Masters & Temples-Complete Copy
April 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous |
There is a spiritual line of Bourchakoum Masters which run back into the antiquity of time and beyond. At the present time I want to point out that briefly the line runs like this: From Darwin Gross (DapRen), the present Mahanta, the Master of the Time, to his Master, Peddar Zaskq (Paul Twitchell) who was initiated into the ATOM works by Sudar Singh and completed his training by Rebazar Tarzs who was the Mahanta, Master of that time. Rebazar Tarzs passed the spiritual mantle of both the Mahanta and Master of the Time to Paul Twitchell. Then the line goes back, especially for the Mahantas, to Fubbi Quantz, Yaubl Sacabi, Rami Nuri, Gopal Das, Shamus-i-Tabriz, Towart Managi, Lai Tsi, Tindor Saki, Tomo Geshig, Mesi Gokaritz, Damon and Agnotti, to name a few. The Adepts who live in the spiritual city of Agam Des are called the EshwarKhanewal, the God-Eaters, because they have learned to partake of the cosmic energy instead of material food. They live to great ages beyond the normal span of human life. The chronicles of the Bourchakoum Masters in this world are awe-inspiring and beyond comprehension of the human mind. The old records of the Kadath Inscriptions in the Katsupari Monastery show the history of the living Bourchakoum Masters throughout the universes. This includes those who have served on other planets and constellations. Many of the Bourchakoum Masters are well known throughout history, and where possible these accounts are included. The Masters are listed alphabetically by their first names. AGNOTTI The Master in charge of the Way Of The Eternal on the Agam Lok (Ninth Plane) at the Kazi Dawtz/Akash Temple of Golden Wisdom is a Being we can call Agnotti. Just who he is nobody seems to know, however, there was a Master by this name during the earliest times on Earth, when man was in his most primitive staves of development. There is no way to tell what Agnotti’s appearance might be because he appears in different forms to different souls. AGRIPPINUS Agrippinus, a Roman senator and a Bourchakoum Master, was informed by friends 1 Masters & Wisdom Temples that he was being tried in the Senate. He smiled and announced that it was time for his bath. Later he was told that the sentence was exile from the country. He smiled again and announced, “I will not stay in my own way.” Then he went to dinner. He knew that the decision made him poverty stricken for the rest of his life, but he would not stay in his own way. This was a most important statement for any student of these Ancient Teachings Of The Masters. It means that he would not allow his emotional nature to upset his courage and peace of mind. He was an instrument of God, and if anything would upset him, then his existence in that incarnation would have been written off as failure. He would have to go through the whole procedure again in some future life. His very spirit to continue as the channel for the Divine Spirit meant that he refused to succumb to the negative forces. AHMAD QAVANI Ahmad Qavani was the Master of the Time during the reign of King John of England. He was present at the signing of the Magna Carta. APOLLONIUS OF TYANA Apollonius of Tyana, the great Greek mystic of the Second Century B.C., was one who could easily be in two places at the same time and report back to the physical senses what was taking place at a distance. When the assassination of the Emperor Domitian took place in Rome in the year 96. B.C., Apollonius had projected out of his body, which was in Ephesus, located on the Ionian coast in Asia Minor, and had inadvertently become a witness. An earlier encounter with the tyrant Domitian gave rise to the knowledge that Apollonius was a great adept. This great Master could come and go as he wished. The Emperor Domitian saw Apollonius disappear from before the throne after the Emperor had sentenced him to death. Apollonius was weighted with chains and surrounded by the palace guards. He was there one moment, and in the next, had disappeared, leaving nothing but chains. Later it was recorded that only within moments after disappearing from the sight of Domitian, the famed Adept appeared beside one of his chief disciples on a road some hundred miles away. Apollonius once said, “Soul is surrounded by enemies. No one, nothing, is its friend. Even the mind watches it like a cat regards a rat as something to be eaten. Even those spirits who are votaries of Rawhan (evil) and obey its laws, that is, the dictates of the mind, suffer this pain. All are subject to pain, so long as they are in this realm of Earth and things.” 3 2 “Whoever has looked upon the face of the Godman has seen the living image of God”.....”Those who follow the spirit take nothing for granted, for they must prove it for themselves. Only then will they know that God so loved them that He sent a living master to bring souls home to him,” Gopal Das said, repeating the works from the Shariyat. Some Bourchakoum Masters like Apollonius of Tyana, in the Third Century B.C., understood the importance of nine as a number. He required his disciples to strictly observe the ninth hour of the day and also forbade his followers to mention the number nine aloud. He said that the number must be passed over in silence, because it contained the great secrets of the Initiate, the power which fructifies the earth, the mysteries of the secret fire, the universal key of languages and the second sight from which evil doers cannot remain concealed. When the Number Nine was met with in their calculations, it was passed over in silence, and a deep obeisance was made as a recognition of its sacred character. This was but a ceremony intended to impress upon the minds of the neophytes the great importance of initiation, its sacredness and the folly and danger of even speaking lightly concerning its mysteries. * “A Neo-Pythagorean sage whose celebrity is due entirely to the biography of him written by the rhetorician Philostratus, was born at Tyana in Cappodocia somewhere about the beginning of the Christian era and survived into the reign of the Roman emperor Nero. The biography of Philostratus, which is the only full account of him, was written A.D. 200 at the request of the Empress Julia Domna, second wife of Septimus Severus and is a highly romantic and extremely untrustworthy work in which Apollonius appears as a wandering ascetic and wonder-worker. “It is impossible to ascertain what facts lie behind the accounts of his wide-ranging journeys (including a visit to India) and miraculous exploits. The memoirs of his disciple Damis, on which Philostratus claimed to base his account, are almost certainly a work of fiction. The work of Philostratus had a great success and led to a certain amount of religious veneration for Apollonius among the devout pagans of the later Roman empire. Caracalla built a shrine to him, and Alexander Severus put a statue of him in his private chapel along with those of Abraham, Orpheus and Christ. The anti-Christian writer Hierocles of Nicomedia paralleled his miracles with those of Christ, and it is possible that Philostratus himself and Julia Domna intended the Life of Apollonius as a sort of pagan gospel to counteract the effect of the Christian...” * The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. II, p. 123 3 ** “... the secret school of philosophy is infinitely more complex than can be conveyed within these pages. When Apollonius of Tyana, a leading personality in the neo-Pythagorean school which flourished in Alexandria during the first century of the Christian era, was initiated into the Mysteries, this also took place in the Great Pyramid. At one stage, he was hanging upon the cross until he was unconscious, and then laid in a tomb for three days. It was thought that while he was unconscious, his soul had passed into the realms of the immortals, the place of death. After his soul had, however, conquered death by recognizing that life is eternal, the soul returned again to the body which thereupon rose from its sarcophagus, upon which he was hailed as a Brother by the priests who were certain that he had in truth returned from the land of the dead.” ** Understanding MU, by Hans Stefan Santesson—The Theories of James Churchward, p. 118. ASANGA KAYA This Adept is the Guardian of the Holy Book, the Way Of The Eternal, at the Jartz Chong Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Hukikat Lok, the Eighth Plane. ASOKI The Bourchakoum Master Asoki was born during the time of the large empire of Uighur in central Asia, part of the vast empire we know as MU or Lemuria. Asoki is still living in the same body he inhabited in those ancient days, some 60,000 years before the advent of the Christian calendar. He lives near the city of Retz, the capital of Venus at the Moksha Temple of Golden Wisdom. His duties in this universe are to help spread the ATOM message throughout the world and the planets. Rami Nuri is the Guardian of the Holy Book, the Way Of The Eternal. BABLA MOHENJO During the reign of Constantine the Great, the Master of the Time was Babla Mohenjo, who was one of its greatest teachers. He had a small school for chelas (students) near Constantinople. He was at the Council of Nicaea called by Constantine in Bithynia, Asia Minor, during 325 A.D. to get Christians to settle their quarrels and support the empire. He was not at all in favor of what went on at the Council, but he never interfered. BANJANI Banjani is the Guardian of the Introduction to the Way Of The Eternal at the Faqiti Monastery Temple of Golden Wisdom in the Gobi Desert, the Asurati Lok (Desert World). Chelas are usually taken here to begin their study of the holy works in the dream state. 5 4 CASTROG Castrog, the Master of his Time, came into this world to teach the olive-skinned people of Atlantis that the Supreme Deity was not happy with their days and dealings in black magic. He suffered the death of the sword for his troubles, but not before warning the king that his lands and people would soon die under the waters of the sea. One generation later the catastrophe which had sunk the land of MU brought death to all the fourth root race, leaving only a dark, unsmiling ocean to greet the sailors who dared to cross its surface. CHU-KO YEN The Bourchakoum Master Chu-Ko Yen was an associate of Confucius in China. He guided the Chinese Master by giving him spiritual advice in his work to reach the world and form a greater society. He passed on and became a spiritual guide on the Alakh Lok (plane). DAP REN (Darwin Gross) “My front porch is the galaxy and the universe I live in, as well as the other galaxies surrounding this one. The back porch of my home are those lower worlds that are the unkempt part as in most yards. The flower garden which is the front yard is always kept in order as the exactness of all the galaxies. But my inner chambers are the pure positive God worlds; no dust is collected there. “When the search is over, the dark night of soul dissolves into the light and sound of God. You are on your way home to God. You will know when the time comes, be it now or in another lifetime. You will realize self, then God. But as long as you live, the urge to help those who are seeking is unquenchable. You are not alone, if you but ask for the spiritual guide.” After one of the sessions of a meeting, Paul Twitchell called Darwin to his room. During the course of their conversation, Paul pointed at a stack of newly printed blue posters that had Paul’s picture on them. “See those new posters over there in the corner? Take one, and I’ll autograph it for you.” Darwin took one from the stack and brought it to Paul who wrote something on it and gave it back. It read, “To DapRen Gross, with spiritual love, Paul Twitchell.” Darwin said, “You know, you looked just like this when you appeared to me one night on the inner during my spiritual exercise.” Paul looked away bashfully without answering. Darwin rolled the poster up careful, but the different name didn’t register 5 with him until he unrolled it at home to look at it again. DapRen! After a moment, he rolled the poster up and stored it away in a container. He told no one of his new name, however, in his own consciousness, it grew in significance. It finally dawned on him what had happened at that moment in time when he received that poster. “The moment that Paul translated, my car had broken down a few minutes before that. I was on my way home from Boise, Idaho...I tinkered a bit there and I felt the presence of someone. Also, at that instant I knew that Paul had translated. I cannot explain how I knew, but I knew. I turned around and looked, and here’s the outline of the whole Order of Boucharan Masters and Paul with a smile, and I knew without a doubt the task at hand. I didn’t tell a person, I couldn’t. I didn’t call Gail [Twitchell], try to approach her or anything because I knew if she was going to know, Paul would have to tell her, which happened, I guess, a few days after that when she learned and she tried to get in touch with me.” Darwin laid down to rest, but couldn’t sleep. Suddenly, he was aware of the presence of Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell. “Do not be afraid. I am going to disassemble you, atom by atom, and reassemble you as you were.” Darwin felt his whole body being disassembled and dismantled into separate atoms. Rebazar, in his crisp, clear English voice whose sound raised Darwin beyond the ethers, boomed out to Paul “I’ve built him with a straight back.” There was a deep sound, deep blue light, then golden white light. When he was aware again of his body on the bed, he felt that it had been rearranged, each atom changed and all his organs and body systems completely restructured once more just as they were. Except in appearance, Darwin was a different person spiritually. When I first attended the class under Fubbi Quantz, it was relatively small, and he keeps it to a certain size. The same way with the class out in the Gobi Desert, whether it be the Wisdom Temple of Agam Des or any of the others of the seven Golden Wisdom Temples. After one class has been taught, another Master comes in, and it’s done not in a hurriedly state or fashion, but at ease and in a relaxed manner. The first writings that there are, books in any of the libraries in the world, other than the Wisdom Temples, the tablets, the scrolls that do exist, not only at the Katsupari Monastery but the other Wisdom Temples, Guru Nanak wrote about it. He got his information from Rebazar Tarzs and Fubbi Quantz, and in doing so became quite enthused. He started his own sort of path, thinking that would be the way to bring the light and sound to the people of his day. This was in the fifteenth century, mind you. Little did he know that the Sikh religion would carry on, because he only made allowances for, I think it was, for nine individuals who were disciples of his. There have been some teachings in the East that have used those same writings, but didn’t speak of the terms in these teachings as Guru Nanak did, until Paul Twitchell came along. 7 6 When I was handed over from Rebazar Tarzs to Paul Twitchell, and Paul being my Master from that point on, my Teacher, my Guide, I had an experience in my whole body one evening: atom by atom taken up and reconstructed elsewhere, and told of this change-over. Rebazar’s voice is so magnificent, I longed to hear it thereafter, and did. It took me sometime to learn that in order to have further experiences, to forget about it, to go on living the life as a human being, not forcing my ways of thought on my fellow man, but helping to uplift the consciousness of the community, state or country, or the world I’m living in. Rebazar Tarzs still has a large number of students, not only in this country, but throughout the world, and is still looking for fifty million of them too. He put the problem to Paul, and the higher one climbs on this spiritual ladder, the greater the problems become, so if you want to climb, be prepared for a few problems. They are fun to solve, because life as we know it is a continual expansion of awareness and of consciousness. Rebazar Tarzs was telling some of his students once that you can see God and feel IT in the air, see IT in the trees and the birds and the beautiful flowers. But most of us forget to look to IT, to look at IT and think of IT as the Divine Spirit in the other person as well, whether a student of this Path, or the average fellow out there that we meet in our daily lives. There is no difference between myself and any of the chelas or other people in this world. Rebazar Tarzs handed the rod of power to Peddar Zaskq, and at some point he handed it to me. That consciousness did not change, nor will it change from that point to this point for another 500 years. There will be other living masters in-between. Some of these are not recorded. This is why there might be gaps in between some of the Masters. The different levels or planes of existence in the Golden Wisdom Temples, for those that are traveling to the Wisdom Temples, are taken there by the Master of the time. Very few see me, but you see the Master who is instructing you at that Wisdom Temple, and you have the option to ask him about some of the other Masters that are not recorded in the physical pages here on Earth. DAYAKA The Master of the Time in Lemuria, before Ramaj who was one of the first Initiates in the Ancient Order of the Boucharan. DECATES During the ancient times, in the continent of Atlantis, there lived in the city of 7 Sar-Kurteva, a Mahanta, the Master of his Time, known as Decates. The people turned away from the worship of the Sugmad (the Chinese word for God) and started following the false gods of black magic. Decates could foresee the future for all of Atlantis, but few would believe him when he stood before the king and said, “You have allowed the chosen people of the Sugmad to be turned to the false and evil gods of magic. There is no hope for you nor those who follow you. “Because of this, I will leave this land and take with me that handful who still believes in the Spirit. The rest will be destroyed in this drowned land.” The few who followed him to the west into a vast wilderness, which many centuries later became known as America, had experienced and accepted Spirit as truth. They knew all who followed Decates away from the coming disaster were the chosen people. ELIJAH The prophet Elijah who foretold Jezebel’s death was a Bourchakoum Master, who tried to warn King Ahab and his Queen what their death would be if they persisted against the Sugmad, the Lord-God. * “Elijah, or Elias in the Bible was the most distinguished of the prophets of Israel, who flourished in the Ninth Century B.C. during the reigns of Ahab and Ahaziah, and until the beginning of the reign of Jehoram. His special function was to call down vengeance on the kings of Israel for their defection. He incurred the anger of Jezebel, wife of Ahab, for slaying the prophets of Baal, but escaped to Horeb, afterward returning to Samaria to denounce Ahab for the murder of Naboth. Elijah at length ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire, Elisha his successor, being witness.” * The American Peoples Encyclopedia, Walter Dill Scott, Franklin Meine. I Kings 17 to 21 & II Kings, 1 & 2, Christian Bible. Elijah also mentioned in Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 8 & Vol. 13. EPICTETUS The School of Epictetus flourished in Rome during the First Century A.D. It was an unusual institution for Epictetus was a Greek stoic philosopher teaching the principles of truth in a pagan atmosphere. He disguised the sacred teachings of the Way Of The Eternal in an outer form by terminology which was common to the average seeker’s understanding of the times. Nevertheless, Epictetus was one of the Masters in the Ancient Order of the Boucharan., which is the secret brotherhood of the Bourchakoum Masters. Once when asked by a chela what was the best way to live, he saw in the aura of the interrogator that the man had an uncomfortable awareness that he had no place in 9 8 the scheme of life. Epictetus quoted from the sacred writings, the all-embracing scriptures, “The body does not belong to man. It is only a subtle mixture of clay made by the negative power. What the Sugmad gave man is a part of Its divinity, the faculty to act or not act, of willing to do or not to do. When man realizes this faculty within himself he will blame no man, flatter no man, never groan against the fates of life. He will adjust himself to become that instrument of the Sugmad through which Its light is spread to all humanity.” FIRST BOURCHAKOUM MASTER Civilization formed in a primitive manner and there appeared in the world the first Master who was without name. He was important to the human race because his task was to minister to their needs and give succor and wisdom. FUBBI QUANTZ Fubbi Quantz is the Abbot for the Katsupari Monastery in northern Tibet. He has a personality that is rather serious, although there are times when he is humorous. He is very busy there in the teachings of The Way of the Eternal. He is busy in the spiritual development of the planet, and is close to one thousand years of age. He has maintained this because he has lots of work to do here. He has been within this world as a co-worker in the early days, maybe 500-600 years ago. He felt that he, as a center of a universe, could be able to give out the knowledge and to help those who came to his place in the spiritual body. That is how we get to meet this individual. He is very tall, about six feet three, very swarthy, has long hands and very pointed feet. He wears a long white robe and a turban. He will joke and laugh at times because this is the nature of the Ancient Bourchakoum Masters. You feel a lightness about him that you do around Sudar Singh. Sudar Singh was the pupil of Rebazar Tarzs, and Rebazar Tarzs was a pupil of Fubbi Quantz, and Fubbi Quantz was a pupil or chela of Yaubl Sacabi. Fubbi Quantz has a very deep rolling voice. He looks upon everything in life very seriously, and has a very strong mental trait pertaining to his duties, yet he does not let these rest so heavily upon his shoulders that it brings about a heaviness of Spirit. You have a feeling of lightness to be in his presence, and his Katsupari Monastery is surrounded with this wonderful feeling. Fubbi Quantz is the head of the Katsupari Monastery in the Buika Magna/Thanglha Mountains of Northern Tibet, and Guardian of the first section of the Holy Book, the Way of the Eternal, which is the most ancient of all teachings known to us in its earliest 9 form through the Naacal writings, also hidden in the Katsupari Monastery. The Records of the Kros are history and prophecy also hidden in this Monastery. Said to have had nineteen teachers so as to gain his place in the universe, Fubbi Quantz served as Master during the time of Buddha in India. He immortalized his body and became the Abbot of the Katsupari Monastery, the Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Surati Lok, known as the mountain world, where the Ayur Vedha, a system of rejuvenation is followed. As Master of the Time during the Tenth Century in Persia, Fubbi Quantz was a teacher of Firdusi, the greatest Persian poet. Another of his students, Christopher Columbus, was encouraged to take his sea voyage to the West. Fubbi Quantz knew what was in store for the navigator, and he was very anxious for Columbus to make a sea journey in order to open up the new worlds beyond the Atlantic. Fubbi Quantz was traveling through Europe at the time, and he was greatly impressed by the nutritional poverty of that continent’s people. They were protein poor, and they needed a flood of the right products in order to overcome this condition. He knew that it took too long for ships to sail around the Cape of Good Hope to bring food to Europe. He saw no other solution than to open the doors of the Americas where the real gold of the Indies would come from maize, the potato, tomatoes and legumes to ease the starvation diet of the European poor. In the interest of humanity, Fubbi laid out the plans for Columbus one evening in Genoa, in a vision similar to the one which George Washington had at Valley Forge during the winter of 1778, It was then that Columbus began to make known his plans for finding a new trade route to the East. Tall and slender with a lantern jaw, dark eyes, and short spade beard, Fubbi Quantz has lived in the same body for centuries, no less than 2,000 years. His cloak is a dark, maroon robe and he sometimes wears a turban of the same color. His eyes are inwardly drawn and piercing as he gazes at you. This great Bourchakoum Master does not roam the universe too much, but occasionally one meets him on the physical plane somewhere, more often in the invisible worlds. He wrote a collection of poems called The Bytag. During his early years as an acolyte, the great Master Fubbi Quantz became very discouraged with his spiritual progress at the Sakapori Monastery in the remote Western Himalayan Mountains of Northern Tibet. One afternoon he dragged himself wearily up the heights of a peak and stood dejected, hoping the Divine Sugmad would give him some revelation to bring him back on the path again. Raising his arms heavenward he asked loudly, “Oh, Divine One, why have You forsaken me?” The heavens rolled with sudden thunder and a clear, penetrating ray of Light fell upon him, and a deep voice replied, “I have not forgotten you, O My servant! I have known you from the beginning 11 10 of time, and you shall hear My voice!” Fubbi Quantz returned to the monastery and all were amazed at the light shining about his head. He could not speak because the voice of the Lord was still within him, and only the old Abbot who kept a firm hand over the chelas within the ancient walls knew what had happened. The acolyte was left in his little cell for days undisturbed by the other monks, to ponder upon the truth which had been given him on the mountain peak. When he later left the cell to join in the duties of the Order, no questions were asked for they knew that he had learned the secret of secrets which is in the expression, “I am always with you.” Jesus’ name was Yahevau and he did not receive the name Jesus until he was initiated by the Master Fubbi Quantz at the Katsupari Monastery in Northern Tibet. The title Christ was given Jesus long after his death; the spiritual name Jesus was bestowed upon him by Fubbi Quantz, and his message to the world was a simplified version of the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters., which was mangled by his followers and Paul, the founder of Christianity. Certain Masters like Rebazar Tarzs, Fubbi Quantz and Yaubl Sacabi have lived far beyond the average age of man. Fubbi Quantz eats almost like anyone else, a little poultry, vegetables, fruit, but sparingly, using a good portion of this sound current to sustain himself. It is not from the particular type of foods which they have depended upon during their lifetime, but the manner in which they have unfolded themselves spiritually to reach the God-realized state, which is one of the higher states of consciousness. GAKKO Gakko created the unbroken lineage of Bourchakoum Masters, the Ancient Brotherhood of the Adepts of the Boucharan Order six million years ago. This Brotherhood is a direct line of Masters which originated in the Sugmad and is lined up with the Spirit so that all power flows directly through It to the Mahanta, the Master of the Time. It is found in the holy writings that the world dream was created by Gakko, the first Mahanta, Master of the Time. There have been 972 Mahantas in this material universe, although there has been a Master in every generation. This does not mean that all Masters have been a Mahanta, Master of his time. GEUTAN Geutan, who was the Mahanta, Master of the Time, on the continent of Lemuria, 11 prior to its destruction by earthquakes and the sea, was almost slain for his utterances in public about the behavior of the wealthy and the suppression of the poor. This coupled with his dire warnings of what was going to happen to the world of Lemuria, known generally as MU, made him a hunted man. He escaped but it was only a few years later that the whole continent went under with the upheaval of land masses by earthquakes and the vast waves of the ocean rolled over it. He was preceded by Dayaka and Ramaj. GOPAL DAS Gopal Das was the Master of the Time around 3,000 B.C., during the time of Ramses II, when the Pyramids were being built by the Pharaohs at Sakkara in Egypt. Much of the base-twelve number system in early use during the ancient Egyptian times was due to the efforts of Gopal Das. He introduced a simple system which was considered the duo-decimal system which is the reckoning by 12 in common use today. The priestcraft tried to withhold it from the public, but Gopal Das was able to give out enough information, especially among the disciples of his time, and gradually in the centuries that followed, the system became better known and found favor in public education. He was also responsible for introducing licorice into Egypt for medical purposes. A rather tall, thin man with light golden hair and a full face, his eyes light blue, he teaches and acts as Guardian of the Holy Book at the Askleposis Temple of Golden Wisdom in the city of Sahasra-dal-Kanwal on the Anda Lok, known as the astral world. He founded the mystery cults of Osiris and Isis, and once taught in the ancient city of Karahota, in what is now the Gobi Desert.. During his earthly life many thousands of years ago, he was a member of the Essene Brotherhood. He later passed away into the heavenly worlds and was reassigned to the Guardianship and teaching of the Way Of The Eternal on the astral plane. Gopal Das teaches from a small dais those who visit the Temple of Askleposis under the direction of the present Master of the Time. Gopal’s audience sits on the floor before him looking directly at him and never upward. It is the policy of the Masters never to appear to be above others, even in the matter of heights. The Ancient Teachings Of The Masters has gone underground in the past because of persecution from the orthodox religions of their own times. It submerged under Gopal Das, during the early Egyptian period about 3,000 years before the Christian era began. Those responsible for the submerging were the Nine Secret Masters, who are better known as the Council of the Nine in the ATOM Teachings. Gopal Das is one of the higher Masters who has that ability to move freely anywhere he desires in the Atma Sarup (Soul Body). He travels constantly while not teaching at the Temple of Golden Wisdom on the astral plane. He can be recognized by the 13 12 mannerism and gestures of his strong hands when communicating. He is surrounded by a pink aura and accompanied always by the sound like a roaring sea. Everything about this great Master spells out goodness, love and generosity GOTTA Gotta, one of the first Masters in this world was among the foremost of the Ancient Order of Boucharan to bring out that it is soul itself which becomes the one-in-one and finally faces the Sugmad in its perfection of glory. HABU MEDINET When Darius the Great and his army of Persians fought at Marathon in 490 B.C., and began to march on Athens, the Master Of The Time sat on a street corner in the Greek capitol and prophesied the defeat of Darius. This was Habu Medinet, one of the greatest of all Bourchakoum Masters. He is now serving the Sugmad on the mental plane at the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom in the city of Mer Kailash, under Towart Managi. HARI TITA When Yaubl Sacabi left this sphere of influence, the title of Mahanta was turned over to Hari Tita, who was one of the greats during the Trojan period of Greek history. He ascended into heaven and does his work in the Alakh Lok (Sixth Plane) region at the Tamanata Kop Temple of Golden Wisdom. HIPOLITO FAYOLLE Hipolito Fayolle served during the Eighteenth Century. He came into this world on a small farm near Dresden, Germany, in the usual manner of the Masters, very mysteriously. Hipolito Fayolle lived to the age of 97 and lifted many chelas into the higher worlds. Most of his outer works concerned European and American political figures. He went into the inner worlds to work on the Alakh Lok (Sixth Plane) at the Tamanata Kop Temple of Golden Wisdom. ISMET HOUDONI During the Seventeenth Century, Ismet Houdoni was the Master who served while the settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth were being nurtured in America. He served James I of England as an advisor, and led him into making an English version of the Bible. He lived to an age of 135, then entered into the Brahmanda Lok (Causal Plane) 13 to work at the Sakapori Temple of Golden Wisdom in the City of Honu. JAGAT GIRI Jagat Giri is an Adept and one of the Guardians of the Way Of The Eternal with Nirguna Ekam at the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Atma Lok (Soul Plane). JAGAT HO Habu Medinet’s successor was Jagat Ho, a high Spiritual Traveler who lived and died in China during the years 490-438 B.C. He went to the Saguna Lok (Etheric Plane) where he is a co-worker in the Dayaka Temple of Golden Wisdom in the spiritual city of Arhirit under Lai Tsi. MEVLANA JALAUDDIN-RUMI No written instruction was available to the followers of the Ancient Teachings until about the Thirteenth Century, when Jalal-Din-Rumi, the mystic poet of Persia, hinted at it in his great poem, The Reed of God. He also wrote Masnavi. Rumi spent thirty years writing the poem, The Reed of God, one of the greatest poems of its kind in all literature. He came from a long line of spiritual teachers. His father was Bahaud’ Din Velid, a high guru in the Sufi order. His birth was very mysterious, and his father named him Khudavenoga, meaning My Lord. At six, Rumi proved his ability to move about without physical means. One morning while on the house roof in class reciting the Quaran, some of the children proposed leaping from one terrace to another. Rumi told them that such an activity was a childish ambition and that they should spring up to the heavens and visit God’s realm. At this Rumi vanished from sight and was conducted through the heavenly spheres by a band of angels clad in green raiment. Later while a student in Aleppo, the other students complained about Rumi’s nightly wanderings. The governor of the city appointed a committee to watch Rumi, and they found that he went through the locked door and locked gates of the city and appeared within moments at the tomb of Abraham Hebron, some 350 miles away. Many miracles were attributed to Rumi during his life, including the healing of the ill and other benefits to the needy. A slender, grizzly bearded man, in a gray turban and robe, Jalal-Din-Rumi was a great intellect in his day. He held professorships in four universities at the same time. These included law, literature, religion and philosophy. If extended awareness makes 15 14 one versatile, Rumi is the best example we can find in this field. These spiritual giants were members of the Sufi sects, Shamus-i-Tabriz, a radical even for the Sufis, and his chela Jalal-ud-Din-Rumi, while working loosely within the confines of Sufism were unique and original. When the Master Shamus-i-Tabriz was murdered by an angry mob, Rumi wrote the Diwan of Shamus-i-Tabriz. In the Diwan, Rumi plainly depicts the universality of his thinking when he wrote: “I am neither Christian, nor Jew nor Gabr nor Moslem.” * “Jalal-Din-Rumi was born at Balkh, Persia in 1207 and died at Konya, Turkey in 1273. He founded the order of Mevlevi, or Whirling Dervishes, and his chief work is the Mathnawi, an epic poem which expresses their mystical path. It was translated into English by Reynold Nicholson (6 volumes, London 1926).” * The Whirling Ecstasy, Aflaki; Prophecy Pressworks, 1972). (Shamus-i-Tabriz is referred to as Shems-ed-Din in this work of Rumi’s.) Also, see Rumi, Divani Shamsi Tabriz, edited & translated by Reynold A Nicholson, The Rainbow Bridge, San Francisco. JANOS MONETA The very famous Janos Moneta was an entity who influenced the early Eighteenth Century by breaking up all the established forms of religion, music and art. He lived in Sweden near Stockholm, and was a friend of Swedenborg, who studied the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters. Much of Swedenborg’s life and writings show the influence of Janos Moneta. When Janos Moneta passed on, he went into the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane) to work at the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom in the spiritual city of Mer Kailash. JOYTI BASJI Joyti Basji was Master Of The Times during the extension of the Mayan empire from the Yucatan and Guatemala into the heart of Mexico. He was responsible for reestablishing the mysteries which had died out somewhat after another Master, Quetzalcoatl, had formed the religion of the empire centuries before. He had left Atlantis just prior to the destruction of that unhappy continent, and had gone to Mexico to establish the mysteries of this path. This was around the year 1055, B.C. JU CHIAO Ju Chiao followed Vaita Danu as the Master Of The Time. He was a young fisherman who took up the call during the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage. Restless for an understanding of life, he became a warrior under Hannibal but learned that his 15 search for life lay beyond this. He was initiated by Vaita Danu who gave him the spiritual mantle on his departure from this world. However, Hannibal did not like the teachings of Ju Chiao and had him killed. He now works at the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Atma Lok (Soul Plane). KABIR No instructions on the Ancient Teachings were ever written down and distributed until Kabir, a direct descendant in the line of Rama’s spiritual mastership. Kabir openly advocated and taught the art of leaving the body at will, but he received much opposition against his public approach to what had been a secret teachings. He suffered harassment at the hands of the Muslims and the Hindu religious factions. However, at his death both sides gave up their quarrel to gather at his funeral pyre. When the cover which had been spread over Kabir’s corpse was taken off the stretcher, nothing lay there but two beautiful roses, symbolizing Kabir’s love for both of the opposing groups. Kabir had transcended into heaven, taking his physical body with him. Since Kabir’s era in the Sixteenth Century, leaving the body has become an open topic for anyone who wishes to discuss it or learn it as part of spiritual phenomena. * “One of the most remarkable figures in the religious history of India, was born in the family of a Moslem weaver of Benares, presumably in 1398. A thorough-going eclectic, the inspirer of a new sect of religion and a mystic poet of a high order, he preached in the medieval period of stress and tension, the equality before God of all men, whether Hindus or Moslems, whether of high caste or of low. Early in his career, he came under the spell of the Hindu ascetic Ramananda, who symbolized for young Kabir the spirit of revolt against orthodox exclusivism and abstruse philosophizing. “Hindus during the 14th and 15th centuries lived under the perpetual shadow of persecution, and religious exploitation of the masses by pandit and mullah had become the order of the day. It was against this background that Kabir, a ruthless critic of externalism and formalism in religion, taught his religion of love, which aimed at an emotional integration of the soul of God. This simple union (sahaja-yoga) could be achieved by an aspirant, regardless of caste, creed or sex, not through idolatry and caste practices, or ritual and austerities, but through ardent personal devotion. “Kabir died at Maghar in 1518 at the age of 120. His songs, which are written in popular, unsophisticated Hindi, continue to move the masses of Hindus and Moslems in northern India even to this day.” * The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. 13, p. 234. Additional bibliography info: Kabir-Granthavali 17 16 (collected works of Kabir, 1928); 100 Poems of Kabir, Eng. trans. by Rabin-Dranath Tagore, 1923; Kabir. Sahitya aur Siddhanta (Hindi) by Yajnadatta Sharma 1953. KADMON The Way Of The Eternal at the Jartz Chong Temple of Golden Wisdom is surrounded by a very brilliant light, and the Master who is in charge here, on the Hukikat Lok (8th plane), is Kadmon, one of the highest of the Adepts in the Order of Boucharan. He was on Earth during the very early times when man was in his infancy. KAI-KUAS The second root race of mankind, called the Hyperboreans, were eventually taken over by the powerful, fierce and ruthless Varkas kings. The Master during this period of time, Kai-Kuas, lived in secret and taught those who would listen until he was discovered by the Varkas and slain. KASSAPA The Master Of The Time who preceded the antediluvian disaster of Atlantis. KATA DAKI A Master in the Ancient Order of Boucharan who is a woman. KETU JARAUL The marvelous Master Of The Time, Ketu Jaraul, became the secret advisor of Charlemagne the Great for all matters. He taught the Emperor the secrets of truth and helped him in spiritual problems. KITA SORGI In 333 B.C. Alexander the Great was met and escorted to the Oracle of Ammon in Western Egypt by Kita Sorgi, the great Master of the day, where he listened to what the oracle had to say. The message which came out of the oracle was “He who destroys the East, shall in turn be destroyed by the gods.” Alexander asked Kita Sorgi what this meant, but received no answer, because the Ancient Masters do not often give replies of this kind, for it could upset the scheme of karmic patterns and reverse the whole trend of man’s history on earth. 17 KOJI CHANDA Koji Chanda is the Adept who is Guardian of the Way Of The Eternal at the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane) in Mer Kailash. KHWAJI KHIZAR One day as I [Darwin] was sitting in my apartment in north Portland, before I was handed the Rod of Power, I was doing my spiritual exercise, sweetly gazing into the tisra til, known as the third eye. I felt this divine love flood through me, and it gave me goosebumps all over my body. I knew it was divine love. I met many Masters this way, and this one particular evening, on the screen within myself, appears this marvelous person, Oriental-looking, and just very vibrant with love. I came to understand and learn that he has been on Earth for many years. He roams about yet you do not see him. I learned his name is Khwaji Khizar. Guru Nanak wrote about him in his book The Satguru, Nanak and the Moslems. It was published over in India by Kirta Publishing House. Nanak went around teaching the Moslems and the Hindus, this ancient science, for he states in this book that he has learned from Khizar, and I know for myself that he met Fubbi Quantz and Rebazar Tarzs. Now, what is fascinating about this man is that his skin was green. Khwaji Khizar is known as the “green-aged angel.” Of course, he has no wings, and he is said to be the most knowledgeable about this ancient teaching, and having tasted that nectar, never dies. He goes about assisting with this ancient way. I’ve had various people come to me and ask, “Who’s that green one with the slanted eyes? Is he a Master?” I don’t try to sway their thinking for if I say yes, then they will try to prove me wrong. One must prove it to themselves at the temple within. This is where all the secrets lie, for when you are ready, nothing is held back. LAI TSI Lai Tsi is that faultless Guardian of the Way Of The Eternal on the Saguna Lok (Etheric Plane) at the Dayaka Temple Of Golden Wisdom in the spiritual city of Arhirit. This great Chinese Master is tiny in stature, about five and one-half feet, has a small goatee and a thin, wrinkled face with sunken dark eyes, and a warm smile. He speaks with a slow manner that seems hard to hear, but those who listen always understand perfectly what he has to say. His hands taper with straight, polished nails. His hair is combed straight back, falling down to his shoulders. He wears a high, brimless hat which is ornamented 19 18 with mysterious symbols, and a heavy maroon robe that covers him completely. The light around him is silvery, and the accompanying sound is like humming of bees. He appears to many on the lower world planes in this manner, like a silver light with the humming sound. Those who know this wondrous Spiritual Traveler think of him as the greatest in the field of light and sound. Born into a family of great wealth, Lai Tsi received his higher education from one of the great monastic universities in Tibet. He acquired a title of Geshe, Doctor of Divinity. His father had been a physician to the court of the ancient kingdom. Lai Tsi retired to caves and retreats high above the Yellow River in north-central China for fifteen years, befriending the wild animals, concluding that realization could only be found in stillness and solitude of nature. However, he was visited daily by the Master Yaubl Sacabi, learning the liberation of soul through the teachings. Lai Tsi returned to the world to fulfill his responsibility as Master of the Times. When Lai Tsi, the perfect Master of China in the ancient days, stood upon the hill and preached the sermon that gained him the title of perfection as the Mahanta of his day, he was approached by a disciple who asked, “Master, who are you?” “Whom do you say that I am?” Lai Tsi asked. “You are the Mahanta, the perfect Master,” said the disciple. “If this is what you believe, you have gained the true enlightenment of God. From this day you have entered into heaven and will be at my side.” (Was Lao Tsi the Master Lai Tsi? Lao Tsi was born 604 B.C. Confucius visited him in 517 B.C. Lao Tsi wrote The Book of Tao (Tao Tek), he went into the mountains & disappeared.) LAMOTTA Following Hari Tita came Lamotta who accepted the spiritual mantle in the year 1000 B.C. and tried to spread the message through the world. He was hunted down and slain by bands of Assyrians during the time of David the King, and when he passed on, his duties were established to assist Rami Nuru at the Moksha Temple of Golden Wisdom on Venus to teach the Way Of The Eternal to those who came there to learn. MAHAYA GURU The Guardian of the Holy Book on the Agam Lok (Ninth Plane) at the Kazi Dawtz 19 Temple of Golden Wisdom. MALATI The first Master of the first root race, the Polarians, sent by the Sugmad into this world to give man his first spiritual knowledge of God. MATAX RORAKA Appointed by Vajra Manjushri around 700 B.C. as the Master Of The Time to succeed himself when he was executed by King Hakhamish I of Persia. MESI GOKARITZ The Master Of The Time in the early days of Greece who is one of the Guardians of the Way Of The Eternal at the Anakamudi Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Alaya Lok (Seventh Plane). MILAREPA The venerable Tibetan Saint Melarepa is one of the highest in the Ancient Brotherhood of the Boucharan Order. He is completely bald, wears his maroon robe short and carries a short walking stick. His face is completely round and his eyes are dark, twinkling buttons. He looks like a sweet, mild-tempered Buddha. The aura around him is penetrated with the fragrant aroma of roses and the brightest light. There is the sound of a conch shell blowing in the distance when you view him. His appearance is the greatest blessing that we can have. Milarepa was the wonderful Master living in Tibet in the Twelfth Century whose life reads like a storybook. He began life as a black magician. In order to help him gain self-control of the mind, his master made him build a house, which the master would tear down each night. Milarepa required four years to build that house, but he learned mental control. His secret life was concerned with this teaching. * “Milarepa lived 1052-1135 in Tibet. Practiced black magic in his youth to satisfy his mother for revenge. He became a chela of the guru Marpa who imposed severe trials and penances on him. He then entered the Path of Light, became a guru with his own chelas. One of the greatest of Tibetan Yogis. He died after eating poisoned curds.” * Tibet’s Great Yogi, Milarepa, by Evans-Wentz. MKSHA 21 20 There are fundamental laws that govern this physical universe through spirit. These were once taught by the Ancient Bourchakoum Sage named Mksha, who appeared on this earth some 35,000 years ago to teach the people of the Indus Valley. His first teaching was, “Life is only Spirit, and being Spirit it has nothing.” The understanding of this points out clearly that it has only intelligence with the peculiar ability to perceive, penetrate, survive, have causation, specialization, creativeness, beauty, love and ethics. MORAJ DESAL When Gopal Das departed from this world his place as Master Of The Time was taken by Moraji Desal. This was during that period in history when Hammurabi ruled the Semitic kingdom of Babylon, and the land of Canaan was part of his empire. This was about 2067-2025 B.C., at the time of Abraham. Moraji Desal was a wanderer who traveled most of the kingdom by foot preaching truth to all who would listen. Although he helped write the great Hammurabic Code of Laws, he was hunted much of the time by the priestcraft, who believed he was preaching a pagan religion. NALPA KELJINA Nalpa Keljina was the Greek Bourchakoum Master during the time of the Trojan War, 1200 B.C. He tried to prevent the Greek’s attack on Troy, claiming that it would bring an economic downfall of the city states of both Greece and Troy, which it did. NIRGUNA EKAM Nirguna Ekam is the magnificent Spiritual Traveler on the Atma Lok (Soul Plane) at the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom. He awaits us at the border of that world we call Daswan Dwar, as we cross over into the first pure spiritual dimension. He is like a golden Buddha, a light within himself, so marvelous that it appears that often we see nothing but this misty aura. Yet a closer look shows that he is standing there ready to take the hand and guide us to the first manifestation of God, Sat Nam, where we find self-realization. He is a magnificent specimen when we are able to view him from what would be the physical senses. Tall, well-formed and handsome as an Olympic God, we think that this might be Hermes, the messenger of all the Greek gods and goddesses. He is accompanied by the sound of birds singing and sometimes the harp. His features are classic, almost a golden color, his eyes are like the azure blue of the sky, and his hair a golden blond. He is a fountain of wisdom pouring out to all with whom he comes in contact. His maroon robe is short, knee-length and roped at the waist in the typical fashion of the 21 Master of this Order. ORI DIOGO During the time of Julius Caesar, the Master Of The Time was Ori Diogo who lived quietly in Rome. He foretold the death of Caesar by the Ides of March. Few knew him but he helped shape much of the world in those days for spiritual advancement. He chose his work at the Askleposis Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Anda Lok (Astral Plane) in Sahasra-Dal-Kanwal where he has charge of healing for those who come across after death from some accident, disease, or other affliction. PADMA GAYA The Master Of The Time at Nineveh when it was destroyed by the Babylonians in 612 B.C., who was present at the building of the Hanging Gardens by Nebuchadnezzar as well as the destruction of King Solomon’s Temple. PADMA SAMBA The Padma Samba is the Guardian of this section of Way Of The Eternal, kept in the Temple of Golden Wisdom known as the Sata Visic Palace on the Anami Lok (Tenth Plane). PEDDAR ZASKQ (Sri Paul Twitchell) “Now, there are many things that I had to do, and it can go all the way back into the lifetime before this, in which I was born in the Caucasian Mountains and had to go through a series of trainings there, even to the extent of keeping myself inside. I was walled in a place where I had to stay for fifty days. Within that fifty days, there was no light, just a small amount of food twice a day. I was trained to eventually come into this position as 971st Master of the time. “Those who gain mastership are always chosen by the Sugmad, and the Spirit acts as a vehicle and concentrates ITself in the one individual who becomes the Master of the time. From the time he is selected from childhood up to the time of the birth of a true consciousness, of the full consciousness, he really has a terrible struggle. His struggle is not only financial but is spiritual and emotional, because he is so highly sensitive to everything around him. He has to learn certain things to move along in life or has to work in a certain amount of commercialism, in business, but at the same time, he has to be himself in this other world. 23 22 “I was following a star because when I was in Davenport, writing a tremendous amount of stuff there. I almost starved to death, but then I began to see the pattern of what was going on, and I decided that I was going to just let go and do nothing that would be of any resistance to becoming what would be known as the Master of the time, eventually the Mahanta, the title for the spiritual leader or Godman, the highest of all states of consciousness. I did not know that I was going to inherit the title of the Mahantaship, but in the fall of 1963 I began one of the greatest struggles for the mastership. “Any time anyone does an overt act against the Mahanta, he doesn’t do anything but Spirit acts in return. These people are not particularly punished, but they come to the worst of their own actions. The retribution comes back on them very fast. “This business of training for the Mastership is one that is long and rugged. I did a tremendous amount of fasts in the earlier days, through the ‘50s and some in the ‘40s, going up to fifteen and thirty days at a time in order to clean out and break the karma that was within me. It always made me very sick to do a fast because I wasn’t the kind of fellow that could do one. It wasn’t my nature to have to do a fast, yet I had to do it. I spent two years as a vegetarian, having to learn what the vegetarian life was. I also spent many an hour doing a contemplation, making affirmations, demanding, doing all these things in order to get my life straight. “But Spirit was not going to let me get through anything until IT of ITs own self saw that I was ready for each step. I studied dozens and dozens of different cults and off-branch groups, all of that until I came to know completely every one of them.” Paul Twitchell was the Mahanta, the Master Of The Time from 1965 until 1971 when he translated from the physical. He brought the modern teachings of this ATOM path to the peoples of the world through his many books, lectures and writings. As the spiritual head of this path, he brought new life and hope to thousands, and trained his successor, Sri Darwin Gross (DapRen), the present spiritual leader of this ATOM movement. Paul Twitchell received the rod of power from Rebazar Tarzs, to become the 971st Mahanta, Master Of The Time, within the works. The line of Masters from its beginning in the antediluvian days, or the beginning of the universe, is pure and of its own Masters. It doesn’t mix with any other line of Masters who make claims of going back into the past ages, perhaps a thousand years, perhaps a hundred years. Some of these teachers in religious works and fields of philosophy may have studied with certain Masters, but it doesn’t give them any authority in this path. They are all splinter groups off the ATOM path, since Spirit is the divine reality and must be looked upon in this manner. 23 A quiet Southern gentleman, born along the Mississippi River, Peddar Zaskq (Sri Paul Twitchell) brought the modern-day teachings to the world through his books, writings, tapes, lectures and travels. He served as a gunnery officer in the United States Navy during World War II. After extensive training by Rebazar Tarzs, the Torchbearer of the Ancient Teachings of the Masters, Paul accepted the spiritual mantle of Mahanta, Master Of The Time, from 1965 until his translation (death) in September 1971. Under the tutelage of Rebazar Tarzs, Paul brought spiritual experiences never before understood to the waiting world with such controversial books as The Tiger’s Fang, The Flute of God; beautiful books of love and excitement in Stranger By The River, and The Way of Dharma. Dialogues With The Master contained discourses between the Master Rebazar Tarzs and his then-chela, Paul Twitchell. Paul trained his successor, Sri Darwin Gross (DapRen) who accepted the spiritual mantle of 972nd Mahanta, Master Of The Time, following Paul’s translation in September 1971. The Masters may always be found in the most spiritually active area of the world. Thus, in 1965, after 25 years of training under the Tibetan Master Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell became the first American to become the Master Of The Time, charged with the specific duty of bringing the secret teachings to the attention of modern man. He completed 60 manuscripts, some 35 of which have been published, wrote monthly discourses that could be studied at home or in a group, traveled extensively around the world lecturing, and completed the training of his successor, Sri Darwin Gross. The Caucasus mountains in Russian province of Georgia were said to be the birthplace of Peddar Zaskq in the Seventeenth Century, who lived in a monastery to be trained to heights of spiritual perfection. An article written in the Oakland Tribune by John Godwin, August 1972, about Sri Paul Twitchell stated: “Paul blames moral laxity for most revolutions since the time of ancient Egypt and added the warning that there are forces now trying to build the same looseness of morals in our society here that will bring about the same results.” Paul was a man who seemed to be in his early forties, with a full, squarish face and startling, wide-set eyes that seemed to penetrate to the very core of things, yet held humor and warmth. He stated, “I have often told the chelas, I will stretch you so far that it will seem to you that you are a rubber band. It will hurt at times, but if you will stay with me, then you will one day look back and wonder if you are the same person who started out with me. “I have said a hundred times in seminars throughout the world that I can write a million or two words on the subject of God-realization, talk for hours on end, write 25 24 books and tell the world about this glorious phenomenon, but until one experiences it, it means nothing to him.” Sri Paul Twitchell pointed out that the paradox of the above statement is that “when we cease to be concerned about the environment, we will have the power to change it.” He said that he too was a doubter. He spoke of the existence of the ability of lifting personal viewpoint out of the dual worlds and the higher planes: “I have much to say to you, but you cannot accept it all now. When the Spirit enters into you, It shall lead you to truth.” Each must come to that position or level of spiritual understanding in which he knows that “I have come to be, and I shall cease to be.” Paul Twitchell speaking of his manuscripts: “They were translations from the Way Of The Eternal, the sacred scriptures kept in the seven Golden Wisdom Temples in the various levels of heaven.” Paul stated: “The future is the Satsangs, the chelas [students], the field. We’ll never make the mistake of putting anything or anybody between the chelas and the Sugmad.” “Earth is the ashcan of the universe!” “A true miracle is a changed consciousness.” PHILIAS THE GREEK (PHIDIAS) Jagat Ho passed his spiritual title as Master Of The Time to Philias the Greek, who was the sculptor of the Parthenon in Athens. He supervised the Doric design of the most famous building in the ancient world, the Temple of the Goddess Athena. He tried to put into this temple his ideal of the Spirit, and one who is fortunate enough to see and study the Parthenon will find the ancient mysteries of this path. Athena was one of the earliest followers of this path. She is considered a legend belonging to Greek mythology, but she was a flesh and blood woman who had much of the power of Spirit in her grasp, although she was not a Master of the Boucharan Order. * Phidias (Philias) the Greek—490-430 B.C. Athenian sculptor, one of the outstanding of all sculptors, who directed the construction and probably the design of the marble sculpture of the Parthenon. His greatest works were Athena Parthenos at Athens and Zeus (one of the Seven Wonders of the World) at Olympia. Characteristic of Phidias’ style are quiet stances, serene expressions, and a certain majesty of conception. He may be called the initiator of the idealistic quality expressed later in Greek Art, as in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries. Phidias was also a painter, an engraver and a worker in embossed metalware.” * The Britannica Micropedia, Vol. 7, p. 935. 25 PLATO One of the first in the Western literature to speak extensively with the separation of soul from the body was Plato, one of the first Bourchakoum Masters who disguised his position under the works of religious science. Most of the Masters on this path will do this when living in the physical state. He writes of the last moments of Socrates, another Master in the same line, in his works Phaedo. Condemned by his countrymen Socrates drank the hemlock poison in 399 B.C. The description is an allegory of the Eleusian Mysteries which was one of the ancient mystery schools to show the Initiates how to reach the divine Godhead. Socrates is reported saying: “And what is the purification but the separation of soul from the body; the habit of soul gathering and collecting itself unto itself, out of all courses of the body; the dwelling in her own place alone, as in another place alone, as far as she can. It’s the release of the soul from the chains of the body.” Therefore, the technique, which is called the “purification” by Socrates in Phaedo, is the actual separation of soul from body without going through all the exercises, concentration or meditation rituals. Phaedo is counted as among the masterpieces of European literature, and stands as an allegory of the Eleusinian mysteries and the sacred beverages, used in those mystery cult rites. The description is an allegory of the Eleusinian Mysteries which was one of the ancient mystery schools, to show the Initiates how to reach the Divine Godhead. Therefore, those who want to live their fullest must find life that is in the higher states. Plato seemed to have found the apt word for this state, “By living in the true source of all life, one need not find anything but wisdom and happiness.” This is the state we are striving to reach and unless we do, then life seems to unbearable for living. Plato was somewhat of a prophet when he said that the introduction of a new style of music had to be shunned as it imperiled the nation. That is, styles of music are never disturbed without affecting the most important institutions of the state. He explained that the new style of music quietly insinuates itself into the manners and customs and from these it issues a greater force which goes on to attack laws and constitutions, displaying the utmost imprudence, until it ends by overturning everything, both in public and private. The Greeks adopted several of the instruments from the East and from the Egyptians, but following this, such leaders as Plato and Pythagoras found that music was the foundation to a nation’s strength and the positiveness of the individual. Remember, Plato said 2300 years ago, “The true lover of knowledge always is striving after being.” 27 26 “A wise man is one capable of correctly estimating the extent not only of his own knowledge or ignorance but also of performing the same service for others,” Plato affirmed. “By living in the true source of all life, one need not find anything but wisdom and happiness.” Plato said that dreams took man back to his natural state, divesting him of any civilized conditions like honor and conscience, where he could surrender to all his barest desires, untrammeled by fear or sorrow. * “Plato, Greek philosopher, born about 429 and died in 347 B.C. in Athens at ninety-eight. He was a disciple of Socrates, most of whose teachings are found in Plato’s writings. After the death of Socrates in 399, Plato traveled abroad to Italy, Sicily and Egypt, and in about 385 he founded the Academy, a college in the gymnasium on the outskirts of Athens. Among his writings are The Republic which teachings both philosophical search into the nature of good and sketches the ideal state with its rulers. The Phaedrus and Timaeus speak of God, nature and the soul, and the Phaedo is chiefly concerned with immortality. For Plato, the highest reality is universal.” * A Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions by Geoffrey Parrinder, p. 220 ** “Plato — The Phaedo: The argument is briefly as follows. A true philosopher may naturally look forward to death without dismay. For death is the separation of soul from body, and the philosopher’s whole life has been spent in trying to liberate the soul from dependence on the body. In life, the body is always interfering with the soul’s activity. Its appetites and passions interrupt our pursuit of wisdom and goodness; its infirmities are perpetually hindering our thinking. Even in our scientific work, we only attain exact and certain truth in proportion as we detach ourselves from reliance on sense-perception...Death, then, only completes a liberation which the philosopher has been rehearsing all through life.” ** The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 18, p. 54. *** “I am amused, I said, at your fear of the world, which makes you guard against the appearance of insisting upon useless studies (geometry in particular and mathematics in general); and I quite admit the difficulty of convincing men that in every soul there is an organ which is purified and illumined by these studies, when by other pursuits lost and dimmed, and this eye of the soul is more precious far than ten thousand bodily ones, for this alone beholds the vision of truth.” *** Plato’s Republic, Book VII PRAJAPATI Prajapati is the Lord of Creatures, the entity oversoul of animals which looks after their welfare. Each species has an entity of its own in charge and by talking with 27 these entities one can control the animal species. Animals do indeed have a heaven that they go to after translation (death), and there is Prajapati is the Master who takes care of them and guides their spiritual unfoldment. The way into heaven, including the animal heaven, has been taught for ages on this path. * “The Rig-Veda closes with some notable hymns which treat the origin of the world as a philosophical problem, and the sun, as a golden embryo, is given the new name of Prajapati (hitherto a mere epithet of Savitri) “lord of creatures.” Foreshadowing or reflecting some monotheistic innovation, Prajapati is the ALL, soon to become the anthropomorphic personification of the desire (Kama), which is the first seed.” * “India,” pg. 182, Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 12. PRISCUS Priscus followed Ketu Jaraul as Master Of The Time, Priscus being the only name this Master adopted. He was in England at the time of its conquest by William of Normandy, and at the gathering in France in 1096 where Peter the Hermit preached support for the First Crusade. He accompanied this First Crusade and died in the Holy Lands. PRISCUS HELVIDIUS (HELVIDIUS PRISCUS) Priscus Helvidius was the Master who acted as a Roman Senator during the time of Emperor Vespasianus, in 69 A.D. Vespasianus, the Emperor of Rome, questioned one of his senators about statements made before the Roman Senate which displeased him. Priscus Helvidius, the Senator in doubt and a Master, replied, “You have ordered me to be silent, now you demand that I speak. What do you wish of me?” Vespasianus said, “I am bound as Emperor to ask your opinion on your statements before the Senate body.” Priscus responded, “As a Senator, I am bound to say what I know is right.” Vespasianus said, “If you say what displeases me, I shall kill you.” Priscus replied, “I am not immortal, but I must say what is right and you shall kill only what stands before you, not my real self.” Then Vespasianus said slowly, “I respect your rights, Priscus. I shall not ask you any questions, and therefore, I shall not be displeased, nor shall I be pleased.” Priscus replied, “Then you are a wise man, my Lord.” * “Priscus Helvidius—Between A.D. 70 and 79—A Roman Stoic who forcefully upheld the principle that the emperor should act only with consent and cooperation of the Senate. Though the son of a centurion, he rose to the Senate in the reign of Nero 29 28 and became praetor in A.D. 70. He was put to death for his beliefs and later gained the admiration of the Stoics Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius.” * Britannica Micropedia. PYTHAGORAS Pythagoras was a Bourchakoum Master in the Fifth Century B.C., an adept in the Ancient Order of the Boucharan., and well known as a Greek philosopher. Pythagoras’ greatest statement was, “So that, ascending into the radiant Ether, midst the Immortals, shall be thyself a God.” Pythagoras was one of the first who was well versed in the “mysteries of what effort is required to do something.” According to Pythagoras, soul could be at one of three points in relation to the body. It could be inside the head, just outside the skull or off at a distance. The great Greek teacher said that the top of the head is the point where the human merges with the divine. Another method of awakening spiritual sight and hearing is described in the Golden Verses of Pythagoras as the so-called ladder of virtues. Pythagoras was one who was more than well versed in the mysteries of the Magi. He taught that it was useless for any Initiate to concentrate on the chakras, or body spine centers, but instructed his students to go out through the top of the head and gain control of body and environment from a distance. Pythagoras had the ability to project himself instantly, wherever he wished, under any circumstances. He was really the first man to tell us that the Earth was round and not flat. And he gave us a greater truth, that everything in this world, both the visible and invisible, vibrates. On this Earth planet we have had records of those saviour-gods, e.g. Osiris, Attis, Adonis, Krishna, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, the Egyptian Pharoahs of old who were both a god and son of a god, Jesus, Buddha and countless others. These are the Sons of God referred to as the sun-god. The ancient mystery cults, i.e., Plato, Philos, Dionysius, Pythagoras, Magi, Mithra, Orpheus, Yang, Isis, Magna Mater and the Cabala to name a few were established for the initiation of the neophyte into the spiritual power so as to establish the divine Logos, or Word, in him and to give him spiritual guidance. This is actually the opening of the consciousness to gain the wisdom and direction of God. This is exceedingly important—this childlike attitude, for we find that the spiritually great hold this attitude, certain of what it will do, not for themselves, but for others. Read the history of any spiritual giant and you will find that he is or was of this nature: like St. Francis, Pythagoras, Socrates, Rama Akhnaton, Confucius, and others who are outstanding examples of the childlike state of mind. 29 Who were the leaders in the mystery schools? Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Sanchuniathon, Pophyry, Cicero, Epictetus, Tulsi Das, Guru Nanak, Rumi, etc. I named only the westerners and a couple of Orientals. * “Pythagoras (580 B.C., Samos, Greece - 500 B.C.) Philosopher, mathematician and founder of the Pythagorean Brotherhood that although religious in nature, formulated principles that influenced the thought of Plato and Aristotle, and contributed to the development of mathematics and Western Rational Philosophy. Pythagoras migrated to southern Italy in 532 and established his ethico-political academy at Croton (now Crotona). ‘To be like your Master’ and so ‘to come nearer to the gods,’ was the challenge that he imposed on his pupils, the internal, loyalty, modesty, self-discipline, piety and abstinence required by the secret doctrinal system; the higher view of womanhood reflected by the admission of women to the school; the drawing of a parallelism between the macrocosm and the microcosm.” * Britannica Micropedia, Vol. 8, pg. 326-327. ** These principles were laid out by Pythagoras and said to be the basis for the teaching: 1) Reality at its deepest level is mathematical 2) Use of philosophy as a means of spiritual purification 3) The heavenly destiny of soul and its rising to union with the divine 4) The divine nature of certain symbols 5) Encouragement of strict loyalty and secrecy. ** Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 15, pg. 322 QUETZALCOATL Joyti Basji was Master Of The Time during the extension of the Mayan empire from the Yucatan and Guatemala into the heart of Mexico. He was responsible for reestablishing the mysteries which had died out somewhat after another Master, Quetzalcoatl, had formed the religion of the empire centuries before. * “Quetzalcoatl—An Aztec god of the winds. He is the creator of men and the god of the waning moon. He is also the ‘feathered snake’ god. Quetzalcoatl is the counterpart of Tezcatlipoca. He is represented as a white-skinned, bearded figure and regarded as the inventor of the calendar, as the god of life and the god of the East. The Mexican god whose name among the Aztecs meant ‘most precious twin’ was shown adorned with jewels, cape and headdress of feathers. As a god, he represented the goodness and light in combat with darkness and evil.” * Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions by Geoffrey Parrinder, p. 228, and Dictionary of Pagan 31 30 Religions, p. 271. RAMA Rama, the Master Of The Time, was first known to the civilized world of the Aryans, when he came out of the high valleys of Tibet to the capitol city of Khara Khota and began preaching this Ancient Path. He was hounded out of the empire and went back into Tibet, where he founded the monastery of Katsupari in the Northern Mountains. Rama then proceeded to India where he settled and taught that man could have the experience of God in his own lifetime. In Persia, he paused long enough to give these secret teachings to a few mystics who later became known as the Magi. Their descendants were to become the followers of Zoroaster, the Persian sage. This teaching was revealed to Rama by one of the Ancient Masters. It is likely that he was lifted out of the body and taken to the city of Agam Des, where the Way Of The Eternal was shown him and the opportunity to study its contents was provided. * “Rama — Although there are three Ramas mentioned in ancient Indian traditions, the name is specifically applied to the Hindu deity worshipped as the seventh incarnation (avatar) of the great god Vishnu. It may be that this Rama was historically a tribal hero of ancient India who because of his virtues and great exploits was later deified. In any case, he is the central figure in the great epic, the Ramayana (Sanskrit Literature). This tale inspired a large popular literature in which Rama and his wife Sita were extolled as personifications of the ideals of chivalry and fidelity. It was also the foundation of the later worship of Rama. “Although Rama was known as an incarnation of Vishnu in the early centuries A.D., there probably was no special worship of him before the Eleventh Century, and it was not until the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries that there appeared distinct sects worshipping him as the one, Supreme God. Competing with the already established cult of Krishna, the other great incarnation of Vishnu, the Rama-ite sects spread their religion throughout India, and in time Rama’s name became the one most often invoked at death, as well as one of the most popular in naming children and a form of greeting between friends (“Ram! Ram!”)” * The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 18, p. 1142. RAMAMURTA Those who believe that love is power can find the answer to love or power in the words of Ramamurta, a great Bourchakoum Master during the time of Minos I, Ruler 31 of Crete. He said, “Soul can conquer body, mind and kal if one knows the techniques.” Therefore, the remaining factor is: What are the techniques? Any of the techniques available in the ATOM works can be used to conquer body, mind and Kal. The Initiate has his own word, that which will give him power over all things in the lower worlds. The Initiate sits at the top of the three worlds, and in this position, he is able to survey all that is within the kingdom of the Kal Niranjan. He considers himself fortunate to have ever escaped the traps of the Kal and arrived at this position. He understands and knows life as it is, and for what it is. There is nothing more than just IS! Everything is to be accepted in this light. RAMA NURI Rami Nuri personally teaches those who visit the Moksha Temple of Golden Wisdom in their dream state, with the Master Of The Time. It is a beautiful building in the city of Retz on planet Venus, with a dome structure which is made of some type of material like glass through which the light flows in a gentle manner. The Master Rami Nuri stands in the center of the room, which is round, surrounded by those who have come to the House of Moksha to explain and demonstrate that third section of the Way Of The Eternal. He is a rather tall man with dark features, has a very short beard which is as white as is his hair. His eyes are dark and flashing. Rami Nuri’s Asian features are from an early life as a Magi mystic during the First Century before Christ. He seldom leaves his residence in the Temple, where the teachings are given to those who can reach this planet. Occasionally he goes into the Earth world where he visits those who have received the higher teachings. Sometimes via the dream state, but more often by suddenly appearing before the chela on the path. He can be recognized by the large mark upon his forehead, where the spiritual eye is supposedly located, which looks like the alphabet letter “M.” Rami Nuri reached the state of nibbuta at the age of 40 when living on Earth, but went on living here and teaching truth until he was 85. Then he translated into the other worlds where he received his mission to guard and teach the third section of the Holy Book. Rami Nuri was quoted as saying: “He who drinks of the stream of life can never thirst, but in him is a well of water springing up into life everlasting. He who drinks of it will never again search the world looking for food for the inner man. It is there, always within him, the great flowing Spirit. It is the Sugmad shining through him, lighting the world to all who have eyes to see.” The human body does not have to die to make these journeys to God. Each visit will be only temporary until one leaves the body for the last time on Earth. This is the 33 32 art of death in life. The meaning of this was brought forth when Rami Nuri said, “He that wants life badly will never have it, but he who gives it up for the Spirit shall have all life.” REBAZAR TARZS In about 1947, it was shortly after India received their freedom from England, then became a nation, and after they had the great riots. Paul Twitchell went into Darjeeling in the east section of India. “It is up in the high country and I went up there at the time after being over in Allahabad; there wasn’t much left there after Sudar Singh had passed away. I had been told that I would find the Master Rebazar Tarzs and I stayed there with him six to seven months, being taught and learning the works of the Ancient Masters. “He initiated me there. I had already been initiated by Sudar Singh, the second initiation. Then I got the third and the fourth and I went up through about the seventh at this particular time. Then Rebazar Tarzs moved over into Kashmir, up in the Hindu Kush Mountains, and later, but not on this trip, I followed him up there and I got the finish of my initiations. “I was a little amazed when Rebazar Tarzs first appeared in my life, when I was at the ashram in Allahabad which belonged to Sudar Singh. I had been sitting under a tree one hot afternoon and this man suddenly appeared in the path just in front of me. I thought that he had manifested himself because I just looked up and there he was walking towards me. There was quite a distance around him, no trees, nothing but just a path and short weeds. He was about ten yards away walking very rapidly towards me. I felt that he had manifested himself because I had averted my eyes from the path which was directly in front of me, for just a matter of a few moments as anyone would do if they look around. I had looked down at some ants that were crawling around on the ground there. “I was leaning back against a tree with a hat over my eyes to shade from the sun. I suddenly looked up and I saw him there. He came up and spoke and I immediately recognized him from the descriptions that I had heard from others about him. He was a man who was about five feet eleven, not quite six feet. He had a square jaw and coal black eyes, and he was left-handed. His hands were square-like and he wore a short maroon robe which hit just below his knees. He carried a heavy staff in his right hand, his walking staff. A lot of people who travel in the wilderness do carry these staffs for something to lean upon when they become tired and they don’t want to sit down. “His feet were clad in open sandals, his skin swarthy, looked like it was deeply 33 burned by the sun. He had coal black hair and maybe a half an inch of whiskers that covered his face, probably no longer than that. Not a streak of gray in his hair any place, not a bit of age showed upon his face. He had high cheek bones and medium-sized ears, I suppose that is what you would say. He was a no-nonsensical fellow. He wasn’t jolly, he didn’t laugh much. When he did laugh, he threw back his head and laughed and showed perfect white teeth. “This man, or if you want to call him a Being, is said to be over five hundred years of age, and he was born, I believe, in 1490 or earlier than that. I can’t say right at this moment exactly what the date was, but he was quite affable and an easy-natured sort of a person, yet nevertheless, stern with flashing black eyes. They were quick eyes, like the eyes of the Irish. They moved fast, the glance covering a lot of area, and only remaining on the individual before him for just a few minutes and then back again, darting. Then sometimes they would look right into my eyes. I could feel that there wasn’t anything that he didn’t know. His glance was penetrating and seemed to be of such intensity that you couldn’t match his gaze. “He talked in a rather deep, rich voice, enunciated his words very well in English, that which I could hear well enough. He also looked to be as if there had never been a day of sickness in his life. Strength radiated from the man, and power seemed to radiate from him, without him ever saying anything, or acting in this capacity. He never showed, what I consider, acts of kindness like Sudar Singh who was extremely kind. When Sudar spoke to you and wanted something done, he suggested the idea. But not Rebazar Tarzs, because Rebazar Tarzs seemed to have a commanding presence. “When he spoke he never asked or made suggestions, he just said it in a manner that he never acted as if you wouldn’t follow him or obey what he had to say. We might say that his commanding presence made him a leader among leaders. When one stood in his presence, one felt this deep striking pulsation, a pulsation that really beat against the individual, and one knew that it was there. You knew that you were in the presence of someone who was all-powerful — the greatest thing that I noticed about this person. It was that you were in his aura and you could be in his aura for over a vast distance, that he had this commanding presence, and he just encased you in this aura.” Rebazar Tarzs was born in the year 1461, in the mountain village of Sarana in Northern Tibet. He looks to be in his middle thirties but is thought to be over 500 years old in his physical body. Black hair closely cropped to his head, coal-black eyes that pierce the heart, a neatly trimmed black beard, he carries his six-foot frame, 185 pounds majestically, his maroon robe and wooden staff a familiar sight in the spiritual city of Agam Des where he teaches at the famous Marg School of Wisdom. 35 34 Rebazar Tarzs developed into mastership under the spiritual guidance of Yaubl Sacabi. It was Rebazar Tarzs who was responsible for the inner guidance of Christopher Columbus. Rebazar stayed on earth for 75 years teaching, then he retired in the same body to the mountain vastness of the Hindu Kush Mountains of the Himalayas. He has spiritually developed several Masters, and is responsible for passing the rod of power from one Master to his successor. He is known as the Torchbearer of these Ancient Teachings. He lives alone in his little mud-brick hut high on a cliff above a torrential blue river that roars out of the high glaciers across the valley into the plains to feed the teeming millions, six hundred miles to the south in the vast sweltering midlands. When asked what he does in his hut in the Himalayas, Rebazar Tarzs said: “I have guests frequently, like yourself, who are interested in knowing something of the worlds beyond, or I have discussions with those Travelers we call the saints. Sometimes trips are made into unknown regions of the Far Country. Yes, there are worlds yet to be explored on that side, as well as some lands in the lower worlds, including the planets and parts of the earth. I have also used this way station for many souls wishing to cross over from this material world into the Far Country. From this hut I have sent out messages to others to change the minds of those who wish to destroy certain areas of the earth world for their own gain. I’ve been very busy here.” Rebazar Tarzs is accountable for bringing about the open teaching of the art of movement of soul. Before his work in Spirit, which began in the Fifteenth Century and continues to the present day, all knowledge of this spiritual teaching was kept secret among the highly developed adepts in hidden occult groups. He said, “Man’s moral sense represents to the earthly world as virtue, and this quality is supposedly the greatest happiness to anyone who possesses it. Thus, the public affection of all men naturally makes each desire the virtue of all others. Only no one can make a wish or desire for others in any manner without having to accept a little karma of everyone he desires it for. It means then that we must give our good will and remains constantly in the state of nonattachment.” Rebazar Tarzs lived several years in silence, meditating in the cold snows of the Himalayan Mountains, learning the art of dispensing with the hallucinations of the mortal life through three years of complete darkness, and by attending the Schools of Golden Wisdom on the other planes via projection. Rebazar Tarzs is reputed to use the meditation technique, but as a secondary one, for he usually utilizes the Direct Projection technique for it is much more flexible for those doing their work among the masses of people who often need help from those able to give assistance to the unable and suffering. 35 One of the outstanding examples of the influence of a Master is that of Benjamin Franklin who was approached during his childhood by Rebazar Tarzs and given instruction in the spiritual works. Kierkegaard said, “I am ashamed, therefore I exist.” At the same time Rebazar Tarzs refuted this by quoting from an ancient manuscript, the Way of the Eternal, stating, “I am eternal, therefore I am free.” Regarding Descartes’ statement, “I think, therefore I am,” according to Rebazar Tarzs, no statement in all Western philosophies shows such a misconception of truth. “Perfection has no limitation, nor is it temporary or changeable, while pleasure and suffering are conditions of material existence.” REGNARD The sixth root race is the yellow race, coming on the heels of the gradually fading Aryan race. It is the Mongoloid race of the East, which has its life center in the world of the North, where many do not penetrate. The Master who will come into this world of semi-darkness and light will be Regnard. This race has yet to fulfill its destiny on the earth planet. It will meet destruction by fire, earthquakes and tidal waves. SARDAR LHUNPO Sardar Lhunpo served as Master Of The Time in Rome during the early years of the Republic. He went into the Brahmanda Lok (Causal Plane) to continue working on this ATOM path at the Sakapori Temple of Golden Wisdom in the City of Honu. SATO KURAJ Sato Kuraj is the grand Master on the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane), in charge of the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom in Mer Kailash, called the Hall of Brahmanda. He is a small, lithe looking Being with a benign expression that melts all hearts when appearing to chelas either on that plane or the world region. He is quick in gestures, wears the alphabet letter “A” in the spiritual eye which always shows to those he is visiting with. He is surrounded by a soft blue light which looks like the blue of the sky on a summer day, and accompanied by the sound of running water. His face is very narrow, his eyes dark and hair cropped closely is black. The robe is maroon as usual, but looks very much like the traditional Japanese kimono wrapped very neatly around his small, slender body. While in Japan during a peace-keeping mission following World War II, after what 37 36 appeared to be a severe beating, Darwin recalled, “I learned from Sato Kuraji that the use of the aura can be pulled in so tightly surrounding one’s own being that no injury could befall one or no fire burn one. I grew spiritually and learned an enormous amount about the works and teachings of Spirit through Sato Kuraji, since he works from the Golden Wisdom Temple. On prearranged meetings that took place after our first meeting, an enormous amount of spiritual insight and guidance was imparted to me on all levels of consciousness.” SEPHER The seventh root race will be the golden race, and they will be called the Zohar people. They will come from a far distant planet to colonize the world after its destruction by another great catastrophe in the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Centuries. The attempt to put colonies on this planet will fail, and eventually after several centuries, these people will withdraw. The Master who will be responsible for the spiritual welfare of this race will be Sepher. SHAMUS-I-TABRIZ Shamus-i-Tabriz, a Sufi who lived several hundred years ago on this physical plane, was the Master of Jalal-din-Rumi, Thirteenth Century Persian poet and sage, a follower of this path and a Master. After leaving the earth plane, Shamus-i-Tabriz entered into the secret Order of the Boucharan Brotherhood and studied many years to become a Traveler in the same line of mastership. He was put in charge of the Sakapori Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Brahmanda Lok (Causal Plane) in the City of Honu. He is surrounded by a deep orange light and accompanied by the jingling of bells. Shamus-i-Tabriz is of medium height, sports a short, brown beard, a white turban, and has dark, flashing eyes. Sometimes he has a sloppy hat stuck on his head of long, dark hair. He is an incredibly strong-looking man, big and virile with the strength of God showing in his limbs, body and face. His mouth is a line without lips, his eyes deep crevices, in the bottom of which is the faint gleam of humor. His hands are granite, but strong, beautiful hands. He is a true Master of this wisdom and those who are able to travel this far have certainly been fortunate. He is an able instructor in the Way Of The Eternal, and the few who come here leave well versed in this section of the sacred scriptures. A Traveler of renown moving constantly into the world of the Sugmad and again to the causal plane, he seldom if ever comes down to the physical worlds, because of the heavy demand upon him at the Wisdom Temple where he is in charge of the students who study there, and that section of the sacred scriptures of this path. 37 When he was traveling between two main cities of Persia, Shamus-i-Tabriz, who was constantly being subjected to attacks by bigots for his religious belief, was able to get out of his body and look up the road to find several men hidden behind a clump of bushes with clubs, ready to kill him. As a result, he took another route and completely escaped the trap. Another time he heard that four assassins were going to kill him at a certain place, so he left his body and appeared to them. When they tried to stab him and their knives struck nothing, it frightened them so badly they gave up to the police, asking for protection. Shamus-i-Tabriz, a radical even for the Sufis, and his chela Jalal-ud-Din-Rumi, while working loosely within the confines of Sufism, were unique and original. When the Master Shamus-i-Tabriz was murdered by an angry mob, Rumi wrote the Diwan of Shamus-i-Tabriz. * “Shams al-Din Tabriz—A mysterious figure, possibly ‘celestial’ who initiated the Persian poet Jalal-al-Din-Rumi (Thirteenth Century A.D.) into the art of mystical dancing. As a result Rumi is credited with the founding of the Mawlawtya Brotherhood of Dervishes. Shams was also Rumi’s teacher, and he stayed with Rumi for three years and then disappeared, leaving no trace except for what he deposited in Rumi’s mind and soul in the form of esoteric teachings. These Rumi wrote down.” * Eastern Definitions, Edward Rice, 1978. ** “To Rumi, Shamsi represents the Divine Beloved, the one Being in whom all individual names are manifested and ultimately merged. On the 28th of November 1244 Shamsi, during his travels, arrived in Qoniya. He had been sent by his spiritual teacher to seek Rumi. He was comparatively illiterate but his tremendous spiritual enthusiasm, based on the conviction that he was a chosen organ of Deity, cast a spell over all who entered the enchanted circle of his power.” ** The Forward of Selected Poems From The Divani Shamsi Tabriz, Edited by R.A. Nicholson, and Discourses of Rumi by A.J. Arberry. SHANDAVA After Peddar Zaskq finished with studying under a singular Master, Rebazar Tarzs moved him on to another, thus, he went through a succession of great Masters into the Soul Plane where the mighty Adept Shandava dwells. The Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Atma Lok (Soul Plane) is the highest of the Golden Wisdom Schools. He received an initiation on each respective plane. SHIV SENA 39 38 Moraji Desal’s spiritual mantle as Master Of The Time was turned over to Shiv Sena, a Hindu, who was a prominent leader of this faith. He inspired Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and was also responsible for such marvelous miracles as the opening of the Red Sea. It was he who advised Moses to go to the mountain where the Ten Commandments were revealed and given to the people. He eventually retired into the spiritual worlds to work under the Deity Sat Nam at the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Fifth Plane. SIMHA, THE LADY OF SPIRIT There have been several women who have reached the heights of God-realization and accepted as Masters of this Boucharan Order. These have been named in the books of the Way Of The Eternal, under the Simha, the Lady of Divine Spirit, who is considered to be the mother of all Bourchakoum Masters who are born into the world of matter. She also works with those in the deep dream states. Those dream states which occur when falling asleep when one hears voices and sees light, or just before awakening. SOCRATES The Greek masters Apollonius, Dionysius, Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle and Plato were taught the art of the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters by the Ancient Adepts. Practically every man who has contributed to civilization has been a chela, or student, of the hidden teachings. This is true of the sciences, literature, art, economy, religions, philosophies, the military, medicine, and psychology. This is because this teaching always has been the mainstream of spirituality. Lao Tze received his writings from it. Zoroaster, Socrates, and Plato were well acquainted with it. All saviors were versed deeply in these teachings, but had to teach their followers according to their own background, culture, and religious traditions because of the levels of the people’s understanding. The idea of self-analysis is certainly not a good approach for a Westerner, but it often does settle the problems of the inner man. Too much is said about Socrates’ aphorism “Know Thyself!?” This is a perfectly good piece of logic, but too many take it for granted. Consequently, they believe that they can examine every corner of their life and come up with a perfect solution. Nothing could be further from the truth! Many do not understand that this negative force is very subtle, and it takes many turns and diverse means to keep us in its hands. Perhaps Socrates struck the keynote for defeating this negative force within ourselves by stating, “Man, know thyself.” This is 39 truth, but we are so wrapped up in the astral and the materialistic forces which are the basis of the negative that it is seldom that we can attain truth anywhere. This is the realm that Socrates spoke about when he said, “Man, know thyself!” We are to gain all the knowledge necessary about ourselves as Soul, and know our goal and mission in life. It is Socrates who infers that wisdom is not the knowledge of things but the knowledge of the condition of knowledge with respect to its absence or presence; an observation plainly intimating that wisdom deals with generals and not particulars. The seeker who says, “If I can find the answer to this one question, then all is going to be well with me,” is only misleading himself. Socrates went through this day after day, and to stop a questioner from asking too much he would reverse the question back to him. The questioner could not understand and would leave debating with himself just what did Socrates mean when he asked the question. He rarely recognized his own questions. Socratic Irony is that form of irony invented by Socrates in his life 469-399 B.C. It is pretended ignorance or willingness to learn from others assumed for the sake of making their errors conspicuous by means of adroit (dexterous in use of mental facilities e.g., inventing lies on the spot, or excuses, or throwing up illusions before another) question. His method of instruction was called the Socratic Method, which was the method of instruction used by the ancient Greeks, consisting of questioning the object of which is to elicit a consistent expression of something supposed to be implicitly known by all rational beings. Socrates, rightly called the wisest, the noblest, and the most just man of his time, lived, worked and died under the spell of immortality. Cheerfully he died, giving a discourse on the Jivatma’s immortal nature. The meat of philosophy which tells that a man can be sustained in his hour of weakness is vividly described in the Book of Job. It is puzzling why the so-called great philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and others have not discussed more on the use of imagination in their works. None of the latter day philosophers, nor even the scientists have made use of the study of imagination as one of the factors of life. The foundation of the argument against Socrates during his trial was that he was giving the youth of Athens false hopes by predicting the political and spiritual freedom of those who listened to him in the famed Grecian Temples of ancient times. With his childlike attitude of mind, certain of what it will do, not for themselves, but for others, he changed the current of human thought without writing a word, without preaching a doctrine, simply by talking in the streets of Athens, which he left but twice in defense of the city. One of the first in the Western literature to speak extensively with the separation 41 40 of soul from the body was Plato, one of the first Bourchakoum Masters who disguised his position under the works of religious science. Most of the Masters on the path of the Ancient Masters will do this while living in the physical state. Plato writes of the last moments of Socrates, another Master in the same line, in his works Phaedo. Socrates is reported saying, “And what is the purification but the separation of Soul from the body; the habit of Soul gathering and collecting Itself unto Itself, out of all courses of the body; the dwelling in her own place alone, as in another place alone, as far as she can. It’s the release of Soul from the chains of the body.” Condemned by his countrymen, Socrates drank the hemlock poison in 399 B.C. He was eighty-seven. Plato describes the essence of philosophy when he records Socrate’s statement: “I deem that the true disciple of philosophy is likely to be misunderstood by other men; they do not perceive that he is ever pursuing death and dying. Man, know thyself.” Socrates described in Phaedo one of the other planes: “In this other earth, the colors are much purer and much more brilliant than they are down here. The very mountains, the very stones have a richer gloss, a lovelier transparency and intensity of hue. The precious stones of this lower world, our highly prized cornelians, jaspers, emeralds and all the rest are but the tiny fragments of these stone above. In the other earth, there is no stone but is precious and exceeds in beauty every gem of ours.” When Socrates, that great Greek, whose name is a household word in every nation of the world, would return home in the evenings after spending the day teaching the youth of Athens of a better life, his wife would berate him and sometimes beat him. He was patient and took the punishment with grace for being so much greater than her in spiritual unfoldment, and knew that this was the ordeal of fire that he was experiencing in this world. He knew upon taking the cup of hemlock poison that the gift of God must be paid for in some manner even though it meant his death. He drank it cheerfully while praising his god. * “Greek philosopher of Athens who served in the army and politics and was noted for his courage. Later when he became a popular teacher of Athenian youths, he was accused of introducing strange gods and of corrupting the young men. It was probably that he did criticize the immoral myths of some Greek gods, but his religious views seem to have been fairly orthodox. He constantly believed himself to be inspired by divine spirit. He was tried, condemned to death and chose to accept the poison hemlock rather than to try to make his escape.” * A Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions, by Geoffrey Parrinder, 1971. ** “Socrates was an Athenian, son of a stonemason, whose profession he followed 41 physically, and of a midwife, whose profession he followed spiritually, claiming to help others give birth to the thoughts that were in them. He was associated with the new enlightenment. At one time he was interested in scientific developments, but increasingly asked ‘why’ rather than ‘how.’ Socrates was also a mystic who experienced a divine sign or daimonion, which was a voice within warning him against particular courses of action. He was condemned to death, nominally for religious innovation and corrupting youth.” ** Encyclopedia of Mysticism, by John Fergusson, p. 172. *** “ The great Athenian philosopher was put to death in 399 B.C. at the age of 70.....An escape was planned by his friend Crito, but Socrates refused to hear of it, on the ground that the verdict, though contrary to fact, was that of a legitimate court, and must therefore be obeyed. The story of his last day has been perfectly told in the Phaedo of Plato, who though not himself an eye-witness, was in close touch with many of those who were present.....Though Socrates was a good fighting man, his outward appearance was grotesque, but as his friends knew, he was ‘all glorious within,’ ‘the most righteous man of the whole age.’ His self-control and powers of endurance were exemplary: ‘He had schooled himself to moderation that his scanty means satisfied his wants.’ “But he was no self-tormenting ascetic; he ‘knew both how to want and how to abound,’ and could be the soul of the merriment at a gay party. There was nothing of the complacent self-righteousness of the Pharisee, nor the angry bitterness of the satirist, in his attitude towards the follies or even the crimes of his fellow men. “It was his deep and lifelong conviction that the improvement not only of himself, but of those with whom he might have to do, was a task laid upon him ‘by God,’ but the task was not to be executed with a scowling face and an upbraiding voice. Like St. Francis Xavier, he thoroughly understood how important it is to one who would win men’s souls to be ‘good company.’ Conscious of his own infirmities, he felt a real and profound sympathy for those who had not learned to master their frailties and passions. “...But that he was quite serious in believing himself charged with a mission, not from Apollo, but from God, to preach to his fellow men the supreme importance of knowledge of what is for the soul’s good is proved by his declaration that he is more than ready to face instant death rather than to neglect his commission. The poverty in which this mission had involved him, and the austerity of the rule of life it entailed were notorious.” *** The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 20, pgs. 916-918 SOKAGAMPO 43 42 One of the Adepts who is a Guardian of the Holy Book, the Way Of The Eternal, at the Tamanata Kop Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Alakh Lok (Sixth Plane). ST. FRANCIS St. Francis, Pythagoras, Socrates, Rama Akhnaton, Confucius, and others are outstanding examples of a childlike state of mind. This is exceedingly important, this childlike attitude, for we find that the spiritually great hold this attitude certain of what it will do, not for themselves, but for others. Read the history of any spiritual giant and you will find that he is or was of this nature. St. Francis was a living example of these noble virtues: patience, good will, kindness, courage, love, right knowledge, gentleness, frankness, truthfulness and dozens of similar qualities. His gentleness and love for all even brought the birds to gather around and listen to his sermons. He was indeed a wonderful example of nobility in a man. * “Founder of the Franciscans and principal patron of Italy, was born at Assisi in Umbria, 1181/82. Francis learned to read and write Latin at the school near the church of St. George and later acquired some knowledge of the French language and literature, especially of the troubadours. His youth does not seem to have been marked by serious moral lapses but by a general spirit of worldliness which made him a recognized leader of the young men of the town. “In 1202 he took part in a war between Assisi and Perugia, was held prisoner for almost a year and on his release fell seriously ill. Setting out once more to join the forces of Walter of Brienne, he had a vision at Spoleto that bade him return to Assisi. He began to give himself to solitude and prayer. “Several other episodes make up what is called his conversion: A vision of Christ while he prayed in a grotto near Assisi; an experience of poverty during a pilgrimage to Rom, where in rags, he mingled with the beggars before St. Peter’s and begged alms; the incident where he not only gave alms to a leper (he had always felt a deep repugnance for lepers) but also kissed his hand. One day at the ruined chapel of S. Damiano outside the gate of Assisi, he heard the crucifix above the altar command him: ‘Go, Francis, and repair my house which, as you see, is well-nigh in ruins.’ Taking this literally, he hurried home, gathered much of the cloth in his father’s shop and rode off to Foligno, where he sold both cloth and horse. “He then tried to give the money to the priest at S. Damiano. Angered, his father first kept him at home and later cited him before the civil authorities. When Francis refused to answer the summons, his father called him before the bishop. Before any ac43 cusations were made, Francis ‘without a word peeled off his garments even down to his breeches and restored them to his father.’ Covered only by a hair shirt, he said, ‘Until now I have called you my father on earth, but henceforth, I can truly say our Father who art in heaven.’ The astonished bishop gave him a cloak, and Francis went off to the woods at Mt. Subasio. “Francis had renounced material goods and family ties to embrace a life of poverty. Probably no one in history has ever set himself so seriously as did Francis to imitate the life of Christ and to carry out so literally Christ’s work in Christ’s own way. This is the key to the character and spirit of St. Francis. To neglect this point is to show an unbalanced portrait of the saint as a lover of nature, a social worker, an itinerant preacher, a lover of poverty. “He considered all nature as the mirror of God and so as many steps to God. He called all creatures his ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters.’ His long and painful illnesses were nicknamed his sisters, and he begged pardon of Brother Ass, the Body, for having unduly burdened him with his penances.” * The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 9, p. 780. ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE When St. Paul, the great Master, was writing his famous letters recorded in the New Testament, he said in the Epistle To The Ephesians, “All things that are reproved are made manifest by the light; for whatever doth make manifest is light,” what he is telling us here is that light is consciousness. Consciousness is one, or what the Hindus speak of as unity, but it manifests in millions of forms and levels of consciousness. Christianity, the best known religion in the Western world, was created by St Paul, who sold the teachings of Jesus Christ to the world according to his conception of what Christianity might be. He was not a follower of Christ in the beginning, nor did he ever know him. As with many other religions, the words of the original leader have not been given to the world in their true light. When one has come to the point of knowledge through outside experience, then he is in a position to understand what St Paul spoke about in his letters, “I die daily.” He had to study the art of inner silence for eight years in the Arabian Desert before he was able to say that he “died daily.” This process of death is what practically every great saint went through when doing movement of soul, including those of less saintly degrees. This is the ultimate experience which one can enjoy daily. Paul the Apostle, wrote in his first Letters to the Corinthians, “We walk by faith 45 44 and not by sight. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with God the Lord.” He was a member of the secret Boucharan Order of the Masters, and it has become a legend among the mystics of this Order that at the time of his execution, Paul kneeled and stretched his neck across the block to await the fatal blow of the sword. At first he shrank a little, but then he stretched it out again manfully. His thoughts were, “I must die. No, it is not I that dies. I am imprisoned within this pit of clay and the sword shall release me from it forever. I shall live hereafter in the true glories of God.” He died with a smile on his lips and peace in his heart. Later when Nero heard of this smiling man going to his death, he raged for hours in defeat. * “Died in 67 A.D. (?) Roman citizen, nationalistic Jew, probably a Pharisee. He was a student of Gamaliel at the time of Jesus and was the author of many of the present-day books of the New Testament. From being an ardent persecutor of early Christians, through a dramatic religious experience, he became the greatest missionary apostle and ministered to the church abroad. St Paul was killed by Nero. His theology as shown in his writings is fired with a mysticism that tends everywhere to prevent an analytic presentation of his ideas.” * Columbia Encyclopedia, 1940 ** “The interpretation of Christianity and its spread into the Western world are so bound up with the apostolic ministry of St Paul that neither can be discussed intelligently apart from the story of this man and his work. He saw the universal implications of the new faith, struggled passionately to have them recognized and applied, and endured the most severe hardship and persecution to extend the faith to the uttermost parts of the Mediterranean world. Without the consecrated labours of this Christ-intoxicated man it is debatable whether Christianity would ever have become a world-wide religion...... “Modern scholarship tends to find the sources for the essentials of Paul’s thought mainly in his Jewish background, in the Old Testament and in rabbinic Judaism. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed the Qumran community to have had a common background of ideas and terminology with Paul in many instances, but there is little to indicate direct dependence of the Apostle on the sect. Whatever he borrowed, however, from any source, he transformed under the power and presence of him ‘in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.’ “His so-called Christ-mysticism is not mysticism at all in the strict sense, for there is no losing of his identity. In this lies the central concept in Pauline thought, for to be ‘in Christ’ sums up the full meaning of salvation. It must be understood in the light of his doctrine of the Holy Spirit, and true to his heritage, he thought of the Spirit as the 45 divine power or energy coming into human life and enabling men to do what they could not do of themselves. Those who are ‘in the Spirit’ are also ‘in Christ,’ and the truest and most genuine expression of this is to have ‘the Spirit of Christ,’ the Spirit of love.” ** The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 17, p. 387-392 SUDAR SINGH Paul Twitchell met with Sudar Singh who was the leading advocate at that time of traveling in soul. “From Paris, we decided that we would go back to his little ashram, which was five miles above Allahabad, on what they call the Old Canteen Road, near the army barracks where the native troops were bivouacked at the time. It was a small place; about fifty, maybe one hundred people that were there around him, and we found that life was pleasant. Although he didn’t want us in the beginning and tried every way he could to discourage us, we found it very interesting, and we were hoping to stay there for the Kumba Mehla, a meeting every twelfth year, where at the fork of the river in Allahabad, they have a meeting of the holy men. “It was very interesting about Sudar Singh. He was rather a tall, lean man, had a very lean face at the time. He had started out as a Sikh in his life and changed later in his early twenties when he came back to the Ancient Teachings of the Masters. It was then that he went into training there in his own country and became the Master of the time. “Sudar Singh spoke rapidly, had a quick and ready smile, and a lot of humor about him. I liked him very much as a person because he seemed to have an ability to make friends with people instantly. His spirituality seemed to gleam from him with a very shining countenance, and his eyes which were dark brown, had a luminous glow to them. He seemed to live in this spiritual atmosphere. “I was very happy to be around him because he was always a person who seemed to have a lightness and laughter about him; his teachings did not have a heaviness about them that most of the Indians and the Hindus have when they are teaching what they call the works of God. He lived quietly, and never made demands upon anyone at all. So we were very happy to be around him and to live in this sort of a circle in which no one seemed to be afraid of the man. “A lot of the Indians seem to be afraid of their master and will even crawl on their hands and knees from the door to his feet, and kiss his feet if he allows them. Sudar Singh didn’t believe in this; he had people walk in to him upright, and few ever bowed to him. He was a very courteous man, had lots of feeling about him. He would stand up and shake hands with you because this was the way he seemed to be raised as a person, and not like someone who had gained a lot of power and was trying to use this power 47 46 over other people. “It was a feeling of cheerfulness and lightness, happiness within his presence. I often felt this radiating from him at least fifteen-twenty feet away like an aura. One time I felt this when approaching his ashram, I felt it at least a half-mile away, like going through an electronic fence. Once you step across that line, then you were in a radiating, pulsating field. One of the characteristics about him were his hands. It seemed that his hands fascinated me rather than his eyes, which had quite a fascination in themselves, because he had quite a luminous glow, so that when he looked at anyone, it was the look of a Master. “When a Master turns and looks at someone very intensely, he is communicating with them, and putting across to them that which we know as the Tiwaga, or the Master’s Gaze. Sudar Singh often turned and looked at a person, and when he did, this became a communication of love, a communication of kindliness, and a communication of something which he put across to the student or the chela who was sitting there. The chela never on a whole could contain all that was given to him within that gaze. “When the Master’s full gaze is turned upon the individual, it seems that this will bring about a certain amount of upliftment. A Master’s gaze can uplift an individual to the higher realms. The public, as a whole has never understood this, especially the Westerners. They don’t seem to have the understanding about what is known as the Master’s Gaze, because it appears that so many of the people who follow the spiritual programs just don’t understand what he is talking about. “Sudar Singh didn’t seem to care whether he had any power or control over people. He met everybody on an equal basis; he was always a self-disciplined person. His voice was very deep and masculine, and a lot of people were very happy with his manner of speaking. And if he spoke directly to an individual, they usually felt a deep sense of ecstasy coming into themselves, so you see, his hands, his voice and his eyes were actually the greatest things that I found about the man. Sudar Singh died, I believe, in 1937.” Sri Sudar Singh, who was a member of the famed Boucharan mystic Order of Adepts, had his abode in the spiritual city of Agam Des, in the Western Himalayan Mountains. He was a Master at instructing his chelas (students) by the dream state, his principal way of teaching. Outwardly he appeared to be a smiling old guru, in a deep maroon robe, who would sit in silence when meeting with his chelas at his ashram, speaking only when questions were asked of him. Many of his chelas drifted away because of a lack of understanding about this strange deep-eyed man who seemed to do nothing for them except give them room and board while they stayed at his ashram. 47 He would open the consciousness of his chelas provided they were ready and would allow the light of Spirit to flow through them. He would come to each of his students while they were asleep and take them out in their soul bodies into some far corner of the inner planes where he would give them instructions in the ancient science of travel beyond the self. Once when Sudar Singh was rowed across a river, he compelled Rama, a small, weak fellow, to row while a husky young man rode in the bow, enjoying himself. Several persons were not pleased with this and complained that it was unfair to allow the smaller one to do all the work while the large muscular chap had a pleasure trip. The Master only replied to the complaints, “Little Rama needed the lesson.” Nobody understood until a few days later when they found the big, muscular fellow peeling potatoes in the kitchen. The job was a disgrace to this chela who believed that he was beyond such menial chores. He had replaced Rama who previously held this post in the kitchen at the Ashram. When Sudar Singh was asked if it were he who had appeared to a fellow for several years before he saw him in flesh, he knew it was true, Sudar Singh replied by saying, “Why don’t you go back and ask the great Soul again who he is?” This evasion threw the fellow off balance, but later he knew the Master was telling him it was not necessary to have everything confirmed in the outer senses. It is as Sudar Singh told one chela in his ashram who was overly occupied by his previous lives: “You are not who you were; you are who you are.” Sudar Singh would not allow anyone under him to lean upon him as most Indian teachers encourage their followers to do. He always wanted his chelas to be themselves and have freedom of decision. Sudar Singh’s very Being gleamed like a highly polished mirror, reflecting the glory that he had gained while traveling in his Spirit self in the high worlds of God. It encircled him like a radar fence, and when one approached his little hermit hut, it was like walking through an electrical beam. Once when Sudar Singh wanted to visit Iran (old Persia) to study the old Persian languages and works of the poets of ancient days, he read, riffled and consumed a lot of books on the old Persian language. He claimed to have read about 4,000 in a year, yet in the meantime, he learned the ancient Persian language in all this reading, and while in Iran had little trouble in studying the old manuscripts. He could read and speak seven different languages! Sudar Singh, while in his last years in his little retreat, was suffering badly from a stomach ailment, but not once did he complain, nor did he ever, as far as anyone could 49 48 judge, take his mind off God for his own suffering. So many seekers on the path try to get themselves close to a Master. They only want to ask questions to get their own thinking straightened out, but as Sudar Singh once replied, to a large number of questions asked of him, “What is there to say? Have faith, believe in God.” Sudar Singh, in his dialogues, said: “We must become the conscious co-workers of God.” “To enter into the real of God, one must be spiritually bold and adventuresome!” “If two drunks can get together, why can’t two people of God?” “I speak as a man! For I am a man, and those mistakes I make as a man should be considered as human mistakes.” An American once asked Sudar Singh what he should do about ants at a picnic, that is kill them or allow them to eat the picnic lunch. His reply was, “That depends upon how hungry you are.” A man asked if he could join Sudar Singh’s organization because he wanted to learn all the techniques because he wanted to make a lot of money. Sudar Singh smiled and said, “I cannot give you anything that will make you money, I can only give you God. You are always welcome to whatever I have.” So the man joined the group and found that after practicing all the techniques, he no longer wanted to make money. His goals had changed and now he wanted God. SUPAKU Supaku was the Master Of The Time during one of the high periods of the civilization of Atlantis, and helped to compile a number of the herbs, roots, seeds, flowers, and plants which were researched in the government health laboratories. SUTO T’SING An old Chinese Master who lived for 267 years in the same body. TEJAHUA Tejahua is an Assisting Master at the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane) in the city of Mer Kailash. TINDOR SAKI Tindor Saki is the Guardian for this section of the Way Of The Eternal at the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom located in the city of Akshar on the Atma Lok. He was instrumental in bringing about so many changes in the policies of the ATOM path 49 being brought into the open in the world today, so that all people will be exposed to it and can take up its path as desired. “The immortality of soul lies in the sacrifice and hardships of life within this physical realm and its counterparts,” so said Tindor Saki. “When a man is willing to sacrifice all that he has for the Spirit, to give up the clothes on his back for his fellowman, or to give his life for all, that is the Mahanta, the Master Of The Time. When he goes to his death with love for his very enemies, although they have burned his flesh and caused him suffering, he reaches immortality of the Atma Lok. “The Mahanta’s very presence in the human body shows that the principles of cause and harmony lead to human reason, to the absolute notion of a superior and universal cause of the Sugmad of Itself. He who denies this cause for the whole has no right to assign any cause to any particular fact. If you say that the Mahanta exists because the Sugmad wishes it, it is unnecessary to go any further. Man lives by facts, and he has no assurance otherwise of the invariability of the laws of the Spirit,” says Tindor Saki. “The Mahanta is he who exists by himself and who is in all because all is in him. It is he who exists by himself, because soul alone can perceive him who cannot be apprehended by the physical senses. It is he who is without visible parts, except the human body, but is eternal, the Soul of all Beings, and none can comprehend him except those who live in the high worlds of Spirit in the Atma Sarup form. He is One, Immutable, in the Mahanta Consciousness, devoid of parts or form, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He it is who has created the life and energies of the worlds, as the instrument of the Sugmad. None other is before him. “Within the Mahanta is the true temple of the Sugmad, and he who seeks to bow to the Divine Reality should bow before him. The Sugmad has said to the humble one that it does not live in a particular place, either on earth or in the heavenly worlds, but it lives in the hearts of its devotees, and if you wish to have me, go and beg for me. What a man receives in contemplation, he must pour out in love.” TISSOT LEINS Tissot Leins was the Master Of The Time during the Sixteenth Century in France, when the Protestants were being persecuted. He was responsible for the migration of the Huguenots and those of other faiths to America. TOMO GESHIG Tomo Geshig wandered about in the heights of the Himalayan Mountains alone 51 50 and with hardly a shred of clothes except tattered robes. Under normal circumstances, any man would have died from exposure and starvation, but Tomo Geshig is not a normal person; in fact, he must be as old as Yaubl Sacabi. It seems that in the ancient days they were both trained under one of the earlier Masters of the Boucharan Order, Gopal Das, in Egypt. That must have been at least 25,000 years ago. Tomo Geshig is a thin, lanky Being, not so much in form as being a halo in light. He works at the Tamanata Kop Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Alakh Lok (Sixth Plane). Those who enter into the true spiritual worlds do not do so in what we consider the human form, but as a light, which this Master appears to be in at the time of viewing him. This is the second of the true worlds of Spirit and the feeling here is that one who visits them is in a dream state, for everything is wavering and of such appearance that we do not seem to find anything to be taken for granted. TOWART MANAGI Towart Managi, an African holy man from Abyssinia, is rather small, looks frail and delicate, has close cropped white hair and a small white beard. He is in charge of the Way Of The Eternal on the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane) at the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom in the spiritual city of Mer Kailash. TSONG SIKHSA Tsong Sikhsa is the Guardian of the Way Of The Eternal at the Anakamudi Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Alaya Lok (Seventh Plane). TULSI DAS Tulsi Das, one of the great Masters during the middle ages, was a true follower of the Lofty Teachings. Since the Sound Current comes from the center of all things, then it is the essence of the Lofty Teachings. Tulsi Das and many others were leaders in the field of the exploration of the unknown worlds. A great Hindu who lived in the Seventeenth Century, he later became immortalized. He and other Bourchakoum Masters who have walked the Earth sought the spiritual ideal or highest ideal, and became a channel for Divine Spirit to work on this earth. Tulsi Das spent seventeen years in a dark room before he believed that he had mastered this practice of becoming the All-Seeing Eye, of becoming like Spirit and seeing all the worlds by letting one’s spirit spread out over them. Those explorers of the other worlds — Kabir, Guru Nanak, Saint Paul, Christ, Zoroaster, Buddha, Tulsi Das, Shamus-i-Tabriz and other too many to name here — have 51 been pioneers of the Far Country. They have left a living saga which we must study and admire for their adventurous spirit. Let us advance this thought further. Whatever we think, we are. Rebazar Tarzs, Kabir, Guru Nanak, St. Paul, Fubbi Quantz, Zoroaster, Buddha, Tulsi Das and many other Masters and savants have told us this time and again. There was a great Hindu, named Tulsi Das, who lived in the 17th century and later became immortalized. To my thinking, he got very close in his experiences with the IT, as he explained his meaning of the IT. His name and works are discussed in a library book which I’ll have to locate for you! This God is known to all followers of ECKANKAR as the Sugmad. Who were the leaders in the mystery schools? Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Sanchuniathon, Pophyry, Cicero, Epictetus, Tulsi Das, Guru Nanak, Rumi, etc. I named only the westerners and a couple of Orientals. Since the Sound Current comes from the center of all things, then it is the essence of the Lofty Teachings. Tulsi Das, one of the great Masters, during the middle ages was a true follower of the Lofty Teachings; so was Shamus-i-Tabriz, one of the greats whom many do not know, yet his name will keep creeping up throughout all the history of the true teachings. Sitting there in the light I could not think anymore. Nothing seemed right. According to the standards of the planet earth and mankind everything was wrong. In this state I was wondering if anyone knew anything; did Bacon, Shopenhauer, Tulsi Das, Omar Khayyam, Sri Aurobindo, Gandhi, Burke, Newton, Shaw, Kabir, Mohammed, Swinburne, Swedenborg, Fox, St. James, Carpenter, Augustine or any of the great thinkers? I am not sure that they did. . . . those who sought the highest ideal—Lao Tzu; Jesus; Zoroaster; Tulsi Das; Rumi;’ Akeon; Shankcharaya; Kabir; Sudar Singh; Yaubl Sacabi and other ECK Masters who have walked the Earth. These sought the spiritual ideal or highest ideal—and became a channel for the ECK to work on this earth TURA YUNG This Master is the spiritual head of the Param Akshar Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Atma Lok (Soul Plane). 53 52 VAITA DANU Following Philias, the Master Of The Time was Vaita Danu, who lived during the time of Alexander the Great. A Hindu, Vaita Danu was present during Alexander’s march into India. He lived for more than 150 years because of his great knowledge of the Ayur Vedha, a system for renewing body health. When Alexander entered into India and conquered the lands east of the Indus River, he settled his armies into camp to rest. It was then that Vaita Danu appeared before him with a sack of water. “Drink this, Alexander,” he said, “and all life will be yours.” The Spirit was testing Alexander, for if he were to drink of the water offered him, this famed conqueror would be released from his insatiable desire for conquest. His spiritual eye would have been opened, giving him immortality of soul. Instead he hesitated, thinking the offer was a deception of some nature. Within that moment of hesitation, one of his officers sliced the water bag with his sword, thinking it contained poison. As the water spilled upon the ground, Vaita Danu said, “You have been tested and found wanting, Sire. You shall die early in life, unhappy that no worlds are yours for conquering. You shall become a wanderer through life, in birth after birth, until you find One who will take you to the Sugmad!” He disappeared into thin air just as the officer poised to strike him with the sword. VAJRA MANJUSHRI Vajra Manjushri, the Master Of The Time, about 700 B.C., tried to teach this ATOM path openly to the Persians, but they were too steeped in their own Mithraism under Hakhamanish the First. Vajra Manjushri tried to establish the teachings as the true religion, but through the instigation of a priest of Mithra, he suffered arrest by the king, a mock trial, and death by soldiers who fired arrows into his body as he was stretched out on a rude block of wood that looked like a large “E.” Those few who had been his followers buried him in a cave with the permission of the king’s guard. The next morning, upon entering the cavern, the followers found the body gone and immediately fell into an argument saying that someone had stolen the body while they slept. Each accused the other. Suddenly a voice halted the quarrel. “My sons, why do you fight amongst one another over a piece of clay? I have not left you, neither will you nor the world be without me!” Vajra Manjushri stood before them clothed in a shimmering white robe that all but blinded them. He taught them for twenty-five days and appointed Matax Roraka, the greatest doubter of his little band of followers, to inherit the mantle of spiritual leadership 53 and become the Mahanta. Then he ascended into the spiritual worlds to take his place among the Immortal Adepts of the Ancient Order of Boucharan, and is teaching at the Sakapori Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Brahmanda Lok (Causal Plane) in the City of Honu. VARDRUP During the early conquest of Mexico and Southwest America, the Master Of The Time was Vardrup, who lived in Germany and came to the Americas to give spiritual aid. He raised several Indian chiefs to a high place in the spiritual worlds, as well as many Europeans and Asiatics. VIPULA It was Vipula, an ancient sage, who said, “An external thing will have its effect according to the nature and purity of the consciousness.” WU TENNA Wu Tenna is the spiritual head of the Namayatan Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Par Brahm Lok (Mental Plane) in the city of Mer Kailash. YAUBL SACABI According to Paul Twitchell, “Yaubl Sacabi is a man, well, I call him a man, but he’s a Being and an individual who is about five feet eight or ten. He has a square sort of figure and he doesn’t walk upright, I suppose from all these centuries of living. I can’t tell you how old he is, because his works will go into the time of two to three thousand years ago. He lives in the spiritual city called Agam Des, and he is the leader of this group there who are the God-Eaters, those who live upon the energies of the spirit forces. “His face is of a light color, and he has very pale blue eyes. He looks very ascetic and very old. He walks slowly and speaks with great dignity in a higher pitched voice that most do. He is the head of Agam Des. I would say that there are about five thousand people within this city, and he sits way up in the Himalayan Mountains in the western section, up close to the Kashmir border. It is in a very remote section and very few people have ever gotten to this area. “He has very long slender hands and he wears a sort of sandal and a toga type gown. He likes to sit in the corner at what we would call a public market. They don’t have that sort of thing there but it’s a public place in which he sits and talks a great deal 55 54 to the people who come there through travel via soul, or people who come there to visit and study the Way of the Eternal. “There is a temple there and he gives talks from a podium. The temple looks like an English cathedral, more like the Canterbury Cathedral in England. So I feel that this is a great adventure, a great experience that anybody who is able to go there and see the terrific amount of light that surrounds this man—I keep saying man—I mean, Being. “There is a light that shines over him as if an electrical bulb has been put inside of him and turned on, and the effervescence of the light just shines out from him. In the years of perfection of his body, and all of the great shining light coming forth from him, it is truly given out and one looks at him and thinks of what the old saints should have looked like, but didn’t. So I say that we have to think then in the terms of whatever comes to us in the work of this Path so that it will be a feeling, not that of emotion, when we look upon and understand and see these figures that I’m just talking about. “We must have the experience of seeing and knowing these very unique Beings who are the Ancient Masters, and who are still living in this world because they have chosen to live in the world. They have chosen to remain in their physical bodies so that they can give service to mankind and the universe. Not just this planet, but most of the planets.” Yaubl Sacabi is the World Master of this planet and universe, the chief of those Masters we sometimes call the Eshwar-Khanewale, or the God-Eaters, because they consume spiritual energy instead of food. The Ancient Brotherhood of Boucharan Adepts is far superior to most orders because of the deep spiritual training that its members receive. Yaubl Sacabi works with Rebazar Tarzs at the Gare-Hira Temple of Golden Wisdom in Agam Des in the Hindu Kush Mountains. He is a somewhat powerful, stocky figure, has a bald head, dark eyes, swarthy skin and a wide mouth. He wears the usual maroon short robe and rope belt around a thick girth. His age is beyond human conception, for it is said that he could be over 5,000 years living in the same body that is worn today. His duties, besides teaching the Way Of The Eternal to those who are able to visit the city, include the affairs of the universe. Shiv Sena’s place was taken by Yaubl Sacabi, whose work was among the Mycenaeans who invaded Greece during the period between 2000-1700 B.C. By spreading this teaching Yaubl became the leading figure among the Greek mystery cults during the early history of this country. Out of this grew the exceedingly fine culture which has since shaped Western civilization. Given the choice to either work in the spiritual world 55 or stay in this physical region, he chose the latter and became the Guardian of this part of the Way Of The Eternal taught at the spiritual city of Agam Des in the Himalayan mountains. Yaubl Sacabi said, “The Word of the Sugmad is written in the heart of an acorn, and it is also written in every soul of every living creature, whether it is on the physical plane or in the universal worlds. That living word which is the Spirit is accountable for all life which is in existence everywhere. There is a difference between the identity of the individual soul and states of reality. These states or conditions change, but soul never changes nor ceases to be.” Yaubl Sacabi had the great golden dream of the destiny of the human race. America was coming into its golden age in the latter part of the Twentieth Century. This golden age would last almost all of the Twenty-First Century. It would then fade away and gradually another age, from the planet of Venus would take over and reconstruct America and make it into the capital nation of the golden age which is to come again in this period of time. Those nations who have reverted to warfare, the beating of war drums and political pressure shall be pushed into the background by the smaller nations which are desiring peace. YAVATA Yavata is a gigantic Being, approximately seven feet tall, with large features that might be called Mongolian, for he is a former Tibetan Lama, who has served his place in this world and went on to the higher worlds to help with the work of God. He is a true Spiritual Traveler and can be recognized by the odor of sweet musk, the sounds of violins and a white light. He is an Adepts in the Ancient Boucharan Order who can come and go out of the pure worlds to reach us in this physical plane. Yavata puts himself into the world of the physical senses in order to help Rebazar Tarzs and Peddar Zaskq whenever there is crises in the human race. YUONT-NA The great cities of the Gobi Desert were part of the empire of MU, located within a vast region of the motherland known as Uighur. It was probably the largest part of the empire, and certainly the greatest this world has ever known. It was the home of the Aryan race and it was here that Yuont-Na was the leading teacher of this path. He lived and taught in the capital city of Kharahota, which now lies buried deep underneath the sands of the Gobi. He is now a Teacher of the Way Of The Eternal at the Askleposis Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Anda Lok (Astral Plane) in the spiritual city of SahasraDal-Kanwal. 57 56 Some of the old Naacal records, which are the oldest writings of man and kept in one of the Tibetan monasteries, speak of Yuont-Na and his teachings. Generally speaking, it is a waste of time for any Spiritual Master to give out the works of God, and this Yuont-Na soon learned. He realized that audiences want the doctrines that are preached to them, whether religious, philosophical or social, to be agreeable. YU RANTGA During the middle and later part of the Nineteenth Century, Yu Rantga was a Chinese Master Of The Time who lived in the Gobi Desert. During the civil war that caused so much bloodshed, he brought back to the Chinese many of their old religious customs, and gave the masses spiritual succor. He left this world after seventy-two years of service and went to work at the Askleposis Temple of Golden Wisdom on the Anda Lok (Astral Plane) in the spiritual city of Sahasra-Dal-Kanwal. ZADOK Zadok followed Ori Diogo. He was living at the time of his mastership in the country of Judea, north of Jerusalem. His work was with a small group of followers who had broken with the Essenes, a mystic order of the times. They grew in large numbers as a secret, mystical organization which exists to this day in the Middle East. They accept the Mahanta, for through a secret inner communication channel, they always keep in touch with the Master Of The Time. Zadok saw the man named Jesus, talked with him on several occasions, and knew his purpose in this world. He also knew that their missions did not cross. Neither of them had any physical contact after Jesus left the group he had studied with for some time under the great Zadok. The Master gave Jesus the basic fundamentals of the ATOM Teachings, who used them in his own teachings. Out of his knowledge of this path came what we know today as Christianity. * “A biblical scholar claims to have identified the author of the Temple Scroll, a key text of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Ben Zion Wacholder, professor at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio said he has concluded from his research that the Temple Scroll was written by a religious teacher named Zadok, who was the founder of the Jewish sect known as the Essenes. He said the Temple Scroll was intended to supersede the Torah as the fundamental guide for the Jewish people. “Wacholder said Zadok was sometimes called Moreh Zedek, teacher of righteousness, considered by many scholars to be the founder of the sect. The professor said he 57 bases his conclusion on evidence within the Temple Scroll from an analysis of passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic and Karaite literature. In identifying the Temple Scroll author, Wacholder takes issue with the accepted viewpoint that the scroll was written by a number of people and that it dates from the late century B.C. Wacholder contends the scroll’s emphasis on the themes of idolatry and purity suggest that it was written a century earlier.” * Unidentified newspaper clipping from Calgary, Alberta, sent to Darwin Gross, dated February 24, 1981. * “Zadok—Damascus Document--A work of the ‘Covenant’ or ‘sons of Zadok’ at Qumran in Palestine. It is mentioned in the writings of Wilson that music played a great part in the life of the Zadokites as it did in the Pythagorean Mysteries—other similarities are drawn as well. The ‘Sons of Zadok’ advocated religious purity and opposed Antioch’s policy of Hellenization. Some works accept Zadok as ‘The Righteous One,’ others wish to claim that title for Jesus. There does seem to be confusion on the part of many historians and wonder that some of the things claimed of Jesus were not truly being described of Zadok.” ** Israel & The Dead Sea Scrolls, by Edmund Wilson, pgs. 166,176,182 (Zadok was also discussed in Introduction To The Old Testament, by Robert H. Pfeiffer, © 1941,1948. Harper & Row, Publishers.) ZARATHUSTRA—ZOROASTER Zarathustra, the Persian sage who lived hundreds of years B.C., was one of the Masters of the Ancient Order of the Boucharan. The religion known as Zoroastrianism was developed in eastern Persia by Zarathustra, who became known as Zoroaster. Its chief sacred text is the Zend Avesta, which is a collection of the writings of Zoroaster. Out of this came the famed Order of the Magi, the wise men of the East, however, it actually came into being after the departure of the teacher, by a group of his followers who formed what became known as the Magi, who it is said, were part of this Path’s movement. * “Zarathustra—618-514 B.C.—Persian Prophet. He saw himself as the messenger of Ahura Mazda, Lord of Light, the one wise Lord and the only God, creator and sustained of All that is good. ‘Powerful in immortality shall be the soul of the followers of truth, but lasting torment shall there be for the man who cleaves to the Lie.’ Zoroastrian religion survives among the Parsis.” * Encyclopedia of Mysticism & Mystery Religions, Fergusson, p. 216. ** “Zarathustra was the reformer of Iranian religion who flourished in the Sixth Century B.C. His life and the exposition of his doctrines appear in the sacred writings 59 58 known as the Zend-Avesta. While still young, Zarathustra was subject to visions and began to preach. He was assassinated by the people of Balkh in Bactrin. His religious system was based on a dualism that postulated an everlasting conflict between good, represented by light and evil, symbolized by darkness.” ** ** Dictionary of Pagan Religions, by Wedeck & Baskin, p. 360. There are three types of Beings serving eternity: The Sugmad Itself, the Silent Ones, and the Bourchakoum Masters of the Brotherhood of the Boucharan Order. The Silent Ones, also known as the Council of the Nine, Mahavakyis, the Silent Travelers, and the Agents of the Sugmad, dwell at highest point in all the universes one can reach. These strange Beings have their home in the very heart of the Sugmad, give aid and comfort to the Sugmad in Its eternal home, and receive their commissions from the Sugmad Itself to be carried out anywhere in the heavens or the bowels of the Earth. They are responsible to no one but the Supreme Being. Nothing can get any closer than these Beings. Outside of the Sugmad, these Silent Travelers are the most powerful beings in all the worlds. These nine unknown Gods are the keepers of the divine flame of wisdom. They watch over and guard the golden scripts of the Sugmad, and are different from the Masters who act as teachers, instructors and watch-guards for the portions of the Way Of The Eternal, the holy books, kept on each plane. They let only a few into their temples to learn the deeper knowledge of what the secret truths might hold for them. These Silent Travelers keep the planets properly hung in space to prevent collisions between them, keep the planes balanced and in order, to withstand destruction among them. They were responsible for the submerging of the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters in 3,000 B.C. These Beings are in command of the great sound current in the high heavens. Immensely powerful, they have great wisdom and unlimited freedom to carry out their missions. They have no laws hanging over them and they are free in every sense. They are responsible for the running of the planes of God on a mechanical basis. They never fail in their work because of their ability to absorb the cosmic power at such a fantastic rate. It is this that keeps them at their varied duties. They come and go like the wind to carry out the will and wishes of the Lord of the universes. 59 NINE SILENT ONES - MAHAVAKYIS All souls within all universes are within their orbit of affairs. Their duties are to see that every soul, regardless of his spiritual status, has the opportunity to enter into the kingdom of God here and now. It makes no difference which plane that soul is upon. It depends on the individual soul to do what he will with the opportunity presented him. All he has to do is recognize it, and thereby he forgets any religion, any creed or faith he has followed, knowing that it is only a step on the way to the true pathway to God. The Silent Ones come down from the highest region into that of the Spirit, preferring to work silently and invisibly, carrying out their commissions from the Sugmad Itself. Occasionally the Silent Ones will appear on Earth as shining angels, like those who appeared at the tomb of Christ and told Mary that her Lord was gone. Jacob wrestled with one on the ladder of heaven, or they may appear as animals, birds, rocks, fish or men in order to carry out a specific mission. 61 60 These are the true co-workers, and it is almost impossible to reach this position without working up to it through the line of Bourchakoum Masters. Although the Spiritual Travelers have brought back much knowledge of the Sugmad, little is known about these Silent Ones who come and go like the invisible wind. To the human heart these creatures look and act cold toward all others, and in a way they are, except for the fact they are running the universes through the administration of the Sugmad. Each plane has a number of them who are doing their work under the supervision of the top Silent One, like a regular business staff, from the chief executive to the workers. Rebazar Tarzs has said that the tests and training that a Master must go through in order to become a Silent Traveler are so difficult and intense that only one in tenthousand succeeds. Every Bourchakoum Master must go through the initiation, or rites of accepting the rod of power, when he accepts the spiritual mantle. He must, in a sense, publicly state before all the spiritual masters of the past, the Nine Unknown Masters, and his own Master, that he will fulfill the duties of the Mahanta while wearing the title. He cannot in any way escape his responsibilities once the rod of power is accepted. All the rulers of the various inner planes send their chief representatives to this ceremony to greet the Master Of The Time who takes the rod of power and the spiritual title of Mahanta. Afterwards the Master is greeted by each of these rulers within the worlds of God, as he makes his first official journey through them. Besides these, the Nine Secret Masters who are responsible for the hidden knowledge of the spiritual worlds pay homage to the new Master Of The Time. These Silent Masters are responsible for the collection of the secret knowledge and its placement into the greatest of sacred books, the Way Of The Eternal. The Masters know when the Silent Ones are around, and they cooperate with them at the level upon which they are working at the time. The Masters are subject to the Silent Ones; they do not have to obey, but they always do because they know them to be direct from the Sugmad. The language of man cannot truly begin to describe the sacred worlds of God, only the language of the senses can. His speech cannot be that of a spiritual Volapuk (a silent one, capable of expression without limits) but is limited, and contained in a space-time continuum. The man who can express his experiences in the realm of God does so by expressions of his deeds and shining countenance, not by words alone. Paul Twitchell is living at a higher rate of vibration and living more freely than 61 you can imagine. He is working with the Nine Silent Ones, yet has his own work to do. He has chosen the work he is doing, and is still holding classes even on other planets. Those who think one class is all they are going to hold must think about this. GOLDEN PLOVERS Generally we can tell whether he is a real Master for a certain number, usually seven, golden plovers will precede his arrival. As the higher initiate becomes a greater vehicle for God, he will find that the Golden Plovers many times will assist you because they will be directed by the LEM to journey with you to precede you, for they always precede the LEM and work with him. KAYA KALP TREATMENT Should we be fortunate to learn rejuvenation such as Ayur Vedha, a system of renewing the body health, we can at least look and feel 30 years younger. The Kaya Kalp treatment, within that system, used to bring back youth and health again, is given at the Katsupari Monastery in Tibet by Fubbi Quantz. ORACLE OF TIRMER The Oracle which was still in existence until the first of this century was hidden deeply in the wild mountain ranges of northern Tibet. It was known as the Voice of Tirmer. Named after one of the earlier Masters of the Boucharan Order, who was martyred under Shipue, supposedly the first king of Tibet, several hundred centuries B.C., it remained in order until the beginning of this present century. The Mahantas Rebazar Tarzs passed the spiritual mantle of both the Mahanta and Master of the Time to Paul Twitchell. Then the line goes back, especially for the Mahantas, to Fubbi Quantz, Yaubl Sacabi, Rami Nuri, Gopal Das, Shamus-i-Tabriz, Towart Managi, Lai Tsi, Tindor Saki, Tomo Geshig, Mesi Gokaritz, Damon and Agnotti, to name a few. 63 62 The immortality of soul lies in the sacrifice and hardships of life within this physical realm and its counterparts. When a man is willing to sacrifice all that he has for the Spirit, to give up the clothes on his back for his fellowman, or to give his life for all, that is the Mahanta, the Master Of The Time. When he goes to his death with love for his very enemies, although they have burned his flesh and caused him suffering, he reaches immortality of the Atma Lok. The Mahanta’s very presence in the human body shows that the principles of cause and harmony lead to human reason, to the absolute notion of a superior and universal cause of the Sugmad of Itself. He who denies this cause for the whole has no right to assign any cause to any particular fact. If you say that the Mahanta exists because the Sugmad wishes it, it is unnecessary to go any further. Man lives by facts, and he has no assurance otherwise of the invariability of the laws of the Spirit. The Mahanta is he who exists by himself and who is in all because all is in him. It is he who exists by himself, because soul alone can perceive him who cannot be apprehended by the physical senses. It is he who is without visible parts, except the human body, but is eternal, the Soul of all Beings, and none can comprehend him except those who live in the high worlds of Spirit in the Atma Sarup form. He is One, Immutable, in the Mahanta Consciousness, devoid of parts or form, Infinite, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He it is who has created the life and energies of the worlds, as the instrument of the Sugmad. None other is before him. Within the Mahanta is the true temple of the Sugmad, and he who seeks to bow to the Divine Reality should bow before him. The Sugmad has said to the humble one that it does not live in a particular place, either on earth or in the heavenly worlds, but it lives in the hearts of its devotees, and if you wish to have me, go and beg for me. What a man receives in contemplation, he must pour out in love. Temples, Their Planes & Guardian Masters Faqiti Monastery, Asurati Lok (Desert World), Gobi Desert, (Damcar), Banjani Katsupari Monastery, Surati Lok (Mountain World), Northern Tibet, Buika Magna & Thanglha Mountains, Fubbi Quantz 63 Gare-Hira Temple of Golden Wisdom, Prithvi Lok (Earth), Agam Des, Hindu Kush Mt., Himalayas, Yaubl Sacabi, Rebazar Tarzs Moksha, House of (Temple), Pinda Lok (Physical), Retz, Venus, Rami Nuri, Lamotta, Asoki Askleposis Temple, Anda Lok (Astral), Sahasra-Dal-Kanwal, Gopal Das, Ori Diogo, Yu Rantga, Yuont-Na Sakapori Temple of Golden Wisdom, Brahmanda Lok (Causal), City of Honu, Shamus-i-Tabriz, Vajra Manjushri, Ismet Houdoni, Sardar Lhumpo Namayatan Temple, Par Brahm Lok (Mental), Sato Kuraj, Towart Managi, Koji Chanda, Wu Tenna, Habu Medinet, Tejahua, Janos Moneta Dayaka Temple, Saguna Lok (Etheric), Arhirit, Lai Tsi, Jagat Ho Param Akshar Temple, Atma Lok (Soul Plane), Nirguna Ekam, Jagat Giri, Ju Chiao, Tura Yung, Shiv Sena, Tindor Saki, Shandava Tamanata Kop Temple, Alakh Lok (Sixth Plane), Sokagampo, Tomo Geshig, Hari Tita, Hipolito Fayolle Anakamuda Temple, Alaya Lok (Seventh Plane), Tsong Sikhsa, Mesi Gokaritz Jartz Chong Temple, Hukikat Lok (Eighth Plane), Asanga Kaya, Kadmon Kazi Dawtz Temple, Agam Lok (Ninth Plane), Mahaya Guru, Agnotti Sata Visic Palace, Temple of Golden Wisdom, Anami Lok (Tenth Plane), Padma Samba Temples Of Golden Wisdom Faqiti Monastery, Temple Of Golden Wisdom The Asurati Lok (Desert World) — The Adept here is Banjani, Guardian of the Holy Book, the Way Of The Eternal, at the Faqiti Monastery Temple of Golden Wisdom in the Gobi Desert. The section here in only an Introduction to the Holy Scriptures. Chelas (students) are usually taken here by the Master Of The Times to begin their study of the 65 64 holy works in the dream state. Katsupari Monastery, Temple Of Golden Wisdom The first of the Wisdom Temples is located in northern Tibet, hidden in the Thanglha mountains. The nearest village is Shire Nor, some one-hundred miles south. This temple is the Katsupari Monastery under the supervision of Fubbi Quantz, famed teacher of the sacred scriptures of the Way Of The Eternal and Guardian of the first section of these holy scripts. This temple is a dark, weathered-colored building squatting on craggy heights that commands a view of perhaps a hundred miles during clear weather. Although fifty monks in dark maroon robes live in this 75 room castle-type structure, only three are responsible for the guarding of the Holy Book. They are the people who act as a sort of protection for Fubbi’s work. They can read anyone who comes to their monastery or who gets within three hundred miles. They can read them like a newspaper. A large screen, like an electronic screen is set up through which nobody can enter, and it goes overhead and protects it so that if planes are flying over the area, they can never find the monastery. No one can get near it unless Fubbi Quantz, the Abbott, gives permission. This is where many students are taken to study during their dream state when they have entered upon the Path of the Ancient Masters. The first book, entitled “The Chronicles,” contains the wisdom and truths which are in the first section of this holy scripture. It was translated for the purpose of giving the divine truths to those who have not yet been able to study that wisdom from the golden temple. The records of the Kros are history and prophecy and are hidden in the Katsupari Monastery, under the Guardianship of the great Master Fubbi Quantz. The Way Of The Eternal is the most ancient of all teachings known to us in its earliest form through the Naacal Records which are said to be the first of the sacred writings known that contain scattered references to this ATOM Path. These two temples, the Katsupari Monastery and Gare-Hira, in the mountains of Tibet and along the eastern slopes of the Hindu Kush Mountains in Agam Des, have the first two sections of the Way Of The Eternal and are extremely well hidden. They are so well kept out of sight of anyone in search of them that it is doubtful that many can find them, not even the Buddhist Lamas who have gained the power of moving about the ether at their own volition. The keepers of these records are careful in their Guardianship of them for nobody can enter these monasteries unless first screened by a group of monks who can read the seeker’s aura as we can scan a daily newspaper. Before the Chinese invasion of Tibet, many of the Easterners who knew about 65 the ATOM works made pilgrimages to the Katsupari Ashram to undergo the youth and health treatments known as Kaya Kalp. Should we be fortunate to learn rejuvenation such as Ayur Vedha, a system of renewing the body health, we can at least look and feel 30 years younger. The Kaya Kalp treatment used to bring back youth and health again is given at the Katsupari Monastery in Tibet by Fubbi Quantz. The Chinese have been on the lookout for this monastery for a long time but they cannot put their hands on it, because it can be hidden or camouflaged by the forces that Fubbi Quantz can set up to hide them from. Now the frontier has been blocked on the Tibetan border and few ever get across, unless they go the difficult way, risking life and limb, up through the mountain passes which have not yet been fully opened to traffic. Quite frequently they are getting a number of refugees in there from the old Buddhist monasteries who have escaped the Chinese and been able to make their way into this particular place. Once in visiting the Katsupari Monastery in Northern Tibet, under the Bourchakoum Master Fubbi Quantz, I found a painting on a ceiling which was called the Bhava Chakra, the cycle of transmigratory existence. This meant the cycles which soul goes through while on this earth. Gare-Hira Temple Of Golden Wisdom The second school in this physical universe is at Agam Des, the spiritual city in the remote Hindu Kush mountains, near the Afghanistan border and Kashmir in central Asia. This is the headquarters of the Spiritual Giants who are working with lifting the human race into higher spiritual levels. This is the Temple of Gare-Hira, under the Master Yaubl Sacabi, the Guardian of that part of the Way Of The Eternal which is on the altar of the inner sanctum. The Temple is a white dome-shaped building similar to a mosque. It has white pillars at the entrance and red sandstone around the base. A long flight of white stairs leads up into the building. The inner hall is rather square-shaped with white floors and an upstairs balcony. Students sit upon a deep plush orange rug when attending classes here in the hall. It has a platform in the back where the teacher stands to direct his work. Behind that is a beautiful sanctuary hidden behind deep curtains. Here upon an altar is the second section of the holy scripts, The Way Of The Eternal. House Of Moksha Temple Of Golden Wisdom The third Temple of Divine Wisdom is in the city of Retz, on the planet Venus. It is called the House of Moksha where the third section of the Way Of The Eternal is kept 67 66 in an enclosure cut out of the wall and protected by a sheet of glasslike fiber. Students can look at it through the fiber material but none can touch it. This temple is similar to an old English cathedral with a peaked room and a spire. It is made from some type of stone, so old that it looks ancient and weathered. It is a beautiful building with a dome structure which is made of some type of material like glass through which the light flows in a gentle manner. One enters by going up steps to the huge doors which are opened by heavy rings into a foyer and then a long nave where many rows of seats are found. There is a podium from which the Master Rami Nuri gives instructions to the students who are brought here to study. He is in charge of this Temple and also the Guardian of this section of the holy book placed here. Askleposis Temple Of Golden Wisdom The Bourchakoum Master Gopal Das is in charge of this Temple, and the Guardian of the Way Of The Eternal here on the astral plane. Many who come to this famous school are indeed fortunate for it is one of the greatest in the lower worlds. This temple is an octagon-shaped building of red and white sandstone. It appears to be an ancient Egyptian-type temple that stands alone towering high over the city so that it can be seen from great distances away. It is in the park, with eight walks leading through the emerald greensward up to the eight stairs on each side of the Temple, through gigantic brass doors into the majestic circular room. In the center of this round-shaped hall is a spheroid mineral block on which is placed the Holy Scriptures. Gopal Das teaches from the east side of this block to the students who are seated upon the floor on a plush rug. Sakapori Temple Of Golden Wisdom The fifth school of wisdom is located in the Temple of Sakapori, on the causal plane of the other worlds. It is under the well known Bourchakoum Master Shamus-i-Tabriz, a Sufi Master who lived several hundred years ago on the Earth plane. He also has charge of that section of the Way Of The Eternal which has been placed there for studying by the chelas who are able to reach this temple through their advanced understanding of the teachings. The Temple is a square building made of heavy grey-green stone-like material with a peaked room. The walls and roof are sprinkled with amber that gleams so brightly in the light that it looks like a fairy castle. A pair of massive iron doors swing open on the lightest touch leading into a long, wide nave where bleachers on each side provide 67 seats for the chelas who come to this wondrous Temple of Wisdom. The Master stands at the far end of the nave to do his teaching. Behind him is the fifth section of the Way Of The Eternal which is encased in a wide, but short glass fiber type casing. It is on a stand where a soft light shines upon its open pages. Namayatan Temple Of Golden Wisdom The sixth Temple of Golden Wisdom is on the mental plane (Par Brahm Lok) in the aged city of Mer Kailash. It appears very much like the ancient Temple of Diana which was at the city of Ephesus on the coast of what is now Turkey. This ancient temple was in existence in the pre-Christian era and was a center for the teaching of the science of total awareness. This temple on the mental plane is known as the Hall of Brahmanda which is one of the largest of all the schools of Wisdom. It is square-shaped, with large overhanging roof which is supported by 100 pillars. Each pillar must be sixty feet high. The building is similar to the celebrated Parthenon, on the Acropolis at Athens, built in the fifth century B.C. It is Doric in style and made of simple lines, glittering white in the brilliant light of a sun that is a thousand times brighter than the physical light. Inside the shrine is a long flat block on which rests the Way Of The Eternal enclosed in a glassy material which is much clearer to see through. The Guardians who watch over this section of the sacred book are Koji Chanda and Sato Kuraj, a Japanese Spiritual Traveler. It is Sato Kuraj who teaches those fortunate enough to be able to reach these heights via the Atma Sarup to study under him. Dayaka Temple Of Golden Wisdom The seventh school of divine wisdom is located in the etheric world in the city of Arhirit. It is under the supervision of Lai Tsi, a high Chinese Bourchakoum Master, and one of the faultless Guardians of that section of the sacred scriptures there. The building is a great towering temple that is round, shaped like a silo, with great windows that surround completely the whole structure. It must be more than a hundred stories high and at the top of it is a spire upon which is placed a shining golden ball that is greater than most of the suns within the physical universes in its light. It gleams its light over the land so that all who enter here may see it. Just below this light is the Way Of The Eternal laying in its stately glory. This is the city of light, with its flaming pale blue flames sweeping upward in the sky, making anyone approaching it feel in awe because of its terrible beauty. Param Akshar Temple Of Golden Wisdom The greatest of the wisdom schools is located in the city of Akshar on the fifth or 69 68 soul plane. It is called the Temple of the Param Akshar, or the House of the Imperishable Knowledge. It is located in the heart of a magnificent park called Nartmik. This mammoth temple which is circular, has steps on the outside leading to each of its five floors. These are not actually flights of stairs but a straight walk up from the ground floor to the fifth floor. Each floor represents one of the worlds below the soul plane. Here students from every part of the worlds of God gather to hear many of the great Bourchakoum Masters give out words of wisdom. It is the last plane of schools before going into the pure worlds of greater spiritual heights. This school is under the supervision of the marvelous Master known as Nirguna Ekam. There is a community of Bourchakoum Masters near this temple, for the headquarters of the Boucharan Adepts is located within the temple. The Guardian for this section of the Way Of The Eternal is the renowned Master Tindor Saki, who has been instrumental in bringing about so many changes in the policies of the ATOM Path being brought into the open in the world today, so that all people will be exposed to it and can take up its path as desired. Tamanata Kop Temple Of Golden Wisdom Those who enter into the true spiritual worlds do not do so in what we consider the human form, but as a light, which this Master appears to be in at the time of viewing him. This is the second of the true worlds of Spirit and the feeling here is that one who visits them is in a dream state, for everything is wavering and such that we do not seem to find anything to be taken for granted. This is the Alakh Lok, and the Adept here is the Sokagampo, Guardian of the Holy Book at the Tamanata Kop Temple of Golden Wisdom. Anakamudi Temple Of Golden Wisdom The Temple of Golden Wisdom on the seventh plane is really not a temple or structure as would be recognized on the lower planes. However, the Holy Book here is under the Guardianship of great Tsong Sikhsa and Mesi Gokaritz, who was one of the great Bourchakoum Masters in the early days of Greece. This is the Alaya Lok plane and its sound is “Hum,” a humming sound that can carry very high vibrations with it. Everything here is in the great cosmic white light and the great cosmic sound. The two are so combined that one cannot tell the difference, and the form again is a lighter aura of white light. Jartz Chong Temple Of Golden Wisdom 69 This is the Hukikat Lok and Asanga Kaya is the Guardian of the Holy Book at the Jartz Chong Temple of Golden Wisdom. The sacred writings are within a structure known as the Temple of the Aluk, which is also the sound word of that plane. It is surrounded by a very brilliant light and the Master who is in charge here is Kadmon, one of the highest of the Adepts in the Boucharan Order. He was on earth during the very early times when man was in his infancy. Within this book of the Way Of The Eternal are the strange prophecies of this path which give the end of the world in the lower regions, and many of the disasters which will fall upon the human race, as well as those for the other planets within this system. It will give the beginning of the new golden age in this world, and follow through on the prophecies of the various ages which are to follow. Kazi Dawtz Temple Of Golden Wisdom The Master who is in charge of the Way Of The Eternal is a Being we can call Agnotti. Just who he is nobody seems to know, however, there was a Master by this name during the earliest times on Earth, when man was in his most primitive states of development. The Holy Book dwells on the Agam Lok on the ninth plane at the Kazi Dawtz Temple of Golden Wisdom. Agam Lok is known as the inaccessible plane, for few if any ever enter into this world. The word here is Huk, with a short barking sound made with the deep part of the throat. Music of woodwinds. This Temple of Akash is near a community of Masters who live together as part of the Ancient Order of the Boucharan. Sata Visic Palace, Temple Of Golden Wisdom This is the Anami Lok, with the Padma Samba as the Guardian of this section of the Way Of The Eternal. This is the world where the sounds are that of a gigantic whirlpool, sucking and spewing out the dregs which enter into it. It is here that the higher degree of God-realization is gained and the divine wisdom begins to pour into each soul who visits this world and enters into that phase of contemplation which is known as the Nirvakalpa. It is a form of deep contemplation in which the contemplator cannot distinguish himself from the object of his attention, which is the Holy Book. Spiritual Cities There are ten spiritual cities on this Earth world: Agam Des in the Hindu Kush Mountains in Central Asia; 71 70 Shamballa, which lies in the eastern Himalayan Mountains inside Tibet; Damcar in the Gobi Desert on the border between China and Mongolia; Sat Dhan in northeast Spain, situated in the Pyrenees Mountains; Akeviz in the Guatemala highlands in Central America; Kimtaved in the high Andes, on the border between Columbia and Venezuela; Nampak on the ancient Mountain of the Moon in the Congo; Mumsaka in the Caucasus Mountains of the old country of Georgia in southern Russia; Zezirath, near the ruins of Memphis in Egypt; Rahakaz, otherwise known as the ancient, legendary city of Camelot in Cornwall, England. All of these spiritual cities are seen sometime or other by the Initiates, although they have been given different names and seen from different viewpoints. AGAM DES An unknown race still living at Agam Des are known as the Eshwar-Khanewale, or simply the God-Eaters. They are the ancient Brotherhood of Adepts which brought the science from Venus here thousands of years ago and have since been receiving space visitors as a way station between planets to help them make the adjustment between the worlds. Many of those in flying saucers, and those who are able to project themselves directly to this earth planet, come first to Agam Des in order to acquaint themselves with the standard coarser vibrations like those that exist in this planet. These visitors and inhabitants of Agam Des communicate in an unknown language which is so old that it is believed to be one of the first ever spoken on this planet. SHAMBALLA Shamballa is the headquarters for the White Brotherhood and is located in the eastern Himalayan Mountains inside Tibet. It is near the Gurla Mandhata Peak, which is about 24,000 feet high in western Tibet just above the border of Nepal. Some make 71 claims that it is underground near the city of Benares, but this isn’t true, for those who visit this underground city are under the impression that its inhabitants are high spirits. No spiritual abode of any highly developed souls on the world plane is placed underground to my knowledge. Shamballa is a part of that ancient world where the men were gods on Earth. Theosophy speaks with authority about the White Brotherhood that makes its headquarters here. It is the ruling body also of the Rosicrucians and its functions are said to extend to the spiritual governments of the world, while keeping a vigilance upon the physical 73 72 aspects of world evolution. They are said to control the stream of evolutionary influence among all races and nations. They claim their work is to guide the world in paths of peace and righteousness. A laudable work, of course, but the question remains that since this is a warring universe, why are we concerned with the element of peace here? DAMCAR Damcar is situated in the Gobi Desert which lies between the highlands of Mongolia and sprawling China. Here high on one of the barren, windy plateaus sits this strange city. It is the chief headquarters of the spiritual group known as the Yellow Hat Lamas of the Seventh World, often called the Lamas of the Fire Mist. Here we find the setting for the story “Lost Horizon” by James Hilton which caused such a stir many years ago. Damcar is another outpost of the invisible government of our planet. It is a large and beautiful city, representing the activity of the earth religions. It has splendid cathedrals and holy places where we while asleep go to worship and study. In many of these temples are the full life figures of many of the world religious saviors and holy men. The Lamas here are perfected masters who are pledged to definite duties related to the spreading of all religions for the enlightenment of mankind. SAT DHAN Sat Dhan is situated in the Pyrenees Mountains in northeastern Spain. It is another outpost for the chief spiritual city, Agam Des, as all the others are. Its inhabitants are called the Tulstan Order of the Ancient Brotherhood, but often we hear of them simply as the Brown Robe Monks. They are concerned with the healing principles and physical phenomena and are powerful in their special work. Very few of them are ever seen because of their ability to come and go in the invisible body. AKEVIZ The city of Akeviz lies in the highlands of Guatemala. It is one of the smaller communities of Spiritual Travelers who are still connected with the ancient civilization of the Mayans, and which is the link between it and the present world. It promotes the ancient mysteries of the once powerful Mayans and Aztec Indians. They are known as the Brothers of the Black Robes, even in the days of prehistoric Americas, and were then under the leadership of Quetzalcoatl, savior of Mexico. It is a most powerful group and has great influence in the central Americas. KIMTAVED 73 The city of Kimtaved is located on the western border of Venezuela and Columbia, in some of the highest parts of the Andes. It is one of the outstanding stations which the Spiritual Travelers have established, other than Agam Des. The spiritual inhabitants here are the descendants of the old Inca race, having been on the continent for some twelve million years. Prior to this, they were living on the planet Jupiter, but migrated here because of the need for their work in this world. The purpose of their existence here is to keep watch over the planetary spirits and keep all running smoothly here. They also keep check on the dark forces of this world. They are often called the Order of the Green Robe, whose headquarters is the Abbey of Aquarius whom Frater VIII speaks about in his monographs. It has been seen several times by planes and many have tried to reach the city by foot, but failed. NAMPAK Nampak, another one of the ancient spiritual cities, is on the old legendary Mountain of the Moon in the northeast part of the Congo. This is the place that H. Rider Haggard built his famous story “She” around. It is the home of the great Spiritual Travelers that we know as the Initiates of the Light, and who are responsible for the care of souls that leave the body at the time of death, especially those who have no one to help them across the borders of life and death. MUMSAKA Mumsaka is in the southern part of the hoary land of Georgia, hidden away from the eyes of the profane in the Caucasus Mountains. Here, situated in one of the remote areas of the world, lives the Watchers of the Path who are the protectors of the mind of man, and who try to keep it on the route of God. They have been instrumental in getting Buddhism spread over the world and the uplifting of the Oriental mind. Mumsaka is said to be the birthplace of Peddar Zaskq in the Seventeenth Century, who lived in a monastery to be trained to heights of spiritual perfection. ZEZIRATH The old city of Zezirath, which is located near the ruins of Memphis, is the temple city of the Egyptians some thousand years ago. Here we find the old faith of that nation which worship the mysteries of Osiris and Isis, because these Travelers keep faith with the religions and mysteries of the ancient world. They are the Keepers of the Ancient Truths. They were responsible for the pyramids and the various metaphysical systems of old Greece like the cults of Dionysius. 75 74 RAHAKAZ The last of these major cities is that called Rahakaz, known to us in legend as Camelot during the days of King Arthur. It lies in the southwest tip of England near Land’s End in Cornwall, a remote place if ever there was one. It is the home of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a group which has been known to be in existence since the beginning of time on this earth planet. During modern times, William Butler Yeats was instrumental in reviving the outer form of this secret group in Ireland. It has spread throughout the world with many members. The purpose of this city is to be a center for the magical forces of this planet. Its members practice white magic and try to spread its forces through its members. Alice Bailey was responsible for much of its work being given openly by her books, “Treatise On White Magic” and “The Cosmic Fire.” My only reason in giving data on these spiritual cities and their inhabitants and purpose, was that many have asked about them. It is a part of the spiritual education for anyone who is studying ATOM, that he doesn’t mix these cities with those on the invisible planes in the spiritual universes. The way of getting around to each of them is by direct projection, a method of movement which can put soul anywhere, including the realm of God. Root Races The varied races which have occupied the Earth in the past are: The Polarians, the Hyperboreans, the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, and the present race, the Aryans. The races which will be in power in the future: the Ulemans, the Shatikayas, the Arrians, the Kaishvits, the Heraclians, the Clemains, and the Freticrets—twelve in all. Civilization formed in a primitive manner and there appeared in the world the first Master Of The Time who was without name. He was important to the human race because his task was to minister to their needs and give to all succor and wisdom. Primitive man believed that stones and trees were homes of the spirits who served under supernatural beings who ruled everything. Soul was not yet developed in man for It to understand and know what It was seeking. It lived in a universe where the laws of the world are different. The ancient world of Polara, the Garden of Eden, loomed upon the horizon, stretching from the greater sea in the East to that in the West. This civilization was known for its great forested lands to the North, the steppes-dwelling creatures, and the fierce desert 75 of the rich Eastern lands. This was the beginning of the races of man upon Earth. Within the world of the past and before the dawn of recorded history, at the western extremity of the continent of Europe, Asia and Africa, the Polarian, or the Adamic race of pale copper-skinned people dwelled. Out of the forests came man, walking upright. His first act of worship was for the luminous power that scattered darkness and evil. It was a great golden eye, like a wheel, or a halo of glory, rising majestically out of the underworld with the heat of its body spreading over the whole hungry Earth. The first Polarian man was Adom the Rabi, and he stood on the summit of a hill. His female companion, Ede, stood back with bowed head as he addressed his Sun-God. He prayed for food, protection from pain and enemies, and well-being for his woman. He was granted everything but freedom from pain, and emotion. He knew when the danger came, for out of the forests came another creature walking upright like himself, who wanted the female. The battle was bitter but Adom won and drove off his foe. He produced a man child and another; and human history began. Gradually the creatures gathered and formed a clan. Slowly they hacked out the forests, fought the flesh eaters and won, until a civilization was born on the edge of the rivers that flow through the continent called Asia. Malati, the Master Of The Time, was sent by the Sugmad into this world to give man his first spiritual knowledge of God. For men drifted apart, fought one another for domination over tilled lands, trade, women and slaves, and what little wealth they had in precious stones. Slowly the Divine Spirit was building ITs species. Then came the race of men called the Hyperboreans, and this became the age of the same name, the second root race of mankind. The Hyperboreans were the clans that drifted onto land where there was perpetual sunshine. The rains fell heavily upon the forests and created the jungle growth. The north wind never touched the heart of this world and the face of man became darkened by the sun and jungle regions. Where the Polarian man was a tiller of the soil, a shepherd and a hunter, his successor was a higher being who built cities and founded a civilization in the heart of the equatorial jungle. He developed weapons for fighting, and pots for holding his food. He elected a king to rule over the mighty empire of Melnibora. The empire lived on for a hundred centuries, ruled over by the fierce Varkas kings. They swept across the jungles and over the heat of the sands to the north, conquering the wild tribes of men with white skins. They made slaves of the conquered, forcing them to work in their fields, in their 77 76 weapons shops, and in the homes of their nobility. The kings ruled by the formless terror called sorcery, with powers greater than anything witnessed prior to their times and for centuries to come. The Varkas used their awful powers to conquer their subjects and their foes. They cast spells upon the masses and dealt in terrible mysteries with the dead. Some of the kings conquered time and lived for centuries. They ruled through the priests who were known as the Zuajirs, and these priests were more terrible than their masters. They were ruthless, giving quarter to no man when captured on the field of battle. The victim was killed, or saved for a fate more fearful than anything man could believe. If he was saved for the stables of the nobleman or to work in some household, the captured was indeed fortunate. Living in secret and teaching those who would give ears was the great Kai-Kuas, the Master Of These Times. He was discovered by the Varkas and slain. This was an age when man literally ate man, for he was hardly out of the jungle and felt that all life was his deadly enemy. He believed that in order to survive, he must serve his god, the sun, and when night fell, it was the destruction of their god. When it rose again in the morning, its worshipper knew the sun had won over the powers of darkness and evil. Along with this, it was their simple belief that the people of the north with their pale skins were evil and, therefore, must be subjected. They conquered and ruled the world as the first of the races to go out, trying to subject its fellowmen by the sword. Soon they began to lose their hold on the known world, for the Spirit experimented with ITs own species and found a third root race known as the Lemurians. This new race, living in the land of Lemuria, was brown-skinned with a highly developed sense toward being civilized. The Lemurians had the greatest civilization known to the world. It developed on the great continent of Mu in the midst of the western ocean, and spread around the world with many sub-empires. It was a tropical country of vast plains. The valleys and plains were covered with rich grazing grass and tilled fields. There were only low rolling hills and no mountains, for the peaks and ranges of great heights had not yet been forced up from the deep centers of the Earth. The air was soft, the vegetation constantly bloomed, and life for the millions of the continent’s people was a happy one. Ten tribes made up the bulk of the citizens, each distinct but living under an emperor named Ra Mu. The empire was named the “Empire of the Sun.” Ra Mu was the representative of the Supreme Deity although he was not worshipped. The Deity was worshipped through symbols, and all believed in the immortality of Soul, which eventually returned to the Source from whence It came. The reverence of the Lemurians for their Deity was so great they never spoke ITs name, and even in prayer and supplication addressed IT always through a symbol. However, Ra, the sun, 77 was used as the collective for all that the Deity possessed as a supreme entity. The people of Mu were highly civilized and enlightened. They were gentle, peaceful, and lived together without savagery. As citizens of the great empire which stretched from rising sun to rising sun, an empire upon which the sun never set, they were under the protection of Mu, the motherland of the Earth. The ruling race of Mu was exceedingly handsome, with brown or olive skin, large, soft, dark eyes and straight black hair. They had other races—the yellow, brown and black people—but these did not dominate. They sailed the seas and discovered new lands, inhabited and established colonies around the globe, built great temples, stone palaces and carved gigantic monuments. Within the continent of Mu were seven major cities, where the religion, science and educational centers existed. There also were many other large cities for trading and industry, for, as the center of the world as it came to be known, Mu was the land where all came for learning, trading, and commerce. The rest of the world formed her colonies. Into this world came Geutan, the third great Master Of The Time, who served the people of Mu and warned them of the coming destruction of the world. When this continent was at its zenith, the center of world civilization, it received a terrible shock. The rumblings from the bowels of the Earth, followed by earthquakes and volcanic outbursts, shook her southern parts. Gigantic, cataclysmic waves from the ocean, rolled over the land and the cities went down to destruction. The volcanoes belched out their fire, smoke and lava. The flat continent reared up and lava beds formed cones which became rocks. After this, the people of Mu gradually overcame their fright; cities were rebuilt and trade and commerce were resumed. Generations passed after this visitation, and when the phenomenon had become history, Mu again became the victim of earthquakes. The whole continent heaved and rolled like ocean waves. The land trembled and shook like leaves on a tree in a storm. Temples and palaces came crashing to the ground and monuments and statues were overturned. The cities became heaps of ruins. The terrified people sought refuge in their temples and citadels only to be driven out by the fire and smoke. During the night the land was torn apart, and down it went into the dark waters of the ocean, claiming the lives of millions of people. The waves rolled over and met in the center of the land, seethed and boiled, destroying the Earth’s first great civilization. A few islands were left where mountain peaks had been raised in the catastrophe. Those people who survived this terrible event became the race of the South Sea Islands. The Naacal Records are the first known records of mankind, the writings of the 79 78 third root race, the Lemurians. They are kept at the Katsupari Monastery in Tibet which is under the Guardianship of the Bourchakoum Master Yuont-Na. From across the world there came next into existence the Atlantean race, the fourth root race, or the red race, who lived upon the continent of Atlantis in the great ocean between the Eastern and Western hemispheres. It grew steadily with large cities and fair lands, with tilled fields and deep valleys. The people worshipped the Supreme Deity they called Tat, who represented the four corners of the world—East, West, North and South. Atlantis replaced Mu as the center of the world and became the greatest civilization of its time with learning, trade and commerce. It had over a hundred million people living on its lands. However, this world was rife with magic and its king-priests, called the Tat Tsoks, were wizards of cruelty who ruled over all with an iron hand. Castrog, the Master Of The Time, came into this world to teach these oliveskinned people that the Supreme Deity was not happy with their ways and dealings in black magic. He suffered the death of the sword for his troubles, but not before warning the king that his lands and people would soon die under the waters of the sea. One generation later, the catastrophe which had sunk the land of Mu brought death to all the fourth root race, leaving only a dark, unsmiling ocean to greet the sailors who dared to cross its surface. Troglodytes were a primitive red race of the southern continent known as Atlantis who were able to survive the destruction and their descendents today are the Polynesians, North American Indians and the Aztecs. Akeviz, a spiritual city which is in the highlands of Guatemala, contains one of the smaller communities of Spiritual Travelers who are still connected with the ancient civilization of the Mayans. They promote the ancient mysteries of the once powerful Mayans and Aztec Indians. In the Twelfth Century, B.C., the Hittites were the race who used copper for making weapons and were among the first to make the sword. They were the first known conquerors of history in the annals of mankind, having won their battles with Ramses II at Kadesh. The fifth root race, the Aryans, developed the magnificent empire of Uighur in central Asia in the Gobi Desert. It was a mighty land stretching from the Pacific Ocean across central Asia and eastern Europe. The history of this empire is the history of the Aryan race. Its capital city was in the Gobi Desert, then a fertile land and large in the sense that it was the center of the world in its day, with a highly developed civilization. The Master Of The Time, Rama, first known to the civilized world of the Aryans, came out of the high valleys of Tibet to the capital city of Khara Khota and brought out 79 the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters. He was hounded out of the empire and went back into Tibet, where he founded the monastery of Katsupari in the northern mountains. From there he went into India to teach this great science to its teeming masses. The sixth root race is the yellow race, coming on the heels of the gradually fading Aryan race. It is the Mongoloid race of the East, which has its life center in the world of the North, where many do not penetrate. The Master Of The Time who will come into this world of semi-darkness and light will be Regnard. This race is yet to fulfill its destiny on the Earth planet. It will meet destruction by fire, earthquakes and tidal waves. The seventh root race will be the golden race, called the Zohar people. They will come from a far distant planet to colonize the world after its destruction by another great catastrophe in the Twenty-First and Twenty-Second Centuries. The attempt to put colonies on this planet will fail, and eventually, after several centuries, these people with withdraw. The Master who will be responsible for the spiritual welfare of this race will be Sepher. These are the races which will, and have, occupied the earth world with the power of authority, either by conquest with arms or by diplomacy. At the present time, we find that the Aryan race is in charge of this world, but this will change again within a few years to the Ulemans, which is a race that presently occupies the planet of Jupiter. This race will descend upon the Earth and other planets throughout the solar system and occupy them, with absolute ruling power. This will happen around the year 2100. Their rule will last at least 300 years before they are conquered by another race called the Shatikayas, which will come from one of the new continents that rise out of the depths of the Pacific Ocean in the same vicinity of the Lemurian continent which sank thousands of years ago. The Shatikayas will be a fierce warlike tribe, whose ancestry were the warrior tribes of old India. During an upheaval which will break up the land masses and sink parts of the world, including the coastal areas of China, United States, England completely, and parts of Africa, Europe and other continents around the world, the new land mass called the Shatikaya continent will form and its civilization will begin. This civilization will last about one-thousand years. It will be one of the higher civilizations to have ever been on this earth planet. The development of the flying saucer type of plane will give this race the opportunity to cover Mars and a few other planets, and settle its people there. Their development in the many parts of sciences will increase the hold of the ruler-kings upon the peoples of these many lands. Revolts will take place but it is doubtful that any will ever succeed. 81 80 Gradually this race will weaken due to disease and intermarriage, and it will resolve as a great race and be overcome by the Arrian race. The Arrians will sweep out of the arctic regions of the northern world and conquer everything in its path. It will be a vigorous race which will take over about the year 3500 and spread beyond the rim of the world into Mars and Venus where their civilizations will be built and great trade routes developed. The Arrians will be a hated race for they will practice cruelty upon the peoples of the worlds which they have conquered. They will have to put down bloody rebellions time and again, and their kings will be insecure on their thrones, because of assassination plots which will come up frequently. Even their own sons and relatives will be in on these plots. They will rule approximately 1500 years and then will be gone, by conquest from another race. The new race will be from Mars. Its conquest of the Earth and all the major planets of the constellations will be from taking advantage of the great cataclysm that will make this world and all the planets look like new ones. The majestic mountains will be flattened and the lands which we now travel as flat lands will be high rolling hills. New continents will spring up, new planets will appear in the skies and there will be new worlds to conquer. The planet of Mars will be one of the few which will not be affected by this disaster, which comes of two minor planets getting out of orbit and striking one another. This will release the gas pressures in the Earth planet, as well as other planets, and the destruction will be great. The new race will be known as the Kaishvits, and will be in power for about 5000 years, then will vanish into time. The next conqueror is the Heraclian race, a hearty race of people who will come up from the southern areas, in the Antarctic regions. This will be an improvement over the other races because these people will be a race of people who are fair in all their dealings, and will try to give justice to all that fall under their rule. They will try to intermingle with the conquered people, marry and set up business within an order of establishment. This will be around the year of 6025 and it will last as a civilization for at least 500 to 1000 years. Most of the new arts and culture will be established in this time and will last for a long time before any succeeding people will ever take over and rebuild their civilizations on top of that which is known as the Heraclian race. The Clemains race will follow this civilization. They will be a ruthless race which will try to destroy everything but will fail because the old traditions to which the people cling cannot be destroyed. A new religion will come into being at this time, and 81 it will consist of the priest-kings who, like in the ancient times of this Earth, were God and man also, according to their own theory of divinity. They will kill off thousands of people because of their desire for loot, which will be jewels, gold and silver. Eventually all this will stop when they come to their senses that all the so-called treasures have been exhausted, and they will set out to conquer new worlds, but will come to defeat by a new race from the world of Pluto called the Freticrets, who are almost as desperate and ruthless as themselves, but dealers in black magic. It will be through black magic that the Freticrets will take control over all the nations on Earth and most of the planets throughout the universe. The black magic which they will use will be so evil that it will eventually bring down the destruction of this universe and cause damage so badly that the worlds within this universe will be taken out of existence by fire and water. This is at the time when the end of the Kali Yuga age will come about and it will end the period of those ages which man has gone through. The Sugmad will then withdraw all Souls from all planets and constellations into the heavenly worlds where they will sleep until IT has repaired the damage to the lower world planets. Those who have to return will then be sent back again to finish their spiritual development in this world. During this cosmic night there will be nothing in the lower worlds except chaos and darkness. All souls which have not met the Mahanta, the Master Of The Time, and have been taken into the heavenly worlds will sleep for the same duration of time. At the end of the cosmic night, the great building of the new worlds in the lower kingdom will begin again. While the Kal power (negative power) has had nothing to do except to roil and wander in the darkness of the cosmic night, it now begins again to start its duties in the lower worlds; that is, testing and trying souls to keep them from reaching perfection. It is then that the individual souls who have been returned to the lower worlds start over again in the Satya Yuga, the Golden Age. It may have to go through all the various ages once again before being established seriously on the path of the Ancient Teachings Of The Masters. 83 82 83 85 84 85
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