MAJOR PROJECT REPORT ON PIZZA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WITH “VISUAL BASIC” SUBMITED AS PROJECT OF BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION Study center at Computer Career Institute Brahmanand Nagar Colony Durgakund,Varanasi STUDY CENTER CODE (S195) SUBMITED BY: GUIDED BY:Enroll NO. 721951050064 Session :- 2007-2010 Shashank Singh Mr. Satish Tiwari ROLL NO: 18044 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN The design of the information system produces the details that state how a system will meet requirements identified during system analysis. System specialists often refer to this stage as logical design, in contrast to the process of developing program software, which is referred to as physical design. System analysis begins the process by identifying reports, the requirements and output needed by the system. Then the specific data on each are pinpointed. Usually, designers’ sketch the form of display as they expect from the system. This can also be done on paper of on the computer display with the help of the automated system tools available. The system design also describes the data to be input, calculated of stored. Individual data items and calculations procedures are written in detail. The procedures tell bow to process the data and produce the output. Designers are responsible for providing programmers with complete and clearly outlined software specifications. As programming starts, designers are able to answer questions, clarify fuzzy areas and handle problems that comfort the programmers when using the design specifications. As the software is to be designed in Access DBMS; the concept of the database is must of quality designing. It will be designing of the database, designing, designing the forms. Designing of reports, designing of data loader. DESIGN OBJECTIVES:The following goals were dept in mind while designing the new system; • • • To reduce the mutual word required to be done in To avoid errors inherent works and hence make To improve the management of permanent the existing system. the outputs consistent and correct. information to the company be keeping it in properly structured tables and to provide facilities to update this information as efficiently ad possible. • To make the system completely menu-driven and hence user –friendly. This was necessary so that even nonprogrammers could use the system effectively and system could act as catalyst in achieving objectives. • • • cost effective. To make the system compatible i.e. it should “fit To make the system in such a way that reduced To make the system reliable, understandable and in” the total, integrated system. future maintenance and enhancement times and efforts. DESIGN OVERVIEW The design stage takes the final specification of the system from analysis stages and finds the best way of fulfilling them, given the technical environment and pervious decisions on required level of automation. The system design is carried out in two phases: 1. Architectural design (High level design) 2. Detailed design (Low Level Design) HIGH LEVEL DESIGN The high-level design maps the business system described in the program requirement specification to logical data structure. It involves:Identifying the entities: All the entities related to module were identified, checked and consolidated. Identifying the relations: The relationship between entities, within and outside the system was identified. Attributes definition: The pertaining to the entities was designed and their field characteristics were specified. Normalization: The entities were normalized. After first and second normalization was achieved for all entities of system. Interface: interfacing with other system was done and attributes related to external entities were identified. Once the entities and their attributes were defined, ENTITY REALTIONSHIP DIAGRAM was drawn. LOW LEVEL DESIGN The low-level design maps the logical model of the system to a physical Database design. Default database design: this utility creates column and constraints definitions from the design stage of business system development. the application system, fautions, tables and column must already exit in CASE * Dictionary before being referenced. User preference: based on user preferences like block name, validation of primary keys, layouts of blocks, layout of fields, creating titles of blocks, mandatory input field prompts etc. were incorporated here. BACK END BENEFITS OF COMPUTERIZATION There are lot of difficulties and bottlenecks in the current manual system. After the computerization of registration of the student. The problem can be removed to a great extent, for example:1. 2. reduced. 3. 4. 5. Improved user satisfaction. Easy access of record. Security and secrecy of records. Response time will be reduced i.e. time taken to The workload of the staff is currently more, it will be complete any inquiry will be reduced resulting in reduced waiting time. Objectives of the proposed system The function of student record management system is an essential part of any college. The objective of this system is to keep track, records & maintain strict control over proper maintenance and security of students’ records. This system is designed with the purpose, that it should be useful to the keeping student’s records management system of a college. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. “DATABASE PROGRAMMING WITH VISUAL BASIC 6.0”. By TECHAMEDIA 2. “MASTERING IN VISUAL BASIC.” By AVANGELOUS PETROUSOS 3. “VISUAL BASIC 6” By GARY CORNELL 4. “MICROSOFT ACCESS 2003” By BPB PUBLICATIONS 5. “SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Vol. (I & II)” By LEE 6. “SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN” By ELIAS M. AWAD 7. “SOFTWARE ENGINEERING” By PRESSMAN CONCLUSION Based upon the above analysis of present project we can work out through three major conclusions regards to: 1. 2. 3. Merits of Student record management system. Limitations of student record management system. Scope of further study. MERITS: The following are few positive points in favor of proposed student record management system in contrast with the existing traditional system of working: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Less time consumed. Less paper work is involved. Increase in overall efficiency. Lesser costs are involved. The overall wording becomes Easy & Economical. LIMITATIONS: (A) (B) Computer cannot replace human judgment & DecisionHigher costs are associated with computer related making. applications. (C) Any, even a minor, mistake or flow in computer operational process might cost human life. SCOPE: As the requirements of speedy processing of daily transaction is becoming the basic need for every area business. Therefore every body is adapting computer technology for his or her business. CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PROJECT PROFILE 3. VARIOUS DEVELOPMENTS A.SYSTEM ANALYSIS. B.FEASIBILETY STUDY C.DESIGN D.IMPLEMENTATION E. TESTING F. MAINTAINENCE 4. FORMS AND TABLES A. Main Form B. MAIN MENU FORM D Bill Managment E. Pizza detail 5. ER DIAGRAM 6. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cost Benefit Analysis Risk Management Risk management is an emerging area that aims to address the problem of identifying and managing the risk associated with the software project. The basic motivation of having this is to avoid heavy losses or disasters. It is very important particularly of large project. The project has no major hazards associated with is. The only risk has are the cost band schedule risks. Although analysis can easily is done regarding the schedule risk involved. Risk management is the area that tries to ensure that the impact of risk on cost quality and schedule. Like in booking system cost and quality is major risk prone area. it minimizes the impact of risk. Project management generally does it, risk assessment is and activity that must be undertaken during project planning, and this involves identifying the risk occurs in system, analyzing them and prioritizing them on the analysis due to the nature of the software uncertainties are most near the beginning of the project and remain throughout the project so risk assessment should be done throughout the project. At the high software level, risk is divided into three categories these are:- • Cost risk is the risk that is associated with the budgeted outlays for the project and its impact on the project the system should be economical. if the cost is going beyond the limit expected then project is nit good. • Performance risk is the possibility that the system is not giving all the benefits expected form it or will not perform according to the requirement here performance includes quality. Schedule risk associated with the project schedule or the ability of the project to achieve the specified milestone. The goal of risk assessment is to prioritizing so that risk management easily focuses attention and resources on the more risk items. The main aim of risk paining is to enumerate the risk items and specify how to handle it. Otherwise it creates the problem in the last in term of cost, quality and schedule. DESIGN DECISION The system bas been decided to be developed on visual basic 6.0 using various products like FORMS. REPORTS. MICROSOFT ACCESS 2003 RDBMS has been chosen since the system has the following requirements and it caters all: 1. Large databases and space management control ACCESS supports the largest of database, potentially. Hundreds of gigabytes in size. It stores the data in the form of tables making optimal use of the available storage. To make efficient use of expensive hardware devices, it allows full control of space usages. 2. Many concurrent database users ACCESS supports large number concurrent users executing a verity of database application operating on the data. 3. High transaction processing performance ACCESS maintains the preceding feature with a high degree of overall system performance database users do not suffer from slow processing performance. 4. Controlled availability ACCESS RXBMS can selectively control the availability of data, at the databases level and sub-databases level. E.g. an administrator can disallow use of specific applications so that applicant’s data can reload, without affecting others applications. DETAILED SYSTEM INVESTIGATION At the heart of the system analysis does a detailed understand of all-important facets of the business area under investigation? For this reason the process of acquainting this information is often called as detailed investigation analysis warding closely with employees, manager and proprietor must study the business process to answer these questions: 1. What is being done? 2. How is being done? 3. How frequently does it occur? 4. How is the volume of work? 5. Hoe well is the task being performed? 6. Does any problem exit? 7. If a problem exits, what is the underlying cause? 8. If a problem exits, what is the underlying cause? 9. And what is the solution of the problem? To answer these questions, system analysts talk to variety of persons together details about the business and their opinions of why things happens as they do and their ideas for changing the process. Questionnaires are used to collect this information. Detailed investigations also require the study of manual and reports actual observation of work activates, and sometime, collection of sample forms and documents to fully understand the process. As a detailed are gathered, the analysts study the requirements data to identify features the new system should have, including both the information the system should produce and operational features such as processing controls, response times and input and out methods. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION The hardware used for the development of software was Pentium IV based are as follows:- C P U Chip : Main Memory: Cache Memory: Hard Disk: Floppy Disk: Intel Pentium 128 MB 256 KB 40 GB 1.44 MB SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION Operating System: Database: Application Development Tools: Windows 98/ME/XP MS Access 2002 Visual Basic 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION After the user has certified the system, it comes to the stage of implementation. it involves many issues like preparation for the changeover to the new system and then the actual change over. Preparation of site and installation and facilities, training of staff, preparation of data file etc. are the various steps involved which might require the involvement of the system analyst, the user as well as operational staff. After all the preparation of the system implementation is completed, comes the stage of actual change this involves the usages of the system, which has been developed and thoroughly tested. There are different approaches, which might be followed in this change over. Direct over Parallel running Pilot running Direct changeover in this method old system is scrapped of with drawn the moment new one is put into user like in creditor leader of changeover would man manual record keeping like maintaining ledger and day book is stopped and converted into the data file which is them stored and is directly handled through the new computerized system this could lead to some problem if the new system does not behave as expected. This may be the result of some unforeseen situation which had not been taken care of during the system analyses and design phase, in such situation there is no manual system remain to get back upon, the user may be put to serious problem in such, we may follow a procedure of running both system for some times as parallel running. Parallel running is the method of submitting a new system to final acceptance test, in which data is processed using both the old and new system simultaneously. in which manual system like ledger cashbook, daybook and the related data files of computer system are running parallel. The result of two system are compared and any discrepancies examined to see whether the system is at fault this is a better method but is has some drawbacks like extra cost, because the user staff will have to work with to system i.e. old and new. They will have to do extra work also in cross the result when they are busy in learning new procedures. Pilot running is an alternative to parallel running and consist of the allocation of the certain amount of work to be performed by the computer while the remainder is done by the old method. The amount of work performed on the computer is gradually increased until the changeover is complete and old system is discontinued. From the entire above pilot running is better than all because it provides the facilities of both fast accesses processing affecting the cost. In which half of the work is done manually and half is done with computerized and then compared the two. Then convert them slowly to new system. This will save cost, time and the problem arises during direct changeover. INTRODUCTION The project development is not an easy job. Every aspect of the ‘software design’ project should be well analyzed and data should be in a very structured manner. Duplicity of the data should be avoided, to the point and descriptive fields should be taken. I have put my best efforts to computerize the process of Academic System and other relevant details for ready reference to the best of my information about this. It is a very comprehensive and complicated job, which involves many persons; whatever I have analyzed is detailed portion of record entries. The main outcome is shown through the help of different reports. Various reports that are made in the project are: List of products List of Pizza detail MAINTENANCE The goal of the system development project is to produce software which is easy to maintain because during the life of software the maintenance cost generally exceed the development cost one possible reason of exceeding cost is that the developer frequently develop the software, install it, and than hand it over to different set of people called maintainers. But the maintainer usually don’t even belong to the organization that develop software so first of all we have to give proper training to staff about the system and teach them how to handle it, operate it and what to do in saturation when it is not performing well or the delivery of the system. once the system has been settled down and been running for some years then responsibility handed to the trained maintainer during maintenance the system analyst has to check that weather system performed according to the started objective or not during maintenance we have to keep eyes on the functioning of new system like addition of record, showing and payment entry etc, and check whether it is performing well according to required specified. This is on going exercise after the system has been implemented. The read life is not static its requirements or objectives are keep changing. so the system has to keep on carrying out changing and modification into the system this is a stage normally called system maintenance. The maintenance the testing depend on the design and coding to make testing and maintenance easier. But the maintainer usually don’t even belong to the organization that develop software so first of all we have to give proper training to staff about the system and teach them how to handle it, operate it and what to do in saturation when it is not performing well or the delivery of the system. MS ACCESS Using Microsoft Access, you can manage all your information from a single datable file. Within the file divide your data into separate storage container called tables, view, add and update table data using online forms, find and retrieve the data you want using queries, and analyze or print data in a specific layout using reports. To store your data, create one table for each type of information you that you specify, including data from multiple tables, create a query. A query can also update or elate multiple records at the same time and perform built-in or custom calculation on your data. To easily view and change directly in a table, create a form when you a form Microsoft Access retrieve the data from one or more tables. And displays it on screen using the layout you choose in the form wizard or using a layout that you created from scratch. To analyze your data or present it a certain way in print, create report. For example, you might print one report that group’s data and calculates total, and another report with different data formatted for printing mailing tables. ABOUT MS ACCESS 2002: A relational database .The Access as a database is the easiest and simplest. Some of its features are as follows:- FEATURES:First Access is obviously a database application. Database allows you to collect any type of information for storage and later searching and retrieval. Access excels at being able to collect information. Through the use of either a datasheet view or a custom form. The datasheet view provides a spreadsheet similar to Microsoft Excel. You can create custom forms that can look like all other Windows applications and use these together and retrieve information. You can also create custom reports for printing and exporting the information stored in the database. Second Access is desktop database. This means Access is designed to be used on a desktop computer. You can place an Access file on a network server and share the database with other user on the network. It is not however a true client server database the Access is a fire stored on hard drive, not a running application. Client / server are term describe two different computers, which communicate with one another in a short master slave relationship. One computer the server provides data and other services for multiple other computers, the clients. The fact that Access is not a client / server database might seem like a disadvantage, but it realty is not When Access is used in proper Environment, it has distinct advantages over client / server database. First and Foremost, it is very easy to administer. There are not a lot of complications settings or network security issue to muddy the waters. You also do not need a very powerful system to run Access 2002. So if you need a database which only few people can access at a time then Access 2002 is the perfect choice. Finally the Access 2002 is a relational database. Relational database is one of the most versatile types of database ever developed. In relational data, you can define relationships can then be used to perform complex searches and to produce detailed reports. OBJECTIVES The Project management is the application of planning organizing and control concepts to critical one-of-a kind projects. Management projects require top management commitment, active- Participation and long –range plan. The fundamental objective of a project work is to demonstrate how tedious manual work using the computer capabilities can easily do. The main objective of my project is that it shows the critical jobs in the object schedule, explains the relationships between jobs, and generates reports and schedules as needed. Specifically, it does the following:1. Determine the jobs that require quick and secure Process to compile the computerized booking. 2. Determines the jobs, which save time that can be Delayed without it.. 3. Maintains a schedule in sequence is preferred. . 4. Maintains requirements and information. 5. Keeps track of important deadlines and significant aspects throughout the project. 6. Investigates trade offs between work cost and time. 7. Changes the aspects of a job and immediately shows the impact performance on the overall project. 8. Allows sorting and rearranging jobs in the schedule and rep E - R DIAGRAM PHONE ADDRESS NAME Customer Order Delivary Pizza Cost Order no NAME RECIPIT NO (The E-R Diagram of Pizza managment System) C ontext Diagram CUSTOMER REQUEST RESPONSE PIZZA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UPDATION QUERIES SOLVED DATABASE (Context Diagram) D EBUGGING Once errors are identified, it is necessary to first identify the precise the location of the error and then to fix them, in this section, we will summarize the important approaches that are available to identify the error locations. DEBUGGING APPROACHES BRUTE FORCE METHOD:In this approach, the program is loaded with print statements to print the intermediate values with the hope that some of the printed values will help to identify the statement in error. BACKTRACKING:This is also a fairly common approach. In this approach, beginning from the statement at which an error symptom has been observed, the source is traced backwards until the error is discovered. CAUSE ELIMINATION METHOD:In this approach, a list of causes which could possible have contributed to the error symptom is developed and tests are conducted to eliminated to the error symptom is developed and tests are conducted to each cause. A related technique of identification of the error from the error symptom is the software fault tree analysis. IMPLEMENTATION:After completion of about test plan successfully the system is ready to implement for which it has been made. Implementation is a thing to convert any system design into operational form using several implementation tools. Implementation of that system acquire compatible environment for this system as defines above. Successful implementation needs to teach the user how to operate the system by user manual. Preliminary Investigation The first step in the system development life cycle is the preliminary investigation to determine the feasibility of the system. The purpose of the preliminary investigation is to evaluate project requests. it is not a design study nor does it include the collection of details to describe to business system in all respect. Rather, it is the collecting of information that helps committee members to evaluate the merits of project request and make one informed. Analysis working on the preliminary investigation should accomplish the following objectives. o o o approaches. o Report the findings to management with Clarify and understand the project request Determine the size of the project. Assess costs and benefits of alternative recommendations outlining the acceptance or rejection of the proposal. Conducting the Investigation The data that the analysis collect during preliminary investigations are gathered through three preliminary methods: reviewing organization documents, on-site observations and conducting interviews. Reviewing Organization Documents The analysis conducting the investigation first learnt about the organization involved in or affected by the project. For example, to review an inventory systems proposal means knowing first how. Conducing Interviews Written documents and the on-site observation tell the analysis how system should operate, but they may not include enough details to allow a decision to be made about the merits of a details to allow a decision to be made about the merits of a system proposal, nor do they present user views about current operations. Analysis use interviews to learn these details. Interviews allow analysis to learn more about the nature of the project and the reason of submitting it. Interview view should provide details that further explain the project and show whether assistance is merited economically, operationally technically. PRESENT SYSTEM The existing system depends upon manual operations that are all records were kept in simple files and thus the data is maintained, but, any small mistake may lead to a big problem. For example:For example ,for the proper maintenance of the registration information , several reports i.e. List of Names Address dept wise and ready reference of functions a constant check on this data is required , because of the reason that without this , proper and lengthy record can’t be maintained . This may also lead to some accuracy problems in various data files. Project Monitoring Plan Cost schedule milestone graph A cost schedule graph represents the planned cost of different milestones. It also shows the actual of achieving the milestone gained by so far. By having the planned cost verses milestone and actual cost verses milestone on the same graph the progress of the project easily. In the following the x-axis of the graph is time, where the month in the project schedule are marked the y-axis represent the cost in dollars or PMs. The two carves are drawn one curves is the panned cist and planned schedule in which the project plan is completed. The second curve represents the actual cost and actual schedule and the actual achievement of milestone are marked. Thus for each milestone the point representing the time when the milestone are actually achieved and the actual cost of achieving are marked for example milestone graph of creditor are given below. In this project cost is estimated to be $100k different milestones are identified and curves are drawn with this milestone. The milestone in this graph is PDR, CDR, module 1 completion, module 2 completion, integration testing and acceptance testing. For each of these milestones some budgets are allocated based on the estimates the planned budget is shown by dotted line and the actual expenditure are shown by bold line. This chart shows that only two milestones are achieved, PDR, SDR, and through the project are in budget when PDR was completed, it is now slightly over budget. This type of graph helps system designer had programmer in risk management in cost and benefit plan. It tells us clearly that whether the proposed system are in budget of going out budget this also helps us in checking economical feasibility if the project is going beyond the going beyond the expected budget and not giving enough benefited as expected than is not good. The two carves are drawn one curves is the panned cist and planned schedule in which the project plan is completed. The second curve represents the actual cost and actual schedule and the actual achievement of milestone are marked. PROJECT PROFILE Name of the Institute Computer Career Institute, Varanasi Address of the Institute: B-34/130-12-1, Bramhanand (Kabeer Nagar), Durgakund Varanasi (U.P)-221005 Name of Software: Pizza Management System Platform Used: Win 98/Win 2000/XP Language Used: Visual Basic 6.0 Database Used: MS ACCESS 2002 Project Guide: Mr. Satish Tiwari PROJECT SELECTION Software selection is a critical aspect of system development .Although, reliable software is a desirable goal; limited progress has been made towards improving it in the last decades. Software is classified for controlling computer operations and application software for solving user oriented problems. In general, software allows concurrence of operation, resource and information sharing, multiplexed operation. It has grown by leaps and bounds, especially, since the birth of microcomputers. In the world of HI-TECH, where everything is moving around information Technology, this whole world has become a global village. I would certainly not like to be left behind in this competitive world. So keeping this in view , I have joined this course , and as a part of our curriculum , I have prepared this project . To select a project is not an easy task . As nightly said-“Good start is a half way to success “. So I discussed many projects to work on. Then, I came across this project. Encouraged by the demand of computers in this competitive world, I am promoted to take up this project .After getting permission; I started working on this project. After discussing every feature of this project with the concerned guide and teacher. I am quite confident to work on this project. Although, reliable software is a desirable goal; limited progress has been made towards improving it in the last decades. Software is classified for controlling computer operations and application software for solving user oriented problems. In general, software allows concurrence of operation, resource and information sharing, multiplexed operation. PROPOSED SYSTEM After going through the through study. it is found that given project is feasible with respect to technical, social economical, operational and legal aspects. A system is technically feasible, if it can be designed and implemented within the limitations of the available resources like funds, manpower, hardware, software etc. The proposed system is technically feasible as the existing staff can be trained to operate the computerized system and costs involved are reasonable considering the benefits and future aspects. The proposed system is economically feasible if the benefits obtained in the long run compensate, rather than overdo the costs incurred in designing and implementing. in this case benefits outweigh the costs. which make the systems economically feasible. The system will be socially feasible the workload of staff will reduce and same staff can work on highly efficient computerized system after getting training. The system must be socially feasible from the public point of view, as the system will offer better services to them. The availability of the required hardware, system software and technical manpower makes the system operationally feasible. The computerized system will offer high level of record, which makes the system legally feasible. A system is technically feasible, if it can be designed and implemented within the limitations of the available resources like funds, manpower, hardware, software etc. The proposed system is technically feasible as the existing staff can be trained to operate the computerized system and costs involved are reasonable considering the benefits and future aspects. RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the plain for the study that will lead to the most economical method for collection of required and their analysis. If the proposal is property designed most of the unnecessary labor in collecting non-essential data will be saves. • • • Exploratory descriptive experimental The present system is exploratory in nature for it seeds to discover the ideas. SAMPLE DESIGN In most of research studies, the amount of the word is always limited by shortage of time and resources. Within these limitations, the samples size of past eight months (i.e.MAY) is taken for present study. DATA COLLECTION METHOD In fact, the data collection is basic step and of vital importance on which success of failure study depends. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA The data collection in the aforesaid manner bas been tabulated in condensed form to draw meaning results. The different techniques are adopted to analyze the data. An attempt has also been made to prepare report on the basis of test data. All the data and material is arranged through internal resources and last pare of the project consist of conclusions draw from the report, a brief summary and recommendations and giving final touch to the report by starting annexes and bibliography. SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN To ensure that the new system provides high quality final product, some quality control activities must be performed throughout development this is because correcting errors in final stages are very costly. Especially when they originated in early stage the purpose of software quality assurance plan specify all the activity that are needed to check the quality of each product it takes the board new of quality, it is not only interested in the quality of out put but also of the intermediate product. Because if the requirement and design are of good quality then the software propose also of good quality. To check the correctness of the product quality assurance plan use two processes called verification and validation. • Verification it is the process of determining whether or not the product phase of the software development fulfill the specification established during the previous phase this activity include testing review and proving. • Validation is the process of evaluating software at the end of the software to ensure compliance with the software requirement. Testing is the common example of validation. For this we have to make a software quality assurance table. The purpose of this document is to decide the quality assurance for the maintaining the creditor’s ledger. For this purpose all the validation are check with fake data so that user get the desired output quality assured certificate is given to this software on the basis of factors i.e. product operation, transition and revision. These factors include the following activity i.e. maintainability correctness, reliability, testability etc this software assure the software cannot be transfer from one hardware configuration to another system. Cannot be coupled with other system these factors are easily explained with the help of quality assurance table. System Development Life Cycle Stage key Question Result 1. Recognition of need Preliminary survey /initial investigation .Feasibility study Evaluation of existing system and 2. procedures analysis alternative candidate system cost estimates. Analysis evaluation of present system data collection. Design general design specification detailed design 3. 4. specification output input fields procedures system? Program construction testing unit testing combined module testing user acceptance testing. Implementation user training file/system conversion is 5. there delays in lading? Files? 6. Post-implementation and Maintenance evaluation Maintenance Enhancement. What is the problem and or opportunity? What are the user’s demonstrable needs is the problem worth solving? How can the problem be redefined? What must be done to solve the problem? What are the facts? In general how the problem must be soled? Specifically, how must the problem is solved? What is the system (processing) flow? Does the user approve the Approval of system by user Programs? How well do individual programs/modules test out? How ready are programs for acceptance test? What is that actual operation? Are user manuals ready? Is the key system running should the system be modified? Statement of scope Objectives Performance criteria. Technical/behavioral Feasibility cost/benefit analysis system scope and objectives statement of new scope and objectives. Logical model of system e.g. data dictionary. data Flow diagram pertinent data. Design of alternative solutions Final cost Estimates? Implementation specification. Implementation? Schedule. Security, audit and Operating procedures. Actual hardware use Formal system test. Training Program User-friendly documentation. User requirements met? User standards met satisfied user. SYSTEM STUDY SYSTEM TESTING This is phase, which comes after coding in which we are resting the overall system. First it test the module separately and finally the system as whole. Each module and program is tested first and than through the interface to the other subsystems the complete system is tested this is the most important face as the system analyst has to get user certification for the accuracy of the system of the acceptance testing by the user. The user representative, the system analyst, the standards groups, the external system auditor or any other combination should carry out such a testing test data is normally prepared by the user to check for all possible combinations of correct data as well as the wrong data which should be trapped by the system and reported as an error. The various level used in testing are unit testing, integration testing and system testing. • In unit testing: different modules are tested against the specification produced during design for the module like testing Add, Show module whether these modules adding and then show the record correctly or not. This phase is essentially for verification of code produced during the coding phase and to test the internal logic of the modules. • Integration testing: in this many unit testing modules are combined into subsystem, which are then tested the goal here is to see if the modules are integrated properly or not like after adding records show perfectly showing the added record and perform the other task like transaction and installment payment etc. on the record added. • In system and acceptance testing: the entire system is tested the reference document for this process is the requirement document and the goal is to see if the software meets its requirement. The following format given below is dummy data. In which total amount are 15129, this is the correct format. In case if we add record of the same company again, it will give an error message that company is already present would like to add for the same company or not. Test case specification for the system testing Here we specify all test cases that are used for system testing first the different that are needed to be tested, along with the test cases used for testing those conditions and the expected output are given. The goal is to test the different functional requirement, as specified in the requirement document. Test cases are selected form both valid and invalid inputs. At last testing plays a very critical role in quality assurance for software. Due to limitation of the verification methods for the previous phases, design and requirements faults and errors this is specifies the level of testing and unit that need to tested as done above during testing we are checking the reliability of the software. TO WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Mr. Shashank Singh from computer career institute – Varanasi has successfully completed project under the guidance of Mr.Satish Tiwari. The project was undertaken towards partial fulfillment of their BCA in Computer Science. The Project entitled “Pizza Management System”. The Project was satisfactorily tested and implemented as per the requirements. Mr. Satish Tiwari Computer Career Institute Durgakund,Varanasi VISUAL BASIC Visual Basic is an ideal programming language for developing supplicated applications for Microsoft windows. It makes use of graphical user interface for creating robust and powerful applications. Visual Basic was developed from the Basic Programming Language in the 1970s, Visual Basic 6.0 for windows require at least Microsoft Windows 95/Windows NT 3.51,486 processor and minimum of 16 MB of hand disk space. Visual Basic is initiated by using the programs options-> Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0-> Visual Basic 6.0, clicking the Visual Basic 6.0 Icon, we can copyright screen listing the details of license holder of the copy of the Visual Basic 6.0 then it opens into a screen with the interface elements such as Menu Bar, Tool Bar, the new project dialog Box. One of the most significant changes in VB 6.0 is integrated development environment (IDE). The VB IDE is made up of a number of components:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Menu Bar Tool Bar Project Explorer Properties Window Form Layout Window Tool Box Form Designer Object Browser Visual Basic 6.0 has several different types of objects. The form is one of the most objects in which the application is developed. A form is a window that contains application code and has other objects placed on it to create the user interface. Programming in Visual Basic 6.0 consists of a visual Programming step that involves designing the application and a code programming step that involves designing the application and a code programming step that involves coding. We can create an Executable file menu .Visual Basic uses building Blocks such as variables, data and types procedures functions and control structures in its programming environment. Visual Basic 6.0 controls are broadly classified as standard controls ActiveX control & insatiable objects. Standard control such as command button, label and frame are contained inside EXE File. ActiveX control exists as a separate file with other. VBX of > OCX extension. Visual Basic 6.0 uses the tab index property to determine the control and who will receive the focus next when a tab key is pressed. Adding menus can enhance Visual Basic 6.0 application. A menu interface consists of Menu Title, Menu Item, Separator Bar, Menu Bar and Title Bar. It provides various methods and controls to create and use graphics in an application. Private Sub Command2_Click() Command2.Visible = False On Error GoTo HAND Form1.PrintForm MsgBox ("Send to Printer") Unload Me Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox "Printer not connected or switched off", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" Command2.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Label10.Caption = Date End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Command2.Visible = False On Error GoTo HAND Form2.PrintForm MsgBox ("Send to Printer") Unload Me Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox "Printer not connected or switched off", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" Command2.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Label3.Caption = Date End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 'marquee of text Label1.Left = Label1.Left + 50 If Label1.Left >= 9930 Then Label1.Left = 0 - Label1.Width End If End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() 'procress bar Timer1.Enabled = True pb1.Value = pb1.Value + 1 Label2.Caption = pb1.Value & "%" If pb1.Value = 100 Then frmindex.Show Unload Me End If End Sub Dim DB As New ADODB.Connection Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub Combo1_Click() Text1.Text = Combo1.Text Combo1.Visible = False RS.MoveFirst A = Text1.Text RS.Find ("PH='" & A & " ' ") Text1.Text = RS.Fields("PH") Text2.Text = RS.Fields("CNAME") Text3.Text = RS.Fields("ARD") End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() On Error GoTo HAND Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" RS.AddNew Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " EXCUSE ME" End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo HAND If Text1.Text = "" Then Text1.SetFocus ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Then Text2.SetFocus ElseIf Text3.Text = "" Then Text3.SetFocus Else X% = MsgBox("CONFORM SAVE", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "CONFORM SAVE") If (X% = vbYes) Then RS.Fields("ph") = Text1.Text RS.Fields("cname") = Text2.Text RS.Fields("ard") = Text3.Text RS.Update MsgBox " RECORD SAVED", vbInformation, "RECORD SAVED" Else MsgBox " SAVE ABORTED", vbInformation, "RECORD NOT SAVED" End If End If Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " EXCUSE ME" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() On Error GoTo HAND Combo1.Visible = True Combo1.Clear RS.MoveFirst While (RS.EOF = False) Combo1.AddItem RS.Fields("PH") RS.MoveNext Wend Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " EXCUSE ME" End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() On Error GoTo HAND X% = MsgBox("CONFORM DELETE", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "CONFORM SAVE") If (X% = vbYes) Then RS.Delete MsgBox " RECORS DELETED", vbInformation, "EXCUSE ME" RS.MoveFirst Text1.Text = RS.Fields("PH") Text2.Text = RS.Fields("CNAME") Text3.Text = RS.Fields("ARD") Else MsgBox " DELETE ABORTED", vbCritical, "EXSCUSE ME" End If Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, " EXCUSE ME" End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DB.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\pizza.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" RS.Open "CUS", DB, 1, 3 Combo1.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'If RS.State = 1 Then 'RS.Close 'End If DB.Close frmindex.Show End Sub Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() Text1.BackColor = &HC0FFC0 End Sub Private Sub Text1_LostFocus() Text1.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub Private Sub Text2_GotFocus() Text2.BackColor = &HC0FFC0 End Sub Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() Text2.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub Private Sub Text3_GotFocus() Text3.BackColor = &HC0FFC0 End Sub Private Sub Text3_LostFocus() Text3.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() Combo1.BackColor = &HFFFFC0 End Sub Private Sub Combo1_LostFocus() Combo1.BackColor = &H80000005 End Sub Private Sub CMDBILL_Click() FRMBILL.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub CMDCDETAILS_Click() FRMCUS.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub CMDEXIT_Click() X% = MsgBox(" CONFORM EXIT", vbInformation + vbYesNo, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE-EXIT CONFORM") If (X% = vbYes) Then End Else frmindex.Show End If End Sub Private Sub CMDONLINE_Click() frmonline.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub CMDPIZZA_Click() FRMPIZZA.Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub CMDSEARCH_Click() FRMSEARCH.Show Unload Me End Sub Public KEY As Integer Dim DB As New ADODB.Connection Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset Private Sub cmdfind_Click() On Error GoTo HAND sqlst = "select * from CUS where (PH)=" + TXTPH.Text RS.Open sqlst, DB, 1, 3 If (RS.RecordCount = 0) Then MsgBox " RECORD NOT FOUND " TXTNAME.Locked = False TXTADD.Locked = False MsgBox "ENTER THE NAME AND ARDDRESS", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" TXTNAME.SetFocus Command2.Enabled = True Else TXTPH.Text = RS.Fields("PH") TXTNAME.Text = RS.Fields("CNAME") TXTADD.Text = RS.Fields("ARD") Command1.Enabled = True End If RS.Close Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox " CHECK IF YOU HAVE ENTERED A NUMBER ", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" End Sub Private Sub Combo1_Click() TXTPIZZA.Text = Combo1.Text RS.Open "PIZZA", DB, 1, 3 A = TXTPIZZA.Text RS.Find ("PNAME='" & A & " ' ") TXTUP.Text = RS.Fields("PRICE") RS.Close TXTQTY.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() On Error GoTo HAND If TXTNAME.Text = "" Or TXTADD.Text = "" Then GoTo HAND End If RS.Open "CUS", DB, 1, 3 RS.AddNew RS.Fields("PH") = TXTPH.Text RS.Fields("CNAME") = TXTNAME.Text RS.Fields("ARD") = TXTADD.Text RS.Update RS.Close Command2.Enabled = False Command1.Enabled = True Exit Sub HAND: MsgBox " CHECK IF YOU HAVE ENTERED A NAME AND YOUR ADDRESS", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" End Sub Private Sub Command5_Click() 'On Error GoTo HAND X% = MsgBox("CONFORM SAVE", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "EXCUSE ME") If (X% = vbYes) Then RS.Open "ord", DB, 1, 3 For i = 1 To KEY RS.AddNew RS.Fields("ONO") = Label4.Caption RS.Fields("PNAME") = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 1) RS.Fields("qty") = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 2) RS.Fields("PRICE") = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 3) RS.Fields("TOTPRICE") = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 4) RS.Update Next i RS.Close RS.Open "ORDERMAIN", DB, 1, 3 RS.AddNew RS.Fields("ONO") = Label4.Caption RS.Fields("DATE") = Label12.Caption RS.Fields("NP") = txtnp.Text RS.Fields("PH") = Text3.Text RS.Fields("CNAME") = Text1.Text RS.Fields("ARD") = Text2.Text RS.Update RS.Close Form1.LONO.Caption = Label4.Caption Form1.LPH.Caption = Text3.Text Form1.LARD.Caption = Text2.Text Form1.LCUS.Caption = Text1.Text Form1.LNP.Caption = txtnp.Text For i = 1 To KEY Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound).Caption = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 1) Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound).Caption = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 3) Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound).Caption = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 2) Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound).Caption = fg1.TextMatrix(i, 4) If (Form1.LPIZZA.UBound = 0) Then ' Load Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound + 1) ' Load Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound + 1) ' Load Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound + 1) ' Load Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound + 1) ' Form1.Line3.Y2 = Form1.Line3.Y2 + 500 ' Form1.Line4.Y2 = Form1.Line4.Y2 + 500 ' Form1.Line5.Y2 = Form1.Line5.Y2 + 500 ' Form1.Line6.Y2 = Form1.Line6.Y2 + 500 ' Form1.Line7.Y2 = Form1.Line7.Y2 + 500 ' Form1.Frame1.Top = Form1.Frame1.Top + 300 GoTo SA End If ' PIZZA NAME Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound).Left = Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound - 1).Left Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound).Top = Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound - 1).Top + 250 Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound).Visible = True 'UNIT PRICE Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound).Left = Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound - 1).Left Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound).Top = Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound - 1).Top + 250 Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound).Visible = True 'QUANTITY Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound).Left = Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound - 1).Left Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound).Top = Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound - 1).Top + 250 Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound).Visible = True 'TOTAL PRICE Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound).Left = Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound - 1).Left Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound).Top = Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound - 1).Top + 250 Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound).Visible = True SA: Load Form1.LPIZZA(Form1.LPIZZA.UBound + 1) Load Form1.LUP(Form1.LUP.UBound + 1) Load Form1.LQTY(Form1.LQTY.UBound + 1) Load Form1.LTOT(Form1.LTOT.UBound + 1) Form1.Line3.Y2 = Form1.Line3.Y2 + 500 Form1.Line4.Y2 = Form1.Line4.Y2 + 500 Form1.Line5.Y2 = Form1.Line5.Y2 + 500 Form1.Line6.Y2 = Form1.Line6.Y2 + 500 Form1.Line7.Y2 = Form1.Line7.Y2 + 500 Form1.Frame1.Top = Form1.Frame1.Top + 300 Next i Form1.Show MsgBox "RECORDE SAVED", vbInformation, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" Else MsgBox "SAVE ABORTED", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" End If 'Exit Sub 'HAND: 'MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Private Sub Command6_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Command7_Click() Label4.Caption = "BILL" TXTPH.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" txtnp.Text = "" TXTPIZZA.Text = "" TXTQTY.Text = "" TXTUP.Text = "" TXTPRICE = "" TXTNAME.Text = "" TXTADD.Text = "" TXTTP.Text = "" Combo1.Text = "" fg1.Clear Frame4.Enabled = True Command1.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) DB.Close frmindex.Show End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() 'COMMAND BUTTON ORDER frbill.Enabled = True FRFG.Enabled = True Text3.Text = TXTPH.Text Text1.Text = TXTNAME.Text Text2.Text = TXTADD.Text RS.Open "ORDERMAIN", DB, 1, 3 If (RS.RecordCount = 0) Then Label4.Caption = 1 Else RS.MoveLast Label4.Caption = RS.Fields("ONO") + 1 End If RS.Close Frame4.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() If TXTPIZZA.Text = "" Then MsgBox "enter the pizza type", vbInformation Combo1.SetFocus Else If TXTQTY.Text = "" Then MsgBox "enter the number of quantity", vbInformation TXTQTY.SetFocus Else If (KEY = 0) Then KEY = 1 Else KEY = KEY + 1 End If fg1.Rows = KEY + 1 fg1.TextMatrix(KEY, 1) = TXTPIZZA.Text fg1.TextMatrix(KEY, 2) = TXTQTY.Text fg1.TextMatrix(KEY, 3) = TXTUP.Text fg1.TextMatrix(KEY, 4) = TXTTP.Text TXTPIZZA.Text = "" TXTQTY.Text = "" TXTUP.Text = "" TXTTP.Text = "" Combo1.Text = "" End If End If End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim TOT As Integer For i = 1 To KEY TOT = TOT + Val(fg1.TextMatrix(i, 4)) Next i txtnp.Text = TOT Command5.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DB.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\pizza.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" RS.Open "PIZZA", DB, 1, 3 While (RS.EOF = False) Combo1.AddItem RS.Fields("PNAME") RS.MoveNext Wend RS.Close Label12.Caption = Date End Sub Private Sub TXTNAME_LostFocus() If IsNumeric(TXTNAME.Text) = True Then MsgBox "ENTER NAME IN TEXT ONLY", vbCritical, "VENKY'S PIZZA HOUSE" End If End Sub Private Sub TXTPH_LostFocus() If TXTPH.Text = "" Or IsNumeric(TXTPH.Text) = False Then MsgBox " ENTER A PHONE NUMBER" TXTPH.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub TXTQTY_LostFocus() If TXTQTY.Text = "" Or IsNumeric(TXTQTY.Text) = False Or Val(TXTQTY.Text)