1. VVOB CambodiaSEAL ProgrammeM&E Report 2012 2. Preamble The Science, Environmental and Agricultural Life Skills (SEAL) programme has been implemented byVVOB Cambodia since mid-2008 and will be phased out by the end of 2013.This document presents an analysis of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) findings based on datacollected by the SEAL programme throughout 2012. The M&E process involved observations,logbooks, interviews and focus group discussions with direct and indirect target groups as well as anational M&E workshop held on 6 November 2012 together with strategic and operational partners.This M&E report also serves as input for the peer evaluation of the SEAL programme to be conductedfrom 17-21 December 2012. The findings of the peer evaluation will in its turn help to identify lessonslearned and recommendations for the new programme of VVOB to be started as of 2014.We hope that this document provides adequate information for the above purposes. The VVOB Cambodia teamSEAL Programme: M&E report 20122/79 3. Table of Contents Preamble _________________________________________________________________________ 1 Table of Contents ___________________________________________________________________ 2 List of tables and figures _____________________________________________________________ 5 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 5 List with abbreviations _______________________________________________________________ 7 1. Introduction ___________________________________________________________________ 8 2. Overview Indicators MYP2 ______________________________________________________ 10 3. Overall Objective: Learning outcomes of pupils in basic education improve as a result of more relevant and effective teaching and learning ____________________________________________ 12 3.1 Indicators ......................................................................................................................... 12 . 3.2 Means of Verification ....................................................................................................... 12 3.3 Results .............................................................................................................................. 13 3.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 16 4. Specific Objective 1: The percentage of graduate teachers with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching __________________________________________________________________ 17 4.1 Indicators ......................................................................................................................... 17 . 4.2 TPACK Concept ................................................................................................................. 17 4.3 Means of Verification ....................................................................................................... 18 4.4 Results RTTC student teachers ......................................................................................... 20 4.5 Results PTTC student teachers ......................................................................................... 23 4.6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 31 5. Intermediate Result 1 __________________________________________________________ 32 5.1 Indicators ......................................................................................................................... 32 .5.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 32 5.3 Means of Verification ....................................................................................................... 32 5.4 Results .............................................................................................................................. 37 5.5 Discussion on effectiveness with partner ........................................................................ 56 6. Intermediate Result 2 __________________________________________________________ 60 6.1 Indicators ......................................................................................................................... 60 .6.2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 60 6.3 Means of Verification ....................................................................................................... 60 6.4 Results .............................................................................................................................. 65 6.5 Discussion on effectiveness ............................................................................................. 69 7 Intermediate Result 3 __________________________________________________________ 73 7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 73 7.2 Means of Verification ....................................................................................................... 73 7.3 Results .............................................................................................................................. 73 7.4 Discussion on effectiveness ............................................................................................. 75 Conclusions _______________________________________________________________________ 77 Planning 2013 _____________________________________________________________________ 77 SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 3/79 4. Annexes _________________________________________________________________________ 79 Annex 1a: Lesson observation form – version 1 ........................................................................... 79 Annex 1b: Lesson observation form – version 2 ........................................................................... 79 Annex 2: M&E Protocol for field trips ........................................................................................... 79 Annex 3: Evaluation Rubric for Lesson Observations .................................................................... 79 Annex 4: Survey for teacher trainers on Agricultural and Environmental Life Skills Teaching ..... 79 Annex 5: Survey teacher trainers RTTCs ....................................................................................... 79 Annex 6: Logbook page outline ..................................................................................................... 79 Annex 7a: Guide Focus Group with Teacher Trainers ................................................................... 79 Annex 7b: Guide focus Group with life skills teacher trainers ...................................................... 79 Annex 8: Interview protocol for interviews with graduated teachers .......................................... 79 Annex 9: Individual lesson observation scores teacher trainers .................................................. 79 .Annex 10: Overview Teaching Resources ..................................................................................... 79 Annex 11a: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (March 2012) ............................................................ 79 Annex 11b: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (June 2012) ............................................................... 79 Annex 11c: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (November 2012) ...................................................... 79 References _______________________________________________________________________ 79 SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 4/79 5. List of tables and figures Tables Table 1 M&E in MYP2 .............................................................................................................................. 9 Table 2 M&E toolkit in MYP2 (2012) ........................................................................................................ 9 Table 3 Planned and Achieved Indicator Values .................................................................................... 11 Table 4 Overview lesson plans collected per subject (data 2012) ........................................................ 18 Table 5 Overview lesson plans per RTTC ............................................................................................... 18 Table 6 Summary interviews with PTTC student teachers ................................................................... 24 Table 7 Lesson Observations in 2012 per subject .................................................................................. 34 Table 8 Lesson Observations in 2012 per RTTC ..................................................................................... 34 Table 9: Overview of target population, method and timing of surveys ............................................... 35 Table 10: Composition of teacher trainer population per subject per survey ...................................... 36 Table 11: Percentage of curriculum topics teacher trainers have problems with understanding the content ................................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 12: Percentage of curriculum topics teachers from practice schools in Kandal have problems with in understanding ............................................................................................................................ 38 Table 13: Percentage of curriculum topics teacher trainers from RTTC Kandal have methodological problems with ........................................................................................................................................ 39 Table 14: Percentage of curriculum topics practice school teachers (Kandal) have methodological problems with ........................................................................................................................................ 39 Table 15 Student‐Centred Approaches included in training teacher trainers ....................................... 40 Table 16 Share of science curriculum topics with approved learning resource developed by VVOB ... 43 Table 17 Overview approved learning resources per subject and type ................................................ 43 Table 18 Average scores for lesson observations per RTTC in March and June 2012 .......................... 51 Table 19 Challenges for integrating TPACK by teacher trainers, per RTTC in 2011 (n = 75) ................. 54 Table 20 Challenges for integrating TPACK by teacher trainers, per RTTC in 2012 (n = 62) ................. 54 Table 21 Assumptions and Mitigation Strategies for IR3 (MYP2, p.59) ................................................ 76 Figures Figure 1 Student‐centred approaches applied by student teachers during their teaching practice during school year 2011 – 2012 (n = 400) ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 2 Technologies applied by student teachers during their teaching practice (n = 400).............. 21 Figure 3 Use of extra didactical materials by student teachers at RTTC Kandal during their practicum in 2008 and 2010 ................................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 4 Frequency of applying SCA by science teacher trainers at RTTCs (n = 61) ............................. 41 Figure 5 Reported frequency of use of various student‐centred approaches by science teacher trainers (n=62) ....................................................................................................................................... 41 Figure 6 Frequency of applying teaching aids for SCA by science teacher trainers at RTTCs (n = 61) . 43 .Figure 7 Reported use of teaching aids by RTTC science teacher trainers (n = 62) ............................... 44 Figure 8 Use of school garden (left) and waste management system (right) by RTTC earth science & biology teacher trainers (n = 25) ............................................................................................................ 45 SEAL Programme: M&E report 20125/79 6. Figure 9: Number of users of projectors per college ............................................................................. 46 Figure 10: Average projector use per teacher trainer ........................................................................... 47 Figure 11 Support provided by teacher trainers to student teachers during practicum (data baseline study 2008) ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Figure 12 Need for help by teacher trainers in providing methodological support to student teachers during practicum (data baseline study 2008) ........................................................................................ 48 Figure 13 Need for help by teachers of practice schools in providing methodological support to student teachers during practicum (data baseline study 2008) ............................................................ 49 Figure 14 Support provided by science teacher trainers during practicum (2011 – 2012) (n = 57) ...... 49 Figure 15 Comparison lesson observation scores for RTTC teacher trainers in March and June 2012. 50 Figure 16 Reported use of SCA by science teacher trainers per RTTC .................................................. 51 .Figure 17 Challenges reported by science teacher trainers for integrating TPACK in 2011 (n = 75) and 2012 (n=62) ............................................................................................................................................ 53 SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 6/79 7. List with abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank BIO Biology CHE Chemistry DCD Department of Curriculum Development (of MoEYS) DP Development Partner EEQP Enhancing Education Quality Project ES Earth Science ESDP3 Third Education Sector Development Program GSED General Secondary Education Department (of MoEYS) IBL Inquiry‐based lessons/learning IR Intermediate Result LF Logical Framework LS Life Skills JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Agency MoEYS Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport PED Primary Education Department (of MoEYS) PHY Physics POE Provincial Office of Education PTTC Provincial Teacher Training Centre RTTC Regional Teacher Training Centre SCA Student‐Centred Approach SEAL Science, Environmental and Agricultural Life skills (programme) SO Specific Objective STEPSAM2 2nd Strengthening Teacher Education Project for Science and Mathematics (of JICA) TDAP Teacher Development Action Plan TPACK Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge TIMMS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ToT Trainer of Trainers TTC Teacher Training Centre TTD Teacher Training Department (of MoEYS) SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 7/79 8. 1. Introduction As in 2011 this M&E report follows the structure of the logical framework. Per objective (overall and specific) and result (IR1, IR2 and IR3), indicators, means of verification, results and conclusions are presented. The table below gives an overview of the various M&E instruments deployed in the MYP2 per level in the logical framework (LF) and specifies what outputs, outcomes and impact are intended. Level capacity LF Level Activity Output Outcome Impact building Institutional level MoEYS Intermediate MeetingsRevised Application of Behaviour and Result curriculum curriculum, attitude Workshops teaching aids change w.r.t. Approved and manuals student‐Conferences teaching aids centred & manuals RTTCs report approaches, Working Updated on science & life groups templates for management skills education reporting science & life skills infrastructure Organisational level RTTCs & PTTCs Intermediate Identification Lab, Resource Usage Commitment Result and selection Room, to Procurement equipped maintenance library and Distribution improvement Training Structures in place for CPD for teacher trainers Individual level Teacher trainers Intermediate Workshops Lesson plans More Behaviour and Result knowledge and attitude Teachers Lesson skills change observations Usage of Material teaching development materials and manuals Student teachers Specific / /SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 8/79 9. Objective Pupils Overall / / Experience Higher Objective more relevant motivation, and effective involvement teaching and and learning satisfaction. Improved learning outcomes. Table 1 M&E in MYP2 The table below gives an overview of the M&E tools applied in 2012. LF Level Outcome Impact Knowledge and skills Behaviour and attitude change Usage of materials Higher motivation and satisfaction. Improved learning outcomes (pupils) Institutional level Interviews with MoEYS Interviews with MoEYS officials officials (MoEYS) Plans (TDAP, ICT Master plan) Organisational level LogbooksInterviews with RTTC and PTTC (TTCs) Management Reports to MoEYS Checklist Life Skills Activities Individual level Teacher trainers Intermediate LogbooksFocus Group discussion Result Lesson Observations Interviews with teacher trainers Survey Teachers Intermediate Lesson Observations In‐depth interviews young teachers Result Student teachers Specific Lesson Observations duringInterviews with student teachers Objective practicum Interviews with young teachers Lesson plan analysis Pupils Overall Lesson observations in schools Objective Table 2 M&E toolkit in MYP2 (2012) SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 9/79 10. Compared with 2011 following changes were made to the toolkit: 1. The TPACK survey was replaced by smaller survey. 2. Form for lesson observations was revised 3. A rubric for scoring lesson observations was introduced. 4. A representative sample of lesson plans from student teachers, made during their practicum, was collected. 2. Overview Indicators MYP2 LF level Indicator descriptionBaseline Value end Value end 2010 2012 2013 The average percentage of pupils showing active involvement in learning science and life skills in practice schools NA NA 80% Overall objective The percentage of pupils passing tests on science subjects including problem solving and life skills in practice schools NA NA 80% The percentage of graduating student teachers with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and 0% 50% 70% content knowledge in science and life skills Specific Objective teaching. The percentage of student teachers that integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills 0% 50% 70% during their teaching practice. Teacher trainers’ understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills 15% 70% 85% teaching. Intermediate Result 1 Teacher trainers’ application in their lessons of how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills 15% 60% 70% teaching. Teacher trainers’ coaching of student teachers in how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills 10% 50% 60% teaching during the teaching practice. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 10/79 11. Intermediate The percentage of PTTC teacher trainers with a Result 2 sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and 0% 65% 85% content knowledge in life skills teaching. The percentage of PTTC teacher trainers that integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in their life skills teaching. 0% 65% 70% The percentage of PTTC teacher trainers that systematically provide guidance during students teaching practice on how to integrate 0 % 65% > 50% technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching Educational materials (including manuals, RTTC: 0 RTTC:6 RTTC: 6 posters, a DVD box and digital learning objects) PTTC: 4 to support 4 science subjects and life skills PTTC: 0 PTTC:4 teaching are approved and disseminated (in Intermediate print or on‐line) by TTD Result 3 80 % of developed educational material Printed: 0Printed: (printed and audio‐visual) integrated into TTDs >50% professional development programs and the Audio‐national teacher training curricula Visual: 0 Audio‐Visual: >50% The integration of technological, pedagogical Not Partly Integratedand content knowledge framework into the integrated integrated M&E processes of TTD Table 3 Planned and Achieved Indicator Values SEAL Programme: M&E report 201211/79 12. 3. Overall Objective: Learning outcomes of pupils in basic education improve as a result of more relevant and effective teaching and learning 3.1 Indicators The target group of the overall objective are pupils in basic education (grades 1 – 9). The way we aim to make classes more effective is by making sure that new teachers who graduate are better equipped to teach science, environmental and agricultural life skills at primary and secondary schools. A success rate of 80% by 2013 is considered appropriate and feasible (MYP2, p.60). Success can be described as: ‐ The lesson is positively evaluated by the observers. ‐ Pupils indicate a positive change in teaching style. ‐ Teachers indicate satisfaction and motivation to apply SCA. Following indicators were identified in MYP2 ‐ The average percentage of pupils showing active involvement in learning science and life skills in practice schools ‐ The percentage of pupils passing tests on science subjects including problem solving and life skills in practice schools Note that the population are the pupils from the 36 practice schools, affiliated to 6 (out of 6) RTTCs and the 24 practice schools, affiliated to 4 (out of 18) PTTCs. 3.2 Means of Verification 3.2.1. Lesson Observations & Interviews with pupils (planned in 2013) Pupils from primary schools and pupils from grades 7 – 9 will be interviewed before and after lesson observations. Lessons will be observed at 6 schools, one per RTTC in 2013. Schools will be selected from the 36 practice schools. The impact on pupils from non‐practice schools is assumed from observations at the practice schools. For RTTC: Four lessons per school will be observed and 4 pupils per lesson invited for a short interview, resulting in 96 interviews. For PTTC: Lessons will be observed at 4 schools, 1 practice school of each of the 4 target PTTCs. Schools will be selected from 24 practice schools. Also lessons will be observed at 2 practice schools of 2 non‐target PTTCs as there are no baseline data for the PTTC level. The objectives of the interviews are to learn: ‐ What are pupils’ descriptions of a “normal” lesson? ‐ How do pupils perceive the lesson compared with a “normal” lesson? SEAL Programme: M&E report 201212/79 13. ‐ What are pupils’ emotions when confronted with a student‐centred teaching approach? ‐ Did pupils feel that they learned more with this approach? ‐ What would pupils change to the teaching? 3.2.2. In‐depth interviews with recently graduated students (aka young teachers) During interviews with young teachers, we asked some questions about pupils’ reactions when applying student‐centred techniques and technologies, and about any evolution in pupils’ learning outcomes. (See a more detailed description of the tool under 3.2.2) 3.3 Results 3.3.1 RTTC There is a time lag between programme activities and a noticeable impact with the target group. Training activities with teacher trainers in Kandal started in earnest in 2009 and application of SCA and ICT by teacher trainers at the pilot institution (RTTC Kandal) wasn’t in full swing until 2010. This implies that the student cohort graduating in July 2011 was the first cohort that could have experienced a more student‐centred teaching approach by teacher trainers. This means they are the first group of graduated teachers who can reasonably be expected to teach in a more student‐centred way. For the other RTTCs trainings started at the end of 2011 and continued throughout 2012. For RTTCs outside Kandal students graduating in 2014 will be the first group to have experienced student‐centred approaches. The impact in the RTTCs outside Kandal will therefore largely take place beyond the lifetime of the programme. Some indications of the impact of the programme can be obtained from anecdotal evidence and informal dynamics. For example, draft versions of manuals, posters and experiment descriptions have been repeatedly requested and copied by students. POE Kandal has requested copies of posters to distribute to schools and many student teachers have been using our YouTube videos of experiments to prepare their practice lessons (23.041 views on VVOBCambodia YouTube Channel on November 12, 2012). Recently graduated teachers indicate that they are quickly made head of subject, often after a few months of teaching. Lesson observations convince school directors of the stronger capacity of newly graduated teachers. This could be because directors are aware of recent policies to promote the use of SCA in schools. As head of subject they can lead monthly technical subject meetings and is in a position to introduce SCA to their colleagues. “The first monthly technical meeting takes place tomorrow, in total, 8 teachers from physics and chemistry teaching G7 to G12 attend the meeting. Last year, our agenda discussion focused on lesson content for example electrostatic, the use of chemical periodic table etc. The discussion on teaching methodology was also in our agenda. In the meeting I mentioned the number of techniques of SCA I learned during my training program at RTTC Kandal, I indicated the name of techniques, but not really show them the procedure and how to apply those techniques yet. I plan to introduce them in the next meeting because the agenda for tomorrow is fully covered on other issues. When I applied SCA in my lesson, most teachers SEAL Programme: M&E report 201213/79 14. showed their interested and requested me to share with them someday. My director also satisfied my lesson when applying SCA, because he can compare my good lesson to the lesson without SCA integration, students are more active and have a good discussion and interaction”. (Young Teacher A) In a student‐centred classroom also students need to come along. Stories from young teachers show that some pupils find it difficult to be active and think for themselves. Some pupils reportedly have low literacy skills, making it difficult to apply student‐centred approaches. “SCA is seen as challenges to apply in every lesson. Most students in my class have low ability to read and write, they are familiar with the approach to just copy the text from the board into their notebook, and not able write independently or with their own words. I can conclude that one reason is the quality of their primary education is not high. Another reason is that teachers are afraid to not finish the curriculum by the end of the school year, so the lesson went fast and students find it difficult to follow. In my lesson last year, I spent more time lecturing than involving students in the discussion, I hope in this school year, the student prior knowledge is better and stimulate to apply SCA more frequently”. (Young Teacher The main barrier for young teachers to apply SCA in their schools is time. Many teachers have a second job to complement their income. In school they teach more than one subject or teach in upper secondary classes as well. More teaching hours leaves them little time to prepare their lessons. “When I became a teacher at this school I am appointed to teach more than one subject, this had leaded me to have little time preparing my lesson plan, also if I integrate and apply SCA in every lesson, I will not able to finish all topics in the curriculum at the end of the school year. Besides the teaching, I also have to support my family in farming to make up for the income”. Time also relates to the pressure to finish the curriculum in time. All young teachers found that the curriculum is too extended. In order to cover all the topics they tend to resort to lecturing and other teacher‐centred approaches. “Applying SCA more frequently can slow down my lesson. Sometimes lecturing is a good choice rather than encouraging student in the discussion”. 3.3.2 PTTC As mentioned above also for the life skills programme for PTTCs there is a time lag between programme activities and a noticeable impact with the target group. Teacher trainers from PTTC Siem Reap have been doing try‐out lessons at PTTC Siem Reap during the school year 2010‐2011. The first group of students that could have benefitted from the new approaches in the subjects Agriculture and Environment graduated in June 2011. From this group 8 students have been interviewed then, and again in October 2012. This means they are the first group of graduated teachers who can reasonably be expected to teach in a more student‐centred way. The interviews of SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 14/79 15. October 2012 show that they have been using SCA and are experimenting and trying to improve themselves. Training activities for teacher trainers of all 18 PTTCs started in early 2011 and improvements in the environment and agriculture lessons and application of SCA by teacher trainers there only fully started with the school year 2011‐2012. The student cohort graduating in 2012 was the first cohort that could have experienced a more student‐centred teaching approach in the life skills lessons by teacher trainers. The impact in the PTTCs outside Siem Reap will therefore largely take place beyond the lifetime of the programme. Some indications of the impact of the programme can be obtained from anecdotal evidence and informal dynamics. Students mention the change in their attitude towards keeping the school grounds at PTTC Siem Reap clean and seeing the benefits of segregating waste. When they came back from their teaching practice they notice there was no waste segregation system in their practice schools and they are planning to implement this in their schools. They also mention that they do get support from their school directors to implement SCA in the lessons. “My director completely supports applying SCA and helps with finding or producing teaching aids.” The main barrier for young teachers to apply SCA is lack of teaching aids they mention. The school has some budget but it is not enough. They do try and make teaching aids themselves and use easy to find real life objects in their lessons or ask pupils to bring materials from home. Pupils often are not used to different student centred techniques. “Students have not seen some methods before, like the questioning game, they are scared to play it or afraid to answer questions.” Pupils’ reactions During the follow up visit to PTTC Banteay Meanchey and PTTC Battambang in May 2012 pupils were invited to answer some questions. A group of 3 pupils from grade 6 at the practice school in Battambang said: “Yes, my teacher gives a nice lesson. He leads us to play educational games and teaches about reading. I know that environment is everything around us such as school premises, toilets, etc. I have learned the meaning of 3 colours bins. We have learned how to collect the waste, clean the classroom and school ground, plant and water the flowers. Sometimes we have a lesson outside and the teacher asks us to collect the waste and put it in the bins. We have learnt how to grow vegetables such as cabbage and morning glory, but we did not learn how to raise both chicken and fish yet. We have practice at outside very often.” Quotes from a group of 4 pupils from grade 6 at the practice school Battambang: “Yes, I like going to school. The teacher gives nice lessons such as sports, agriculture, telling tales and joke stories. Environment means everything around us such as tree, chair, swing, teachers, students, water, rain, wind, soil and so on. We have learnt about waste disposal. The teacher explains me about the role of each colour waste bin. We now collect the waste SEAL Programme: M&E report 201215/79 16. around the school ground, classroom and put them in the right waste bins. I learn how to grow vegetables at school. I learn how to roof the chicken cage, and we have learned about doing vaccination and making chicken food. Also we learn the theory of digging the hole for a fish pond. What I like best is growing chili, digging the soil, water the vegetables.” 3.4 Conclusion Measuring impact is challenging due to the time lag and the difficulty to link changes in behaviour causally to programme activities. There is anecdotal evidence that graduated teachers are using student centred approaches in their schools, but this needs to be confirmed by lesson observations and more interviews with pupils in 2013. The graduated teachers who were interviewed did not report resistance by elder teachers and the management as an important barrier. Conversely, some have been made head of subject already. Instead, time often presented the main challenge as they have multiple jobs, teach various subjects and get classes in upper secondary school assigned. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 16/79 17. 4. Specific Objective 1: The percentage of graduate teachers with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching 4.1 Indicators Two indicators were defined for SO1: ‐ The percentage of graduate teachers (graduated student teachers) with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching. ‐ The percentage of student teachers that integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills during their teaching practice. Target values for 2013 were determined. ‐ The target value for 2013 for both indicators is an impact on 70% of all student teachers in an effective way. The baseline value in 2011 is 15% as only student teachers in Kandal can be expected to be impacted by the programme (Table 3). 4.2 TPACK Concept Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. At the heart of the TPACK framework, is the complex interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK). Figure 1 TPACK Concept (Source: http://tpack.org/) SEAL Programme: M&E report 201217/79 18. A central element in the TPACK concept is that applying a student‐centred approach or technology in itself is not sufficient. There is only an improvement in teaching if there is a negotiated balance between content knowledge, pedagogy and technology, whereby technology is not limited to digital technologies. Indeed, in the Cambodian context, non‐digital technologies such as posters, cartoons and games arguably play a more important role than digital technologies. 4.3 Means of Verification 4.3.1 Analysis lesson plans from teaching practice Lesson plans developed during teaching practice were collected from a random sample of student teachers from the 6 RTTCs. Table 2 and Subject Number of student teachers Number of lesson plans Kandal 9 82 Phnom Penh 9 51 Takeo 9 32Prey Veng 9 113Kampong Cham 9 65 Battambang 9 80 Total 54 423 Table 5 provide an overview of the sample characteristics. Subject Number of student Number of lesson teachers plans Math‐Physics 15 60Physics‐Chemistry 18 178 Biology‐Earth Science 17 185 Table 4 Overview lesson plans collected per subject (data 2012) Subject Number of student teachers Number of lesson plans Kandal 9 82 Phnom Penh 9 51 Takeo 9 32Prey Veng 9 113Kampong Cham 9 65 Battambang 9 80 Total 54 423 Table 5 Overview lesson plans per RTTC Misinterpretation of instructions caused the low number of lesson plans from RTTC Takeo. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201218/79 19. Student teachers prepare lesson plans for the 2 subjects of their specialisation (mathematics‐physics, physics‐chemistry or biology‐earth science). The subject listed first is the major subject and student teachers are required to prepare more lesson plans for their major subject. Chemistry and earth science can only be studied as the second subject, which explains the lower number of lesson plans for these subjects.4.3.2 Interviews with student teachers Interviews with small groups of student teachers were systematically done during follow‐up visits to the 5 RTTCs in March, June and November. Per RTTC 3 or 4 student teachers were interviewed per visit, resulting in a total of 60 interviews. In March and May 2012 interviews were done with student teachers from the 3 target PTTCs (Banteay Meanchey, Battambang and Kandal). In total 12 student teachers took part in the interviews. 4.3.3 Lesson observations (during teaching practice) 20 Lesson observations were carried out at the practice schools of RTTC Kandal during the practicum of 2nd year students in the period February– April 2012. As for practice schools of PTTC Siem Reap the teacher trainer responsible for collecting lesson observation forms during teaching practice is at the moment processing the collected data. The results will be integrated in the next version of this report. Objectives of the lesson observations are: ‐ To asses student teachers’ awareness of SCA and their capability to successfully integrate SCA into their lessons. ‐ To provide feedback to student teachers about the integration of SCA into their lessons. ‐ To assess the suitability of learning materials developed by the SEAL programme in a local classroom context. 4.3.4 In‐depth interviews with recently graduated students (aka young teachers) We selected in‐depth interviews as a research methodology as we wanted to obtain insights in deeper motives of participants. Since we would like to discuss barriers and challenges encountered during their teacher training, we considered individual interviews more appropriate in this context than focus group interviews. In‐depth interviewing is a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program, or situation (Boyce and Neale, 2006). We selected the subjects for the in‐depth interviews with purposive sampling. This means that we deliberately selected participants according to preselected criteria relevant to our research question. When the same stories, themes, issues, and topics emerge from the interviewees, a sufficient sample size has been reached (Boyce and Neale, 2006). SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 19/79 20. In May 2011 we seelected 9 RT and 8 PTTC student for a semTTC ts mi‐structured in‐depth in d nterview. Interview were conws nducted in JJune 2011 a follow‐up interviews in October 2012. In 2 and s r 2013 the same paarticipants w be interv will viewed for a last time. The 17 stua udents were selected fro RTTC om Kandal and PTTC Siem Reap, s since only thhese studen were fam nts miliar at the time with student‐ e centred teaching approaches. For RTTC C they were selected acccording to following crite eria: ‐ Bala ance between 3 speciializations (earth science/ biology physics/ chemistry, physics/ y, matthematics); ‐ Gen nder balance; ; ‐ Bala ance between province oof origin (Kan ndal, Kampon ng Speu, Kam mpong Chnanng) For PTTC C they were randomly seelected ensu uring gender balance. For the sstart intervie ew the objecctives were to: ‐ Obtain insights iinto their understanding, applicationn and appreciation of SCA A; ‐ Learrn about their plans and expectations about theirr teaching; For the ffollow‐up intterviews thee objectives aare to: ‐ Commpare the tea achers’ expeeriences withh their plans and expecta ations the year before. ‐ Desccribe their ch hanges in SCCA appreciatiion and unde erstanding.‐ Deteermine lessoons learned rregarding strrategies to en nhance adopption of SCA in school pra actice. ‐ Disc cuss possible changes in teacher education in order to better prepar and equi future e n re ip teac chers. 4.4 Results RRTTC stude ent teacher rs During ttheir practic cum in 2012 about half of the student teachers used IBL o group wo One s or ork. student in five applied SCA, introduced by VVOB. Ne y early 60% used a poste in their practicum er (Figure 22). Figure 2 P Percentage of sttudent teacher rs applying SCA A (left) and usin ng teaching aids (right) (n=53) ) Student teachers ap pplied a varieety of student‐centred a approaches (Group work (in more (Figure 3). Gthan ¼ of lesson plans)and inquiry‐based learning (in about 1/6 of lesson plans) prov p n 6 ved most SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201220/79 21. popular, the forme being a c, er catch‐all term covering a wide var riety of active (and less active) instructiional techniqques and the e latter has b ted by Stepsam2 since 20been stimulat 008. Techniques introducced by VVOB B do show up in studentts’ lesson pla ans, albeit not in large nnumbers. Howeve trainings for teacher trainers ster, r tarted only in October 2011 with the bulk oorganized between or having an impact on th n February and May 2012, too late fohe practicumm. Figure 3 SStudent‐centre ed approaches applied by stud dent teachers d during their teaaching practicee during school year 2011 – 2012 (n = 400) Technologies applied by studeFigure 4 T ent teachers duuring their teac ching practice ((n = 400) Posters are the mosst popular technology use ed by studennt teachers dduring their practicum (FFigure 4). More thhan 1/3 of th he lesson plaans featured the use of aa poster and d nearly 60%% of student teachers used one. About 1 iin 8 lesson pplans includeed a low‐costt experimentt and 1 studeent in 4 used d at least SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 21/79 22. one experiment during their teaching practice (Figure 2). Posters include mainly copies of textbook pictures, self‐made posters and (in Kandal) posters developed by VVOB, which are available for borrowing by the students. Distribution of posters to other RTTCs took place after the practicum (February – April), so that usage figures are expected to rise in 2013. Most SCA were applied by student teachers from RTTC Kandal, except for IBL. Nevertheless, in some RTTCs, notably Takeo, lesson plans contain SCA and experiments introduced by VVOB in 2012. These data are confirmed by interviews with student teachers. For example, students physics and chemistry at RTTC Kampong Cham indicate to do at least one experiment per week. Earth science and biology students report that posters are frequently used by their teacher trainers, and plan to use them in their practicum. Interviews revealed that student teachers appreciate that their teacher trainers apply SCA. Following reasons were mentioned: ‐ Lessons are more enjoyable, increasing their motivation “SCAs lead to a better learning environment. I feel more motivated to come to class. Later in my school I want to create the same feeling with my pupils.” (Student Teacher RTTC Kampong Cham, March 2011). ‐ They get a better understanding of the content “I am not from science subject, but when received cascade trainings from colleagues and have applied with STs, I found that student teachers like the lessons and learn better.” (Pedagogy teacher trainer RTTC Kampong Cham) ‐ Materials are relevant for them, saving them the cost to buy materials themselves. “For science posters, student teachers like them. With the A3 format of periodic table, some student teachers do not need to buy personal pocket periodic table anymore.” (Teacher trainer chemistry, RTTC Prey Veng) ‐ They get inspiration to apply SCA in their teaching, thus becoming better teachers. Student teachers discuss with each other which techniques and materials could be useful for their own teaching. “I liked the lesson on the Sun and the Moon. First we watched a video, and then the teacher used a poster to explain about the solar eclipse. Then we used [concept] cartoons to discuss about the reason of solar eclipse. In my school I cannot use the video, but I can use the cartoon to let my students discuss about the solar eclipse.” (Student teacher RTTC Prey Veng, March 2011) Data are difficult to compare with baseline values, collected in 2008 and 2010, as these were based on self‐assessment data, and not on analysis of lesson plans and were limited to RTTC Kandal. Data in 2010 showed a strong rise of the use of didactical materials in RTTC Kandal by student teachers during their practicum (Figure 5). SEAL Programme: M&E report 201222/79 23. Figure 5 Use of extra didactical materials by student teachers at RTTC Kandal during their practicum in 2008 and 2010 Up to now, only model teachers from practice schools from RTTC Kandal are acquainted with SCA and the supply of teaching aids. Training activities for model teachers from other RTTCs are planned in early 2013. This is important as lesson observations by teacher trainers are very limited during the practicum, and usually only during the final lesson. Data don’t give information about the quality of the applied technique. Experiments, for example, are often used to ‘prove’ the theory taught before, rather than as a tool to encourage student thinking. 4.5 Results PTTC student teachers In‐depth interviews with student teachers in 2011 In July 2011 a number of 8 graduate student teachers were asked to participate in an in‐depth interview. The student teachers were chosen randomly, 4 female and 4 male student teachers. The questions of the interview (Annex 8) are follow up questions related to the TPACK questionnaire to find out more about student teachers understanding of aspects of teaching and learning, especially the Student Centred Approach. Below is a summary of the interviews: M/F ScaleCan explain Nr.of SCAHow often didImportant? TTs showed ExpectedSCA approaches you use it/when?SCA? difficulties inconcept mentioned future schooland its duringusefulnessinterview1 M7++8During teachingStrongly believe Sometimes, alsoLack of teaching practice, mathsit’s important learn by myselfaids exampleSEAL Programme: M&E report 201223/79 24. 2 M8 + 8 Example ofStrongly believeYes a lot Lack of teaching maths.aids, absence of students3 M7 ++12Often, mathsYes Encouraged me Low capacity of example teachers, lack of teaching aids4 M7 ++9 Maths example Yes vital Often and lotsLow capacity of teachers, lack of teaching aids, bad management5 F7.5 +++ 10During teaching Yes, experiencedShowed good Lack of teaching pract. Mathsthat it helps examples andaids, lack of example.encouragedparticipation of during teaching students but SCA practicecan help with that6 F8 + 7 In the Nat.educ.Yes, it saves time, Yes they helped Making teaching program so I have st.help eachaids takes a lot of to, used in other, share ideastime, students are teaching pract. noisy and lazy in group discussion7 F8 ++12During teaching I experienced it70% of them yes I have to do more pract., soc.study helps so yes, and self-study on SCA, example.poor research prepare good skills in studentslesson plans, need to be improved8 F8 + 11Math.example. Vital and goodYes they give Too many students and duringexpl.whyideas in one class, teaching practproducing teaching aids is time consuming, Av 7.56Table 6 Summary interviews with PTTC student teachers On understanding the concept of SCA female students rated themselves a little bit higher than the male students (7.9 against 7.3 for the male students) on a scale from 1 to 10. When asked to explain what SCA is and how useful it is, 1 girl gave a very good explanation, 2 gave a sufficient explanation and the 4th female student teacher’s explanation was a bit under average but still showed some understanding. Out of the 4 male students 3 were able to give a complete and thorough explanation. All 8 students were able to give a good variety of examples of teaching approaches (average nearly 10 examples per student). 2 of the 8 student teachers mention spontaneously they are familiar with the list of 36 SCA activities. All student teachers mention that they used SCA activities during their teaching practice and they were encouraged to do so by the teacher trainers. When asked to give an example of using SCA in their own teaching most students (6 out of 8) gave an example related to Mathematics. The biggest problem they expect to encounter when they start teaching in their future schools is a lack of teaching aids. Some mention that they can address that challenge by making teaching aids themselves or use real life teaching aids that do not take much time to prepare.SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 24/79 25. In‐depth interviews 2012 with 4 primary school teachers (graduated and interviewed in 2011) In October 2012 an interview was held with 4 of the 8 above mentioned student teachers, now primary school teachers. Most questions are the same as last year. Some questions were added about their experience with SCA after 1 year of teaching and some questions about their school. The 4 primary school teachers were chosen randomly from the total of the 8 above mentioned student teachers that were interviewed in July 2011. This is a summary of their answers. M/ Scal Explain SCA Examples Why do Challenges Would you Characteristics of a good F e concept and its given you use consider using teacher usefulness it? more or other SCA? 1 F 9 More activities for Educational Students Students are Yes I am still Motivation is the most students, student games, are able not used to improving and important weather they are confident and experiments to figure group could do other are in a rural area or in a learn , group things out discussion, they educational town independently work, and it hesitate to games, painting, and clearly practice, makes show ideas, but thinking‐understand, they questioning, student now they get entertain‐work together brainstorm, responsiblused to it rethinking and learn observation e. because the technique. cooperatively. s outside group the discussion can classroom be arranged much faster no. Lack of teaching aids, but use low cost materials. 2 F 8.5 It makes students It serves Is still use it and Strongly respects the able to find teaching try other school discipline and make solutions, Group work, and Lack of methodologies students understand and collaborate and questioning, learning. resources, which makes it follow, solving problems help each other, experiments If during example giving: easier for students for the students and they are lesson a lesson on to they want to active teacher electricity learn talks a lot, students get bored and lose attention, with SCA they stay interested , they can share ideas 3 F 5 Students are Learning Because Students have I use SCA once in a Trying to find new more active than games, students not seen some while depends on knowledge the teacher, it guided can methods the lesson, I still makes students questions, express before, like the use it and am SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 25/79 26. more interested brainstormitheir ideas questioning trying to find out ng, analyse, and it is game, they are more methods to discuss in quick for scared to play it use. pairs them to or to answer remembe questions r and they will remembe r more. 4 M 7 Students are Group Students Difficult to Pupils’ ability to Try to provide pupils with more active, discussion, learn handle the SCA evolves. In lessons that they can students can search for collaboratvariety of levels group discussion, understand, teach grasp the content information ively and in the class. they sometimes regularly, make a lesson of the lesson as it easier don’t understand plan and prepare teaching immediately, and homework, for them Some pupils are the content. That aids. students are able pair to grasp not so literate is why the lesson to show their discussion, the and then group should also use ideas. small content. discussion is other techniques. groups awkward. solving Through class maths discussions or pair assignment, discussion pupils pupils at different skill present levels can learn. findings demonstration with real life objects, let students draw numbers on the board M/F Meetings in school Do colleagues Support from director Budget to buy Suggestions how to apply SCA? materials for life skills improve the teacher in applying SCA and other resources? education PTTC to be better prepared? 1 F Once a month, if it is Yes, some do I have to demonstrate a lesson 2 or 3 Yes, but it is not To provide even more new not too busy. Used to times a year. POE and my director enough, students techniques and more ideas show a model lesson and visitors from Japan and VVOB. shared by bringing to make low costs and the team gives My director completely supports brooms and collect a materials/teaching aids. feedback and share applying SCA and helps with finding bit of money to buy If all student teachers apply materials used. or producing teaching aids. small bins or bring SCA in their schools the some wood to make primary schools will surely them. I can make be good in the future. copies but the budget is not enough. 2 F Every month, Yes Yes, for example when some lessons Yes the school has a discussions about require additional resources the budget to support good methodology, director helps to facilitate this. During school expenses, but it SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 26/79 27. M/F Meetings in school Do colleagues Support from director Budget to buy Suggestions how to apply SCA? materials for life skills improve the teacher in applying SCA and other resources? education PTTC to be better prepared? cascading methods, technical meetings a model lesson is mainly supports the sharing ideas on SCA demonstrated and discussed fence, but we can also afterwards. make copies. I suggested more experimental and teaching resources. 3 F Every month, Yes Yes, for example when some lessons No budget. Request the teachers to discussions and require additional resources the teach regularly. Teacher trying new teaching director helps to facilitate this. School I would like more shows up during agriculture methods, director observed my lesson. resources but the lesson and asks students to school cannot provide try and understand by During technical meetings a model it. themselves. Request the lesson is demonstrated and discussed students to bring the afterwards. resources by themselves for the agriculture lesson. 4 M Every month. Yes, for School director helps with materials PB Budget, but not so If VVOB has new good example group and methodology to teachers. Giving much. I will share some lesson, manuals or other Discuss about discussion, feedback after a lesson. money to buy things background information geometry, search for but not so much. about agriculture and measurement unit, information, Teachers from clustered schools, in‐environment, it can help dictation, essay assigning tasks school teachers have done a lesson share with student teachers writing. If one and exercises to observation. so that they can apply when teacher does not test students’ they are at the future understand the ability. schools. VVOB can methods well, one distribute some manuals to another will provide keep the old teachers that knowledge of this. have never been involved with VVOB posted. Compared to last year 3 out of 4 teachers rate their understanding of SCA higher. The 4th teacher rated herself lower (5) but when asked to explain the concept and its usefulness and to provide examples she was able to do so. She does mention that she is using it once in a while and is trying to find out more methods to use. All 4 teachers can explain why they feel SCA is useful. The 4 teachers can name a total of 13 different SCA techniques that they use. Challenges they mention is that pupils are not used to the new methodology and are sometimes shy to answer questions or participate in a game. They also mention lack of teaching aids. There is a budget to buy materials but it is not enough. All 4 teachers have a monthly meeting at their school with the team where methodologies are shared and model lessons observed. They all feel that their school director is supportive of SCA and tries to help in finding or making teaching aids. After 1 year of teaching the teachers are still motivated to keep teaching. When asked do you plan to keep working as a teacher all 4 primary school teachers answer in a positive way. “I will keep working as a teacher especially it is useful for young pupils. If the pupils are well‐ educated at the basic level, they will be strong at higher levels. It is useful for myself, my family. Due to low salary I sometimes feel demotivated. Anyway I keep doing it enthusiastically. It provides me high honour in society.” SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 27/79 28. “Yes I will keep working as a teacher. Working as a teacher provides me with high honour and helps people, especially children to escape from illiteracy. Benefits: It provides students with knowledge, as teacher I can provide knowledge and skills. I have a range of techniques to apply to students. And I can development myself. Disadvantages are: Low living standards and the high workload. In‐depth interviews with 8 student teachers graduated in 2012 In June 2012 an interview was held with a new group of 8 graduate student teachers. The student teachers were chosen randomly, 4 female and 4 male student teachers. The questions of the interview are nearly the same as the questions that were asked to the 8 graduate student teachers last year. The interview contains questions to find out more about student teachers understanding aspects of teaching and learning especially the Student Centred Approach and Life Skills education. This is a summary of their answers. M/ Scale Can explain ExampleHow often didImportant?TTs showed SCATTs showed SCA inFSCA givenyouin EnvironmentAgriculture lessonsexperience lesson concept andSCA at PTTC itslessons usefulness1 F7.5 ++GroupVery often Yes, it The Environmental The use of fertilizers and discussionencourageslessons include the insecticides, soil preparation involvement relationship betweentechniques for crops growing. lives on earth and the natural protected area.2 F6.5 ++GroupAll lessonsYes, I stimulates Outdoor activities, Building beds for growing discussionpupils to learn bylearning games, and crops, making composed themselvessongs.fertilizer, and using insecticide.3 F8 + GroupNot very often Yes, pupils do lots (Outdoor activities)Outdoor activities. Producing discussionof activities Biodiversity lesson:composed fertilizer and dry Each student is has fertilizer, and building beds for to find plant’s name. crops growing.4 F7 + GroupVery often Yes, pupils can (Outdoor activities)Outdoor activities: Example: discussioncheck their won Example:Growing vegetable answers Biodiversity5 M7 ++GroupYes, StudentsYes. It Group discussionActivities inside and outside discussion learn more encourages pupils was alsothe classroom (e.g. compost to share opinions accompanied byproduction) which enable apictures presentation better(e.g. deforestation) understanding6 M8 ++GroupYes and IYes. Pupils likeGroup work (e.g.Activities outside classroom discussion appreciate itlearning this way Ecosystem)(e.g. chicken raising)7 M6 ++Learning SometimesYes, it makeIndividual work,Outdoor activities: Example: gamepupils self-example: Recycling. Fish raising and crops growingSEAL Programme: M&E report 201228/79 29. confident Plastic water bottles can be used for crafting animals or growing plant.8 M 5++Group Very oftenYes. All pupils are Groups work, None discussioninvolvedexample: Crops growing.Av. 6.88 M/F ICT useUse of SCA in own What Life Skills activity do youTeaching Aids you plan to use and the barriers teachingplan to implement in your future school?1 F I appreciate ICT veryOutdoor activitiesI have a plan to set up a life skills The supporting learning materials that I used include:much, I like to show cleaning the school garden and lead my students toNumbers 1-100 Square Poster, an unnumbered ruler,my ability grounds, role playpractice. number cards, word cards. Using these materials helps the students understand the lessons easily. These materials are only available in some schools. For the barriers, I will prepare the materials myself (For instance, there is only one picture of water cycle in the school, some teachers use it for teaching, and I will use the materials that I have invented).2 F I appreciate ICT veryOutdoor activities: Crops growing and fish raisingExisting and readily available materials such as straws,much, plan to us it, observation and activities provide students withstone, self-invented materials, fraction, content, litrebut availability intake notes, assignextra skills in addition to whatmeasurement, and statistic materials that I asked myschool will be difficult tasks for each groupthey have learned in the class. students to produce previously. Some of the above- membermentioned materials are available in school. The barriers for me include lack of teaching materials in the school but I will produce them immediately for using in my teaching.3 F I appreciate ICT veryWater Cycle lesson, Growing vegetable.Existing and readily available materials include strawsmuch; plan to us it, group discussionand stone. Some of the above-mentioned materials arepictures from internet available in school. The barriers for me include lackingand it makes of teaching materials in the school but I will produceteaching easier. them immediately for using in my teaching.4 F I appreciate ICT, plan Group workBody hygiene, helping withExisting and readily available materials includeto us it, butactivitieshousework and growing pictures. Using these materials helps students learnavailability in school vegetable.lessons more easily. Some of the above-mentionedwill be difficult, but materials are available in school. The barriers for mecan make pupilsinclude lacking of teaching materials in the school but Iprogress can have them [the pictures] photocopied. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201229/79 30. M/F ICT useUse of SCA in ownWhat Life Skills activity do you Teaching Aids you plan to use and the barriersteaching plan to implement in your future school?5 MI appreciate ICT veryGroup work Environmental pollution andI will use the existing materials and newly made much; plan to us it, if clean environment. materials as they are important for presenting each available. It’s easy lesson. There are some barriers due to insufficient and saves time.materials, so the school committee should supply themto be available.6 MModern techniquesResearch activities, Chicken raising and sanitation Word cards, pictures, movable letters, number cards attract pupils’ interest observation of palm and real objects such as pieces of stone, leaves of in learning. trees tree, etc., are used to enable the students tounderstand the lesson better. These materials areavailable in school. The barriers include the use ofsame materials, materials shortage and non-advancedmaterials makes the students feel bored. Materialsshould be created in a more attractive way.7 MI appreciate ICT, plan Outdoor activities,The use of plastic bags should Teaching aids are very important for achieving to us it, if it is collect things, role be reduced; lotus leaves, bowlsobjectives of a lesson. Teaching aids are also useful available in school, play or boxes should be used instead. for mainstreaming the lesson content and make the pupils like to learn students feel want to learn. Without teaching aids, the more, I will use students will gain only the knowledge but not the skills. videos These materials are available at school. The barriers touse these materials are that the school does not havesufficient materials but I can tell my students to bringfrom their house.8 MI appreciate it very Group discussion,Crops growing. I will use pictures, real objects, straws, and chopsticks. much, plan to use it,to draw shapes in Using teaching aids helps the students understand the ex.slide show of maths lesson easily. Some materials are readily available. pictures, it make students want to lean All 8 students used SCA during their teaching practice and they were encouraged to do so by their teacher trainers. All student teacher claim they will use SCA in their future school. The female students rate themselves a little bit higher than the male students (7.25 for the female students against 6.5 for the male students). This was also the case last year, but when asked to explain the concept and its usefulness the male students are a bit better. All 8 students can provide a sufficient explanation, 6 out of 8 a thorough explanation. When asked to give an example of a Student Centred Approach (SCA) 7 student’s answered group work and 1 said learning game. Also in lesson observations we can find that group work is the number 1 SCA‐technique. Later on in the interview more examples came up. Students mentioned techniques they plan to use in their future schools like outdoor activities, observation and research. Out of 8 students 6 students state that they experienced SCA very often during their lessons from the teacher trainers at the PTTC, 1 student answered “sometimes” and 1 “not very often”. All students were able to mention examples of SCA approach in the Environment and Agriculture lessons they have experienced in their 2 years at the PTTC. Activities mentioned are outdoor activities, learning games, songs, observations, recycling together, working in the garden, producing natural fertilizer and pesticide, practice chicken raising. They all say they appreciate the SCA lessons. Reasons they mention is that SCA encourages pupil’s SEAL Programme: M&E report 201230/79 31. involvement and it encourages pupils to learn by themselves, to be active, to share opinions so they understand the lesson better and it makes pupils self‐confident. All 8 students are very positive about ICT and the use of it in their lessons, and can give examples of how they will use it, but 4 out of 8 students have doubts whether it will be available in their future school. The 8 students mention a total of 5 different examples of Life Skills activities (crop growing (mentioned 5x), fish raising, hygiene, environmental pollution and clean environment (3x), chicken raising) they plan to implement in their future school which proofs they have experienced a variety of possible life skills activities during their 2 years at the PTTC. Students have ideas for using different teaching aids in their future teaching like real items, materials for maths (straws, stones, numbers, fractions, measuring materials), posters, word cards, pictures, letter cards. They feel the barrier will be availability of the teaching aids, but they seem positive about using whatever is available, making the teaching aids themselves, asking pupils to make it or bring real items from home, and discuss in the school to purchase more teaching aids. 4.6 Conclusion Data in this report were collected during the students’ practicum that took place between February and May 2011. Data show that experiments, group work and posters are widely used by student teachers, but that SCA and materials introduced by VVOB haven’t been used yet intensively, except for students at RTTC Kandal. The fact that workshops and material distribution took place during and after this period explains the limited use. Data for the next practicum should indicate higher use. Interviews with teacher trainers and student teachers that took place after the practicum show that student teachers appreciate it if teacher trainers apply SCA in their lessons. Student teachers plan to use SCA and teaching aids during their practicum and in their schools. Follow‐up interviews with graduated students seem to suggest that teachers succeed in applying SCA in their assigned schools. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 31/79 32. 5. Intermediate Result 1 Intermediate Result (IR) 1 focuses on the services delivered by the teacher trainers (and model teachers from practice schools) to student teachers. 5.1 Indicators The Intermediate Results are formulated as services or products that the operational partner is delivering to the target group. For IR 1 the operational partners are the 6 RTTCs and their 36 practice schools. The RTTCs deliver services to student teachers who will become teachers in lower‐secondary schools upon graduation from RTTCs. By strengthening the teacher training processes student teachers will benefit and thus ultimately become better teachers. Three indicators have been selected to assess this IR. The first indicator measures the percentage of RTTC teacher trainers with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching. A second indicator measures the percentage of RTTC teacher trainers that apply this understanding in their teaching. The third indicator measures improvements in teaching practice of student teachers. We aim to induce an impact on understanding and behaviour of this target group of respectively 85%, 70% and 60% by the end of 2013 (See Table 3). 5.2 Objectives ‐ To measure the evolution in teacher trainers’ understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching. ‐ To track teachers trainers’ application in their lessons of how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching. ‐ To track teacher trainers’ coaching of student teachers in how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in science and life skills teaching during the teaching practice 5.3 Means of Verification 5.3.1 Personal Logbooks At the nation‐wide workshops on student‐centred approaches in January 2012 all science, life skills and general methodology/ pedagogy teacher trainers received a personal logbook and were trained in its use. Teacher trainers were asked to write down their experiences in applying student‐centred approaches: ‐ Which techniques, experiments, multimedia, posters and other teaching aids they use ‐ How successful they assessed their lessons ‐ Which challenges and barriers they encountered ‐ Good practices and tips. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 32/79 33. Annex 7 contains an outline of a logbook page. Logbooks were collected for analysis in June 2012. However, many logbooks were missing or completed irregularly. Following problems in completing the logbooks were encountered: ‐ Time needed to complete (every lesson in which SCA or teaching aids are used, need to be documented). ‐ No fixed location in college ‐ Insufficient encouragement from RTTC management (RTTC Battambang, RTTC Takeo) ‐ Strained relations between RTTC Management and teacher trainers ‐ Not all management staff fully informed ‐ Reliability of completed logbooks These barriers and challenges were discussed with TTD and the directors of the TTCs. Despite the unsuccessful outcome both TTD and the management of RTTCs want to go ahead with the use of the logbooks. VVOB will continue working together with the partners in 2013 on this issue. 5.3.2 Focus group interviews Data from surveys and lesson observations were complemented by a focus group interview with a group of 12 teacher trainers (2 per RTTC) on October 30. Teacher trainers were selected from all RTTCs, taking into account gender, age and subject specialization balance. The same teacher trainers who participated at the focus group in 2011 were invited. It’s important that all participants belong to the same hierarchical level, as strict hierarchy in Cambodian organisations make that lower staff member would never openly share opinions that would put a higher staff member in an embarrassing position (Berkvens et al., 2011). We refer to the 2011 M&E report for a justification for using the focus group methodology. The focus group interviews aim at complementing and clarifying preliminary findings. More specifically we are looking for answers to questions such as: ‐ Why are some learning materials and techniques used and some not? ‐ What has been the contribution from VVOB in improving teacher trainers’ science content knowledge? ‐ What are challenges regarding the integration of TPACK and how can we address these? ‐ How can survey findings be interpreted? The guide for the focus group discussion is included in Annex 7a: Guide Focus Group with Teacher Trainers. 5.3.3 Lesson observations teacher trainers Regular lesson observations were done at the 6 RTTCs. In 2011, 38 lesson observations were organized, most of them at RTTC Kandal. In 2012 lesson observations were expanded to the other 5 RTTCs. 89 lesson observation visits were organized in March and June and 45 are planned in November. Lessons were observed of 45 different science teacher trainers at the RTTCs. Lesson SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 33/79 34. observations were done in cooperation with the ToT Team, local POEs and TTD. Visits were as much as possible aligned with the regular monitoring visits of TTD. Table 7 and Table 8 show the distribution of lesson observations, according to subject and centre. Mar‐12Jun‐12 Nov‐12Physics1213Chemistry109Biology139Earth Science1112 Table 7 Lesson Observations in 2012 per subject Mar‐12Jun‐12 Nov‐12PP89BTB 98PV913KC83TAK1210KAN 00 Table 8 Lesson Observations in 2012 per RTTC At the start of 2012 a revised lesson observation form (Annex 1a) was introduced, as the previous format, developed with STEPSAM2 and TTD, provided insufficient detail and insight in the integration of TPACK. TTD was involved in the development of the new format and ToT members were trained in its use. After implementing the form during one semester further modifications were made to the lesson observation format after feedback from ToT members (Annex 1b): ‐ Simplification and reduction of number of items ‐ Improve analytical use through the introduction of a composite evaluation score for content, technology and methodology with a supporting rubric. Objectives of the lesson observations are: ‐ To asses teacher teachers’ capacity to successfully integrate TPACK into their lessons. ‐ To complement the quantitative information from the surveys and logbooks. ‐ To collect lessons learned and examples about successful strategies regarding the integration of TPACK into their lessons. ‐ To assess the suitability and use of learning materials developed by the SEAL programme Note on measuring lesson quality Obtaining a reliable definition and assessment of lesson quality is difficult. The lesson observation form reflects the characteristics of what we consider as a good lesson, based upon the TPACK framework. For each lesson observation a composite score was calculated using an observation rubric (See Annex 3: Evaluation Rubric for Lesson Observations). Nine criteria, divided among content, technology and pedagogy, are used to obtain a quality score for the lesson. Each lesson is evaluated by two staff members. If the difference in scores is higher than 4 (on a total of 18 points) SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 34/79 35. the lesson plan is discussed by the two assessors and a score is awarded based on consensus. If the difference is lower than 3, the average score is used. Collecting valid and reliable data on lesson quality is hard. Self‐assessment instruments are notoriously prone to response bias, which in Cambodia is also a cultural bias according to Berkvens et al (2011). This is also the reason why scores given by ToT members were not taken into account in this report. Moreover, we realize that lesson observations dont give a reliable everyday picture of lesson practice. They suffer from the fact that teachers pull out special lessons when visitors appear for announced (or unannounced) visits. Conversely, some teachers tend to tremble and panic when an evaluator walks into their classroom and the lesson becomes a shambles. Test scores are unsuitable as exams are notoriously prone to cheating and questions focus on recollecting factual knowledge, the opposite of what we want to achieve. A self‐designed test could be a solution, but theres the risk that programme activities will focus more on the test than on improving teaching skills. Student satisfaction scores are prone to the aforementioned confirmation bias. Drop‐out rates are hard to use as well as they are influenced by many interrelated factors such as geography, economic growth and government policy. Ownership by the direct target group on the evaluation is likely to be part of the solution, as well as triangulating data sources. Moreover we confirm the findings from Berkvens et al (2011) that response bias has been lowered by the development of mutual trust over time with the programme team. 5.3.4 Survey with teacher trainers A short survey was organized in October 2012 with all science and life skills teacher trainers from the 6 RTTCs. Most questions were taken from the baseline surveys in 2008 and 2010 and from the TPACK survey in 2011. Questions from the baseline surveys were only presented to teacher trainers from RTTC Kandal, in order to ensure comparability (Table 9). Surveys in 2011 and 2012 were distributed to science teacher trainers from all RTTCs (Table 10). Target Population BaselineMid-termTPACK surveyEnd EvaluationSurveySurvey201111/201210/2008 06/2010Trainers Teacher RTTC KDCurrent Changes inUnderstanding & AchievedChallenges of(Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, conditions andconditions 2010 TPACK integration conditionsBiology)inhibitions2013Teacher trainers RTTCsNo survey No survey Understanding & ComparisonChallenges of challengesTPACK integrationTable 9: Overview of target population, method and timing of surveys SEAL Programme: M&E report 201235/79 36. Subject specialisationteacher 2008*2010*20112012trainersBiology 441514Earth Science 331112Chemistry 429 8Physics 331514Pedagogy/ General Methodology 002412Agriculture 222 2Total 14 12 7662Table 10: Composition of teacher trainer population per subject per survey * only RTTC Kandal teacher trainers surveyed 5.3.5 Logbooks ICT use Besides the personal logbooks for each teach trainer, the use of ICT in the classroom was also monitored separately for PTTCs since school year 2010‐2011 and for RTTCs since school year 2011‐2012. The format of the logbook was updated in February 2011 after an internal revision by VVOB, and redistributed to the colleges at that time. These logbooks are not personal, i.e. one per teacher trainer, but instead accompany the projectors present in the colleges. The objective is to measure the use of digital multimedia applications in the classroom, and as this requires a projector to show the digital materials to students, the use of such a logbook is thought to be an efficient monitoring tool. The following data were tracked for each use of the logbook: ‐ Name of user ‐ Date ‐ Job position of user (teacher trainer, …) ‐ Context of use (lesson, meeting, …) ‐ Place of use (classroom, science lab, …) ‐ Lesson topic ‐ Multimedia used ‐ Remarks Data for PTTCs were not systematically collected, although entries were discussed during visits to the colleges. For RTTCs, an overview was made of the use for the school year 2011‐2012. All logbooks (2 or 3 per college) were scanned during the monitoring visits of end June 2012, and seemed to have been filled out systematically by the colleges. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 36/79 37. 5.4 Results 5.4.1 Strengthening Content Knowledge In the baseline study teacher trainers were asked to mark the topics of the RTTC curriculum that they found difficult to understand. Teacher trainers rated the topics of their main subject(s): Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science or Biology. In 2008 more than 50% of curriculum topics posed problems with understanding the content and for physics and chemistry even more than 75% (Table 11). In order to compare with earlier surveys in 2008 and 2010 we used the total percentage of problem topics (code less or equal 3) in understanding their subject as indicator. Although the teacher training curriculum was revised in 2011, we still used the old curriculum in 2012 to allow for comparison. The baseline study concluded that teacher trainers had good factual knowledge, but scored weak in reasoning and analytical skills, scientifically explaining natural phenomena, and logically drawing rational conclusions from observations. This was confirmed in the STEPSAM2 baseline study: “Cambodian science education gave much emphasis on recalling scientific knowledge and solving simple problems within familiar settings, rather than analysing an unfamiliar problem or phenomenon, and using one’s knowledge to provide a scientific explanation for it” (JICA et al, 2012, 3‐1). Many teacher trainers are uncertain to teach a significant part of the curriculum, in particular topics from grades 10‐12 and for physics and chemistry. A lack of content knowledge has been a strong barrier for adopting a more‐student centred approach. With insufficient content knowledge teacher trainers feel insecure and tend to adhere strictly to the book, avoiding practical activities and discouraging critical questions from students. Teacher trainers from all subjects experienced fewer problems in understanding the content of the topics of the curriculum in 2010 (Table 11). The evolution is similar for teachers of the practice schools in Kandal (Table 12). Subject TopicsBaseline 2008Survey 2010 Survey 2012 # %# % ESProblem topics5934 4417 Non Problem topics115 66 21783 Total scored topics1174 100261100 BIO Problem topics183 73 72 29 Non Problem topics6927 17671 Total scored topics 252 100248100 CHE Problem topics170 85 20 16 Non Problem topics3015 10784 Total scored topics 200 100127100 PHY Problem topics161 78 21 Non Problem topics4622 30699 Total scored topics 207 100308100 Table 11: Percentage of curriculum topics teacher trainers having problems with understanding the content 1 Total scored topics: Topics of the curriculum which received a score by each TTSEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 37/79 38. Subject TopicsBaseline 2008Survey 2010 Survey 2012 # %# % ESProblem topics5923 4530 Non Problem topics198 77 106 70 Total scored topics 257 100151 100 BIO Problem topics250 41 196 30 Non Problem topics364 59 465 70 Total scored topics 614 100661 100 CHE Problem topics179 50 9335 Non Problem topics179 50 175 65 Total scored topics 359 100268 100 PHY Problem topics326 46 171 24 Non Problem topics384 54 538 76 Total scored topics 710 100709 100Table 12: Percentage of curriculum topics teachers from practice schools in Kandal having problems with understanding This sharp decrease is confirmed by the results of a comparative science test based on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) test, reported on in the Stepsam2 end report (JICA et al, 2012). It’s difficult to determine the impact of the VVOB programme in this, as recently graduated teachers and teacher trainers tend to have stronger content knowledge. The focus group discussion confirmed that the various workshops and instructor’s manuals have contributed greatly to a better understanding of the science curriculum. They appreciated that resources have been developed starting from a demand‐led process of selecting priority topics, which ensured that materials were developed for ‘difficult’ topics. They expect the number of problem topics to decrease further, due to workshops and resources such as multimedia. 5.4.2 Using Student Centred Approaches The baseline study found that teachers and teacher trainers were familiar with the term ‘student centred approaches’, but tended to define it narrowly in terms of ‘students being active’. Most were convinced of their benefit, but felt unsure how to implement them in their teaching. They identified methodological problems with around one third of the curriculum topics, with figures highest for physics and chemistry (Table 13 and Table 14). In 2010 percentages for all subjects except earth science dropped compared to 2008, except for the biology teachers who reported a slight increase. This was due to the fact that there were a few new teachers who hadn’t received any training yet. Percentages for chemistry and physics by teacher trainers dropped to (almost) zero. In 2012 all science, life skills and pedagogy teacher trainers and student teachers are familiar with SCA. 92 % of teacher trainers could give an acceptable definition. They associate student‐centred approaches mostly with more student activities, group work and increased learner interaction. and. Elements that are less present in their definitions are relating lesson content to students’ daily lives, letting students determine lesson content, adaptability of lesson structure according to students’ progress, class differentiation, use of external learning resources and project‐based learning. They SEAL Programme: M&E report 201238/79 39. interpret student‐centred learning firmly within the contours placed by a centrally organized education system (curriculum, textbooks and assessment). TTBaseline 2008 Survey 2010 Survey 2012 Subject Topics # % #%# % ESProblem topics 1631810 BIO Problem topics 263322 28 CHE Problem topics 457900 PHY Problem topics 173511 Table 13: Percentage of curriculum topics teacher trainers from RTTC Kandal have methodological problems with Baseline 2008Survey 2010Survey 2012 Subject Topics #% # %# % ESProblem topics 14 191223 BIO Problem topics 68 239126 CHE Problem topics 45 462634 PHY Problem topics 101504122 Table 14: Percentage of curriculum topics practice school teachers (Kandal) have methodological problems with Teacher trainers have been trained in 30 techniques of student‐centred approaches that are not topic‐bound and instructor manuals have been distributed (Table 15). In the methodology part of the teacher training curriculum 12 hours of instruction have been assigned to student‐centred approaches and references to the instructor manuals have been included. In the content part of the curriculum references to student‐centred learning materials are included and the MoEYS actively encourages teacher trainers to apply them. ComponentsGroup Work Questioning Assessment Reasoning Formative Creativity Thinking SCA Critical 3‐2‐1 sheets Brainstorming Card sorts Cornell note taking Creative writing SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 39/79 40. Discrepant events Flash cards Jigsaw technique Making observations and inferences Open inquiry Read‐write‐read‐write Thought showers Traffic light cards Odd‐One‐Out 2 minute papers FAR guide to analogies Concept Cartoons Concept Tests (w/ peer discussion) Moral Continuum Fishbowl Experiments Games (Taboo, Bingo, Goose Board, Loop Game) Student‐generated analogies Role plays Last man standing Donuts Clozed worksheets Agreement Circles Low‐cost models 10‐2 Table 15 Student‐Centred Approaches included in training teacher trainers Many teacher trainers use various techniques in one lesson. Survey data show that teacher trainers regularly apply a wide variety of SCA. 79% of the teacher trainers use at least one type of SCA per week. 96% uses at least one SCA per month (Figure 6). More than half of the science teacher trainers use some form of group work per week and 45% does at least one low‐cost experiment per week (Figure 7). Low‐cost experiments, active reading and writing techniques, demonstrations, group work and inquiry‐based learning are applied at least once a month by more than 75% of the teacher trainers (Figure 7). “They [learning resources] are very useful, for example the concept cartoons. I have used around 30 concept cartoons. I also encouraged STs to use them, but I have not received any feedback yet.” (Physics teacher trainer, RTTC Battambang) SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 40/79 41. Figure 6 FFrequency of applying SCA by y science teacheer trainers at R RTTCs (n = 61) Educatio onal games are the only group of techniques that are applied significa y antly less fre equently. Teacherr trainers inddicate that ga ames are int tended for sppecific topicss, and are m more difficult to apply in many lessons. Simple ttechniques tthat require little or no ppreparation and few ma most popular. These aterials are minclude ‘traffic light cards’, ‘3‐‘2‐‐1 sheets’, ‘Jigsaw’ techn nique and ‘do onuts’ (See TTable 15). MMoreover, we noticce that many y teacher traainers are mmore open an nd have increeased confiddence to try‐‐out new approacches. They also have impproved general pedagogical skills succh as questiooning techniqques and dividing students in groups. Figure 7 R Reported frequency of use of vvarious studen nt‐centred appr roaches by scie ence teacher traainers (n=62) SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201241/79 42. Traditional barriers or prejudices to apply student‐centred approaches (not enough lesson time, no suitable materials, large classes, too much work to prepare) have been mentioned notably less frequently during interviews with teacher trainers. Teacher trainers consider many of the techniques as a way to ‘make students think’ and ‘to make them more motivated to learn.’ The Concrete‐Schematic‐Abstract (CSA) principle is often a useful structure to make a lesson more student‐centred. The teacher trainer starts with concrete examples (objects, video, pictures), then move to schematic representations (poster, multimedia, cartoon) and finally introduces the abstract level (formula, definitions). In some observed lessons teacher trainers started from the abstract level and then move to present concrete examples to back up the theory. Despite clear progress there is still room for improvement. Some teacher trainers still struggle with linking techniques with the expected outcomes of the lesson. Sometimes teacher trainers seem to apply SCA ‘because it is the right thing to do’, rather than because it helps them achieving their lesson objectives. In some lessons observed various SCA were used, but without a clear plan of how various techniques fitted into a wider lesson structure. The curriculum and fixed lesson structure (5 steps) make that the lesson flow is often very rigid, with little room for improvisation or adapting depending on whether students understand the lesson or not. For example, teachers apply formative assessment techniques, but fail to use the feedback from students to adapt their teaching. An area for further improvement is the use of experiments in the classroom. The baseline study highlighted the importance science trainers and teachers assign to experiments. They indicated a lack of low‐cost experiments that students can do during their practice. Most experiments in the textbooks are not simple, low‐cost experiments. Many teacher trainers have been quoting experiments as examples of student‐centred activities they apply in their lessons. While no doubt an improvement vis‐à‐vis the sole lecture‐based approach common before, lessons with experiments are often still a teacher‐centred activity. Often the teacher demonstrates the experiment in front of the class and even if students are allowed to do the experiment themselves, they usually have to follow a strict order of steps in order to obtain the ‘right’ result. Usually, students are not encouraged to ‘experiment’ with various approaches and to think about their results. However, it’s probably unrealistic to expect a 180 degree switch from teacher‐centred to student‐centred teaching over the course of a few school years. We should have patience and gradually nudge teacher trainers toward more student‐centred lesson activities. We shouldn’t forget as well that students, who have been taught in a student‐centred way for year, need to adapt to new teaching methods, which require them to be actively engaged, to reason and to develop higher order thinking skills. 5.4.3 Use of Teaching Aids Teacher trainers have a variety of manuals and resources at their disposal to help them applying SCA in their teaching (see Annex 10: Overview Teaching Resources). For 87% of the topics in the teacher curriculum a specific learning resource (multimedia, poster, experiment, cartoon, and life skills activity) has been developed and approved by the MoEYS (Table 16). Resources have undergone quality control by Belgian and local experts. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 42/79 43. # topics in teach trainingher# topics with appproved learninng % topics with approved learning curriculum reso ource resourceSubjectPhysics 84 74 788%Chemistry y 64 49 477%Earth Sciience10087 887%Biology 78 72 792%Total 326282 287% Table 16 S Share of science curriculum toopics with apprroved learning resource developed by VVOBB Subject# experimentts # multimediaa# cartooons # posters*Physics115 8639 9Chemistry y 53 401120Earth Scieence28 361435Biology 34 571942Total23021983106* after rev ision due to copyright issuesTable 17 O Overview approoved learning rresources per ssubject and typpe The mul ltitude of appproved learning resourc ces is an imp portant achieevement of the programmme, but also pos ses challengees. Not all teeacher traineers are awaree of all resou urces and soome find it diifficult to know whether a ressource is ava ailable for a specific less son. Increas y access of resources sing the easyfor teacher trainers is an importtant objectivve for the finnal programmme year. The building blocks are already in place with the renew wed Krou online repositoory and the d developmentt of a posterr with all resourcees per topic. Figure 8 FFrequency of applying teachinng aids for SCA by science tea acher trainers aat RTTCs (n = 61 1) 80% of science teac cher trainers reports to apply SCA at least one time per ws e week and up to 94% p claims applying it at least one timme per month (Figure 8) ). More than n 50% of scieence teacherr trainers indicate that they use a large po oster or a loow‐cost expe eriment at leeast once a wweek and more than 80% usees them at le east once a mmonth (Figur re 9). One t third of themm use large pposters several times per wee Only res ek. spectively 2% and 6% ha never use a low‐cos science ex% as ed st xperiment or a large SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 43/79 44. science poster from VVOB. Mos st other resoources are ussed at least o once a mont th by more tthan 50% of the s science teach trainers. Exceptions are voting cards (48% video (44her g %), 4%), and PowwerPoint presenta ations (42%). The life sskills resources (school garden materials, wast bins) hav lower te ve scores, bbut score higgh within thee group of biology and eaarth science teacher train ners. Figure 9 R Reported use of f teaching aids by RTTC sciencce teacher train ners (n = 62) About o fourth of the science teachers h one e used video a PowerPo presentations in have never uand oint their les ssons. Other resources s r such as carto voting cards haven’t reached yet oons, traffic cards and vsignificant minority of 15‐20% oof teacher trainers. Use doesn’t equual qualitativve use eitherr. Group work can easily dege o ‘coffee table’ discussions or be domenerate into minated by oone person. Teacher trainers don’t alwayys make opti imal use of sscience posters, using it to support llecturing ratther than interactive teaching. The use of experiments (6.4.2) andd multimedia scussed elsewhere in a (6.4.6) is disthis repoort. Use of S Science Labs Science labs have be een equippeed at RTTC Kaandal. This includes seleection and p purchase of m materials that suppport the teacher trainin curriculum developmng m, ment of train ning resourc for key pces pieces of equipme ent (optical bbench, telescope) and tr raining of teaacher trainerequipment of science rs. For the eother RTTCs the SEAL programme halabs in oas collaborat ted with the e EEQP (ADBB) from ADB to equip science labs at the RRTTCs. Basedd on experie ences in RTTC Kandal, VV VOB provided a detailed list with lab equipment for 4 science subjects. Howeever, procure ement by ADDB takes long ger than plannned and delivery of the mate erials is not fforeseen unttil April 2013 3. This delayy limits oppo ortunities to o develop training materials annd train teacher trainers in the use of f them. SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201244/79 45. About 4 40% of the s science teacher trainers use science lab equipme ment every week. Thre out of ee every fo our teacher t trainers usess some kind of science laab equipment at least oonce a month h (Figure 9). Some chhallenges we ere mentioned during in nterviews and the focus group discussion. An immportant issue is t the managemment of the labs. This inncludes acces ss to lab key on of responsibilities, ys, distributiotime tabbling, develooping a clea labelling system, orgar ganisation of borrowing of equipmo g ment and mainten nance issues. . In Septembber 2012 a wworkshop forr teacher traiiners and RTTC managemment was organizeed together with the Mo oEYS to startting addressi ing these challenges. Fo or each RTTC C a list of action ppoints was aggreed upon tthat will be m monitored duuring subseqAction points include quent visits. Aa clear distribution of responsibilities, a code of conduct for teac acher traine and stud ers dents, an informat tion session for student at the start of the aca ts ademic year introductio of a labelling and r, on borrowing system an nd initiatives s to enhance e motivation with teacher trainers to use science labs. A second d challenge is familiarity with the equipment. MManuals or gu uidelines are not always available local langua and teacher trainer lack time and confidin the l age rs e dence to ge to grips w et with the equipme by trial and error. Finally, te ent eacher trainegularly refe to an overloaded ners also reer curriculuum, limiting time for inquuiry. 5.4.4 Integratin ng life skill ls in sciencce teachingg The bas seline study revealed that teachers and teacher trainers wwere convinced of the benefit of teaching g life skills. M Most of them m associatedd life skills with agriculturre and sociall science though, and much le ess with scien nce subjectss such as bioology and earth science. Few teacheer trainers coould give specific examples off life skills lesssons in scieence subjectss, even when n prompted. Most oppo ortunities for integgrating envir ronmental a agricultu life skills were identand ural s tified in the biology (agr riculture) and eart th science (eenvironment) curricula. Figure 10 Use of school garden (left) and waste mal anagement sysstem (right) by RTTC earth scy cience & biolog teacher gy n = 25) trainers (n52% of t the biology a and earth sccience teache er trainers uuse the schoool garden at least once a a month. The was managem ste ment system is used at least montm t thly by 70% of this grou (Figure 1 The up 10). SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201245/79 46. impact o the focus on environmental and agricultural life skills is likely to be higher as mof s e many life skills activities don’t require de edicated materials. For example, r r reasoning techniques, wwhich are used at least monthly by 70% of science tteacher trainers (Figure 7), are exce cellent ways to raise awarene ess on enviroonmental toppics. During t the focus grooup discussion teacher t trainers asso ociated life sskills with including linkss to daily life in th heir lessons aand with a foocus on raisin ng awareness and behaviour change. . 5.4.5 Integratin ng ICT in sccience teacching Lesson oobservations demonstra s ated that mo teacher trainers hav improved their skills in using ost ve d interactive multimed dia with stud dents. The reviision of the ICT equipme ent logbook ffor projectorrs demonstraated that proojectors werre mostly used by teacher traiiners for lesssons, althouggh there wass also some use by mana agement in mmeetings and woorkshops. Coomputers were mostly used in a standard classroom, bu its use w also ut was widespread in scien labs and computer labs. The nunce umber of distinct teache trainers u er using the projecto in their c ors classroom w different in the colle was t eges, and is relative to the total nu umber of teacher trainers. Figure 11: : Number of ussers of projecto ors per collegeIn the 5 RTTCs monitored, 68 of an estim 5 mated 155 teacher train ners used th projector in their he r classrooom during the past schoool year. Thiss translates into roughly half the teacher trainers s of each college. quency of us varied considerably as well. The graph below shows ho often eac of the The freqse ae ow ch hose with at least 1 use ousers (thof the projec ctor in the cla assroom) ma ade use of th he equipmen nt. In Kamp pong Cham, the average use per users was 18 times duru 8 ring the scho year due to the ool presence of a few enthusiastic champions, while in ot, ther colleges the averag was just below 4 ge er year. Within each college, there wtimes pewas always a a distributionn of regular users (twice or more per monnth) and of teeacher traineers that usedr 2 times during the school year. d it only 1 or SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 46/79 47. Figure 12: : Average proje ector use per teeacher trainerThe inteerviews and focus group provided more backgps ground in the use of muultimedia by teacher y trainers in their science lessons: ‐ Teaccher trainerss indicate that multimeddia help themm explaining difficult toppics. However, some multtimedia are ttoo advance ed for them, as they relatte to complex topics in thhe curriculumm. ‐ Senssible use of m multimedia is still a challlenge for many teacher trainers. MMany use it m mainly for lectuuring and stuudents are nnot always as sked to makee predictions s or prepare questions inn groups. Integration of IC CT with other r student‐cen ntred approa aches can be e improved sstill. This is eespecially the case for simulation softwware. ‐ Muc progress has been mch made in tea acher trainer capacity to use ICT equipment and the rs’ acceessibility of resources. ‐ Maintenance annd managem ment of equipment by th he TTCs has been an important conccern. ICT equipment is of ften concentrated in com mputer classees and sciennce teacher ttrainers indiccate that laptops and proj jectors are soometimes ha ard to come by. ‐ Internet connectivity is a connstant challeenge, althouggh there hass been strongg improveme ent since last year (Figure e 19 in 5.4.9). Half of the e colleges alrready had so ome working g internet connection acceessible by teacher trainers, and inter rnet connecttivity has reccently been eexpanded with a fast internet connect tion to the sttudent compputer labs. 5.4.6 Coaching S Student Teeachers du uring pract ticum The proggramme inte ends to impr rove the quality of feedback providedd by teacher trainers andd teacher during t students practicum The basethe s’ m. eline study revealed a perceived la of suppo from ack ort teacher trainers by the studentss (Figure 13)) and a need d for more skills in proviiding methoddological support by both teac cher trainers s (Figure 14) and teacher rs from practtice schools ( (Figure 15). SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 47/79 48. Figure 13 Support provid ded by teacherr trainers to stuudent teachers during practicu um (data baseline study 20088) They alsso request mmethodologiccal support oon how they can improvee the lesson plans of thee student teacherss and to enccourage studdents to use different mmethodologie es to the stu udents. Over r 70 % of cher trainers apply for support in the use of the MoEYS guidelines for guiding teaching the teacfpractice. Figure 14 Need for helpp by teacher trrainers in providing methodo ological suppor rt to student teeachers during practicum eline study 200(data base 08) SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 48/79 49. Figure 15 Need for helpp by teachers oof practice scho ools in providinng methodologgical support to o student teach hers during m (data baselinepracticum e study 2008) Data fro 2012 suggest that tom teacher trainners have inncreased the support to student teachers eir during the practicumm (Figure 166). 91% repo ortedly activeely encouragges studentss to apply SCCA. Even more (9 93%) promot the use of experimen and also the use of other resources such as posters te nts, s (89%), cconcept cartooons (70%) a s resources (71%) is stim and life skillsmulated. 71%% of sciencee teacher er credits to students who apply SCAtrainers award highe A. Resourcess such as maanuals are frequently shared, although thee sharing of r resources on n YouTube or the krou website is nott yet common. Figure 16 Support provid ded by science teacher trainers during practticum (2011 – 22012) (n = 57) SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 49/79 50. There are few diffe erences amo RTTCs in teacher traong n ainers’ encouragement to apply SCA or use A teaching resources. Concept cag artoons are somewhat less introduc to studeced ents in RTTCs Phnom s Penh an Takeo, in the form due to accessibility problems. Sharing offline resond mer y ources is widespread, wherea sharing oas online resou urces seems most comms mon in RTT Battamb TCs bang and Phnom P Penh. These daata are confirmed by the e analysis of student teacchers’ lessonn plans (See44.3.1 and 4.4 4), lesson observattions during the practicg cum (See 4.3 and 4.4) and interviews with st3.3 tudent teach hers (See 4.3.2 and 4.4). Most stu udent teache ers are encouraged to usse SCA as weell IBL into thheir lesson dduring the prracticum. The accessibility to materials is general gos ood, except for RTTC Baattambang d to main due ntenance issues. 5.4.7 Individual l evolution n teacher trrainers Regular lesson obs servations a allow tracking teacher trainers’ evolution in their capaability to successffully integrat te SCA and eexperiments in their lessons. 77% of f the teacher trainers ob btained a higher e evaluation sc core during t the second v visit, whereas 23% obtain ned a lower score (Figur re 17). A score ab bove the line e indicates a higher score during thee second obsservation in JJune 2012. Progress was mo outspoke with phys teacher trainers wh ost en sics here 8 out of 9 teacher trainers obor btained a higher s score. The average incre ease in scoree was 2.3 onn a scale of 118. Teacher trainers at aall RTTCs have on average ma ade progresss in integrating SCA in thheir lessons. Teacher trai iners at RTTCC Phnom Penh ha made th most progress betwe March a June 2012, whereas teacher tra ave he een and s ainers at RTTC Ta akeo lag sommewhat behi (Table 18 The high average age of teacind 8). her cher trainers at RTTC s Takeo is s thought to be an explaining factor for this loweer score. Noo significant differences in scores accordin ng to gender or subject specification were found. . Figure 17 Comparison leesson observatiion scores for R RTTC teacher tr rainers in Marc ch and June 201 12 SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 50/79 51. average sc core round 1average s score round 2 2DifferenceBTB9.9 12.0 2.12KC10.7 12.5 1.81PP 9.3 12.4 3.13PV11.1 11.6 0.50TAK9.2 10.2 0.90 Table 18 Average scores s for lesson obsservations per RTTC in March h and June 2012 2 5.4.8 Findings p per RTTC Averagee scores in th he frequency ( Figure 18Error! Refeerence sourcce not found d.) and quality (Table 188) of teacherr trainers’ usse of SCA vary con nsiderably ammong RTTCs. Teacher tr rainers at RTTTC Prey Ven ng report slightly lower frequent use of S in their lessons. Te SCA eacher traine at RTTCs Kandal and Battambang report the highest ers d e use. A mminority of ‘nnon‐users’ iss located at tthe RTTCs off Phnom Pen nh and Kamp pong Cham. They are mainly e elder teacherr trainers. Figure 18 Reported use o of SCA by scien nce teacher traiiners per RTTCBelow a the main findings fro the first two monito are n om oring visits to 5 RTTCs. Detailed repo ports are availableort of the third monitorine. The repong visit (Novvember 2012 2) will be proovided as a separate docume ent during the peer evaluuation visit.RTTC Kaampong Cham m ‐ Mottivated teac cher trainer team with several teacher traine observin each lesers ng sson and partticipating in the discussi ion, includin pedagogy and psychong y ology teache trainers. Teacher er train ners indicate e they get loot of supportt from colleamal support and discussagues (inform sion) and studdents (like SC CA and apply y during prac cticum). ‐ Stroong physics teeam, supporrted by vice‐ddirector (former physics teacher). SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 51/79 52. ‐ Teacher trainers feel not sufficiently encouraged by management to apply SCA. There is a lack of lesson observations or lesson plan reviews. ‐ Vice‐director plans to ask science teacher trainers to introduce SCA to other teacher trainers during weekly technical/ pedagogical meetings. ‐ Science materials are well managed and maintained. However, the storage room for the projector is far from science labs, discouraging its use in science lessons. RTTC Battambang ‐ Management of materials is working point. Some materials are stored in the director’s office and student teachers have no access to some materials, such as posters. ‐ Earth science teacher trainer is particularly passionate. RTTC Takeo ‐ Teacher trainers highly value the SCA, multimedia and materials we provided. However, the team of teacher trainers seems a bit less motivated than in other RTTCs. ‐ Laptop computers are more difficult to access for science teacher trainers, as they are frequently in use (by management or teacher trainers from other subjects). RTTC Prey Veng ‐ Motivated teacher trainer team. All science teacher trainers, psychology‐pedagogy teacher trainers and the director join the lesson observations and subsequent discussions. ‐ Technical meetings are used to inform teacher trainers from other subjects about SCA. The college has provided copies of manuals to teacher trainers from non‐science subjects such as social studies. ‐ Various teacher trainers seem quite adept with multimedia (see story of change year report 2012). They recognize it can play an important role to teach abstract concepts. ‐ Student teachers have the opportunity to borrow materials to use in their practicum. ‐ Improving access to laptops and LCD projectors is a challenge, as they are not kept in the science labs. RTTC Phnom Penh ‐ The integration of ICT is usually applied for 2nd year students because the science lab is not used for 1st year students. ‐ Teacher trainers like the fixed installation of the laptop and LCD projector in the science labs. ‐ The system of organizing posters could be improved, as teacher trainers struggle to find posters. There is a lack of cupboard and storage space in the RTTC. 5.4.9 Challenges The programme has achieved important results. Content knowledge has improved and teacher trainers assert that the workshops and manuals, developed by the SEAL programme have contributed to this. SCA are regularly applied by a majority of teacher trainers and the quality of their lessons has steadily improved in the course of 2012. The most common challenges for teacher trainers to use SCA and related teaching materials are: SEAL Programme: M&E report 201252/79 53. ‐ Not enough prep paration timme. Many teaacher trainerrs have a seccond job and have limitedd time to prep pare for theiir lessons. A Applying neww methodolo ogies or experiments reqquires an ini itial time inve estment not aall teacher tr rainers are w willing or able e to make fre equently. acher teache more than 30 hours per week at my RTTC, so it is difficult to find time for “Teaes prep Teacher trainer physics, R paration.” (T RTTC Battambang). ‐ A riggid and bloat ted curriculuum. The curricula for scie ended and need to be co ence are exteovered in a sh hort period b between Octtober/ Novemmber and Ju uly (including g public holiddays and praacticum), leav ving little tim me for inquiry and creativity. Adhering to and completing thhe curriculumm seems to be a major criterion durin ng inspectionn visits. Figurre 19 Challenge es reported by science teache er trainers for integrating TPA ACK in 2011 (n == 75) and 2012 (n=62) Challengges for apply ying SCA hav ve decreased since 2011, except for p pedagogical skills. Interviews and the focu us group disccussion reveaaled that teaacher trainers now have aa better undderstanding oof what a student‐‐centred les sson is and feel the need for mo training and practic to increa their ore ce ase familiariity with it. TTeacher trainners point ou ut that the trransition from the old too the new cuurriculum posed pedagogical c challenges. Other challenges ar significan lower. Internet acce the avare ntly ess, ailability of educational and ICT materials and language skills ha ave improved d strongly, aalthough the e value for IC CT materials remains high. Th here is still a gap betwee en availabilitty and accessibility of materials, undderlining thee need to continuee working on n improving tthe managem ment of resoources at thee TTCs. SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201253/79 54. PP KA PV TA BBKC stdevpreparation time2.68 2.40 2.83 2.142.93 2.52 0.26lesson time 2.47 2.55 2.94 2.952.85 2.79 0.19pedagogical skills2.21 2.35 2.65 2.622.48 2.42 0.15technological skills2.63 3.40 3.47 3.092.81 3.33 0.31language skills 2.58 3.05 2.82 2.262.50 3.23 0.33lack materials3.11 3.60 3.41 3.353.33 3.23 0.15lack ICT3.26 3.65 3.65 3.433.00 3.27 0.23internet3.05 3.70 3.18 3.002.85 3.27 0.27power cuts2.00 2.05 2.82 2.412.15 2.09 0.29infrastructure2.11 1.90 2.82 2.272.41 2.15 0.29technical support 2.74 3.10 3.06 3.092.88 2.67 0.17average2. 2.72.8 Table 19 Challenges for integrating TPACK by teacher trainers, per RTTC in 2011 (n = 75) PP KA PV TABB KCstdevpreparation time 2.75 2.14 2.882.672.332.50.25lesson time2.42 2.14 2.502.472.222.10.16pedagogical skills 2.92 1.86 2.752.872.002.10.44technological skills 2.33 2.86 2.753.402.702.40.35language skills2.83 2.43 2.882.532.401.80.35lack materials 2.58 2.57 2.502.472.201.80.28lack ICT materials 2.58 2.57 3.713. 2.08 2.29 2.131.801.751.80.20power cuts 2.00 2.14 2.382.271.901.50.28infrastructure 1.92 2.43 2.752. support2.33 2.57 2.36 2.762.632.25 2.02 Table 20 Challenges for integrating TPACK by teacher trainers, per RTTC in 2012 (n = 62) There are considerable differences between RTTCs. Table 19 and Table 20 show the scores per RTTC for each challenge in respectively 2011 and 2012. Variation among RTTCs is particularly strong for pedagogical skills (stdev = 0.44), lack of ICT materials (stdev = 0.50) and infrastructure (stdev = 0.45). Interestingly, values are generally lower in the RTTCs of Battambang, Kampong Cham and, to a lesser extent, Kandal. Values have decreased for all RTTCs, most of all in RTTC Kampong Cham (‐0.78) and RTTC Kandal (‐0.54). In Kandal, language skills, power cuts, pedagogical skills and room infrastructure that were perceived as strong challenges in 2011 have fallen. In Kampong Cham, values for language, pedagogical and ICT skills have come down, as well as values for the availability of materials and internet. Preparation time remains an important challenge, although lesson time seems to be perceived less as a barrier than a year before. This might be due to the successfully dispelling of prejudices that SCA always need to take more time than conventional approaches. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201254/79 55. Teacher trainers encountered challenges to integrate environmental and agricultural life skills in their colleges. Most challenges seem to relate to the infrastructure, and less to the integration of life skills techniques and materials in their teaching. “I do not see any progress at my RTTC; I think this is because the management only takes action when there is initiative from VVOB. For example, they build chicken house, but there is no chicken.” (Chemistry teacher trainer, RTTC Takeo) “Our facility (chicken & fish) are flooded. We see good classification of rubbish, but when truck comes to collect, they are mixed again.” (Chemistry teacher trainer, RTTC Prey Veng) “We see environmental and agricultural life skill during school season, but usually we lost chicken during school holiday.” (Chemistry teacher trainer, RTTC Kandal) However, active involvement of the RTTC management helps: “Rubbish collection at my RTTC is going well, the campus is always clean.” (Physics teacher trainer, RTTC Battambang) The textbooks haven’t kept up with new insights on environment. Teacher trainers feel hesitant to use materials that are different in content from the MoEYS textbooks (also encountered in earth science): “From the environmental life skills, I see some differences between those contents and the contents from old MoEYS text books. For this reason, the teacher trainers are hesitant to accept the new contents and feel safer to follow the MoEYS text books.” (Earth & Environmental Science teacher trainer, RTTC Phnom Penh) 5.4.10 Conclusions The programme has achieved important progress in this result area. Teacher trainers have improved science content knowledge and assert that the workshops and manuals, developed by the SEAL programme have contributed to this. For 87% of the topics in the teacher curriculum for the 4 science subjects a specific learning resource (multimedia, poster, experiment, cartoon, and life skills activity) has been developed and approved by the MoEYS. The multitude of approved learning resources is an important achievement of the programme, but also poses challenges. Not all teacher trainers are aware of all resources and some find it difficult to know whether a resource is available for a specific lesson. Teacher trainers have been trained in 30 techniques of student‐centred approaches that are not topic‐bound and instructor manuals have been distributed. Almost all science, life skills and pedagogy teacher trainers and student teachers are familiar with SCA. 92 % of teacher trainers could give an acceptable definition. SCA are regularly applied by a large majority of teacher trainers. 79% of the teacher trainers use at least one type of SCA per week. 96% uses at least one SCA per month. Lesson observations showed that the quality of their lessons has steadily improved in the course of 2012 at every RTTC. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201255/79 56. Teacher trainers ha increase their sup r ave ed pport to student teache during the practicum 91% ers m. reported to actively encourage students to apply SCA. Even md y e t more (93%) ppromote the use of e experim ments, and als so the use of other resources such aas posters (899%), conceptt cartoons (770%) and s resources (71%) is stimulated. life skills5.5 Discussioon on effectiveness wwith partneer 5.5.1 Extent to wwhich the IIR is delive ered •Weere the expec cted IR’s formmulated in a realistic wayy? •Did d the activitie es contributee to the realisation of thee results as w was stipulate ed? •Waas the intended/applied sstrategy appropriate? al and ScorinAppraisa ng by partneers: 3x + + 1x ‐ The managemen nt of RTTC supports the operation oof the SEAL p programme. They have a a positive attittude toward the trainings organize by VVOB and therefore send all TTs to wods ed B orkshops orgaanized by VVVOB. ‐ Theyy made a pla an on how too apply SCA in their lesso ons after havving participa ated at the t trainings. The managemen nt ensures the accessibility for teach her trainers to use mateerials and eq quipment provvided by VVO OB. Financial support is also available when the ere is the nee ed to purchaase basic item ms. ‐ The materials ddeveloped b VVOB are very usefu for teache trainers, it strengthe their by e ul er ens teacching methoodology. Howwever, teach trainers haven’t made full use of all the m her materials. Mor re encourage ement is neeeded from th he management of the RT TTCs. ‐ Studdent teacher r are more em mpowered o on SCA ‐ VVO has provided useful teaching an learning materials to the RTTCs This had enabled OB nd o s. teaccher trainers to make lessons more innteresting. HHowever, some items are e still missingg. ‐ VVO provides the training on capac OB city building. After the training it distributes teaching materials to RTT in order to help teacTC cher trainers integrating SCA and experiment in their s g nto lesso VVOB ha a good mon. as monitoring system; it stiimulates RTT managemTC ment to monnitor the application of SCCA. Conclusion The IR h has been alm most fully dellivered. Thee first two MYP indicatorrs have been achieved. TThe third one, bettter coaching g during the student praacticum, has been achievved, based oon data from m teacher , but will be evaluated dutrainers, uring the nexxt practicumm (February –– May 2013). Activitie and development of resources hes have focused so far on teacher tra n ainers. Training for practice school teacchers of the 36 practice schools, faccilitated by e each RTTC, is s planned in n January 2013, beefore the staart of the nex xt student pr racticum. SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 56/79 57. Further activities are planned to o increase faamiliarity with and use oof the resou urces, includiing more lesson o observation a and coachingg sessions. 5.5.2 Extent to wwhich part tners makee use of delivered res sults • Howw did you meeasure the uuse by the be eneficiaries?• We the resul sufficient defined in relation to the needs and expectere lts tly o s tations of th target he grooup? • Didd the intermeediate results enhance awareness, a swift in menntality, a switch in attitud de in the targ get group? The use of the delive ered results by the bene eficiaries is deescribed in 66.4. Results have been ddescribed in termss of availability and use oof resources and didactic cal methods s. In the M&&E framewor rk finding reliable ways to operationalize qualitatio ive use of student‐centred approoaches has proven challengging. One readifficulty and time intensiveness to mason is the dmeasure quality in educat tion. Results have been d defined and altered bas on input from the target group Examples are the sed t tp. s selection of priority topics from the various curricula (see 6.4.1), the organisation of additional n y m worksho ops and the ddevelopmen nt of science poster sets in response of a need deefined by the e partner group. Changing attitudes, and measuriing it, takes ttime and is hhard to assign to programmme activitiees. Appraisa al and Scorin ng by partneers: 3x +1x ‐ Teaacher mobility is seen a an issue. When teach trainers transfer to another schas her hool, the imppact of usingg SCA is disappeared. Soome teacher trainers pre efer to workk at high schhool than thee teacher traiining centre, , ‐ It w would be use eful to share SCA with noon‐science te eacher trainers. Possibly y, the traininng can be orgganized by VVVOB or the RRTTC itself. ‐ SCAA has only reecently beenn included in n the new RTTTC curriculuum. Teacher r trainers neeed more time to integratte and adaptt SCA into their lessons. Conclusion The monnitoring resu ults show thaat a large maajority of science teache er trainers fre equently appplies SCA in their teaching. For this, the use the rF ey resources de eveloped witthin the SEA programm The AL me. partners s highlight thhat staff turn nover may reeduce the impact of the p programme aand that nonn‐science teacher trainers could benefit fro om some of the materials as well. 5.5.3 Extent of ccontributioon of IR to realisationn of Specifific Objectiv ve What arre the reasonns why the IR contribute ed successful lly, not succeessfully to th he specific obbjective? Please reflect on thee good practices (what w would you doo in the samee way?), bad d practices (wwhat not, would you change?) and the lesso learnt (wwhat w d ons what would you recom d mmend to a similar a programmme in the fu uture). SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201257/79 58. Graduat ting student are familiar with stuts udent‐centre approached hes, they freequently ap pply SCA, including experimen nts, in their teaching pracctice and theey regularly a apply SCA inn their schools (see 5. Specific Objective 1)). Some SC CA and low‐ccost materials that were introduced a are not only suitable for teacher training, but are also useful in thee schools. T They require no or few m n be applied with large g materials, cangroups of pupils and don’t takke too much time to preepare and immplement. Inn order to sttrengthen thhe use of resourcees at school level a dediccated manuaal and accom mpanying res source box wwill be compi iled from the teac cher training manuals for r use in schoools. The introduction o multimedof dia, gardens and science labs is expected to lead to a better s o understa anding of th curriculum content w teacher trainers and students, whe m with d which should in turn d lead to aa higher qua ality of teach hing. Indirecct evidence cconfirms this, as student teachers s is the case,refer in interviews to multimed and sciedia ments as helpful for the understanding of ence experimeir scientific c knowledgee. A survey with teacher trainers in Kandal show ws that the number of topics for which th hey have diffficulties with h the contentalling since 2008 (see 6.4t has been fa 4). Appraisa al and Scorinng by partne ers: 4x Student teachers have better unnderstanding g on SCA and d apply it durring practicuum ‐Reguular monthlyy technical mmeetings to d discuss aboutt SCA are takking place ‐The managemennt do follow up regularly ‐Expeeriments andd multimedia a stimulate sstudents to uunderstand leesson betterr. ‐Studdent teacherrs better enjo oy their lessoons. Conclusions The resuults of the mee 6.4.6.) show that studmonitoring (se dents get a m more student‐centred ins struction and receeive better ccoaching durring their pra acticum. This result hasn y achieved yet as not n’t been fullyall practtice school sc cience teachers have bee en trained in SCA. 5.5.4 Effect of ch hanges in p programmme on effecctiveness •Wh hat are the ch hanges that o occurred in t the program mme? •We ere they inten nded or not?? •We ere these chaanges causedd by externall factors or bby factors tha at are intrinssic to the pro ogramme itseelf? Appraisa al and scorin ng by partneers ‐ Teaccher trainers and direct s tors acknowledge imporrtant change due to th SEAL prog es he gramme. Theyy assert changes in teaching style, teachers’ connfidence andd motivation, availabilityy and use of m materials, enjjoyment of their lessons by student t teachers. SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 58/79 59. ‐ They find that VVOB cooperates well with other DPs. ‐ Teacher trainers pay more attention to their lesson, they are more confident to teach their subject 5.5.5 Effect of original hypotheses on effectiveness •Were the hypothesis and the risks that could have disturbed the course of the programme correctly identified? •Were the necessary measures in place to monitor and eventually reduce such risks? •Were the basic requirements accomplished to perform the programme? For IR1 the following assumptions were made in MYP2 (p.59): ‐ Leadership of RTTC and practice schools support the implementation processes ‐ Leadership of RTTC and practice schools support the programme by making available resources accessible (e.g. land for gardens) ‐ Other donors carry out their plans to construct science labs and TTC resource rooms This question was not discussed by the partner. The management of RTTCs has been involved in all stages of implementation, such as input and refresher trainings and in monitoring activities. All RTTCs have been supportive to the programme implementation by sending staff to workshops, participating at monitoring activities and in encouraging uptake of student‐centred approaches. However, variation in support and encouragement provided by the management to use resources and SCA and leadership capabilities are frequently mentioned as explanatory factors of differences between RTTCs. Science labs were built in 2009 at all RTTCs with funds from the Japanese Embassy. Installation of science labs is included in the EEQP programme of ADB, but has been repeatedly delayed. This has reduced opportunities to provide meaningful training on the use of the equipment within the lifetime of the programme (see 6.4.4). SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 59/79 60. 6. Intermediate Result 2 6.1 Indicators For IR 2 the operational partners are 4 out of 18 PTTCs. Students of the PTTCs after graduation will become primary school teachers. In 2013 24 affiliated practice schools will be reached through life skills trainings. As for IR1, three indicators have been selected to assess IR2. The first indicator measures the percentage of PTTC teacher trainers with a sufficient level of understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in environmental and agricultural life skills teaching. A second indicator measures the percentage of PTTC teacher trainers that apply this understanding in their teaching. The third indicator measures improvements in teaching practice of student teachers. We aim to induce an impact on understanding and behaviour of this target group of respectively 85%, 70% and >50% for PTTC by the end of 2013 (See Table 3). 6.2 Objectives The objectives are similar to the objectives for IR1 with the difference that at PTTC level IR 2 does not focus on science but only agricultural and environmental life skills teaching. ‐ To measure the evolution in teacher trainers’ understanding on how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in life skills teaching. ‐ To track teachers trainers’ application in their lessons of how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in life skills teaching. ‐ To track teacher trainers’ coaching of student teachers in how to integrate technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in life skills teaching during the teaching practice. 6.3 Means of Verification 6.3.1 Personal Logbooks (See paragraph 5.3.1) Barriers and challenges of the use of this personal logbook by life skills teacher trainers were discussed with TTD and the directors of the TTCs. Despite the difficulties both TTD and the management of RTTCs/PTTCs want to go ahead with the use of the logbooks. 6.3.2 Focus group interviews The focus group interviews aim at complementing and clarifying preliminary findings. More specifically we are looking for answers to questions such as: ‐ What has been the contribution from VVOB in improving teacher trainers’ environmental and agriculture life skills content knowledge? ‐ What are challenges regarding the integration of TPACK and how can we address these? ‐ How can findings from surveys be interpreted? The guide for the focus group discussion is included in Annex 7b: Guide focus Group with life skills teacher trainers. Focus Group discussions were organized with all Life Skills teacher trainers of 4 SEAL Programme: M&E report 201260/79 61. target PTTCs. Interviews with the school director and student teachers were done to cross check information. This is a summary of the main findings. PTTC Banteay Meanchey (May 2012) ‐ Training provided by VVOB built more content knowledge and ideas for SCA activities according to TTs. No challenges in teaching the theory lessons in class were mentioned. The VVOB manuals provide clear information and are easier to follow than the previous MoEYS one, but the practice is a bit difficult because there is not a lot of space at the PTTC. ‐ Student centred approach is known by school director, TTs and student teachers and is thought to be of importance, because it helps students to think and learn by themselves and remember more. Most TTs apply SCA according to the school director. ‐ Student teachers have experienced a variety of SCA activities in their lessons at the PTTC. Some TTs do not allow enough time for group discussion and some too much. ‐ The agriculture TTs have practiced how to build a chicken cage with student teachers, how to make compost fertilizer (theory and practice) and how to install the fish hole (dig and install plastic). Student teachers brought chicken from home, but they were stolen unfortunately. Theory lessons have improved, practice is a bit difficult due to lack of space, but organic gardening and fish raising are taking place at a small scale. ‐ For environment lessons TTs take the students outside of the class more often now than before. Students’ involvement in the environmental awareness changed a lot: they now take care of cleaning the school premises and classrooms and help in waste segregation, this is new. The Environment TTs appreciated the small study trip on water/waste during the nationwide training and requests a study trip on the new topics biodiversity and natural resources to create an even better attitude towards the environment for them and to transfer this to the students. PTTC Battambang (May 2012) ‐ After training from VVOB the Environment TTs say they have more up to date information on topics like ecosystems and biodiversity and they have more ideas how to use group discussion, pair work, and educational games and how to do real practice activities. ‐ The Agriculture TTs claim they have more content knowledge now and ideas for teaching methods. ‐ Manuals will be used in a sustainable way according to agriculture TTs because the content is useful. Students are asked to combine their own experience with the new content and skills. After training information is been shared during technical meetings not just the waste system but also sharing ideas on applying SCA. ‐ Student teachers know SCA activities and can name examples of how to apply it. Student teachers are also interested in the manuals, and it would be even better if VVOB can adapt the manuals to Primary school level. 2nd years have not had a chance to practice chicken raising, request to VVOB to provide small booklets with the content of chicken raising so that TT can do a short 3‐days training course just before the holiday starts. (VVOB: done in June 2012) ‐ Student teachers are now more interested in growing vegetables and practice this in different ways and they say they have done a lot a practice in the last few months. Raising chicken is completely new for most of them and they learned about raising fish in a raised pond. Theory is given and practicing just started. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201261/79 62. ‐ Students are now involved in the waste management system and lessons sometimes take place outside the classroom (waste segregation, biodiversity) ‐ Challenges: Having no manuals for student teachers is difficult. Students need to copy information. Lack of materials is the main challenge, but TTs try to use teaching aids, and bring it from home or outside. (VVOB: Cheap copies for student teachers have been provided and Life skills box distributed in September 2012) PTTC Kandal (March 2012) ‐ All teacher trainers are implementing SCA, 1 environment TT rates his understanding as an 8 because he has more teaching experience, and the 2 agricultural TTs choose 7 because they feel they still need more training on teaching methods to improve their SCA. At first only a few examples of learning activities were given, but when asked to describe a lesson they recently taught more ideas were given. TTs say they never do any demonstration and experiment due to the fact that most students are farmers’ children so they understand much more for agriculture so experiments are not necessary for them at this time. Later they say experiments will be not difficult if we understand it clearly and have sufficient materials and time. ‐ All teacher trainers agree that just group work and indoor activities are not enough. When the teacher trainer uses different techniques he/she would motivate student’s learning and to improve the quality of teacher training. Challenges for SCA: time‐consuming and lack of materials. ‐ For environmental education the teacher trainer said that the previous curriculum only allowed a few hours to focus on these topics. When we provided a good quality of teacher training by using effective teaching and learning our student teachers will get high standard. Teacher trainers have to prepare well and being a good facilitator during teaching and learning. We don’t only teach student teachers but we help them to learn by doing, thinking, and practice by themselves, he says. ‐ Agriculture TTs learned new techniques from the organic gardening workshop and they are trying this out. They stop use of chemical fertilizer. They feel that they need more training on chicken and fish raising. (This took place in June and September 2012) ‐ Agriculture TTs mention that student teachers are not so motivated to work on life skills activities and they mention lack of support from management. ‐ ICT use in life skills lessons not possible yet, the TTs are waiting for more support. ‐ The college is close to slum area so sometimes things were stolen from the vegetable garden. It is difficult to collaborate with the local authority for the security. More training took place in June and September for agriculture TTs and October 2012 for Environment TTs. Although there are indeed difficulties in lack of space and security we have doubts if the school director is really committed and if there is enough support and motivation for the TTs. When asked to organise the World Environment Day on 5 June 2012 at PTTC Kandal with support with ideas from TTs in Siem Reap and some financial support from VVOB no real answer was given and nothing was organised in the end whereas PTTC Siem Reap, Battambang and Banteay Meanchey organised world environment day with activities for student teachers and community. PTTC Battambang and Banteay Meanchey also don’t have a lot of space but they have creative solutions and they take care of security problems. In the meantime the school director of PTTC SEAL Programme: M&E report 201262/79 63. Kandal changed and this may hopefully have a positive effect. This will be observed during a follow up visit in November 2012. PTTC Siem Reap (based on working group sessions during 2012) PTTC Siem Reap is the pilot PTTC. During 2012 Agriculture and Environment working group members (TTs) meet once a month and discuss Life Skills activities with each other and VVOB. Reports of all working group sessions are available. Some overall points are summarized here: ‐ School director is very committed and supports the Life Skill activities. ‐ Both the Environment and the Agriculture working group have 6 members who have shown great involvement and commitment in trying out Life Skills activities in the PTTC and in manual development. Their lesson observations also show a good ability in the use of student centred approaches. TTs have been involved in the previous programme on Leaner Centred Methodology. ‐ They have ability to facilitate nationwide trainings and have been helpful installing life skills activities in other target PTTCs. ‐ Clear task assignment for teacher trainers and students who is responsible for the waste segregation system and agriculture activities has been helpful. ‐ The only problem in keeping the school grounds clean and segregating waste is when people from outside are at the PTTC for workshops. ‐ Some difficulties in raising chicken were overcome during this school year by gaining more experience in keeping the chicken healthy by taking better care of the hygiene in the chicken house and improving the quality of food. ‐ Students were able to link theory of fish raising to the real practice and the result was successful. 6.3.3 Lesson observations (outside teaching practice) Lesson observations were done in cooperation with the ToT Team and TTD. Visits were as much as possible aligned with the regular monitoring visits of TTD. For IR 1 and IR 2 the same lesson observation form was used. (Annex 1a and 1b) Objectives of the lesson observations are: ‐ To asses teacher teachers’ capacity to successfully integrate TPACK into their lessons. ‐ To complement the quantitative information from the surveys and logbooks. ‐ To collect lessons learned and examples about successful strategies regarding the integration of TPACK into their lessons. ‐ To assess the suitability and use of learning materials developed by the SEAL programme In March and May 2012 follow up visits with TTD took place. In November TTD and VVOB will jointly do one more round of lesson observations at 5 PTTCs again. By the end of the year all life skills teacher trainers of the 4 original target PTTCs have been observed at least once and some teacher trainers from the new target PTTCs have been observed as well. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 63/79 64. 2012 Total nr of Nr of lesson Nr of planned Total nr of Agr and Env observations lesson observ. lesson TTs March/May 2012 Nov 2012 observations 4 PTTCs (BTB/BMC/KD/SR) 24 201232 4 new target PTTCs 16 Life Skills activities 6 6 (K.Thom/K.Cham/St.Treng/Kratie recently started since 2012) 1 Practice school BTB 6 teachers 3 3 6 1 Practice school BMC involved in 1 practice school KD VVOB training 3 Pract.schools SR 6 teachers 6 6 involved in VVOB training Total 50 Obtaining a reliable definition and assessment of lesson quality is difficult. The lesson observation form reflects the characteristics of what we consider as a good lesson, based upon the TPACK framework. For each lesson observation a composite score was calculated using an observation rubric (See Annex 3: Evaluation Rubric for Lesson Observations). Out of the 20 lesson observations done so far, 2 were thought not to be sufficient by the observers, but the other 18 showed appropriate use of SCA and containing sufficient and appropriate content knowledge and practicing skills. The first round of lesson observations this year show that the teaching methodologies most used are direct instruction and group work. On average each lessons show the use of 2.4 different methods in 1 lesson. In total 11 different methods were demonstrated during the 20 observed lessons. Methodology and teaching aids Worksheets and matching cards are the teaching aids that were observed most. In average each lesson show the use of 1 or 2 teaching aids. Methodology # of times applied Teaching aids # of times applied Direct Instruction 14 Work sheet 7 Group Work 12 (Matching) cards 5 Demonstration 6 Flipchart4 Educational Games 5 Poster 4 Problem solving 3 Waste bins 2 Video 2 Picture2 Working in the garden 2 Video2 Matching 1 Garden material2 Exercises 1 Computer 1 Pair work 1 Projector1 Brainstorming 1 Example of waste 1 Paper ball 1 Seeds1 (20) 2.4 per lesson (20) 1.65 per lesson SEAL Programme: M&E report 201264/79 65. Strong points and points for improvement Strong Points Points for improvement Good preparation/lesson plan 5Should ask/encourage students 6 more to discuss/explain Sufficient materials 5Time management 4 Students are actively involved 4Explanation of educational game 3 Clear conclusion/wrap up of lesson 4Speak louder / not too fast 3 (2 / 1)Friendly/Positive attitude towards students4Use of black board2 TTs facilitates group discussion well 3Summarize/conclude2 Encouragement of students to be actively 3Preparation 1 involved Variety of activities 3 Use of teaching aids/multimedia 3 Survey with teacher trainers A short survey was organized in October 2012 among all life skills teacher trainers from the 8 target PTTCs. (Annex 4). Surveys were distributed to 40 TTs in total, 37 surveys were given back in time to be included in this report. 6.4 Results 6.4.1 Strengthening Content Knowledge The first question asked TTs what SCA is according to their understanding. Out of 37 TTs 29 TTs (78%) were able to give an average or good explanation on what is SCA. What is SCA according to your understanding? Nr of TTs % % Accumulated 1 Provided a definition and gave 1 or more examples 1437.8 37.8 2 Provided a good explanation and no example8 21.6 59.4 3 Provided an average explanation and no example7 18.9 78.3 4 Provided examples only, no explanation6 16.2 94.5 5 Blank 2 5.5100 Total 37100% The question did not ask to give an example so the fact that 13 TTs did not provide an example cannot be held against them and there for we can say that 78.3 % of the TTs has a clear understanding of SCA. 5 % did not answer the question and 16 % provided examples only but no definition. This 16% showed through their answers that they do know what SCA is but they did not describe it. Q 2 What challenges do you encounter in your teaching to integrate technology, content and pedagogy? 2.8 Lack of language skills 2.4 Lack of technological skills SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 65/79 66. 2.4 Internet connection 2.3 Insufficient preparation time 2.3 Lack of ICT materials (computers, software, projector…) 2.2 Lack of learning materials (experiment materials, posters etc.) 2.2 Lack of technical support 2.1 Insufficient time during lesson (curriculum) 2 Accessibility (opening hours, access to materials limited) 1.7 Frequent power cuts 1.6 Lack of pedagogical skills 1.6 Infrastructure problems (small classrooms, opening hours …) 1 = relevant 2 = bit relevant 3 = rather relevant 4 = very relevant The main challenges TTs face to integrate TPACK are lack of language skills to be able to use ICT in a better way, lack of technological skills and internet connections. 6.4.2 Using Student Centred Approaches When asked how often TTs on average use the given types of student‐centred approaches in your teaching group discussion and direct instruction are the 2 methods most mentioned. This result was s also provided through lesson observations. Group Direct Brainst. Group Educ. ResearcLow Card Demons Role discuss. Instr work Games h/ cost sort tration play survey exp. 1.32 1.58 1.64 1.68 2.49 2.57 2.89 2.97 3.03 3.41 On a scale from 1 to 7 1= several times per week, 2= once a week, 3 = few times per month, 4 = once per month, 5 = less than once per month, 6 = once a year, 7 = never Teaching methods used once to a few time per week are: group discussion, direct instruction and brainstorm and group work. Educational games, research/survey activities, low cost experiments, matching activities and demonstration are used a few times per month. Role play is used least but still is used at least once a month. No activities scored lower than this which shows that TTs demonstrate a variety of SCA techniques on a regular base. 6.4.3 Use of Teaching Aids and Life Skills Materials All environment and agriculture TTs were asked how often on average they you use following types of teaching aids in your teaching. Waste bins School Large PowerPoint Video Chicken Fish garden poster raising raising materials materials materials 1.8 2.1 2.1 3.8 4.3 4.4 4.6 On a scale from 1 to 7 1= several times per week, 2= once a week, 3 = few times per month, 4 = once per month, 5 = less than once per month, 6 = once a year, 7 = never SEAL Programme: M&E report 201266/79 67. The waste bins as a teaching aid are used at least once or several times per week. Organic gardening materials and chicken and fish raising material were only scored among the 19 agriculture TTs. The materials for the garden are used more often (once a week) than the materials for chicken and fish raising (around once per month). Large posters are also used once a week, followed by PowerPoint presentations and videos (around once per month). 6.4.4 Providing guidance during teaching practice next year. certainly Not yet, Question6 During the student practicum have you: Unsure Yes but No Actively encouraged students to apply SCA?34 Actively encouraged students to use posters?3211 Actively encouraged students to use low‐cost experiments? 33 1 Awarded higher credit to students who apply SCA?331 Shared resources with students such as manuals? 2923 Shown students online resources such as the videos on YouTube?7 20 7 Have you seen students raising awareness on environmental problems 273 4 (all in their practice school? Agr.TTs) Have you seen students actively involving pupils in Life Skills activities 266 3(such as organic gardening, chicken raising, fish raising)? Out of 37 surveys 3 teacher trainers did not send us back the page with these questions therefore the total number of questionnaires for this question is 34. All teacher trainers say they do encourage students to apply SCA, they encourage the use of posters, low cost experiments and they credit students who apply SCA higher. The vast majority (29 out of 34) also share resources with student teachers. Showing online resources scores lowest. Only 7 out of 34 TTs say they do so, another 7 claim they will do so next year, whereas 20 TTs say they don’t. Out of 34 TTs there are 27 TTs (79 %) that saw student teachers were raising environmental awareness during the teaching practice, 3 say no, and 4 are unsure but these 4 are agriculture teachers so they pay less attention to this. Finally 26 TTs (76 %) say that they have you seen students actively involving pupils in Life Skills activities (such as organic gardening, chicken raising, fish raising), 6 TTs haven’t and 3 are unsure. 6.4.5 Integrating ICT in life skills teaching During lesson observations we have seen evidence that some teacher trainers use PowerPoint presentations and resources from the internet. The set of 7 DVDs for Agriculture and a set of 7 Environment DVDs have been developed during 2011 and 2012, but were not ready to be distributed yet. The sets of DVDs contain documentary video clips, flash animations, pictures and PowerPoint presentations, and will be delivered to all PTTCs in December 2012. The use of these materials can be assessed in 2013. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201267/79 68. 6.4.6 Findings per PTTC For each follow up visit more extensive reports are written and are available for more details. Below is a summary of the most noticeable observations per PTTC. PTTC Banteay Meanchey ‐ Lesson observation at PTTC and practice school showed sufficient lessons with use of SCA. Student centred approach is known by school director, TTs and student teachers. - Students’ involvement in Life Skills activities has grown. They are involved in the waste segregating system and practice agriculture activities at a small scale. - Organic gardening is taking place. - Chicken raising started during last school year but the chickens were stolen and this security issue is difficult to solve. Theory of chicken raising can be taught and video clips of the practice will be available in December 2012. - Fish raising recently started. PTTC Battambang ‐ A motivated school director and a team of motivated life skills teacher trainers. ‐ Lesson observation at PTTC and practice school showed sufficient lessons with use of SCA. Student centred approach is known by school director, TTs and student teachers. ‐ Although there is limited space the agriculture teacher trainers have found creative ideas to implement life skills activities such as growing vegetables in sand bags, cultivating fish in a raised pond to prevent it from flooding. ‐ Students are involved in keeping the environment clean and segregating the waste PTTC Kandal ‐ The environment lesson at the PTTC and at the practice school showed good use of SCA and were very good. The agriculture lessons observed were not well prepared and lacked quality. ‐ Doubts whether management is motivated to support life skills activities. ‐ The waste segregation system is in place and students are involved. ‐ Organic gardening is practiced at a small scale. ‐ Fish raising is done at the practice school and was said to be shared with the PTTC but this needs to be checked in November 2012. ‐ Practice chicken raising is difficult for security reasons. PTTC Siem Reap ‐ The school director is very supportive of the life skills activities and assigns clear tasks to teacher trainers and student teachers. ‐ All teacher trainers show sufficient lessons with a variety of SCA methods. ‐ Student’s attitude towards keeping the environment clean is good. They help in segregating the waste but also show they care about the environment in a broader way when asked to join in activities like world environment day and drawing competition. ‐ After some practice now fish and chicken raising is successful. Organic gardening has been successful before 2012 already. ‐ Students practice all life skills subjects in and outside the classroom. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201268/79 69. 6.4.7 Challenges Each TT was asked in the surv to list 3 main challenges that they encou T vey 3 unter when applying student‐‐centred app proaches in LLife Skills teaching. The toop four of chhallenges theey mention a are: ‐ Lack k of teaching g materials (mmentioned b by 10 TTs) ‐ Lack k of experimeent materials (9 TTs) ‐ Diffi icult to use ICCT/LCD proje ector/video/ /internet (9 T TTs) ‐ Stud dents involve ement / mottivation is limmited (8 TTs s) 6.5 Discussioon on effectiveness In paraggraph 7.4 wee have given n an overview w of what wwe have colleected as resu ults to showw to what extent IRR 2 is deliverred. During tthe annual MM&E meeting g on the 6th oof November 2012 partnners gave input on the questin ions as requ uired in the guidelines f self‐asses for ssment of th effectiven he ness and impact o our curre programme. School directors of all PTTCs a 8 TTs of the 4 targe PTTCs of ent f and f et discusseed in groups. These are comments coollected durinng that meet ting. 6.5.1 Extent to wwhich the IIR is delive ered •Weere the expec cted IR’s formmulated in a realistic wayy? •Did d the activitie es contributee to the realisation of thee results as w was stipulate ed? •Waas the intended/applied sstrategy appropriate? The inteermediate re esult 1.2 has been satis sfactorily delivered. It is delivered ts through provision of manuals s and materials which heelps to integrate SCA in t teaching and d learning. However, to gget more result, mmore materiaals should bee given adequately and e equally to all PTTCs (not oonly first four PTTCs). Also traiining of TTs (through wo orkshop) should be direct ted to right person (in soome case unntargeted TTs were sent to attend worksh hops). VVOOB materials and manuals really helpp teacher tra ainers to teach in student‐cenntred way. H However, teaacher trainerrs should be flexible to use integrate SCA and materials in effectiv way. Conve ntextualisatio should be highly con on e nsidered. Some activities can be considerred to give mmore inputs; ‐ Mon nitoring and Evaluation sshould be do one by VVOBB in cooperat tion with Mo oEYS (TTCs, P POE, and relevant departmments) at lea ast twice a yeear. ‐ TTCss regularly organize technical meetinng to give feeedback on teeaching using g SCA or mat terials ‐ Deliver more ma aterials for T TTCs Appraisaal and Scorin ng by partne ers: 2x + + 2x 6.5.2 Extent to wwhich part tners makee use of delivered res sults • How did you mea asure the usee by the beneficiaries? • Were the results sufficiently defined in relation to the needs and expecte s y n o tations of th target he group? • Did tthe intermed diate results enhance aw wareness, a sswift in mentality, a swit tch in attitudde in the targeet group? SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 69/79 70. The use of the delivered result by the be e ts eneficiaries is also descrribed in 7.4. Results ha been ave describe in terms of availabilit and use of resources and didact ed ty s tical method During t M&E ds. the meeting partners fr g rom PTTCs say they make use of manuals an materials Positively, student nd s. centred approach is widely used d and appliedd in lesson byy TTs and STs. SCA is not t only widely used for targeted d subjects (ag nd environmental life skills), but also for other subjects. griculture an Howeve er, there are still some chhallenges; ‐ TTs and STs still need some eexperience in applying and using SCAA or material ls ‐ TTs lack of teachhing materials/computerrs/LCD/mate erials ‐ TTs need exchannge programm through stu udy tours. ‐ There is a need o of monthly rreport from TTTs ‐ There should bee regular M&&E from VVOB, MoEYS (TT TD), POE, PTTTC ‐ Inapppropriate class condition (class size...) ‐ Time e Solution ns ‐ Consultation bettween VVOBB and MoEYS S ‐ Teac ching locatio on can be sommewhere els se rather thaan in classroo om (for somee activities) ‐ TTs should have e more unde erstanding onn the use of materials annd SCA so as s they can wwell apply eaching depein teending on coontent of lessson. ‐ Therefore, more e workshops s should be oorganized too strengthen n SCA knowleedge and a f forum to give feedback o share expee or erience or leesson learnt they encountered when they apply in their y teacching. Appraisa al and Scorinng by partneers: 2x + 2x 6.5.3 Extent of ccontributioon of IR to realisationn of Specifific Objectiv ve What arre the reasonns why the IR contribute ed successful lly, not succeessfully to th he specific obbjective? Please reflect on thee good practices (what w would you doo in the samee way?), bad d practices (wwhat not, would you change?) and the lesso learnt (wwhat w d ons what would you recom d mmend to a similar a programmme in the fu uture). Commen nts from parrtners duringg the M&E mmeeting: Success ‐ TTs and STs get more unders standing in SSCA, ‐ TT g got the training on life skills (environmment and agriculture) ‐ Delivery of mate erials are eno ough to help p them teach h ‐ Stud dent teacherrs are motiva ated, happy, and interestted in studying ‐ ICT materials aree used by TTTs and somet times by studdent teacherrs ges Challeng‐ Matterials are sti ill limited ‐ Inte ernet service is slow SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 2012 70/79 71. ‐ Somme PTTCs stilll don’t have a teacher rooom ‐ Use of ICT remains low. ‐ Somme TTs aren’t t interested iin applying SSCA in enviroonment and a agriculture subjects ‐ Studdy achievement of student teachers os still limited on life skill is‐ Studdent teacher rs feel very difficult to deevelop their oown teaching g materials Solution n ‐ VVO should o OB organize more training on use of SSCA, teachin materials (including ways to ng s deveelop), and ICCT ‐ VVOOB should try y to widespre ead existing materials as much as possible (equally to all PTTCCs) ‐ Train student teeachers how to develop l local low‐cosst materials so that theyy can do it when they gradduate and goo to teacher in schools Effect of als and multimedia f lab materia‐ Easyy to integrate e SCA ‐ STs can apply SC CA during tteaching practise and ge et more understanding o SCA throu on ugh peer learning ‐ Multimedia helpp student tea achers easy t to understan nd content oof lesson, savve time, and get high resuult. Howeverr, the only baarrier in usingg ICT materiaals is languagge. Appraisa al and Scorin ng by partne ers: 2x + +2x 6.5.4 Effect of ch hanges in p programmme on effecctiveness • Whatt are the chaanges that occcurred in thhe programmme? • Were e they intendded or not? • Were e these chan nges caused by external factors or byy factors thaat are intrinsic to the proogramme itself f? Accordin to the PT school d ng TTC directors and Teacher trainers during the M&E meeting th VVOB E he program has made some chang (average level) accorm ges e discussion group, which mostly rding to oneintendedd. Lessons are taught in more student‐centred w way. On othe er group sayys the VVOB program has madde remarkabble changes, particularly on SCA activvities as seenn in teachingg by TTs andd student teachers Providing manuals, pos. osters, multi imedia, and some other materials er encourages both TTs and studdent teachers to use SC in the clas CA ss. The change comes ffrom internaal factors (wwithin the VVOB pprogram) and happens intentionally Some cha y. ems from other NGOs such as anges, it ste oSTEPSAMM2 program. SCA will suurely even be used afterr the VVOB pprogram end ds because m materials and manual are theere. SCA are understoo by TTs an STs, they will continue to apply since it e od nd y y capturess students’ in nterest in stuudying, and eespecially study results aare high, as ssaid by partic cipants. 6.5.5 Effect of or riginal hyp potheses on effective eness • Were the hypothesis and the risks tha could hav disturbed the course of the proe at ve d e ogramme correectly identifieed? SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201271/79 72. • Were the necessary measures in place to monitor and eventually reduce such risks? • Were the basic requirements accomplished to perform the programme? For IR2 the following assumptions were made in MYP2 (p.59): ‐ Leadership of PTTC and practice schools support the implementation processes ‐ Leadership of PTTC and practice schools support the programme by making available resources accessible (e.g. land for gardens, electricity for computers) ‐ MoEYS disburses planned funds to schools for extra LLSP hours (local Life Skills Programme) The management of PTTCs has been involved in all stages of implementation, such as input and refresher trainings and in monitoring activities. All PTTCs have been supportive to the programme implementation by sending staff to workshops, participating at monitoring activities and in encouraging uptake of student‐centred approaches. However, variation in support and encouragement provided by the management to use resources and SCA is frequently mentioned as an important explanatory factor of differences between PTTCs. MoEYS is working together with other partners (World Education/Kape) to integrate the LLSP in the curriculum of lower secondary and primary schools. Materials and trainings have been delivered to school in target provinces of World Education/Kape. VVOB and World Education/Kape have regular meetings to share information and resources. 6.5.6 Conclusion The IR has been fully delivered. The first two MYP indicators (teacher trainers show understanding of SCA and apply it in their life skills teaching have been achieved. The third one, better coaching during the student practicum, was assessed through the survey among TTs already but will be further evaluated during the next practicum (February – May 2013). Still planned Activities and development of resources have focused so far on teacher trainers. Training for practice school teachers of the 24 practice schools from 4 target PTTCs (6 schools x 4 PTTCs), facilitated by PTTC teacher trainers, is planned in the beginning of 2013. They will receive life skills training and adjusted teaching materials. If planning allows we can add 24 more practice schools of the 4 new target PTTCs (Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Kratie and Stung Treng) as well. Further activities are planned to increase familiarity with and use of the resources, including communication activities (e.g. lesson competition) and frequent lesson observation and coaching sessions. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 72/79 73. 7Intermediate Result 3 7.1 Introduction In IR 3 the Teacher Training Department (TTD) of MoEYS is the operational partner. This IR comprises the printing and distribution of instructor’s manuals and teaching aids approved by TTD in print and through a web‐portal (See Annex 10: Overview Teaching Resources). Furthermore, the integration of TPACK concepts, materials and training programmes in the M&E and professional development processes are assessed in indicators 2 and 3 of this result (see Table 3). 7.2 Means of Verification 7.2.1 Regular progress meetings During the year 2012 regular meetings with the vice‐director and technical staff of TTD have taken place. Minutes of these meetings are available. Topics during meetings have been to assess the M&E tools and to jointly plan follow up visits and trainings as well as quality assurance of the produced teaching and learning materials. 7.2.2 Group interview A group discussion was organized during the annual M&E meeting on November 6, 2012. The guiding questions for the end evaluation were used as starting point. 7.3 Results 7.3.1 Educational materials Annex 10: Overview Teaching Resources contains an overview of the learning materials that were approved by MoEYS. These include instructor’s manuals, posters, DVDs with multimedia and videos of low‐cost experiments to support science and life skills teaching. Together these resources cover a major part of the science curriculum for teacher training (See Table 16 and Subject # experiments # multimedia # cartoons # posters*Physics 115 86 39 9Chemistry53 40 1120Earth Science28 36 1435Biology34 57 1942Total 230219 83106* after revision due to copyright issuesTable 17). Therefore we consider the indicator as achieved. Materials have been distributed to the TTCs. TTD has expressed satisfaction with the materials and considers distributing them on a larger scale (to upper secondary schools). However, following remarks can be made with the development process of the resources: SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 73/79 74. ‐ The VVOB team took up a stronger coordinating role during the development process than foreseen. The role of the MoEYS has been to ensure compliance with curriculum and quality control, rather than assuming a coordinating role. ‐ The development cycle has taken very long, going through various stages of quality control, and feedback. While undoubtedly contributing to its acceptance by the MoEYS, such a long development cycle has drawbacks as well. There’s little time left for a second edition, and teacher trainers have had to wait long for the resources to be published, reducing short term impact. 7.3.2 Integration into TTDs professional development programs and the national teacher training curricula At the moment TTD doesn’t have a systematic programme of continuous professional development for teacher trainers. Monthly technical and pedagogical meetings at the RTTCs and PTTCs are the main source of professional development for teacher trainers. For these meetings VVOB has closely worked together with JICA (Stepsam2) to introduce a regular system of lesson study, a methodology based on an iterative cycle of detailed lesson plan and lesson observation and discussion per subject, focusing both on content, pedagogy and technology. Lesson study is being adopted as a tool for systematic in‐service training for school teachers. “TTD also started a nationwide INSET programme on LS for upper secondary school teachers. LS and IBL are now widely spreading beyond the coverage of the project owing to the efforts of the Cambodian people” (JICA et al, 2012, p.50). A widespread adoption of lesson study in secondary schools expands the potential impact of the programme to secondary schools, outside the practice schools. The programme will cooperate with Stepsam3, the planned successor of Stepsam 2 to achieve this unexpected result. VVOB has been an active partner during the revision of the teacher training curriculum for lower secondary education in 2011. This revision can be considered an alignment of the curriculum with intentions, laid down in various policy documents, to move towards a more student‐centred pedagogy. In the revised curriculum, 12 hours in the methodology part (for science) of the curriculum have been reserved for student centred approaches, including explicit references to active reading & writing, reasoning skills, concept cartoons & tests and educational games. In the subject parts of the science curricula references to several experiments from the experiment manuals have been included. 7.3.3 The integration of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge framework into the M&E processes of TTD The M&E framework has been developed in cooperation with TTD and tools such as surveys, lesson observation forms and logbooks have been subject to their quality control. Staff members from TTD and other departments of MoEYS (GSED, PED, and DCD) participate at observations missions to the RTTCs and PTTCs. Lesson observations and the management of resources are jointly discussed. However, current monitoring within TTD focuses heavily on compliance with administrative procedures and completing the curriculum in time. VVOB has been working with TTD to alter the SEAL Programme: M&E report 201274/79 75. reportin ng requireme ents for RTTCCs and PTTCs to TTD. In their six moonthly reportts RTTCs will l need to report o on the manag he science labs, resource gement of th e rooms and organic gard dens. We’re c currently ng with TTD how lesson observationdiscussin n forms, survveys and perrsonal logbooks could play a role in a costt‐efficient mmonitoring syystem that inematic data collection o ncludes syste on TPACK inttegration by teach her trainers. 7. Discussion on eff .4 ffectivenesss 7.4.1 EExtent to wwhich the IIR is delive ered The IR h has been dellivered fully (See 7.3 for description of results p per sub‐result). The parttner fully agreed w with this ana alysis. 7.4.2 EExtent to wwhich part tners makee use of del livered res sults All mateerials have been developed in alignb nment with t current curriculum for teacher training. the The insttructor’s man nuals on SCA A will be useed in the mepart of teacher training (See 7.3). ethodology pTherefore, we considder this IR as s fully delivered. 7.4.3 EExtent of ccontributioon of IR to rrealisationn of Specifific Objectiv ve What arre the reasonns why the IR contributeed successfullly, not succeessfully to th he specific obbjective? Please reeflect on thee good practices, bad praactices and th he lessons leearnt. The part tner found that the IR partially contributed to th he realisation of the speecific objectiv ve. They listed following results in the IR tthat contribuuted to the S SO: ‐ TTD has establisshed clear cuurriculum in ccooperation with VVOB‐ There’s a good ccooperation between VVVOB and MoEEYS ‐ Goo od planning f for training m manuals to immprove quality of learnin ng and teaching activities s ‐ Prov vision of teacching materi ial to supporrt learning an nd teaching a activities ‐ Studdent teacherrs have chanc ce to apply nnew teaching g methodoloogies and usee new material ‐ Studdent teacherrs learn how to use experriment mate erial and multimedia ‐ Build teacher tra ainers’ capaccity through training in diverse teaching methodoologies ‐ Studdent teacherrs understand SCA very wwell ‐ Suffficient experi iment mater rial and expeeriment guide es ‐ Availability of shhort video cliips and posteers to support learning aand teaching activities, ennhancing studdents’ understanding Areas foor further improvement t that were de etected include: ‐ Limi ited applicattion of SCA by student teacher graduates when th hey are at th heir assigned schools ‐ Limi ited teachingg material annd experiment material ((at schools) Appraisa al and Scorinng by partne ers: 2x SEAL Proggramme: M&E rreport 201275/79 76. 7.4.4 Effect of changes in programme on effectiveness •What are the changes that occurred in the programme? Were they intended or not? •Were these changes caused by external factors or by factors that are intrinsic to the programme itself? The partner provided following comments on this question: ‐The programme managed to integrated content into new TTC curriculums ‐These changes are caused by good cooperation between MoEYS and VVOB ‐Application of SCA and use of material in learning and teaching will continue on regular basis ‐VVOB and Stepsam2 share the same goal to improve learning and teaching of science ‐Most changes are expected ‐An unexpected change is the improvement of English language proficiency amongst TTs ‐Application of SCA will continue, with direction from MoEYS 7.4.5 Effect of original hypotheses on effectiveness • Were the hypothesis and the risks that could have disturbed the course of the programme correctly identified? • Were the necessary measures in place to monitor and eventually reduce such risks? • Were the basic requirements accomplished to perform the programme? For IR3 the assumptions and mitigation strategies are listed in Table 21. • MoEYS central level staff is assigned to support • Include the QA working group in MoEYS the quality assurance of new learning materials master and action plans • MoEYS central level staff supports the • Involve central level staff during all stages of innovations in methodology and technical know‐implementation how introduced by the programme • Follow up on TTD Master Pan • MoEYS proceeds with the planned revision of • Coordination between interventions of TTD curricula different donors to align strategies at central level Table 21 Assumptions and Mitigation Strategies for IR3 (MYP2, p.59) The assumptions were correctly identified and the mitigation strategies have contributed to reducing risks. 7.4.6 Conclusion The active participation of central level MoEYS officials in the SEAL program has increased significantly this year, due to the finalisation of most teaching resources. The involvement of MoEYS departments in the pre‐mainstreaming and the follow‐up visits has made quality control easier and more efficient. SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 76/79 77. The involvement of MoEYS throughout the development has ensured compliance with MoEYS guidelines, such as manual and lesson plan structure and the curriculum. Explicit endorsement by the MoEYS is likely to have a positive impact on the use of the resources by the target group. An unexpected result has been the realisation of improved communication lines between the TTD and the TTCs. Routine involvement of both levels in nation‐wide workshops has resulted in frequent encounters and exchange of ideas. The TTD and other central level departments (DCD, PED, GSED) are interested in continuing this exchange and develop it into a regular forum. Quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation and coordination of in‐service training for teacher trainers are the responsibility of TTD. The capacity of the coordinating TTD is limited and simultaneous implementation timelines from programme components has resulted in occasional bottlenecks and delays. Conclusions 2012 has been a key year in the SEAL programme. It has been the year during which the long development cycles of learning resources and instructor’s manuals were finalized. Numerous nation‐wide workshops on science and life skills education were organized for teacher trainers, management staff of TTCs and government staff. Learning resources were printed and distributed. Follow‐up visits helped teacher trainers to internalize the content. All workshops and resources laid out in the year planning have been realized. Moreover, based on user feedback, additional ‘strengthening workshops’ on SCA are planned in December. Our monitoring data show teacher trainers general have a good understanding of SCA, apply them frequently in their teaching and actively encourage students to use it in their practicum, among others by sharing resources and awarding higher credit to students who try integrating SCA in their lessons. However, occasionally techniques and multimedia are mainly used to keep pursuing a predominantly teacher‐centred approach. In this way, change has been incremental rather than fundamental. In 2012 collaboration with MoEYS has been strengthened. The revised curriculum for teacher training was implemented in the TTCs and the TTD has been an active partner in the development of the M&E framework. Despite this progress, important challenges remain for 2013. Planning 2013 Efforts so far have been focused on teacher trainers and much less on science teachers from the practice schools of the TTCs and only on a small scale on primary school teachers of 7 primary practice schools. These teachers play an important role as model teachers for students during their practicum. Workshops at each RTTC will be organized to introduce SCA to the teachers in time for the next practicum that starts in February 2013. In the course of 2013 a selection of learning materials will be adapted to school level. As for practice schools of primary education 24 schools will SEAL Programme: M&E report 201277/79 78. receive life skills training in the beginning of 2013 and teaching materials will be slightly adjusted and provided to these primary schools. Secondly, more follow‐up visits and coaching sessions are needed for teacher trainers as well to absorb the content introduced in 2012. The 70‐20‐10 framework states that only 10% of the time should be spent on formal instruction, whereas double this amount of time should be spent on feedback and discussion with others (Lombardo and Eichinger, 1996). These coaching sessions contribute to the organisational capacity of the TTCs to evolve to learning organisations. Finally, the programme will continue working with the MoEYS and in particular TTD to ensure the sustainability of the programme. Thereby we will focus on strengthening the M&E system of TTD and take initiatives to support the professional development of teacher trainers. SEAL Programme: M&E report 201278/79 79. Annexes Annex 1a: Lesson observation form – version 1 Annex 1b: Lesson observation form – version 2 Annex 2: M&E Protocol for field trips Annex 3: Evaluation Rubric for Lesson Observations Annex 4: Survey for teacher trainers on Agricultural and Environmental Life Skills Teaching Annex 5: Survey teacher trainers RTTCs Annex 6: Logbook page outline Annex 7a: Guide Focus Group with Teacher Trainers Annex 7b: Guide focus Group with life skills teacher trainers Annex 8: Interview protocol for interviews with graduated teachers Annex 9: Individual lesson observation scores teacher trainers Annex 10: Overview Teaching Resources Annex 11a: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (March 2012) Annex 11b: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (June 2012) Annex 11c: Report Monitoring Visit RTTCs (November 2012) References Benveniste, L., Marshall, J. & Araujo, C., 2008, Teaching in Cambodia, World Bank. Berkvens, J.B.Y., Kalyanpur, M., Kuiper, W. and Van den Akker, J., 2011, ‘Improving adult learning and professional development in a post‐conflict area: The case of Cambodia’, International Journal of Educational Development. Boyce, C. and Neale, P., 2006, Conducting In‐Depth Interviews: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In‐Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input, Pathfinder International Tool Series. International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP ‐ UNESCO), 2011, Education and Fragility in Cambodia, Paris, UNESCO, [online] Available from: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002110/211049e.pdf Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Padeco Co. Ltd and Hiroshima University, 2012, Cambodia Science Teacher Education Project (STEPSAM2), Project Completion Report, Unpublished Report. Lombardo, M.M. and Eichinger, R.W. , 1996, The Career Architect Development Planner, 1st edition, Minneapolis, Lominger Mack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K.M., Guest, G. and Namey, E., 2005, Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collectors Field Guide, Family Health International, available online at: http://www.fhi.org/en/rh/pubs/booksreports/qrm_datacoll.htm. Seymour, A,, 2004, Focus Groups: An Important Tool for Strategic Planning, Strategic Planning Toolkit Project, available online at www.justicesolutions.org/art_pub_focus_groups.pdf UNESCO, 2009, Teacher Training Review Project: Strengthening Teacher Training in Cambodia to Achieve EFA, 139p. World Bank, 2004, Monitoring and Evaluation: Some Tools, Methods and Approaches, available online at http://www.worldbank.org/ieg/ecd/me_tools_and_approaches.html SEAL Programme: M&E report 2012 79/79