APPLICATION FOR POSTGRADUATE / FURTHER STUDY 2013 Postgraduate Unit (Student Enrolment Centre) Ground Floor, Senate House, University of the Witwatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue, Braamfontein, Johannesburg • Fax: +27 11 717 1299 • E-mail:
[email protected] Please read the notes on pages 10 and 12 before completing this application form. Incomplete or incorrect information will delay consideration of your application. A non-refundable application fee of R200 is payable by SA citizens and international applicants. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM wiTH APPROPRiATE SUPPORTiNg DOCUMENTATiON TO THE STUDENT ENROLMENT CENTRE. PHOTOCOPiED APPLiCATiONS wiLL NOT bE ACCEPTED AS THE PAyMENT REFERENCE NUMbER iS UNiqUE. ALL APPLiCANTS are required to sign the iNDEMNiTy FORM on page 6. Application and/or registration information When do you wish to commence study? Have you ever applied to and/or been registered at Wits before? Are you a current or past staff member? Yes No Year Yes No Month PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM IN BLOCK LETTERS If yes, please quote student / person number If yes, please give your staff / person number Personal Details Surname / Last name First name Title / Prefix Middle name Date of birth South African Identity Document no* * See also ‘citizenship details below Gender (please tick p) Female Male Mr Miss Ms Mrs Other Citizenship details Are you a South African citizen? If No, are you a permanent resident? If Yes, Permit number and date obtained If Yes, country of permanent residence If not South African resident, please state nationality If no SA identity number, please supply Passport number Are you a refugee? Are you an asylum seeker? Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Please note that International applicants may not register at the University without a study permit. See page 12 for more information Day Month (eg Dec) Year If you are a refugee/asylum seeker, please attach valid certified permit FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application processed by ......................................................Date............................................Applied for residence Yes Please return the form to: Postgraduate Unit, Student Enrolment Centre, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 4, Wits, 2050 (Applications for the Faculty of Health Sciences must please be forwarded to: Faculty of Health Sciences, Wits Medical School, 7 York Road, Parktown, 2195) UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG No 2 POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS General background Population Group (Required for statistical purposes) Home language (please tick p) Black Coloured Indian White Chinese Afrikaans English Chinese French German Greek Ndebele Italian Portuguese Sepedi SeSotho Setswana Seswati Sixhosa Sizulu Tshivenda Xitsonga Other (Please specify) Marital status Single (please tick p) Married Widower Divorced Separated Religious affiliation (required for accommodation and bursary purposes) (please tick p) Christian Hindu Muslim Jehovah’s Witness Jewish None Other (Please specify) Disability / Special needs* (please tick p) Blindness Cerebral palsied Deafness Impaired mobility Partially sighted Paraplegic Partial hearing Quadriplegic Learning disability Speech impediment Dyslexia Other (Please specify) * Every reasonable attempt will be made to provide you with the assistance you may need as the result of your disability. You must provide the University with the necessary information about your disability status at the time of your application. If you do not, the University cannot undertake to provide assistance. Name change (if applicable) Previous last name / surname (if applicable) Previous first name (if applicable) Date of name change Day Month (eg:Dec) Year Reason for Name change (If degree certificates were issued in a previous name, a certified copy of the appropriate legal document is required) Previous activities What has been your main activity during the last year? (eg work / study) Sports Involvement: Please state in which sports you have participated (if any), and at what level: Sport Level * Level: School Club Junior Provincial Junior National Senior Provincial Senior National UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 3 Contact Details 1. Applicant Postal address Please include postal code with all addresses Postal code 2. Applicant Residential / Street address Postal code 3. Business address Postal code 4. Preferred address for correspondence (please tick p) Postal address or Business address If neither of the above, please provide alternative address for correspondence and give start and end date for use of this address Postal code Contact numbers Home Tel no: Cellphone no: 5. Next-of- Kin Full name To use from Day Month (eg Dec) Year To Day Month (eg Dec) Year Business Tel no: E-mail: Fax no: Title Postal address Relationship to applicant e.g. Mother or Father Postal code Home Tel no: Cellphone no: 6. Person liable for settlement of fees Business Tel no: E-mail: Fax no: Full Name ID/Passport Number Postal address Postal code Home Tel no: Cellphone no: Business Tel no: E-mail: Fax no: UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG 4 POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS Academic qualifications Tertiary education, including studies at Wits (begin with most recent qualification):Academic transcripts and code of conduct must be attached for all applicants except for those with Wits qualifications. You are required to disclose all tertiary registrations even if you de-registered in the course of the year. DEGREE/DIPLOMA FT or PT* DATES OF REGISTRATION from to DATE OF GRADUATION STUDENT NUMBER INSTITUTION IF FOREIGN INSTITUTION PROvIDE ADDRESS AND COUNTRY * FT = full-time PT = part-time Membership of professional bodies: (attach separate sheet if necessary) NAME OF PROFESSIONAL BODY NAME OF QUALIFICATION / TITLE CATEGORY OF MEMBERSHIP DATE ADMITTED / AWARDED (YY/ MM/ DD) 1. Are you currently employed? Employment details Yes No Please provide details: (attach separate sheet if necessary) NAME OF COMPANY /EMPLOYER (please provide details of different positions with same employer) 2. How many years of full-time employment will you have completed by the end of this year? PERIOD EMPLOYED (YY/ MM/ DD) from to JOB TITLE Choice of Programme (Degree or Diploma) Description of programmes and codes appear on page 7) PROGRAMME CODE FT or PT Choice of programme: Please supply details of proposed registration, as per example given below (Applicants may select three programmes. PLAN (Field of study) YEAR OF STUDY PLEASE TICK (p) Applies to MA Student only Thesis / Dissertation Coursework and Research Report Coursework only eg: MScEng 1. 2. 3 ER000 FT Mining 1 p Proposed curriculum: Only for Coursework Masters and related degrees eg Honours, GDE, MEng and MSc Eng - see Faculty Handbook UNIT/ COURSE NAME COURSE CODE UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 5 Research details: Only for Research Masters and PhD degrees • In which School / Discipline/ Research Group do you wish to conduct your research?...................................................... • Proposed field of research................................................................................................................................................... • Proposed title of research (max 500 characters) ................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Proposed supervisor - Name Telephone no: Cellphone no: Fax no: E-mail: • Name of member/s of Wits staff consulted on proposed research project Academic References: (For Research Masters and PhD degrees - please provide 3) Name Address Postal code: E-mail: Name Address Telephone no: Postal Code: E-mail: Name Address Telephone no: Postal code: E-mail: Telephone no: UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG 6 POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS Details of conferences attended and papers presented, if applicable (attach separate sheet if necessary) CONFERENCE PAPER RESIDENTIAL ACCOMMODATION You may complete this section ONLY IF YOU WISH TO APPLY FOR RESIDENCE ACCOMMODATION AND YOU ARE NOT ALREADY A WITS STUDENT. If you are already a Wits student and you wish to apply for residence accommodation, you must apply directly to the Central Accommodation Office or the Residence of your choice. Accommodation requested (please tick the appropriate box): Catered accommodation* – mixed gender Self-catering accommodation – mixed gender CTX STC *Catered accommodation is restricted to persons under the age of 25 years. Please note: Postgraduate residence applications close on 31 October. Late applications will not be considered. You are NOT eligible to reside in University accommodation if you are not registered for a full curriculum or if you are a part-time or occasional student. Note: The University provides single quarters accommodation only. We cannot accommodate married couples or families. INDEMNITY AND UNDERTAKING LEGAL DECLARATION OF INDEMNITY AND UNDERTAKING i, THE APPLiCANT, (1) Acknowledge that the University does not accept responsibility for damage or loss in respect of property of the applicant or in respect of property brought onto University premises by the applicant. (2) Do hereby indemnify the University in respect of any damage caused by the applicant to University property or to the property of third parties, whether on or off the University premises, as a result of the applicant’s actions either whilst on the University premises or whilst engaged in any activity related to the University. (3) Undertake, during the orientation period and for any period during which I am a registered student, to be bound by the rules and regulations of the University for the time being in force, including the rules and regulations of any University residence, club or society to which I may be admitted or become a member and by any requirements or conditions imposed by The University on me as a prerequisite to my registration as a student of the University in any faculty. (4) Certify that the information provided in this form and all supporting documentation is accurate and acknowledge that furnishing any false information may result in disciplinary proceedings being taken against the applicant. (5) Declare that I have furnished the University with all the information necessary to make an informed decision about my admission. (6) Undertake to pay unconditionally all fees, charges and equipment surcharges payable to the University as they fall due for payment, for any period for which I am or may become a registered student or the applicant is or may become a registered student of the University. FINANCIAL AID APPLICANTS (if you are not a financial aid applicant, delete 7 and 8 below): (7) I consent to my examination results being made available to the relevant bursary donor(s) and/or lenders. (8) I understand that if I am unable or unwilling to accept the terms and conditions of the offer of a loan, the offer will be withdrawn. ALL APPLICANTS MUST SIGN BELOW – Thank you Signature of applicant:.................................................................... Date:................................................................................... UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 7 Choice of Programme (Degree or Diploma) (page 4) Please indicate on form whether applying for a full-time or part-time programme FACULTy OF COMMERCE, LAw AND MANAgEMENT CD000 LD002 BD000 CH000 Doctor of Philosophy (Commerce) Doctor of Philosophy (Law) Doctor of Philosophy (Management) Bachelor of Commerce with Honours in the fields of: Information Systems Economics Human Resources Marketing Management Business Finance Insurance Development Theory and Policy Bachelor of Accounting Science with Honours Bachelor of Economic Science with Honours Master of Commerce by dissertation Master of Commerce by coursework and research report in the fields of: Accounting Taxation Economics Information Systems Finance Development Theory and Policy Economic Science Higher Diploma in Computer Auditing Higher Diploma in Accountancy Master of Laws by disseration Master of Laws by coursework and research report in the fields of: General Communications Law Environmental Law Labour Law Pensions Law Corporate Law Human Rights Advocacy and Litigation Intellectual Property and Information Law International Human Rights Law International Law and Development International Humanitarian and Criminal Law Postgraduate Diploma in Law in the fields of: Pension Fund Law Environmental Law Communications Law Corporate Law Labour Law Tax Law Master of Business Administration Master of Management by dissertation Master of Management by coursework and research report in the fields of: Public and Development Management Security Public Policy Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation Finance and Investment Management Business and Executive Coaching Strategic Marketing Innovation Studies Postgraduate Diploma in Management in the fields of: Human Resources, Business Administration, Public and Development Management, Security ER000/ EC000/ EC001 Mechanical Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining Engineering Master of Science in Engineering by dissertation Master of Science in Engineering by coursework and research report Master of Engineering by coursework only in the fields of: Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Mining Engineering Graduate Diploma in Engineering in the fields of: Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Industrial Engineering Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Mining Engineering Doctor of Philosophy in the fields of: Architecture Quantity Surveying Town and Regional Planning Building Masters by coursework and research report: Master of Architecture (Prof) Master of Science (Building) in the fields of: Project Management Property Development Master of Urban Design Master of Science (Development Planning) Master of Architecture (Sustainable Energy Efficient Cities) Master of Science (Town and Regional Planning) (Urban Studies) Master of the Built Environment Masters by dissertation: Master of Architecture Master of Science in Quanity Surveying Master of Science in Town and Regional Planning Master of Science in Building Bachelor of Architectural Studies with Honours Bachelor of Science with Honours in Urban and Regional Planning Bachelor of Science with Honours in Construction Management Bachelor of Science with Honours in Quantity Surveying Postgraduate Diploma in Property Development and Management EX000 CH016 CH017 CR000/ CC001 FD000 CC011 CX001 CX002 LR000/ LC002 FC002 FC005 FC008 FC009 FC001 FC004 FC010 LX003 FR000 FR001 FR002 FR003 FH000 FH001 FH002 FH003 FX000 BC000 BR006/ BC001 FACULTy OF HEALTH SCiENCES MD000 Doctor of Philosophy in the fields of: Anaesthesia Anatomical Pathology Anatomical Sciences Chemical Pathology Clin Micro & Infect Diseases Community Dentistry Community Health Conservative Dentistry Experimental Odontology Family MedicineForensic Medicine Haem & Molecular Medicine Human Genetics Immunology Internal MedicineNeurosurgery Nursing Obstetrics & Gynaecology Occupational TherapyOral Pathology Ophthalmology Oral Medicine & Periodontology Orthodontics Orthopaedic Surgery PharmacyPaediatrics Pharmacology BX000 FACULTy OF ENgiNEERiNg & THE bUiLT ENViRONMENT ENGINEERING ED002 Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) in the fields of: Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG 8 POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS PhysiologyPhysiotherapyProsthodonticsPsychiatry Diagnostic MC006 Radiology Radiation Oncology Therapeutic Sciences Surgery MC007 Virology MR000 MR001 MR002 MR003 MR004 Master of Science in Physiotherapy by dissertation Master of Science in Occupational Therapy by dissertation Master of Science in Nursing by dissertation Master of Pharmacy by dissertation Master of Science in Dentistry in the fields of: Aesthetic Dentistry Community Dentistry Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction Implantology Endodontics Prosthodontics Maxillo Facial Radiology Oral Pathology Oral Medicine Maxillo Facial & Oral Surgery Paedodontics Master of Science in Medicine by dissertation in the fields of: Anaesthetics Anatomical Pathology Anatomical Sciences Chemical Pathology Clin Micro & Infect Diseases Community Health Family Medicine Forensic Medicine Haem & Molecular Medicine Human Genetics Immunology Internal Medicine Neuro Surgery Nursing Obstetrics & Gynaecology Occupational Therapy Oral Pathology Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Pharmacy Paediatrics Pharmacology Physiology Physiotherapy Psychiatry Diagnostic Radiology Radiation Oncology Therapeutic Sciences Surgery Virology MC000 Master of Medicine in the speciality of: Anaesthesia Anaesthesia Critical CareCardio-Thoracic Surgery Internal MedicineInternal Medicine Cardiology Int Medicine Gastroenterology Internal Medicine Geriatrics Endcrinology & Metabolism Int Medicine Medical Genetics Int Medicine Medical Oncology Int Medicine Nephrology Int Medicine Pulmonology MC010 Int Medicine Rheumatology Int Medicine Critical Care Emergency Medicine Neuro Surgery Nuclear Medicine Obstetrics & Gynae Obs & Gynae Medical Genetics Ophthalmology Orthopaedic Surgery Otorhinolaryngology Paediatrics Paediatric Cardio Paediatric Medical Genetics Paediatric Medical Oncology Paediatric Neonatology Paediatric MH000 Nephrology Paediatric Critical Care Paediatric Neurology Developmental Paediatrics Paediatric Endocrinology Paediatric Pulmonology Clinical Pathology Anatomical Pathology Chemical Pathology Haematology Microbiology Plastic & Reconstruct Surgery Psychiatry Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Surgery Surgery & Trauma Surgical Critical Care MX000 Surgical Gastroenterology Vascular Surgery Paediatric Surgery Urology Diagnostic Radiology Radiation Oncology Community Health Dermatology Neurology Virology Medical Genetics Family Medicine Forensic Pathology Community Health in Public Health Medicine Community Health Occupational Medicine Forensic Pathology Master of Family Medicine Master of Dentistry in the fields of: Max-Facial & Oral Surgery Orthodontics Periodontics & Oral Medicine Prosthodontics Oral Pathology Max-Facial & Oral Radiology Community Dentistry Master of Science in Physiotherapy by coursework and research report Master of Science in Occupational Therapy by coursework and research report Master of Science in Nursing by coursework and research report MC008 MR005 MC009 Master of Pharmacy by coursework and research report Master of Science in Dentistry by coursework and research report in the fields of: Aesthetic Dentistry Community Dentistry Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction Implantology Endodontics Prosthodontics Maxillo-Facial Radiology Oral Pathology Oral Medicine Maxillo-Facial & Oral Surgery Paedodontics Master of Science in Medicine by coursework and research report in the fields of: Applied Physiology Bioethics and Health Law Child Health Comm Paediatrics Child Health Neurodevelopment Epidemiology and Biostatistics Forensic Pathology Genetic Counselling Haematology Immunology Medical Microbiology Nuclear Medicine Pharmaceutical Affairs Pharmacotherapy Popln Based Field Epidemiology Tropical Diseases Virology Sports Science Bio & Cntrl of Afr Dis Vectors Biokinetics Sports Medicine Emergency Medicine Master of Public Health in the fields of: Health Measurement Health Policy and Management Envr and Occupational Health Primary Health Care Management Community Rehabilitation Occupational Hygiene Communicable Diseases Gender and Health Sexual and Reproductive Rights & Health Maternal and Child Health Health Management Demography and Popln Studies Disaster Management Hospital Management Health Promotion Rural Health Health Systems and Policy Social & Behaviour Change Communication Master of Science in Epidemiology by coursework and research report in the fields of: Biostatistics and Epidemiology Population Based Field Epidemiology Infectious Disease Epidemiology Bachelor of Health Sciences with Honours in the fields of: Biokinetics Physiology Pharmacology Human Biology Medical Cell Biology Human Genetics Molecular Medicine & Medical Biochemistry Forensic Sciences Diploma in Public Health in the fields of: Health Measurement Health Policy & Management Env & Occ Health Primary Health Care Management Community Rehabilitation Occupational Hygiene Communicable Diseases Gender and Health Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health Maternal & Child Health Health Management Demography & Population Studies Disaster Management Hospital Management Health Promotion Health Systems and Policy Social and Behavioural Change Communication Rural Health MC001 MC002 MX001 MC003 MC004 MC005 Diploma in Advanced Nursing in the fields of: Intensive Care Nursing Child Nursing Operating Theatre Nursing Trauma & Emergency Nursing Nephrology Nursing Oncology & Pall Care Orthopaedic Nursing Ophthalmic Nursing Psychiatric Nursing Midwifery Gerontology UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 9 Nursing Community Health Nursing Occupational Health Nursing Nursing Education Nursing Management Infection Control Genetic Nursing Forensic Nursing MX002 Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health in the fields of: Community Paediatrics Neurodevelopment Diploma in Occupational Health Diploma in Advanced Occupational Therapy Diploma in Advanced Physiotherapy Diploma in Health Service Management Advanced Diploma in Applied Physiology Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene AX002 AX003 AX004 AX005 AX006 AX007 AX008 Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Diploma in Speech and Hearing Therapy (Community Work) Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting University Diploma in Interpreting and Translation Advanced Diploma in Fine Arts Postgraduate Diploma in Rock Art Studies Licentiate in Music MX003 MX004 MX005 MX006 MX007 MX008 EDUCATiON HD001 HR000 HR001 HR002 HC000 HC001 HC002 Doctor of Philosophy Master of Education by dissertation Master of Education in Educational Psychology by dissertation Master of Education in School Counselling by dissertation Master of Education by coursework and research report Master of Education in Educational Psychology by coursework and research report Master of Education in School Counselling by coursework and research report Bachelor of Education with Honours Bachelor of Education with Honours in Educational Psychology Bachelor of Education with Honours in Adult Education Postgraduate Certificate in Education Postgraduate Diploma in Education Higher Diploma in Education (Postgraduate) Higher Diploma in Education (Postgraduate) (Senior Primary) University Education Diploma (Postgraduate) FACULTy OF HUMANiTiES ARTS, HUMANiTiES AND SOCiAL SCiENCES AD002 AR000 AR002 AR003 AR004 AR005 AR006 AR007 AR008 AR009 AR010 AR011 AR012 AR013 AC000 AC001 AC002 AC003 AC004 AC005 AC006 AC007 AC008 AC009 AC010 AC011 AC012 AC013 Doctor of Philosophy Master of Arts by dissertation Master of Arts in Audiology by disseration Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology by dissertation Master of Arts in Community-based Counselling Psychology by disseration Master of Arts in Social Work by dissertation Master of Arts in Speech Pathology by dissertation Master of Arts in Translation by dissertation Master of Arts in Dramatic Art by dissertation Master of Arts in Fine Arts by dissertation Master of Arts in Heritage by dissertation Master of Music by dissertation Master of Arts in Rock Art Studies by dissertation Master of Arts in Housing by dissertation Master of Arts by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Audiology by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Community-based Counselling Psychology by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Social Work by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Speech Pathology by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Translation by coursework and research report Master of Arts by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Fine Arts by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Heritage by coursework and research report Master of Music by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Rock Art Studies by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Housing by coursework and research report Master of Arts in Neuropsychology by coursework and research report Bachelor of Arts with Honours Bachelor of Arts with Joint Honours Bachelor of Arts with Honours Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Advanced Diploma in Arts HH000 HH001 HH002 HX000 HX001 HX002 HX003 HX004 FACULTy OF SCiENCE SD000 Doctor of Philosophy in the fields of: Animal Plant and Environmental Sciences Chemistry Computational and Applied Mathematics Computer Science Bioinformatics Archaeology Geography and Environmental Studies Geology Geophysics Palaeontology Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Physics Statistics and Actuarial Science Science Education Master of Science by dissertation in the fields of: Animal Plant and Environmental Sciences Chemistry Computational and Applied Mathematics Computer Science Bioinformatics Archaeology Geography and Environmental Studies Geology Geophysics Palaeontology Mathematics Molecular and Cell Biology Physics Statistics and Actuarial Science Science Education Master of Science by coursework and research report in the fields of: Environmental Sciences Resource Conservation Biology Archaeology of Pre-Colonial Food-Producing Societies Palaeoarchaeology Rock Art Studies Geography and Environmental Studies Biotechnology Radiation Protection Physics Engineering and Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors Materials Science Actuarial Science Mathematical Statistics Science Education SR000 SC000 AH000 AH001 AH002 AX000 AX001 UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG 10 SH000/ SH001 POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS Bachelor of Science Honours Bachelor of Science Honours (double major) in the fields of: Actuarial Science Advanced Computing Systems and Information Technologies Advanced Mathematics of Finance Applied Mathematics Applied Psychology Archaeology Biochemistry and Cell Biology Bioinformatics Chemistry Computer Science Ecology Environment and Conservation Exploration and Mining Geology Genetics and Developmental Biology Geochemistry Geography Geology Geophysics Industrial Psychology Mathematical Statistics Mathematics Microbiology and Biotechnology Operations Research Palaeontology Palaeontology and Geology Physics Plant Sciences Psychology Science Education Zoology Postgraduate Diploma in Science in the fields of: Environmental Sciences Resource Conservation Biology Archaeology of Pre-Colonial Food-Producing Societies Palaeoarchaeology Rock Art Studies Geography and Environmental Studies Biotechnology Radiation Protection Physics, Engineering and Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors Materials Science Actuarial Science Mathematical Statistics Science Education • • • the University and certificates of conduct. A student requiring a transcript of his/her academic record should complete a request form at the Faculty office, giving details of his/her registration at the University and student number. A transcript is normally available within a few days. A small fee is payable. A student who requires the Faculty office to post transcripts direct to other universities or institutions overseas is liable for the cost of postage. Copies of examination results, where applicable. All examination results are posted on the internet after publication. Results may not be given out over the telephone. Copies of rules, curricula and syllabuses. Certificates stating that a student has fulfilled all the requirements for a degree (prior to graduation). SX001 FiNANCiAL AiD AND SCHOLARSHiPS GENERAL INFORMATION All enquiries for admission to the University as a postgraduate student should be directed to the Student Enrolment Centre. There are five Faculties at the University, namely: Commerce, Law and Management; Engineering and the Built Environment; Health Sciences; Humanities and Science. Applicants accepted for the degrees of master (by research work) and doctorate will be given a booklet containing information on the general regulations and rules pertaining to higher degrees. A booklet recommending the style and format to be followed when presenting a thesis, dissertation or other work is also available from the Faculty office at a nominal cost, depending on the Faculty. THE ADMiSSiON SySTEM A graduate student registered for full-time study may be eligible for a postgraduate merit award or a postgraduate financial aid package consisting of part bursary part loan. Application forms for a postgraduate merit award or a postgraduate financial aid package may be obtained from the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office and must be returned to that Office by 31 August in the year prior to intended registration. Other bursaries/scholarships are also available. Note that a University postgraduate merit award or postgraduate financial aid package alone is not sufficient to cover all the costs of a student’s living expenses and heads of academic schools should be approached to discuss alternative sources of funding. Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, Ground Floor, Senate House, University of the Witwatersrand. Telephone: +27 11 717 1075/1076 Website: FEES Please complete the application form (pages 1 to 6). Some faculties require additional information – please c o m p l e t e this form if enclosed. It should be noted that no more than three choices of degree and/or diploma are permitted. All forms and any additional documentation required by the University must be returned to the Student Enrolment Centre. An applicant must pay a non-refundable application fee of R200, preferably by bank guaranteed cheque made out to the University of the Witwatersrand. FACULTy OFFiCES An up-to-date extract from the Fees Schedule will be provided when you register. This will give details of the current fees payable and the dates of payment. Note that there is usually an annual increase in fees. International students must pay their fees in full before registration. An estimate of the fees can be obtained prior to registration. There may also be a number of miscellaneous fees and charges payable (for example, the fee for admission to status should you be a graduate from another university). Note, too, that if cancelling registration, a penalty may be incurred if the correct procedures are not followed. ACCOMMODATiON The Faculty office is responsible for the administrative aspects of each faculty. One of the main functions of the Faculty office is to advise students, particularly with respect to the interpretation of rules and concessions in terms of the rules. In addition, the following documents may be obtained from the Faculty office: • Certificates of registration, for financial aid, medical aid or tax purposes, etc. • Academic record ie transcript of courses completed at Places in University accommodation are limited. Applicants over the age of 25 years are not normally accommodated in catering residences. Accommodation in self-catering residences is normally restricted to undergraduate and Honours students under the age of 35 years, and Masters and Doctoral students under the age of 40. Married quarters are not availiable. Postgraduate applicants wishing to apply for accommodation in a University residence with effect from the beginning of the academic year (ie January/February) must submit their formal residence application on the prescribed application form by 31 October of the previous year. Unfortunately late applications cannot be accepted. UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 11 Accommodation is generally only available for the January intakes. If you require Accommodation commencing at any other time during the year, please contact the Central Accommodation Office for information relating to availability. Part-time and occasional students are not eligible for University accommodation. The Central Accommodation Office may be contacted for information regarding alternative accommodation near the University. Telephone: +27 11 717 9172/9173/9174. Fax: +27 11 339 8213 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: CLOSiNg DATES B. South African Universities* If you are or have been registered as a student at another South African university you should: • request the university concerned to send a full transcript of your academic record to the Student Enrolment Centre, as well as to the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office; attach certified copies of all your degree certificates to your application form; send to the Student Enrolment Centre, a certificate of conduct and, where applicable, a copy of the published results for the current year as soon as the results are available. Any such documentation must bear the stamp of the Registrar and the signature of an authorised member of staff of that university. • • • • • Applications for most higher degrees by research may be lodged at any time during the year and candidature may commence at any of the four registration periods during the year. There are exceptions, however, and applicants are advised to check with the Student Enrolment Centre. For coursework degrees candidates may only register in January or July in most cases. However applicants are advised to check with the Student Enrolment Centre. For international applicants the closing date for applications may be even earlier and applicants are advised to check with the Student Enrolment Centre. C. Foreign Universities* If you have been or are at present a registered student at a university or similar institution outside the Republic of South Africa, you must: • attach certified copies of all your degree certificates to your application form and request the university or institution concerned to send a full transcript of your academic record to the Student Enrolment Centre, as well as the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office; include all details of courses undertaken and the marks obtained. ADMiSSiON REqUiREMENTS Admission requirements vary considerably and you are advised to consult the Student Enrolment Centre or Faculty information booklet for current requirements. Submission of academic record A. Wits University Applicants who are or have been registered students at this University are not required to submit a copy of their Wits academic record. In the case of other applicants the following applies: • You are also advised that after receipt of the initial application, you may be asked to submit full details of the syllabuses of previous degrees to assist with the evaluation of the application. Documentation not in English must be accompanied by an original sworn translation, signed by a Notary Public. Academic transcripts must be original copies. Degree/diploma UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG POSTGRADUATE APPLICANTS 12 certificates may be original documents or copies certified by a Commissioner of Oaths. Your foreign degrees have to be evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in Pretoria. SAQA contact telephone numbers are +27 12 431 5000 Helpdesk 0860 10 31 88 Fax +27 12431 5039 Email:
[email protected] Website:
[email protected] Or post to: Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, Waterkloof, 0145, South Africa. *In the case of both B and C above, details concerning the length of study involved must be submitted. iNTERNATiONAL APPLiCANTS gENERAL ADMiSSiON PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATiON REqUiRED gENERAL REgULATiONS Attention is drawn to the fact that unless the special permission of the Senate is obtained, no person may be registered as a student of this University while he/she is registered as a student of another university. The special permission of Senate is also required to register in the same academic year for more than one degree or diploma in the same faculty. In addition, no person may register in the same academic year as a student in more than one faculty unless the written authority of the Deans concerned is obtained. For payment of the application fee use the following banking details: Standard Bank; Braamfontein branch; branch code: 004805; account number: 200 346 385 For EFT’s use REFERENCE NUMBER initials and surname If you are in South Africa, payment can also Fees Office at Wits University. be made at the The University has an International Office which offers assistance to international applicants and helps them with the procedures they need to follow. In order to register for full time study at the University, international students are required to have the following: • • • • • be in possession of a fully paid South African administered medical aid be in possession of a valid study permit pay tuition fees in full pay accommodation fees in full in advance (if residing in University accommodation) pay an international administration fee For further information relating to part-time study, studying on block release or studying outside SA please contact the International Office. Residence accommodation is available for international students in International House but as well as the newly opened Wits Junction complex situated in Parktown. Telephone: +27 11 717 1054 Fax: +27 11 717 1059 E-mail: