Modul 2 3 Maret 2013 Akhiran Bahasa Inggris Word Stem/Kata dasar, Kata kerja, Kata sifat, kata benda Kata benda Kata Kerja Suffix/Akhiran Kata Sifat Kata Keterangan Stem Break Pregnant Diction Elector Insect Bore Athlete Hero AsterCapsDepart -age Breakage Dictionary Electorate Insecticide Boredom Akhiran Bahasa Inggris -ancy, -acy, -cy -ary -ate -cide -dom Pregnancy, supremacy, accuracy -ics -ism -oid -ule -ure -eer -ess -hood -ist Politics Heroism Asteroid Capsule Departure Mountaineer Lioness Boyhood Industrialist Booklet, Cigarette Akhiran Pembentuk Kata Benda Mountain Lion Boy Industrial Book, Cigar Scholarly Friend Land Gang Captive Noun -let, -ette -ly -ship -scape -ster Scholarly Friendship Landscape Gangster Captivity -ity Verb Survive Appear, differ Assist, deter Translate, depress, dilute Create, Translate, Sleep Detect Manage Bake, laborate -Cook -al -ance, -ence -ant, -ent -ation, -sion, -tion -ator, -or -er -ive -ment -ery, -ory -ery Survival Apperance, difference Assistant, deterrent Translation, depression, dilution Creator, translator Sleeper Detective Management Bakery, laboratory Cookery Akhiran Pembentuk Kata Benda Stimulate Black Glory Personal, category -ate -en -ify, -fy -ize, -ise Stimulate Blacken Glorify Personalize, categorise Akhiran Pembentuk Kata Kerja Noun Touch, reverse Magic Peace Romance Infect, prestige Child Tree Cloud -able, -ible -al, -ical -ful -ic -ious, -ous -ish -less -y Touchable, reversible Magical Peaceful Romantic Infectious, prestiguous Childish Treeless Cloudy Akhiran Pembentuk Kata Sifat Gold Uni Speculate -en -form -ive Golden Uniform Speculative Quick Home Clockwise -ly -ward -wise Quickly Homeward Clockwise Akhiran Pembentuk Kata Keterangan Awalan Bahasa Inggris Word Prefix/ Awalan Word Meaning of Word Prefix Meaning of Prefix Stem Meaning of stem recall Stem ReBack/again call call To call back/again Akar Kata pada Bahasa Inggris Word Meaning of Word Root Meaning of Root Root Meaning of Root Morphology Study of structure/noun MorphStructure, noun -logy Study of Rangkuman Root atau akar kata merupakan bentuk dasar dari pembentukan kata. Dalam bahasa inggris, banyak dijumpai akar kata yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani dan bahasa latin. Gabungan dari akar kata ini biasannya menjadi suatu stem.