Modul 6 MKDU 4107 Bahasa Inggris I.pptx

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Anticipation Modul 6, 7 April 2013 Anticipation P E N D A H U L U A N Tujuan modul adalah mahasiswa diharapkan dapat: Memperkirakan tema sebuah tulisan sebelum membacanya (psychological sentitizing) Memperkirakan isi sebuah tulisan dengan hanya melihat judul tulisan tersebut Memperkirakan isi sebuah tulisan dalam surat kabar dengan hanya melihat judul sebuah headline surat kabar. kutipan.. “The process begins with the teacher asking the students to list everything they know about a topic before reading. These words, phrases and statements are written as a class list. This is called “Anticipation” phase. During reading students engage in “Realization”, or the recognition of the validity or non-validity of what they listed during “Anticipation”. During “Contemplation”, students return to the list to confirm, disconfirm, revise, and add to the information.” (Robert J. Marzano, Prentice Hall: 1987) Tips untuk memahami sebuah teks dalam Bahasa Inggris Sediakan selalu pensil di tangan !!! Sediakan kamus !!! Bacalah teks secara keseluruhan, garis bawahi kata-kata yang tidak anda kenal !!! Baca kembali teks tersebut dengan perlahan dan teliti, periksa apabila ada keterangan lain (misalnya catatan kaki) pada tulisan tersebut !!! Buatlah catatan pinggir (disamping kanan teks tersebut) pokok bahasan (main idea) pada setiap paragraf !!! Kegiatan belajar 1a Memperkirakan tema sebuah tulisan sebelum membacanya Grellet mengatakan, “salah satu faktor penting yang membantu kita dalam proses membaca adalah keinginan untuk memahami apa yang terdapat pada tulisan tersebut. Semakin jauh kita melihat dan mengantisipasi teks dalam pikiran kita tentang apa yang dimuat dalam sebuah teks, semakin mudah kita menangkap poin-poin penting dalam bacaan tersebut.” Contoh Before you read about Marijuana, answer the following question: Do you know the other names for marijuana? What is it? What does it do? Who uses it? Marijuana Marijuana is also called pot, dope, weed, Mary Jane,. Chronic, reefer, ganja, kaya or doobie. Marijuana is a green or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It can be eaten in certain foods or smoked. It is an illegal drug. The effects vary from person depending on how strong the marijuana is, how’s taken and whether other drugs or alcohol are involved. At first, pot can make people feel relaxed, in a good mood and even silly. Users will likely experience dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, some loss of coordination and poor sense of balance, and slower reaction times, along with intoxication. Blood vessels in the eye will expand causing the reed eye contact. Smoking marijuana may impair short-term memory while people are using the drug. This happens because all forms of marijuana contain THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the main active chemical in marijuana, which alters the way the brain works. After a few minutes, paranoia or anxiousness may set in, then intense hunger. Finally, sleepiness. For some people, marijuana raises blood pressure slightly and can double the normal heart rate. This effect can be greater when other drugs are mixed with marijuana. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the united state. Fewer than one in four high school seniors say they are current users. Rangkuman ‘Dengan mengetahui secara umum tentang materi atau topik bacaan sebelum membaca teks bacaan tersebut secara langsung, akan sangat membantu kita dalam memahami isi teks tersebut. Misalnya saja kita dihadapkan pada suatu teks yang sama sekali sangat asing bagi kita, maka dapat dipastikan kita akan menghadapi kesulitan yang lebih besar dibandingkan apabila kita sudah mengetahui (meskipun tidak emdalam) topik tersebut.” Latihan Tes Formatif 1A Kegiatan belajar 1B Memperkirakan tema sebuah tulisan sebelum membacanya Dalam bagian ini mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menjawab beberapa soal berbentuk benar atau salah. Sebelum membaca teksnya secara keseluruhan, tentukan apakah pernyataan di bawah ini benar (True) atau salah (False) *gunakan pengetahuan umum anda. Title: Dead Sea Dead Sea is the greatest sea in Middle East Dead Se is located between Jordan and Israel Rain always falls almost every year in the area Animal water and plants live in Dead Sea The extreme salinity allows people to float in the dead sea The extreme salinity, among others, is because there are not any rivers flow out of the sea. Dead SEa Between Israel and Jordan Lies the dead sea. It is actually a salt lake that is about 50 miles (80 kilo meters) long and 10 miles (16 kilometers) wide. Its surface area is about 394 square miles (1,020 square kilometers). Its surface level is 1,292 feeet (394 meters) below that of the Mediterranean Sea, making it the lowest body of water in the world. The dead sea extend from north to south in a great depression between rocky cliffs. The depression is a rift valley, caused by the earth’s crust having slipped down between two parallel fractures. The valley is a part of the great Rift valley, which continiues northward through the Jordan River valley and the sea of Galilee and southward through the Gulf of aqaba and the red sea and across east africa. The Jordan river flows into the dead sea from the north. Because the dead sea is situated in a desert, the climate is very hot and rainfall seldom exceed 3 inches (7.6 centimetres) a year. Evaporation carries off about 55 percent of the sea’s waters annually. This evaporation often results in a thick mist, which hovers over the lake. No river flows out of the lake. As a result, the dead sea is about 25 percent salt, or about seven times as salty as the ocean. The extreme salinity allows bathers to float easily, but it prevents most animal and vegetable life, except bacteria and brine shrimp, from inhabiting the lake. The name dead sea can be traced back to at least 323 BC. The lake was also called by several different names sucah as the salt sea, the sea of the plain, and the east sea, in biblical times. The lake shores yield salt, potash, and bromides. Bitumen, or native asphalt, is also found. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were on the shores of the dead sea. The biblical manuscript known as the dead sea scrolls were found on the northwest shore, near the ruins known as Khirbat Qumran . Kegiatan belajar 2 memperkirakan isi sebuah teks dari judulnya Dengan melihat judul sebuah teks, kita dapat memperkirakan isi teks tersebut. Contoh : Judul teks : “Keep the change”. Pikirkan kemungkinan isi/bagian dari teks tersebut Diskusikan jawaban anda dengan teman. Mengapa anda memilih jawaban tersebut. How to live in a big city ? Life style and healthy ? How to keep the shape ? Friendship and mannerism ? Getting fit and slim ? Exercise to get healthy ? “Keep the change” Change-maker: Marcia Potts, Bethesda The Change: Lose 163 pounds in one year The Trick: There isn’t one The Story: In May 2000 I weighed 317 pound. I couldn’t walk more than 40 feet without stopping or stand long without support. I needed blood pressure medicine and had other health problems. I decided to give weight watchers a try. The first week I lost 11.5 pounds. On July 13 I swam one lap across my apartment pool; by labor day I was swimming 60-80 laps a day on weekends. Through the country recreation department, I started taking deep water running. In December, when my weight watchers group stopped meeting, I continued the diet on my own. I walk to and from work every day (about a mile), weigh 150-160, were size 10-12 (last may I wore size 28). I no longer need blood pressure medicine nor have I been sick one day since my life change. Tuesday, June 19,2001; Page HE07 (Taken from: http;// Latihan Tes Formatif 2 Kegiatan belajar 3 Memperkirakan isi sebuah berita dalam surat kabar dari judul headlines-nya Judul dalam surat kabar biasanya ditulis sesingkat mungkin akan tetapi haruslah memancing rasa penasaran orang untuk membacanya. Contoh: “Megawati elected the fifth president of RI” Artinya: Megawati terpilih menjadi Presiden RI ke 5 Kalimat normal: Megawati was elected the fifth president of RI. “Dozens die as 300mph tornadoes strike US Kalimat normal” Dozens die as 300 mph tornadoes strike US Catatan: Apabila judul headline berita sebuah surat kabar berbentuk simple past, maka makna kalimat tersebut adalah passive Apabila judul headline berita sebuah surat kabar berbentuk simple present, meskipun kejadiannya sudah berlalu, maka makna kalimat tersebut adalah active. Latihan Tes formatif 3 Test 1, Rush Hour 2 Cops Record Debut is top for a comedy flick The Associated Press “Rush Hour 2” caused serious traffic jams at movie theaters. The buddy-cop sequel starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker grossed $66.8 million in its first three days, the biggest comedy debut of all time and the third-best nonholiday opening on record, according to studio estimates released yesterday. The top non-holiday debut came just last weekend when “Planet of the Apes” grossed $68.5 million. Howver, “Planet of the Apes” followed the pattern of many other big studio movies this summer, opening to huge crowds but taking a nosedive in the second week. It fell to second place with $28.5 million, a steep 58% decline from the previous weekend. “Planet of the Apes” has grossed $124.7 million in 10 days. Disney’s G rated modern fairy tale “The Princess Diaries” had a strong third place debut of $23.2 million. The movie starts Julie Andrews as a queen tutoring her reluctant granddaughter (Anne Hathaway) in the ways of royalti. “Original Sin,” a romantic thriller starring Antonio Banderas and Angelina Jolie that was trashed by critics, had a weak sisth-place debut of $6.4 million. Question: Huge Crowds flooded the first review of Rush Hour 2 The buddy-cop sequel starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker grossed million dollars in its first three days A successful first released of a comedy film Test 1, Rush Hour 2 Cops Record Debut is top for a comedy flick “Apocalypse Now Redux,” Francis Ford Coppolas’s new version of his Vietnam War epic, took in $96,000 playing in just two theaters in New York City and Los Angeles, plus a once-a-day screening at a large-screen Imax theater. The film, which adds 49 minutes of previously unreleased footage, expands to the top 20 markets over the next two weekends. The opening for “Rush hour 2” was double the $33 million that “Rush hour” grossed in its debut weekend in September 1998. It brought back much of the behind-the camera talent from the original move, including director Brett Ratner. “There’s that old expression, ‘if it’s not broken, don’t mess with it, and that’s exactly what they did with this one,” aid David Tuckerman, head of distribution for New Line, which released “Rush Hour 2”. The industry remains on track to break its revenue record $3 billion, set in summer 1999. For this weekend, the top 12 movies grossed $163.9 million, up 39% from the same weekend last year. Question: Huge Crowds flooded the first review of Rush Hour 2 The buddy-cop sequel starring Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker grossed million dollars in its first three days A successful first released of a comedy film Terima kasih!!! Tugas 2 Jawablah pertanyaan “Exercise 2” (Modul 4 Hal 4.5) Jawablah pertanyaan tes formatif 2 (Modul 4 Hal 4.20) Jawablah pertanyaan tes formatif 2 (Modul 5 Hal 5.33) Ketentuan: Kerjakan dengan tulis tangan. Kerjakan di kertas HVS A4 Kumpulkan sebelum UAS


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