1. ContactSpencer GordonCEO, NoGlo
[email protected]://gonoglo.com 2. NoGloThe first anti-hangoverproduct that actually works.2TOC 3. NoGlo NoGlo is the first product clinicallydemonstrated to reduce the toxinsthat cause hangovers from alcohol A patented combination of specificamino acids, anti-oxidants andvitamins, NoGlo is all natural, withno caffeine or aspirin3 4. Alcohol Metabolism4 When you drink an alcoholic beverage, it containsethanol, which causes intoxication Your body breaks down ethanol into a compound calledacetaldehyde, which accumulates Acetaldehyde is 30 times as toxic as ethanol, a knowncarcinogen, causes inflammation, and is responsible forhangover symptoms like nausea and headache 5. How NoGlo Works 1) Take 2 capsules before you go out or begin drinking(30min-1hour) 2) The compounds in NoGlo interact with acetaldehydedirectly, and speed up enzyme activity to clear it from theblood more quickly, limiting exposure 3) NoGlo significantly reduces acetaldehyde build-upwhen you drink, mitigating hangover before it everoccurs 4) Wake up without a bad hangover, not having to nurseone 5 6. Strategy There are no products on the market with approvedhangover claims by the FDA No products have demonstrated clinical efficacy Hangover is an unarguably enormous market, with lowcompetition Small, illegitimate competitors making unregulated claims No large companies have been able to market a hangoverproduct because they are under the regulatory scrutiny of theFDA6 7. Strategy NoGlo is in a unique position to be the first product tohave hangover claims approved by the FDA NoGlo can substantiate these claims through clinical data This represents enormous value to a large consumerproducts company looking to market and distribute alegitimate product with approved health claims NoGlo will then license or sell the product, clinicalsubstantiation, and IP to a strong company capable ofrapidly and broadly commercializing the product to bethe first product to pioneer the enormous market7 8. Use of Funds NoGlo will conduct a clinical trial consisting of 80 humansubjects to complete FDA claim substantiation The trial will test for blood acetaldehyde levels over time innormal individuals and will include reports of physical experience The trial will have 2 simple groups: 1) placebo (40 subjects) and2) NoGlo product (40 subjects) Conducted by a sophisticated and established contract researchorganization and will cost $4-5K per subject Filing International patent applications NoGlo has filed applications in the USA and a PCT internationalapplication The PCT application needs to be filed in each individual countryof interest, which has associated filing fees and translation costs8 9. Conclusion The anti-hangover market is filled with illegitimate, smallplayers, as no products can defend their efficacy andsubstantiate their claims NoGlo presents a unique opportunity to make hangoverclaims which can actually be supported, providing thepotential to market a product that can pioneer anddominate an enormous space We will then look for a capable partner to commercialize,brand, and market the NoGlo product in the UnitedStates and globally, and capture this massive opportunity9 10. Appendix 1NoGlo’s path to mitigatinghangovers10TOC 11. NoGlo’s Story San Francisco, California based clinical research andnutraceutical development company NoGlo was created to reduce Acetaldehydeaccumulation during alcohol consumption in those with ametabolism disorder called Alcohol Flush Reaction Established in 2012; NoGlo launched as a dietarysupplement in the USA in November 201211 12. Alcohol Flush Reaction (AFR)12X Caused by an inactive enzyme Acetaldehyde accumulates to very high levels AFR Acetaldehyde is 30 times more toxic than alcohol Accumulation of acetaldehyde leads to veryunpleasant short-term effects and devastatinglong-term effects 13. The NoGlo Product NoGlo was formulated to reduce acetaldehyde exposurewhen drinking alcoholic beverages, therefore reducingthe symptoms of Alcohol Flush Reaction.13 Composed only of ingredients already recognizedas safe by the US FDA Patented formulation of amino acids, vitamins, andanti-oxidants 14. Study Data – BloodAcetaldehyde Conclusion:NoGlosignificantlyreduces bloodacetaldehydefollowing alcoholconsumption inan IRB approved,internal-placebocontrolled,double-blind, 20human subjectclinical trial14 15. Acetaldehyde is very Toxic Acetaldehyde is 30 times as toxic as ethanol Associated with consumption of alcohol, acetaldehyde islisted as a Group 1 human carcinogen by theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (a divisionof WHO) Acetaldehyde is a highly unstable compound andquickly forms free radical structures which can causeDNA, protein, and cell membrane damage15 16. Why is this important?Acetaldehyde is the cause ofnausea, headache and otherhangover symptoms and isresponsible for the oxidativedamage that occurs due toalcohol consumption16 17. A Dramatic Reduction inHangover NoGlo reduces acetaldehyde accumulation by 22% after20 minutes in those with AFR Acetaldehyde levels in those with AFR are 10x those ofnormal individuals after 20 minutes Ethanol metabolism follows the same pathway in thosewith AFR NoGlo’s mechanism of action is not specific to AFR Hangovers are caused by a much lower accumulation ofacetaldehyde than AFR NoGlo has a much more dramatic impact on loweringacetaldehyde accumulation in normal individuals Acetaldehyde is the toxin that contributes to hangovers NoGlo significantly reduces hangover symptoms 17 18. NoGlo DiscoveryNoGlo is the first product to beclinically demonstrated tosignificantly reduce the toxinsthat contribute to a hangover18 19. Customer Discovery The following testimonials are from actual NoGlo customerswith AFR, discovering the anti-hangover benefits of NoGlothemselves: “I found that taking NoGlo really helped with the hangovers” “…there is less of a hangover and less of the headache whiledrinking which is more important to me than the red face.” “Reduced hangover and less facial flushing when drinking alcohol– it’s as simple as that. Highly recommend it.” “NoGlo definitely helps to reduce nausea and dizziness as well aspreventing bad hangover.” “…my hangovers are also reduced.” “NoGlo has helped a ton with my nausea and dizziness.”19 20. Hangover is a huge openmarket Alcohol consumption is ubiquitous both in the UnitedStates and globally In 2012, US retail alcohol sales were $200 billion Hangovers are an undeniably large problem According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,hangovers cost the United States $160 billion in lostproductivity per year20 21. Low Competition Blowfish: a combination of caffeine and aspirin used themorning after Blowfish is not supported by clinical evidence Blowfish, like others, aims at masking the symptoms once theyalready occur. NoGlo mitigates hangover before it occurs,stopping the symptoms by stopping the damage that causesthem There are a number of small players that marketthemselves as hangover “cures” or “treatments” None have demonstrated efficacy Combination of drink, shot, and pill product Examples: PreFunc, Mercy drink, Sprayology, NoHo, Drinkwel21 22. Why are there no big players? No products on the market are able to back up theirclaims and demonstrate that they actually work There is a lot of illegitimacy in the anti-hangover space andproducts that don’t do what they say they do, limiting theirability to capture the market No products on the market have clinical evidence supportingtheir claims NoGlo is the first scientifically-backed, legitimate, andproactive anti-hangover product, with clinical evidence tosupport its efficacy Other companies take small, one dimensional approaches.NoGlo was tackling a HUGE acetaldehyde problem and took abig, multidimensional approach to solving the problem22 23. OverviewNoGlo was designed to tacklean enormous acetaldehydeproblem: AFR. We stumbledonto an enormous opportunity inanother acetaldehyde problemwe were solving: Hangovers23 24. Management andFormula24TOC 25. ManagementManagementSpencer GordonFounder & CEOMr. Gordon is the CEO and Founder of Gordon Health and NoGlo LLC. Through 18months of research and collaboration with leading scientists in the areas ofmetabolism and biochemistry, Mr. Gordon developed the formulation for NoGlo. Hehas run the company since inception and has been responsible for all aspects of thebusiness.25Board of DirectorsScott SmithChairmanMr. Smith is the founder and Managing Partner of Viant Group, a Managing Director ofViant Capital and a founding member of Viant Green Capital. Mr. Smith has overtwenty-five years of experience in investment banking, corporate law and companyoperations working primarily with technology, cleantech, media and healthcarecompanies.Michael Gordon Mr. Gordon is Vice President and co-founder of Apricorn, a computer security storagefirm based in Poway, California. Established in 1983, Apricorn is the leading globalprovider of secure external storage solutions to OEM and Fortune 1000 companies.Mr. Gordon has interests in other private high-tech and biotech companies both as afounder and investor.Bill Hake Mr. Hake is the Managing Partner at Hake Law and has spent 14 years as lead trialcounsel at Prindle Decker and Amaro, and 6 years as a trial attorney and partner atHassard, Bonnington, Rogers & Huber in San Francisco. Mr. Hake also served in therole of a prosecutor as an assistant district attorney for the City and County of SanFrancisco. Mr. Hake is rated "AV,” Martindale-Hubbell’s highest rating for attorneys. 26. Scientific Advisor26Scientific Advisors & Key ConsultantsKen Fujioka, MD Dr. Ken Fujioka is an internal medicine practitioner with ScrippsClinic, whose clinical expertise centers around weight management,nutritional and metabolism disorders. Dr. Fujioka’s clinical researchspecialties include nutrition and metabolism, diabetes, and themetabolic syndrome. Dr. Fujioka is certified with the American Boardof Internal Medicine and received his MD from University of HawaiiJohn Burns School of Medicine in 1983. Here is a link to a list of Dr.Fujioka’s publications on PubMed. 27. NoGlo Formulation Formula. Developed by Spencer Gordon over a periodof 2 years with consultation from department leaders atUC Berkeley in Biophysics and Biochemistry Dosing. NoGlo is most effective if taken 30 min. – 1hours before drinking Ingredients. NoGlo’s ingredients are all alreadyrecognized as safe by the US FDA. Ingredients:Nicotinamide, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Vitamin C, Thiamine,Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin A, Alpha Lipoic Acid (fullscientific background available) Intellectual Property. Two PCT International patentapplications have been filed, with claims supported byclinical data (applications available for review)27