Parameters affecting the formation of perfluoroalkyl acids during wastewater treatment

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Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hazardous Materials jo ur nal ho me p ag e: www.elsev ier .com/ locate / jhazmat Parameters affecting the formation of perfluoroa wastewater treatment P. Guerra, M. Kim, L. Kinsman, T. Ng, M. Alaee, S.A. Smyth ∗ Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, Canada h i g h l • Largest PF solid sam treatment • PFAAs gen breaking d treatment. • Temperatu tion influ PFAAs. • Median log (3.68), PFN PFHxA (1.9 • Mass bala removal by loading in a r t i c l Article history: Received 7 No Received in re Accepted 7 Ma Available onlin Keywords: Perfluoroalkyl Distribution co Wastewater Sludge Biosolids ∗ Correspon L7R 4A6, Cana E-mail add (S.A. Smyth). http://dx.doi.o 0304-3894/Cr i g h t s AA dataset in liquid and ples from 5 wastewater types. erated from precursors own during wastewater re, HRT, and sludge diges- enced the formation of Kd were PFOS (3.73), PFDA A (3.25), PFOA (2.49), and 3). nce showed low PFAAs sorption and high PFAAs effluents. g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t e i n f o vember 2013 vised form 11 February 2014 rch 2014 e 19 March 2014 acids efficient a b s t r a c t This study examined the fate and behaviour of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in liquid and solid samples from five different wastewater treatment types: facultative and aerated lagoons, chemically assisted primary treatment, secondary aerobic biological treatment, and advanced biological nutrient removal treatment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest data set from a single study available in the literature to date for PFAAs monitoring study in wastewater treatment. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the predominant PFAA in wastewater with levels from 2.2 to 150 ng/L (influent) and 1.9 to 140 ng/L (effluent). Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) was the predominant compound in primary sludge, waste biological sludge, and treated biosolids with concentrations from 6.4 to 2900 ng/g dry weight (dw), 9.7 to 8200 ng/g dw, and 2.1 to 17,000 ng/g dw, respectively. PFAAs were formed during wastewater treatment and it was dependant on both process temperature and treatment type; with higher rates of formation in biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) operating at longer hydraulic retention times and higher temperatures. PFAA removal by sorption was influenced by different sorption tendencies; median log values of the solid–liquid distribution coefficient estimated from wastewater biological sludge and final effluent were: PFOS (3.73) > PFDA (3.68) > PFNA (3.25) > PFOA (2.49) > PFHxA (1.93). Mass balances confirmed the formation of PFAAs, low PFAA removal by sorption, and high PFAA levels in effluents. Crown Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ding author at: 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario da. Tel.: +1 905 336 4509; fax: +1 905 336 6420. resses: [email protected], [email protected] 1. Introduction Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are synthetic chemicals with a vari- ety of applications. They contain dual hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties that make materials both oil and water resistant [1]. This makes them useful in the production of apparel, carpets, and rg/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.03.016 own Copyright © 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. lkyl acids during P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 149 packaging products, as processing additives during fluoropolymer production, and as surfactants in consumer applications. However, they can pose a risk to the environment, having the potential to persist in the environment, to bioaccumulate, and to be toxic [2]. Many PFAA most studie orooctanoic PFOS on the Stockholm 2009, result is more wa more likely ment [3]. D the United leading glob [4]. Similarl Since PF lifespan, th thereby en studies hav tively remo in WWTP e of PFAAs in ity. Conseq in biosolids 700 ng/g dr effluents, a during was sorption to these non-d be minimal tion of PFA present in t Although effluents [7 water treat expands the which focu knowledge and/or trea environmen PFAAs, incl perfluorobu (PFHxS), pe acid (PFBA) acid (PFHxA acid (PFNA) acid (PFUnA ated in 680 The aims of trations in treatment t cally assiste treatment ( ment (AT); and (3) con study conta entific liter wastewater 2. Materia In order collected ba influent (RI were collected using Hach Sigma 900 refrigerated autosamplers (Hach Company, Loveland CO, USA). To obtain 24-h equal volume composite samples 400 mL was collected every 30 min. Primary sludge (PS) was sampled from the underflow of the primary clar- n ta he u d wa ds w s we hylen ght c h W er (Ju 9 or inve ple filter nly c n con FDA, ater stan tic a 0 mg d vor m Ny ion o AX ml o form d usi ing ges w 3%). A 300 noic rds. E met tisti ults AAs As w ), an cal s SD) o n eac d 18 once ailed le S2 a m ed in cal d RI an ater usly OA, a L, n = PFOS .0 to g/L ( s have been detected in the environment; of these the d are perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perflu- acid (PFOA). Due to the possible negative effects of environment and on human health, it was added to the Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in ing in global restrictions of its production and use. PFOA ter soluble than PFOS (3400 mg/L vs. 67 mg/L), being present at higher concentrations in the aquatic environ- ue to the potential impact of PFOA in the environment, States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and 8 al companies have agreed to eliminate its use by 2015 y, the USEPA banned the use of PFOS in 2009. AAs can be released from consumer products over their ey can be discharged into municipal wastewater and ter wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Previous e reported that wastewater treatment does not effec- ve PFAAs, presenting levels between 7.0 and 1120 ng/L ffluents from different countries [2,5,6]. Determination biosolids is more difficult due to matrix complex- uently, there is limited information on PFAA levels ; to date the highest reported level in biosolids was y weight (dw) [7]. PFAA determination in influents, nd biosolids allows the calculation of their removal tewater treatment that is primarily accomplished by sludge, especially for long-chain PFAAs [8]. Removal of egradable compounds through biodegradation could [9]. In contrast, some studies have reported the forma- As during wastewater treatment from precursors also he influent [10]. it has been shown that PFAA levels increase in treated ], the factors governing PFAA formation during waste- ment have not previously been investigated. This study scope of WWTP types beyond previous investigations, ssed on mass balances from secondary WWTPs. This is essential to evaluate current regulatory instruments tment processes in reducing PFAAs discharged to the t. In this study, the occurrence and behaviour of 13 uding PFOA, PFOS, and the perfluorinated analogues: tane sulfonic acid (PFBS), perfluorohexane sulfonic acid rfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA), perfluorobutanoic , perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA), perfluorohexanoic ), perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluorononanoic , perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), perfluoroundecanoic ), and perfluorododecanoic acid (PFDoA) were evalu- liquid and solid samples from 20 Canadian WWTPs. this investigation were to (1) determine PFAA concen- the liquid and solid streams of 5 different wastewater ypes (facultative (FL) and aerated lagoons (AL), chemi- d primary treatment (PT), secondary aerobic biological ST), and advanced biological nutrient removal treat- (2) study parameters affecting PFAA removal and fate, duct mass balances to delineate the fate of PFAAs. This ins the largest data set currently available in the sci- ature for PFAA analysis in different compartments of treatment. ls and methods to maximize data quality for this study, samples were sed on the approach presented by Ort et al. [11]. Raw ), primary effluent (PE), and final effluent (FE) samples ificatio from t biosoli biosoli sample polyet overni Eac summ in 200 in this uid sam Nylon study o solutio 13C2-P wastew rogate 3% ace and 10 ing an 0.45 � extract Oasis W with 5 0.1% of washe contain cartrid ide (0. into a 2-dece standa spectro and sta 3. Res 3.1. PF PFA (n = 90 analyti tion (R point i 20%, an PFAA c Det in Tab et al. in includ statisti els in wastew previo was PF 5.3 ng/ tively. from 2 1300 n nk and waste biological sludge (WBS) was collected nderflow of the secondary clarification tank. Treated s sampled after the final treatment step. PS, WBS and ere collected as grab samples. Wastewater and biosolids re sub-sampled into 1000 ml wide-mouth high-density e bottles and shipped to the laboratory on ice by ourier. WTP was sampled for 3 consecutive days during the ne to September) and winter (January to April) seasons, 2010. The main characteristics of the studied WWTPs stigation are summarized in Table S1. To prepare liq- s, 500 ml of wastewater was filtered through a 0.45 �m ; therefore, the concentrations of PFAAs reported in this onsidered the dissolved phase. The surrogate standard taining 13C4-PFBA, 13C2-PFHxA, 13C2-PFOA, 13C5-PFNA, 13C2-PFDoA and 13C4-PFOS was added to the filtered . 5 g dw of solid samples containing an aliquot of sur- dard mixture were extracted by suspending in 10 ml of cid, 15 ml of methanolic ammonium hydroxide (0.3%) of Ultra Carbon. The solution was mixed by shak- texing, and was then centrifuged and filtered using a lon filter. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was used for f liquid samples and clean-up of solid samples. Waters SPE cartridges (150 mg) were previously conditioned f methanolic ammonium hydroxide (0.3%) and 5 ml of ic acid. The samples were loaded onto the cartridge and ng 5 ml of reagent water followed by 5 ml of a solution 50% methanol and 50% 0.1 M formic acid in water. The ere eluted with 4 ml of methanolic ammonium hydrox- fter vortexing, aliquots of the eluate were transferred �L polypropylene micro-vial and 13C2-2H-perfluoro- acid (FOUEA) and 13C4-PFOA were added as recovery xtracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography mass ry (LC/MS/MS). More details on analytical methodology cal analysis are described in supplementary data. and discussion in wastewater ere analyzed in 386 liquid samples: RI (n = 149), PE d FE (n = 147). Overall variability in the sampling and ystem was calculated using the relative standard devia- f the three samples that were collected at each sampling h season. The median RSDs for RI, PE, and FE were 21%, %, respectively, which is a reasonably low variation in ntrations. levels of individual PFAAs in RI and FE are presented . These results exceed the data set reported by Ratola ini review [9]. Concentrations of PFAAs in PE were not the table and will not be discussed further because no ifferences (p > 0.05) were observed between their lev- d PE. This indicates that physical settling of solids in treatment does not provide any removal as has been reported [1]. The predominant PFAA in both RI and FE t concentrations ranging from 2.2 to 150 ng/L (median 72) and 1.9 to 40 ng/L (median 12 ng/L, n = 75), respec- was the second most abundant compound at levels 1100 ng/L (median 4.7 ng/L, n = 60) in RI and 1.0 to median 5.0 ng/L, n = 69) in FE. Following PFOS, PFHxA 150 P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 ranged from 1.0 to 220 ng/L (median 3.9 ng/L, n = 72) in RI and 1.4 to 290 ng/L (median 8.7 ng/L, n = 75) in FE. Compared to previous studies, current PFOA levels were higher than reported in 10 Danish WWTPs (RI: AL/FL (55%) > PT (-1%). Hence, formation of PFAAs varied based nt type. nal effect tudy, samples were collected in winter (8.7 ± 4.2 ◦C) er (17.5 ± 4.4 ◦C), with statistically different (p < 0.05) es. The Mann–Whitney test indicated that higher for- observed during summer for PFBA, PFHpA, and PFNA .05), PFHpA and PFOS in PT (p < 0.05), and PFHxA in ). These results are summarized in Fig. 1 where sea- ations, differentiated by wastewater process type are or (a) PFOA, (b) PFOS, and (c) PFHxA. Formations of the As are shown in Fig. S2. Only PT showed lower for- ummer for PFOA (−18 to 40%), PFOS (−59 to 160%), (−40 to 31%), and in winter when formations ranged o 25%, −73 to 47%, and −14 to 92% for PFOA, PFOS, and ectively. In contrast, greater conversion of precursors was observed in AL, FL, ST, and AT plants, and was higher mer. This could be related to the higher temperatures crease microbial activity, favouring the transformation rs [20]. Previously, Loganathan et al. [10] examined ons of PFAAs in wastewater during different seasons, o seasonal variations. However, the study used grab llected from two WWTPs. In comparison, the present h used composite samples, showed seasonal differences rmation during different wastewater treatments. icates the average length of time that a soluble com- ains in a reactor. In order to examine the relationship RT and PFAA formation, correlations of PFHxA, PFOA, PFOS were performed for plants using ST and AT agoons and PT were not included because of their rel- (20 days and 6 months) and short (0.3–2.8 h) HRTs, y, which unduly influenced the correlation. Spearman coefficients were between −0.7 to 0.5 with the strongest s obtained for PFOA and PFHxA. Overall formations −34% to 1200% (median: 64%) and from −30% to 4000% 0%) for PFOA and PFHxA, respectively. When HRT was 15 h, formations increased to between −16% and 1200% 0%), and from −11% to 4000% (median: 130%), for PFOA , respectively. In both cases, linear correlations were t HRTs longer than 15 h (Fig. 2) that were affected by ature, in agreement with the discussion above. The cor- tained were better in summer, with R2 = 0.71 for PFHxA 8 for PFOA while in winter they were R2 = 0.26 for PFHxA P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 151 c) Treatment Season 180 0 160 0 140 0 120 0 100 0 800 600 400 200 0 % F or m at io n of P FH xA a) Treatment Season 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 % F or m at io n of P FO A b) Treatment Season 160 0 140 0 120 0 100 0 800 600 400 200 0 % F or m at io n of P FO S Fig. 1. Forma by treatment treatment, FL: secondary biol cates sample m and outliers. and R2 = 0.7 tion of prec and PFHxA In the ca (median: 19 higher form (330%), and FL than AL, a even lower HRTs (PFHxA median: −7.0%), PFOA (−7.8%), and PFOS (−5.9%). Overall, the observed trend during wastewater treatment indicated that longer HRT provides more opportunity for PFAAs to ed from their precursors. Other er p solid uspe owe AAs be form 3.3.4. Oth solids, total s data; h 3.4. PF STPTFLATAL WSWSWSWSWS p PFDA A (3.25) > PFOA (2.49) > PFHxA (1.93), confirming the ented by previous studies [7,12]. Thus, the higher sorp- cy of PFOS compared to PFOA explain the relatively ntration of PFOS in the FE (median: 4.7 ng/L) and higher ng/g). s were obtained from the blending and the solids treat- and WBS. PFAAs were detected in all samples (Table as the most prevalent compound, with the highest ons found in plant T (median: 6200 ng/g). Median lev- (13 ng/g) were similar to previous studies [7,21]. The t concentrated compounds were PFOA > PFDA > PFNA, hain length perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) like , and PFDoA accounted for 79 ± 12% of total PFAAs. inance of PFCAs was also reported in digested sludge TPs in Switzerland [22]; and is consistent with FTOHs’ 152 P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 a) 251 .88 R2 = 0 4000 4500 aerobic bio length PFCA In this s nine were a and non-di observed in tistically sig (p < 0.05). S tion of solid The high co the breakdo Another po is the reduc accumulati treatment c compounds y = -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 025101 % F o r m a ti o n o f P F H x A -10 00 PFHxA-Summ er PFHxA-Winter Line ar (PFH b) -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 025101 % F o r m a ti o n o f P F O A PFOA-Summ er PFOA-Winter Line ar (PFOA Fig. 2. Correlation between HRT (h) and removal efficiencies degradation, which yield predominantly even-chain s [23]. tudy, ten of fifteen plants employed digestion, of these naerobic and one aerobic. When comparing digested gested biosolids, higher concentrations of PFAAs were digested samples (Fig. S4). These values were sta- nificant in the case of PFOS, PFNA, PFDA, and PFUnA ludge digestion has an important role in the stabiliza- s, volume reduction, and production of digester gas [24]. ncentration of PFAAs in digested biosolids may be due to wn of precursors in the digester, increasing PFAA levels. ssible reason for PFAAs’ increase in digested biosolids tion of volatile solids in the digester, resulting in the on of recalcitrant PFAAs in digested biosolids. Digestion an also enhance sorption propensity of hydrophobic [25]. Thus, higher PFAA levels in digested biosolids may be attribute and improv 3.5. Mass b Finally, u balances w the mass lo lated by mu rates for th The results Table 1. PS a tion was no Total PF (median 54 Estimation x - 4061 .9 .714 4 y = 17.26 9x - 186 .86 R2 = 0.2631 0352 xA-Summ er) Linea r (PFHxA-Winter) y = 88.76 4x - 1296 .7 R2 = 0.88 46 y = 22 .994x - 395 .5 R2 = 0.703 3 0352 -Summer) Linea r (PFOA-Winter) of (a) PFHxA and (b) PFOA. d to precursor’s breakdown, decrease of volatile solids, ed sorption tendency during digestion. alance sing the analysis of PFAAs in RI, FE, and biosolids, mass ere conducted to evaluate the formation of PFAAs and adings in FE and biosolids. Mass loadings were calcu- ltiplying substance concentrations by volumetric flow e liquid stream and by production rate for biosolids. for winter and summer mass balances are presented in nd WBS were not included because their flow informa- t available. AAs mass loadings in FE were significantly higher 00 mg/d) compared to biosolids (median 160 mg/d). of the FE:biosolids ratio in mass loadings ranged from P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 153 Table 1 Median mass loadings (mg/day) of different PFAAs. Raw influent Final effluent Biosolids PFHxA PFHpA PFOA PFNA PFDA PFHxS PFOS PFHxA PFHpA PFOA PFNA PFDA PFHxS PFOS PFOA PFNA PFDA PFHxS PFOS Winter H 90 84 M 480 520 N 580 84 A 4500 – C 74 – F 190 78 L 120 210 P 2800 1600 Q 5400 T 360 23 W 530 280 B 710 1500 E 36 – Summer H 250 150 M 940 410 N 160 120 B 1300 2100 E 71 180 A 1700 2100 C 76 110 F 270 130 L 260 320 P 2900 1300 Q 1700 900 T n/aa n/aa W 1700 680 B 1300 2100 E 71 180 a Not availa 0.8 to 38 (m with PT an PFAAs to the were observ removals vi that PFAAs trends were were mainl 69%, and 79 previously c than PFOA. Estimate biosolids lo the formati was estima in FE + mg/d compounds (70%), PFOA fluorinated N-etFOSE, r were presen the RI of 90 the 70%. In calculated t the influent tive PFAAs e to season, H precursors. 4. Conclus This stu PFAAs in 20 rent I (7.5 cent rang was 110 190 95 – – 110 110 87 170 400 1600 570 – – 1200 660 320 1400 230 610 77 – 210 410 550 230 540 2800 5200 – 1300 2000 7400 7200 3100 8300 43 93 – – – – 190 70 180 120 210 100 – 86 140 210 130 240 76 200 140 – 54 140 270 120 330 1400 4200 1300 – 2100 12,000 5100 1600 4000 2700 4400 – 230 1700 1800 6400 3100 6400 120 190 25 2.0 790 1700 350 100 200 79 1100 330 – 150 1500 810 330 1100 790 1300 1200 290 – – 5000 1300 8800 51 80 – – – – 140 75 410 170 330 120 – – 300 230 190 310 430 2000 410 – – 390 700 590 2400 51 190 100 – 62 84 200 81 180 1100 1700 1600 660 – – 9300 2000 11,000 100 130 – – – – 290 100 380 2200 4000 1800 840 1800 1400 4800 2000 5500 49 77 – – – – 1000 91 690 150 190 – 30 39 63 510 140 370 150 290 210 – 350 400 480 230 510 1100 2200 1000 – 1300 93,000 6000 2600 5600 1000 2100 640 – 1400 1300 2800 1100 3400 n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa 710 1600 780 – 240 1100 1900 800 2200 1100 1700 1600 660 – – 9300 2000 11,000 100 130 – – – – 290 100 380 ble, not possible to calculate mass loading. edian: 11) and from 0.2 to 170 (median: 5.8) in plants d ST/AT, respectively, indicating a higher burden of environment through effluent. No seasonal differences ed for FE:biosolids (p > 0.05). In general, PFAAs median a sorption were 8% for PT and 15% for ST/AT, indicating in diffe in all R est con values during removal through sorption was low. However, different observed by compounds. PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, and PFOS y released to the environment through FE at 98%, 89%, %, respectively. This trend is directly related to their alculated Kd, where PFOS is more highly sorbed to WBS d mass loadings showed that the sum of FE and ading exceeded the influent loadings, substantiating on of PFAAs in some WWTPs. Formation percentage ted in plants with ST/AT by: % formation = (((mg/day ay in Biosolids) − mg/day in RI)/mg/day RI) × 100. The most highly formed were PFOS (median: 92%), PFHxA (56%), PFNA (47%), and PFHpA (32%). PFCAs and per- sulfonic acids (PFSAs) are converted from FTOHs and espectively. Assuming that only these two precursors t in the influents, it was estimated that FTOHs were in % of the studied ST/AT plants while N-etFOSE was in addition, using the formation of PFOS and PFOA, it was hat the levels of PFOS and PFOA precursors present in ranged from 3 to 620%, and from 5 to 81% of the respec- ntering to the WWTPs. This wide variation was related RT, and solids treatment in addition to the amount of ions dy investigated the occurrence, fate, and behaviour of Canadian WWTPs to better understand their formation of precurso concentrati to generate Investig that PT pro treatment ity and sho the format sludge was (3.73) > PFD Mass balan of PFAAs on environmen ies on level would be b WWTPs. Acknowled Funding Manageme post-doctor Dith, Scott D and Ariba S the WWTP assistance d 21 42 42 – – – – 30 350 280 1800 – – – – – 20 200 140 – 2.2 – – 12 1300 3200 7700 86 – 410 32 400 51 100 130 3.7 4.5 – 2.3 30 36 120 120 – – – 4.4 25 79 190 160 9.0 28 – 8.4 86 1100 1100 27,000 n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa 1100 2700 11,000 – 37 500 33 730 2.3 580 1500 100 27 12 120 1800 250 2800 – 200 – 86 780 1700 1900 840 210 320 1900 140 710 130 37 87 30 18 – 11 50 33 230 140 – – 28 – 70 450 320 660 – – 160 – – 42 65 170 – 6.9 52 – 5.7 2500 670 1200 430 350 2400 310 1500 230 88 170 30 31 120 12 110 1400 5200 2600 88 180 240 30 210 220 33 60 6.1 9.3 75 4.8 16 36 76 80 6.0 20 4.8 34 180 480 480 7.6 38 66 7.6 190 2000 3500 12,000 n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa 1600 940 2300 – – 480 31 460 n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa n/aa 520 – 3600 – 160 220 26 620 2500 670 1200 430 350 2400 310 1500 230 88 170 30 31 120 12 110 wastewater treatment processes. PFAAs were detected –2100 ng/L) with PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxA at the high- rations. In FE, PFAAs were found at higher levels with ing from 15 to 2500 ng/L, indicating PFAAs formation tewater treatment, which may be due to degradation rs. The low concentrations of PFAAs in PS and the high ons of PFAAs in WBS confirmed that there is a potential PFAAs during the aerobic biological step. ation of parameters affecting PFAAs formation showed cesses formed the least PFAAs compared to biological processes, possibly due to minimum biological activ- rt HRT. Higher temperature and longer HRT increased ion of PFAAs. The removal of PFAAs by sorption to influenced by their different sorption tendencies: PFOS A (3.68) > PFNA (3.25) > PFOA (2.49) > PFHxA (1.93). ces confirmed the formation of PFAAs, the low sorption to biosolids and their consequent release to the aquatic t at mass loadings up to 140 g/day. Additional stud- s of PFAA precursors and their transformation patterns eneficial to better understand how PFAA are formed in gments for this investigation was provided by the Chemicals nt Plan (CMP) of Canada. P.G. and M.K. thank the CMP for al funding. The authors wish to thank Kyle Barclay, Sam unlop, and Michael Theocharides for sample collection hah for editing this manuscript. They are also grateful to managers and operators for participation in this study, uring sampling, and providing plant information. 154 P. Guerra et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 272 (2014) 148–154 Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at j.jhazmat.2014.03.016. References [1] B.R. Shivakoti, S. Tanaka, S. Fujii, C. Kunacheva, S.K. Boontanon, C. Musirat, S.T.M.L. Seneviratne, H. Tanaka, Occurrences and behavior of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in several wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Japan and Thailand, J. 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Parameters affecting the formation of perfluoroalkyl acids during wastewater treatment 1 Introduction 2 Materials and methods 3 Results and discussion 3.1 PFAAs in wastewater 3.2 Formation 3.3 Effects of wastewater treatment 3.3.1 Treatment type 3.3.2 Seasonal effect 3.3.3 HRT 3.3.4 Other factors 3.4 PFAAs in solids and effect factors 3.5 Mass balance 4 Conclusions Acknowledgments Appendix A Supplementary data Appendix A Supplementary data


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