Practical Open Source Software for Libraries (part 1)

June 14, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Technology
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1.Practical Open Source for Libraries Nicole C. EngardDirector of Open Source EducationByWater Solutions [email protected] 2. Outline • What is Open Source? • Products for your Library • Q&A Throughout 3. What isn’t Open Source? Common Open Source FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt)•“Isn’t that insecure?”•“I don’t want to share my data!”•“How can it be any good if it’s free?”•“We don’t have the staff to handle open source.”•“We’ve never had success with homegrownsystems.” 4. What is Open Source? Open source software is software that users have the ability to run, distribute, study and modify for any purpose.Open source is a collaborative software- development method that harnesses the power of peer review and transparency of process to develop code that is freely accessible.1 Open source draws on anecosystem of thousands ofdevelopers and customers allover the world to driveinnovation.2 1,2 5. Open Source is not New "Anyone who hears this, if he can sing, may add and change at pleasure. Let it go from hand to hand: let those who request it have it. As a ball among young women, catch it if you can.Since this is of 'Good Love', lend it out gladly: do not make a mockery of its name by keeping it in reserve; nor exchange it for money by selling or renting it; for 'Good Love' when bought, loses its charm."Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita. The Book of Good Love (14th century,original in Ancient Spanish) 6. What is Free Software? • Often you will hear Free & Open Source Software (F/OSS) in conjunction.• The Free Software Definition (http:// is similar to, but not identical to the Open Source Definition ( docs/definition.php) • Free does not mean free of cost - itmeans Free as in Freedom 7. Sharing of ideas "If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples, then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." Attributed to Bernard Shaw 8. The Cathedral & The Bazaar The Cathedral The Bazaar (proprietary software)(open source software) •Development •Code developedoccurs behindover the Internetwallswith several •Source code is others in publicusually notviewprovided - kept •Source code openlocked upto all users •Corporate •“Given enoughhierarchyeyeballs, all bugs are shallow” 9. Open Source Governance What kind of quality control is there?•Most open source projects have a release manager or a manager of somesort who reviews the code and approves it before adding it to the finalreleaseWhat is the roll of the community?•The community looks out for the best interests of the software. They work as the governing body behind all decisions related to the software. The community decides what features to develop next and who the managers are. 10. Open Source Community •Open source is about more than free software•Community is crucial to the growth of open source•Without shared knowledge and collaboration theproject will not grow•“Critiquing the community is a right reserved forthose who have proved themselves by makingvaluable contributions”1 •People who use open source can collaborate andcontribute in many ways with the communityGraphic From:•Write code2009/07/28/remixing-angie-byron-to- create-the-next-million-mozillians/ •Write documentation•Debug•Educate others1. Tapscott, Don, and Anthony D. Williams. “Embracing open source culture andstrategy.” In Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything, 82-83. Expanded Edition. New York, NY: Penguin USA, 2008.   11. Open Source Crowdsourcing “Crowdsourcing has it genesis in the open source movement in software. The development of the Linux operating system proved that a community of like-minded peers was capable of creating a better product than a corporate behemoth like Microsoft. Open source revealed a fundamental truth about humans that had gone largely unnoticed until the connectively of the Internet brought it into high relief: labor can often be organized more efficiently in the context of a community than it can in the context of the corporation. The best person to do a job is the one who most wants to do that job; and the best people to evaluate their performance are their friends and peers who, by the way, will enthusiastically pitch in to improve the final product, simply for the sheer pleasure of helping one another and creating something beautiful from which they all will benefit.”Howe, J. (2008). Crowdsourcing: Why the power of the crowd is driving the future of business. New York: Crown Business. p.8 12. Who’s Using Open Source?•Government Agencies •All Kinds of Businesses •Schools (K-colleges) •Web Developers •Librarians 13. Open Source in Business 14. Making money on open source • “IBM not only accepted open source software products and processes but also its philosophy, which is to spur quality and fast growth rather than just profits based on proprietary ownership of intellectual property.”• “Giving up so much control is unconventional to say the least, but the rewards for doing so have been handsome. IBM spends about $100 million per year on Linux development. If the Linux community puts in $1 billion of effort, and even half of that is useful to IBM customers, the company gets $500 million of software development for an investment of $100 million.” Tapscott, Don, and Anthony D. Williams. “Joining Linux.” InWikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything, 79-82. Expanded Edition. New York, NY: Penguin USA, 2008. 15. Open Source on the WebTotal Active Servers: 10/2000 to 7/2010 16. Why so popular? • Reliability through Peer Review • Freedom to Innovate • No Vendor Lock-in • User-centric Development • Collaborative Environment • Zero License Fees 17. Why should libraries care? 18. Open Source & Libraries Libraries and Open Source Both... • Believe that information should be freely accessible to everyone • Give away stuff • Benefit from the generosity of others• Are about communities• Make the world a better place -- Horton, G. 19. Open Source & Libraries Libraries and Open Source makethe perfect pair[Librarians] "are almost ethically required to use and develop open source software."Crawford, R. S. oss4lib.pdf 151687944/ 20. Open Source & Libraries Libraries and Open Source make the perfect pair“Libraries are committed to the notion of the ʻcommons.ʼ Libraries are in fact one of the last best hopes for the preservation of the intellectual commons. That value system should extend to the intellectual work we do on our access systems. We should reclaim the domain of library technology from the commercial and proprietary realms and actualize is as part of our vision of the commons.... We are also congenital collaborators. Can you thinkof any other group of institutions that share theirstuff the way we do through ILL?-- Lucia, J. 21. Open Source Concerns 22. Open Source & Libraries Common questions libraries have:• Is there support? Do I have to know how to program? • Do I have to skimp on features? • Isn’t Open Source risky? • Can I do it myself? 23. Support for Open Source Is there support?• ByWater Solutions• BibLibre• Equinox• YourLibrarySite• And more! Do I have to know how to program? • Local Students• Freelance Developers 24. Do I have to skimp on features? • Open Source developers follow the rule of “Release early and release often”• Users vote with their dollars and time• Freedom to develop on your own• Developers love their products 25. Isn’t Open Source Risky? • Casey Coleman, chief informationofficer for the GSA (U.S. GeneralServices Administration), said in aspeech ... that the GSA heavily relieson open source to drive down costs,increase flexibility of IT dollars, andreduce risk. ʻYou get much moretransparency and interoperability, andthat reduces your risk,ʼ she said. • US Department of Defense memoencourages the use of open source• with many reasons “including cost8301-13505_3-9921115-16.htmladvantages, reduced risk of vendorlock-in, better security, and increasedflexibility. It says that the positiveaspects of open source softwareshould be given consideration duringprocurement research.• 26. Isn’t Open Source Risky? For a total 284 days in 2006 (or more than nine months out of the year), exploit code for known, unpatched critical flaws in pre-IE7 versions of the browser was publicly available on the Internet. Likewise, there were at least 98 days last year in which no software fixes from Microsoft were available to fix IE flaws that criminals were actively using to steal personal and financial data from users.In a total of ten cases last year, instructions detailing how to leverage "critical" vulnerabilities in IE were published online before Microsoft had a patch to fix them.In contrast, Internet Explorer's closest competitor in terms of market share -- Mozilla's Firefox browser -- experienced a single period lasting just nine days last year in which exploit code for a serious security hole was posted online before Mozilla shipped a patch to remedy the problem.Quote: Image: 27. Risk of Proprietary Software• “Closed-source efforts often suffer fromflaws and problems which the originaldevelopment team never anticipated.Lack of inspection of the code by otherprogrammers can mean thatinappropriate design constraints andother errors might not be discovereduntil the code is already in use.”Pavlicek, Russell. Embracing insanity :open source software development. Indianapolis IN: SAMS, 2000. p. 33. 28. Software is Risky! All software has risks, you need to evaluate open source the same way you do proprietary systems.Several Levels of Risk to consider:• Software security issues• Open source is just as secure if not more secure than proprietary systems because of its transparency • Evaluate open source software no differently than you do other software!• Company mergers and acquisitions • Because you own the code to your system you are not tied to one support source and will never be left without support 29. Can I do it myself? • Absolutely, with the right in-house skills• Linux server management• Web programming• Perl / PHP / MySQL • Systems knowledge 30. Some Numbers 31. Open Source & Libraries When asked what Open Source apps they use at work, 977 librarians and library workers answered as follows 32. Open Source & LibrariesWhen asked why they chose and open source app, 977 librarians and library workers answered as follows 33. Give me someexamples!! 34. Operating System • Is and always will be free of charge • Ubuntu contains all the applicationsyou'll ever need:• word processing• email applications• web server software• programming tools• games • Designed with security in mind • Great for patron stations!!Jessamyn installs Ubuntu in her library: Lock down Ubuntu for Patron Stations: Download Ubuntu: 35. Operating System - For Kids! •Is and always will be free of charge •Qimo has applications specific to kids •Based on the open source Ubuntu Linuxdesktop •Comes pre-installed with educationalgames for children aged 3 and up •Interface has been designed to beintuitive and easy to use •Great for children stations!! 36. Virtual Machine •Try operating systems withoutreformatting your machine •Run as many virtual machines asyou’d like •Runs operating system concurrentlywithout using up too many resources •Great way to demo software withoutmaking the switch right away 37. Email/Web Browser 38. Email Client • Customizable with Plugins • Message Tagging • Saved Searches • High security • Phishing protection • Junk mail folder • Remote image blocking • Easy integration with Google Apps and popular web mail services Download: 39. Must Have Thunderbird Plugins •Lightening •Adds a Sunbird (another Mozilla product) type calendar to Thunderbird • calendar/lightning/ •Provider for Google Calendar •Connects Lightning with Google Calendar • thunderbird/addon/4631 Tutorial: 40. Web Browser •Customizable with Plugins •Offers more security that IE •Phishing protection •Built in pop up blocker •Spyware protection •Private Browsing •Frequent updates •Built in spell checking •Built in RSS recognition Download: Facts: Stats: 41. Must Have Firefox Plugins •Adblock Plus •Block all ads from displaying • •Greasemonkey •Allows for running of small scripts to change webpages • •Find 100s of Greasemonkey scripts: •NoScript •Block all scripts from running without your permission • •Flashblock •Block all flash movies from paying without your permission • •DownThemAll •Download all files on one page with a single click • 42. Alternate Browser •Google Chrome is a new open sourcebrowsing option •Available for many operating systems •More security than IE:•Malware protection•Spyware protection•Anti-Phishing•Private browsing •Extend functionality with plugins 43. Browser Syncing •Sync all your Firefox installs •Encrypts and securely synchronizes theFirefox experience across multiplebrowsers, so that your desktop, laptop,and mobile phone can all work together •Currently supports continuoussynchronization of your bookmarks,browsing history, saved passwords andtabs • • 44. Additional Links •Top 50 Programs that Drive You Crazy & their OS Alternatives:•OSS Watch, open source software advisory service:•Open Source as Alternative•Open Source Software and Libraries•Nicole’s Delicious bookmarks: •Open Source Living 45. Open Source Blogs •The Open Road •ZDNet Open Source•Open Ended from Ars Technica•New York Times - Open http://open.nytimes.comsource•OSS & Libraries (Yahoo! Pipe) •The H Open Source 46. Online Reading List • Open Source: Narrowing the Divides between Education, Business, and Community• Open Source Software in Libraries• The concepts of Free Software & Open Standards: Introduction to Free Software• We Love Open Source Software. No, You Can’t Have Our Code • A Primer on Risk• Nicole’s Zotero Library 47. Print Reading List • The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary by Eric S. Raymond• Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development by Russell Pavlicek• The success of open source by Steve Weber• The open source alternative: Understanding risks and leveraging opportunities by Heather J. Meeker• Open Sources 2.0: The Continuing Evolution by Chris DiBona, Mark Stone, and Danese Cooper• Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Karl Fogel (http:// 48. Thank You Nicole C. Engard [email protected] Upcoming Book: Slides: > click Publications & Presentations


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