Molecularly imprinted polymer as a solid phase extractor in flow analysis

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Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Talanta journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com Review Molecu A.C.B. Di a Institute of Ch b Centro de Ene a r t i c l Article history: Received 26 M Received in re Accepted 20 M Available onlin Keywords: Flow analysis Molecularly im Solid phase ex Contents 1. Introd 2. MIPs: 3. In-line MISPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990 3.1. MIP as a flow through sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992 3.2. MIP as in-line solid phase extractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 994 4. Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 Ackno Refer 1. Introdu Theflow chemical an cedures are sample con simplicity a tialities of t Flow inj aliquot into inating a r dispersion towards det sequence o ∗ Correspon E-mail add 0039-9140/$ – doi:10.1016/j.t wledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 ences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 ction system is an important tool in the context of automated alysis. Cumbersome, slow and complex analytical pro- transformed in elegant and simple protocols. Minimal tamination, fast analysis, improved system ruggedness, nd flexibility have been considered as the main poten- hese systems [1,2]. ection analysis [3] utilizes the insertion of a sample an unsegmented flowing carrier stream (Fig. 1), orig- eproducible sample zone that undergoes continuous while being transported through the analytical path ection. Mixing of the sample with the reagents is a con- f the continuous dispersion processduring its transport ding author. Tel.: +55 19 35212133; fax: +55 19 35213023. ress: [email protected] (A.C.B. Dias). along the analytical path,where the chemical species are converted to detectable products to be monitored during sample passage through the detector. The analytical signal, ideally proportional to the analyte content in the sample, is then recorded. In this way, the flow injection system was considered as “the art of playing analytical chemistry inside narrow-bored tubing” [4], allowing the implementation of numerous analytical procedures. The degree of automation of the flow systems has under- gone amazing increase, especially after the inception of sequential injection analysis [5]. The related flow analyzer comprises a multi- position valve able to select the sample and reagent aliquots to be sequentially aspirated towards the holding coil (Fig. 1b). After flow reversal, the sample zone is directed towards detec- tion. Other accessories and devices for sample preparation, such as thermostatic baths and separation chambers can be linked to the multi-position valve. Relevant aspects are the ease of implemen- tation of two or more methods in a single manifold for sequential determinations [6] and the miniaturization of the manifold. The Lab-On-Valve system [7] is analogous to the sequential injection see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. alanta.2008.05.040 larly imprinted polymer as a solid phase extractor in flow analysis asa,∗, E.C. Figueiredoa, V. Grassib, E.A.G. Zagattob, M.A.Z. Arrudaa emistry, University of Campinas – UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil rgia Nuclear na Agricultura, Universidade de São Paulo, Box 96, Piracicaba, 13400-970, Brazil e i n f o arch 2008 vised form 16 May 2008 ay 2008 e 3 June 2008 printed polymers traction a b s t r a c t Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are novel alternative materials for solid phase extraction. Appli- cations in flow analysis are recent and enhanced in-line separation/concentration procedures have been proposed. Use of flow systems is very important in the context. The aim of this review is then to high- light the implementation of MIP as solid phase extractor in flow analysis, emphasizing potentialities, limitations and applications. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. uction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988 general aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989 / locate / ta lanta A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 989 Fig. 1. Flow s SL= sample lo R= reagent so D=detector, W port selecting MIP=mini-col analyzer bu in the selec With the havebeend syringe pum themulti-co flow system As a con minimal sam the matrix, ment, inclu implemente preparation most explo procedure a been incorp [18], knotte Mini-colum used strate ated to the well as in th the manifol The mai the solid m fold. This la flow-rate, fl system rug ume of wa support, an Constitu tation facto selected. Io [16,25] are m as polyuret [18], PTFE t [31] and bio been also u Synthetic polymers have recently been applied as selective solid phase extractors [33,34], and use of the molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) should be highlighted in the context. Molecu- rint ition e) im ing m liqui anal carce ed fo n sy once extra main in th ions r the anal s: ge fly, t carri ctive f imp (tem emo sion inds were pmen tions ion o for i n te stu selec ystems exploiting MIP for in-line SPE. (a) Flow injection system. op, I = injector-commuter or valve injection, P =peristaltic pump, lution, C = carrier solution, x = confluence point, RC= reaction coil, = collecting flask. (b) Sequential injection systems. SV=multi- valve, P =peristaltic or syringe pump, S = sample, HC=holding coil. umn packed with molecularly imprinted polymer. t includes a central sample-processing unit, positioned ting valve. evolution of flow analysis, highly versatile manifolds esignedwith the insertionof controlled solenoidvalves, ps and solenoid pumps, resulting in the inceptions of mmuted [8],multi-syringe [9] andmulti-pumping [10] s. sequence of the efficient control of sample processing, ple manipulation and contamination, preservation of high repeatability, etc. [11,12], in-line sample treat- ding analyte separation/concentration has been often lar imp recogn (analyt increas and to and/or been s and ne injectio folds c phase The cussed limitat lines fo in flow 2. MIP Brie ments of sele kind o species plate r impres other k which develo interac activat native betwee actions highly d in flow systems [13]. Amongst the in-line sample strategies, solid phase extraction (SPE) has been the ited one [14,15]. Depending on the involved analytical nd aimed flow manifold, the solid phase materials have orated into mini-columns [16], membranes [17], disks d reactors [19], renewable beads [20] or cartridges [21]. ns packed with the solid phase are by far the mostly gy [21,22], and the simplicity of the strategy is associ- ease of manufacturing, manipulation and packing, as e feasibility to insert the mini-column in any place of d. n aspects related to in-line SPE are the composition of aterial and the way it is adapted into the flow mani- st aspect encompasses the kind of solid phase support, ow pattern, automation degree, solution volumes, and gedness. Limitations are usually associated to the vol- shing solution, sample dispersion inside the volume d composition and life-time of the solid extractor. tions of the solid phase materials are often the limi- r in the extraction efficiency, and should be carefully n-exchange resins [23,24] and silica-based exchangers ostly used in flow analysis. Alternative materials such hane foam [26], cigarette filters [27], extracting disks urnings [28], grape bagasse [29], rice husks [30], fibers -organisms such as Saccharomices cerevisae [32] have sed. hydrophobi also exploit the weaker ity,molecul proposed in rials, charac instrument possible to laboratories As this systems, a s sented. MIPs ar between th functional m applicable i with templa nition sites sites are cav intact after reagents an synthesis d istics of the Regardin procedure. to the flask ing is a technique used for preparing polymers with abilities resulting from the target template molecule pression [35]. Use of MIPs for in-line SPE has been ainly in relation to batch-wise analytical procedures d chromatography (LC), especially for sample clean-up yte separation/concentration. In-line procedures have ly proposed and drawbacks leading to low selectivity r extra instrumentation have been reported [33]. Flow stems are then a good alternative, as simplified mani- rning ruggedness and flexibility of MIP as in-line solid ctor can be designed. innovations in relation to MIP in flow systems are dis- is review. Experimental aspects aswell as potentialities, and applications are described in order provide guide- efficient implementation of MIPs as in-line extractors ysis. neral aspects he up-and-coming of MIPs started with the experi- ed out by the Polyakov [36] that observed the formation cavities during silica preparation. The cavities, a ression caused by interactions between the chemical plate) and the silica, remained intact after the tem- val, resulting in a selective solid phase extractor. The established in the silica was confirmed in relation to of supports such as globulins or silica gel [37–40], replaced by synthetic organic polymers, during the t of novel materials for polymerization and chemical [41–45]. In this way, the organic polymers based on f functional groups in the silica became the best alter- mprinting templates [46]. Reversible covalent bonds mplate and functional monomer were the first inter- died in the imprinting process, resulting in cavities tive to the template [47,48].Non-covalent (electrostatic, c, van der Waals) and semi-covalent interactions were ed in order to make the template removal easier due to bindings. Improvements in bond interactions, selectiv- ar recognition, aswell asmechanical stability havebeen association with the development of chemical mate- terization and quantification techniques and analytical ation [46,49–52]. After considering these features it is obtain highly selective polymers in ordinary chemical in accordance to the required application [46,53]. review deals with the incorporation of MIPs in flow imple discussion about the imprinting process is pre- e formed by non-covalent or covalent interactions e functional groups of the template (analyte) and the onomers, being the non-covalent interactions mostly n relation to in-line procedures. The strength associated teand functionalmonomer is responsible for the recog- formed after template removal (Fig. 2). The recognition ities highly selective towards the template, and remain the polymer finalization. In this way, different chemical d polymerization procedures have been used for MIP epending mainly on the physical–chemistry character- template [44,46,54–60]. g MIP synthesis, bulk polymerization is the most used The template and the functional monomers are added where the template molecules are bonded to the 990 A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 Fig. 2. S functional m to link all f merized by generated, mortar, res is then rem a suitable r or in-line. are good al sis is very temperatur to the oxyg Limitations geneous pa of cavities be circumve where bead relevant in r due to the h tives for syn synthesis [6 columns [6 Synthesi ties genera structure, c MIP selecti on the ma monomers of cross-lin These param thesis proc parameters given elsew Template ture determ The interac basis of the under the sy soluble in t Solvent i process by Its constitu ogy and qua as dichloro chloroform [34]. Their arrangemen large pores High solubility of the solvent leads to polymers with low pore distribution and high surface area whereas low solubility leads to large pores and low surface area [59]. This parameter plays a nce hich ble. ction ding pla to f ed fr er i rium used ned ers. ss-lin ers ylen terist o po nal m ical i tion. posit s inv t is t cont t the ce u te, sy tions to th ber ve on lumn vity a lym s can ncen for samp e in ow s solu naly st, re envi , mi terist chematic representation of the molecular imprinting process. onomers. Thereafter, a cross-linker reagent is added unctional monomers, resulting in a chain that is poly- adding a radical initiator. A polymer block is then that should be ground with a mechanical or manual ulting in particles with desirable mesh. The template oved by washing the ground polymer particles with eagent and this step can be accomplished batch-wise Microwave-assisted [61] and Soxhlet [62] extractions ternatives for efficient template removal. The synthe- simple and carried out under mild conditions (room e); for keeping safety, care should be taken in relation en/air inlet, thermal stability and flask inner pressure. of this synthesis process are concerned to the hetero- rticle size [34], to poor binding sites and to low quantity remaining after the polymer block crushing. This can nted by exploiting the suspension polymerization [63], s with defined diameters are formed. The approach is elation toflow injection systemswith in-line extraction omogeneity in themini-columnpacking. Other alterna- thesis are formation of beads by swelling [64], sol–gel 5], precipitation [66] and exploitation of monolithic 7]. s should be exclusive for each analyte, once the cavi- ted are dependent on the three-dimensional template onsidered the principle of molecular impression. The vity is then dependent on the synthesis process, thus in parameters involved, such as template/functional molar ratio, kind and volume of solvent, quantities ker and radical initiator, timing and temperature [68]. eters should be evaluated before designing the syn- ess of a novel MIP [55,59]. A brief comment on the involved is given below, and deeper information is here [33,34,44,46,54–60]. pronou rium, w applica Fun the bin the tem enough remov monom equilib erally mentio monom Cro monom the eth charac or micr functio Rad meriza decom stance reagen For withou MIP, on templa interac sis due the num selecti MIP co selecti new po MIP tion/co search to the increas over, fl eluent faster a Lowco closed ination charac is considered as the analyte, and its chemical struc- ines the functional monomer to be used in the process. tion between template and functional monomer is the molecular recognition. The template should be stable nthesis conditions (temperature or UV irradiation) and he used solvent. s a porogen reagent, and participates of the synthesis dissolving all the involved substances in one phase. tion, concentration and volume dictate the morphol- ntity of pores, thus the surface area [46]. Solvents such methane, acetonitrile, toluene, dimethylsulfoxide and have been mostly used in non-covalent approaches volume is directly associated with the capacity of t of all involved substances, therefore polymer with are synthesized when higher solvent volumes are used. the use of M 3. In-line M In flow a dated in a injection po tages and li elsewhere [ rotary injec position va to packing sensor (Fig. in flow ana influence in the template-functional monomer equilib- is more stable when apolar and aprotics solvents are al monomers are chemical species responsible to form sites imprinted in the polymer. They correspond to te functional groups and the bonds should be strong orm the binding sites, yet weak enough to be further om the template. Generally, the amount of functional s in excess relatively to the template; to ensure the of the complex, the minimal 4:1 molar ratio is gen- [34]. Methacrylic acid and 4-vinylpiridine can be as the most frequently used acidic and basic functional ker agent is responsible to link all the functional in order to form the polymer. The most used one is e glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) that imparts several ics to the MIP, such as polymeric morphology (macro res, gel), stability of the imprint interactions (template- onomer bonds) and mechanical stability [55]. nitiator yields the free radicals to initialize the poly- The first radicals are formed by thermal or photolytic ion, and start the polymerization by linking all the sub- olved in the polymerization. The most frequently used he 2,2′-azo-bis-isobutyronitrile (AIBN). rol, a non-imprinted polymer (NIP) should be prepared template following the same synthesis procedure as for ndesirable interactions may happen depending on the nthesis procedure and template removal. Low selective are generally formed during the non-covalent synthe- e high amount of monomer used in the process. When of non-selective interactions is higher in relation to the e, a column packed with NIP could be used before the to improve selectivity [46]. The compromise between nd synthesis process should be taken in account when ers are formed. be used simultaneously as sample clean-up, separa- tration of chemical species or derivatization [22]. The simplified procedures, lessening of errors associated le manipulation and extraction steps has lead to the MIP use as in-line solid phase extraction (MISPE).More- ystems can attain efficient handling of the washing and tions, improving the polymer conditioning, resulting in sis and enhanced analytical sensitivity and selectivity. produciblemixingof the streams, controlleddispersion, ronment, minimal analyte losses and sample contam- nimal waste generation and reproducible results are ics of the flow systems, which guarantee with success IP as in-line SPE. ISPE nalysis, the solid phase extractor is usually accommo- mini-column, which can be placed before the sample rt, at this port or in the analytical path (Fig. 1). Advan- mitations of these different architectures are discussed 15]. To this end, proportional injector-commuters [69], tion valves [70], three-way solenoid valves [8] or multi- lves [71] have been used. A particular situation refers the extractor into the flow cell in order to behave as a 3). Although the proposal of novel approaches for SPE lysis has been increasing, strategies exploiting MIP are A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 991 Fig. 3. Flow s stream, P =per injection or in MIP, D=detec Piezosensor. Q FM= frequency scarce, prob traditional limitations Flow inj in relation solvents (in manifold as ing steps are MISPE. Imp aspects, ran plate to the main aspec systems are The bloc for in-line M further grin flow system or disks, as ance [46]. A related to th face area, nu should be c to size of th polymer sh theflowing but irregula Sol–gel syn vative and p extraction. Another plays a sim nounced co effects andh ular recogn influenced mise betwe removal wi interaction compositio The solv the ideal w this solution strongly retained inside the binding sites of the MIP and to remove the interfering compounds retained by non-selective interactions most applications, selectivity can be improved by using sol- ilute con PE in with w ce re re n this nnel liere of c ts. R s m tes t non- he a al so on is n an anic d of oced fully mai ndit ), an ) ste ined w-ra IP bin d com trix ime, i egar etics w fl alyte ent t olum ant lties d [7 ystems exploiting MIP as in-line sensor. (a) Photosensor. C = carrier istaltic or syringe pump, SL = sample loop, I = solenoid valve, valve jector-commuter, R = reagent solution, FC=flow cell packed with tor (spectrofluorimeter, photomultiplier), W=flask collector. (b) CM=flow cell in quartz crystal microbalance, G=gold electrode; meter. ably due to the lack of the confidence in relation to the SPE materials or information about potentialities and in relation to flow analysis. ection analysis has been the most used flow modality to in-line MISPE (Table 1). Incompatibility of organic herent to MIP preparation) with components of the well as control of the loading, washing and condition- key issues for designing analytical systemswith in-line lementation of MISPE in flow systems involves different ging from the control of the synthesis process for a tem- design of a suitable flow manifold. Comments on the ts of polymer synthesis concerning use of MIP in flow presented further. k resulting from the bulk polymerization is mostly used ISPE procedures and drawbacks are associated with ding and sieving. Depending on the architecture of the , the block is not ground and is prepared as membrane well as a micro transducer of a quartz crystal microbal- fter the block formation, characteristics more closely e polymer synthesis such as porosity, particle size, sur- mber of effective binding sites andmechanical stability [52]. In vents d involve in MIS tubing and flo resins a used. I the cha the Sch mixing elemen aqueou templa obtain vents. T chemic servati injectio use org this kin line pr be care The step, co matrix volume determ and flo and M rate an the ma samet sites. R the kin a too lo the an the elu mini-c import Difficu reporte arefully verified, as they play a relevant role in relation e mini-columns or cartridges used. Minimal amounts of ould be packed without holes and preferential ways for solutions. Spherical beads are themost attractive shape, r particles ranging from 20 to 160�m are often used. thesis and suspension polymerization [63,65] are inno- romising strategies for MIP fabrication aiming in-line parameter regardingpackedMIP is theflow-rate,which ilar influence as in any in-line SPE procedure. As pro- ncentration gradients are usually involved, swelling ighhydrodynamicpressuremay interfere in themolec- ition. Loading, washing and eluting steps are directly by the flow-rate that should be adjusted as a compro- en template re-binding kinetics [72] and interference thout bleeding of the template. Moreover, the kind of between template, functional monomers and solution ns should be taken into account. ents used during the MIP synthesis are considered as ashing solution after the loading step [73]. Otherwise, should be selected in order to keep the target analytes a NIP colum selectivity [ more mini- andflow-ra native to im the samplin MISPE in re SPE (ion-ex to the lower tion to esta kinetics. Po a wide pH kinetically f ity, high ret stability, et instead of tr lyte and sy solid phase under high cost, flexibi plicity in au d in water, acids or buffer solutions. Few applications centrated organic solvents that are the main limitations flow analysis. Specific materials such as PEEK or PTFE high chemical resistance and valves, connectors, tees lls made from Teflon® or thermoplastic polyetherimide quiredwhen concentrated acids or organic solvents are way, solvent impregnation, corrosion and disrupter of s areminimized. Regarding UV–vis spectrophotometry, n effect [74] may manifest itself due to either partial oncentrated solutions or formation of fluidic optical ecent investigations involving preparation of MIPs in edia have been pointed out as promising, mainly for hat are slightly soluble in the solvents [34], allowing to covalent interactions in the presence of polar protic sol- pproach is an alternative to samplehandlingundermild lutions in simplified flow systems, where tubing con- prolonged and Schlieren effect is minimized. The flow d sequential injection systems involvingMIPs generally solvents with PTFE tubing, and the problems involving solution are not noted (see Table 1). However, if the in- ure is applied to large-scale analysis, this aspect should evaluated. n parameters involved in the conditioning (washing ioning solvent), loading (sample volume, flow-rate, pH, d elution (elution mode, solvent nature, pH, flow-rate, ps should be taken into account. The loading step is by the sample volume (enough to percolate all cavities) te (enough to allow the interaction between analyte ding sites). The washing step is determined by flow- position of the involved solution, which should carry interferences without removing the analyte and, at the mprove the interactionsbetweenanalyte in recognition ding elution, the flow-rate should be compatible with of the ruptures between analyte and binding sites. For ow-rate, rebinding is noted whereas for a too high one, is partially eluted. Another aspect refers to volume of hatmay cause a highdispersion of the analyte inside the n and flow manifold. These parameters become more when in-line MIP is exploited to improve selectivity. in optimization of the washing step have been often 5,76], and recent researches demonstrated that use of n in parallel to the MIP columns is essential to obtain 75,77]. Flow systems are suitable to implement one or columns in the manifold, changing easily the solutions tes depending on the aim, resulting in a promising alter- prove selectivity. The flow-rate is also associated to g frequency, considered the main limitation of in-line lation to the traditional solid extractors used in-line changer, silica cartridges, enzymes, beads). This is due flow-rate applied to sample loading, washing and elu- blish adequate template-functional monomers binding ssibility to extract a large number of trace elements over range, quantitative extraction (sorption and elution), aster interactions and rebinding mechanism, reusabil- ention capacity, accessibility, mechanical and chemical c. should be taken in account when exploiting MIP aditional SPE [57–59]. With a proper choice of the ana- nthesis process, MIP could satisfactorily replace other materials with additional advantages such as stability temperature and pressure, ease of production, lower lity in manufacturing, mechanical resistance and sim- tomation. 992 A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 Regarding applications of MIP in flow analysis, two main objectives have been generally emphasized: (1) photochemi- cal/piezoeletric sensor packed in the flow cell to obtain high selectivity, and (2) mini-columns for solid phase extraction before or after sample injection (analyte separation/concentration, sample clean up), as described further. 3.1. MIP as a flow through sensor MIPhasbeen largelyusedas in-line solidphase extractor packed inside a flow cell. Preparation of optical sensors for transmittance measurements is difficult due to the limitations in transparency, particle uniformity and mechanical stability required for this purpose [78]. In this way, piezoelectric or photochemical (e.g. chemi- and bioluminometric, fluorimetric) detection have been preferred. DespiteMIP is considered an efficient solid phase extractor, con- siderations about the synthesis process should be always taken into account. This is an important aspect mainly due to the formation of the particles and films packing in the mini-columns or applied in sensing techniques. Recent studieshavebeendeveloped to improve the interaction of polymer–transducer resulting in better analytical signal, robustness, porosity, mechanical stability and flexibility as well as increase of binding sites in small surface areas [78,79]. The flow system promotes a better interaction between the minimal MIP sensing area and the solutions involved through variations in flow-rate and manifold geometry. Moreover, reuse of the MIP sen- sor is attained before next sample injection through the variation in the solution composition. The continuous flowing stream delivered by a peristaltic pump is by far the most often exploited one, and a typical flow manifold is outlined in Fig. 3a. In general, the reagent is injected instead of the sample because of the instability and fast chemical reagents decomposition involved in the photochemical detection. The original exploitation ofMIP as a flow-trough sensor referred to fluorimetric determination of flavonol in olive oil [80]. The flow system presented one path connected to a spectrofluorimeter with a 25-�L flow cell packed with the flavonol-MIP. The sam- ple (150�L) was introduced into a hexane/chloroform (70:30, v:v) carrier stream and transported towards the MIP optrode where the analyte was retained and quantified. In spite of the errors inherent to the synthesis process, sensor preparation (crashing, sieving, packing, leaching), and optical measurements, the fluo- rimetric sensor presented suitable reproducibility demonstrating also the feasibility to determine flavonol in hydrophobic samples without any prior treatment. Table 1 Applications of MIP for in-line SPE to real samples Analyte Flow system/MIP locationa Monomer/solvent Eluent or reagent stream Detection technique Sample Ref. �-Estradiol FIA/B MAA/ACN ACN:H2O Fluorescence Natural watersb [61] Benzo[a]pyrene FIA/I MDI/THF MeOH Room temperature phosphorescence Natural waters [83] Brucine FIA/I MAA/Chloroform Potassium permanganate + sodium sulfite Chemiluminescence Urine [94] Caffeine FIA/I MAA/Chloroform Caffeine in NaOH Piezoeletric sensor Coffee and tea leaves [99] Carbamate FIA/B MAA/Chloroform Phosphate buffer Potentiometry Rat plasma [63] Carbaryl FIA/B Acrylamide/ACN MeOH:H2O Luminescence River watersb [62] Catechol MCFS/B 4-VP/ACN HNO3 Spectrophotometry Tea, guarana powder [109] Chloramphenicol FIA/B DEAEM/THF MeOH Square wave voltammetry Ophthalmic solutions, milk [111] Chloroguaiacol FIA/B 4-VP/ACN MeOH:acetic acid Amperometry River waters [108] Clenbuterol FIA/I MAA/ACN Formaldehyde+polyphosphate +potassium permanganate Chemiluminescence Animal urine [89] Epinephrine FIA/I MAA/ACN:benzoic alcohol Luminol +K3Fe(CN)6 Chemiluminescence Blood serum [88] Flavonol FIA/I MAA/Chloroform Hexane:chloroform Fluorescence Olive oil [80] Fluortanthene FIA/I MDI/THF ACN Room temperature phosphorescence River watersb [82] Hydralazine FIA/I MAA/Methylbenzene Luminol +KIO4 Chemiluminescence Urine [91] Indomethacin FIA/I MAA/Chloroform Mn(IV) + formaldehyde Chemiluminescence Urine [93] Isoniazid Metformin phate Nafcilin e +KI Norfloxacin sulfid p-Aminophen 2 Pazufloxacin m Pirimicarb Salbutamol CN)6 Sulfamethazin id Terbutaline CN)6 Tetracycline Vanilin aOH MCFS:multico inylpir MDI: diphenyl hacry a B =before b Spiked sam FIA/I MAA/ACN Luminol +KIO4 FIA/B MAA/ACN Cupric polyphos peroxide FIA/I TPM-sol–gel synthesis Tetramethyl orthosilicate, methyltrimethyl orthosilicate, phenyltrimethyl orthosilicate Sodium sulphid FIA/I Chloroform/N,N- dimethylformamide/ Ce(IV) + sodium ol FIA/B MAA/chloroform:DMSO Tris buffer +H2O esilate FIA/B MAA/dichloromethane ACN:acetic acid FIA/B MAA/chloroform MeOH:H2O:HAc FIA/I MAA/ACN Luminol +K3Fe( e FIA/B MAA/ACN MeOH;Acetic ac �FIA/I MAA/ACN Luminol +K3Fe( FIA/B MAA/MeOH ACN:HNO3 FIA/I MAA/THF Boric acid, KCl, N mmuted flow system, FIA: flow injection analysis,MAA:methacrylic acid, 4-VP: 4-v methan- 4,4- diisocyanate, THF: tetrahydrofuran, DEAEM: (diethylamino)ethyl met detection; I = inside the detector. ples. Chemiluminescence Human urine [92] +hydrogen Chemiluminescence Human serum [105] Room temperature phosphorescence Skimmed milk samples [65] e Chemiluminescence Urine [95] Amperometry Natural waterb [113] Chemiluminescence Human urine [107] Differential pulse voltammetry Natural waterb [110] Chemiluminescence Urine [90] Square wave voltammetry Milk [112] Chemiluminescence Human serum [103] Chemiluminescence Fish [106] Piezoelectric sensor Vanilla sugar [101] idine, ACN: acetonitrile,MeOH:methanol, DMSO: dimethylsulfoxide, lic acid. A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 993 One of the main limitations in imprinted polymeric optrodes refers to the vacancies resulting from bad formation of bind- ing sites during polymerization. This can be overcome by using two functio methacryla strated in [81]. A sin with MIP a mate the sa tracer inse the recogn interaction frequency flow-rate, a attained. The feas phosphores fluoranthen the inductio in the MIP cyclic arom present sim size was a r polymer reg flow system impression imprinting ration and v were associ mixture, pr the imprint ion imprint further. A sol–ge packed insi similar anti analyte and ods, the ap and reuse high selecti (22h−1). Chemilu for in-line M the flow ce based on th inside the M properties w relied on th signal due t the presenc polymer pr insertion of recognition of the analy ready for th (4min) and ing, being e by a six-por The cat decomposit vynil-pyrid into a mini- ies about th were carrie flow-throug In view of some limitations originating from the MIP prepared with the CL reagents, such as incomplete decomposition of the template imprinted in the polymer and successive and laborious g st een ity a efor ephr olum sly m erte and s a c abilit ies h tive a ssays lar r prin in fr pre due ation itori sly. cult nd in easo flow- inat rin re with djust ardin . 3b) ave b eine entra stal poly was film f the and b reme leav zoel lectr , sta ing r d on in [1 s wit tiliz ped t y on flex ion o ncep uidic stost MIPs p (45 ere h mu nal monomers (vinyl pyridine and diethyl amino ethyl te) to get better selective binding sites, as demon- the fluorimetric determination of chloramphenicol gle-line manifold was used with a flow cell packed nd placed outside the optical path, in order to esti- turation of the binding sites through the fluorescent rtion. The flow-rate played a marked influence on ition: a high flow-rate did not allow an efficient whereas a slow flow-rate impaired the analytical and produced broader peaks. With a 0.25mLmin−1 sample throughput of 5–6 samples per hour was ibility of using MIP in relation to room temperature cence (RTP) was demonstrated in the determination of e in water [82]. The impression of heavy atoms allowed n of RTP by oxygen scavenger in the analyte recognized sites. High selectivity was noted in relation to poly- atic hydrocarbons (PAHs), once most of these species ilar luminescence behavior [83]. The polymer particle elevant parameter, resulting in a low efficiency of the eneration to the next sample and to overpressure in the when smaller particles ( 994 A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 the MIP films. The detection was based on the surface plasmon res- onance, where analytical signal was proportional to the number of molecules adsorbed on the MIP films. This strategy was innovative in relation t in clinical a taline [104] with 2mg M porosity. Most of sensors did interactions gated. Inde rate due to steps. This a as in-line S and polyme feature link of the sens interaction. improve se the washin to obtain ad trough sens potential in the sol–gel sensing ma ity are gene processes a ommendab required. 3.2. MIP as Differen forming sel quantificati adsorbent t elution and in the MIP elution and tem is a sui rugged and Generall ticles that i without vac for sample ticles size th the mini-co alternative cedures aim analyte or p A simpl tion of �-e mini-colum ple (500�L adsorbed o size). The e mini-colum approach ag high selecti technique. pling throu technique w aration and byexploitin the last application, polymeric beads packed inside a mini-column inserted between the sample injection port and the pH electrode was exploited to themolecular recognition of carbaryl in rat plasma s. inj ction usua e el sele ed to ncen mixe d fur dby wit min nal e n exc is of h eigh olum tion lutio rther rfere tural eluti ound porte esul was me-m rogu r loo s swi ain p nd D samp resen mitin wer dolog put on o auto ectro tion i-com age eps, a mon ol co ith obta emen g th er w P as d as inat lfam IP s dase- cked lectiv o the biosensing technique allowing new applications nalysis. In this way, a micro-flow sensor chip for terbu- wasbuiltwith amicroflowcell (10mm×1mm)packed IP, presenting good quantities of recognition sites and researches carried out for improving MIP flow-trough not present problems with matrix effects, parallel and low selectivity that should be deeply investi- ed, most of applications presented a lower sampling kinetics of the loading, washing and reconditioning spect becomes more pronounced when MIP is applied PE due to the fragile interactions between analyte r, strongly dependent on flow-rate. Another important ed to flow-rate is the stability and/or response time or that depends on the kinetics of template-polymer Sometimes, sample stopping is a suitable strategy to nsitivity, yet decreasing sample throughput. Anyhow, g step is considered as the most important parameter equate selectivity. Application of MIP as in-line flow- or is recent and further research is needed to reach its developing sensor as better alternative in relation to , ion exchange resin and polymeric materials used as terials. Selectivity, sampling throughput and sensitiv- rally the aimed characteristics, mainly when biological re involved. In-line MISPE as flow through sensor is rec- lewhen low-cost, long-term stability and simplicity are in-line solid phase extractor tly from the use of MIPs as flow-trough sensors per- ective interactions with the analyte and simultaneous on, MIP as on-line solid phase extractor acts like an hat retains the analytes or concomitants for subsequent detection (Fig. 1). The species are selectively separated packed in the mini-column and the steps of washing, reconditioning are carried out. The flow injection sys- table analytical tool to implement these steps in a fast, efficient manner. y, mini-columns are filled with an amount of MIP par- s enough to attain adequate analytical characteristics, ancies that result in preferential pathways and hides volume. This condition is directly associated to the par- usnumberofbinding sites andsurfacearea. Insertionof lumn into the flow system is considered as a simplified for sample preparation to LC. Replacement of slow pro- ing automation of the extraction processes for a single otential interfering species has been the main purpose. e flow injection system for fluorimetric determina- stradiol after analyte concentration in a MIP capillary n was developed for routine analyses [61]. The sam- ) was inserted into the manifold and analyte was n the MIP capillary (1.0mg of 50–100�m particles luent solution was then directed to flow through the n displacing the analyte towards the fluorimeter. The gregated simple and low cost instrumentationwith the vity of the MIP and the sensitivity of the fluorimetric Lower detection limit (1.12�g L−1) and higher sam- ghput (10h−1) in comparison with chromatographic ere attained. A similar manifold was designed for sep- quantification of the carbaryl pesticide in river waters gfluorimetric [62] andpotentiometricdetection [63]. In sample Flow cal rea This is after th can be design tion/co with a ide), an oxidize reacted metfor additio to be a analys An mini-c separa rier so and fu CL. Inte a struc pulsed were f was re [107], r MIP ual ho of chlo injecto tor wa The m torial a water cient p not a li sitivity metho Com inserti in the the sp separa a mult to man tion st Mn(II), catech filled w Results in agre showin togeth ing MI reporte determ and su A M peroxi was pa The se ection system is particularly attractive when a chemi- involving the analyte adsorbed in the MIP is required. l in CL, where the analyte can be detected during or ution step, and the determination of metformin [105] cted for illustrative purposes. A versatile manifold was bring together the steps of sample introduction, extrac- tration of metformin in the MIP mini-column, elution d reagent (cupric polyphosphate plus hydrogen perox- ther detection. Themetformin adsorbed in theMIPwas the eluent reagent, resulting in thehydroxyl radical that h Rhodamine B to yield chemiluminescence. Due to the decomposition during elution, it was not necessary an luent orwashing solution. The proposed systemproved ellent alternative to routine analysis, being applied to uman serum. t-way injection valve was used to accommodate a n packed with MIP into the sampling loop for in-line of tetracycline (TC) [106]. After the loading step, a car- n (acetonitrile/HNO3, 4:1, v/v) was used for TC elution reaction with Ce(IV) and Rhodamine B to generate the nt effects were reported in relation to oxytetracycline, analogous to TC, requiring an intermediate differential on with 3% (v/v) acetic acid. Good recoveries (97–107%) in relation to spiked fish samples. A similar approach d for the determination of pazufloxacin in human urine ting in a very selective method. implemented in a flow injection system with a man- ade injector–commuter for separation/concentration aiacol [108]. The MIP mini-column was inserted in the p and, after analyte separation/concentration, the injec- tched for elution and further amperometric detection. arameters were optimized by applying fractional fac- oehlert design, and the system was applied to river les. Coupling of MIP as SPE in flow analysis was effi- ting a concentration factor of 110.1. Washing step was g factor in sampling rate, and high selectivity and sen- e attained, pointing out the good perspectives of this y for routine analysis. er operated three-way solenoid valves allow efficient f the sample and reagent solutions with an increase mation degree of the system, as demonstrated in photometric determination of catechol [109]. Analyte was performed by implementing a MIP-catechol in muted system composed by seven solenoid valves the sample insertion into MIP, the washing and elu- nd the reaction development. Reduction of Mn(VII) to itored at 528nm, was proportional and selective to the ncentration after a sample clean-up in a mini-column C18 and methacrylic polymer before the MIP column. ined for guarana powder, mate tea and tap water were t with those obtained by LC with good figures of merit, at a non-selective chemical reaction can be exploited ith selective adsorbents. Simplified strategies involv- sample clean up and analyte concentration have been in-line procedures with voltammetric detection for the ions of pirimicarb in water [110] and chloramphenicol ethazine in milk [111,112]. ynthesized with ferriprotopophyrin IX (hemin) with like characteristics and 4-aminophenol as template into a mini-column in a flow injection system [113]. e amperometric determination of 4-aminophenol was A.C.B. Dias et al. / Talanta 76 (2008) 988–996 995 influenced by the flow and chemical parameters of the flow sys- tem that were optimized by using a fractional factorial design. Important aspects were the MIP surface area and porosity, con- sidered mo One can th cles becom This corrob cols for usin synthesis. It is impo ing MIP for the MIP pre in chemical adsorbed. D washing ste separations detectors. O speed of an attractive fe separation. 4. Trends Although ration in b alternative useful to im implemente it as beads bead suspen Polymer selectivity, a ing survey. the synthes a computat synthesis is dure is carr Minimizatio formed, res flow system to the selec However, im colation,wa to the minim 5. Conclus After an MISPE, one This depend solvents, de the availabi the interact allows the emphasize istic, but is synthesis an how, the be as solid pha tion steps (l and rugged pared with handling so cost. In gen enceon thebinding and rebinding in thepolymer cavities, aswell as particle size andpackingmode. TheMIP-flowanalysismarriage can be considered as promising to MIP implementation in large-scale ana wled aut de S 06/0 co e nces Fang, Cerda uzick .G. Za end, C 05, p. uzick C.B. D 004) 2 uzick . Reis 994) 1 Cerda lanta 5 .S. La 6 (200 ang, Econo Gome . Henn .G. Z .A.Z. A rk, 20 . Pool . Hau Pons, N. Ant Wang Masq . Miro . Reis Came S. Pu, A. Lem 3. P. Yan, A. Zac 9. D. Mat .T. Ta .Wan 1. Katsu 004) 1 . Tam Picho . Ma ategie n/cha va Sci .V. Pol Paulin . Dick . Hal . Bern agiv, . Coh Wulff . Szum Wulff Alexan ’Mah Wulff Wulff . Ande re relevant than the uniformity of the packed particles. en infer that the irregular nature of the MIP parti- es less relevant for polymer with larger surface areas. orates with the aim of this review, where the proto- g SPE in flow systems are very dependent on the MIP rtant to stress the scarcenumberof applications involv- SPE in flow systems as an alternative to LC. In fact, even senting suitable selectivity, molecules with similarities structure and/or functional groups are preferentially eeper studies on synthesis process, binding sites and ps should be then carried out to attain high selective , e.g. chiral species, especially in relation to less selective n the other hand, the low cost, portability, simplicity, alysis, low reagent and sample consumptions, etc. are atures in comparison with the traditional methods of all the in-line applications included the MIP prepa- ulk mode resulting in particles with irregular sizes, synthesis such as suspension polymerization can be plement MIPs in flow analysis. MIP could be easily d in the Lab-On-Valve system, simply by synthesizing [114,65] once that this approach demands injection of sions as sampling and extraction strategy [7]. ization is considered the initial step of a successful ndcapacity inmonitoring thefinalpolymer is apromis- Novel technologies have been developed to monitor is [115,116], where MIP is in situ formed assisted by ional program exploiting combinatorial analysis. The done by semiautomatic systems and a screening proce- ied out in order to evaluate the most suitable polymer. n of synthesis on large scale is then efficiently per- ulting in an allied to the simplicity and low cost of the s. Miniaturized systems are the most attractive form tive treatment of low-volume samples exploiting MIP. portant aspects involving selectivity, conditions of per- shingandelution shouldbecarefully studied in relation ization of polymer mass. ions extensive covering of themain aspects involving in-line can say that not all MIPs can be used in flow systems. s on the sample matrix, synthesis conditions, required tection systems, etc. In thisway, the synthesismay offer lity to use solvents based on water or diluted into it; or ions between the template and functional monomers use of polar and protics solvents. It is important to that the selectivity is not an inherent MIP character- a combination of all parameters involved during the d extraction procedures after the polymerization. Any- tter way to take advantage of flow systems with MIPs se extractors is associated with the speed of the extrac- oading,washing, elution and reconditioning), flexibility ness regarding mechanical and chemical stability com- other biomaterials (enzymes, imunossorbents), easy in lutions, simplicity in the polymer preparations and low eral, all the flow parameters play a pronounced influ- routine Ackno The Estado and 20 Científi ships. Refere [1] Z. [2] V. [3] J. R [4] E.A sh 20 [5] J. R [6] A. (2 [7] J. R [8] B.F (1 [9] V. Ta [10] R.A 46 [11] J. W [12] A. [13] V. [14] M [15] E.A M Yo [16] C.F [17] P.C [18] C. [19] A. [20] Y. [21] N. [22] M [23] B.F [24] V. [25] Q. [26] V. 68 [27] X. [28] G. 91 [29] G. [30] C.R [31] Z.H 15 [32] H. (2 [33] F.G [34] V. [35] C.S Str tio No [36] M [37] L. [38] F.H [39] R.G [40] S.A [41] J. S [42] S.R [43] G. [44] M [45] G. [46] C. J. O [47] G. [48] G. 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Jpn. 78 (2005) 1354. Molecularly imprinted polymer as a solid phase extractor in flow analysis Introduction MIPs: general aspects In-line MISPE MIP as a flow through sensor MIP as in-line solid phase extractor Trends Conclusions Acknowledgments References


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