem ki ani avdecha Ani avdecha ben amatecha Pitachta l’moseirai. Ani ma’amin be’emuna sh’leima b’vi’at hamashiach, V’af al pi she’yitmame’hah, Im kol zeh achakeh lo b’chol yom sheyavo. Eretz zavat chalav u’d’vash. Esa einai el haharim, Mei’a’in yavo ezri. Ezri mei’im Hashem oseh shamayim va’aretz. 89 ‡À∆ Ba†h’†q_ Ȇ‡⁄ K ȆÚà ·Ÿ „R ÍC ‡⁄ K ȆÚà ·Ÿ „J ÍC†¨b∆ Q Ô†‡⁄ ÓÀ ˙R ÍC † p∆ œ √G ÁŸ √∆ À †ÏŸ Ó› ÒÕ ¯D È. ‡⁄KȆÓÇ⁄Óœ ÈÔ†b∆ Œ ‡¤ Óu∆ B ‰†÷Ÿ ÏÕ ÓÀ ‰ b∆ Ÿ ·_ ȇ` ˙†‰Ã Ó∆ À ÷œ ÈÁ` ¨ ÂH ‡Ã Û†Úà φp_ Ȇ÷Œ ÈK ˙J Óà ‰Ÿ ÓÕ ≈∆ à ¨ Úœ ̆qC φÊQ ‰†‡⁄ Á` q∆ Œ ‰†Ï∆ › †b∆ Ÿ ÎC φÈ› ̆÷Œ È∆ C ·Â› ‡. aV rR{ zBvTt iC lC vudJ vS ]. ‡Œ[À‡†ÚÕ ÈEEȆ‡Œ φ‰Œ ‰À ¯œ Ę̀ ÓÕ ‡Ã ÈK Ô†ÈC ·Â› ‡†ÚŒ ÊH ¯œ È. ÚŒ ÊH¯œ È mP eK > h’eo[R h ÷∆ À Ó` È_ ̆ÂE ‡À ¯Œ ı. Please, God, for I am Your slave. I am Your slave, the child of Your servant, You have opened my bonds. I lift my eyes to the hills, from where will my assistance come. Assistance is from God, creator of heaven and earth. Blessed is the one who trusts in God. God will be his salvation. S O N G S˘yry> Ashira la’Hashem b’chai’ai azamra lei’Elohai b’odi. Ye’erav alav sichi anochi esmach ba’Hashem. Yitamu chata’im min ha’aretz u’r’sha’im od einam, Barchi nafshi et Hashem Haleluyah. Ata hareita lada’at, ki Hashem hu ha’Elohim, Ein od milvado. Ata takum t’racheim tzion Ki eit l’chen’nah ki va mo’ed. Baruch hagever asher yivtach ba’Hashem, V’haya Hashem mivtacho. 90 ‡À]_ȯD‰†ÏF h’b∆ Ÿ ÁG ÈB È,†‡⁄ ÊE Ó∆ Ÿ ¯D ‰†ÏÕ ‡¿‰Ã Ȇb∆ Ÿ Ú› „M È, ÈQ Ú¤ ¯Ã ·†ÚÀ ÏC Ȇ◊_ ÈÁœ È,†‡À › Î_ Ȇ‡Œ ◊Ÿ Óà Á†bà h’. ÈK ˙∆ G Ó∆ u∆ †Á` Ë∆ À ‡œ È̆Ӝ Ô†‰À ‡À ¯Œ ı†u∆ ¯J ÷À Úœ È̆Ú› „‡Õ ÈB Ì, b∆ À ¯J Î_ Ȇà ٟ ÷œ Ȇ‡Œ ˙†h’‰Ã ÏŸ ÏuÈB ≈∆ . ‡G √∆ À‰†‰À¯J‡Õ˙D †ÏÀ „G Úà ˙†¨q_ È h’†‰u‡‰À ‡¤ ¿‰œ È>¨ ‡Õ ÈÔ†Ú› „†Óœ Ï∆ Ÿ ·Ã „o. aT√S h √G ku>√X rG iU > x_ yo< q_ y eU t lX iV nH nB ≈ q_ y vC a moeU d. b∆ À¯uÍŸ†‰Ã‚Q·Œ¯†‡⁄ ÷Œ ¯†ÈK ·Ÿ Ëà Á†bF h’¨ ÂH ‰À ÈB ‰ h’†Óœ ·Ÿ Ëà Áo. I sing to God with my being, I sing joyously to God with all my power, My dialogue with God shall be sweet, I rejoice in God. Let sinners be evicted from the land and let there be nothing left of evil. My soul will bless God, Hallelujah. Your eyes have been opened to know that God is your God. There is none other. Arise, forgive Zion, for it is the time to have mercy, because the season has come. My beloved is mine and I am my beloved’s, who grazes among the roses. Who is that arising from the desert, fragrant with myrrh and frankincense. You have fascinated me, my sister my bride. Blow North wind, arise South wind. Come let us sing now, sing Hallelujah. S O N G S˘yry> dDÂKd†ÓŒÏŒÍŸ †È_ ◊Ÿ ¯À ‡Õ φÁ` ȆÂH ˜F È∆ C Ì. dodMy l_ywE aY nK y lo hS r› eV h bT ]o]T nK y>. mW y z› at e› lS h mW < hT mW dJ bC r mX kZ jQ rR t mor ulX vonB h. l_ bT vX √W ynK y aY iotW y qT lC h. eurM y xC fo< uvoaW y tP ymD Open our eyes with the light of Your Torah Make our hearts cling to Your commandments And unify our beings in love and fear of Your name That we shall never wither, falter, or be embarassed. The lost ones will return from Assyria and those left behind from Egypt. And they will bow down to God on the holy mountain in Jerusalem. S O N G S˘yry> ‰Â›]œ ÈÚÀ‰†‡Œ˙†ÚÃÓ∆ ŒÍÀ¨†u∆ ·C ¯P ÍŸ †‡Œ ˙†E Á⁄ ÏC ˙Œ ÍC ¨ u∆¯Ÿ ÚÕ Ì†ÂŸ E ˘∆ › Ÿ ‡Õ ̆Úà „†‰A Ú› ÏC Ì. hW nOhm`hjovum` hnB eW y>]V vV taT i_ y>gE >yB i` d. uvS au hS a›vX dMy>bX aV rR { aT ]ur wH hT nL dD iW y> bX aV rR { mW xX rD yK > wH hW ]X √G iY wu lT h’bX hT r hT k› dR ] b_ yru]S lC yK >. wHhA aU r eU ynNynubX torD tR y~ wH dG bU k lL bU nu bX mW xotR y~, wH yE iU d lI vC vU nulI a` hY vC h ulI yK rJ aS h aV t ]X mR ~, ]R ¿anN vo]wH ¿anK qC lU >wH ¿anK qC ]U llI eolC > wB eR d. Hoshia et amecha, u’varech et nachalatecha, Ur’eim v’nas’eim ad ha’olam. Hineh ma tov u’ma na’im shevet achim gam yachad. U’va’u ha’ovdim b’eretz Ashur V’hanidachim b’eretz Mitzrayim v’hishtachavu La’Hashem b’har hakodesh bi’Yerushalayim. V’ha’eir eineinu b’toratecha, V’dabek libeinu b’mitzvotecha, V’yacheid l’vaveinu l’ahavah ulyir’a et sh’mecha, Shelo neivosh v’lo nikaleim v’lo nikashel l’olam va’ed. 92 Give salvation to Your people, and bless those who are Your heritage. Guide them and carry them forever. Behold how good and how pleasant it is when brothers sit together. S O N G S˘yry> wEhY v_yaotMy>aV l hF r kS dJ [W y, wH [W m` iX √M y> bX vU yt √J f_ ylC tM y, eo¿tP yhV > wH zK vX iU yhV > lI rD xo< eF l mW zH bX i_ y, qL y vU ytW y bU yt √J f_ lC h yK kS rP a lI cC l hA eF mW y>. ufA rY xI√D yB mD h wH kP dJ mD h xB fonB h wH nQ gH bC h. u]Ÿ‡Ã·Ÿ˙∆ ŒÌ†Ó` ÈK ̆b∆ Ÿ ◊À ◊› Ô†Óœ Ó∆ à Úà ȟ O Ȇ‰Ã ÈI ÷u∆ ÚÀ ‰. ÈH‰œ Ȇ]ÀÏ›̆b∆ Ÿ ÁÕ ÈÏÕ ÍŸ ¨ ÷à ϟ ÂB ‰†b∆ Ÿ ‡Ã¯J ÓŸ ›˙À ÈK |. Vahaviotim el har kodshi, V’simachtim b’veit t’filati, Oloteihem v’zivcheihem l’ratzon al mizb’chi, Ki veiti beit t’filah yikarei l’chol ha’amim. U’faratzta yama vakedma tzafona v’negba. U’sh’avtem mayim b’sason mima’anei hayeshu’a. Y’hi shalom b’cheileich, Shalva b’arm’nota’ich. 93 Let there be peace in Your stronghold, serenity in Your palace. I will bring them to My holy mountain And give them joy in My house of prayer. Their sacrifices and offerings will be accepted on My altar, For My house is a house of prayer open to all peoples. You will burst forth, to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south. You will joyously draw water from the waters of salvation. S O N G S˘yry> yK[X mJiu vX m`lIcutJ~, ]omJ rP y ]` bC t wH korJ aU y e› nQ g, eF > mJ kF dJ ]U y ]X v_ yeW y. qZ lC > yK [X bX eu wH yK tJ eF nI gu mW juvQ ~. q›h aS mTr h’, mS xS a iU < bT mW dJ bC r, eT > [X rM ydP y iC rR v hS lo| lX hT rJ gK yeo yK [X rD aU l. q_y ¿a yKj›]h’eT mo wH nE iY lC to ¿a yE eY z› v. h’†‰Â› ÷œ ÈÚÀ ‰†¨‰Ã Ó∆ Œ ÏŒ ÍŸ †Èà Ú⁄ Õ u∆ †·Ÿ È› ̆˜À ¯Ÿ ‡Õ u. q∆ ›Ï†‰ÃH]ÀÓÀ‰†√∆ J ‰Ã Ï∆ Õ Ï†ÈB ≈∆†¨‰Ã ÏŸ Ïu∆ ÈB ≈∆ . qC l hA eolC >qZ lo gQ ]R r xE r mJ a› d, wH hA eW kS r ¿a lI fT iU d qI lC l. Yism’chu v’malchut’cha, shomrei Shabbat V’korei oneg, am m’kad’shei sh’vi’i, Kulam yisb’u v’yitangu mituvecha. Ko amar Hashem, matza chein bamidbar, Am s’ridei charev, haloch l’hargi’o Yisra’el. Ki lo yitosh Hashem amo v’nachalato lo ya’azov. Hashem hoshi’a, hamelech ya’aneinu b’yom koreinu. Kol han’shama t’halel Yah, halleluyah. Kol ha’olam kulo, gesher tzar m’od, V’ha’ikar lo l’facheid k’lal. 94 God will not forsake God’s nation and will not abandon God’s legacy. God will save us, the King will answer when we call. Thus said God, you will find favor in the desert. The nation, remnants of the sword—Go and find peace, Israel. Those who observe the Shabbat and delight in it shall rejoice in Your sovereignty; the nation which sanctifies the seventh day will delight in your goodness. Let every soul praise God, Hallelujah. All the world is a very narrow bridge, And what matters is not to fear. S O N G S˘yry> ¿a eA lQy~hT mX lS acC h l_ gH mor, wH ¿a aT √S h bV < iorM y< lX hW bS jO l mW mV nB h, ]V yK bC nQ h bU yt hT mW kX dS ] b_ mX hU rD h bX yB mP ynu. ¿a yK[S a goyaV l goy iV rV v wH ¿a yK lX mX du eod mW lX iS mS h. lC | yHru]S lTyK>bU y< iomothS eW yr, lC | yH ru]S lT yK > aor iC dD ] yB aW yr. bX l_ bU ynu rG k ]_ yr aV iA d kF yB >, lC | yH ru]S lT yK > bU y< yE rJ dP < wB yB >. lC | yH ru]S lT yK > noÛkX dumW y> wB hod, lC | yH ru]S lT yK > lS | rD zK y> wB sod. lC | yH ru]S lT yK > ]_ yr nK [S a √S mW yd, lC | yH ru]S lT yK > eW yr mW gH dG l dD wK d. Lo alecha ham’lacha lig’mor, V’lo ata ben chorin l’hibatel mimena, She’yibane beit hamikdash bimheira biyameinu. Lo yisa goi el goi cherev V’lo yilm’du od milchama. Lach Yerushalayim bein chomot ha’ir, Lach Yerushalayim or chadash ya’ir. B’libeinu rak shir echad kayam, Lach Yerushalayim bein yarden vayam. Lach Yerushalayim nof k’dumim vahod, Lach Yerushalayim lach razim vasod. Lach Yerushalayim shir nisa tamid, Lach Yerushalayim ir migdal David. 95 Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war any more. You are not responsible for finishing the work, But neither are you free to ignore it, May the Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days. For you Jerusalem, between the city walls, For you Jerusalem, a new light will glow. In our hearts there is only one song, For you Jerusalem, between the Jordan and the sea. For you Jerusalem, a view of antiquity and glory, For you Jerusalem, for you secrets and mysteries. For you Jerusalem, a song eternally carried, For you Jerusalem, city of David’s Tower. S O N G S˘yry> lX ]S nBh hTbS aS hb_ yru]A lT yK > hT bX nuyA h. eod yBvoa ]S lo>eC lU ynu wH eF l qulC >. eurDh qX vodMy eurD h hT nO vV l wH cW nor aS eW yrD h ]S iF r. eTl iomotG yK|yH ru]S lT yK > hW fX kT dJ √W y ]omX rM y> qC l hS yo> wH cC l hT lT yH lS h. eFl nEhY rot bC vQl, ]S > yB ]` vX nu gE > bC cL ynu bX zA cI rP nuaV t xL yo The nation of Israel lives. Our Father still lives. S O N G S˘yry> eT> yK[X rS aU l iFy.eod aS v_ ynu iT y. ÚÕ ı†ÁÃÈKÈ̆‰œ ȇ†Ïà Ó∆ à Á⁄ ÊK Șœ È̆b∆ À ≈∆ ¨ ÂH˙› ÓŸ ÎŒ ȉÀ †ÓŸ ‡‹ ÷À ¯Æ „∆ Ÿ¯À ÎŒ ȉÀ †„à ¯Ÿ ÎÕ È†› Úà ̨ ÂH ÎC φI ˙œ ȷ›˙Œ ȉÀ †÷À Ï› ÌÆ ‰⁄ ÷œ È·Õ u∆ h’ ¨‡Õ ÏŒ ÈÍC †ÂH B ÷u·C ‰¨ Áà „P ÷†ÈÀ ÓÕ Èu∆ †q∆ Ÿ ˜Œ „Œ Ì. Ú›[Œ‰†]ÀÏ›̆b_ ÓŸ ¯Â› ÓÀ Ȇ¨‰u∆ ‡†Èà Ú⁄ ◊Œ ‰†÷À Ï› Ì ÚÀ ÏÕ Èu†ÂH Úà φqC φȜ ◊Ÿ ¯À ‡Õ φ¨ÂŸ ‡œ ÓŸ ¯u∆ †‡À ÓÕ Ô. ÈdMȘ†q∆ Ã˙DÓÀ¯†È_ ÙŸ ¯D Á†q∆ Ÿ ‡Œ ¯Œ ʆ·∆ à Ï∆ Ÿ ·C › Ô†È_ ◊Ÿ ‚Q ‰. ÷Ÿ ˙u∆ ÏK È̆b∆ Ÿ ·Õ È˙†yH yB †b∆ Ÿ ÁG ˆŸ ¯Â›˙†‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu∆ †Èà ٟ ¯œ ÈÁu. Ú› „†ÈŸ u∆ ·uÔ†b∆ Ÿ ◊P È·C ‰,†„J ÷Õ K È̆ÂH ¯G Ú⁄ E ∆ K È̆ÈK ‰Ÿ Èu. ÏŸ ‰Ã ‚K È„†q∆ _ ȆÈB ÷À ¯ yH yB , ˆu∆ ¯œ ȆÂI ¿‡†Úà ÂH ÏC ˙D ‰†b∆ › . Am Yisrael chai. Od avinu chai. Etz chayim hi lamachazikim ba, V’tomcheha m’ushar. D’racheha darchei no’am, V’chol n’tivoteha shalom. Hashiveinu Hashem eilecha v’nashuva Chadesh yameinu k’kedem. Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom Aleinu v’al kol Yisra’el, v’imru amen. Tzadik katamar yifrach k’erez balvanon yisgeh. Sh’tulim b’veit Adonai b’chatzrot Eloheinu yafrichu. Od y’nuvun b’seiva d’sheinim v’ra’ananim yihyu. L’hagid ki yashar Adonai, tzuri v’lo avlata bo. 97 The one who makes peace in the heavens shall grant peace upon us and upon all Israel, and we say, Amen. A righteous person will bloom like a palm tree and flourish like a cedar in Lebanon. Seedlings in the house of God will blossom in God’s courtyard. They will still be fertile in old age, they will be fresh and fragrant. To testify that God is trustworthy, my rock who is without fault. It is a tree of life for those who hold on to it, and those who support it are happy. Its ways are the ways of pleasantness and all of its offshoots are peace. Return us, to You, God, and we will return, renew our days as before. S O N G S˘yry> kumW y lC |rG eX yB tW y yB f` tW y, ulI cL y lC |, qL y h_ nN h hF sX tD yw eC vC r. hF gQ ]R > iC lT Û hA lT | lo, hF nK xB nK y> nK rJ au vC aS rR {. eU t hF zA mW yr h_ gK yeF , wH kol hF √ornK ]X m` ebX a` rJ xU nu. hF √J aU nB hiC nI jB h f` gQ yhA , wH hF gH fC nK y>sX mD dG rnB tJ nu rP yi` . kumW y lC | rG eX yB tW y yB f` tW y, ulI cL y lC |. ]`bX i_y yIru]S lTyK>aV t h’, hF lI lL y a\ ¿hF yK | xL yo S O N G S˘yry> [W y[u aV t yIru]S lTyK>gK ylu vC ≈ q› l a› hY vQ yhA . eF l iomotG yK | eW yr dD wK d h_ fX kF dJ √W y ]› mJ rM y> q› l hF yo> wH c› l hF lT yI lC h. a` l √W yrD a wH a` l √P i` t eF vX dP y yE eY k› v qL y yB fuxu mJ [` nI aV y~ mW pC nQ y~. [X aW y sC v_ yv eU ynE yK | urJ aW y qZ lC > nK kX bX xu uvC au lC |, wH eF mP | qZ lB > xE dM ykW y> lI eolC > yK yrJ ]u aS rR {. √∆ ›¯À‰†ˆ_ÂB‰†ÏÀu∆ †Ó› ÷Œ ‰†¨Ó› ¯D ÷À ‰†˜Ÿ ‰œ ÈÏ∆ Ã˙†Èà Ú⁄ ˜› ·. Sisu et Yerushalayim gilu vah kol ohaveha. Al chomotayich ir David hifkadti shomrim kol hayom v’chol halailah. Al tira v’al teichat avdei Ya’akov ki yafutzu m’sanecha mipanecha. S’i saviv einayich ur’i kulam nikb’tzu u’va’u lach, V’ameich kulam tzadikim l’olam yirshu aretz. Torah tziva lanu Moshe, morasha k’hilat Ya’akov. 99 Have joy with Jerusalem Be glad for her, all you who love her. I placed watchmen on your walls, City of David, all day and all night. Do not fear and do not tremble, Jacob, my servant, For your enemies will be scattered away. Lift your eyes, look around you, and see All who are gathered together, to come to you: Your people, all forever righteous, inheritors of the land. Moshe commanded us in the ways of the Torah, An inheritance for the congregation of Jacob. When the King holds court in Jeshurun and leaders are all gathered together, the tribes of Israel will assemble. Let there again be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the voice of happiness and the voice of joy, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride. S O N G S˘yry> ‡⁄]Œ¯†b∆ À¯D‡†◊À ◊› ԆŸ ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰ ¨ÁÀ ˙À Ô†ÂH Îà ÏC ‰¨ ‚∆ K ÈÏÀ ‰†¯¨œ B ‰ ¨„∆ œ ȈC ‰†ÂH ÁŒ „J ÂB ‰ ¨‡Ã ‰⁄ ·C ‰†ÂH ‡Ã Á⁄ ÂB ‰ ÂH ÷À Ï› ̆ÂH¯P Úu∆ ˙. wEyHhW y v_y]Zru yE iF d ]_ vH jO y yK [X rD aU l. eod ÈK ÷∆ À ÓG Ú bI ÚÀ ¯P ȆÈI ‰u∆ „D ‰ u∆ ·Ÿ Á‹ˆÂ› ˙ ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À ÏF ÈK Ì, ˜Â› Ï ◊À ◊› Ô wH ˜Â› φ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰¨˜Â› Ï ÁÀ ˙D Ô†ÂH ˜Â› Ï q∆ à ÏC ‰. wH[S m`iX √D bX i`gQ~wH hA yK ytD a` | [S mP i` . yB[_y[ eS lTyK|‡¤ ¿hS yK | q_ mX [o[ iC tD < eT l qT lC h. yK[X mJiu hF]S m`yK>wH tD gO l hA aS rR {, yK rJ eF > hF yB > umJ ¿ao. Asher bara sason v’simcha, chatan v’chala, Gila rina, ditza v’chedva, ahava v’ach’va V’shalom v’rei’ut. Va’y’hi vi’shurun melech b’hit’asef Rashei am yachad shivtei Yisrael. Od yishama b’arei Yehuda u’v’chutzot Yerushalayim, Kol sason v’kol simcha, kol chatan v’kol kala. V’samachta b’chagecha v’hayita ach samei’ach. Yasis alayich elohayich kimsos chatan al kala. Yism’chu hashamayim v’tagel ha’aretz, Yiram hayam um’lo’o. 100 Who created happiness and joy, the groom and the bride, delight, celebration, gaiety and mirth, love and companionship, peace and friendship. s o n g s o f r e j o i c i n g May God rejoice in you as a groom rejoices in a bride. You shall rejoice on your holidays and you shall be very happy. The heavens will rejoice and the earth will be merry The depths of the sea will make a thunderous noise. May there be good signs and good fortune for us and all Israel, Amen. S O N G S˘yry> qU yxTd mX rG kX dMy>l_ fX nO y hT qT lC h, qT lC h nB aS h wE iY sudD h. ÓŸ‰Õ¯D‰†h’†‡¤ ¿‰Õ Èu eod È_ ÷∆ À Ó` Ú b∆ Ÿ ÚÀ ¯P È ÈI ‰u∆ „D ‰ u∆ ·Ÿ Á‹ ˆÂ› ˙†ÈI ¯u∆ ÷À ÏF È_ Ì ˜Â› φ◊À ◊› Ô ÂH ˜Â› φ◊œ ÓŸ ÁÀ ‰ ˜¨Â› φÁÀ ˙D Ô ÂH ˜Â› φq∆ à ÏC ‰. mW xIwBh gHdolC hlL hX yot bX [W mJ iC h √D mW yd. Òœ Ó∆ ÀԆ˛·†u∆ Óà Ê∆ B φË› · ÈH ‰Õ ‡†ÏÀ u†u∆ ÏŸ ÎC Ï È_ ◊Ÿ ¯À ‡U φ¨‡À ÓÕ Ô. eW vX du aV t h’bX [W mJ iC h, b› au lI fC nB yw b_ rJ nB nB h. Kei’tzad merakdim lifnei ha’kala, Kala na’ah va’chasuda. M’heira Hashem Eloheinu, od yishama b’arei Yehuda u’v’chutzot Yerushalayim, Kol sason v’kol simcha, kol chatan v’kol kala. Mitzvah gedolah liyhot b’simcha tamid. Siman tov u’mazal tov Ye’hei lanu ul’chol Yisrael, amen. Ivdu et Hashem b’simchah, bo’u l’fanav bir’nana. 101 Quickly, God, let there again be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the voice of happiness and the voice of joy, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride. It is a great mitzvah to always be in joy. How does one dance before the bride, A bride who is serene and graceful. Worship God with joy. Approach God with song.
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