NLCA Construction Journal 2016

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 /NLCA1  @NLCA1 .CAWe’re SoCiAL: Like & FoLLoW uS oN FACebook & TWiTTer reNovATioNS To GANder AirporT reaches soaring expectations CoAST GuArd buiLdiNG: on the way to completion queSTioNS AbouT The MeChANiCS’ LieN ACT: Top 10 inquiries answered hoNouriNG our pAST, buiLdiNG our FuTure ToGeTher A group photo taken in September of 1968 after the formation of NLCA. From left: Lloyd Cooke, Stuart Watson, premier Joseph Smallwood, William purdy (CCA president in 1968) and Gordon Thomas. We build Newfoundland & Labrador! For exterior walls and foundations... innovative concrete form system replaces traditional wooden forms. Far superior insulation, soundproofing and environmental characteristics. REWARD WALL For below grade exterior walls and under concrete slabs... EPS insulation certified for in-ground applications. FOUNDATION PLUS ROOF INSULATION For roofing... cost effective tapered or flat EPS insulation. No thermal drift to keep R-values stable for decades. EXTERIOR INSULATION FINISHING SYSTEMS For exterior efficient thermal covers that reduce air infiltration, available in a range of flexible designs. The Energy Smart Choice TM Building professionals of Newfoundland & Labrador rely on Newfoundland Styro insulation products to meet their commercial property needs. Our innovative products provide builders the most cost effective solutions for achieving high R-values and exceptional moisture resistance. We take pride in our expertise and the level of support we provide. Contact us to learn more about our full line of commercial building products. From below grade to roof top, your building's energy efficiency starts with Newfoundland Styro. TRUEFOAM 300 For exterior walls and below grade applications that require higher R-values, exceptional compressive strength and moisture resistance… extremely cost effective, high density insulation with unprecedented strength. • Contractor and Sub Contractor for Mechanical and Electrical Works Projects. • Residential and Commercial Installation of Filtration Systems. • Lift Stations. • Established 1991. PAUL CHAFE Ph: 709-747-7310 Fax: 709-747-7017 [email protected] [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association6 Published by: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3L 0G5 President & CEO DavID LanGStaff Publisher JaSOn StEfanIk Managing Editor CInDy Chan [email protected] Contributing Writers CInDy Chan LISa fattORI MELanIE fRannER BEth JOhnStOnE JILLIan MItChELL JOhn O’DEa kaREn O’nEILL MEGan ShEPPaRD advertising Sales Manager Dayna OuLIOn tOLL fREE: 1-866-424-6398 advertising Sales DOnna BuRnER JEnnIfER hEBERt ROSS JaMES MIChELLE RaIkE COLIn JaMES tRakaLO __________________________ Production services provided by S.G. Bennett Marketing Services art Director kathy CaBLE Layout JOEL GuntER advertising art ShERI kIDD Dana JEnSEn __________________________ © Copyright 2015 DEL Communications Inc. all rights reserved. the contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G5 PRIntED In CanaDa | 10/2015 in thisIssue COvER PhOtO CREDIt: CanaDIan COnStRuCtIOn aSSOCIatIOn. how to Scan QR Codes 14 nLCa Chair’s Message – Ed LeGrow 16 nLCa President/COO’s Message – Rhonda neary 20 nLCa 2015-2016 Executive 24 nLCa 2015-2016 Board of Directors 25 nLCa Past Presidents and Chairs 28 Buoy, oh buoy! 42 Design of new Gander airport improves efficiency, capacity and passenger experience 46 Working with Labrador’s aboriginal people 48 Deciphering the newfoundland and Labrador Mechanics’ Lien Act: top 10 faQs 52 Succession planning is good business, now and for the future 58 newfoundland Power and the nLCa: Partnerships at work 62 understanding Blue Zones: new campaign puts spotlight on accessible parking 64 Promptness and attention to detail is vital in incident investigation 66 Celebrating ethnic diversity: One culture at a time 70 the Certification of Recognition™ (COR ™) Program: Questions and answers 74 hall of fame inductee – herb Badcock 86 Congratulations to the following 2015 nLCa ROCk award winners 87 2015 nLCa Membership Recognition awards 88 2015 nLCa Conference highlights 90 nLCa Education awards for 2014 96 third annual Great Lobster Boil highlights 98 nLCa Charity Donations 100 nLCa congratulates and acknowledges its Gold Seal-certified members 104 nLCa earned the CCa Gold Seal association award 113 Congratulations to kevin McEvoy for receiving the CCa trade Contractors award of Recognition 114 fond memories 116 always a silver lining 118 for the love of industry 120 51-year construction career: Long-time industry veteran reaches milestone 124 holden on to the memories 126 Investing time equates to ongoing satisfaction 128 Oceanex’s transportation services cater to province’s construction industry 130 2015 fall Golf tournament highlights 132 nLCa’s 2015 Charity of Choice: the Mazol Shriners Children’s transportation fund 133 Reflections: a look back on nLCa throughout the years 134 upper Gullies Elementary School kids Eat Smart Program cheque presentation 160 nLCa membership listings 2015-16 162 Contracts and documents to meet your needs! CCDC/CCa contract forms 218 PR04617 Cal LeGrow NLCA ad.pdf 1 12-10-05 12:10 PM North Atlantic MADE WITH PRIDE IN NEWFOUNDLAND REFINING AND MARKETING TOP QUALITY FUELS RIGHT HERE AT HOME Corey Locke | [email protected] Christine Wescott | [email protected] Raquel Butt | [email protected] 29 Pippy Place | St. John’s, NL | A1B 3X2 P: 709-579-5831 | F: 709-579-5087 Toll Free: 1-800-386-7757 North Atlantic, Newfoundland’s only oil refinery and one of the province’s largest employers. Right here in Newfoundland, more than 550 highly skilled North Atlantic employees work side-by-side to make and market some of the cleanest, lowest-sulphur fuels in the world. North Atlantic is a producer of high quality petroleum products which are exported to markets throughout the world and our local markets are also supplied to via a vast distribution network across the island. North Atlantic is now the 1st Source Chevron lubrication marketer for Newfoundland and Labrador. So for all your fuel and lubricant needs give us a call. Gasoline | Propane | Heating Fuel | Jet Fuel Marine Diesel | Furnace Oil | Dyed Diesel Stove Oil | Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel | Lubricants INTEGRATED MULTI-TRADE PRIME CONTRACTOR SERVING CLIENTS ACROSS CANADA, THE US AND OVERSEAS Atlantic Region Nova Scotia (902) 468-3101 New Brunswick (506) 547-8070 Newfoundland (709) 747-1406 People: Our Strength, Our Future WRDC’s KEY ACTIVITIES: CONTACT: (709) 738-3713 or 1-800-738-3713 [email protected] SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-NEWSLETTER FIND US ON FOLLOW US ON FOLLOW US ON career exploration for girls and young women career counseling and development for women recruitment and retention strategies and best practices for employers to enhance diversity practices collaboration with key stakeholders such as training institutions, employers, labour unions, government departments, and community groups EMPLOYER CONSULTATION SERVICES: Diversity Planning & Policy Development Career Fair Coordination & Labour Market Support Climate Surveys PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SESSIONS: Recruitment & Retention Best Practices Respectful Workplace & Train-the-Trainer Managing Diversity DIFFERENTTO BEDARE WRDC . . . increasing women’s participation in trades and technology. H.J. O’Connell, Limited Suite 101 - 90 O’Leary Avenue, St. John’s, NL A1B 2C7 T. 709-726-9095 F. 709-726-9106 Proud Member of the Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association Hard Work, Hard Workers Every month, we transport enough coffee for 2 million better mornings. Every month, we transport enough coffee for 2 million better mornings. MARINEATLANTIC.CA @maferries Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association14 As a one-stop supply shop, SMS Equipment holds a unique position in the construction, forestry and mining industries. In addition to providing top-notch service, we offer equipment from leading equipment manufacturers such as Komatsu, Wirtgen Group (Wirtgen, Hamm, Vögele, Kleemann) and Indeco as well as a complete range of world-renowned brand name industrial parts and tools. With an extensive cross-Canada network, proven expertise and unmatched customer support, we deliver quality products and professional service to drive our clients’ effi ciency and profi tability. Furthermore, clients can count on our expert advisors for support in our fi nancing, warranty, maintenance and equipment optimization programs. 1 866 458-0101 – SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE UNDER ONE ROOF! NO CLIMBING NO CABLES NO CONNECTIONS With an extensive MED15-17_Pub_ConstrAssoc_Newfoundland_V1.indd 1 15-05-28 3:14 PM In this magazine, you’ll find many QR codes which contain contact information for a lot of people. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use them: 1. First, download a QR code scanner app onto your mobile device, such as ScanLife or QR Reader. 2. Once downloaded, open up the app on your phone. 4. The phone will scan the code. On some phones, you have to press a button, but this is usually not the case. 6. You’ve successfully scanned a QR code! 3. Hold your phone over a QR code until it’s visible on the screen. How to Scan QR Codes 5. A screen will pop up displaying an individual’s name, company, address, phone number and email. It will give you the option to save that person as a contact. Financing available OAC Visit Our Showroom at 5 Thomas Byrne Drive, Mount Pearl Tel: 745-6262 Fax: 745-5454 [email protected] Selling quality exteriorSelling quality Selling quality Selling quality Selling quality Selling quality Selling quality products since 1989 Fast dependable in-home service products since products since Aluminum & Glass Railings Composite Decking PVC Trims and Mouldings Interior MDF Mouldings Fiberglass Windows and Doors EAVEST ROUGHI NGHIGHTECH SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 15 2016 NLCA Construction Journal As a one-stop supply shop, SMS Equipment holds a unique position in the construction, forestry and mining industries. In addition to providing top-notch service, we offer equipment from leading equipment manufacturers such as Komatsu, Wirtgen Group (Wirtgen, Hamm, Vögele, Kleemann) and Indeco as well as a complete range of world-renowned brand name industrial parts and tools. With an extensive cross-Canada network, proven expertise and unmatched customer support, we deliver quality products and professional service to drive our clients’ effi ciency and profi tability. Furthermore, clients can count on our expert advisors for support in our fi nancing, warranty, maintenance and equipment optimization programs. 1 866 458-0101 – SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE UNDER ONE ROOF! NO CLIMBING NO CABLES NO CONNECTIONS With an extensive MED15-17_Pub_ConstrAssoc_Newfoundland_V1.indd 1 15-05-28 3:14 PM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association16 NLCA Chair’s Message Ed LeGrow WhEn LookInG toWard thE future, one cannot help but look to the past for guidance and insight. In the 15 years since I became a member of the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa), to say much has transpired would be an understatement — and accordingly, there is much from which to draw insight. I recall when I first started on the board of directors in 2007, as your membership committee chair, we had 297 members — today, we have 687. (I’m sure we are the envy of many other industry associations, but I digress.) Looking to the past, it’s clear that this growth would not have been possible without the many relationships fostered by the dedicated staff and board of directors at the nLCa office with local firms and various industry stakeholders and levels of government. your association is consulted with on issues relating to the construction industry and has earned a reputation for being a group that when called upon will provide meaningful feedback. Looking forward, I am eager to work with the 2015-2016 nLCa board of directors to build upon this reputation, while at the same time, fostering additional relationships and addressing challenges faced by our industry. the vision for my term is to serve and promote this association by following the path set out in our 2014- 2016 strategic plan. as most of you may already be aware, we have moved into a larger office in the allied Building on Stavanger Drive to accommodate the growth in our membership and our subsequent services. at the same time, construction on our own nLCa building ensues. all of this is part of our strategic plan to improve our training and education programs for our members across the island and into Labrador. Recently, we have installed a Smart Board at our new office training/board room. this new media tool will enable nLCa to reach all members no matter where they are located to receive any of our offered education and training programs. Our continued use of social media in our day to day activities will prove an integral tool to engage and communicate key issues that affect our association membership. add to that, our association continues to promote construction trades among our youth of today to help secure a strong labour force for the future of our industry. In house, there is a strong focus on staff development for the nLCa office team to better position ourselves to be seen as a resource for the nLCa membership. We have heard from our members — and we’re listening. I want to work with you, our members, to improve member engagement, which both your present board and past boards view as integral to the association. this can only be accomplished by stronger dialogue and an increase in awareness of the emerging issues facing our membership. yes, we are experiencing some rough waters, with uncertainties presented to many business leaders and levels of government. there has been much lost revenues associated with our natural resources that we have relied on this past decade, and it’s not only these related businesses and their people who are directly affected with the downturn in commodity prices, but the many spinoff businesses that are affected by this bump on the radar. I’m sure that we will withstand this test of time as it affects many, if not all, of our member firms. It’s not that long ago that we were hit with similar downturns in other natural resources, namely the fishery and forestry sectors. But we are proud newfoundlanders and Labradorians — together, we will prevail. t I want to work with you, our members, to improve member engagement 100% locally owned and operated. Your partner in metal recycling for over 25 years WANTED ALL TYPES OF SCRAP METALS FOR RECYCLING PROVINCE-WIDE COMMUNITY SERVICE MOBILE CAR CRUSHING SERVICE ROLL OFF SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SITE METAL CLEAN UP 753-3070 INSURED, CERTIFIED, BONDED. HOLDERS OF COA FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT 50 Robin Hood Bay Road, St. John’s, NL A1C 5L4 Tel: (709) 753-3070 Fax: (709) 753-4892 Toll Free: 1-877-753-3070 [email protected] TRAMPOLINE BRANDING Contact: Larry Bootland 902 405 4809 Project: 11051C&P Niche Brand Ad - Construction Client: Cox & Palmer Publication: N/A Size: Full page 8.375 x 10.875” Insertion Date: August, 2014 Photos/Logos: Hi res NOTE: All trapping is the responsibility of prepress C M Y K PROCESS SEPARATIONS Proactively manage risk and keep your construction project on track with a legal team that has in-depth industry knowledge. Risk RewaRd 11238C&P Brand Ad - Construction.indd 1 2014-08-08 12:43 PM TRAMPOLINE BRANDING Contact: Larry Bootland 902 405 4809 Project: 11051C&P Niche Brand Ad - Construction Client: Cox & Palmer Publication: N/A Size: Full page 8.375 x 10.875” Insertion Date: August, 2014 Photos/Logos: Hi res NOTE: All trapping is the responsibility of prepress C M Y K PROCESS SEPARATIONS Proactively manage risk and keep your construction project on track with a legal team that has in-depth industry knowledge. Risk RewaRd 11238C&P Brand Ad - Construction.indd 1 2014-08-08 12:43 PM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association20 NLCA President/COO’s Message rhonda neary WhEn It comEs to construction, the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa) has its finger on the pulse. your association is here to support and assist you, our valued members, as you harness your future. nLCa continues to be a strong advocate for the commercial and industrial construction industry in our province. It is our role to understand and stay on top of industry issues, and to deliver creative, practical and affordable programs and services that ensure our members are prepared and resilient to market changes. your association provides a relevant educational program and offers support to members with a renewed focus on membership engagement. thank you to the nLCa board of directors, committees, members and our office team for your continued efforts. together, we’re stronger. together, we are the voice of the construction industry. hope you enjoy this, our fifth edition, of the NLCA Construction Journal! for updates and information, you can follow us on twitter (@nLCa1). t 47 Annual Conference th47 Annual Conference th February 4-6, Corner Brook, NL The Path to HIGHHIGH PERFORMANCE Top Solutions for Workplace Productivity & Engagement 2016 “We Build Newfoundland and Labrador” CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Visit to register & download your itinerary!Visit to register & download your itinerary! You’ve built your business. Now seek an experienced advisor to make the most of it. You’ve spent years building your successful business, but do you have the proper corporate structure in place to protect your wealth and minimize your taxes? As a Portfolio Manager and a Chartered Professional Accountant, Larry Short understands business owners. After all, he is a business owner himself. He and his experienced wealth management team are committed to providing unsurpassed fi nancial guidance that will help you: Protect what you have with tax-advantaged products and services Finance a child’s education or a parent’s eldercare Move money out of your business tax-free Achieve your goals and attain lasting peace of mind To keep more after-tax wealth in your hands, contact Larry at 1-888-725-6991 or [email protected]. HollisWealth is a trade name and a division of Scotia Capital Inc., a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. ™Trademark of the Bank of Nova Scotia, used under license. HollisWealth and the Scotiabank companies do not provide income tax preparation nor do they supervise or review other persons who may provide such services. ww Quality Product Solutions for Design and Construction 506.634.1705 Saint John 506.858.5952 Moncton 709.745.2505 St John's 506.452.8178 Fredericton 902.468.1551 Dartmouth Construction Products Limited PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2012 1804 projects On a daily basis, the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association thrives on ambition. The staff, executive and board operate in a goal setting atmosphere and then work diligently to achieve their goals. Each year we set out with the objective of growing the association and delivering on the needs of the membership. We offer relevant education and training and help members become prepared and resilient to market changes. For more information on membership, please call 709-753-8920. 2012 588 members 700 NLCAmember firms Projects posted in Electronic Plansroom 2014 2015 662 695 (asof Sept. 30) 2014 projects 2015 projects 155120001870 637 (asof Sept. 30) ww Quality Product Solutions for Design and Construction 506.634.1705 Saint John 506.858.5952 Moncton 709.745.2505 St John's 506.452.8178 Fredericton 902.468.1551 Dartmouth Construction Products Limited 2015-2016 Executive Chair Ed LeGrow Cummins Eastern Canada LP tel: (709) 747-0192 fax: (709) 747-2283 Email: [email protected] First ViCe-Chair stephen hayward Extreme East Metals Inc. tel: (709) 747-1159 fax: (709) 747-1169 Email: [email protected] seCond ViCe-Chair Rhonda Collings Glenn Collings Ltd. tel: (709) 256-2222 fax: (709) 256-8222 Email: [email protected] third ViCe-Chair Keith Matthews Bird Construction tel: (709) 579-4747 fax: (709) 579-4745 Email: [email protected] seCretary-treasurer and Past Chair Kirk saunders EllisDon Corporation tel: (709) 237-9202 fax: (709) 237-9201 Email: [email protected] newfoundland & Labrador Construction association24 25 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Chair Ed LeGrow Cummins Eastern Canada LP tel: (709) 747-0192 fax: (709) 747-2283 [email protected] First ViCe-Chair stephen hayward Extreme East Metals Inc. tel: (709) 747-1159 fax: (709) 747-1169 [email protected] seCond ViCe-Chair Rhonda Collings Glenn Collings Ltd. tel: (709) 256-2222 fax: (709) 256-8222 [email protected] 2015-2016 Board of directors third ViCe-Chair Keith Matthews Bird Construction tel: (709) 579-4747 fax: (709) 579-4745 [email protected] seCretary-treasurer and Past Chair Kirk saunders EllisDon Corporation tel: (709) 237-9202 fax: (709) 237-9201 [email protected] direCtor travis White north Shore Roofing Ltd. tel: (709) 747-4333 fax: (709) 747-4336 [email protected] nLca Board of directors direCtor henry Power Shoal Bay Services tel: (709) 689-0197 [email protected] direCtor – Central nl Gena McCarthy McCarthy’s heating Service Limited tel: (709) 256-7877 fax: (709) 651-2976 [email protected] direCtor – Western nl sandy Murphy Brook Construction (2007) Inc. tel: (709) 634 9705 x 201 fax: (709) 634-8063 [email protected] direCtor – labrador Greer hunt Jr. hunt’s transport Ltd. tel: (709) 747-4868 fax: (709) 747-5516 [email protected] General ContraCtors seCtion Chair Karl Maher Olympic Construction Ltd. tel: (709) 570-1226 fax: (709) 576-2007 [email protected] eleCtriCal seCtion Chair Craig Drover Jenco Ltd. 1tel: (709) 747-7207 fax: (709) 747-7208 [email protected] MeChaniCal seCtion Chair John hiscock the Cahill Group tel: (709) 368-2125 [email protected] ManuFaCturers & suPPliers seCtion Chair Colin Doyle ROna tel: (709) 758-6237 x 208 fax: (709) 758-6268 [email protected] newfoundland & Labrador Construction association26 nLca Board of directors trade sPeCiality seCtion Chair Michelle Webb harris Rebar tel: (709) 744-4446 fax: (709) 744-4494 [email protected] heaVy CiVil ContraCtors seCtion Chair terry Dunn atlantic Industries Ltd. tel: (709) 738-2772 fax: (709) 738-2773 [email protected] standard PraCtiCes CoMMittee Chair Brad sheppard allied Constructors Inc. tel: (709) 754-4367 fax: (709) 754-1212 [email protected] saFety CoMMittee Chair Andrew Munn EllisDon Corporation tel: (709) 237-9202 fax: (709) 237-9201 [email protected] MeMbershiP CoMMittee Chair Darren O’Keefe Cox & Palmer tel: (709) 570-5509 fax: (709) 738-6994 [email protected] eduCation & traininG CoMMittee Chair James Loder academy Canada tel: (709) 682-4393 fax: (709) 722-9197 [email protected] 27 2016 NLCA Construction Journal newfoundland & Labrador Construction association28 1968 Past President stuart Watson Past Presidents and chairs 1969 Past President Lloyd Cooke 1970 Past President Roy Parsons 1971 Past President simon Lono 1972-1973 Past President John Weger 1974 Past President John Brake 1975 Past President John Furey 1976 Past President Dave Brown nLca Past Presidents and chairs 1977 Past President John McCarthy 1978 Past President heber Bowering 1979 Past President Robert Gosse 1980 Past President Roland Avery 1981 Past President Don holden 1982 Past President Owen Redfern 1983 Past President harry Manuel 1984 Past President harold Mills 1985 Past President Dave Martin 1986 Past President Rick spracklin 29 2016 NLCA Construction Journal 1988 Past President Dave noseworthy 1989 Past President Walter Collins 1990 Past President Bob scammell 1991 Past President Frank Verge 1993 Past Chair Fred Cahill 1994 Past Chair Karl Green 1995 & 1996 Past Chair Gerry scaplen 1997 Past Chair Max Arnold nLca Past Presidents and chairs newfoundland & Labrador Construction association30 1992 Past President hayward Pike 1987 Past President Carl Mallam nLca Past Presidents and chairs 2004 Past Chair Jim Brown 1998 Past Chair Ray Bavis 1999-2000 Past Chair Rick Cox 2001 Past Chair Aubrey Drover 2002 Past Chair Derek Durdle 2003 Past Chair Ron hickey 2005 Past Chair John sparkes 2006 Past Chair scott Granville 2007 Past Chair harry Bartlett 2008 Past Chair Keith Ryan 31 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association32 2011-2012 Past Chair Keith McCarthy 2010 Past Chair Frank Collins 2013-2014 Past Chair Kevin McEvoy 2014-2015 Past Chair Kirk saunders nLca Past Presidents and chairs 32 2009 Past Chair Gina tapper 2012-2013 Past Chair Brad sheppard dd � �@�=PDG?�OC@�RJMF@MN�OC DISTRIBUTOR REPRESENTING LEADING MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCTS TO THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY • CONCRETE & MASONRY ACCESSORIES • CONCRETE RESTORATION & SEALANTS • BRIDGE & HIGHWAY • GEOTEXTILES GEOSYNTHETICS GEOMEMBRANES • INSULATED CONCRETE FORMS • PLUMBING & HEATING • ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE • INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS • PAINT & COATINGS • ROOFING INSULATION WATERPROOFING SERVING THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY OF ATLANTIC CANADA SINCE 1958 Fredericton • Saint John • Moncton • Dartmouth • Halifax • St. John’s WWW.BIRDSTAIRS.CA Strong infrastructure helps build communities and businesses. As a catalyst for continued economic growth, it enhances the quality of life for residents by creating jobs, increases residential and business attractiveness and allows people who are hundreds of kilometres apart to be connected. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador continues on its path of strengthening the provincial economy through sound infrastructure investments. New and existing schools; roads, bridges and highways; ferries and wharves; and new health facilities including hospitals, long-term care facilities, and treatment centres represent the strategic decisions and sound fiscal management taking place throughout this province. With investments totaling in excess of close to $7 billion towards the advancement of key infrastructure projects since 2004, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has supported more than 50,000 person years of employment and advanced the development of important health, education, tourism and municipal infrastructure. These initiatives are helping shape our province’s future and strengthen our ability to deliver valuable programs and services to residents and families. Building a stronger province. Exploits Welding & Machine Shop 2 Queensway Grand Falls Windsor, NL A2B 1J3 Phone: (709) 489-5618 | Fax: (709) 489-4376 [email protected] STEEL FABRICATION, DISTRIBUTION, AND MACHINING EQUIPMENT INCLUDES • Press (cap 160 ton) • Rolls (cap ¼ x 8”) • Iron Worker • Handheld & Automatic Burning Equipment STEEL DISTRIBUTORS AND WAREHOUSE • Sheet Steel • Structurals and Shafting • In Mild Steel • Galvanized • Stainless • Aluminum • Brass SHEET METAL WORK • Smoke Breechings • Exhaust Systems • Speciality Fabrications • Tinsmith Work All in Mild Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum or Copper RENTALS • Fork Lift Rentals • Welding Equipment WELDING SERVICES • Mobile Services • High Pressure Welding • MIG and TIG Welding • AC-DC Stick EXAMPLES OF WORK PERFORMED • Fabricate Stainless Steel and Mild Steel Shafts • Rebuild and Machine Propeller Shafts • Fabricate Water Tanks • Repair or make any repairs to equipment: including Marine Equipment, Road Equipment, Building Equipment and Forestry Equipment • Assembled Drum Barker at Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. • Given services to BP Canada and Crosbie Offshore Limited at Botwood, NL • Construction of new Clarifier system for Abitibi- Consolidated Inc. • Fabrication and Installation of Incinerator for the Town of Grand Falls Windsor • Fabrication and Installation of Ductwork and Exhaust Systems for Paper Machines • Fabrication and Installation of Crusher Shafts • Repairs to Booms and Pedestal Gears upon request • Asbestos Removal • Valve Guards and Gauge Guards for Oil Tanks PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE At Exploits Welding and Machine Shop, we supply materials, provide services such as rentals, fabrication and machining. We work together with our customers to create successful results utilizing our specialized equipment and persistence to achieve the desired results. We provide a complete service: MACHINE SHOP SERVICES • Equipment Includes • 5 Lathes • Radial Drill • Hacksaw • 2 Milling Machines • Shapers • Threading • Hydraulic Press • Specializing in Drive Shaft Manufacturing FEATURES • Experienced since 1998 • Only quality workmanship • Competitive prices • Supplier of materials A partner you can trust Managing the success of your construction business can be challenging in today’s evolving marketplace. When you partner with Aviva for your surety needs, you can count on us to provide you with: • Expert advice and consultation for your specific project • Our commitment to help you meet your business goals • A stable partnership focused on the long-term With more than 100 years of expertise behind us, you can trust Aviva as your valued business partner. Contact your broker to learn more. Home | Auto | Leisure & Lifestyle | Business | Group | Surety Aviva and the Aviva logo are trademarks used under license by the licensor. CS-15-0299-NLCA Construction Journal Ad.indd 1 2015-05-04 10:08 AM • Metal Wall & Roof Systems • Aluminum Composite Panels • Custom Metal Trim Shop • Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings • Design Build 85A BREMIGENS BOULEVARD PARADISE, NL A1L 4A2 P: 709.747.1159 C: 709.690.0497 F: 709.747.1169 E: [email protected] Ask how your company can benefit from our RiskIQ program. Uponor Commercial Piping Ad 2016 issue NLCA Construction Journal Directory Live: 7 x 9.5" Trim: 8.375 x 10.875" Bleed: 8.625 x 11.125" Connect with Uponor. Connect with confidence. Make the connection with your local NLCA member. Contact Bill Hooper [email protected] PEX PLUMBING RADIANT HEATING & COOLING HYDRONIC PIPING PRE-INSULATED PIPING Professionals who specify and install Uponor PEX plumbing and hydronic piping report faster installation times, savings on materials costs, fewer callbacks and greater peace of mind. Exceptional products, tools and support. Uponor. Tested in the lab and proven in the field. A better way to make ends meet. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association42 Buoy, oh buoy! Government of Canada invests in new Coast Guard Atlantic Region Headquarters FunctIonaLIty In thE modErn workplace is the spirit behind the future $40-million Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) building in St. John’s, n.L. Scheduled for completion in late 2018, the new atlantic region headquarters will replace aging infrastructure at the existing Coast Guard base on Southside Road. federal funding for the project, aptly named the CCG Southside Base Reconstruction Project, was announced this May by the honourable Rob Moore, regional minister for newfoundland and Labrador and Minister of State (aCOa), on behalf of the honourable Gail Shea, Minister of fisheries and Oceans. the official groundbreaking ensued later that month. better in Fours the CCG Southside Base Reconstruction Project will be completed in four phases: site preparation (including a new access road), design and construction of the building, renovations of the buoy maintenance facility and small vessel repair shop and the demolition of the existing headquarters. Phase 1, which was awarded to Bursey Excavating and Development Inc. in June, is currently underway and on track for a november 2015 completion. at approximately $3.5 By Jillian Mitchell The new Canadian Coast Guard Atlantic region headquarters building will be constructed just east of the existing facility on Southside Road. Once the new building is in place, the old structure will be demolished. 43 2016 NLCA Construction Journal million, the first phase involves the relocation and re-routing of the site’s electrical building, which supplies power to four of the wharf’s power pedestals, as well as relocating other utility infrastructure, construction of a new site access and subsequent remediation work. Piping installation for the site’s proposed geothermal heating and cooling system rounds out the first phase of construction. Phase 2 will consist of upgrades to the buoy maintenance facility and construction of a new small vessel repair shop, which will be relocated to federal property, simultaneously reducing the CCG’s footprint while allotting space for the city’s proposed expansion of its sewage treatment plant, located nearby. Phase 3 involves the construction of the new headquarters building. though the design-build tender has yet to be awarded, construction is anticipated to start in the spring. “We’re hoping to be awarded before Christmas this year,” says Craig hogan from DfO Real Property, Safety and Security, a branch of fisheries and Oceans Canada responsible for overseeing construction. “from award to occupancy is between 30 to 36 months, so we’re looking at late 2018.” Once tenders are received, the Real Property Group of fisheries and Oceans Canada, along with colleagues from Canadian Coast Guard and Public Works and Government Services Canada, will review and evaluate the proposals and choose the best based on a number of criteria – not necessarily by lowest bid. Phase 4 involves the demolition of the existing headquarters building, with an anticipated 2019 completion. hogan summarizes the site’s Government of canada invests in new coast Guard atlantic region headquarters We are Canada’s largest provider of home, auto and business insurance. With more than 40 years of experience helping Canadian companies, we can provide the type of surety bond your business requires to grow and build its reputation in the marketplace. We work closely with independent insurance brokers located throughout Atlantic Canada. Your insurance broker can help you find the surety bond your business needs for any situation. We will work together to provide you with the outstanding service and the coverage you require. Have your broker contact our Atlantic Surety team today: 20 Hector Gate, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 0K3 Telephone: 1-902-420-1732 Toll Free: 1-800-565-4040 Email: [email protected] Our Surety Offer Expertise, consistency and trust... S u re ty ® Intact Insurance Straight Lines Design, Intact Insurance Large Wavy Lines Design and Intact Insurance Design are registered trademarks of Intact Financial Corporation used under license. © 2014 Copyright Intact Insurance Company – All rights reserved. Some conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. 226 Surety Ad_2.indd 1 2014-10-23 7:34 PM The CCG Southside Base Reconstruction Project will be completed in four phases: site preparation (including a new access road), design and construction of the building, renovations of the buoy maintenance facility and small vessel repair shop and the demolition of the existing headquarters. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association44 Government of canada invests in new coast Guard atlantic region headquarters reconfiguration, “We’re putting the new building at [the opposite end of the property], and when we tear down the existing building, that will become the storage area for materials – buoys, shafts and propellers and bulk steel.” in With the neW the government’s investment will translate into modern services, modern equipment and a modern building for the atlantic region of the Canadian Coast Guard – not to mention a welcome replacement of the existing headquarters, constructed in the early 1960s. though information regarding the new design-build facility is limited, a footprint of 4,500 square metres, more than three storeys, has been confirmed. as hogan furthers, the facility will feature an open concept – cubicles restricted to the building’s perimeter, meeting rooms in the centre – according to the government’s Workplace 2.0 initiative. Sustainability is top of mind for the new CCG atlantic Region headquarters. the project will strive for LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver accreditation. the use of natural light, motion-activated LED lighting, low-E windows, low water-usage fixtures and electrical vehicle plugins are among select energy-efficient features planned for the new building. Geothermal energy will be used to heat and cool the building. the site’s geographic location, however, prevents the use of solar energy. “When we switch over to the new building, we will reduce our carbon footprint and greenhouse gases substantially. We’re looking forward to that,” says hogan, citing that an approximate 200,000 litres of diesel fuel is used annually by the current facility’s two diesel boilers. Occupational health and safety required codes and standards are also priority, as is improved security, modern technology and additional circulation space, such as hallways and washrooms. “We’re able to take the different sectors of the Coast Guard and put them in a functional area that makes sense for them,” hogan says of the new design, adding that oftentimes in the existing building, managers and employees were situated on separate floors. “the existing building is not an open concept; it’s individual offices along a long corridor – a lot of wasted space.” at 6,600 square metres (or 4.5 floors, including the mezzanine), the existing structure is larger than the proposed new space, but hogan says that it is not as efficient. Instead of 18.5-square-metre individual offices, the new facility will have 4.5-square-metre work stations in an open concept design. additionally, relocating the carpentry and welding shop to an extension off of the buoy maintenance facility (the most practical location) shaves an approximate 100 square metres off of the headquarters’ footprint. “We’re designing the building for the needs of the Coast Guard for now and into the future,” adds hogan. out With the old Once the new building is in place, the existing structure will be demolished, a process that hogan says requires careful consideration. “We’ve already completed the full hazmat survey,” says hogan, who anticipates Phase 4 will take about a year to complete. “Gone are the days of bringing in a wrecking ball and being done in a week. the building will come down brick by brick so that materials can be recycled as much as possible or disposed of according to proper regulations.” Old buildings have their quirks and the existing headquarters is no exception. Soon, the 200 employees will say goodbye to mandatory bottled water consumption (the existing facility contains lead piping) and window shaker air conditioning (floor- to-floor height of 10 feet prevents central air and electrical upgrades). “We also had some building envelope deterioration – the steel ties holding the exterior brick work in one section had been rusted through. We continue to monitor this every year,” he adds. as hogan reports, the building also presented some safety and security concerns. for example, only certain locations in the existing building feature sprinkler systems, and its many entrances, though patrolled by a manned front gate, present an uncontrolled access point. hogan assures the new building will have 45 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Government of canada invests in new coast Guard atlantic region headquarters a sufficient sprinkler system and heightened security access with swipe-card capabilities. the biG PiCture Of the total 1,900 employees working at the Canadian Coast Guard’s atlantic Region, 634 are shore-based. a total of 200 employees work out of the St. John’s- based headquarters. Canadian Coast Guard atlantic Region operates 19 large vessels, 23 small vessels including 15 search and rescue lifeboats and nine helicopters. the new building is a welcome development for the Canadian Coast Guard, particularly in light of the recent cutbacks and closures of substations in the province. It is also anticipated to fuel economic growth and job creation. t “We’re able to take the different sectors of the Coast Guard and put them in a functional area that makes sense for them. Oftentimes in the existing building, managers and employees were situated on separate floors. The existing building is not an open concept; it’s individual offices along a long corridor – a lot of wasted space.” – Craig Hogan, DFo real ProPerty, SaFety anD SeCurity TA M A R A C C O N S T R U C T I O N Renovation and Construction Experts Commercial • Residential Shawn Williams, P. ENG Phone: 709.745.6512 [email protected] Check us out! OVER 25 YEARS Experience! ® / ™ Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. 33220 (08/2010) With account managers focused on the construction and real estate industry, we are committed to providing effective financial advice and solutions to meet your needs. To start a conversation today, visit or contact your local RBC specialist. John Snow Construction and Real Estate Specialist 709-576-4816 [email protected] David Matheson Equipment Financing Specialist 866-301-0242 [email protected] Specialized financial advice to help your construction or real estate business grow. Paddy Phillips Equipment Finance Specialist 709.576.4699 [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association46 design of new Gander airport improves efficiency, capacity and passenger experience By Lisa Fattori PassEnGErs at GandEr IntErnatIonaL airport can look forward to a new modern terminal that better accommodates both domestic and international flights. the new airport will be more efficient and cost-effective, for long-term sustainability, with design features that improve the passenger experience. at just over half the size of the current airport, the building’s smaller footprint makes better use of space and will include updated systems and technologies, as well as enhanced energy efficiency. Opened in 1959, the Gander airport was an important transportation hub, accommodating 1.5 million passengers a year during its peak years. the airport was built to accommodate aircrafts stopping to refuel for transatlantic flights. as a result, stopovers became less frequent as the fuel efficiency and technology of planes improved. Gander airport’s traffic shifted to more domestic flights, with passenger traffic doubling in the last decade. By 2017, the airport is expected to handle 250,000 domestic and international passengers per year. the current under-utilized airport and operating costs associated with managing a larger building prompted the Gander International airport authority (GIaa) to plan for the construction of a new terminal that better accommodates the current and future needs of the airport. While unused sections of the airport have been closed off to reduce costs, the GIaa paid close to $900,000 to heat and light the building in 2013, which is almost five times the cost incurred by similar atlantic Canadian airports. “after a lot of study, it became apparent that renovating the existing building was not an option,” says Reg Wright, president and CEO of GIaa. “Much of the space is underused and can’t be reconfigured to suit our current needs. the heating and ventilation system is antiquated and would cost approximately $10 million alone to upgrade. With an ambitious re-modelling project there are a lot of unknowns, carrying greater risk.” In January of 2015, the GIaa unveiled a conceptual design of the new Gander terminal, which was produced by Stantec Inc. the 8,200-square-metre building has a total project cost of $40 million, including contingencies, and will be located behind the current terminal, facing southward toward Gander Lake. although it takes up a smaller footprint, the design includes space for the continued service of the international technical stop market, but triples the space to accommodate domestic passengers in arrivals and departures areas. the new Gander airport is designed to handle 250,000 passengers a year and allows for future expansion. “We’re seeing a lot of growth in domestic flights and just added two new airlines in May,” Wright says. “People can expect the same services, and a much improved passenger experience. airports are welcome mats to a community and region, and I think that this design accomplishes this.” the iconic Gander airport is known for its modernist design, with an international lounge that features original fixtures and art. Given its historical significance, there are hopes the building can be repurposed for another use, such as a facility that is open to the community or one that houses a complementary aviation- related business. “Within the Canadian landscape of buildings, there aren’t many examples of mid-modernist design,” Wright says. “Remember that Gander’s international lounge was, for many passengers flying Renderings of the new airport. 47 2016 NLCA Construction Journal through, their only impression of Canada. the government called upon the world’s best designers to design a modern space, which would reflect the nation as a progressive country that was much more than maple syrup and beaver skin hats. We’ve been approached by some individuals interested in the international lounge, but nothing has matured yet for an adaptive use of the building.” the GIaa is looking to provincial and federal levels of government to fund the new building, a public investment that will have enormous benefit both locally and for the country. In a 2013 Economic Impact Study by IntervIStaS, the Gander International airport was shown to have a direct impact in providing 1,260 full-time jobs, $90 million in wages, $140 million in gross domestic product and $240 million in economic impact. In addition, 20 per cent of the total labour force in the town of Gander can be attributed to airport-related activity and the airport generates taxation revenues of an estimated $46 million per year to all levels of government. the next step in progressing the new airport project is securing a firm financial commitment by the provincial and federal governments. “In talking to various levels of government, there is recognition of the need for a new facility,” Wright says. “People understand the business principle behind building a new airport and why this is the best route. With both federal and provincial elections in the fall, however, it’s hard to develop a timeline for the project.” t design of new Gander airport Design with community in mind We create places that help communities thrive The international lounge in the existing Gander Airport. When you come here to play, everyone wins. On your next visit to Western Newfoundland, make Humber Valley Resort your destination of choice. Whether you’re here to enjoy our championship 18-hole golf course, salmon fish in the Class A-rated Humber River, or celebrate your big day with family and friends, your stay at Humber Valley Resort is sure to be a winning experience. Come see for yourself. Visit us online at or call (709) 686-2710 for more information. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association48 Working with Labrador’s aboriginal people By Karen O’Neill, communications manager of Nalcor Energy – Lower Churchill Project thE LoWEr churchILL rIvEr is one of the most attractive, undeveloped hydroelectric sites in north america and is a key component of newfoundland and Labrador’s energy warehouse. the Muskrat falls hydroelectric development on the lower Churchill River in central Labrador includes construction of an 824 megawatt (MW) hydroelectric generating facility and more than 1,500 kilometres of associated transmission lines that will deliver electricity to homes and businesses in newfoundland and Labrador. the development of Muskrat falls will provide a clean, renewable source of electricity to meet the province’s growing energy demands. It will provide newfoundlanders and Labradorians with stable electricity rates and will be a valuable power- producing asset for the province well into the future. the Muskrat falls Project was sanctioned by the Government of newfoundland and Labrador in 2012. Construction commenced in late 2012 and progress is being made on all areas of the project. the economic and employment benefits from this development will be far-reaching, generating about $2 billion in income to labour and business in the province. the provincial economy will also benefit from employment associated with building the Muskrat falls Project, with 9,100 person-years of direct employment. and just three years into construction, newfoundlanders and Labradorians are already realizing significant benefits from this project. Recognizing the need to build local capacity in central Labrador where the Muskrat falls hydroelectric generation facility is being built, in early 2010, the Labrador aboriginal training Partnership (LatP) was established with support from nalcor Energy, the provincial and federal governments, and Labrador’s three Valard Construction workers pictured with Tower Steel Assemblers who were trained through the LATP. The students completed their on-the-job training with the Lower Churchill Project transmission contractor. EQUIPMENT RENTALS Specializing in Water & Sewer and Road Work Commercial, Residential Septic Installations Septic Tank Clean-outs Sand, Gravel, Class A & B, Cement Aggregates, Topsoil G & R CONTRACTING LIMITED Office: (709) 677-2219/3319 | Garage: (709) 677-2611 | Fax: (709) 677-3619 E.mail: [email protected] Owner: Gary Handcock (709)677-2244 (Residence) 117 Main Street Sandringham, NL, A0G 3Y0 49 2016 NLCA Construction Journal aboriginal groups, contributing $30 million to support education and training initiatives to help Labrador aboriginal people gain the skills and qualifications needed for employment opportunities with the Muskrat falls Project. nalcor’s work with the LatP and contractors continues today to build local capacity through education and training. “Over the past five years, nalcor has been a strong supporter of the LatP program and the new educational and training opportunities it provides, not only for members of the Labrador aboriginal community, but also to the overall success of resource-based projects taking place in Labrador,” says Maria Moran, industrial benefits lead for the Lower Churchill Project. Since the LatP office opened in 2010, the number of successful program graduates has confirmed the value of nalcor’s partnership with the program. More than 500 people supported by the LatP have gained employment following the completion of their training. Currently there are about 279 LatP-supported individuals working on the project. they are in positions such as heavy equipment operators, electricians, truck drivers, carpenters, occupational health and safety, labourers, camp attendants, environmental monitors, engineering, as well as supervisory and management positions. But these benefits go far beyond just employment of aboriginal people on the project. Over the last four years, hundreds of aboriginal learners from Labrador’s Innu nation, nunatsiavut Government and nunatukavut Community Council have received various levels of training and education through the LatP including safety, construction and environmental training. “the LatP has been fundamental to the success and sustainability of the first phase of the Lower Churchill Project,” adds Moran. “By serving more than 740 aboriginal individuals, and significantly advancing training initiatives in Labrador, the LatP has greatly increased the capability of aboriginal people in Labrador to participate in the Muskrat falls Project and other local developments.” enCouraGinG aboriGinal youth to Pursue Future oPPortunities Beyond the immediate education Working with Labrador’s aboriginal people Students completing training through the LATP Rebar Program. 199 Kenmount Road, St. John’s, NFLD STAY, WORK & SAVE 15% As your second home while working in St. John’s, Fairfield Inn & Suites® by Marriott will make your stay comfortable, productive and relaxing - all at special 15% savings*! • FREE Daily Hot Breakfast • FREE WiFi and wired Internet • FREE Fitness Centre & Pool • FREE parking • IN ALL ROOMS 42-inch HDTV, fridge, and microwave (709) 738-7714 promo code: HARDHAT * 15% savings off our regular rate valid through March 2016. * “Awesome hotel!” MMMMM - guest comment 51 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Working with Labrador’s aboriginal people and training available through the LatP, nalcor is also working with aboriginal youth to provide them with information about future opportunities for long-term employment on the Muskrat falls Project. In June 2015, Labrador Innu students in the graduating classes from the high schools in Sheshatshiu and natuashish were given the opportunity to participate in a Muskrat falls site tour. Students were given a tour of the large construction site and accommodations complex. the students then attended a career presentation on site, given by one of nalcor’s Innu employment co-ordinators. the presentation highlighted future operational jobs with the project and the educational pathways necessary to reach various designations. Innu mentors working on site also attended this session and gave advice about how students can reach their career goals. the student tour was a joint effort between the project’s Benefits and aboriginal affairs teams, Innu Development Limited Partnership, aboriginal Skills and Employment training Strategy, and local contractors working on the project. Looking forward, nalcor Energy will continue to be involved with the LatP. nalcor and the LatP are currently working with other industry partners to support new developments in Labrador, ensuring that the needs of all partners are considered – and met – in future initiatives. t Innu Students from the 2015 graduating classes at Sheshatshiu and Natuashish schools took part in the first ever tour of the Muskrat Falls site for Innu students. These students are pictured in a personal protective equipment-free area. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association52 Deciphering the Newfoundland and Labrador Mechanics’ Lien Act: top 10 FaQs By John O’Dea, Q.C., and Megan Sheppard, LL.B, of McInnes Cooper mEchanIcs’ LIEns arE crEatEd by legislation – in newfoundland and Labrador, by the Mechanics’ Lien Act – for a simple purpose: providing workers, subcontractors and suppliers with some security for the improvements they’ve contributed to an owner’s property, and thus that the owner who gets the benefit of the work and materials also gets the burden of paying. however, the mechanics’ lien regime is rather complicated. to help you decipher mechanics’ liens in newfoundland and Labrador, here are the top 10 faQs about the Mechanics’ Lien Act: 1. Who has a right to a lien? any person who does work upon or in respect of land or a building (which includes performing a service), or places or provides materials to be used on land or a building, for any owner, contractor or subcontractor. a lien is only created when something in the nature of a structure or improvement on the land is underway, and the lien claimant’s work or services was necessary to it. any person entitled to a lien, with the exception of a worker, can waive the right to that lien by an explicit agreement. 2. What’s the process to file a lien and are there any deadlines? there are several steps and deadlines: • The lien claimant must complete a claim for lien that contains the stipulated information. the claimant or an agent with personal knowledge of the facts must sign it and swear an affidavit verifying the lien claim. • The lien must be registered in the Registry of Deeds no later than within 30 days of the “completion” or abandonment of the contract or subcontract; the placement or provision of the last materials; the completion of services; or for wage earners, their last day of work. • The claimant must start a lawsuit by filing a Statement of Claim in the newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court registry and obtaining a Certificate of action John O’Dea. Megan Sheppard. The Maritimes premiere electrical contractors Owned and Operated by John Cornell, with offices to serve you in Terra Nova and St. John’s. T: 709-265-6108 F: 709-265-6106 C: 709-424-6169 E: [email protected] 37 Lily Brook Road, Terra Nova, NL A0C 1L0 '5 53 2016 NLCA Construction Journal and filing it in the Registry of Deeds giving public notice of the lien claim, all within 90 days of the date the work was done. • The claimant must serve the filed Statement of Claim on the parties named in the lien within 30 days of the date it was filed in court. at this point, the lien claim is preserved and the normal court processes and timelines (though the process can be faster for lien claims) apply to pursue the lawsuit for the lien claim. 3. When is a contract or subcontract “complete”? “Completion” in the context of a mechanics’ lien means “substantial”, not necessarily total, performance. the date of a certification of substantial performance is critical for registration and survival of a lien claim. Whether a contract is substantially performed is a case- by-case determination, and typically no single factor is conclusive – but in every case, the lien claimant must prove the date with evidence that’s precise and unassailable, not uncertain and equivocal. and once the lien expires with no registration, it stops existing – and can’t be resurrected. Extending the time for the payment of a claim doesn’t waive or destroy the lien, but the claimant must still bring a lawsuit to enforce the lien claim and register it within the required time limits. 4. Can I file a lien on a provincial government project? Maybe. the provincial government isn’t bound by the Act, so you don’t have the right under the Act to file a lien on a provincial government project and the government isn’t required by the Act to holdback. however, it can agree as a term of the construction contract to be bound by the Act and/or to maintain a holdback and if it does so, then you can file a lien against it. 5. Who is included in the lien: the general contractor, the consultant, the owner or multiple parties? a lien is claimed against the land, but will also include the owner(s) of that land, the contractor and the person (or people) holding the money. 6. What’s a holdback and does filing a lien affect its release? the “person primarily liable” upon any contract must, as the work is done or materials furnished, retain a “holdback” of 10 per cent of the value of the work and materials actually done, placed or provided for a period of 30 days after the work is completed or abandoned. Special rules provide for the payout of the holdback annually where a contract price exceeds $20 million and the contract provides for a completion schedule longer than one year. deciphering the newfoundland and Labrador mechanics’ Lien act: top 10 FaQs Innovative Fire, Security and Communication Solutions – Design, Fabrication, Installation, Service, Inspection and Testing Fire Suppression Systems - Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems - Dry Fire Sprinkler Systems - Pre-Action Fire Sprinkler Systems - Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems - Fire Pumps - Foam Deluge Fire Sprinkler Systems - Underground Fire Mains Fire Detection Systems - Fire Alarm Systems - Optical Flame Detection - Aspirated Air Sampling Detection - Linear Heat Detection Security Systems - Closed Circuit Television - Access Control - Nurse Call - Public Address & Intercom - Low Voltage Systems Integration Special Hazard Systems - Novec 1230 Systems - FM 200 Systems - Carbon Dioxide Systems - Dry Chemical Systems - FE-13 Systems Service: Delivering Customer Solutions and Satisfaction 24 hours a day – 7 days a week Your Total Fire & Security Solutions Provider Tel: 709-364-2898 800-896-3988 Fax: 709-364-9020 [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association54 filing a lien can affect the release of the holdback. the person obligated to retain the holdback can pay it out so as to discharge all claims against it after 30 days from substantial completion – but if a lawsuit to enforce any lien has been started during those 30 days, the holdback can’t be paid out. 7. Will filing a lien freeze any expected payments for work already completed? yes. the claim for lien will have the effect of stopping payments until the lien on the land is discharged. 8. What’s the cost to file a lien and who pays? the out-of-pocket costs (excluding any legal services, for example) to register a claim for a lien in the Registry of Deeds, and to file the court documents necessary to start a legal action, get a court order, then discharge the lien from the Registry of Deeds and get the necessary certified copies from the court, will total about $200. the person who files the lien claim pays these costs. 9. Will I have to go to court – and will I need a lawyer? Probably and maybe. unless the parties resolve a lien lawsuit, a trial of a mechanics’ lien action is mandatory. the normal process can be shortened, and not all of the rules applicable in trials will apply at all or as strictly, but at a minimum the claimant must prove both that the lien claim meets all of the requirements under the Act, and the amount of the lien. you don’t need a lawyer to file a lien at the Registry of Deeds. a claimant who’s a person can complete, file, register and serve the necessary documents, and represent herself in court (though she might prefer to have a lawyer); but only a lawyer can act on behalf of a corporation in court. 10. How can a lien be removed from the property? there are three main ways: • The lien can be struck out within 90 days after work completed, unless the claimant has filed a lawsuit in the court and filed it in the Registry of Deeds during those 90 days; • A court can remove it if it determines that the lien is out of time or the work or services weren’t an “improvement” to the land; • By payment into court of security (the amount of the lien plus an amount for costs, usually about 10 per cent), which takes the place of the security of the land. Please visit McInnes Cooper’s subscription page at subscribe/to receive information about topics that interest you. McInnes Cooper prepared this article for information; it is not legal advice. Consult McInnes Cooper before acting on it. McInnes Cooper excludes all liability for anything contained in or any use of this article. © McInnes Cooper, 2015. All rights reserved. t about the authors: John O’Dea, Q.C., is a partner in McInnes Cooper’s St. John’s office. John’s practice is primarily focused on the construction industry. he regularly advises consulting engineers, architects, owners and contractors on a range of matters, from front-end terms for tenders and drafting construction contracts to evaluating construction claims and representing them in disputes. you can reach John at [email protected]. Megan Sheppard is a lawyer with McInnes Cooper practising in our St. John’s office. you can reach Megan at [email protected]. Darryl Ash Owner c: 685-7763 t: 747-3492 f: 747-3385 [email protected] 9 Olivia Place Portugal Cove - St. Phillips A1M 0C5 ASH DRYWALL Limited CMH Construction Limited 96 Clyde Avenue Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S2 Email: [email protected] CLEM HALEY President 689-6178 CLEM HALEY President 689-6178 deciphering the newfoundland and Labrador mechanics’ Lien act: top 10 FaQs Artfully crafted with a wide range of stone and wood visuals. Wonderfully waterproof thanks to Shaw’s LifeGuard Resilient core. Dealer Area Got water? 1 Logy Bay Road (Top of Kennas Hill) St. John’s, NL PH: 709-726-8232 FOR ALL YOUR FLOORING NEEDS! STAY COMPETITIVE Ap pl y a t g ol ds ea lce rt ifi ca tio n. co m ph ot o cr ed it: P ho to di sc SUPERINTENDENT ESTIMATOR PROJECT MANAGER CONSTRUCTION SAFETY COORDINATOR OWNER’S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Get Gold Seal Certified TD Commercial Banking. Customized banking solutions to meet your unique business needs. 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M00090 - MOD (0815) For more information, please contact: Cory Basha District Vice President Newfoundland & Labrador 709-758-5018 [email protected] Wendy Snow Relationship Manager 709-758-5066 [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association58 succession planning is good business, now and for the future By Lisa Fattori you havE WorkEd hard for the last 40 years to build a successful business, and are thinking of retiring in the next few years. Do you pass the reins on to a son or daughter working in the company, sell to a third party or shut down operations, with no financial payout at the end of your career? a succession plan, five to 10 years before retirement, will enable business owners to leverage the value of their companies and ensure that their businesses continue to thrive and contribute to the local economy. Early planning affords time to groom next- generation management, to seek out potential buyers and to optimize tax breaks at the time of the sale. Owners gain peace of mind knowing that their retirement plans are in place and the exercise maps out a strategy for achieving business goals and success in the interim. “the best way that the owner of [a] construction company can realize the value of his or her business is to have a succession plan,” says David howe, a partner with noseworthy Chapman Chartered Professional accountants in St. John’s, n.L. “Often in the early days, people are just trying to grow their businesses, but it’s a good idea to think about the future of the company. Working to make your company financially solid helps protect you from future downturns, so that you can weather the storms. Whether you’re looking to maximize the value of your business or want to cushion against downturns, a financially sound business is important.” traditionally, a contracting company may be passed on from one generation to the next, with a son or daughter buying out the parent to carry on the family business. another typical scenario is to sell to an employee who has shown an interest in, one day, purchasing the business. a succession plan helps to establish a timeline, so that potential replacements can move through the ranks of a business, gaining the experience and expertise necessary to run a company successfully. Proper planning will ensure a smooth transition from one owner to the next. as a service-based industry, predominately made up of small- to medium-sized businesses, the construction sector poses unique challenges for those looking to sell their companies to a third party as part of an exit strategy. “a contracting company isn’t like a car dealership, with a brand and customer loyalty, which makes it a bit tricky when it comes time to sell,” howe says. “the industry is based on competitive bidding on projects, so (709) 722-1229 Structured Cabling Enterprise Solutions (709) 722-1229 Structured Cabling Enterprise Solutions (709) 722-1229 Structured Cabling Enterprise SolutionsStructured Cabling NGC NUNATSIAVUT CONSTRUCTION INC. 106—112 Corte Real Road P. O. Box 1000, Stn. B Happy Valley—Goose Bay, NL A0P 1E0 Phone: 709-896-5299 Fax: 709-896-5379 A member of the Nunatsiavut Group of Companies, NGC Nunatsiavut Construction Inc. is a successful general contractor providing Heavy Civil, Construction, and Water and Sewer services to all Nunatsiavut Communities as well as Happy Valley—Goose Bay. Our services include: Aggregate Supply Water and Sewer Construction Road Building Concrete Supply Rock Crushing General Construction Rock Drilling & Blasting Equipment Rental Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association60 you don’t have recurring work and a customer list. for, say, a plumbing or electrical contractor, the value is at the top, locked up in that one person. a smaller construction company isn’t likely to come along and buy the business, when he can hire the same workers and bid on the same jobs. Often what people are paying for is the value of the equipment of a business that’s up for sale.” Still, a profitable, successfully run proprietorship can be attractive to a larger company looking to expand or diversify its operations. a business that is stacked with good employees, who are experts in their field, combined with a good safety record, adds value and expands the pool of potential buyers. a more recent scenario is the opportunity to appeal to the investment community, in offering up a company that can grow in new ways and be taken to the next level. “What’s happened in the last five to 10 years is the emergence of a growing number of investors, who are taking an interest in small companies that have some growth potential,” says Darren O’keefe, a partner with law firm, Cox & Palmer, in St. John’s. “In the commercial electrical or commercial plumbing space, these investors understand that with the right management in place, they can grow the company. there are a lot of great contractors, but they don’t have the money or expertise to market themselves. Some of these smaller companies have been acquired by strategic buyers, and this has driven more awareness about the importance of succession planning.” By being proactive and including a growth strategy as part of a succession plan, business owners avoid a fire sale in the 11th hour and reap the benefits of their hard work when they are ready to retire. this entails filling key management positions and being upfront about your intentions when hiring, to weed out people who don’t want the responsibility of taking the helm. a good first step for business owners is to consult a lawyer or accountant about any long-term plans, including an approximate date for retiring. Professional advice will help identify the optimum time for an estate freeze and help a business owner to take advantage of capital gains exemptions, as well as opportunities to defer personal tax on the sale of the business. “Business owners looking to sell their companies need to do their due diligence, be creative and think laterally,” O’keefe says. “an accountant can help value your company, and either an accountant or lawyer can approach potential buyers and manage the transaction for you.” t succession planning is good business, now and for the future BDC IS THE ONLY BANK DEDICATED EXCLUSIVELY TO ENTREPRENEURS. St.John’s Business Centre Zack Howard AVP, Business Development 709-772-4745 [email protected] IMAGINE HAVING THE CASH ON HAND TO COVER ANY EVENTUALITY. Discover ways to put your cash flow in the right direction. Expand your business horizons by talking to your BDC specialist and learn more about cash flow management. CORPLATE SPCSP • STEELCOR CSP FLOCORE SRP • GEOTEXTILE FLANGED NESTABLE PIPE • HDPE BEAVERSTOP • HIGHWAY GUARDRAIL WATER CONTROL GATES ALUMINUM SPCAP • BIN TYPE WALLS TUNNEL LINER PLATE • FLOWGUARD Roger Leger 506.232.0825 [email protected] INNOVATION FLOWS FROM HERE 1.800.565.1152 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association62 newfoundland Power and the nLca: Partnerships at work nEWFoundLand PoWEr Is thE primary distributor of electricity for the island portion of newfoundland and Labrador. We serve more than 259,000 customers daily. We take our responsibility of delivering safe and reliable service to our customers very seriously, and invest approximately $90 million annually to maintain and upgrade our electricity system. While we continue to strengthen the integrity of our distribution system, we also seek out new ways to improve our service to customers. Of particular importance to us is growing our partnership with developers, contractors and builders. We’re FoCused on you We’re listening to you to better understand the evolving needs of the industry and improve service. Based on feedback from nLCa (newfoundland and Labrador Construction association) members, we’ve established a dedicated construction services phone number to provide direct access to customer service representatives. these specialists are familiar with the industry and are able to provide more answers at the first point of contact. We have also implemented a construction services web page to provide enhanced self-service options, such as the ability to create and get updates on service requests as well as access pertinent information on standards and procedures relevant to your work. WorkinG toGether We’ve made meaningful progress, and if we continue to work together we can achieve even greater success. With the short construction season in newfoundland, we want to help you maximize your time when starting construction projects. here are some things to consider: Plan ahead – We’d like to engage with you early in the planning and design phases of upcoming projects to ensure you are fully informed of the electrical system implications. Considering how a building will be supplied power during the design phase, for example, would help prevent unexpected, costly and time-consuming delays. In areas with a lot of our underground electrical cable, consulting with us early will help ensure projects remain on schedule. Permits are important – It’s vital that we understand and follow regulations when working in close proximity to power lines. Ensuring the appropriate construction permits are in place will Travis White (left) of North Shore Roofing Ltd. is the winner of the NLCA’s 2015 Provincial Safety Award. The award was presented by Newfoundland Power’s director of the eastern region, Byron Chubbs.” 63 2016 NLCA Construction Journal help ensure projects proceed safely and according to plan. Remember to consider easements – Proper easements are necessary before we can start the construction of power lines (overhead and underground) to ensure newfoundland Power crews have access to safely complete inspections, maintenance and repairs. Easements are typically three metres to 7.4 metres wide for residential lines and must be clear of any obstacles, such as sheds, garages and trees. New service connections – Poles in our service territory are owned by a number of different service providers which may require the involvement from multiple parties. however, you can contact us for new electrical service requests and underground electrical cable locates. think saFe, liVe saFe Construction work, by its nature, involves a level of risk that if not managed properly can lead to property damage, injury or even death. Over the past three years, there have been more than 250 public contacts with energized power lines and electrical equipment throughout the province. approximately 80 per cent of these involved construction equipment. the good news is that incident reductions are possible through our shared commitment to safety. to ensure everyone gets home safely to their families, we ask that you contact us in advance of work to co-ordinate with us before working near overhead or underground power lines. Contact us or visit our website to learn more about working safely around power lines and equipment. CoMMuniCation is key With your feedback, we have learned that communication is essential for a successful working partnership. as we continue to pursue opportunities for improvement we want to stay connected with you. We will continue to work with the nLCa and its members and encourage you to contact us, visit our website, or drop by one of our area offices. Construction services: (709) 737-5408 or 1-888-451-5066 Customer service: 1-800-663-2802 Outages or emergencies: 1-800-474-5711 t newfoundland Power and the nLca: Partnerships at work Construction Services Phone: (709) 737-5408 or 1-888-491-5066 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Call our dedicated phone line to request underground locates, clearance permits and other construction-related requirements. With the new construction services web page, Newfoundland Power customers can request different work orders online, including permits, disconnect/reconnects, new services and other filed work requests. The status of new services can be tracked online. There is also relevant information pertaining to our standards and procedures and information to ensure work is carried out as safely as possible. Visit for details. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association64 understanding Blue Zones: New campaign puts spotlight on accessible parking By Melanie Franner drIvE throuGh st. John’s, n.L., and you’ll see “Blue Zones” everywhere. But if you were an individual who actually used these Blue Zones (or accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities), you would realize there is often room for improvement in functionality. that’s why kim White, manager of strategic initiatives with the Coalition of Persons with Disabilities – newfoundland and Labrador, is leading a campaign promoting the legislation and best practices around Blue Zones. “Our goal is to help municipalities, businesses and the construction and related industries to meet legislation and building code,” she says. “and to also increase their knowledge about the functionality of Blue Zones for those using it.” and the Coalition has identified the province’s construction industry as a key partner in this campaign. “the province is going through quite a lot of development right now,” White says. “and it’s important to talk to the construction sector to ensure that they understand Blue Zone and incorporate the necessary functionality in their buildings. Currently, there are over 19,000 Blue Zone permits issued throughout the province and with an aging population, the number of people requiring accessible parking will likely increase. So the need for Blue Zones is very real.” leGislation and FunCtionality Changes to the province’s Buildings accessibility Regulations most recently took place in 2012. these changes spoke primarily to the need for permanent signage. the Coalition’s campaign is helping people understand these changes but it has also opened the door for the broader conversation around functionality. “It’s really about getting people to understand what makes Blue Zones functional for users as well as interpreting the building code,” she says. “there are a couple of key elements for functionality we like to highlight. One: Blue Zones have to be within close proximity of a building’s principal entrance. two: they must be Kim White is the manager of strategic initiatives with the Coalition of Persons with Disabilities – Newfoundland and Labrador. EJ Logging Ltd P.O. Box 40 River Of Ponds, NL A0K 4M0 Office: 709-225-3221 Fax: 709-225-5591 [email protected] We now operate Excavators, Dump Trucks, Loaders, Tractor, Hammer and other equipment needed to do any work that you need done. We also supply all kinds of stone and gravel. 65 2016 NLCA Construction Journal designed to provide extra space so that adaptive equipment like wheelchairs can be maneuvered easily. and three: a barrier-free path is required from the Blue Zone to the principal entrance.” an example of where legislation needs to be paired with functionality concerns the 2012 legislative changes concerning signage. “the changes call for permanent signage,” explains White. “Many companies were using temporary posts with signage in their parking lots. But when winter came, they were removing the posts for snow removal. the 2012 legislative changes are important for ensuring Blue Zones are clearly identified and decreasing misuse of the spaces. this has led to some companies relocating their Blue Zones on the sides of the building so they can attach permanent signage right on the building. this can be a great solution for ensuring proper signage but this can sometimes mean that the Blue Zones are located further away from the building’s main entrance than they were previously located. these are the kinds of things that need to be considered when creating Blue Zones spaces.” CaMPaiGn CoMPonents Service nL granted the funding for the accessible Parking and awareness Campaign in September of 2014 and launched a new partnership between Service nL and the Coalition. the campaign includes the development and distribution of brochures for business owners, pamphlets for accessible parking permit holders and presentations to various organizations, such as building design and construction industries, as well as municipalities. “We’ve been busy talking to municipalities in different venues across the province,” states White. “We also have arranged for an upcoming ‘Lunch ‘n Learn’ session with the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association. We’re talking with the association of architects and we have already participated in events hosted by the Canadian home Builders’ association – newfoundland and Labrador.” With the campaign currently in full swing, White hopes to get the Blue Zones message out to as many groups and people as possible. “this campaign is really about increasing knowledge,” she says. “We need to have people understand the functionality behind Blue Zones. I think success in this case means seeing genuine interest from the different sectors, including the construction sector, to better understand how Blue Zones work. When we see the people responsible for providing Blue Zones eager to understand both legislation and functionality, then that’s when we’ll know that we got it right.” t understanding Blue Zones: new campaign puts spotlight on accessible parking Follow us Your business NEWS DATA ANALYSIS Our insight C5 35 -1 5 Game-changing intelligence for strategic planning. Indepth view of the market + Actionable Data = Competitive Edge 1-800-465-6475 x25534 C535-15 NLCA Construction Journal Ad 4_625x7 in 4c.indd 1 9/8/2015 1:40:50 PM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association66 Promptness and attention to detail is vital in incident investigation By Beth Johnstone In thIs artIcLE, an incident is defined as “an event that could or does result in unintended harm or damage”. an incident investigation is a well-planned analysis that identifies the root causes of the incident and recommends corrective action to prevent recurrence. Case study Dan noticed that his co-worker, tim, had a cut above his eye and walked with a limp. he asked, “hard weekend?” but tim just shrugged it off. troy, the supervisor, said, “What happens on his time is his business.” the next day, tim was still limping and was even quieter than normal. troy asked tim what was wrong but he just said he wasn’t feeling well. One of tim’s co-workers, Gerry, knew the difference and couldn’t stay quiet any longer. Gerry told troy that it’s possible tim’s injuries were the result of an incident on friday in the supply shed. troy went to the shed, noticed that the shelf’s wooden plank was broken and that barrels were scattered on the floor. troy asked tim what happened. With his co-workers staring him down, tim simply said he lost his balance, and when he grabbed hold of the shelf, it broke and a barrel hit him on the head. troy knew he had to do an incident investigation. he took photographs of the scene, filled out an incident report based on tim’s account of the event, identified tim’s injuries and noted the position of the barrels. troy’s findings identified the cause of the incident to be failure to comply with the company policy requiring heavy, bulky items to be placed below chest height. troy filed his report then ordered his crew to replace the broken plank and clean up the shed. troy’s incident investigation was pretty straightforward and complete, right? Wrong! the key question in any incident investigation must be, “why did it happen?”, and not simply, “what happened?” troy’s investigation report stated that heavy materials were placed too high, a shelf broke, and a barrel hit tim, causing a head and back injury – but it didn’t answer, “why?”, and it didn’t look at all of the possible causes. Barrels and debris. “ Excellence is all about continuous improvement and that’s our goal at BrenKir. We are always striving to bring you the latest in fire, safety, and industrial supplies to increase efficiencies and maximize your return on investment. Most importantly, we provide top quality products and equipment so your employees make it home safe every day.” – Paul Hudson, Account Manager, BrenKir 1-888-295-9191 15 Glencoe Drive, Mount Pearl, NL 203 McGettigan Blvd, Marystown, NL Main Road, Long Harbour, NL Exceptional customer service is our #1 priority. For all your industrial and safety supply needs. 67 2016 NLCA Construction Journal another look Let’s have another look. this time, through the eyes of an informed, prompt investigation team that kept in mind that the purpose is not to find fault, but rather to consider all four Ps – people (anyone having information regarding the incident), parts (tools, equipment or materials), positions (of people, equipment, tools, materials and facilities, as well as environmental conditions), and paper (documentation). the investigation team responded immediately following the incident, interviewed witnesses and encouraged all workers to come forward with any additional relevant information. they reviewed interviews, documentation, observational notes, photographs and sketches. By spotting conflicting reports and noting that procedures were not followed, they were able to identify the chain of events that led to the incident. they learned that bullying and pranks were commonplace and that the supervisor condoned such behaviour. the investigators discovered, that just prior to the incident, a prank was played which involved removing the light bulbs in the supply shed and moving materials around just to keep tim on his toes. the season and time of day were other factors deemed to have contributed to the incident which occurred late in the afternoon in early January. Co-workers told tim Promptness and attention to detail is vital in incident investigation “Thoroughness and timeliness are critical. If you don’t capture the information on the spot, it’s often difficult or impossible to accurately capture it later. And that lack of information can have dire impact on the analysis and determination of causal factors as well as the development of remedial action.” – JaCkie Manuel, Ceo oF tHe newFounDlanD anD labraDor ConStruCtion SaFety aSSoCiation 709-739-7000 or 1-888-681- SAFE (7233) NLCSA is Your Construction Safety Association We are the exclusive in-province provider of the nationally recognized Certificate of Recognition™ (COR™) contractor safety management program. No Harm Done. Our Commitment to Safety. We deliver safety training, advisory services and programs province-wide. We offer over 25 safety training courses including: - Fall Protection; - Fall Protection Re-certification; - Competent Inspector Fall Protection; - Confined Space Entry; - Safety for Supervisors; - Construction Worker Safety; - Traffic Control, and many more! Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association68 to get some supplies and to “hurry up” because it was friday afternoon and they didn’t want to have to work late. Being stressed and harassed were probably contributing factors. Otherwise it is unlikely that tim would have rushed into the dark shed to get the materials. a review of company documentation revealed that rules were not always communicated to employees or enforced. Workers had been told on various occasions about not wearing their hard hats. also, a previous inspection report noted that the supply shed was overcrowded and shelving was defective. a recommendation to install proper shelving and remove obsolete equipment was ignored. ConClusion a lot more information was revealed by the investigation team. unlike troy, the team was on the scene promptly and was prepared. they were willing to be objective, to look beyond the obvious and continue to ask questions in order to find all possible answers. the team laid out constructive recommendations and knew that the goal was not to lay individual blame. together with management, the investigation team mapped out a set of controls, with specific task assignments and a follow-up plan, and left the disciplinary action to be handled through normal personnel procedures. Beth Johnstone is the marketing manager at the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety Association. NLCSA offers a one- day training course on incident investigation. For more information call 1-888-681-SAFE or visit t Safety is important when working in construction. Promptness and attention to detail is vital in incident investigation A review of company documentation revealed that rules were not always communicated to employees or enforced. LSG Construction Ltd. P.O. Box 285, 2 Carr Crescent, Gander, NL A1V 1W6 With over 30 years of experience in the commercial construction industry. Ph: (709) 651-3872 Fax: (709) 256-2221 Email: [email protected] We are also an authorized franchise for Butler Steel Buildings. LSG Construction Limited Specializes in All Types of Building Construction from Design/Build to Tendered Projects. SERVICES: EDUCATION: NETWORKING EVENTS: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Electronic Plansroom Full size print services for all drawings and specifications Weekly bulletin Construction Journal Magazine / Member Directory Daily project updates / Pre-Bid Outlook seminar Bidders listing Tender results & contract awards Pre-Qualification notices Membership certificates All members of NLCA are also a member of the Canadian ConstructionAssociation FREECommissioner forOaths signing Training & Boardroom Facilities CCDC /CCA Standard Documents Email blast notifications Online Resource Center Electronic PlansroomTraining Social Media Section Meetings Annual GolfTournaments Hall of Fame RockAwards program &AwardsGala Annual 3 day conference / Exhibitors trade show Construction Education Month Member to member advertising opportunities Lunch & Learn opportunities NLCAGreat Lobster Boil NLCA's Annual Christmas Dinner & Dance NLCA's Annual Children's Christmas Party NLCA “Kitchen Party” Magazine Launch General membership meetings – province wide Offshore conference (General Contractors, Mechanical Contractors, Electrical Contractors, Manufacturing &Suppliers,Trade Specialties & Heavy Civil) � � � � � � � � Centre of Excellence Gold Seal examination center E-Learning courses Lunch & Learn Business / Product Sessions Industry best practices seminars CCDC/CCA seminars NLCA scholarship program Gold Seal accredited courses/listings For a complete listing of current education and networking opportunities please visit CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR ACTIVITIES & SERVICES Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association70 celebrating ethnic diversity: One culture at a time By Melanie Franner thE LatEst march 2015 forecast from Buildforce Canada points to a potential workforce shortage for newfoundland and Labrador’s construction industry. the national organization suggests that major resource projects that have dominated the province’s 10-year construction boom will peak this year – but will be followed by a second wave of jobs starting in 2019. finding the skilled workforce to take on these jobs will be a challenge, requiring “long- range planning and a real industry focus on recruitment”. the immigrant population may be one potential labour source. and one individual – Lloydetta Quaicoe – is doing her utmost to ensure that the local St. John’s immigrant population is being welcomed into the community with open arms. Quaicoe is the founder and program co-ordinator of Sharing Our Cultures, Inc. (SOC), a volunteer organization aimed at helping students and families celebrate the diversity of cultures. “We try to build awareness of immigrants and the role they play in our economy and society,” states Quaicoe, who has a doctorate in education. “If we’re looking to immigrants as a way to help fill some of the gaps in our workforce, we need to welcome them into our community and make them feel like they belong.” doinG the researCh an immigrant from Sierra Leone herself, Quaicoe knows firsthand of some of the challenges faced by being an “outsider”. Quaicoe began an independent research study on the psychosocial needs of immigrant and refugee school children in 1998. She gathered data from 118 participants (61 students and 57 teachers and administrators) in St. John’s and the surrounding communities and she released the findings of that study in 1999. “We held a workshop in conjunction with the release of the findings of the study, where we brought some of the study participants and local students Lloydetta Quaicoe. Union of Bricklayers and Allied In te rn a ti o n a l C ra ftw o rk e rs Canada’s National union for skilled masonry workers…since 1881. Local #1, NL 631 Conception Bay Highway CBS, NL A1X 7L4 Telephone: 709-834-5679 71 2016 NLCA Construction Journal celebrating ethnic diversity: one culture at a time those in St. John’s. that’s where the idea was born of being able to share and learn about each other’s cultures, as a way of helping the students transition into the new school system.” today, 16 years after the founding of SOC, Quaicoe and her team of enthusiastic supporters are well- known around the local educational and ethnic communities. the together,” she says. “We realized at that time that there were gaps in the schools, that newcomers coming into the province were placed in age- appropriate grades. Some of these students were refugees who had been out of the school system for years; others did not speak the language of instruction in the schools, or had been in schools that weren’t structured like Students participate at the three-day events at The Rooms. BURSEY DEVELOPMENT EX CA VA TI N G BURSEY EXCAVATING & DEVELOPMENT INC. | 71 AIRPORT ROAD | ST. JOHN’S, NL A1A 4Y3 FAX: 709-579-6529 | EMAIL: [email protected] Jamie Bursey - Owner/Operator [email protected] Morley Barker - Sales [email protected] • COR CERTIFIED • COMMERCIAL SITE WORK : � EXCAVATORS � LOADERS � BACKHOES � DUMP TRUCKS � ROCK BUSTING � DEMOLITION SERVICES Office: 709-579-6527 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association72 celebrating ethnic diversity: one culture at a time the school year and the other in the spring. the three-day public forum is set up much like a trade show and offered free of charge. It is currently held in St. John’s at the Rooms, the province’s public cultural space and museum. the public is invited to attend the first day, while local Grade 6 students are escorted through with the aid of about 40 volunteer high school students acting as “tour guides”. the goal is for the Grade 6 students to interact with presenting students, learn about their cultures, and record the information on individual “passports”, which are stamped to indicate their participation. the “passports” are designed to be used for further discussions in the classroom about cultural diversity. “the Grade 6 provincial curriculum is about exploring world cultures so we thought it would be a good fit to have the high school students present their organization involves approximately 100 high school students each year, 2,000 Grade 6 students in St. John’s and rural communities – and an increasing number of volunteers from the educational and public arenas. “When we first started, we had about 50 to 60 students from 10 to 15 cultures each year,” says Quaicoe. “now, we have over 25 cultures represented.” the program essentially entails weekly meetings with about 60 participating immigrant (or second- generation) high school students to help them prepare for an annual public forum event typically held in March of each year around the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. the program also includes two full-day workshops in collaboration with Memorial university’s International Student advising Office – one held in the fall of cultures to this audience,” explains Quaicoe. “this interaction allows for each group to learn from the other.” another element of the program is the printing and distribution of the biannual Cultural Con‘txt’ , a newsletter filled with cultural stories and drawings supplied by and distributed to Grade 6 students across the province. to date, Quaicoe has met with much enthusiasm and interest from the educational community. She has also expanded the program to include visits to rural schools and communities, where the students are billeted by local families; visits by students from Labrador; and the involvement of remote aboriginal communities through established distance-education resources. “there is no lack of interest,” states Quaicoe, who adds that the organization is run by a volunteer board of directors and an advisory [email protected] & R Q V W U X F W L R Q � 6 L J Q V � / W G � P.O. Box 8333, St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7 T: (709) 782-1000 F: (709) 782-1404 [email protected] • All Signs D.O.T. Approved • Metal Signs and Stands • Roll Up Signs and Stands • Roll Up D Signs – Wide Load • Reflective Tape • “Air Spill” Barricades • Portable Traffic Lights • Flashing Arrowboards and Lights • Traffic Cones • Traffic Vests • Minicades, Plasticades • Banding Products. A complete range of traffic control and safety products 73 2016 NLCA Construction Journal celebrating ethnic diversity: one culture at a time concludes Quaicoe, who adds that getting the funding in place to do so is currently the main impediment. “It’s a great opportunity for students to build cultural pride. It’s so heartwarming to see these students at the beginning of the program and to watch them grow and blossom. Many of the students who had attended in Grade 6 return to volunteer as ‘tour guides’ or participate in other projects on behalf of the committee. It has no full-time employees, other than Quaicoe herself, who works on a contract basis. and, it operates through funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the provincial Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism, and the newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. Other partners and sponsors provide in-kind contributions. for example, the Rooms donates the space for the three-day events; schools provide space for weekly meetings; newfoundland and Labrador teachers’ association prints the “passports”; and CBC Radio promotes the events. sPeCial reCoGnition In honour of Quaicoe’s tireless efforts, she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2013. the commemorative medal honours significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. Quaicoe was surprised to hear that she had been nominated for the award (she still isn’t aware of who nominated her) and even more surprised to actually become an award recipient. “Even though I am the face of Sharing Our Cultures, there are so many people behind this organization who are doing so much,” she states. “It should be shared with everybody.” Looking back, Quaicoe admits that she began talking about immigration and the sharing of cultures back at a time when few people really thought about it. But during the many years since, immigration has become a hot topic. Many people realize that immigration is necessary for the future growth and prosperity of the province and country. “I would like to see the opportunity to continue this program – and to even expand it outside the province and across all of Canada – because it does bring a lot of value to the community,” organization. Sharing Our Cultures is its own success in so many ways.” and with Sharing Our Cultures adding value to the community, there is a greater chance that immigrants and immigrant families will become an important part of that community – and potentially an important part of a much-needed labour force for the newfoundland and Labrador construction industry. t 44 Garden Road | Conception Bay South, NL | A1X 6N7 Fax (709) 744-2986 | Office (709) 744-2035 | Cell (709) 693-4519 E-mail | [email protected] CORE CERtifiEd CWB CERtifiEd StainlESS StEEl WElding aluminum WElding mild StEEl WElding PiPE fitting StRuCtuRal Railing/StaiRS ShiP REPaiR/dOCkSidE mOBliE unit Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association74 the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and Answers cErtIFIcatE oF rEcoGnItIon™ (cor™) is a nationally recognized contractor safety management program, and the health and safety certification standard for the construction industry. COR™ standards are set by industry and implemented by the Canadian federation of Construction Safety associations (CfCSa). Each member association under the CfCSa has jurisdiction for COR™ in its province or territory. as such, the newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety association (nLCSa) is the exclusive provider of COR™ in this province. a company achieves COR™ certification through participation in training, development of a health and safety program and participation in third party verification of the implementation of the program. throughout the certification process, the nLSCa will issue the company a Letter of Good Standing (LoGs) to indicate that they have met the COR™ program requirements. Similarly, once certified, the nLCSa will continue to issue Letters of Good Standing provided that the company continues to meet the COR™ maintenance (internal/external audit) requirements. COR™ is the health and safety tender document required by various levels of government as well as by most major construction purchasers. also, in order for a construction company to be eligible for PRIME refunds from the Workplace health, Safety and Compensation Commission (the Commission), it must be COR™ certified and in good standing as of Dec. 31 each year. PRIME (Prevention + Return-to-Work + Insurance Management for Employers/ Employees) is the Commission’s employer incentive program that rewards employers which have sound occupational health and safety and return-to-work policies, program and practices and favourable claims costs. More information on the PRIME refund is available online at http://www.whscc. the following information answers common questions from companies TM TM FREE ESTIMATES • Residential, Commercial & Industrial • Specializing in New Home Plumbing & Renovations • Installation of water filters and pumps Justin Squires Cell: 690-5492 Office: 834-9355 Fax: 834-9392 P.O. Box 14232 Stn. Manuels C.B.S. NL A1W 3J1 P.O. Box 70, Spaniard’s Bay, NL A0A 3X0 atlantic enterprises ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AGENT FOR • Alwind Aluminum Windows • Solarseal Vinyl Windows Tel: 709 786 6992 • Fax: 709 786 4135 • Cell: 709 682 8374 E Mail: [email protected] 75 2016 NLCA Construction Journal the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers days. In that case, you would not be required to submit information on the corrective actions, as those issues would be verified during the external audit process. 3. Q: What if I can’t get all corrective actions addressed within the time frame provided by the NLCSA? a: any corrective actions noted would be as a result of a deficiency that are already involved in the COR™ Program. additional information for those unfamiliar with COR™ is available by contacting nLCSa at 1-888-681-SafE or by visiting our website ( 1. Q: What do I need to send in with my internal audit? a: the nLCSa will send you a reminder letter and a blank internal audit instrument approximately 90 days before your internal audit is due. the letter will list the supporting documentation to be included with your audit. this may include minutes from recent toolbox meetings; OhS committee minutes; inspections; hazard assessments; monthly safety summary; maintenance documentation; annual comprehensive hazard assessment; fall protection inspection reports, a copy of the ESRtW (Early and Safe Return-to-Work) program (for large PRIME assessment employers only) and/or other documentation, as applicable. 2. Q: What is NLCSA’s process for internal audits? a: an nLCSa safety advisor will review your audit instrument and supporting documentation. Based on the information provided, any corrective actions will be noted and you will have 30 days to provide the requested information indicating that you had addressed the noted deficiencies. Once all issues have been satisfactorily addressed, a new letter of Good Standing (LoGs) is issued to your anniversary date (i.e. the date that corresponds with the last completed external audit). If this is an external audit year for your company, once your internal audit is reviewed, you will be given a list of corrective actions to be addressed prior to your external audit, usually scheduled within 60 in your health and safety program and should be addressed as soon as possible. If circumstances are such that you cannot address an issue within the timeframe provided (i.e. training not available in your community), the nLCSa will consider issuing an extension. however, this may necessitate the restriction of certain activities within your company, for example, if you have Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association76 the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers workers that don’t have valid fall protection training, they would not be able to work at heights of more than three metres until they have completed the necessary training. 4. Q: Will I be assigned to a specific safety advisor? a: no. the nLCSa has 14 safety advisors, most of whom are involved in delivering training, providing member services and conducting external audits, any of which could take them away from their office for extended periods of time. We track all COR™ submissions in a central database that all nLCSa safety advisors have access to, which means that any one of our safety advisors can respond to your submissions, questions or concerns more quickly than if you waited to speak to a specific safety advisor. 5. Q: At our company a team of two or three people do the internal audit collectively. Which one of us should sign the audit? a: It is up to the company to decide who, internally, is best to conduct or lead the COR™ audit. that one person is named as the auditor, and by signing the audit instrument, he or she is taking responsibility for its contents. as of Jan. 1, 2016, the auditor will need to have completed either the nLCSa’s five-day COR™ training program or its one-day auditor certification course. 6. Q: How long does it take from the time I submit my internal audit until I get a response? a: Our goal is to get internal audits processed within a two-week period. however, that can vary depending on the time of year and how complete your submission is. We have more than 1,000 companies involved in the COR™ program and, on average, we receive more than 300 individual document submissions per month. October, november and December are even busier for audits because many COR™ companies rush to get their audits and related submissions in by the end of the year so that they will be eligible for the PRIME refund. Regardless of what time of the year it is, your internal audit will be delayed if the audit and documentation you submit is inaccurate or incomplete. 7. Q: What can I do to expedite the internal audit process? a: Most internal audit delays happen as a result of audit instruments that are incomplete and/or filled out incorrectly, and/or were not accompanied by the requested supporting documentation. to facilitate the timely processing of your internal audit, ensure that all requested documentation is included and that that audit instrument is properly completed. 8. Q: Why would more items be added to the list of required submissions after I have provided some or all of the items previously requested? a: Generally, this should not happen. If the nLCSa requested five (5) items after your internal audit was reviewed and you submitted three (3), the correspondence you receive should simply restate the two (2) outstanding items. however, on occasion, you may have provided information in your submissions that gave rise to additional issues or questions. for example, you may have submitted minutes from a toolbox talk at a site that the nLCSa was not aware of, and as such, we could request confirmation of a trained Worker health and Safety Representative for that site. If at any time the nLCSa requests information that you feel is unjustified or adds no benefit to health and safety in your business, you are strongly encouraged to contact us for clarification. 9. Q: Do I need to send in my safety manual every time I submit an internal audit? a: no. During the process of becoming COR™ certified, the company must send in its safety manual. Once the company’s safety manual has been reviewed and accepted, and the company has NCL Noble’s Construction Ltd. A DIVISION OF Commercial and Industrial Construction Residential Construction Heavy Construction Commercial Roofing Concrete Cutting and Coring Services 395 Little Bay Road, Springdale, NL A0J 1T0 Ph: 709-673-4600 • Fax: 709-673-4604 Email: [email protected] 77 2016 NLCA Construction Journal the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers company. the report will include: - corrective actions and required submissions; - recommendations; and - commendations (the things that are being done very well). the company is generally given 60 days, from the time the report is released, to address corrective actions. We would prefer that proof of all corrective actions been COR™ certified, nLCSa will return the safety manual to the company. there is no need to send in the manual thereafter. (note: nLCSa does not keep a copy of the manual. the company should continue to update its safety manual as appropriate, and the manual will be reviewed during future external audits.) 10. Q: Why does COR™ require so much documentation? a: Some documentation is required by legislation, and some is specifically required under the COR™ program to reflect best practices in the industry in demonstrating due diligence. Doing the right things in health and safety is obviously an important part of protecting your workers. Documenting the right things helps protect the company and its owner(s), manager(s) and supervisor(s). COR™ helps you keep track of your company’s health and safety programs, procedures, records, training certificates, etc. Consider it similar to the Canada Revenue agency doing a financial audit on an income tax return. If you didn’t keep your receipts and other documentation, you have no proof of your revenue and expenses. Likewise, if you don’t keep your health and safety documentation, it would be a significant gap in proving your due diligence. 11. Q: What is NLCSA’s process for external audits? a: the external audit will be conducted by an nLCSa safety advisor at a mutually agreeable time and place(s). Based on the advisor’s site observations, interviews with management, supervisors, workers and OhS members and documentation review, a report will be prepared and provided to the be submitted to us at one time; however, in cases where there may be an unavoidable delay in addressing some corrective actions, we will accept multiple submissions. 12. Q: Does NLCSA ever give extensions to the 60 days for corrective actions after the external audit? a: Extensions are possible, at You’re building the future. We’re here .to help™ You need the right equipment, at the right place, branch network, we are ready to help you round the clock service and support means the equipment will work just as hard as you do. 800.UR.RENTS © Copyright 2013 United Rentals, Inc. Corner Brook, NL (709) 632-7368 Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL (709) 897-7368 Wabush, NL (709) 282-7368 Mount Pearl, NL (709) 368-7368 Arnold’s Cove, NL (709) 463-7368 Grand Falls-Windsor, NL (709) 292-7368 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association78 the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers mistaken for spam and deleted. If you faxed it in but did not put your company name on it, we may have received the submission, but had no way of identifying the company that sent in the information. On the other hand, we may have received it and processed it and the reply was not received on your end. the nLCSa logs every submission received, whether they are internal or external audits, corrective actions, name changes and other requests, and we would have a record of when it was received and when it was processed. If you are unsure, contact us at any time. 14. Q: Why does it seem that NLCSA is adding more requirements through the internal and external audit process? a: On occasion, new requirements are introduced within the COR™ program, due to one or more of the following: - new requirements under the provincial OhS act and Regulations or the federal Canada Labour Code; - new PRIME requirements; nLCSa’s discretion. however, the company must prove that the reason(s) for not being able to meet the 60-day timeline was beyond their control and that they are actively working towards meeting the corrective actions. Depending on the issue(s), the company’s activity may be restricted until the corrective action is addressed (for example, the company may be restricted from working in areas where they may come into contact with power lines until workers have completed approved power line hazards training). 13. Q: I sent in all of the information that the NLCSA requested but I did not hear back. Does that mean I am or am not in good standing? a: If you made a submission to the nLCSa and did not hear back, you are strongly encouraged to contact us and follow up. Depending on how you submitted the information, we may not have actually received it. for example, if you emailed it, it may have been - other new Commission requirements; and/or - COR™ initiated requirements to meet best practices and/or national standards. for example, when the provincial OhS regulations were revised in 2009, one of the items we needed to add to our COR™ program was the requirement for hearing conservation programs. to the extent possible, members will be provided with ample and sufficient lead time and assistance to meet any new requirements. 15. Q: How would I find out about such new requirements? a: any changes to the COR™ program would be communicated to members through the audit review feedback, quarterly newsletter (that is sent to all nLCSa members) and biweekly electronic newsflashes (that is sent to those who subscribe). It is the members’ responsibility to read the newsletters and electronic newsflashes. If you haven’t already signed up for the free biweekly electronic news flashes you are encouraged to do so. to subscribe you need to sign up through our website. Subscription is quick and easy and you can easily unsubscribe at any time. 16. Q: Why would the NLCSA request something that has nothing to do with the type of construction work that my company does? a: this should not happen. We may have misunderstood something that you included in your internal audit. for example, if your company does not handle or transport dangerous goods, but you did not mark that section of the audit “not applicable”, we can only assume that it applies to you and therefore we could potentially request proof Strong businesses are built on strong relationships. To give you the right solutions, we draw on our team of experts. You receive the advice you need to move your business forward and help you reach, and ideally exceed, your goals. Lindsey Peddle, Client Relationship Manager TEL. 709-576-7569 l CELL 709-769-5571 Commercial Banking ® Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia. 79 2016 NLCA Construction Journal the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers external audit, nLCSa will conduct an interim audit at no charge, if in the opinion of the auditor, the company would likely need assistance. also, a COR™ company can request extra external audits at any time outside of their normal audit cycle. however, it would be at cost, plus all travel expenses. (the standard flat fee for an external that workers have been trained in the transport of Dangerous Goods (tDG). If at any time, the nLCSa requests information that you feel is unjustified or adds no benefit to health and safety in your business, you are strongly encouraged to contact us for clarification. 17. Q: Does NLCSA keep records of the training my company has done? a: nLCSa keeps a record of all safety training that a company or individual has done with the nLCSa since our inception in 1997. through the “Member access” section of our website, companies can look up their own records of safety training completed with us. the nLCSa has no ability to access training records from other training providers. 18. Q: What happens if the person that did COR™ training for our company is no longer with the company? a: that will depend on your company’s status. If your company is at the “In Process” stage, another person will have to take the full five- day COR™ training program. If your company is at the “audit Pending” or the “COR™ certified” stage, we would still recommend that someone in the company complete the full COR™ training program. however, to continue with COR™, the person conducting your internal audit will have to have attended, at least, the nLCSa’s one-day auditor certification training course. 19. Q: From the time that a company receives its COR™ certification it is another year before the internal audit is due and three years before another external audit is due. That’s a long time between audits. Is there an opportunity for another external audit before then? a: yes, six months after the initial audit, that is part of the normal audit cycle, is $525 plus hSt, including all travel expenses, as it is subsidized by the construction industry levy.) 20. Q: I need a Letter of Good Standing right away. Can I get an extension to my LoGs? a: If your company needs a LoGs Untitled-1 1 11/08/2015 10:54:51 PM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association80 to meet tender requirements, for payment or for another valid reason, we will prioritize your file/submission upon receipt of proof of the tender (or other) requirement. however, if you have not submitted your internal audit or other requested information, there would be nothing to prioritize and an extension would not likely be possible. Conversely, if you do not need a LoGs but would prefer that your letter not expire, it is acceptable to allow your LoGs to expire for a short period of time while you work on your audit and documentation. 21. Q: My company was COR™ certified some time ago, but I have fallen out of good standing. How can I get a new LoGs? a: the amount of time that has passed will dictate what you need to do to be eligible for a LoGs. Generally, if it has been less than one year, you can get back in good standing by “picking up where you left off”, that is submit any required information. If more than one year has passed, you would likely have to complete another internal audit and/or participate in an external audit as well. however, if your company has been out of good standing for a considerable amount of time, you will be required to re-submit your safety manual, conduct an internal audit and participate in an external audit before the nLCSa will consider issuing a LoGs. 22. Q: Is the audit instrument available online? a: the audit instrument will soon be available through the “Member access” area of our website but it’s not fully functional yet, as we don’t yet have a way for member companies to upload their supporting documentation through the website. We’re working towards that and hope to have it fully functional soon. 23. Q: What happens if an audit cannot be scheduled in time to be considered for a PRIME refund? a: the deadline to verify PRIME requirements through the internal or external audit process is Dec. 31 each year. In rare circumstances, through no fault of the company, it is not possible for nLCSa to conduct an external audit before the end of the year. In such cases nLCSa will request the following information (in addition to the documentation submitted with the internal audit) to assist in the verification of the PRIME requirements: - policies signed and dated; - ESRtW Program information (for large PRIME employers) - OhS committee membership and meeting information/dates; - Injury Report System; and - proof of training for compliance courses (i.e. first aid, fall protection, confined space, etc.). If everything requested is in order, the nLCSa will include the company in the list provided to the Commission of construction companies eligible for a PRIME refund. the external audit will be conducted at the earliest possible occasion in the new year. If the external audit identifies that the company had not, in fact, met all of the PRIME requirements, the Commission would be notified accordingly. 24. Q: Is the COR™ Letter of Good Standing the same as the Commission’s Letter of Good Standing/Certificate of Clearance? a: no, the COR™ Letter of Good Standing is a document issued only to participants of the COR™ program. In newfoundland and Labrador, it can only be issued by the nLCSa and must be signed by the CEO of the nLCSa and/or a designated person. the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers Stuckless & Stuckless Inc. Glenwood, NL FOR A FREE QUOTE CALL (709) 679-5656 OR (709) 424-5332 - Excavating - Mining, Cabin Road Constructions - Dump Truck Hire - Land Clearing & Development - Fill/Gravel Delivery - Firewood Sales - Floating/Truck - Culvert Supply & Installation - Warf & Bridge Installation - Grader Hire - Snow Clearing 81 2016 NLCA Construction Journal safety program, particularly when there is common ownership, management and/or workers. If this is the case, you can apply for multiple company status (see details online at http://www.nlcsa. com/resource/cor.php). In order for the COR™ certification to extend to the new company, the nLCSa will have to conduct an external audit on the operations of that company. 27. Q: My company is COR™ certified in another province but we are doing some work in Newfoundland and Labrador. Will our COR™ certification be recognized here? a: there is a national reciprocity agreement under the CfCSa that recognizes COR™ certification throughout the country. Based on your COR™ status with another CfCSa member, the nLCSa will issue a LoGs for bidding purposes. Once you are successful and start work in this province, you must contact the nLCSa to make arrangements to meet any additional, provincial-specific requirements and you must 25. Q: I have changed the name of my company. How do I get this updated on my COR™ certificate and LoGs? a: If you have simply changed the name of your company, all you have to do is send a copy of the articles of amendment to the nLCSa and we will update our records accordingly. however, if you have started a new company that will be taking over the operations of the COR™ certified company, the nLCSa would have to determine if the new company had successor rights to the original company. 26. Q: My company is COR™ certified but we recently acquired another company. Does my COR™ status extend to that new company? a: no. COR™ certification is awarded to an individual company based on their implementation of an appropriate health and safety program. however, we recognize that it is possible for more than one company to fall under the umbrella of a single health and conduct an internal audit on your operations in this province. the application for reciprocity can be found at resource/cor.php. 28. Q: My company is not a construction company. Why am I required to be COR™ certified? a: Often, a construction purchaser, such as the provincial government, requires that any company providing construction or construction-related services be in good standing in the COR™ program. If the organization you are working for is requiring COR™ certification, it is likely because of the nature of the work you are being asked to undertake. for example, the hazards related to snow clearing are very similar to those associated with any construction work requiring the operation of heavy equipment. For more information about COR™, visit the member services section of our website, services/index.php, or contact an NLCSA safety advisor at 1-888-681-SAFE. t 99 Clyde Ave, in the Donovans Industrial Park Mount Pearl, NL (709) 368-7222 1 866-516-7222 For All Your Garage Door Needs Residential - Commercial - Industrial • Oversized Doors • Steel or Aluminum Garaga Doors • Heavy Duty Hardware • 24-Hour Emergency Service • Sales - Service and Installation • Preventive Maintenance Programs Authorized Dealer Made in Canada [email protected] the certificate of recognition™ (cor™) Program: Questions and answers For more information or to order, please contact NLCA by calling 709-753-8920, email [email protected], or visit our website at CCA 1 is a standard construction contract form designed for the Contractor and Subcontractor when performing the required subcontract work for a single, pre-determined fixed price or lump sum, regardless of the Subcontractor’s actual costs. • Combines the “refer-by-reference” and “stand-alone” approaches into a single form. Users can choose between these two approaches simply by completing either page 2A or 2B (not both) and discarding the other page. • Clearly defines the scope of the Subcontract Work by requiring all parties to list all Subcontract Documents which will comprise the Subcontract. • Provides a detailed description of the roles and obligations of the Contractor and the Subcontractor, which are carefully co-ordinated with other standard contract forms within the Project, e.g. Prime Contract (CCDC 2), Client-Architect Agreement (CCAC Document 6) and Client-Engineer Agreement (ACEC Document 31). • Contains provisions that specify the procedures and parties’ rights in the case of the Owner failing to make a payment. • Provides Change Orders and Change Directives that give the Contractor the right to order changes. • Supplies advanced dispute resolution processes (negotiation, mediation and arbitration) that encourage speedy and inexpensive voluntary resolution of construction disputes. • Specifies the minimum General Liability Insurance and “Broad Form” Property Insurance coverage that should be carried for all subcontract work. • Provides standard indemnification provisions that set out the Subcontractor’s obligations in indemnifying the Contractor with respect to claims asserted against the Contractor by third parties. • Contains standard waiver of claims provisions that, subject to provincial legislation, limit both parties’ rights in bringing action against each other after completion of the Subcontract Work. • Has carefully developed provisions to address specific project situations such as: concealed or unknown conditions, delays, claims, non-payment by the owner, suspension or contract termination, protection of adjacent property, toxic and hazardous substances, construction safety, permits and fees, other subcontractors, construction by the Contractor, warranties etc. What’s in CCA 1? CCA 1 Stipulated Price Subcontract Facebook Twitter YouTube Email Copyright ©2015 Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association, All rights reserved. Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 Canada Our mailing address is: WE HAVE THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS YOU NEED!CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR PROUD BUILDERS IN NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Memorial University New Residence, ST. JOHN’S Carbonear Long Term Care Facility, CARBONEAR Paul Reynolds Community Centre, ST. JOHN’S Paradise Double Ice Surface Arena, PARADISE l e a r n m o r e a t e l l i s d o n . co m EllisDon is one of Canada’s leading general contractors. Completing in excess of $3.3-billion annually, EllisDon exports construction expertise and services across North America and around the world. But we don’t just set-up, build and then leave. We become the very fabric of the communities we build in. Working with local trades and sub-contractors, together we transform our community and give back whenever possible. After all, Newfoundland is home. W E B U I L D O N G R E AT R E L AT I O N S H I P S In 2015 NLCA officially launched its new brand for continuing education - theCentre of Excellence.The Centre, located at the NLCA office, provides members with education and training opportunities to help them gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced industry. The following is a selection of education and training sessions offered in 2015. Electronic Plansroom Bi-WeeklyTraining Sessions Deciphering the Mechanics LienAct Demystifying Surety An Inside Look at the COR Process What’s New in Construction Law A Detailed Discussion of CCA 01 - Stipulated Price Subcontract AnOverview of theCommercial Development Process within the City of St. John’s Torbay's Newest Mixed-Use Development Opportunity –Amherst Landing ImprovingCash Flow in your Business Construction Estimating Construction 101 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ™ Bridging theGenerational Gap Communication, Negotiation &Conflict Resolution Construction Law Introduction to Building Information Modelling Documents for theUse of BIM Planning, Scheduling and Document Control JointVenturing SESSIONS / LUNCHN’ LEARNS: New Program Bundle of Courses (An NLCA Initiative) CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM For a complete listing of current education and training opportunities please visit Proud to be driven by you. 709-221-7733 • fl We are proud to announce the opening of our newest Tirecraft location in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland & Labrador 116 Glencoe Drive, Exit 42A Mount Pearl, Newfoundland & Labrador Ou te r R in g Rd Glencoe Dr Glen coe Dr Cl yd e Av e Gl en co e Dr Du nd ee A ve • 24 hour emergency road service • Large selection of inventory • Largest network in Canada • Drive-thru truck bays • Servicing passenger, light trucks and heavy trucks Dartmouth Yarmouth Berwick Parsborro Sydney Dalhousie Miramichi CharlottetownMoncton Woodstock Fredericton Saint John Stephenville Deer Lake Bay Roberts Mount Pearl Represents Passenger Light Truck Service Locations Tirecraft Locations in Newfoundland & Labrador Tirecraft ad Newfoundland & Labrador Trim size: 8 3/8" × 10 7/8" The Hall of Fame Award is designed to recognize a recipient who has demonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and possesses a record of outstanding contributions and achievements throughout his/her career in the construction industry. NLCA’s 2015 inductee into the Hall of Fame was the late Mr. Herb Badcock, founder of Trico Ltd. This award was presented to Mr. Badcock prior to the Annual Awards Gala on March 2, 2015 at the NLCA office. The late Mr. Badcock was one of the eight founding members of the NLCA. Herb Badcock Hall of Fame Inductee – newfoundland & Labrador Construction association86 The late Herb Badcock.NLCA 2014-2015 chair, Kirk Saunders; 2015 Hall of Fame inductee, Herb Badcock; and NLCA president/COO, Rhonda Neary. 2015 NLCA ROCK Award winners: Congratulations to the following 87 2016 NLCA Construction Journal supplier award of excellence Winner – united rentals Accepting the award, Lou Lawrence. The award was presented to United Rentals by Kirk Saunders of EllisDon Corporation, platinum sponsor of the event. Photo (left to right): Lou Lawrence and Kirk Saunders. subcontractor award of excellence Winner – north shore roofing ltd. Accepting the award, Travis White. The award was presented to North Shore Roofing Ltd. by Matthew Hynes of Oceanex Inc., platinum sponsor of the event. Photo (left to right): Travis White and Matthew Hynes. Provincial safety award Winner – north shore roofing ltd. Accepting the award, Travis White. The award was presented to North Shore Roofing Ltd. by Byron Chubbs of Newfoundland Power, platinum sponsor of the event. Photo (left to right): Travis White and Byron Chubbs. Community leader award recipient – kevin McCarthy This award was presented to Mr. McCarthy by Stephen Hayward, NLCA 2015 Conference chair. Photo (left to right): Kevin McCarthy and Stephen Hayward. Kevin also received a cheque for his charity of choice, the Children’s Wish Foundation. General Contractor award of excellence Winner – n.d. dobbin Group of Companies Accepting the award, Holly Hicks. The award was presented to N.D. Dobbin Group of Companies by Lou Lawrence of United Rentals, platinum sponsor of the event. Photo (left to right): Holly Hicks and Lou Lawrence. 45 YeArs THoMAs eCoNoMY GLAss Congratulations to Thomas Economy Glass on celebrating 45 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Jeff Thomas. 35 YeArs Arrow CoNsTruCTioN ProduCTs LTd. Congratulations to Arrow Construction Products Ltd. on celebrating 35 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Cory Brocklehurst. 30 YeArs eFCo eNTerPrises LTd. Congratulations to EFCO Enterprises Ltd. on celebrating 30 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Jeff Menne. 25 YeArs KAvANAGH AssoCiATes Congratulations to Kavanagh Associates, a division of RV Anderson Associates Ltd. on celebrating 25 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Chris Newman. 40 YeArs Audio sYsTeMs LiMiTed Congratulations to Audio Systems Limited on celebrating 40 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Blair LeDrew. 30 YeArs isLANd rooFiNG Co. LTd. Congratulations to Island Roofing Co. Ltd. on celebrating 30 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Darren Park. 25 YeArs roCK CoNsTruCTioN Co. LTd. Congratulations to Rock Construction Co. Ltd. on celebrating 25 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Rob D. Stapleton. 20 YeArs J & e eNTerPrises LTd. Congratulations to J & E Enterprises Ltd. on celebrating 20 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Eugene Manning. 2015 membership recognition awards newfoundland & Labrador Construction association88 2015 membership recognition awards 15 YeArs GLeNN CoLLiNGs LTd. Congratulations to Glenn Collings Ltd. on celebrating 15 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Glenn Collings. 10 YeArs NewFouNdLANd Power Congratulations to Newfoundland Power on celebrating 10 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Larry Wall. 15 YeArs CuMMiNs eAsTerN CANAdA LP Congratulations to Cummins Eastern Canada LP on celebrating 15 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Ed LeGrow. 10 YeArs CAL LeGrow iNsurANCe Congratulations to Cal LeGrow Insurance on celebrating 10 years as a member of NLCA. Accepting the award: Bill Dalton. 2015 Membership recognition Awards 10 Years Cal LeGrow insurance Maynard reece engineering equipment Ltd. Newfoundland Power 15 Years Cummins eastern Canada LP Glenn Collings Ltd. Marcus Contracting Ltd. Mcinnes Cooper 20 Years Airtron Canada (A direct energy Company) J & e enterprises Ltd. 25 Years dawe enterprises Ltd. Kavanagh Associates, a div. of rv Anderson Associates Ltd. r. J. G. Construction Ltd. rock Construction Co. Ltd. The Guarantee Company of North America 30 Years eFCo enterprises Ltd. Gander electrical & Mechanical Ltd. island roofing Co. Ltd. Tempo Construction Management inc. 35 Years Arrow Construction Products Ltd. Bluebird investments Ltd. NFLd. Hard-rok inc. white’s Construction Limited 40 Years Audio systems Limited Lockes electrical Ltd. 45 Years Thomas economy Glass 89 2016 NLCA Construction Journal NLCA 2014-15 board of directors chair Kirk Saunders (right) “passes the buck” to the 2015-16 incoming chair, Ed LeGrow (left). Stephen Hayward, NLCA 2015 Conference chair, welcomed attendees to the 46th Annual Chairperson’s Ball and Awards Gala. Stephen Hayward, NLCA 2015 Conference chair, welcomed delegates to the conference at the official “kick-off” to the conference – the opening night welcome reception. James Loder of Academy Canada, sponsor of the opening night welcome reception, brought greetings on behalf of his firm. Doug Wilson of The Guarantee Company of North America, sponsor of the opening night welcome reception, brought greetings on behalf of his firm. NLCA 2015 Rock Awards show host Kirk Saunders welcomes everyone to the awards presentation portion of the gala. Honourable Paul Davis, premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, addressed attendees and brought greetings on behalf of the province during the Annual Awards Gala. 2015 conference highlights newfoundland & Labrador Construction association90 Delegates tried their luck at the interactive “hockey shot” game during the hockey- themed opening night welcome reception. Rhonda Collings, NLCA 2016 Conference chair (middle), officially announces the 2016 Conference location – Corner Brook. Congratulations to the winner of the exhibitor passport draw, Sue Pelley of G. Pelley Ltd. (left). Thank you to Eastern Audio for generously donating the prize – a night out for four in their corporate suite. Delegates networking during the cocktail reception before the award gala. Thank you to Belfor Property Restoration, a proud reception sponsor. Congratulations to the winner of the early bird prize draw, Lynn McCarthy (left). The prize was generously donated by Rona. Presenting the certificate to Lynn was Colin Doyle of Rona (right). Delegates networked with exhibitors during the hockey-themed opening night. 91 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Kirk Saunders addressed delegates during the annual general meeting and presented the chair’s report. John Horgan, plan administrator of RDTC/NLBTC Members’ Trust and sponsor of the opening breakfast, introduced guest speaker Ed Martin. Mark Casaletto, vice-president and general manager of Construction Market Data (CMD), presented to delegates on the topic of a construction economic outlook. Kevin McEvoy, NLCA Nominating Committee chair, after the election, announced the board of directors for 2015-16 during the AGM. Ed Martin, CEO of Nalcor Energy, spoke during the opening breakfast. The topic for discussion was a look at Nalcor’s long-term projects and its significance to our province’s economic future. CCA chair Serge Massicotte and CCA president Michael Atkinson addressed delegates during the AGM and presented the CCA national address. Ed LeGrow, NLCA board chair 2015-16, addressed delegates as the new board chair during the AGM. newfoundland & Labrador Construction association92 Lots of fun at the opening night welcome reception. From left to right: Denise Goodyear, Rhonda Neary, Alisha Morrissey, Kirk Saunders and Stephen Hayward. The luncheon featured conversation with Dwight Ball, leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Seamus O’Regan, Liberal candidate for St. John`s South-Mount Pearl. Steve Power, managing partner for the Newfoundland Business Unit with Grant Thornton and sponsor of the business luncheon, introduced Mr. Dwight Ball and Mr. Seamus O’Regan. Delegates dipped generously into their pockets to raise more than $50,000 in aid of the Mazol Shriners Children’s Transportation Fund. Grant Ainsley, author of The Honest Spin Doctor and president of Grant Ainsley Inc., presented to delegates on the topic of “Corporate Russian Roulette – The Dangers of Social Media”. Heather Dalton, executive vice-president of M5 Marketing Communications, and Karen McCarthy, manager of customer and corporate relations of Newfoundland Power, provided an interactive discussion during the panel session. 93 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Thank you to the sponsors of NLCA’s 2015 Annual Conference! P L A T I N U M S I L V E R G O L D P A R T N E R M E D I A P A R T N E R Aluma Systems Inc. Amec Foster Wheeler Apex Construction Specialties Inc. Arrow Construction Products Ltd. Aviva Insurance Company of Canada Baraco - Atlantic Corp. Bird-Stairs Black & McDonald Ltd. Brook Construction (2007) Inc. Concrete Products, Dillon Consulting Limited Emera Utility Services Keltic Steelworks Limited Kent Building Supplies Kivik Equipment Rentals Marine Atlantic MUNN Insurance Limited N.D. Dobbin Group of Companies Petrela, Winter & Associates RAVENcor Projects RBC - Royal Bank Stewart McKelvey TD Commercial Banking Travelers Insurance Company of Canada United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 579 Wedgwood Insurance Ltd. Western Surety Company Div. of Newcrete Investments Ltd. Partnership 95 2016 NLCA Construction Journal 47 Annual Conference th47 Annual Conference th February 4-6, Corner Brook, NL The Path to HIGHHIGH PERFORMANCE Top Solutions for Workplace Productivity & Engagement 2016 “We Build Newfoundland and Labrador” CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Visit to register & download your itinerary!Visit to register & download your itinerary! • Industrial Refrigeration Systems • Heat Reclaim Systems • Compressors • Ice Machines • Refrigerants • Refrigeration Valves & Accessories • Evaporators • Pressure Vessels • Condensers • Chillers • Plate Heat Exchangers • Complete line of Refrigeration Parts Products & Services Include: Young’s highly skilled and certified employees includes Refrigeration Engineers, Millwrights, Machinists and Welders ready to work on site and in the field, with the latest in equipment and management systems. P.O. Box 98 Lethbridge, Newfoundland and Labrador,Canada A0C 1V0 | Tel: (709) 467-9712 | Fax: (709) 467-9713 | Toll Free: 1-877-767-9712 NLCA Education Awards for 2014 Congratulations to the NLCA Education Award winners for 2014! The Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association’s annual education Awards for 2014, each scholarship valued at $1,000, were presented on dec. 16, 2014 at the NLCA office in st. John’s. The cheques were presented by the NLCA 2014/15 education and Training Committee chair James Loder; NLCA 2014/15 board chair Kirk saunders; and NLCA president/Coo, rhonda Neary. newfoundland & Labrador Construction association96 Left to right: Rhonda Neary (NLCA president/COO); Kirk Saunders (NLCA 2014/15 board chair); David Grainger (Pyramid Construction Limited); Kathryn Vinnicombe (Newfound Roofing Ltd.); Meagan Casey (North Shore Roofing Ltd.); Jennifer Murphy (Eastern Siding Systems Inc.) and James Loder (NLCA 2014/15 Education and Training Committee chair). Missing from photo: Emily Rowe (Wolseley Canada Inc.); Keith Noble (Noble’s Construction Ltd.); Christian Dubé (Merit Contractors Association of Newfoundland and Labrador); Shane Stares (Glenn Collings Ltd.); Alberto Serracin-Pitti (Marwood Ltd.); Joshua Hudson (City-Lite Electrical Limited); Hilary Sharpe (Scotia Insulations Ltd.); Candace Murphy (Trident Construction Ltd.). Third Annual Great Lobster Boil Highlights thE nLca’s thIrd annuaL Lobster Boil took place on fri., april 24, 2015, at the Royal Canadian Legion in Pleasantville. a sold-out room networked with industry peers, enjoyed great food and listened to entertainment by comedian Steve Coombs and musician Justin fancy. a great time was had again this year by all! attendees generously dipped into their pockets for a worthwhile cause, the School Lunch Program. through a 50/50 draw, $415.00 was raised. newfoundland & Labrador Construction association98 Presenting Sponsor: Pennecon heavy Civil Limited eVent sPonsors: Salsa Bar Sponsored by: Can-am Platforms & Construction Ltd. Mussel Bar Sponsored by: R. J. G. Construction Ltd. suPPortinG sPonsors: atlantic Industries Ltd. | Bird-Stairs | Black & McDonald Ltd. | Crosbie Industrial Services thank you, Martin’s Fire safety Ltd., for the generous door prize donation. thank you to the nLCa’s generous sponsors, planning committee and guests for making the 2015 event a huge success! 99 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association100 nLca Charity Donations the nLCa was proud to support the following charities in 2015: the Children’s Wish foundation; Mazol Shriners Children’s transportation fund; Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada; School Lunch Program; kids Eat Smart foundation; and the Salvation army. thank you to all member firms for their continued support through donations. $415,215.78 Total donations to date The Mazol shriners Children’s Transportation Fund $311,310.10 The Learning disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador $30,008.35 The Kids eat smart Foundation $33,686.35 Lions Max simms Memorial Camp $18,470.98 Multiple sclerosis society of Canada $7,048.00 The school Lunch Program $1,742.00 sPCA – st. John’s $2,000.00 The Manuals river Heritage society $2,000.00 The Candlelighters Association of NL $2,000.00 Threads of Life (steps for Life) $2,000.00 Bridges to Hope $500.00 The salvation Army $2,000.00 Children’s wish Foundation $2,450.00 CCDC 15 is a standard contract between the Design- Builder and Consultant to perform the Design Services required under a design-build contract between the Owner and Design-Builder. Based on an approach similar to standard client- consultant contracts (i.e. RAIC Document Six and ACEC 31), CCDC 15 lists all the basic design services that are considered necessary in a design-build contract. These design services are listed in a Schedule, which allows flexibility for the Design-Builder and Consultant to establish the scope of services and compensation method. CCDC 15 also includes a schedule that lists typical additional design services that the Consultant may be required to provide. • Copyright and use of documents • Design-Builder's roles and responsibilities in supplying information to the Consultant and reviewing design • Consultant's roles and responsibilities in providing Design Services, engaging Subconsultants, and coordinating Other Consultants • Design to meet the Construction Budget • Limitation of liability for Design Services CCDC 14 – Design-Build Stipulated Price Contract specifies that the Design-Builder's contract with the Consultant shall be based on the version of CCDC 15 in effect the date of CCDC 14 or shall incorporate terms and conditions consistent with this version of CCDC 15. It is therefore essential for Owners, Design-Builders and Consultants to be familiar with CCDC 15. CCDC standard contract forms are products of a consensus-building process aimed at balancing the interests of all parties involved in construction projects. They reflect recommended industry practices. They are recognized for clarity and simplicity of language and are drafted in a style intended to be easily understood by the parties, using terms and expression familiar to the industry. The important terms and conditions addressed in CCDC 15 include: CCDC 15 (2013) - Design Services Contract Between Design-Builder and Consultant For more information or to order, please contact NLCA by calling 709-753-8920, email [email protected], or visit our website at Copyright ©2015 Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association, All rights reserved. Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 Canada Our mailing address is: Facebook Twitter YouTube Email WE HAVE THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS YOU NEED!CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR ph ot o cr ed it: D ig ita l v is io n Le ar n m or e a t g ol ds ea lce rt ifi ca tio n. co m /p ro je ct s PROMOTE EXCELLENCE in the management of construction Register your next project as a Gold Seal Project Serv in g N ew fo undland and Labrador ��t14 Ê($4U> Industrial & Residential Fencing • Chain Link Fencing • Ornamental Fencing • Gate Operators • Playground Equipment • Ice Rinks Contact Greg Langmead [email protected] Alex Byrne [email protected] Roofing & Waterproofing • Roofing Systems (Modified Bitumen, TPO, EPDM) • Custom Tapered Roof Insulation • Wall Insulation and Air Barrier Systems (Permeable and Non Permeable) • Bridge & Parking Deck Waterproofing • Metal Roof Coatings & Snow Guards • Green Roof Systems • Waterproofing & Damp Proofing • Fall Arrest Systems • Custom Skylights and Roof Access Hatches Contact Craig Foote [email protected] 709-726-1111 &RPPHUFLDO�6HDODQWV� �:DWHUSURRĸQJ Construction Specialties • Concrete Forming Accessories & Form Panels • Construction Sealants & Firestopping • Builders Hardware • Geotextiles & Gabions • Grouts & Cement Coatings • Rock Bolts, Fasteners & Epoxies Contact Ken Walsh [email protected] Ken Tapper [email protected] Architectural Hardware & Door Products • Entrance Systems • Hollow Metal & Wood Doors • Commercial Hardware • Steel Frames • Access Doors • Automatic Operators • Card Readers Contact Don Hawco [email protected] Craig White [email protected] 41 Beclin Road, Mount Pearl P.O. Box 8776, Stn A St. John’s, NL A1B 3T2 Experience. Knowledge. Expertise. Fax: 709-726-5315 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association104 aIr-tItE shEEt mEtaL LImItEd Norman Lucas, President, GSC: Designation – Project Manager and Superintendent; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Chesley Lucas, vice-president, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting; Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. aLLIEd constructors Inc. Andrew Driscoll, CEt, President, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Brad Sheppard, P. Eng., GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 2012- 2013): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Bob Lynch, P. tech, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. amd hoLdInGs LImItEd Aubrey Drover (nLCa Past Chairperson 2001): Designation – Superintendent and Project Manager; Discipline: General Contracting. anchoraGE contractInG Ltd. Andrew Burns, GSC: Designation – Project Manager Intern; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. aPEX constructIon sPEcIaLtIEs Inc. Craig Foote: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Commercial Roofing Estimator and Sales.  B & r EntErPrIsEs LImItEd Bing T. Pelley, Owner/Operator: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.  Baraco – atLantIc corP. Frederick Hart, General Manager, C. tech , GSC: Designation – Owner’s Construction Manager / Robert M Clarke, Operations Manager, P. tech, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.  BayvIEW ELEctrIcaL Ltd. Jerry G. Normore: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting.  BELFor ProPErty rEstoratIon Tim Benoit, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.  BIrd constructIon GrouP Keith Matthews: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Roger Rowsell: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Patrick Ballard, GSI: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Victor Power: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Michael Tobin: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Peter Higgins: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Neil Ingraham: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting. BLack and mcdonaLd Ltd. George Gerald Dalton: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Harold L. Reid: Designation - Superintendent; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members GLENN COLLINGS LTD. MECHANICAL CONTRACTING | HEATING | VENTILATION AIR CONDITIONING | PLUMBING COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL GLENN COLLINGS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR P (709) 256-2222 | C (709) 424-5222 | F 709-256-8222 7 MACKAY STREET | GANDER, NL A1V1R6 E [email protected] • Commercial Residential and Industrial Security System sales and installation • 24 HR ULC Monitoring • IP and Analogue Camera system sales and installation • Computer and Networking Services • Home Automation • Locksmithing • Wireless Sound Systems Gord Fullerton National Advisory Team Member [email protected] 149 Water Street Carbonear, NL A1Y 1A9 Tel: 709-596-7969 709-754-7702 1-888-596-5625 Fax: 709-596-1409 Fullerton Agencies Ltd. 105 2016 NLCA Construction Journal nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members Brook constructIon (2007) Inc. Ted Burden: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Sandy Murphy: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Derek Bingle: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Frank Compton: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Harvey Hawkins: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Melvin Anstey: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting. cEntura FLoor and WaLL tILE Andrew Tucker: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – flooring. chImo constructIon manaGEmEnt Ltd. Ron Hickey, CEt, GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 2003): Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Karl W. Green, P. Eng. (nLCa Past Chairperson 1994): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Alex Smith: Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Dave Leonard: Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting.  cLarkE masonry Ltd. Brad Clarke, P. Eng., MBa, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Masonry.  coady constructIon and EXcavatIon Ltd. Jerome Coady: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building/heavy Civil Construction. croWn contractInG Inc. Dennis Joseph O’Keefe: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Roadbuilding.  daWE’s mEchanIcaL (1981) Ltd. Max Arnold, President (nLCa Past Chairperson 1997): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting.  dEFEncE constructIon canada Colin Sullivan, Contract Co-ordinator, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting. dErEk PEnnEy ELEctrIcaL Ltd. Derek Penney: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting.  drycorE EastErn Inc. John D. Cornell, Owner: Designation – Owner’s Project Manager. GENERAL CONTRACTING • PROJECT MANAGEMENT • CONCRETE FORMWORK • DEVELOPMENT It is through our experience and education in the construction and engineering fields that affords us the ability to provide unparalleled service. Tel: 709-754-4367 | Fax: 709-754-1212 | Suite 201, 397 Stavanger Dr., St. John's, NL A1A 0A1 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association106 nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members EdWard coLLIns contractInG Ltd. Francis G. Collins: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting. EFco EntErPrIsEs Ltd. Fintan Alexander, General Manager: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Stephen Menne: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. ELLIsdon corPoratIon M. Kirk Saunders, P. tech., GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 2014-15): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.   EnErcon BuILdErs Inc. Dan Coffey, President, CEt, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.  FarrELL’s EXcavatInG Ltd. Janine Walsh, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. GLEnn coLLInGs Ltd. Glenn Collings: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. GrEEnsLadEs constructIon Ltd. Derek Greenslade, President/Owner: Designation – Estimator and Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building/ heavy Construction.  GuILdFords (2005) Inc. Kevin McEvoy, CEt, GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 2013-2014): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting.  h & F ELEctrIcaL Ltd. Gary Anthony Hayes: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Ind. Equipment.  h.J. BartLEtt ELEctrIc Inc. Harry Bartlett (nLCa Past Chairperson 2007): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. h.J. o’connELL constructIon Ltd. Leonard P. Knox, Senior vice-president; Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – heavy Civil Construction, Energy/hydro, Mining, Industrial. hamPton BuILdInG systEms Inc. Gina Tapper, aSct, GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 2009): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Metal Siding/ Decking / Bill Dalley, aSct, GSC; Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Metal Siding/Decking / Bonnie Ellsworth, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Metal Siding/Decking. hann’s ELEctrIc Ltd. Barrie L. Hann: Designation – Project Manager and Superintendent; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. InFInIty constructIon Ltd. Robert M. Cameron: Designation – Estimator and Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. J & t constructIon Ltd. Terry Power: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. JamEs r. EaLEs EQuIPmEnt rEntaLs Ltd. James R. Eales: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. JEnco Ltd. Neil Drover, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Craig Drover, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. Jsm ELEctrIcaL Ltd. Paul Gough, GSI: Designation – Project Manager Intern; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Jim Murray, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical EFCO ENTERPRISES LTD. Stephenville, NL A2N 2Z5 Box 318 68 Missouri Dr. Tel: (709) 643-5001 Fax: (709) 643-3444 Email: [email protected] Fintan Alexander General Manager Gen. / Mech. / Elec. / Roofing Construction & Maintenance / Elec. Sales Boom Truck & Skid Steer Rental Pipe Inspection & Cleaning 38 Bennett Avenue Deer Lake, NL A8A TA9 t: 709.635.3232 f: 709.635.3255 e: [email protected] Roseann White General Manager Holiday Inn Express Deer Lake Think smart before you start. 107 2016 NLCA Construction Journal nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members Contracting / Jason Phillips, GSI: Designation – Project Manager Intern; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Peter Smith, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. kusco FLoorInG Frank Collins (nLCa Past Chairperson 2010-2011): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – tile/terr./ Marble. LockEs ELEctrIcaL LImItEd Gertrude Bradbury, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Sterling Randell, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. marco GrouP oF comPanIEs Donald Feltham, P. tech, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Allan MacIntosh, CEt, PQS, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Rodney Ackerman, P. tech, GSC, Senior vice-president: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Mike Cook, P. tech, LEED aP BD+C, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Leaman MacKay, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Jeremy Stewart, P. Eng., GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Marc Brideau, P. tech, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Ken Harris, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Ryan Davis, P. Eng., GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Jeff Gaudet, CEt, CEC, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Brett Kristiansen, C. tech., CSS, CEC, LEED aP BD+C, GSC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Patrick Sebastien LaFreniere, aSct, LEED aP BD+C, GSC, Senior Project Manager: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Garry Smith, P. tech., LEED aP BD+C, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Allison Vivian, B. tech., P. tech., LEED aP BD+C, GSI, CEC: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Rodney Levangie, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Megan Kavanagh, P. Eng., LEED aP BD+C, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Daniel Matthews, GSI: Designation – Project Co-ordinator; Discipline – General Contracting / Noel Benoit, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Alex Dupuis, GSI: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Kayla Buckler, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Atlantic Canada’s Premiere Insulation Contractor 54 Clyde Avenue, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S1 P: (709) 368-3134 F: (709) 368-7477 GUI001-1022 NFLD ad.indd 1 13-05-28 9:14 AM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association108 General Contracting. marInE contractors Inc. Daryl R. Bennett: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Rob Payne, P. Eng.: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Wayne Walsh: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Road Building, Water & Sewer / Glynn Pike: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Kevin Whelan: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Road Building. mccarthy’s mEchanIcaL Ltd. Keith McCarthy, Owner/President (nLCa Past Chairperson 2011-2012): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. mccurdy constructIon and EQuIPmEnt rEntaLs LImItEd Jerry White: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Road Building. modErn PavInG Ltd. Perry R. Barrett: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Max Bennett: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. muGFords contractInG Ltd. Graham Mugford: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Masonry. nEWFound constructIon Ltd. Troy Robbins: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Road Building / Bernard J. Short: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Edward Short: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. nEWFoundLand aLumInum Products Ltd. Wayne A. Tucker: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Door/Wind./Glaze. nLca Past chaIrs John H. Brake (1974): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Walter N. Collins (1989): Designation: Mechanical Estimator, Superintendent and Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Robert W. Scammell (1990): Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Raphael P. Bavis (1998): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Robert Martin Gosse (1979): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Derrick Spracklin (1986): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Carl E. Mallam (1987): Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Brad Sheppard, P. Eng., GSC (2012-2013): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Aubrey Drover (2001): Designation – Superintendent and Project Manager; Discipline: General Contracting / Ron Hickey, CEt, GSC (2003): Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Karl W. Green, P. Eng. (1994): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Max Arnold, President (1997): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Jim Brown (2004): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Fred Cahill (1993): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Harry Bartlett (2007): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Gina Tapper, aSct, GSC (2009): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Metal Siding/Decking / Frank Collins (2010-2011): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – tile/terr./Marble / Keith McCarthy, (2011-2012): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Kevin McEvoy, CEt, GSC (2013-2014): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting; M. Kirk Saunders, P. tech., GSC (2014-2015): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting.  Horizontal – 3.375 "w X 2.125"h Vertical - 2 1/8" w X 3 3/8" h LeGrow’s Travel is proud to be a member of the NLCA. For all your travel needs, call Phyllis Barter (709) 758-6792 or [email protected] ● 110 locations nationwide nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members • Commercial & Residential • Two year, 100% warranty on all products, services & structure of building • Fully insured • Winner of the Canadian Home Builders’ Berg Award for Sub Contractor of the Year 2011 709-690-2466 email: [email protected] 709-699-6814 Commercial Division 709-699-6817 Residential Division 109 2016 NLCA Construction Journal nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members oLymPIc constructIon Ltd. Carl E. Mallam (nLCa Past President 1987): Designation – Project Manager and Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Philip Lush, P. Eng.: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Engineering / Eric Oates: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Construction Superintendent. PEnnEcon hEavy cIvIL LImItEd Ches Penney: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building and heavy Construction / William G. Hynes: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building and heavy Construction / Gerald Adams: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building and heavy Construction / Jason O’Brien: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building and heavy Construction / Wayne Cranford (Cougar Engineering & Construction): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting; Designation: Estimator; Discipline: Road Building and heavy Construction. PomErLEau Inc. Lorin Robar, Project Director, P. Eng., LEED aP, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Anthony Dickson, Project Manager, P. Eng., LEED aP BD+C, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Kevin A. Getson, Superintendent , GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Jill Hurley, Project Manager, LEED aP BD+C, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Michael J. Lanteigne, Superintendent, GSC: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – General Contracting / Patrick Stiles, Regional Manager – atlantic Canada, P. Eng., LEED aP, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. PoWErsmart soLutIons Inc. Jeff Williams, PMP, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting. ProJEct manaGEmEnt sErvIcEs Inc. Brad Greene, P. Eng., GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. ProvIncIaL PavInG Ltd. William James Casey: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Levi House: Designation – Estimator and Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building. PuBLIc Works and GovErnmEnt sErvIcEs canada Victoria Warford, P. Eng., fEC, GSC: Designation – Owner’s Project Manager. “BIG OR SMALL, WE’LL TOP THEM ALL” P.O. Box 130, Cox’s Cove, NL A0L 1C0 Ph: 1-709-688-2006 | Fax: 1-709-688-2920 [email protected] Maybe quotation marks before the Big and after the All , and maybe a phrase such as “ For Free Estimates , Contact Darren “ and also my email address would be good also ….. try that and re-send to me For Free Estimates,Contact Darren EVERYTHING YOU NEED Corner Brook, NL 709-634-3161 Goose Bay, NL 709.896.1429 UNDER ONE SIGN. Grand Falls-Windsor, NL 709.489.2561 Mount Pearl, NL 709.368.9660 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association110 PyramId constructIon LImItEd Michael Sparrow: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building.  ronaLd WhItE acoustIcaL cEILInGs Ltd. Derrick White: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Drywall/ acoustic. southErn constructIon (1981) LImItEd Michael A Power, Owner/Manager: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. tEmPo constructIon manaGEmEnt Inc. Terry Scaplen, CEt GSC, President: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. thE cahILL GrouP Darren Hunt: Designation – Estimating; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Glen Soper: Designation – Estimating; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Jeff Butler: Designation – Estimating; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Tom Coleman: Designation – Estimating; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / John Lockhart: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline -  Electrical Contracting / Jim Brown (nLCa Past Chairperson 2004): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / Fred Cahill (nLCa Past Chairperson 1993): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Electrical Contracting / John G. Bavis (Jack): Designation -  Estimator; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / David Penny: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting. thE n.d. doBBIn GrouP oF comPanIEs Holly Hicks, P. Eng., Construction Manager: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – General Contracting / Arlene Collins, Project Manager: Designation – Estimator; Discipline – Mechanical Contracting / Jim Pennell, Project Manager, GSI; Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting / Aaron Walsh, P. tech, GSI: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. trIco Ltd. William Roy Howell: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Metal Siding/Decking. trIdEnt constructIon Ltd. Derrick Spracklin, GSC (nLCa Past Chairperson 1986): Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Daniel Derrick Spracklin, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Tyson Simmonds, GSC: Designation – Project Manager; Discipline – Road Building / Steve Murphy, GSC: Designation – Superintendent. vIGILant manaGEmEnt Lloyd Hussey, Designation – Estimator and Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. WhItEs constructIon LImItEd Daniel White, P. Eng.: Designation – Estimator and Project Manager; Discipline – General Contracting. WhIttLE BrothErs PaIntInG contractor LImItEd Harold Whittle Jr.: Designation – Superintendent; Discipline – Painting and Plastering. 1497 Conception Bay Highway, Conception Bay South, NL A1X 6M7 Phone: 709.744.4446 | Fax: 709.744.4494 Proudly serving Newfoundland & Labrador customers for over 40 years. WE HAVE THE REINFORCING STEEL & WELDED WIRE MESH FOR YOUR JOB. NO PROJECT IS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Alex Kazak | Branch Manager | [email protected] | Harris Rebar | A Division of Harris Steel | ULC | nLca congratulates and acknowledges its Gold seal-certified members We are dedicated to offering the newest technologies to municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador. No job is too small, too big or too far. If you have a problem, we have a solution. Municipal Infrastructure Services • Pipe Flushing • Hydro-Excavation • Lift Station Pumping/Cleaning • Robotic CCTV Inspections • Utility Investigation Studies – Fog Testing, Dye Testing, Cross-Connection Investigation, Line Tracing • Chamber Rehabilitation – Epoxy Injection, Urethane Injection • Pipe Rehabilitation (CIPP) – 75mm to 150mm (CIPP) 200mm to 750mm (CIPP) Resin Point Repairs • Septic • Lateral Re-Lining • Water Main Leak Detection/Locating Office location: 422 Logy Bay Road, St. John’s, NL Mailing address: Box 8338, St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7 Ph: 709-722-8212 [email protected] Le ar n m or e a t g ol ds ea lce rt ifi ca tio n. co m GOLD SEAL IS AN ESSENTIAL HR TOOL Enhance the recruitment of new employees and the retention of skilled workers ph ot o cr ed it: R ya n M cV ay photo credit: Digital Vision photo credit: Digital Vision CCA Gold Seal Association Award the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa) is pleased to announce the honour of receiving their second national award. On March 25, 2015, the nLCa was presented with the CCa Gold Seal association award. the awards ceremony took place during the Canadian Construction association’s 97th annual Conference at the hyatt Regency hill Country Resort in San antonio, texas. On hand to accept the award were kirk Saunders (nLCa past board chair) and Rhonda neary (nLCa president/COO). the CCa Gold Seal association award recognizes outstanding achievements by CCa partner associations to promote and support the CCa Gold Seal program. for its substantial and unwavering support of the Gold Seal Certification program, nLCa has been proudly recognized by CCa. John Schubert, CCA past chair; Ray Bassett, Travelers Canada, sponsor of the award; Rhonda Neary, NLCA president/COO; and Kirk Saunders, NLCA past chair. Ray Bassett, Travelers Canada, sponsor of the award; Rhonda Neary, NLCA president/COO; and Kirk Saunders, NLCA past chair. Rhonda Neary accepts the award on behalf of the NLCA, addressing delegates during the presentation. 113 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Left to right: Past NLCA chairperson Kevin McEvoy of Guilfords (2005) Inc. and CCA 2015 board of directors member Patrick Waunch of Rambow Mechanical Ltd. Left to right: David Richards of Jardine LLoyd Thompson (sponsor of the awards ceremony); CCA 2015 board of directors member Patrick Waunch of Rambow Mechanical Ltd.; past NLCA chairperson Kevin McEvoy of Guildfords (2005) Inc.; and Carole Bissett of Jardine Lloyd Thompson (sponsor of the awards ceremony). CCA Trade Contractors Award of Recognition the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa) would like to congratulate and acknowledge Mr. kevin McEvoy on receiving a national award at the Canadian Construction association’s 97th annual Conference. Mr. McEvoy is the recipient of the CCa trade Contractors award of Recognition. this award recognizes a CCa trade contractor for their commitment and dedication to the Canadian construction industry and the trade contractors’ sector of the industry. the award also recognizes their time and dedication to the CCa trade Contractors Council. Congratulations, kevin! newfoundland & Labrador Construction association114 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association116 Fond memories Lar Rossiter shares fond memories of his tenure with the Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association By Jillian Mitchell as thE sayInG GoEs, every ship needs its captain. and for 33 and a half years, standing strong at the helm of the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa) was Lar Rossiter. to be a successful ship captain – or, in this case, general manager/ president of an association – one must hold a clear vision while, at the same time, remaining open to new ideas and approaches. and that’s just how Rossiter approached his tenure with the nLCa, after he conquered an initial (and rather steep) learning curve. “I was comfortable with the public relations side of the job, but the only thing I knew about construction was I needed a hammer and a nail if I needed to fix something,” says Rossiter, whose past is steeped in public relations, radio and tv. “But I got used to it pretty quickly, and I got to know so many people – it was amazing.” the newfoundland-born Rossiter entered the world of radio in 1960 at the ripe age of 18, working for St. John’s-based vOCM newfoundland Radio for four years, and then later at the city’s CJOn Radio and tv (a subsidiary of Ctv) for more than six years. In 1969, after a subsequent stint in news writing, Rossiter was hired on as a public relations consultant for newfoundland Light and Power (now newfoundland Power Inc.), a company that at the time boasted 1,000 employees over its 500-kilometre reach. all of this experience assisted Rossiter in his next endeavour in 1975 as general manager of the nLCa, following predecessor Damien Ryan. at that time, Rossiter’s nLCa position was dubbed “general manager,” though in 1993 the title was revised to “president” (a term that Rossiter cites as having “more clout”, particularly with media). yet, regardless of the official title, Rossiter’s position remained much the same over his 33-and-a-half-year career, though technology did present some interesting new challenges along the way. he retired in 2008. “It was a great job. I liked all aspects of my work, both the daily commitments and, sometimes, struggles, but also the wonderful social environment it afforded me,” he says of his time at the nLCa. “these important socials gave everyone an opportunity to network, solve problems and have lots of fun. I have 24 Hour Marine & Industrial Services • Mobile Welding Services • Fabrication Shop • Machine Shop • Millwright Shop 26 Water Street, St. John’s, Newfoundland 709.722.8600 EAST COAST MARINE Lar Rossiter. 117 2016 NLCA Construction Journal captain of the ship the Panama Canal. for 2015, it will be a Caribbean cruise with the entire family to celebrate the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. When the couple is home, they enjoy family time with their four children (one son and three daughters) and spouses, as well as their seven grandchildren. When Rossiter looks back on his life, he is quick to note one integral secret so many fond memories of my years with nLCa.” among his many career highlights was travelling to the multitude of construction conventions over the years. “We had a number of conventions, in many places I would have never seen in this lifetime,” he chuckles. “hawaii, Cancun, Puerto vallarta, Bermuda – and I know I saw every province in Canada.” Of course, his tenure was not all roses. the industry ebbed and flowed much like it does today, and that, insists Rossiter, is where the true value of the nLCa came into play. “Our members were hit with a major downturn in the economy in the mid-90s. Our provincial government cancelled a number of major projects. It was a very tormenting time for our members, but it proved the importance of our association to maintain a close liaison with government officials so the end result would be satisfactory for both parties,” he recalls. “We were grateful for all the help we received from the Canadian Construction association, and, of course, our association also owes a debt of gratitude to the many members who volunteered their time to help make each year a successful one.” for Rossiter, the value of a construction association cannot be underestimated. “It’s an association that’s definitely needed,” he asserts of the nLCa’s role in industry. “It started in 1968 and has been growing ever since. When I started, the association was seven years old and there were about 300 members – they have almost 700 members now.” today, the retiree still resides in St. John’s and, true to form, he has found a new “ship” for this next chapter: a myriad of 144,000-ton cruise ship liners, which he and his wife alice often frequent, most recently through to his success. “the way I handled my job is I treated everyone the same,” he says. “I had no favourites, and I didn’t pretend to have any – and that was the only way. “My family and I were truly enriched by nLCa and the association will always hold a special place in all our hearts.” tNLCA construction journal.pdf 3 2014-10-03 3:31 PM Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association118 always a silver lining The recollections of former NLCA president/chairman Owen Redfern By Jillian Mitchell thIrty-tWo yEars aGo, oWEn Redfern took his seat as president/ chairman1 of the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa). During his tenure, the hot issue of the day was one that many construction associations could – and still can – relate to the retention of local jobs for local contractors. Interestingly, the tail end of Redfern’s presidential term would present a possible silver lining for local contractors, as a political tiff was about to come to a head. During the early 1980s, then federal Minister of Energy Jean Chrétien and newfoundland and Labrador’s Minister of Energy William Marshall were slugging it out in the press over a court ruling that granted final say and jurisdiction over offshore drilling rights to the provincial government. the volley went on for many months, Redfern recalls, before Chrétien unveiled his billion-dollar offshore exploration development program for newfoundland and Labrador, thus trumping the provincial government in the debate. Included in that plan was the development of hibernia and its oil platform. “at that point, it didn’t affect the construction industry, but obviously it did later on when the [political] party went ahead [with the development],” Redfern says. the hibernia project would prove to encompass the world’s largest oil platform, not to mention a huge injection of opportunity for the newfoundland and Labrador oil and construction industry, as the gravity- base structure was assembled at the province’s Bull arm and trinity Bay. this silver-lining theme would present itself many times throughout the 75-year-old’s 40-year career in the construction sector. another such example, Redfern recalls a technological advancement (a.k.a. silver lining) that would dramatically advance on-site communication during the mid-1990s. “the Mechanical Contractors of Canada were having a convention in St. John’s and spoke to [some members] from a general contractor’s point of view about technology. the big thing then was the fax machine,” Redfern shares with a chuckle. “Mechanical Owen Redfern. w w WE OFFER: 1. Superior expertise to commercial/residential demolition projects 2. Professional recycling of demolition and other industrial waste 3. The most cost effective and timely project completions 4. Select demolition such as cut/remove portions of slabs and walls, demolition of canopies & mezzanines, and hand separation/demolition & removal of portions of any structure 5. A complete range of interior demolition services, such as complete interior gut-out, flooring, ceiling, walls, & floor grinding “The most innovative, hardest working, find-a-way-to-get-it-done company in the industry” Jeff Barnes Owner/Operator T: 709-747-7272 • F: 709-747-7063 • C: 709-685-2538 • E: [email protected] P.O. BOX 39027 ST. JOHN’S NL A1E 5Y7 Eastern Demolition & Recyclers (2011) Limited 119 2016 NLCA Construction Journal always a silver lining – Former nLca president/chairman owen redfern his wife of 50 years, Judy, are the proud parents of three and proud grandparents of four. having had the opportunity to live in varied locations across Canada, and to travel to exotic locals for conventions, Redfern feels blessed. Looking back on the industry, its development and his career, he says that, at the end of the contractors rely on drawings an incredible amount, but that was a big step forward at that point because of the instant communication.” Instant communication has indeed come a long way since the fax machine, with devices like the cellphone, iPad or tablet, but Redfern is quick to stress this advancement as “immense for its time.” Redfern, who was born in Canada in 1940 to British parents (his mother and siblings emigrated to escape the beginnings of the Second World War), later returned to a post-war England in 1945 where he lived until the age of 21. he returned to kitchener, Ont., that year and began working in the construction industry. In 1972, Redfern found a new life in newfoundland and Labrador with the Seabord organization (its name purposefully omitting the “a”) – and promptly joined the local construction association. “I met a lot of good people,” says Redfern of his time at nLCa. “I had a good time.” Redfern eventually relocated to British Columbia in 1995 where he worked for knappett Construction until his retirement in 2005. admittedly, Redfern’s transition into retirement was slow – and he still remains attached to the construction industry to this day as a consultant. he has friends within the trades who are still active, which makes it easy to stay connected to a career that was “incredibly enjoyable.” “I’m motivated because that is what I know,” he shares, “so it’s easy to talk about and easy to help people. It’s a fantastic industry.” Many outside interests have kept Redfern active over the years, and he is particularly proud of his affiliations with the Rotary Club, the Canadian national Gymnastics Championship, the Canadian Construction association, association for Professional Engineers, and many various community organizations. In addition (and perhaps the most radiant of all the silver linings), he and day, it is all about the people. “there’s a whole gamut of reasons why it’s a great industry and you can get ahead on your own,” concludes Redfern, who now lives in Sidney, B.C. “you deal with different subcontractors, suppliers and owners all the time so you meet new ones and it doesn’t take long to make friends.” t 1 Prior to 1993, the chairman was referred to as president. Every contract has a handshake behind it Surety bonding is a business of personal trust. That’s why we put our confidence in people. First names. One-on-one. Speak from the heart and deliver what we promise. Would you like to do business with people like that? Contact us for a Western Surety broker in your area: 1-800-475-4454 (Western Canada) 1-888-452-4455 (Ontario) 1-866-615-4547 (Atlantic Canada) Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction- 1/4 page Surety bonding is a business of personal trust. That’s why we put our confidence in people. First names. One-on-one. Speak from the heart and deliver what we promise. Would you like to do business with people like that? Contact us for a Western Surety broker in your area: 1-800-475-4454 (Western Canada) 1-888-452-4455 (Ontario) 1-866-615-4547 (Atlantic Canada) Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association120 For the love of industry NLCA’s charter president/chairman, Stuart Watson, recalls his career path through three provinces By Jillian Mitchell WhEn stuart Watson EntErEd the construction industry, Louis St. Laurent and John Diefenbaker held office, Elvis Presley gyrated his way into music history and the Red Wings, Maple Leafs and Canadiens dominated the decade as Stanley Cup champions. for Watson and his home province of newfoundland and Labrador, the 1950s would be a decade of firsts and a time of beginnings. newfoundland (as it was known at the time) would see its first full decade as an official province of Canada, after signing into confederation in 1949. Watson started his career working summers in the province during the late 1950s while still attending high school and through university, latterly with JLE Price. While it may seem like a cliché these days, honesty and hard work did eventually pay off for the inaugural president/chairman of the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association (nLCa), in both his career and professional relationships. having grown up in St. John’s, Watson was far from the hustle and bustle of larger centres like toronto, which at the time were experiencing immeasurable construction booms. however, in 1960, after graduating from McGill university’s engineering department, he continued with JLE Price in Montreal and would see firsthand the stark contrast in the construction sector across Canada’s east. as Watson recalls, during the late 1960s, there was a limited amount of work to be had for construction companies in and around A family photo (from left to right: Mark, Elsie, Bruce, Lianne and Stuart). A group photo taken in September of 1968 after the formation of NLCA. From left: Lloyd Cooke, Stuart Watson, Premier Joseph Smallwood, William Purdy (CCA president in 1968) and Gordon Thomas. PO Box 55, St. John’s, NL A1A 5H5 Consulting and Excavating Ltd. Contact John Hill at (709) 682-1750 • WATER, SEWER AND SITE DEVELOPMENT • ALL CIVIL-RELATED EXCAVATION • SNOW CLEARING 121 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For the love of industry – nLca’s charter president/chairman, stuart Watson during which time JLE Price was sold, Watson relocated to toronto to start a new job with EGM Cape. It was the city’s booming industry (due to its newfoundland and Labrador. as such, JLE Price eventually made the decision to pull out of the province, a decision that Watson attributes as indicative of the newfoundland and Labrador industry at that time — admittedly, immersed in challenging times. yet, despite the situation presented by his home province, he could not stay away for long. after returning to newfoundland in 1965 with Price, Watson, who was concerned about the representation of industry, worked with a few colleagues to take action. (though, at that time, the Board of trade offered a construction section, many members were also eager to join a specialized association for their industry.) In the end, the shared desire to create a more promising future prompted the establishment of the nLCa in July of 1968, with Watson as its inaugural president/chairman1. “We saw a lot of areas where we thought if we worked together we could make things better,” he says. “We knew that there were associations in all the provinces and a strong national association in Ottawa. We made contact [with them] and they provided a lot of help and encouragement.” Watson is very proud of the work he and his very dedicated colleagues did to get the association off the ground. In fact, he endearingly refers to the nLCa as “invaluable,” especially during the province’s rocky economic climate of the association’s early days. “Looking back over the years, all the presidents and chairs have made huge contributions to the construction industry in newfoundland and Labrador,” he says. “It’s hard to believe it’s almost been 50 years, but it’s nice to see that [the association is] so successful — and it’s changed so much, as has the industry.” By the dawn of the 1970s Watson found himself en route once more. after a brief stay in new Brunswick, sheer size) that attracted the nLCa past-president/chairman, who left his association in good hands. this would lead Watson yet again down a path “It’s hard to believe it’s almost been 50 years, but it’s nice to see that [the association is] so successful — and it’s changed so much, as has the industry.” 1 Vanguard Court, St. John’s, NL A1A 5N7 709.722.9846 [email protected] TOTAL Our Services Include: • Residential and Commercial • New Builds and Retro Fits • Spray Foam Insulation • Fibreglass Insulation • Rigid Insulation • Blown-in Insulation TOTAL InSolutions Ltd. We are a full-service insulation contractor specializing in spray foam insulation. Looking for... ...Insulation and Related Supplies? ...Insulation Contracting Services? Get the TOTAL Advantage Our Products Include: All types of insulation: • Spray Foam • Rigid • Fibreglass • Roxul • Blown-in Related Products: • Vapour Barrier Supplies • Attic Vents • House and Building Wrap • Self-Adhesive Membrane TOTAL Insulation & Coatings Ltd. We specialize in the sale and distribution of insulation and related products to the construction industry. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association122 of new beginnings and ultimately to a very important decision, one that would grant him a more strategic focus and a philosophy on which to become an entrepreneur. Interestingly, it was an employee at Bell Canada who helped Watson start his own company: JS Watson & associates Ltd. at the time, Watson was project manager for Bell Canada’s new Scarborough building and was made aware of Bell’s discussions with newfoundland telephone for a new office project in St. John’s. he teamed up with a local company and successfully bid on a job that would, interestingly, see his Ontario- based business’s first couple of years primarily back in his hometown. “newfoundland to toronto, of course, opened up a much bigger market and significantly more competitive, and that’s why in starting my own business I sought out a niche that wasn’t taken up by a lot of other companies,” adds the husband and father of three (and grandfather of four). By comparison to his competition, Watson’s firm was small, between 20 to 25 employees, but its focus on construction and project management would serve to set it apart from the competition. at the time, these construction models were relatively new, he says, but were proving to be an effective way to construct larger projects. JS Watson & associates would focus on providing quality service with a belief that “you are only as good as your last job.” this would be a mantra Watson insisted on for his entire career, which focused mainly on institutional work, including project management roles on Science north in Sudbury and the Markham Civic Centre. today Watson maintains his belief system that one should “stick with what you do best” and attributes the success of his company to doing just that. the now-retired businessman resides in Markham, Ont., with his wife, Elsie. their two sons, Bruce and Mark, and daughter, Lianne, live and work in the Greater toronto area. however, he has never forgotten the valuable lessons learned all those summers long ago in his home province. Perhaps the epitome of metaphoric harmony, Watson, like his home province of newfoundland and Labrador, built the future on believing in the simplest of principles to achieve the biggest dreams. “towards the end [of JS Watson & associates] we were negotiating probably three-quarters of the work we did. We didn’t have to go out to open tender – owners and architects approached us, asking us to be involved in their projects,” says Watson, who sold his company in 1998. “I think that indicated the philosophy we took in trying to look after our clients and do the best job we possibly could, in an honest and hard-working manner, paid off.” Watson stayed involved in the industry through his volunteer work with the unionville home Society seniors’ complex and currently serves with the condominium board in his community. Stuart and Elsie spend their summers “back home” at their summer place “around the bay.” “It is wonderful to see so many old friends,” he says of his summers near St. John’s, “including, of course, those from the early days of the nLCa.” t For the love of industry – nLca’s charter president/chairman, stuart Watson 1 Prior to 1993, the chairman was referred to as president. Powering newfoundland & labrador’s future Working in partnership to service the needs of our valued customers. IBEW Local 2330 | Industrial • Commercial • Residential • •  Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, Heat Recovery & Ventilation •  Heat Recovery & Ventilation 26 Broadway PO Box 792 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6G7  FX: 709-634-7261 [email protected]  Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association124 51-year construction career: Long-time industry veteran reaches milestone By Melanie Franner WhEn douG symonds BEGan working in the newfoundland and Labrador construction industry back in 1964, he had no idea that he would still be a part of it some 50-plus years later. But that’s exactly what’s happened. “I started right out of high school,” says Symonds. “I’ve had a good run with it.” this “run” has included various positions with local construction companies over the years. for the last 42 of them, Symonds has been with Pyramid Construction Ltd. the St. John’s-based contractor specializes in the installation of water and sewer systems, asphalt paving and related works. “We’ve done our fair share of work for the provincial and municipal governments over the years,” adds Symonds, who currently is the purchasing manager with the firm. “We’ve also done a lot of private contracts.” When Symonds first joined Pyramid Construction, he was one of about half a dozen staff. today, the company employs 20 permanent people and another 100 to 150 in the field, depending on the season. “there have been a lot of changes in this industry over the years,” says Symonds, who cites the size of the industry itself as one of the more notable ones. there’s also the influx of technology. “Back in the days when I started, we did everything manually. Even when it came to bidding on projects, our engineers did all of it with charts and pencils. today, everything has been computerized, which has streamlined a lot of the processes. the evolution of this technology has certainly been a major advancement for the industry.” Career hiGhliGhts among the many milestone moments in his career, Symonds cites his time working on-site at the newfoundland and Labrador Power Commission’s Baie D’Espoir hydroelectric Development, one of the island’s six hydroelectric plants. “for most of my career at Pyramid, I Doug Symonds is too busy working to think about retiring. Roofing Ltd. We are COR Certified Safety on the jobsite is highly important to us. Phone - 709-789-2720 Fax 709-789-3857 Email- [email protected] PO BOX 143 BENOITS COVE, NL A0L 1A0 We specialize in flat roofing 125 2016 NLCA Construction Journal 51-year construction career: Long-time industry veteran reaches milestone with the Supply Chain Management association (SCMa) newfoundland and Labrador (formerly the newfoundland Institute). “I still sit on the local board of the association as treasurer,” adds Symonds, a position he has held for 10 years. Symonds’ work with this organization led him to the national SCMa, where he sat on the board for five years. “I joined to get better insight into the educational aspects of purchasing. you can gain a lot of knowledge by dealing with different people across Canada.” WindinG doWn an exeMPlary Career With a long and industrious career behind him, Symonds first began thinking of retirement back when he was 65 years old – that was in 2012. “Back then, I mentioned it to the guys here and they asked me to have basically been in the main office here in St. John’s,” he says. “But back in around 1982, I spent almost a year at the Baie D’Espoir hydroelectric facility. I did all of the purchasing for the facility and sort of became the office manager of the site. We had a tremendous amount of equipment on the site and a lot of engineers and project managers as well. I wouldn’t have wanted to be there all the time because I only got to go home every couple of weeks or so. But it was a great experience nonetheless.” another “career” highlight was Symonds’ marriage to ann, which took place in 1972. their son, Richard, followed in his father’s footsteps – to a degree – by becoming an architect. their daughter, anita, opted for a finance position with the federal government. another significant aspect of Symonds’ career is his volunteer work stay on,” he says. “I’ve stayed on for another almost three years now. So I’m thinking I will retire at the end of this year.” Symonds and his wife have taken advantage of the seasonality of the province’s construction industry to travel over the years. Last year saw them in Italy and Spain for two and a half weeks. So it makes sense that travel will be on the agenda going forward. “My wife has been retired for the last 10 years,” states Symonds. “I think she’s excited about the idea of me retiring.” aside from travel – if and when Symonds finally puts an end to his 51- year construction career – the rest is still up in the air. “I don’t really know what I’ll do,” states Symonds. “I’ve been too busy working all this time to really think about it.” t A Roof Yo u Can Look Up To A Roof Yo u Can Look Up To Serving Atlantic Canada for over 40 years RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Metal Roof Replacement Metal Coatings Modified Bitumen Membrane • Torch On EPDM • P.V.C • TPD 709-639-4040 [email protected] Serving Newfoundland & Labrador Province Wide WHSCC COVERAGE Emergency Repair: 693-3993 FREE ESTIMATES Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association126 From oFFIcE manaGEr to owner of his own contracting company, 77-year-old Donald holden’s life was built around construction. holden, who has been in retirement for more than 10 years, reflects on his working life, from managing the newfoundland and Labrador Construction association office to taking a leap of faith by starting holden Construction Company Limited. Prior to working at the nLCa and holden Construction Company Limited, holden says he was chief inspector for the provincial government’s housing corporation. Education-wise, he attended what was then called the College of trades and technology in St. John’s, n.L., earning a diploma in construction technology. holden was hired as the office manager for the nLCa around the time it was founded in 1968. “today, I would be president,” holden says with a laugh. “Rhonda [neary] is president of the association now. It has changed much since then.” the retiree recalls that before the nLCa was such, it was simply a construction section of the St. John’s Board of trade. “they wanted to branch out and have their own office, planroom and weekly bulletin,” holden says. as office manager for five years up until 1972, holden was in charge of soliciting memberships, providing a planroom for all the projects on tender and collecting plans from various consultants and architects, to name a few of his duties. he even remembers starting a bid depository. “that was after a few years. there had been no such thing in newfoundland [up until then.] It’s a system that accepts bids through the holden on to the memories By Cindy Chan Donald Holden P.O. Box 60, 109a Pioneer Drive, Winterland, NL A0E 2Y0 • RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL • STRUCTURAL CONCRETE • • FOOTINGS / FOUNDATIONS • TYING REBAR • Newfound Forming Limited Your #1 Choice in Concrete Formwork Steven Smith Tel: (709) 277-0085 [email protected] 127 2016 NLCA Construction Journal holden on to the memories economy had been thriving at the time. “Onward and upward, bigger is better,” holden says, adding he was 35 years old when he embarked on the entrepreneurial route. “I wish I had the energy now that I had then,” he says with a chuckle. When holden Construction Company Limited was in operation, holden recalls working on many pre-engineered buildings, citing he didn’t do many “big projects”. he didn’t work on housing or heavy road work but he focused on buildings, renovations, extensions and schools, adding he wasn’t a big contractor during that time. “anything that was anywhere from $100,000, we would bid on it. I don’t think I did many other jobs more than $1,000,000,” holden says. all good things must come to an end, however. unfortunately, holden decided to close up shop in 1998 due to “poor economic times” and the fact that there were “too many of us chasing the same dollar”. holden also said he had office to keep things neutral for the subcontractors and we pass them onto general contractors,” holden explains, also mentioning he was instrumental in setting the system up. as well, holden was also responsible for keeping, writing and distributing the minutes of board of directors’ meetings that took place once or twice a month. “We [also] had a whole bunch of committees. We had a suppliers’ committee, mechanical section, electrical section and so on. So far at that time, when we first started, we were heavily involved in labour relations,” holden says, adding he often acted as secretary for those committees. “We organized the committees that negotiated with the union.” Eventually, holden became restless and he moved on to create his own general contracting business, holden Construction Company Limited, before officially closing it in 1998. When holden created his company, he said the other surfacing interests he wanted to pursue. “a lot of companies were going down the tubes at that time,” holden remembers. “I just closed [my company] before I got in trouble.” Luckily, holden had the commercial cleaning business to fall back on for a while, running that for two to three years, as well as dabbling in some real estate work. holden then sold his interest in the cleaning business six or seven years ago, but he still had the building in which he worked. he then sold the building on the old market. although holden was no longer working at the nLCa, he was still asked to chair the bid repository committee even after he left. “they asked me if I would stay on the board of directors and chair that committee, which I did,” he says. holden stayed on the nLCa board for five years, and he was also chair of the nLCa in 1981. t MJRASONRY A diverse masonry contractor MJR Masonry Inc. is a masonry contracting company that provides services throughout the province of Newfoundland. We offer over 25 years of combined experience in the commercial and residential sectors of the masonry construction industry. MJR Masonry provides professional service in both commercial and residential masonry construction. Specializing in brick, block, and stone, MJR Masonry offers quality workmanship with competitive pricing. 96 Pleasant Street | St John’s NL A1E 1L4 | Contact: MATTHEW ROGERS CELL: 709-743-7273 OFFICE: 709-722-8764 EMAIL: [email protected] Masonry by MJR MASONRY INC. Masonry by MJR MASONRY INC. commercial & residential brick, block, natural stone, artificial stone Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association128 Investing time equates to ongoing satisfaction By Melanie Franner Roy Parsons has been a part of the construction scene for more than 50 years. roy Parsons has BEEn a part of the newfoundland and Labrador construction industry for more than 50 years. he began by working alongside his father, who started a general contracting operation back in 1954. and he never left. Sure, W.h. Parsons Ltd. has evolved over time into a real estate holding company, but it has evolved into other companies as well. today, Parsons Engineering Consultants Inc. (which specializes in designing fall protection systems for industrial and commercial use) and Steelfab Industries Limited (a presence in the steel fabrication and erection business since 1980) are also part of the mix. Roy Parson’s son Bill, who is also an engineer, has been president of the group for more than 10 years. ChanGinG tiMes In the half century that Parsons has been working in the industry, he has witnessed a lot of industry changes. “I think computer technology changed everything for anybody involved in the construction industry,” he says, adding that it wasn’t a change that was necessarily for the better. “I think everyone’s expectations are beyond the capabilities of the industry. Everybody today thinks that things can be done instantaneously. It still takes manpower and knowledge to get things done.” It also takes a lot of good, old-fashioned hard work, something that Parsons himself is intimately familiar with. “I was one of the first people asked to help get an industry organization started,” states Parsons, who refers to the humble beginnings of the nLCa itself. “It was back in 1966. and it took two years of planning on the part of a small group of individuals to finally get it off the ground.” Parsons admits that those first couple of years weren’t easy. “there were a few challenges that had to be overcome,” he says. “One of the big ones was to get agreement among ourselves. We were a collection of general contractors, trade contractors and suppliers. We tried to get representation from all segments of the industry.” the planning and brainstorming sessions eventually allowed the group to create the nLCa, and in the process, to also form lifelong friendships. “We would move our meetings from one house to another so eventually, we all became quite good friends,” states Parsons. “the industry was quite small at that time. We didn’t have any established standard practices or procedures. all that was yet to come.” One of the first items on the agenda of the fledging association was to create a planroom. “there wasn’t a place where people could go to look at drawings,” says Parsons. “One of the guys, Jack Green, had some space available in his building on O’Leary avenue so we rented office space and set up an office, complete with a plans-viewing room. from day one, we hired Don holden as a full-time manager. having a full-time manager made a big difference in getting things up and running properly.” according to Parsons, it was a good 10 years in the making before the nLCa became a financially self-sustaining association. “a lot of people were very apprehensive about the membership fee at first,” he says. “We had to hire a manager and secretarial staff right away. there were 12 of us at the time so we each gave the bank a $1,000 guarantee and then we each paid our membership fee. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to get us started.” the Parsons Engineering Group remains an active member of the nLCa today. Parsons himself was the third president/ chairman1 of the association – being in office for the first all- important meeting with the Premier and the nLCa. 129 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Investing time equates to ongoing satisfaction 1 Prior to 1993, the chairman was referred to as president. TOLL FREE: 1-866-944-2226 46 Robin Hood Bay Rd. | St. John’s, NL A1A 5V3 A Tradition of Fencing Solutions *66*66 *(1(5$/�6725$*(�6 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association130 oceanex’s transportation services cater to province’s construction industry By Lisa Fattori cargo was shipped from Montreal to Corner Brook,” says Matthew hynes, executive vice-president for Oceanex. “Every week, we have two ships calling St. John’s from Montreal and another one coming from halifax. We have our own shipping and trucking services, and manage the terminal activity in Montreal, halifax and St. John’s to provide customers with a vertically integrated transportation solution. Oceanex handles the goods for a cross-section of the economy and, for the construction industry, transports a variety of cargo, including building construction materials, steel girders for bridges, pre-fab materials and heavy equipment.” under new ownership since 2007, Oceanex has expanded services, as an IntErmodaL tErmInaL and freight transportation company, Oceanex Inc. is integral to the movement of materials and equipment for construction projects in newfoundland and Labrador. from resource-based industries to industrial, commercial and residential developments, Oceanex has the logistical expertise to transport cargo from anywhere in north america to newfoundland. through its inlands division, the company also co- ordinates the delivery of cargo to and from its piers, offering customers a seamless pier to pier and door-to-door transportation solution. “Oceanex and its predecessors have been servicing newfoundland for over 100 years, dating back to 1909, when opening two new terminals in St. John’s and adding the largest Canadian-flagged ConRo (container and roll on/roll off) ship in the country to its fleet in 2013. the custom- designed Oceanex Connaigra has a carrying capacity of 26,800 tonnes and was designed specifically to accommodate containers, trailers and automobiles. the ship is the largest of Oceanex’s three vessels, and sails between Montreal and St. John’s weekly. In July 2014, the Oceanex Connaigra was used to ship two new transformers from Montreal to newfoundland. Manufactured by Quebec-based aBB, the transformers were scheduled to replace infrastructure at a transformer station in St. John’s. Weighing 250 tonnes and 180 tonnes, the transformers qualified as an over- dimensional load, which required specialized trailers and shipment by the Oceanex Connaigra. “the Oceanex Connaigra is a custom-designed ship, with provisions to accommodate over-dimensional loads, and no other ship in the world has a similar carrying capacity for its size,” hynes says. “We worked with Mammoet, who specializes in trailers for heavy loads for the trucking portion of the project, and shipped the transformers from Montreal to Bay Bulls.” Because of the weight and dimensions of the loads, special routing was required to transport the transformers to St. John’s. Bulls Bay was selected as the best terminal, to avoid the challenges of trucking the Oceanex, Inc. is essential for the movement of materials and equipment for construction projects in Newfoundland and Labrador. 131 2016 NLCA Construction Journal as building materials for the tower, from halifax to St. John’s, where they were then trucked to the construction site. “there were over 500 truckloads of forms that had to be transported,” hynes says. “We worked with the developer to identify space near the site and staged 200 loads before construction started. after the parking garage was complete, we worked with the contractor to deliver various other components, including steel, glass and other building materials for the tower.” Other recent Oceanex projects, specific to newfoundland and Labrador’s construction industry, include importing steel girders, more than 100 feet in length, for the Sir ambrose Shea Lift Bridge replacement project in Placentia. the company also played a key role in the transportation of building materials for the new vale nickel processing plant in Long harbour. Construction of the $2.5 u.S. billion plant began in 2009, with the facility commencing production in July of 2014. the plant began processing raw materials from Indonesia and small quantities of ore from vale’s mine in voisey’s Bay, but is expected to process material from the Labrador mine exclusively by the end of 2015. In the next three years, production will ramp up to 50,000 tonnes annually of processed nickel rounds, which will be load through St. John’s, where there are over-head utilities and other obstructions. a typical load is 30 tonnes, which doesn’t call for special trailers and permits. the transformers, however, required a 135-foot trailer, a full escort and supervision by utilities personnel. “In a six-hour operation, the transformers were transported from Bay Bulls to St. John’s,” hynes says. “this occurred overnight, so that there would be no traffic disruptions for motorists. there are four more of those units scheduled to be installed at the Soldiers Pond transmission line transformer station. the contract to transport them has not yet been awarded, but they will be moved in 2016.” the newly opened 351 office tower at 351 Water St. in St. John’s also required Oceanex’s expertise in the transportation of construction materials. Developed by East Port Properties Ltd., 351 is a six-storey office building that is supported by a six-level structural pre-cast concrete parking garage for 445 vehicles. the parkade’s pre-cast concrete components were supplied by Strescon Limited’s Precast Division, who fabricated 1,061 pre-cast pieces and 22 Peikko steel Deltabeams. Oceanex was commissioned to transport the prefabricated concrete forms, as well exported to international markets. “Over a period of five years, we moved over 2,750 loads of construction materials, everything from legal loads to over dimensional loads,” hynes says “When the plant began production, we transported raw material from mines elsewhere, to the facility, and then the processed product out of the province to designated markets.” With control of the largest marine terminal in newfoundland that handle containers and trailers, Oceanex dispatches throughout the province about 50 per cent of all cargo that is brought to the island. the company has a fleet of over 2,500 containers and provides sales and rental services for new and used containers, which can be used for storage at construction sites. Customers can opt for door-to-door transportation services in the delivery of building materials or Oceanex staff will deliver to local companies that supply construction projects. “Depending on the project, we can deal directly with contractors, or deliver to local suppliers who have their own transportation services,” hynes says. “If a project calls for a full load shipment, then the load will be consigned right to the construction site, but we can also offer door-to-door service for smaller projects as well.” t “Oceanex and its predecessors have been servicing Newfoundland for over 100 years, dating back to 1909, when cargo was shipped from Montreal to Corner Brook” MattHew HyneS, exeCutive viCe-PreSiDent For oCeanex. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association132 September 18 , 2015 - th Humber Valley Golf Resort, Little Rapids, NL 2015 Fall Golf Tournament to our generous sponsors! Thank youThank you Thank you to all the players and sponsors for continuing to make the fall tournament a success! A great day on the green on the West Coast of NL ! was had by all Congratulations to the winning team: Island Roofing Co. Ltd. Photo (L-R): Donald Park, Dan Pilz, John Meaney, Darren Park and NLCA Golf Chair, Rhonda Collings. NLCA Golfers Donate to Kids Eat Smart Foundation of NL Thank you to all golfers for digging deep into their pockets to raise a total of $850.00 in aid of the Upper Gullies Elementary School Kids Eat Smart Program. A1 Safety Training & Consulting Ltd. Atlantic Ready Mix Bird-Stairs Bluebird Investments Ltd. Brook Construction (2007) Inc. Capital Ready Mix Cummins Eastern Canada LP Dawe's Mechanical (1981) Ltd. Drycore Eastern Inc. Exploits Welding and Machine Shop Ltd. Island Roofing Co. Ltd. North Atlantic Northridge Developments Ltd. Pen/Mar Trades Ltd. Tech Construction (2012) Ltd. United Rentals Vision Electrical Limited Western Surety Company Academy Canada Jenkins Power Sheet Metal Inc. Kerr Controls Ltd. Rowe Brothers Flooring Total Coverage Fire Protection Inc. West Coast Excavating & Equipment Company Limited Hole Sponsors Luncheon Sponsors Welcome Sponsors HighlightsHighlights $ .00850 133 2016 NLCA Construction Journal on sEPt. 24, 2015, on behalf of the nLCa, Lorraine Ennis, nLCa Charity auction Committee chair, presented the Mazol Shiners with a cheque for $50,607.74. the money represents the amount raised at the nLCa Charity auction, which was held at the Delta hotel and Conference Centre, St. John’s, on March 6 during the association’s annual Conference. a big thank-you goes out the membership for stepping up to the plate in a big way to raise this money, through their donations and attendance at the auction evening. What the Shriners do as a charitable organization is something special that has made a world of difference in the lives of families across newfoundland and Labrador. thank you to the 2015 Charity auction Committee for their hard work and dedication. the committee members are: Lorraine Ennis, committee chair, Sheraton hotel newfoundland; Barbara hayward, Extreme East Metals Inc.; kevin Green, newfoundland Power; terry Scaplen, tempo Construction Management Inc.; Darren Park, Island Roofing Co. Ltd.; Roger tinkham, Mazol Shriners; aimee Sue ash, ash Drywall Ltd.; holly hicks, n.D. Dobbin Group of Companies; and kelly White. nLca’s 2015 charity of choice: The Mazol Shriners Children’s Transportation Fund From left to right: Roger Tinkham, past Potentate of Mazol Shriners; Lorraine Ennis, NLCA 2015 Charity Auction Committee chair; and Roland Card, Assistant Rabban. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association134 newfoundland & Labrador Construction association134 A look back on NLCA throughout the yearsReflections: ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 March 7, 2015 Voice of the Provincial Construction Industry “We Build Newfoundland and Labrador” CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR 135 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association136 Reflections 137 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association138 Reflections 139 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association140 Reflections 141 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association142 Reflections 143 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association144 Reflections 145 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association146 Reflections 147 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association148 Reflections 149 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association150 Reflections 151 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association152 Reflections 153 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association154 Reflections 155 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association156 Reflections 157 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections newfoundland & Labrador Construction association158 Reflections 159 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Reflections Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association160 thank you to aLL golfers for digging deep into their pockets to raise a total of $850 in aid of the upper Gullies Elementary School kids Eat Smart Program. the nLCa tournament took place on friday, Sept. 18 at humber valley Resort in Little Rapids, n.L. a cheque presentation was held at the nLCa office on friday, Sept. 25. On hand to accept the cheque for the upper Gullies Elementary School kids Eat Smart Program, were Matthew Smith, principal of the school, and albert Spracklin, volunteer. the cheque was proudly presented to them by kirk Saunders, nLCa board secretary/treasurer and past chair, and Rhonda neary, nLCa president/COO. Upper Gullies Elementary School kids Eat smart Program PLANNING. SUPPLY. INSTALLATION. SERVICE. INSTRUMENTATION ° HVAC ° ABB Variable Frequency Drives. ° MSA CO/NO2 and Refrigerant gas detection systems. ° Municipal chlorination and filtration systems. TECHNICAL SERVICES ° Inspection, Testing & Commissioning Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems. ° Siemens Fire Alarm Systems. ° Ansul Fire Extinguishers. ° Ansul Fire Suppression Systems for Kitchens or Computer Rooms. Installation of all of the above. Give us a call to learn more! Newfoundland (709) 722-5690 • (1-800) 563-9595 Nova Scotia (902) 468-1955 • (1-800) 567-1955 From left to right: Rhonda Neary, NLCA president/COO; Albert Spracklin, volunteer; Kirk Saunders, NLCA board secretary/treasurer and past chair; and Matthew Smith, principal of Upper Gullies Elementary School. Cheque Presentation PLANNING. SUPPLY. INSTALLATION. SERVICE. INSTRUMENTATION ° HVAC ° ABB Variable Frequency Drives. ° MSA CO/NO2 and Refrigerant gas detection systems. ° Municipal chlorination and filtration systems. TECHNICAL SERVICES ° Inspection, Testing & Commissioning Fire Alarm Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems. ° Siemens Fire Alarm Systems. ° Ansul Fire Extinguishers. ° Ansul Fire Suppression Systems for Kitchens or Computer Rooms. Installation of all of the above. Give us a call to learn more! Newfoundland (709) 722-5690 • (1-800) 563-9595 Nova Scotia (902) 468-1955 • (1-800) 567-1955 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association162 membership Listings 2015-2016 3d dataCoMM Adam Higdon [email protected] 24 Duffy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4M5 tel: (709) 747-4666 fax: (709) 754-5388 3M Canada CoMPany Cathy Ivany [email protected] P.O. Box 568 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 895-5195 fax: (888) 289-2791 a & a Masonry ltd. Anthony & Alphonsus Dober 96 Ridgewood Drive Paradise, nL a1L 1k8 tel: (709) 240-1303 fax: (709) 240-1142 a & b ConstruCtion ltd. Kirk Hodder [email protected] P.O. Box 220 Lewisporte, nL a0G 3a0 tel: (709) 535-6510 fax: (709) 535-6512 a & M eleCtriCal & ConstruCtion ltd. Mike Penney [email protected] 82 Church Street P.O. Box 29 victoria, nL a0a 4G0 tel: (709) 596-6188 fax: (709) 596-6373 a.h. MeChaniCal ContraCtors liMited Paul Cote [email protected] 59 Riverside Drive P.O. Box 583 Corner Brook, nL a2h 2t1 tel: (709) 639-1522 fax: (709) 639-1929 a1 saFety traininG & ConsultinG ltd. Matthew Connolly [email protected] 38 Dunbar avenue Corner Brook, nL a2h 3t4 tel: (709) 388-4226 abbott brothers eQuiPMent inC. Justin Pyne Tripp [email protected] P.O. Box 2437 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6B9 tel: (508) 636-9095 fax: (709) 637-1517 abydoZ enVironMental inC. Eric Cook [email protected] 369 Old Broad Cove Road Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3n2 tel: (709) 895-2120 fax: (709) 892-2911 aCadeMy Canada James Loder [email protected] 41 harding Road St. John’s, nL a1B 3P9 tel: (709) 682-4393 fax: (709) 722-9197 aCCurate ConstruCtion ltd. Justin Lewis [email protected] 30 Lundrigan Drive Box 3795, RR2 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6B9 tel: (709) 638-0348 fax: (709) 783-2467 aCe loCksMithinG ltd. Tina Penney [email protected] 1012 topsail Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5E5 tel: (709) 364-2400 aCklands GrainGer Jim Tobin [email protected] 13 Corey king Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a5 tel: (709) 747-2515 fax: (709) 747-2557 adVanCed CablinG systeMs Geoff Moulton geoff.moulton@ 3 hillview avenue Conception Bay South, nL a1W 4L3 tel: (709) 744-5012 fax: (709) 834-3754 adVanCed WoodWork & desiGn ltd. Kurt George [email protected] 40 Gosse’s Road 80 Clyde avenue, Mount Pearl Paradise, nL a1L 1t3 tel: (709) 745-9663 fax: (709) 745-9615 adVantaGe hardWare Consultants inC. Shelley Thomas [email protected] 575 Edinburgh Drive P.O. Box 1125 Moncton, nB E1C 8P6 tel: (506) 853-1406 fax: (506) 853-1409 aFonso GrouP liMited Steve Chafe [email protected] 14 Robin hood Bay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5v3 tel: (709) 576-6070 fax: (709) 576-1381 163 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit aiMs ltd. Brian Pevlin [email protected] 17 kyle avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R4 tel: (709) 368-2467 fax: (709) 747-1030 airCo sheetMetal inC. Shane Green [email protected] P.O. Box 313 Green’s harbour, nL a0B 1X0 tel: (709) 727-2242 fax: (709) 582-4542 aire liQuide healthCare (diV. oF Vital aire) Randall Rafuse [email protected] 320 Wright avenue, unit 6 Dartmouth, nS B3B 0B3 tel: (902) 468-9740 fax: (902) 450-0075 air-FloW MeChaniCal 2013 ltd. Ches Lucas [email protected] 51 Bremigens Boulevard Paradise, nL a1L 4a2 tel: (709) 753-3344 fax: (709) 753-3322 air-tite sheet Metal ltd. Norm Lucas [email protected] P.O. Box 8221, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 726-7007 fax: (709) 738-1071 airtron Canada (a direCt enerGy CoMPany) Scott Waldick [email protected] 10 austin Street, Suite 104 P.O. Box 13218 St. John’s, nL a1B 4a5 tel: (709) 754-9595 fax: (709) 754-9599 airWays ContraCtinG Frank Davidge [email protected] 19 McCurdy Drive Gander, nL a1v 1a1 tel: (709) 256-3477 fax: (709) 256-3488 alantra leasinG Marcus deWinter [email protected] 98 Cougle Road P.O. Box 4375 Sussex Corner, nB E4E 5L5 tel: (800) 456-1800 fax: (506) 432-9076 alda eleCtriC ltd. Andy Avery [email protected] 68 Marine Drive Clarenville, nL a5a 1L3 tel: (709) 466-2112 fax: (709) 466-1207 all M inC. – rebar ContraCtors Wayne Stamp [email protected] P.O. Box 5, Station Main Goulds, nL a1S 1G3 tel: (709) 685-9020 fax: (709) 368-8831 alleGion Canada Christopher King [email protected] 9450 henri-Bourassa West Montreal, QC h4S 1n8 tel: (514) 315-7710 fax: (514) 385-9498 allianCe seCurity systeMs (diV. oF Fullerton aGenCies liMited) Gord Fullerton [email protected] 149 Water Street Carbonear, nL a1y 1a9 tel: (709) 596-7969 fax: (709) 596-1409 allied ConstruCtors inC. Andrew Driscoll [email protected] 397 Stavanger Drive St. John’s, nL a1a 0a1 tel: (709) 754-4367 fax: (709) 754-1212 allstar rebar ltd. Greg Gulliver [email protected] 206 Mcnamara Drive P.O. Box 1024, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5M3 tel: (709) 754-5591 fax: (709) 754-5593 aluMa systeMs inC. Doug Crouse [email protected] 84 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 2C7 tel: (709) 753-3325 fax: (709) 754-3233 COMMERCIAL SHEET METAL, PLUMBING, HEATING VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 51 Bremigens Blvd. | Paradise, Newfoundland A1L 4A2 CHES LUCAS: (709) 685-8958 OFFICE: (709) 753-3344 FAX: (709) 753-3322 EMAIL: [email protected] Air-Flow Mechanical 2013 Ltd. ANW Construction EXCAVATION | SITE PREPARATION QUARRY MATERIALS | PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE Ph: 709-256-4907 Serving Gander and Surrounding areas Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association164 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit anChoraGe ContraCtinG ltd. Jeff Clarke [email protected] 16 thomas Byrne Drive kenmount Business Park P.O. Box 8248, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 738-5611 fax: (709) 738-5616 anixter Canada inC. Steve Connolly [email protected] 26 Beclin Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B8 tel: (709) 754-0300 fax: (709) 754-3338 anW ConstruCtion liMited Kerry Noble [email protected] P.O. Box 190 Gander, nL a1v 1W6 tel: (709) 256-4907 fax: (709) 256-5875 aon reed stenhouse inC. Marie Chafe [email protected] 125 kelsey Drive, Suite 100 St. John’s, nL a1B 0L2 tel: (709) 758-5526 fax: (709) 739-0856 aPex ConstruCtion sPeCialties inC. Ken Tapper [email protected] 41 Beclin Road, Mount Pearl P.O. Box 8776, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3t2 tel: (709) 726-1111 fax: (709) 726-5315 aPex industries inC. Bob Keeping [email protected] 13 Murley Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3E1 tel: (709) 748-2061 fax: (709) 748-2062 arMteC liMited PartnershiP Glenn Smith [email protected] 95 Bonaventure avenue, Suite 302 St. John’s, nL a1B 2X5 tel: (709) 754-3553 fax: (709) 754-3555 arroW ConstruCtion ProduCts ltd. Cory Brocklehurst [email protected] 19 Old Placentia Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P4 tel: (709) 745-2505 fax: (709) 745-2008 ash dryWall ltd. Darryl Ash [email protected] 9 Olivia Place, Portugal Cove St. Philip`s, nL a1M 0C5 tel: (709) 747-3492 fax: (709) 747-3385 astaldi Canada inC. Matthew Pike [email protected] 358 hamilton River Road P.O. Box 177, Station C happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1C0 tel: (709) 752-3763 fax: (709) 896-1179 aluMiCor ltd. John O’Connell [email protected] 155 Bluewater Road Bedford, nS B4B 1h1 tel: (902) 835-4545 fax: (902) 835-4547 aMd holdinGs ltd. Aubrey Drover [email protected] 27 Majors Path St. John’s, nL a1a 4Z9 tel: (709) 576-4182 fax: (709) 576-7890 aMeC Foster Wheeler enVironMent & inFrastruCture Kevin Penney / Matthew Hardy [email protected] 36 Pippy Place P.O. Box 13216 St. John’s, nL a1B 4a5 tel: (709) 722-5062 fax: (709) 722-5025 aMeC Foster Wheeler PoWer & ProCess aMeriCas liMited Glen Forbes [email protected] 133 Crosbie Road P.O. Box 9600 St. John’s, nL a1a 3C1 tel: (709) 724-1900 fax: (709) 739-5458 anCaMna sales Darren Ross [email protected] 136 highmeadow Drive Moncton, nB E1G 2C3 tel: (506) 855-0022 fax: (506) 384-5111 Your Authorized Dealer for Redi Rock in Western NL “SEA WALL BLOCK” YOUR “YEAR ROUND” SUPPLIER OF READY MIX CONCRETE IN THE CORNER BROOK & DEER LAKE AREAS! OTHER PRODUCTS & SERVICES Brick & Block Products • Retaining Wall Systems • Paving Stones • Garden Products Precast Products • Septic Tanks • Manhole Components • Screened & Washed Sand Crushed & Washed Stone • Stone Slinger • Tandem/Tandem Mixers • Concrete Pumps Sidewalk Construction • Slipform Curb Machine • Semi Dumps 280 Humber Road | Corner Brook, Newfoundland | Phone: (709) 634.1885 Atlantic Industrial Projects Inc. Mechanical Contracting, Welding and Fabrication Ben Strickland President, Project Manager email: [email protected] 18 Humber Park Corner Brook, NL A2H 2Z9 Phone: (709) 638-3436 | Fax: (709) 634-2010 165 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit atlantiC Canada WaterWorks Chris Blundon [email protected] Pearlgate P.O. Box 4024 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a1 tel: (709) 221-3175 fax: (709) 221-3175 atlantiC enterPrises ltd. Robin Gosse [email protected] P.O. Box 70 Spaniard’s Bay, nL a0a 3X0 tel: (709) 786-6992 fax: (709) 786-4135 atlantiC hardWare Consultants ltd. Cathy McCaffery [email protected] 15 Biggs Drive, unit B Riverview, nB E1B 3y8 tel: (506) 387-9100 fax: (506) 387-9102 atlantiC industrial ProJeCts Ben Strickland [email protected] 18 humber Park Corner Brook, nL a2h 2Z9 tel: (709) 638-3436 fax: (709) 634-2010 atlantiC industrial serViCes (a diV. oF enVirosysteMs) Steve Newman [email protected] 11 Brown avenue Dartmouth, nS B3B 1Z7 tel: (902) 481-1509 fax: (902) 481-8051 atlantiC industries ltd. Terry Dunn [email protected] P.O. Box 187 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C2 tel: (709) 738-2772 fax: (709) 738-2773 atlantiC PuriFiCation systeMs ltd. Terry Reardon [email protected] 10 ferguson Road Dartmouth, nS B2y 3Z5 tel: (902) 469-2806 fax: (902) 463-3529 atlantiC ready Mix Bill Fitzpatrick [email protected] P.O. Box 353 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E3 tel: (709) 634-8255 fax: (709) 634 2061 atsanik & nitassinan sCaFFoldinG ltd. Steve Tooktushina [email protected] 8 Bay Crescent P.O. Box 1674, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-2436 The seminars and sessions offered through NLCA's Centre of Excellence will give you the practical training needed to enhance career development and align your skills directly with the needs of the commercial and industrial construction industry. Enh ance ’s Yo A ur Cont L inuin th g wi Edu n catio N C N ew Ce nt re ! Enh ance ’s Yo A ur Cont L inuin th g wi Edu n catio N C N ew Ce nt re ! Contact Adelle at 709-753-8920 or and let her know what information session you would like to see added to the . For calendar details visit [email protected] 2016 Education Calendar View our complete schedule at Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association166 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit basil Fearn (93) ltd. Jeff Kendall [email protected] 51 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R8 tel: (709) 747-8495 fax: (709) 747-8493 battleField eQuiPMent rentals Nicci Hearn [email protected] 6 Beclin Road, Mount Pearl P.O. Box 8335, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 745-8766 fax: (709) 745-5952 bay steel inC. Don Corbett [email protected] P.O. Box 323 holyrood, nL a0a 2R0 tel: (709) 229-7016 fax: (709) 229-1282 bayVieW eleCtriCal ltd. Jerry Normore [email protected] P.O. Box 13391 St. John’s, nL a1B 4B7 tel: (709) 722-6220 fax: (709) 722-6601 bdW rooFinG inC. Robert White [email protected] P.O. Box 174 Stephenville, nL a2n 2y9 tel: (709) 643-5099 fax: (709) 643-5191 belFor ProPerty restoration Mark Genge [email protected] 145 Mcnamara Drive Paradise, nL a1L 0a7 tel: (709) 781-3264 fax: (709) 781-3265 bell Gilbert Leger [email protected] 22 Botsford Street Moncton, nB E1C 4y2 tel: (506) 855-2844 b.e.s.t. enterPrises liMited Eric Earle / Shannon Earle [email protected] Box 633, Shearstown 5 Eric’s Place Bay Roberts, nL a0a 3v0 tel: (709) 786-1832 bailey’s Marine serViCe ltd. Dean Bailey [email protected] 90 kippens Road kippens, nL a2n 1B3 tel: (709) 643-9260 fax: (709) 643-9889 baker FloorinG ContraCts ltd. Tim Saunders [email protected] P.O. Box 8026 St. John’s, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 364-9008 fax: (709) 364-8568 balCo ConstruCtion inC. Gerald Ballett [email protected] Box 186, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5J2 tel: (709) 745-3460 fax: (709) 745-3472 bank oF noVa sCotia Lindsey Peddle [email protected] 245 Water Street St. John’s nL a1C 5h5 tel: (709) 576-7569 fax: (709) 576-7917 baraCo – atlantiC CorP. Bobby Clarke [email protected] 5 hallett Crescent, 2nd floor St. John’s, nL a1B 4C4 tel: (709) 800-7910 fax: (709) 237-2700 baroCCon Wall systeM inC. Cheko Batgi [email protected] 3100 Steeles avenue West, Suite 507C toronto, On L4k 3R1 tel: (289) 272-0845 fax: (289) 272-0850 audio systeMs liMited Darryl Chidley [email protected] 16 Goldstone Street St. John’s, nL a1B 5a8 tel: (709) 754-2244 fax: (709) 754-0673 aValla ConstruCtion inC. Dennis Power [email protected] 1 Centennial Street, Suite 105 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0C9 tel: (709) 691-5353 aViVa insuranCe CoMPany Bill Giffin [email protected] 99 Wyse Road, Suite 1600 Dartmouth, nS B3a 4S5 tel: (902) 460-3144 fax: (902) 461-2417 b & b eleCtriCal serViCes ltd. Bruce Didham [email protected] 1296 kenmount Road Paradise, nL a1n 1n3 tel: (709) 747-6060 fax: (709) 747-6226 b & r enterPrises liMited Bing Pelley [email protected] P.O. Box 297 Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-3338 fax: (709) 673-4717 b. daVis aGenCies ltd. Blair Davis [email protected] 96 Castor’s Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5k5 tel: (709) 747-5805 fax: (709) 747-3991 b. F. kennedy sound systeMs ltd. Bernard Kennedy [email protected] P.O. Box 191 South River, nL a0a 3W0 tel: (709) 528-1360 fax: (709) 528-1182 167 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit blaCk & MCdonald ltd. George Dalton [email protected] 19 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1B 4G1 tel: (709) 747-1406 fax: (709) 747-1456 blaCkridGe ConstruCtion ltd. Robert Crowley [email protected] P.O. Box 171 holyrood, nL a0a 2R0 tel: (709) 229-4340 blanChard’s heatinG & CoolinG ltd. Ivan Blanchard  [email protected] 37 Brook Street P.O. Box 792 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6G7 tel: (709) 634-5537 fax: (709) 634-7261 bioMaxx WasteWater solutions inC. Steve Priestley / Chris Haley [email protected] 1 – 7163 vantage Way Delta, BC v4G 1n1 tel: (604) 940-5556 / (403) 660-1082 fax: (604) 940-5557 bird ConstruCtion GrouP Roger Rowsell [email protected] 90 O’Leary avenue, Suite 202 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P2 tel: (709) 579-4747 fax: (709) 579-4745 bird-stairs Dennis Seaward [email protected] 153 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S7 tel: (709) 747-0040 fax: (709) 747-0051 bellWether healthCare solutions inC. Tom Anderson tom.anderson@ 185 Commonwealth avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4L3 tel: (902) 827-7122 fax: (902) 827-5611 bennetts ConstruCtion & suPPlies ltd. Charles Bennett [email protected] P.O. Box 7 Grand Bank, nL a0E 1W0 tel: (709) 832-2800 fax: (709) 832-2877 biG land ConstruCtion ltd. Kathy Goudie [email protected] 59 Rooseverlt avenue, unit 101 St. John’s, nL a1a 0E8 tel: (709) 325-0184 fax: (418) 668-0652 S Underwater Welding & Cutting S Underwater Video & Photography S Surveys – Inspections – Repairs S Ultrasonic Testing S Internal Pipe Inspections S ROV Services 90 Kippens Road, Kippens, NL A2N 1B3 • P: 709-643-9260 F: 709-643-9889 • TF: 1-877-643-9260 • E: [email protected] Bailey’s Marine Service Ltd. COMMERCIAL DIVING SERVICES DEAN BAILEY PRESIDENT Building Relationships One Client At A Time · 30 years of quality masonry · Professional management team p: (709) 691-5353 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association168 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit breWster Well drillinG Kyle Fetterly [email protected] P.O. Box 1140, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5M5 tel: (709) 690-3611 fax: (902) 866-3105 briCklayers Co-oP ltd. John Leonard [email protected] 631 Conception Bay highway Conception Bay South, nL a1X 7L4 tel: (709) 834-5679 fax: (709) 834-1817 brook ConstruCtion (2007) inC. Kirk Watkins [email protected] P.O. Box 882 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6h6 tel: (709) 634-9705 fax: (709) 634-8063 boyd & bunGay ConstruCtion ltd. Shawn Boyd [email protected] P.O. Box 183 Stephenville, nL a2n 2y9 tel: (709) 643-3990 fax: (709) 643-3995 brandt traCtor ltd. – PositioninG teChnoloGy diVision Bill Penney [email protected] 980 kenmount Road Paradise, nL a1L 1n3 tel: (709) 747-1199 fax: (709) 747-1191 brenkir industrial suPPlies ltd. Paul Byrne [email protected] 15 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S4 tel: (709) 368-4656 fax: (709) 368-4658 bluebird inVestMents ltd. Owen Young [email protected] P.O. Box 382 Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2a 2J8 tel: (709) 489-5403 fax: (709) 489-4141 borealis ConsultinG inC. Randy Tucker [email protected] 50 harbour Drive, Suite 101 St. John’s, nL a1C 6J4 tel: (709) 722-7440 / (709) 749-6430 fax: (709) 722-9991 boss ConstruCtion GrouP Fred Stack [email protected] P.O. Box 956 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C9 tel: (709) 682-9666 fax: (709) 753-8584 CONSTRUCTION 52 Main Street | Little Burnt Bay, Newfoundland A0G 3B0 Ph: 709.535.6350 Fax: 709-535-3699 | [email protected] Leon Cell: 709-541-1634 Dawson Cell: 709-541-3228 BOYD BUNGAY& CONSTRUCTION LTD. Excavating | Backhoe | Snow Plowing | Land Clearing, Landscaping Gravel | Septic Systems | Road Construction, Topsoil FREE ESTIMATES 141 Carolina Avenue, P.O Box 183 • Stephenville, NL A2N 2Y9 SHAWN BOYD Tel: 709.643.3990 Fax: 709.643.3995 Cell: 709.214.7212 169 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit C. barnes exCaVatinG inC. Clifton Barnes [email protected] General Delivery Birchy head, nL a0k 1k0 tel: (709) 453-2121 fax: (709) 453-2066 C.b.s. PluMbinG and heatinG ltd. Justin Squires [email protected] 102 fowlers Road P.O. Box 14232 Conception Bay South, nL a1W 3J1 tel: (709) 834-9355 fax: (709) 834-9392 CadillaC serViCes ltd. Andrew Duffett [email protected] 97 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R2 tel: (709) 576-3584 fax: (709) 579-3590 Cahill FabriCation struCtutal liMited Ivan Butler [email protected] 863 torbay Road torbay, nL a1k 1a2 tel: (709) 726-3880 fax: (709) 726-3884 bursey Cleaners (2010) liMited Roseanne Jones [email protected] 115 hussey Drive P.O. Box 23010 St. John’s, nL a1B 4J9 tel: (709) 722-9576 fax: (709) 722-9578 bursey exCaVatinG & deVeloPMent inC. Jamie Bursey [email protected] 71 airport Road St. John’s, nL a1a 4y3 tel: (709) 579-6527 fax: (709) 579-6529 bursey ManuFaCturinG inC. William Bursey [email protected] 25 Oakes Lane P.O. Box 17001, Station kelligrews Conception Bay South, nL a1X 3h1 tel: (709) 834-9200 fax: (709) 834-9002 business deVeloPMent bank oF Canada Zack Howard [email protected] 215 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1C 5k4 tel: (709) 772-4745 fax: (709) 772-2516 bruCe enterPrises ltd. Herman Bruce [email protected] 6 kyle avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R5 tel: (709) 739-1871 fax: (709) 739-1875 bruCe sutherland assoCiates liMited Connie Vance [email protected] 164 akerley Boulevard Dartmouth, nS B3B 1Z5 tel: (902) 455-2405 fax: (902) 466-7175 bsM serViCes (1998) ltd. Matt Landry [email protected] 948 Royal Road Memramcook, nB E4k 1y8 tel: (506) 862-0810 fax: (506) 862-0814 budGell’s ConstruCtion ltd. Len Budgell [email protected] 344 West Street P.O. Box 528 St. anthony, nL a0k 4S0 tel: (709) 454-3383 fax: (709) 454-3328 budGet PluMbinG & heatinG Randy Payne [email protected] P.O. Box 40 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C1 tel: (709) 237-1829 fax: (709) 745-4648 bulldoG ContraCtinG ltd. Jamie Swyers [email protected] 41 Dwyer Street P.O. Box 7 Bonavista, nL a0C 1B0 tel: (709) 468-6089 fax: (709) 468-1349 burnt bay ConstruCtion ltd. Leon Wells [email protected] 52 Main Street Little Burnt Bay, nL a0G 3B0 tel: (709) 535-6350 fax: (709) 535-3699 MOBILE INDUSTRIAL SHELTER PROVIDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1-877-322-1113 WWW.CANAMPLATFORMS.CA 1-877-322-1113 GENERAL CONTRACTORS INDUSTRIAL SHELTERS 1-877-322-1113 ISO 9001: 2008 REGISTERED WWW.CANAMPLATFORMS.CA Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association170 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit Castle CarPet (2000) liMited Barry Brake [email protected] 406 O’Connell Drive P.O. Box 175 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C7 tel: (709) 632-7623 fax: (709) 632-2142 Cb Metal Works inC. Bernie Gushue [email protected] 85 Main highway P.O. Box 159 avondale, nL a0a 1B0 tel: (709) 229-1099 fax: (709) 229-1099 CeCon ltd. Dennis Laing [email protected] 93 Edinburgh avenue Gander, nL a1y 1C9 tel: (709) 256-7112 fax: (709) 256-8324 Centinel serViCes Jamie Valone [email protected] 22 Duffy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4M5 tel: (709) 579-7373 fax: (709) 747-3230 Central health Brian Kinden [email protected] 125 trans-Canada highway Gander, nL a1v 1P7 tel: (709) 256-5453 Central PaintinG inC. Mark Smith [email protected] tel: (888) 456-0926 fax: (888) 726-7148 761 Bayview Drive, unit a Barrie, On L4n 9a5 Central ready Mix ltd. William White [email protected] P.O. Box 933 Lewisporte, nL a0G 3a0 tel: (709) 535-6689 fax: (709) 535-8368 Cansel surVey eQuiPMent inC. Dez St. Croix [email protected] 210 kenmount Road St. John’s, nL a1B 3R1 tel: (709) 722-8772 fax: (709) 579-5102 CaPital Crane Tyler King [email protected] 20 Sagona avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R2 tel: (709) 682-3078 fax: (709) 748-8900 CaPital interior systeMs ltd. Justin Gedge [email protected] 11 Bambrick Street P.O. Box 473 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C4 tel: (709) 364-9760 fax: (709) 364-9760 CaPital PreCast (a diV. oF neWCrete inVestMents liMited PartnershiP) Gary Guinchard [email protected] P.O. Box 8056, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 364-5008 fax: (709) 364-4833 CaPital ready Mix (a diV. oF neWCrete inVestMents liMited PartnershiP) Jason Coish [email protected] P.O. Box 8056, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 364-5008 fax: (709) 364-5355 CareW serViCes ltd. Steven Carew [email protected] 1437 Portugal Cove Road P.O. Box 584 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 895-6942 fax: (709) 895-6075 Cal leGroW insuranCe Barry Rose [email protected] 189 higgins Line St. John’s, nL a1B 4n4 tel: (709) 722-3282 fax: (709) 576-1238 Canada bay ConstruCtion Co. ltd. Randy Hancock [email protected] P.O. Box 99 Roddickton, nL a0k 4P0 tel: (709) 457-2660 fax: (709) 457-2193 Canada CulVert Roger Leger [email protected] 334 Main Street Shediac, nB E4P 2E5 tel: (506) 232-0825 fax: (506) 532-3635 CanaM Tina Babin [email protected] 95 foundry Street, heritage Court Suite 417 Moncton, nB E1C 5h7 tel: (506) 857-3164 fax: (506) 857-3253 Can-aM PlatForMs & ConstruCtion ltd. Lee Noseworthy [email protected] P.O. Box 119 Shearstown, nL a0a 3v0 tel: (709) 786-1113 fax: (709) 786-1123 Can-do sheet Metal ltd. Wayne Upshall [email protected] 75 Conception Bay highway Conception Bay South, nL a1W 3a3 tel: (709) 834-3350 fax: (709) 834-3332 Canduit eleCtriC inC. John Hussey [email protected] 38 Bay Bulls Road St. John’s, nL a1G 1a5 tel: (709) 757-5010 fax: (709) 364-2350 171 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit Chris sQuires enterPrises Chris Squires [email protected] 522B Old Broad Cove Road St. Philip’s, nL a1M 1Z2 tel: (709) 687-7535 ChurChill ConstruCtion ltd. Dean Clarke [email protected] 5-7 aspen Drive P.O. Box 669 happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-8521 fax: (709) 896-8522 CiMCo reFriGeration Kevin Harris [email protected] 42 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 2C7 tel: (709) 753-1440 fax: (709) 754-3111 CheM-aQua Canada, a diV. oF nCh William Squires [email protected] 253 Orenda Road Brampton, On L6t 1E6 tel: (800) 268-0838, Ext. 267 fax: (800) 795-4755 Chiasson ConstruCtion ltd. Lawrence Barry [email protected] 7 Stratford avenue P.O. Box 149, Station B Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-2236 fax: (709) 896-2291 ChiMo ConstruCtion (2014) liMited Ron Hickey [email protected] 136 Crosbie Road, Suite 409 viking Building P.O. Box 21353 St. John’s, nL a1a 2G6 tel: (709) 739-5900 fax: (709) 739-5511 Centura Floor & Wall tile Andrew Tucker [email protected] 2 Bruce Street Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4t3 tel: (709) 579-4600 fax: (709) 579-0821 Century 2k inC. Bill Lawlor/ Bill Norris [email protected] 19 Old Placentia Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C8 tel: (709) 747-8501 fax: (709) 747-8502 Charles r. bell ltd. – FloorinG diVision Greg Elms [email protected] 126 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 570-5816 fax: (709) 722-6832 97 Clyde Avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park Office: (709) 576-3584 Mt. Pearl, NL A1N 4R9 Fax: (709) 579-3590 Full Site Service Providers of Excavation, Landscaping, In-ground Water Works and Commercial Snow Clearing. CAN DO— CAN-DO SHEET METAL LTD. Sheet Metal Contractors 75 Conception Bay Highway, Unit 2 TEL 709 834 3350 Conception Bay South, NL A1W 3A3 FAX 709 834 3332 [email protected] P.O. BOX 473, MOUNT PEARL, NL A1N 2C4 CELL: 709-743-1556 PHONE/FAX: 709-364-9760 EMAIL: [email protected] Capital interior SyStemS ltd DRYWALL / STEEL STUD T-BAR / INSULATIONRandy Hancock OWNER CANADA BAY CONSTRUCTION PO Box 99 Roddickton, NL A0K 4P0 Home 709 457 2660 Fax 709 457 2193 Cell 709 457 7172 [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association172 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit ClassiC WoodWork ltd. Chris Hewitt [email protected] P.O. Box 686 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2X1 tel: (709) 368-1480 fax: (709) 368-1156 ClearaWay ContraCtinG ltd. Pamela Rixon [email protected] 537 St. thomas Line Paradise, nL a1L 3t3 tel: (709) 895-2999 fax: (709) 895-2922 CliFFord CooPer ConstruCtion ltd. Clifford Cooper [email protected] Old Shop trinity Bay, nL a0B 2W0 tel: (709) 582-2135 fax: (709) 582-2737 Clarke Masonry ltd. Brad Clarke [email protected] 324 Groves Road St. John’s, nL a1B 4L4 tel: (709) 738-1111 fax: (709) 738-3032 Clarke ‘s truCkinG and exCaVatinG ltd. Keith Clarke [email protected] 163 Paradise Road Paradise, nL a1L 2y1 tel: (709) 782-0096 fax: (709) 782-4905 Class 1 inCorPorated Tricia Blondin [email protected] 565 Boxwood Drive Cambridge, On n3E 1a5 tel: (800) 242-9723 fax: (519) 650-2366 City ConCrete liMited David Hodder [email protected] 123 – 127 Mcnamara Drive Paradise, nL a1L 0J2 tel: (709) 782-2222 fax: (709) 782-2940 City oF st. John’s Dave Blackmore [email protected] 10 Gower Street St. John’s, nL a1C 5M2 tel: (709) 576-8701 fax: (709) 576-8568 City-lite eleCtriCal liMited Pete Hudson [email protected] 10 Blue Puttee Drive St. John’s, nL a1a 0a4 tel: (709) 739-7611 fax: (709) 739-7616 • Ready Mix Concrete • Floor Finishing • Concrete Forming • Concrete Pumping • Washed Stone • Sand • Road Gravel • Stone Slinger Service • Concrete Coloring After Hours: Dave at 728-4334 Fax: 782-2940 Email: [email protected] 782-2222 Serving St. John’s and the Avalon Peninsula 123-127 McNamara Drive P.O. Box 50042 Paradise, NL A1L 0J2 173 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit CoFFey’s WeldinG serViCes inC. Derek Coffey [email protected] Box 50, Site 6, RR1 Placentia, nL a0B 2y0 tel: (709) 227-6693 Coles Masonry inC. Ross Cole [email protected] P.O. Box 520 victoria, nL a0a 9G0 tel: (709) 597-1443 ColleGe oF the north atlantiC Robin Walters [email protected] 1670 Conception Bay highway P.O. Box 19003, Station Seal Cove Conception Bay South, nL a1X 5C7 tel: (709) 744-3012 fax: (709) 744-3929 Coastal CoatinGs liMited Jason / Vicki Cross [email protected] 444 Main Street P.O. Box 231 Wesleyville, nL a0G 4R0 tel: (709) 697-1082 / (709) 325-2628 Coastal door & FraMe inC. Paula Whiffen [email protected] 146 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P7 tel: (709) 753-0761 fax: (709) 753-0762 Coastline sPeCialties ltd. John Pike [email protected] 46 Robin hood Bay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5v3 tel: (709) 726-9155 fax: (709) 726-9156 CliFFord sheaVes ConstruCtion liMited Gordon Sheaves [email protected] 52 Main Street P.O. Box 1180 Port aux Basques, nL a0M 1C0 tel: (709) 695-3989 fax: (709) 695-2760 CMh ConstruCtion ltd. Clem Haley [email protected] 161 Glencoe Drive Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S7 tel: (709) 747-6161 fax: (709) 747-6162 Coady ConstruCtion & exCaVatinG ltd. Jerome Coady [email protected] P.O. Box 1029 torbay, nL a1k 1k9 tel: (709) 437-6767 fax: (709) 437-6762 ControlPro Distributors Inc. is a wholesaler and distributor of control products and a full service commercial and industrial automation contractor and systems integrator. In our certified panel shop we custom design and manufacture commercial and industrial control panels. ControlPro DISTRIBUTORS INC MIKE NOLAN – GENERAL MANAGER Ph: (709) 738-4048 | Fax: (709) 738-4052 57 Pippy Place St. John’s, NL A1B 4H8 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association174 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit ControlPro distributors inC. Mike Nolan [email protected] 57 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4h8 tel: (709) 738-4048 fax: (709) 738-4052 Controls & eQuiPMent ltd. Randy Stapleton [email protected] 45 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4G3 tel: (709) 753-2048 fax: (709) 753-2303 Core MeChaniCal liMited Richard Marsh [email protected] 3 Connolly’s Lane St. John’s, nL a1G 1M6 tel: (709) 747-5265 fax: (709) 747-0424 Cox & PalMer Stephanie Hickman [email protected] Suite 1000, Scotia Centre 235 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1C 1B6 tel: (709) 738-7800 fax: (709) 570-5736 Crane suPPly Paul Traverse [email protected] 31 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R8 tel: (709) 747-7510 fax: (709) 747-7795 CreatiVe Closets & doors ltd. Vince Hedges [email protected] 35 James Lane P.O. Box 1535 St. John’s, nL a1C 5n8 tel: (709) 579-6969 Crh Canada GrouP inC. David Summers [email protected] 25 Mackenzie Street St. John’s, nL a1a 2v4 tel: (709) 682-2601 fax: (709) 738-3062 ConQuest enGineerinG ltd. Stephen Hickey [email protected] 1 – 3 union Street, Suite 105 Corner Brook, nL a2h 5M7 tel: (709) 660-4812 fax: (902) 835-1260 ConstruCtion Market data – CMd Kristin Cooper [email protected] 500 hood Road, 4th floor Markham, On L3R 9Z3 tel: (905) 752-5495 fax: (905) 752-5431 ConstruCtion siGns ltd. Robert O’Keefe [email protected] P.O. Box 8333 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 782-1000 fax: (709) 782-1404 Contour atlantiC CorP. Brad Pike [email protected] 5 hallett Crescent St. John’s, nL a1B 4C4 tel: (709) 437-1777 fax: (709) 437-1460 CoMMerCial CarPet Centre Jason Cross [email protected] 30 akerley Boulevard Dartmouth, nS B3B 1n1 tel: (902) 425-2411 fax: (902) 832-0054 CoMPlete dryWall systeMs ltd. John Furlong [email protected] 1432 Blackhead Road St. John’s, nL a1C 5h2 tel: (709) 237-7010 fax: (709) 237-3358 ConCrete ProduCts (a diV. oF neWCrete inVestMents liMited PartnershiP) Doug Tipton [email protected] P.O. Box 8056, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 368-3171 fax: (709) 739-5681 ConQuest ConstruCtion Terry Murphy [email protected] 66 Indian Pond Estates Conception Bay South, nL a1X 6P7 tel: (709) 743-5906 fax: (709) 240-1317 Cummins Eastern Canada LP 122 Clyde Avenue, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S3 Sales Rep: Sandy Hussey Direct Line: (709) 747-5904 Email: [email protected] ©2014 Cummins Power Generation. All rights reserved. Cummins and the “C” logo are registered trademarks of Cummins Inc. “Reliable power for an unreliable world.™” is a trademark of Cummins Power Generation. NAPM-XXXX-EN (2/14) Storms... power outages... Enough already! Reliable power for an unreliable world™ Fight back! Rely on an installed standby generator from Cummins Power Generation. Keep your family safe and comfortable or your business up and running. Contact us to learn more. Rely on an installed standby generator from Cummins Eastern Canada. Keep your family safe and comfortable or your business up and running. Contact us to learn more. Reliable power for an unreliable world™ ©2014 Cummins Power Generation. All rights reserved. Cummins and the “C” logo are registered trademarks of Cummins Inc. “Reliable power for an unreliable world.™” is a trademark of Cummins Power Generation . NAPM-XXXX-EN (2/14) 175 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit daVis industrial hyGiene ConsultinG inC. Nikki Davis [email protected] P.O. Box 3153 Paradise, nL a1L 3W3 tel: (709) 746-3287 d.F. barnes serViCes George Reid [email protected] 22 Sudbury Street P.O. Box 5996 St. John’s, nL a1C 5X4 tel: (709) 579-5041 fax: (709) 579-5043 Crosbie industrial serViCes Jay McLeod [email protected] 422 Logy Bay Road P.O. Box 8338 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 722-8212 fax: (709) 739-0602 CroWn ContraCtinG inC. Paul O’Keefe [email protected] 117 Mcnamara Drive Paradise, nL a1n 2C3 tel: (709) 782-2212 fax: (709) 782-2230 Csa enterPrises ltd. Keith Russell [email protected] unit 50, hamlyn Road Plaza P.O. Box 432 St. John’s, nL a1E 5X7 tel: (709) 685-8779 CuMMins eastern Canada lP Ed LeGrow [email protected] 122 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S3 tel: (709) 747-0176 / (709) 747-0192 fax: (709) 747-2283 Curtis PoWerWorks inC. Darren Curtis [email protected] 19 Gatehouse Road Deer Lake, nL a8a 1L4 tel: (709) 635-3393 fax: (709) 635-2363 CuttinG edGe laWn Care inC. Jim Fox [email protected] 21 Micnoel Place Pouch Cove, nL a0a 3L0 tel: (709) 770-3363 fax: (709) 232-3363 d & d Janes enterPrises ltd. Dean Janes [email protected] Box 45, Site 4, Main Street Bryant’s Cove, nL a0a 3P0 tel: (709) 680-2222 As the workhorse of the Municipal Group, Dexter Construction has been serving Atlantic Canada and beyond for over 50 years. Our team is committed to safety and efficiency, and our expertise is demontrated across a wide range of integrated civil services, including: 11 Austin St, Suite 202 St. John's, NL A1B 4C1 Tel: (709) 726-5249 Fax: (709) 726-2632 St. John's Office Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association176 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit derek Penney eleCtriCal ltd. Derek Penney [email protected] P.O. Box 8324 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 579-7599 fax: (709) 579-7598 dexter ConstruCtion CoMPany liMited Barry Downer [email protected] 11 austin Street, Suite 202 St. John’s, nL a1B 4C1 tel: (709) 726-5249 fax: (709) 726-2632 dFb driVer inC. Sean Power [email protected] 45 Pepperrell Road St. John’s, nL a1C 5X4 tel: (709) 726-6820 fax: (709) 579-5055 dC desiGn house inC. Denise Goodyear [email protected] 2f Bates hill P.O. Box 13171 St. John’s, nL a1B 4a4 tel: (709) 237-7321 deFenCe ConstruCtion Canada Chris Furlong [email protected] 806 Churchill avenue P.O. Box 2028 St. John’s, nL a1C 6B5 tel: (709) 733-3836 fax: (709) 570-4946 del tile & terraZZo (1975) ltd. Dennis Bishop [email protected] P.O. Box 17193 Conception Bay South, nL a1X 3h1 tel: (709) 744-4440 fax: (709) 744-4447 daWe enterPrises ltd. Bruce Dawe [email protected] 11 – 17 Bareneed Road P.O. Box 69 Coley’s Point, nL a0a 1X0 tel: (709) 786-0906 fax: (709) 786-0986 daWes ConCrete ProduCts ltd. Chris Dawe [email protected] P.O. Box 280 Bay Roberts, nL a0a 1G0 tel: (709) 786-2976 fax: (709) 786-0007 daWes MeChaniCal (1981) liMited Kelly Arnold [email protected] 1 Duggan Street Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2a 2J3 tel: (709) 489-5657 fax: (709) 489-6764 P.O. Box 8324 Tel: (709) 579-7599 Fax: (709) 579-7598 Cell: (709) 689-6499 E-Mail: [email protected] St. John’s, NL A1B 3N7 ENTERPRISES LTD. JANES Certified Insulators • Specializing in insulation for Pipe & Ductwork • Clading Dean Janes Dion Janes 709.680.2222 E: [email protected] 709.680.3226 DMG Consulting Limited (DMG) is an independent, locally owned, consulting engineering and architectural firm with offices located in Gander and St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Halifax, Nova Scotia. The company’s operating history commenced in 1972, and DMG is a multi-disciplinary practice that has gained prominence in the following sectors: • Building / Structural Engineering / Architectural Design Services • LEED AP Services • Engineering Inspections / Building Condition Assessments • Project / Construction Management • Design Build Projects • Municipal Engineering • Airport & Airside Related Works • Marine and Related Services • Transportation Engineering • Communications Engineering • Surveying • Geotechnical Engineering • Materials Testing Laboratory • QA/QC Inspection Services • Phase I Environmental Assessments Gander: 1 (709) 256-7501 | Email: [email protected] St. John’s: 1 (709) 579-8130 | Halifax: 1 (902) 225-7112 177 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit dWC eleCtriCal ltd. Derm Croke [email protected] P.O. Box 13007 St. John’s, nL a1B 3v8 tel: (709) 682-7856 fax: (709) 229-0256 dWs data WirinG solutions inC. Rob Collins [email protected] 1170 topsail Road, thornlea Plaza Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5E8 tel: (709) 747-2150 fax: (709) 747-2185 dynaMiC ConstruCtion ltd. Fabian W. Manning [email protected] 101 Route 360 harbour Breton, nL a0h 1P0 tel: (709) 885-5024 fax: (709) 885-2741 dynaMiC enGineerinG ltd. Danny Madden [email protected] 62 Campbell avenue St. John’s, nL a1E 2Z6 tel: (709) 368-1669 fax: (709) 368-0318 e.i. restorations Aidan Nolan [email protected] 38 Pearson Street St. John’s, nL a1a 3R1 tel: (709) 685-0985 dredGes enterPrises liMited Llew Dredge [email protected] P.O. Box 130, 1 Main Street Black Duck Cove, nL a0k 1M0 tel: (709) 877-2419 fax: (709) 877-2417 droGo ContraCtinG Russell Drover [email protected] 58 Bryants Cove Road P.O. Box 35 upper Island Cove, nL a0a 4E0 tel: (709) 589-3021 fax: (709) 594-2013 dryCore eastern inC. John Cornell [email protected] 37 Lilly Brook Road terra nova, nL a0C 1L0 tel: (709) 265-6108 fax: (709) 265-6106 duFF’s exCaVatinG Jim Duff [email protected] 135B St. thomas Line Paradise, nL a1L 2R4 tel: (709) 693-0375 fax: (709) 782-4007 dulux Paints/PPG arChiteCtural CoatinGs Norm Morgan [email protected] 32 allston Street Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a4 tel: (709) 753-7470 fax: (709) 753-7518 dillon ConsultinG liMited Regina Cuza [email protected] 66 kenmount Road, Suite 203 St. John’s, nL a1B 3v7 tel: (709) 754-2374 fax: (709) 754-2380 dMG ConsultinG liMited Terry Parsons [email protected] 185 Roe avenue P.O. Box 194 Gander, nL a1v 1W6 tel: (709) 256-7501 fax: (709) 256-8729 doMinion reCyClinG ltd. Paula Walsh [email protected] 377 Empire avenue P.O. Box 1143 St. John’s, nL a1C 5M5 tel: (709) 753-6158 fax: (709) 753-6136 donoVan serViCes inC. Phil Ryan [email protected] 145 kelsey Drive, Suite 201 St. John’s, nL a1B 0L2 tel: (709) 747-5687 fax: (709) 747-4448 dora ConstruCtion liMited John Hannam [email protected] 60 Dorey avenue, Suite 200 Dartmouth, nS B3B 0B1 tel: (902) 468-2941 fax: (902) 468-2964 dorMan roberts ltd. Jason Roberts [email protected] P.O. Box 40 triton, nL a0J 1v0 tel: (709) 263-2171 fax: (709) 263-2172 draMis netWork CablinG 2009 ltd. Roger Morris [email protected] 31 Peet Street, Suite 102 St. John’s, nL a1B 3W8 tel: (709) 237-6400 fax: (709) 739-7800 Copper | Brass | Aluminum | Radiator Stainless Steel | Lead | Converters & More!!! We PAY TOP CA$H prices for scrap metals! We Also SELL Structural Steel & Pipe at COMPETITIVE PRICES Visit our NEW BUILDING exclusive to Structural Steel | 377 Empire Ave, St. John’s, NL | 709-753-6158 / [email protected] D om in ion Recycling Ltd Newfoundland Owned and Operated Serving the General Public and Commercial Sector Since 1992 BUILDING BIGGER TO SERVE YOU BETTER Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association178 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit eastern rooF and Floor truss ManuFaCturinG (2008) Keith Chard [email protected] Main Street P.O. Box 17 Lethbridge, nL a0C 1v0 tel: (709) 467-5700 fax: (709) 467-5711 eastern sidinG systeMs inC. Glen Spurgeon [email protected] 5 thomas Byrne Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a6 tel: (709) 745-6262 fax: (709) 745-5454 east-Glo ContraCtinG liMited Louis Briffett [email protected] P.O. Box 198 Glovertown, nL a0G 2L0 tel: (709) 533-6028 fax: (709) 533-2696 eaton industries (Canada) CoMPany David Smith [email protected] 15 hallett Crescent St. John’s, nL a1B 4C4 tel: (709) 726-2800 fax: (709) 726-2818 ebenisterie beaubois ltee Eric Dupuis [email protected] 521 – 6th avenue Saint-Georges, QC G5y 0h1 tel: (418) 228-5104 fax: (418) 228-3524 eCo ContraCtinG liMited Dulah Gill [email protected] 17 Main Street Corner Brook, nL a2h 1C2 tel: (709) 639-0998 fax: (709) 634-0587 eastern audio liMited Mary Catherine Oakley [email protected] 5 Waterford Bridge Road P.O. Box 997 St. John’s, nL a1C 5M3 tel: (709) 722-0864 fax: (709) 722-8114 eastern ContraCtinG ltd. Jason Williams [email protected] 32 allston Street Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a4 tel: (709) 722-5428 fax: (709) 722-1816 eastern deMolition & reCyClers (2011) ltd. Jeff Barnes [email protected] P.O. Box 39027 St. John’s, nL a1E 5y7 tel: (709) 747-7272 fax: (709) 747-7063 eastern FenCe ltd. Bryan Thurtell [email protected] 80 henri Dunant Street Moncton, nB E1E 1E6 tel: (506) 857-8141 fax: (506) 859-7295 eastern health Joe Dunford [email protected] Room SM135 – Morrisey Road St. Clare’s Mercy hospital 154 LeMarchant Road St. John’s, nL a1C 5B8 tel: (709) 777-5161 fax: (709) 777-5164 e.J. loGGinG ltd. Eric Patey [email protected] 40 Main Street P.O. Box 40 River of Ponds, nL a0k 4M0 tel: (709) 225-3221 fax: (709) 225-5591 e.r. heatinG ltd. Rebecca Russell [email protected] 13 Myers avenue Clarenville, nL a5a 1t5 tel: (709) 466-5172 fax: (709) 466-3781 eaGle atlantiC CoMMeriCal FloorinG John Clarke [email protected] 149 Mcnamara Drive St. John’s, nL a1L 0a7 tel: (709) 757-6996 east Can transPort serViCes ltd. Gerry Dowden [email protected] 422 Logy Bay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5C6 tel: (709) 722-1991 fax: (709) 722-8742 east Coast Marine and industrial ltd. Gary Eavis [email protected] 26 Water Street P.O. Box 785, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5L7 tel: (709) 722-8600 fax: (709) 722-9325 Proudly serving the West Coast of NL Commercial / Industrial Residential Certified Electricians Office: (709) 639-0998 24 Hour Emergency Service: (709) 640-5112 COR Certified 179 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit eleCtroniC Centre liMited Wayne C. Squires [email protected] 50 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4h7 tel: (709) 579-5021 fax: (709) 579-8014 ellisdon CorPoration Kirk Saunders [email protected] 71 airport Road, Suite 105 St. John’s, nL a1a 4y3 tel: (709) 237-9202 fax: (709) 237-9201 eMCo CorPoration Neil Walsh [email protected] 18 Bruce Street Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4t4 tel: (709) 747-0382 fax: (709) 747-4199 eMera serViCes ltd. Vernon Smith [email protected] P.O. Box 131 Goobies, nL a0B 1n0 tel: (709) 542-3219 fax: (709) 542-3345 enerCon builders inC. Danny Coffey [email protected] 50 Pippy Place, unit 17 P.O. Box 13396, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 4B8 tel: (709) 722-8885 fax: (709) 722-8889 eFCo enterPrises ltd. Fintan Alexander [email protected] P.O. Box 318 Stephenville, nL a2n 2Z5 tel: (709) 643-5001 fax: (709) 643-3444 eJb ContraCtinG Lorne Reid [email protected] 41 Ocean view Road Miles Cove, nL a0J 1L0 tel: (709) 652-3761 fax: (709) 652-3761 eleCtra ContraCtinG inC. Philip Duke [email protected] P.O. Box 8742 Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3t2 tel: (709) 781-7700 fax: (709) 781-7702 eleCtriC Motor & PuMP Herman Starkes [email protected] 26 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S8 tel: (709) 364-3581 fax: (709) 364-7715 eleCtro shield PaintinG Ray Willis [email protected] P.O. Box 29063 St. John’s, nL a1a 5B5 tel: (709) 739-4950 fax: (709) 739-6774 eCoFoaM insulation ltd. Robert Burke [email protected] 55 Pippy Place Mailing address: P.O. Box 179 Bay Roberts, nL a0a 1G0 St. John’s, nL a1B 4h8 tel: (709) 237-4643 fax: (709) 237-4653 eConoMy dryWall suPPlies Earl Gosling [email protected] P.O. Box 882 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C8 tel: (709) 364-9785 fax: (709) 364-5414 eConoMy Glass ltd. Doug Trenholm [email protected] 21 Sagona avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P8 tel: (709) 364-4527 fax: (709) 364-4500 eddison’s ContraCtinG inC./ eCi: build Travis Eddison [email protected] 166 Indian Pond Drive Conception Bay South, nL a1X 6P4 tel: (709) 690-5677 edWard Collins ContraCtinG ltd. Edward Collins [email protected] P.O. Box 51 Jerseyside, nL a0B 2G0 tel: (709) 227-5509 fax: (709) 227-3704 (709) 364-9785 50 Sagona Av, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4R3 S E R V I C E S • Commercial roofing contractor • Single-ply roofing systems • Modified bitumen • Commercial roof installations • Repairs and replacements • Snow and ice removal • Inspections • Preventative maintenance • 24 hour emergency service P: 709-237-6014 F: 709-237-6142 C: 709-631-1397 [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association180 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit exCel ConstruCtion ltd. Mike Walsh [email protected] P.O. Box 62 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C1 tel: (709) 770-8152 fax: (709) 747-5475 exCel rooFinG systeMs inC. Hector Hann [email protected] 8 Dammerills Lane St. John’s, nL a1E 6C7 tel: (709) 237-6014 fax: (709) 237-6142 exP serViCes inC. Cathy Delaney [email protected] 60 Pippy Place, Suite 200 St. John’s, nL a1B 4h7 tel: (709) 579-2886 fax: (709) 738-1596 exPloits eleCtriCal ltd. Keith Sweeney [email protected] 6a union Street P.O. Box 8311 Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2a 2P7 tel: (709) 489-4242 fax: (709) 489-4242 exPloits Valley PaVinG ltd. Peter Noel [email protected] 5 toulett Drive Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2B 0a4 tel: (709) 489-7562 fax: (709) 489-7021 exPloits WeldinG & MaChine shoP ltd. Edward Stuckless [email protected] 2 Queensway Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2B 1J3 tel: (709) 489-5618 fax: (709) 489-4376 extreMe east Metals inC. Stephen Hayward [email protected] Civic: 85 Bremigens Boulevard, Paradise 10 Williamston Close Paradise, nL a1n 4S1 tel: (709) 747-1159 fax: (709) 747-1169 enViroMed deteCtion serViCes (diV. oF enViroMed analytiCal inC.) Lee Parmiter [email protected] 145 Mcnamara Drive Paradise, nL a1L 0a7 tel: (709) 368-9000 fax: (709) 368-1256 enVirosaFe Fuel systeMs ltd. Harvey Slade [email protected] 15 aspen Road Box 274, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-2033 fax: (709) 896-2034 eriC taylor ltd. Glen Greeley [email protected] 40 foxtrap access Road Conception Bay South, nL a1X 7n3 tel: (709) 834-5730 fax: (709) 834-5255 eV-Cor enterPrises ltd. Stacy Evans [email protected] 16 treeview Lane P.O. Box 1138 Botwood, nL a0h 1E0 tel: (709) 257-3653 fax: (709) 257-4670 eVerGreen enterPrises ltd. Larry Owens evergreenenterprisesltd@ 30 Reid’s Lane Deer Lake, nL a8a 2a2 tel: (709) 635-2803 fax: (709) 635-3678 eVolution GrouP inC. Phillip Kerri [email protected] 131 Mcnamara Drive P.O. Box 3223 Paradise, nL a1L 3W4 tel: (709) 691-3599 fax: (709) 782-1970 enerGy ManaGeMent serViCes liMited (eMCs Controls) Chris Whitten [email protected] 54 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 P.O. Box 50021 Paradise, nL a1L 1P0 tel: (709) 368-2088 fax: (709) 368-2098 enertrak inC. David Elliot [email protected] 19 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R8 tel: (709) 747-2669 fax: (709) 747-2493 enG enVironMental teChnoloGies inC. Steven G. Wheller [email protected] P.O. Box 564 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 682-4828 enGineered air Karen Duffy [email protected] 10 akerley Boulevard, unit 54 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1J4 tel: (902) 835-2242 fax: (902) 835-6259 enGineerinG sPeCialties ltd. Winston Adams [email protected] 55 Devereauk Lane Logy Bay, nL a1k 3a6 tel: (709) 753-8668 fax: (709) 753-8213 enViro air Quality systeMs ltd. Wayne Smith [email protected] P.O. Box 13201, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 4a4 tel: (709) 745-4521 fax: (709) 368-4044 enVirobate inC. Cara Strickland [email protected] tel: (902) 832-0820 fax: (902) 832-0662 93 Susie Lake Crescent halifax, nS B3S 1C3 181 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit Fixair inC. Janet Hodgson [email protected] 1495 topsail Road Paradise, nL B3B 1R8 tel: (902) 481-2850 fax: (902) 481-2860 Fit industrial inC. Joanne Morris [email protected] 157 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S7 tel: (709) 325-0176 fax: (709) 368-9952 extreMe FabriCators ltd. Fred Noftall [email protected] 44 Garden Road Seal Cove Conception Bay South, nL a1X 6n7 tel: (709) 744-2035 fax: (709) 744-2986 F. W. Connolly eleCtriCal ltd. Jonathan Connolly [email protected] P.O. Box 10 Georgetown, nL a0a 2Z0 tel: (709) 528-4300 fax: (709) 528-4671 FairVieW inVestMents ltd. Geoff Clarke [email protected] 360 topsail Road St. John’s, nL a1E 2B6 tel: (709) 368-0161 fax: (709) 368-0162 Farrells exCaVatinG ltd. William Farrell [email protected] P.O. Box 909 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C8 tel: (709) 745-5904 fax: (709) 745-3222 FiltruM inC. François Noël [email protected] 430 Entrepreneurs Road Quebec, QC G1M 1B3 tel: (418) 687-0628 fax: (418) 687-3687 Fire-teCh systeMs ltd. Dennis Moulton [email protected] P.O. Box 28105 St. John’s, nL a1B 4J8 tel: (709) 739-1984 fax: (709) 739-1993 First CoPy duPliCatinG Centre ltd. Paul Winsor [email protected] P.O. Box 2372 St. John’s, nL a1C 6E7 tel: (709) 753-1929 fax: (709) 753-0690 P.O. Box 10, Georgetown, NL A0A 2Z0 (709) 528-4300 Commercial, Industrial, Residential F.W. Connolly Electrical Ltd. G. Pelley Limited Marine Hardware, Hot Dip Galvanizing, Sub Station Hardware, Metal Fabrication Pole Line Hardware & Structural Steel Rhodes Pelley Manager [email protected] Ph.: (709)673-4296 Cell: (709)673-7172 Fax: (709)673-3601 21 Industrial Park, Springdale, NL A0J 1T0 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association182 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit GidC MeCatina inC. Dean McKinnon [email protected] C.P. 156, 6 Mecatina La tabatiere, QC G0G 1t0 tel: (418) 773-2659 fax: (418) 773-2526 Gilbert neWFoundland and labrador ContraCtinG ltd. Vassilis Fasfalis [email protected] head Office: 1700 talbot – Suite 400 Chicoutimi, QC G7h 7L1 tel: (418) 549-7705 fax: (418) 549-6285 Gladney’s deMolition and exCaVatinG Josh Gladney [email protected] 27 Gladney’s Lane Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 2t6 tel: (709) 895-0282 fax: (709) 895-3126 Glenn CollinGs ltd. Glenn Collings [email protected] 7 Mackay Street Gander, nL a1v 1R6 tel: (709) 424-5222 fax: (709) 256-8222 GMk eQuiPMent rentals ltd. Michael Davis [email protected] P.O. Box 190 Port Blandford, nL a0C 2G0 tel: (709) 543-2202 fax: (709) 543-2925 Goodyear’s eleCtriCal ltd. Jay Downey [email protected] 125 armstrong Boulevard Gander, nL a1v 2P2 tel: (709) 256-7882 fax: (709) 651-2727 Goose bay Painters ltd. Lisa Curl [email protected] P.O. Box 429, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-6397 fax: (709) 896-7001 G. Pelley ltd. Rhodes Pelley [email protected] P.O. BOX 610 Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-4296 fax: (709) 673-3601 G.s. hunt Granville Hunt [email protected] P.O. Box 550 Bell Island, nL a0a 4h0 tel: (709) 488-2083 fax: (709) 488-3054 Gallants rooFinG ltd. Terry Gallant [email protected] 9 Rumbolts Road P.O. Box 143 Benoit’s Cove, nL a0L 1a0 tel: (709) 789-2720 fax: (709) 789-3857 Gander eleCtriCal & MeChaniCal ltd. Alvin Adams [email protected] 2 McCurdy Drive Gander, nL a1v 1a2 tel: (709) 424-1504 fax: (709) 256-7033 Geo Glass & aluMinuM ltd. George Hoyles [email protected] 32 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 364-2806 fax: (709) 364-6130 GeotherMal solutions inC. Dave Sullivan [email protected] 54 vineyard Drive Paradise, nL a1L 3W5 tel: (709) 781-6038 fax: (709) 781-0668 GFl enVironMental inC. Shannon Crawley [email protected] 30 Eastland Drive St. John’s, nL a1a 0n1 tel: (709) 728-2109 fax: (709) 753-3624 Floors Plus CoMMeriCal (a diV. oF install a-Flor ltd.) Francis Chisholm [email protected] 31 Sterns Court Dartmouth, nS B3B 1W7 tel: (902) 468-5576 fax: (902) 468-2548 FloteCh enterPrises ltd. Paul Chafe [email protected] 1170 topsail Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5E8 tel: (709) 747-7310 fax: (709) 747-7017 Flynn Canada ltd. Anthony Upwards [email protected] 26 Corey king Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a2 tel: (709) 739-9006 fax: (709) 739-9007 FoCus eleCtriCal sales inC. Perry Bryant / John Attwood [email protected] 451 kenmount Road, Suite 202 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P9 tel: (709) 754-5290 fax: (506) 852-9118 Forbo FloorinG inC. Ann Marie Hearn [email protected] 111 Westmore Drive Rexdale, On M9v 3y6 tel: (416) 661-2351 fax: (416) 745-4211 Fortis ConCrete inC. Alton Goobie [email protected] P.O. Box 9134 Clarenville, nL a5a 2C2 tel: (709) 546-2710 fax: (709) 546-2669 G & r ContraCtinG ltd. Gary Handcock [email protected] 117 Main Street Sandringham, nL a0G 3y0 tel: (709) 677-2219 fax: (709) 677-3619 183 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit h & b ConstruCtion ltd. Diane Bonnell [email protected] P.O. Box 29 new harbour, nL a0B 2P0 tel: (709) 582-2800 fax: (709) 582-3119 h & F eleCtriCal ltd. Gary Hayes [email protected] 105B Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R9 tel: (709) 782-3604 fax: (709) 782-2074 h & M housinG inC. Hubert Randell [email protected] 1 Dorset Drive P.O. Box 85 Englee, nL a0k 2J0 tel: (709) 866-2100 fax: (709) 866-2743 h & r MeChaniCal suPPlies ltd. Roger Whalen [email protected] 14 Penny Lane St. John’s, nL a1a 5C9 tel: (709) 753-8210 fax: (709) 753-1220 h. burton eleCtriC liMited Harold Burton [email protected] P.O. Box 13413 Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 4B7 tel: (709) 726-6888 fax: (709) 576-7090 Greenslades ConstruCtion ltd. Derek Greenslade [email protected] 188 Conception Bay highway Conception Bay South, nL a1W 3G9 tel: (709) 834-2058 fax: (709) 834-2070 Grey roCk serViCes inC. Rob Bemister [email protected] 1001 Luce Street P.O. Box 391 Labrador City, nL a2v 2k7 tel: (709) 944-2995 fax: (709) 944-5755 GuildFords (2005) inC. Kevin McEvoy [email protected] 54 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S1 tel: (709) 368-3134 fax: (709) 368-7477 GuilleVin international Co. Reg Warren [email protected] 87 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 4B2 tel: (709) 722-1420 fax: (709) 722-0897 Guy J. bailey liMited Scott Bailey [email protected] P.O. Box 184 Baie verte, nL a0k 1B0 tel: (709) 532-4642 fax: (709) 532-4643 Gosse’s landsCaPinG inC. Daniel Gosse [email protected] 20 Russworthy Place torbay, nL a1k 1J7 tel: (709) 437-6456 fax: (709) 437-7223 Granite ManaGeMent ltd. Harry Spurrell [email protected] 82 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S2 tel: (709) 764-5397 fax: (709) 747-3841 Grant thornton Janet March [email protected] Suite 300, 15 International Place St. John’s, nL a1a 0L4 tel: (709) 778-8810 fax: (709) 722-7892 Graybar Canada Paul Warren [email protected] 47 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 3t1 tel: (709) 722-6161 fax: (709) 722-8886 Greatario enGineered storaGe systeMs Steve Gregory [email protected] P.O. Box 399 Innerkip, On n0J 1M0 tel: (519) 469-8169 fax: (519) 469-8157 32 Dundee Avenue, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4R7 T 709 364-2806 F 709 364-6130 [email protected] Aluminum Windows Entrances Curtain Walls Skylights Kevin Higdon: 709-683-3220 Glenn Bonnell: 709-683-2081 H&B Construction Ltd. Phone: 709-582-2800/3900 • Fax: 709-582-3119 • Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 29, New Harbour, NL A0B 2P0 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association184 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit harbour eleCtriC ltd. Kirk Harris [email protected] 55 Clearwater Drive Clarenville, nL a5a 4P5 tel: (709) 466-5900 fax: (709) 466-5903 harris rebar Alex Kazak [email protected] 1497 Conception Bay highway Conception Bay South, nL a1X 6M7 tel: (709) 744-4446 fax: (709) 744-4494 harVey Gale and son liMited Lorie LeCoure [email protected] 241 Carolina avenue P.O. Box 683 Stephenville, nL a2n 3B5 tel: (709) 643-4333 fax: (709) 643-4733 heat PuMP solutions ltd. Mitchell Stead [email protected] 16 kirkston avenue Conception Bay South, nL a1W 0B2 tel: (709) 743-5878 heatinG ProduCts (1978) ltd. Dave Thompson [email protected] P.O. Box 8544 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P2 tel: (709) 753-7344 fax: (709) 753-7447 heddle Marine serViCe nl inC. Dennis Thorne [email protected] 30 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 747-9116 fax: (709) 747-7618 hiCkey ConstruCtion liMited Mike Hickey [email protected] P.O. Box 1750, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-3250 fax: (709) 896-9386 haMPton buildinG systeMs inC. Gina Tapper [email protected] 1250 kenmount Road Paradise, nL a1L 1n3 tel: (709) 747-4490 fax: (709) 747-9298 hanns eleCtriC ltd. Barrie Hann [email protected] Box 29 Wesleyville, nL a0G 4R0 tel: (709) 536-2037 fax: (709) 536-5619 harbour ConstruCtion liMited Ernest Dunn [email protected] P.O. Box 37 Witless Bay, nL a0a 4k0 tel: (709) 334-2910 fax: (709) 334-2919 h. J. bartlett eleCtriC inC. Harry Bartlett [email protected] 51 Dundee avenue, unit 1 Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 747-2204 fax: (709) 747-2205 h. J. o’Connell ConstruCtion ltd. Terry Curran [email protected] 90 O’Leary avenue, Suite 101 St. John’s, nL a1B 2C7 tel: (709) 282-5633 fax: (709) 282-3500 h. WarehaM & sons ltd. Wayne Wareham [email protected] 49 McCurdy Drive Gander, nL a1v 1a1 tel: (709) 256-4753 fax: (709) 651-2401 Heating Products (1978) Limited 6 Duffy Place • St. John’S, newfounDlanD • A1B 4M5 tel: (709) 753-7344 • fax: (709) 753-7447 Ph: 709-896-3250 Web: Some of our many services include: • Demolition • Excavation • Road Construction • Water & Sewer • Environmental Remediation & Restoration • Large inventory of heavy equipment rentals • Largest privately owned ice and snow management fleet …And so much more!! CCA 52 is a guide to the strategic formation, operation, and management of joint ventures as a business vehicle in the construction industry. It highlights information and issues that businesses involved in commercial construction may wish to consider in determining whether a joint venture could be a suitable form of organization to develop, advance, or enhance their business purposes. The Guide introduces the concept of a joint venture, and outlines the potential advantages and risks inherent in entering into this form of business organization. In addition, it identifies and describes factors that are important to the success of a joint venture: • Similar visions of success • Appropriate involvement by the parent corporations • A joint venture agreement • Taking joint venture governance seriously • Business planning • Staffing the joint venture correctly • Careful attention to the launch phase • The importance of good communication • Monitoring and control The Guide also features information on the selection and management of joint ventures as well as legal considerations such as alternative legal structures. Insurance, bonding and tax issues are also addressed. An extensive checklist of commercial considerations for a joint venture agreement is included at the end of the Guide: • Introductory general provisions • Creation and purpose of the joint venture • General principles by which the joint venture shall operate • Standard representatives and warranties • Management of the joint venture • Ownership interests in the joint venture • Financial matters affecting the joint venture • Confidentiality, publicity, intellectual property, and • Default provisions • Dispute resolution, and • Miscellaneous provisions CCA 52 ‘Joint Venture Guide’ For more information or to order, please contact NLCA by calling 709-753-8920, email [email protected], or visit our website at Facebook Twitter YouTube Email Copyright ©2015 Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association, All rights reserved. Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 Canada Our mailing address is: WE HAVE THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS YOU NEED!CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association186 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit hilti Canada inC. Kevin Fitzgerald [email protected] 2360 Meadowpine Boulevard Mississauga, On L5n 2v8 tel: (800) 363-4458 fax: (800) 363-4459 hiteCh CoMMuniCations ltd. Tyrone Newman [email protected] 15 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S4 tel: (709) 739-8300 fax: (709) 739-8305 hollisWealth, larry short Larry Short [email protected] 370 torbay Road, Suite E160 St. John’s, nL a1a 3W8 tel: (709) 726-6991 fax: (709) 726-6999 honeyWell ltd. Chris Stockley [email protected] P.O. Box 13068 St. John’s, nL a1B 3v8 tel: (709) 758-6000 fax: (709) 758-6013 horseshoe hill ConstruCtion inC. Stephen Kelly [email protected] 82 Clyde avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S2 tel: (709) 739-0206 fax: (709) 739-4912 hse inteGrated Andrew Coates [email protected] 21 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 739-6490 fax: (709) 368-6464 hunts ConCrete ltd. Bruce Hunt [email protected] P.O. Box 206 Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2a 2J4 tel: (709) 489-6658 fax: (709) 489-9844 hiGhland ConstruCtion ltd. Everton Pittman P.O. Box 151, Station Main Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C7 tel: (709) 686-2304 fax: (709) 686-5698 hiCkey’s buildinG suPPlies liMited Brad Hickey [email protected] 1117 Conception Bay highway Conception Bay South, nL a1X 4E7 tel: (709) 744-2133 fax: (709) 744-2713 iEImperialExcavating Heavy Equipment Rental Landscaping Paving Screened Topsoil Road Gravel Water & Sewer Retaining Walls Septic Systems Ice Control Snow Removal 709-682-2539 187 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit industrial CoMMerCial MaintenanCe liMited William Thistle [email protected] 179 Queen Street, Stephenville P.O. Box 404 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E3 tel: (709) 632-3974 fax: (709) 634-5451 industrial sCaFFoldinG inC. Leroy Coffey [email protected] P.O. Box 604 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 769-7607 fax: (709) 895-8886 inFinity ConstruCtion ltd. Lori Browne [email protected] P.O. Box 5547, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5W4 tel: (709) 237-6700 fax: (709) 237-6701 hynes ConstruCtion CoMPany liMited Garrett Hynes [email protected] P.O. Box 66 Dunville, nL a9B 1S0 tel: (709) 227-2562 fax: (709) 227-5453 ideal Masonry inC. Vince Valvasori [email protected] 1823 topsail Road Paradise, nL a1L 1X6 tel: (709) 368-2654 fax: (709) 753-6729 iMPerial exCaVatinG liMited Wayne Cleary [email protected] 95a Main highway holyrood, nL a0a 2R0 tel: (709) 682-2539 hunt’s transPort ltd. Greer Hunt [email protected] 168 Major’s Path St. John’s, nL a1a 5a1 tel: (709) 747-4868 fax: (709) 747-5516 hVaC sPeCialties inC. Clyde Smith [email protected] P.O. Box 8055 St. John’s, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 895-5151 fax: (709) 895-5152 hydro Guard rooFinG systeMs Ron Whitty [email protected] P.O. Box 21304 St. John’s, nL a1a 5G6 tel: (709) 437-7777 fax: (709) 437-2745 Interior Specialties Limited P.O. Box 4033, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 0A1 Telephone: (709) 738-3228 Facsimile: (709) 738-3334 Cellular: (709) 685-7837 (709) 682-8213 E-Mail: [email protected] Drywall, Steel Studs and Acoustical Ceiling Contractors Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association188 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit island rooFinG Co. ltd. Darren Park [email protected] P.O. Box 130 Cox’s Cove, nL a0L 1C0 tel: (709) 688-2006 fax: (709) 688-2920 J & e enterPrises ltd. Eugene Manning [email protected] 67 Main Street St. Bride’s, nL a0B 2Z0 tel: (709) 337-2430 fax: (709) 337-2701 J & G Collier Jody Collier [email protected] 185 Main Street P.O. Box 66 St. alban’s, nL a0h 2E0 tel: (709) 538-6320 fax: (709) 538-3161 J & J iron Works ltd. John Lundrigan [email protected] P.O. Box 385 upper Island Cove, nL a0a 4E0 tel: (709) 589-2313 fax: (709) 589-2371 iPex inC. Michael Stamp [email protected] P.O. Box 13247 St. John’s, nL a1B 4a5 tel: (709) 747-7473 fax: (709) 368-9111 irVinG eQuiPMent liMited Vince Ryan [email protected] 1 hilltop Drive P.O. Box 404 argentina, nL a0B 1W0 tel: (709) 227-3027 fax: (709) 227-2880 island ConstruCtion & enVironMental ltd. John Newhook [email protected] 18 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 781-0280 fax: (709) 781-0281 island oFFiCe Randy Hiscock [email protected] 59 Mews Place St. John’s, nL a1B 4n2 tel: (709) 579-0487 fax: (709) 579-4095 insulation solutions inC. Ed Reid / Wade Reid [email protected] P.O. Box 70 upper Island Cove, nL a0a 4E0 tel: (709) 589-2376 fax: (709) 589-2229 intaCt insuranCe CoMPany Jennifer Love [email protected] 20 hector Gate, Suite 200 Dartmouth, nS B3B 0k3 tel: (800) 565-4040 fax: (902) 422-5111 interex systeMs ltd. Derek Marshall [email protected] 34 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 579-0027 fax: (709) 579-0020 interior sPeCialties ltd. Stephen Clarke [email protected] P.O. Box 4033 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a1 tel: (709) 738-3228 fax: (709) 738-3334 www.jwlindsay.cawww.jwlindsay.caNOVA SCOTIA | NEW BRUNSWICK | NEWFOUNDLAND WITH OFFICES IN: Your Building Partner in Atlantic Canada 189 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit JenCo ltd. Craig Drover [email protected] 1266 kenmount Road, Suite B Paradise, nL a1L 1n3 tel: (709) 747-7207 fax: (709) 747-7208 Jenkins & PuddiCoMbe sheet Metal ltd. Robert Puddicombe [email protected] 12 hamilton avenue St. John’s, nL a1E 1h7 tel: (709) 726-2804 fax: (709) 726-3805 Jenkins PoWer sheet Metal inC. Dave Power / Rod Jenkins [email protected] / [email protected] 63 Main Road Goulds, nL a1S 1h1 tel: (709) 745-0969 fax: (709) 745-2938 J3 ConsultinG & exCaVation ltd. John Hill [email protected] 1 Crosbie Place, Suite 200 St. John’s, nL a1B 3y8 tel: (709) 682-1750 fax: (709) 726-9871 JaCks insulation / CustoM soFt CoVers ltd. Murley Pitts [email protected] P.O. Box 909 Cannings Cove, nL a0C 1h0 tel: (709) 467-2351 fax: (709) 439-2160 JaMes r. eales eQuiPMent rentals ltd. James Eales [email protected] 145 Brookfield Road P.O. Box 7105 St. John’s, nL a1E 3y3 tel: (709) 368-3733 fax: (709) 368-1213 J & J PaVinG liMited Junior England [email protected] 7a tipping Place P.O. Box 428 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E3 tel: (709) 785-5978 fax: (709) 639-3203 J & n exCaVatinG & ContraCtinG inC. Chris Pretty [email protected] 1194 kenmount Road 15 O’Brien Way Paradise, nL a1L 3P9 tel: (709) 722-0055 fax: (709) 722-9274 J & t ConstruCtion ltd. Terry Power [email protected] 58 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 364-6708 fax: (709) 364-8444 J & t WeldinG & ConstruCtion ltd. Perry Paul [email protected] 5 Main Street Badger, nL a0h 1a0 tel: (709) 539-5191 fax: (709) 539-5148 J. WriGht sales Ray Stockwood [email protected] 11 Cliffside avenue Conception Bay South, nL a1W 4G6 tel: (709) 834-5065 fax: (709) 834-5065 J.W. lindsay enterPrises liMited George Collins [email protected] 22 Beclin Road, unit 1 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B8 tel: (709) 273-5000 fax: (709) 273-5001 SHEET METAL LTD. FOR ALL YOUR SHEET METAL REQUIREMENTS!! Specializing in Air Conditioning and Ventilation, Stainless Steel Kitchen Exhaust Hoods & Counter Tops. No Job TOO BIG or Too small Ph: 709-726-2804 Fax: 709-726-3805 | Email: [email protected] 12 Hamilton Ave. | St. John’s, NL A1E 1H7 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association190 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit kaVanaGh assoCiates, a diV. oF rV anderson assoCiates liMited Ivan Hynes [email protected] 74 O’Leary avenue P.O. Box 13039, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3v8 tel: (709) 722-0024 fax: (709) 722-0345 kean Marine inC. Edward Kean [email protected] 10 tampa Drive Conception Bay South, nL a1W 4t6 tel: (709) 834-1162 fax: (709) 834-2962 keatinG insulation inC. Walter Jr. Keating [email protected] 801 vickers Street north thunder Bay, On P7C 4B9 tel: (807) 625-5417 fax: (807) 625-5446 keeP Cool reFriGeration & a/C ltd. Jason Wilkinson [email protected] 375 East White hills Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5X7 tel: (709) 754-6180 fax: (709) 754-6185 kelloWay ConstruCtion ltd. Terry Kelloway [email protected] 1388 Portugal Cove Road Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3J9 tel: (709) 895-6532 fax: (709) 895-6534 keltiC steelWorks liMited W. Keith Oates [email protected] 37 Dundee avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 782-8060 fax: (709) 782-2171 JsM eleCtriCal ltd. Jim Murray [email protected] 28 Duffy Place P.O. Box 8311 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 754-3666 fax: (709) 754-3667 k & d Pratt GrouP inC. Francois Masse [email protected] 126 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 722-5690 fax: (709) 722-6975 kaeFer industrial serViCes ltd. Michelle Bixby [email protected] 19 Dundee avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 782-5125 fax: (709) 782-2924 kankote enterPrises inC. Kevin G. Hackett [email protected] P.O. Box 73 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C1 tel: (709) 364-2677 fax: (709) 364-4779 kanstor inC. Tracey Power [email protected] 1149 topsail Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5G2 P.O. Box 307 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C3 tel: (709) 364-4999 fax: (709) 364-5116 kateM ConstruCtion ltd. Dominic Farrell [email protected] 197 Windgap Road P.O. Box 1073 torbay, nL a1k 1k7 tel: (709) 437-1470 JJs truCkinG Jack Courage [email protected] 16 hillcrest Road P.O. Box 570, Station C happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1C0 tel: (709) 896-5552 fax: (709) 896-8436 JMJ holdinGs Shannon Broderick [email protected] 148 airport Road St. John`s, nL a1a 5B5 tel: (709) 726-7250 fax: (709) 726-7263 Johnson Controls lP Jason Hinks [email protected] 26 Duffy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 579-5565 fax: (709) 579-9015 Johnson holdinGs ltd. o/a MJ rooFinG Michael Johnson [email protected] Gull Island P.O. Box 72 Conception Bay, nL a0a 1M0 tel: (709) 584-3643 Johnsons ConstruCtion ltd. Brian Johnson [email protected] 1 Massey Drive access Road P.O. Box 458 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E6 tel: (709) 639-2303 fax: (709) 639-2312 Jordan ConstruCtion liMited Dennis Dyke [email protected] 37 Commonwealth avenue P.O. Box 562 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2W4 tel: (709) 368-3750 fax: (709) 368-6435 JoyCo ConstruCtion Chris Oliver [email protected] P.O. Box 50016, Paradise PO Paradise, nL a1L 0J2 tel: (709) 725-1327 191 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit kitChen Plus ltd. John Saunders [email protected] P.O. Box 95 norris arm, nL a0G 3M0 tel: (709) 653-2700 fax: (709) 653-2720 kiVik eQuiPMent rentals Rick Moss [email protected] 1 Maloney Street P.O. Box 39 Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2a 2J3 tel: (709) 292-8344 fax: (709) 489-2288 kniGhtsbridGe robertson surrette (kbrs) Julie Gorman [email protected] Suite 101, Baine Johnston Centre 10 fort William Place St. John’s, nL a1C 1k4 tel: (709) 722-6810 fax: (709) 722-8685 kento ltd. Clarence Kent [email protected] 405 fowlers Road P.O. Box 20009 Conception Bay South, nL a1W 3L1 tel: (709) 834-8133 fax: (709) 834-8133 kerr Controls ltd. Henri Richard [email protected] 44 Brook Street P.O. Box 487 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E6 tel: (709) 634-4940 fax: (709) 634-1593 key ContraCtinG ltd. Jackie Vokey [email protected] P.O. Box 5008 Clarenville, nL a5a 3a2 tel: (709) 466-3600 fax: (709) 466-1506 keltiC transPortation and loGistiCs Jeff Walker [email protected] 50 Glenco Drive Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 747-5499 fax: (709) 747-5193 kent buildinG suPPlies Earl Flynn [email protected] 10 Messenger Drive St. John’s, nL a1B 0h6 tel: (709) 733-2000 fax: (709) 733-2003 kent Mobile shelters Weston Bennett [email protected] 9 Cornwall Crescent St. John’s, nL a1E 1Z4 tel: (709) 699-8326 JENKINS & POWER Mechanical Contractors  H.V.A.C. Specializing in Stainless Steel Welding All Types of Sheet Metal Work CALL FOR YOUR ESTIMATE Rod Jenkins Co-Owner email: [email protected] phone: 709 745 0969 cell: 709 682 8807 Sheet Metal Newfoundland and Labrador’s SEPTIC EXPERTS! • Portable Toilets • Vacuum Trucks • Designs, supplies, installs and services septic tanks and sewage systems 709-437-1470 • JOYCO CONSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL PO Box 50016 Paradise, NL A1L 0J2 Phone: 709.725.1327 Fax: 709.781.2340 Email: [email protected] We specialize in exterior cladding, interior systems, and residential renovations. Ask about our porch enclosures and sun rooms, add living space without the renovation. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association192 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the nLca, visit laWtons hoMe healthCare (aiM serViCes) Jon Harrhy [email protected] 496 topsail Road St. John’s, nL a1E 2C2 tel: (709) 576-3400 fax: (709) 576-3434 leGroW’s traVel Janet Scott-Smith [email protected] 20 Crosbie Place, 4th floor St. John’s, nL a1B 3y8 tel: (709) 758-6737 fax: (709) 758-5337 liFe saFety systeMs/ atlantiCa MeChaniCal ContraCtors inC. Michale Piercey [email protected] 78 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S2 tel: (709) 738-7930 fax: (709) 738-7941 liteCo eleCtriCal distributor Stan Dawson [email protected] 1144 topsail Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5E8 tel: (709) 747-5300 fax: (709) 747-5878 liVinGston steel Paul Livingston [email protected] 21 Ottawa Street Summerside, PEI C1n 4k3 tel: (902) 894-7127 fax: (902) 892-4096 lMt atlantiC Mitchell Wile [email protected] 10 akerley Boulevard, unit 30 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1J4 tel: (902) 332-0087 fax: (902) 800-4472 loCkes eleCtriCal ltd. Gertrude Bradbury [email protected] P.O. Box 99 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C3 tel: (709) 639-8951 fax: (709) 639-7736 kP harVey ConstruCtion ltd. Kevin Harvey [email protected] 178 Bauline Line torbay, nL a1k 1h5 tel: (709) 437-7692 kusCo FloorinG Frank Collins [email protected] 183 kenmount Road, Suite 217 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P9 tel: (709) 726-8453 fax: (709) 726-8488 labrador GrenFell health Randy Cull [email protected] 178 – 200 West Street St. anthony, nL a0k 4S0 tel: (709) 454-0281 fax: (709) 454-4101 lakeVieW eleCtriCal ConstruCtion ltd. William J. Moss [email protected] P.O. Box 89 Gander, nL a1v 1W5 tel: (709) 235-1212 fax: (709) 256-2901 laMbert soMeC inC. Yvan Laroche [email protected] 1505 Des tanneurs Street Quebec City, QC G1n 4S7 tel: (418) 687-1640 fax: (418) 688-7577 lanCor ConCrete ContraCtors ltd. Remi Landry [email protected] 55 Industrial Street Dieppe, nB E1a 2B9 tel: (709) 770-8951 fax: (506) 857-1369 land & sea WeldinG ltd. George Rowe [email protected] 213 Water Street Carbonear, nL a1y 1B5 tel: (709) 596-6484 fax: (709) 596-7260 lanGMead draFtinG inC. Perry Langmead [email protected] 2 Pinch Creek Place torbay, nL a1k 0a1 tel: (709) 437-2760 fax: (709) 437-7231 Tel: 902.468.2300 | Fax: 902.468.3289 9 Ralston Avenue Dartmouth, NS B3B 1H5 290 Baig Blvd., Unit B5 Moncton, NB E1E 1C8 78 Clyde Avenue Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S2 Br ow se co ur se s a t g ol ds ea lce rt ifi ca tio n. co m /a bo ut /e du ca tio n ADVANCE YOUR CAREER Gain Gold Seal Certification credits with accredited courses, seminars & workshops ph ot o cr ed it: C om st oc k ph ot o cr ed it: C re at as Im ag es ph ot o cr ed it: A bl es to ck .c om Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association194 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit Manuels ConstruCtion ltd. Fred Manuel [email protected] P.O. Box 505 Port aux Basques, nL a0M 1C0 tel: (709) 695-7294 fax: (709) 695-3536 MarCo serViCes liMited Rod Ackerman [email protected] 78 O’Leary avenue P.O. Box 13580 St. John’s, nL a1B 4B8 tel: (709) 754-3737 fax: (709) 754-3715 MarCus ContraCtinG ltd. Randy Collier [email protected] 1266 kenmount Road, unit C Paradise, nL a1L 1n3 tel: (709) 747-2195 fax: (709) 747-7006 Marid industries liMited Gregory Schofield [email protected] 99 Windsor Junction Windsor Junction, nS B2t 1G7 tel: (902) 860-1138 fax: (902) 860-4300 Marine atlantiC Jim Roche [email protected] 10 fort William Place, Suite 302 Baine Johnson Centre St. John’s, nL a1C 1k4 tel: (709) 772-0326 Marine ContraCtors inC. Daryl Bennett [email protected] 30 Stentaford avenue P.O. Box 62 Pasadena, nL a0L 1k0 tel: (709) 686-2015 fax: (709) 686-2438 Marsh Canada liMited Valerie O’Connell [email protected] 900 Cabot Place – 100 new Gower Street St. John’s, nL a1C 6k3 tel: (709) 737-1595 fax: (709) 737-1550 MaCleod and Grant ltd. Terry Weir [email protected] 106 Mackay Street P.O. Box 809 Stellarton, nS B0k 1S0 tel: (902) 752-5532 fax: (902) 752-7778 Madsen PoWer systeMs Cameron Spracklin-Reid [email protected] 25 Raddall avenue, unit 2 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1L4 tel: (902) 468-4736 fax: (902) 468-4738 MaGiC Wand inC. Allan MacKenzie [email protected] 5 high Road South Carbonear, nL a1y 1a4 tel: (709) 596-5550 fax: (709) 596-4738 MaGna ContraCtinG & ManaGeMent inC. Ennio Mior [email protected] Suite W110, 120 torbay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 2G8 tel: (709) 754-1383 fax: (709) 754-2129 MaGnuM ContraCtinG liMited Chris Clarke [email protected] 14 Inwood Crescent P.O. Box 3166 Paradise, nL a1L 3W3 tel: (709) 782-2621 fax: (709) 782-0052 Mallays industrial serViCes ltd. Mike Mallay [email protected] 5 harris Drive Industrial Park P.O. Box 1386 Marystown, nL a0E 2M0 tel: (709) 279-5301 fax: (709) 279-5302 lonG ranGe ConstruCtion inC. Edwin Langdon [email protected] P.O. Box 212 trout River, nL a0k 5P0 tel: (709) 451-3147 fax: (709) 451-3147 lou’s eleCtriCal ltd. Lou Woodford [email protected] 145 Byrd avenue Gander, nL a1v 2B4 tel: (709) 422-0004 lsG ConstruCtion liMited Scott Granville [email protected] 2 Carr Crescent Gander, nL a1v 1W6 tel: (709) 651-3872 fax: (709) 256-2221 M & M enGineerinG/ M & M oFFshore ltd. Geoff Wells [email protected] P.O. Box 21189 St. John’s, nL a1a 5B2 tel: (709) 753-8101 fax: (709) 753-0814 M. J. hiCkey ConstruCtion ltd. Mike Hickey [email protected] P.O. Box 276 Dunville, nL a0B 1S0 tel: (709) 227-5877 fax: (709) 227-5878 MaCCaFFeri Canada Kamal Khodja [email protected] 400 Collier MacMillan Drive, unit B Cambridge, On n1R 7h7 tel: (902) 468-8615 fax: (902) 468-8617 MaCintyre hoMes & renoVations inC. Nola Jefford [email protected] 102a teakwood Drive St. John’s, nL a1h 1a8 tel: (709) 758-2437 fax: (709) 745-2972 195 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit MCCarthy’s eleCtriCal ltd. Brian McCarthy [email protected] 20 Woodman’s avenue Corner Brook, nL a2h 5X6 tel: (709) 634-6814 fax: (709) 634-5926 MCCarthys heatinG serViCe ltd. Gena McCarthy [email protected] 8 McCurdy Drive Gander, nL a1v 1a2 tel: (709) 256-7877 fax: (709) 651-2976 MCCarthys MeChaniCal ltd. Keith McCarthy [email protected] 71 Greenslades Road Conception Bay South, nL a1W 5h3 tel: (709) 834-7473 fax: (709) 834-7310 Master GrouP ltd. Steve Awalt [email protected] 181 Joseph Zatzman Drive, unit 15 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1R5 tel: (902) 468-3238 fax: (902) 468-3186 Maynard reeCe enGineerinG eQuiPMent ltd. Mac Turner [email protected] 60 thornhill Drive, unit 7 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1S1 tel: (902) 468-2994 fax: (902) 468-2995 MbM deVeloPMent ltd. Clarence Morgan [email protected] 130 Conception Bay highway, Suite 200 CBS, nL a1W 3a6 tel: (709) 834-2715 fax: (709) 834-3898 Martek MorGan FinCh Wayne Purchase [email protected] 215 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1C 6C9 tel: (709) 754-1090 fax: (709) 754-2319 Martins Fire saFety ltd. Robert Martin [email protected] 20 allston Street St. John’s, nL a1n 0a4 tel: (709) 753-8872 fax: (709) 753-9821 MarWood inC. Dave Armsworthy [email protected] P.O. Box 934 truro, nS B2n 5G7 tel: (902) 673-2508 fax: (902) 673-2705 Mccarthy’s Mechanical ltd. Plumbing & HVAC contractors Keith Mccarthy President [email protected] ph. 709-834-7473 71 Greenslades Rd. cell. 709-682-1620 Conception Bay South, NL fax. 709-834-7310 A1W 5H3 Lo u’s E lectrical Ltd.Contrac ting & Installation 709.422.000 4 Lou Woodford [email protected] Gander, Newfoundland Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association196 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit MiraGe renoVations inC. Tibor Amota [email protected] 116 Calvington Drive toronto, On M3M 2M4 tel: (416) 827-5311 MJr Masonry Matthew Rogers [email protected] 88 Blue Puttee Drive St. John’s, nL a1a 0a4 tel: (709) 743-7273 fax: (709) 722-8763 Modern PaVinG ltd. Perry Barrett [email protected] P.O. Box 401 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C4 tel: (709) 364-7283 fax: (709) 364-2019 ModsPaCe FinanCial serViCes Canada ltd. Don King [email protected] 1299 kenmount Road Paradise, nL a1L 0v8 tel: (709) 782-4436 fax: (709) 782-1724 Morrison hershField David Noel [email protected] 251 East White hills Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5X7 tel: (709) 726-3468 fax: (709) 726-3422 Mount Pearl PaintinG ltd. John Hodder [email protected] P.O. Box 461 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C4 tel: (709) 782-6201 fax: (709) 782-4641 MuGFords ContraCtinG ltd. Graham Mugford [email protected] 366 turks Water Road, Mackinsons P.O. Box 458 Clarke’s Beach, nL a0a 1W0 tel: (709) 786-0060 fax: (709) 786-0114 MeChaniCal CoMPonents ltd. Lee Wolfe [email protected] 119 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R9 P.O. Box 8004 Mount Pearl, nL a1B 3M7 tel: (709) 747-9750 fax: (709) 747-7750 MeChano ConstruCtion ltd. David Williams [email protected] 271 Buckingham Drive Paradise, nL a1L 2G3 tel: (709) 368-1261 fax: (709) 781-2568 MerCer’s PaVinG inCorPorated Shane Mercer [email protected] P.O. Box 165 Goulds, nL a1S 1G4 tel: (709) 727-4253 MerCury CustoM interiors ltd. Christopher R. Locke [email protected] 50 Pippy Place, unit 14 St. John’s, nL a1B 4h7 tel: (709) 739-5222 fax: (709) 739-5444 Merit ContraCtors assoCiation oF nl Paul Dube [email protected] 446 newfoundland Drive, Suite 213 St. John’s, nL a1a 4G7 tel: (709) 576-3748 fax: (709) 576-3749 Metro interiors ltd. Max Sheppard [email protected] P.O. Box 108 Riverhead, harbour Grace, nL a0a 3P0 tel: (709) 596-5220 / (709) 589-6225 fax: (709) 595-2115 MhPM ProJeCt ManaGers inC. Stephen Vaslet [email protected] 8-10 Rowan Street, Suite 306 terrace on the Square St. John’s, nL a1B 2X1 tel: (709) 237-8700 fax: (800) 662-1731 MCCarthy’s rooFinG liMited Karen Collins [email protected] 35 Sugarloaf Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5B2 tel: (709) 753-9148 fax: (709) 753-0201 MCCurdy Constr. & eQuiPMent rental ltd. Jerry White [email protected] P.O. Box 74 Gander, nL a1v 1W5 tel: (709) 256-3600 fax: (709) 256-7832 MCinnes CooPer John V. O’Dea, Q.C. [email protected] 10 fort William Place, 5th floor Baine Johnston Centre P.O. Box 5939 St. John’s, nL a1C 5X4 tel: (709) 724-8261 fax: (709) 722-1763 MClouGhlan suPPlies ltd. John Stanley [email protected] 22-24 Blackmarsh Road St. John’s, nL a1C 5L7 tel: (709) 576-4091 fax: (709) 576-0778 Mdi ContraCtinG Matthew Maloney [email protected] 37 Deborah Lynn heights Paradise, nL a1L 3E6 tel: (709) 773-0267 / (709) 770-3808 Mealy Mountain ContraCtinG ltd. Daniel Bursey [email protected] 13 Cherrywood Drive P.O. Box 1059, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-7012 fax: (709) 896-7014 197 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit neWFound ConstruCtion ltd. Bernard Short [email protected] 19 harding Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5B5 tel: (709) 739-9302 fax: (709) 739-1860 neWFound ForMinG liMited Steven Smith [email protected] 109a Pioneer Drive Winterland, nL a0E 2y0 tel: (709) 277-0085 neWFound MeChaniCal ltd. Chris Smith [email protected] Office Location: 17 Pollard avenue, Paradise, nL a1L 0X7 Mailing address: P.O. Box 13362 Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 4B7 tel: (709) 368-4024 fax: (709) 368-4044 national enerGy eQuiPMent inC. Derek Hopkins [email protected] 18 Dundee avenue, Suite 1 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 747-0015 fax: (709) 747-0222 natPro Laurent Amram [email protected] 95 Ilsley avenue Dartmouth, nS B3B 1L5 tel: (506) 432-5215 fax: (905) 453-9391 neWCo Metal & auto reCyClinG Don Drew [email protected] 50 Robin hood Bay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5v3 tel: (709) 753-3070 fax: (709) 753-4892 Munn insuranCe ltd. Paul Follett [email protected] 121 kelsey Drive, Suite 100 St. John’s, nL a1B 0L2 tel: (709) 726-8627 fax: (709) 726-5041 Murray’s landsCaPe serViCes ltd. Michael Murray [email protected] 1525 Portugal Cove Road P.O. Box 601 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 895-2800 fax: (709) 895-1000 n.C.l. ContraCtors ltd. Pansy Cross [email protected] P.O. Box 3775 Deer Lake, nL a8a 3M1 tel: (709) 635-7319 fax: (709) 635-7312 Proud to Represent: Providing top-notch products and support for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning industry in Newfoundland and Labrador, since 1998. Ph: 709-747-9750 Fax: 709-747-7750 119 Clyde Ave. Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4R9 Please support the advertisers who help make this publication possible. N.C.L. Contractors Ltd. Supplier of Agricultural Lime, Crushed Stone and Sand Crushing, Screening and Equipment Hire. Aggregate Sales & Equipment Rental Dennis Cross Cell: (709) 636-9350 [email protected] Donald Cross Cell: (709) 636-9250 [email protected] Cormack Quarry • Deer Lake, NL A8H 3M1 • Ph: (709) 635-7319 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association198 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit nJG serViCes inC. Joe Greene [email protected] 16 ashlen Crescent Paradise, nL a1L 3G1 tel: (709) 730-7836 nl Modular Shawn Robinson [email protected] 390 topsail Road P.O. Box 39010 St. John’s, nL a1E 5y7 tel: (709) 753-0424 fax: (709) 754-6719 nl PluMbinG & heatinG Dan Porter [email protected] 54 forest River Road torbay, nL a1k 0B2 tel: (709) 690-2466 nll reCyClinG liMited Jessica Pallard [email protected] 340 East White hills Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5J7 tel: (709) 726-1777 fax: (709) 726-1777 noble resourCes (2012) inC. Gene Noble [email protected] 14 Wellon Drive P.O. Box 3349 Deer Lake, nL a8a 2G5 tel: (709) 635-2572 fax: (709) 635-0114 nobles ConstruCtion ltd. Byron Noble [email protected] 142 Little Bay Road Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-4600 fax: (709) 673-4604 norseMan ContraCtors inC. Peter Noseworthy [email protected] P.O. Box 310 Botwood, nL a0h 1E0 tel: (709) 489-6099 / (709) 290-0543 fax: (709) 489-6109 neWFoundland struCtures inC. Leslie Pierce [email protected] P.O. Box 8351 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 725-0819 fax: (709) 834-2004 neWFoundland styro inC. Frank Kelly [email protected] P.O. Box 460 Bishop’s falls, nL a0h 1C0 tel: (709) 258-5890 fax: (709) 258-6015 nF saFety teCh ltd. David Pelley [email protected] 3 trans-Canada highway, Box 1632 Springdale, nL a1B 4C4 tel: (709) 673-3926 / (709) 673-7921 fax: (709) 673-3971 nFld. broadCastinG Co. ltd. David Stamp [email protected] 446 Logy Bay Road P.O. Box 2020 St. John’s, nL a1C 5S2 tel: (709) 570-5253 fax: (709) 726-3300 nFld. hard rok inC. Keith Phelan [email protected] P.O. Box 8776 St. John’s, nL a1B 3t2 tel: (709) 754-4900 fax: (709) 726-5315 neWFound rooFinG ltd. Sean Vinnicombe [email protected] 399 Blackhead Road St. John’s, nL a0a 1J0 tel: (709) 726-5325 fax: (709) 753-6000 neWFoundland aluMinuM ProduCts ltd. Wayne Tucker [email protected] 47 Bremigens Boulevard P.O. Box 3195 Paradise, nL a1L 3W3 tel: (709) 364-6122 fax: (709) 364-8575 neWFoundland distributors liMited Mark Tucker [email protected] 6 – 8 Mullay Street St. John’s, nL a1B 4M9 tel: (709) 726-5300 fax: (709) 726-8030 neWFoundland PoWer Kevin Green [email protected] 50 Duffy Place P.O. Box 8910 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P6 tel: (709) 737-5846 fax: (709) 737-2903 Serving Newfoundland & Labrador Since 1997 Specializing in the installation of geosynthetic products such as: GEOMEMBRANES | GEONETS | GEOGRIDS | GEOTEXTILES CALL US FOR YOUR NEXT PROJECT 709.579.3252 199 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit oCeanex inC. Scott Armstrong [email protected] P.O. Box 5097 St. John’s, nL a1C 5v3 tel: (902) 471-3770 fax: (709) 726-2080 olyMPia tile & stone Lisa Barnes [email protected] 55 akerley Boulevard Dartmouth, nS B3B 1M3 tel: (902) 468-9260 fax: (902) 468-0011 olyMPiC ConstruCtion ltd. Carl Mallam [email protected] 178 Major’s Path St. John’s, nL a1C 5k4 tel: (709) 576-4335 fax: (709) 576-2007 oMeGa ContraCtinG inC. Trevor Linehan [email protected] P.O. Box 103 Colinet, nL a0B 1M0 tel: (709) 770-0024 oMni ConstruCtion ltd. Shawn Saunders [email protected] 5 Powers Road P.O. Box 191 Little Bay, nL a0E 2h0 tel: (709) 277-7893 fax: (709) 891-1986 noVa FenCinG ltd. Jim MacDonald [email protected] 149 MacIntosh Street new Glasgow, nS B2h 4R6 tel: (902) 755-4033 fax: (902) 755-1977 nu-air sheet Metal ltd. John Eddy [email protected] 55 Windsor heights Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3L3 tel: (709) 740-0214 fax: (709) 895-8429 nunatsiaVut ConstruCtion Maxwell A. Kinden [email protected] 2 – 6 Royal Street P.O. Box 1000, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-5299 fax: (709) 896-5379 nuWay kitChens (2008) ltd. Wayne Corbett [email protected] 1328 topsail Road Paradise, nL a1L 1P2 tel: (709) 782-1711 fax: (709) 782-4710 oCean steel & ConstruCtion ltd. Bernie Blakely [email protected] 400 Chesley Drive Saint John, nB E2k 5L6 tel: (506) 632-2600 fax: (506) 632-7689 north atlantiC lininG ltd. Dale Haverstock [email protected] 12 kyle avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R5 tel: (709) 579-3252 fax: (902) 883-8050 north atlantiC PetroleuM Derek Miller [email protected] 29 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 3X2 tel: (709) 579-5831 fax: (709) 579-5087 north shore rooFinG ltd. Terry Casey, PTech [email protected] 89 Bremigens Boulevard Paradise, nL a1L 4a2 tel: (709) 747-4333 fax: (709) 747-4336 northern ContraCtinG liMited Sheldon Marinelli [email protected] 1 fraser avenue, Suite 6 Sydney Mines, nS B1n 2B8 tel: (902) 736-8908 fax: (902) 736-2799 northField builders inC. Gerald Ryan [email protected] P.O. Box 860, Station C happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1C0 tel: (709) 896-3112 fax: (709) 896-3113 northridGe deVeloPMents ltd. Warren Pye [email protected] 4 Lundrigan Drive P.O. Box 53 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C3 tel: (709) 634-3740 fax: (709) 634-4111 nortrax Canada inC. John King [email protected] 15 allston Street Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a3 tel: (709) 368-9660 fax: (709) 368-1146 4 Lundrigan Drive P.O. Box 53 Corner Brook, NL A2H 6C3 Tel: 709-634-3740 Fax: 709-634-4111 email: [email protected] Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association200 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit Pardy’s Waste ManaGeMent & industrial serViCes ltd. Steve Moores [email protected] 25 Stentaford avenue P.O. Box 285 Pasadena, nL a0L 1k0 tel: (709) 686-2013 fax: (709) 686-2512 Paul nolan ContraCtinG (eleCtriCal) Paul Nolan [email protected] 23 airport Road St. John’s, nL a1a 4y3 tel: (709) 758-1810 fax: (709) 739-9352 PCl ConstruCtors Canada inC. Shawn Janzen [email protected] 111 Ilsley avenue, Suite 300 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1S8 tel: (902) 481-8529 fax: (902) 481-8501 Pen/Mar trades ltd. Barry Lewis [email protected] 2 hemlock Road P.O. Box 391 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6E3 tel: (709) 634-6946 fax: (709) 634-7051 PenneCon enerGy industrial serViCes liMited Chris Peddle [email protected] 650 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 782-4269 fax: (709) 782-3408 PenneCon heaVy CiVil liMited Kevin Mouland [email protected] 1309 topsail Road P.O. Box 8274, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 782-3404 fax: (709) 782-0129 P & b truCkinG and rentals inC. Phillip Burton [email protected] 13 Industrial Park Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-3244 fax: (709) 673-4822 P & P sPrinklers ltd. Mike Power [email protected] 6 Main Street P. O. Box 160 Chapel arm, nL a0B 1L0 tel: (709) 592-2029 fax: (709) 592-2019 P. kelly eleCtriCal liMited Paul Kelly [email protected] P. O. Box 166 Old Perlican, nL a0a 3G0 tel: (709) 587-2046 fax: (709) 587-2907 PaCer neWFoundland & labrador CorPoration Daniel Saunders [email protected] 69 Elizabeth avenue, Suite 205 St. John`s, nL a1E 2C2 tel: (587) 228-7736 on side restoration Lance Buffitt [email protected] 1 austin Street St. John’s, nL a1B 4C1 tel: (709) 579-9038 / (709) 770-8333 fax: (709) 579-9303 o’neill and son PluMbinG and heatinG Shane O’Neill / Patti Kelly [email protected] 77a Blackmarsh Road St. John’s, nL a1E 1S6 tel: (709) 330-4295 / (709) 728-3333 fax: (709) 221-2100 otis Canada, inC. Tina Osmond [email protected] P.O. Box 13335 St. John’s, nL a1B 4B7 tel: (709) 576-4734 fax: (709) 576-0951 oVerhead door (nFld) ltd. Rick Squires [email protected] 99 Clyde avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park P.O. Box 8627 St. John’s, nL a1B 3t1 tel: (709) 368-7222 fax: (709) 368-7228 PAUL NOLAN contracting (ELECTRICAL) Ltd. GENERAL CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL RENOVATIONS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR P. 709-758-1810 • F. 709-739-9352 23 Airport Road, St. Johns, NL A1A 4Y3 [email protected] 201 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit PinnaCle enGineerinG liMited Keith Hannon [email protected] 40 aberdeen avenue, Suite 202 St. John’s, nL a1a 5t3 tel: (709) 754-2114 fax: (709) 738-0707 Pioneer insulation liMited Ches Mesh [email protected] 276 Balbo Drive Clarenville, nL a5a 4B3 tel: (709) 466-3313 fax: (709) 466-7032 PiPe & PilinG suPPlies (eastern) ltd. Helen Watts-Hurlburt [email protected] 1658 Bedford highway P.O. Box 44178 halifax, nL B4a 3Z8 tel: (902) 835-6158 fax: (902) 835-6079 PetroleuM MeasureMent inteGrators ltd. Greg Hiscock [email protected] 26 Old Placentia Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P5 tel: (709) 747-1115 fax: (709) 747-1150 PhoneteCh VoiCe and data liMited Steve Churchill [email protected] 122 Country Road Corner Brook, nL a2h 4M6 tel: (709) 634-6921 fax: (709) 634-2482 Pike’s serViCe station ltd. Jason Pike [email protected] 140 tableland Drive Woody Point, Bonne Bay, nL a0k 1P0 tel: (709) 453-2512 fax: (709) 453-2586 Peri ForMWork systeMs Stephen Bradbury [email protected] 340 Wright avenue, unit 9 Dartmouth, nS B3B 0B3 tel: (902) 422-7970 fax: (902) 422-7863 Peter siMMons enterPrises ltd. Peter Simmons [email protected] Main Street P.O. Box 119 hickman’s harbour, nL a0C 1P0 tel: (709) 547-2639 fax: (709) 466-8603 Petrela, Winter & assoCiates Gregory R. Petrela [email protected] 12 – 14 Bruce Park avenue toronto, On M4P 2S3 tel: (416) 488-2522 fax: (416) 488-8527 Call us for ALL of your commercial insulation needs! 576.7323 INSULATION LIMITED Your TrusTed InsulaTIon ConTraCTor Email: [email protected] 94 Dunn's Hill Road P.O. Box 16008, Station Foxtrap Conception Bay South, NL A1X 2E2 Ph: (709) 834-5116 Fax: (709) 834-6216 PRODUCTS & SERVICES Aluminum Entrances | Store Fronts | Windows PS Frames | Builders Hardware | Sealed Units HMD & SCW Doors | All Types of Glass Power’s Tire & Glass Supplies Ltd. | A Division of Power’s Glass and Aluminum P.O. Box 1123, 14 Maple Valley Road, Corner Brook, NL A2H 6T2 Tel: (709) 634.9838 | Fax: (709) 634.6242 Power’s Tire & Glass Supplies WATER – AIR – STEAM Vancouver • Edmonton • Calgary • Sarnia • Toronto Ottawa • Montreal • Quebec • Saint John • Halifax • St John’s Passion for innovation and the experience to share it for a green environment. PRESTON PHIPPS INC. 202 Brownlow Ave., Unit E Dartmouth, NS B3B 1T5 Cell: 902-471-1812 • Fax: 902-468-2109 [email protected] Andrew Napier Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association202 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit PlasterinG & PaintinG suPreMe ltd. Gary Norman [email protected] 22 Oberon Street St. John’s, nL a1B 0k2 tel: (709) 691-7104 fax: (709) 237-7363 PlatinuM ConstruCtion Co. ltd. Tony Gosse [email protected] P.O. Box 16008 Conception Bay South, nL a1X 2E2 tel: (709) 834-5116 fax: (709) 834-6216 Plexus ConneCtiVity solutions ltd. Glen Sooley [email protected] 10 austin Street St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 738-1118 fax: (709) 738-1190 PluMbinG Plus ltd. Chris Butler [email protected] 129 Mcnamara Drive, unit 2 P.O. Box 3248 Paradise, nL a1L 3W4 tel: (709) 781-0192 fax: (709) 781-0194 PMCs Consultants inC. Stephen Campbell [email protected] 30B Cookstown Road St. John’s, nL a1C 4G8 tel: (709) 769-6632 Point ContraCtinG inC. Dave Davis [email protected] P.O. Box 134 new harbour, nL a0B 2P0 tel: (709) 685-9101 fax: (709) 582-2722 PoMerleau inC. Lorin Robar [email protected] 99 airport Road, Suite 200 St. John’s, nL a1a 4y3 tel: (709) 739-5652 fax: (709) 739-9110 Pius sulliVan & sons ltd. Patsy Squires [email protected] 9 St. thomas Line, P.O. Box 3061 Paradise, nL a1L 3W2 tel: (709) 781-1800 fax: (709) 781-3040 PittMans enterPrises ltd. Bernard Pittman [email protected] 65 viking trail highway P.O. Box 70 St. Paul’s, nL a0k 4y0 tel: (709) 243-2666 fax: (709) 243-2277 YOUR CHALLENGES, OUR PEOPLE WE ARE THE PROUD BUILDERS OF THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT, CORNER BROOK, NL POMERLEAU.CA ISO_9001-2008 203 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit PriMe drillinG inC. Peter Sullivan [email protected] 55 White Rose Drive, Suite 203 St. John’s, nL a1a 5G9 tel: (709) 727-0091 fax: (709) 757-2467 PrinCiPal holdinGs Mike Mullaley [email protected] P.O. Box 8274 St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 782-5734 fax: (709) 368-0108 ProFessional GradinG & ContraCtinG ltd. Shane Oram [email protected] 18 Bristol Place Gander, nL a1v 2n6 tel: (709) 651-4701 fax: (709) 651-4711 PreCision Plaster and Paint aPPliCators Jason Pineau [email protected] 181 – 2 Duke Street West Saint John, nB E2M 1t5 tel: (506) 333-6088 fax: (866) 436-1222 PreMier sidinG & WindoW sales (2011) ltd. Gord Andrews [email protected] 69 Premier Drive P.O. Box 693 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6G7 tel: (709) 634-4300 fax: (709) 634-6603 Preston PhiPPs inC. Andrew Napier [email protected] 202 Brownlow avenue, unit E Dartmouth, nS B3B 1t5 tel: (902) 471-1812 fax: (902) 468-2109 PoWers tire and Glass suPPlies Walter Power [email protected] 14 Maple valley Road P.O. Box 1123 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6t2 tel: (709) 634-9838 fax: (709) 634-6242 PoWersMart solutions inC. Jeff Williams [email protected] 71 Dogberry hill Road Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 1B6 tel: (709) 690-7535 fax: (709) 800-2300 Prebilt struCtures ltd. Brody Fogarty [email protected] 423 Mount Edward Road P.O. Box 216 Charlottetown, PEI C1a 7k4 tel: (902) 892-8577 R.S. ROGERS (1980) LIMITED M E C H A N I C A L C O N T R A C T O R S 197 Pennywell Road St. John’s NL A1C 2L8 | Fax: 709-579-9507 Tel: 709-579-1078 Claims Consultants Atlantic Canada Focused St. John’s Based S. W. CAMPBELL, P. ENG. TEL: (709) 769-6632 E-MAIL: [email protected] DRILLING SPECIALISTS P.O. Box 29100, St. John’s, NL A1A 5B5 Cell: 709-727-0091 Fax: 709-757-2467 PETER SULLIVAN - OWNER E-mail: [email protected] EE E ST IM AT ES FR EE S EP TI C D ES IG N Over 40 years of drilling experience! Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association204 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit r & r hVaC and Controls ltd. Roy Hollett [email protected] 56 Swansea Street Conception Bay South, nL a1W 4S5 tel: (709) 770-6737 r. J. G. ConstruCtion ltd. Robert Giovannini [email protected] P.O. Box 8421, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n9 tel: (709) 753-5229 fax: (709) 753-4676 r.s. roGers (1980) ltd. Steve Rogers [email protected] 197 Pennywell Road St. John’s, nL a1C 2L8 tel: (709) 579-1078 fax: (709) 579-9507 raMPaGe ContraCtinG Christopher Leonard [email protected] 342 St. thomas Line Paradise, nL a1L 3n7 tel: (709) 895-7715 fax: (709) 746-9807 randy Walsh eleCtriC inC. Randy Walsh [email protected] 2 Rouken Glen Pasadena, nL a0L 1k0 tel: (709) 660-2854 fax: (709) 686-2723 raVenCor ProJeCts Trent Martin [email protected] 215 Water Street, Suite 305 atlantic Place St. John’s, nL a1C 6C9 tel: (709) 739-8460 fax: (709) 747-8401 rbC – royal bank John Snow [email protected] 226 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1C 1a9 tel: (709) 576-4816 fax: (709) 576-4441 ProVinCial PaVinG liMited Leon House [email protected] 446 newfoundland Drive St. John’s, nL a1a 4G7 tel: (709) 754-0077 fax: (709) 754-0075 Ptl serViCes ltd. Lloyd Parrott [email protected] 1 Main Street P.O. Box 40 Southern harbour, nL a0B 3h0 tel: (709) 463-8540 fax: (709) 463-8013 PuGliseViCh CreWs & serViCes liMited Patrick Browne [email protected] 611 torbay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5J1 tel: (709) 722-2744 fax: (709) 722-3208 PyraMid ConstruCtion liMited Alvin Brake [email protected] 178 Major’s Path P.O. Box 681 St. John’s, nL a1C 5L4 tel: (709) 576-8802 fax: (709) 576-7108 Quality air hVaC ltd. Peter Goulding [email protected] 266 three Island Pond Road Paradise, nL a1L 2E7 tel: (709) 781-1470 r & d ConstruCtion ltd. Doug Ryder / Leroy Stagg [email protected] 36 Phillips Lane P.O. Box 507 Bonavista, nL a0C 1B0 tel: (709) 468-6540 fax: (709) 468-2881 r & k ConstruCtion ltd. Kevin Rowe [email protected] P.O. Box 59 Seldom, fogo Island, nL a0G 3Z0 tel: (709) 627-3279 fax: (709) 627-3299 ProGressiVe enGineerinG & ConsultinG inC. Darryl Mills [email protected] 1243 kenmount Road, Suite 203 Centre unit Paradise, nL a1L 0v8 tel: (709) 368-7117 fax: (709) 368-3446 ProJeCt ManaGeMent serViCes inC. Brad Greene [email protected] 171 Water Street St. John’s, nL a1C 1B1 tel: (709) 754-7311 fax: (709) 754-7370 ProVinCial lab systeMs liMited Steve Blight [email protected] 23 Gloster Court Dartmouth, nS B3B 1X9 tel: (902) 468-3034 fax: (902) 468-3263 PTL Services (Equipment) Ltd. P.O. Box 40 Southern Harbour, NL A0B 3H0 Tel: 709-463-8540 Fax: 709-463-8013 ISO9001:2008 Certified • Heavy Equipment • Lifting Equipment • Transportation Equipment • Boom Trucks – 15 to 30 Ton • Cranes – 8 to 75 Tons • Excavators & Backhoes – Mini to 30 Tons • Tractor Trailers • Dump Trucks • Forklifts • Loaders • Rollers • Dozers • Yard, warehouse and equipment for rent • Automotive & heavy equipment repair The CCA Human Resources Toolkit is designed to provide employers in the construction industry with practical guidance on human resources related issues. Developed by and issued with the permission of the Saskatchewan Construction Association, this toolkit includes explanations of key concepts, templates, and case studies. It contains modules on workforce planning, recruitment and selection, workforce engagement and performance, and a prescription for leading in changing times. • Business strategy/capabilities • Workforce drivers • Workforce plan • Workforce transition – internal placement and development and external staffing, and • External workforce transition • The identification of recruitment needs • Pre-search analysis • Sourcing • Candidate management • Interview tips, and • Sample reference checks • Leadership and influencing employee performance • Orientation best practices • Developing leadership skills • Learning and continuous improvement • Performance management • Career and succession planning • Rewards and recognition • Addressing low morale, and • Exit interview best practices • Conserve cash • Manage meaningful expenses • Place a premium on leadership • Optimize your workforce, and • Actively prepare for an upswing MODULE 1 on workforce planning considers topics such as: MODULE 2 addresses issues relevant to the area of recruitment and selection, including: MODULE 3 deals with workforce engagement and performance, including: MODULE 4 is entitled prescription for leading in changing times, and discusses how to: CCA Human Resource Toolkit: A Guide to Leadership in the Construction Industry For more information or to order, please contact NLCA by calling 709-753-8920, email [email protected], or visit our website at Facebook Twitter YouTube Email Copyright ©2015 Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association, All rights reserved. Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 Canada Our mailing address is: WE HAVE THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS YOU NEED!CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association206 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit roGers CoMMuniCations Edgar LeBlanc [email protected] 70 assomption Boulevard Moncton, nB E1C 1a1 tel: (709) 757-6349 fax: (709) 722-8384 roGers enterPrises ltd. (rel) Bruce Rogers [email protected] 10 Maverick Place Octagon Business Park Paradise, nL a1L 0J1 tel: (709) 753-8002 fax: (709) 753-8004 rona Colin Doyle [email protected] 60 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 758-6237 fax: (709) 758-6268 ronald White aCoustiCal CeilinGs ltd. Ronald White 156 Millers Road Conception Bay South, nL a1W 2B7 tel: (709) 781-2111 fax: (709) 781-1854 rothloChston ConstruCtors Peggy Wakeham [email protected] 179 Mcnamara Drive Paradise, nL a1L 0a7 tel: (709) 773-2030 fax: (709) 738-2530 rideout tool & MaChine inC. Raymond Rideout [email protected] 222 kenmount Road St. John’s, nL a1B 3R2 tel: (709) 754-2240 fax: (709) 739-9514 robs Grader serViCe & General ContraCtinG inC. Brian Vincent [email protected] 393 Main Street Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-2142 fax: (709) 673-5883 roCan MeChaniCal Andre Comeau [email protected] 677 Route Lavallee, Memramcook, nB E4k 3C9 P.O. Box 4311 Dieppe, nB E1a 6E9 tel: (506) 859-7616 fax: (506) 855-2232 roCk ConstruCtion Co. ltd. Robert Stapleton [email protected] P.O. Box 3064 Paradise, nL a1L 3W2 tel: (709) 364-6454 fax: (709) 364-5724 roCkWell autoMation Ted Manning [email protected] 26 kyle avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R5 tel: (709) 745-5585 fax: (709) 745-5584 rCs retail ConstruCtion sPeCialists inC. Barry North [email protected] 26 topsail Court Bedford, nS B4B 1k5 tel: (902) 468-6757 fax: (902) 468-7807 redWood ConstruCtion ltd. Trevor Howell [email protected] 961 topsail Road St. John’s, nL a1n 3k1 tel: (709) 745-7888 fax: (709) 745-7850 rehau industries inC. Geoff McAloney [email protected]    327 Murray Road Little Shemogue, nB E4M 3P3 tel: (506) 538-2346 fax: (506) 538-7458 reinForCed earth CoMPany Marco Couture [email protected] 268 avenue des Saules Sainte-Marie, QC G6E 1y8 tel: (418) 389-2416 riChard’s PaintinG Plus (2012) inC. Richard Brown [email protected] Box 29 St. Brendan’s, nL a0G 3v0 tel: (780) 742-9818 S & H Codner’s C o n s t r u c t i o n L i m i t e d O v e r 5 0 Y e a r s E x p e r i e n c e CommerCial & residential exCavation ¶ Fill, Road Gravel, Stone ¶ Septic Systems ¶ Water & Sewer ¶ Rock Busting ¶ Rubber Tire Backhoe ¶ Member of BBB ¶ General Contracting Call today for your free quote!(709) 895-0222 • (709) [email protected] Please support the advertisers who help make this publication possible. 207 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit s & s exCaVatinG ltd. Lemuel White [email protected] 20 Stanhope Road P.O. Box 403 Lewisporte, nL a0G 3a0 tel: (709) 535-3535 fax: (709) 535-0064 saFWay serViCes Canada, inC. Chris Crotty [email protected] 10 Panther Place, unit B Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B1 tel: (709) 747-7350 fax: (709) 747-7367 saGa enterPrises inC. Dorman Anderson [email protected] 373 hamilton River Road P.O. Box 2020, Station B happy valley – Goose Bay, nL a0P 1E0 tel: (709) 896-3037 fax: (709) 896-3958 ryland’s ConstruCtion and renoVations ltd. David Ryland [email protected] 1 Stentaford avenue P.O. Box 174 Pasadena, nL a0L 1k0 tel: (709) 686-5773 fax: (709) 686-5785 ryson interior ConstruCtion ltd. Mark Stevenson [email protected] 100 Ilsley avenue, unit u1 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1L3 tel: (902) 404-3127 fax: (902) 404-3128 s & h Codner’s ConstruCtion ltd. Sean Codner [email protected] P.O. Box 638 Portugal Cove – St. Philip’s, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 895-0222 fax: (709) 895-0957 roWe brothers FloorinG Dave Rowe [email protected] 16 Maple valley Road P.O. Box 903 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6J2 tel: (709) 639-1458 fax: (709) 639-1188 roWsell FinanCial (sunliFe FinanCial) Mike Rowsell [email protected] 145 kelsey Drive, Suite 100 St. John’s, nL a1B 0L2 tel: (709) 576-6243, Ext. 2268 fax: (709) 576-0941 ruMley bas ltd. Mike A. Rumley [email protected] 16 Sacchi avenue Gander, nL a1v 2k5 tel: (709) 235-1326 Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3L 0G5 Toll Free:1.866.831.4744 | Toll Free Fax: 1.866.711.5282 We offer outstanding personal service and quality in the areas of: CREATIVE DESIGN ADVERTISING SALES TRADE PUBLICATIONS QUALIFIED SALES & EDITORIAL TEAM DEL Communications Inc. is working for you. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association208 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit skyline ContraCtinG liMited Wayne Collins [email protected] P.O. Box 61, Site 6 Placentia, nL a0B 2y0 tel: (709) 227-4751 fax: (709) 227-5910 skyMark renoVations ltd. Keith Buis [email protected] 5 hallett Crescent St. John’s, nL a1B 4C4 tel: (709) 437-1777 fax: (709) 437-1460 sMith & MCCarthy PaintinG ContraCtors ltd. Tim McCarthy [email protected] 41 James Boyle Drive P.O. Box 262 Mount uniacke, nS B0n 1Z0 tel: (902) 866-1079 fax: (902) 866-0381 sMith aGenCies Ric Smith [email protected] 4 Bonfoy Place P.O. Box 815 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C8 tel: (709) 364-8856 fax: (709) 747-9414 sMith, stoCkley ltd. Brian Williams [email protected] 264 Lemarchant Road P.O. Box 1387, Station C St. John’s, nL a1C 5n5 tel: (709) 579-0073 fax: (709) 579-1437 sMs eQuiPMent Denis Fortin [email protected] 5 St. anne Crescent Paradise, nL a1L 3W1 tel: (709) 782-2151 fax: (709) 782-2155 snC-laValin inC. Walter Oakley [email protected] 1133 topsail Road Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5G2 tel: (709) 368-0118 fax: (709) 368-0158 sCotia insulations ltd. George Stacey [email protected] 134 Clyde avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S1 tel: (709) 747-6688 fax: (709) 747-6699 seaForCe diVinG ltd. Barry Hynes [email protected] 24 Dundee avenue Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 753-2021 fax: (709) 753-2035 sherWin WilliaMs Paints Gerry Pike [email protected] 50 Commonwealth avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 1W8 tel: (709) 745-0955 fax: (709) 745-0966 shoal bay serViCes Henry Power [email protected] P.O. Box 3245 Paradise, nL a1L 3W4 tel: (709) 689-0197 shoreline enerGy serViCes inC. Chuck McCarthy chuck.mccarthy@ 45 Redbridge Road Conception Bay South, nL a1X 6v2 tel: (709) 727-9352 fax: (888) 680-2819 short atlantiC inC. Dan Short [email protected] 50 hamlyn Road, Suite 406 St. John’s, nL a1E 5X7 tel: (709) 747-4678 fax: (709) 747-8500 sinnotts hydroseed & landsCaPinG (1994) ltd. Edward Sinnott 111 Old Bay Bulls Road St. John’s, nL a1G 1C8 tel: (709) 364-8737 fax: (709) 460-2137 saM roberts CeMent FinishinG ltd. Sam Roberts [email protected] P.O. Box 8064 St. John’s, nL a1B 3M9 tel: (709) 754-2791 fax: (709) 753-0671 sandbox ConstruCtion liMited Joey Smallwood [email protected] 1 Roaches Line Site 4, Box 7, RR1 Roaches Line, nL a0a 1W0 tel: (709) 528-4595 fax: (709) 528-4596 sansoM eQuiPMent ltd. Bob Evans [email protected] 63 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 2C9 tel: (709) 726-4344 fax: (709) 726-4419 sChneider eleCtriC John Nicks [email protected] 100 Isley avenue, unit k Dartmouth, nS B3B 1L3 tel: (800) 565-6699 fax: (902) 450-1034 Sinnott’s Hydroseeding & Landscaping CALL TODAY (709) 364-8737 111 Old Bay Bulls Road, St. John’s, NL A1G 1C8 We Are The Original Hydroseeding Specialists Residential & Commercial 12 MONTH GUARANTEE ON ALL WORK CORE CERTIFIED With Over 30 Years Experience 209 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit sQuires Water Well drillinG inC. Darlene Squires / Rod Squires [email protected] 106 Lawrence Pond Road East Conception Bay South, nL a1X 4C6 tel: (709) 682-3069 fax: (877) 738-4079 stanteC ConsultinG ltd. Stephen Grainger [email protected] 141 kelsey Drive St. John’s, nL a1B 0L2 tel: (709) 576-1458 fax: (709) 576-2126 steele CoMMuniCations (a diV. oF neWCaP) Mike Murphy [email protected] P.O. Box 8590 St. John’s, nL a1B 3P5 tel: (709) 726-5590 fax: (709) 726-4633 southern ConstruCtion (1981) ltd. Michael A. Power [email protected] P.O. Box 40 trepassey, nL a0a 4B0 tel: (709) 438-2040 fax: (709) 438-2245 sPeedy Glass Frank Deering [email protected] 11 Pippy Place St. John’s, nL a1B 3t2 tel: (709) 754-2871 fax: (709) 754-2877 sPrinGdale Forest resourCes inC. Melanie Morey / Megan Young [email protected] Box 387 Springdale, nL a0J 1t0 tel: (709) 673-4695 fax: (709) 673-4696 soPreMa inC. Eric Martin [email protected] 1000 aviation avenue Dieppe, nB E1a 9a3 tel: (506) 384-6101 fax: (506) 383-4265 sourCe atlantiC Conor O’Brien [email protected] 38 Beclin Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B8 tel: (709) 730-1583 fax: (709) 748-5070 south PaW transPort Mykell Murphy [email protected] 172 Glencoe Drive St. John’s, nL a1n 4S5 tel: (709) 693-0831 WORLD LEADERS IN BUILDING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO SERVE YOUR CORROSION AND ABRASION PROTECTION NEEDS W W W. S T O N C O R . C A Steve Williams (709) 682.8394 | Barry Andrews (709) 725.9813 SEAMLESS FLOORING FRP GRATING FRP STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS PROTECTIVE COATINGS PRECISION GROUTS WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES TRAFFIC COATINGS FLOOR & WALL SYSTEMS Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association210 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the nLca, visit suPreMe interiors liMited Scott Dicks [email protected] 25 Mulberry Place Conception Bay South, nL a1X 5B5 tel: (709) 744-2545 fax: (709) 744-3957 sWeetlands aGGreGate ltd. Stephen Bartlett [email protected] P.O. Box 718 Bonavista, nL a0C 1B0 tel: (709) 468-2260 fax: (709) 468-1243 sWitCh eleCtriCal inC. Sandy Connors [email protected] 23 St. Laurent P.O. Box 1019, Station C Goose Bay, nL a0P 1C0 tel: (709) 896-1757 fax: (709) 896-2022 t.a.Z. MultiWorks inC. James Cole [email protected] 130 Canterbury Drive Paradise, nL a1L 4a8 tel: (709) 689-3219 talon ConstruCtion liMited Andy Osmond [email protected] 3 Willis Place P.O. Box 1676 Lewisporte, nL a0G 3a0 tel: (709) 535-3228 fax: (709) 535-3229 talon enerGy serViCes Terry King [email protected] 215 Water Street, atlantic Place Suite 301 P.O. Box 11 St. John’s, nL a1C 6C9 tel: (709) 739-8450 fax: (709) 747-8401 tC Media Jamie Edgecombe [email protected] 36 austin Street St. John’s, nL a1B 3t7 tel: (709) 748-0814 fax: (709) 364-9333 steelFab industries ltd. William Parsons [email protected] 52 St. anne’s Crescent Paradise, nL a1L 1k1 tel: (709) 782-3310 fax: (709) 782-8529 steers GrouP liMited Allan Kendall [email protected] 14 Brook Street Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C4 tel: (709) 637-7120 fax: (709) 637-7132 steers insuranCe ltd. Wanda Green [email protected] 238 torbay Road P.O. Box 1776 St. John’s, nL a1C 5P9 tel: (709) 722-1532 fax: (709) 722-6612 steWart MCkelVey Harold Smith [email protected] P.O. Box 5038 St. John’s, nL a1C 5v3 tel: (709) 722-4270 fax: (709) 722-4565 stonCor GrouP Steven R. Williams [email protected] 3 torngat Crescent St. John’s, nL a1E 5W7 tel: (709) 682-8394 fax: (709) 745-3108 stuCkless & stuCkless inC. Alvin Stuckless [email protected] P.O. Box 179 Glenwood, nL a0G 2k0 tel: (709) 679-5656 fax: (709) 679-5696 suMMit PluMbinG and heatinG ltd. Jason Jones [email protected] 375 East White hills Road St. John’s, nL a1a 5X7 tel: (709) 754-5216 fax: (709) 754-6185 suPerior oFFiCe interiors ltd. Fred Wells [email protected] 219 new Gower Street P.O. Box 788 St. John’s, nL a1C 5L7 tel: (709) 753-3490 fax: (709) 753-1682 375 East White Hills Road St. John’s, NL A1A 5X7 ph: (709) 754 5216 | fax: (709) 754 6185 email: [email protected] 211 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit the n.d. dobbin GrouP oF CoMPanies Holly Hicks [email protected] P.O. Box 13066 St. John’s, nL a1B 3v8 tel: (709) 754-7254 fax: (709) 754-7319 the oGM – the oil and Gas MaGaZine Tina Olivero [email protected] P.O. Box 21178 St. John’s, nL a1a 5B2 tel: (709) 770-0677 thoMas eConoMy Glass ltd. Robert Young [email protected] 21 Sagona avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P8 tel: (709) 722-0234 fax: (709) 722-1668 thyssenkruPP eleVator (Canada) liMited Blair Wentzell [email protected] 78 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 2C7 tel: (709) 739-4038 fax: (709) 739-0130 tiller enGineerinG inC. Rick Tiller [email protected] Box 403, 50 hamlyn Road Plaza St. John’s, nL a1E 5X7 tel: (709) 579-6700 fax: (709) 579-6701 tetFord ContraCtinG ltd. Bryon Tetford [email protected] P.O. Box 792 Lewisporte, nL a0G 3a0 tel: (709) 535-8352 fax: (709) 535-6692 the buildinG dePot inC. Randy Simon [email protected] 70 hansen highway P.O. Box 74 (a1n 2y7) Stephenville, nL a2n 1W1 tel: (709) 643-6911 fax: (709) 643-5604 the Cahill GrouP Fred Cahill [email protected] 240 Waterford Bridge Road, Suite 101 P.O. Box 1674 St. John’s, nL a1C 5P5 tel: (709) 368-2125 fax: (709) 368-3502 the CarPet FaCtory suPer store Barry Snow [email protected] 1 Logy Bay Road St. John’s, nL a1a 1J1 tel: (709) 726-8232 fax: (709) 726-8713 the Guarantee CoMPany oF north aMeriCa Dan Fletcher [email protected] 1595 Bedford highway, Suite 306 Bedford, nS B4a 3y7 tel: (902) 425-4700 fax: (902) 425-4702 td CoMMeriCal bankinG Wendy Snow [email protected] 140 Water Street, 2nd floor St. John’s tD Place Commercial St. John’s, nL a1C 6h6 tel: (709) 758-5066 fax: (709) 753-1161 teCh ConstruCtion (2012) ltd. Randy Luffman [email protected] 35 Maple valley Road P.O. Box 626 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6G1 tel: (709) 634-2320 fax: (709) 634-9350 teChniCal roPe and resCue inC. Colin LeGrow [email protected] 1155 Bauline Line Bauline, nL a1k 1E7 tel: (709) 335-2325 fax: (709) 335-2233 teMPo ConstruCtion ManaGeMent inC. Terry Scaplen [email protected] 22 Sagona avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R2 tel: (709) 368-0611 fax: (709) 368-4412 terra serViCes inC. Danny Roberts [email protected] 1 hummingbird Street Paradise, nL a1C 2t7 tel: (709) 691-2333 fax: (709) 535-0510 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION EXTERIOR REFURBISHMENT DESIGN/BUILD PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE SITE DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL LEASING 22 SAGONA AVE MOUNT PEARL NL A1N 4R2 709-368-0611 Building Construction Renovation Exterior Refurbishment Design/Build Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings Maintenance Site Development Commercial Leasing 22 Sagona Ave Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4R2 709-368-0611 SPECIALIZING IN STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL WORK 130 CANTERBURY DRIVE | PARADISE, NL A1L 4A8 Email: [email protected] Jamie Cole 709-689-3219 Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association212 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit traVelers insuranCe CoMPany oF Canada Peter Andrikopoulos [email protected] 20 Queen Street West, Suite 200 toronto, On M5h 3R3 tel: (416) 642-3737 fax: (416) 360-8267 traytoWn builders ltd. Charlie Pickett [email protected] General Delivery traytown, nL a0G 4k0 tel: (709) 533-2509 fax: (709) 533-2500 triCo ltd. Lisa Badcock [email protected] P.O. Box 8187, Station a St. John’s, nL a1B 3n4 tel: (709) 754-1460 fax: (709) 754-2515 trident ConstruCtion ltd. Dan Spracklin [email protected] 21 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 368-7331 fax: (709) 368-8835 tri-Pen rooFinG ltd. Andrew Babb [email protected] 1 flings Pond Carbonear, nL a1y 1a7 tel: (709) 596-8994 fax: (709) 596-0415 tristar MeChaniCal ltd. Wayne Flynn [email protected] 26 Dundee avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R7 tel: (709) 747-5577 fax: (709) 368-5342 trisura Guarantee insuranCe CoMPany Andrew Cartwright [email protected] 201-4 Brownlow avenue Dartmouth, nS B3B 1W2 tel: (902) 468-1627 total insulation & CoatinGs ltd. / total insolutions ltd. Charlie Stacey [email protected] 1 vanguard Court St. John’s, nL a1a 5n7 tel: (709) 722-9846 fax: (709) 722-7885 tr exCaVatinG inC. Tom Rennie [email protected] 76 fairview avenue P.O. Box 698 St. Lawrence, nL a0E 2v0 tel: (709) 873-2861 fax: (709) 873-2516 traCt ConsultinG inC. Neil Dawe [email protected] 100 LeMarchant Road St. John’s, nL a1C 2h2 tel: (709) 738-2500 fax: (709) 738-2499 trane atlantiC Jonathan Hare [email protected] 22 Beclin Road, Suite 3 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B8 tel: (709) 753-8678 fax: (709) 754-3029 tireCraFt Brett Miller [email protected] 116 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 221-7733 fax: (709) 221-7736 todd robbins PlasterinG & PaintinG Todd Robbins [email protected] 5 Medalsis Pond Road flatrock, nL a1k 1C9 tel: (709) 690-0448 fax: (709) 233-0118 toroMont Cat Darrell Lambert [email protected] P.O. Box 8940 St. John’s, nL a1B 3S2 tel: (709) 722-5660 fax: (709) 722-5726 total CoVeraGe Fire ProteCtion inC. Richard Joy [email protected] P.O. Box 854 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6h6 tel: (709) 639-9938 fax: (709) 639-8406 • Design, Supply & Installation of Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Kitchen Suppression Systems Sales And Service • Fire Extinguisher Sales And Service Phone | (709) 639.9938 Fax | (709) 639.8406 Email | [email protected] 213 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit uPonor ltd. Jean-Claude Remy [email protected] 2580 Boulevard Le Corbusier Laval, QC h7S 2k8 tel: (514) 867-2251 uniVersal PoWer solutions inC. Bruce Simms [email protected] 100 Wright avenue, unit 12 Dartmouth, nS B3B 1L2 tel: (902) 468-6968 fax: (902) 468-3743 triuMPh aluMinuM & sheet Metal Bledi Goxhaj [email protected] 1 Connie Street toronto, On M6L 2h8 tel: (416) 539-8877 fax: (647) 342-5505 troy liFe & Fire saFety ltd. Wayne Stoyles [email protected] 150 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S9 tel: (709) 753-6674 fax: (709) 753-2254 tyCo inteGrated Fire & seCurity Canada, inC. Dennis Pack [email protected] 153 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S7 tel: (709) 745-6666 fax: (709) 745-5669 uniQue WoodWorks inC. Cavelle Traverse [email protected] 1290 kenmount Road Paradise, nL a1L 1n3 tel: (709) 368-0660 fax: (709) 368-0665 unistrut Canada ltd. Andrew Burton [email protected] 585 finley avenue ajax , On L1S 2E4 tel: (905) 683-8131 fax: (905) 683-8987 united rentals Keith Ryan [email protected] 31 Sagona avenue Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4P9 tel: (709) 368-7368 fax: (709) 748-3302 uniVersal FabriCators inC. Doug Sparkes [email protected] 25 Pondview Drive Grand falls – Windsor, nL a2B 1B4 tel: (709) 489-3360 fax: (709) 489-3305 Audio Visual Systems Security and Life Safety Solutions Situational Awareness and Mass Notification Fibre Optic and Structured Cabling 1.866.999.7404 · vistacaretech.com1.866.999.7404 · Trusted for the design, development and support of today’s SMART construction projects. Class leading expertise. Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association214 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit urban FloorinG ContraCtors ltd. Wayne LeGrow [email protected] 12 Lintrose Place Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5k2 tel: (709) 368-8334 fax: (709) 368-2806 ureCon Scott Smith [email protected] 165 Mennill Drive Minesing, On L0L 1y3 tel: (450) 455-0961 Vanne teChniCal serViCes inC. Glen Whalen [email protected] 12 Gleneyre Street St. John’s, nL a1a 5B5 tel: (709) 753-9600 Ven-reZ ProduCts ltd. Linda Harris [email protected] 380 Sandy Point Road Shelburne, nS B0t 1W0 tel: (902) 875-3178 fax: (902) 875-3371 ViCtauliC Co. oF Canada Shawn Whiffen [email protected] 17 Lancefield Street Paradise, nL a1L 0P1 tel: (709) 351-4654 fax: (902) 462-3742 ViGilant ManaGeMent Terry Hussey [email protected] 69 karwood Drive, unit 9 P.O. Box 50064 Paradise, nL a1L 0J2 tel: (709) 782-5950 fax: (709) 782-5951 ViGilant teChniCal sales ltd. Jon Morgan [email protected] 28 Symonds avenue St. John’s, nL a1E 5B1 tel: (709) 753-6685 fax: (709) 753-7759 VikinG Fire ProteCtion inC. Blake Carter [email protected] 51 Dundee avenue, unit 2 Donovan’s Industrial Park Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4R6 tel: (709) 747-2850 fax: (709) 747-2847 ViPond Fire ProteCtion inC. Steve Irving [email protected] P.O. Box 998 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 3C9 tel: (709) 364-2898 fax: (709) 364-9020 Vision eleCtriCal ltd. Craig Randell [email protected] 26 Lundrigan Drive P.O. Box 1078 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6t2 tel: (709) 634-0150 fax: (709) 634-4793 VistaCare CoMMuniCations Mark Fyfe [email protected] 27 MacDonald avenue Dartmouth, nS B3B 1C6 tel: (902) 219-3078 fax: (902) 444-7404 Vitalaire Canada inC. Laura Amaya [email protected] 6 – 6990 Creditview Road Mississauga, On L5n 8R9 tel: (905) 855-0414 fax: (888) 828-0202 W. reid ConstruCtion ltd. Wallace Reid [email protected] 70 Main Street P.O. Box 59 Bishop’s falls, nL a0h 1C0 tel: (709) 258-6624 fax: (709) 258-6625 W.G. Garland ltd. George Reid [email protected] Box 94 Carbonear, nL a1y 1B5 tel: (709) 596-0085 fax: (709) 596-3430 WaJax PoWer systeMs Tony Mahon [email protected] 1 Panther Place Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B7 tel: (709) 747-7341 fax: (709) 747-8752 Wall to Wall sCaFFoldinG & ConstruCtion ltd. Justin Wall [email protected] Long Pond Road Box 270 Marysvale, nL a0a 2Z0 tel: (709) 528-3357 Watson PetroleuM serViCes ltd. Edward Watson [email protected] P.O. Box 84 Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C1 tel: (709) 745-5600 fax: (709) 745-5606 WedGWood insuranCe ltd. Kent Rowe [email protected] P.O. Box 13370 St. John’s, nL a1B 4B7 tel: (709) 753-3210 fax: (709) 753-4406 WesCo distribution Canada lP Frank Hanlon [email protected] 95 O’Leary avenue St. John’s, nL a1B 3n7 tel: (709) 726-9073 fax: (709) 726-8490 17¢ per square foot! *Based on a minimum of 40 plans per order. Facebook Twitter YouTube Email Copyright ©2014 Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association, All rights reserved. Newfoundland and Labrador Construction Association 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 Canada Our mailing address is: PRINTING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR � � � � 36” x 48” 24” x 36” 11” x 17” 8.5” x 11” $2.04 $1.02 $0.24 $0.10 NLCAMEMBER PRICING STARTING AT ONLY... The money you spend at NLCA Printing Services goes back into YOUR association. By ordering here you allow us to continue to offer you, our valued member, products and services at affordable prices to help grow your business. Submit your next print order online through the Electronic Plansroom OR contact Sam Wells directly at or .709-753-8920 [email protected] QUALITY PRINTING SERVICE FREE BINDING COST-EFFECTIVE FOR YOUR BUSINESS FAST TURN-AROUND TIME WE PRINT WHILE YOU WAIT * Place your next print order with us and invest in YOUR association! Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association216 For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit WolF ConstruCtion liMited Dale O’Brien [email protected] 9 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 2C4 tel: (709) 368-8719 fax: (709) 368-1234 Wolseley Canada David Rowe [email protected] 9 Corey king Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 0a5 tel: (709) 754-4199 fax: (709) 754-4714 WoMen in resourCe deVeloPMent CorP. [email protected] 31 Peet Street, Suite 109 St. John’s, nL a1B 3W8 tel: (709) 738-3713 fax: (709) 738-3743 WoodFord shePPard arChiteCture Chris Woodford [email protected] 11 Rowan Street St. John’s, nL a1B 2X2 tel: (709) 753-7917 WoodWards oil ltd. Dennis White [email protected] P.O. Box 300 Goose Bay, nL a0P 1C0 tel: (709) 896-2421 fax: (709) 896-5028 Whittle brothers PaintinG ContraCtor ltd. Harold Whittle [email protected] 184 Pleasant Street P.O. Box 895 St. John’s, nL a1C 5L7 tel: (709) 579-1722 fax: (709) 579-8806 WillianCe resourCes inC. / t/a taMaraC ConstruCtion Shawn Williams [email protected] Suite 422, unit 50 hamlyn Road Plaza St. John’s, nL a1E 5X7 tel: (709) 745-6512 fax: (709) 745-6525 WindCo enterPrises Carl Neary [email protected] 1450 Portugal Cove Road P.O. Box 572 Portugal Cove, nL a1M 3R6 tel: (709) 895-2861 fax: (709) 895-3745 WindoW shoP Lindsay Loveless [email protected] 129 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, nL a1n 4S7 tel: (709) 364-6464 fax: (709) 364-6444 Wlh ContraCtinG Darrell Hopkins [email protected] 10C Panther Place Mount Pearl, nL a1n 5B1 tel: (709) 745-5514 fax: (709) 745-8613 West Coast exCaVatinG & eQuiPMent CoMPany liMited Marsha Park [email protected] 19 Maple valley Road P.O. Box 266 Corner Brook, nL a2h 6C9 tel: (709) 639-9423 fax: (709) 639-7019 Western surety CoMPany Stephen Myrer [email protected] Suite 495, 99 Wyse Road Dartmouth, nS B3a 4S5 tel: (902) 425-6985 fax: (902) 425-7021 White’s ConstruCtion liMited Daniel White [email protected] P.O. Box 59 Stephenville Crossing, nL a0n 2C0 tel: (709) 646-2908 fax: (709) 646-5148 Whitestone deVeloPMents inC. Brent Pottle [email protected] 32 Prince Rupert Drive P.O. Box 451 Stephenville, nL a2n 3a3 tel: (709) 643-4863 fax: (709) 643-5371 ED WATSON P.O. BOX 84 TEL: (709) 745-5600 MOUNT PEARL, NL CELL: (709) 682-5897 A1N 2C1 FAX: (709) 745-5606 Email: [email protected] HORNER PRECISION TESTING & INSPECTING OF UNDERGROUND TANK SYSTEMS 217 2016 NLCA Construction Journal For more information on how your firm can become a member of the NLCA, visit younGs industrial reFriGeration ltd. Mike Young [email protected] 98 Clode Sound Road P.O. Box 98 Lethbridge, nL a0C 1v0 tel: (709) 467-9712 fax: (709) 467-9713 ZutPhen ContraCtors inC. Lyndsay Debont [email protected] 10442 Route 19 Southwest Mabou, nS B0E 1X0 tel: (902) 945-2300 fax: (902) 945-2087 yMan ConstruCtion Jim Yetman [email protected] 24 Discovery Crescent Paradise, nL a1L 3E9 tel: (709) 782-3307 fax: (709) 782-8034 york deVeloPMents inC. Peter Batson [email protected] 251 Empire avenue P.O. Box 21447 St. John’s, nL a1a 5G6 tel: (709) 722-5653 fax: (709) 722-5740 xyleM Water solutions Scott Baird [email protected] 7 vanguard Court P. O. Box 7 St. John’s, nL a1C 5h5 tel: (709) 722-6717 fax: (709) 722-9832 yetMan’s sheet Metal inC. Bob Yetman [email protected] 996 Main highway kelligrews Conception Bay South, nL a1W 3J1 tel: (709) 744-2300 fax: (709) 744-2302 47 Annual Conference th47 Annual Conference th February 4-6, Corner Brook, NL The Path to HIGHHIGH PERFORMANCE Top Solutions for Workplace Productivity & Engagement 2016 “We Build Newfoundland and Labrador” CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Visit to register & download your itinerary!Visit to register & download your itinerary! Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association218 the content of CCDC documents evolves through a process of consultation and consensus. the documents represent extensive input from experienced and knowledgeable participants from various sectors of the construction industry. these documents are relied upon as familiar industry standards and developed in a collaborative environment that allows for the serious consideration of the rights, interests and obligations of all parties. the documents also provide balance, uniformity and standardization for bidding and contracting procedures, and protect the interests and preserve the rights of all parties involved in a construction project, without assigning undue risk to any one party. unbalanced contracts often increase the risk of claims and disputes adding needless expense and time to the construction process. a measure of the effectiveness of true standard documents is the frequency of their use by the construction industry. CCDC sells approximately 50,000 copies of its documents annually. CCDC documents, including contract forms, standard forms, guides and bulletins, are intended for use by all construction industry participants, including owners, design professionals, construction managers, legal professionals, contractors and subcontractors. these documents are being used by public contracting authorities, including provincial and municipal governments, as well as the private sector on both large and small projects, for both new construction and renovation. Contracts and documents that meet your needs! ccdc/cca contract Forms We are a general construction and marine work company with over 40 years of experience in Grand Bank, Newfoundland. We also have a retail side, selling a wide range of safety equipment and a variety of nuts, bolts, fasteners and more! Our clients can construct with confidence, knowing that they're partnering with construction expertise that has been won through tackling diverse, difficult and demanding projects with great success. At Bennett's Construction & Supplies (2011) Ltd., we pride ourselves in a full service and hands-on approach to the implementation, management and construction for our clients' projects. Our services include: • Marine Repairs • Building Renovations • Water & Sewer Installations • Equipment Rentals BLUEBIRD INVESTMENTS LIMITED GENERAL CONTRACTORS COVERING ALL NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR Phone: (709) 489-5403 Fax: (709) 489-4141 Email: [email protected] P.O. Box 382 Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2J8 www. Serving Our Province for 39 years in all types of building construction Representative for pre-engineered steel buildings 219 2016 NLCA Construction Journal CCdC ContraCt ForMs • CCDC 2 – 2008 Stipulated Price Contract • CCDC 3 – 1998 Cost Plus Contract • CCDC 4 – 2011 Unit Price Contract • CCDC 5A – 2010 Construction Management Contract – For Services • CCDC 5B – 2010 Construction Management Contract – For Services and Construction • CCDC 9A – 2001 Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution by Contractor • CCDC 9B – 2001 Statutory Declaration of Progress Payment Distribution by Subcontractor • CCDC 11 – 1996 (R2006) Contractor’s Qualification Statement • CCDC 12 – 1994 Project Financial Information • CCDC 14 – 2013 Design-Build Stipulated Price Contract • CCDC 15 – 2013 Design Services Contract between Design- Builder and Consultant • CCDC 17 – 2010 Stipulated Price Contract for Trade Contractor’s on Construction Management Projects • CCDC 18 – 2001 Civil Works Contract • CCDC 220 – 2002 Bid Bond • CCDC 221 – 2002 Performance Bond • CCDC 222 – 2002 Labour and Material Payment Bond CCdC Guide doCuMents • CCDC 20 – 2008 A Guide to the Use of CCDC 2 – 2008 Stipulated Price Contract • CCDC 21 – 2000 A Guide to Construction Insurance • CCDC 22 – 2002 A Guide to Construction Surety Bonds • CCDC 23 – 2005 A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Construction Contracts • CCDC 24 – 1996 A Guide to Model Forms and Support Documents • CCDC 40 – 2005 Rules for Mediation and Arbitration of Construction Disputes • CCDC 41 – 2008 CCDC Insurance Requirements • CCDC 43 – 1998 A Guide to the Use of CCDC 3 – 1998 Cost Plus Contract • CCDC 45 – 2011 A Guide to CCDC 5A Construction Management Contract – for Services • CCDC 46 – 2011 A Guide to CCDC 5B Construction Management Contract – for Services and Construction • CCDC 47 – 2011 A Guide to CCDC 17 Stipulated Price Contract Between Owner and trade Contractor for Construction Management Projects • CCDC 48 – 2002 A Guide to the Use of CCDC 18 – 2002 A Division of CGI Holdings Inc. • Cranes • Boom Trucks • Heavy Spec Tractors & Floats • Dimensional Transportation • Dump Trucks • Excavators • Manlifts “NFLD’S LARGEST CRANE RENTAL FLEET & HEAVY TRANSPORT SPECIALIST” 24 HOUR SERVICE • Phone: 748-8888 20 Sagona Avenue • Email: [email protected] For service in Labrador, Phone: (709)-944-5544 ccdc contract Forms Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association220 CCa standard doCuMents CCa helps you simplify the way you conduct business and save time and money with its standard contract documents that are up-to-date, easy to understand and familiar to all parties. CCA STANDARD DOCuMENTS • CCA 1 – 2008: Stipulated Price Subcontract • CCA 16 – 1992: Guidelines for Determining the Costs associated with Performing Changes in the Work • CCA 19 – 2011: Stipulated Price Sub-subcontract • CCA 25 – 2001: Guide to Project Management Services • CCA 26 – 2000: Guide to Construction Management Contracts • CCA 27 – 1997: Guide on Construction Environmental Management Planning • CCA 28 – 2009: Guide to Improving Cash Flow in the Construction Industry • CCA 50 – 2003: A Prime Contractor’s Guide to Project financing and Payment Security • CCA 51 – 2008: Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Subcontracts • CCA 52 – 2008: Joint Venture Guide • CCA 61 – 2008: Risks of Pre-purchasing Equipment and Materials for Construction Projects • CCA 81 – 2001: A Best Practices Guide to Solid Waste Reduction • CCA 82 – 2004: Mould Guidelines for the Canadian Construction Industry • CCA 83 – 2004: Environmental Best Practices Guide for hot Mix asphalt Plants • CCA 90 – 2007: Guidelines for Electronic Procurement • Guide – 1993: Recommended Guidelines for Provisioning Geotechnical Information in Construction Contracts • Guide – 2011: A Trade Contractor’s Guide and Checklist to Construction Contracts • CCA Human Resources Toolkit: A Guide to Leadership in the Construction Industry To order any of these documents, please contact the NLCA office at 709-753-8920. t EFI Group has the experience, equipment and personnel to complete your project on time and on budget regardless of size. Call: 709.237.4643 Spray Foam Insulation • Spray foam creates a highly effective & efficient building envelope by combining high R-value insulation with a perfect air barrier & vapor barrier system. Coatings • Our selection of polyurethane, polyurea, epoxy & polyaspartic coatings offer countless solutions for commercial and industrial applications. • Food grade coatings, primary and secondary containment, abrasion resistance and waterproofing coatings. Fireproofing • Cement based and intumescent passive fire protection products and coatings installed by industry trained professionals. Concrete Crack Repair • High pressure and low pressure epoxy and polyurethane injection crack repair. ccdc contract Forms 221 2016 NLCA Construction Journal Index to advertisers academy Canada 32 air-flow Mechanical 2013 Ltd. 163 alantra Leasing 32 allied Constructors, Inc. 105 alumicor Limited 62 anW Construction Limited 163 apex Construction Specialties Inc. 103 arrow Construction Proudcts Ltd. 23 ash Drywall 54 atlantic Enterprises 74 atlantic Industrial Projects 164 atlantic Ready Mix 164 avalla Construction Inc. 167 aviva Canada 37 BaC Local 1 70 Bailey’s Marine Service Ltd. 167 Bayview Electrical Ltd. 167 Bennetts Construction Ltd. 218 Big Land Construction 61 BioMaxx Wastewater Solutions Inc. 168 Bird Stairs 34 Black & McDonald Limited 10 Blanchard’s heating & Cooling Ltd. 123 Bluebird Investments 218 Boyd & Bungay Construction Ltd. 168 Brenkir Industrial Supply 66 Burnt Bay Construction 168 Bursey Excavating & Development Inc. 71 Business Development Bank Of Canada 60 C.B.S. Plumbing and heating Ltd. 74 Cadillac Services Limited 171 Cal LeGrow Insurance 8 Can am Platforms & Construction Ltd 169 Can-Do Sheet Metal Ltd. 171 Canada Bay Construction Co. Ltd. 171 Canada Culvert 60 Capital Crane 219 Capital Interior Systems 171 City Concrete Limited 172 CMD Group 65 CMh Construction Ltd. 54 Construction Signs Ltd. 72 ControlPro Distributors Inc. 173 Cox & Palmer 19 Crosbie Industrial Services 111 Cummins Eastern Canada LP 174 D&D Janes Enterprises Ltd. 176 Data Wiring Solutions Inc. 58 Derek Penney Electrical Ltd. 176 Dexter Construction Company Limited 175 DMG Consulting Limited 176 Dominion Recycling Ltd. 177 Drycore Eastern Inc. 52 East Coast Marine & Industrial Limited 116 Eastern Demolition & Recyclers (2011) Ltd. 118 Eastern Siding Systems Inc. 14 ECO Contracting Ltd. 178 Ecofoam Insulation Ltd. 220 Economy Drywall 179 EfCO Enterprises Ltd. 106 EJ Logging Ltd. 64 EllisDon Corporation 83 Emera newfoundland & Labrador 68 Excel Roofing Systems Inc. 179 Exploits Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. 36 Extreme East Metals, Inc 38 Extreme fabricators Ltd 73 f.W. Connolly Electrical Ltd. 181 fairfield Inn & Suites, St. Johns newfoundland 49 flotech Enterprises Ltd. 3 fullerton agencies Limited 104 G & R Contracting Ltd. 48 G. Pelley Ltd. 181 G.J. Cahill & Co. Ltd. OBC Gallant’s Roofing Ltd. 124 Geo Glass & aluminum Ltd. 183 Gilbert newfoundland and Labrador Ltd. 50 Glenn Collings Ltd. 104 Government Of newfoundland & Labrador 35 Guildfords 107 h & B Construction Ltd. 183 hampton Building Systems Inc. 18 harris Rebar 110 146 Caribou Road, Port aux Basques, NF A0M 1C0 709-695-3500 • 1-800-563-4779 • [email protected] Where Mountains Meet the Sea Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association222 Index to advertisers heat Pump Solutions Ltd 117 heating Products (1978) Limited 184 hitech Communications Ltd. 72 hickey Construction Ltd. 184 h.J. O Connell Construction 12 holiday Inn Express 106 hollisWealth 21 humber valley Golf Resort 47 IBEW Local 2330 122 Imperial Excavating Ltd. 186 Intact Insurance 43 Interior Specialties 187 Island Roofing Co. Ltd. 109 J.W. Lindsay Construction 188 J3 Consulting and Excavating Ltd. 120 Jenkins & Puddicombe Sheet Metal Ltd. 189 Jenkins Power Sheet Metal Inc. 191 Joyco Construction 191 k&D Pratt 161 katem Construction Ltd. 191 LeGrow’s travel 108 Life Safety Systems 192 Lou’s Electrical Ltd. 195 LSG Construction Ltd. 68 Marco Services Ltd. 7 Marine atlantic 13 McCarthy’s heating Service Ltd. 195 McCarthy’s Mechanical Ltd. 195 McCarthy’s Roofing Ltd. 125 Mechanical Components Ltd. 197 Miller tirecraft 85 MJR Masonry Inc. 127 n.C.L. Contractors Ltd. 197 newco Metal & auto Recycling 17 newcrete 4 newfound forming Limited 126 newfoundland and Labrador Construction Safety association 67 newfoundland and Labrador hydro 41 newfoundland Power 63 newfoundland Styro Inc. IfC nL Plumbing & heating 108 noble’s Construction Limited 76 north atlantic Lining Ltd. 198 north atlantic Petroleum 9 northridge Developments Ltd. 199 nortrax Canada Inc. 109 nunatsiavut Construction Inc. 59 Oceanex Inc. 33 Overhead Door (nfLD) Limited 81 Paul nolan Contracting (Electrical) Ltd. 200 Pennecon Limited 5 Pioneer Insulation Limited 201 Platinum Construction Co. Ltd. 201 PMCS Consultants Inc. 203 Pomerleau 202 Power’s tire & Glass 201 Preston Phipps Inc. 201 Provincial fence Products Ltd. 129 PtL Services 204 R.S. Rogers (1980) Ltd. 203 RBC Royal Bank 45 Rideout tool & Machine Inc. 51 Rona 75 S & h Codner’s Construction 206 ScotiaBank 78 Sinnott’s hydroseeding & Landscaping 208 SMS Equipment Inc. 15 St. Christopher’s hotel 221 Stantec 47 Steers Insurance Limited IBC Stoncor Group 209 Stuckless & Stuckless Inc. 80 Summit Plumbing & heating Ltd. 210 t.a.Z. MultiWorks Inc. 211 talon Energy Services 79 tamarac Construction 45 tD Commercial Banking 57 tempo Construction Management Inc. 211 the Carpet factory 55 thomas Economy Glass 44 total Coverage fire Protection Inc. 212 total Insulation & Coatings Ltd. 121 united Rentals 77 uPOnOR Ltd. 40 vipond fire Protection 53 vision Electrical Ltd. 129 vistacare Communications 213 Watson Petroleum Services Ltd. 216 Wedgwood Insurance Ltd. 39 Western Surety Company 119 Windco flags 216 Women In Resource Development Corporation 11 Workplace health, Safety & Compensation Commission 97 young’s Industrial Refrigeration 95 Wanda Green is the Manager of Contracting and Surety at Steers Insurance. With 25 years’ experience in the insurance industry dealing with construction risks and bonding, she’s the expert contractors trust. Check in with Wanda about your project. Call 570 -1466 or [email protected] Contractors have unique coverage needs that can change depending on the type of project. That’s why contractors trust Wanda. IF1413 Cahill - 2 - Brand Ad - Full Page-Rev-6.pdf 2 2015-08-03 12:02 PM


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