1. Dr.Bidhan Mahajon1WEL COME 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4 5. "Nidr aajanana" Dr ugs A scientific review 5 6. Scholar Dr.Bidhan Mahajon Guide Dr. Remadevi.R. MD(AYU) Professor and H.O.D6Department of Dravyaguna Vijnanam V.P.S.V. Ayurveda College Kottakkal 7. Contents Introduction Modern view of sleep, Insomnia & its management Ayurvedic view of Nidra,Anidra & its management Pharmacodynamics of Nidrajanana Drugs Scope of further research Conclusion 7 8. Prevalence of Insomnia About 30% of adults have insomnia. About 10% of adults, severe insomnia. Less than 10% of adults chronic insomnia.8 9. 9 10. Demand of Safe Option 20,000 species are being used 40% of Population are depending on alternative or complimentary therapies. They spent over $27 billion. 10 11. 11 12. Sleep 12 13. William Dement, founder of Stanford University's Sleep Research Centre. "As far as I know, the only reason we need to sleep that is really, really solid is because we get sleepy."13 14. Definition Naturally recurring state characterized by Diminished consciousness Inhibition of sensory activity Inhibition of voluntary muscles Diminished reaction to stimuli 14 15. 15 16. 16 17. 17 18. Sleep Duration “Sleeping for six to seven hours each night, Increase life span.” “Sleeping more than 7 to 8 hours per day has been consistently associated with increased mortality.” “Reduced morbidity only occurs with those who wake naturally, rather than those who use an alarm”. 18 19. Sleep, Regulated by Genetics ABCC9 DEC219(Neurology professor Ying-Hui Fu) 20. 20 21. International classification of sleep disorders Six major categories: Insomnia Sleep related breathing disorders Hypersomnias Circadian rhythm sleep disorder Parasomnia Sleep related movement disorders 21 22. Insomnia 22 23. Insomnia Hard time initiating sleep. Struggle to maintain sleep. Waking up frequently during the night. Tend to wake up too early. Sleep is non restorative or of poor quality. 23 24. Types of insomnia Two types of insomnia – 1.Primary- Drug abuse or medications. 2.Secondary- Primary medical illness, mental disorders or other sleep disorders.24 25. Types of Insomnia Adjustment insomnia Behavioural insomnia Idiopathic insomnia Inadequate sleep hygiene Paradoxical insomnia Psychophysiological insomnia 25 26. General Management of Insomnia26 27. Sedatives Benzodiazepines Antipsychotics Hypnotics Antihistamines Zolpidem Benzodiazepines (rapid onset, short t1/2) Anxiolytics Benzodiazepines (acute) Antidepressants (chronic) 27 28. “NIDRA”28 29. What is nidra? “Nindyate iti nidra”(Sabdakalpadrumam) Avasthaa of mind: Jaagradavastha Svapnavastha Sushuptiavastha Tureeyavastha 29 30. Nidra-when and why? "यदा तु मनसिसि क्लान्ते कर्मार्मात् मानसः क्लमािन्विताः। िविषये भ् यो िनसवितर्मा न्ते तदा स्वििपितित मानसविः॥“ (च .सिु-२१ /३५ )30 31. Nidra- when and why? "ह्र्द यम् चे त नसास्थानसमुक्त म् सिुश्र त दे ि हिनसाम् || ु तनसास्थानसमुतमो िभिभिूतेतिस्मं स् तु िनसद्रा िविशतित दे ि हिनसम्॥िनसद्रहिे त स् तमः सित्विं बोधनसे हिे त रु च्यते ु ुस्विभिावि एविविा हिे त गर्मा रीयनस् पितिरकर्ीर्त्यर्मा ते ॥ ु(Su. Sha.-4/35) 31 32. According to vaagbhata "लोकर्ािद सिगर्मा प्रभिविा तमोमुल ा तमोमयी विाहिु ल्यात्तमसिो रात्रौ िनसद्रा प्राये नस जायते श्ले ष् मविृत्त ष ु े स्रोते सि ु श्रमाद ुपित रते ष ु च।इन्द्रिन्द्रये ष ु स्विकर्मर्मा भ्यो िनसद्रा िविशतित दे ि हिनसाम्॥ " (As.sa.su 9) 32 33. Types of nidra “ तमोभिविा श्ले ष् म सिमुद्भ विा च मनसशतरीर श्रम सिम्भिविा च आगन्तुकर् ीर् व्याध्यनसुवि ितर्मा नसी च् राित्र स्विभिावि प्रभिविा च िनसद्रा ||” (Ch.su21/58) 33 34. 3 Types of Nidra Vaishnavi Taamasi Vaikaariki34 35. Effects of Nidra “िनसद्रातु सिे ि विताकर्ाले ध ातु सिाम्यता इन्द्रिन्द्रत्विम् पितुि ष्टिम् विणर्मा म् बलोत्सिाहिम् वििह्निदीिप्ति कर्रोित िहि ||”(B.P.5/3-5) 35 36. Unhealthy Nidra habits ‘Divaasvapna’ ‘Raatrijaagarana’36 37. Anidra 37 38. Classification Svatantra Paratantra38 39. Anidra, not in all Vata rogas Diseases where the Shula (pain) exists Many psychic conditions39 40. Samprapti40 41. NidanaManasikaAharaja,Viharaja & AnyaIncreased VataIncreased pittaDecreased kaphaIncreased satvaKapha kshayaIncreased rajaDecreased TamaTama kshayaLack of Sleshma Tama avarana to Sanjnavaha srotaNidra Nasha41 42. Management External and Internal medicationPsychic management (Adravyachikitsa) Yoga42 43. Pharmacodynamics of Nidrajanana drugs 43 44. 44 45. 45 46. 46 47. 47 48. "िनसद्राश्ले ष् मतमभिविा“ Responsible Dosa for Anidra: Vata-Nidranasha Pitta-Alpanidra Nidrajanana Drug - Vata, Pitta samak 48 49. "ओजसिोमात्मकर् ……” (Ca.Su-17/76,77)49 50. 50 51. How madakari dravya induce sleep??"बुि द्धिलुम् पितित यद्द्र्व् यं मदकर्ािर तद ुच् यते ।तमोगुण प्रधानसं51च यथा मद्यं सिुर ािदकर्म्॥ " (शता .सिं .पितु-४ /२१ ) 52. Guna of Madakaari Dravya Laghu, Ushna, Rooksha, Teekshna, Khara etc गुरु शतीतं मृद ु िस्नसग्धं बहिलं मधुर ं िस्थरम्। प्रसिन्नं िपितिच्छिलं श्लक्ष्ण मोजो दशतगुणं स्मृत म्॥(च .िच -२४ )52 53. How madakari dravya induce sleep?? Visramsa: “सििन्धिविश्ले ष ो गात्रानसांसि दनसं दोषच्यविनसं षो िक्रियासििन्नरोधश्च िविस्रंसिे ॥ ”Vyapada: “स्तब्धगुरु गात्रताविातशतोफोविणर्मा भिे द ोग्लािनस स्तन्द्रा िनसद्राच व्यापितन्ने॥ ”Kshaya: “मूच् छिार्मामांांसि क्षयोमोहिः प्रलापितो मरणिमित च म क्षये ॥ ”(सिु.सिू-१५ ) 53 54. How madakari dravya induce sleep?? Madakari (Madya,Ahiphen etc) Acts on oja (By opposite guna) Visramsa(Displaced) Vyapada(Mixed with dosha) Nidraa(Vaikariki nidra) 54 55. Vikaasi Dravya सििन्धबन्धास्तुं िशतिथलान्यत्कर्रोित िविकर्िशत तत्॥िविश्ले ष् योजश्च धातुभ् यो यथा क्रिमुकर् कर्ोद्रविाः॥ (शता .प्र -४ /२० -२१ )Kramuka-Areca catechu(L.) Arecolin-Sedative 55 56. How milk induce sleep?? Shresta Nidraa janakam “.....पथ्यं वातपिपत्त िवकािरिणाम॥ " (च.सू-१) 56 57. How milk induce sleep?? Similar guna with oja Acts oja-ओजोविृद्धि ो िहि दे हि स्य तुि ष्टिपितुि ष्टिबलोदयो॥ ” (अ .िह .सिू-११ /४१ ) Acts on Kapha-Satva57 58. Mode of action of Nidraajanana Drugs Acts on tama-imbalance of oja-sleep Acts on kapha-oja-satva-sleep58 59. 59 60. Manasamitra Vataka “While the Clonazepam group saw a 67% improved disposition, the Manasamitra Vataka group experienced an average improvement of 73%. The group who also received Shirodhara therapy saw the most dramatic change, with a 91% improvement in symptoms”.(NIMHANS)60 61. Mode of drug selection Kapha vardhaka Satvaguna vardhaka61 62. Mode of drug selection Snigdha,Picchila-Sankhapuspi Madhura,Snigdha-Jathaamaansi Snigdha,Madhura,Sheeta-Kusmanda Sugandhi,Jivaniya,Rasayaniya 62 63. Mode of action of some common drugs 63 64. Table: Ayurvedic plants proved as sedative64 64 65. Table: Ayurvedic plants proved as sedative65 6502/25/14 66. Vatasamana Drugs66 67. Sarpagandha(Amalpori)Rouwolfia serpentina(Kuz.)"कफवातहरा िनदापदा हृद वसािदनी " (भा .प ) 67Family-Apocynaceae Rasa-Tikta,katu Guna-Ruksha Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Ushna Useful part-Root 68. Ashwagandha(Amukkuram) Withania somnifera(L) Family –Solanaceae Rasa-Katu,Tikta,Kasaya Guna-Laghu,Snigdha Veerya-Ushma Vipaka-Katu Useful part-Root"मारतिघ- मारतम् वातिवकारम् हिनत" (सो.िन) 68 69. Ashwagandha(Amukkuram) GABA mimetic action- Sedative -Anticonvulsive (Kulkarni SK, et al)Stress-induced changes of dopamine receptors in the corpus striatum.69(Upton R, ed: Amer Herbal Pharmacopoeia 2000:1-25.) 70. Jyotismati(Cherupunna) Celastrus paniculatus(L.) Family- Celastraceae Rasa-Katu,Tkta Guna-Ruksha,Tikshna Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Ushna Bha.Pra. “Vahnibuddhismritiprada” 70 02/25/14 71. Jathamansi(Jatamanci) Nardostachys grandiflora DC. Family-Valerianaceae Rasa-Tikta,Kasaya,Madhura Guna-Laghu,Snigdha Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Sheeta" मांसि स तितक्ता तकषाया तच तमेध् या त कािनतवलपदा " 71( भा . प . ) 72. Jathamansi(Jatamanci) Antidepressant activity: Norepinephrine (NE) Dopamine (DA) Serotonin (5-HT) 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) (Prabhu V et al) 72 73. Tagara(Tagaram) Valeriana officinalis Linn. Family-Valerianaceae Rasa-Tikta,Katu,Kasaya Guna-Laghu,Snigdha Veerya-Ushma Vipaka-Katu Karma-Kapha,Vata hara 73 74. Tagaram... Anxiolytic - 6-methylapigenin (MA) Sedative - glycoside 2S (-) hesperidin (HN) Glycoside linarin (LN) (Fernández et al) 74 75. Tagaram... INTERACTIONS: May potentiate the effect of alcohol CNS depressants Sedatives.75 76. Vachaa(Vayambu) Acorus calamus Linn. Family-Araceae Rasa-Katu,Tikta Guna-Laghu,Tikshna Veerya-Ushna Vipaaka-Katu76 77. Vachaa(Vayambu) Acorus oil - Sedative-tranquillizingaction Roots and Rhizomes CNS depressant Leaves analeptic/ CNS stimulant activity77 78. Pitta Samanam Drugs78 79. Brahmi (Nirbrahmi) Bacopa monnieri[Linn]Pennel Family-Scrophulariaceae Rasa-Tikta,Kasaya. Guna-Laghu,Sara Vipaka-Madhura Veerya-Sheeta Part use-Whole plant79"ब्रािह्मि ततु त िपिच्चिच्चिलायुष् यासरोनमादिवनािशिनिन“त त तत त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त त (सो .िन ) 80. Adverse reactions Gastrointestinal upset Nausea. Drowsiness. Brahmoside and brahminoside- sedative effects.80 81. Mandukaparni(Muttil) Centella asiatica (Linn). Family-Apiaceae Rasa-Tikta,Kasaya,Madhura Guna-Laghu Vipaka-Madhura Veerya-Sheeta "मनडू कपिच्चिणिका तलव्धी तस्वादु पिच्च ाका तिहमा तसरा“त (शिना .िन ) 81 82. ShankhapuspiClitoria ternatea Linn. Rasa-Tikta,Katu,KasayaRasa-TiktaGuna-Teekshna,LaghuGuna-Snigdha,PicchilaVipaka-KatuVipaka-MadhuraVeerya-Sheeta 82Convolvulus plauricaulis Linn.Veerya-Sheeta 83. Shankhapuspi83 84. Madakari Drugs84 85. Dhatura(Ummath) Datura stramonium Linn. Family-Solanaceae Rasa- Tikta,Katu Guna- Laghu,Ruksha Veerya-Ushma Vipaka-Katu 85"उनमत -मदकृ त्वात् त इतित तउनमत "(िन .आ ) 86. Bhangaa Cannabis sativa Linn. Family-Cannaacebinae Rasa-Tikta Guna-Laghu,Teekshna Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Ushna Prabhava-Madakari 86 87. Some Common Drugs We Can Use 87 88. Harichandanam(Manaranjitam) Artabortys hexapetalus (L.F) Family- Annonaceae Leaves is proved sedative88 02/25/14 89. Parasikayavani(Amukkiram) Hyocyamus niger Linn. Family- Solanaceae Rasa-Tikta,Katu,Kasaya Guna-Rooksha,Guru Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Ushna Prabhava-Madakari Kapha,Vatahara Useful part-Seed,Leaves,Flower 89 90. Lajjalu(Thottavati) Mimosa pudica Linn. Family-Mimosaceae Rasa-Kasaya,Tikta Guna-Laghu,Ruksha Vipaka-Katu Veerya- Sheeta Useful part- Root,Leaves "लजावती मुल िविलप पािणः ....गृह ाित सपारन ् भमतो अितघोरान्” (राजमातरन ड ) 90 91. Saptaparnah(Elilampala) Alstonia scholaris Linn. Family- Apocynaceae Rasa-Tikta,Kasaya Guna-Laghu,snigdha Vipaka-Katu Veerya- Ushna Tridosa shamana (Ra.Ni) 91 92. Vrikkabeejah(Kasumaavu) Anacardium occidentale( L.) Shaaligraam Nighantu - Snigdha - Kasaya,Madhuram - Kaphavaataharam92Essential oil of the plant is sedative 93. Mustaka(Mutthanga) Cyperus rotundus(Linn.) Family-Cyperaceae Rasa-Tikta,Katu,Kasayam Guna-Laghu.Ruksha Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Sheeta Kapha,Pitta hara Ni.Ra-Medhya 93 94. Vrikshaadani Viscus album (L.) Family-Loranthaceae Bha.PraTikta,Kasaya,Madhura Rasa Sheeta Veeryam94 95. Gandhatrina(Inchippollu) Cymbopogon citratus(B.C) Family-Poaceae Bha.Pra.Ni-Katu,Tikta Rasa Laghu,Ruksha-Guna Katu-Vipaka Ushna-Veerya Kaphasamana95 96. Passion fruit• Passiflora incarnata(L.) • Family-Passifloraceae • Whole plant-Sedative 96 97. Elaa Elettaria cardamomum(Maton) Family-Scitaminae Rasa-Katu,Madhuram Guna-Laghu,Ruksha,Sukshma Veerya-Sheeta Vipaka-Katu (Bha.Pra.Ni)97 98. Scope of research98 99. Yastimadhu(Iratti madhuram) Glycyrrhiza glabra(Linn.) Family-Fabaceae Rasa-Madhura Guna-Guru,Snigdha Vipaka- Madhura Veerya-Sheeta Tridosa haram (Bha.Pra Ni) 99 100. Jiraka(Jirakam) • Cuminum cyminum(Linn.) • Family-Umbelliferae • Dhn.Ni- Manognam Hridyam • Kai.Ni- Medhyam100 101. Varttaki(Vazhuthina) Solanum melongena(Linn) Family-Solanaceae Ra.Ni- Nidralu Rasa-Madhura Guna-Laghu,Teekshna Vipaka-Katu Veerya-Ushna101 102. Upodika(Vasalachira) Basella alba(Linn.) Family-Basellaceae (Bha.Pra. & Kai.Ni,Atreya)- Kapha bardhanam,Vatasamaka Hanti madam Nidralu 102 103. Changeri(Puliyarel) Oxalis corniculata(Linn.) Family-Oxalidaceae Rasa-Amla,Kasaya Guna-Laghu,Ruksha Veerya-Ushna Vipaka-Amla Kapha, Vataharam(Bha.Pra.Ni) (Dh.Ni) 103 104. Scope of research…. The bandanging of the root of Kakamachi or Kakajangha or Apamarga or Kokilaksha or suparnika (Bakuchi) with hair. (Ha. Sam. & B.P.) 104 105. Scope of Research… Use of bronze vessel The use of banana leaf (Ha. Sam.).105 106. Conclusion Nidra is natural physiological process Mode of action of Nidrajanana drugs two way Nidrajanana should process kapha,oja,satva vardhak property 106 107. Bibliography 1. 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