NA Haris' Election Nomination Affidavit

April 6, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Real Estate
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1. INDIA NON JUDICIALGovernment of Karnatakae-StampCertificate No. : IN-KA69373333833870LCertificate Issued Date : 12-Apr-2013 03:00 PMAccount Reference : SHCIL (FI)/ ka-shcil/ JC ROAD/ KA-BAUnique Doc. Reference : SUBIN-KAKA-SHCIL04290251076775LPurchased by: SRI N A HARISDescription of Document : Article 4 AffidavitDescription : AFFIDAVITConsideration Price (Rs.) : 0(Zero)First Party : SRI N A HARISSecond Party : NAStamp Duty Paid By : SRI N A HARISStamp Duty Amount(Rs.) : 20(Twenty only) .• ot touia C o h7f- ivc Please write or type below this r ,t z 4-f GovTI OF 1NDIA Form 26iii :VOTARYi,ANLiALORE. (See rule 4A) No. 1351Affidavit to be filled by the candidate along with nomination paperbefore the returning officer for election to LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLfrom SHANTINAGAR CONSTITUENCY. cp,!4c PP* ; ;Statuatory Alert:! The authenticiiy of the Stamp Certificate can he verified at Authorised Collection Centers (ACCs). SHCIL Office .eng§. riatLar 2. PART - A I, Mr. N A HARTS, son of N.A. Mohammed, aged 46 years, resident of NalapadHouse, No. 23, Magarath Road, 1 Cross, BANGALORE-560025, a candidate at theabove Election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:1. I am a candidate set up by INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS.2. My name is enrolled in SHANTHINAGAR CONSTITUENCY, KARNATAKA STATE at Serial No. 819 in Part No. 43. My contact telephone numbers are 9900009232, 080 25131900, 080 25561385 and my e-mail id (if any) is naharisshanthinagar(4mail.com4. Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income Tax return :The financial Total incomeyear for whichh Names shown in IncomeNo.PANthe last Income tax return tax return has((in rupees) been filed1 N.A. Haris - Self. ACXPN 9590RF.Y. 2011-1249,98,10,230.002 Thahira Haris - Spouse.AAVPH 4874LF.Y. 2011-12 66,260.003 Nalapad Mohammed HarisANRI3N14951N.A. N.A.- Son (Dependent - 1)4 Nalapad Omar Farook Haris N.A.N.A.N.A.- Son (Dependent - 2)5 Nalapad Ayesha Haris -N.A.N.A.N.A.Daughter (Dependent - 3)6 Nalapad Suraiya Haris - N.A.N.A.N.A.Daughter (Dependent - 4)5. I am not accused of any offence(s) punishable with imprisonment for two years or morein a pending case(s) in which a charge(s) has/have been framed by the court(s) ofcompetent jurisdiction.If the deponent is accused of any such offence(s) he shall furnish the followinginformation:i. The following case(s) is/are pending against me in which charges have been framed by the court for an offence punishable with imprisonment for two yearsmore :Page 2 of 24 3. a. Case/First Information Report No./Nos together withN.A complete details of concerned Police Station/District/ Stateb. Sections(s) of the concerned Act(s) and shortN.A description of the offence(s) for which chargedc. Name of the Court, Case No. and date of order taking N.A cognizance:d. Court(s) which framed the charge(s)N.Ae. Date(s) on which the charge(s) was/were framed N.Af. Whether all or any of the proceeding(s) have beenN.A stayed by any court(s) of competent jurisdiction ii. The following case(s) is/are pending against me in which cognizance has been taken by the Court (other than the cases mentioned in item (i) above) :a. Name of the Court, Case No. and date of Order taking N.A cognizance :b. The details of cases where the court has takenN.A cognizance, section(s) of the Act(s) and description of the offence(s) for which cognizance takenc. Details of Appeals(s)/Application(s) for revision (if anyN.A filed against the above order(s).6. I have not been convicted of an offence(s) (other than any offence(s) referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), or covered in sub-section (3), of section 8 of theRepresentation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951) and sentenced to imprisonment forone year4 or more. If the deponent is convicted and punished as aforesaid, he shall furnish the following information: In the following cases, I have been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment by a court of law: a.The details of cases, Sections(s) of the concerned Act(s)N.A and description of the offence(s) for which convicted : b.Name of the Court(s), Case No. and date(s) of order(s):N.A c.Punishment imposed : N.A14 44Whe,ther any appeal was/has been filed against theN.A-- iviction order. If so, details and the present status of the.i,„_.! i.peal:,Page 3 of 24 4. 7. That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) ofmyself, my spouse and all dependents :A. DETAILS OF MOVABLE ASSETS. (AS ON 28.02.2013)Note: 1 Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be givenNote: 2 In case of deposit/Investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, Date of Deposit, the Scheme, Name of the Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given Note: 3 Value of Bonds/Share/Debentures as per the current market value in Stock Exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non- listed companies should be given Note: 4 Dependent here has the same meaning as assigned in Explanation (v) undersection 75A of the Representation of People Act, 1951 Note: 5 Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment Sr. Description DetailsSelf Spouse Dependent Children No.N.A. HARIS Thahira Haris 1 23 4 ICash in Hand1,55,700.0020,000.00Nil Nil NilNil II.Details of depositsSAVING DEPOSITSNIL NILNILNILin bank accounts 1. Axis Bank,(FDRs, Term5580101000217394,79,246.02N/ 4 A)4 le rz, Atr2 iii 7 2_Deposit and allChamarajpet, Blore.other types of 2. Canara Bank,deposits including 661568.528.00/ 1 L*/2, ,k(z - r -11-- 4 /1_saving accounts).Kadri Road, MangaloreDeposit with 3. Corporation Bank, A( (ZNil71f/L-fi nancial CLSB 01/970001 17,261.50/Y /.2-,14V(e-Institutions, Nonbanking Financial Mysore .,,,e/ e li, i_ N I. N 11- 4. Corporation Bank2,),, / 2.. .Companies and 33,620.00 SB 01/1346 (Mysore)cooperative5. The Karnataka Statesocities and theN /Z--f (-_, Co-operative Apex IVe--amount in each Bank Ltd. 2028242,24,768.007(" ‘--N r Z-_.depositVidhana Soudha Branch, Bangalore. iv. (z__ pat.(. e L. 6. Vijaya Bank, 10881 Residency Road,15,40,127.65 k( i---. A) ) 2_, Bangalore 9./ i L_ li i L-- 7. Vijaya Bank, 484 1 ,6 1_ 5,31,373.05 /V et—,/ I t--- NIL_ /vit._ Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of NIL_NILNI L Nj (L /vit.__purchase1,300.00 Any investment on the land by way of development, NI LrviL AM-NIL (VI (— construction etc.No Approximate current market value/0/ (----1,430.00 N LNIL,1-0 t 1.-- IbIL 10. KASARGOD Location(s)NIL Thekkil, KasargodNILNILNIL NIL Survey number(s) 1,..., I L 121/3N IL /u IL f.) IL AqL Area (total measurement in acres) A. 1 (... 1 Acre 2 centsNI L.NIL-0111— 1-3/L Whether inherited property (Yes or No)rr ) C.._Gift receivedrviLNIL "IL mIC Date of purchase in case of self acquired property/V/ L. Not applicablery i LN l(--N/ L--rug_ Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of A)) L A) i Lr-)/t--ivi C.r v IL_purchase Not applicable Any investment on the land by way of development,NIL_ NIr.Ni L") I LruiLL construction etc.No Approximate current market i,..,1 L N K._yv IL r) ILMC__ value35,000.00 11. KASARGOD Location(s)NIL Hosabettu, Kasargod NILNIL NIL NIL Survey number(s)NI L110 NIL Mt--NIL (viz_ Area (total measurement in acres) NIL 2 acre 22 cents Nil L /N) 1 LA.) i (...A../1 L Whether inherited property (Yes or No) NILNo N IL CV l L.-AJE t__NM C_ Date of purchase in case of self acquired property NI L25.3.1992 r-) IC Ng--iviLrvl (- Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of iv) LNi L_purchase 59,000.00 1- L" wit_ N IL_ Any investment on the land by way of development,N/ C.Iv L NIL.tot L"IC construction etc.No Approximate current marketf-) / C. N IL value * ‘.7.4, ..64,900.00NILv LL iv) -....-X- -.,._ Page 14 of 24 15. Oae12. KASARGODLocation(s) NIL Hosabettu, Kasargod NIL NILNIL NILSurvey number(s)N ILnori ILNIL-NIL An t_Area (total measurement inacres) (.) I 4_ 1 AcreN It__NIL "IL NILWhether inherited property(Yes or No) NIL No NILNIL_ AM_ NILDate of purchase in case ofNI Cself acquired propertyrDI I-2.11.1993NILNI L- f-)Ii-Cost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time ofNILA IL lu ILOILNILpurchase 60,000.00Any investment on the landw IL/N) /C_t-. Ni NILby way of development,ft) ILconstruction etc. NoApproximate current marketvalue A., 1 1- 66,000.00 NILiki / L---/ ill— A) I (._13. TELICHERYLocation(s)NILTelicherry, KasargodNILNILNIL NILSurvey number(s) IV I L 27 CentsNIL-IV 11- NU_NHLArea (total measurement inacres) /VI cGifted (1/6th Share) AA_N I (..- NILr,... 1 LWhether inherited propertyNot Applicable /.._)/Ly‘.) IL-aV i C_ N )(-(Yes or No)NILDate of purchase in case of Not Applicable NIL NIL_ A) IL_ ►o //_,self acquired property NI LCost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time of (‘-)1C-NoA)/L Nj c__.» C NI C.purchaseAny investment on the landby way of development,(‘) 1 L 120,000.00 NILNILAJ/L_ /U /Lconstruction etc.Approximate current market NI Telicherry, Kasargod f1.) IL. 14 L 1.5 )LL tiJ) Lvalue14. BOODIGERELocation(s) NILBangalore NILNIL NIL NILSurvey number(s)NIL SY No.51/3N IL N ILMt_(NILArea (total measurement inacres)i ) I L 1 Acre 26 guntasNILA.)/ Lr_,I LNILWhether inherited property(Yes or No)(I ) l No /I I---A-, IL-N 1 1_Date of purchase in case of IV I Cself acquired property28.10.2006 Nil L1-)1 (-- A) 1 C- NIL_ ‘kRiSFY71,Cost of Land (in case of / 1.,(.!%NI (-im Cpurchase) at the time of , t , 0 , cly (.20//7.1 - / 61,085,000 1)11-- JO) Lpurchase P., • Opp,Any investment on the land :- : ,.■ 0 r. /V / -by way of development, :L I 646:4 I Ni C NIL 1j/LAn(construction etc. No , < .:NoApproximate current mark4,,tp4 3 Itvalue 145- IV . 1))t--Oit-A)) t.-/U iLN = iti- Coov• 1,193,500 "-- Page 15 of 24 16. 15. VODERAPURALocation(s)NIL BangaloreNILNIL NIL NILSurvey number(s) ON) I C Sy. No. 13 NI) L/UR- r-,/LAi/ C_Area (total measurement inacres)IV 1 L.3 Acres 1 Gunta /.) LLNIL A- "(-- N1 4--Whether inherited property(Yes or No)iviLNoNI Lto ILNILlog-Date of purchase in case ofself acquired property A) 1 L-27.11.2006NIL AJILN/ L- Na_Cost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time of IVI L.- IJ IL NI (_ NI L /V /(.._purchase3,800,000Any investment on the landby way of development,fJIL NILNIL fiiLNILconstruction etc.NoApproximate current marketvalue NI L4,180,000Na-- NILN) I LNILII. NON- AGRICULTURAL LANDSNIL NilNil Nil Nil 1. HAL - 1 Location(s)Bangalore - south N L (-- NI C-cv / LNI L 1 A 1C Survey number(s) 428 - GIV 1 L NIL NIL. A)14__ro) L. Area (total measurement in 1200 sq ft MC_ sq fts)NIA- Ni(---niLf■JIL_ Whether inherited propertyNoAil L (Yes or No) NIL iv )c_A-)/t_,u!(- Date of purchase in case of20. .1994 10 self acquired property N IL-ru ILIva-K.,IC_ tv li._ Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of94,960.00 NILNIL ti 1 1_.KJ il. purchase NIL Any investment on the land I,) 1 c NIL4•3 t LNi L. by way of development, Noi,) L construction etc. Approximate current market value104,456.00AM_11 (—P-,11-- P-, Li-) IL 2. HAL - 1 Location(s)Bangalore South NILNIL NILNIL NIL Survey number(s) 424 - BN a_NILAi /LAi/ L A)1 L Area (total measurement in sq fts) 2400 sq ft NILNU..NI L_ NI Lfu IL Whether inherited property (Yes or No)No/.., I L r‘- 11- NIL r`-1 L rte- Date of purchase in case of self acquired property 20.10.1994NILN) C loiLGil LNi L Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time ofN 0-- /•/ Lr-, ILA) I L___purchase 218,020.00 iv 1 L Any investment on the land by way of development, construction e NoWC__ ,0 IL iwc__A711,ioll... Approxi I . ell . tri*Nkii-iaftcetkjk. value ) 239,822.00n) )(...-Nit ._/v/L.. NILo tri4` _ .IV )1-NIL p )/1)/C_ Ai 1L Page 16 of 24 17. 3. HAL - 1Location(s)Nil Bangalore NilNilNilNilSurvey number(s) 1356/724A NILNtCN L- N k-N 1 I--. N /NI /I--Area (total measurement in 5150 sq.ft NI L-N /I-sq fts)NIL_inI i t.--Whether inherited propertyN)L P11 1- i I L"l7..) I L.-(Yes or No)Date of purchase in case of 27.10.1990NIL NIL. N rt._ l1 i I-self acquired propertyN1 1 1--Cost of Land (in case of 1,24,330.00N I L_/1/4) 1 L- N I L /4 it"purchase) at the time of VI Ipurchase. stli L..-NILAny investment on the landf-i ) 1-owl—r,1 11___by way of development,construction etc. rI / L ✓Approximate current market 1,36,763.00/..111--/,1 1 I- NINI 1-----value4. BELUR NAGASANDRALocation(s)NILBangaloreNILNILNIL NILSurvey number(s)NIL ✓ Sy. No. 24/2, 22/3 N I L- N1 t__ kll 1-ts1 /-Area (total measurement in /NI I C. 24 GuntasN 1 1 L-/111-sq fts) NICIL- 0`I/1-Whether inherited propertyN 1 L.- vi t L,N II-N No(Yes or No)Date of purchase in case of 17.3.2003 IL N I L-NIL---)N11self acquired property N 1 (---- (1/2 Share)Cost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time of N I L-- 289,940.00 Nit..N I 1-N I1-iki 1 L-purchaseAny investment on the landN I L.N ) L. p.1 1 1-/11 L-") )1--by way of development, Noconstruction etc.Approximate current market N I 1.--318,934.00 N / L-NILN1 i- 7Q/1--value5. BELUR NAGASANDRALocation(s) NIL Bangalore NILNIL NIL NILSy. No. 22/14,rsi 1LNILNIL- N I L--. 1•3 /(---iSurvey number(s)22/16, 22/17Area (total measurement in1.) 1 L_ //4 / L._INII 1--NIL- N II-1 Acres 6 Guntassq fts)Whether inherited property I1 .--Ni _ C.tik-- NIL" No N I [-(Yes or No)MUSAiA,Date of purchase in case of Qs v 5.3.1994pl 1 L.pi/ 1_ ,11 t._/4 "---• N 1 1--- ( 1/4 th Share)self acquired property 40 OV ,N, /__Cost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time of*M , 4/6"k A `-4N T / -4 216,150.00 /•J 11.P I t- /411--purchase A, allopPVAny investment on the Ian - ?1No, / it .0 1 L- .*7/No 011 i1/8) I 1-PI I I-by way of development,vj 3, 7.1€construction etc.r ,•7 .r.o.,,-Approximate current marketM. t... 001 ,.Y.- -237,765.00Nu-pa_.rill-- °Q11--value17-17;-- Page 17 of 24 18. 6. BELUR NAGASANDRALocation(s) NIL Bangalore NIL NIL NIL NILSurvey number(s)NI I-- Sy. No. 23/6.1,l, L-iN / L pl ) L-- /4 ) (-Area (total measurement insq fts) /NI ) l.-- 26 Guntas N ILN I L- N u-N 1 L.-Whether inherited property1■I 71- NoN ILN/ -- 1411(Yes or No)NL-Date of purchase in case of N 1 I.,3.3.1994/1 It, /4 I Lpit—Ni l—self acquired property(1/4 th Share)Cost of Land in case of N IL14 1 Lpurchase) at the time ofN 1 t---120,795.00 11I-)11 1".purchaseAny investment on the landby way of development,ri 1 1- No/..11 1.- /o t., Al / L N ) I-construction etc.Approximate current market$,/ 1 (......value132,874.50 /.1 1 L-// / L-■Ail L.1°1-.7. BELUR NAGASANDRA Location(s)NILBangalore NIL NILNILNIL Survey number(s) Sy. No. 22/13, 23/5 0,))1.-N 1 t__ /..I I i...N IL., N I C. Area (total measurement in kl /t_ N )1-NHL" pl t-27 GuntasFit l_. sq fts) Whether inherited property „i it_,)11.-- N1 No 7 .i 1 L N I /-— (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of N 1 t.... 5.3.1994/■1!I-041 I- /1/4)11-self acquired property(1/4 th Sharel1111-Cost of Land (in case of i___ i,A1/1---. purchase) at the time ofN -I138,065.00 iI )1_ NILiI ) purchaseAny investment on the landby way of development, ,011.--No91) t- PI1-1111- /) I L--construction etc.Approximate current marketNi t,N it_N 1 L.) 1.---value 151,87 1.50 N ( (-8. CHALLAGHATTALocation(s) NIL Bangalore NIL NIL NILNILSurvey number(s) N t-- Sy. No. 75 N I t. N1Ll•-1 1 c-- PiIArea (total measurement in741 l-/.3 l,NIL-N)L--fl tsq fts) 9 GuntasWhether inherited property,L itNilLpi ) L.101--rIrm-(Yes or No)NoDate of purchase in case of NIL Pi ll--self acquired property N IL.NIIN ”- 25.06.1994Cost of Land (in case ofpurchase) at the time of 1.1 I LN ILNILN1-Nipurchase 2,60,040.00Any investment on the landby way of development, NIL--Nit,. wt..,NIL_IllI--construction etc.NoApproximate current market 0 I u-2,86,044.001,i I L-ir I (___N I t___ i-1 I 1.---value.10Y * *r re u..1 cr(. 1 F e-. Page 18 of 24 19. III. COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS (INCLUDING APARTMENTS)1. NALAPAD CHAMBERSLocation(s)Bangalore NILNIL NILNIL NILSurvey number(s) 22N i 1- NI L N I- L.NI L_ A) I L.-Area (total measurement in NI I---- NHL_iI / L.-V1 1 L._sq fts)2618 sq ft vIII- /NJ / L-Built-up Area (toatlNINIL_ NIL- Ni t--measurement in sq. ft.)6700 sq ftLWhether inherited property NIL-NIL N I L- PU1-(Yes or No)No N I I--Date of purchase in case of31.10.1996 & /01 L. /•Il I--f") 11-- 111 (-NI 1 Lself acquired property 5.11.1996Cost of Property (in case ofPi L._NILNi I- Al I l-purchase) at the time ofPi I I-purchase 1,604,320.00Any investment on theProperty by way ofdevelopment, construction I`NIL plN IL. iNi (-etc. 3,985,120.00Approximate current market 6,148,384.00 tll I--- j i ILNIL AN I-Nli-,value 2. SHOPPING ARCADEMahadevpuram, NILNIL NILNIL NIL Location(s) Bangalore NIL-NI I.fIt -- NI Survey number(s) N.A. P1L- Area (total measurement inNu_ Nit_ Ntt_NIL sq fts)N.A. Nl- Built-up Area (toatl IQ 1 1_ ,NIL/..1 t I..- 011 1--NIL measurement in sq. ft.)18510 sq ft /1 i I- NIL. Whether inherited property /0 I L- N 11- (Yes or No) NoN1 L--fJIL.til l- Date of purchase in case of1.411- NU - NI I- self acquired property31.3.2012 Cost of Property (in case of purchase) at the time of Nit- NIL-VII-- ` 1 111- Pji I- purchase25,962,500.00 Any investment on the Property by way ofNi l- N tit-. ,Ni L-N 11-- N H -- development, construction etc.No Approximate current market value 28,558,750.00 NI I---NIL--N I L-01I --bfPL__ 3. SUMMIT A and SUMMIT BMahadevpuram,NIL NIL NILNIL NIL Location(s) BangaloreN1 l.WI.N I 1-11)1--N t L-- Survey number(s) N.A. Area (total measurement in K RISNI L. NIL-N I L. _ NIL sq fts)52483 sq ftI Built-up Area (toatl / (ZIA 0 . , i_ Ala_,- , L A) if`H 1-- measurement in sq. ft.) 213693.5 sq ftMci: m1L_NIL__ Whether inherited property 84 • /4 -I (Yes or No) No 7 lop .2 N i t_ A) I L-—■;1 $ 5 ,,,,_ ,n)t_ Date of purchase in case of self acquired property31.3.2012 «. ii-- o,,/, , Ant_ NIL- Cost of Property (in case of ‘`,■•---... -- C 0 M. il- .1N )L,N) Lr‘i )1--- purchase) at the time of purchase 320,540,250.00 N I L-- /J I u" Page 19 of 24 20. Any investment on theProperty by way of Liiit- fi)1.N11-- N t (-development, construction etc.NoApproximate current market/.3 /.L.- N I L. wt-N) I_NIL_value352,594,275.00 iv.RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (INCLUDING APARTMENTS)1. KASARGOD RESIDENCE Location(s)Kizoor Village NIL NILNILNILNIL Survey number(s) y. No. 17N I I- 71 1 L Ni 1_N I L._ PI 4- Built-up Area (total NI L// I L-NIL_ n1 /L_ measurement in sq. ft.) Under Construction N I I- Whether inherited propertyN 1 .., N i L-An I-- A I / I- (Yes or No)Gifted1•1 I 1_ Date of purchase in case of NI L Nil-nit--0.) I L N1G self acquired property Hiba1),D 1_, /■.) J L NI L.,Mt-- Cost of Land a - I) j..) I L. Any investment on the land by way of development,pi- ti_etI L LNIL13 I t- construction etc.4,391,688.00 iN )L-e- Approximate current market N I L-NIL NILNtt-N I Z--- value4,830,856.802. FLAT AT MUMBAI Location(s) Oshiwara, AndheriNilNil Nil Nil Nil Survey number(s) 41t--4 t L N IL j.) i 1_NI L-/,) /L-- Built-up Area (toatl NILNIL.ri"-- N i l-- measurement in sq. ft.) 802 sq. ft. N L Whether inherited propertyNIL 1) L )LN I I- IN) I (-- (Yes or No) No Date of purchase in case of IN i L p1Lpi I u ,N I L.rI H.__. self acquired property17.2.2003 Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time ofp 1 L.).1 1 L N I L., N 1 I--- NIL purchase 1,411,977.00 Any investment on the land by way of development,Nil N) L11 I Li) I L I 11 IN) i 1-- construction etc. Approximate current market value1,553,174.70 N I I-NIL- GUtL- Alk)/(____ N IL Others (such as interest inNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL property) Total of Current Market395,621,068.7070,35,252.50NILNIL NILNIL Value of (I) to (V) above8. I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and Government :- As on 28/02/2013.SelfSpouse Dependent ChildrenSr. NalapadDescriptionDetails NalapadNalapadNalapadNo. ThahiraOmar N.A. HARTS Mohd. Ayesha Suraiya HarisHas nFarook HarisHaris Haris(i)Loan or dues toNILNILNIL NILNILNIL Bank/financial14 n- institution(s) Name ._ of the Bank or IA Y ,/ • ,financial institu Iv. _ 4-i• N•Page 20 of 24 21. Amount outstanding,PJ • 1)-N AN r)".1. A. 00ri , 6P/ /9- Nature of Loan Loan or dues to anyLoans taken8,50,000.00 NIL NIL NILNIL NIL other individuals/N.A. Rehana entity other thanFathima mentioned above Name(s), Amount outstanding, nature of Loan Any other LiabilityLease Deposit Received NIL NIL NILNIL NILCapgemini Business2,04,06,000.00Services (I) Ltd., NIL /.)/ L NILNIL1114--- Tower ACapgemini Business1,17,15,800.00Ai H._ Nt I, IV 1 1--1411-Services (I) Ltd., iN) I (--- Tower bJubilant Food Works9,52,320.00 Nit_ I 1 1 1.- 11 1 1-f`i I (-- 14 )(-"Silhouette 3,61,080.00 t1 / (____MI_ 1 0 1L- NIL- N i z---Strata Retail &2,36,000.00/ 11 L- Al 1 L.-NIL ,In--Technology Services11 1.-1Pvt. Ltd.,Chit Funds PayableSouhardha ChitNIL /Vitt- N I I-- l) k-AS - 1 4,00,000.00N IL(Ticket No. 22)Souhardha ChitAS - 1is/ L._/.) It-- /1/1-/41(-(Ticket No. 8A)4,00,000.00 N ILCapital Accountbalance ofPartnership firm NI t---Am__ pJ I Lr)11- NIL-- 12,240.80Nalapad Kadal3,53,33,440.80 NIL NIL NIL NILNIL Grand total of liabilities(ii) Government dues: Dues to DepartmentsNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL dealing with government accommodation Dues to Department dealing with supply ofNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL water Dues to Department dealing with supply ofNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL electricity Dues to Department dealing with supply ofNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL telephones/ mobiles Dues to Department dealing with government transport (including aircraftsNILNIL NIL NIL NILNIL and helicopters) , c1/4•KR7s, Income tax dues Nt•-• M/„, NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL11 Wealth tax dues Q). • GOky. NILNIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Service tax dues * / . C NILNIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Municipal/Property A es 6 4 ,0/4 .134NILNIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Sales Tax dues ? /1,.„...... ,9 *13 X NIL: 0 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 1 1 .?si9e T Any other dues NILNIL NIL NIL NIL NIL• A, AL `0 .: . .. NILNIL NIL NIL NIL NIL-c1 .c0 „1. v • . .7 :Page 21 of 24 22. (iii) Grand total of all Government duesN 1 t- /..7 1 L__ "I L Nit_ NlWhether any other liabilities are in dispute,(iv)if so, mention the amount involved, and the NIL NIL NIL NILNIL NILauthority before which it is pending 9. Details of Profession or occupation; a. Self -Managing DirectorNalapad Group of Companies b. Spouse -House Wife10. My educational qualification is as under : SI. Class/Course Studied Name of the School/Period from No.University 01, Master of Arts in HistoryKarnataka State Open University, Mysore2005 - Page 22 of 24 23. PART B11.ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) of PART A :1Name of the Candidate N.A. HARIS2Full Postal Address No. 23, Nalapad House, Magarath Road, 1st Cross, BANGALORE 5600253Number and Name of the Constituency and State 163, Shanthinagar, Karnataka State.4Name of the Political Party which set up the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS candidate (otherwise write Independent)5. i. Total number of pending cases where charges Not Applicable have been framed by the court for offences punishable with imprisonment for two years or more ii. Total Number of pending cases where the court Not Applicable (s) have taken cognizance (other than the cases mentioned in item (i) above. 6.Total number of cases in which convicted and Not Applicable sentenced to imprisonment for one year or more (except for offences referred in sub section (1), (2) or (3) of section 8 of Representation of the People Act, 1961) Year for which Total income7. , last IncomeN( (Y) / - PANshownTax Returnfiled a) N.A. Haris - Candidate ACXPN 9590R F.Y. 2011-1249,98,10,230.00 b) Thahira Haris - Spouse.AAVPH 4874L F.Y. 2011-12 66,260.00 c) Nalapad Mohammed ANRPN1495J N.A.N.A. Haris - Son (Dependent - 1) d) Nalapad Omar FarookN.A. N.A.N.A. Haris - Son (Dependent - 2) e) Nalapad Ayesha Haris - N.A. N.A.N.A. Daughter (Dependent - 3) f) Nalapad Suraiya Haris -N.A. N.A. N.A. Daughter (Dependent - 4) 8. Details of Assets and Liabilities in RupeesDescriptionSelfSpouse Dependent Children N.A. HarisThahira Haris 1 2 3 4 A. Movable Assets(Total Value) 912,045,661.23 17,637,399.60 3,220,892.00 1,945,417.00100,000.00 bl, JS I movable Assetpn ,,. j. 4;, ase price of self ;351,060,689.00863,605.00 NIL NIL NIL Nil`11/7: ,, a iptvi ed Immovablerrs c-. ,4r tY14G/13 Page 23 of 24 24. iiDevelopment/constru 8,376,808.00 NILNILNILNIL Nil ction cost of immovable property after purchase (if applicable) iii.Approximate Current Market Price of - a. self acquired assets (Total value)395,621,068.707,035,252.50 NILNILNIL Nil b. inherited assets (Total value)NIL NILNILNILNIL Nil9. Liabilities i. Government dues (Total)NIL NILNILNILNIL Nil ii. Loans from Bank, financial Institutions and others (Total) 3,53,33,440.80NILNILNILNIL Nil10 Liabilities that are under dispute: Government dues i.(total) NilNil Nil NilNil Nil Loans from Bank, financial Institutions ii. and others (Total)NilNil Nil NilNil Nil 11. Highest Educational Qualification : Sl. Class/Course StudiedName of the School/UniversityPeriod from No.01, Master of Arts in History Karnataka State Open University, Mysore 2005VERIFICATION I, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I further declare that: a. There is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned initems 5 and 6 of Part A and B above; b. I, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than thosementioned in items 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8, 9 and 10 of Part B above.Verified at Bangalore, this the Fifteenth day of April Two Thousand Thirteen (15/04/2013). SWO N TO BEFOREME ty t1,1 ; _ _ >fki, :S•B.K.R.rishnwilurthy ADVCC;;TE A!!i) NOTARY Reg. rN1o. :13.:"0., GOVT. OF INDIACity Court Complex, Bangalore-9Page 24 of 24


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