Partial purification and immobilization of a new (R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from seeds of Prunus pseudoarmeniaca

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Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (2010) 161–165 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com Partial w seeds o S. Seyhan kin University of C a r t i c l Article history: Received 18 Ja Received in re Accepted 6 Ma Available onlin Keywords: Hydroxynitrile Immobilizatio Eupergit (R)-Mandelon s of zed o pergit deter zed H 0 L, e con layed trile ( nd ca 1. Introduction Hydroxynitrile lyases (HNLs; EC 4.1.2.x) are a group of enzymes (mainly plant enzymes) that in vivo promote the reversible cleav- age of cyan (or ketone) cyanogenes herbivores of HNLs as powerful in cyanohydri cally active for preparin veterinary p of hydroxyn enzymatic r tion can be factor in the Recently synthesis o independen regioselecti ∗ Correspon E-mail add (D. Yildirim), a (Ö. Alptekin), g under mild conditions and generate less waste than conventional organic synthesis. However, lack of the operational stability and high price of enzymes aremain problem in commercial production. On the other hand, enzyme immobilization techniques generally 1381-1177/$ – doi:10.1016/j. ohydrins into hydrocyanic acid (HCN) and aldehyde . The release of HCN by the plant – a process called is – presumably serves as a defense mechanism against and microbial attack [1]. Despite the natural function metabolic enzymes-cleavage of C–C bond – they are vitro catalysts for the preparation of optically active ns (hydroxynitriles) – a carboligation process. Opti- (chiral) cyanohydrins are important building blocks g the fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, roducts, vitamins and food additives. The preparation itriles with high optical purity necessitates a very fast eaction to ensure that the rate of the spontaneous reac- neglected and the enzymatic reaction is the dominant formation of hydroxynitrile (Fig. 1). , HNLs have become a highly appealing tool in the f chiral cyanohydrins, because they are cofactor- t enzymes, usually show high enantio-, chemo- and vities, have wide range of substrates specifities, work ding author. Tel.: +90 322 3386081/26; fax: +90 322 3386070. resses: [email protected] (S.S. Tükel), [email protected] [email protected] (D. Alagöz), [email protected] [email protected] (G. Yücebilgic¸), [email protected] (R. Bilgin). offer several advantages for industrial and biotechnological appli- cations, including repeated use, ease of separation of reaction products from the biocatalyst, improvement of enzyme stability, continuous operation in a packed-bed reactor and the alteration of the properties of the enzyme. Eupergit supports were used by many researchers as carriers for immobilization of various enzymes. It was reported that these carriers were very stable and had good chemical and mechan- ical properties (simple immobilization procedure, high binding capacity, low water uptake, high flow rate in column proce- dures, excellent performance in stirred bath reactors, etc.) [2–4]. Eupergits were made by copolymerization of N,N-methylene- bis-methacrylamide, glycidyl methacrylate, allyl glycidyl ether and methacrylamide. Both Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L are microporous, epoxy-activated acrylic beads with a diameter of 100–250�m. They differ in the content of oxirane groups and in their porosity. While Eupergit C has an average pore size of r=10nm and an oxirane density of 600�mol/g dry beads, Eupergit C 250 L has larger pores (r=100nm) and a lower oxirane density (300�mol/g dry beads) [3]. Because of their structure, Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L are stable, both chemically and mechanically, over a pH range from 0 to 14, and do not swell or shrink even upon drastic pH changes in this range. Thus, they have been described as a suitable carriers for enzymes in enzyme immobilization [2–6]. In see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. molcatb.2010.05.001 purification and immobilization of a ne f Prunus pseudoarmeniaca Tükel, Deniz Yildirim ∗, Dilek Alagöz, Özlem Alpte ukurova, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 01330 Adana, Turkey e i n f o nuary 2010 vised form 30 April 2010 y 2010 e 13 May 2010 lyase n itrile a b s t r a c t Hydroxynitrile lyase (HNL) from seed fractionation and covalently immobili protein per gram of Eupergit C and Eu respectively.Km andVmax valueswere and 0.87U/mg prot. for the immobili immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 25 (t1/2) and the thermal inactivation rat 25 and 50 ◦C, immobilized HNLs disp immobilized HNLs for (R)-mandeloni of immobilized HNLs for both lyase a reactors. / locate /molcatb (R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from , Güzide Yücebilgic¸, Ramazan Bilgin Prunus pseudoarmeniaca was partially purified by (NH4)2SO4 nto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L. The percentages of bound C 250 L were about 81 and 98 of the initial amount of protein, mined 2.23mMand 0.54U/mgprot. for the freeHNL, 1.60mM NL onto Eupergit C and 1.03mM and 0.35U/mg prot. for the respectively at optimized reaction conditions. The half lives stants (ki) of free and immobilized HNLs were determined at higher thermal stability. Carboligation activities of free and R-MN) synthesis were also determined. Besides, reusabilities rboligation activities were investigated by using batch type © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 162 S.S. Tükel et al. / Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (2010) 161–165 Fig. 1. Genera reaction. this study, w terization o immobiliza we investig and immob 2. Materia 2.1. Materi Ripened from C¸uku and Euperg zaldehyde, tert-buthyl dride, bovi solvents we 2.2. Method 2.2.1. Partia Ripened of its were a hammer were homo prechilled W was filtered tone. After repeated un wasdried o use [7]. In o suspended and then st 10,000 rpm enzyme ext fractionated 13,000 rpm solved in m dialyzed ov and the sol protein con of Bradford 2.2.2. Immo The imm Mateo et al mixed with phosphate buffer (pH7.0). The reactionwas allowed to continue for 24h at 25 ◦C. Themixturewas shakengently during immobilization period in a shakenwater bath. After that, the resulting immobilized HNL was washed extensively with distilled water until no protein tect f the BSA nzym det imm Lyase . Lya ined dehy , pH ilize actio sol 10m luted ance n co o co +0.0 bu ance L act y (U Vt a e vo iency n tim . Effe ivitie in 50 d ph . Effe f bu NLp ns at . Effe ratur ◦C at d im l synthesis of cyanohydrins: 1, enzymatic reaction; 2, spontaneous e attempted the isolation, partial purification, charac- f HNL from seeds of Prunus pseudoarmeniaca and then tion of HNL onto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L. Also, ated the synthesis of (R)-mandelonitrile by using free ilized HNL preparations. ls and methods als P. pseudoarmeniaca fruits (awildapricot)wereobtained rova University, Agricultural Department. Eupergit C it C 250 L, racemic mandelonitrile (rac-MN), ben- sodium cyanide (NaCN), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), methylether (TBME), acetone, pyridine, acetic anhy- ne serum albumin (BSA) and all other reagents and re purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). s l purification of HNL wild apricot fruits were taken and the fleshy covers removed. The upper layer of seeds was cracked with to obtain soft kernel inside. About 200g of kernels genized in 200mL of cold acetone (−20 ◦C) by using a aring blender for 2min at maximum speed. The slurry and the residue was extracted with 200mL of cold ace- discarding the solvent each time this procedure was til a white powder was obtained. The resulting powder vernight at room temperature and stored at−20 ◦Cuntil rder to obtain enzyme extract, 5 g of the powder was in 50mL of prechilled 50mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.2) was de tents o al. [9]. lized e protein used in 2.2.3. determ benzal (50mM immob The re rac-MN end of was di absorb solutio Tw buffer acetate absorb HN Activit where enzym coeffic reactio the act mined 6.0) an effect o lizedH solutio tempe 15–50 free an irred for 1h at 4 ◦C. The suspension was centrifuged at for 15min at 4 ◦C. After that, the supernatant as crude ract was fractionated with (NH4)2SO4. The precipitate at 40% saturation was collected by centrifugation at for 20min at 4 ◦C. The resulting precipitate was dis- inimum volume of 50mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.2), ernight against an excess volume of the same buffer ution was stored at 4 ◦C and used as HNL solution. The tents of the solutions were determined by the method [8]. BSA was used as a standard protein. bilization of HNL obilization procedure has been described earlier by . [6]. Briefly, 1 g of Eupergit C or Eupergit C 250 L was 9mL of HNL solution (1mg prot./mL) prepared in 1M Kin activity wa ing from0.5 and Km valu double reci The the therma were incub 4, 8 and 15 described in Ope Operationa ed in the filtrate, then stored at 5 ◦C. The protein con- solutions were determined by the method of Lowry et was used as a standard protein. The amount of immobi- e protein was estimated by subtracting the amount of ermined in the filtrate from the total amount of protein obilization procedure. activity of HNL se activity assay of HNL. Lyase activity of HNL was spectrophotometrically by measuring the amount of de from rac-MN. Briefly, 2.85mL of acetate buffer 6.0) and 0.1mL of 1mg/mL free enzyme or 10mg d HNL were incubated at room temperature for 2min. n was started by the addition of 0.05mL of 30mM ution as substrate prepared in 95% of ethanol. At the in, 0.5mL of aliquots taken from the reaction mixture to 3mL with 50mM acetate buffer (pH 4.0) and its at 250nm was measured immediately against blank ntaining 3mL of 50mM acetate buffer (ODe). ntrols were run in parallel one 2.95mL acetate 5mL substrate solution (ODb) and another 2.90mL ffer +0.10mL enzyme solution (ODp) and their s were measured at 250nm described above. ivity was calculated from the equation, /ml) = �OD ε × t × Vt Ve �OD = ODe − (ODb + ODp) nd Ve are total volume of the reaction solution and lume used in the reaction, respectively. ε is absorption of benzaldehyde (18,777M−1 cm−1) at 250nm, t is the e (min). ct of pH onto lyase activity of HNL. The effect of pH on s of free and immobilized HNL preparations was deter- mM acetate buffer (pH 5.0 and 5.5), citrate buffer (pH osphate buffer (pH 6.5 and 7.0). ct of buffer concentration onto lyase activity of HNL. The ffer concentration on the activities of free and immobi- reparationswas studied in 25, 50, 75 and 100mMbuffer predetermined optimum pH. ct of temperature onto lyase activity of HNL. The effect of e on enzyme activity was investigated in the range of their optimum pH and buffer concentrations for both mobilized HNLs. etic parameters for lyase activity of HNL. The enzyme s measured at different substrate concentrations rang- to 5.0mMat predetermined optimumconditions. Vmax es of free and immobilized HNLs were calculated from procal plot of Lineweaver–Burk. rmal stability for lyase activity of HNL. To investigate l stabilities of free and immobilized HNLs, HNL samples ated at 25 and 50 ◦C for different incubation times (1, 2, h) and then their residual activities were measured as Section rational stability of immobilizedHNL for the lyase activity. l stability of each immobilized HNL was investigated by S.S. Tükel et al. / Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (2010) 161–165 163 Fig. 2. The effect of pH on the lyase activities of free and immobilized HNLs. using a batch type column reactor (1.1×5 cm). Twenty-five mil- ligrams of immobilized HNL sample was loaded into the column reactor and 3mL substrate solution was added. The reaction solu- tion was allowed to continue for 10min. The reaction solution was then immediately separated from the immobilized HNL sample and the am method as d immobilize 2.2.4. Carbo Ena hundred m were mixed of 1.0M be tion was st TBME prepa a shaker for was agitate of samples solution co 10mL CH2C dred microl with mobil by HPLC eq chiral colum nium acetat 0.250mL/m by carrying enzyme. Effe pH on the Fig. 3. The eff lized HNLs. Fig. 4. The ef HNLs. was determ (4.0–6.0) at . Effe gate d im mM . Ope tivity e act ampl ions. ults his s eniac H4)2 The Eup initi iliza effe NLs ataly ined NLs s 6.0 red a e res of a vious studies, the optimum pH values for free HNLs isolated ther Prunus species were reported in the range of 5.0–7.0 ount of benzaldehyde produced was determined by the escribed before. The same experiment using the same d HNL sample was repeated 20 times in every 10min. ligation activity of HNL ntioselective synthesis of mandelonitrile by HNL. Two icroliters of free HNL or 50mg of immobilized HNLs with 600�L of 400mM citrate buffer (pH 4.0), 100�L nzaldehyde in DMSO and 1.0mL of TBME. The reac- arted by the addition of 200�L 1.0M HCN solution in red according to Bhunya et al. [10] and performed on 24h at 5 ◦C. During the reaction, the reaction mixture d at 100 rpm. After completion of the reaction, 100�L were withdrawn and diluted to 0.5mL with acylation ntaining 25�L pyridine and 25�L acetic anhydride in l2 and then was heated at 50 ◦C for 30min. A hun- iters of samples were withdrawn and diluted to 0.5mL e phase. The yield and ee of samples were analyzed uipped with a UV detector and ORPak CDC 453-HQ n (4.6×150mm) at 220nm. Mobile phase was ammo- e buffer:acetonitrile (60:40, v/v; pH 4.0), flow rate was in. The spontaneous reaction rate was also determined out the reaction under identical conditions without ct of pH onto carboligation activity of HNL. The effect of carboligation activities of free and immobilized HNLs investi free an in 400 tion ac of lyas HNL s condit 3. Res In t doarm 40% (N ports. C and of the immob The lized H base-c determ lized H value a measu and th tration the pre from o ect of buffer concentration on the lyase activities of free and immobi- [11–14]. Lyase ac at 15–50 ◦C tions were d showed sim about 57% o HNLs onto E and82%of t erature, the HNL [15] an 40 ◦C by usi The kin buffer, pH 6 fect of temperature on the lyase activities of free and immobilized ined in 400mM citrate buffer at different pH values 5 ◦C. ct of temperature onto carboligation activity of HNL. To the optimum temperature, carboligation activities of mobilized HNLs were measured in the range of 5–20 ◦C citrate buffer (pH 4.0). rational stability of immobilized HNL for the carboliga- . Operational stabilities of immobilized HNLs in terms ivity were determined by using the same immobilized e by 10 successive 24h reactions in standard assay and discussions tudy, HNL was partially purified from seeds of P. pseu- a. HNL was obtained as 4.4-fold purity extract after SO4 precipitation and immobilized onto Eupergit sup- amounts of bound protein onto per gram of Eupergit ergit C 250 L were determined as 7.3 and 8.8mg al total amount of protein (9mg), respectively after tion. ct of pH on the lyase activity of free and immobi- was studied in the pH range of 5.0–7.0 because of the zed decomposition of MN, pH dependence was only below pH 7.5. As shown in Fig. 2, free and immobi- both showed their maximum activities at the same pH . Lyase activities of free and immobilized HNLs were t buffer concentration range of 25–100mM at pH 6.0 ults were shown in Fig. 3. The optimum buffer concen- ll enzyme preparations were determined as 50mM. In tivities of free and immobilized HNLs were measured . The optimum temperature of all enzyme prepara- etermined as 25 ◦C (Fig. 4). Free and immobilized HNLs ilar behaviour at 15–40 ◦C. However, free HNL retained f its maximum activity at 50 ◦C whereas immobilized upergit C and Eupergit C 250 L were retained about 75 heirmaximumactivities, respectively at 50 ◦C. In the lit- optimum temperature for Eriobotrya japonica (loquat) d Phlebodium aureum HNL [14] were both reported as ng acetone cyanohydrin as substrate. etic parameters were determined in 50mM citrate .0 at 25 ◦C for all enzyme preparations. The maximum 164 S.S. Tükel et al. / Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (2010) 161–165 Table 1 Effect of pH onto carboligation activity. pH 4.0 pH 5.0 pH 6.0 Yield (%) ee (%) Yield (%) ee (%) Yield (%) ee (%) Free HNL 100 99 63 90 30 80 Immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 100 99 74 90 32 80 Immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 250 L 100 99 72 90 25 80 Table 2 Effect of temperature onto carboligation activity. 5 ◦C 10 ◦C 20 ◦C Yield (%) ee (%) Yield (%) ee (%) Yield (%) ee (%) Free HNL 100 99 96 99 74 99 Immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 100 99 89 99 87 99 Immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 250 L 100 99 85 99 83 99 activity of free HNL was determined as 0.54U/mg prot. and maxi- mumactivities of immobilizedHNLs onto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250Lweredeterminedas0.87and0.35U/mgprot., respectively.Km values were found as 2.23, 1.60 and 1.03mM for free HNL, immobi- lizedHNLontoEupergitCand immobilizedHNLontoEupergitC250 L, respectively. In the previous studies, the Km values of different purity HNLs were reported as 0.172mM (for Prunus serotina seeds), 0.290mM (for Prunus dilcus seeds), 0.790mM (for Sorghum bicolor seeds) and 0.093mM (for Prunus lyonii seeds) for mandelonitrile [12,13]. The thermal stability of enzymes is very important parameter in industrial process. It is often observed that immobilized enzyme has higher thermal stability than the corresponding free enzyme because of the reduction of conformational flexibility in the immo- Fig. 5. Th bilized enzyme. The half lives (t1/2) of free HNL at 25 and 50 ◦Cwere 49.9 and 30.5h, respectively and these correspondingly were 96.3 and 43.6h f for immobi tion rate co and 2.3×1 1.6×10−2 h and; as 5.0× HNL onto E stabilities o of the free of immobil pared to th covalent at molecule an The reus important ity could m their free f ctivi in F es an ies. carb alua yde a entifi ith t on ti pH p HNL Fig. 6. The op Eupergit C 250 e operational stabilities of immobilized HNLs for lyase activity. lyase a shown 20 tim activit The also ev zaldeh was id MN w retenti tively. The bilized erational stabilities of immobilized HNLs for carboligation activity (×): yield %, (�): ee L. or immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C; 138.6 and 50.2h lized HNL onto Eupergit C 250 L. The thermal inactiva- nstants (ki) at 25 and 50 ◦Cwere calculated as 1.4×10−2 0−2 h−1, respectively for free HNL; as 7.2×10−3 and −1, respectively for immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C 10−3 and 1.4×10−2 h−1, respectively for immobilized upergit C 250 L. These results showed that the thermal f immobilized HNLs were comparably higher than that HNL at both temperatures. The high thermal stabilities ized HNLs onto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L as com- at of free HNL may suggest the formation of multipoint tachments between a high proportion of the enzyme d Eupergit supports. e numbers of immobilized enzymes are one of the most aspects for industrial application. An increased stabil- ake the immobilized enzymes more advantageous than orm. Operational stabilities of immobilized HNLs for ty were determined in batch type column reactor. As ig. 5, both of immobilized HNLs were used repeatedly d the residual activities were about 97% of their initial oligation activities of free and immobilized HNLs were ted for (R)-mandelonitrile (R-MN) synthesis from ben- nd HCN. The optical configuration of synthesized R-MN ed by comparing the retention time of synthesized R- hat of the optically active standard compounds. The mes of S-MN and R-MN were 4.82 and 6.22min, respec- rofiles of the carboligation activities of free and immo- swere investigatedatdifferentpHsand the resultswere %. (a) Immobilized HNL onto Eupergit C. (b) Immobilized HNL onto S.S. Tükel et al. / Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (2010) 161–165 165 given in Table 1. The maximum yield and ee% were determined at pH 4.0 for all HNL preparations. It was found that increasing the pH value above 4.0, the yield and ee were dramatically decreased due to the spontaneous chemical decomposition of the product. As shown from Table 2, all HNL preparations showed optimal carboligation activity at 5 ◦C. As the temperature was increased from 5 to 20 ◦C the yields decreased however ee values (99%) unchanged. In the literature, Nanda et al. [16] investigated the enantioselective synthesis of cyanohydrins using partially puri- fied free HNL from Prunus mume and the yield and ee of R-MN were determined as 65 and 95%, respectively. Ueatrongchit et al. [17] reported that the optimum temperature was 10 ◦C for R-MN synthesis by using Passiflora edulis HNL, increasing temper- ature accelerated the nonenzymatic reaction, leading to low ee of product. The operational stabilities of immobilized HNLs in terms of carboligation activity were investigated and the results were presented in Fig. 6. The residual activities of HNLs immobilized onto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L in the 10th batch were 96 and 90% of the initial batch, respec- tively and both of immobilized HNLs showed 99% ee after 10 batches. 4. Conclusions The present study demonstrates that (a) The P. pseudoarmeniaca is a good source of HNL and P. pseu- doarmeniaca HNL is very powerful tool in the synthesis of (R)-mandelonitrile. (b) Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L are suitable carriers for HNL immobilization. The thermal stability and reusability of HNL were improved upon immobilization onto Eupergit C and Eupergit C 250 L. 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Partial purification and immobilization of a new (R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from seeds of Prunus pseudoarmeniaca Introduction Materials and methods Materials Methods Partial purification of HNL Immobilization of HNL Lyase activity of HNL Lyase activity assay of HNL Effect of pH onto lyase activity of HNL Effect of buffer concentration onto lyase activity of HNL Effect of temperature onto lyase activity of HNL Kinetic parameters for lyase activity of HNL Thermal stability for lyase activity of HNL Operational stability of immobilized HNL for the lyase activity Carboligation activity of HNL Enantioselective synthesis of mandelonitrile by HNL Effect of pH onto carboligation activity of HNL Effect of temperature onto carboligation activity of HNL Operational stability of immobilized HNL for the carboligation activity Results and discussions Conclusions Acknowledgement References


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