ORGANOSULFURS CAN HOLD KEY TO SPECIAL FUNCTIONS If we may coin a phrase, we think the 20th century might well go down in chemical history as "the age of the special function." The organo- sulfurs are certainly making their contribution to history. These chemical building blocks are a fertile source of reaction and prod uct modification opportunities. They're ideal for adding active sulfur- bearing centers to modify basic mo lecular structures and gain special properties in a remarkable variety of products . . . including pharma ceuticals, animal feed supplements, rubber and textile processing chemi cals, industrial detergents, oil additives, plastics, corrosion inhibi tors, chelating agents and ion ex change resins. And they're econom ical starting points for thioethers, sulfoxides, sulfonyl halides and other commercially attractive derivatives. You'll find a wide choice of struc tures and properties among Pennsalt organosulfurs. Our mercaptans, for example, range from the lower alkyl mercaptans to the longer-chain ones . . . C12 and beyond . . . which are more oil soluble, less water soluble and less volatile than the short ones. η π Then there's thio- phene, with its one- II of-a-kind combina- uç QH tion of sulfur atom, \ / cyclic structure and ^ S ^ high reactivity. Thiophene is more easily sulfonated, halogenated, acylated, alkylated and aminoalkylated than its chemical cousin, benzene. I t has other tricks up its sleeve, too, like undergoing condensation with phenol and for- maldehyde and forming copolymers with maleic anhydride. Data and samples of Pennsalt or- ganosulfurs on request . . . plus aid in selection, handling and storage. Our Bulletin S-I66 is a handy summary of our complete line of organosulfurs and their physical properties. And if thiophene catches your fancy, ask for Bulletin 55-2 as well. KOH, ANYONE? RESIN-BASED PRODUCTS IMPROVED BY AMYLPHENOLS If you're looking for a way to make a really superior spar or furniture varnish, electrical grade insulating varnish, structural laminate or other phenolic product, try using amyl- phenol-based resins. Better electrical properties, higher oil and solvent sol- ubility, lower water susceptibility, and internal plasticization are just some of the contributions the amyl group can make. Para-tert-amylphenol (Pentaphen® 67) is also a top-notch stabilizer- antioxidant and plasticizer in lac- quers and hot melt coatings based on cellulose-derived polymers such as ethyl cellulose and cellulose ace- ta te butyrate . Other Pennsalt amylphenols . . . including ortho-sec, di-sec and di-tert . . . may interest you as antioxidants for resin and oil-based products containing un- saturated compounds, or as inter- mediates for antioxidants, plasti- cizers, nonionic surfactants and demulsifiers. And our Orthophen® 278 is a specially concocted anti- skinning agent for paints. Write for data and evaluation samples. If you're now making a liquid ferti- lizer with KC1, consider switching to KOH. You can get higher nutri- ent content, lower chloride content . . . in other words, a product that's worth more . . . at just about the same production cost. Comparisons between caustic potash and caustic soda are often enlighten- ing, too. Nearly all potassium com- pounds are more soluble, and more reactive than their sodium counter- parts. That means you can often get shorter reaction time, lower produc- tion cost, by using KOH. If you're making detergents or liquid soaps, you can give your product faster cleaning action by saponifying with KOH. And when it comes to absorb- ing sulfides, mercaptans and other impurities, KOH can give you higher efficiency than NaOH, boosting your throughput without increasing equipment cost. Technical and handling data on KOH will quickly be in your hands if you request Bulletin S-146. (Inci- dentally, we're also a leading pro- ducer of caustic soda, which we like to sell just as much as KOH.) PENNSALT D E V E L O P M E N T CHEMICALS LOW-COST MERCAPTANS SECONDARY-BUTYL MERCAPTAN C H 3 C H 2 ( C H 3 ) C H S H Molecular Weight 90.18 Specific Gr. @ 1 5 . 5 / 1 5 . 5 ° C . . . .0 .83 Boiling Point 84-86°C TERTIARY NONYL MERCAPTAN CçHiçSn Molecular Weight 1 60.3 Specific Gr. @ 15 .5 /15 .5°C. . .0 .852 Boiling Range: IBP (minimum) 1 85°C FBP (maximum) 21 0°C These inexpensive mercaptans offer excellent potential for possible use in insecticides, oil additives, mining chem- icals and many other applications in which low-cost thio-alkyl groups pro- duce specific product properties. Technical literature, samples and prices available on request MARKET DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PENNSALT CHEMICALS CORPORATION THREE PENN CENTER · PHILA. 2, PA. Pennsalt Chemicals ESTABLISHED 1850 Industrial Chemicals Division PENNSALT CHEMICALS CORPORATION Three Penn Center · Philadelphia 2 , Pa. ORGANOSULFURS CAN HOLD KEY TO SPECIAL FUNCTIONS RESIN-BASED PRODUCTS IMPROVED BY AMYLPHENOLS KOH, ANYONE?